r45295 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r45294‎ | r45295 | r45296 >
Date:23:04, 1 January 2009
Status:deferred (Comments)
*split up the loader and body into their separate files for better performance
*renamed messages from importfreeimages_* to importfreeimages-* as per coding conventions
*removed svn-date and svn-revision params from $wgExtensionCredits, using version param rather
*set special page group
*some random coding style tweaks
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.body.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.body.php
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
 3+// Sanity check - check for MediaWiki environment...
 4+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 5+ die( "This is an extension to the MediaWiki package and cannot be run standalone.\n" );
 8+class ImportFreeImages extends SpecialPage {
 10+ /**
 11+ * Constructor
 12+ */
 13+ public function __construct() {
 14+ parent::__construct( 'ImportFreeImages'/*class*/, 'upload'/*restriction*/ );
 15+ }
 17+ /**
 18+ * Show the special page
 19+ *
 20+ * @param $par Mixed: parameter passed to the page or null
 21+ */
 22+ public function execute( $par ) {
 23+ global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey, $wgEnableUploads;
 24+ global $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage, $wgIFI_FlickrSort, $wgIFI_FlickrLicense, $wgIFI_ResultsPerRow;
 25+ global $wgIFI_PromptForFilename, $wgIFI_FlickrSearchBy, $wgIFI_ThumbType;
 27+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'ImportFreeImages' );
 29+ wfSetupSession();
 30+ require_once("phpFlickr-2.2.0/phpFlickr.php");
 32+ $importPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ImportFreeImages' );
 34+ if( empty( $wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey ) ) {
 35+ // error - need to set $wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey to use this extension
 36+ $wgOut->errorpage( 'error', 'importfreeimages-noapikey' );
 37+ return;
 38+ }
 40+ $f = new phpFlickr($wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey);
 42+ # a lot of this code is duplicated from SpecialUpload, should be refactored
 43+ # Check uploading enabled
 44+ if( !$wgEnableUploads ) {
 45+ $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'uploaddisabled', 'uploaddisabledtext' );
 46+ return;
 47+ }
 49+ # Check that the user has 'upload' right and is logged in
 50+ if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'upload' ) ) {
 51+ if( !$wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 52+ $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'uploadnologin', 'uploadnologintext' );
 53+ } else {
 54+ $wgOut->permissionRequired( 'upload' );
 55+ }
 56+ return;
 57+ }
 59+ # Check blocks
 60+ if( $wgUser->isBlocked() ) {
 61+ $wgOut->blockedPage();
 62+ return;
 63+ }
 65+ # Show a message if the database is in read-only mode
 66+ if( wfReadOnly() ) {
 67+ $wgOut->readOnlyPage();
 68+ return;
 69+ }
 71+ $import = $wgRequest->getVal( 'url', '' );
 72+ if( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $import != '' ) {
 73+ if( wfIFI_handleUpload( $f, $import ) )
 74+ return;
 75+ $wgOut->addHTML('<hr/>');
 76+ }
 78+ $q = $wgRequest->getText( 'q' );
 80+ global $wgScript;
 81+ $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'importfreeimages-description' ) . "<br /><br />
 82+ <form method=GET action=\"$wgScript\">".wfMsg('search').
 83+ Xml::hidden( 'title', $importPage->getPrefixedDBkey() ) .
 84+ ": <input type=text name=q value='" . htmlspecialchars($q) . "'><input type=submit value=".wfMsg('search')."></form>");
 86+ if( $q != '' ) {
 87+ $page = $wgRequest->getInt( 'p', 1 );
 88+ $q = $wgRequest->getVal( 'q' );
 89+ // TODO: get the right licenses
 90+ $photos = $f->photos_search(
 91+ array(
 92+ $wgIFI_FlickrSearchBy => $q,
 93+ 'tag_mode' => 'any',
 94+ 'page' => $page,
 95+ 'per_page' => $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage,
 96+ 'license' => $wgIFI_FlickrLicense,
 97+ 'sort' => $wgIFI_FlickrSort
 98+ )
 99+ );
 101+ if( $photos == null || !is_array($photos) || sizeof($photos) == 0 || !isset($photos['photo'])
 102+ || !is_array($photos['photo']) || sizeof($photos['photo']) == 0 ) {
 103+ $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound', htmlspecialchars( $q ) ) );
 104+ return;
 105+ }
 106+ $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
 107+ $wgOut->addHTML("
 108+ <table cellpadding=4>
 109+ <form method='POST' name='uploadphotoform' action='" . $importPage->escapeFullURL() . "'>
 110+ <input type=hidden name='url' value=''>
 111+ <input type=hidden name='id' value=''>
 112+ <input type=hidden name='action' value='submit'>
 113+ <input type=hidden name='owner' value=''>
 114+ <input type=hidden name='name' value=''>
 115+ <input type=hidden name='ititle' value=''>
 116+ <input type=hidden name='token' value='" . $wgUser->editToken() . "'>
 117+ <input type=hidden name='q' value='" . htmlspecialchars($q) . "'>
 118+ <script type='text/javascript'>
 119+ function s2( url, id, owner, name, ititle ) {
 120+ document.uploadphotoform.url.value = url;
 121+ document.uploadphotoform.id.value = id;
 122+ document.uploadphotoform.owner.value = owner;
 123+ document.uploadphotoform.name.value = name;
 124+ document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value = ititle;
 125+ if( " . ($wgIFI_PromptForFilename ? "true" : "false") . " ) {
 126+ document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value = prompt(" . Xml::encodeJsVar( wfMsg('importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename') ) . ", ititle);
 127+ if( document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value == '' ) {
 128+ document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value = ititle;
 129+ }
 130+ }
 131+ document.uploadphotoform.submit();
 132+ }
 133+ </script>");
 134+ $ownermsg = wfMsg( 'importfreeimages-owner' );
 135+ $importmsg = wfMsg( 'importfreeimages-importthis' );
 136+ $i = 0;
 137+ foreach( $photos['photo'] as $photo ) {
 138+ $owner = $f->people_getInfo( $photo['owner'] );
 140+ $owner_esc = htmlspecialchars( $photo['owner'], ENT_QUOTES );
 141+ $id_esc = htmlspecialchars( $photo['id'], ENT_QUOTES );
 142+ $title_esc = htmlspecialchars( $photo['title'], ENT_QUOTES );
 143+ $username_esc = htmlspecialchars( $owner['username'], ENT_QUOTES );
 144+ $thumb_esc = htmlspecialchars( "http://farm{$photo['farm']}.static.flickr.com/{$photo['server']}/{$photo['id']}_{$photo['secret']}_{$wgIFI_ThumbType}.jpg", ENT_QUOTES );
 146+ $owner_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $photo['owner'] );
 147+ $id_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $photo['id'] );
 148+ $title_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $photo['title'] );
 149+ $username_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $owner['username'] );
 150+ $url_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( "http://farm{$photo['farm']}.static.flickr.com/{$photo['server']}/{$photo['id']}_{$photo['secret']}.jpg" );
 152+ if( $i % $wgIFI_ResultsPerRow == 0 ) $wgOut->addHTML("<tr>");
 153+ $wgOut->addHTML( "
 154+ <td align='center' style='padding-top: 15px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;'>
 155+ <font size=-2><a href='http://www.flickr.com/photos/$owner_esc/$id_esc/'>$title_esc</a>
 156+ <br />$ownermsg: <a href='http://www.flickr.com/people/$owner_esc/'>$username_esc</a>
 157+ <br /><img src='$thumb_esc' />
 158+ <br />(<a href='#' onclick='s2($url_js, $id_js, $owner_js, $username_js, $title_js);'>$importmsg</a>)</font>
 159+ </td>
 160+ " );
 161+ if( $i % $wgIFI_ResultsPerRow == ($wgIFI_ResultsPerRow - 1) ) $wgOut->addHTML("</tr>");
 162+ $i++;
 163+ }
 165+ $wgOut->addHTML("</form></table>");
 166+ if( $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage * $page < $photos['total'] ) {
 167+ $page++;
 168+ $wgOut->addHTML("<br />" . $sk->makeLinkObj($importPage, wfMsg('importfreeimages-next', $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage), "p=$page&q=" . urlencode($q) ) );
 169+ }
 170+ }
 171+ }
 173+ /**
 174+ * Shows a custom upload warning
 175+ * @param $u UploadForm object
 176+ * @param $warning Mixed: warning message (MediaWiki:Fileexists plus some other stuff)
 177+ */
 178+ function wfIFI_uploadWarning( $u, $warning ) {
 179+ global $wgOut, $wgUseCopyrightUpload;
 181+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'ImportFreeImages' );
 183+ $u->mSessionKey = $u->stashSession();
 184+ if( !$u->mSessionKey ) {
 185+ # Couldn't save file; an error has been displayed so let's go.
 186+ return;
 187+ }
 189+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<h2>" . wfMsgHtml( 'uploadwarning' ) . "</h2>\n" );
 190+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<ul class='warning'>{$warning}</ul><br />\n" );
 192+ $save = wfMsgHtml( 'savefile' );
 193+ $reupload = wfMsgHtml( 'reupload' );
 194+ $iw = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'ignorewarning' );
 195+ $reup = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'reuploaddesc' );
 196+ $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Upload' );
 197+ $action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL( 'action=submit' );
 198+ if ( $wgUseCopyrightUpload ){
 199+ $copyright = '<input type="hidden" name="wpUploadCopyStatus" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $u->mUploadCopyStatus ) . '" />
 200+ <input type="hidden" name="wpUploadSource" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $u->mUploadSource ) . '" />';
 201+ } else {
 202+ $copyright = '';
 203+ }
 205+ $wgOut->addHTML( "
 206+ <form id='uploadwarning' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$action'>
 207+ <input type='hidden' name='wpIgnoreWarning' value='1' />
 208+ <input type='hidden' name='wpSessionKey' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mSessionKey ) . "\" />
 209+ <input type='hidden' name='wpUploadDescription' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mUploadDescription ) . "\" />
 210+ <input type='hidden' name='wpLicense' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mLicense ) . "\" />
 211+ <input type='hidden' name='wpDestFile' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mDestFile ) . "\" />
 212+ <input type='hidden' name='wpWatchu' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( intval( $u->mWatchu ) ) . "\" />
 213+ {$copyright}
 214+ <table border='0'>
 215+ <tr>
 216+ <tr>
 217+ <td align='right'>
 218+ <input tabindex='2' type='submit' name='wpUpload' value=\"$save\" />
 219+ </td>
 220+ <td align='left'>$iw</td>
 221+ </tr>
 222+ </tr>
 223+ </table></form>\n" . wfMsg( 'importfreeimages-returntoform', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] ) );
 224+ // $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; -- javascript.back wasn't working for some reason... hmph.
 225+ }
 227+ /**
 228+ * Return values:
 229+ * true: Don't show query form, because
 230+ * either everything worked
 231+ * or something is so wrong that it makes no sense to continue
 232+ * false: Temporary error (e.g. proposed pagename is protected against creation),
 233+ * show query again so user has a chance to retry.
 234+ */
 235+ function wfIFI_handleUpload( $f, $import ) {
 236+ global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTmpDirectory;
 237+ global $wgIFI_GetOriginal, $wgIFI_CreditsTemplate, $wgIFI_AppendRandomNumber;
 239+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'ImportFreeImages' );
 241+ # Check token, to preven Cross Site Request Forgeries
 242+ $token = $wgRequest->getVal( 'token' );
 243+ if( !$wgUser->matchEditToken( $token ) ) {
 244+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'sessionfailure' );
 245+ return false;
 246+ }
 248+ $id = $wgRequest->getVal( 'id' );
 249+ $ititle = $wgRequest->getVal( 'ititle' );
 250+ $owner = $wgRequest->getVal( 'owner' );
 251+ $name = $wgRequest->getVal( 'name' );
 253+ if( $wgIFI_GetOriginal ) {
 254+ // get URL of original :1
 256+ $sizes = $f->photos_getSizes( $id );
 257+ $original = '';
 258+ foreach( $sizes as $size ) {
 259+ if( $size['label'] == 'Original' ) {
 260+ $original = $size['source'];
 261+ $import = $size['source'];
 262+ } else if( $size['label'] == 'Large' ) {
 263+ $large = $size['source'];
 264+ }
 265+ }
 266+ // sometimes Large is returned but no Original!
 267+ if( $original == '' && $large != '' )
 268+ $import = $large;
 269+ }
 271+ if( !preg_match( '/^http:\/\/farm[0-9]+\.static\.flickr\.com\/.*\.(jpg|gif|png)$/', $import, $matches ) ) {
 272+ $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'error', 'importfreeimages-invalidurl', array( wfEscapeWikiText( $import ) ) );
 273+ return true;
 274+ }
 275+ $fileext = '.' . $matches[1];
 277+ // store the contents of the file
 278+ $pageContents = file_get_contents($import);
 279+ $tempname = tempnam( $wgTmpDirectory, 'flickr' );
 280+ $r = fopen( $tempname, 'wb' );
 281+ if( $r === FALSE ) {
 282+ # Could not open temporary file to write in
 283+ $wgOut->errorPage( 'upload-file-error', 'upload-file-error-text' );
 284+ return true;
 285+ }
 286+ $size = fwrite( $r, $pageContents );
 287+ fclose( $r );
 289+ $info = $f->photos_getInfo( $id );
 290+ $name_wiki = wfEscapeWikiText( $name );
 291+ if( !empty( $wgIFI_CreditsTemplate ) ) {
 292+ $owner_wiki = wfEscapeWikiText( $owner );
 293+ $id_wiki = wfEscapeWikiText( $id );
 294+ $caption = "{{" . $wgIFI_CreditsTemplate . intval( $info['license'] ) . "|1=$id_wiki|2=$owner_wiki|3=$name_wiki}}";
 295+ } else {
 296+ // TODO: this is totally wrong: The whole message should be configurable, we shouldn't include arbitrary templates
 297+ // additionally, the license information is not correct (we are not guaranteed to get "CC by 2.0" images only)
 298+ $caption = wfMsgForContent('importfreeimages-filefromflickr', $ititle, "http://www.flickr.com/people/" . urlencode($owner) . " " . $name_wiki) . " <nowiki>$import</nowiki>. {{CC by 2.0}} ";
 299+ $caption = trim($caption);
 300+ }
 302+ // UploadForm class should be autoloaded by now on MediaWiki 1.13+
 303+ // But on older versions, we need to require_once() it manually
 304+ if( !class_exists( 'UploadForm' ) ){
 305+ require_once('includes/SpecialUpload.php');
 306+ }
 307+ $u = new UploadForm($wgRequest);
 308+ // TODO: we should use FauxRequest here instead of accessing member variables.
 309+ // But FauxRequest doesn't yet allow us to pass files around
 310+ $u->mTempPath = $tempname;
 311+ $u->mFileSize = $size;
 312+ $u->mComment = $caption;
 313+ $u->mRemoveTempFile = true;
 314+ $u->mIgnoreWarning = true;
 316+ $filename = $ititle . ($wgIFI_AppendRandomNumber ? "-" . rand(0, 9999) : "") . $fileext;
 317+ $filename = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $filename);
 318+ /**
 319+ * Filter out illegal characters, and try to make a legible name
 320+ * out of it. We'll strip some silently that Title would die on.
 321+ * This is taken from SpecialUpload::internalProcessUploads()
 322+ */
 323+ $filename = preg_replace ( "/[^".Title::legalChars()."]|:/", '-', $filename );
 324+ $nt = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_IMAGE, $filename );
 325+ if( is_null( $nt ) ) {
 326+ $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'error', 'illegalfilename', array( wfEscapeWikiText( $filename ) ) );
 327+ return false;
 328+ }
 329+ $u->mSrcName = $filename;
 331+ if( $nt->getArticleID() > 0 ) {
 332+ $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
 333+ $dlink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $t );
 334+ $warning = '<li>'.wfMsgExt( 'fileexists', '', $dlink ).'</li>';
 336+ // use our own upload warning as we dont have a 'reupload' feature
 337+ wfIFI_uploadWarning( $u, $warning );
 338+ return true;
 339+ } elseif( !$nt->userCan( 'create' ) ) {
 340+ $wgOut->showPermissionsErrorPage( $nt->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'create', $wgUser ) );
 341+ return false;
 342+ } else {
 343+ $u->execute();
 344+ return true;
 345+ }
 346+ }
 348+} // class
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.body.php
Name: svn:eol-style
1349 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.i18n.php
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
33 /**
44 * Internationalisation file for the ImportFreeImages extension.
