r98443 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r98442‎ | r98443 | r98444 >
Date:20:30, 29 September 2011
re r97414 — move parser functions to a seperate class file.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/LilyPond/LilyPond.class.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/LilyPond/LilyPond.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/LilyPond/LilyPond.php
@@ -68,296 +68,13 @@
6969 $wgLilypondBorderY = 0;
7171 $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfLilyPondExtension';
 72+$wgAutoloadClasses['LilyPond'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/LilyPond.class.php';
7374 /**
7475 * @param $parser Parser
7576 */
7677 function wfLilyPondExtension( &$parser ) {
77 - $parser->setHook( "lilypond", "renderLilyPondFragment" );
78 - $parser->setHook( "lilymidi", "renderLilyPondMidiFragment" );
79 - $parser->setHook( "lilybook", "renderLilyPond" );
 78+ $parser->setHook( "lilypond", "LilyPond::renderFragment" );
 79+ $parser->setHook( "lilymidi", "LilyPond::renderMidiFragment" );
 80+ $parser->setHook( "lilybook", "LilyPond::render" );
8081 }
81 -
82 -/**
83 - * @param $lilypond_code string
84 - * @return string
85 - */
86 -function renderLilyPondMidiFragment( $lilypond_code ) {
87 - return renderLilyPondFragment( $lilypond_code, true );
88 -}
89 -
90 -/**
91 - * @param $lilypond_code string
92 - * @param $midi bool
93 - * @return string
94 - */
95 -function renderLilyPondFragment( $lilypond_code, $midi = false ) {
96 - return renderLilyPond( "\\header {\n"
97 - . "\ttagline = ##f\n"
98 - . "}\n"
99 - . "\\paper {\n"
100 - . "\traggedright = ##t\n"
101 - . "\traggedbottom = ##t\n"
102 - . "\tindent = 0\mm\n"
103 - . "}\n"
104 - . "\\score {\n"
105 - . $lilypond_code
106 - . "\t\\layout { }\n"
107 - . ( $midi ? "\t\\midi { }\n":"" )
108 - . "}\n", $lilypond_code );
109 -}
110 -
111 -/**
112 - * @param $lilypond_code
113 - * @param $short_code bool
114 - * @return string
115 - */
116 -function renderLilyPond( $lilypond_code, $short_code = false ) {
117 - global $wgMathPath, $wgMathDirectory, $wgTmpDirectory, $wgLilypond, $wgLilypondPreMidi,
118 - $wgLilypondPostMidi, $wgLilypondTrim, $wgLilypondBorderX, $wgLilypondBorderY;
119 -
120 - $mf = wfMsg( "math_failure" );
121 -
122 - $md5 = md5( $lilypond_code );
123 -
124 - if ( file_exists( $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".midi" ) ) {
125 - $pre = "<a href=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".midi\"> " . $wgLilypondPreMidi;
126 - $post = $wgLilypondPostMidi . " </a>";
127 - } else {
128 - $pre = "";
129 - $post = "";
130 - }
131 -
132 - $link = '';
133 - # if short_code is supplied, this is a fragment
134 - if ( $short_code ) {
135 - $link = "<img src=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".png\" alt=\""
136 - . htmlspecialchars( $short_code ) . "\">";
137 -
138 - if ( file_exists( "$wgMathDirectory/$md5.png" ) ) {
139 - return $pre . $link . $post;
140 - }
141 - } else {
142 - if ( file_exists( "$wgMathDirectory/$md5-1.png" ) ) {
143 - for ( $i = 1; file_exists( $wgMathDirectory . "/" .
144 - $md5 . "-" . $i . ".png" );
145 - $i++ ) {
146 -
147 - $link .= "<img src=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" .
148 - $md5 . "-" . $i . ".png\" alt=\"" .
149 - htmlspecialchars( "page " . $i ) . "\">";
150 - }
151 - return $pre . $link . $post;
152 - }
153 - }
154 -
155 - # Ensure that the temp and output dirs are available before continuing.
