r94762 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r94761‎ | r94762 | r94763 >
Date:14:16, 17 August 2011
Status:resolved (Comments)
Started rewriting WikiHiero. So far, only parser tag works while the maint functions are broken (however, they're disabled anyway)
* Turned global functions into a class
* Made images accessible via $wgExtensionAssetsPath instead of $wgScriptPath to make baby Domas not cry :)
* The code still needs much more structural changes and stylization - will be done with next commits
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wh_main.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.php
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
2626 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2828 // Register MediaWiki extension
29 -$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'WH_Register';
 29+$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfRegisterWikiHiero';
3030 $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
3131 'path' => __FILE__,
3232 'name' => 'WikiHiero',
@@ -35,32 +35,10 @@
3636 );
3737 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['Wikihiero'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/wikihiero.i18n.php';
39 -function WH_Register( &$parser ) {
40 - $parser->setHook( 'hiero', 'WikiHieroLoader' );
 39+$wgAutoloadClasses['WikiHiero'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wh_main.php';
 41+function wfRegisterWikiHiero( &$parser ) {
 42+ $parser->setHook( 'hiero', 'WikiHiero::parserHook' );
4143 return true;
4244 }
44 -function WikiHieroLoad() {
45 - static $loaded = false;
46 - if ( !$loaded ) {
47 - require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wh_main.php' );
48 - $loaded = true;
49 - }
50 -}
51 -
52 -// MediaWiki entry point
53 -function WikiHieroLoader( $text, $attribs, $parser ) {
54 - WikiHieroLoad();
55 - $parser->setHook( 'hiero', 'WikiHieroHook' );
56 - return WikiHieroHook( $text, $attribs, $parser );
57 -}
58 -
59 -// Generic embedded entry point
60 -function WikiHiero($hiero, $mode=WH_MODE_DEFAULT, $scale=WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line=false) {
61 - WikiHieroLoad();
62 - return _WikiHiero( $hiero, $mode, $scale, $line );
63 -}
64 -
65 -// If anyone needs WikiHieroHTML() etc., loader functions should be put here.
66 -// Hopefully everyone's using the general-purpose entry point above.
67 -
Index: trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wh_main.php
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
2525 //
2626 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 28+if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 29+ die( 'Not an entry point' );
2832 //========================================================================
2933 // I N C L U D E S
3034 include( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wh_list.php' );
@@ -38,8 +42,8 @@
3943 define("WH_MODE_DEFAULT", -1); // use default mode
4044 define("WH_MODE_TEXT", 0); // text only
4145 define("WH_MODE_HTML", 1); // HTML without CSS
42 -define("WH_MODE_STYLE", 2); // HTML and CSS // not supporter
43 -define("WH_MODE_IMAGE", 3); // picture (PNG) // not supporter
 46+define("WH_MODE_STYLE", 2); // HTML and CSS // not supported
 47+define("WH_MODE_IMAGE", 3); // picture (PNG) // not supported
4448 define("WH_MODE_RAW", 4); // MdC test as it
4650 define("WH_TYPE_NONE", 0);
@@ -57,20 +61,414 @@
5862 define("WH_VER_MED", 2);
5963 define("WH_VER_MIN", 14);
61 -global $wgScriptPath;
62 -define("WH_IMG_DIR", $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/wikihiero/img/' ); //"img/"); //
 65+global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
 66+define("WH_IMG_DIR", $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/wikihiero/img/' );
6367 define("WH_IMG_PRE", "hiero_");
6468 define("WH_IMG_EXT", "png");
6670 define("WH_DEBUG_MODE", false);
 72+class WikiHiero {
 73+ private $scale = 100;
 75+ public function __construct( $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT ) {
 76+ }
 78+ /**
 79+ * Render hieroglyph text
 80+ *
 81+ * @param $text string: text to convert
 82+ * @param $mode string: convertion mode [DEFAULT|TEXT|HTML|STYLE|IMAGE] (def=HTML)
 83+ * @param $scale string: global scale in percentage (def=100%)
 84+ * @param $line string: use line [true|false] (def=false)
 85+ * @return string: converted code
 86+ */
 87+ public static function render( $text, $mode=WH_MODE_DEFAULT, $scale=WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line=false ) {
 88+ if ( $mode == WH_MODE_DEFAULT ) {
 89+ $mode = WH_MODE_HTML;
 90+ }
 92+ $hiero = new WikiHiero( $scale );
 94+ switch($mode) {
