r80888 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r80887‎ | r80888 | r80889 >
Date:17:37, 24 January 2011
Use $wgExtensionMessagesFiles to add extension's messages, not a lot of useless things
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe/includes/SNM_Initialize.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe/languages/SMW_NMLanguage.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe/languages/SMW_NMLanguageEn.php (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe/includes/SNM_Initialize.php
@@ -11,60 +11,14 @@
1212 $smwgNMIP = $IP . '/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe';
1313 $smwgNMScriptPath = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe';
 15+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SemanticNotifyMe'] = $smwgNMIP . '/languages/SMW_NMLanguage.php';
1517 global $wgExtensionFunctions;
1618 $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'smwgNMSetupExtension';
1820 global $wgDefaultUserOptions;
1921 $wgDefaultUserOptions['enotifyme'] = 1;
21 -function smwfNMInitMessages() {
22 - global $smwgNMMessagesInitialized;
23 - if ( isset( $smwgNMMessagesInitialized ) ) return; // prevent double init
24 -
25 - smwfNMInitUserMessages(); // lazy init for ajax calls
26 -
27 - $smwgNMMessagesInitialized = true;
28 -}
29 -function smwfNMInitUserMessages() {
30 - global $wgMessageCache, $smwgNMContLang, $wgLanguageCode;
31 - smwfNMInitContentLanguage( $wgLanguageCode );
32 -
33 - global $smwgNMIP, $smwgNMLang;
34 - if ( !empty( $smwgNMLang ) ) { return; }
35 - global $wgMessageCache, $wgLang;
36 - $smwLangClass = 'SMW_NMLanguage' . str_replace( '-', '_', ucfirst( $wgLang->getCode() ) );
37 -
38 - if ( file_exists( $smwgNMIP . '/languages/' . $smwLangClass . '.php' ) ) {
39 - include_once( $smwgNMIP . '/languages/' . $smwLangClass . '.php' );
40 - }
41 - // fallback if language not supported
42 - if ( !class_exists( $smwLangClass ) ) {
43 - global $smwgNMContLang;
44 - $smwgNMLang = $smwgNMContLang;
45 - } else {
46 - $smwgNMLang = new $smwLangClass();
47 - }
48 -
49 - $wgMessageCache->addMessages( $smwgNMLang->getUserMsgArray(), $wgLang->getCode() );
50 -}
51 -function smwfNMInitContentLanguage( $langcode ) {
52 - global $smwgNMIP, $smwgNMContLang;
53 - if ( !empty( $smwgNMContLang ) ) { return; }
54 -
55 - $smwContLangClass = 'SMW_NMLanguage' . str_replace( '-', '_', ucfirst( $langcode ) );
56 -
57 - if ( file_exists( $smwgNMIP . '/languages/' . $smwContLangClass . '.php' ) ) {
58 - include_once( $smwgNMIP . '/languages/' . $smwContLangClass . '.php' );
59 - }
60 -
61 - // fallback if language not supported
62 - if ( !class_exists( $smwContLangClass ) ) {
63 - include_once( $smwgNMIP . '/languages/SMW_NMLanguageEn.php' );
64 - $smwContLangClass = 'SMW_NMLanguageEn';
65 - }
66 - $smwgNMContLang = new $smwContLangClass();
67 -}
68 -
6923 function smwfNMInitializeTables() {
7024 global $smwgNMIP;
7125 require_once( $smwgNMIP . '/includes/SMW_NMStorage.php' );
@@ -87,9 +41,6 @@
8842 global $smwgNMIP, $wgHooks, $wgJobClasses, $wgExtensionCredits;
8943 global $wgAutoloadClasses, $wgSpecialPages, $wgSpecialPageGroups;
91 - smwfNMInitMessages();
92 -
93 -
9445 // register SMW hooks
9546 $wgHooks['smwInitializeTables'][] = 'smwfNMInitializeTables';
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe/languages/SMW_NMLanguageEn.php
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * @author ning
5 - */
6 -if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
7 - exit( 1 );
8 -}
9 -
10 -global $smwgNMIP;
11 -include_once( $smwgNMIP . '/languages/SMW_NMLanguage.php' );
12 -
13 -class SMW_NMLanguageEn extends SMW_NMLanguage {
14 -
15 - protected $smwContentMessages = array(
16 -
