r95018 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r95017‎ | r95018 | r95019 >
Date:17:35, 19 August 2011
Status:ok (Comments)
renamed wh_main.php --> wikihiero.body.php
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wh_main.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.body.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wh_main.php
@@ -1,1005 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5 -//
6 -// WikiHiero - A PHP convert from text using "Manual for the encoding of
7 -// hieroglyphic texts for computer input" syntax to HTML entities (table and
8 -// images).
9 -//
10 -// Copyright (C) 2004 Guillaume Blanchard (Aoineko)
11 -//
12 -// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 -// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 -// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
15 -// of the License, or any later version.
16 -//
17 -// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 -// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 -// GNU General Public License for more details.
21 -//
22 -// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 -// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 -// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25 -//
26 -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 -
28 -if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
29 - die( 'Not an entry point' );
30 -}
31 -
32 -// ========================================================================
33 -// I N C L U D E S
34 -include( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wh_list.php' );
35 -
36 -// ========================================================================
37 -// D E F I N E S
38 -define( "WH_TABLE_S", '<table class="mw-hiero-table">' );
39 -define( "WH_TABLE_E", '</table>' );
40 -define( "WH_TD_S", '<td>' );
41 -define( "WH_TD_E", '</td>' );
42 -
43 -define( "WH_MODE_DEFAULT", -1 ); // use default mode
44 -define( "WH_MODE_TEXT", 0 ); // text only
45 -define( "WH_MODE_HTML", 1 ); // HTML without CSS
46 -define( "WH_MODE_STYLE", 2 ); // HTML and CSS // not supported
47 -define( "WH_MODE_IMAGE", 3 ); // picture (PNG) // not supported
48 -define( "WH_MODE_RAW", 4 ); // MdC test as it
49 -
50 -define( "WH_TYPE_NONE", 0 );
51 -define( "WH_TYPE_GLYPH", 1 ); // rendered items
52 -define( "WH_TYPE_CODE", 2 ); // single code as ':', '*', '!', '(' or ')'
53 -define( "WH_TYPE_SPECIAL", 3 ); // advanced code (more than 1 caracter)
54 -define( "WH_TYPE_END", 4 ); // end of line '!'
55 -
56 -define( "WH_SCALE_DEFAULT", -1 ); // use default scale
57 -define( "WH_HEIGHT", 44 );
58 -define( "WH_IMG_MARGIN", 1 ); // default value
59 -define( "WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH", 2 ); // default value
60 -
61 -define( "WH_VER_MAJ", 0 );
62 -define( "WH_VER_MED", 2 );
63 -define( "WH_VER_MIN", 14 );
64 -
65 -global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
66 -define( "WH_IMG_DIR", $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/wikihiero/img/' );
67 -define( "WH_IMG_PRE", "hiero_" );
68 -define( "WH_IMG_EXT", "png" );
69 -
70 -define( "WH_DEBUG_MODE", false );
71 -
72 -class WikiHiero {
73 - private $scale = 100;
74 -
75 - public function __construct( $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT ) {
76 - }
77 -
78 - /**
79 - * Render hieroglyph text
80 - *
81 - * @param $text string: text to convert
82 - * @param $mode string: convertion mode [DEFAULT|TEXT|HTML|STYLE|IMAGE] (def=HTML)
83 - * @param $scale string: global scale in percentage (def=100%)
84 - * @param $line string: use line [true|false] (def=false)
85 - * @return string: converted code
86 - */
87 - public static function render( $text, $mode = WH_MODE_DEFAULT, $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line = false ) {
88 - if ( $mode == WH_MODE_DEFAULT ) {
89 - $mode = WH_MODE_HTML;
90 - }
91 -
92 - $hiero = new WikiHiero( $scale );
93 -
94 - switch( $mode ) {
95 - case WH_MODE_TEXT: return $hiero->renderText( $text, $line );
96 - case WH_MODE_HTML: return $hiero->renderHtml( $text, $scale, $line );
97 - case WH_MODE_STYLE: die( "ERROR: CSS version not yet implemented" );
98 - case WH_MODE_IMAGE: die( "ERROR: Image version not yet implemented" );
99 - }
100 - die( "ERROR: Unknown mode!" );
101 - }
102 -
103 - /**
104 - *
105 - */
106 - public static function parserHook( $input ) {
107 - // Strip newlines to avoid breakage in the wiki parser block pass
108 - return str_replace( "\n", " ", self::render( $input, WH_MODE_HTML ) );
109 - }
110 -
111 - public function getScale() {
112 - return $this->scale;
113 - }
114 -
115 - public function setScale( $scale ) {
116 - $this->scale = $scale;
117 - }
118 -
119 - /**
120 - * Renders a glyph
121 - *
122 - * @param $glyph string: glyph's code to render
123 - * @param $option string: option to add into <img> tag (use for height)
124 - * @return string: a string to add to the stream
125 - */
126 - private function renderGlyph( $glyph, $option = '' ) {
127 - global $wh_phonemes;
128 - global $wh_files;
129 -
130 - if ( $glyph == ".." ) { // Render void block
131 - $width = WH_HEIGHT;
132 - return "<table class=\"mw-hiero-table\" style=\"width: {$width}px;\"><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
133 - }
134 - elseif ( $glyph == "." ) // Render half-width void block
135 - {
136 - $width = WH_HEIGHT / 2;
137 - return "<table class=\"mw-hiero-table\" style=\"width: {$width}px;\"><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
138 - }
139 - elseif ( $glyph == '<' ) // Render open cartouche
140 - {
141 - $height = intval( WH_HEIGHT * $this->scale / 100 );
142 - $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
143 - return "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$code}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' height='{$height}' title='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
144 - }
145 - elseif ( $glyph == '>' ) // Render close cartouche
146 - {
147 - $height = intval( WH_HEIGHT * $this->scale / 100 );
148 - $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
149 - return "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$code}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' height='{$height}' title='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
150 - }
151 -
152 - if ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_phonemes ) )
153 - {
154 - $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
155 - if ( array_key_exists( $code, $wh_files ) )
156 - return "<img style='margin:" . WH_IMG_MARGIN . "px;' $option src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$code}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' title='" . htmlspecialchars( "{$code} [{$glyph}]" ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
157 - else
158 - return "<font title='" . htmlspecialchars( $code ) . "'>" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "</font>";
159 - }
160 - elseif ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_files ) )
161 - return "<img style='margin:" . WH_IMG_MARGIN . "px;' $option src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$glyph}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' title='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