 95+ case WH_MODE_TEXT: return $hiero->renderText( $text, $line);
 96+ case WH_MODE_HTML: return $hiero->renderHtml( $text, $scale, $line);
 97+ case WH_MODE_STYLE: die("ERROR: CSS version not yet implemented");
 98+ case WH_MODE_IMAGE: die("ERROR: Image version not yet implemented");
 99+ }
 100+ die("ERROR: Unknown mode!");
 101+ }
 103+ /**
 104+ *
 105+ */
 106+ public static function parserHook( $input ) {
 107+ // Strip newlines to avoid breakage in the wiki parser block pass
 108+ return str_replace( "\n", " ", self::render( $input, WH_MODE_HTML ) );
 109+ }
 111+ public function getScale() {
 112+ return $this->scale;
 113+ }
 115+ public function setScale( $scale ) {
 116+ $this->scale = $scale;
 117+ }
 119+ /**
 120+ * Renders a glyph
 121+ *
 122+ * @param $glyph string: glyph's code to render
 123+ * @param $option string: option to add into <img> tag (use for height)
 124+ * @return string: a string to add to the stream
 125+ */
 126+ private function renderGlyph( $glyph, $option = '' ) {
 127+ global $wh_phonemes;
 128+ global $wh_files;
 130+ if($glyph == "..") { // Render void block
 131+ $width = WH_HEIGHT;
 132+ return "<table width='{$width}px' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
 133+ }
 134+ elseif($glyph == ".") // Render half-width void block
 135+ {
 136+ $width = WH_HEIGHT/2;
 137+ return "<table width='{$width}px' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
 138+ }
 139+ elseif($glyph == '<') // Render open cartouche
 140+ {
 141+ $height = intval(WH_HEIGHT * $this->scale / 100);
 142+ $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
 143+ return "<img src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$code}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' height='{$height}px' title='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
 144+ }
 145+ elseif($glyph == '>') // Render close cartouche
 146+ {
 147+ $height = intval(WH_HEIGHT * $this->scale / 100);
 148+ $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
 149+ return "<img src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$code}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' height='{$height}px' title='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
 150+ }
 152+ if(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_phonemes))
 153+ {
 154+ $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
 155+ if(array_key_exists($code, $wh_files))
 156+ return "<img style='margin:".WH_IMG_MARGIN."px;' $option src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$code}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' title='".htmlspecialchars("{$code} [{$glyph}]")."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
 157+ else
 158+ return "<font title='".htmlspecialchars($code)."'>".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."</font>";
 159+ }
 160+ elseif(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_files))
 161+ return "<img style='margin:".WH_IMG_MARGIN."px;' $option src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$glyph}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' title='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
 162+ else
 163+ return htmlspecialchars($glyph);
 164+ }
 166+ /**
 167+ * Resize a glyph
 168+ *
 169+ * @param $item string: glyph's code
 170+ * @param $is_cartouche bool: true if glyph inside a cartouche
 171+ * @param $total int: total size of a group for multi-glyph block
 172+ * @return size
 173+ */
 174+ private function resizeGlyph( $item, $is_cartouche=false, $total=0 ) {
 175+ global $wh_phonemes;
 176+ global $wh_files;
 178+ if(array_key_exists($item, $wh_phonemes)) {
 179+ $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$item];
 180+ } else {
 181+ $glyph = $item;
 182+ }
 184+ $margin = 2 * WH_IMG_MARGIN;
 185+ if($is_cartouche) {
 186+ $margin += 2 * intval(WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100);
 187+ }
 189+ if(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_files)) {
 190+ $height = $margin + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
 191+ if($total) {
 192+ if($total > WH_HEIGHT) {
 193+ return (intval( $height * WH_HEIGHT / $total ) - $margin) * $this->scale / 100;
 194+ } else {
 195+ return ($height - $margin) * $this->scale / 100;
 196+ }
 197+ } else {
 198+ if($height > WH_HEIGHT) {
 199+ return (intval( WH_HEIGHT * WH_HEIGHT / $height ) - $margin) * $this->scale / 100;
 200+ } else {
 201+ return ($height - $margin) * $this->scale / 100;
 202+ }
 203+ }
 204+ }
 206+ return (WH_HEIGHT - $margin) * $this->scale / 100;
 207+ }