156 - if ( !file_exists( $wgMathDirectory ) ) {
157 - wfSuppressWarnings();
158 - $res = mkdir( $wgMathDirectory );
159 - wfRestoreWarnings();
160 - if ( !$res ) {
161 - return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_output" ) .
162 - $wgMathDirectory . ")</b>";
163 - }
164 - } elseif ( !is_dir( $wgMathDirectory ) ||
165 - !is_writable( $wgMathDirectory ) ) {
166 - return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_output" ) . ")</b>";
167 - }
168 - if ( !file_exists( $wgTmpDirectory ) ) {
169 - wfSuppressWarnings();
170 - $res = mkdir( $wgTmpDirectory );
171 - wfRestoreWarnings();
172 - if ( !$res ) {
173 - return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" )
174 - . ")</b>";
175 - }
176 - } elseif ( !is_dir( $wgTmpDirectory ) ||
177 - !is_writable( $wgTmpDirectory ) ) {
178 - return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" ) . ")</b>";
179 - }
180 -
181 - $lyFile = $md5 . ".ly";
182 - $out = fopen( $wgTmpDirectory . "/" . $lyFile, "w" );
183 - if ( $out === false ) {
184 - return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" ) . ")</b>";
185 - }
186 - fwrite( $out, $lilypond_code );
187 - fclose( $out );
188 -
189 - $cmd = $wgLilypond .
190 - " -dsafe='#t' -dbackend=eps --png --header=texidoc " .
191 - escapeshellarg( $lyFile ) . " 2>&1";
192 -
193 - wfDebug( "Lilypond: $cmd\n" );
194 - $oldcwd = getcwd();
195 - chdir( $wgTmpDirectory );
196 - exec( $cmd, $output, $ret );
197 - chdir( $oldcwd );
198 -
199 - if ( $ret != 0 ) {
200 - return "<br><b>LilyPond error:</b><br><i>"
201 - . str_replace( array( $md5, " " ),
202 - array( "<b>your code</b>", "&nbsp;" ),
203 - nl2br( htmlentities( join( "\n", $output ) ) ) )
204 - . "</i><br>";
205 - }
206 -
207 - if ( $short_code ) {
208 - $outputFile = $wgTmpDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png";
209 -
210 - if ( !file_exists( $outputFile ) ) {
211 - return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_image_error" )
212 - . ")</b>";
213 - }
214 -
215 - rename( $outputFile, $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png" );
216 - }
217 -
218 - # remove all temporary files
219 - $files = opendir( $wgTmpDirectory );
220 - $last_page = 0;
221 -
222 - while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $files ) ) ) {
223 - if ( substr( $file, 0, 32 ) != $md5 ) {
224 - continue;
225 - }
226 -
227 - $file_absolute = $wgTmpDirectory . "/" . $file;
228 - if ( !$short_code && preg_match( '/-page(\d+)\.png$/',
229 - $file, $matches ) ) {
230 - if ( $matches[1] > $last_page ) {
231 - $last_page = $matches[1];
232 - }
233 - rename( $file_absolute, $wgMathDirectory . "/" .
234 - $md5 . "-" . $matches[1] . ".png" );
235 - continue;
236 - }
237 -
238 - if ( preg_match( '/.png$/', $file ) ) {
239 - rename( $file_absolute, $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png" );
240 - continue;
241 - }
242 -
243 - if ( preg_match( '/.midi$/', $file ) ) {
244 - rename( $file_absolute, $wgMathDirectory . "/" .
245 - $md5 . ".midi" );
246 - $pre = "<a href=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".midi\"> " . $wgLilypondPreMidi;
247 - $post = $wgLilypondPostMidi . " </a>";
248 - continue;
249 - }
250 -
251 - if ( !is_file( $file_absolute ) ) {
252 - continue;
253 - }
254 - unlink( $file_absolute );
255 - }
256 - closedir( $files );
257 -
258 - if ( $short_code ) {
259 - if ( !file_exists( $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png" ) ) {
260 - $errmsg = wfMsg( "math_image_error" );
261 - return "<h3>$mf ($errmsg): " .