162 - else
163 - return htmlspecialchars( $glyph );
164 - }
165 -
166 - /**
167 - * Resize a glyph
168 - *
169 - * @param $item string: glyph's code
170 - * @param $is_cartouche bool: true if glyph inside a cartouche
171 - * @param $total int: total size of a group for multi-glyph block
172 - * @return size
173 - */
174 - private function resizeGlyph( $item, $is_cartouche = false, $total = 0 ) {
175 - global $wh_phonemes;
176 - global $wh_files;
177 -
178 - if ( array_key_exists( $item, $wh_phonemes ) ) {
179 - $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$item];
180 - } else {
181 - $glyph = $item;
182 - }
183 -
184 - $margin = 2 * WH_IMG_MARGIN;
185 - if ( $is_cartouche ) {
186 - $margin += 2 * intval( WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100 );
187 - }
188 -
189 - if ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_files ) ) {
190 - $height = $margin + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
191 - if ( $total ) {
192 - if ( $total > WH_HEIGHT ) {
193 - return ( intval( $height * WH_HEIGHT / $total ) - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
194 - } else {
195 - return ( $height - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
196 - }
197 - } else {
198 - if ( $height > WH_HEIGHT ) {
199 - return ( intval( WH_HEIGHT * WH_HEIGHT / $height ) - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
200 - } else {
201 - return ( $height - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
202 - }
203 - }
204 - }
205 -
206 - return ( WH_HEIGHT - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
207 - }
208 -
209 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 - // WikiHieroText - Render hieroglyph text in text mode
211 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 - // hiero << text to convert
213 - // line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
214 - // return >> string with converted code
215 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 - public function renderText( $hiero, $line = false ) {
217 - global $wh_text_conv;
218 -
219 - $html = "";
220 -
221 - if ( $line )
222 - $html .= "<hr />\n";
223 -
224 - for ( $char = 0; $char < strlen( $hiero ); $char++ )
225 - {
226 - if ( array_key_exists( $hiero[$char], $wh_text_conv ) )
227 - {
228 - $html .= $wh_text_conv[$hiero[$char]];
229 - if ( $hiero[$char] == '!' )
230 - if ( $line )
231 - $html .= "<hr />\n";
232 - }
233 - else
234 - $html .= $hiero[$char];
235 - }
236 -
237 - return $html;
238 - }
239 -
240 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 - // WikiHiero - Render hieroglyph text
242 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 - // hiero << text to convert
244 - // scale << global scale in percentage (def=100%)
245 - // line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
246 - // return >> string with converted code
247 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 - public function renderHtml( $hiero, $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line = false ) {
249 - global $wh_prefabs;
250 - global $wh_files;
251 - global $wh_phonemes;
252 -
253 - if ( $scale != WH_SCALE_DEFAULT )
254 - $this->setScale( $scale );
255 -
256 - $html = "";
257 -
258 - if ( $line ) {
259 - $html .= "<hr />\n";
260 - }
261 -
262 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
263 - // Split text into block, then split block into item
264 - $block = array();
265 - $block[0] = array();
266 - $block[0][0] = "";
267 - $block_id = 0;
268 - $item_id = 0;
269 - $parenthesis = 0;
270 - $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
271 - $is_cartouche = false;
272 -
273 - for ( $char = 0; $char < strlen( $hiero ); $char++ ) {
274 -
275 - if ( $hiero[$char] == '(' ) {
276 - $parenthesis++;
277 - } elseif ( $hiero[$char] == ')' ) {
278 - $parenthesis--;
279 - }
280 -
281 - if ( $parenthesis == 0 ) {
282 - if ( $hiero[$char] == '-' || $hiero[$char] == ' ' ) {
283 - if ( $type != WH_TYPE_NONE ) {
284 - $block_id++;
285 - $block[$block_id] = array();
286 - $item_id = 0;
287 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
288 - $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
289 - }
290 - }
291 - } else {// don't slit block if inside parenthesis
292 - if ( $hiero[$char] == '-' ) {
293 - $item_id++;
294 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = '-';
295 - $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
296 - }
297 - }
298 -
299 - if ( $hiero[$char] == '!' ) {
300 - if ( $item_id > 0 ) {
301 - $block_id++;
302 - $block[$block_id] = array();
303 - $item_id = 0;
304 - }
305 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
306 - $type = WH_TYPE_END;
307 -
308 - } elseif ( preg_match( "/[*:()]/", $hiero[$char] ) ) {
309 -
310 - if ( $type == WH_TYPE_GLYPH || $type == WH_TYPE_CODE ) {
311 - $item_id++;
312 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
313 - }
314 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
315 - $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
316 -
317 - } elseif ( ctype_alnum( $hiero[$char] ) || $hiero[$char] == '.' || $hiero[$char] == '<' || $hiero[$char] == '>' ) {
318 - if ( $type == WH_TYPE_END ) {
319 - $block_id++;
320 - $block[$block_id] = array();
321 - $item_id = 0;
322 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
323 - } elseif ( $type == WH_TYPE_CODE ) {
324 - $item_id++;
325 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
326 - }
327 - $block[$block_id][$item_id] .= $hiero[$char];
328 - $type = WH_TYPE_GLYPH;
329 - }
330 - }
331 -
332 - // DEBUG: See the block split table
333 - if ( WH_DEBUG_MODE ) {
334 -
335 - foreach ( $block as $code ) {
336 - echo "| ";
337 - foreach ( $code as $item ) {
338 - echo "$item | ";
339 - }
340 - echo "<br />\n";
341 - }
342 - }
343 -
344 - $contentHtml = $tableHtml = $tableContentHtml = "";
345 - // $html .= WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n";
346 -
347 - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
348 - // Loop into all blocks
349 - foreach ( $block as $code ) {
350 -
351 - // simplest case, the block contain only 1 code -> render
352 - if ( count( $code ) == 1 )
353 - {
354 - if ( $code[0] == "!" ) { // end of line
355 - $tableHtml = "</tr>" . WH_TABLE_E . WH_TABLE_S . "<tr>\n";
356 - if ( $line ) {
357 - $contentHtml .= "<hr />\n";
358 - }
359 -
360 - } elseif ( strchr( $code[0], '<' ) ) { // start cartouche
361 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $code[0] ) . WH_TD_E;
362 - $is_cartouche = true;
363 - $contentHtml .= "<td>" . WH_TABLE_S . "<tr><td height='" . intval( WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100 ) . "px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr><tr><td>" . WH_TABLE_S . "<tr>";
364 -
365 - } elseif ( strchr( $code[0], '>' ) ) { // end cartouche
366 - $contentHtml .= "</tr>" . WH_TABLE_E . "</td></tr><tr><td height='" . intval( WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100 ) . "px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr>" . WH_TABLE_E . "</td>";
367 - $is_cartouche = false;
368 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $code[0] ) . WH_TD_E;
369 -
370 - } elseif ( $code[0] != "" ) { // assum is glyph or '..' or '.'