 209+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 210+ // WikiHieroText - Render hieroglyph text in text mode
 211+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 212+ // hiero << text to convert
 213+ // line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
 214+ // return >> string with converted code
 215+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 216+ public function renderText($hiero, $line=false) {
 217+ global $wh_text_conv;
 219+ $html = "";
 221+ if($line)
 222+ $html .= "<hr />\n";
 224+ for($char=0; $char<strlen($hiero); $char++)
 225+ {
 226+ if(array_key_exists($hiero[$char], $wh_text_conv))
 227+ {
 228+ $html .= $wh_text_conv[$hiero[$char]];
 229+ if($hiero[$char] == '!')
 230+ if($line)
 231+ $html .= "<hr />\n";
 232+ }
 233+ else
 234+ $html .= $hiero[$char];
 235+ }
 237+ return $html;
 238+ }
 240+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 241+ // WikiHiero - Render hieroglyph text
 242+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 243+ // hiero << text to convert
 244+ // scale << global scale in percentage (def=100%)
 245+ // line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
 246+ // return >> string with converted code
 247+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 248+ public function renderHtml($hiero, $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line=false) {
 249+ global $wh_prefabs;
 250+ global $wh_files;
 251+ global $wh_phonemes;
 253+ if($scale != WH_SCALE_DEFAULT)
 254+ $this->setScale( $scale );
 256+ $html = "";
 258+ if($line) {
 259+ $html .= "<hr />\n";
 260+ }
 262+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 263+ // Split text into block, then split block into item
 264+ $block = array();
 265+ $block[0] = array();
 266+ $block[0][0] = "";
 267+ $block_id = 0;
 268+ $item_id = 0;
 269+ $parenthesis = 0;
 270+ $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
 271+ $is_cartouche = false;
 273+ for($char=0; $char<strlen($hiero); $char++) {
 275+ if( $hiero[$char] == '(' ) {
 276+ $parenthesis++;
 277+ } elseif( $hiero[$char] == ')' ) {
 278+ $parenthesis--;
 279+ }
 281+ if( $parenthesis == 0 ) {
 282+ if($hiero[$char] == '-' || $hiero[$char] == ' ') {
 283+ if($type != WH_TYPE_NONE) {
 284+ $block_id++;
 285+ $block[$block_id] = array();
 286+ $item_id = 0;
 287+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 288+ $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
 289+ }
 290+ }
 291+ } else {// don't slit block if inside parenthesis
 292+ if($hiero[$char] == '-') {
 293+ $item_id++;
 294+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = '-';
 295+ $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
 296+ }
 297+ }
 299+ if($hiero[$char] == '!' ) {
 300+ if($item_id > 0) {
 301+ $block_id++;
 302+ $block[$block_id] = array();
 303+ $item_id = 0;
 304+ }
 305+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
 306+ $type = WH_TYPE_END;
 308+ } elseif(preg_match("/[*:()]/", $hiero[$char])) {
 310+ if($type == WH_TYPE_GLYPH || $type == WH_TYPE_CODE) {
 311+ $item_id++;
 312+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 313+ }
 314+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
 315+ $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
 317+ } elseif(ctype_alnum($hiero[$char]) || $hiero[$char] == '.' || $hiero[$char] == '<' || $hiero[$char] == '>') {
 318+ if($type == WH_TYPE_END) {
 319+ $block_id++;
 320+ $block[$block_id] = array();
 321+ $item_id = 0;
 322+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 323+ } elseif($type == WH_TYPE_CODE) {
 324+ $item_id++;
 325+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 326+ }
 327+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] .= $hiero[$char];
 328+ $type = WH_TYPE_GLYPH;
 329+ }
 330+ }
 332+ // DEBUG: See the block split table
 333+ if(WH_DEBUG_MODE) {
 335+ foreach($block as $code) {
 336+ echo "| ";
 337+ foreach($code as $item) {
 338+ echo "$item | ";
 339+ }
 340+ echo "<br />\n";
 341+ }
 342+ }
 344+ $contentHtml = $tableHtml = $tableContentHtml = "";
 345+ //$html .= WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n";
 347+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
 348+ // Loop into all blocks
 349+ foreach($block as $code) {
 351+ // simplest case, the block contain only 1 code -> render
 352+ if(count($code) == 1)
 353+ {
 354+ if($code[0] == "!") { // end of line
 355+ $tableHtml = "</tr>".WH_TABLE_E.WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n";
 356+ if($line) {
 357+ $contentHtml .= "<hr />\n";
 358+ }
 360+ } elseif(strchr($code[0], '<')) { // start cartouche
 361+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph($code[0]).WH_TD_E;
