r106497 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r106496‎ | r106497 | r106498 >
Date:02:07, 17 December 2011
adding localized country names
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.db.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/special/SpecialBannerAllocation.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/special/SpecialCentralNotice.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/special/SpecialCentralNotice.php
@@ -1670,7 +1670,9 @@
16711671 * @return multiple select list
16721672 */
16731673 function geoMultiSelector( $selected = array() ) {
1674 - $countries = CentralNoticeDB::getCountriesList();
 1674+ global $wgLang;
 1675+ $userLanguageCode = $wgLang->getCode();
 1676+ $countries = CentralNoticeDB::getCountriesList( $userLanguageCode );
16751677 $options = "\n";
16761678 foreach( $countries as $code => $name ) {
16771679 $options .= Xml::option(
Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/special/SpecialBannerAllocation.php
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
1515 * Handle different types of page requests
1616 */
1717 function execute( $sub ) {
18 - global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $wgNoticeProjects, $wgLanguageCode, $wgNoticeProject;
 18+ global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgRequest, $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $wgNoticeProjects, $wgLanguageCode, $wgNoticeProject;
2020 $locationSubmitted = false;
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@
100100 $htmlOut .= Xml::tags( 'td', array(), wfMsg( 'centralnotice-country' ) );
101101 $htmlOut .= Html::openElement( 'td' );
103 - $countries = CentralNoticeDB::getCountriesList();
 103+ $userLanguageCode = $wgLang->getCode();
 104+ $countries = CentralNoticeDB::getCountriesList( $userLanguageCode );
105106 $htmlOut .= Html::openElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'country' ) );
Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.db.php
@@ -411,252 +411,268 @@
413413 /**
414414 * Return all of the available countries for geotargeting
415 - * (This should probably be moved to a core database table at some point.)
 415+ * @param string $code The language code to return the country list in
416416 * @return array
417417 */
418 - static function getCountriesList() {
419 - return array(
420 - 'AF'=>'Afghanistan',
421 - 'AL'=>'Albania',
422 - 'DZ'=>'Algeria',
423 - 'AS'=>'American Samoa',
424 - 'AD'=>'Andorra',
425 - 'AO'=>'Angola',
426 - 'AI'=>'Anguilla',
427 - 'AQ'=>'Antarctica',
428 - 'AG'=>'Antigua and Barbuda',
429 - 'AR'=>'Argentina',
430 - 'AM'=>'Armenia',
431 - 'AW'=>'Aruba',
432 - 'AU'=>'Australia',
433 - 'AT'=>'Austria',
434 - 'AZ'=>'Azerbaijan',
435 - 'BS'=>'Bahamas',