371 - $option = "height='" . $this->resizeGlyph( $code[0], $is_cartouche ) . "'";
372 -
373 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $code[0], $option ) . WH_TD_E;
374 - }
375 -
376 - // block contain more than 1 glyph
377 - } else {
378 -
379 - // convert all code into '&' to test prefabs glyph
380 - $temp = "";
381 - foreach ( $code as $t ) {
382 - if ( preg_match( "/[*:!()]/", $t[0] ) ) {
383 - $temp .= "&";
384 - } else {
385 - $temp .= $t;
386 - }
387 - }
388 -
389 - // test is block is into tje prefabs list
390 - if ( in_array( $temp, $wh_prefabs ) ) {
391 - $option = "height='" . $this->resizeGlyph( $temp, $is_cartouche ) . "'";
392 -
393 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $temp, $option ) . WH_TD_E;
394 -
395 - // block must be manualy computed
396 - } else {
397 - // get block total height
398 - $line_max = 0;
399 - $total = 0;
400 - $height = 0;
401 -
402 - foreach ( $code as $t ) {
403 - if ( $t == ":" ) {
404 - if ( $height > $line_max ) {
405 - $line_max = $height;
406 - }
407 - $total += $line_max;
408 - $line_max = 0;
409 -
410 - } elseif ( $t == "*" ) {
411 - if ( $height > $line_max ) {
412 - $line_max = $height;
413 - }
414 - } else {
415 - if ( array_key_exists( $t, $wh_phonemes ) ) {
416 - $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$t];
417 - } else {
418 - $glyph = $t;
419 - }
420 - if ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_files ) ) {
421 - $height = 2 + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
422 - }
423 - }
424 - } // end foreach
425 -
426 - if ( $height > $line_max ) {
427 - $line_max = $height;
428 - }
429 -
430 - $total += $line_max;
431 -
432 - // render all glyph into the block
433 - $temp = "";
434 - foreach ( $code as $t ) {
435 -
436 - if ( $t == ":" ) {
437 - $temp .= "<br />";
438 -
439 - } elseif ( $t == "*" ) {
440 - $temp .= " ";
441 -
442 - } else {
443 - // resize the glyph according to the block total height
444 - $option = "height='" . $this->resizeGlyph( $t, $is_cartouche, $total ) . "'";
445 - $temp .= self::renderGlyph( $t, $option );
446 - }
447 - } // end foreach
448 -
449 - $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . $temp . WH_TD_E;
450 - }
451 - $contentHtml .= "\n";
452 - }
453 -
454 - if ( strlen( $contentHtml ) > 0 ) {
455 - $tableContentHtml .= $tableHtml . $contentHtml;
456 - $contentHtml = $tableHtml = "";
457 - }
458 - }
459 -
460 - if ( strlen( $tableContentHtml ) > 0 ) {
461 - $html .= WH_TABLE_S . "<tr>\n" . $tableContentHtml . "</tr>" . WH_TABLE_E;
462 - }
463 -
464 - return "<table class='mw-hiero-table mw-hiero-outer' dir='ltr'><tr><td>\n$html\n</td></tr></table>";
465 - }
466 -
467 -}
468 -
469 -// ========================================================================
470 -// G L O B A L S
471 -global $wh_phonemes, $wh_text_conv;
472 -
473 -$wh_phonemes = array( // convertion table phoneme -> gardiner code
474 - "mSa" => "A12",
475 - "xr" => "A15",
476 - "Xrd" => "A17",
477 - "sr" => "A21",
478 - "mniw" => "A33",
479 - "qiz" => "A38",
480 - "iry" => "A47",
481 - "Sps" => "A50",
482 - "Spsi" => "A51",
483 -/*
484 - "x" => "J1",
485 - "mAa" => "J11",
486 - "gs" => "J13",
487 - "im" => "J13",
488 - "M" => "J15",
489 - "sA" => "J17",
490 - "apr" => "J20",
491 - "wDa" => "J21",
492 - "nD" => "J27",
493 - "qd" => "J28",
494 - "Xkr" => "J30",
495 - "Hp" => "J5",
496 - "qn" => "J8",
497 -*/
498 - "x" => "Aa1",
499 - "mAa" => "Aa11",
500 - "gs" => "Aa13",
501 - "im" => "Aa13",
502 - "M" => "Aa15",
503 - "sA" => "Aa17",
504 - "apr" => "Aa20",
505 - "wDa" => "Aa21",
506 - "nD" => "Aa27",
507 - "qd" => "Aa28",
508 - "Xkr" => "Aa30",
509 - "Hp" => "Aa5",
510 - "qn" => "Aa8",
511 -
512 - "msi" => "B3",
513 - "mAat" => "C10",
514 - "HH" => "C11",
515 - "DHwty" => "C3",
516 - "Xnmw" => "C4",
517 - "inpw" => "C6",
518 - "stX" => "C7",
519 - "mnw" => "C8",
520 - "tp" => "D1",
521 - "wDAt" => "D10",
522 - "R" => "D153",
523 - "fnD" => "D19",
524 - "Hr" => "D2",
525 - "r" => "D21",
526 - "rA" => "D21",
527 - "spt" => "D24",
528 - "spty" => "D25",
529 - "mnD" => "D27",
530 - "kA" => "D28",
531 - "Sny" => "D3",
532 - "aHA" => "D34",
533 - "a" => "D36",
534 - "ir" => "D4",
535 - "Dsr" => "D45",
536 - "d" => "D46",
537 - "Dba" => "D50",
538 - "mt" => "D52",
539 - "gH" => "D56",
540 - "gHs" => "D56",
541 - "rd" => "D56",
542 - "sbq" => "D56",
543 - "b" => "D58",
544 - "ab" => "D59",
545 - "wab" => "D60",
546 - "sAH" => "D61",
547 - "rmi" => "D9",
548 - "zAb" => "E17",
549 - "mAi" => "E22",
550 - "l" => "E23",
551 - "rw" => "E23",
552 - "Aby" => "E24",
553 - "wn" => "E34",
554 - "zzmt" => "E6",
555 - "wsr" => "F12",
556 - "wp" => "F13",
557 - "db" => "F16",
558 - "Hw" => "F18",
559 - "bH" => "F18",
560 - "ns" => "F20",
561 - "DrD" => "F21",
562 - "idn" => "F21",
563 - "msDr" => "F21",
564 - "sDm" => "F21",
565 - "kfA" => "F22",
566 - "pH" => "F22",
567 - "xpS" => "F23",
568 - "wHm" => "F25",
569 - "Xn" => "F26",
570 - "sti" => "F29",
571 - "Sd" => "F30",
572 - "ms" => "F31",
573 - "X" => "F32",
574 - "sd" => "F33",
575 - "ib" => "F34",
576 - "nfr" => "F35",
577 - "zmA" => "F36",
578 - "imAx" => "F39",
579 - "HAt" => "F4",
580 - "Aw" => "F40",
581 - "spr" => "F42",
582 - "isw" => "F44",
583 - "iwa" => "F44",
584 - "pXr" => "F46",
585 - "qAb" => "F46",
586 - "SsA" => "F5",
587 - "A" => "G1",
