r62306 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r62305‎ | r62306 | r62307 >
Date:14:27, 11 February 2010
Skin system rewrite: apply initial patch
Modified paths:
  • /branches/SkinSystemRewrite/includes/Skin.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SkinSystemRewrite/includes/SkinTemplate.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/Chick.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/Modern.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/MonoBook.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/MySkin.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/Simple.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/Simple.php
@@ -7,20 +7,35 @@
88 * @ingroup Skins
99 */
11 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 11+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
1212 die( -1 );
1415 /** */
15 -require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/MonoBook.php' );
 16+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/MonoBook.php' );
1718 /**
1819 * Inherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter.
1920 * @ingroup Skins
2021 */
21 -class SkinSimple extends SkinTemplate {
22 - var $skinname = 'simple', $stylename = 'simple',
23 - $template = 'MonoBookTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;
 22+class SkinSimple extends SkinMonoBook {
 23+ /**
 24+ * We don't want common/wikiprintable.css.
 25+ */
 26+ public function commonPrintStylesheet() {
 27+ return false;
 28+ }
 30+ /** @return string path to the skin stylesheet */
 31+ public function getStylesheet() {
 32+ return 'simple/main.css';
 33+ }
 35+ /** @return string skin name */
 36+ public function getSkinName() {
 37+ return 'simple';
 38+ }
2540 function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ){
2641 $out->addStyle( 'simple/main.css', 'screen' );
2742 $out->addStyle( 'simple/rtl.css', '', '', 'rtl' );
Index: branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/MySkin.php
@@ -7,14 +7,31 @@
88 * @ingroup Skins
99 */
11 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 11+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
1212 die( -1 );
1415 /**
15 - * Inherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter.
 16+ * Inherit main code from SkinMonoBook.
1617 * @ingroup Skins
1718 */
18 -class SkinMySkin extends SkinTemplate {
19 - var $skinname = 'myskin', $stylename = 'myskin',
20 - $template = 'MonoBookTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;
 19+class SkinMySkin extends SkinMonoBook {
 21+ /**
 22+ * We don't want common/wikiprintable.css.
 23+ */
 24+ public function commonPrintStylesheet() {
 25+ return false;
 26+ }
 28+ /** @return string skin name */
 29+ public function getSkinName() {
 30+ return 'myskin';
 31+ }
 33+ function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ) {
 34+ $out->addStyle( 'common/shared.css' );
 35+ $out->addStyle( 'common/commonPrint.css', 'print' );
 36+ $out->addStyle( 'common/common_rtl.css', '', '', 'rtl' );
 37+ }
2138 }
Index: branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/Chick.php
@@ -7,22 +7,41 @@
88 * @ingroup Skins
99 */
11 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 11+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
1212 die( -1 );
1415 /** */
15 -require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/MonoBook.php' );
 16+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/MonoBook.php' );
1718 /**
1819 * Inherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter.
1920 * @ingroup Skins
2021 */
21 -class SkinChick extends SkinTemplate {
22 - var $skinname = 'chick', $stylename = 'chick',
23 - $template = 'MonoBookTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;
 22+class SkinChick extends SkinMonoBook {
25 - function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ){
26 - parent::setupSkinUserCss( $out );
 24+ /**
 25+ * We don't want common/wikiprintable.css.
 26+ */
 27+ public function commonPrintStylesheet() {
 28+ return false;
 29+ }
 31+ /** @return string path to the skin stylesheet */
 32+ public function getStylesheet() {
 33+ return 'chick/main.css';
 34+ }
 36+ /** @return string skin name */
 37+ public function getSkinName() {
 38+ return 'chick';
 39+ }
 41+ function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ) {
 42+ $out->addStyle( 'common/shared.css' );
 43+ $out->addStyle( 'common/commonPrint.css', 'print' );
 44+ $out->addStyle( $this->getStylesheet() );
 45+ $out->addStyle( 'common/common_rtl.css', '', '', 'rtl' );
2746 // Append to the default screen common & print styles...
2847 $out->addStyle( 'chick/main.css', 'screen,handheld' );
2948 $out->addStyle( 'chick/IE60Fixes.css', 'screen,handheld', 'IE 6' );
Index: branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/MonoBook.php
@@ -10,26 +10,41 @@
1111 * @ingroup Skins
1212 */
14 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 14+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
1515 die( -1 );
1718 /**
18 - * Inherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter.
 19+ * Inherit main code from Skin, set the CSS and template filter.
1920 * @todo document
2021 * @ingroup Skins
2122 */
22 -class SkinMonoBook extends SkinTemplate {
23 - /** Using monobook. */
24 - var $skinname = 'monobook', $stylename = 'monobook',
25 - $template = 'MonoBookTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;
 23+class SkinMonoBook extends Skin {
 25+ /** @return string path to the skin stylesheet */
 26+ public function getStylesheet() {
 27+ return 'monobook/main.css';
 28+ }
 30+ /** @return string skin name */
 31+ public function getSkinName() {
 32+ return 'monobook';
 33+ }
 35+ /**
 36+ * Add skin specific stylesheets
 37+ * Overridden so that oldshared.css won't get added.
 38+ * @param $out OutputPage
 39+ */
2740 function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ) {
2841 global $wgHandheldStyle;
30 - parent::setupSkinUserCss( $out );
 43+ $out->addStyle( 'common/shared.css' );
 44+ $out->addStyle( 'common/commonPrint.css', 'print' );
 45+ $out->addStyle( $this->getStylesheet() );
 46+ $out->addStyle( 'common/common_rtl.css', '', '', 'rtl' );
3248 // Append to the default screen common & print styles...
33 - $out->addStyle( 'monobook/main.css', 'screen' );
3449 if( $wgHandheldStyle ) {
3550 // Currently in testing... try 'chick/main.css'
3651 $out->addStyle( $wgHandheldStyle, 'handheld' );
@@ -39,304 +54,271 @@
4055 $out->addStyle( 'monobook/IE70Fixes.css', 'screen', 'IE 7' );
4156 $out->addStyle( 'monobook/rtl.css', 'screen', '', 'rtl' );
4257 }
43 -}
45 -/**
46 - * @todo document
47 - * @ingroup Skins
48 - */
49 -class MonoBookTemplate extends QuickTemplate {
50 - var $skin;
5159 /**
52 - * Template filter callback for MonoBook skin.
53 - * Takes an associative array of data set from a SkinTemplate-based
54 - * class, and a wrapper for MediaWiki's localization database, and
55 - * outputs a formatted page.
56 - *
57 - * @access private
 60+ * Renders things that are displayed before the actual page content.
 61+ * For example, newtalk notifications, site notice etc.
 62+ * @return HTML
5863 */
59 - function execute() {
60 - global $wgRequest;
 64+ function doBeforeContent() {
 65+ global $wgContLang, $wgUser;
 66+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
62 - $this->skin = $skin = $this->data['skin'];
63 - $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );
 68+ $s = '';
65 - // Suppress warnings to prevent notices about missing indexes in $this->data
66 - wfSuppressWarnings();
 70+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 71+ $s .= '<div id="globalWrapper">
 72+ <div id="column-content">
 73+ <div id="content"' . $attribs[1] . '>
 74+ <a id="top"></a>' . "\n";
68 - $this->html( 'headelement' );
69 -?><div id="globalWrapper">
70 -<div id="column-content"><div id="content" <?php $this->html("specialpageattributes") ?>>
71 - <a id="top"></a>
72 - <?php if($this->data['sitenotice']) { ?><div id="siteNotice"><?php $this->html('sitenotice') ?></div><?php } ?>
 76+ // Site notice ([[MediaWiki:Sitenotice]])
 77+ $notice = wfGetSiteNotice();
 78+ if( $notice ) {
 79+ $s .= "\n<div id=\"siteNotice\">$notice</div>\n";
 80+ }
74 - <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading"><?php $this->html('title') ?></h1>
75 - <div id="bodyContent">
76 - <h3 id="siteSub"><?php $this->msg('tagline') ?></h3>
77 - <div id="contentSub" <?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>><?php $this->html('subtitle') ?></div>
78 -<?php if($this->data['undelete']) { ?>
79 - <div id="contentSub2"><?php $this->html('undelete') ?></div>
80 -<?php } ?><?php if($this->data['newtalk'] ) { ?>
81 - <div class="usermessage"><?php $this->html('newtalk') ?></div>
82 -<?php } ?><?php if($this->data['showjumplinks']) { ?>
83 - <div id="jump-to-nav"><?php $this->msg('jumpto') ?> <a href="#column-one"><?php $this->msg('jumptonavigation') ?></a>, <a href="#searchInput"><?php $this->msg('jumptosearch') ?></a></div>
84 -<?php } ?>
85 - <!-- start content -->
86 -<?php $this->html('bodytext') ?>
87 - <?php if($this->data['catlinks']) { $this->html('catlinks'); } ?>
88 - <!-- end content -->
89 - <?php if($this->data['dataAfterContent']) { $this->html ('dataAfterContent'); } ?>
90 - <div class="visualClear"></div>
91 - </div>
92 -</div></div>
93 -<div id="column-one" <?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>>
94 - <div id="p-cactions" class="portlet">
95 - <h5><?php $this->msg('views') ?></h5>
96 - <div class="pBody">
97 - <ul><?php
98 - foreach($this->data['content_actions'] as $key => $tab) {
99 - echo '
100 - <li id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( "ca-$key" ) . '"';
101 - if( $tab['class'] ) {
102 - echo ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($tab['class']).'"';
103 - }
104 - echo '><a href="'.htmlspecialchars($tab['href']).'"';
105 - # We don't want to give the watch tab an accesskey if the
106 - # page is being edited, because that conflicts with the
107 - # accesskey on the watch checkbox. We also don't want to
108 - # give the edit tab an accesskey, because that's fairly su-
109 - # perfluous and conflicts with an accesskey (Ctrl-E) often
110 - # used for editing in Safari.
111 - if( in_array( $action, array( 'edit', 'submit' ) )
112 - && in_array( $key, array( 'edit', 'watch', 'unwatch' ))) {
113 - echo $skin->tooltip( "ca-$key" );
114 - } else {
115 - echo $skin->tooltipAndAccesskey( "ca-$key" );
116 - }
117 - echo '>'.htmlspecialchars($tab['text']).'</a></li>';
118 - } ?>
 82+ $s .= $this->pageTitle() . "\n";
 83+ $s .= '<div id="bodyContent">' . "\n";
 84+ $s .= $this->pageSubtitle() . "\n";
120 - </ul>
121 - </div>
122 - </div>
123 - <div class="portlet" id="p-personal">
124 - <h5><?php $this->msg('personaltools') ?></h5>
125 - <div class="pBody">
126 - <ul <?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>>
127 -<?php foreach($this->data['personal_urls'] as $key => $item) { ?>
128 - <li id="<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "pt-$key" ) ?>"<?php
129 - if ($item['active']) { ?> class="active"<?php } ?>><a href="<?php
130 - echo htmlspecialchars($item['href']) ?>"<?php echo $skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('pt-'.$key) ?><?php
131 - if(!empty($item['class'])) { ?> class="<?php
132 - echo htmlspecialchars($item['class']) ?>"<?php } ?>><?php
133 - echo htmlspecialchars($item['text']) ?></a></li>
134 -<?php } ?>
135 - </ul>
136 - </div>
137 - </div>
138 - <div class="portlet" id="p-logo">
139 - <a style="background-image: url(<?php $this->text('logopath') ?>);" <?php
140 - ?>href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['mainpage']['href'])?>"<?php
141 - echo $skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('p-logo') ?>></a>
142 - </div>
143 - <script type="<?php $this->text('jsmimetype') ?>"> if (window.isMSIE55) fixalpha(); </script>
144 -<?php
145 - $sidebar = $this->data['sidebar'];
146 - if ( !isset( $sidebar['SEARCH'] ) ) $sidebar['SEARCH'] = true;
147 - if ( !isset( $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] ) ) $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] = true;
148 - if ( !isset( $sidebar['LANGUAGES'] ) ) $sidebar['LANGUAGES'] = true;
149 - foreach ($sidebar as $boxName => $cont) {
150 - if ( $boxName == 'SEARCH' ) {
151 - $this->searchBox();
152 - } elseif ( $boxName == 'TOOLBOX' ) {
153 - $this->toolbox();
154 - } elseif ( $boxName == 'LANGUAGES' ) {
155 - $this->languageBox();
156 - } else {
157 - $this->customBox( $boxName, $cont );
158 - }
 86+ // Undelete link, if available
 87+ $undelete = $this->getUndeleteLink();
 88+ if ( !empty( $undelete ) ) {
 89+ $s .= '<span class="subpages">' . $undelete . '</span>';
15990 }
160 -?>
161 -</div><!-- end of the left (by default at least) column -->
162 -<div class="visualClear"></div>
163 -<div id="footer" <?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>>
164 -<?php
165 -if($this->data['poweredbyico']) { ?>
166 - <div id="f-poweredbyico"><?php $this->html('poweredbyico') ?></div>
167 -<?php }
168 -if($this->data['copyrightico']) { ?>
169 - <div id="f-copyrightico"><?php $this->html('copyrightico') ?></div>
170 -<?php }
172 - // Generate additional footer links
173 - $footerlinks = array(
174 - 'lastmod', 'viewcount', 'numberofwatchingusers', 'credits', 'copyright',
175 - 'privacy', 'about', 'disclaimer', 'tagline',
176 - );
177 - $validFooterLinks = array();
178 - foreach( $footerlinks as $aLink ) {
179 - if( isset( $this->data[$aLink] ) && $this->data[$aLink] ) {
180 - $validFooterLinks[] = $aLink;
181 - }
 92+ // New talk page messages, if any
 93+ $newtalks = $this->getNewtalks();
 94+ if ( !empty( $newtalks ) ) {
 95+ $s .= '<div class="usermessage">' . $newtalks . '</div>';
18296 }
183 - if ( count( $validFooterLinks ) > 0 ) {
184 -?> <ul id="f-list">
185 -<?php
186 - foreach( $validFooterLinks as $aLink ) {
187 - if( isset( $this->data[$aLink] ) && $this->data[$aLink] ) {
188 -?> <li id="<?php echo $aLink ?>"><?php $this->html($aLink) ?></li>
189 -<?php }
190 - }
191 -?>
192 - </ul>
193 -<?php }
194 -?>
195 -</div>
196 -</div>
197 -<?php $this->html('bottomscripts'); /* JS call to runBodyOnloadHook */ ?>
198 -<?php $this->html('reporttime') ?>
199 -<?php if ( $this->data['debug'] ): ?>
200 -<!-- Debug output:
201 -<?php $this->text( 'debug' ); ?>
203 -<?php endif; ?>
204 -</body></html>
205 -<?php
206 - wfRestoreWarnings();
207 - } // end of execute() method
 98+ // Jump to navigation links, if user has enabled them in their prefs.