436 - 'BH'=>'Bahrain',
437 - 'BD'=>'Bangladesh',
438 - 'BB'=>'Barbados',
439 - 'BY'=>'Belarus',
440 - 'BE'=>'Belgium',
441 - 'BZ'=>'Belize',
442 - 'BJ'=>'Benin',
443 - 'BM'=>'Bermuda',
444 - 'BT'=>'Bhutan',
445 - 'BO'=>'Bolivia',
446 - 'BA'=>'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
447 - 'BW'=>'Botswana',
448 - 'BV'=>'Bouvet Island',
449 - 'BR'=>'Brazil',
450 - 'IO'=>'British Indian Ocean Territory',
451 - 'BN'=>'Brunei Darussalam',
452 - 'BG'=>'Bulgaria',
453 - 'BF'=>'Burkina Faso',
454 - 'BI'=>'Burundi',
455 - 'KH'=>'Cambodia',
456 - 'CM'=>'Cameroon',
457 - 'CA'=>'Canada',
458 - 'CV'=>'Cape Verde',
459 - 'KY'=>'Cayman Islands',
460 - 'CF'=>'Central African Republic',
461 - 'TD'=>'Chad',
462 - 'CL'=>'Chile',
463 - 'CN'=>'China',
464 - 'CX'=>'Christmas Island',
465 - 'CC'=>'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
466 - 'CO'=>'Colombia',
467 - 'KM'=>'Comoros',
468 - 'CD'=>'Congo, Democratic Republic of the',
469 - 'CG'=>'Congo',
470 - 'CK'=>'Cook Islands',
471 - 'CR'=>'Costa Rica',
472 - 'CI'=>'Côte d\'Ivoire',
473 - 'HR'=>'Croatia',
474 - //'CU'=>'Cuba',
475 - 'CY'=>'Cyprus',
476 - 'CZ'=>'Czech Republic',
477 - 'DK'=>'Denmark',
478 - 'DJ'=>'Djibouti',
479 - 'DM'=>'Dominica',
480 - 'DO'=>'Dominican Republic',
481 - 'EC'=>'Ecuador',
482 - 'EG'=>'Egypt',
483 - 'SV'=>'El Salvador',
484 - 'GQ'=>'Equatorial Guinea',
485 - 'ER'=>'Eritrea',
486 - 'EE'=>'Estonia',
487 - 'ET'=>'Ethiopia',
488 - 'FK'=>'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
489 - 'FO'=>'Faroe Islands',
490 - 'FJ'=>'Fiji',
491 - 'FI'=>'Finland',
492 - 'FR'=>'France',
493 - 'GF'=>'French Guiana',
494 - 'PF'=>'French Polynesia',
495 - 'TF'=>'French Southern Territories',
496 - 'GA'=>'Gabon',
497 - 'GM'=>'Gambia',
498 - 'GE'=>'Georgia',
499 - 'DE'=>'Germany',
500 - 'GH'=>'Ghana',
501 - 'GI'=>'Gibraltar',
502 - 'GR'=>'Greece',
503 - 'GL'=>'Greenland',
504 - 'GD'=>'Grenada',
505 - 'GP'=>'Guadeloupe',
506 - 'GU'=>'Guam',
507 - 'GT'=>'Guatemala',
508 - 'GW'=>'Guinea-Bissau',
509 - 'GN'=>'Guinea',
510 - 'GY'=>'Guyana',
511 - 'HT'=>'Haiti',
512 - 'HM'=>'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
513 - 'VA'=>'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
514 - 'HN'=>'Honduras',
515 - 'HK'=>'Hong Kong',
516 - 'HU'=>'Hungary',
517 - 'IS'=>'Iceland',
518 - 'IN'=>'India',
519 - 'ID'=>'Indonesia',
520 - //'IR'=>'Iran',
521 - 'IQ'=>'Iraq',
522 - 'IE'=>'Ireland',
523 - 'IL'=>'Israel',
524 - 'IT'=>'Italy',
525 - 'JM'=>'Jamaica',
526 - 'JP'=>'Japan',
527 - 'JO'=>'Jordan',
528 - 'KZ'=>'Kazakhstan',
529 - 'KE'=>'Kenya',
530 - 'KI'=>'Kiribati',
531 - 'KW'=>'Kuwait',
532 - 'KG'=>'Kyrgyzstan',
533 - 'LA'=>'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',
534 - 'LV'=>'Latvia',