 362+ $is_cartouche = true;
 363+ $contentHtml .= "<td>".WH_TABLE_S."<tr><td height='".intval(WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100)."px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr><tr><td>".WH_TABLE_S."<tr>";
 365+ } elseif(strchr($code[0], '>')) { // end cartouche
 366+ $contentHtml .= "</tr>".WH_TABLE_E."</td></tr><tr><td height='".intval(WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100)."px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr>".WH_TABLE_E."</td>";
 367+ $is_cartouche = false;
 368+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph($code[0]).WH_TD_E;
 370+ } elseif($code[0] != "") { // assum is glyph or '..' or '.'
 371+ $option = "height='".$this->resizeGlyph($code[0], $is_cartouche)."px'";
 373+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph($code[0], $option).WH_TD_E;
 374+ }
 376+ // block contain more than 1 glyph
 377+ } else {
 379+ // convert all code into '&' to test prefabs glyph
 380+ $temp = "";
 381+ foreach($code as $t) {
 382+ if(preg_match("/[*:!()]/", $t[0])) {
 383+ $temp .= "&";
 384+ } else {
 385+ $temp .= $t;
 386+ }
 387+ }
 389+ // test is block is into tje prefabs list
 390+ if(in_array($temp, $wh_prefabs)) {
 391+ $option = "height='".$this->resizeGlyph($temp, $is_cartouche)."px'";
 393+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph($temp, $option).WH_TD_E;
 395+ // block must be manualy computed
 396+ } else {
 397+ // get block total height
 398+ $line_max = 0;
 399+ $total = 0;
 400+ $height = 0;
 402+ foreach($code as $t) {
 403+ if($t == ":") {
 404+ if($height > $line_max) {
 405+ $line_max = $height;
 406+ }
 407+ $total += $line_max;
 408+ $line_max = 0;
 410+ } elseif($t == "*") {
 411+ if($height > $line_max) {
 412+ $line_max = $height;
 413+ }
 414+ } else {
 415+ if(array_key_exists($t, $wh_phonemes)) {
 416+ $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$t];
 417+ } else {
 418+ $glyph = $t;
 419+ }
 420+ if(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_files)) {
 421+ $height = 2 + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
 422+ }
 423+ }
 424+ } // end foreach
 426+ if($height > $line_max) {
 427+ $line_max = $height;
 428+ }
 430+ $total += $line_max;
 432+ // render all glyph into the block
 433+ $temp = "";
 434+ foreach($code as $t) {
 436+ if($t == ":") {
 437+ $temp .= "<br />";
 439+ } elseif($t == "*") {
 440+ $temp .= " ";
 442+ } else {
 443+ // resize the glyph according to the block total height
 444+ $option = "height='".$this->resizeGlyph($t, $is_cartouche, $total)."px'";
 445+ $temp .= self::renderGlyph($t, $option);
 446+ }
 447+ } // end foreach
 449+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S.$temp.WH_TD_E;
 450+ }
 451+ $contentHtml .= "\n";
 452+ }
 454+ if(strlen($contentHtml) > 0) {
 455+ $tableContentHtml .= $tableHtml.$contentHtml;
 456+ $contentHtml = $tableHtml = "";
 457+ }
 458+ }
 460+ if(strlen($tableContentHtml) > 0) {
 461+ $html .= WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n".$tableContentHtml."</tr>".WH_TABLE_E;
 462+ }
 464+ return "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='display:inline;' class='mw-hierotable' dir='ltr'><tr><td>\n$html\n</td></tr></table>";
 465+ }
68469 //========================================================================
69470 // G L O B A L S
70 -global $wh_mode, $wh_scale, $wh_phonemes, $wh_text_conv;
 471+global $wh_phonemes, $wh_text_conv;
72 -$wh_mode = WH_MODE_HTML; // default value
73 -$wh_scale = 100; // default value
74 -
75473 $wh_phonemes = array( // convertion table phoneme -> gardiner code
76474 "mSa" => "A12",
77475 "xr" => "A15",
@@ -574,402 +972,16 @@
575973 ">" => ")|",
576974 );
578 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
579 -// WikiHieroHook - Parser callback
580 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
581 -// hiero << text to convert
582 -// return >> string with converted code
583 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
584 -function WikiHieroHook($hiero) {
585 - $ret = _WikiHiero($hiero, WH_MODE_HTML);
586 -
587 - // Strip newlines to avoid breakage in the wiki parser block pass
588 - return str_replace( "\n", " ", $ret );
589 -}
590 -
591976 //========================================================================
592977 // F U N C T I O N S
594 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
595 -// WH_RenderGlyph - Render a glyph
596 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
597 -// glyph << glyph's code to render
598 -// option << option to add into <img> tag (use for height)
599 -// return >> a string to add to the stream
