r80889 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r80888‎ | r80889 | r80890 >
Date:17:55, 24 January 2011
* Added useful LDAP scripts
* Added LDAP schema files for puppet, openssh-lpk, and nova in openldap and sun formats
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/openldap (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/openldap/nova_openldap.schema (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/openldap/openssh-lpk_openldap.schema (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/openldap/puppet_openldap.schema (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/sun (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/sun/nova_sun.ldif (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/sun/openssh-lpk_sun.ldif (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/sun/puppet_sun.ldif (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/add-ldap-group (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/add-ldap-user (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/change-ldap-passwd (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/delete-ldap-group (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/delete-ldap-user (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/homedirectorymanager.py (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/ldaplist (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/ldapsupportlib.py (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/modify-ldap-group (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/modify-ldap-user (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/netgroup-mod (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/homedirectorymanager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
 3+import sys, traceback, os, datetime, ldapsupportlib, shutil, pwd, re, pycurl
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 5+from cStringIO import StringIO
 8+ import ldap
 9+ import ldap.modlist
 10+except ImportError:
 11+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 12+ sys.exit(1)
 14+class HomeDirectoryManager:
 16+ def __init__(self):
 17+ ###################################################
 18+ # Configuration options #
 19+ ###################################################
 21+ # Change this if we change the home directory location!
 22+ self.basedir = '/home/'
 24+ # Directory to move deleted user's home directories
 25+ self.savedir = self.basedir + 'SAVE/'
 27+ # Add to this array if we add LDAP accounts that shouldn't
 28+ # have NFS mounted home directories.
 29+ self.excludedFromCreation = []
 31+ # Add to this array if we add directories that don't have
 32+ # LDAP accounts associated with them
 33+ self.excludedFromModification = ['lost+found', 'SAVE', 'svn-private']
 35+ # Skeleton files to add to the user's home directory
 36+ self.skelFiles = {}
 37+ self.skelFiles['/etc/skel/'] = ['.bashrc', '.profile', '.bash_logout']
 39+ self.dryRun = False
 40+ self.debugStatus = False
 42+ os.system('nscd -i passwd')
 43+ os.system('nscd -i group')
 45+ def run(self):
 46+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 47+ parser.set_usage("homedirectorymanager.py [options]\n\nexample: homedirectorymanager.py --dry-run")
 49+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 50+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser)
 52+ parser.add_option("--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dryRun", help="Show what would be done, but don't actually do anything")
 53+ parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debugStatus", help="Run in debug mode (you likely want to use --dry-run with this)")
 54+ (self.options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 56+ self.dryRun = self.options.dryRun
 57+ self.debugStatus = self.options.debugStatus
 59+ # use proxy agent by default
 60+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(self.options, parser)
 62+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 64+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 65+ self.logDebug("Connected")
 67+ # w00t We're in!
 68+ try:
 69+ # get all user's uids
 70+ UsersData = ldapSupportLib.getUsers(ds, '*')
 71+ self.logDebug("Pulled the user information")
 73+ # We are going to use a dictionary (associative array) as a hash bucket (keys pointing to dictionaries)
 74+ # for the AllUsers data structure.
 75+ # The data structure will look like this:
 76+ # {"<uid>": {"uidNumber": <uidNumber>, "gidNumber": <gidNumber>, "sshPublicKey": ['key1', 'key2']},
 77+ # "<uid>": {"uidNumber": <uidNumber>, "gidNumber": <gidNumber>, "sshPublicKey": ['key1', 'key2']}}
 78+ AllUsers = {}
 79+ for user in UsersData:
 80+ uid = user[1]['uid'][0]
 81+ # uidNumber and gidNumber come back from LDAP as strings, we need ints here.
 82+ uidNumber = int(user[1]['uidNumber'][0])
 83+ gidNumber = int(user[1]['gidNumber'][0])
 84+ sshPublicKey = user[1]['sshPublicKey']
 86+ AllUsers[uid] = {}
 87+ AllUsers[uid]["uidNumber"] = uidNumber
 88+ AllUsers[uid]["gidNumber"] = gidNumber
 89+ AllUsers[uid]["sshPublicKey"] = sshPublicKey
 91+ self.changeGid(AllUsers)
 92+ self.changeUid(AllUsers)
 93+ self.moveUsers(AllUsers)
 94+ self.createHomeDir(AllUsers)
 96+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 97+ sys.stderr.write("The search returned an error. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 98+ ds.unbind()
 99+ sys.exit(1)
 100+ except Exception:
 101+ try:
 102+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, please contact an administrator via the helpdesk. Please include the following stack trace with your report:\n")
 103+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 104+ ds.unbind()
 105+ except Exception:
 106+ pass
 107+ sys.exit(1)
 109+ ds.unbind()
 110+ sys.exit(0)
 112+ # Creates home directories for new users. Will not create home directories
 113+ # for users that already have a directory in SAVE
 114+ def createHomeDir(self, users):
 115+ alreadyCreated = []
 117+ for user in users.keys():
 118+ if user not in self.excludedFromCreation:
 119+ if os.path.exists(self.savedir + user):
 120+ # User's home directory already exists
 121+ alreadyCreated.append(user)
 122+ continue
 123+ if not os.path.exists(self.basedir + user):
 124+ self.log( "Creating a home directory for %s at %s%s" % (user, self.basedir, user) )
 125+ if not self.dryRun:
 126+ os.mkdir(self.basedir + user, 0700)
 127+ os.mkdir(self.basedir + user + '/.ssh', 0700)
 128+ self.writeKeys(user, users[user]['sshPublicKey'])
 129+ os.chmod(self.basedir + user + '/.ssh/authorized_keys', 0600)
 130+ for skeldir,skels in self.skelFiles.iteritems():
 131+ for skel in skels:
 132+ shutil.copy(skeldir + skel, self.basedir + user + "/")
 133+ os.chmod(self.basedir + user + "/" + skel, 0600)
 134+ newGid = users[user]['gidNumber']
 135+ newUid = users[user]['uidNumber']
 136+ os.chown(self.basedir + user, newUid, newGid)
 137+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.basedir + user):
 138+ for name in files:
 139+ os.chown(os.path.join(root, name), newUid, newGid)
 140+ for name in dirs:
 141+ os.chown(os.path.join(root, name), newUid, newGid)
 143+ if alreadyCreated != []:
 144+ self.log( "The following users already have a home directory in the SAVE directory: " + ", ".join(alreadyCreated) )
 146+ def fetchKeys(self, location):
 147+ keys = []
 148+ if re.match('^http', location):
 149+ buffer = StringIO()
 150+ c = pycurl.Curl()
 151+ c.setopt(c.URL, location)
 152+ c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, buffer.write)
 153+ c.perform()
 154+ c.close()
 155+ raw_keys = buffer.getvalue()
 156+ else:
 157+ file = open(location, 'r')
 158+ raw_keys = file.readlines()
 159+ for raw_key in raw_keys:
 160+ if (re.match('^$', raw_key) or re.match('^#', raw_key)):
 161+ continue
 162+ keys.append(raw_key)
 163+ return self.uniqueKeys(keys)
 165+ def uniqueKeys(self, keys):
 166+ uniqueKeys = []
 167+ [uniqueKeys.append(i) for i in keys if not uniqueKeys.count(i)]
 169+ return uniqueKeys
 171+ # Write a list of keys to the user's authorized_keys file
 172+ def writeKeys(self, user, keys):
 173+ f = open(self.basedir + user + '/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'w')
 174+ f.writelines(keys)
 175+ f.close()
 177+ # Moved deleted users to SAVE
 178+ def moveUsers(self, users):
 179+ for userdir in os.listdir(self.basedir):
 180+ if os.path.isdir(self.basedir + userdir) and userdir not in self.excludedFromModification:
 181+ try:
 182+ stat = os.stat(self.basedir + userdir)
 183+ uidNumber = stat.st_uid
 184+ # index 0 of getpwuid's return tuple is pw_name
 185+ uid = pwd.getpwuid(uidNumber)[0]
 186+ if userdir != uid:
 187+ # User name has changed, rename the home directory
 188+ self.renameUser(userdir, uid)
 189+ continue
 190+ except KeyError:
 191+ pass
 192+ if userdir not in users.keys():
 193+ try:
 194+ # Ensure the user isn't local
 195+ checkexist = pwd.getpwnam(userdir)[0]
 196+ except KeyError:
 197+ self.deleteUser(userdir)
 199+ def renameUser(self, olduserdir, newuserdir):
 200+ self.log( "Moving " + self.basedir + olduserdir + " to " + self.basedir + newuserdir )
 201+ if not self.dryRun:
