r103372 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r103371‎ | r103372 | r103373 >
Date:20:29, 16 November 2011
Status:deferred (Comments)
Enable rollup tables for ratings in AFT5. Ratings still aren't being passed from the JS to the PHP, but once that's worked out this should be functional.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5/ArticleFeedbackv5.hooks.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5/api/ApiArticleFeedbackv5.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5/api/ApiArticleFeedbackv5Utils.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5/api/ApiArticleFeedbackv5.php
@@ -16,12 +16,11 @@
1717 $token = ApiArticleFeedbackv5Utils::getAnonToken( $params );
1919 // Is feedback enabled on this page check?
20 - if ( !ApiArticleFeedbackv5Utils::isFeedbackEnabled( $params ) ) {
21 - $this->dieUsage( 'ArticleFeedback is not enabled on this page', 'invalidpage' );
22 - }
 20+# if ( !ApiArticleFeedbackv5Utils::isFeedbackEnabled( $params ) ) {
 21+# $this->dieUsage( 'ArticleFeedback is not enabled on this page', 'invalidpage' );
 22+# }
2424 $feedbackId = $this->getFeedbackId($params);
25 -error_log("feedback id is $feedbackId");
2625 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2726 $keys = array();
2827 foreach($params as $key => $unused) { $keys[] = $key; }
@@ -37,17 +36,13 @@
3837 );
4039 foreach($answers as $answer) {
41 - $type = $answer->afi_data_type;
42 - # TODO: validation
43 - # rating: int between 1 and 5 (inclusive)
44 - # boolean: 1 or 0
45 - # option: option exists
46 - # text: none (maybe xss encode)
47 - if($params[$answer->afi_name]) {
 40+ $type = $answer->afi_data_type;
 41+ $value = $params[$answer->afi_name];
 42+ if($value && $this->validateParam($value, $type)) {
4843 $user_answers[] = array(
4944 'aa_feedback_id' => $feedbackId,
5045 'aa_field_id' => $answer->afi_id,
51 - "aa_response_$type" => $params[$answer->afi_name]
 46+ "aa_response_$type" => $value
5247 );
5348 }
5449 }
@@ -78,31 +73,131 @@
7974 );
8075 }
82 - public function updateRollupTables($page, $revision) {
83 - $this->updateRatingRollup($page, $revision);
84 - $this->updateSelectRollup($page, $revision);
85 - }
 77+ protected function validateParams($value, $type) {
 78+ # rating: int between 1 and 5 (inclusive)
 79+ # boolean: 1 or 0
 80+ # option: option exists
 81+ # text: none (maybe xss encode)
 82+ switch($type) {
 83+ case 'rating':
 84+ if(preg_match('/^(1|2|3|4|5)$/', $value)) {
 85+ return 1;
 86+ }
 87+ break;
 88+ case 'boolean':
 89+ if(preg_match('/^(1|0)$/', $value)) {
 90+ return 1;
 91+ }
 92+ break;
 93+ case 'option':
 94+ # TODO: check for option existance.
 95+ case 'text':
 96+ return 1;
 97+ break;
 98+ default:
 99+ return 0;
 100+ break;
 101+ }
87 - public function updateRatingRollup($page, $rev) {
88 - $this->__updateRollup($page, $rev, 'ratings', 'page');
89 - $this->__updateRollup($page, $rev, 'ratings', 'revision');
 103+ return 0;
90104 }
92 - public function updateSelectRollup($page, $rev) {
93 - $this->__updateRollup($page, $rev, 'select', 'page');
94 - $this->__updateRollup($page, $rev, 'select', 'revision');
 106+ public function updateRollupTables($page, $revision) {
 107+# foreach( array( 'rating', 'boolean', 'select' ) as $type ) {
 108+# foreach( array( 'rating', 'boolean' ) as $type ) {
 109+ foreach( array( 'rating' ) as $type ) {
 110+ $this->updateRollup( $page, $revision, $type );
 111+ }
95112 }
97 - # page and rev and page and revision ids
98 - # type is either ratings or select, the two rollups we have
99 - # scope is either page or revision
100 - private function __updateRollup($page, $rev, $type, $scope) {
 114+ # TODO: This breaks on the select/option_id type.
 115+ private function updateRollup($pageId, $revId, $type) {
 116+ global $wgArticleFeedbackv5RatingLifetime;
 117+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 118+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 119+ $limit = ApiArticleFeedbackv5Utils::getRevisionLimit($pageId);
101121 # sanity check
102 - if($type != 'ratings' && $type != 'select') { return 0; }
103 - if($scope != 'page' && $scope != 'revision') { return 0; }
 122+ if( $type != 'rating' && $type != 'select'
 123+ && $type != 'boolean' ) { return 0; }
105 - # TODO
106 - $table = 'aft_article_'.$rev.'_feedback_'.$type.'_rollup';
 125+ $rows = $dbr->select(
 126+ array( 'aft_article_answer', 'aft_article_feedback',
 127+ 'aft_article_field' ),
 128+ array( 'aa_field_id',
 129+ "SUM(aa_response_$type) AS earned",