600 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
601 -function WH_RenderGlyph($glyph, $option='') {
602 - global $wh_phonemes;
603 - global $wh_files;
604 - global $wh_scale;
606 - if($glyph == "..") { // Render void block
607 - $width = WH_HEIGHT;
608 - return "<table width='{$width}px' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
609 - }
610 - elseif($glyph == ".") // Render half-width void block
611 - {
612 - $width = WH_HEIGHT/2;
613 - return "<table width='{$width}px' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
614 - }
615 - elseif($glyph == '<') // Render open cartouche
616 - {
617 - $height = intval(WH_HEIGHT * $wh_scale / 100);
618 - $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
619 - return "<img src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$code}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' height='{$height}px' title='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
620 - }
621 - elseif($glyph == '>') // Render close cartouche
622 - {
623 - $height = intval(WH_HEIGHT * $wh_scale / 100);
624 - $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
625 - return "<img src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$code}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' height='{$height}px' title='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
626 - }
627 -
628 - if(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_phonemes))
629 - {
630 - $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
631 - if(array_key_exists($code, $wh_files))
632 - return "<img style='margin:".WH_IMG_MARGIN."px;' $option src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$code}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' title='".htmlspecialchars("{$code} [{$glyph}]")."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
633 - else
634 - return "<font title='".htmlspecialchars($code)."'>".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."</font>";
635 - }
636 - elseif(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_files))
637 - return "<img style='margin:".WH_IMG_MARGIN."px;' $option src='".htmlspecialchars(WH_IMG_DIR.WH_IMG_PRE."{$glyph}.".WH_IMG_EXT)."' title='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' alt='".htmlspecialchars($glyph)."' />";
638 - else
639 - return htmlspecialchars($glyph);
640 -}
641 -
642 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
643 -// WH_Resize - Resize a glyph
644 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 -// item << glyph's code
646 -// is_cartouche << true if glyph inside a cartouche
647 -// total << total size of a group for multi-glyph block
648 -// return >> size
649 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
650 -function WH_Resize($item, $is_cartouche=false, $total=0) {
651 - global $wh_phonemes;
652 - global $wh_files;
653 - global $wh_scale;
654 -
655 - if(array_key_exists($item, $wh_phonemes)) {
656 - $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$item];
657 - } else {
658 - $glyph = $item;
659 - }
660 -
661 - $margin = 2 * WH_IMG_MARGIN;
662 - if($is_cartouche) {
663 - $margin += 2 * intval(WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $wh_scale / 100);
664 - }
665 -
666 - if(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_files)) {
667 - $height = $margin + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
668 - if($total) {
669 - if($total > WH_HEIGHT) {
670 - return (intval( $height * WH_HEIGHT / $total ) - $margin) * $wh_scale / 100;
671 - } else {
672 - return ($height - $margin) * $wh_scale / 100;
673 - }
674 - } else {
675 - if($height > WH_HEIGHT) {
676 - return (intval( WH_HEIGHT * WH_HEIGHT / $height ) - $margin) * $wh_scale / 100;
677 - } else {
678 - return ($height - $margin) * $wh_scale / 100;
679 - }
680 - }
681 - }
682 -
683 - return (WH_HEIGHT - $margin) * $wh_scale / 100;
684 - }
685 -
686980 //========================================================================
687981 //
688982 // W i k i H i e r o
689983 //
691985 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
692 -// WikiHiero - Render hieroglyph text
693 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
694 -// hiero << text to convert
695 -// mode << convertion mode [DEFAULT|TEXT|HTML|STYLE|IMAGE] (def=HTML)
696 -// scale << global scale in percentage (def=100%)
697 -// line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
698 -// return >> string with converted code
699 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
700 -function _WikiHiero($hiero, $mode=WH_MODE_DEFAULT, $scale=WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line=false) {