 202+ os.rename(self.basedir + olduserdir, self.basedir + newuserdir)
 204+ def deleteUser(self, userdir):
 205+ # User has been deleted, move user's home directory to SAVE
 206+ if os.path.isdir(self.savedir + userdir):
 207+ self.log( userdir + " exists at both " + self.basedir + userdir + " and " + self.savedir + userdir )
 208+ else:
 209+ self.log( "Moving " + self.basedir + userdir + " to " + self.savedir + userdir )
 210+ if not self.dryRun:
 211+ os.rename(self.basedir + userdir, self.savedir + userdir)
 213+ # Changes the group ownership of a directory when a user's gid changes
 214+ def changeGid(self, users):
 215+ for userdir in os.listdir(self.basedir):
 216+ if os.path.isdir(self.basedir + userdir) and userdir not in self.excludedFromModification:
 217+ stat = os.stat(self.basedir + userdir)
 218+ gid = stat.st_gid
 219+ if userdir in users.keys() and users[userdir]["gidNumber"] != gid:
 220+ newGid = users[userdir]["gidNumber"]
 221+ self.log( "Changing group ownership of %s%s to %s; was set to %s" % (self.basedir, userdir, newGid, gid) )
 222+ if not self.dryRun:
 223+ # Python doesn't have a recursive chown, so we have to walk the directory
 224+ # and change everything manually
 225+ self.logDebug("Doing chgrp for: " + self.basedir + userdir + " with gid: " + str(gid))
 226+ os.chown(self.basedir + userdir, -1, newGid)
 227+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.basedir + userdir):
 228+ for name in files:
 229+ os.chown(os.path.join(root, name), -1, newGid)
 230+ for name in dirs:
 231+ os.chown(os.path.join(root, name), -1, newGid)
 233+ # Changes the ownership of a directory when a user's uid changes
 234+ def changeUid(self, users):
 235+ for userdir in os.listdir(self.basedir):
 236+ if os.path.isdir(self.basedir + userdir) and userdir not in self.excludedFromModification:
 237+ stat = os.stat(self.basedir + userdir)
 238+ uid = stat.st_uid
 239+ if userdir in users.keys() and users[userdir]["uidNumber"] != uid:
 240+ newUid = users[userdir]["uidNumber"]
 241+ self.log( "Changing ownership of %s%s to %s; was set to %s" % (self.basedir, userdir, newUid, uid) )
 242+ if not self.dryRun:
 243+ # Python doesn't have a recursive chown, so we have to walk the directory
 244+ # and change everything manually
 245+ os.chown(self.basedir + userdir, newUid, -1)
 246+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.basedir + userdir):
 247+ for name in files:
 248+ os.chown(os.path.join(root, name), newUid, -1)
 249+ for name in dirs:
 250+ os.chown(os.path.join(root, name), newUid, -1)
 252+ def log(self, logstring):
 253+ print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S - ") + logstring
 255+ def logDebug(self, logstring):
 256+ if self.debugStatus == True:
 257+ sys.stderr.write("Debug: " + logstring + "\n")
 259+def main():
 260+ homeDirectoryManager = HomeDirectoryManager()
 261+ homeDirectoryManager.run()
 263+if __name__ == "__main__":
 264+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/homedirectorymanager.py
Added: svn:eol-style
1265 + native
Added: svn:executable
2266 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/modify-ldap-group
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
 3+import sys, pwd, grp, traceback, getpass, ldapsupportlib, copy
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 11+ sys.exit(1)
 13+def main():
 14+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 15+ parser.set_usage('modify-ldap-group [options] <groupname> [--rename <newusergroup>]\nexample: modify-ldap-group --gid=501 wikidev')
 17+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 18+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 20+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 21+ parser.add_option("--gid", action="store", dest="gidNumber", help="Set the group's gid")
 22+ parser.add_option("--rename", action="store_true", dest="rename", help="Rename the user")
 23+ parser.add_option("--addmembers", action="store", dest="addMembers", help="Add a comma separated list of users to this group")
 24+ parser.add_option("--deletemembers", action="store", dest="deleteMembers", help="Delete a comma separated list of users from this")
 25+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 27+ if len(args) != 1:
 28+ if options.rename and len(args) != 2:
 29+ parser.error("modify-ldap-group expects exactly two arguments when using rename.")
 30+ elif not options.rename:
 31+ parser.error("modify-ldap-group expects exactly one argument, unless using --rename.")
 33+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 35+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 37+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 39+ # w00t We're in!
 40+ try:
 41+ groupname = args[0]
 42+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=group," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=" + groupname + "))")
 43+ if not PosixData:
 44+ raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT()
 45+ dn = PosixData[0][0]
 47+ if options.rename:
 48+ newgroupname = args[1]
 50+ # Rename the entry
 51+ newrdn = 'cn=' + newgroupname
 52+ ds.rename_s(dn, newrdn)
 53+ else:
 54+ PosixData = PosixData[0][1]
 55+ NewPosixData = copy.deepcopy(PosixData)
 56+ if options.gidNumber:
 57+ try:
 58+ groupcheck = grp.getgrgid(options.gidNumber)
 59+ raise ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS()
 60+ except KeyError:
 61+ NewPosixData['gidNumber'] = options.gidNumber
 62+ if options.addMembers:
 63+ raw_members = options.addMembers.split(',')
 64+ for raw_member in raw_members:
 65+ try:
 66+ # Ensure the user exists
 67+ # TODO: make this use LDAP calls instead of getent
 68+ checkuid = pwd.getpwnam(raw_member)
 70+ membertoadd = 'uid=' + raw_member + ',ou=people,' + base
 71+ # uniqueMember expects DNs
 72+ if 'uniqueMember' in NewPosixData.keys():
 73+ if membertoadd in NewPosixData['uniqueMember']:
 74+ sys.stderr.write(raw_member + " is already a member of the group, skipping.\n")
 75+ else:
 76+ NewPosixData['uniqueMember'].append(membertoadd)
 77+ else:
 78+ NewPosixData['uniqueMember'] = [ membertoadd ]
 79+ except KeyError:
 80+ sys.stderr.write(raw_member + " doesn't exist, and won't be added to the group.\n")
 81+ elif options.deleteMembers:
 82+ raw_members = options.deleteMembers.split(',')
 83+ for raw_member in raw_members:
 84+ membertoremove = 'uid=' + raw_member + ',ou=people,' + base
 85+ if 'uniqueMember' in NewPosixData.keys():
 86+ if membertoremove in NewPosixData['uniqueMember']:
 87+ NewPosixData['uniqueMember'].remove(membertoremove)
 88+ else:
 89+ sys.stderr.write(raw_member + " isn't a member of the group, skipping.\n")
 90+ else:
 91+ sys.stderr.write("This group contains no members.\n")
 93+ if PosixData == NewPosixData:
 94+ sys.stderr.write("No changes to make; exiting.\n")
 95+ else:
 96+ modlist = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(PosixData,NewPosixData)
 97+ ds.modify_s(dn, modlist)
 98+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 99+ sys.stderr.write("LDAP was unwilling to modify the group. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 100+ ds.unbind()
 101+ sys.exit(1)
 102+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 103+ sys.stderr.write("The group you are trying to modify doesn't exist.\n")
 104+ ds.unbind()
 105+ sys.exit(1)
 106+ except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
 107+ sys.stderr.write("The gid given already exists.\n")
 108+ ds.unbind()
 109+ sys.exit(1)
 110+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 111+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 112+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 113+ ds.unbind()
 114+ sys.exit(1)
 115+ except Exception:
 116+ try:
 117+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 118+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 119+ ds.unbind()
 120+ except Exception:
 121+ sys.stderr.write("Also failed to unbind.\n")
 122+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 123+ sys.exit(1)
 125+ ds.unbind()
 126+ sys.exit(0)
 128+if __name__ == "__main__":
 129+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/modify-ldap-group
Added: svn:executable
1130 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/add-ldap-group
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
 3+import sys, grp, pwd, traceback, getpass, re, ldapsupportlib
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 11+ sys.exit(1)
 13+def main():
 14+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 15+ parser.set_usage('add-ldap-group [options] <groupname>\nexample: add-ldap-group wikidev')
 17+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 18+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 20+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 21+ parser.add_option("--gid", action="store", dest="gidNumber", help="The group's gid (default: next available gid)")
 22+ parser.add_option("--members", action="store", dest="members", help="A comma separated list of group members to add to this group")
 23+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 25+ if len(args) != 1:
 26+ parser.error("add-ldap-group expects exactly one argument.")
