r101313 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r101312‎ | r101313 | r101314 >
Date:20:58, 30 October 2011
remove Special:Glossary, bugfix (glossary contains HTML entities), prepare release 0.1
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossary.alias.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossary.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossary.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossaryBackend.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SpecialSemanticGlossaryBrowser.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/skins (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SpecialSemanticGlossaryBrowser.php
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * File holding the SpecialSemanticGlossaryBrowser class.
6 - *
7 - * @author Stephan Gambke
8 - *
9 - * @file
10 - * @ingroup SemanticGlossary
11 - */
12 -if ( !defined( 'SG_VERSION' ) ) {
13 - die( 'This file is part of the Semantic Glossary extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
14 -}
15 -
16 -/**
17 - * This class creates and processes Special:GlossaryBrowser.
18 - *
19 - * Includable special pages have an execute() function which can be
20 - * called from either context, so to parse text within them, it's
21 - * necessary to check $this->mIncluding to determine the correct function
22 - * to use.
23 - *
24 - * @todo Write this class.
25 - * @ingroup SemanticGlossary
26 - */
27 -class SpecialSemanticGlossaryBrowser extends SpecialPage {
28 -
29 - private $mMessages;
30 -
31 - function __construct() {
32 - parent::__construct( 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' );
33 - $this->mMessages = new LingoMessageLog();
34 - }
35 -
36 - function execute( $subpage ) {
37 - global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser;
38 -
39 - // preparation stuff
40 - $this->setHeaders();
41 - $this->loadModules();
42 -
43 - $hasEditRights = $wgUser->isAllowed( 'editglossary' );
44 -
45 - if ( $this->isActionAllowed() ) {
46 - if ( $wgRequest->getText( 'submit' ) != null ) {
47 - // if the form was submitted, store the data
48 - $this->actionStoreData();
49 - } elseif ( $wgRequest->getText( 'createnew' ) != null ) {
50 - // if a new term was defined, create it
51 - $this->actionCreateNewTerm();
52 - } elseif ( $wgRequest->getText( 'delete' ) != null ) {
53 - // if a new term was defined, create it
54 - $this->actionDeleteData();
55 - }
56 - }
57 -
58 - // get the glossary data
59 - $parser = new LingoParser( $this->mMessages );
60 - $glossaryarray = $parser->getLingoArray();
61 -
62 - // set function to create a table row (textareas when editing is
63 - // allowed, else normal text)
64 - if ( $hasEditRights ) {
65 - $createTableRowMethod = 'createTableRowForEdit';
66 - } else {
67 - $createTableRowMethod = 'createTableRowForDisplay';
68 - }
69 -
70 - // create HTML fragment for table rows
71 - $tablerows = '';
72 -
73 - // loop through all terms
74 - foreach ( $glossaryarray as $term => $glossaryElement ) {
75 - // One term may have several definitions. Include them all.
76 - while ( ( $key = $glossaryElement->getCurrentKey() ) !== null ) {
77 - $source = $glossaryElement->getSource( $key );
78 - $definition = $glossaryElement->getDefinition( $key );
79 - $link = $glossaryElement->getLink( $key );
80 -
81 - $tablerows .= $this->$createTableRowMethod( $source->getInterwiki() . ":" . $source->getNamespace() . ":" . $source->getDBkey(),
82 - $term, $definition, $link );
83 -
84 - $glossaryElement->next();
85 - }
86 - }
87 -
88 - if ( $tablerows != '' ) {
89 - $listOfTermsFragment =
90 - Html::rawElement( 'table', null,
91 - Html::rawElement( 'tbody', null, $tablerows )
92 - );
93 -
94 - if ( $hasEditRights ) {
95 - // append action buttons
96 - $listOfTermsFragment .=
97 - Html::element( 'input', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'delete', 'value' => wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-deleteselected' ), 'accesskey' => 'd') ) .
98 - Html::element( 'input', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit', 'value' => wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-savechanges' ), 'accesskey' => 's') );
99 - }
100 -
101 - $listOfTermsFragment =
102 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'termslist'),
103 - Html::element( 'div', array('class' => 'heading'), wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-termsdefined' ) ) .
104 - $listOfTermsFragment
105 - );
106 - } else {
107 - $listOfTermsFragment =
108 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'termslist'),
109 - Html::element( 'div', array('class' => 'heading'), wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-notermsdefined' ) )
110 - );
111 - }
112 -
113 - // From here on no more errors should occur. Create list of errors.