701 - if($mode != WH_MODE_DEFAULT) {
702 - $wh_mode = $mode;
703 - }
704 -
705 - switch($wh_mode) {
706 - case WH_MODE_TEXT: return WikiHieroText($hiero, $line);
707 - case WH_MODE_HTML: return WikiHieroHTML($hiero, $scale, $line);
708 - case WH_MODE_STYLE: die("ERROR: CSS version not yet implemented");
709 - case WH_MODE_IMAGE: die("ERROR: Image version not yet implemented");
710 - }
711 - die("ERROR: Unknown mode!");
712 -}
713 -
714 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
715 -// WikiHieroText - Render hieroglyph text in text mode
716 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
717 -// hiero << text to convert
718 -// line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
719 -// return >> string with converted code
720 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
721 -function WikiHieroText($hiero, $line=false) {
722 - global $wh_text_conv;
723 -
724 - $html = "";
725 -
726 - if($line)
727 - $html .= "<hr />\n";
728 -
729 - for($char=0; $char<strlen($hiero); $char++)
730 - {
731 - if(array_key_exists($hiero[$char], $wh_text_conv))
732 - {
733 - $html .= $wh_text_conv[$hiero[$char]];
734 - if($hiero[$char] == '!')
735 - if($line)
736 - $html .= "<hr />\n";
737 - }
738 - else
739 - $html .= $hiero[$char];
740 - }
741 -
742 - return $html;
743 - }
744 -
745 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
746 -// WikiHiero - Render hieroglyph text
747 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
748 -// hiero << text to convert
749 -// scale << global scale in percentage (def=100%)
750 -// line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
751 -// return >> string with converted code
752 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
753 -function WikiHieroHTML($hiero, $scale=WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line=false) {
754 - global $wh_prefabs;
755 - global $wh_files;
756 - global $wh_phonemes;
757 - global $wh_scale;
758 -
759 - if($scale != WH_SCALE_DEFAULT)
760 - $wh_scale = $scale;
761 -
762 - $html = "";
763 -
764 - if($line) {
765 - $html .= "<hr />\n";
766 - }
767 -
768 - //------------------------------------------------------------------------
769 - // Split text into block, then split block into item
770 - $block = array();
771 - $block[0] = array();
772 - $block[0][0] = "";
773 - $block_id = 0;
774 - $item_id = 0;
775 - $parenthesis = 0;
776 - $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
777 - $is_cartouche = false;
778 -
779 - for($char=0; $char<strlen($hiero); $char++) {
780 -
781 - if( $hiero[$char] == '(' ) {
782 - $parenthesis++;
783 - } elseif( $hiero[$char] == ')' ) {
784 - $parenthesis--;
785 - }
786 -
787 - if( $parenthesis == 0 ) {
788 - if($hiero[$char] == '-' || $hiero[$char] == ' ') {
789 - if($type != WH_TYPE_NONE) {
790 - $block_id++;
791 - $block[$block_id] = array();
792 - $item_id = 0;
793 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
794 - $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
795 - }
796 - }
797 - } else {// don't slit block if inside parenthesis
798 - if($hiero[$char] == '-') {
799 - $item_id++;
800 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = '-';
801 - $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
802 - }
803 - }
804 -
805 - if($hiero[$char] == '!' ) {
806 - if($item_id > 0) {
807 - $block_id++;
808 - $block[$block_id] = array();
809 - $item_id = 0;
810 - }
811 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
812 - $type = WH_TYPE_END;
813 -
814 - } elseif(preg_match("/[*:()]/", $hiero[$char])) {
815 -
816 - if($type == WH_TYPE_GLYPH || $type == WH_TYPE_CODE) {
817 - $item_id++;
818 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
819 - }
820 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
821 - $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
822 -
823 - } elseif(ctype_alnum($hiero[$char]) || $hiero[$char] == '.' || $hiero[$char] == '<' || $hiero[$char] == '>') {
824 - if($type == WH_TYPE_END) {
825 - $block_id++;
826 - $block[$block_id] = array();
827 - $item_id = 0;
828 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
829 - } elseif($type == WH_TYPE_CODE) {
830 - $item_id++;
831 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
832 - }
833 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] .= $hiero[$char];
834 - $type = WH_TYPE_GLYPH;
835 - }
836 - }
837 -
838 - // DEBUG: See the block split table
839 - if(WH_DEBUG_MODE) {
840 -
841 - foreach($block as $code) {
842 - echo "| ";
843 - foreach($code as $item) {
844 - echo "$item | ";
845 - }
846 - echo "<br />\n";
847 - }
848 - }
849 -
850 - $contentHtml = $tableHtml = $tableContentHtml = "";