588 - "mwt" => "G14",
589 - "nbty" => "G16",
590 - "m" => "G17",
591 - "mm" => "G18",
592 - "AA" => "G2",
593 - "nH" => "G21",
594 - "Db" => "G22",
595 - "rxyt" => "G23",
596 - "Ax" => "G25",
597 - "dSr" => "G27",
598 - "gm" => "G28",
599 - "bA" => "G29",
600 - "baHi" => "G32",
601 - "aq" => "G35",
602 - "wr" => "G36",
603 - "nDs" => "G37",
604 - "gb" => "G38",
605 - "zA" => "G39",
606 - "tyw" => "G4",
607 - "pA" => "G40",
608 - "xn" => "G41",
609 - "wSA" => "G42",
610 - "w" => "G43",
611 - "ww" => "G44",
612 - "mAw" => "G46",
613 - "TA" => "G47",
614 - "snD" => "G54",
615 - "pq" => "H2",
616 - "wSm" => "H2",
617 - "pAq" => "H3",
618 - "nr" => "H4",
619 - "Sw" => "H6",
620 - "aSA" => "I1",
621 - "D" => "I10",
622 - "DD" => "I11",
623 - "Styw" => "I2",
624 - "mzH" => "I3",
625 - "sbk" => "I4",
626 - "sAq" => "I5",
627 - "km" => "I6",
628 - "Hfn" => "I8",
629 - "f" => "I9",
630 - "in" => "K1",
631 - "ad" => "K3",
632 - "XA" => "K4",
633 - "bz" => "K5",
634 - "nSmt" => "K6",
635 - "xpr" => "L1",
636 - "bit" => "L2",
637 - "srqt" => "L7",
638 - "iAm" => "M1",
639 - "wdn" => "M11",
640 - "xA" => "M12",
641 - "1000" => "M12",
642 - "wAD" => "M13",
643 - "HA" => "M16",
644 - "i" => "M17",
645 - "ii" => "M18",
646 - "Hn" => "M2",
647 - "sxt" => "M20",
648 - "sm" => "M21",
649 - "nn" => "M22A",
650 - "sw" => "M23",
651 - "rsw" => "M24",
652 - "Sma" => "M26",
653 - "nDm" => "M29",
654 - "xt" => "M3",
655 - "bnr" => "M30",
656 - "bdt" => "M34",
657 - "Dr" => "M36",
658 - "rnp" => "M4",
659 - "iz" => "M40",
660 - "tr" => "M6",
661 - "SA" => "M8",
662 - "zSn" => "M9",
663 - "pt" => "N1",
664 - "Abd" => "N11",
665 - "iaH" => "N11",
666 - "dwA" => "N14",
667 - "sbA" => "N14",
668 - "dwAt" => "N15",
669 - "tA" => "N16",
670 - "iw" => "N18",
671 - "wDb" => "N20",
672 - "spAt" => "N24",
673 - "xAst" => "N25",
674 - "Dw" => "N26",
675 - "Axt" => "N27",
676 - "xa" => "N28",
677 - "q" => "N29",
678 - "iAt" => "N30",
679 - "n" => "N35",
680 - "mw" => "N35A",
681 - "S" => "N37",
682 - "iAdt" => "N4",
683 - "idt" => "N4",
684 - "Sm" => "N40",
685 - "id" => "N41",
686 - "hrw" => "N5",
687 - "ra" => "N5",
688 - "zw" => "N5",
689 - "Hnmmt" => "N8",
690 - "pzD" => "N9",
691 - "pr" => "O1",
692 - "aH" => "O11",
693 - "wsxt" => "O15",
694 - "kAr" => "O18",
695 - "zH" => "O22",
696 - "txn" => "O25",
697 - "iwn" => "O28",
698 - "aA" => "O29",
699 - "zxnt" => "O30",
700 - "z" => "O34",
701 - "zb" => "O35",
702 - "inb" => "O36",
703 - "qnbt" => "O38A",
704 - "h" => "O4",
705 - "Szp" => "O42",
706 - "ipt" => "O45",
707 - "nxn" => "O47",
708 - "niwt" => "O49",
709 - "zp" => "O50",
710 - "Snwt" => "O51",
711 - "Hwt" => "O6",
712 - "wHa" => "P4",
713 - "TAw" => "P5",
714 - "nfw" => "P5",
715 - "aHa" => "P6",
716 - "xrw" => "P8",
717 - "st" => "Q1",
718 - "wz" => "Q2",
719 - "p" => "Q3",
720 - "qrsw" => "Q6",
721 - "xAt" => "R1",
722 - "xAwt" => "R1",
723 - "Dd" => "R11",
724 - "dd" => "R11",
725 - "imnt" => "R14",
726 - "iAb" => "R15",
727 - "wx" => "R16",
728 - "xm" => "R22",
729 - "Htp" => "R4",
730 - "kAp" => "R5",
731 - "kp" => "R5",
732 - "snTr" => "R7",
733 - "nTr" => "R8",
734 - "nTrw" => "R8A",
735 - "bd" => "R9",
736 - "HDt" => "S1",
737 - "mDH" => "S10",
738 - "wsx" => "S11",
739 - "nbw" => "S12",
740 - "THn" => "S15",
741 - "tHn" => "S15",
742 - "mnit" => "S18",
743 - "sDAw" => "S19",
744 - "xtm" => "S20",
745 - "sT" => "S22",
746 - "dmD" => "S23",
747 - "Tz" => "S24",
748 - "Sndyt" => "S26",
749 - "mnxt" => "S27",
750 - "s" => "S29",
751 - "N" => "S3",
752 - "dSrt" => "S3",
753 - "sf" => "S30",
754 - "siA" => "S32",
755 - "Tb" => "S33",
756 - "anx" => "S34",
757 - "Swt" => "S35",
758 - "xw" => "S37",
759 - "HqA" => "S38",
760 - "awt" => "S39",
761 - "wAs" => "S40",
762 - "Dam" => "S41",
763 - "abA" => "S42",
764 - "sxm" => "S42",
765 - "xrp" => "S42",
766 - "md" => "S43",
767 - "Ams" => "S44",
768 - "nxxw" => "S45",
769 - "K" => "S56",
770 - "sxmty" => "S6",
771 - "xprS" => "S7",
772 - "Atf" => "S8",
773 - "Swty" => "S9",
774 - "pD" => "T10",
775 - "sXr" => "T11",
776 - "zin" => "T11",
777 - "zwn" => "T11",
778 - "Ai" => "T12",
779 - "Ar" => "T12",
780 - "rwD" => "T12",
781 - "rwd" => "T12",
782 - "rs" => "T13",
783 - "qmA" => "T14",
784 - "wrrt" => "T17",
785 - "Sms" => "T18",
786 - "qs" => "T19",
787 - "wa" => "T21",
788 - "sn" => "T22",
789 - "iH" => "T24",
790 - "DbA" => "T25",
791 - "Xr" => "T28",
792 - "nmt" => "T29",
793 - "HD" => "T3",
794 - "sSm" => "T31",
795 - "nm" => "T34",
796 - "HDD" => "T6",
797 - "pd" => "T9",
798 - "mA" => "U1",
799 - "it" => "U10",
800 - "HqAt" => "U11",
801 - "Sna" => "U13",
802 - "hb" => "U13",
803 - "tm" => "U15",
804 - "biA" => "U16",
805 - "grg" => "U17",
806 - "stp" => "U21",
807 - "mnx" => "U22",
808 - "Ab" => "U23",
809 - "Hmt" => "U24",
810 - "wbA" => "U26",
811 - "DA" => "U28",
812 - "rtH" => "U31",
813 - "zmn" => "U32",
814 - "ti" => "U33",
815 - "xsf" => "U34",
816 - "Hm" => "U36",
817 - "mxAt" => "U38",
818 - "mr" => "U6",
819 - "100" => "V1",
820 - "arq" => "V12",
821 - "T" => "V13",
822 - "iTi" => "V15",
823 - "TmA" => "V19",
824 - "XAr" => "V19",
825 - "mDt" => "V19",
826 - "sTA" => "V2",
827 - "10" => "V20",
828 - "mD" => "V20",
829 - "mH" => "V22",
830 - "wD" => "V24",
831 - "aD" => "V26",
832 - "H" => "V28",
833 - "sk" => "V29",
834 - "wAH" => "V29",
835 - "sTAw" => "V3",