114 - $errors = $this->mMessages->getMessagesFormatted( LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_NOTICE, wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-messageheader' ) );
115 -
116 - if ( $errors !== null ) {
117 - $wgOut->addParserOutputNoText( $errors );
118 - $errorsFragment = $errors->getText() . Html::rawElement( 'hr' );
119 - } else {
120 - $errorsFragment = '';
121 - }
122 -
123 - if ( $hasEditRights ) {
124 - // create form fragment to allow input of a new term
125 - $newTermFragment =
126 - Html::rawElement( 'hr' ) .
127 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'newterm'),
128 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'heading'), wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-enternewterm' ) ) .
129 - Html::rawElement( 'table', null,
130 - Html::rawElement( 'tbody', null,
131 - Html::rawElement( 'tr', array('class' => 'row'),
132 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'termcell'),
133 - Html::element( 'textarea', array('name' => 'newterm') )
134 - ) .
135 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'definitioncell'),
136 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'definitionareawrapper'),
137 - Html::element( 'textarea', array('name' => 'newdefinition') )
138 - )
139 - ) .
140 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'linkcell'),
141 - Html::element( 'textarea', array('name' => 'newlink') )
142 - )
143 - )
144 - )
145 - ) .
146 - Html::element( 'input', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'createnew', 'value' => wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-createnew' ), 'accesskey' => 'n') )
147 - );
148 -
149 - $salt = rand( 10000, 99999 );
150 - $editTokenFragment = Html::rawElement( 'input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'editToken', 'value' => $wgUser->editToken( $salt ) . $salt) );
151 -
152 - // assemble output
153 - $output =
154 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'glossarybrowser'),
155 - $errorsFragment .
156 - Html::rawElement( 'form', array('method' => 'POST'),
157 - $listOfTermsFragment .
158 - $newTermFragment .
159 - $editTokenFragment
160 - )
161 - );
162 - } else {
163 - // assemble output
164 - $output =
165 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'glossarybrowser'),
166 - $errorsFragment .
167 - $listOfTermsFragment
168 - );
169 - }
170 -
171 - $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
172 - }
173 -
174 - /**
175 - * Returns the name that goes in the <h1> in the special page itself, and also the name that
176 - * will be listed in Special:Specialpages
177 - *
178 - * @return String
179 - */
180 - function getDescription() {
181 - return wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-browsertitle' );
182 - }
183 -
184 - /**
185 - * Loads the CSS file for the GlossaryBrowser Special page
186 - */
187 - protected function loadModules() {
188 - global $wgOut, $wgScriptPath;
189 -
190 - if ( defined( 'MW_SUPPORTS_RESOURCE_MODULES' ) ) {
191 - $wgOut->addModuleStyles( 'ext.SemanticGlossary.Browser' );
192 - } else {
193 - $wgOut->addHeadItem( 'ext.SemanticGlossary.Browser.css', '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/SemanticGlossary/skins/SemanticGlossaryBrowser.css" />' );
194 - }
195 - }
196 -
197 - /**
198 - * Gets data from wgRequest and stores it
199 - */
200 - protected function actionStoreData() {
201 - global $wgRequest;
202 -
203 - // get ass array of input values
204 - $inputdata = $wgRequest->getValues();
205 -
206 - // loop through all input values
207 - foreach ( $inputdata as $key => $value ) {
208 -
209 - // only consider terms here, other parameters are accessed by name
210 - if ( substr( $key, -5 ) == ':term' ) {
211 - // cut off ':term'
212 - $pageString = substr( $key, 0, -5 );
213 -
214 - // new data
215 - $newTerm = $value;
216 - $newDefinition = $inputdata[$pageString . ':definition'];
217 - $newLink = $inputdata[$pageString . ':link'];
218 -
219 - $page = $this->getPageObjectFromInputName( $pageString );
220 -
221 - // get its data
222 - $pageData = smwfGetStore()->getSemanticData( $page );
223 -
224 -
225 - // get old values
226 - $oldTerm = $this->getPropertyFromData( $pageData, '___glt' );
227 - if ( $oldTerm === false ) {
228 - continue;
229 - }
230 -
231 - $oldDefinition = $this->getPropertyFromData( $pageData, '___gld' );