17 - );
18 -
19 -
20 - protected $smwUserMessages = array(
21 - /*Messages for Notify Me*/
22 - 'notifyme' => 'Notify Me',
23 - 'smw_notifyme' => 'Notify Me',
24 -
25 - 'smw_qi_addNotify' => 'Notify me',
26 - 'smw_qi_tt_addNotify' => 'Notify me when article-updates meet query condition',
27 - 'smw_nm_tt_query' => 'Add #ask query to Notify Me',
28 - 'smw_nm_tt_qtext' => 'Support query in {{#ask syntax',
29 - 'smw_nm_tt_nmm' => 'Notify Me Manager enable you to control your notifications',
30 - 'smw_nm_tt_clipboard' => 'Copies your RSS Feed URL to the clipboard so it can easily be inserted into any RSS reader',
31 -
32 - 'smw_nm_proc_pagenotexist' => 'The category / instance / property page in query may not exists.',
33 - 'smw_nm_proc_subqueryhint' => 'The query contains subquery, which may affect the precision of notifications.',
34 - 'smw_nm_proc_enablehint' => 'You can enable the query in NotifyMe manager later.',
35 - 'smw_nm_proc_notlogin' => 'You have not logged in yet, please log in and retry again. Thanks.',
36 - 'smw_nm_proc_createfail' => "Notify create failed!\n\n$1\n\nPlease check the query and retry again",
37 - 'smw_nm_proc_savefail' => 'Fail to save query. Please retry later.',
38 - 'smw_nm_proc_nonoti' => 'No notifications available.',
39 - 'smw_nm_proc_statesucc' => 'States updated successfully!',
40 - 'smw_nm_proc_stateerr' => 'States updated error!',
41 - 'smw_nm_proc_delegatesucc' => 'Delegates updated successfully!',
42 - 'smw_nm_proc_delegateerr' => 'Delegates updated error!',
43 - 'smw_nm_proc_reportsucc' => 'Report all updated successfully!',
44 - 'smw_nm_proc_reporterr' => 'Report all updated error!',
45 - 'smw_nm_proc_showsucc' => 'Show all updated successfully!',
46 - 'smw_nm_proc_showerr' => 'Show all updated error!',
47 - 'smw_nm_proc_delsucc' => 'Notification(s) deleted successfully!',
48 - 'smw_nm_proc_delerr' => 'Notification(s) deleted error!',
49 -
50 - 'smw_nm_hint_delete' => "\r\nPage $1 has been deleted.\r\nReason : $2",
51 - 'smw_nm_hint_delete_html' => "<P>Page $1 has been deleted.<br/>Reason : <font color='red'> $2 </font></P>",
52 - 'smw_nm_hint_notmatch_html' => "<P>Notify Me: $1 does not match this page now.</P>",
53 - 'smw_nm_hint_change' => "\r\nSemantic attributes are changed in page $1.",
54 - 'smw_nm_hint_change_html' => "Semantic attributes are changed in page <a href='$1'>$2</a>.<br/>",
55 - 'smw_nm_hint_match' => "\r\nPage $1 matches NotifyMe '$2' now.",
56 - 'smw_nm_hint_match_html' => "Page $1 matches \"<b>$2</b>\" now.<br/>",
57 - 'smw_nm_hint_nomatch' => "\r\nPage $1 does not match NotifyMe '$2' now.",
58 - 'smw_nm_hint_nomatch_html' => "Page $1 does not match \"<b>$2</b>\" now.<br/>",
59 - 'smw_nm_hint_submatch' => "\r\nSub page $1 changed, $2 matches NotifyMe '$3' now.",
60 - 'smw_nm_hint_submatch_html' => "Sub page $1 changed, $2 matches \"<b>$3</b>\" now.<br/>",
61 - 'smw_nm_hint_subnomatch' => "\r\nSub page $1 changed, page $2 does not match NotifyMe '$3' now.",
62 - 'smw_nm_hint_subnomatch_html' => "Sub page $1 changed, $2 does not match \"<b>$3</b>\" now.<br/>",
63 - 'smw_nm_hint_notification_html' => '<p><b>Semantic changes from last revision:</b><br/><span style="font-size: 8pt;">$1</span></P>',
64 - 'smw_nm_hint_nmtable_html' => "<P><table class=\"smwtable\"><tr><th>Semantic type</th><th>Name</th><th>Action</th><th>Deleted</th><th>Added</th></tr>$1</table></P>",
65 - 'smw_nm_hint_item_html' => "<br/>All current items for \"<b>$1</b>\":<br/>$2<br/>",
66 - 'smw_nm_hint_modifier' => "\r\nThis change is from $1.",
67 - 'smw_nm_hint_modifier_html' => "<br/>This change is from $1.",
68 -
69 - 'smw_nm_hint_mail_title' => '[SMW Notification] Page "$1" changed, from $2',