55 *
 6+ * @file
67 * @ingroup Extensions
78 */
@@ -11,19 +12,19 @@
1213 * @author Travis Derouin
1314 */
1415 $messages['en'] = array(
15 - 'importfreeimages' => 'Import free images',
16 - 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Provides a way of [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importing properly licensed photos]] from [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
17 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'This page allows you to search properly licensed photos from flickr and import them into your wiki.',
18 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'You have not configured your Flickr API Key.
19 -To do so, please obtain a API key from [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html here] and set wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php.',
20 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'No photos were found for your search criteria \'$1\', please try again.',
21 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'The URL "$1" is not a valid Flickr image.',
22 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Author',
23 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'import this',
24 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Next $1',
25 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 by user <b>[$2]</b> from flickr. Original URL',
26 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Please enter a destination filename:',
27 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => 'Or, click <a href=\'$1\'>here</a> to return to your search results',
 16+ 'importfreeimages' => 'Import free images',
 17+ 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Provides a way of [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importing properly licensed photos]] from [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
 18+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'This page allows you to search properly licensed photos from flickr and import them into your wiki.',
 19+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'You have not configured your Flickr API Key.
 20+To do so, please obtain a API key from [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html here] and set wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php.',
 21+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'No photos were found for your search criteria \'$1\', please try again.',
 22+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'The URL "$1" is not a valid Flickr image.',
 23+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Author',
 24+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'import this',
 25+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Next $1',
 26+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 by user <b>[$2]</b> from flickr. Original URL',
 27+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Please enter a destination filename:',
 28+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => 'Or, click <a href=\'$1\'>here</a> to return to your search results',
2829 );
3031 /** Message documentation (Message documentation)
@@ -32,15 +33,15 @@
3334 */
3435 $messages['qqq'] = array(
3536 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Short description of this extension, shown on [[Special:Version]]. Do not translate or change links.',
36 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => '{{Identical|Author}}',
37 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '{{Identical|Next $1}}',
 37+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => '{{Identical|Author}}',
 38+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '{{Identical|Next $1}}',
3839 );
4041 /** Afrikaans (Afrikaans)
4142 * @author Arnobarnard
4243 */
4344 $messages['af'] = array(
44 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Outeur',
 45+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Outeur',
4546 );
4748 /** Arabic (العربية)
@@ -49,17 +50,17 @@
5051 $messages['ar'] = array(
5152 'importfreeimages' => 'استيراد صور حرة',
5253 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'يوفر طريقة [[Special:ImportFreeImages|لاستيراد صور مرخصة بشكل سليم]] من [http://www.flickr.com فليكر]',
53 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'هذه الصفحة تسمح لك بالبحث في الصور المرخصة جيدا من فليكر واستيرادها إلى الويكي الخاص بك.',
54 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'لم تقم بضبط مفتاح API فليكر الخاص بك.
 54+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'هذه الصفحة تسمح لك بالبحث في الصور المرخصة جيدا من فليكر واستيرادها إلى الويكي الخاص بك.',
 55+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'لم تقم بضبط مفتاح API فليكر الخاص بك.
5556 لفعل هذا، من فضلك احصل على مفتاح API من [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html هنا] واضبط wgFlickrAPIKey في ImportFreeImages.php.',
56 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "لا صور تم العثور عليها لمدخلة البحث الخاصة بك '$1'، من فضلك حاول مرة ثانية.",
57 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'المسار "$1" ليس صورة فليكر صحيحة.',
58 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'المؤلف',
59 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'استورد هذا',
60 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 التالي',
61 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 بواسطة المستخدم <b>[$2]</b> من فليكر. المسار الأصلي',
62 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'من فضلك أدخل اسما لتخزين الملف به:',
63 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "أو، اضغط <a href='$1'>هنا</a> للعودة إلى نتائج بحثك",
 57+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "لا صور تم العثور عليها لمدخلة البحث الخاصة بك '$1'، من فضلك حاول مرة ثانية.",
 58+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'المسار "$1" ليس صورة فليكر صحيحة.',
 59+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'المؤلف',
 60+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'استورد هذا',
 61+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 التالي',
 62+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 بواسطة المستخدم <b>[$2]</b> من فليكر. المسار الأصلي',
 63+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'من فضلك أدخل اسما لتخزين الملف به:',
 64+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "أو، اضغط <a href='$1'>هنا</a> للعودة إلى نتائج بحثك",
6465 );
6667 /** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى)
@@ -68,17 +69,17 @@
6970 $messages['arz'] = array(
7071 'importfreeimages' => 'استيراد صور حرة',
7172 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'يوفر طريقة [[Special:ImportFreeImages|لاستيراد صور مرخصة بشكل سليم]] من [http://www.flickr.com فليكر]',
72 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'هذه الصفحة تسمح لك بالبحث فى الصور المرخصة جيدا من فليكر واستيرادها إلى الويكى الخاص بك.',
73 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'لم تقم بضبط مفتاح API فليكر الخاص بك.
 73+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'هذه الصفحة تسمح لك بالبحث فى الصور المرخصة جيدا من فليكر واستيرادها إلى الويكى الخاص بك.',
 74+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'لم تقم بضبط مفتاح API فليكر الخاص بك.
7475 لفعل هذا، من فضلك احصل على مفتاح API من [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html هنا] واضبط wgFlickrAPIKey فى ImportFreeImages.php.',
75 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "لا صور تم العثور عليها لمدخلة البحث الخاصة بك '$1'، من فضلك حاول مرة ثانية.",
76 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'المسار "$1" ليس صورة فليكر صحيحة.',
77 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'المؤلف',
78 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'استورد هذا',
79 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 التالي',
80 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 بواسطة المستخدم <b>[$2]</b> من فليكر. المسار الأصلي',
81 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'من فضلك أدخل اسما لتخزين الملف به:',
82 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "أو، اضغط <a href='$1'>هنا</a> للعودة إلى نتائج بحثك",
 76+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "لا صور تم العثور عليها لمدخلة البحث الخاصة بك '$1'، من فضلك حاول مرة ثانية.",
 77+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'المسار "$1" ليس صورة فليكر صحيحة.',
 78+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'المؤلف',
 79+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'استورد هذا',
 80+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 التالي',
 81+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 بواسطة المستخدم <b>[$2]</b> من فليكر. المسار الأصلي',
 82+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'من فضلك أدخل اسما لتخزين الملف به:',
 83+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "أو، اضغط <a href='$1'>هنا</a> للعودة إلى نتائج بحثك",
8384 );
8586 /** Bulgarian (Български)
@@ -88,22 +89,22 @@
8990 $messages['bg'] = array(
9091 'importfreeimages' => 'Внасяне на свободни картинки',
9192 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Позволява [[Special:ImportFreeImages|внасянето на подходящо лицензирани картинки]] от [http://www.flickr.com flickr].',
92 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Тази страница позволява търсенето на подходящо лицензирани картинки от flickr и качването им в уикито.',
93 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Не е конфигуриран Flickr API ключ. Такъв API ключ може да се получи [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html оттук], след което е необходимо да се настрои wgFlickrAPIKey в ImportFreeImages.php.',
94 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Не бяха открити резултати за търсенето ви по критерия '$1'. Моля, опитайте отново.",
95 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Адресът „$1“ не е валидна картинка във Flickr.',
96 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Автор',
97 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Следващи $1',
98 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 от потребител <b>[$2]</b> от flickr. Оригинален адрес',
99 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Моля, въведете целево име на файла:',
100 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Или щракнете <a href='$1'>тук</a> за да се върнете към резултати от търсенето си",
 93+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Тази страница позволява търсенето на подходящо лицензирани картинки от flickr и качването им в уикито.',
 94+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Не е конфигуриран Flickr API ключ. Такъв API ключ може да се получи [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html оттук], след което е необходимо да се настрои wgFlickrAPIKey в ImportFreeImages.php.',
 95+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Не бяха открити резултати за търсенето ви по критерия '$1'. Моля, опитайте отново.",
 96+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Адресът „$1“ не е валидна картинка във Flickr.',
 97+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Автор',
 98+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Следващи $1',
 99+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 от потребител <b>[$2]</b> от flickr. Оригинален адрес',
 100+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Моля, въведете целево име на файла:',
 101+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Или щракнете <a href='$1'>тук</a> за да се върнете към резултати от търсенето си",
101102 );
103104 /** Bosnian (Bosanski)
104105 * @author CERminator
105106 */
106107 $messages['bs'] = array(
107 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
 108+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
108109 );
110111 /** Czech (Česky)
@@ -113,30 +114,30 @@
114115 $messages['cs'] = array(
115116 'importfreeimages' => 'Importovat svobodné obrázky',
116117 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Umožňuje [[Special:ImportFreeImages|imprtování obrázků se správnou licencí]] z [http://www.flickr.com Flickru]',
117 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Tato stránka vám umožní importovat správně licencované obrázky z Flickru na vaši wiki',
118 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Nenastavili jste API klíč Flickru. Uděláte tak po získání API klíče [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html odtud] a nastavením proměnné <tt>$wgFlickrAPIKey</tt> v ImportFreeImages.php.',
119 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné obrázky odpovídající vašim kritériím „$1“. Prosím, zkuste to znovu.',
120 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => '„$1“ není platný obrázek na Flickru.',
121 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
122 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importovat toto',
123 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Dalších $1',
124 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 od uživatele <b>[$2]</b> z Flickru. Původní URL',
125 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Prosím, zadejte název cílového souboru:',
126 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Nebo se vraťte na <a href='$1'>výsledky vašeho vyhledávání</a>",
 118+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Tato stránka vám umožní importovat správně licencované obrázky z Flickru na vaši wiki',
 119+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Nenastavili jste API klíč Flickru. Uděláte tak po získání API klíče [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html odtud] a nastavením proměnné <tt>$wgFlickrAPIKey</tt> v ImportFreeImages.php.',
 120+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné obrázky odpovídající vašim kritériím „$1“. Prosím, zkuste to znovu.',
 121+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => '„$1“ není platný obrázek na Flickru.',
 122+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 123+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importovat toto',
 124+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Dalších $1',
 125+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 od uživatele <b>[$2]</b> z Flickru. Původní URL',
 126+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Prosím, zadejte název cílového souboru:',
 127+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Nebo se vraťte na <a href='$1'>výsledky vašeho vyhledávání</a>",
127128 );
129130 /** Church Slavic (Словѣ́ньскъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡⰐⰠⰔⰍⰟ)
130131 * @author ОйЛ
131132 */
132133 $messages['cu'] = array(
133 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'творь́ць',
 134+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'творь́ць',
134135 );
136137 /** Danish (Dansk)
137138 * @author Jon Harald Søby
138139 */
139140 $messages['da'] = array(
140 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Næste $1',
 141+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Næste $1',
141142 );
143144 /** German (Deutsch)
@@ -145,26 +146,26 @@
146147 $messages['de'] = array(
147148 'importfreeimages' => 'Import freier Bilder',
148149 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Ermöglicht den [[Special:ImportFreeImages|Import freier Bilder]] von [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
149 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Diese Seite erlaubt dir, in Flickr nach Bildern unter einer freien Lizenz zu suchen und diese in dein Wiki zu importieren.',
150 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Du hast noch keinen Flickr-API-Schlüssel konfiguriert. Bitte beantrage ihn [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html hier] und setze ihn in $wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php ein.',
151 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Es wurden keine Fotos mit den Suchkriterien „$1“ gefunden.',
152 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Die URL „$1“ ist kein gültiges Flickr-Bild.',
153 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
154 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importieren',
155 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Nächste $1',
156 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 von Benutzer <b>[$2]</b> von flickr. Original URL',
157 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Bitte gebe einen Ziel-Dateinamen ein:',
158 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Oder klicke <a href='$1'>hier</a>, um zu der Seite mit den Suchergebnissen zurückzukommen.",
 150+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Diese Seite erlaubt dir, in Flickr nach Bildern unter einer freien Lizenz zu suchen und diese in dein Wiki zu importieren.',
 151+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Du hast noch keinen Flickr-API-Schlüssel konfiguriert. Bitte beantrage ihn [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html hier] und setze ihn in $wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php ein.',
 152+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Es wurden keine Fotos mit den Suchkriterien „$1“ gefunden.',
 153+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Die URL „$1“ ist kein gültiges Flickr-Bild.',
 154+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 155+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importieren',
 156+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Nächste $1',
 157+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 von Benutzer <b>[$2]</b> von flickr. Original URL',
 158+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Bitte gebe einen Ziel-Dateinamen ein:',
 159+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Oder klicke <a href='$1'>hier</a>, um zu der Seite mit den Suchergebnissen zurückzukommen.",
159160 );
161162 /** German (formal address) (Deutsch (Sie-Form))
162163 * @author Raimond Spekking
163164 */
164165 $messages['de-formal'] = array(
165 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Diese Seite erlaubt Ihnen, in Flickr nach Bildern unter einer freien Lizenz zu suchen und diese in Ihr Wiki zu importieren.',
166 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Sie haben noch keinen Flickr-API-Schlüssel konfiguriert. Bitte beantragen Sie ihn [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html hier] und setzen Sie ihn in $wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php ein.',
167 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Bitte geben Sie einen Ziel-Dateinamen ein:',
168 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Oder klicken Sie <a href='$1'>hier</a>, um zu der Seite mit den Suchergebnissen zurückzukommen.",
 166+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Diese Seite erlaubt Ihnen, in Flickr nach Bildern unter einer freien Lizenz zu suchen und diese in Ihr Wiki zu importieren.',
 167+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Sie haben noch keinen Flickr-API-Schlüssel konfiguriert. Bitte beantragen Sie ihn [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html hier] und setzen Sie ihn in $wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php ein.',
 168+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Bitte geben Sie einen Ziel-Dateinamen ein:',
 169+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Oder klicken Sie <a href='$1'>hier</a>, um zu der Seite mit den Suchergebnissen zurückzukommen.",
169170 );
171172 /** Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski)
@@ -173,17 +174,17 @@
174175 $messages['dsb'] = array(
175176 'importfreeimages' => 'Liche wobraze importěrowaś',
176177 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Zmóžnja [[Special:ImportFreeImages|import pórědnje licencěrowanych fotow]] z [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
177 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Toś ten bok śi zmóžnja, na Flickrje pórědnje licencěrowane fota pytaś a je do twójogo wikija importěrowaś.',
178 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Njejsy konfigurěrował swój API-kluc za Flickr.
 178+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Toś ten bok śi zmóžnja, na Flickrje pórědnje licencěrowane fota pytaś a je do twójogo wikija importěrowaś.',
 179+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Njejsy konfigurěrował swój API-kluc za Flickr.