 28+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 30+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 32+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 34+ # w00t We're in!
 35+ try:
 36+ groupname = args[0]
 38+ dn = 'cn=' + groupname + ',ou=group,' + base
 39+ cn = groupname
 40+ objectClasses = ['posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames', 'top']
 41+ if options.gidNumber:
 42+ try:
 43+ groupcheck = grp.getgrgid(options.gidNumber)
 44+ raise ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS()
 45+ except KeyError:
 46+ gidNumber = options.gidNumber
 47+ else:
 48+ # Find the next gid
 49+ # TODO: make this use LDAP calls instead of getent
 50+ gids = []
 51+ for group in grp.getgrall():
 52+ tmpgid = group[2]
 53+ if tmpgid < 50000:
 54+ gids.append(group[2])
 55+ gids.sort()
 56+ gidNumber = gids.pop()
 57+ gidNumber = str(gidNumber + 1)
 59+ members = []
 60+ if options.members:
 61+ raw_members = options.members.split(',')
 62+ for raw_member in raw_members:
 63+ try:
 64+ # Ensure the user exists
 65+ # TODO: make this use LDAP calls instead of getent
 66+ checkuid = pwd.getpwnam(raw_member)
 68+ # uniqueMember expects DNs
 69+ members.append('uid=' + raw_member + ',ou=people,' + base)
 70+ except KeyError:
 71+ sys.stderr.write(raw_member + " doesn't exist, and won't be added to the group.\n")
 73+ groupEntry = {}
 74+ groupEntry['objectclass'] = objectClasses
 75+ groupEntry['gidNumber'] = gidNumber
 76+ groupEntry['cn'] = cn
 77+ if members:
 78+ groupEntry['uniqueMember'] = members
 80+ modlist = ldap.modlist.addModlist(groupEntry)
 81+ ds.add_s(dn, modlist)
 82+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 83+ sys.stderr.write("LDAP was unwilling to create the group. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 84+ ds.unbind()
 85+ sys.exit(1)
 86+ except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
 87+ sys.stderr.write("The group or gid you are trying to add already exists.\n")
 88+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 89+ ds.unbind()
 90+ sys.exit(1)
 91+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 92+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 93+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 94+ ds.unbind()
 95+ sys.exit(1)
 96+ except Exception:
 97+ try:
 98+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 99+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 100+ ds.unbind()
 101+ except Exception:
 102+ sys.stderr.write("Also failed to unbind.\n")
 103+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 104+ sys.exit(1)
 106+ ds.unbind()
 107+ sys.exit(0)
 109+if __name__ == "__main__":
 110+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/add-ldap-group
Added: svn:executable
1111 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/netgroup-mod
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
 3+import sys, os, getpass, socket, copy, string, ldapsupportlib, traceback
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 11+ sys.exit(1)
 13+def main():
 14+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 15+ parser.set_usage('netgroup-mod [options] netgroup-name [host|-u user] [-f|--file filename]\n\nexample: netgroup-mod "test-ng" "fenari.wikimedia.org"\nexample: netgroup-mod "test-ng" -f test.file')
 17+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 18+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 20+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 21+ parser.add_option("-u", "--user", action="store_true", dest="user", help="Modify a user netgroup instead of a host netgroup.")
 22+ parser.add_option("--add", action="store_true", dest="addentry", help="Add new netgroup")
 23+ parser.add_option("--delete", action="store_true", dest="deleteentry", help="Delete a netgroup")
 24+ parser.add_option("-h", action="store_true", dest="hosts", help="Show available hosts")
 25+ parser.add_option("-n", action="store_true", dest="netgroups", help="Show available netgroups (notice you may not be able to add hosts to some netgroups shown). This option will show all available netgroups unless the additional non-exclusive flags are used.")
 26+ parser.add_option("--showhost", action="store_true", dest="showhost", help="Show ou=host netgroups (used with -n)")
 27+ parser.add_option("--showshare", action="store_true", dest="showshares", help="Show ou=shares netgroups (used with -n)")
 28+ parser.add_option("--showuser", action="store_true", dest="showuser", help="Show ou=user netgroups (used with -n)")
 29+ parser.add_option("-d", action="store_true", dest="delete", help="Remove provided host/user from provided netgroup")
 30+ parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", help="Add hosts provided from the following file. The file should have one IP address or hostname per line. IP addresses that are not in DNS will be ignored (you will be informed though).", metavar="FILE")
 31+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 33+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 35+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 37+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 39+ # w00t We're in!
 40+ try:
 41+ if options.hosts:
 42+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=hosts," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=iphost)(cn=*))")
 43+ elif options.netgroups:
 44+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=netgroup," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=nisnetgroup)(cn=*))")
 45+ elif options.addentry:
 46+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=netgroup," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=nisNetGroup)(cn=" + args[0] + "))")
 47+ if PosixData:
 48+ sys.stderr.write("The entry you wish to add already exists.\n")
 49+ sys.exit(1)
 50+ if not PosixData and options.addentry:
 51+ nametoadd = args[1]
 52+ if options.user:
 53+ formattednametoadd = "(," + nametoadd + ",)"
 54+ else:
 55+ nametocheck = nametoadd
 56+ nametoadd = socket.gethostbyaddr(nametocheck)[0]
 57+ formattednametoadd = "(" + nametoadd + ",,)"
 58+ netgrouplist = []
 59+ if options.file:
 60+ infofromfile(netgrouplist, "add", options.file, netgrouptype, PosixCheckData)
 61+ else:
 62+ netgrouplist.append(formattednametoadd)
 63+ NewPosixData = {}
 64+ NewPosixData['objectclass'] = ['top', 'nisnetgroup']
 65+ NewPosixData['nisnetgrouptriple'] = netgrouplist
 66+ mods = ldap.modlist.addModlist(NewPosixData)
 67+ ds.add_s('cn=' + args[0] + ",ou=netgroup," + base, mods)
 68+ print "The netgroup was successfully added."