 99+ if ( $wgUser->getOption( 'showjumplinks' ) ) {
 100+ $s .= "\n" . '<div id="jump-to-nav">' . wfMsg( 'jumpto' ) .
 101+ ' <a href="#column-one">' . wfMsg( 'jumptonavigation' ) .
 102+ '</a>, <a href="#searchInput">' . wfMsg( 'jumptosearch' ) .
 103+ '</a></div>' . "\n";
 104+ }
209 - /*************************************************************************************************/
210 - function searchBox() {
211 - global $wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm;
212 -?>
213 - <div id="p-search" class="portlet">
214 - <h5><label for="searchInput"><?php $this->msg('search') ?></label></h5>
215 - <div id="searchBody" class="pBody">
216 - <form action="<?php $this->text('wgScript') ?>" id="searchform">
217 - <input type='hidden' name="title" value="<?php $this->text('searchtitle') ?>"/>
218 - <?php
219 - echo Html::input( 'search',
220 - isset( $this->data['search'] ) ? $this->data['search'] : '', 'search',
221 - array(
222 - 'id' => 'searchInput',
223 - 'title' => $this->skin->titleAttrib( 'search' ),
224 - 'accesskey' => $this->skin->accesskey( 'search' )
225 - ) ); ?>
226 -
227 - <input type='submit' name="go" class="searchButton" id="searchGoButton" value="<?php $this->msg('searcharticle') ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-go' ); ?> /><?php if ($wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm) { ?>&nbsp;
228 - <input type='submit' name="fulltext" class="searchButton" id="mw-searchButton" value="<?php $this->msg('searchbutton') ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-fulltext' ); ?> /><?php } else { ?>
229 -
230 - <div><a href="<?php $this->text('searchaction') ?>" rel="search"><?php $this->msg('powersearch-legend') ?></a></div><?php } ?>
231 -
232 - </form>
233 - </div>
234 - </div>
235 -<?php
 106+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 107+ return $s;
236108 }
238 - /*************************************************************************************************/
239 - function toolbox() {
240 -?>
241 - <div class="portlet" id="p-tb">
242 - <h5><?php $this->msg('toolbox') ?></h5>
243 - <div class="pBody">
244 - <ul>
245 -<?php
246 - if($this->data['notspecialpage']) { ?>
247 - <li id="t-whatlinkshere"><a href="<?php
248 - echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['whatlinkshere']['href'])
249 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-whatlinkshere') ?>><?php $this->msg('whatlinkshere') ?></a></li>
250 -<?php
251 - if( $this->data['nav_urls']['recentchangeslinked'] ) { ?>
252 - <li id="t-recentchangeslinked"><a href="<?php
253 - echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['recentchangeslinked']['href'])
254 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-recentchangeslinked') ?>><?php $this->msg('recentchangeslinked-toolbox') ?></a></li>
255 -<?php }
 110+ /**
 111+ * Gets the page subtitle and site tagline.
 112+ * @return HTML
 113+ */
 114+ function pageSubtitle() {
 115+ global $wgOut;
 117+ $s = '';
 118+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 119+ $sub = $wgOut->getSubtitle();
 120+ $s .= '<div id="contentSub"' . $attribs[0] . '>' . $sub . '</div>';
 121+ if ( $sub == '' ) {
 122+ global $wgExtraSubtitle;
 123+ $sub = '<h3 id="siteSub">' . wfMsgExt( 'tagline', 'parsemag' ) . $wgExtraSubtitle . '</h3>';
256124 }
257 - if( isset( $this->data['nav_urls']['trackbacklink'] ) && $this->data['nav_urls']['trackbacklink'] ) { ?>
258 - <li id="t-trackbacklink"><a href="<?php
259 - echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['trackbacklink']['href'])
260 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-trackbacklink') ?>><?php $this->msg('trackbacklink') ?></a></li>
261 -<?php }
262 - if($this->data['feeds']) { ?>
263 - <li id="feedlinks"><?php foreach($this->data['feeds'] as $key => $feed) {
264 - ?><a id="<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "feed-$key" ) ?>" href="<?php
265 - echo htmlspecialchars($feed['href']) ?>" rel="alternate" type="application/<?php echo $key ?>+xml" class="feedlink"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('feed-'.$key) ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars($feed['text'])?></a>&nbsp;
266 - <?php } ?></li><?php
 125+ $subpages = $this->subPageSubtitle();
 126+ if ( !empty( $subpages ) ) {
 127+ $sub .= '<span class="subpages">' . $subpages . '</span>' . $wgOut->getSubtitle();
 128+ } else {
 129+ $sub .= $wgOut->getSubtitle();
267130 }
 131+ return $s;
 132+ }
269 - foreach( array('contributions', 'log', 'blockip', 'emailuser', 'upload', 'specialpages') as $special ) {
 134+ /**
 135+ * Overridden pageTitle function to give the h1 element a new ID and class.
 136+ * @return HTML
 137+ */
 138+ function pageTitle() {
 139+ global $wgOut;
 140+ $s = '<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">'
 141+ . $wgOut->getPageTitle() .
 142+ '</h1>';
 143+ return $s;
 144+ }
271 - if($this->data['nav_urls'][$special]) {
272 - ?><li id="t-<?php echo $special ?>"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls'][$special]['href'])
273 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-'.$special) ?>><?php $this->msg($special) ?></a></li>
274 -<?php }
275 - }
 146+ /**
 147+ * No-op, since the default has two div tags, which would mess up things.
 148+ * @return nothing
 149+ */
 150+ function doAfterContent() {}
277 - if(!empty($this->data['nav_urls']['print']['href'])) { ?>
278 - <li id="t-print"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['print']['href'])
279 - ?>" rel="alternate"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-print') ?>><?php $this->msg('printableversion') ?></a></li><?php
280 - }
 152+ /**
 153+ * Builds personal tools (links to own user/talk pages, contribs, etc.)
 154+ * @return HTML
 155+ */
 156+ function getPersonalTools() {
 157+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 158+ $s = '<div class="portlet" id="p-personal">
 159+ <h5>' . wfMsg( 'personaltools' ) . '</h5>
 160+ <div class="pBody">
 161+ <ul' . $attribs[0] . '>'
 162+ . $this->renderPersonalTools() .
 163+ '</ul>
 164+ </div>
 165+ </div>';
 166+ return $s;
 167+ }
282 - if(!empty($this->data['nav_urls']['permalink']['href'])) { ?>
283 - <li id="t-permalink"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['permalink']['href'])
284 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-permalink') ?>><?php $this->msg('permalink') ?></a></li><?php
285 - } elseif ($this->data['nav_urls']['permalink']['href'] === '') { ?>
286 - <li id="t-ispermalink"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltip('t-ispermalink') ?>><?php $this->msg('permalink') ?></li><?php
287 - }
288 -
289 - wfRunHooks( 'MonoBookTemplateToolboxEnd', array( &$this ) );
290 - wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateToolboxEnd', array( &$this ) );
291 -?>
292 - </ul>
 169+ /**
 170+ * Gets content action tabs (edit, move, history, watch...).
 171+ * @return HTML
 172+ */
 173+ function getContentActions() {
 174+ $s = '<div id="p-cactions" class="portlet">
 175+ <h5>' . wfMsg( 'views' ) . '</h5>
 176+ <div class="pBody">
 177+ <ul>' . $this->renderContentActions() . '</ul>
293178 </div>
294 - </div>
295 -<?php
 179+ </div>';
 180+ return $s;
296181 }
298 - /*************************************************************************************************/
299 - function languageBox() {
300 - if( $this->data['language_urls'] ) {
301 -?>
302 - <div id="p-lang" class="portlet">
303 - <h5 <?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>><?php $this->msg('otherlanguages') ?></h5>
 183+ /**
 184+ * Gets the interlanguage links box.
 185+ * @return HTML
 186+ */
 187+ function getInterlanguageLinksBox() {
 188+ $s = '';
 189+ $language_urls = $this->fetchInterlanguageLinks();
 190+ // Display the interlanguage links if we have any
 191+ if( count( $language_urls ) ) {
 192+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 193+ $s .= '<div id="p-lang" class="portlet">
 194+ <h5' . $attribs[0] . '>' . wfMsg( 'otherlanguages' ) . '</h5>
304195 <div class="pBody">
305 - <ul>
306 -<?php foreach($this->data['language_urls'] as $langlink) { ?>
307 - <li class="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($langlink['class'])?>"><?php
308 - ?><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($langlink['href']) ?>"><?php echo $langlink['text'] ?></a></li>
309 -<?php } ?>
310 - </ul>
 196+ <ul>';
 197+ foreach( $language_urls as $langlink ) {
 198+ $s .= '<li class="' . htmlspecialchars( $langlink['class'] ) . '">
 199+ <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $langlink['href'] ) . '">'
 200+ . $langlink['text'] .
 201+ '</a>
 202+ </li>';
 203+ }
 204+ $s .= '</ul>
311205 </div>
312 - </div>
313 -<?php
 206+ </div>';
314207 }
 208+ return $s;
315209 }
317 - /*************************************************************************************************/
318 - function customBox( $bar, $cont ) {
319 -?>
320 - <div class='generated-sidebar portlet' id='<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$bar" ) ?>'<?php echo $this->skin->tooltip('p-'.$bar) ?>>
321 - <h5><?php $out = wfMsg( $bar ); if (wfEmptyMsg($bar, $out)) echo htmlspecialchars($bar); else echo htmlspecialchars($out); ?></h5>
322 - <div class='pBody'>
323 -<?php if ( is_array( $cont ) ) { ?>
324 - <ul>
325 -<?php foreach($cont as $key => $val) { ?>
326 - <li id="<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId($val['id']) ?>"<?php
327 - if ( $val['active'] ) { ?> class="active" <?php }
328 - ?>><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($val['href']) ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey($val['id']) ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars($val['text']) ?></a></li>
329 -<?php } ?>
330 - </ul>
331 -<?php } else {
332 - # allow raw HTML block to be defined by extensions
333 - print $cont;
 211+ /**
 212+ * Gets the logo portlet.
 213+ * @return HTML
 214+ */
 215+ function getLogoPortlet() {
 216+ global $wgLogo;
 217+ $navUrls = $this->buildNavUrls();
 218+ $s = '<div class="portlet" id="p-logo">
 219+ <a style="background-image: url(' . $wgLogo . ');" href="' .
 220+ htmlspecialchars( $navUrls['mainpage']['href'] ) . '"' .
 221+ $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'p-logo' ) . '></a>
 222+ </div>';
 223+ return $s;
 224+ }
 226+ /**
 227+ * Main search form. searchBox() does the UI stuff.
 228+ * @return HTML
 229+ */
 230+ function searchForm() {
 231+ global $wgScript, $wgRequest, $wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm;
 233+ $searchTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' )->getPrefixedDBkey();
 234+ $searchQuery = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( 'search' ) );
 236+ $s = '<form action="' . $wgScript . '" id="searchform">
 237+ <input type="hidden" name="title" value="' . $searchTitle . '" />';
 238+ $s .= Html::input(
 239+ 'search',
 240+ isset( $searchQuery ) ? $searchQuery : '', 'search',
 241+ array(
 242+ 'id' => 'searchInput',
 243+ 'title' => $this->titleAttrib( 'search' ),
 244+ 'accesskey' => $this->accesskey( 'search' )
 245+ )
 246+ ) . "\n";
 248+ $s .= '<input type="submit" name="go" class="searchButton" id="searchGoButton" value="' . wfMsg( 'searcharticle' ) . '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-go' ) . ' />';
 249+ if ( $wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm ) {
 250+ $s .= '&nbsp;
 251+ <input type="submit" name="fulltext" class="searchButton" id="mw-searchButton" value="' . wfMsg( 'searchbutton' ) . '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-fulltext' ) . ' />';
 252+ } else {
 253+ $s .= '<div><a href="' . $this->escapeSearchLink() . '" rel="search">'
 254+ . wfMsg( 'powersearch-legend' ) . '</a></div>';
334255 }
335 -?>
336 - </div>
337 - </div>
338 -<?php
 257+ $s .= '</form>';
 258+ return $s;
339259 }
340 -} // end of class
 261+ function outputPage( OutputPage $out ) {
 262+ global $wgDebugComments;
 263+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 265+ $this->setMembers();
 266+ $this->initPage( $out );
 268+ // See self::afterContentHook() for documentation
 269+ $afterContent = $this->afterContentHook();
 271+ $out->out( $out->headElement( $this ) );
 273+ if ( $wgDebugComments ) {
 274+ $out->out(
 275+ "<!-- Wiki debugging output:\n" .
 276+ $out->mDebugtext . "-->\n"
 277+ );
 278+ }
 280+ $out->out( $this->beforeContent() );
 282+ $out->out( '<!-- start content -->' . "\n" );
 283+ $out->out( $out->mBodytext . "\n" );
 284+ $out->out( $this->getCategories() . "\n" );
 285+ $out->out( '<!-- end content -->' . "\n" );
 287+ $out->out( $this->afterContent() );
 289+ $out->out( $afterContent );
 291+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 292+ $out->out( '<div class="visualClear"></div>
 293+ </div><!-- #bodyContent -->
 294+ </div><!-- #content -->
 295+ </div><!-- #column-content -->
 296+ <div id="column-one"' . $attribs[0] . '>' . "\n" );
 298+ $out->out( $this->getContentActions() . "\n" );
 300+ $out->out( $this->getPersonalTools() . "\n" );
 302+ $out->out( $this->getLogoPortlet() . "\n" );
 304+ global $wgJsMimeType;
 305+ $out->out( '<script type="' . $wgJsMimeType . '"> if ( window.isMSIE55 ) fixalpha(); </script>' . "\n" );
 307+ $out->out( $this->doSidebar() . "\n" );
 309+ $out->out(
 310+ "\t\t" . '</div><!-- end of the left (by default at least) column (column-one) -->' . "\n" .
 311+ '<div class="visualClear"></div>' . "\n"
 312+ );
 314+ $out->out( $this->footer() . "\n" );
 315+ $out->out( '</div><!-- #globalWrapper -->' . "\n" );
 317+ $out->out( $this->bottomScripts() . "\n" );
 319+ $out->out( wfReportTime() . "\n" );
 321+ $out->out( "\n</body></html>" );
 322+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 323+ }
 325+} // end of class
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/SkinSystemRewrite/skins/Modern.php
@@ -1,338 +1,273 @@
22 <?php
33 /**
4 - * Modern skin, derived from monobook template.
 4+ * Modern skin, derived from Monobook template.
