r95622 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r95621‎ | r95622 | r95623 >
Date:14:03, 28 August 2011
Added some Finnish translation to SMW and SF
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticForms/languages/SF_LanguageFi.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/languages/SMW_LanguageFi.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/languages/SMW_LanguageFi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
 4+ * @file
 5+ * @ingroup SMWLanguage
 6+ */
 9+ * Protect against register_globals vulnerabilities.
 10+ * This line must be present before any global variable is referenced.
 11+ */
 12+if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die();
 14+global $smwgIP;
 15+include_once( $smwgIP . 'languages/SMW_Language.php' );
 19+ * Finnish language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
 20+ *
 21+ * @author Niklas Laxström
 22+ * @ingroup SMWLanguage
 23+ * @ingroup Language
 24+ */
 25+class SMWLanguageFi extends SMWLanguage {
 27+ protected $m_DatatypeLabels = array(
 28+ '_wpg' => 'Sivu', // name of page datatype
 29+ '_str' => 'Merkkijono', // name of the string type
 30+ '_txt' => 'Teksti', // name of the text type
 31+ '_cod' => 'Lähdekoodi', // name of the (source) code type
 32+ '_boo' => 'Boolean', // name of the boolean type
 33+ '_num' => 'Luku', // name for the datatype of numbers
 34+ '_geo' => 'Maantieteellinen koordinaatti', // name of the geocoord type
 35+ '_tem' => 'Lämpötila', // name of the temperature type
 36+ '_dat' => 'Päiväys', // name of the datetime (calendar) type
 37+ '_ema' => 'Sähköposti', // name of the email type
 38+ '_uri' => 'URL-osoite', // name of the URL type
 39+ '_anu' => 'Annotation URI', // name of the annotation URI type (OWL annotation property)
 40+ '_tel' => 'Puhelinnumero', // name of the telephone (URI) type
 41+ '_rec' => 'Tietue', // name of record data type
 42+ '_qty' => 'Määrä', // name of the number type with units of measurement
 43+ );
 45+ protected $m_Namespaces = array(
 46+ SMW_NS_PROPERTY => 'Ominaisuus',
 47+ SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK => 'Keskustelu_ominaisuudesta',
 48+ SMW_NS_TYPE => 'Tyyppi',
 49+ SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK => 'Keskustelu_tyypistä',
 50+ SMW_NS_CONCEPT => 'Konsepti',
 51+ SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK => 'Keskustelu_konseptista'
 52+ );
 54+ protected $m_months = array(
 55+ "tammikuu",
 56+ "helmikuu",
 57+ "maaliskuu",
 58+ "huhtikuu",
 59+ "toukokuu",
 60+ "kesäkuu",
 61+ "heinäkuu",
 62+ "elokuu",
 63+ "syyskuu",
 64+ "lokakuu",
 65+ "marraskuu",
 66+ "joulukuu"
 67+ );
 69+ protected $m_monthsshort = array(
 70+ "tammikuu",
 71+ "helmikuu",
 72+ "maaliskuu",
 73+ "huhtikuu",
 74+ "toukokuu",
 75+ "kesäkuu",
 76+ "heinäkuu",
 77+ "elokuu",
 78+ "syyskuu",
 79+ "lokakuu",
 80+ "marraskuu",
 81+ "joulukuu"
 82+ );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/languages/SMW_LanguageFi.php
Added: svn:eol-style
185 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticForms/languages/SF_LanguageFi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
 4+ * @author Niklas Laxström
 5+ * @file
 6+ * @ingroup SF
 7+ */
 10+ * @ingroup SFLanguage
 11+ */
 12+class SF_LanguageFi extends SF_Language {
 14+ /* private */ var $m_SpecialProperties = array(
 15+ // always start upper-case
 16+ SF_SP_HAS_DEFAULT_FORM => 'Oletuslomake',
 17+ SF_SP_HAS_ALTERNATE_FORM => 'Vaihtoehtoinen lomake',
 18+ SF_SP_CREATES_PAGES_WITH_FORM => 'Sivunluontilomake',
 19+ SF_SP_PAGE_HAS_DEFAULT_FORM => 'Sivun oletuslomake',
 20+ );
 22+ var $m_Namespaces = array(
 23+ SF_NS_FORM => 'Lomake',
 24+ SF_NS_FORM_TALK => 'Keskustelu_lomakkeesta'
 25+ );
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticForms/languages/SF_LanguageFi.php
Added: svn:eol-style
129 + native

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r95624Followup r95622 - apparently I can't just leave things out and have them fall...nikerabbit14:27, 28 August 2011

Status & tagging log