179180 Aby to cynił, wobstaraj se pšosym API-kluc wót [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html how]',
180 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Za twóje pytańske kriteriumy '$1' njejsu žedne fota namakali, pšosym wopytaj hyšći raz.",
181 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" njejo płaśiwy Flickr-wobraz.',
182 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Awtor',
183 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'to importěrowaś',
184 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Pśiducy $1',
185 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 wót wužywarja <b>[$2]</b> z flickr. Originalny URL',
186 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Pšosym zapódaj mě celowego dataje:',
187 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Abo klikni < a href='$1'>sem</a>, aby se wróśił k swójim pytańskim wuslědkam",
 181+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Za twóje pytańske kriteriumy '$1' njejsu žedne fota namakali, pšosym wopytaj hyšći raz.",
 182+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" njejo płaśiwy Flickr-wobraz.',
 183+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Awtor',
 184+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'to importěrowaś',
 185+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Pśiducy $1',
 186+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 wót wužywarja <b>[$2]</b> z flickr. Originalny URL',
 187+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Pšosym zapódaj mě celowego dataje:',
 188+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Abo klikni < a href='$1'>sem</a>, aby se wróśił k swójim pytańskim wuslědkam",
188189 );
190191 /** Esperanto (Esperanto)
@@ -192,24 +193,24 @@
193194 $messages['eo'] = array(
194195 'importfreeimages' => 'Importi Senpagajn Bildojn',
195196 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Ebligas fojon [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importi ĝuste permesmarkitajn fotojn]] de [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
196 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Ĉi paĝo ebligas al vi serĉi ĝuste permesmarkitajn fotojn de Flickr kaj importi ilin al vian vikion.',
197 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Vi ne konfiguris vian Flickr API-ŝlosilo. Fari tiel, bonvolu akiri API-ŝlosilon de
 197+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Ĉi paĝo ebligas al vi serĉi ĝuste permesmarkitajn fotojn de Flickr kaj importi ilin al vian vikion.',
 198+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Vi ne konfiguris vian Flickr API-ŝlosilo. Fari tiel, bonvolu akiri API-ŝlosilon de
198199 [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html ĉi tie] kaj baskuli wgFlickrAPIKey en ImportFreeImages.php.',
199 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Neniaj fotoj estis trovitaj por via serĉesprimo '$1'; bonvolu reprovi.",
200 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'La URL-o "$1" ne estas valida bildo de Flickr.',
201 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Aŭtoro',
202 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importi ĉi tiun',
203 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Sekvaj $1',
204 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 de uzanto <b>[$2]</b> de Flickr. Originala URL-o',
205 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Bonvolu enigi celan dosiernomon:',
206 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Aŭ, klaku <a href='$1'>ĉi tien</a> reveni al viaj serĉrezultoj.",
 200+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Neniaj fotoj estis trovitaj por via serĉesprimo '$1'; bonvolu reprovi.",
 201+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'La URL-o "$1" ne estas valida bildo de Flickr.',
 202+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Aŭtoro',
 203+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importi ĉi tiun',
 204+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Sekvaj $1',
 205+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 de uzanto <b>[$2]</b> de Flickr. Originala URL-o',
 206+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Bonvolu enigi celan dosiernomon:',
 207+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Aŭ, klaku <a href='$1'>ĉi tien</a> reveni al viaj serĉrezultoj.",
207208 );
209210 /** Spanish (Español)
210211 * @author Imre
211212 */
212213 $messages['es'] = array(
213 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
 214+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
214215 );
216217 /** Persian (فارسی)
@@ -218,17 +219,17 @@
219220 $messages['fa'] = array(
220221 'importfreeimages' => 'وارد کردن تصاویر آزاد',
221222 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'راهی برای [[Special:ImportFreeImages|وارد کردن تصاویر با اجازه‌نامهٔ مناسب]] از [http://www.flickr.com فلیکر] فراهم می‌آورد',
222 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'این صفحه به شما اجازه می‌دهد که در فلیکر به دنبال تصاویر با اجازه‌نامهٔ مناسب بگردید و آن‌ها را در ویکی خود وارد کنید.',
223 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'شما کلید API فلیکر خود را تنظیم نکرده‌اید.
 223+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'این صفحه به شما اجازه می‌دهد که در فلیکر به دنبال تصاویر با اجازه‌نامهٔ مناسب بگردید و آن‌ها را در ویکی خود وارد کنید.',
 224+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'شما کلید API فلیکر خود را تنظیم نکرده‌اید.
224225 برای این کار، لطفاً یک کلید از [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html این‌جا] دریافت کنید و wgFlickrAPIKey را در ImportFreeImages.php تنظیم کنید.',
225 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "صفحه‌ای برای عبارت جستجوی شما ('$1') پیدا نشد، لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.",
226 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'نشانی اینترنتی «$1» یک تصویر مجاز فلیکر نیست.',
227 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'خالق',
228 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'این را وارد کن',
229 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 بعدی',
230 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 توسط کاربر <b>[$2]</b> از فلیکر. نشانی اینترنتی اصلی',
231 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'لطفاً یک نام مقصد برای پرونده وارد کنید:',
232 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "یا <a href='$1'>این‌جا</a> کلیک کنید تا به نتایج جستجوی خود باز گردید",
 226+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "صفحه‌ای برای عبارت جستجوی شما ('$1') پیدا نشد، لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.",
 227+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'نشانی اینترنتی «$1» یک تصویر مجاز فلیکر نیست.',
 228+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'خالق',
 229+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'این را وارد کن',
 230+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 بعدی',
 231+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 توسط کاربر <b>[$2]</b> از فلیکر. نشانی اینترنتی اصلی',
 232+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'لطفاً یک نام مقصد برای پرونده وارد کنید:',
 233+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "یا <a href='$1'>این‌جا</a> کلیک کنید تا به نتایج جستجوی خود باز گردید",
233234 );
235236 /** Finnish (Suomi)
@@ -238,17 +239,17 @@
239240 $messages['fi'] = array(
240241 'importfreeimages' => 'Tuo vapaita kuvia',
241242 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Mahdollistaa [[Special:ImportFreeImages|sopivasti lisensoitujen valokuvien tuonnin]] [http://www.flickr.com Flickristä].',
242 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Tämän sivun kautta pystyt etsimään asianomaisesti lisensoituja kuvia flickr:sta ja tuomaan niitä wikiisi.',
243 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Et ole asettanut Flickr API-avaintasi.
 243+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Tämän sivun kautta pystyt etsimään asianomaisesti lisensoituja kuvia flickr:sta ja tuomaan niitä wikiisi.',
 244+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Et ole asettanut Flickr API-avaintasi.
244245 Tehdäksesi niin, hanki API-avain [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html täältä] ja aseta wgFlickrAPIKey ImportFreeImages.php-tiedostossa.',
245 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Mitkään valokuvat eivät täsmänneet hakukriteeriisi '$1', ole hyvä ja koita uudestaan.",
246 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" ei ole kelvollinen Flickr-kuva.',
247 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Tekijä',
248 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'tuo tämä',
249 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Seuraavat $1',
250 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 käyttäjän <b>[$2]</b> toimesta flickr:sta. Alkuperäinen URL',
251 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Ole hyvä ja anna kohdenimi:',
252 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Tai napsauta <a href='$1'>tästä</a> palataksesi hakusi tuloksiin",
 246+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Mitkään valokuvat eivät täsmänneet hakukriteeriisi '$1', ole hyvä ja koita uudestaan.",
 247+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" ei ole kelvollinen Flickr-kuva.',
 248+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Tekijä',
 249+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'tuo tämä',
 250+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Seuraavat $1',
 251+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 käyttäjän <b>[$2]</b> toimesta flickr:sta. Alkuperäinen URL',
 252+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Ole hyvä ja anna kohdenimi:',
 253+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Tai napsauta <a href='$1'>tästä</a> palataksesi hakusi tuloksiin",
253254 );
255256 /** French (Français)
@@ -258,23 +259,23 @@
259260 $messages['fr'] = array(
260261 'importfreeimages' => 'Importer des Images Libres',
261262 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Fournit un moyen d’importer des photographies sous licence appropriée depuis flickr.',
262 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Cette page vous permet de rechercher des images sous licences appropriées depuis flickr et de les importer dans votre wiki.',
263 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Vous n’avez pas configuré votre Clef API Flickr. Pour ce faire, vous êtes prié d’obtenir une clef API à partir de [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html ce lien] et de configurer wgFlickrAPIKey dans ImportFreeImages.php.',
264 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Aucune photo n’a été trouvée à partir de vos critères de recherches '$1', veuillez essayer à nouveau.",
265 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => "L'adresse « $1 » n’est pas une image Flickr correcte.",
266 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Auteur',
267 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'l’importer',
268 - 'importfreeimages_next' => ' $1 suivants',
269 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 par l’utilisateur <b>[$2]</b> depuis flickr. URL d’origine',
270 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Veuillez indiquer le nom du fichier de destination :',
271 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "ou, cliquez <a href='$1'>ici</a> pour revenir à votre liste de résultats.",
 263+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Cette page vous permet de rechercher des images sous licences appropriées depuis flickr et de les importer dans votre wiki.',
 264+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Vous n’avez pas configuré votre Clef API Flickr. Pour ce faire, vous êtes prié d’obtenir une clef API à partir de [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html ce lien] et de configurer wgFlickrAPIKey dans ImportFreeImages.php.',
 265+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Aucune photo n’a été trouvée à partir de vos critères de recherches '$1', veuillez essayer à nouveau.",
 266+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => "L'adresse « $1 » n’est pas une image Flickr correcte.",
 267+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Auteur',
 268+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'l’importer',
 269+ 'importfreeimages-next' => ' $1 suivants',
 270+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 par l’utilisateur <b>[$2]</b> depuis flickr. URL d’origine',
 271+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Veuillez indiquer le nom du fichier de destination :',
 272+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "ou, cliquez <a href='$1'>ici</a> pour revenir à votre liste de résultats.",
272273 );
274275 /** Western Frisian (Frysk)
275276 * @author Snakesteuben
276277 */
277278 $messages['fy'] = array(
278 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Auteur',
 279+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Auteur',
279280 );
281282 /** Galician (Galego)
@@ -285,33 +286,33 @@
286287 $messages['gl'] = array(
287288 'importfreeimages' => 'Importar imaxes libres',
288289 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Proporciona unha ruta para [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importar adecuadamente fotografías con licenza]] dende o [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
289 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Esta páxina permítelle procurar fotos de flickr con licenza correcta e importalos ao seu wiki.',
290 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Non configurou a súa clave Flickr API.
 290+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Esta páxina permítelle procurar fotos de flickr con licenza correcta e importalos ao seu wiki.',
 291+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Non configurou a súa clave Flickr API.
291292 Para facelo, por favor, obteña a clave API [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html aquí] e fixe wgFlickrAPIKey en ImportFreeImages.php.',
292 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Ningunhas fotos foron atopadas cos criterios '$1' de procura, ténteo de novo.",
293 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'A URL "$1" non é unha imaxe válida de Flickr',
294 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
295 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importar isto',
296 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Seguinte $1',
297 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 polo usuario <b>[$2]</b> de flickr. Orixinal URL',
298 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Introduza un nome de ficheiro de destino:',
299 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Ou prema <a href='$1'>aquí</a> para voltar á súa procura de resultados",
 293+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Ningunhas fotos foron atopadas cos criterios '$1' de procura, ténteo de novo.",
 294+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'A URL "$1" non é unha imaxe válida de Flickr',
 295+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 296+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importar isto',
 297+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Seguinte $1',
 298+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 polo usuario <b>[$2]</b> de flickr. Orixinal URL',
 299+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Introduza un nome de ficheiro de destino:',
 300+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Ou prema <a href='$1'>aquí</a> para voltar á súa procura de resultados",
300301 );
302303 /** Ancient Greek (Ἀρχαία ἑλληνικὴ)
303304 * @author Omnipaedista
304305 */
305306 $messages['grc'] = array(
306 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Δημιουργός',
307 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'τόδε εἰσάγειν',
308 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Ἑπόμεναι $1',
 307+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Δημιουργός',
 308+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'τόδε εἰσάγειν',
 309+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Ἑπόμεναι $1',
309310 );
311312 /** Manx (Gaelg)
312313 * @author MacTire02
313314 */
314315 $messages['gv'] = array(
315 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Ughtar',
 316+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Ughtar',
316317 );
318319 /** Hebrew (עברית)
@@ -321,17 +322,17 @@
322323 $messages['he'] = array(
323324 'importfreeimages' => 'ייבוא תמונות חופשיות',
324325 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'אפשרות ל[[Special:ImportFreeImages|ייבוא תמונות בעלות רשיון מתאים]] מ־[http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
325 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'דף זה מאפשר לכם לחפש תמונות בעלות רשיון מתאים מ־Flickr ולייבא אותן אל הוויקי שלכם.',
326 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'לא הוגדר מפתח ה־API של Flickr.
 326+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'דף זה מאפשר לכם לחפש תמונות בעלות רשיון מתאים מ־Flickr ולייבא אותן אל הוויקי שלכם.',
 327+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'לא הוגדר מפתח ה־API של Flickr.
327328 כדי לעשות זאת, אנא ייבאו את מפתח ה־API מהכתובת [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html הזו] והגדירו את wgFlickrAPIKey בקובץ ImportFreeImages.php.',
328 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'לא נמצאו תמונות לפי קריטריון החיפוש "$1", אנא נסו שנית.',
329 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'הכתובת "$1" אינה תמונה תקינה של Flickr.',
330 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'יוצר',
331 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'ייבוא תמונה זו',
332 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 הבאות',
333 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 על ידי המשתמש <b>[$2]</b> מ־Flickr. כתובת מקורית',
334 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'אנא הקלידו את שם קובץ היעד:',
335 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "או, לחצו <a href='$1'>כאן</a> כדי לחזור לתוצאות החיפוש",
 329+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'לא נמצאו תמונות לפי קריטריון החיפוש "$1", אנא נסו שנית.',
 330+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'הכתובת "$1" אינה תמונה תקינה של Flickr.',
 331+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'יוצר',
 332+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'ייבוא תמונה זו',
 333+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 הבאות',
 334+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 על ידי המשתמש <b>[$2]</b> מ־Flickr. כתובת מקורית',
 335+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'אנא הקלידו את שם קובץ היעד:',
 336+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "או, לחצו <a href='$1'>כאן</a> כדי לחזור לתוצאות החיפוש",
336337 );
338339 /** Hindi (हिन्दी)
@@ -339,14 +340,14 @@
340341 */
341342 $messages['hi'] = array(
342343 'importfreeimages' => 'मुक्त चित्र आयात करें',
343 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "'$1' से मिलने वाले फ़ोटो मिले नहीं, कृपया फिरसे यत्न करें।",
344 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" यह वैध फ्लिकर चित्र नहीं हैं।',
345 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'लेखक',
346 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'इसे आयात करें',
347 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'अगले $1',
348 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => 'फ्लिकर से $1 <b>[$2]</b> सदस्यने दिया हुआ। मूल URL',
349 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'कॄपया लक्ष्य फ़ाईलनाम दें:',
350 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "या फिर, आपके खोज रिज़ल्टपर वापिस जाने के लिये <a href='$1'>यहां</a> क्लिक करें",
 344+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "'$1' से मिलने वाले फ़ोटो मिले नहीं, कृपया फिरसे यत्न करें।",
 345+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" यह वैध फ्लिकर चित्र नहीं हैं।',
 346+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'लेखक',
 347+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'इसे आयात करें',
 348+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'अगले $1',
 349+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => 'फ्लिकर से $1 <b>[$2]</b> सदस्यने दिया हुआ। मूल URL',
 350+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'कॄपया लक्ष्य फ़ाईलनाम दें:',
 351+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "या फिर, आपके खोज रिज़ल्टपर वापिस जाने के लिये <a href='$1'>यहां</a> क्लिक करें",
351352 );
353354 /** Croatian (Hrvatski)
@@ -355,17 +356,17 @@
356357 $messages['hr'] = array(
357358 'importfreeimages' => 'Uvezi slobodne slike',
358359 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Omogućava [[Special:ImportFreeImages|uvoženje pravilno licenciranih fotografija]] iz [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
359 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Ova stranica vam omogućava traženje pravilno licenciranih fotografija na flickr-u i njihovo uvoženje na wiki.',
360 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Niste konfigurirali svoj Flickr API ključ.
 360+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Ova stranica vam omogućava traženje pravilno licenciranih fotografija na flickr-u i njihovo uvoženje na wiki.',
 361+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Niste konfigurirali svoj Flickr API ključ.