836 - "nb" => "V30",
837 - "k" => "V31",
838 - "msn" => "V32",
839 - "sSr" => "V33",
840 - "idr" => "V37",
841 - "wA" => "V4",
842 - "snT" => "V5",
843 - "sS" => "V6",
844 - "Sn" => "V7",
845 - "iab" => "W10",
846 - "g" => "W11",
847 - "nzt" => "W11",
848 - "Hz" => "W14",
849 - "xnt" => "W17",
850 - "mi" => "W19",
851 - "bAs" => "W2",
852 - "Hnqt" => "W22",
853 - "nw" => "W24",
854 - "ini" => "W25",
855 - "Hb" => "W3",
856 - "Xnm" => "W9",
857 - "t" => "X1",
858 - "di" => "X8",
859 - "rdi" => "X8",
860 - "mDAt" => "Y1",
861 - "mnhd" => "Y3",
862 - "zS" => "Y3",
863 - "mn" => "Y5",
864 - "ibA" => "Y6",
865 - "zSSt" => "Y8",
866 - "imi" => "Z11",
867 - "y" => "Z4",
868 - "W" => "Z7",
869 -
870 - "<1" => "Ca1", // cartouche
871 - "2>" => "Ca2",
872 - "<2" => "Ca2a",
873 - "1>" => "Ca1a",
874 - "<0" => "Ca1",
875 - "0>" => "Ca2",
876 - "<h1" => "Cah1", // horus
877 - "h1>" => "Cah1a",
878 - "<h2" => "Cah2",
879 - "h2>" => "Cah2a",
880 - "<h3" => "Cah3",
881 - "h3>" => "Cah3a",
882 - "<h0" => "Cah1",
883 - "h0>" => "Cah1a",
884 - "<" => "Ca1", // cartouche
885 - ">" => "Ca2",
886 - "[&" => "Ba16",
887 - "&]" => "Ba16",
888 - "[{" => "Ba17",
889 - "}]" => "Ba17a",
890 - "[[" => "Ba15",
891 - "]]" => "Ba15a",
892 - "[\"" => "",
893 - "\"]" => "",
894 - "['" => "",
895 - "']" => "",
896 -);
897 -
898 -/* not used yet
899 -$wh_syntax = array(
900 - "-", //block sepatator
901 - ":", //supperposition
902 - "*", //juxtaposition
903 - "(", //open bracket
904 - ")", //close bracket
905 - "!!", //end of text
906 - "!", //end of line
907 - "..", //blank caracter
908 - ".", //half-size blank caracter
909 - "$", //color
910 - "#", //shade
911 - "[&", //select
912 - "&]",
913 - "[{",
914 - "}]",
915 - "[[",
916 - "]]",
917 - "[\"",
918 - "\"]",
919 - "['",
920 - "']",
921 - "<", //cartouche
922 - ">",
923 - "<1",
924 - "2>",
925 - "<2",
926 - "1>",
927 - "<0",
928 - "0>",
929 - "<h1", //horus
930 - "h1>",
931 - "<h2",
932 - "h2>",
933 - "<h3",
934 - "h3>",
935 - "<h0",
936 - "h0>",
937 - "++", //comment
938 - "+s", //hieroglyph
939 - "+t", //transcription
940 - "+l", //latin-normal
941 - "+i", //latin-italic
942 - "+g", //latin-bold (gras)
943 - "+b", //latin-bold
944 - "+c",
945 -);
946 -*/
947 -
948 -// convertion table for text mode
949 -$wh_text_conv = array(
950 - "-" => " ",
951 - ":" => "-",
952 - "*" => "-",
953 - "!" => "<br />",
954 - "." => "",
955 - "=" => "",
956 - "(" => "",
957 - ")" => "",
958 - "<1" => "(",
959 - "2>" => ")|",
960 - "<2" => "|(",
961 - "1>" => ")",
962 - "<0" => "(",
963 - "0>" => ")|",
964 - "<h1" => "[", // horus
965 - "h1>" => "]",
966 - "<h2" => "[",
967 - "h2>" => "]",
968 - "<h3" => "[",
969 - "h3>" => "]",
970 - "<h0" => "[",
971 - "h0>" => "]",
972 - "<" => "(", // cartouche
973 - ">" => ")|",
974 -);
975 -
976 -// ========================================================================
977 -// F U N C T I O N S
978 -
979 -
980 -// ========================================================================
981 -//
982 -// W i k i H i e r o
983 -//
984 -
985 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
986 -// WH_GetCode - Get glyph code from file name
987 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
988 -// file << file name
989 -// return >> string with converted code
990 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
991 -function WH_GetCode( $file ) {
992 - return substr( $file, strlen( WH_IMG_PRE ), -( 1 + strlen( WH_IMG_EXT ) ) );
993 -}
994 -
995 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
996 -// WH_Credit - Get glyph code from file name
997 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
998 -// return >> credit string
999 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000 -function WH_Credit() {
1001 - $html = "";
1002 - $html .= "<b>WikiHiero v" . WH_VER_MAJ . "." . WH_VER_MED . "." . WH_VER_MIN . "</b>\n";
1003 - $html .= "by Guillaume Blanchard (Aoineko) under GPL (2004).<br />\n";
1004 - $html .= "Hieroglyph credit: S. Rosmorduc, G. Watson, J. Hirst (under GFDL).\n";
1005 - return $html;
1006 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
3838 );
3939 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['Wikihiero'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wikihiero.i18n.php';
41 -$wgAutoloadClasses['WikiHiero'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wh_main.php';
 41+$wgAutoloadClasses['WikiHiero'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wikihiero.body.php';
4343 $wgResourceModules['ext.wikihiero'] = array(
4444 'styles' => 'ext.wikihiero.css',
Index: trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.body.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1005 @@
 6+// WikiHiero - A PHP convert from text using "Manual for the encoding of
 7+// hieroglyphic texts for computer input" syntax to HTML entities (table and
 8+// images).
 10+// Copyright (C) 2004 Guillaume Blanchard (Aoineko)
 12+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 13+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 14+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 15+// of the License, or any later version.
 17+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 18+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 20+// GNU General Public License for more details.