 69+ sys.exit(0)
 70+ elif options.deleteentry:
 71+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=netgroup," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=nisNetGroup)(cn=" + args[0] + "))")
 72+ if not PosixData:
 73+ sys.stderr.write("The entry you wish to delete doesn't exist.\n")
 74+ sys.exit(1)
 75+ else:
 76+ dn = PosixData[0][0]
 77+ verification = raw_input("Are you sure you wish to delete the following entry: " + dn + "? [y/N] ")
 78+ if verification == "y" or verification == "Y":
 79+ try:
 80+ ds.delete_s(dn)
 81+ print "The netgroup was successfully deleted.\n"
 82+ except Exception:
 83+ sys.stderr.write("There was an error while trying to delete the netgroup; see traceback\n")
 84+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 85+ sys.exit(1)
 86+ sys.exit(0)
 87+ else:
 88+ print "Cancelling deletion\n"
 89+ sys.exit()
 90+ else:
 91+ try:
 92+ if options.user:
 93+ netgrouptype = "user"
 94+ else:
 95+ netgrouptype = "host"
 96+ if not options.file:
 97+ nametoadd = args[1]
 98+ if options.user:
 99+ formattednametoadd = "(," + nametoadd + ",)"
 100+ else:
 101+ nametocheck = nametoadd
 102+ nametoadd = socket.gethostbyaddr(nametocheck)[0]
 103+ formattednametoadd = "(" + nametoadd + ",,)"
 105+ netgrouptomod = args[0]
 106+ try:
 107+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=netgroup," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=nisNetGroup)(cn=" + netgrouptomod + "))")
 108+ except Exception:
 109+ sys.stderr.write("There was an error while searching for the netgroup; see traceback\n")
 110+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 111+ ds.unbind()
 112+ sys.exit(1)
 113+ if options.user:
 114+ PosixCheckData = ds.search_s("ou=people," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=posixaccount)(uid=*))")
 115+ else:
 116+ PosixCheckData = ds.search_s("ou=hosts," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=iphost)(cn=*))")
 118+ NewPosixData = copy.deepcopy(PosixData)
 119+ if NewPosixData[0][1].has_key('nisNetgroupTriple'):
 120+ if options.delete:
 121+ if options.file:
 122+ infofromfile(NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'], "delete", options.file, netgrouptype, PosixCheckData)
 123+ elif "(" + nametoadd + ",,)" in NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple']:
 124+ NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'].remove(formattednametoadd)
 125+ else:
 126+ if options.file:
 127+ infofromfile(NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'], "add", options.file, netgrouptype, PosixCheckData)
 128+ else:
 129+ NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'].append(formattednametoadd)
 130+ else:
 131+ if not options.delete:
 132+ if options.file:
 133+ NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'] = []
 134+ infofromfile(NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'], "add", options.file, netgrouptype, PosixCheckData)
 135+ else:
 136+ NewPosixData[0][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'] = [formattednametoadd]
 138+ if PosixData == NewPosixData:
 139+ if options.delete:
 140+ sys.stderr.write("The host/user(s) you are trying to remove are not in the netgroup provided.\n")
 141+ ds.unbind()
 142+ sys.exit(1)
 143+ else:
 144+ sys.stderr.write("The host/user(s) you are trying to add are already in the netgroup provided.\n")
 145+ ds.unbind()
 146+ sys.exit(1)
 148+ netgroupdn = PosixData[0][0]
 149+ modlist = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(PosixData[0][1], NewPosixData[0][1])
 150+ ds.modify_s(netgroupdn, modlist)
 151+ except socket.herror:
 152+ sys.stderr.write("This IP address isn't in DNS, please have it added, then try again.\n")
 153+ ds.unbind()
 154+ sys.exit(1)
 155+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 156+ sys.stderr.write("The search returned an error. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 157+ ds.unbind()
 158+ sys.exit(1)
 159+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 160+ sys.stderr.write("The netgroup provided cannot be found, please try again.\n")
 161+ ds.unbind()
 162+ sys.exit(1)
 163+ except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
 164+ sys.stderr.write("The host/user you are trying to add is already in the netgroup you provided.\n")
 165+ ds.unbind()
 166+ sys.exit(1)
 167+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 168+ if options.delete:
 169+ sys.stderr.write("The host/user you are trying to remove is not in the netgroup you provided.\n")
 170+ else:
 171+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error, please contact an administrator via the helpdesk.\n")
 172+ ds.unbind()
 173+ sys.exit(1)
 174+ #except Exception:
 175+ # try:
 176+ # ds.unbind()
 177+ # sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, please contact an administrator via the helpdesk.\n")
 178+ # except Exception:
 179+ # pass
 180+ # sys.exit(1)
 182+ # /End of stolen stuff
 184+ # PosixData is a list of lists where:
 185+ # index 0 of PosixData[N]: contains the distinquished name
 186+ # index 1 of PosixData[N]: contains a dictionary of lists hashed by the following keys:
 187+ # telephoneNumber, departmentNumber, uid, objectClass, loginShell,
 188+ # uidNumber, gidNumber, sn, homeDirectory, givenName, cn
 190+ if options.hosts or options.netgroups:
 191+ for i in range(len(PosixData)):
 192+ if options.hosts:
 193+ print "hostname: " + PosixData[i][1]["cn"][0]
 194+ print " IP: " + PosixData[i][1]["ipHostNumber"][0]
 195+ elif options.netgroups:
 196+ if not (options.showhost or options.showshares or options.showuser):
 197+ print "Netgroup Name: " + PosixData[i][1]["cn"][0]
 198+ else:
 199+ if options.showhost:
 200+ if "ou=host" in PosixData[i][0]:
 201+ print "Netgroup Name: " + PosixData[i][1]["cn"][0]
 202+ if options.showshares:
 203+ if "ou=shares" in PosixData[i][0]:
 204+ print "Netgroup Name: " + PosixData[i][1]["cn"][0]
 205+ if options.showuser:
 206+ if "ou=user" in PosixData[i][0]:
 207+ print "Netgroup Name: " + PosixData[i][1]["cn"][0]
 208+ else:
 209+ if options.user:
 210+ netgrouptype = "user"
 211+ else:
 212+ netgrouptype = "host"
 213+ if options.delete:
 214+ print "The " + netgrouptype + "(s) were successfully removed."
 215+ else:
 216+ print "The " + netgrouptype + "(s) were successfully added."
 218+ ds.unbind()
 219+ sys.exit(0)
 221+def checkargs(options, args):
 222+ if (len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 2):
 223+ if options.file and len(args) == 1:
 224+ return
 225+ sys.stderr.write("Invalid syntax, please see \"netgroup-mod --help\"\n")
 226+ sys.exit(1)
 228+def infofromfile(list, changetype, file, netgrouptype, PosixCheckData):
 229+ f = open(file)
 230+ for line in f:
 231+ try:
 232+ line = string.strip(line)
 233+ if netgrouptype == "user":
 234+ nametoadd = "(," + line + ",)"
 235+ else:
 236+ # netgrouptype is "host"
 237+ nametoadd1 = socket.gethostbyaddr(line)[0]
 238+ nametoadd = "(" + nametoadd1 + ",,)"
 239+ if changetype == "delete" and nametoadd in list:
 240+ list.remove(nametoadd)
 241+ elif changetype == "add" and nametoadd not in list:
 242+ if netgrouptype == "user":
 243+ if checkuserinldap(line, PosixCheckData):
 244+ list.append(nametoadd)
 245+ else:
 246+ continue
 247+ else:
 248+ # netgrouptype is "host"
 249+ if checkhostinldap(line, nametoadd1, PosixCheckData):
 250+ list.append(nametoadd)
 251+ else:
 252+ continue
 253+ else:
 254+ if changetype == "delete":
 255+ sys.stderr.write(line + " is not in the netgroup provided.\n")
 256+ else:
 257+ sys.stderr.write(line + " is already in the netgroup provided.\n")
 258+ except socket.herror:
 259+ sys.stderr.write(line + " isn't in DNS, please have it added, then try again.\n")
 260+ except socket.gaierror:
 261+ sys.stderr.write(line + " isn't in DNS, please have it added, then try again.\n")
 263+def checkuserinldap(user, PosixCheckData):
 264+ for i in range(len(PosixCheckData)):
 265+ if string.lower(PosixCheckData[i][1]['uid'][0]) == string.lower(user):
 266+ return True
 267+ # We just looped through all the users in LDAP. The user doesn't exist.
 268+ sys.stderr.write(user + " cannot be found in LDAP.\n")
 269+ return False
 271+def checkhostinldap(host, hostfromdns, PosixCheckData):
 272+ for i in range(len(PosixCheckData)):
 273+ if string.lower(PosixCheckData[i][1]['cn'][0]) == string.lower(hostfromdns):
 274+ return True
 275+ elif string.lower(PosixCheckData[i][1]['cn'][0]) == string.lower(host):
 276+ sys.stderr.write(host + " matches an entry in LDAP; however, the DNS entry is different than the LDAP entry, please put in a ripken ticket (skipping)\n")
 277+ return False
 278+ elif string.lower(PosixCheckData[i][1]['ipHostNumber'][0]) == string.lower(host):
 279+ sys.stderr.write(host + " matches an IP address in LDAP; however, the LDAP entry and the DNS entry are in conflict, please put in a ripken ticket (skipping)\n")
 280+ return False
 281+ # We just looped through all the hosts in LDAP. The host doesn't exist.
 282+ # Since we are only checking to make sure there aren't LDAP/DNS
 283+ # conflicts, this is ok.