262 - htmlspecialchars( $lilypond_code ) . "</h3>";
263 - }
264 - } else {
265 - $link .= "<img src=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".png\" alt=\""
266 - . htmlspecialchars( "page " ) . "\">";
267 - }
268 -
269 - if ( $wgLilypondTrim ) {
270 - $imgFile = $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png";
271 - trimImage( $imgFile, $imgFile, 0xFFFFFF );
272 - }
273 -
274 - if ( $wgLilypondBorderX > 0 || $wgLilypondBorderY > 0 ) {
275 - $imgFile = $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png";
276 - frameImage( $imgFile, $imgFile, 0xFFFFFF, $wgLilypondBorderX, $wgLilypondBorderY );
277 - }
278 -
279 - return $pre . $link . $post;
280 -}
281 -
282 -/**
283 - * @param $source
284 - * @param $dest
285 - * @param $bgColour
286 - */
287 -function trimImage( $source, $dest, $bgColour ) {
288 - $srcImage = imagecreatefrompng( $source );
289 - $width = imagesx( $srcImage );
290 - $height = imagesy( $srcImage );
291 -
292 - $xmin = 0;
293 - $found = false;
294 - for ( $x = 0; $x < $width && !$found; $x++ ) {
295 - for ( $y = 0; $y < $height && !$found; $y++ ) {
296 - $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
297 - if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
298 - $xmin = $x;
299 - $found = true;
300 - }
301 - }
302 - }
303 -
304 - $xmax = $xmin;
305 - $found = false;
306 - for ( $x = $width -1; $x > $xmin && !$found; $x-- ) {
307 - for ( $y = 0; $y < $height && !$found; $y++ ) {
308 - $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
309 - if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
310 - $xmax = $x;
311 - $found = true;
312 - }
313 - }
314 - }
315 -
316 - $ymin = 0;
317 - $found = false;
318 - for ( $y = 0; $y < $height && !$found; $y++ ) {
319 - for ( $x = 0; $x < $width && !$found; $x++ ) {
320 - $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
321 - if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
322 - $ymin = $y;
323 - $found = true;
324 - }
325 - }
326 - }
327 -
328 - $ymax = $ymin;
329 - $found = false;
330 - for ( $y = $height -1; $y > $ymin && !$found; $y-- ) {
331 - for ( $x = 0; $x < $width && !$found; $x++ ) {
332 - $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
333 - if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
334 - $ymax = $y;
335 - $found = true;
336 - }
337 - }
338 - }
339 -
340 - $newWidth = $xmax - $xmin + 1;
341 - $newHeight = $ymax - $ymin + 1;
342 -
343 - $dstImage = imagecreatetruecolor( $newWidth, $newHeight );
344 - imagecopy( $dstImage, $srcImage, 0, 0, $xmin, $ymin, $newWidth, $newHeight );
345 - imagepng( $dstImage, $dest );
346 -}
347 -
348 -/**
349 - * @param $source
350 - * @param $dest
351 - * @param $bgColour
352 - * @param $borderWidth
353 - * @param $borderHeight
354 - */
355 -function frameImage( $source, $dest, $bgColour, $borderWidth, $borderHeight ) {
356 - $srcImage = imagecreatefrompng( $source );
357 - $width = imagesx( $srcImage );
358 - $height = imagesy( $srcImage );