232 - if ( $oldDefinition === false ) {
233 - continue;
234 - }
235 -
236 - $oldLink = $this->getPropertyFromData( $pageData, '___gll' );
237 - if ( $oldLink === false ) {
238 - continue;
239 - }
240 -
241 - // only store data if anything changed
242 - if ( $newTerm != $oldTerm ||
243 - $newDefinition != $oldDefinition ||
244 - $newLink != $oldLink
245 - ) {
246 - $this->updateData( $page, array(
247 - '___glt' => ( $newTerm ? new SMWDIString( $newTerm ) : null ),
248 - '___gld' => ( $newDefinition ? new SMWDIBlob( $newDefinition ) : null ),
249 - '___gll' => ( $newLink ? new SMWDIString( $newLink ) : null )
250 - ) );
251 -
252 - // issue a warning if the original definition is on a real page
253 - $title = $page->getTitle();
254 - if ( $title->isKnown() ) {
255 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
256 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-storedtermdefinedinarticle', array($oldTerm, $title->getPrefixedText()) ),
257 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_WARNING
258 - );
259 - } else {
260 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
261 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-termchanged', array($oldTerm) ),
262 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_NOTICE
263 - );
264 - }
265 - }
266 - }
267 - }
268 - }
269 -
270 - protected function actionCreateNewTerm() {
271 - global $wgRequest;
272 -
273 - $newTerm = $wgRequest->getText( 'newterm' );
274 -
275 - if ( $newTerm == null || $newTerm == '' ) {
276 - $this->mMessages->addMessage( 'Term was empty. Nothing created.', LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_WARNING );
277 - return;
278 - }
279 -
280 - $newDefinition = $wgRequest->getText( 'newdefinition' );
281 - $newLink = $wgRequest->getText( 'newlink' );
282 -
283 - $page = $this->findNextPageName();
284 -
285 - // store data
286 - $this->updateData( $page, array(
287 - '___glt' => ( $newTerm ? new SMWDIString( $newTerm ) : null ),
288 - '___gld' => ( $newDefinition ? new SMWDIBlob( $newDefinition ) : null ),
289 - '___gll' => ( $newLink ? new SMWDIString( $newLink ) : null )
290 - ) );
291 -
292 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
293 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-termadded', array($newTerm) ),
294 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_NOTICE
295 - );
296 - }
297 -
298 - protected function actionDeleteData() {
299 - global $wgRequest;
300 -
301 - // get ass array of input values
302 - $inputdata = $wgRequest->getValues();
303 -
304 - foreach ( $inputdata as $key => $value ) {
305 - // only consider checkboxes here
306 - if ( substr( $key, -8 ) == ':checked' ) {
307 - // cut off ':checked'
308 - $pageString = substr( $key, 0, -8 );
309 -
310 - $page = $this->getPageObjectFromInputName( $pageString );
311 -
312 - $this->updateData( $page, array(
313 - '___glt' => null,
314 - '___gld' => null,
315 - '___gll' => null,
316 - ) );
317 -
318 - $oldTerm = $wgRequest->getVal( $pageString . ':term' );
319 -
320 - $title = $page->getTitle();
321 - if ( $title && $title->isKnown() ) {
322 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
323 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-deletedtermdefinedinarticle', array($oldTerm, $title->getPrefixedText()) ),
324 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_WARNING
325 - );
326 - } else {
327 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
328 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-termdeleted', array($oldTerm) ),
329 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_NOTICE
330 - );
331 - }
332 - }
333 - }
334 - }
335 -
336 - protected function getPropertyFromData( SMWSemanticData &$pageData, $propertyName ) {
337 - $property = new SMWDIProperty( $propertyName );
338 - $propertyValues = $pageData->getPropertyValues( $property );
339 -
340 - if ( count( $propertyValues ) == 1 ) {
341 - return $propertyValues[0]->getString();
342 - } elseif ( count( $propertyValues ) > 1 ) {
343 - if ( count( $propertyValues ) > 1 ) {
344 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
345 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-storedtermdefinedtwice', array($pageData->getSubject()->getPrefixedText(), $propertyName, $newTerm) ),
346 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_ERROR