 284+ return True
 286+if __name__ == "__main__":
 287+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/netgroup-mod
Added: svn:executable
1288 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/modify-ldap-user
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
 3+import sys, pwd, traceback, getpass, re, ldapsupportlib, pycurl, copy, homedirectorymanager
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 11+ sys.exit(1)
 13+def main():
 14+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 15+ parser.set_usage('modify-ldap-user [options] <username> [--rename <newusername>]\nexample: modify-ldap-user --replacekeys=http://ryandlane.com/static/pubkey.key laner')
 17+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 18+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 20+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 21+ parser.add_option("--shell", action="store", dest="loginShell", help="Set the user's shell")
 22+ parser.add_option("--gid", action="store", dest="gidNumber", help="Set the user's gid")
 23+ parser.add_option("--uid", action="store", dest="uidNumber", help="Set the user's uid")
 24+ parser.add_option("--cn", action="store", dest="cn", help="Set the user's CN")
 25+ parser.add_option("--firstname", action="store", dest="givenName", help="Set the user's first name")
 26+ parser.add_option("--lastname", action="store", dest="sn", help="Set the user's last name")
 27+ parser.add_option("--replacekeys", action="store", dest="replaceKeyLocation", help="Replaces all of the user's keys")
 28+ parser.add_option("--addkeys", action="store", dest="addKeyLocation", help="Adds keys to the user's entry")
 29+ parser.add_option("--rename", action="store_true", dest="rename", help="Rename the user")
 30+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 32+ if len(args) != 1:
 33+ if options.rename and len(args) != 2:
 34+ parser.error("modify-ldap-user expects exactly two arguments when using rename.")
 35+ elif not options.rename:
 36+ parser.error("modify-ldap-user expects exactly one argument, unless using --rename.")
 38+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 40+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 42+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 44+ # w00t We're in!
 45+ try:
 46+ username = args[0]
 47+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=people," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=" + username + "))")
 48+ if not PosixData:
 49+ raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT()
 50+ dn = PosixData[0][0]
 51+ hdm = homedirectorymanager.HomeDirectoryManager()
 53+ if options.rename:
 54+ newusername = args[1]
 56+ # Rename the entry
 57+ newrdn = 'uid=' + newusername
 58+ ds.rename_s(dn, newrdn)
 60+ # Fix the user's home directory
 61+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=people," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=" + newusername + "))")
 62+ dn = PosixData[0][0]
 63+ PosixData = PosixData[0][1]
 64+ NewPosixData = copy.deepcopy(PosixData)
 65+ NewPosixData['homeDirectory'] = '/home/' + newusername
 66+ modlist = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(PosixData,NewPosixData)
 67+ ds.modify_s(dn, modlist)
 69+ # Update the home directory
 70+ hdm.moveUser(username, newusername)
 71+ else:
 72+ PosixData = PosixData[0][1]
 73+ NewPosixData = copy.deepcopy(PosixData)
 74+ if options.replaceKeyLocation:
 75+ keys = hdm.fetchKeys(options.replaceKeyLocation)
 76+ NewPosixData['sshPublicKey'] = keys
 77+ if options.addKeyLocation:
 78+ keys = hdm.fetchKeys(options.addKeyLocation)
 79+ NewPosixData['sshPublicKey'].extend(keys)
 80+ NewPosixData['sshPublicKey'] = hdm.uniqueKeys(NewPosixData['sshPublicKey'])
 81+ if options.loginShell:
 82+ NewPosixData['loginShell'] = options.loginShell
 83+ if options.uidNumber:
 84+ NewPosixData['uidNumber'] = options.uidNumber
 85+ if options.gidNumber:
 86+ NewPosixData['gidNumber'] = options.gidNumber
 87+ if options.sn:
 88+ NewPosixData['sn'] = options.sn
 89+ if options.givenName:
 90+ NewPosixData['givenName'] = options.givenName
 91+ if options.cn:
 92+ NewPosixData['cn'] = options.cn
 94+ if PosixData == NewPosixData:
 95+ sys.stderr.write("No changes to make; exiting.\n")
 96+ else:
 97+ modlist = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(PosixData,NewPosixData)
 98+ ds.modify_s(dn, modlist)
 100+ if options.replaceKeyLocation or options.addKeyLocation:
 101+ # Update the keys
 102+ hdm.writeKeys(username, NewPosixData['sshPublicKey'])
 103+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 104+ sys.stderr.write("LDAP was unwilling to create the user. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 105+ ds.unbind()
 106+ sys.exit(1)
 107+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 108+ sys.stderr.write("The user you are trying to modify doesn't exist.\n")
 109+ ds.unbind()
 110+ sys.exit(1)
 111+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 112+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 113+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 114+ ds.unbind()
 115+ sys.exit(1)
 116+ except Exception:
 117+ try:
 118+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 119+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 120+ ds.unbind()
 121+ except Exception:
 122+ sys.stderr.write("Also failed to unbind.\n")
 123+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 124+ sys.exit(1)
 126+ ds.unbind()
 127+ sys.exit(0)
 129+if __name__ == "__main__":
 130+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/modify-ldap-user
Added: svn:executable
1131 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/add-ldap-user
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
 3+import sys, pwd, traceback, getpass, re, ldapsupportlib, pycurl, homedirectorymanager
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 5+from cStringIO import StringIO
 8+ import ldap
 9+ import ldap.modlist
 10+except ImportError:
 11+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 12+ sys.exit(1)
 14+def main():
 15+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 16+ parser.set_usage('add-ldap-user [options] <username> <key(s)>\nexample: add-ldap-user laner http://ryandlane.com/static/pubkey.key')
 18+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 19+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 21+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 22+ parser.add_option("--shell", action="store", dest="loginShell", default="/usr/local/bin/sillyshell", help="The user's shell (default: /usr/bin/sillyshell)")
 23+ parser.add_option("--gid", action="store", dest="gidNumber", default="550", help="The user's gid (default: 550)")
 24+ parser.add_option("--uid", action="store", dest="uidNumber", help="The user's uid (default: next available uid)")
 25+ parser.add_option("--home", action="store", dest="homeDirectory", help="The user's home directory (default /home/username)")
 26+ parser.add_option("--cn", action="store", dest="cn", help="The user's CN (default: firstname + lastname, or username, if first/last not set)")
 27+ parser.add_option("--firstname", action="store", dest="givenName", help="The user's first name (default: username)")
 28+ parser.add_option("--lastname", action="store", dest="sn", help="The user's last name (default: username)")
 29+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 31+ if len(args) != 2:
 32+ parser.error("add-ldap-user expects exactly two arguments.")
 34+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 36+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 38+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 40+ # w00t We're in!
 41+ try:
 42+ username = args[0]
 44+ keyLocation = args[1]
 45+ keys = []
 46+ if re.match('^http', keyLocation):
 47+ buffer = StringIO()
 48+ c = pycurl.Curl()
 49+ c.setopt(c.URL, keyLocation)
 50+ c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, buffer.write)
 51+ c.perform()
 52+ c.close()
 53+ raw_keys = buffer.getvalue()
 54+ else:
 55+ file = open(keyLocation, 'r')
 56+ raw_keys = file.readlines()
 57+ for raw_key in raw_keys:
 58+ if (re.match('^$', raw_key) or re.match('^#', raw_key)):
 59+ continue
 60+ raw_key = raw_key.strip()
 61+ keys.append(raw_key)
 63+ # We need to ensure the keys are unique to avoid an exception
 64+ uniqueKeys = []
 65+ [uniqueKeys.append(i) for i in keys if not uniqueKeys.count(i)]
 66+ keys = uniqueKeys
 68+ dn = 'uid=' + username + ',ou=people,' + base
 69+ uid = username
 70+ objectClasses = ['person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetorgperson', 'ldapPublicKey', 'shadowaccount', 'posixaccount', 'top']
 71+ loginShell = options.loginShell
 72+ if options.homeDirectory:
 73+ homeDirectory = options.homeDirectory
 74+ else:
 75+ homeDirectory = '/home/' + username
 76+ if options.uidNumber:
 77+ uidNumber = options.uidNumber
 78+ else:
 79+ # Find the next uid
 80+ uids = []
 81+ for user in pwd.getpwall():
 82+ tmpuid = user[2]
 83+ if tmpuid < 50000:
 84+ uids.append(user[2])
 85+ uids.sort()
 86+ uidNumber = uids.pop()
 87+ uidNumber = str(uidNumber + 1)
 88+ gidNumber = options.gidNumber
 89+ if options.sn:
 90+ sn = options.sn
 91+ else:
 92+ sn = username
 93+ if options.givenName:
 94+ givenName = options.givenName
 95+ else:
 96+ givenName = username
 97+ if options.cn:
 98+ cn = options.cn
 99+ elif options.givenName and options.sn:
 100+ cn = options.givenName + " " + options.sn
 101+ else:
 102+ cn = username
 104+ userEntry = {}
 105+ userEntry['uid'] = uid
 106+ userEntry['objectclass'] = objectClasses
 107+ userEntry['loginShell'] = loginShell
 108+ userEntry['homeDirectory'] = homeDirectory
 109+ userEntry['sshPublicKey'] = keys
 110+ userEntry['uidNumber'] = uidNumber
 111+ userEntry['gidNumber'] = gidNumber
 112+ userEntry['givenName'] = givenName
 113+ userEntry['sn'] = sn
 114+ userEntry['cn'] = cn
 116+ modlist = ldap.modlist.addModlist(userEntry)
 117+ ds.add_s(dn, modlist)
 119+ userdict = {uid: {"uidNumber": int(uidNumber), "gidNumber": int(gidNumber), "sshPublicKey": keys}}
 120+ hdm = homedirectorymanager.HomeDirectoryManager()
 121+ hdm.createHomeDir(userdict)
 122+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 123+ sys.stderr.write("LDAP was unwilling to create the user. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 124+ ds.unbind()
 125+ sys.exit(1)
 126+ except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
 127+ sys.stderr.write("The user you are trying to add already exists.\n")
 128+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 129+ ds.unbind()
 130+ sys.exit(1)
 131+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 132+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 133+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 134+ ds.unbind()
 135+ sys.exit(1)
 136+ except Exception:
 137+ try:
 138+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 139+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 140+ ds.unbind()
 141+ except Exception:
 142+ sys.stderr.write("Also failed to unbind.\n")
 143+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 144+ sys.exit(1)
 146+ ds.unbind()
 147+ sys.exit(0)
 149+if __name__ == "__main__":
 150+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/add-ldap-user
Added: svn:executable
1151 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/change-ldap-passwd
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
 3+import sys, traceback, getpass, ldapsupportlib
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 11+ sys.exit(1)
 13+def main():
 14+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 15+ parser.set_usage('change-ldap-passwd [options] <username>')
 17+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 18+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 20+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 21+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 23+ if len(args) != 1:
 24+ parser.error("add-ldap-user expects exactly one argument.")