535 - 'LB'=>'Lebanon',
536 - 'LS'=>'Lesotho',
537 - 'LR'=>'Liberia',
538 - 'LY'=>'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
539 - 'LI'=>'Liechtenstein',
540 - 'LT'=>'Lithuania',
541 - 'LU'=>'Luxembourg',
542 - 'MO'=>'Macao',
543 - 'MK'=>'Macedonia, Republic of',
544 - 'MG'=>'Madagascar',
545 - 'MW'=>'Malawi',
546 - 'MY'=>'Malaysia',
547 - 'MV'=>'Maldives',
548 - 'ML'=>'Mali',
549 - 'MT'=>'Malta',
550 - 'MH'=>'Marshall Islands',
551 - 'MQ'=>'Martinique',
552 - 'MR'=>'Mauritania',
553 - 'MU'=>'Mauritius',
554 - 'YT'=>'Mayotte',
555 - 'MX'=>'Mexico',
556 - 'FM'=>'Micronesia',
557 - 'MD'=>'Moldova, Republic of',
558 - 'MC'=>'Moldova',
559 - 'MN'=>'Mongolia',
560 - 'ME'=>'Montenegro',
561 - 'MS'=>'Montserrat',
562 - 'MA'=>'Morocco',
563 - 'MZ'=>'Mozambique',
564 - 'MM'=>'Myanmar',
565 - 'NA'=>'Namibia',
566 - 'NR'=>'Nauru',
567 - 'NP'=>'Nepal',
568 - 'AN'=>'Netherlands Antilles',
569 - 'NL'=>'Netherlands',
570 - 'NC'=>'New Caledonia',
571 - 'NZ'=>'New Zealand',
572 - 'NI'=>'Nicaragua',
573 - 'NE'=>'Niger',
574 - 'NG'=>'Nigeria',
575 - 'NU'=>'Niue',
576 - 'NF'=>'Norfolk Island',
577 - 'KP'=>'North Korea',
578 - 'MP'=>'Northern Mariana Islands',
579 - 'NO'=>'Norway',
580 - 'OM'=>'Oman',
581 - 'PK'=>'Pakistan',
582 - 'PW'=>'Palau',
583 - 'PS'=>'Palestinian Territory',
584 - 'PA'=>'Panama',
585 - 'PG'=>'Papua New Guinea',
586 - 'PY'=>'Paraguay',
587 - 'PE'=>'Peru',
588 - 'PH'=>'Philippines',
589 - 'PN'=>'Pitcairn',
590 - 'PL'=>'Poland',
591 - 'PT'=>'Portugal',
592 - 'PR'=>'Puerto Rico',
593 - 'QA'=>'Qatar',
594 - 'RE'=>'Reunion',
595 - 'RO'=>'Romania',
596 - 'RU'=>'Russian Federation',
597 - 'RW'=>'Rwanda',
598 - 'SH'=>'Saint Helena',
599 - 'KN'=>'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
600 - 'LC'=>'Saint Lucia',
601 - 'PM'=>'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
602 - 'VC'=>'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
603 - 'WS'=>'Samoa',
604 - 'SM'=>'San Marino',
605 - 'ST'=>'Sao Tome and Principe',
606 - 'SA'=>'Saudi Arabia',
607 - 'SN'=>'Senegal',
608 - 'CS'=>'Serbia and Montenegro',
609 - 'RS'=>'Serbia',
610 - 'SC'=>'Seychelles',
611 - 'SL'=>'Sierra Leone',
612 - 'SG'=>'Singapore',
613 - 'SK'=>'Slovakia',
614 - 'SI'=>'Slovenia',
615 - 'SB'=>'Solomon Islands',
616 - 'SO'=>'Somalia',
617 - 'ZA'=>'South Africa',
618 - 'KR'=>'South Korea',
619 - 'SS'=>'South Sudan',
620 - 'ES'=>'Spain',
621 - 'LK'=>'Sri Lanka',
622 - 'SD'=>'Sudan',
623 - 'SR'=>'Suriname',
624 - 'SJ'=>'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
625 - 'SZ'=>'Swaziland',
626 - 'SE'=>'Sweden',
627 - 'CH'=>'Switzerland',
628 - //'SY'=>'Syrian Arab Republic',
629 - 'TW'=>'Taiwan',
630 - 'TJ'=>'Tajikistan',
631 - 'TZ'=>'Tanzania',
632 - 'TH'=>'Thailand',
633 - 'TL'=>'Timor-Leste',