70 - 'smw_nm_hint_mail_body' => "Dear Mr./Mrs. $1,\r\n$2\r\n\r\nSincerely yours,\r\nSMW NotifyMe Bot",
71 - 'smw_nm_hint_mail_body_html' => "Dear Mr./Mrs. $1,<br/>$2<br/><br/>Sincerely yours,<br/>SMW NotifyMe Bot",
72 -
73 - 'smw_nm_ajax_mailupdate' => 'Update NotifyMe mail setting successfully!',
74 - 'smw_nm_ajax_fail' => 'Operation failed, please retry later.',
75 -
76 - 'smw_nm_special_closepreview' => 'Close Preview',
77 - 'smw_nm_special_query_title' => 'Notify Me Query',
78 - 'smw_nm_special_manager' => 'Notify Me Manager',
79 - 'smw_nm_special_enablemail' => 'Enable \'Notify Me\' by E-mail ',
80 - 'smw_nm_special_emailsetting' => " (Please enable your email account in '<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>'. )",
81 - 'smw_nm_special_feed' => 'RSS Feed',
82 - 'smw_nm_special_nologin' => 'You have not logged in, please login first. Thanks.',
83 - 'smw_nm_special_name' => 'Name',
84 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_name' => 'Name of the notification',
85 - 'smw_nm_special_report' => 'Report all',
86 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_report' => 'Report all semantic attribes\\\' change of monitored pages',
87 - 'smw_nm_special_show' => 'Show all',
88 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_show' => 'Show all query results with notifications',
89 - 'smw_nm_special_delegate' => 'Delegate',
90 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_delegate' => 'Delegate users to recieve NotifyMe, separated by comma',
91 - 'smw_nm_special_query' => 'Query String',
92 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_query' => 'Full query string, with {{#ask syntax, format=table, link=all',
93 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_preview' => 'Show full preview of your query results',
94 - 'smw_nm_special_preview' => 'Preview Results',
95 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_add' => 'Add this notification to you NotifyMe',
96 - 'smw_nm_special_add' => 'Add to NotifyMe',
97 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_reset' => 'Resets the entire query',
98 - 'smw_nm_special_reset' => 'Reset Query',
99 -
100 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_delete' => 'Select notifications to be deleted',
101 - 'smw_nm_special_delete' => 'Delete?',
102 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_enable' => 'Current state of notification. Enabled?',
103 - 'smw_nm_special_enable' => 'Enabled?',
104 - 'smw_nm_special_all' => 'ALL',
105 - 'smw_nm_special_none' => 'NONE',
106 - 'smw_nm_special_update' => 'Update',
107 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_delupdate' => 'Delete the checked notifications',
108 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_reportupdate' => 'Report all semantic attributes\\\' change on checked notifications',
109 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_showupdate' => 'Show all query results on checked notifications',
110 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_enableupdate' => 'Update the states of your notifications, enable or disable them',
111 - 'smw_nm_special_tt_delegateupdate' => 'Update delegates',
112 -
113 - 'smw_nm_special_feedtitle' => 'Track the most recent changes to $1 in this feed.',
114 - );
115 -
116 -
117 - protected $smwSpecialProperties = array(
118 - );
119 -
120 -
121 - var $smwSpecialSchemaProperties = array (
122 - );
123 -
124 - var $smwSpecialCategories = array (
125 - );
126 -
127 - var $smwNMDatatypes = array(
128 - );
129 -
130 - protected $smwNMNamespaces = array(
131 - );
132 -
133 - protected $smwNMNamespaceAliases = array(
134 - );
135 -
136 - /**
137 - * Function that returns the namespace identifiers. This is probably obsolete!