 26+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 28+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 30+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 32+ # w00t We're in!
 33+ try:
 34+ username = args[0]
 35+ dn = 'uid=' + username + ',ou=people,' + base
 36+ while True:
 37+ newpass = getpass.getpass('New password: ')
 38+ repeat = getpass.getpass('Repeat new password: ')
 39+ if newpass != repeat:
 40+ print "Passwords do no match, please try again"
 41+ else:
 42+ break
 43+ mod_attrs = [( ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userPassword', newpass )]
 44+ ds.modify_s(dn, mod_attrs)
 45+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 46+ sys.stderr.write("LDAP was unwilling to change the user's password. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 47+ ds.unbind()
 48+ sys.exit(1)
 49+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 50+ sys.stderr.write("The user you are trying to modify does not exists.\n")
 51+ ds.unbind()
 52+ sys.exit(1)
 53+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 54+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 55+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 56+ ds.unbind()
 57+ sys.exit(1)
 58+ except Exception:
 59+ try:
 60+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 61+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 62+ ds.unbind()
 63+ except Exception:
 64+ sys.stderr.write("Also failed to unbind.\n")
 65+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 66+ sys.exit(1)
 68+ ds.unbind()
 69+ sys.exit(0)
 71+if __name__ == "__main__":
 72+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/change-ldap-passwd
Added: svn:executable
173 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/delete-ldap-group
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
 3+import sys, pwd, traceback, getpass, ldapsupportlib, homedirectorymanager
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 11+ sys.exit(1)
 13+def main():
 14+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 15+ parser.set_usage('delete-ldap-group [options] <username>')
 17+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 18+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 20+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 21+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 23+ if len(args) != 1:
 24+ parser.error("delete-ldap-group expects exactly one argument.")
 26+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 28+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 30+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 32+ # w00t We're in!
 33+ try:
 34+ groupname = args[0]
 35+ dn = 'cn=' + groupname + ',ou=group,' + base
 36+ ds.delete_s(dn)
 37+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 38+ sys.stderr.write("LDAP was unwilling to delete the group. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 39+ ds.unbind()
 40+ sys.exit(1)
 41+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 42+ sys.stderr.write("The group you are trying to delete does not exists.\n")
 43+ ds.unbind()
 44+ sys.exit(1)
 45+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 46+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 47+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 48+ ds.unbind()
 49+ sys.exit(1)
 50+ except Exception:
 51+ try:
 52+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 53+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 54+ ds.unbind()
 55+ except Exception:
 56+ sys.stderr.write("Also failed to unbind.\n")
 57+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 58+ sys.exit(1)
 60+ ds.unbind()
 61+ sys.exit(0)
 63+if __name__ == "__main__":
 64+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/delete-ldap-group
Added: svn:executable
165 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/ldapsupportlib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
 3+import os, traceback, getpass, sys
 6+ import ldap
 7+except ImportError:
 8+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 9+ sys.exit(1)
 11+class LDAPSupportLib:
 13+ def __init__(self):
 14+ self.base = self.getLdapInfo("base")
 15+ self.ldapHost = self.getLdapInfo("uri")
 16+ self.sslType = self.getLdapInfo("ssl")
 17+ self.binddn = self.getLdapInfo("binddn")
 18+ self.bindpw = self.getLdapInfo("bindpw")
 19+ # TODO: add a config file to set this
 20+ self.bindfile = "/etc/ldap/changeme"
 21+ self.defaults = {}
 23+ def addParserOptions(self, parser, default="proxy"):
 24+ parser.add_option("-s", "--self", action="store_true", dest="useself", help="Use your credentials")
 25+ parser.add_option("-D", "--bindas", action="store", dest="bindas", help="Specify user to bind as")
 26+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials")
 27+ parser.add_option("--scriptuser", action="store_true", dest="scriptuser", help="Use the scriptusers' credentials")
 28+ self.defaults['authuser'] = "proxy"
 29+ if ( default == "user" ):
 30+ self.defaults['authuser'] = "user"
 31+ if ( default == "Directory Manager" ):
 32+ self.defaults['authuser'] = "Directory Manager"
 33+ if ( default == "scriptuser" ):
 34+ self.defaults['authuser'] = "scriptuser"
 36+ def getUsers(self, ds, username):
 37+ PosixData = ds.search_s("ou=people," + self.base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=" + username + "))")
 38+ return PosixData
 40+ def getKeys(self, ds, username):
 41+ user = self.getUsers(ds, username)
 42+ if 'sshPublicKey' in user[0][1].keys():
 43+ return user[1]['sshPublicKey']
 44+ else:
 45+ return []
 47+ def setHost(self, host):
 48+ self.ldapHost = host
 50+ def setBase(self, base):
 51+ self.base = base
 53+ def setBindInfoByOptions(self, options, parser):
 54+ if not (options.useself or options.directorymanager):
 55+ if self.defaults['authuser'] == "user":
 56+ options.useself = True
 57+ if self.defaults['authuser'] == "Directory Manager":
 58+ options.directorymanager = True
 59+ if self.defaults['authuser'] == "scriptuser":
 60+ options.scriptuser = True
 61+ if options.useself:
 62+ self.binddn = "uid=" + os.environ['USER'] + ",ou=people," + self.base
 63+ self.bindpw = getpass.getpass()
 64+ elif options.directorymanager:
 65+ self.binddn = "cn=Directory Manager"
 66+ self.bindpw = getpass.getpass()
 67+ elif options.bindas:
 68+ self.binddn = "uid=" + options.bindas + ",ou=people," + self.base
 69+ self.bindpw = getpass.getpass()
 70+ elif options.scriptuser:
 71+ self.binddn = self.getLdapInfo('USER', self.bindfile)
 72+ self.bindpw = self.getLdapInfo('PASS', self.bindfile)
 74+ def setBindDN(self, binddn):
 75+ self.binddn = binddn
 77+ def setBindPW(self, bindpw):
 78+ self.bindpw = bindpw
 80+ def getBase(self):
 81+ return self.base
 83+ def getHost(self):
 84+ return self.ldapHost
 86+ def getLdapInfo(self, attr, conffile="/etc/ldap.conf"):
 87+ f = open(conffile)
 88+ for line in f:
 89+ if line.split()[0] == attr:
 90+ return line.split()[1]
 91+ break
 93+ def connect(self):
 94+ try:
 95+ ds = ldap.initialize(self.ldapHost)
 96+ ds.protocol_version=ldap.VERSION3
 97+ if self.sslType == "start_tls":
 98+ ds.start_tls_s()
 99+ except Exception:
 100+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to connect to LDAP host: %s\n" % self.ldapHost)
 101+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 102+ sys.exit(1)
 104+ try:
 105+ ds.simple_bind_s(self.binddn,self.bindpw)
 106+ return ds
 107+ except ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION:
 108+ sys.stderr.write("You typed your password incorrectly too many times, and are now locked out. Please try again later.\n")
 109+ sys.exit(1)
 110+ except ldap.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX:
 111+ sys.stderr.write("The bind DN is incorrect... \n")
 112+ sys.exit(1)
 113+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 114+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to locate the bind DN account.\n")
 115+ sys.exit(1)
 116+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 117+ sys.stderr.write("The LDAP server was unwilling to perform the action requested.\nError was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 118+ sys.exit(1)
 119+ except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS:
 120+ sys.stderr.write("Password incorrect.\n")
 121+ #traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 122+ sys.exit(1)
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/ldapsupportlib.py
Added: svn:eol-style
1124 + native
Added: svn:executable
2125 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/delete-ldap-user
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
 3+import sys, pwd, traceback, getpass, ldapsupportlib, homedirectorymanager
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 11+ sys.exit(1)
 13+def main():
 14+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 15+ parser.set_usage('delete-ldap-user [options] <username>')
 17+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 18+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser, "scriptuser")
 20+ parser.add_option("-m", "--directorymanager", action="store_true", dest="directorymanager", help="Use the Directory Manager's credentials, rather than your own")
 21+ parser.add_option("--no-delete-home", action="store_true", dest="nodeletehome", help="Don't delete the user's home directory")
 22+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 24+ if len(args) != 1:
 25+ parser.error("add-ldap-user expects exactly one argument.")