361362 Da biste to napravili, potražite API ključ [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html ovdje] i postavite wgFlickrAPIKey u ImportFreeImages.php.',
362 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Za vaš traženi pojam '$1' nije pronađena ni jedna fotografija, molimo pokušajte ponovo.",
363 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => "URL '$1' nije valjana Flickr slika.",
364 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
365 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'uvezi ovo',
366 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Slijedeće $1',
367 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 suradnika <b>[$2]</b> iz flickr. Originalni URL',
368 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Molimo upišite naziv odredišne datoteke:',
369 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Ili, kliknite <a href='$1'>ovdje</a> za povratak na rezultate pretrage",
 363+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Za vaš traženi pojam '$1' nije pronađena ni jedna fotografija, molimo pokušajte ponovo.",
 364+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => "URL '$1' nije valjana Flickr slika.",
 365+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 366+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'uvezi ovo',
 367+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Slijedeće $1',
 368+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 suradnika <b>[$2]</b> iz flickr. Originalni URL',
 369+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Molimo upišite naziv odredišne datoteke:',
 370+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Ili, kliknite <a href='$1'>ovdje</a> za povratak na rezultate pretrage",
370371 );
372373 /** Upper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce)
@@ -374,16 +375,16 @@
375376 $messages['hsb'] = array(
376377 'importfreeimages' => 'Swobodne wobrazy importować',
377378 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Zmóžnja [[Special:ImportFreeImages|import wobrazow z prawej licencu]] z [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
378 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Tuta strona ći dowola na Flickr za wobrazami z prihódnej ličencu pytać a je do swojeho wiki importować.',
379 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Njejsy swój kluč Flickr API konfigurował. Prošu požadaj jón [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html jowle] a nastaj $wgFlickrAPIKey w ImportFreeImages.php.',
380 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Njejsu so žane fota za twoje pytanske kriterije "$1" namakali.',
381 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" płaćiwy wobraz Flickr njeje.',
382 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Awtor',
383 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importować',
384 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Přichodny $1',
385 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 wot wužiwarja <b>[$2]</b> z flickra. Originalny URL',
386 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Prošu zapodaj mjeno ciloweje dataje:',
387 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Abo klikń <a href='$1'>sem</a>, zo by k stronje z pytanskimi wuslědkami wróćił.",
 379+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Tuta strona ći dowola na Flickr za wobrazami z prihódnej ličencu pytać a je do swojeho wiki importować.',
 380+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Njejsy swój kluč Flickr API konfigurował. Prošu požadaj jón [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html jowle] a nastaj $wgFlickrAPIKey w ImportFreeImages.php.',
 381+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Njejsu so žane fota za twoje pytanske kriterije "$1" namakali.',
 382+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" płaćiwy wobraz Flickr njeje.',
 383+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Awtor',
 384+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importować',
 385+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Přichodny $1',
 386+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 wot wužiwarja <b>[$2]</b> z flickra. Originalny URL',
 387+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Prošu zapodaj mjeno ciloweje dataje:',
 388+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Abo klikń <a href='$1'>sem</a>, zo by k stronje z pytanskimi wuslědkami wróćił.",
388389 );
390391 /** Hungarian (Magyar)
@@ -392,17 +393,17 @@
393394 $messages['hu'] = array(
394395 'importfreeimages' => 'Szabad képek importálása',
395396 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Lehetővé teszi a [[Special:ImportFreeImages|megfelelően licencelt képek importálását]] a [http://www.flickr.com flickr-ről]',
396 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi számodra megfelelően licencelt flickr képek keresését és importálását a wikidbe.',
397 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Nem állítottad be a Flickr API kulcsodat. Ahhoz, hogy ezt megtedd, kérj egy API kulcsot
 397+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi számodra megfelelően licencelt flickr képek keresését és importálását a wikidbe.',
 398+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Nem állítottad be a Flickr API kulcsodat. Ahhoz, hogy ezt megtedd, kérj egy API kulcsot
398399 [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html innen], majd állítsd be a wgFlickrAPIKey értékét a ImportFreeImages.php-ben.',
399 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Nem találtam a keresési feltételeidnek ($1) megfelelő képet, próbáld újra.',
400 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'A megadott URL „$1” nem egy érvényes Flickr-kép címe.',
401 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Szerző',
402 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importálás',
403 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Következő $1',
404 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 <b>[$2]</b> felhasználótól a flickr-ről. Eredeti URL',
405 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Add meg a cél fájlnevet:',
406 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Vagy kattints <a href='$1'>ide</a>, hogy visszatérj az eredmények listájához",
 400+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Nem találtam a keresési feltételeidnek ($1) megfelelő képet, próbáld újra.',
 401+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'A megadott URL „$1” nem egy érvényes Flickr-kép címe.',
 402+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Szerző',
 403+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importálás',
 404+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Következő $1',
 405+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 <b>[$2]</b> felhasználótól a flickr-ről. Eredeti URL',
 406+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Add meg a cél fájlnevet:',
 407+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Vagy kattints <a href='$1'>ide</a>, hogy visszatérj az eredmények listájához",
407408 );
409410 /** Interlingua (Interlingua)
@@ -411,17 +412,17 @@
412413 $messages['ia'] = array(
413414 'importfreeimages' => 'Importar imagines libere',
414415 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Forni un modo de [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importar photos propriemente licentiate]] ab [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
415 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Iste pagina permitte cercar photos propriemente licentiate in Flickr e importar los in tu wiki.',
416 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Tu non ha configurate tu clave API de Flickr.
 416+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Iste pagina permitte cercar photos propriemente licentiate in Flickr e importar los in tu wiki.',
 417+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Tu non ha configurate tu clave API de Flickr.
417418 Pro facer isto, per favor obtene un clave API ab [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html iste pagina] e defini wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php.',
418 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Nulle photo corresponde a tu criterios de recerca '$1'. Per favor reprova.",
419 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Le adresse URL "$1" non corresponde a un imagine de Flickr valide.',
420 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
421 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importar isto',
422 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|sequente|sequentes}}',
423 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 per le usator <b>[$2]</b> ab Flickr. Adresse URL original',
424 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Per favor entra le nomine del file de destination:',
425 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "O clicca <a href='$1'>hic</a> pro retornar al resultatos del recerca",
 419+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Nulle photo corresponde a tu criterios de recerca '$1'. Per favor reprova.",
 420+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Le adresse URL "$1" non corresponde a un imagine de Flickr valide.',
 421+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 422+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importar isto',
 423+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|sequente|sequentes}}',
 424+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 per le usator <b>[$2]</b> ab Flickr. Adresse URL original',
 425+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Per favor entra le nomine del file de destination:',
 426+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "O clicca <a href='$1'>hic</a> pro retornar al resultatos del recerca",
426427 );
428429 /** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
@@ -430,17 +431,17 @@
431432 $messages['id'] = array(
432433 'importfreeimages' => 'Impor gambar bebas',
433434 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Menambahkan halaman istimewa untuk [[Special:ImportFreeImages|mengimpor foto-foto dengan lisensi yang benar]] dari [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
434 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Halaman ini mengizinkan Anda untuk mencari foto-foto dengan lisensi yang benar dan mengimpornya ke wiki Anda.',
435 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Anda belum mengkonfigurasi Kunci API Flickr Anda.
 435+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Halaman ini mengizinkan Anda untuk mencari foto-foto dengan lisensi yang benar dan mengimpornya ke wiki Anda.',
 436+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Anda belum mengkonfigurasi Kunci API Flickr Anda.
436437 Untuk melakukannya, Anda harus mendapatkan sebuah kunci API dari [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html sini] dan mengeset wgFlickrAPIKey di ImportFreeImages.php.',
437 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Tidak ditemukan foto yang memenuhi kriteria pencarian '$1', silakan coba lagi.",
438 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" bukanlah gambar Flickr yang valid.',
439 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Pembuat',
440 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'impor',
441 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Berikutnya $1',
442 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 oleh pengguna <b>[$2]</b> dari flickr. URL asli',
443 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Harap masukkan nama berkas tujuan:',
444 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Atau, klik <a href='$1'>di sini</a> untuk kembali ke hasil pencarian Anda",
 438+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Tidak ditemukan foto yang memenuhi kriteria pencarian '$1', silakan coba lagi.",
 439+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" bukanlah gambar Flickr yang valid.',
 440+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Pembuat',
 441+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'impor',
 442+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Berikutnya $1',
 443+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 oleh pengguna <b>[$2]</b> dari flickr. URL asli',
 444+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Harap masukkan nama berkas tujuan:',
 445+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Atau, klik <a href='$1'>di sini</a> untuk kembali ke hasil pencarian Anda",
445446 );
447448 /** Italian (Italiano)
@@ -449,24 +450,24 @@
450451 $messages['it'] = array(
451452 'importfreeimages' => 'Importa immagini libere',
452453 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Fornisce un modo per [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importare foto con la giusta licenza]] da [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
453 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Questa pagina ti permette di cercare immagini con la giusta licenza su flickr e importarle sulla tua wiki.',
454 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Non hai configurato la tua chiave API Flickr.
 454+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Questa pagina ti permette di cercare immagini con la giusta licenza su flickr e importarle sulla tua wiki.',
 455+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Non hai configurato la tua chiave API Flickr.
455456 Per farlo richiedi una chiave API [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html qui] e imposta wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php.',
456 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Nessuna foto soddisfa il criterio di ricerca '$1', prova di nuovo.",
457 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'L\'URL "$1" non corrisponde a un\'immagine di Flickr valida.',
458 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autore',
459 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importa questo',
460 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Successivi $1',
461 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => "$1 dall'utente <b>[$2]</b> da flickr. URL originale",
462 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Inserisci un nome per il file di destinazione:',
463 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Oppure fai clic <a href='$1'>qui</a> per tornare ai risultati della tua ricerca",
 457+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Nessuna foto soddisfa il criterio di ricerca '$1', prova di nuovo.",
 458+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'L\'URL "$1" non corrisponde a un\'immagine di Flickr valida.',
 459+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autore',
 460+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importa questo',
 461+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Successivi $1',
 462+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => "$1 dall'utente <b>[$2]</b> da flickr. URL originale",
 463+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Inserisci un nome per il file di destinazione:',
 464+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Oppure fai clic <a href='$1'>qui</a> per tornare ai risultati della tua ricerca",
464465 );
466467 /** Japanese (日本語)
467468 * @author Fryed-peach
468469 */
469470 $messages['ja'] = array(
470 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => '著者',
 471+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => '著者',
471472 );
473474 /** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
@@ -474,10 +475,10 @@
475476 */
476477 $messages['jv'] = array(
477478 'importfreeimages' => 'Impor Gambar-Gambar Bébas',
478 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" iku dudu gambar Flickr sing absah.',
479 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Pangripta',
480 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'impor iki',
481 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Tulung lebokna jeneng berkas tujuan:',
 479+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" iku dudu gambar Flickr sing absah.',
 480+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Pangripta',
 481+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'impor iki',
 482+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Tulung lebokna jeneng berkas tujuan:',
482483 );
484485 /** Khmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ)
@@ -488,26 +489,26 @@
489490 $messages['km'] = array(
490491 'importfreeimages' => 'នាំចូល រូបភាព សេរី',
491492 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'ផ្ដល់នូវរបៀបមួយក្នុងការ[[Special:ImportFreeImages|នាំចូលរូបភាពដែលមានអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណត្រឹមត្រូវ]] ពី [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
492 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'ទំព័រនេះផ្ដល់លទ្ឋភាពឱ្យអ្នកស្វែងរករូបភាពដែលមានអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណត្រឹមត្រូវពី flickr ហើយនាំចូលពូកវាមកក្នុងវិគីរបស់អ្នក។',
493 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'អ្នកមិនបាន​ធ្វើទម្រង់​សោ Flickr API របស់អ្នក​។ ដើម្បីធ្វើវា, ត្រូវយក​សោ​ API ពី [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html here] រួច​កំណត់​ wgFlickrAPIKey ក្នុង ImportFreeImages.php ។',
494 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" មិនមែនជា​រូបភាព​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​របស់ Flickr ។',
495 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'អ្នកនិពន្ធ',
496 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'នាំចូល នេះ',
497 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'បន្ទាប់ $1',
498 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 ដោយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ <b>[$2]</b> ពី flickr។ URL ដើម',
499 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'សូមបញ្ចូល ឈ្មោះឯកសារ គោលដៅ ៖',
500 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "ឬក៏ចុច<a href='$1'>ទីនេះ</a>ដើម្បីត្រឡប់ទៅកាន់លទ្ឋផលស្វែងរករបស់អ្នក",
 493+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'ទំព័រនេះផ្ដល់លទ្ឋភាពឱ្យអ្នកស្វែងរករូបភាពដែលមានអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណត្រឹមត្រូវពី flickr ហើយនាំចូលពូកវាមកក្នុងវិគីរបស់អ្នក។',
 494+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'អ្នកមិនបាន​ធ្វើទម្រង់​សោ Flickr API របស់អ្នក​។ ដើម្បីធ្វើវា, ត្រូវយក​សោ​ API ពី [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html here] រួច​កំណត់​ wgFlickrAPIKey ក្នុង ImportFreeImages.php ។',
 495+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" មិនមែនជា​រូបភាព​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​របស់ Flickr ។',
 496+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'អ្នកនិពន្ធ',
 497+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'នាំចូល នេះ',
 498+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'បន្ទាប់ $1',
 499+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 ដោយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ <b>[$2]</b> ពី flickr។ URL ដើម',
 500+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'សូមបញ្ចូល ឈ្មោះឯកសារ គោលដៅ ៖',
 501+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "ឬក៏ចុច<a href='$1'>ទីនេះ</a>ដើម្បីត្រឡប់ទៅកាន់លទ្ឋផលស្វែងរករបស់អ្នក",
501502 );
503504 /** Korean (한국어)
504505 * @author Kwj2772
505506 */
506507 $messages['ko'] = array(
507 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => '당신은 당신의 Flickr API 키를 설정하지 않았습니다.
 508+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => '당신은 당신의 Flickr API 키를 설정하지 않았습니다.
508509 계속하시려면 [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html 이곳]에서 API 키를 다운로드하고 ImportFreeImages.php에 wgFlickrAPIKey를 설정하십시오.',
509 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1"은 유효한 Flickr 그림이 아닙니다.',
510 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => '만든이',
511 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => '이 그림 가져오기',
 510+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1"은 유효한 Flickr 그림이 아닙니다.',
 511+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => '만든이',
 512+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => '이 그림 가져오기',
512513 );
514515 /** Ripoarisch (Ripoarisch)
@@ -516,20 +517,20 @@
517518 $messages['ksh'] = array(
518519 'importfreeimages' => 'Frei Belder Empotteere',
519520 'importfreeimages-desc' => '[[Special:ImportFreeImages|Frei Belder Empotteere]] fun [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
520 - 'importfreeimages_description' => "Hee di Sigg määt et müjjelesch, de Bellder met zopass Lizenze fun ''flickr'' tirek in dat Wiki hee ze empotteere.",
521 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => "Et es noch keine ''flickr''-API-Schlößel enshtalleet.
 521+ 'importfreeimages-description' => "Hee di Sigg määt et müjjelesch, de Bellder met zopass Lizenze fun ''flickr'' tirek in dat Wiki hee ze empotteere.",
 522+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => "Et es noch keine ''flickr''-API-Schlößel enshtalleet.