 22+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 23+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 24+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 28+if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 29+ die( 'Not an entry point' );
 32+// ========================================================================
 33+// I N C L U D E S
 34+include( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wh_list.php' );
 36+// ========================================================================
 37+// D E F I N E S
 38+define( "WH_TABLE_S", '<table class="mw-hiero-table">' );
 39+define( "WH_TABLE_E", '</table>' );
 40+define( "WH_TD_S", '<td>' );
 41+define( "WH_TD_E", '</td>' );
 43+define( "WH_MODE_DEFAULT", -1 ); // use default mode
 44+define( "WH_MODE_TEXT", 0 ); // text only
 45+define( "WH_MODE_HTML", 1 ); // HTML without CSS
 46+define( "WH_MODE_STYLE", 2 ); // HTML and CSS // not supported
 47+define( "WH_MODE_IMAGE", 3 ); // picture (PNG) // not supported
 48+define( "WH_MODE_RAW", 4 ); // MdC test as it
 50+define( "WH_TYPE_NONE", 0 );
 51+define( "WH_TYPE_GLYPH", 1 ); // rendered items
 52+define( "WH_TYPE_CODE", 2 ); // single code as ':', '*', '!', '(' or ')'
 53+define( "WH_TYPE_SPECIAL", 3 ); // advanced code (more than 1 caracter)
 54+define( "WH_TYPE_END", 4 ); // end of line '!'
 56+define( "WH_SCALE_DEFAULT", -1 ); // use default scale
 57+define( "WH_HEIGHT", 44 );
 58+define( "WH_IMG_MARGIN", 1 ); // default value
 59+define( "WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH", 2 ); // default value
 61+define( "WH_VER_MAJ", 0 );
 62+define( "WH_VER_MED", 2 );
 63+define( "WH_VER_MIN", 14 );
 65+global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
 66+define( "WH_IMG_DIR", $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/wikihiero/img/' );
 67+define( "WH_IMG_PRE", "hiero_" );
 68+define( "WH_IMG_EXT", "png" );
 70+define( "WH_DEBUG_MODE", false );
 72+class WikiHiero {
 73+ private $scale = 100;
 75+ public function __construct( $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT ) {
 76+ }
 78+ /**
 79+ * Render hieroglyph text
 80+ *
 81+ * @param $text string: text to convert
 82+ * @param $mode string: convertion mode [DEFAULT|TEXT|HTML|STYLE|IMAGE] (def=HTML)
 83+ * @param $scale string: global scale in percentage (def=100%)
 84+ * @param $line string: use line [true|false] (def=false)
 85+ * @return string: converted code
 86+ */
 87+ public static function render( $text, $mode = WH_MODE_DEFAULT, $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line = false ) {
 88+ if ( $mode == WH_MODE_DEFAULT ) {
 89+ $mode = WH_MODE_HTML;
 90+ }
 92+ $hiero = new WikiHiero( $scale );
 94+ switch( $mode ) {
 95+ case WH_MODE_TEXT: return $hiero->renderText( $text, $line );
 96+ case WH_MODE_HTML: return $hiero->renderHtml( $text, $scale, $line );
 97+ case WH_MODE_STYLE: die( "ERROR: CSS version not yet implemented" );
 98+ case WH_MODE_IMAGE: die( "ERROR: Image version not yet implemented" );
 99+ }
 100+ die( "ERROR: Unknown mode!" );
 101+ }
 103+ /**
 104+ *
 105+ */
 106+ public static function parserHook( $input ) {
 107+ // Strip newlines to avoid breakage in the wiki parser block pass
 108+ return str_replace( "\n", " ", self::render( $input, WH_MODE_HTML ) );
 109+ }
 111+ public function getScale() {
 112+ return $this->scale;
 113+ }
 115+ public function setScale( $scale ) {
 116+ $this->scale = $scale;
 117+ }
 119+ /**
 120+ * Renders a glyph
 121+ *
 122+ * @param $glyph string: glyph's code to render
 123+ * @param $option string: option to add into <img> tag (use for height)
 124+ * @return string: a string to add to the stream
 125+ */
 126+ private function renderGlyph( $glyph, $option = '' ) {
 127+ global $wh_phonemes;
 128+ global $wh_files;
 130+ if ( $glyph == ".." ) { // Render void block
 131+ $width = WH_HEIGHT;
 132+ return "<table class=\"mw-hiero-table\" style=\"width: {$width}px;\"><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
 133+ }
 134+ elseif ( $glyph == "." ) // Render half-width void block
 135+ {
 136+ $width = WH_HEIGHT / 2;
 137+ return "<table class=\"mw-hiero-table\" style=\"width: {$width}px;\"><tr><td>&#160;</td></tr></table>";
 138+ }
 139+ elseif ( $glyph == '<' ) // Render open cartouche
 140+ {
 141+ $height = intval( WH_HEIGHT * $this->scale / 100 );
 142+ $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
 143+ return "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$code}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' height='{$height}' title='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
 144+ }
 145+ elseif ( $glyph == '>' ) // Render close cartouche
 146+ {
 147+ $height = intval( WH_HEIGHT * $this->scale / 100 );
 148+ $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
 149+ return "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$code}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' height='{$height}' title='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
 150+ }
 152+ if ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_phonemes ) )
 153+ {
 154+ $code = $wh_phonemes[$glyph];
 155+ if ( array_key_exists( $code, $wh_files ) )
 156+ return "<img style='margin:" . WH_IMG_MARGIN . "px;' $option src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$code}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' title='" . htmlspecialchars( "{$code} [{$glyph}]" ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
 157+ else
 158+ return "<font title='" . htmlspecialchars( $code ) . "'>" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "</font>";
 159+ }
 160+ elseif ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_files ) )
 161+ return "<img style='margin:" . WH_IMG_MARGIN . "px;' $option src='" . htmlspecialchars( WH_IMG_DIR . WH_IMG_PRE . "{$glyph}." . WH_IMG_EXT ) . "' title='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' alt='" . htmlspecialchars( $glyph ) . "' />";
 162+ else
 163+ return htmlspecialchars( $glyph );
 164+ }
 166+ /**
 167+ * Resize a glyph
 168+ *
 169+ * @param $item string: glyph's code
 170+ * @param $is_cartouche bool: true if glyph inside a cartouche
 171+ * @param $total int: total size of a group for multi-glyph block
 172+ * @return size
 173+ */
 174+ private function resizeGlyph( $item, $is_cartouche = false, $total = 0 ) {
 175+ global $wh_phonemes;
 176+ global $wh_files;