 27+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 29+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 31+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 33+ # w00t We're in!
 34+ try:
 35+ username = args[0]
 36+ dn = 'uid=' + username + ',ou=people,' + base
 37+ ds.delete_s(dn)
 39+ if not options.nodeletehome:
 40+ hdm = homedirectorymanager.HomeDirectoryManager()
 41+ hdm.deleteUser(username)
 42+ except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg:
 43+ sys.stderr.write("LDAP was unwilling to delete the user. Error was: %s\n" % msg[0]["info"])
 44+ ds.unbind()
 45+ sys.exit(1)
 46+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 47+ sys.stderr.write("The user you are trying to delete does not exists.\n")
 48+ ds.unbind()
 49+ sys.exit(1)
 50+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 51+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 52+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 53+ ds.unbind()
 54+ sys.exit(1)
 55+ except Exception:
 56+ try:
 57+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 58+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 59+ ds.unbind()
 60+ except Exception:
 61+ sys.stderr.write("Also failed to unbind.\n")
 62+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 63+ sys.exit(1)
 65+ ds.unbind()
 66+ sys.exit(0)
 68+if __name__ == "__main__":
 69+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/delete-ldap-user
Added: svn:executable
170 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/ldaplist
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
 3+import sys, traceback, re, ldapsupportlib
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+except ImportError:
 9+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 10+ sys.exit(1)
 12+def main():
 13+ "An application that implements the functionality of Solaris's ldaplist."
 15+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 16+ parser.set_usage("ldaplist [options] [database] [object-name]\n\nexample: ldaplist -l passwd ldap_user")
 18+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 19+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser)
 21+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Show the database and search filter used for this search")
 22+ parser.add_option("-l", "--longlisting", action="store_true", dest="longlisting", help="List all the attributes for each entry matching the search criteria. By default, ldaplist lists only the Distiguished Name of the entries found.")
 23+ parser.add_option("-h", action="store_true", dest="helpme", help="Show available databases to search")
 24+ parser.add_option("-d", "--showdatabase", action="store_true", dest="showdatabase", help="Show the base dn being used for this database")
 25+ parser.add_option("-a", "--showattributes", dest="showattributes", help="Show the given attributes")
 26+ parser.add_option("-r", "--recursive", action="store_true", dest="recursive", help="Recurse netgroups")
 27+ parser.add_option("--like", action="store_true", dest="like", help="Search for objects that equal or sound like [object-name]")
 28+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 30+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 32+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 34+ objectbasedns = {"base":base, "passwd":"ou=people,"+base, "group":"ou=group,"+base, "netgroup":"ou=netgroup,"+base, "hosts":"ou=hosts,"+base, "automount":base, "auto_*":"nisMapName=auto_AUTO,"+base, "uids":"ou=uids,"+base}
 35+ objectdefaulttypes = {"base":"none", "passwd":"uid", "group":"cn", "netgroup":"cn", "hosts":"cn", "automount":"nisMapName", "auto_*":"cn", "uids":"cn"}
 36+ objectobjectclasses = {"base":"none", "passwd":"posixaccount", "group":"posixgroup", "netgroup":"nisNetGroup", "hosts":"iphost", "automount":"nisMap", "auto_*":"nisObject", "uids":"inetOrgPerson"}
 38+ if options.showdatabase:
 39+ showdatabase(objectbasedns, args)
 40+ sys.exit()
 42+ if options.helpme:
 43+ print ""
 44+ print 'database'.ljust(17) + 'default type'.ljust(20) + 'objectclass'
 45+ print '============='.ljust(17) + '================='.ljust(20)+ '============='
 47+ for a, b, c in zip(objectbasedns.keys(), objectdefaulttypes.values(), objectobjectclasses.values()):
 48+ print '%s%s%s' % (a.ljust(17), b.ljust(20), c)
 49+ sys.exit()
 51+ if len(args) >= 1:
 52+ if args[0].find('auto_') != -1:
 53+ objectbasedns["auto_*"] = objectbasedns["auto_*"].replace("auto_AUTO", args[0])
 54+ searchkeysave = args[0]
 55+ args[0] = "auto_*"
 56+ if objectbasedns.has_key(args[0]):
 57+ database = args[0]
 58+ base = objectbasedns[args[0]]
 59+ objectclass = objectobjectclasses[args[0]]
 60+ attribute = objectdefaulttypes[args[0]]
 61+ if len(args) > 1:
 62+ searchlist = args
 63+ del searchlist[0]
 64+ first = True
 65+ for key in searchlist:
 66+ if first == True:
 67+ searchkey = key
 68+ first = False
 69+ else:
 70+ searchkey = searchkey + " " + key
 71+ #elif args[0] == "auto_*":
 72+ #searchkey = searchkeysave
 73+ else:
 74+ searchkey = "*"
 75+ else:
 76+ print 'The database you selected does not exist. Please use "ldaplist -h" to see available databases.'
 77+ sys.exit(1)
 78+ else:
 79+ database = "base"
 80+ objectclass = "*"
 81+ attribute = ""
 83+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 85+ # w00t We're in!