522523 [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html Jangk Der eine holle],
523524 un dann donn <code>\$wgFlickrAPIKey</code>
524525 en <code>ImportFreeImages.php</code> udder
525526 en <code>LocalSettings.php</code> setze.",
526 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Kei Fottos jefonge beim Söke noh '$1', do donn et norr_ens versöke.",
527 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => "Dä URL „$1“ jeit nit op e reschtesch ''flickr'' Beld.",
528 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Dä Maacher',
529 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'Donn et empotteere!',
530 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Näx $1',
531 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => "$1 vum ''flickr''-Metmaacher <b>[$2]</b> — der ojinaal-URL es—",
532 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Bes esu joot, un jif ene Dateiname aan, för dat Beld do dronger afzeschpeischere:',
533 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => 'udder <a href="$1">jangk zerök op di Sigg met dä jefonge Bellder</a>.',
 527+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Kei Fottos jefonge beim Söke noh '$1', do donn et norr_ens versöke.",
 528+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => "Dä URL „$1“ jeit nit op e reschtesch ''flickr'' Beld.",
 529+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Dä Maacher',
 530+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'Donn et empotteere!',
 531+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Näx $1',
 532+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => "$1 vum ''flickr''-Metmaacher <b>[$2]</b> — der ojinaal-URL es—",
 533+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Bes esu joot, un jif ene Dateiname aan, för dat Beld do dronger afzeschpeischere:',
 534+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => 'udder <a href="$1">jangk zerök op di Sigg met dä jefonge Bellder</a>.',
534535 );
536537 /** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
@@ -538,15 +539,15 @@
539540 $messages['lb'] = array(
540541 'importfreeimages' => 'Fräi Biller importéieren',
541542 'importfreeimages-desc' => "Erméiglecht et fir [[Special:ImportFreeImages|ordentlich lizenzéiert Fotoen]] vu [http://www.flickr.com flickr] z'importéieren",
542 - 'importfreeimages_description' => "Dës Säit erlaabt iech et fir no uerdentlech lizenzéierte Biller vu flickr ze sichen an dës an är Wiki z'importéieren.",
543 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Et goufe keng Photoen no ärer Sich '$1' fonnt, versicht et w.e.g. nach eng Kéier.",
544 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'D\'URL "$1" ass kee gëltegt Flickr-Bild.',
545 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Auteur:',
546 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importéieren',
547 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Nächst $1',
548 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 vum Benotzer <b>[$2]</b> vun flickr. Original URL',
549 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Gitt w.e.g een Numm fir den neie fichier un:',
550 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "oder, klickt <a href='$1'>heihinn</a> fir op d'Resultat vun ärer Sich zréckzegoen",
 543+ 'importfreeimages-description' => "Dës Säit erlaabt iech et fir no uerdentlech lizenzéierte Biller vu flickr ze sichen an dës an är Wiki z'importéieren.",
 544+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Et goufe keng Photoen no ärer Sich '$1' fonnt, versicht et w.e.g. nach eng Kéier.",
 545+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'D\'URL "$1" ass kee gëltegt Flickr-Bild.',
 546+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Auteur:',
 547+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importéieren',
 548+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Nächst $1',
 549+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 vum Benotzer <b>[$2]</b> vun flickr. Original URL',
 550+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Gitt w.e.g een Numm fir den neie fichier un:',
 551+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "oder, klickt <a href='$1'>heihinn</a> fir op d'Resultat vun ärer Sich zréckzegoen",
551552 );
553554 /** Malayalam (മലയാളം)
@@ -554,12 +555,12 @@
555556 */
556557 $messages['ml'] = array(
557558 'importfreeimages' => 'സൗജന്യ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക',
558 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "'$1' എന്ന തിരച്ചില്‍ ക്രൈറ്റീയ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ഒന്നും കണ്ടെത്താന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. ഒന്നു കൂടി ശ്രമിക്കൂ.",
559 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => '"$1" എന്ന URL സാധുവായ ഒരു ഫ്ലിക്കര്‍ ചിത്രം അല്ല.',
560 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'ലേഖകന്‍',
561 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'ഇതു ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക',
562 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'അടുത്ത $1',
563 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '<b>[$2]</b> എന്ന ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ ഫ്ലിക്കറില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള $1. ചിത്രത്തിലേക്കുള്ള URL',
 559+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "'$1' എന്ന തിരച്ചില്‍ ക്രൈറ്റീയ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ഒന്നും കണ്ടെത്താന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. ഒന്നു കൂടി ശ്രമിക്കൂ.",
 560+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => '"$1" എന്ന URL സാധുവായ ഒരു ഫ്ലിക്കര്‍ ചിത്രം അല്ല.',
 561+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'ലേഖകന്‍',
 562+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'ഇതു ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക',
 563+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'അടുത്ത $1',
 564+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '<b>[$2]</b> എന്ന ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ ഫ്ലിക്കറില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള $1. ചിത്രത്തിലേക്കുള്ള URL',
564565 );
566567 /** Marathi (मराठी)
@@ -568,16 +569,16 @@
569570 $messages['mr'] = array(
570571 'importfreeimages' => 'मुक्त चित्रे मागवा',
571572 'importfreeimages-desc' => '[http://www.flickr.com फ्लिकर] वरील [[Special:ImportFreeImages|मुक्त चित्रे मागविण्याचा]] मार्ग',
572 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'हे पान आपल्याला फ्लिकर वरील मुक्त चित्रे मागविण्याची तसेच त्यांना तुमच्या विकिमध्ये चढविण्याची सुविधा देते.',
573 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'तुम्ही तुमची फ्लिकर API चावी बनविलेली नाही. तसे करण्यासाठी, [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html इथून] एक API चावी मागवा व ImportFreeImages.php मध्ये wgFlickrAPIKey टाका.',
574 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "'$1' ला जुळणारी छायाचित्रे सापडली नाहीत, कृपया पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.",
575 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" ही योग्य फ्लिकर चित्र नाही.',
576 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'लेखक',
577 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'हे घ्या',
578 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'पुढील $1',
579 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => 'फ्लिकर कडून $1 <b>[$2]</b> सदस्याने दिलेले. मूळ URL',
580 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'कॄपया लक्ष्य संचिकानाव द्या:',
581 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "किंवा, तुमच्या शोध निकालांकडे परत जाण्यासाठी <a href='$1'>इथे</a> टिचकी द्या",
 573+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'हे पान आपल्याला फ्लिकर वरील मुक्त चित्रे मागविण्याची तसेच त्यांना तुमच्या विकिमध्ये चढविण्याची सुविधा देते.',
 574+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'तुम्ही तुमची फ्लिकर API चावी बनविलेली नाही. तसे करण्यासाठी, [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html इथून] एक API चावी मागवा व ImportFreeImages.php मध्ये wgFlickrAPIKey टाका.',
 575+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "'$1' ला जुळणारी छायाचित्रे सापडली नाहीत, कृपया पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.",
 576+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" ही योग्य फ्लिकर चित्र नाही.',
 577+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'लेखक',
 578+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'हे घ्या',
 579+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'पुढील $1',
 580+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => 'फ्लिकर कडून $1 <b>[$2]</b> सदस्याने दिलेले. मूळ URL',
 581+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'कॄपया लक्ष्य संचिकानाव द्या:',
 582+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "किंवा, तुमच्या शोध निकालांकडे परत जाण्यासाठी <a href='$1'>इथे</a> टिचकी द्या",
582583 );
584585 /** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
@@ -586,30 +587,30 @@
587588 $messages['ms'] = array(
588589 'importfreeimages' => 'Import imej bebas',
589590 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Membekalkan laluan untuk [[Special:ImportFreeImages|mengimport gambar dengan lesen yang sewajarnya]] dari [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
590 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Laman ini membolehkan anda mencari gambar dengan lesen yang sewajarnya dari flickr dan mengimportnya ke dalam wiki ini.',
591 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Anda belum menetapkan Kekunci API Flickr anda. Untuk melakukan sedemikian, sila dapatkan sebuah kekunci API dari [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html sini] dan tetapkan nilai wgFlickrAPIKey dalam ImportFreeImages.php.',
592 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Tiada gambar yang sepadan dengan kriteria '$1'. Sila cuba lagi.",
593 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" bukan imej Flickr yang sah.',
594 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Pemilik',
595 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'import ini',
596 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 berikutnya',
597 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 oleh pengguna <b>[$2]</b> dari flickr. URL asal',
598 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Sila masukkan nama fail sasaran:',
599 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Atau klik <a href='$1'>di sini</a> untuk kembali ke keputusan carian anda",
 591+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Laman ini membolehkan anda mencari gambar dengan lesen yang sewajarnya dari flickr dan mengimportnya ke dalam wiki ini.',
 592+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Anda belum menetapkan Kekunci API Flickr anda. Untuk melakukan sedemikian, sila dapatkan sebuah kekunci API dari [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html sini] dan tetapkan nilai wgFlickrAPIKey dalam ImportFreeImages.php.',
 593+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Tiada gambar yang sepadan dengan kriteria '$1'. Sila cuba lagi.",
 594+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL "$1" bukan imej Flickr yang sah.',
 595+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Pemilik',
 596+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'import ini',
 597+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 berikutnya',
 598+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 oleh pengguna <b>[$2]</b> dari flickr. URL asal',
 599+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Sila masukkan nama fail sasaran:',
 600+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Atau klik <a href='$1'>di sini</a> untuk kembali ke keputusan carian anda",
600601 );
602603 /** Maltese (Malti)
603604 * @author Roderick Mallia
604605 */
605606 $messages['mt'] = array(
606 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 li jmiss',
 607+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 li jmiss',
607608 );
609610 /** Erzya (Эрзянь)
610611 * @author Botuzhaleny-sodamo
611612 */
612613 $messages['myv'] = array(
613 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Теицязо',
 614+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Теицязо',
614615 );
616617 /** Nahuatl (Nāhuatl)
@@ -618,17 +619,17 @@
619620 $messages['nah'] = array(
620621 'importfreeimages' => 'Tiquincōhuāz yōllōxoxouhqui īxiptli',
621622 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Tihuelīti tiquincōhua [[Special:ImportFreeImages|ōnahuatīli īxiptli]] īhuīcpa [http://www.flickr.com flickr].',
622 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Tihuelīti inīn zāzanilca tiquincōhua īxiptli īhuīcpa flickr īhuīc mohuiqui.',
623 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Chīhualōni',
624 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'tiquicōhuāz inīn',
625 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Niman $1',
626 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Timitztlātlauhtia xiquihcuiloa cē tōcāitl:',
627 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Nozo, xiclica <a href='$1'>nicān</a>; ticcuepāz tlatēmoalizhuīc",
 623+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Tihuelīti inīn zāzanilca tiquincōhua īxiptli īhuīcpa flickr īhuīc mohuiqui.',
 624+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Chīhualōni',
 625+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'tiquicōhuāz inīn',
 626+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Niman $1',
 627+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Timitztlātlauhtia xiquihcuiloa cē tōcāitl:',
 628+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Nozo, xiclica <a href='$1'>nicān</a>; ticcuepāz tlatēmoalizhuīc",
628629 );
630631 /** Nedersaksisch (Nedersaksisch) */
631632 $messages['nds-nl'] = array(
632 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Volgende $1',
 633+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Volgende $1',
633634 );
635636 /** Dutch (Nederlands)
@@ -638,17 +639,17 @@
639640 $messages['nl'] = array(
640641 'importfreeimages' => 'Vrije afbeeldingen importeren',
641642 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Maakt het mogelijk om [[Special:ImportFreeImages|correct gelicenseerde afbeeldingen]] van [http://www.flickr.com Flickr] te importeren',
642 - 'importfreeimages_description' => "Deze pagina laat u toe om juist gelicenseerde foto's van flickr te zoeken and die te importeren naar uw wiki.",
643 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'U hebt geen Flickr API Key ingesteld.
 643+ 'importfreeimages-description' => "Deze pagina laat u toe om juist gelicenseerde foto's van flickr te zoeken and die te importeren naar uw wiki.",
 644+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'U hebt geen Flickr API Key ingesteld.
644645 U kunt een API-sleutel [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html hier] verkrijgen en instellen als wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php.',
645 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Er zijn geen foto's gevonden voor uw zoekcriteria '$1', probeer opniew.",
646 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'De URL "$1" is geen geldige afbeelding op Flickr.',
647 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Auteur',
648 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'dit importeren',
649 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Volgende $1',
650 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 door gebruiker <b>[$2]</b> van flickr. Oorspronkelijke URL',
651 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Gelieve een bestandsnaam op te geven:',
652 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Of, klik <a href='$1'>hier</a> om terug te keren naar uw zoekresultaten",
 646+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Er zijn geen foto's gevonden voor uw zoekcriteria '$1', probeer opniew.",
 647+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'De URL "$1" is geen geldige afbeelding op Flickr.',
 648+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Auteur',
 649+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'dit importeren',
 650+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Volgende $1',
 651+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 door gebruiker <b>[$2]</b> van flickr. Oorspronkelijke URL',
 652+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Gelieve een bestandsnaam op te geven:',
 653+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Of, klik <a href='$1'>hier</a> om terug te keren naar uw zoekresultaten",
653654 );
655656 /** Norwegian Nynorsk (‪Norsk (nynorsk)‬)
@@ -658,16 +659,16 @@
659660 $messages['nn'] = array(
660661 'importfreeimages' => 'Importer frie bilete',
661662 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Gjev høve til å [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importere frie bilete]] frå [http://flickr.com flickr]',
662 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Denne sida lar deg søke i bilete med riktig lisens på Flickr og importere dei til wikien din.',
663 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Du har ikkje konfigurert API-nøkkelen din for Flickr. For å gjere det må du skaffe ein API-nøkkel [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html frå her] og sette wgFlickrAPIKey i ImportFreeImages.php.',
664 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Ingen bilete vart funne for søket «$1». Prøv igjen.',
665 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL-en «$1» er ikkje eit gyldig Flickr-bilete',
666 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Skapar',
667 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importer',
668 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Neste $1',
669 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 av brukaren <b>[$2]</b> frå Flickr. Original URL',
670 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Skriv inn eit målnamn for fila:',
671 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => 'Eller klikk <a href="$1">her</a> for å gå tilbake til søkeresultata',
 663+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Denne sida lar deg søke i bilete med riktig lisens på Flickr og importere dei til wikien din.',
 664+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Du har ikkje konfigurert API-nøkkelen din for Flickr. For å gjere det må du skaffe ein API-nøkkel [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html frå her] og sette wgFlickrAPIKey i ImportFreeImages.php.',
 665+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Ingen bilete vart funne for søket «$1». Prøv igjen.',
 666+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL-en «$1» er ikkje eit gyldig Flickr-bilete',
 667+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Skapar',
 668+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importer',
 669+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Neste $1',
 670+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 av brukaren <b>[$2]</b> frå Flickr. Original URL',
 671+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Skriv inn eit målnamn for fila:',
 672+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => 'Eller klikk <a href="$1">her</a> for å gå tilbake til søkeresultata',
672673 );
674675 /** Norwegian (bokmål)‬ (‪Norsk (bokmål)‬)
@@ -676,24 +677,24 @@
677678 $messages['no'] = array(
678679 'importfreeimages' => 'Imperter frie bilder',
679680 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Gir muligheten til å [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importere fri bilder]] fra [http://flickr.com flickr]',
680 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Denne siden lar deg søke i bilder med riktig lisens på Flickr og importere dem til wikien din.',
681 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Du har ikke konfigurert API-nøkkelen din for Flickr. For å gjøre det må du skaffe en API-nøkkel [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html herfra] og sette wgFlickrAPIKey i ImportFreeImages.php.',
682 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Ingen bilder ble funnet for søket «$1». Prøv igjen.',
683 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL-en «$1» er ikke et gyldig Flickr-bilde',
684 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Skaper',
685 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importer',
686 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Neste $1',
687 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 av brukeren <b>[$2]</b> fra Flickr. Original URL',
688 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Skriv inn et målnavn for filen:',
689 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => 'Elle rklikk <a href="$1">her</a> for å gå tilbake til søkeresultatene',
 681+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Denne siden lar deg søke i bilder med riktig lisens på Flickr og importere dem til wikien din.',
 682+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Du har ikke konfigurert API-nøkkelen din for Flickr. For å gjøre det må du skaffe en API-nøkkel [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html herfra] og sette wgFlickrAPIKey i ImportFreeImages.php.',
 683+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Ingen bilder ble funnet for søket «$1». Prøv igjen.',
 684+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL-en «$1» er ikke et gyldig Flickr-bilde',
 685+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Skaper',
 686+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importer',
 687+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Neste $1',
 688+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 av brukeren <b>[$2]</b> fra Flickr. Original URL',
 689+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Skriv inn et målnavn for filen:',
 690+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => 'Elle rklikk <a href="$1">her</a> for å gå tilbake til søkeresultatene',
690691 );
692693 /** Northern Sotho (Sesotho sa Leboa)
693694 * @author Mohau
694695 */
695696 $messages['nso'] = array(
696 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Mongwadi',
697 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Latela $1',
 697+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Mongwadi',
 698+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Latela $1',
698699 );
700701 /** Occitan (Occitan)
@@ -702,23 +703,23 @@
703704 $messages['oc'] = array(
704705 'importfreeimages' => "Importar d'Imatges Liures",
705706 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Provesís un mejan d’[[Special:ImportFreeImages|importar de fotografias pròpriament jos licéncia]] dempuèi flickr.',
706 - 'importfreeimages_description' => "Aquesta pagina vos permet de recercar propriament d'imatges jos licéncias dempuèi flickr e de los importar dins vòstre wiki.",
707 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => "Avètz pas configurat vòstra Clau API Flickr. Per o far, obtengatz una clau API a partir d' [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html aqueste ligam] e configuratz wgFlickrAPIKey dins ImportFreeImages.php.",
708 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Cap de fòto es pas estada trobada a partir de vòstres critèris de recèrcas '$1', ensajatz tornamai.",
709 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => "L'adreça « $1 » es pas un imatge Flickr corrècte.",
710 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
711 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'l’importar',
712 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 seguents',
713 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 per l’utilizaire <b>[$2]</b> dempuèi flickr. URL d’origina',
714 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Indicatz lo nom del fichièr de destinacion',
715 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "o, clicatz <a href='$1'>aicí</a> per tornar a vòstra lista de resultats.",
 707+ 'importfreeimages-description' => "Aquesta pagina vos permet de recercar propriament d'imatges jos licéncias dempuèi flickr e de los importar dins vòstre wiki.",
 708+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => "Avètz pas configurat vòstra Clau API Flickr. Per o far, obtengatz una clau API a partir d' [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html aqueste ligam] e configuratz wgFlickrAPIKey dins ImportFreeImages.php.",
 709+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Cap de fòto es pas estada trobada a partir de vòstres critèris de recèrcas '$1', ensajatz tornamai.",
 710+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => "L'adreça « $1 » es pas un imatge Flickr corrècte.",
 711+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 712+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'l’importar',
 713+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 seguents',
 714+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 per l’utilizaire <b>[$2]</b> dempuèi flickr. URL d’origina',
 715+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Indicatz lo nom del fichièr de destinacion',
 716+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "o, clicatz <a href='$1'>aicí</a> per tornar a vòstra lista de resultats.",
716717 );
718719 /** Ossetic (Иронау)
719720 * @author Amikeco
720721 */
721722 $messages['os'] = array(
722 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Автор',
 723+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Автор',