55 *
66 * @todo document
77 * @file
88 * @ingroup Skins
99 */
11 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 11+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
1212 die( -1 );
1415 /**
15 - * Inherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter.
 16+ * Inherit main code from Skin, set the CSS and template filter.
1617 * @todo document
1718 * @ingroup Skins
1819 */
19 -class SkinModern extends SkinTemplate {
20 - var $skinname = 'modern', $stylename = 'modern',
21 - $template = 'ModernTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;
 20+class SkinModern extends Skin {
23 - /*
 22+ /**
 23+ * We don't want common/wikiprintable.css, we have our own print stylesheet.
 24+ */
 25+ public function commonPrintStylesheet() {
 26+ return false;
 27+ }
 29+ /** @return string skin name */
 30+ public function getSkinName() {
 31+ return 'modern';
 32+ }
 34+ /**
2435 * We don't like the default getPoweredBy, the icon clashes with the
2536 * skin L&F.
2637 */
2738 function getPoweredBy() {
28 - global $wgVersion;
29 - return "<div class='mw_poweredby'>Powered by MediaWiki $wgVersion</div>";
 39+ global $wgVersion;
 40+ return "<div class=\"mw_poweredby\">Powered by MediaWiki $wgVersion</div>";
3041 }
32 - function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ){
33 - global $wgStyleVersion, $wgJsMimeType, $wgStylePath;
34 -
35 - // Do not call parent::setupSkinUserCss(), we have our own print style
 43+ /**
 44+ * Add skin specific stylesheets
 45+ * Overridden because we have our own print style.
 46+ * @param $out OutputPage
 47+ */
 48+ function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ) {
3649 $out->addStyle( 'common/shared.css', 'screen' );
3750 $out->addStyle( 'modern/main.css', 'screen' );
3851 $out->addStyle( 'modern/print.css', 'print' );
3952 $out->addStyle( 'modern/rtl.css', 'screen', '', 'rtl' );
4053 }
41 -}
43 -/**
44 - * @todo document
45 - * @ingroup Skins
46 - */
47 -class ModernTemplate extends QuickTemplate {
48 - var $skin;
 55+ function pageTitle() {
 56+ global $wgOut;
 57+ $s = '<!-- heading -->' . "\n";
 58+ $s .= '<div id="mw_header"><h1 id="firstHeading">'
 59+ . $wgOut->getPageTitle() .
 60+ '</h1></div>' . "\n";
 61+ return $s;
 62+ }
4964 /**
50 - * Template filter callback for Modern skin.
51 - * Takes an associative array of data set from a SkinTemplate-based
52 - * class, and a wrapper for MediaWiki's localization database, and
53 - * outputs a formatted page.
54 - *
55 - * @access private
 65+ * Gets the page subtitle and site tagline.
 66+ * @todo FIXME/CHECKME: maybe not necessary?
 67+ * @return HTML
5668 */
57 - function execute() {
58 - global $wgRequest, $wgOut;
59 - $this->skin = $skin = $this->data['skin'];
60 - $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );
 69+ function pageSubtitle() {
 70+ global $wgOut;
62 - // Suppress warnings to prevent notices about missing indexes in $this->data
63 - wfSuppressWarnings();
 72+ $s = '';
 73+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 74+ $sub = $wgOut->getSubtitle();
 75+ $s .= '<div id="contentSub"' . $attribs[0] . '>' . $sub . '</div>';
 76+ if ( $sub == '' ) {
 77+ global $wgExtraSubtitle;
 78+ $sub = '<h3 id="siteSub">' . wfMsgExt( 'tagline', 'parsemag' ) . $wgExtraSubtitle . '</h3>';
 79+ }
 80+ $subpages = $this->subPageSubtitle();
 81+ $sub .= !empty( $subpages ) ? '<span class="subpages">' . $subpages . '</span>' : $wgOut->getSubtitle();
 82+ return $s;
 83+ }
65 - $this->html( 'headelement' );
66 -?>
 85+ /**
 86+ * Renders things that are displayed before the actual page content.
 87+ * For example, newtalk notifications, site notice etc.
 88+ * @return HTML
 89+ */
 90+ function doBeforeContent() {
 91+ global $wgContLang, $wgUser;
 92+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
68 - <!-- heading -->
69 - <div id="mw_header"><h1 id="firstHeading"><?php $this->html('title') ?></h1></div>
 94+ $s = '';
71 - <div id="mw_main">
 96+ $s .= $this->pageTitle() . "\n";
 97+ $s .= '<div id="mw_main">
7298 <div id="mw_contentwrapper">
73 - <!-- navigation portlet -->
74 - <div id="p-cactions" class="portlet">
75 - <h5><?php $this->msg('views') ?></h5>
76 - <div class="pBody">
77 - <ul>
78 - <?php foreach($this->data['content_actions'] as $key => $tab) {
79 - echo '
80 - <li id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( "ca-$key" ) . '"';
81 - if( $tab['class'] ) {
82 - echo ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($tab['class']).'"';
83 - }
84 - echo'><a href="'.htmlspecialchars($tab['href']).'"';
85 - # We don't want to give the watch tab an accesskey if the
86 - # page is being edited, because that conflicts with the
87 - # accesskey on the watch checkbox. We also don't want to
88 - # give the edit tab an accesskey, because that's fairly su-
89 - # perfluous and conflicts with an accesskey (Ctrl-E) often
90 - # used for editing in Safari.
91 - if( in_array( $action, array( 'edit', 'submit' ) )
92 - && in_array( $key, array( 'edit', 'watch', 'unwatch' ))) {
93 - echo $skin->tooltip( "ca-$key" );
94 - } else {
95 - echo $skin->tooltipAndAccesskey( "ca-$key" );
96 - }
97 - echo '>'.htmlspecialchars($tab['text']).'</a></li>';
98 - } ?>
99 - </ul>
100 - </div>
101 - </div>
 99+ <!-- navigation portlet -->';
 100+ $s .= $this->getContentActions();
103 - <!-- content -->
 102+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 103+ $s .= '<!-- content -->
104104 <div id="mw_content">
105105 <!-- contentholder does nothing by default, but it allows users to style the text inside
106 - the content area without affecting the meaning of 'em' in #mw_content, which is used
 106+ the content area without affecting the meaning of "em" in #mw_content, which is used
107107 for the margins -->
108 - <div id="mw_contentholder" <?php $this->html("specialpageattributes") ?>>
109 - <div class='mw-topboxes'>
110 - <div id="mw-js-message" style="display:none;" <?php $this->html('userlangattributes')?>></div>
111 - <div class="mw-topbox" id="siteSub"><?php $this->msg('tagline') ?></div>
112 - <?php if($this->data['newtalk'] ) {
113 - ?><div class="usermessage mw-topbox"><?php $this->html('newtalk') ?></div>
114 - <?php } ?>
115 - <?php if($this->data['sitenotice']) {
116 - ?><div class="mw-topbox" id="siteNotice"><?php $this->html('sitenotice') ?></div>
117 - <?php } ?>
118 - </div>
 108+ <div id="mw_contentholder"' . $attribs[1] . '>
 109+ <div class="mw-topboxes">
 110+ <div id="mw-js-message" style="display:none;"' . $attribs[0] . '></div>';
 111+ // New talk page messages, if any
 112+ $newtalks = $this->getNewtalks();
 113+ if ( !empty( $newtalks ) ) {
 114+ $s .= '<div class="usermessage mw-topbox">' . $newtalks . '</div>';
 115+ }
120 - <div id="contentSub" <?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>><?php $this->html('subtitle') ?></div>
 117+ // Site notice ([[MediaWiki:Sitenotice]])
 118+ $notice = wfGetSiteNotice();
 119+ if( $notice ) {
 120+ $s .= "\n<div class=\"mw-topbox\" id=\"siteNotice\">$notice</div>\n";
 121+ }
 122+ $s .= '</div>';
 123+ $s .= $this->pageSubtitle();
122 - <?php if($this->data['undelete']) { ?><div id="contentSub2"><?php $this->html('undelete') ?></div><?php } ?>
123 - <?php if($this->data['showjumplinks']) { ?><div id="jump-to-nav"><?php $this->msg('jumpto') ?> <a href="#mw_portlets"><?php $this->msg('jumptonavigation') ?></a>, <a href="#searchInput"><?php $this->msg('jumptosearch') ?></a></div><?php } ?>
 125+ // Undelete link, if available
 126+ $undelete = $this->getUndeleteLink();
 127+ if ( !empty( $undelete ) ) {
 128+ $s .= '<span class="subpages">' . $undelete . '</span>';
 129+ }
125 - <?php $this->html('bodytext') ?>
126 - <div class='mw_clear'></div>
127 - <?php if($this->data['catlinks']) { $this->html('catlinks'); } ?>
128 - <?php $this->html ('dataAfterContent') ?>
129 - </div><!-- mw_contentholder -->
130 - </div><!-- mw_content -->
131 - </div><!-- mw_contentwrapper -->
132 -
133 - <div id="mw_portlets" <?php $this->html("userlangattributes") ?>>
134 -
135 - <!-- portlets -->
136 - <?php
137 - $sidebar = $this->data['sidebar'];
138 - if ( !isset( $sidebar['SEARCH'] ) ) $sidebar['SEARCH'] = true;
139 - if ( !isset( $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] ) ) $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] = true;
140 - if ( !isset( $sidebar['LANGUAGES'] ) ) $sidebar['LANGUAGES'] = true;
141 -
142 - foreach ($sidebar as $boxName => $cont) {
143 - if ( $boxName == 'SEARCH' ) {
144 - $this->searchBox();
145 - } elseif ( $boxName == 'TOOLBOX' ) {
146 - $this->toolbox();
147 - } elseif ( $boxName == 'LANGUAGES' ) {
148 - $this->languageBox();
149 - } else {
150 - $this->customBox( $boxName, $cont );
151 - }
 131+ // Jump to navigation links, if user has enabled them in their prefs.
 132+ if ( $wgUser->getOption( 'showjumplinks' ) ) {
 133+ $s .= "\n" . '<div id="jump-to-nav">' . wfMsg( 'jumpto' ) .
 134+ ' <a href="#mw_portlets">' . wfMsg( 'jumptonavigation' ) .
 135+ '</a>, <a href="#searchInput">' . wfMsg( 'jumptosearch' ) .
 136+ '</a></div>' . "\n";
152137 }
153 - ?>
155 - </div><!-- mw_portlets -->
 139+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 140+ return $s;
 141+ }
 143+ /**
 144+ * No-op, since the default has two div tags, which would mess up things.
 145+ * @return nothing
 146+ */
 147+ function doAfterContent() {}
158 - </div><!-- main -->
 149+ /**
 150+ * Gets content action tabs (edit, move, history, watch...).
 151+ * @return HTML
 152+ */
 153+ function getContentActions() {
 154+ $s = '<div id="p-cactions" class="portlet">
 155+ <h5>' . wfMsg( 'views' ) . '</h5>
 156+ <div class="pBody">
 157+ <ul>' . $this->renderContentActions() . '</ul>
 158+ </div>
 159+ </div>';
 160+ return $s;
 161+ }
160 - <div class="mw_clear"></div>
161 -
162 - <!-- personal portlet -->
163 - <div class="portlet" id="p-personal">
164 - <h5><?php $this->msg('personaltools') ?></h5>
 163+ /**
 164+ * Builds personal tools (links to own user/talk pages, contribs, etc.)
 165+ * @return HTML
 166+ */
 167+ function getPersonalTools() {
 168+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 169+ $s = '<div class="portlet" id="p-personal">
 170+ <h5>' . wfMsg( 'personaltools' ) . '</h5>
165171 <div class="pBody">
166 - <ul>
167 -<?php foreach($this->data['personal_urls'] as $key => $item) { ?>
168 - <li id="<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "pt-$key" ) ?>"<?php
169 - if ($item['active']) { ?> class="active"<?php } ?>><a href="<?php
170 - echo htmlspecialchars($item['href']) ?>"<?php echo $skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('pt-'.$key) ?><?php
171 - if(!empty($item['class'])) { ?> class="<?php
172 - echo htmlspecialchars($item['class']) ?>"<?php } ?>><?php
173 - echo htmlspecialchars($item['text']) ?></a></li>
174 -<?php } ?>
175 - </ul>
 172+ <ul' . $attribs[0] . '>'
 173+ . $this->renderPersonalTools() .
 174+ '</ul>
176175 </div>
177 - </div>
 176+ </div>';
 177+ return $s;
 178+ }
 180+ /**
 181+ * Main search form. searchBox() does the UI stuff.