 86+ try:
 87+ if database == "uids":
 88+ options.like = True
 89+ if options.showattributes is not None:
 90+ options.showattributes = options.showattributes + " cn uid departmentNumber employeeType seeAlso"
 91+ else:
 92+ options.showattributes = "cn uid departmentNumber employeeType seeAlso"
 93+ options.longlisting = True
 94+ if options.like and searchkey != "*":
 95+ searchoperator = "~="
 96+ else:
 97+ searchoperator = "="
 98+ if attribute != "":
 99+ attrlist = []
 100+ if options.showattributes is not None:
 101+ attrlist = re.split(" ", options.showattributes)
 102+ if options.verbose:
 103+ if options.showattributes is None:
 104+ attributes = ""
 105+ else:
 106+ attributes = options.showattributes
 107+ print "+++ database=" + database
 108+ print "+++ filter=(&(objectclass=" + objectclass + ")(" + attribute + searchoperator + searchkey + ")) " + attributes
 109+ PosixData = ds.search_s(base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=" + objectclass + ")(" + attribute + searchoperator + searchkey + "))",attrlist)
 110+ else:
 111+ if options.verbose:
 112+ print "(objectclass=" + objectclass + ")"
 113+ PosixData = ds.search_s(base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(objectclass=" + objectclass + ")")
 114+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 115+ sys.stderr.write("Object not found. If you are trying to use * in your search, make sure that you wrap your string in single quotes to avoid shell expansion.\n")
 116+ ds.unbind()
 117+ sys.exit(1)
 118+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 119+ sys.stderr.write("The search returned a protocol error, this shouldn't ever happen, please submit a trouble ticket.\n")
 120+ ds.unbind()
 121+ sys.exit(1)
 122+ except Exception:
 123+ sys.stderr.write("The search returned an error.\n")
 124+ ds.unbind()
 125+ sys.exit(1)
 127+ PosixData.sort()
 128+ # /End of stolen stuff
 130+ # PosixData is a list of lists where:
 131+ # index 0 of PosixData[N]: contains the distinquished name
 132+ # index 1 of PosixData[N]: contains a dictionary of lists hashed by the following keys:
 133+ # telephoneNumber, departmentNumber, uid, objectClass, loginShell,
 134+ # uidNumber, gidNumber, sn, homeDirectory, givenName, cn
 136+ if options.recursive:
 137+ members_array = []
 138+ triples = []
 140+ # get the members and triples from the entry we are looking for
 141+ for i in range(len(PosixData)):
 142+ if 'memberNisNetgroup' in PosixData[i][1]:
 143+ members_array.extend(PosixData[i][1]['memberNisNetgroup'])
 144+ if 'nisNetgroupTriple' in PosixData[i][1]:
 145+ triples.extend(PosixData[i][1]['nisNetgroupTriple'])
 147+ # get triples from any sub-members
 148+ triples = recursenetgroups(base, ds, members_array, triples)
 150+ for str in triples:
 151+ print str
 153+ # clean up
 154+ ds.unbind()
 155+ sys.exit(0)
 157+ for i in range(len(PosixData)):
 158+ print ""
 159+ if not options.longlisting:
 160+ print "dn: " + PosixData[i][0]
 161+ else:
 162+ print "dn: " + PosixData[i][0]
 163+ for (k,v) in PosixData[i][1].items():
 164+ if len(v) > 1:
 165+ for v2 in v:
 166+ print " %s: %s" % (k,v2)
 167+ else:
 168+ print " %s: %s" % (k,v[0])
 170+ ds.unbind()
 172+def showdatabase(objectbasedns, args):
 173+ print ""
 174+ if len(args) < 1:
 175+ print objectbasedns["base"]
 176+ else:
 177+ if args[0].find('auto_') != -1:
 178+ objectbasedns["auto_*"] = objectbasedns["auto_*"].replace("auto_AUTO", args[0])
 179+ args[0] = "auto_*"
 180+ if objectbasedns.has_key(args[0]):
 181+ print objectbasedns[args[0]]
 182+ else:
 183+ print "Database " + args[0] + " not found, use ldaplist -h to list database types."
 185+def recursenetgroups(base, ds, members_array, triples, oldmembers=[]):
 186+ # Base case. This netgroup has no netgroup members.
 187+ if members_array == []:
 188+ return triples
 190+ # members_array is the total list of netgroup members from the previous search.
 191+ for member in members_array:
 192+ if member in oldmembers:
 193+ # ensure we don't follow infinite recursion loops
 194+ members_array.remove(member)
 195+ continue
 196+ else:
 197+ # add this member to the oldmembers list to avoid infinite recursion loops
 198+ oldmembers.extend(member)
 200+ # we need to remove the member to avoid infinite recursion
 201+ members_array.remove(member)
 203+ # get the triples and members for this member, and add them to the current members list
 204+ PosixData = ds.search_s(base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(objectclass=nisNetgroup)(cn=" + member + "))")
 205+ for data in PosixData:
 206+ if 'nisNetgroupTriple' in data[1]:
 207+ triples.extend(data[1]['nisNetgroupTriple'])
 208+ if 'memberNisNetgroup' in data[1]:
 209+ members_array.extend(data[1]['memberNisNetgroup'])
 211+ # Recurse iteratively (tail recursion)
 212+ return recursenetgroups(base, ds, members_array, triples, oldmembers)
 214+if __name__ == "__main__":
 215+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/scripts/ldaplist
Added: svn:executable
1216 + *
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/openldap/nova_openldap.schema
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
 3+# Person object for Nova
 4+# inetorgperson with extra attributes
 5+# Schema version: 2
 6+# Authors: Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvananda@gmail.com>
 7+# Ryan Lane <rlane@wikimedia.org>
 11+# using internet experimental oid arc as per BP64 3.1
 12+objectidentifier novaSchema
 13+objectidentifier novaAttrs novaSchema:3
 14+objectidentifier novaOCs novaSchema:4
 16+attributetype (
 17+ novaAttrs:1
 18+ NAME 'accessKey'
 19+ DESC 'Key for accessing data'
 20+ EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
 21+ SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
 24+ )
 26+attributetype (
 27+ novaAttrs:2
 28+ NAME 'secretKey'
 29+ DESC 'Secret key'
 30+ EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
 31+ SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
 34+ )
 36+attributetype (
 37+ novaAttrs:4
 38+ NAME 'isNovaAdmin'
 39+ DESC 'Is user an nova administrator?'
 40+ EQUALITY booleanMatch
 43+ )
 45+objectClass (
 46+ novaOCs:1
 47+ NAME 'novaUser'
 48+ DESC 'access and secret keys'
 50+ MAY ( accessKey $ secretKey $ isNovaAdmin )
 51+ )
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/openldap/openssh-lpk_openldap.schema
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
 3+# LDAP Public Key Patch schema for use with openssh-ldappubkey
 4+# Author: Eric AUGE <eau@phear.org>
 6+# Based on the proposal of : Mark Ruijter
 10+# octetString SYNTAX
 11+attributetype ( NAME 'sshPublicKey'
 12+ DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH Public key'
 13+ EQUALITY octetStringMatch
 14+ SYNTAX )
 16+# printableString SYNTAX yes|no
 17+objectclass ( NAME 'ldapPublicKey' SUP top AUXILIARY
 18+ DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH LPK objectclass'
 19+ MAY ( sshPublicKey $ uid )
 20+ )
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/openldap/puppet_openldap.schema
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
 2+attributetype ( NAME 'puppetClass'
 3+DESC 'Puppet Node Class'
 4+EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
 7+attributetype ( NAME 'parentNode'
 8+DESC 'Puppet Parent Node'
 9+EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
 13+attributetype ( NAME 'environment'
 14+DESC 'Puppet Node Environment'
 15+EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
 16+SYNTAX )
 18+attributetype ( NAME 'puppetVar'
 19+DESC 'A variable setting for puppet'
 20+EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
 21+SYNTAX )
 23+objectclass ( NAME 'puppetClient' SUP top AUXILIARY
 24+DESC 'Puppet Client objectclass'
 25+MAY ( puppetclass $ parentnode $ environment $ puppetvar ))
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/sun/puppet_sun.ldif
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
 2+dn: cn=schema
 3+objectclass: top
 4+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'puppetClass' DESC 'Puppet Node Class' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
 5+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'parentNode' DESC 'Puppet Parent Node' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
 6+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'environment' DESC 'Puppet Node Environment' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
 7+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'puppetVar' DESC 'A variable setting for puppet' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
 8+objectClasses: ( NAME 'puppetClient' SUP top AUXILIARY DESC 'Puppet Client objectclass' MAY ( puppetclass $ parentnode $ environment $ puppetvar ))
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/sun/nova_sun.ldif
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
 3+# Person object for Nova
 4+# inetorgperson with extra attributes
 5+# Schema version: 2
 6+# Authors: Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvananda@gmail.com>
 7+# Ryan Lane <rlane@wikimedia.org>
 9+# using internet experimental oid arc as per BP64 3.1
 10+dn: cn=schema
 11+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'accessKey' DESC 'Key for accessing data' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
 12+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'secretKey' DESC 'Secret key' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
 13+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'isNovaAdmin' DESC 'Is user a nova administrator?' EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
 14+objectClasses: ( NAME 'novaUser' DESC 'access and secret keys' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( accessKey $ secretKey $ isNovaAdmin ) )
Index: trunk/extensions/OpenStackManager/schema/sun/openssh-lpk_sun.ldif
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
 3+# LDAP Public Key Patch schema for use with openssh-ldappubkey
 4+# Author: Eric AUGE <eau@phear.org>
 6+# Schema for Sun Directory Server.
 7+# Based on the original schema, modified by Stefan Fischer.
 9+dn: cn=schema
 10+attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sshPublicKey' DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH Public key' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX )
 11+objectClasses: ( NAME 'ldapPublicKey' SUP top AUXILIARY DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH LPK objectclass' MAY ( sshPublicKey $ uid ) )

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r80921Followup r80889, svn:eol-style nativereedy21:27, 24 January 2011

Status & tagging log