723724 );
725726 /** Polish (Polski)
@@ -730,23 +731,23 @@
731732 $messages['pl'] = array(
732733 'importfreeimages' => 'Import grafik z odpowiednią licencją.',
733734 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Umożliwia [[Special:ImportFreeImages|import grafik z odpowiednią licencją]] z [http://www.flickr.com flickra]',
734 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Ta strona pozwala na wyszukiwanie na serwisie flickr zdjęć z odpowiednią licencją i na ich import do wiki.',
735 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Żadne zdjęcie nie zostało odnalezione na podstawie kryterium „$1”. Spróbuj ponownie.',
736 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Adres URL „$1” nie jest prawidłowym odwołaniem do obrazka w serwisie Flickr.',
737 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
738 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importuj',
739 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Następne $1',
740 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 przez użytkownika <b>[$2]</b> z serwisu flickr. Oryginalny adres URL to',
741 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Wprowadź nazwę pliku docelowego',
742 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Kliknij <a href='$1'>tutaj</a> żeby powrócić do wyników wyszukiwania",
 735+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Ta strona pozwala na wyszukiwanie na serwisie flickr zdjęć z odpowiednią licencją i na ich import do wiki.',
 736+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Żadne zdjęcie nie zostało odnalezione na podstawie kryterium „$1”. Spróbuj ponownie.',
 737+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Adres URL „$1” nie jest prawidłowym odwołaniem do obrazka w serwisie Flickr.',
 738+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 739+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importuj',
 740+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Następne $1',
 741+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 przez użytkownika <b>[$2]</b> z serwisu flickr. Oryginalny adres URL to',
 742+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Wprowadź nazwę pliku docelowego',
 743+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Kliknij <a href='$1'>tutaj</a> żeby powrócić do wyników wyszukiwania",
743744 );
745746 /** Pashto (پښتو)
746747 * @author Ahmed-Najib-Biabani-Ibrahimkhel
747748 */
748749 $messages['ps'] = array(
749 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'ليکوال',
750 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'راتلونکي $1',
 750+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'ليکوال',
 751+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'راتلونکي $1',
751752 );
753754 /** Portuguese (Português)
@@ -755,23 +756,23 @@
756757 $messages['pt'] = array(
757758 'importfreeimages' => 'Importar Imagens Livres',
758759 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Providencia uma forma de [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importar fotografias devidamente licenciadas]] do [http://www.flickr.com flickr].',
759 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Esta página permite-lhe procurar fotografias devidamente licenciadas no flickr e importá-las para o seu wiki.',
760 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Você não configurou a sua chave de API Flickr. Para o fazer, por favor obtenha uma chave de API [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html aqui] e atribua-a a wgFlickrAPIKey em ImportFreeImages.php.',
761 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Nenhuma fotografia foi encontrada segundo o seu critério de busca '$1'; por favor, tente de novo.",
762 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'A URL "$1" não é uma imagem Flickr válida.',
763 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
764 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importar isto',
765 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Próximas $1',
766 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 pelo utilizador <b>[$2]</b> do flickr. URL original',
767 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Por favor, introduza um nome de ficheiro destino:',
768 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Ou clique <a href='$1'>aqui</a> para voltar aos resultados da sua pesquisa",
 760+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Esta página permite-lhe procurar fotografias devidamente licenciadas no flickr e importá-las para o seu wiki.',
 761+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Você não configurou a sua chave de API Flickr. Para o fazer, por favor obtenha uma chave de API [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html aqui] e atribua-a a wgFlickrAPIKey em ImportFreeImages.php.',
 762+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Nenhuma fotografia foi encontrada segundo o seu critério de busca '$1'; por favor, tente de novo.",
 763+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'A URL "$1" não é uma imagem Flickr válida.',
 764+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 765+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importar isto',
 766+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Próximas $1',
 767+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 pelo utilizador <b>[$2]</b> do flickr. URL original',
 768+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Por favor, introduza um nome de ficheiro destino:',
 769+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Ou clique <a href='$1'>aqui</a> para voltar aos resultados da sua pesquisa",
769770 );
771772 /** Romanian (Română)
772773 * @author KlaudiuMihaila
773774 */
774775 $messages['ro'] = array(
775 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
 776+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
776777 );
778779 /** Russian (Русский)
@@ -780,16 +781,16 @@
781782 $messages['ru'] = array(
782783 'importfreeimages' => 'Импортирование свободных изображений',
783784 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Позволяет [[Special:ImportFreeImages|импортировать должным образом лицензированные фотографии]] с [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
784 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'С помощью этой страницы вы можете искать должным образом лицензированные фотографии с Flickr и импортировать их в эту вики.',
785 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Вы не настроили ваш Flickr API-ключ. Чтобы это сделать, пожалуйста, получите API-ключ [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html здесь] и установите wgFlickrAPIKey в ImportFreeImages.php.',
786 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Не найдено фотографий по условию «$1», попробуйте ещё раз.',
787 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Адрес «$1» не является допустимым именем изображения с Flickr.',
788 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Автор',
789 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'Импортировать это',
790 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Следующие $1',
791 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 авторства <b>[$2]</b> с Flickr. Исходный адрес',
792 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Пожалуйста, введите новое имя файла:',
793 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Или нажмите <a href='$1'>здесь</a>, чтобы вернуться к вашим результатам поиска.",
 785+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'С помощью этой страницы вы можете искать должным образом лицензированные фотографии с Flickr и импортировать их в эту вики.',
 786+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Вы не настроили ваш Flickr API-ключ. Чтобы это сделать, пожалуйста, получите API-ключ [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html здесь] и установите wgFlickrAPIKey в ImportFreeImages.php.',
 787+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Не найдено фотографий по условию «$1», попробуйте ещё раз.',
 788+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Адрес «$1» не является допустимым именем изображения с Flickr.',
 789+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Автор',
 790+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'Импортировать это',
 791+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Следующие $1',
 792+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 авторства <b>[$2]</b> с Flickr. Исходный адрес',
 793+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Пожалуйста, введите новое имя файла:',
 794+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Или нажмите <a href='$1'>здесь</a>, чтобы вернуться к вашим результатам поиска.",
794795 );
796797 /** Sicilian (Sicilianu)
@@ -798,17 +799,17 @@
799800 $messages['scn'] = array(
800801 'importfreeimages' => 'Metti mmàggini lìbbiri',
801802 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Prucura nu modu pi [[Special:ImportFreeImages|mpurtari futugràfìi câ licenza giusta ]] di [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
802 - 'importfreeimages_description' => "Sta pàggina ti pirmetti di circari mmàggini câ licenza giusta supr'a flickr e mpurtàrili ntâ tò wiki.",
803 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => "Non cunfigurasti la tò chiavi API Flickr.
 803+ 'importfreeimages-description' => "Sta pàggina ti pirmetti di circari mmàggini câ licenza giusta supr'a flickr e mpurtàrili ntâ tò wiki.",
 804+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => "Non cunfigurasti la tò chiavi API Flickr.
804805 Pi fàrilu addumanna na chiavi [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html ccà] e mposta wgFlickrAPIKey 'n ImportFreeImages.php.",
805 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Nudda futugrafìa suddisfa lu critèriu di circata $1', prova n'àutra vota.",
806 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'L\'URL "$1" nun currispunni a na mmàggini di Flickr vàlida.',
807 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Auturi',
808 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'mporta chistu',
809 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Succissivi $1',
810 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => "$1 di l'utenti <b>[$2]</b> di flickr. URL urigginali",
811 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Nzirisci nu nomu pi lu file di distinazzioni:',
812 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Oppuru fà clic <a href='$1'>ccà</a> pi turnari a li risurtati di la tò circata",
 806+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Nudda futugrafìa suddisfa lu critèriu di circata $1', prova n'àutra vota.",
 807+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'L\'URL "$1" nun currispunni a na mmàggini di Flickr vàlida.',
 808+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Auturi',
 809+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'mporta chistu',
 810+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Succissivi $1',
 811+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => "$1 di l'utenti <b>[$2]</b> di flickr. URL urigginali",
 812+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Nzirisci nu nomu pi lu file di distinazzioni:',
 813+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Oppuru fà clic <a href='$1'>ccà</a> pi turnari a li risurtati di la tò circata",
813814 );
815816 /** Slovak (Slovenčina)
@@ -817,16 +818,16 @@
818819 $messages['sk'] = array(
819820 'importfreeimages' => 'Importovať slobodné obrázky',
820821 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Umožňuje [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importovanie obrázkov so správnou licenciou]] z [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
821 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Táto stránka vám umožní importovať správne licencované obrázky z flickr a importovať ich na vašu wiki.',
822 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Nenakonfigurovali ste kľúč API Flickr. Urobíte tak po získaní kľúča API [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html odtiaľto] a nastavení premennej wgFlickrAPIKey v ImportFreeImages.php.',
823 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Neboli nájdené žiadne obrázky zodpovedajúce vašim kritériám vyhľadávania „$1“. Prosím, skúste to znova.',
824 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => '„$1“ nie je platný obrázok Flickr.',
825 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
826 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importovať toto',
827 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Ďalších $1',
828 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 od používateľa <b>[$2]</b> z flickr. Pôvodný URL',
829 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'prosím, zadajte cieľový názov súboru:',
830 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Alebo sa vráťte na <a href='$1'>výsledky vášho vyhľadávania</a>",
 822+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Táto stránka vám umožní importovať správne licencované obrázky z flickr a importovať ich na vašu wiki.',
 823+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Nenakonfigurovali ste kľúč API Flickr. Urobíte tak po získaní kľúča API [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html odtiaľto] a nastavení premennej wgFlickrAPIKey v ImportFreeImages.php.',
 824+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Neboli nájdené žiadne obrázky zodpovedajúce vašim kritériám vyhľadávania „$1“. Prosím, skúste to znova.',
 825+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => '„$1“ nie je platný obrázok Flickr.',
 826+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 827+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importovať toto',
 828+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Ďalších $1',
 829+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 od používateľa <b>[$2]</b> z flickr. Pôvodný URL',
 830+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'prosím, zadajte cieľový názov súboru:',
 831+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Alebo sa vráťte na <a href='$1'>výsledky vášho vyhľadávania</a>",
831832 );
833834 /** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
@@ -835,16 +836,16 @@
836837 $messages['stq'] = array(
837838 'importfreeimages' => 'Import fon fräie Bielden',
838839 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Moaket dän [[Special:ImportFreeImages|Import fon fräie Bielden]] muugelk fon [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
839 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Disse Siede ferlööwet die, ap Flickr ätter Bielden unner ne fräie Lizenz tou säiken un do in dien Wiki tou importierjen.',
840 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Du hääst noch naan Flickr-API-Koai konfigurierd. Jädden beandraach him [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html hier] un sät him in $wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php ien.',
841 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Der wuuden neen Fotos mäd do Säikkriterien „$1“ fuunen.',
842 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Ju URL "$1" is neen gultige Flickr-Bielde.',
843 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
844 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importierje',
845 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Naiste $1',
846 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 fon Benutser <b>[$2]</b> fon flickr. Originoal URL',
847 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Reek n Siel-Doatäinoome ien:',
848 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Of klik <a href='$1'>hier</a>, uum tou ju Siede mäd do Säikresultoate touräächtoukuumen.",
 840+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Disse Siede ferlööwet die, ap Flickr ätter Bielden unner ne fräie Lizenz tou säiken un do in dien Wiki tou importierjen.',
 841+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Du hääst noch naan Flickr-API-Koai konfigurierd. Jädden beandraach him [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html hier] un sät him in $wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php ien.',
 842+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Der wuuden neen Fotos mäd do Säikkriterien „$1“ fuunen.',
 843+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Ju URL "$1" is neen gultige Flickr-Bielde.',
 844+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 845+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importierje',
 846+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Naiste $1',
 847+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 fon Benutser <b>[$2]</b> fon flickr. Originoal URL',
 848+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Reek n Siel-Doatäinoome ien:',
 849+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Of klik <a href='$1'>hier</a>, uum tou ju Siede mäd do Säikresultoate touräächtoukuumen.",
849850 );
851852 /** Sundanese (Basa Sunda)
@@ -854,15 +855,15 @@
855856 $messages['su'] = array(
856857 'importfreeimages' => 'Impor Gambar Bébas',
857858 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Muka jalan pikeun [[Special:ImportFreeImages|ngimpor poto-poto]] ti [http://www.flickr.com flickr] anu lisénsina loyog.',
858 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Ieu kaca méré jalan ka anjeun pikeun nyiar poto-poto ti flickr anu lisénsina loyog sarta langsung diimpor ka wiki anjeun.',
859 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Anjeun can nyetél konfigurasi Flickr API Key. Mangga nyungkeun heula konci API ti [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html dieu], lajeng sét wgFlickrAPIKey dina ImportFreeImages.php.',
860 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Euweuh poto nu loyog jeung kriteria '$1', mangga cobian deui.",
861 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Karya',
862 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'impor ieu',
863 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 salajengna',
864 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 ku <b>[$2]</b> ti flickr. URL asalna',
865 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Jieun ngaran koropak nu ditujul:',
866 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Atawa, klik <a href='$1'>di dieu</a> pikeun balik deui ka hasil nyusud",
 859+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Ieu kaca méré jalan ka anjeun pikeun nyiar poto-poto ti flickr anu lisénsina loyog sarta langsung diimpor ka wiki anjeun.',
 860+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Anjeun can nyetél konfigurasi Flickr API Key. Mangga nyungkeun heula konci API ti [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html dieu], lajeng sét wgFlickrAPIKey dina ImportFreeImages.php.',
 861+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Euweuh poto nu loyog jeung kriteria '$1', mangga cobian deui.",
 862+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Karya',
 863+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'impor ieu',
 864+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 salajengna',
 865+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 ku <b>[$2]</b> ti flickr. URL asalna',
 866+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Jieun ngaran koropak nu ditujul:',
 867+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Atawa, klik <a href='$1'>di dieu</a> pikeun balik deui ka hasil nyusud",
867868 );
869870 /** Swedish (Svenska)
@@ -873,35 +874,35 @@
874875 $messages['sv'] = array(
875876 'importfreeimages' => 'Importera fria bilder',
876877 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Ger möjlighet att [[Special:ImportFreeImages|importera bilder med lämplig licens]] från [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
877 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Denna sida låter dig söka efter bilder med riktig licens på Flickr och importera dem till din wiki.',
878 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Du har inte konfigurerat din nyckel för Flickrs API. För att göra det måste du skaffa en API-nyckel [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html härifrån] och sätta wgFlickrAPIKey i ImportFreeImages.php.',
879 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Inga bilder hittades för dina sökkriterier '$1', försök igen.",
880 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'URL:en "$1" är inte en giltig Flickr-bild.',
881 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Upphovsman',
882 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'importera',
883 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Nästa $1',
884 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 av användaren <b>[$2]</b> från Flickr. Orginal URL',
885 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Var god skriv in ett destinationsnamn för filen:',
886 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Eller klicka <a href='$1'>här</a> för att gå tillbaka till dina sökresultat",
 878+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Denna sida låter dig söka efter bilder med riktig licens på Flickr och importera dem till din wiki.',
 879+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Du har inte konfigurerat din nyckel för Flickrs API. För att göra det måste du skaffa en API-nyckel [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html härifrån] och sätta wgFlickrAPIKey i ImportFreeImages.php.',
 880+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Inga bilder hittades för dina sökkriterier '$1', försök igen.",
 881+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'URL:en "$1" är inte en giltig Flickr-bild.',
 882+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Upphovsman',
 883+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'importera',
 884+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Nästa $1',
 885+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 av användaren <b>[$2]</b> från Flickr. Orginal URL',
 886+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Var god skriv in ett destinationsnamn för filen:',
 887+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Eller klicka <a href='$1'>här</a> för att gå tillbaka till dina sökresultat",
887888 );
889890 /** Telugu (తెలుగు)
890891 * @author Veeven
891892 */
892893 $messages['te'] = array(
893 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "'$1' అనే మీ అన్వేషణా ప్రశ్నకి ఫొటోలు ఏమీ దొరకలేదు, మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.",
894 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'కృతికర్త',
895 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'తర్వాతి $1',
896 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'గమ్యస్థానపు ఫైలు పేరుని ఇవ్వండి:',
897 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "లేదా, తిరిగి మీ అన్వేషణ ఫలితాలకు వెళ్ళడానికి <a href='$1'>ఇక్కడ</a> నొక్కండి",
 894+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "'$1' అనే మీ అన్వేషణా ప్రశ్నకి ఫొటోలు ఏమీ దొరకలేదు, మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.",
 895+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'కృతికర్త',
 896+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'తర్వాతి $1',
 897+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'గమ్యస్థానపు ఫైలు పేరుని ఇవ్వండి:',
 898+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "లేదా, తిరిగి మీ అన్వేషణ ఫలితాలకు వెళ్ళడానికి <a href='$1'>ఇక్కడ</a> నొక్కండి",
898899 );
900901 /** Tetum (Tetun)
901902 * @author MF-Warburg
902903 */
903904 $messages['tet'] = array(
904 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autór',
905 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Oinmai $1',
 905+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autór',
 906+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Oinmai $1',
906907 );
908909 /** Tajik (Cyrillic) (Тоҷикӣ (Cyrillic))
@@ -909,10 +910,10 @@
910911 */
911912 $messages['tg-cyrl'] = array(
912913 'importfreeimages' => 'Ворид кардани Аксҳои Озод',
913 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Муаллиф',
914 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'инро ворид кунед',
915 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Баъдӣ $1',
916 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Лутфан номи парвандаи мақсадро ворид кунед:',
 914+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Муаллиф',
 915+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'инро ворид кунед',
 916+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Баъдӣ $1',
 917+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Лутфан номи парвандаи мақсадро ворид кунед:',
917918 );
919920 /** Tagalog (Tagalog)
@@ -921,24 +922,24 @@
922923 $messages['tl'] = array(
923924 'importfreeimages' => 'Mag-angkat ng malalayang mga larawan',
924925 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Nagbibigay ng isang paraan ng [[Special:ImportFreeImages|pagaangkat ng mga larawang may tamang paglalagay/pagbibigay ng lisensya]] mula sa [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
925 - 'importfreeimages_description' => "Nagpapahintulot sa iyo ang pahinang ito upang makapaghanap ng mga litratong nabigyan ng tamang lisensya mula sa ''flickr'' at angkatin ang mga ito papunta sa iyong wiki.",
926 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => "Hindi mo pa naiaayos ang iyong Susi na pang-Flickr API (''API key'').