634 - 'TG'=>'Togo',
635 - 'TK'=>'Tokelau',
636 - 'TO'=>'Tonga',
637 - 'TT'=>'Trinidad and Tobago',
638 - 'TN'=>'Tunisia',
639 - 'TR'=>'Turkey',
640 - 'TM'=>'Turkmenistan',
641 - 'TC'=>'Turks and Caicos Islands',
642 - 'TV'=>'Tuvalu',
643 - 'UG'=>'Uganda',
644 - 'UA'=>'Ukraine',
645 - 'AE'=>'United Arab Emirates',
646 - 'GB'=>'United Kingdom',
647 - 'UM'=>'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
648 - 'US'=>'United States',
649 - 'UY'=>'Uruguay',
650 - 'UZ'=>'Uzbekistan',
651 - 'VU'=>'Vanuatu',
652 - 'VE'=>'Venezuela',
653 - 'VN'=>'Vietnam',
654 - 'VG'=>'Virgin Islands, British',
655 - 'VI'=>'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
656 - 'WF'=>'Wallis and Futuna',
657 - 'EH'=>'Western Sahara',
658 - 'YE'=>'Yemen',
659 - 'ZM'=>'Zambia',
660 - 'ZW'=>'Zimbabwe'
661 - );
 418+ static function getCountriesList( $code ) {
 420+ $countries = array();
 422+ if ( is_callable( array( 'CountryNames', 'getNames' ) ) ) {
 423+ // Retrieve the list of countries in user's language (via CLDR)
 424+ $countries = CountryNames::getNames(
 425+ $code, // Language code
 426+ CountryNames::LIST_FUNDRAISING // Pull all non-embargoed countries
 427+ );
 428+ }
 430+ if ( !$countries ) {
 431+ // Use this as fallback if CLDR extension is not enabled
 432+ $countries = array(
 433+ 'AF'=>'Afghanistan',
 434+ 'AL'=>'Albania',
 435+ 'DZ'=>'Algeria',
 436+ 'AS'=>'American Samoa',
 437+ 'AD'=>'Andorra',
 438+ 'AO'=>'Angola',
 439+ 'AI'=>'Anguilla',
 440+ 'AQ'=>'Antarctica',
 441+ 'AG'=>'Antigua and Barbuda',
 442+ 'AR'=>'Argentina',
 443+ 'AM'=>'Armenia',
 444+ 'AW'=>'Aruba',
 445+ 'AU'=>'Australia',
 446+ 'AT'=>'Austria',
 447+ 'AZ'=>'Azerbaijan',
 448+ 'BS'=>'Bahamas',
 449+ 'BH'=>'Bahrain',
 450+ 'BD'=>'Bangladesh',
 451+ 'BB'=>'Barbados',
 452+ 'BY'=>'Belarus',
 453+ 'BE'=>'Belgium',
 454+ 'BZ'=>'Belize',
 455+ 'BJ'=>'Benin',
 456+ 'BM'=>'Bermuda',
 457+ 'BT'=>'Bhutan',
 458+ 'BO'=>'Bolivia',
 459+ 'BA'=>'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
 460+ 'BW'=>'Botswana',
 461+ 'BV'=>'Bouvet Island',
 462+ 'BR'=>'Brazil',
 463+ 'IO'=>'British Indian Ocean Territory',
 464+ 'BN'=>'Brunei Darussalam',
 465+ 'BG'=>'Bulgaria',
 466+ 'BF'=>'Burkina Faso',
 467+ 'BI'=>'Burundi',
 468+ 'KH'=>'Cambodia',
 469+ 'CM'=>'Cameroon',
 470+ 'CA'=>'Canada',
 471+ 'CV'=>'Cape Verde',
 472+ 'KY'=>'Cayman Islands',
 473+ 'CF'=>'Central African Republic',
 474+ 'TD'=>'Chad',
 475+ 'CL'=>'Chile',
 476+ 'CN'=>'China',
 477+ 'CX'=>'Christmas Island',
 478+ 'CC'=>'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
 479+ 'CO'=>'Colombia',
 480+ 'KM'=>'Comoros',
 481+ 'CD'=>'Congo, Democratic Republic of the',
 482+ 'CG'=>'Congo',
 483+ 'CK'=>'Cook Islands',
 484+ 'CR'=>'Costa Rica',
 485+ 'CI'=>'Côte d\'Ivoire',