851 - //$html .= WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n";
852 -
853 - //------------------------------------------------------------------------
854 - // Loop into all blocks
855 - foreach($block as $code) {
856 -
857 - // simplest case, the block contain only 1 code -> render
858 - if(count($code) == 1)
859 - {
860 - if($code[0] == "!") { // end of line
861 - $tableHtml = "</tr>".WH_TABLE_E.WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n";
862 - if($line) {
863 - $contentHtml .= "<hr />\n";
864 - }
865 -
866 - } elseif(strchr($code[0], '<')) { // start cartouche
867 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S.WH_RenderGlyph($code[0]).WH_TD_E;
868 - $is_cartouche = true;
869 - $contentHtml .= "<td>".WH_TABLE_S."<tr><td height='".intval(WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $wh_scale / 100)."px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr><tr><td>".WH_TABLE_S."<tr>";
870 -
871 - } elseif(strchr($code[0], '>')) { // end cartouche
872 - $contentHtml .= "</tr>".WH_TABLE_E."</td></tr><tr><td height='".intval(WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $wh_scale / 100)."px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr>".WH_TABLE_E."</td>";
873 - $is_cartouche = false;
874 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S.WH_RenderGlyph($code[0]).WH_TD_E;
875 -
876 - } elseif($code[0] != "") { // assum is glyph or '..' or '.'
877 - $option = "height='".WH_Resize($code[0], $is_cartouche)."px'";
878 -
879 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S.WH_RenderGlyph($code[0], $option).WH_TD_E;
880 - }
881 -
882 - // block contain more than 1 glyph
883 - } else {
884 -
885 - // convert all code into '&' to test prefabs glyph
886 - $temp = "";
887 - foreach($code as $t) {
888 - if(preg_match("/[*:!()]/", $t[0])) {
889 - $temp .= "&";
890 - } else {
891 - $temp .= $t;
892 - }
893 - }
894 -
895 - // test is block is into tje prefabs list
896 - if(in_array($temp, $wh_prefabs)) {
897 - $option = "height='".WH_Resize($temp, $is_cartouche)."px'";
898 -
899 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S.WH_RenderGlyph($temp, $option).WH_TD_E;
900 -
901 - // block must be manualy computed
902 - } else {
903 - // get block total height
904 - $line_max = 0;
905 - $total = 0;
906 - $height = 0;
907 -
908 - foreach($code as $t) {
909 - if($t == ":") {
910 - if($height > $line_max) {
911 - $line_max = $height;
912 - }
913 - $total += $line_max;
914 - $line_max = 0;
915 -
916 - } elseif($t == "*") {
917 - if($height > $line_max) {
918 - $line_max = $height;
919 - }
920 - } else {
921 - if(array_key_exists($t, $wh_phonemes)) {
922 - $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$t];
923 - } else {
924 - $glyph = $t;
925 - }
926 - if(array_key_exists($glyph, $wh_files)) {
927 - $height = 2 + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
928 - }
929 - }
930 - } // end foreach
931 -
932 - if($height > $line_max) {
933 - $line_max = $height;
934 - }
935 -
936 - $total += $line_max;
937 -
938 - // render all glyph into the block
939 - $temp = "";
940 - foreach($code as $t) {
941 -
942 - if($t == ":") {
943 - $temp .= "<br />";
944 -
945 - } elseif($t == "*") {
946 - $temp .= " ";
947 -
948 - } else {
949 - // resize the glyph according to the block total height
950 - $option = "height='".WH_Resize($t, $is_cartouche, $total)."px'";
951 - $temp .= WH_RenderGlyph($t, $option);
952 - }
953 - } // end foreach
954 -
955 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S.$temp.WH_TD_E;
956 - }
957 - $contentHtml .= "\n";
958 - }
959 -
960 - if(strlen($contentHtml) > 0) {
961 - $tableContentHtml .= $tableHtml.$contentHtml;
962 - $contentHtml = $tableHtml = "";
963 - }
964 - }
965 -
966 - if(strlen($tableContentHtml) > 0) {
967 - $html .= WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n".$tableContentHtml."</tr>".WH_TABLE_E;
968 - }
969 -
970 - return "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='display:inline;' class='mw-hierotable' dir='ltr'><tr><td>\n$html\n</td></tr></table>";
971 -}
972 -
973 -//------------------------------------------------------------------------
974986 // WH_GetCode - Get glyph code from file name
975987 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
976988 // file << file name
@@ -980,7 +992,7 @@
981993 }
983995 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
984 -// WH_GetCode - Get glyph code from file name
 996+// WH_Credit - Get glyph code from file name
985997 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
986998 // return >> credit string
987999 //------------------------------------------------------------------------