359 - $dstImage = imagecreatetruecolor( $width + 2 * $borderWidth, $height + 2 * $borderHeight );
360 - $allocatedBgColour = imagecolorallocate( $dstImage, ( $bgColour >> 16 ) & 0xFF, ( $bgColour >> 8 ) & 0xFF, $bgColour & 0xFF );
361 - imagefill( $dstImage, 0, 0, $allocatedBgColour );
362 - imagecopy( $dstImage, $srcImage, $borderWidth, $borderHeight, 0, 0, $width, $height );
363 - imagepng( $dstImage, $dest );
364 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/LilyPond/LilyPond.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
 4+class LilyPond {
 5+ /**
 6+ * @param $lilypond_code string
 7+ * @return string
 8+ */
 9+ public static function renderMidiFragment( $lilypond_code ) {
 10+ return renderLilyPondFragment( $lilypond_code, true );
 11+ }
 13+ /**
 14+ * @param $lilypond_code string
 15+ * @param $midi bool
 16+ * @return string
 17+ */
 18+ public static function renderFragment( $lilypond_code, $midi = false ) {
 19+ return renderLilyPond( "\\header {\n"
 20+ . "\ttagline = ##f\n"
 21+ . "}\n"
 22+ . "\\paper {\n"
 23+ . "\traggedright = ##t\n"
 24+ . "\traggedbottom = ##t\n"
 25+ . "\tindent = 0\mm\n"
 26+ . "}\n"
 27+ . "\\score {\n"
 28+ . $lilypond_code
 29+ . "\t\\layout { }\n"
 30+ . ( $midi ? "\t\\midi { }\n":"" )
 31+ . "}\n", $lilypond_code );
 32+ }
 34+ /**
 35+ * @param $lilypond_code
 36+ * @param $short_code bool
 37+ * @return string
 38+ */
 39+ public static function render( $lilypond_code, $short_code = false ) {
 40+ global $wgMathPath, $wgMathDirectory, $wgTmpDirectory, $wgLilypond, $wgLilypondPreMidi,
 41+ $wgLilypondPostMidi, $wgLilypondTrim, $wgLilypondBorderX, $wgLilypondBorderY;
 43+ $mf = wfMsg( "math_failure" );
 45+ $md5 = md5( $lilypond_code );
 47+ if ( file_exists( $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".midi" ) ) {
 48+ $pre = "<a href=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".midi\"> " . $wgLilypondPreMidi;
 49+ $post = $wgLilypondPostMidi . " </a>";
 50+ } else {
 51+ $pre = "";
 52+ $post = "";
 53+ }
 55+ $link = '';
 56+ # if short_code is supplied, this is a fragment
 57+ if ( $short_code ) {
 58+ $link = "<img src=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".png\" alt=\""
 59+ . htmlspecialchars( $short_code ) . "\">";
 61+ if ( file_exists( "$wgMathDirectory/$md5.png" ) ) {
 62+ return $pre . $link . $post;
 63+ }
 64+ } else {
 65+ if ( file_exists( "$wgMathDirectory/$md5-1.png" ) ) {
 66+ for ( $i = 1; file_exists( $wgMathDirectory . "/" .
 67+ $md5 . "-" . $i . ".png" );
 68+ $i++ ) {
 70+ $link .= "<img src=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" .
 71+ $md5 . "-" . $i . ".png\" alt=\"" .
 72+ htmlspecialchars( "page " . $i ) . "\">";
 73+ }
 74+ return $pre . $link . $post;
 75+ }
 76+ }
 78+ # Ensure that the temp and output dirs are available before continuing.
 79+ if ( !file_exists( $wgMathDirectory ) ) {
 80+ wfSuppressWarnings();
 81+ $res = mkdir( $wgMathDirectory );
 82+ wfRestoreWarnings();
 83+ if ( !$res ) {
 84+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_output" ) .