 178+ if ( array_key_exists( $item, $wh_phonemes ) ) {
 179+ $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$item];
 180+ } else {
 181+ $glyph = $item;
 182+ }
 184+ $margin = 2 * WH_IMG_MARGIN;
 185+ if ( $is_cartouche ) {
 186+ $margin += 2 * intval( WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100 );
 187+ }
 189+ if ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_files ) ) {
 190+ $height = $margin + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
 191+ if ( $total ) {
 192+ if ( $total > WH_HEIGHT ) {
 193+ return ( intval( $height * WH_HEIGHT / $total ) - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
 194+ } else {
 195+ return ( $height - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
 196+ }
 197+ } else {
 198+ if ( $height > WH_HEIGHT ) {
 199+ return ( intval( WH_HEIGHT * WH_HEIGHT / $height ) - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
 200+ } else {
 201+ return ( $height - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
 202+ }
 203+ }
 204+ }
 206+ return ( WH_HEIGHT - $margin ) * $this->scale / 100;
 207+ }
 209+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 210+ // WikiHieroText - Render hieroglyph text in text mode
 211+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 212+ // hiero << text to convert
 213+ // line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
 214+ // return >> string with converted code
 215+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 216+ public function renderText( $hiero, $line = false ) {
 217+ global $wh_text_conv;
 219+ $html = "";
 221+ if ( $line )
 222+ $html .= "<hr />\n";
 224+ for ( $char = 0; $char < strlen( $hiero ); $char++ )
 225+ {
 226+ if ( array_key_exists( $hiero[$char], $wh_text_conv ) )
 227+ {
 228+ $html .= $wh_text_conv[$hiero[$char]];
 229+ if ( $hiero[$char] == '!' )
 230+ if ( $line )
 231+ $html .= "<hr />\n";
 232+ }
 233+ else
 234+ $html .= $hiero[$char];
 235+ }
 237+ return $html;
 238+ }
 240+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 241+ // WikiHiero - Render hieroglyph text
 242+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 243+ // hiero << text to convert
 244+ // scale << global scale in percentage (def=100%)
 245+ // line << use line [true|false] (def=false)
 246+ // return >> string with converted code
 247+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 248+ public function renderHtml( $hiero, $scale = WH_SCALE_DEFAULT, $line = false ) {
 249+ global $wh_prefabs;
 250+ global $wh_files;
 251+ global $wh_phonemes;
 253+ if ( $scale != WH_SCALE_DEFAULT )
 254+ $this->setScale( $scale );
 256+ $html = "";
 258+ if ( $line ) {
 259+ $html .= "<hr />\n";
 260+ }
 262+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 263+ // Split text into block, then split block into item
 264+ $block = array();
 265+ $block[0] = array();
 266+ $block[0][0] = "";
 267+ $block_id = 0;
 268+ $item_id = 0;
 269+ $parenthesis = 0;
 270+ $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
 271+ $is_cartouche = false;
 273+ for ( $char = 0; $char < strlen( $hiero ); $char++ ) {
 275+ if ( $hiero[$char] == '(' ) {
 276+ $parenthesis++;
 277+ } elseif ( $hiero[$char] == ')' ) {
 278+ $parenthesis--;
 279+ }
 281+ if ( $parenthesis == 0 ) {
 282+ if ( $hiero[$char] == '-' || $hiero[$char] == ' ' ) {
 283+ if ( $type != WH_TYPE_NONE ) {
 284+ $block_id++;
 285+ $block[$block_id] = array();
 286+ $item_id = 0;
 287+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 288+ $type = WH_TYPE_NONE;
 289+ }
 290+ }
 291+ } else {// don't slit block if inside parenthesis
 292+ if ( $hiero[$char] == '-' ) {
 293+ $item_id++;
 294+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = '-';
 295+ $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
 296+ }
 297+ }
 299+ if ( $hiero[$char] == '!' ) {
 300+ if ( $item_id > 0 ) {
 301+ $block_id++;
 302+ $block[$block_id] = array();
 303+ $item_id = 0;
 304+ }
 305+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
 306+ $type = WH_TYPE_END;
 308+ } elseif ( preg_match( "/[*:()]/", $hiero[$char] ) ) {
 310+ if ( $type == WH_TYPE_GLYPH || $type == WH_TYPE_CODE ) {
 311+ $item_id++;
 312+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 313+ }
 314+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = $hiero[$char];
 315+ $type = WH_TYPE_CODE;
 317+ } elseif ( ctype_alnum( $hiero[$char] ) || $hiero[$char] == '.' || $hiero[$char] == '<' || $hiero[$char] == '>' ) {
 318+ if ( $type == WH_TYPE_END ) {
 319+ $block_id++;
 320+ $block[$block_id] = array();
 321+ $item_id = 0;
 322+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 323+ } elseif ( $type == WH_TYPE_CODE ) {
 324+ $item_id++;
 325+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] = "";
 326+ }
 327+ $block[$block_id][$item_id] .= $hiero[$char];
 328+ $type = WH_TYPE_GLYPH;
 329+ }
 330+ }
 332+ // DEBUG: See the block split table
 333+ if ( WH_DEBUG_MODE ) {
 335+ foreach ( $block as $code ) {
 336+ echo "| ";
 337+ foreach ( $code as $item ) {
 338+ echo "$item | ";
 339+ }
 340+ echo "<br />\n";
 341+ }
 342+ }
 344+ $contentHtml = $tableHtml = $tableContentHtml = "";
 345+ // $html .= WH_TABLE_S."<tr>\n";
 347+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 348+ // Loop into all blocks
 349+ foreach ( $block as $code ) {
 351+ // simplest case, the block contain only 1 code -> render
 352+ if ( count( $code ) == 1 )
 353+ {
 354+ if ( $code[0] == "!" ) { // end of line
 355+ $tableHtml = "</tr>" . WH_TABLE_E . WH_TABLE_S . "<tr>\n";
 356+ if ( $line ) {
 357+ $contentHtml .= "<hr />\n";
 358+ }
 360+ } elseif ( strchr( $code[0], '<' ) ) { // start cartouche
 361+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $code[0] ) . WH_TD_E;
 362+ $is_cartouche = true;
 363+ $contentHtml .= "<td>" . WH_TABLE_S . "<tr><td height='" . intval( WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100 ) . "px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr><tr><td>" . WH_TABLE_S . "<tr>";
 365+ } elseif ( strchr( $code[0], '>' ) ) { // end cartouche
 366+ $contentHtml .= "</tr>" . WH_TABLE_E . "</td></tr><tr><td height='" . intval( WH_CARTOUCHE_WIDTH * $this->scale / 100 ) . "px' bgcolor='black'></td></tr>" . WH_TABLE_E . "</td>";
 367+ $is_cartouche = false;
 368+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $code[0] ) . WH_TD_E;
 370+ } elseif ( $code[0] != "" ) { // assum is glyph or '..' or '.'