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r104256Follow-up r94762: fixed static/member function mismatchmaxsem22:00, 25 November 2011


#Comment by Hashar (talk | contribs)   17:11, 17 August 2011

Did you know that WikiHiero was the very first extension? See r3256

It is great to know that someone is baby sitting it.

#Comment by MaxSem (talk | contribs)   18:01, 17 August 2011


#Comment by Nikerabbit (talk | contribs)   18:26, 17 August 2011

+1, it is nice to see someone giving this extension some love.

#Comment by Tim Starling (talk | contribs)   04:54, 25 November 2011
+					$contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph($code[0]).WH_TD_E;

Static calls of nonstatic functions are not allowed. Several instances.

The extension should balance the HTML tags in its output. Try <hiero><<<<</hiero> for example. Not your fault, but I thought you'd like to know if you're maintaining the extension. Also you should fix the indenting in WikiHiero::render().

Marking fixme for static calls only.

#Comment by MaxSem (talk | contribs)   18:01, 27 November 2011

Static/nonstatic fixed in r104256, indentation in r104352. Looks like PHP 5.3 doesn't consider such calls anything illegal, e.g.:

error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );

class Foo {
	public function a() {
		ereg( ' ', '' ); // E_DEPRECATED here, error reporting works
		self::b(); // but no warning here!
		echo "a(): bar={$this->bar}\n";

	public function b() {
		$this->bar = 'bar';
		echo "b()!\n";

$foo = new Foo;

That's why I didn't notice this.

#Comment by Tim Starling (talk | contribs)   05:05, 25 November 2011

Also note that single-quotes should not be used to delimit HTML attributes when htmlspecialchars() is used to escape the attribute text, since htmlspecialchars() doesn't escape single quotes. I don't think there's any XSS here since the input is mostly restricted.

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