 182+ * @return HTML
 183+ */
 184+ function searchForm() {
 185+ global $wgScript, $wgRequest, $wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm;
180 - <!-- footer -->
181 - <div id="footer" <?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>>
182 - <ul id="f-list">
183 -<?php
184 - $footerlinks = array(
185 - 'lastmod', 'viewcount', 'numberofwatchingusers', 'credits', 'copyright',
186 - 'privacy', 'about', 'disclaimer', 'tagline',
187 - );
188 - foreach( $footerlinks as $aLink ) {
189 - if( isset( $this->data[$aLink] ) && $this->data[$aLink] ) {
190 -?> <li id="<?php echo$aLink?>"><?php $this->html($aLink) ?></li>
191 -<?php }
 187+ $searchTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' )->getPrefixedDBkey();
 188+ $searchQuery = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( 'search' ) );
 190+ $s = '<form action="' . $wgScript . '" id="searchform">
 191+ <input type="hidden" name="title" value="' . $searchTitle . '" />';
 192+ $s .= Html::input(
 193+ 'search',
 194+ isset( $searchQuery ) ? $searchQuery : '', 'search',
 195+ array(
 196+ 'id' => 'searchInput',
 197+ 'title' => $this->titleAttrib( 'search' ),
 198+ 'accesskey' => $this->accesskey( 'search' )
 199+ )
 200+ ) . "\n";
 202+ $s .= '<input type="submit" name="go" class="searchButton" id="searchGoButton" value="' . wfMsg( 'searcharticle' ) . '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-go' ) . ' />';
 203+ if ( $wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm ) {
 204+ $s .= '&nbsp;
 205+ <input type="submit" name="fulltext" class="searchButton" id="mw-searchButton" value="' . wfMsg( 'searchbutton' ) . '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-fulltext' ) . ' />';
 206+ } else {
 207+ $s .= '<div><a href="' . $this->escapeSearchLink() . '" rel="search">'
 208+ . wfMsg( 'powersearch-legend' ) . '</a></div>';
192209 }
193 -?>
194 - </ul>
195 - <?php echo $this->html("poweredbyico"); ?>
196 - </div>
198 - <?php $this->html('bottomscripts'); /* JS call to runBodyOnloadHook */ ?>
199 -<?php $this->html('reporttime') ?>
200 -<?php if ( $this->data['debug'] ): ?>
201 -<!-- Debug output:
202 -<?php $this->text( 'debug' ); ?>
203 -<?php endif; ?>
204 -</body></html>
205 -<?php
206 - wfRestoreWarnings();
207 - } // end of execute() method
 211+ $s .= '</form>';
 212+ return $s;
 213+ }
209 - /*************************************************************************************************/
210 - function searchBox() {
211 - global $wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm;
212 -?>
213 - <!-- search -->
214 - <div id="p-search" class="portlet">
215 - <h5><label for="searchInput"><?php $this->msg('search') ?></label></h5>
216 - <div id="searchBody" class="pBody">
217 - <form action="<?php $this->text('wgScript') ?>" id="searchform">
218 - <input type='hidden' name="title" value="<?php $this->text('searchtitle') ?>"/>
219 - <input id="searchInput" name="search" type="text"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('search');
220 - if( isset( $this->data['search'] ) ) {
221 - ?> value="<?php $this->text('search') ?>"<?php } ?> />
222 - <input type='submit' name="go" class="searchButton" id="searchGoButton" value="<?php $this->msg('searcharticle') ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-go' ); ?> /><?php if ($wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm) { ?>&nbsp;
223 - <input type='submit' name="fulltext" class="searchButton" id="mw-searchButton" value="<?php $this->msg('searchbutton') ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-fulltext' ); ?> /><?php } else { ?>
 215+ function outputPage( OutputPage $out ) {
 216+ global $wgDebugComments;
 217+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
225 - <div><a href="<?php $this->text('searchaction') ?>" rel="search"><?php $this->msg('powersearch-legend') ?></a></div><?php } ?>
 219+ $this->setMembers();
 220+ $this->initPage( $out );
227 - </form>
228 - </div>
229 - </div>
230 -<?php
231 - }
 222+ // See self::afterContentHook() for documentation
 223+ $afterContent = $this->afterContentHook();
233 - /*************************************************************************************************/
234 - function toolbox() {
235 -?>
236 - <!-- toolbox -->
237 - <div class="portlet" id="p-tb">
238 - <h5><?php $this->msg('toolbox') ?></h5>
239 - <div class="pBody">
240 - <ul>
241 -<?php
242 - if($this->data['notspecialpage']) { ?>
243 - <li id="t-whatlinkshere"><a href="<?php
244 - echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['whatlinkshere']['href'])
245 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-whatlinkshere') ?>><?php $this->msg('whatlinkshere') ?></a></li>
246 -<?php
247 - if( $this->data['nav_urls']['recentchangeslinked'] ) { ?>
248 - <li id="t-recentchangeslinked"><a href="<?php
249 - echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['recentchangeslinked']['href'])
250 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-recentchangeslinked') ?>><?php $this->msg('recentchangeslinked-toolbox') ?></a></li>
251 -<?php }
 225+ $out->out( $out->headElement( $this ) );
 227+ if ( $wgDebugComments ) {
 228+ $out->out(
 229+ "<!-- Wiki debugging output:\n" .
 230+ $out->mDebugtext . "-->\n"
 231+ );
252232 }
253 - if(isset($this->data['nav_urls']['trackbacklink'])) { ?>
254 - <li id="t-trackbacklink"><a href="<?php
255 - echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['trackbacklink']['href'])
256 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-trackbacklink') ?>><?php $this->msg('trackbacklink') ?></a></li>
257 -<?php }
258 - if($this->data['feeds']) { ?>
259 - <li id="feedlinks"><?php foreach($this->data['feeds'] as $key => $feed) {
260 - ?><a id="<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "feed-$key" ) ?>" href="<?php
261 - echo htmlspecialchars($feed['href']) ?>" rel="alternate" type="application/<?php echo $key ?>+xml" class="feedlink"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('feed-'.$key) ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars($feed['text'])?></a>&nbsp;
262 - <?php } ?></li><?php
263 - }
265 - foreach( array('contributions', 'log', 'blockip', 'emailuser', 'upload', 'specialpages') as $special ) {
 234+ $out->out( $this->beforeContent() );
267 - if($this->data['nav_urls'][$special]) {
268 - ?><li id="t-<?php echo $special ?>"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls'][$special]['href'])
269 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-'.$special) ?>><?php $this->msg($special) ?></a></li>
270 -<?php }
271 - }
 236+ $out->out( '<!-- start content -->' . "\n" );
 237+ $out->out( $out->mBodytext . "\n" );
 238+ $out->out( '<div class="mw_clear"></div>' . "\n" );
 239+ $out->out( $this->getCategories() . "\n" );
 240+ $out->out( '<!-- end content -->' . "\n" );
273 - if(!empty($this->data['nav_urls']['print']['href'])) { ?>
274 - <li id="t-print"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['print']['href'])
275 - ?>" rel="alternate"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-print') ?>><?php $this->msg('printableversion') ?></a></li><?php
276 - }
 242+ $out->out( $this->afterContent() );
278 - if(!empty($this->data['nav_urls']['permalink']['href'])) { ?>
279 - <li id="t-permalink"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->data['nav_urls']['permalink']['href'])
280 - ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('t-permalink') ?>><?php $this->msg('permalink') ?></a></li><?php
281 - } elseif ($this->data['nav_urls']['permalink']['href'] === '') { ?>
282 - <li id="t-ispermalink"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltip('t-ispermalink') ?>><?php $this->msg('permalink') ?></li><?php
283 - }
 244+ $out->out( $afterContent );
285 - wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateToolboxEnd', array( &$this ) );
286 -?>
287 - </ul>
288 - </div>
289 - </div>
290 -<?php
291 - }
 246+ $out->out( '</div><!-- mw_contentholder -->
 247+ </div><!-- mw_content -->
 248+ </div><!-- mw_contentwrapper -->'
 249+ );
293 - /*************************************************************************************************/
294 - function languageBox() {
295 - if( $this->data['language_urls'] ) {
296 -?>
297 - <div id="p-lang" class="portlet">
298 - <h5><?php $this->msg('otherlanguages') ?></h5>
299 - <div class="pBody">
300 - <ul>
301 -<?php foreach($this->data['language_urls'] as $langlink) { ?>
302 - <li class="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($langlink['class'])?>"><?php
303 - ?><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($langlink['href']) ?>"><?php echo $langlink['text'] ?></a></li>
304 -<?php } ?>
305 - </ul>
306 - </div>
307 - </div>
308 -<?php
309 - }
310 - }
 251+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 252+ $out->out( '<div id="mw_portlets"' . $attribs[0] . '>' . "\n" );
 253+ $out->out( "\n" . '<!-- portlets -->' . "\n" );
 254+ $out->out( $this->doSidebar() . "\n" );
 255+ $out->out( '</div><!-- mw_portlets -->' . "\n" );
 256+ $out->out( "\n\n" . '</div><!-- main -->' . "\n" );
312 - /*************************************************************************************************/
313 - function customBox( $bar, $cont ) {
314 -?>
315 - <div class='generated-sidebar portlet' id='<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$bar" ) ?>'<?php echo $this->skin->tooltip('p-'.$bar) ?>>
316 - <h5><?php $out = wfMsg( $bar ); if (wfEmptyMsg($bar, $out)) echo $bar; else echo $out; ?></h5>
317 - <div class='pBody'>
318 -<?php if ( is_array( $cont ) ) { ?>
319 - <ul>
320 -<?php foreach($cont as $key => $val) { ?>
321 - <li id="<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId($val['id']) ?>"<?php
322 - if ( $val['active'] ) { ?> class="active" <?php }
323 - ?>><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($val['href']) ?>"<?php echo $this->skin->tooltipAndAccesskey($val['id']) ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars($val['text']) ?></a></li>
324 -<?php } ?>
325 - </ul>
326 -<?php } else {
327 - # allow raw HTML block to be defined by extensions
328 - print $cont;
329 - }
330 -?>
331 - </div>
332 - </div>
333 -<?php
334 - }
 258+ $out->out( '<div class="mw_clear"></div>' . "\n" );
336 -} // end of class
 260+ $out->out( '<!-- personal portlet -->' . "\n" );
 261+ $out->out( $this->getPersonalTools() . "\n" );
 263+ $out->out( '<!-- footer -->' . "\n" );
 264+ $out->out( $this->footer() . "\n" );
 266+ $out->out( $this->bottomScripts() . "\n" );
 268+ $out->out( wfReportTime() . "\n" );
 270+ $out->out( "\n</body></html>" );
 271+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 272+ }
 274+} // end of class
Index: branches/SkinSystemRewrite/includes/SkinTemplate.php
@@ -308,108 +308,23 @@
309309 // Users can have their language set differently than the
310310 // content of the wiki. For these users, tell the web browser
311311 // that interface elements are in a different language.
312 - $tpl->set( 'userlangattributes', '');
313 - $tpl->set( 'specialpageattributes', '');
 312+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 313+ $tpl->set( 'userlangattributes', $attribs[0] );
 314+ $tpl->set( 'specialpageattributes', $attribs[1] );
315 - $lang = $wgLang->getCode();
316 - $dir = $wgLang->getDir();
317 - if ( $lang !== $wgContLang->getCode() || $dir !== $wgContLang->getDir() ) {
318 - $attrs = "lang='$lang' xml:lang='$lang' dir='$dir'";
 316+ $newtalks = $this->getNewtalks();
320 - $tpl->set( 'userlangattributes', $attrs );
321 -
322 - // The content of SpecialPages should be presented in the
323 - // user's language. Content of regular pages should not be touched.
324 - if($this->mTitle->isSpecialPage()) {
325 - $tpl->set( 'specialpageattributes', $attrs );
326 - }
327 - }
328 -
329 - $newtalks = $wgUser->getNewMessageLinks();
330 -
331 - if( count( $newtalks ) == 1 && $newtalks[0]['wiki'] === wfWikiID() ) {
332 - $usertitle = $this->mUser->getUserPage();
333 - $usertalktitle = $usertitle->getTalkPage();
334 -
335 - if( !$usertalktitle->equals( $this->mTitle ) ) {
336 - $newmessageslink = $this->link(
337 - $usertalktitle,
338 - wfMsgHtml( 'newmessageslink' ),
339 - array(),
340 - array( 'redirect' => 'no' ),
341 - array( 'known', 'noclasses' )
342 - );
343 -
344 - $newmessagesdifflink = $this->link(
345 - $usertalktitle,
346 - wfMsgHtml( 'newmessagesdifflink' ),
347 - array(),
348 - array( 'diff' => 'cur' ),
349 - array( 'known', 'noclasses' )
350 - );
351 -
352 - $ntl = wfMsg(
353 - 'youhavenewmessages',
354 - $newmessageslink,
355 - $newmessagesdifflink
356 - );
357 - # Disable Cache
358 - $out->setSquidMaxage( 0 );
359 - }
360 - } else if( count( $newtalks ) ) {
361 - // _>" " for BC <= 1.16
362 - $sep = str_replace( '_', ' ', wfMsgHtml( 'newtalkseparator' ) );
363 - $msgs = array();
364 - foreach( $newtalks as $newtalk ) {
365 - $msgs[] = Xml::element('a',
366 - array( 'href' => $newtalk['link'] ), $newtalk['wiki'] );
367 - }
368 - $parts = implode( $sep, $msgs );
369 - $ntl = wfMsgHtml( 'youhavenewmessagesmulti', $parts );
370 - $out->setSquidMaxage( 0 );
371 - } else {
372 - $ntl = '';
373 - }
374318 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-stuff2' );
376320 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-stuff3' );
377 - $tpl->setRef( 'newtalk', $ntl );
 321+ $tpl->setRef( 'newtalk', $newtalks );
378322 $tpl->setRef( 'skin', $this );
379323 $tpl->set( 'logo', $this->logoText() );
380324 if ( $out->isArticle() and ( !isset( $oldid ) or isset( $diff ) ) and
381 - $wgArticle and 0 != $wgArticle->getID() ){
382 - if ( !$wgDisableCounters ) {
383 - $viewcount = $wgLang->formatNum( $wgArticle->getCount() );
384 - if ( $viewcount ) {
385 - $tpl->set( 'viewcount', wfMsgExt( 'viewcount', array( 'parseinline' ), $viewcount ) );
386 - } else {
387 - $tpl->set( 'viewcount', false );
388 - }
389 - } else {
390 - $tpl->set( 'viewcount', false );
391 - }
 325+ $wgArticle and 0 != $wgArticle->getID() ) {
 326+ $tpl->set( 'viewcount', $this->getViewCount() );
393 - if( $wgPageShowWatchingUsers ) {
394 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
395 - $watchlist = $dbr->tableName( 'watchlist' );
396 - $res = $dbr->select( 'watchlist',
397 - array( 'COUNT(*) AS n' ),
398 - array( 'wl_title' => $dbr->strencode( $this->mTitle->getDBkey() ), 'wl_namespace' => $this->mTitle->getNamespace() ),
399 - __METHOD__
400 - );
401 - $x = $dbr->fetchObject( $res );
402 - $numberofwatchingusers = $x->n;
403 - if( $numberofwatchingusers > 0 ) {
404 - $tpl->set( 'numberofwatchingusers',
405 - wfMsgExt( 'number_of_watching_users_pageview', array( 'parseinline' ),
406 - $wgLang->formatNum( $numberofwatchingusers ) )
407 - );
408 - } else {
409 - $tpl->set( 'numberofwatchingusers', false );
410 - }
411 - } else {
412 - $tpl->set( 'numberofwatchingusers', false );
413 - }
 328+ $tpl->set( 'numberofwatchingusers', $this->getNumberOfWatchingUsers() );
415330 $tpl->set( 'copyright', $this->getCopyright() );
@@ -460,26 +375,9 @@
461376 $tpl->setRef( 'bodytext', $out->mBodytext );
463378 # Language links
464 - $language_urls = array();
465 -
466 - if ( !$wgHideInterlanguageLinks ) {
467 - foreach( $out->getLanguageLinks() as $l ) {
468 - $tmp = explode( ':', $l, 2 );
469 - $class = 'interwiki-' . $tmp[0];
470 - unset( $tmp );
471 - $nt = Title::newFromText( $l );
472 - if ( $nt ) {
473 - $language_urls[] = array(
474 - 'href' => $nt->getFullURL(),
475 - 'text' => ( $wgContLang->getLanguageName( $nt->getInterwiki() ) != '' ?