 926+ 'importfreeimages-description' => "Nagpapahintulot sa iyo ang pahinang ito upang makapaghanap ng mga litratong nabigyan ng tamang lisensya mula sa ''flickr'' at angkatin ang mga ito papunta sa iyong wiki.",
 927+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => "Hindi mo pa naiaayos ang iyong Susi na pang-Flickr API (''API key'').
927928 Upang magawa ito, kumuha lamang ng isang susi ng API mula [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html rito] at itakda ang wgFlickrAPIKey sa ImportFreeImages.php.",
928 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Walang mga litratong natagpuan para sa iyong kauriang panghanap na '$1', pakisubok uli.",
929 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Ang URL na "$1" ay isang hindi tanggap na larawan ng Flickr.',
930 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'May-akda',
931 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'angkatin ito',
932 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Susunod na $1',
933 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 ni tagagamit na <b>[$2]</b> mula sa flickr. Orihinal na URL',
934 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Pakipasok (maglagay) ng isang kapupuntahang pangalan ng talaksan:',
935 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "O kaya, pindutin <a href='$1'>dito</a> upang makabalik sa mga resulta ng iyong paghahanap",
 929+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Walang mga litratong natagpuan para sa iyong kauriang panghanap na '$1', pakisubok uli.",
 930+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Ang URL na "$1" ay isang hindi tanggap na larawan ng Flickr.',
 931+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'May-akda',
 932+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'angkatin ito',
 933+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Susunod na $1',
 934+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 ni tagagamit na <b>[$2]</b> mula sa flickr. Orihinal na URL',
 935+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Pakipasok (maglagay) ng isang kapupuntahang pangalan ng talaksan:',
 936+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "O kaya, pindutin <a href='$1'>dito</a> upang makabalik sa mga resulta ng iyong paghahanap",
936937 );
938939 /** Turkish (Türkçe)
939940 * @author Mach
940941 */
941942 $messages['tr'] = array(
942 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Sonraki $1',
 943+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Sonraki $1',
943944 );
945946 /** Ukrainian (Українська)
@@ -948,17 +949,17 @@
949950 $messages['uk'] = array(
950951 'importfreeimages' => 'Імпорт вільних зображень',
951952 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Дозволяє [[Special:ImportFreeImages|імпортувати ліцензовані належним чином фотографії]] з [http://www.flickr.com flickr]',
952 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Ця сторінка дозволяє вам шукати фотографії з Flickr, ліцензовані належним чином, та імпортувати їх до вікі.',
953 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Ви не налаштували ваш Flickr API-ключ.
 953+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Ця сторінка дозволяє вам шукати фотографії з Flickr, ліцензовані належним чином, та імпортувати їх до вікі.',
 954+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Ви не налаштували ваш Flickr API-ключ.
954955 Щоб це зробити, отримайте API-ключ [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html тут] і встановіть wgFlickrAPIKey в ImportFreeImages.php.',
955 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Не знайдено фотографій за умовою «$1», спробуйте ще раз.',
956 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => "URL «$1» не є правильним ім'ям зображення з Flickr.",
957 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Автор',
958 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'імпортувати це',
959 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Наступні $1',
960 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 авторства <b>[$2]</b> з Flickr. Оригінальний URL',
961 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => "Будь-ласка, введіть нове ім'я файлу:",
962 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Або натисніть <a href='$1'>тут</a>, щоб повернутися до ваших результатів пошуку.",
 956+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Не знайдено фотографій за умовою «$1», спробуйте ще раз.',
 957+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => "URL «$1» не є правильним ім'ям зображення з Flickr.",
 958+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Автор',
 959+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'імпортувати це',
 960+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Наступні $1',
 961+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 авторства <b>[$2]</b> з Flickr. Оригінальний URL',
 962+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => "Будь-ласка, введіть нове ім'я файлу:",
 963+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Або натисніть <a href='$1'>тут</a>, щоб повернутися до ваших результатів пошуку.",
963964 );
965966 /** Vèneto (Vèneto)
@@ -967,17 +968,17 @@
968969 $messages['vec'] = array(
969970 'importfreeimages' => 'Inporta imagini lìbare',
970971 'importfreeimages-desc' => "Fornisse un modo par [[Special:ImportFreeImages|inportar foto co' la justa licensa]] da [http://www.flickr.com flickr]",
971 - 'importfreeimages_description' => "Sta pàxena la te permete de sercar imagini co' la justa licensa su flickr e inportarle su la to wiki.",
972 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'No te ghè configurà la to ciave API Flickr.
 972+ 'importfreeimages-description' => "Sta pàxena la te permete de sercar imagini co' la justa licensa su flickr e inportarle su la to wiki.",
 973+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'No te ghè configurà la to ciave API Flickr.
973974 Par farlo domanda na chiave API [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html qua] e inposta wgFlickrAPIKey in ImportFreeImages.php.',
974 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => "Nissuna foto la sodisfa el criterio de riçerca '$1', próa da novo.",
975 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'L\'URL "$1" no\'l corisponde mia a na imagine de Flickr valida.',
976 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Autor',
977 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'inporta sto qua',
978 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Sucessivi $1',
979 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => "$1 da l'utente <b>[$2]</b> da flickr. URL originale",
980 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Inserissi un nome par el file de destinassion:',
981 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "O senò struca <a href='$1'>chì</a> par tornar indrìo ai risultati de la to riçerca",
 975+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => "Nissuna foto la sodisfa el criterio de riçerca '$1', próa da novo.",
 976+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'L\'URL "$1" no\'l corisponde mia a na imagine de Flickr valida.',
 977+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Autor',
 978+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'inporta sto qua',
 979+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Sucessivi $1',
 980+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => "$1 da l'utente <b>[$2]</b> da flickr. URL originale",
 981+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Inserissi un nome par el file de destinassion:',
 982+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "O senò struca <a href='$1'>chì</a> par tornar indrìo ai risultati de la to riçerca",
982983 );
984985 /** Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
@@ -987,25 +988,25 @@
988989 $messages['vi'] = array(
989990 'importfreeimages' => 'Nhập khẩu hình tự do',
990991 'importfreeimages-desc' => 'Là một cách để [[Special:ImportFreeImages|nhập khẩu những hình ảnh được cấp phép thích hợp]] từ [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]',
991 - 'importfreeimages_description' => 'Trang này cho phép bạn tìm những hình ảnh được cấp phép thích hợp từ Flickr và truyền chúng vào wiki của bạn.',
992 - 'importfreeimages_noapikey' => 'Bạn chưa cấu hình Khóa API Flickr của bạn.
 992+ 'importfreeimages-description' => 'Trang này cho phép bạn tìm những hình ảnh được cấp phép thích hợp từ Flickr và truyền chúng vào wiki của bạn.',
 993+ 'importfreeimages-noapikey' => 'Bạn chưa cấu hình Khóa API Flickr của bạn.
993994 Để làm điều đó, hãy lấy một khóa API từ [http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html đây] và thiết lập biến wgFlickrAPIKey trong ImportFreeImages.php.',
994 - 'importfreeimages_nophotosfound' => 'Không tìm thấy hình nào phù hợp với tiêu chí tìm kiếm ‘$1’ của bạn, xin hãy thử lại.',
995 - 'importfreeimages_invalidurl' => 'Địa chỉ URL “$1” không phải hình Flickr hợp lệ.',
996 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Tác giả',
997 - 'importfreeimages_importthis' => 'nhập cái này',
998 - 'importfreeimages_next' => '$1 sau',
999 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => '$1 bởi người dùng <b>[$2]</b> của Flickr. Địa chỉ URL gốc',
1000 - 'importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename' => 'Xin hãy nhập vào tên tập tin đích:',
1001 - 'importfreeimages_returntoform' => "Hoặc, nhấn vào <a href='$1'>đây</a> để quay trở lại kết quả tìm kiếm",
 995+ 'importfreeimages-nophotosfound' => 'Không tìm thấy hình nào phù hợp với tiêu chí tìm kiếm ‘$1’ của bạn, xin hãy thử lại.',
 996+ 'importfreeimages-invalidurl' => 'Địa chỉ URL “$1” không phải hình Flickr hợp lệ.',
 997+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Tác giả',
 998+ 'importfreeimages-importthis' => 'nhập cái này',
 999+ 'importfreeimages-next' => '$1 sau',
 1000+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => '$1 bởi người dùng <b>[$2]</b> của Flickr. Địa chỉ URL gốc',
 1001+ 'importfreeimages-promptuserforfilename' => 'Xin hãy nhập vào tên tập tin đích:',
 1002+ 'importfreeimages-returntoform' => "Hoặc, nhấn vào <a href='$1'>đây</a> để quay trở lại kết quả tìm kiếm",
10021003 );
10041005 /** Volapük (Volapük)
10051006 * @author Malafaya
10061007 */
10071008 $messages['vo'] = array(
1008 - 'importfreeimages_owner' => 'Lautan',
1009 - 'importfreeimages_next' => 'Sököl $1',
1010 - 'importfreeimages_filefromflickr' => "$1 fa geban: <b>[$2]</b> de 'flickr'. 'URL' rigik",
 1009+ 'importfreeimages-owner' => 'Lautan',
 1010+ 'importfreeimages-next' => 'Sököl $1',
 1011+ 'importfreeimages-filefromflickr' => "$1 fa geban: <b>[$2]</b> de 'flickr'. 'URL' rigik",
10111012 );
Index: trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.php
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
22 <?php
3 -if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
4 - die();
5 -
6 -/**#@+
74 * Provides a way of importing properly licensed photos from flickr
85 *
9 - * @addtogroup Extensions
10 - *
11 - * @link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ImportFreeImages Documentation
12 - *
13 - *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ * @version 1.0
149 * @author Travis Derouin <travis@wikihow.com>
1510 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
 11+ * @link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ImportFreeImages Documentation
1612 */
 13+if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 14+ die();
18 -$wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey = '';
 16+# Configuration settings
 17+$wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey = ''; // the flickr API key. This is required for the extension to work.
1918 $wgIFI_CreditsTemplate = 'flickr'; // use this to format the image content with some key parameters
2019 $wgIFI_GetOriginal = true; // import the original version of the photo
2120 $wgIFI_PromptForFilename = true; // prompt the user through javascript for the destination filename
@@ -22,349 +21,29 @@
2322 $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage = 20;
2423 $wgIFI_ResultsPerRow = 4;
2524 // see the flickr api page for more information on these params
26 -// for licnese info http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photos.licenses.getInfo.html
 25+// for license info http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photos.licenses.getInfo.html
2726 // default 4 is CC Attribution License
28 -$wgIFI_FlickrLicense = "4,5";
29 -$wgIFI_FlickrSort = "interestingness-desc";
30 -$wgIFI_FlickrSearchBy = "tags"; // Can be tags or text. See http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photos.search.html
31 -$wgIFI_AppendRandomNumber = true; /// append random # to destination filename
32 -$wgIFI_ThumbType = "t"; // s for square t for thumbnail
 27+$wgIFI_FlickrLicense = '4,5';
 28+$wgIFI_FlickrSort = 'interestingness-desc';
 29+$wgIFI_FlickrSearchBy = 'tags'; // Can be tags or text. See http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photos.search.html
 30+$wgIFI_AppendRandomNumber = true; // append random # to destination filename
 31+$wgIFI_ThumbType = 't'; // s for square t for thumbnail
 33+// Extension credits that will show up on Special:Version
3434 $wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
35 - 'name' => 'ImportFreeImages',
36 - 'svn-date' => '$LastChangedDate$',
37 - 'svn-revision' => '$LastChangedRevision$',
38 - 'author' => 'Travis Derouin',
39 - 'description' => 'Provides a way of importing properly licensed photos from flickr.',
 35+ 'name' => 'ImportFreeImages',
 36+ 'author' => 'Travis Derouin',
 37+ 'version' => '1.0',
 38+ 'description' => 'Provides a way of importing properly licensed photos from flickr.',
4039 'descriptionmsg' => 'importfreeimages-desc',
41 - 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ImportFreeImages',
 40+ 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ImportFreeImages',
4241 );
 43+// Set up the new special page
4444 $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
 45+$wgAutoloadClasses['ImportFreeImages'] = $dir . 'ImportFreeImages.body.php';
4546 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['ImportFreeImages'] = $dir . 'ImportFreeImages.i18n.php';
4647 $wgExtensionAliasesFiles['ImportFreeImages'] = $dir . 'ImportFreeImages.alias.php';
47 -$wgSpecialPages['ImportFreeImages'] = array( 'SpecialPage', 'ImportFreeImages' );
48 -
49 -# Note: we can't delay message loading currently, since we don't override SpecialPage::execute(),
50 -# which calls SpecialPage::getDescription() before calling any of our functions.