 85+ $wgMathDirectory . ")</b>";
 86+ }
 87+ } elseif ( !is_dir( $wgMathDirectory ) ||
 88+ !is_writable( $wgMathDirectory ) ) {
 89+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_output" ) . ")</b>";
 90+ }
 91+ if ( !file_exists( $wgTmpDirectory ) ) {
 92+ wfSuppressWarnings();
 93+ $res = mkdir( $wgTmpDirectory );
 94+ wfRestoreWarnings();
 95+ if ( !$res ) {
 96+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" )
 97+ . ")</b>";
 98+ }
 99+ } elseif ( !is_dir( $wgTmpDirectory ) ||
 100+ !is_writable( $wgTmpDirectory ) ) {
 101+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" ) . ")</b>";
 102+ }
 104+ $lyFile = $md5 . ".ly";
 105+ $out = fopen( $wgTmpDirectory . "/" . $lyFile, "w" );
 106+ if ( $out === false ) {
 107+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" ) . ")</b>";
 108+ }
 109+ fwrite( $out, $lilypond_code );
 110+ fclose( $out );
 112+ $cmd = $wgLilypond .
 113+ " -dsafe='#t' -dbackend=eps --png --header=texidoc " .
 114+ escapeshellarg( $lyFile ) . " 2>&1";
 116+ wfDebug( "Lilypond: $cmd\n" );
 117+ $oldcwd = getcwd();
 118+ chdir( $wgTmpDirectory );
 119+ exec( $cmd, $output, $ret );
 120+ chdir( $oldcwd );
 122+ if ( $ret != 0 ) {
 123+ return "<br><b>LilyPond error:</b><br><i>"
 124+ . str_replace( array( $md5, " " ),
 125+ array( "<b>your code</b>", "&nbsp;" ),
 126+ nl2br( htmlentities( join( "\n", $output ) ) ) )
 127+ . "</i><br>";
 128+ }
 130+ if ( $short_code ) {
 131+ $outputFile = $wgTmpDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png";
 133+ if ( !file_exists( $outputFile ) ) {
 134+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_image_error" )
 135+ . ")</b>";
 136+ }
 138+ rename( $outputFile, $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png" );
 139+ }
 141+ # remove all temporary files
 142+ $files = opendir( $wgTmpDirectory );
 143+ $last_page = 0;
 145+ while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $files ) ) ) {
 146+ if ( substr( $file, 0, 32 ) != $md5 ) {
 147+ continue;
 148+ }
 150+ $file_absolute = $wgTmpDirectory . "/" . $file;
 151+ if ( !$short_code && preg_match( '/-page(\d+)\.png$/',
 152+ $file, $matches ) ) {
 153+ if ( $matches[1] > $last_page ) {
 154+ $last_page = $matches[1];
 155+ }
 156+ rename( $file_absolute, $wgMathDirectory . "/" .
 157+ $md5 . "-" . $matches[1] . ".png" );
 158+ continue;
 159+ }
 161+ if ( preg_match( '/.png$/', $file ) ) {
 162+ rename( $file_absolute, $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png" );
 163+ continue;
 164+ }
 166+ if ( preg_match( '/.midi$/', $file ) ) {
 167+ rename( $file_absolute, $wgMathDirectory . "/" .
 168+ $md5 . ".midi" );
 169+ $pre = "<a href=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".midi\"> " . $wgLilypondPreMidi;
 170+ $post = $wgLilypondPostMidi . " </a>";
 171+ continue;
 172+ }
 174+ if ( !is_file( $file_absolute ) ) {
 175+ continue;
 176+ }
 177+ unlink( $file_absolute );
 178+ }
 179+ closedir( $files );
 181+ if ( $short_code ) {
 182+ if ( !file_exists( $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png" ) ) {
 183+ $errmsg = wfMsg( "math_image_error" );
 184+ return "<h3>$mf ($errmsg): " .