 486+ 'HR'=>'Croatia',
 487+ //'CU'=>'Cuba',
 488+ 'CY'=>'Cyprus',
 489+ 'CZ'=>'Czech Republic',
 490+ 'DK'=>'Denmark',
 491+ 'DJ'=>'Djibouti',
 492+ 'DM'=>'Dominica',
 493+ 'DO'=>'Dominican Republic',
 494+ 'EC'=>'Ecuador',
 495+ 'EG'=>'Egypt',
 496+ 'SV'=>'El Salvador',
 497+ 'GQ'=>'Equatorial Guinea',
 498+ 'ER'=>'Eritrea',
 499+ 'EE'=>'Estonia',
 500+ 'ET'=>'Ethiopia',
 501+ 'FK'=>'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
 502+ 'FO'=>'Faroe Islands',
 503+ 'FJ'=>'Fiji',
 504+ 'FI'=>'Finland',
 505+ 'FR'=>'France',
 506+ 'GF'=>'French Guiana',
 507+ 'PF'=>'French Polynesia',
 508+ 'TF'=>'French Southern Territories',
 509+ 'GA'=>'Gabon',
 510+ 'GM'=>'Gambia',
 511+ 'GE'=>'Georgia',
 512+ 'DE'=>'Germany',
 513+ 'GH'=>'Ghana',
 514+ 'GI'=>'Gibraltar',
 515+ 'GR'=>'Greece',
 516+ 'GL'=>'Greenland',
 517+ 'GD'=>'Grenada',
 518+ 'GP'=>'Guadeloupe',
 519+ 'GU'=>'Guam',
 520+ 'GT'=>'Guatemala',
 521+ 'GW'=>'Guinea-Bissau',
 522+ 'GN'=>'Guinea',
 523+ 'GY'=>'Guyana',
 524+ 'HT'=>'Haiti',
 525+ 'HM'=>'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
 526+ 'VA'=>'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
 527+ 'HN'=>'Honduras',
 528+ 'HK'=>'Hong Kong',
 529+ 'HU'=>'Hungary',
 530+ 'IS'=>'Iceland',
 531+ 'IN'=>'India',
 532+ 'ID'=>'Indonesia',
 533+ //'IR'=>'Iran',
 534+ 'IQ'=>'Iraq',
 535+ 'IE'=>'Ireland',
 536+ 'IL'=>'Israel',
 537+ 'IT'=>'Italy',
 538+ 'JM'=>'Jamaica',
 539+ 'JP'=>'Japan',
 540+ 'JO'=>'Jordan',
 541+ 'KZ'=>'Kazakhstan',
 542+ 'KE'=>'Kenya',
 543+ 'KI'=>'Kiribati',
 544+ 'KW'=>'Kuwait',
 545+ 'KG'=>'Kyrgyzstan',
 546+ 'LA'=>'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',
 547+ 'LV'=>'Latvia',
 548+ 'LB'=>'Lebanon',
 549+ 'LS'=>'Lesotho',
 550+ 'LR'=>'Liberia',
 551+ 'LY'=>'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
 552+ 'LI'=>'Liechtenstein',
 553+ 'LT'=>'Lithuania',
 554+ 'LU'=>'Luxembourg',
 555+ 'MO'=>'Macao',
 556+ 'MK'=>'Macedonia, Republic of',
 557+ 'MG'=>'Madagascar',
 558+ 'MW'=>'Malawi',
 559+ 'MY'=>'Malaysia',
 560+ 'MV'=>'Maldives',
 561+ 'ML'=>'Mali',
 562+ 'MT'=>'Malta',
 563+ 'MH'=>'Marshall Islands',
 564+ 'MQ'=>'Martinique',
 565+ 'MR'=>'Mauritania',
 566+ 'MU'=>'Mauritius',
 567+ 'YT'=>'Mayotte',
 568+ 'MX'=>'Mexico',
 569+ 'FM'=>'Micronesia',
 570+ 'MD'=>'Moldova, Republic of',
 571+ 'MC'=>'Moldova',
 572+ 'MN'=>'Mongolia',
 573+ 'ME'=>'Montenegro',
 574+ 'MS'=>'Montserrat',
 575+ 'MA'=>'Morocco',
 576+ 'MZ'=>'Mozambique',
 577+ 'MM'=>'Myanmar',
 578+ 'NA'=>'Namibia',
 579+ 'NR'=>'Nauru',
 580+ 'NP'=>'Nepal',
 581+ 'AN'=>'Netherlands Antilles',
 582+ 'NL'=>'Netherlands',
 583+ 'NC'=>'New Caledonia',
 584+ 'NZ'=>'New Zealand',
 585+ 'NI'=>'Nicaragua',
 586+ 'NE'=>'Niger',
 587+ 'NG'=>'Nigeria',