476 - $wgContLang->getLanguageName( $nt->getInterwiki() ) : $l ),
477 - 'class' => $class
478 - );
479 - }
480 - }
481 - }
482 - if( count( $language_urls ) ) {
483 - $tpl->setRef( 'language_urls', $language_urls );
 379+ $langLinks = $this->fetchInterlanguageLinks();
 380+ if ( $langLinks ) {
 381+ $tpl->setRef( 'language_urls', $langLinks );
484382 } else {
485383 $tpl->set( 'language_urls', false );
486384 }
@@ -533,163 +431,6 @@
534432 echo $str;
535433 }
537 - /**
538 - * build array of urls for personal toolbar
539 - * @return array
540 - * @private
541 - */
542 - function buildPersonalUrls() {
543 - global $wgOut, $wgRequest;
544 -
545 - $title = $wgOut->getTitle();
546 - $pageurl = $title->getLocalURL();
547 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
548 -
549 - /* set up the default links for the personal toolbar */
550 - $personal_urls = array();
551 - $page = $wgRequest->getVal( 'returnto', $this->thisurl );
552 - $query = $wgRequest->getVal( 'returntoquery', $this->thisquery );
553 - $returnto = "returnto=$page";
554 - if( $this->thisquery != '' )
555 - $returnto .= "&returntoquery=$query";
556 - if( $this->loggedin ) {
557 - $personal_urls['userpage'] = array(
558 - 'text' => $this->username,
559 - 'href' => &$this->userpageUrlDetails['href'],
560 - 'class' => $this->userpageUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
561 - 'active' => ( $this->userpageUrlDetails['href'] == $pageurl )
562 - );
563 - $usertalkUrlDetails = $this->makeTalkUrlDetails( $this->userpage );
564 - $personal_urls['mytalk'] = array(
565 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'mytalk' ),
566 - 'href' => &$usertalkUrlDetails['href'],
567 - 'class' => $usertalkUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
568 - 'active' => ( $usertalkUrlDetails['href'] == $pageurl )
569 - );
570 - $href = self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Preferences' );
571 - $personal_urls['preferences'] = array(
572 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'mypreferences' ),
573 - 'href' => $href,
574 - 'active' => ( $href == $pageurl )
575 - );
576 - $href = self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Watchlist' );
577 - $personal_urls['watchlist'] = array(
578 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'mywatchlist' ),
579 - 'href' => $href,
580 - 'active' => ( $href == $pageurl )
581 - );
582 -
583 - # We need to do an explicit check for Special:Contributions, as we
584 - # have to match both the title, and the target (which could come
585 - # from request values or be specified in "sub page" form. The plot
586 - # thickens, because $wgTitle is altered for special pages, so doesn't
587 - # contain the original alias-with-subpage.
588 - $origTitle = Title::newFromText( $wgRequest->getText( 'title' ) );
589 - if( $origTitle instanceof Title && $origTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL ) {
590 - list( $spName, $spPar ) =
591 - SpecialPage::resolveAliasWithSubpage( $origTitle->getText() );
592 - $active = $spName == 'Contributions'
593 - && ( ( $spPar && $spPar == $this->username )
594 - || $wgRequest->getText( 'target' ) == $this->username );
595 - } else {
596 - $active = false;
597 - }
598 -
599 - $href = self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Contributions', $this->username );
600 - $personal_urls['mycontris'] = array(
601 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'mycontris' ),
602 - 'href' => $href,
603 - 'active' => $active
604 - );
605 - $personal_urls['logout'] = array(
606 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'userlogout' ),
607 - 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Userlogout',
608 - $title->isSpecial( 'Preferences' ) ? '' : $returnto
609 - ),
610 - 'active' => false
611 - );
612 - } else {
613 - global $wgUser;
614 - $loginlink = $wgUser->isAllowed( 'createaccount' )
615 - ? 'nav-login-createaccount'
616 - : 'login';
617 - if( $this->showIPinHeader() ) {
618 - $href = &$this->userpageUrlDetails['href'];
619 - $personal_urls['anonuserpage'] = array(
620 - 'text' => $this->username,
621 - 'href' => $href,
622 - 'class' => $this->userpageUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
623 - 'active' => ( $pageurl == $href )
624 - );
625 - $usertalkUrlDetails = $this->makeTalkUrlDetails( $this->userpage );
626 - $href = &$usertalkUrlDetails['href'];
627 - $personal_urls['anontalk'] = array(
628 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'anontalk' ),
629 - 'href' => $href,
630 - 'class' => $usertalkUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
631 - 'active' => ( $pageurl == $href )
632 - );
633 - $personal_urls['anonlogin'] = array(
634 - 'text' => wfMsg( $loginlink ),
635 - 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Userlogin', $returnto ),
636 - 'active' => $title->isSpecial( 'Userlogin' )
637 - );
638 - } else {
639 - $personal_urls['login'] = array(
640 - 'text' => wfMsg( $loginlink ),
641 - 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Userlogin', $returnto ),
642 - 'active' => $title->isSpecial( 'Userlogin' )
643 - );
644 - }
645 - }
646 -
647 - wfRunHooks( 'PersonalUrls', array( &$personal_urls, &$title ) );
648 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
649 - return $personal_urls;
650 - }
651 -
652 - function tabAction( $title, $message, $selected, $query = '', $checkEdit = false ) {
653 - $classes = array();
654 - if( $selected ) {
655 - $classes[] = 'selected';
656 - }
657 - if( $checkEdit && !$title->isKnown() ) {
658 - $classes[] = 'new';
659 - $query = 'action=edit&redlink=1';
660 - }
661 -
662 - $text = wfMsg( $message );
663 - if ( wfEmptyMsg( $message, $text ) ) {
664 - global $wgContLang;
665 - $text = $wgContLang->getFormattedNsText( MWNamespace::getSubject( $title->getNamespace() ) );
666 - }
667 -
668 - $result = array();
669 - if( !wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateTabAction', array( &$this,
670 - $title, $message, $selected, $checkEdit,
671 - &$classes, &$query, &$text, &$result ) ) ) {
672 - return $result;
673 - }
674 -
675 - return array(
676 - 'class' => implode( ' ', $classes ),
677 - 'text' => $text,
678 - 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( $query ) );
679 - }
680 -
681 - function makeTalkUrlDetails( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
682 - $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
683 - if( !is_object( $title ) ) {
684 - throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " given invalid pagename $name" );
685 - }
686 - $title = $title->getTalkPage();
687 - self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
688 - return array(
689 - 'href' => $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ),
690 - 'exists' => $title->getArticleID() != 0 ? true : false
691 - );
692 - }
693 -
694435 function makeArticleUrlDetails( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
695436 $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
696437 $title= $title->getSubjectPage();
@@ -701,323 +442,6 @@
702443 }
704445 /**
705 - * an array of edit links by default used for the tabs
706 - * @return array
707 - * @private
708 - */
709 - function buildContentActionUrls() {
710 - global $wgContLang, $wgLang, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgArticle;
711 -
712 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
713 -
714 - $action = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action', 'view' );
715 - $section = $wgRequest->getVal( 'section' );
716 - $content_actions = array();
717 -
718 - $prevent_active_tabs = false;
719 - wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplatePreventOtherActiveTabs', array( &$this, &$prevent_active_tabs ) );
720 -
721 - if( $this->iscontent ) {
722 - $subjpage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage();
723 - $talkpage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage();
724 -
725 - $nskey = $this->mTitle->getNamespaceKey();
726 - $content_actions[$nskey] = $this->tabAction(
727 - $subjpage,
728 - $nskey,
729 - !$this->mTitle->isTalkPage() && !$prevent_active_tabs,
730 - '', true
731 - );
732 -
733 - $content_actions['talk'] = $this->tabAction(
734 - $talkpage,
735 - 'talk',
736 - $this->mTitle->isTalkPage() && !$prevent_active_tabs,
737 - '',
738 - true
739 - );
740 -
741 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-edit' );
742 - if ( $this->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'edit' ) && ( $this->mTitle->exists() || $this->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'create' ) ) ) {
743 - $istalk = $this->mTitle->isTalkPage();
744 - $istalkclass = $istalk?' istalk':'';
745 - $content_actions['edit'] = array(
746 - 'class' => ( ( ( $action == 'edit' or $action == 'submit' ) and $section != 'new' ) ? 'selected' : '' ) . $istalkclass,
747 - 'text' => $this->mTitle->exists()
748 - ? wfMsg( 'edit' )
749 - : wfMsg( 'create' ),
750 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( $this->editUrlOptions() )
751 - );
752 -
753 - // adds new section link if page is a current revision of a talk page or
754 - if ( ( $wgArticle && $wgArticle->isCurrent() && $istalk ) || $wgOut->showNewSectionLink() ) {
755 - if ( !$wgOut->forceHideNewSectionLink() ) {
756 - $content_actions['addsection'] = array(
757 - 'class' => $section == 'new' ? 'selected' : false,
758 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'addsection' ),
759 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=edit&section=new' )
760 - );
761 - }
762 - }
763 - } elseif ( $this->mTitle->isKnown() ) {
764 - $content_actions['viewsource'] = array(
765 - 'class' => ($action == 'edit') ? 'selected' : false,
766 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'viewsource' ),
767 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( $this->editUrlOptions() )
768 - );
769 - }
770 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-edit' );
771 -
772 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-live' );
773 - if ( $this->mTitle->exists() ) {
774 -
775 - $content_actions['history'] = array(
776 - 'class' => ($action == 'history') ? 'selected' : false,
777 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'history_short' ),
778 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=history' ),
779 - 'rel' => 'archives',
780 - );
781 -
782 - if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'delete' ) ) {
783 - $content_actions['delete'] = array(
784 - 'class' => ($action == 'delete') ? 'selected' : false,
785 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'delete' ),
786 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=delete' )
787 - );
788 - }
789 - if ( $this->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'move' ) ) {
790 - $moveTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Movepage', $this->thispage );
791 - $content_actions['move'] = array(
792 - 'class' => $this->mTitle->isSpecial( 'Movepage' ) ? 'selected' : false,
793 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'move' ),
794 - 'href' => $moveTitle->getLocalUrl()
795 - );
796 - }
797 -
798 - if ( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() !== NS_MEDIAWIKI && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'protect' ) ) {
799 - if( !$this->mTitle->isProtected() ){
800 - $content_actions['protect'] = array(
801 - 'class' => ($action == 'protect') ? 'selected' : false,
802 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'protect' ),
803 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=protect' )
804 - );
805 -
806 - } else {
807 - $content_actions['unprotect'] = array(
808 - 'class' => ($action == 'unprotect') ? 'selected' : false,
809 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'unprotect' ),
810 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=unprotect' )
811 - );
812 - }
813 - }
814 - } else {
815 - //article doesn't exist or is deleted
816 - if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'deletedtext' ) ) {
817 - if( $n = $this->mTitle->isDeleted() ) {
818 - $undelTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Undelete' );
819 - $content_actions['undelete'] = array(
820 - 'class' => false,
821 - 'text' => wfMsgExt( 'undelete_short', array( 'parsemag' ), $wgLang->formatNum( $n ) ),
822 - 'href' => $undelTitle->getLocalUrl( 'target=' . urlencode( $this->thispage ) )
823 - #'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( "Undelete/$this->thispage" )
824 - );
825 - }
826 - }
827 -
828 - if ( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() !== NS_MEDIAWIKI && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'protect' ) ) {
829 - if( !$this->mTitle->getRestrictions( 'create' ) ) {
830 - $content_actions['protect'] = array(
831 - 'class' => ($action == 'protect') ? 'selected' : false,
832 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'protect' ),
833 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=protect' )
834 - );
835 -
836 - } else {
837 - $content_actions['unprotect'] = array(
838 - 'class' => ($action == 'unprotect') ? 'selected' : false,
839 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'unprotect' ),
840 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=unprotect' )
841 - );
842 - }
843 - }
844 - }
845 -
846 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-live' );
847 -
848 - if( $this->loggedin ) {
849 - if( !$this->mTitle->userIsWatching()) {
850 - $content_actions['watch'] = array(
851 - 'class' => ($action == 'watch' or $action == 'unwatch') ? 'selected' : false,
852 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'watch' ),
853 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=watch' )
854 - );
855 - } else {
856 - $content_actions['unwatch'] = array(
857 - 'class' => ($action == 'unwatch' or $action == 'watch') ? 'selected' : false,
858 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'unwatch' ),
859 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl( 'action=unwatch' )
860 - );
861 - }
862 - }
863 -
864 -
865 - wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateTabs', array( $this, &$content_actions ) );
866 - } else {
867 - /* show special page tab */
868 -
869 - $content_actions[$this->mTitle->getNamespaceKey()] = array(
870 - 'class' => 'selected',
871 - 'text' => wfMsg('nstab-special'),
872 - 'href' => $wgRequest->getRequestURL(), // @bug 2457, 2510
873 - );
874 -
875 - wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateBuildContentActionUrlsAfterSpecialPage', array( &$this, &$content_actions ) );
876 - }
877 -
878 - /* show links to different language variants */
879 - global $wgDisableLangConversion;
880 - $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants();
881 - if( !$wgDisableLangConversion && sizeof( $variants ) > 1 ) {
882 - $preferred = $wgContLang->getPreferredVariant();
883 - $vcount=0;
884 - foreach( $variants as $code ) {
885 - $varname = $wgContLang->getVariantname( $code );
886 - if( $varname == 'disable' )
887 - continue;
888 - $selected = ( $code == $preferred )? 'selected' : false;
889 - $content_actions['varlang-' . $vcount] = array(
890 - 'class' => $selected,
891 - 'text' => $varname,
892 - 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( '', $code )
893 - );
894 - $vcount ++;
895 - }
896 - }
897 -
898 - wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateContentActions', array( &$content_actions ) );
899 -
900 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
901 - return $content_actions;
902 - }
903 -
904 - /**
905 - * build array of common navigation links
906 - * @return array
907 - * @private
908 - */
909 - function buildNavUrls() {
910 - global $wgUseTrackbacks, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest;
911 - global $wgEnableUploads, $wgUploadNavigationUrl;
912 -
913 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
914 -
915 - $action = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action', 'view' );
916 -
917 - $nav_urls = array();
918 - $nav_urls['mainpage'] = array( 'href' => self::makeMainPageUrl() );
919 - if( $wgUploadNavigationUrl ) {
920 - $nav_urls['upload'] = array( 'href' => $wgUploadNavigationUrl );
921 - } elseif( $wgEnableUploads && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'upload' ) ) {
922 - $nav_urls['upload'] = array( 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Upload' ) );
923 - } else {
924 - $nav_urls['upload'] = false;
925 - }
926 - $nav_urls['specialpages'] = array( 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Specialpages' ) );
927 -
928 - // default permalink to being off, will override it as required below.
929 - $nav_urls['permalink'] = false;
930 -
931 - // A print stylesheet is attached to all pages, but nobody ever
932 - // figures that out. :) Add a link...