347 - );
348 - }
349 - return false;
350 - } else {
351 - return null;
352 - }
353 - }
354 -
355 - protected function getPageObjectFromInputName( $pageString ) {
356 - // split the source string into interwiki reference, namespace and page title
357 - $matches = array();
358 - preg_match( '/^(.*):(.*):(.*)$/', $pageString, $matches );
359 -
360 - // create SMWWikiPageValue (SMW's wiki page representation)
361 - return new SMWDIWikiPage( $matches[3], $matches[2], $matches[1] );
362 - }
363 -
364 - // find unused SMW page
365 - protected function findNextPageName() {
366 - $termPages = smwfGetStore()->getAllPropertySubjects( new SMWDIProperty( '___glt' ) );
367 - $defPages = smwfGetStore()->getAllPropertySubjects( new SMWDIProperty( '___gld' ) );
368 - $linkPages = smwfGetStore()->getAllPropertySubjects( new SMWDIProperty( '___gll' ) );
369 -
370 - $pages = array();
371 -
372 - foreach ( $termPages as $page ) {
373 - $pages[$page->getDBkey()] = $page->getDBkey();
374 - }
375 -
376 - foreach ( $defPages as $page ) {
377 - $pages[$page->getDBkey()] = $page->getDBkey();
378 - }
379 -
380 - foreach ( $linkPages as $page ) {
381 - $pages[$page->getDBkey()] = $page->getDBkey();
382 - }
383 -
384 - $termNumber = count( $pages );
385 -
386 -
387 - while ( array_key_exists( "GlossaryTerm#$termNumber", $pages ) ) {
388 - $termNumber++;
389 - }
390 -
391 - return new SMWDIWikiPage( "GlossaryTerm#$termNumber", NS_MAIN, '', '#SemanticGlossary#' );
392 -
393 - exit();
394 - }
395 -
396 - protected function updateData( SMWDIWikiPage &$page, array $data ) {
397 - $newData = new SMWSemanticData( $page, false );
398 -
399 - $oldData = smwfGetStore()->getSemanticData( $page );
400 - $oldProps = $oldData->getProperties();
401 -
402 - // get properties, replace as requested, retain other properties
403 - foreach ( $oldProps as $property ) {
404 - $propertyID = $property->getKey();
405 -
406 - if ( array_key_exists( $propertyID, $data ) ) {
407 - // set new data if defined, else ignore property (i.e. delete property from page)
408 - if ( $data[$propertyID] != null ) {
409 - $newData->addPropertyObjectValue( $property, $data[$propertyID] );
410 - }
411 -
412 - unset( $data[$propertyID] );
413 - } else {
414 - $values = $oldData->getPropertyValues( $property );
415 - foreach ( $values as $value ) {
416 - $newData->addPropertyObjectValue( $property, $value );
417 - }
418 - }
419 - }
420 -
421 - // store properties that were not present before, i.e. properties
422 - // remaining in $data
423 - foreach ( $data as $propertyID => $propertyValue ) {
424 - // set new data if defined, else ignore property (i.e. do not set property on this page)
425 - if ( $data[$propertyID] != null ) {
426 - $property = new SMWDIProperty( $propertyID );
427 - $newData->addPropertyObjectValue( $property, $data[$propertyID] );
428 - }
429 -
430 - unset( $data[$propertyID] );
431 - }
432 -
433 - // finally store the updated page data
434 - smwfGetStore()->doDataUpdate( $newData );
435 - }
436 -
437 - private function createTableRowForEdit( $source, $term, $definition, $link ) {
438 - return
439 - Html::rawElement( 'tr', array('class' => 'row'),
440 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'actioncell'),
441 - Html::input( "$source:checked", 'true', 'checkbox' )
442 - ) .
443 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'termcell'),
444 - Html::textarea( "$source:term", $term )
445 - ) .
446 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'definitioncell'),
447 - Html::rawElement( 'div', array('class' => 'definitionareawrapper'),
448 - Html::textarea( "$source:definition", $definition )
449 - )
450 - ) .
451 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'linkcell'),
452 - Html::textarea( "$source:link", $link )
453 - )
454 - );
455 - }
456 -
457 - private function createTableRowForDisplay( $source, $term, $definition, $link ) {
458 - return
459 - Html::rawElement( 'tr', array('class' => 'row'),
460 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'termcell'), $term ) .
461 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'definitioncell'), $definition ) .
462 - Html::rawElement( 'td', array('class' => 'linkcell'), $link )
463 - );
464 - }
465 -
466 - /**
467 - * Checks if the user wants to perform an action, has the necessary right
468 - * and submitted a valid edit token.