 185+ htmlspecialchars( $lilypond_code ) . "</h3>";
 186+ }
 187+ } else {
 188+ $link .= "<img src=\"" . $wgMathPath . "/" . $md5 . ".png\" alt=\""
 189+ . htmlspecialchars( "page " ) . "\">";
 190+ }
 192+ if ( $wgLilypondTrim ) {
 193+ $imgFile = $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png";
 194+ self::trimImage( $imgFile, $imgFile, 0xFFFFFF );
 195+ }
 197+ if ( $wgLilypondBorderX > 0 || $wgLilypondBorderY > 0 ) {
 198+ $imgFile = $wgMathDirectory . "/" . $md5 . ".png";
 199+ self::frameImage( $imgFile, $imgFile, 0xFFFFFF, $wgLilypondBorderX, $wgLilypondBorderY );
 200+ }
 202+ return $pre . $link . $post;
 203+ }
 205+ /**
 206+ * @param $source
 207+ * @param $dest
 208+ * @param $bgColour
 209+ */
 210+ private static function trimImage( $source, $dest, $bgColour ) {
 211+ $srcImage = imagecreatefrompng( $source );
 212+ $width = imagesx( $srcImage );
 213+ $height = imagesy( $srcImage );
 215+ $xmin = 0;
 216+ $found = false;
 217+ for ( $x = 0; $x < $width && !$found; $x++ ) {
 218+ for ( $y = 0; $y < $height && !$found; $y++ ) {
 219+ $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
 220+ if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
 221+ $xmin = $x;
 222+ $found = true;
 223+ }
 224+ }
 225+ }
 227+ $xmax = $xmin;
 228+ $found = false;
 229+ for ( $x = $width -1; $x > $xmin && !$found; $x-- ) {
 230+ for ( $y = 0; $y < $height && !$found; $y++ ) {
 231+ $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
 232+ if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
 233+ $xmax = $x;
 234+ $found = true;
 235+ }
 236+ }
 237+ }
 239+ $ymin = 0;
 240+ $found = false;
 241+ for ( $y = 0; $y < $height && !$found; $y++ ) {
 242+ for ( $x = 0; $x < $width && !$found; $x++ ) {
 243+ $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
 244+ if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
 245+ $ymin = $y;
 246+ $found = true;
 247+ }
 248+ }
 249+ }
 251+ $ymax = $ymin;
 252+ $found = false;
 253+ for ( $y = $height -1; $y > $ymin && !$found; $y-- ) {
 254+ for ( $x = 0; $x < $width && !$found; $x++ ) {
 255+ $rgb = imagecolorat( $srcImage, $x, $y );
 256+ if ( $rgb != $bgColour ) {
 257+ $ymax = $y;
 258+ $found = true;
 259+ }
 260+ }
 261+ }
 263+ $newWidth = $xmax - $xmin + 1;
 264+ $newHeight = $ymax - $ymin + 1;
 266+ $dstImage = imagecreatetruecolor( $newWidth, $newHeight );
 267+ imagecopy( $dstImage, $srcImage, 0, 0, $xmin, $ymin, $newWidth, $newHeight );
 268+ imagepng( $dstImage, $dest );
 269+ }
 271+ /**
 272+ * @param $source
 273+ * @param $dest
 274+ * @param $bgColour
 275+ * @param $borderWidth
 276+ * @param $borderHeight
 277+ */
 278+ private static function frameImage( $source, $dest, $bgColour, $borderWidth, $borderHeight ) {
 279+ $srcImage = imagecreatefrompng( $source );
 280+ $width = imagesx( $srcImage );
 281+ $height = imagesy( $srcImage );
 282+ $dstImage = imagecreatetruecolor( $width + 2 * $borderWidth, $height + 2 * $borderHeight );
 283+ $allocatedBgColour = imagecolorallocate( $dstImage, ( $bgColour >> 16 ) & 0xFF, ( $bgColour >> 8 ) & 0xFF, $bgColour & 0xFF );
 284+ imagefill( $dstImage, 0, 0, $allocatedBgColour );
 285+ imagecopy( $dstImage, $srcImage, $borderWidth, $borderHeight, 0, 0, $width, $height );
 286+ imagepng( $dstImage, $dest );
 287+ }
 288+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/LilyPond/LilyPond.class.php
Added: svn:eol-syle
1289 + native

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r100547In r98443 renderMidiFragment() was renamed to LilyPond::renderFragment...platonides16:38, 23 October 2011

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r98414Add LilyPond modulemah16:17, 29 September 2011

Status & tagging log