933 - if( $this->iscontent && ( $action == 'view' || $action == 'purge' ) ) {
934 - if ( !$wgOut->isPrintable() ) {
935 - $nav_urls['print'] = array(
936 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'printableversion' ),
937 - 'href' => $wgRequest->appendQuery( 'printable=yes' )
938 - );
939 - }
940 -
941 - // Also add a "permalink" while we're at it
942 - if ( $this->mRevisionId ) {
943 - $nav_urls['permalink'] = array(
944 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'permalink' ),
945 - 'href' => $wgOut->getTitle()->getLocalURL( "oldid=$this->mRevisionId" )
946 - );
947 - }
948 -
949 - // Copy in case this undocumented, shady hook tries to mess with internals
950 - $revid = $this->mRevisionId;
951 - wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink', array( &$this, &$nav_urls, &$revid, &$revid ) );
952 - }
953 -
954 - if( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) {
955 - $wlhTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Whatlinkshere', $this->thispage );
956 - $nav_urls['whatlinkshere'] = array(
957 - 'href' => $wlhTitle->getLocalUrl()
958 - );
959 - if( $this->mTitle->getArticleId() ) {
960 - $rclTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Recentchangeslinked', $this->thispage );
961 - $nav_urls['recentchangeslinked'] = array(
962 - 'href' => $rclTitle->getLocalUrl()
963 - );
964 - } else {
965 - $nav_urls['recentchangeslinked'] = false;
966 - }
967 - if( $wgUseTrackbacks )
968 - $nav_urls['trackbacklink'] = array(
969 - 'href' => $wgOut->getTitle()->trackbackURL()
970 - );
971 - }
972 -
973 - if( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER || $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK ) {
974 - $id = User::idFromName( $this->mTitle->getText() );
975 - $ip = User::isIP( $this->mTitle->getText() );
976 - } else {
977 - $id = 0;
978 - $ip = false;
979 - }
980 -
981 - if( $id || $ip ) { # both anons and non-anons have contribs list
982 - $nav_urls['contributions'] = array(
983 - 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Contributions', $this->mTitle->getText() )
984 - );
985 -
986 - if( $id ) {
987 - $logPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log' );
988 - $nav_urls['log'] = array(
989 - 'href' => $logPage->getLocalUrl(
990 - array(
991 - 'user' => $this->mTitle->getText()
992 - )
993 - )
994 - );
995 - } else {
996 - $nav_urls['log'] = false;
997 - }
998 -
999 - if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'block' ) ) {
1000 - $nav_urls['blockip'] = array(
1001 - 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Blockip', $this->mTitle->getText() )
1002 - );
1003 - } else {
1004 - $nav_urls['blockip'] = false;
1005 - }
1006 - } else {
1007 - $nav_urls['contributions'] = false;
1008 - $nav_urls['log'] = false;
1009 - $nav_urls['blockip'] = false;
1010 - }
1011 - $nav_urls['emailuser'] = false;
1012 - if( $this->showEmailUser( $id ) ) {
1013 - $nav_urls['emailuser'] = array(
1014 - 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Emailuser', $this->mTitle->getText() )
1015 - );
1016 - }
1017 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
1018 - return $nav_urls;
1019 - }
1020 -
1021 - /**
1022446 * Generate strings used for xml 'id' names
1023447 * @return string
1024448 * @private
Index: branches/SkinSystemRewrite/includes/Skin.php
@@ -2091,6 +2091,7 @@
20922092 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
20932093 return $bar;
20942094 }
20952096 /**
20962097 * Add content from a sidebar system message
20972098 * Currently only used for MediaWiki:Sidebar (but may be used by Extensions)
@@ -2162,4 +2163,1025 @@
21632164 public function commonPrintStylesheet() {
21642165 return true;
21652166 }
 2168+ /**
 2169+ * Gets new talk page messages for the current user.
 2170+ * @return MediaWiki message or if no new talk page messages, nothing
 2171+ */
 2172+ function getNewtalks() {
 2173+ global $wgUser, $wgOut;
 2174+ $newtalks = $wgUser->getNewMessageLinks();
 2176+ if( count( $newtalks ) == 1 && $newtalks[0]['wiki'] === wfWikiID() ) {
 2177+ $userTitle = $this->mUser->getUserPage();
 2178+ $userTalkTitle = $userTitle->getTalkPage();
 2180+ if( !$userTalkTitle->equals( $this->mTitle ) ) {
 2181+ $newMessagesLink = $this->link(
 2182+ $userTalkTitle,
 2183+ wfMsgHtml( 'newmessageslink' ),
 2184+ array(),
 2185+ array( 'redirect' => 'no' ),
 2186+ array( 'known', 'noclasses' )
 2187+ );
 2189+ $newMessagesDiffLink = $this->link(
 2190+ $userTalkTitle,
 2191+ wfMsgHtml( 'newmessagesdifflink' ),
 2192+ array(),
 2193+ array( 'diff' => 'cur' ),
 2194+ array( 'known', 'noclasses' )
 2195+ );
 2197+ $ntl = wfMsg(
 2198+ 'youhavenewmessages',
 2199+ $newMessagesLink,
 2200+ $newMessagesDiffLink
 2201+ );
 2202+ # Disable Squid cache
 2203+ $wgOut->setSquidMaxage( 0 );
 2204+ }
 2205+ } elseif( count( $newtalks ) ) {
 2206+ // _>" " for BC <= 1.16
 2207+ $sep = str_replace( '_', ' ', wfMsgHtml( 'newtalkseparator' ) );
 2208+ $msgs = array();
 2209+ foreach( $newtalks as $newtalk ) {
 2210+ $msgs[] = Xml::element(
 2211+ 'a',
 2212+ array( 'href' => $newtalk['link'] ), $newtalk['wiki']
 2213+ );
 2214+ }
 2215+ $parts = implode( $sep, $msgs );
 2216+ $ntl = wfMsgHtml( 'youhavenewmessagesmulti', $parts );
 2217+ $wgOut->setSquidMaxage( 0 );
 2218+ } else {
 2219+ $ntl = '';
 2220+ }
 2221+ return $ntl;
 2222+ }
 2224+ /**
 2225+ * Build array of common navigation links
 2226+ * @return array
 2227+ */
 2228+ function buildNavUrls() {
 2229+ global $wgUseTrackbacks, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest;
 2230+ global $wgEnableUploads, $wgUploadNavigationUrl;
 2232+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 2234+ $action = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action', 'view' );
 2235+ $title = $this->mTitle->getText();
 2237+ $nav_urls = array();
 2238+ $nav_urls['mainpage'] = array( 'href' => self::makeMainPageUrl() );
 2239+ if( $wgUploadNavigationUrl ) {
 2240+ $nav_urls['upload'] = array( 'href' => $wgUploadNavigationUrl );
 2241+ } elseif( $wgEnableUploads && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'upload' ) ) {
 2242+ $nav_urls['upload'] = array( 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Upload' ) );
 2243+ } else {
 2244+ $nav_urls['upload'] = false;
 2245+ }
 2246+ $nav_urls['specialpages'] = array( 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Specialpages' ) );
 2248+ // default permalink to being off, will override it as required below.
 2249+ $nav_urls['permalink'] = false;
 2251+ // A print stylesheet is attached to all pages, but nobody ever
 2252+ // figures that out. :) Add a link...
 2253+ if( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL && ( $action == 'view' || $action == 'purge' ) ) {
 2254+ if ( !$wgOut->isPrintable() ) {
 2255+ $nav_urls['print'] = array(
 2256+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'printableversion' ),
 2257+ 'href' => $wgRequest->appendQuery( 'printable=yes' )
 2258+ );
 2259+ }
 2261+ // Also add a "permalink" while we're at it
 2262+ if ( $this->mRevisionId ) {
 2263+ $nav_urls['permalink'] = array(
 2264+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'permalink' ),
 2265+ 'href' => $wgOut->getTitle()->getLocalURL( "oldid=$this->mRevisionId" )
 2266+ );
 2267+ }
 2269+ // Copy in case this undocumented, shady hook tries to mess with internals
 2270+ $revid = $this->mRevisionId;
 2271+ wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink', array( $this, &$nav_urls, &$revid, &$revid ) );
 2272+ }
 2274+ if( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) {
 2275+ $wlhTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Whatlinkshere', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() );
 2276+ $nav_urls['whatlinkshere'] = array(
 2277+ 'href' => $wlhTitle->getLocalURL()
 2278+ );
 2279+ if( $this->mTitle->getArticleId() ) {
 2280+ $rclTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Recentchangeslinked', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() );
 2281+ $nav_urls['recentchangeslinked'] = array(
 2282+ 'href' => $rclTitle->getLocalURL()
 2283+ );
 2284+ } else {
 2285+ $nav_urls['recentchangeslinked'] = false;
 2286+ }
 2287+ if( $wgUseTrackbacks ) {
 2288+ $nav_urls['trackbacklink'] = array(
 2289+ 'href' => $wgOut->getTitle()->trackbackURL()
 2290+ );
 2291+ }
 2292+ }
 2294+ if(
 2295+ $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER ||
 2296+ $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK
 2297+ )
 2298+ {
 2299+ $id = User::idFromName( $title );
 2300+ $ip = User::isIP( $title );
 2301+ } else {
 2302+ $id = 0;
 2303+ $ip = false;
 2304+ }
 2306+ if( $id || $ip ) { # both anons and non-anons have contribs list
 2307+ $nav_urls['contributions'] = array(
 2308+ 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Contributions', $title )
 2309+ );
 2311+ if( $id ) {
 2312+ $logPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log' );
 2313+ $nav_urls['log'] = array(
 2314+ 'href' => $logPage->getLocalURL(
 2315+ array(
 2316+ 'user' => $title
 2317+ )
 2318+ )
 2319+ );
 2320+ } else {
 2321+ $nav_urls['log'] = false;
 2322+ }
 2324+ if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'block' ) ) {
 2325+ $nav_urls['blockip'] = array(
 2326+ 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Blockip', $title )
 2327+ );
 2328+ } else {
 2329+ $nav_urls['blockip'] = false;
 2330+ }
 2331+ } else {
 2332+ $nav_urls['contributions'] = false;
 2333+ $nav_urls['log'] = false;
 2334+ $nav_urls['blockip'] = false;
 2335+ }
 2336+ $nav_urls['emailuser'] = false;
 2337+ if( $this->showEmailUser( $id ) ) {
 2338+ $nav_urls['emailuser'] = array(
 2339+ 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Emailuser', $title )
 2340+ );
 2341+ }
 2342+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 2343+ return $nav_urls;
 2344+ }
 2346+ /**
 2347+ * An array of edit links by default used for the tabs
 2348+ * @return array
 2349+ */
 2350+ function buildContentActionUrls() {
 2351+ global $wgContLang, $wgLang, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgArticle;
 2353+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 2355+ $action = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action', 'view' );
 2356+ $section = $wgRequest->getVal( 'section' );
 2357+ $content_actions = array();
 2359+ $prevent_active_tabs = false;
 2360+ wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplatePreventOtherActiveTabs', array( $this, &$prevent_active_tabs ) );
 2362+ if( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) {
 2363+ $subjpage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage();
 2364+ $talkpage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage();
 2366+ $nskey = $this->mTitle->getNamespaceKey();
 2367+ $content_actions[$nskey] = $this->tabAction(
 2368+ $subjpage,
 2369+ $nskey,
 2370+ !$this->mTitle->isTalkPage() && !$prevent_active_tabs,
 2371+ '', true
 2372+ );
 2374+ $content_actions['talk'] = $this->tabAction(
 2375+ $talkpage,
 2376+ 'talk',
 2377+ $this->mTitle->isTalkPage() && !$prevent_active_tabs,
 2378+ '',
 2379+ true
 2380+ );
 2382+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-edit' );
 2383+ if ( $this->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'edit' ) && ( $this->mTitle->exists() || $this->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'create' ) ) ) {
 2384+ $isTalk = $this->mTitle->isTalkPage();
 2385+ $isTalkClass = $isTalk ? ' istalk' : '';
 2386+ $content_actions['edit'] = array(
 2387+ 'class' => ( ( ( $action == 'edit' || $action == 'submit' ) && $section != 'new' ) ? 'selected' : '' ) . $isTalkClass,
 2388+ 'text' => $this->mTitle->exists()
 2389+ ? wfMsg( 'edit' )
 2390+ : wfMsg( 'create' ),
 2391+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( $this->editUrlOptions() )
 2392+ );
 2394+ // adds new section link if page is a current revision of a talk page or
 2395+ if ( ( $wgArticle && $wgArticle->isCurrent() && $isTalk ) || $wgOut->showNewSectionLink() ) {
 2396+ if ( !$wgOut->forceHideNewSectionLink() ) {
 2397+ $content_actions['addsection'] = array(
 2398+ 'class' => $section == 'new' ? 'selected' : false,
 2399+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'addsection' ),
 2400+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=edit&section=new' )
 2401+ );
 2402+ }
 2403+ }
 2404+ } elseif ( $this->mTitle->isKnown() ) {
 2405+ $content_actions['viewsource'] = array(
 2406+ 'class' => ( $action == 'edit' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2407+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'viewsource' ),
 2408+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( $this->editUrlOptions() )
 2409+ );
 2410+ }
 2411+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-edit' );
 2413+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-live' );
 2414+ if ( $this->mTitle->exists() ) {
 2416+ $content_actions['history'] = array(
 2417+ 'class' => ( $action == 'history' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2418+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'history_short' ),
 2419+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=history' ),
 2420+ 'rel' => 'archives',
 2421+ );
 2423+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'delete' ) ) {
 2424+ $content_actions['delete'] = array(
 2425+ 'class' => ( $action == 'delete' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2426+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'delete' ),
 2427+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=delete' )
 2428+ );
 2429+ }
 2430+ if ( $this->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'move' ) ) {
 2431+ $moveTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Movepage', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() );
 2432+ $content_actions['move'] = array(
 2433+ 'class' => $this->mTitle->isSpecial( 'Movepage' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2434+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'move' ),
 2435+ 'href' => $moveTitle->getLocalURL()
 2436+ );
 2437+ }
 2439+ if ( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() !== NS_MEDIAWIKI && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'protect' ) ) {
 2440+ if( !$this->mTitle->isProtected() ) {
 2441+ $content_actions['protect'] = array(
 2442+ 'class' => ( $action == 'protect' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2443+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'protect' ),
 2444+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=protect' )
 2445+ );
 2447+ } else {
 2448+ $content_actions['unprotect'] = array(
 2449+ 'class' => ( $action == 'unprotect' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2450+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'unprotect' ),
 2451+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=unprotect' )
 2452+ );
 2453+ }
 2454+ }
 2455+ } else {
 2456+ // article doesn't exist or is deleted
 2457+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'deletedtext' ) ) {
 2458+ $n = $this->mTitle->isDeleted();
 2459+ if( $n ) {
 2460+ $undelTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Undelete' );
 2461+ $content_actions['undelete'] = array(
 2462+ 'class' => false,
 2463+ 'text' => wfMsgExt( 'undelete_short', array( 'parsemag' ), $wgLang->formatNum( $n ) ),
 2464+ 'href' => $undelTitle->getLocalURL( 'target=' . urlencode( $this->thispage ) )
 2465+ #'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( "Undelete/$this->thispage" )
 2466+ );
 2467+ }
 2468+ }
 2470+ if ( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() !== NS_MEDIAWIKI && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'protect' ) ) {
 2471+ if( !$this->mTitle->getRestrictions( 'create' ) ) {
 2472+ $content_actions['protect'] = array(
 2473+ 'class' => ( $action == 'protect' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2474+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'protect' ),
 2475+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=protect' )
 2476+ );
 2478+ } else {
 2479+ $content_actions['unprotect'] = array(
 2480+ 'class' => ( $action == 'unprotect' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2481+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'unprotect' ),
 2482+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=unprotect' )
 2483+ );
 2484+ }
 2485+ }
 2486+ }
 2488+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-live' );
 2490+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 2491+ if( !$this->mTitle->userIsWatching() ) {
 2492+ $content_actions['watch'] = array(
 2493+ 'class' => ( $action == 'watch' || $action == 'unwatch' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2494+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'watch' ),
 2495+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=watch' )
 2496+ );
 2497+ } else {
 2498+ $content_actions['unwatch'] = array(
 2499+ 'class' => ( $action == 'unwatch' || $action == 'watch' ) ? 'selected' : false,
 2500+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'unwatch' ),
 2501+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=unwatch' )
 2502+ );
 2503+ }
 2504+ }
 2507+ wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateTabs', array( $this, &$content_actions ) );
 2508+ } else {
 2509+ /* show special page tab */
 2511+ $content_actions[$this->mTitle->getNamespaceKey()] = array(
 2512+ 'class' => 'selected',
 2513+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'nstab-special' ),
 2514+ 'href' => $wgRequest->getRequestURL(), // @bug 2457, 2510
 2515+ );
 2517+ wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateBuildContentActionUrlsAfterSpecialPage', array( $this, &$content_actions ) );
 2518+ }
 2520+ /* show links to different language variants */
 2521+ global $wgDisableLangConversion;
 2522+ $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants();
 2523+ if( !$wgDisableLangConversion && sizeof( $variants ) > 1 ) {
 2524+ $preferred = $wgContLang->getPreferredVariant();
 2525+ $vcount = 0;
 2526+ foreach( $variants as $code ) {
 2527+ $varname = $wgContLang->getVariantname( $code );
 2528+ if( $varname == 'disable' ) {
 2529+ continue;
 2530+ }
 2531+ $selected = ( $code == $preferred ) ? 'selected' : false;
 2532+ $content_actions['varlang-' . $vcount] = array(
 2533+ 'class' => $selected,
 2534+ 'text' => $varname,
 2535+ 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL( '', $code )
 2536+ );
 2537+ $vcount++;
 2538+ }
 2539+ }
 2541+ wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateContentActions', array( &$content_actions ) );
 2543+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 2544+ return $content_actions;
 2545+ }
 2547+ /**
 2548+ * Renders the content action tabs (edit, history, move, watch etc.)