 588+ 'NU'=>'Niue',
 589+ 'NF'=>'Norfolk Island',
 590+ 'KP'=>'North Korea',
 591+ 'MP'=>'Northern Mariana Islands',
 592+ 'NO'=>'Norway',
 593+ 'OM'=>'Oman',
 594+ 'PK'=>'Pakistan',
 595+ 'PW'=>'Palau',
 596+ 'PS'=>'Palestinian Territory',
 597+ 'PA'=>'Panama',
 598+ 'PG'=>'Papua New Guinea',
 599+ 'PY'=>'Paraguay',
 600+ 'PE'=>'Peru',
 601+ 'PH'=>'Philippines',
 602+ 'PN'=>'Pitcairn',
 603+ 'PL'=>'Poland',
 604+ 'PT'=>'Portugal',
 605+ 'PR'=>'Puerto Rico',
 606+ 'QA'=>'Qatar',
 607+ 'RE'=>'Reunion',
 608+ 'RO'=>'Romania',
 609+ 'RU'=>'Russian Federation',
 610+ 'RW'=>'Rwanda',
 611+ 'SH'=>'Saint Helena',
 612+ 'KN'=>'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
 613+ 'LC'=>'Saint Lucia',
 614+ 'PM'=>'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
 615+ 'VC'=>'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
 616+ 'WS'=>'Samoa',
 617+ 'SM'=>'San Marino',
 618+ 'ST'=>'Sao Tome and Principe',
 619+ 'SA'=>'Saudi Arabia',
 620+ 'SN'=>'Senegal',
 621+ 'CS'=>'Serbia and Montenegro',
 622+ 'RS'=>'Serbia',
 623+ 'SC'=>'Seychelles',
 624+ 'SL'=>'Sierra Leone',
 625+ 'SG'=>'Singapore',
 626+ 'SK'=>'Slovakia',
 627+ 'SI'=>'Slovenia',
 628+ 'SB'=>'Solomon Islands',
 629+ 'SO'=>'Somalia',
 630+ 'ZA'=>'South Africa',
 631+ 'KR'=>'South Korea',
 632+ 'SS'=>'South Sudan',
 633+ 'ES'=>'Spain',
 634+ 'LK'=>'Sri Lanka',
 635+ 'SD'=>'Sudan',
 636+ 'SR'=>'Suriname',
 637+ 'SJ'=>'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
 638+ 'SZ'=>'Swaziland',
 639+ 'SE'=>'Sweden',
 640+ 'CH'=>'Switzerland',
 641+ //'SY'=>'Syrian Arab Republic',
 642+ 'TW'=>'Taiwan',
 643+ 'TJ'=>'Tajikistan',
 644+ 'TZ'=>'Tanzania',
 645+ 'TH'=>'Thailand',
 646+ 'TL'=>'Timor-Leste',
 647+ 'TG'=>'Togo',
 648+ 'TK'=>'Tokelau',
 649+ 'TO'=>'Tonga',
 650+ 'TT'=>'Trinidad and Tobago',
 651+ 'TN'=>'Tunisia',
 652+ 'TR'=>'Turkey',
 653+ 'TM'=>'Turkmenistan',
 654+ 'TC'=>'Turks and Caicos Islands',
 655+ 'TV'=>'Tuvalu',
 656+ 'UG'=>'Uganda',
 657+ 'UA'=>'Ukraine',
 658+ 'AE'=>'United Arab Emirates',
 659+ 'GB'=>'United Kingdom',
 660+ 'UM'=>'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
 661+ 'US'=>'United States',
 662+ 'UY'=>'Uruguay',
 663+ 'UZ'=>'Uzbekistan',
 664+ 'VU'=>'Vanuatu',
 665+ 'VE'=>'Venezuela',
 666+ 'VN'=>'Vietnam',
 667+ 'VG'=>'Virgin Islands, British',
 668+ 'VI'=>'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
 669+ 'WF'=>'Wallis and Futuna',
 670+ 'EH'=>'Western Sahara',
 671+ 'YE'=>'Yemen',
 672+ 'ZM'=>'Zambia',
 673+ 'ZW'=>'Zimbabwe'
 674+ );
 675+ }
 677+ return $countries;
662678 }
663679 }

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r107015MFT r103297, r104003, r104210, r104999, r105015, r105740, r105800, r106166, r...awjrichards23:56, 21 December 2011

Status & tagging log