138 - */
139 - public function getNamespaceArray() {
140 - return array();
141 - }
142 -
143 -
144 -}
145 -
146 -
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticNotifyMe/languages/SMW_NMLanguage.php
@@ -1,138 +1,106 @@
22 <?php
33 /**
4 - * @author ning
 4+ * Messages for SemanticNotifyMe extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
57 */
 9+$messages = array();
711 /**
8 - * Base class for all language classes.
 12+ * English
913 */
10 -abstract class SMW_NMLanguage {
 14+$messages['en'] = array(
 15+ 'notifyme' => 'Notify Me',
 16+ 'smw_notifyme' => 'Notify Me',
12 - // the message arrays ...
13 - protected $smwContentMessages;
14 - protected $smwUserMessages;
15 - protected $smwDatatypeLabels;
16 - protected $smwSpecialProperties;
17 - protected $smwSpecialSchemaProperties;
18 - protected $smwNMDatatypes;
19 - protected $smwNMNamespaces;
20 - protected $smwNMNamespaceAliases;
 18+ 'smw_qi_addNotify' => 'Notify me',
 19+ 'smw_qi_tt_addNotify' => 'Notify me when article-updates meet query condition',
 20+ 'smw_nm_tt_query' => 'Add #ask query to Notify Me',
 21+ 'smw_nm_tt_qtext' => 'Support query in {{#ask syntax',
 22+ 'smw_nm_tt_nmm' => 'Notify Me Manager enable you to control your notifications',
 23+ 'smw_nm_tt_clipboard' => 'Copies your RSS Feed URL to the clipboard so it can easily be inserted into any RSS reader',
22 - /**
23 - * Function that returns an array of namespace identifiers. This function
24 - * is obsolete
25 - */
26 - abstract function getNamespaceArray();
 25+ 'smw_nm_proc_pagenotexist' => 'The category / instance / property page in query may not exists.',
 26+ 'smw_nm_proc_subqueryhint' => 'The query contains subquery, which may affect the precision of notifications.',
 27+ 'smw_nm_proc_enablehint' => 'You can enable the query in NotifyMe manager later.',
 28+ 'smw_nm_proc_notlogin' => 'You have not logged in yet, please log in and retry again. Thanks.',
 29+ 'smw_nm_proc_createfail' => "Notify create failed!\n\n$1\n\nPlease check the query and retry again",
 30+ 'smw_nm_proc_savefail' => 'Fail to save query. Please retry later.',
 31+ 'smw_nm_proc_nonoti' => 'No notifications available.',
 32+ 'smw_nm_proc_statesucc' => 'States updated successfully!',
 33+ 'smw_nm_proc_stateerr' => 'States updated error!',
 34+ 'smw_nm_proc_delegatesucc' => 'Delegates updated successfully!',
 35+ 'smw_nm_proc_delegateerr' => 'Delegates updated error!',
 36+ 'smw_nm_proc_reportsucc' => 'Report all updated successfully!',
 37+ 'smw_nm_proc_reporterr' => 'Report all updated error!',
 38+ 'smw_nm_proc_showsucc' => 'Show all updated successfully!',
 39+ 'smw_nm_proc_showerr' => 'Show all updated error!',
 40+ 'smw_nm_proc_delsucc' => 'Notification(s) deleted successfully!',
 41+ 'smw_nm_proc_delerr' => 'Notification(s) deleted error!',
 43+ 'smw_nm_hint_delete' => "\r\nPage $1 has been deleted.\r\nReason : $2",
 44+ 'smw_nm_hint_delete_html' => "<P>Page $1 has been deleted.<br/>Reason : <font color='red'> $2 </font></P>",
 45+ 'smw_nm_hint_notmatch_html' => "<P>Notify Me: $1 does not match this page now.</P>",
 46+ 'smw_nm_hint_change' => "\r\nSemantic attributes are changed in page $1.",
 47+ 'smw_nm_hint_change_html' => "Semantic attributes are changed in page <a href='$1'>$2</a>.<br/>",
 48+ 'smw_nm_hint_match' => "\r\nPage $1 matches NotifyMe '$2' now.",
 49+ 'smw_nm_hint_match_html' => "Page $1 matches \"<b>$2</b>\" now.<br/>",
 50+ 'smw_nm_hint_nomatch' => "\r\nPage $1 does not match NotifyMe '$2' now.",
 51+ 'smw_nm_hint_nomatch_html' => "Page $1 does not match \"<b>$2</b>\" now.<br/>",
 52+ 'smw_nm_hint_submatch' => "\r\nSub page $1 changed, $2 matches NotifyMe '$3' now.",
 53+ 'smw_nm_hint_submatch_html' => "Sub page $1 changed, $2 matches \"<b>$3</b>\" now.<br/>",
 54+ 'smw_nm_hint_subnomatch' => "\r\nSub page $1 changed, page $2 does not match NotifyMe '$3' now.",