 2549+ * @return HTML
 2550+ */
 2551+ function renderContentActions() {
 2552+ $s = '';
 2553+ foreach( $this->buildContentActionUrls() as $key => $tab ) {
 2554+ $s .= '<li id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( "ca-$key" ) . '"';
 2555+ if( $tab['class'] ) {
 2556+ $s .= ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $tab['class'] ) . '"';
 2557+ }
 2558+ $s .= '><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $tab['href'] ) . '"';
 2559+ # We don't want to give the watch tab an accesskey if the
 2560+ # page is being edited, because that conflicts with the
 2561+ # accesskey on the watch checkbox. We also don't want to
 2562+ # give the edit tab an accesskey, because that's fairly su-
 2563+ # perfluous and conflicts with an accesskey (Ctrl-E) often
 2564+ # used for editing in Safari.
 2565+ global $wgRequest;
 2566+ $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );
 2567+ if(
 2568+ in_array( $action, array( 'edit', 'submit' ) ) &&
 2569+ in_array( $key, array( 'edit', 'watch', 'unwatch' ) ) )
 2570+ {
 2571+ $s .= $this->tooltip( "ca-$key" );
 2572+ } else {
 2573+ $s .= $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( "ca-$key" );
 2574+ }
 2575+ $s .= '>' . htmlspecialchars( $tab['text'] ) . '</a></li>' . "\n";
 2576+ }
 2577+ return $s;
 2578+ }
 2580+ /**
 2581+ * Build array of URLs for personal toolbar
 2582+ * @return array
 2583+ */
 2584+ function buildPersonalUrls() {
 2585+ global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser;
 2587+ $title = $wgOut->getTitle();
 2588+ $pageurl = $title->getLocalURL();
 2589+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 2591+ if ( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() || $this->showIPinHeader() ) {
 2592+ $this->userpageUrlDetails = self::makeUrlDetails( $this->userpage );
 2593+ } else {
 2594+ # This won't be used in the standard skins, but we define it to preserve the interface
 2595+ # To save time, we check for existence
 2596+ $this->userpageUrlDetails = self::makeKnownUrlDetails( $this->userpage );
 2597+ }
 2598+ /* set up the default links for the personal toolbar */
 2599+ $personal_urls = array();
 2600+ $page = $wgRequest->getVal( 'returnto', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL() );
 2601+ $query = array();
 2602+ if ( !$wgRequest->wasPosted() ) {
 2603+ $query = $wgRequest->getValues();
 2604+ unset( $query['title'] );
 2605+ unset( $query['returnto'] );
 2606+ unset( $query['returntoquery'] );
 2607+ }
 2608+ $query = $wgRequest->getVal( 'returntoquery', wfUrlencode( wfArrayToCGI( $query ) ) );
 2609+ $returnto = "returnto=$page";
 2610+ if( $query != '' ) {
 2611+ $returnto .= "&returntoquery=$query";
 2612+ }
 2613+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 2614+ $personal_urls['userpage'] = array(
 2615+ 'text' => $wgUser->getName(),
 2616+ 'href' => &$this->userpageUrlDetails['href'],
 2617+ 'class' => $this->userpageUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
 2618+ 'active' => ( $this->userpageUrlDetails['href'] == $pageurl )
 2619+ );
 2620+ $usertalkUrlDetails = $this->makeTalkUrlDetails( $this->userpage );
 2621+ $personal_urls['mytalk'] = array(
 2622+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'mytalk' ),
 2623+ 'href' => &$usertalkUrlDetails['href'],
 2624+ 'class' => $usertalkUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
 2625+ 'active' => ( $usertalkUrlDetails['href'] == $pageurl )
 2626+ );
 2627+ $href = self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Preferences' );
 2628+ $personal_urls['preferences'] = array(
 2629+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'mypreferences' ),
 2630+ 'href' => $href,
 2631+ 'active' => ( $href == $pageurl )
 2632+ );
 2633+ $href = self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Watchlist' );
 2634+ $personal_urls['watchlist'] = array(
 2635+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'mywatchlist' ),
 2636+ 'href' => $href,
 2637+ 'active' => ( $href == $pageurl )
 2638+ );
 2640+ # We need to do an explicit check for Special:Contributions, as we
 2641+ # have to match both the title, and the target (which could come
 2642+ # from request values or be specified in "sub page" form. The plot
 2643+ # thickens, because $wgTitle is altered for special pages, so doesn't
 2644+ # contain the original alias-with-subpage.
 2645+ $origTitle = Title::newFromText( $wgRequest->getText( 'title' ) );
 2646+ if( $origTitle instanceof Title && $origTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL ) {
 2647+ list( $spName, $spPar ) =
 2648+ SpecialPage::resolveAliasWithSubpage( $origTitle->getText() );
 2649+ $active = $spName == 'Contributions'
 2650+ && ( ( $spPar && $spPar == $wgUser->getName() )
 2651+ || $wgRequest->getText( 'target' ) == $wgUser->getName() );
 2652+ } else {
 2653+ $active = false;
 2654+ }
 2656+ $href = self::makeSpecialUrlSubpage( 'Contributions', $wgUser->getName() );
 2657+ $personal_urls['mycontris'] = array(
 2658+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'mycontris' ),
 2659+ 'href' => $href,
 2660+ 'active' => $active
 2661+ );
 2662+ $personal_urls['logout'] = array(
 2663+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'userlogout' ),
 2664+ 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Userlogout',
 2665+ $title->isSpecial( 'Preferences' ) ? '' : $returnto
 2666+ ),
 2667+ 'active' => false
 2668+ );
 2669+ } else {
 2670+ global $wgUser;
 2671+ $loginlink = $wgUser->isAllowed( 'createaccount' )
 2672+ ? 'nav-login-createaccount'
 2673+ : 'login';
 2674+ if( $this->showIPinHeader() ) {
 2675+ $href = &$this->userpageUrlDetails['href'];
 2676+ $personal_urls['anonuserpage'] = array(
 2677+ 'text' => $wgUser->getName(),
 2678+ 'href' => $href,
 2679+ 'class' => $this->userpageUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
 2680+ 'active' => ( $pageurl == $href )
 2681+ );
 2682+ $usertalkUrlDetails = $this->makeTalkUrlDetails( $this->userpage );
 2683+ $href = &$usertalkUrlDetails['href'];
 2684+ $personal_urls['anontalk'] = array(
 2685+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'anontalk' ),
 2686+ 'href' => $href,
 2687+ 'class' => $usertalkUrlDetails['exists'] ? false : 'new',
 2688+ 'active' => ( $pageurl == $href )
 2689+ );
 2690+ $personal_urls['anonlogin'] = array(
 2691+ 'text' => wfMsg( $loginlink ),
 2692+ 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Userlogin', $returnto ),
 2693+ 'active' => $title->isSpecial( 'Userlogin' )
 2694+ );
 2695+ } else {
 2696+ $personal_urls['login'] = array(
 2697+ 'text' => wfMsg( $loginlink ),
 2698+ 'href' => self::makeSpecialUrl( 'Userlogin', $returnto ),
 2699+ 'active' => $title->isSpecial( 'Userlogin' )
 2700+ );
 2701+ }
 2702+ }
 2704+ wfRunHooks( 'PersonalUrls', array( &$personal_urls, &$title ) );
 2705+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 2706+ return $personal_urls;
 2707+ }
 2709+ /**
 2710+ * Renders the items in the personal toolbar (links to user page,
 2711+ * talk page, contributions list, watchlist etc.)
 2712+ * @return HTML
 2713+ */
 2714+ function renderPersonalTools() {
 2715+ $s = '';
 2716+ foreach( $this->buildPersonalUrls() as $key => $item ) {
 2717+ $s .= '<li id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( "pt-$key" ) . '"';
 2718+ if ( $item['active'] ) {
 2719+ $s .= 'class="active"';
 2720+ }
 2721+ $s .= '><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $item['href'] ) . '"' .
 2722+ $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'pt-' . $key );
 2723+ if( !empty( $item['class'] ) ) {
 2724+ $s .= ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $item['class'] ) . '"';
 2725+ }
 2726+ $s .= '>' . htmlspecialchars( $item['text'] ) . '</a></li>';
 2727+ }
 2728+ return $s;
 2729+ }
 2731+ function tabAction( $title, $message, $selected, $query = '', $checkEdit = false ) {
 2732+ $classes = array();
 2733+ if( $selected ) {
 2734+ $classes[] = 'selected';
 2735+ }
 2736+ if( $checkEdit && !$title->isKnown() ) {
 2737+ $classes[] = 'new';
 2738+ $query = 'action=edit&redlink=1';
 2739+ }
 2741+ $text = wfMsg( $message );
 2742+ if ( wfEmptyMsg( $message, $text ) ) {
 2743+ global $wgContLang;
 2744+ $text = $wgContLang->getFormattedNsText( MWNamespace::getSubject( $title->getNamespace() ) );
 2745+ }
 2747+ $result = array();
 2748+ if( !wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateTabAction', array( $this, $title,
 2749+ $message, $selected, $checkEdit, &$classes, &$query, &$text,
 2750+ &$result ) )
 2751+ )
 2752+ {
 2753+ return $result;
 2754+ }
 2756+ return array(
 2757+ 'class' => implode( ' ', $classes ),
 2758+ 'text' => $text,
 2759+ 'href' => $title->getLocalURL( $query )
 2760+ );
 2761+ }
 2763+ function makeTalkUrlDetails( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
 2764+ $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
 2765+ if( !is_object( $title ) ) {
 2766+ throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " given invalid pagename $name" );
 2767+ }
 2768+ $title = $title->getTalkPage();
 2769+ self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
 2770+ return array(
 2771+ 'href' => $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ),
 2772+ 'exists' => $title->getArticleID() != 0 ? true : false
 2773+ );
 2774+ }
 2776+ /**
 2777+ * Users can have their language set differently than the
 2778+ * content of the wiki. For these users, tell the web browser
 2779+ * that interface elements are in a different language.
 2780+ * @return array
 2781+ */
 2782+ function getAttributes() {
 2783+ global $wgLang, $wgContLang;
 2785+ $attrs = '';
 2786+ $specialPageAttributes = '';
 2787+ $lang = $wgLang->getCode();
 2788+ $dir = $wgLang->getDir();
 2790+ if ( $lang !== $wgContLang->getCode() || $dir !== $wgContLang->getDir() ) {
 2791+ $attrs = " lang='$lang' xml:lang='$lang' dir='$dir'";
 2793+ // The content of SpecialPages should be presented in the
 2794+ // user's language. Content of regular pages should not be touched.
 2795+ if( $this->mTitle->isSpecialPage() ) {
 2796+ $specialPageAttributes = $attrs;
 2797+ }
 2798+ }
 2800+ return array( $attrs, $specialPageAttributes );
 2801+ }
 2803+ /**
 2804+ * Builds the array of interlanguage links for getInterlanguageLinksBox().
 2805+ * @return array
 2806+ */
 2807+ function fetchInterlanguageLinks() {
 2808+ global $wgHideInterlanguageLinks, $wgOut, $wgContLang;
 2810+ # Language links
 2811+ $language_urls = array();
 2813+ if ( !$wgHideInterlanguageLinks ) {
 2814+ foreach( $wgOut->getLanguageLinks() as $l ) {
 2815+ $tmp = explode( ':', $l, 2 );
 2816+ $class = 'interwiki-' . $tmp[0];
 2817+ unset( $tmp );
 2818+ $nt = Title::newFromText( $l );
 2819+ if ( $nt ) {
 2820+ $langName = $wgContLang->getLanguageName( $nt->getInterwiki() );
 2821+ $language_urls[] = array(
 2822+ 'href' => $nt->getFullURL(),
 2823+ 'text' => ( $langName != '' ? $langName : $l ),
 2824+ 'class' => $class
 2825+ );
 2826+ }
 2827+ }
 2828+ }
 2829+ return $language_urls;
 2830+ }
 2832+ /**
 2833+ * Renders links (permalink, What links here, etc.) for the toolbox.