469 - *
470 - * @return Boolean
471 - */
472 - private function isActionAllowed() {
473 - global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
474 -
475 - $editTokenWithSalt = $wgRequest->getText( 'editToken' );
476 - $actionRequested = ( $editTokenWithSalt != null );
477 -
478 - if ( $actionRequested ) { // user wants to perform an action
479 - if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'editglossary' ) ) { // user has the necessary right
480 - $editTokenAndSaltArray = explode( EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX, $editTokenWithSalt );
481 - $tokenValid = $wgUser->matchEditTokenNoSuffix(
482 - $editTokenAndSaltArray[0],
483 - $editTokenAndSaltArray[1]
484 - );
485 -
486 - if ( $tokenValid ) { // edit token is valid
487 - return true;
488 - } else {
489 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
490 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-brokensession' ),
491 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_ERROR
492 - );
493 - }
494 - } else {
495 - $this->mMessages->addMessage(
496 - wfMsg( 'semanticglossary-norights' ),
497 - LingoMessageLog::MESSAGE_ERROR
498 - );
499 - }
500 - }
501 -
502 - // user does not want to perform an action
503 - // OR does not have the rights
504 - // OR did not submit a valid edit token
505 - return false;
506 - }
507 -
508 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossary.alias.php
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * Special page aliases for Semantic Glossary
5 - */
6 -
7 -$specialPageAliases = array();
8 -
9 -/** English (English) */
10 -$specialPageAliases['en'] = array(
11 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'Glossary' ),
12 -);
13 -
14 -/** Arabic (العربية) */
15 -$specialPageAliases['ar'] = array(
16 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'قاموس' ),
17 -);
18 -
19 -/** German (Deutsch) */
20 -$specialPageAliases['de'] = array(
21 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'Semantisches_Glossar' ),
22 -);
23 -
24 -/** Persian (فارسی) */
25 -$specialPageAliases['fa'] = array(
26 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'واژه‌نامه' ),
27 -);
28 -
29 -/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch) */
30 -$specialPageAliases['lb'] = array(
31 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'Glossaire' ),
32 -);
33 -
34 -/** Macedonian (Македонски) */
35 -$specialPageAliases['mk'] = array(
36 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'Поимник' ),
37 -);
38 -
39 -/** Nedersaksisch (Nedersaksisch) */
40 -$specialPageAliases['nds-nl'] = array(
41 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'Woordelieste' ),
42 -);
43 -
44 -/** Dutch (Nederlands) */
45 -$specialPageAliases['nl'] = array(
46 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'Woordenlijst' ),
47 -);
48 -
49 -/** Polish (Polski) */
50 -$specialPageAliases['pl'] = array(
51 - 'SemanticGlossaryBrowser' => array( 'Słowniczek' ),
52 -);
53 -
54 -/**
55 - * For backwards compatibility with MediaWiki 1.15 and earlier.
56 - */
57 -$aliases =& $specialPageAliases;
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossaryBackend.php
@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@
5656 // find next line
5757 while ( !$ret && ( $resultline = $this->mQueryResult->getNext() ) ) {
59 - $term = $resultline[0]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_HTML );
60 - $definition = $resultline[1]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_HTML );
61 - $link = $resultline[2]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_HTML );
 59+ $term = $resultline[0]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
 60+ $definition = $resultline[1]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
 61+ $link = $resultline[2]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
6363 // FIXME: By not checking for 2nd term defined on the same page some
6464 // time could be saved. However, no message could then be generated.
6565 // Introduce a setting?
66 - $nextTerm = $resultline[0]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_HTML );
67 - $nextDefinition = $resultline[1]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_HTML );
68 - $nextLink = $resultline[2]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_HTML );
 66+ $nextTerm = $resultline[0]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
 67+ $nextDefinition = $resultline[1]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
 68+ $nextLink = $resultline[2]->getNextText( SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
7171 // FIXME: SMW has a bug that right after storing data this data
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossary.i18n.php
@@ -10,25 +10,8 @@
1111 */
1212 $messages['en'] = array(
1313 'semanticglossary-desc' => 'A glossary extension with a [http://semantic-mediawiki.org Semantic MediaWiki] backend',
14 - 'semanticglossary-browsertitle' => 'Glossary',
15 - 'semanticglossary-deleteselected' => 'Delete selected',