51 -# We need some way to autoload messages for getDescription()...
52 -$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfImportFreeImages';
53 -function wfImportFreeImages() {
54 - wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'ImportFreeImages' );
55 -}
56 -
57 -// I wish I didn't have to copy paste most of
58 -
59 -function wfIFI_uploadWarning($u, $warning) {
60 - global $wgOut;
61 - global $wgUseCopyrightUpload;
62 -
63 - $u->mSessionKey = $u->stashSession();
64 - if( !$u->mSessionKey ) {
65 - # Couldn't save file; an error has been displayed so let's go.
66 - return;
67 - }
68 -
69 - $wgOut->addHTML( "<h2>" . wfMsgHtml( 'uploadwarning' ) . "</h2>\n" );
70 - $wgOut->addHTML( "<ul class='warning'>{$warning}</ul><br />\n" );
71 -
72 - $save = wfMsgHtml( 'savefile' );
73 - $reupload = wfMsgHtml( 'reupload' );
74 - $iw = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'ignorewarning' );
75 - $reup = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'reuploaddesc' );
76 - $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Upload' );
77 - $action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL( 'action=submit' );
78 - if ( $wgUseCopyrightUpload )
79 - {
80 - $copyright = "
81 - <input type='hidden' name='wpUploadCopyStatus' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mUploadCopyStatus ) . "\" />
82 - <input type='hidden' name='wpUploadSource' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mUploadSource ) . "\" />
83 - ";
84 - } else {
85 - $copyright = "";
86 - }
87 -
88 - $wgOut->addHTML( "
89 - <form id='uploadwarning' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$action'>
90 - <input type='hidden' name='wpIgnoreWarning' value='1' />
91 - <input type='hidden' name='wpSessionKey' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mSessionKey ) . "\" />
92 - <input type='hidden' name='wpUploadDescription' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mUploadDescription ) . "\" />
93 - <input type='hidden' name='wpLicense' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mLicense ) . "\" />
94 - <input type='hidden' name='wpDestFile' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $u->mDestFile ) . "\" />
95 - <input type='hidden' name='wpWatchu' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( intval( $u->mWatchu ) ) . "\" />
96 - {$copyright}
97 - <table border='0'>
98 - <tr>
99 - <tr>
100 - <td align='right'>
101 - <input tabindex='2' type='submit' name='wpUpload' value=\"$save\" />
102 - </td>
103 - <td align='left'>$iw</td>
104 - </tr>
105 - </tr>
106 - </table></form>\n" . wfMsg('importfreeimages_returntoform', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) );
107 -// $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; -- javascript.back wasn't working for some reason... hmph.
108 -
109 -}
110 -
111 -/* Return values:
112 - * true: Don't show query form, because
113 - * either everything worked
114 - * or something is so wrong that it makes no sense to continue
115 - * false: Temporary error (e.g. proposed pagename is protected against creation),
116 - * show query again so user has a chance to retry.
117 - */
118 -function wfIFI_handleUpload( $f, $import ) {
119 - global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTmpDirectory;
120 - global $wgIFI_GetOriginal, $wgIFI_CreditsTemplate, $wgIFI_AppendRandomNumber;
121 - # Check token, to preven Cross Site Request Forgeries
122 - $token = $wgRequest->getVal( 'token' );
123 - if( !$wgUser->matchEditToken( $token ) ) {
124 - $wgOut->addWikitext(wfMsg('sessionfailure'));
125 - return false;
126 - }
127 -
128 - $id = $wgRequest->getVal( 'id' );
129 - $ititle = $wgRequest->getVal( 'ititle' );
130 - $owner = $wgRequest->getVal( 'owner' );
131 - $name = $wgRequest->getVal( 'name' );
132 -
133 - if ($wgIFI_GetOriginal) {
134 - // get URL of original :1
135 -
136 - $sizes = $f->photos_getSizes( $id );
137 - $original = '';
138 - foreach ($sizes as $size) {
139 - if ($size['label'] == 'Original') {
140 - $original = $size['source'];
141 - $import = $size['source'];
142 - } else if ($size['label'] == 'Large') {
143 - $large = $size['source'];
144 - }
145 - }
146 - //somtimes Large is returned but no Original!
147 - if ($original == '' && $large != '')
148 - $import = $large;
149 - }
150 -
151 - if (!preg_match('/^http:\/\/farm[0-9]+\.static\.flickr\.com\/.*\.(jpg|gif|png)$/', $import, $matches)) {
152 - $wgOut->showErrorPage('error', 'importfreeimages_invalidurl', array( wfEscapeWikiText( $import ) ) );
153 - return true;
154 - }
155 - $fileext = '.' . $matches[1];
156 -
157 - // store the contents of the file
158 - $pageContents = file_get_contents($import);
159 - $tempname = tempnam( $wgTmpDirectory, 'flickr' );
160 - $r = fopen( $tempname, 'wb' );
161 - if( $r === FALSE ) {
162 - # Could not open temporary file to write in
163 - $wgOut->errorPage( 'upload-file-error', 'upload-file-error-text' );
164 - return true;
165 - }
166 - $size = fwrite( $r, $pageContents );
167 - fclose( $r );
168 -
169 - $info = $f->photos_getInfo( $id );
170 - $name_wiki = wfEscapeWikiText( $name );
171 - if (!empty($wgIFI_CreditsTemplate)) {
172 - $owner_wiki = wfEscapeWikiText( $owner );
173 - $id_wiki = wfEscapeWikiText( $id );
174 - $caption = "{{" . $wgIFI_CreditsTemplate . intval( $info['license'] ) . "|1=$id_wiki|2=$owner_wiki|3=$name_wiki}}";
175 - } else {
176 - // TODO: this is totally wrong: The whole message should be configurable, we shouldn't include arbitrary templates
177 - // additionally, the license information is not correct (we are not guaranteed to get "CC by 2.0" images only)
178 - $caption = wfMsgForContent('importfreeimages_filefromflickr', $ititle, "http://www.flickr.com/people/" . urlencode($owner) . " " . $name_wiki) . " <nowiki>$import</nowiki>. {{CC by 2.0}} ";
179 - $caption = trim($caption);
180 - }
181 -
182 - if (!class_exists("UploadForm"))
183 - require_once('includes/SpecialUpload.php');
184 - $u = new UploadForm($wgRequest);
185 - // TODO: we should use FauxRequest here instead of accessing member variables.
186 - // But FauxRequest doesn't yet allow us to pass files around
187 - $u->mTempPath = $tempname;
188 - $u->mFileSize = $size;
189 - $u->mComment = $caption;
190 - $u->mRemoveTempFile = true;
191 - $u->mIgnoreWarning = true;
192 -
193 - $filename = $ititle . ($wgIFI_AppendRandomNumber ? "-" . rand(0, 9999) : "") . $fileext;
194 - $filename = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $filename);
195 - /**
196 - * Filter out illegal characters, and try to make a legible name
197 - * out of it. We'll strip some silently that Title would die on.
198 - * This is taken from SpecialUpload::internalProcessUploads()
199 - */
200 - $filename = preg_replace ( "/[^".Title::legalChars()."]|:/", '-', $filename );
201 - $nt = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_IMAGE, $filename );
202 - if( is_null( $nt ) ) {
203 - $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'error', 'illegalfilename', array( wfEscapeWikiText( $filename ) ) );
204 - return false;
205 - }
206 - $u->mSrcName = $filename;
207 -
208 - if( $nt->getArticleID() > 0 ) {
209 - $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
210 - $dlink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $t );
211 - $warning = '<li>'.wfMsgExt( 'fileexists', '', $dlink ).'</li>';
212 -
213 - // use our own upload warning as we dont have a 'reupload' feature
214 - wfIFI_uploadWarning($u, $warning);
215 - return true;
216 - } elseif( !$nt->userCan( 'create' ) ) {
217 - $wgOut->showPermissionsErrorPage( $nt->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'create', $wgUser ) );
218 - return false;
219 - } else {
220 - $u->execute();
221 - return true;
222 - }
223 -}
224 -
225 -function wfSpecialImportFreeImages( $par )
226 -{
227 - global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey, $wgEnableUploads;
228 - global $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage, $wgIFI_FlickrSort, $wgIFI_FlickrLicense, $wgIFI_ResultsPerRow;
229 - global $wgIFI_PromptForFilename, $wgIFI_FlickrSearchBy, $wgIFI_ThumbType;
230 - wfSetupSession();
231 - require_once("phpFlickr-2.2.0/phpFlickr.php");
232 -
233 - $importPage = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "ImportFreeImages");
234 -
235 - if (empty($wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey)) {
236 - // error - need to set $wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey to use this extension
237 - $wgOut->errorpage('error', 'importfreeimages_noapikey');
238 - return;
239 - }
240 - $f = new phpFlickr($wgIFI_FlickrAPIKey);
241 -
242 - # a lot of this code is duplicated from SpecialUpload, should be refactored
243 - # Check uploading enabled
244 - if( !$wgEnableUploads ) {
245 - $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'uploaddisabled', 'uploaddisabledtext' );
246 - return;
247 - }
248 -
249 - if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'upload' ) ) {
250 - if( !$wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
251 - $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'uploadnologin', 'uploadnologintext' );
252 - } else {
253 - $wgOut->permissionRequired( 'upload' );
254 - }
255 - return;
256 - }
257 -
258 - # Check blocks
259 - if( $wgUser->isBlocked() ) {
260 - $wgOut->blockedPage();
261 - return;
262 - }
263 -
264 - if( wfReadOnly() ) {
265 - $wgOut->readOnlyPage();
266 - return;
267 - }
268 -
269 - $import = $wgRequest->getVal( 'url', '' );
270 - if( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $import != '' ) {
271 - if( wfIFI_handleUpload( $f, $import ) )
272 - return;
273 - $wgOut->addHTML('<hr/>');
274 - }
275 -
276 - $q = $wgRequest->getText( 'q' );
277 -
278 - global $wgScript;
279 - $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg ('importfreeimages_description') . "<br /><br />
280 - <form method=GET action=\"$wgScript\">".wfMsg('search').
281 - Xml::hidden( 'title', $importPage->getPrefixedDbKey() ) .
282 - ": <input type=text name=q value='" . htmlspecialchars($q) . "'><input type=submit value=".wfMsg('search')."></form>");
283 -
284 - if ($q != '') {
285 - $page = $wgRequest->getInt( 'p', 1 );
286 - $q = $wgRequest->getVal( 'q' );
287 - // TODO: get the right licenses
288 - $photos = $f->photos_search(array(
289 - $wgIFI_FlickrSearchBy => $q,
290 - "tag_mode" => "any",
291 - "page" => $page,
292 - "per_page" => $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage,
293 - "license" => $wgIFI_FlickrLicense,
294 - "sort" => $wgIFI_FlickrSort ));
295 -
296 - // $wgOut->addHTML('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($photos, TRUE)).'</pre>');
297 - if ($photos == null || !is_array($photos) || sizeof($photos) == 0 || !isset($photos['photo'])
298 - || !is_array($photos['photo']) || sizeof($photos['photo']) == 0 ) {
299 - $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( "importfreeimages_nophotosfound", htmlspecialchars( $q ) ) );
300 - return;
301 - }
302 - $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
303 - $wgOut->addHTML("
304 - <table cellpadding=4>
305 - <form method='POST' name='uploadphotoform' action='" . $importPage->escapeFullURL() . "'>
306 - <input type=hidden name='url' value=''>
307 - <input type=hidden name='id' value=''>
308 - <input type=hidden name='action' value='submit'>
309 - <input type=hidden name='owner' value=''>
310 - <input type=hidden name='name' value=''>
311 - <input type=hidden name='ititle' value=''>
312 - <input type=hidden name='token' value='" . $wgUser->editToken() . "'>
313 - <input type=hidden name='q' value='" . htmlspecialchars($q) . "'>
314 - <script type='text/javascript'>
315 -
316 - function s2 (url, id, owner, name, ititle) {
317 - document.uploadphotoform.url.value = url;
318 - document.uploadphotoform.id.value = id;
319 - document.uploadphotoform.owner.value = owner;
320 - document.uploadphotoform.name.value = name;
321 - document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value = ititle;
322 - if (" . ($wgIFI_PromptForFilename ? "true" : "false") . ") {
323 - document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value = prompt(" . Xml::encodeJsVar( wfMsg('importfreeimages_promptuserforfilename') ) . ", ititle);
324 - if (document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value == '') {
325 - document.uploadphotoform.ititle.value = ititle;
326 - }
327 - }
328 - document.uploadphotoform.submit();
329 - }
330 -
331 - </script>
332 -
333 - ");
334 - $ownermsg = wfMsg('importfreeimages_owner');
335 - $importmsg = wfMsg('importfreeimages_importthis');
336 - $i = 0;
337 - foreach ($photos['photo'] as $photo) {
338 - $owner = $f->people_getInfo( $photo['owner'] );
339 -
340 - $owner_esc = htmlspecialchars( $photo['owner'], ENT_QUOTES );
341 - $id_esc = htmlspecialchars( $photo['id'], ENT_QUOTES );
342 - $title_esc = htmlspecialchars( $photo['title'], ENT_QUOTES );
343 - $username_esc = htmlspecialchars( $owner['username'], ENT_QUOTES );
344 - $thumb_esc = htmlspecialchars( "http://farm{$photo['farm']}.static.flickr.com/{$photo['server']}/{$photo['id']}_{$photo['secret']}_{$wgIFI_ThumbType}.jpg", ENT_QUOTES );
345 -
346 - $owner_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $photo['owner'] );
347 - $id_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $photo['id'] );
348 - $title_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $photo['title'] );
349 - $username_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( $owner['username'] );
350 - $url_js = Xml::encodeJsVar( "http://farm{$photo['farm']}.static.flickr.com/{$photo['server']}/{$photo['id']}_{$photo['secret']}.jpg" );
351 -
352 - if ($i % $wgIFI_ResultsPerRow == 0) $wgOut->addHTML("<tr>");
353 - $wgOut->addHTML( "
354 - <td align='center' style='padding-top: 15px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;'>
355 - <font size=-2><a href='http://www.flickr.com/photos/$owner_esc/$id_esc/'>$title_esc</a>
356 - <br />$ownermsg: <a href='http://www.flickr.com/people/$owner_esc/'>$username_esc</a>
357 - <br /><img src='$thumb_esc' />
358 - <br />(<a href='#' onclick='s2($url_js, $id_js, $owner_js, $username_js, $title_js);'>$importmsg</a>)</font>
359 - </td>
360 - " );
361 - if ($i % $wgIFI_ResultsPerRow == ($wgIFI_ResultsPerRow - 1) ) $wgOut->addHTML("</tr>");
362 - $i++;
363 - }
364 -
365 - $wgOut->addHTML("</form></table>");
366 - if( $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage * $page < $photos['total'] ) {
367 - $page++;
368 - $wgOut->addHTML("<br />" . $sk->makeLinkObj($importPage, wfMsg('importfreeimages_next', $wgIFI_ResultsPerPage), "p=$page&q=" . urlencode($q) ) );
369 - }
370 - }
371 -}
 48+$wgSpecialPages['ImportFreeImages'] = 'ImportFreeImages';
 49+// Special page group for MW 1.13+
 50+$wgSpecialPageGroups['ImportFreeImages'] = 'media';
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/ImportFreeImages/ImportFreeImages.php
Name: svn:keywords
37251 - LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r45296Partial revert of r45295 (renamed messages from importfreeimages_* to importf...siebrand23:13, 1 January 2009


#Comment by Siebrand (talk | contribs)   23:15, 1 January 2009

Rename of messages reverted in r45296.

#Comment by Raymond (talk | contribs)   09:13, 2 January 2009
  • removed svn-date and svn-revision params from $wgExtensionCredits, using version param rather

Please note, that svn-revision is shown addionally to version since r45190. Removing this keyword is not necessary.

But I think we need a more general solution for the future as Brion pointed out in http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2008-December/040799.html

Either removing svn-revision from all or adding svn-revision to all extensions.

Status & tagging log