 55+ 'smw_nm_hint_subnomatch_html' => "Sub page $1 changed, $2 does not match \"<b>$3</b>\" now.<br/>",
 56+ 'smw_nm_hint_notification_html' => '<p><b>Semantic changes from last revision:</b><br/><span style="font-size: 8pt;">$1</span></P>',
 57+ 'smw_nm_hint_nmtable_html' => "<P><table class=\"smwtable\"><tr><th>Semantic type</th><th>Name</th><th>Action</th><th>Deleted</th><th>Added</th></tr>$1</table></P>",
 58+ 'smw_nm_hint_item_html' => "<br/>All current items for \"<b>$1</b>\":<br/>$2<br/>",
 59+ 'smw_nm_hint_modifier' => "\r\nThis change is from $1.",
 60+ 'smw_nm_hint_modifier_html' => "<br/>This change is from $1.",
29 - /**
30 - * Find the internal message id of some localised message string
31 - * for a datatype. If no type of the given name exists (maybe a
32 - * custom of compound type) then FALSE is returned.
33 - */
34 - function findDatatypeMsgID( $label ) {
35 - return array_search( $label, $this->smwDatatypeLabels );
36 - }
 62+ 'smw_nm_hint_mail_title' => '[SMW Notification] Page "$1" changed, from $2',
 63+ 'smw_nm_hint_mail_body' => "Dear Mr./Mrs. $1,\r\n$2\r\n\r\nSincerely yours,\r\nSMW NotifyMe Bot",
 64+ 'smw_nm_hint_mail_body_html' => "Dear Mr./Mrs. $1,<br/>$2<br/><br/>Sincerely yours,<br/>SMW NotifyMe Bot",
38 - /**
39 - * Registers all special properties of this extension in Semantic Media Wiki.
40 - *
41 - * The language files of the NM extension contain a mapping from special
42 - * property constants to their string representation. These mappings are
43 - * added to the mapping defined by Semantic Media Wiki.
44 - */
45 - function registerSpecialProperties() {
46 - global $smwgContLang;
47 - foreach ( $this->smwSpecialProperties as $key => $prop ) {
48 - list( $typeid, $label ) = $prop;
49 - SMWPropertyValue::registerProperty( $key, $typeid, $label, true );
 66+ 'smw_nm_ajax_mailupdate' => 'Update NotifyMe mail setting successfully!',
 67+ 'smw_nm_ajax_fail' => 'Operation failed, please retry later.',
51 - }
52 - }
 69+ 'smw_nm_special_closepreview' => 'Close Preview',
 70+ 'smw_nm_special_query_title' => 'Notify Me Query',
 71+ 'smw_nm_special_manager' => 'Notify Me Manager',
 72+ 'smw_nm_special_enablemail' => 'Enable \'Notify Me\' by E-mail ',
 73+ 'smw_nm_special_emailsetting' => " (Please enable your email account in '<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>'. )",
 74+ 'smw_nm_special_feed' => 'RSS Feed',
 75+ 'smw_nm_special_nologin' => 'You have not logged in, please login first. Thanks.',
 76+ 'smw_nm_special_name' => 'Name',
 77+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_name' => 'Name of the notification',
 78+ 'smw_nm_special_report' => 'Report all',
 79+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_report' => 'Report all semantic attribes\\\' change of monitored pages',
 80+ 'smw_nm_special_show' => 'Show all',
 81+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_show' => 'Show all query results with notifications',
 82+ 'smw_nm_special_delegate' => 'Delegate',
 83+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_delegate' => 'Delegate users to recieve NotifyMe, separated by comma',
 84+ 'smw_nm_special_query' => 'Query String',
 85+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_query' => 'Full query string, with {{#ask syntax, format=table, link=all',
 86+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_preview' => 'Show full preview of your query results',
 87+ 'smw_nm_special_preview' => 'Preview Results',
 88+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_add' => 'Add this notification to you NotifyMe',
 89+ 'smw_nm_special_add' => 'Add to NotifyMe',
 90+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_reset' => 'Resets the entire query',
 91+ 'smw_nm_special_reset' => 'Reset Query',
54 - /**
55 - * Returns the label of the special property with the ID $propID.