16 - 'semanticglossary-savechanges' => 'Save changes',
17 - 'semanticglossary-createnew' => 'Create new term',
19 - 'semanticglossary-termsdefined' => 'These are the terms defined in the wiki:',
20 - 'semanticglossary-notermsdefined' => 'There are currently no terms defined in the wiki.',
21 - 'semanticglossary-enternewterm' => 'You can enter a new term and definition here:',
22 -
23 - 'semanticglossary-messageheader' => 'Messages:',
24 - 'semanticglossary-storedtermdefinedinarticle' => 'The term "$1" was originally defined in page [[$2]]. The definition was changed as required for now. However, as soon as the original page is edited again, the definition there takes precedence.',
25 - 'semanticglossary-deletedtermdefinedinarticle' => 'The term "$1" was originally defined in page [[$2]]. The definition was deleted as required for now. However, as soon as the original page is edited again, the definition there takes precedence.',
26 - 'semanticglossary-termdeleted' => 'Deleted $1.',
27 - 'semanticglossary-termchanged' => 'Changed $1.',
28 - 'semanticglossary-termadded' => 'Added $1.',
29 - 'semanticglossary-storedtermdefinedtwice' => 'The page [[$1]] contains more than one property named $2. Will not store data for term "$3".',
3015 'semanticglossary-termdefinedtwice' => 'The page [[$1]] contains more than one term and/or more than one definition. The entries will not be available for the glossary.',
31 - 'semanticglossary-brokensession' => 'Action not allowed. Broken session data.',
32 - 'semanticglossary-norights' => 'Action not allowed. Insufficient rights.',
3417 'semanticglossary-prop-glt' => 'Glossary-Term',
3518 'semanticglossary-prop-gld' => 'Glossary-Definition',
@@ -43,10 +26,7 @@
4427 */
4528 $messages['qqq'] = array(
4629 'semanticglossary-desc' => '{{desc}}',
47 - 'semanticglossary-deleteselected' => 'This is the label of a button.',
48 - 'semanticglossary-savechanges' => 'This is the label of a button.',
49 - 'semanticglossary-createnew' => 'This is the label of a button.',
50 - 'semanticglossary-messageheader' => '{{Identical|Message}}',
5131 'semanticglossary-prop-glt' => 'This is the name of a [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property property] in the sense of [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/ Semantic MediaWiki].',
5232 'semanticglossary-prop-gld' => 'This is the name of a [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property property] in the sense of [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/ Semantic MediaWiki].',
5333 'semanticglossary-prop-gll' => 'This is the name of a [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property property] in the sense of [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/ Semantic MediaWiki].',
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticGlossary/SemanticGlossary.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
66 *
77 * @defgroup SemanticGlossary Semantic Glossary
88 * @author Stephan Gambke
9 - * @version 0.1 alpha
 9+ * @version 0.1
1010 */
1212 /**
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
3434 /**
3535 * The Semantic Glossary version
3636 */
37 -define( 'SG_VERSION', '0.1 alpha' );
 37+define( 'SG_VERSION', '0.1' );
3939 // register the extension
4040 $wgExtensionCredits[defined( 'SEMANTIC_EXTENSION_TYPE' ) ? 'semantic' : 'other'][] = array(
@@ -54,30 +54,14 @@
5656 // register message file
5757 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SemanticGlossary'] = $dir . '/SemanticGlossary.i18n.php';
58 -$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SemanticGlossaryAlias'] = $dir . '/SemanticGlossary.alias.php';
6059 // register class files with the Autoloader
6160 $wgAutoloadClasses['SemanticGlossaryBackend'] = $dir . '/SemanticGlossaryBackend.php';
62 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialSemanticGlossaryBrowser'] = $dir . '/SpecialSemanticGlossaryBrowser.php';
64 -// register Special pages
65 -$wgSpecialPages['SemanticGlossaryBrowser'] = 'SpecialSemanticGlossaryBrowser';
66 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['SemanticGlossaryBrowser'] = 'other';
67 -
6862 // register hook handlers
6963 $wgHooks['smwInitProperties'][] = 'SemanticGlossaryRegisterProperties';
7064 $wgHooks['smwInitDatatypes'][] = 'SemanticGlossaryRegisterPropertyAliases';
72 -// register resource modules with the Resource Loader
73 -$wgResourceModules['ext.SemanticGlossary.Browser'] = array(
74 - 'localBasePath' => $dir,
75 - 'styles' => 'skins/SemanticGlossaryBrowser.css',
76 - 'remoteExtPath' => 'SemanticGlossary'
77 -);
78 -
79 -// Create new permission 'editglossary' and assign it to usergroup 'user' by default
80 -$wgGroupPermissions['user']['editglossary'] = true;
81 -
8266 define( 'SG_PROP_GLT', 'Glossary-Term' );
8367 define( 'SG_PROP_GLD', 'Glossary-Definition' );
8468 define( 'SG_PROP_GLL', 'Glossary-Link' );

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r101317De-register alias file per delition r101313raymond22:17, 30 October 2011