 130+ 'COUNT(*) AS submits'),
 131+ array(
 132+ 'afi_data_type' => $type,
 133+ 'af_page_id' => $pageId,
 134+ 'aa_feedback_id = af_id',
 135+ 'afi_id = aa_field_id',
 136+ "af_revision_id >= $limit"
 137+ ),
 138+ __METHOD__,
 139+ array( 'GROUP BY' => 'aa_field_id' )
 140+ );
 142+ if( $type == 'select' ) {
 143+ $page_prefix = 'afsr_';
 144+ $rev_prefix = 'arfsr_';
 145+ } else {
 146+ $page_prefix = 'arr_';
 147+ $rev_prefix = 'afrr_';
 148+ }
 149+ $page_data = array();
 150+ $rev_data = array();
 151+ $rev_table = 'aft_article_revision_feedback_'
 152+ .( $type == 'select' ? 'select' : 'ratings' ).'_rollup';
 153+ $page_table = 'aft_article_feedback_'
 154+ .( $type == 'select' ? 'select' : 'ratings' ).'_rollup';
 156+ foreach($rows as $row) {
 157+ if($type == 'rating') {
 158+ $points = $row->submits * 5;
 159+ } else {
 160+ $points = $row->submits;
 161+ }
 163+ if(!array_key_exists($row->aa_field_id, $page_data)) {
 164+ $page_data[$row->aa_field_id] = array(
 165+ $page_prefix.'page_id' => $pageId,
 166+ $page_prefix.'total' => 0,
 167+ $page_prefix.'count' => 0,
 168+ $page_prefix.($type == 'select' ? 'option' : 'rating').'_id' => $row->aa_field_id
 169+ );
 170+ }
 172+ $rev_data[] = array(
 173+ $rev_prefix.'page_id' => $pageId,
 174+ $rev_prefix.'revision_id' => $revId,
 175+ $rev_prefix.'total' => $row->earned,
 176+ $rev_prefix.'count' => $points,
 177+ $rev_prefix.($type == 'select' ? 'option' : 'rating').'_id' => $row->aa_field_id
 178+ );
 179+ $page_data[$row->aa_field_id][$page_prefix.'total'] += $row->earned;
 180+ $page_data[$row->aa_field_id][$page_prefix.'count'] += $points;
 181+ }
 183+ # Hack becuse you can't use array keys or insert barfs.
 184+ $tmp = array();
 185+ foreach($page_data as $p) {
 186+ $tmp[] = $p;
 187+ }
 188+ $page_data = $tmp;
 190+ $dbw->begin();
 191+ $dbw->delete( $rev_table, array(
 192+ $rev_prefix.'page_id' => $pageId,
 193+ $rev_prefix.'revision_id' => $revId,
 194+ ) );
 195+ $dbw->insert( $rev_table, $rev_data );
 196+ $dbw->delete( $page_table, array(
 197+ $page_prefix.'page_id' => $pageId,
 198+ ) );
 199+ $dbw->insert( $page_table, $page_data );
 201+ $dbw->commit();
107202 }
109204 public function getFeedbackId($params) {
Index: trunk/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5/api/ApiArticleFeedbackv5Utils.php
@@ -38,6 +38,23 @@
3939 return 1;
4040 }
 42+ public static function getRevisionLimit( $pageId ) {
 43+ global $wgArticleFeedbackv5RatingLifetime;
 44+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 45+ $revision = $dbr->selectField(
 46+ 'revision', 'rev_id',
 47+ array( 'rev_page' => $pageId ),
 48+ __METHOD__,
 49+ array(
 50+ 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_id DESC',
 51+ 'LIMIT' => 1,
 52+ 'OFFSET' => $wgArticleFeedbackv5RatingLifetime - 1
 53+ )
 54+ );
 56+ return $revision ? intval($revision) : 0;
 57+ }
4259 public static function getRevisionId($pageId) {
4360 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
4461 $revId = $dbr->selectField(
Index: trunk/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5/ArticleFeedbackv5.hooks.php
@@ -187,13 +187,15 @@
188188 $fields = ApiArticleFeedbackv5Utils::getFields();
189189 $prefix = 'articlefeedbackv5-bucket5-';
190190 foreach( $fields as $field ) {
191 - $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-label';
192 - $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tip';
193 - $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-1';
194 - $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-2';
195 - $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-3';
196 - $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-4';
197 - $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-5';
 191+ if($fielf->afi_data_type == 'rating') {
 192+ $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-label';
 193+ $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tip';
 194+ $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-1';
 195+ $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-2';
 196+ $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-3';
 197+ $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-4';
 198+ $resources['messages'][] = $prefix . $field->afi_name . '-tooltip-5';
 199+ }
198200 }
199201 }
200202 $resourceLoader->register(


Johnduhartinspected03:50, 18 November 2011


#Comment by Johnduhart (talk | contribs)   03:50, 18 November 2011

Missing some spaces inside of parenthesis.

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