56 - * @param int propID
57 - * ID of the special property
58 - * @return String Label of the special property
59 - */
60 - function getSpecialPropertyLabel( $propID ) {
61 - return $this->smwSpecialProperties[$propID];
62 - }
63 -
64 - /**
65 - * Returns all labels of the special properties.
66 - * @return array<String> Labels of the special properties
67 - */
68 - function getSpecialPropertyLabels() {
69 - return $this->smwSpecialProperties;
70 - }
71 -
72 - function getSpecialSchemaPropertyArray() {
73 - return $this->smwSpecialSchemaProperties;
74 - }
75 -
76 - function getSpecialCategoryArray() {
77 - return $this->smwSpecialCategories;
78 - }
79 -
80 - function getNMDatatype( $datatypeID ) {
81 - return $this->smwNMDatatypes[$datatypeID];
82 - }
83 -
84 - /**
85 - * Function that returns all content messages (those that are stored
86 - * in some article, and can thus not be translated to individual users).
87 - */
88 - function getContentMsgArray() {
89 - return $this->smwContentMessages;
90 - }
91 -
92 - /**
93 - * Function that returns all user messages (those that are given only to
94 - * the current user, and can thus be given in the individual user language).
95 - */
96 - function getUserMsgArray() {
97 - return $this->smwUserMessages;
98 - }
99 -
100 - /**
101 - * Returns the name of the namespace with the ID <$namespaceID>.
102 - *
103 - * @param int $namespaceID
104 - * ID of the namespace whose name is requested
105 - * @return string
106 - * Name of the namespace or <null>.
107 - *
108 - */
109 - public function getNamespace( $namespaceID ) {
110 - return $this->smwNMNamespaces[$namespaceID];
111 - }
112 -
113 - /**
114 - * Returns the array with all namespaces of the NM extension.
115 - *
116 - * @return string
117 - * Array of additional namespaces.
118 - *
119 - */
120 - public function getNamespaces() {
121 - return $this->smwNMNamespaces;
122 - }
123 -
124 - /**
125 - * Returns the array with all namespace aliases of the NM extension.
126 - *
127 - * @return string
128 - * Array of additional namespace aliases.
129 - *
130 - */
131 - public function getNamespaceAliases() {
132 - return $this->smwNMNamespaceAliases;
133 - }
134 -
135 -
136 -
137 -}
138 -
139 -
 93+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_delete' => 'Select notifications to be deleted',
 94+ 'smw_nm_special_delete' => 'Delete?',
 95+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_enable' => 'Current state of notification. Enabled?',
 96+ 'smw_nm_special_enable' => 'Enabled?',
 97+ 'smw_nm_special_all' => 'ALL',
 98+ 'smw_nm_special_none' => 'NONE',
 99+ 'smw_nm_special_update' => 'Update',
 100+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_delupdate' => 'Delete the checked notifications',
 101+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_reportupdate' => 'Report all semantic attributes\\\' change on checked notifications',
 102+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_showupdate' => 'Show all query results on checked notifications',
 103+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_enableupdate' => 'Update the states of your notifications, enable or disable them',
 104+ 'smw_nm_special_tt_delegateupdate' => 'Update delegates',
 106+ 'smw_nm_special_feedtitle' => 'Track the most recent changes to $1 in this feed.',

Status & tagging log