 2834+ * @return HTML
 2835+ */
 2836+ function renderToolboxLinks() {
 2837+ global $wgOut;
 2839+ $navUrls = $this->buildNavUrls();
 2840+ $s = '';
 2842+ if( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) {
 2843+ $s .= '<li id="t-whatlinkshere">
 2844+ <a href="' .
 2845+ htmlspecialchars( $navUrls['whatlinkshere']['href'] ) .
 2846+ '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 't-whatlinkshere' ) . '>'
 2847+ . wfMsg( 'whatlinkshere' ) .
 2848+ '</a>
 2849+ </li>';
 2850+ if( $navUrls['recentchangeslinked'] ) {
 2851+ $s .= '<li id="t-recentchangeslinked">
 2852+ <a href="' .
 2853+ htmlspecialchars( $navUrls['recentchangeslinked']['href'] ) .
 2854+ '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 't-recentchangeslinked' ) . '>'
 2855+ . wfMsg( 'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' ) .
 2856+ '</a>
 2857+ </li>';
 2858+ }
 2859+ }
 2861+ if( isset( $navUrls['trackbacklink'] ) && $navUrls['trackbacklink'] ) {
 2862+ $s .= '<li id="t-trackbacklink"><a href="' .
 2863+ htmlspecialchars( $navUrls['trackbacklink']['href'] ) .
 2864+ '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 't-trackbacklink' ) . '>'
 2865+ . wfMsg( 'trackbacklink' ) .
 2866+ '</a>
 2867+ </li>';
 2868+ }
 2870+ if( $wgOut->isSyndicated() ) {
 2871+ $feeds = array();
 2872+ foreach( $wgOut->getSyndicationLinks() as $format => $link ) {
 2873+ $feeds[$format] = array(
 2874+ 'text' => wfMsg( "feed-$format" ),
 2875+ 'href' => $link
 2876+ );
 2877+ }
 2878+ if( $feeds ) {
 2879+ $s .= '<li id="feedlinks">';
 2880+ foreach( $feeds as $key => $feed ) {
 2881+ $s .= '<a id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( "feed-$key" ) .
 2882+ '" href="' . htmlspecialchars( $feed['href'] ) .
 2883+ '" rel="alternate" type="application/' . $key . '+xml"' .
 2884+ ' class="feedlink"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'feed-' . $key ) . '>' .
 2885+ htmlspecialchars( $feed['text'] ) . '</a>&nbsp;';
 2886+ }
 2887+ $s .= '</li>';
 2888+ }
 2889+ }
 2891+ $specials = array(
 2892+ 'contributions', 'log', 'blockip',
 2893+ 'emailuser', 'upload', 'specialpages'
 2894+ );
 2895+ foreach( $specials as $special ) {
 2896+ if( $navUrls[$special] ) {
 2897+ $s .= '<li id="t-' . $special . '">
 2898+ <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $navUrls[$special]['href'] ) .
 2899+ '"' . $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 't-' . $special ) . '>'
 2900+ . wfMsg( $special ) . '</a>
 2901+ </li>';
 2902+ }
 2903+ }
 2905+ if( !empty( $navUrls['print']['href'] ) ) {
 2906+ $s .= '<li id="t-print"><a href="' .
 2907+ htmlspecialchars( $navUrls['print']['href'] ) . '" rel="alternate"' .
 2908+ $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 't-print' ) . '>'
 2909+ . wfMsg( 'printableversion' ) . '</a>
 2910+ </li>';
 2911+ }
 2913+ if( !empty( $navUrls['permalink']['href'] ) ) {
 2914+ $s .= '<li id="t-permalink"><a href="' .
 2915+ htmlspecialchars( $navUrls['permalink']['href'] ) . '"' .
 2916+ $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( 't-permalink' ) . '>'
 2917+ . wfMsg( 'permalink' ) . '</a></li>';
 2918+ } elseif ( $navUrls['permalink']['href'] === '' ) {
 2919+ $s .= '<li id="t-ispermalink"' . $this->tooltip( 't-ispermalink' ) . '>'
 2920+ . wfMsg( 'permalink' ) .
 2921+ '</li>';
 2922+ }
 2924+ wfRunHooks( 'MonoBookTemplateToolboxEnd', array( $this, &$s ) );
 2925+ wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateToolboxEnd', array( $this, &$s ) ); // For backwards compatibility only.
 2927+ return $s;
 2928+ }
 2930+ /**
 2931+ * This function renders the toolbox.
 2932+ * @return HTML
 2933+ */
 2934+ function toolbox() {
 2935+ $s = '<div class="portlet" id="p-tb">
 2936+ <h5>' . wfMsg( 'toolbox' ) . '</h5>
 2937+ <div class="pBody">
 2938+ <ul>' . $this->renderToolboxLinks() .
 2939+ '</ul>
 2940+ </div>
 2941+ </div>';
 2942+ return $s;
 2943+ }
 2945+ /**
 2946+ * Prints a custom box (a box that is not the search box, toolbox or
 2947+ * interlanguage links box) for the sidebar.
 2948+ * @return HTML
 2949+ */
 2950+ function customBox( $bar, $cont ) {
 2951+ $out = wfMsg( $bar );
 2952+ if ( wfEmptyMsg( $bar, $out ) ) {
 2953+ $header = htmlspecialchars( $bar );
 2954+ } else {
 2955+ $header = htmlspecialchars( $out );
 2956+ }
 2957+ $s = '<div class="generated-sidebar portlet" id="' .
 2958+ Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$bar" ) . '"' .
 2959+ $this->tooltip( 'p-' . $bar ) . '>
 2960+ <h5>' . $header . '</h5>
 2961+ <div class="pBody">';
 2962+ if ( is_array( $cont ) ) {
 2963+ $s .= '<ul>';
 2964+ foreach( $cont as $key => $val ) {
 2965+ $s .= '<li id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( $val['id'] ) . '"';
 2966+ if ( $val['active'] ) {
 2967+ $s .= ' class="active"';
 2968+ }
 2969+ $s .= '><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $val['href'] ) . '"' .
 2970+ $this->tooltipAndAccesskey( $val['id'] ) . '>' .
 2971+ htmlspecialchars( $val['text'] ) .
 2972+ '</a>
 2973+ </li>';
 2974+ }
 2975+ $s .= '</ul>';
 2976+ } else {
 2977+ # allow raw HTML block to be defined by extensions
 2978+ $s .= $cont;
 2979+ }
 2980+ $s .= '</div>
 2981+ </div>';
 2982+ return $s;
 2983+ }
 2985+ /**
 2986+ * Gets the search box UI (most of it anyway).
 2987+ * Actual form is constructed by searchForm().
 2988+ * @return HTML
 2989+ */
 2990+ function searchBox() {
 2991+ $s = '<div id="p-search" class="portlet">
 2992+ <h5><label for="searchInput">' . wfMsg( 'search' ) . '</label></h5>
 2993+ <div id="searchBody" class="pBody">'
 2994+ . $this->searchForm() .
 2995+ '</div>
 2996+ </div>';
 2997+ return $s;
 2998+ }
 3000+ /**
 3001+ * Builds the sidebar, along with all the related boxes (search box,
 3002+ * interlanguage links box and toolbox).
 3003+ * @return HTML
 3004+ */
 3005+ function doSidebar() {
 3006+ $s = '';
 3007+ $sidebar = $this->buildSidebar();
 3008+ if ( !isset( $sidebar['SEARCH'] ) ) {
 3009+ $sidebar['SEARCH'] = true;
 3010+ }
 3011+ if ( !isset( $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] ) ) {
 3012+ $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] = true;
 3013+ }
 3014+ if ( !isset( $sidebar['LANGUAGES'] ) ) {
 3015+ $sidebar['LANGUAGES'] = true;
 3016+ }
 3017+ foreach ( $sidebar as $boxName => $cont ) {
 3018+ if ( $boxName == 'SEARCH' ) {
 3019+ $s .= $this->searchBox();
 3020+ } elseif ( $boxName == 'TOOLBOX' ) {
 3021+ $s .= $this->toolbox();
 3022+ } elseif ( $boxName == 'LANGUAGES' ) {
 3023+ $s .= $this->getInterlanguageLinksBox();
 3024+ } else {
 3025+ $s .= $this->customBox( $boxName, $cont );
 3026+ }
 3027+ }
 3028+ wfRunHooks( 'SkinAfterSidebar', array( $this, &$s ) );
 3029+ return $s;
 3030+ }
 3032+ /**
 3033+ * Renders the footer - powered by and copyright icons and other stuff.
 3034+ * @return HTML
 3035+ */
 3036+ function footer() {
 3037+ $attribs = $this->getAttributes();
 3038+ $s = "\n" . '<div id="footer"' . $attribs[0] . '>';
 3040+ if( $this->getPoweredBy() ) {
 3041+ $s .= "\n" . '<div id="f-poweredbyico">'
 3042+ . $this->getPoweredBy() .
 3043+ '</div>' . "\n";
 3044+ }
 3046+ if( $this->getCopyrightIcon() ) {
 3047+ $s .= '<div id="f-copyrightico">'
 3048+ . $this->getCopyrightIcon() .
 3049+ '</div>' . "\n";
 3050+ }
 3052+ // Generate additional footer links
 3053+ $s .= '<ul id="f-list">';
 3054+ // Special pages cannot have authors, watchers etc. so don't even try!
 3055+ global $wgRequest;
 3056+ $action = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action', 'view' );
 3057+ if ( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL && $action !== 'edit' ) {
 3058+ $s .= '<li id="lastmod">' . $this->lastModified() . '</li>
 3059+ <li id="viewcount">' . $this->getViewCount() . '</li>
 3060+ <li id="numberofwatchingusers">' . $this->getNumberOfWatchingUsers() . '</li>
 3061+ <li id="credits">' . $this->getCredits() . '</li>
 3062+ <li id="copyrights">' . $this->getCopyright() . '</li>' . "\n";
 3063+ }
 3064+ $s .= '<li id="privacy">' . $this->privacyLink() . '</li>
 3065+ <li id="about">' . $this->aboutLink() . '</li>
 3066+ <li id="disclaimer">' . $this->disclaimerLink() . '</li>
 3067+ </ul>' . "\n";
 3068+ $s .= '</div>' . "\n";
 3069+ return $s;
 3070+ }
 3072+ function getCredits() {
 3073+ global $wgArticle, $wgOut, $wgMaxCredits, $wgRequest, $wgShowCreditsIfMax;
 3075+ $s = '';
 3076+ $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' );
 3077+ $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );
 3079+ if (
 3080+ $wgOut->isArticle() && ( !isset( $oldid ) || isset( $diff ) ) &&
 3081+ $wgArticle && 0 != $wgArticle->getID()
 3082+ )
 3083+ {
 3084+ if( $wgMaxCredits != 0 ) {
 3085+ $s = ' ' . Credits::getCredits( $wgArticle, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax );
 3086+ }
 3087+ }
 3089+ return $s;
 3090+ }
 3092+ /**
 3093+ * If counters are enabled ($wgDisableCounters is NOT true), gets the
 3094+ * number of how many times this page has been viewed. Obviously works only
 3095+ * for existing content pages.
 3096+ * @return string
 3097+ */
 3098+ function getViewCount() {
 3099+ global $wgArticle, $wgOut, $wgRequest;
 3101+ $s = '';
 3102+ $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' );
 3103+ $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );
 3105+ if (
 3106+ $wgOut->isArticle() && ( !isset( $oldid ) || isset( $diff ) ) &&
 3107+ $wgArticle && 0 != $wgArticle->getID()
 3108+ )
 3109+ {
 3110+ global $wgDisableCounters, $wgLang;
 3111+ if ( !$wgDisableCounters ) {
 3112+ $viewcount = $wgLang->formatNum( $wgArticle->getCount() );
 3113+ if ( $viewcount ) {
 3114+ $s .= wfMsgExt( 'viewcount', array( 'parseinline' ), $viewcount );
 3115+ }
 3116+ }
 3117+ }
 3118+ return $s;
 3119+ }
 3121+ function getNumberOfWatchingUsers() {
 3122+ global $wgOut, $wgArticle, $wgRequest;
 3123+ $s = '';
 3125+ $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' );
 3126+ $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );
 3128+ if (
 3129+ $wgOut->isArticle() && ( !isset( $oldid ) || isset( $diff ) ) &&
 3130+ $wgArticle && 0 != $wgArticle->getID()
 3131+ )
 3132+ {
 3133+ global $wgPageShowWatchingUsers, $wgLang;
 3134+ if( $wgPageShowWatchingUsers ) {
 3135+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 3136+ $res = $dbr->select(
 3137+ 'watchlist',
 3138+ array( 'COUNT(*) AS n' ),
 3139+ array(
 3140+ 'wl_title' => $dbr->strencode( $this->mTitle->getDBkey() ),
 3141+ 'wl_namespace' => $this->mTitle->getNamespace()
 3142+ ),
 3143+ __METHOD__
 3144+ );
 3145+ $x = $dbr->fetchObject( $res );
 3146+ $numberofwatchingusers = $x->n;
 3147+ if( $numberofwatchingusers > 0 ) {
 3148+ $s .= wfMsgExt( 'number_of_watching_users_pageview', array( 'parseinline' ),
 3149+ $wgLang->formatNum( $numberofwatchingusers ) );
 3150+ }
 3151+ }
 3152+ }
 3153+ return $s;
 3154+ }
 3156+ /**
 3157+ * Gets the interlanguage links box.
 3158+ * @return HTML
 3159+ */
 3160+ function getInterlanguageLinksBox() {
 3161+ return '';
 3162+ }
 3164+ /**
 3165+ * Gets content action tabs (edit, move, history, watch...).
 3166+ * @return HTML
 3167+ */
 3168+ function getContentActions() {
 3169+ return '';
 3170+ }
 3172+ /**
 3173+ * Builds personal tools (links to own user/talk pages, contribs, etc.)
 3174+ * @return HTML
 3175+ */
 3176+ function getPersonalTools() {
 3177+ return '';
 3178+ }
 3180+ /**
 3181+ * Gets the logo portlet.
 3182+ * @return HTML
 3183+ */
 3184+ function getLogoPortlet() {
 3185+ return '';
 3186+ }
21663188 }

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r94682remove SkinSystemRewrite branch; reverts r62306, r62772 and r62828ashley19:49, 16 August 2011

Status & tagging log