 371+ $option = "height='" . $this->resizeGlyph( $code[0], $is_cartouche ) . "'";
 373+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $code[0], $option ) . WH_TD_E;
 374+ }
 376+ // block contain more than 1 glyph
 377+ } else {
 379+ // convert all code into '&' to test prefabs glyph
 380+ $temp = "";
 381+ foreach ( $code as $t ) {
 382+ if ( preg_match( "/[*:!()]/", $t[0] ) ) {
 383+ $temp .= "&";
 384+ } else {
 385+ $temp .= $t;
 386+ }
 387+ }
 389+ // test is block is into tje prefabs list
 390+ if ( in_array( $temp, $wh_prefabs ) ) {
 391+ $option = "height='" . $this->resizeGlyph( $temp, $is_cartouche ) . "'";
 393+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . self::renderGlyph( $temp, $option ) . WH_TD_E;
 395+ // block must be manualy computed
 396+ } else {
 397+ // get block total height
 398+ $line_max = 0;
 399+ $total = 0;
 400+ $height = 0;
 402+ foreach ( $code as $t ) {
 403+ if ( $t == ":" ) {
 404+ if ( $height > $line_max ) {
 405+ $line_max = $height;
 406+ }
 407+ $total += $line_max;
 408+ $line_max = 0;
 410+ } elseif ( $t == "*" ) {
 411+ if ( $height > $line_max ) {
 412+ $line_max = $height;
 413+ }
 414+ } else {
 415+ if ( array_key_exists( $t, $wh_phonemes ) ) {
 416+ $glyph = $wh_phonemes[$t];
 417+ } else {
 418+ $glyph = $t;
 419+ }
 420+ if ( array_key_exists( $glyph, $wh_files ) ) {
 421+ $height = 2 + $wh_files[$glyph][1];
 422+ }
 423+ }
 424+ } // end foreach
 426+ if ( $height > $line_max ) {
 427+ $line_max = $height;
 428+ }
 430+ $total += $line_max;
 432+ // render all glyph into the block
 433+ $temp = "";
 434+ foreach ( $code as $t ) {
 436+ if ( $t == ":" ) {
 437+ $temp .= "<br />";
 439+ } elseif ( $t == "*" ) {
 440+ $temp .= " ";
 442+ } else {
 443+ // resize the glyph according to the block total height
 444+ $option = "height='" . $this->resizeGlyph( $t, $is_cartouche, $total ) . "'";
 445+ $temp .= self::renderGlyph( $t, $option );
 446+ }
 447+ } // end foreach
 449+ $contentHtml .= WH_TD_S . $temp . WH_TD_E;
 450+ }
 451+ $contentHtml .= "\n";
 452+ }
 454+ if ( strlen( $contentHtml ) > 0 ) {
 455+ $tableContentHtml .= $tableHtml . $contentHtml;
 456+ $contentHtml = $tableHtml = "";
 457+ }
 458+ }
 460+ if ( strlen( $tableContentHtml ) > 0 ) {
 461+ $html .= WH_TABLE_S . "<tr>\n" . $tableContentHtml . "</tr>" . WH_TABLE_E;
 462+ }
 464+ return "<table class='mw-hiero-table mw-hiero-outer' dir='ltr'><tr><td>\n$html\n</td></tr></table>";
 465+ }
 469+// ========================================================================
 470+// G L O B A L S
 471+global $wh_phonemes, $wh_text_conv;
 473+$wh_phonemes = array( // convertion table phoneme -> gardiner code
 474+ "mSa" => "A12",
 475+ "xr" => "A15",
 476+ "Xrd" => "A17",
 477+ "sr" => "A21",
 478+ "mniw" => "A33",
 479+ "qiz" => "A38",
 480+ "iry" => "A47",
 481+ "Sps" => "A50",
 482+ "Spsi" => "A51",
 484+ "x" => "J1",
 485+ "mAa" => "J11",
 486+ "gs" => "J13",
 487+ "im" => "J13",
 488+ "M" => "J15",
 489+ "sA" => "J17",
 490+ "apr" => "J20",
 491+ "wDa" => "J21",
 492+ "nD" => "J27",
 493+ "qd" => "J28",
 494+ "Xkr" => "J30",
 495+ "Hp" => "J5",
 496+ "qn" => "J8",
 498+ "x" => "Aa1",
 499+ "mAa" => "Aa11",
 500+ "gs" => "Aa13",
 501+ "im" => "Aa13",
 502+ "M" => "Aa15",
 503+ "sA" => "Aa17",
 504+ "apr" => "Aa20",
 505+ "wDa" => "Aa21",
 506+ "nD" => "Aa27",
 507+ "qd" => "Aa28",
 508+ "Xkr" => "Aa30",
 509+ "Hp" => "Aa5",
 510+ "qn" => "Aa8",
 512+ "msi" => "B3",
 513+ "mAat" => "C10",
 514+ "HH" => "C11",
 515+ "DHwty" => "C3",
 516+ "Xnmw" => "C4",
 517+ "inpw" => "C6",
 518+ "stX" => "C7",
 519+ "mnw" => "C8",
 520+ "tp" => "D1",
 521+ "wDAt" => "D10",
 522+ "R" => "D153",
 523+ "fnD" => "D19",
 524+ "Hr" => "D2",
 525+ "r" => "D21",
 526+ "rA" => "D21",
 527+ "spt" => "D24",
 528+ "spty" => "D25",
 529+ "mnD" => "D27",
 530+ "kA" => "D28",
 531+ "Sny" => "D3",
 532+ "aHA" => "D34",
 533+ "a" => "D36",
 534+ "ir" => "D4",
 535+ "Dsr" => "D45",
 536+ "d" => "D46",
 537+ "Dba" => "D50",
 538+ "mt" => "D52",
 539+ "gH" => "D56",
 540+ "gHs" => "D56",
 541+ "rd" => "D56",
 542+ "sbq" => "D56",
 543+ "b" => "D58",
 544+ "ab" => "D59",
 545+ "wab" => "D60",
 546+ "sAH" => "D61",
 547+ "rmi" => "D9",
 548+ "zAb" => "E17",
 549+ "mAi" => "E22",
 550+ "l" => "E23",
 551+ "rw" => "E23",
 552+ "Aby" => "E24",
 553+ "wn" => "E34",
 554+ "zzmt" => "E6",
 555+ "wsr" => "F12",
 556+ "wp" => "F13",
 557+ "db" => "F16",
 558+ "Hw" => "F18",
 559+ "bH" => "F18",
 560+ "ns" => "F20",
 561+ "DrD" => "F21",
 562+ "idn" => "F21",
 563+ "msDr" => "F21",
 564+ "sDm" => "F21",
 565+ "kfA" => "F22",
 566+ "pH" => "F22",
 567+ "xpS" => "F23",
 568+ "wHm" => "F25",
 569+ "Xn" => "F26",
 570+ "sti" => "F29",
 571+ "Sd" => "F30",
 572+ "ms" => "F31",
 573+ "X" => "F32",
 574+ "sd" => "F33",
 575+ "ib" => "F34",
 576+ "nfr" => "F35",
 577+ "zmA" => "F36",
 578+ "imAx" => "F39",
 579+ "HAt" => "F4",
 580+ "Aw" => "F40",
 581+ "spr" => "F42",
 582+ "isw" => "F44",
 583+ "iwa" => "F44",
 584+ "pXr" => "F46",
 585+ "qAb" => "F46",
 586+ "SsA" => "F5",
 587+ "A" => "G1",
 588+ "mwt" => "G14",
 589+ "nbty" => "G16",
 590+ "m" => "G17",
 591+ "mm" => "G18",
 592+ "AA" => "G2",
 593+ "nH" => "G21",
 594+ "Db" => "G22",
 595+ "rxyt" => "G23",
 596+ "Ax" => "G25",
 597+ "dSr" => "G27",
 598+ "gm" => "G28",
 599+ "bA" => "G29",
 600+ "baHi" => "G32",
 601+ "aq" => "G35",
 602+ "wr" => "G36",
 603+ "nDs" => "G37",
 604+ "gb" => "G38",
 605+ "zA" => "G39",
 606+ "tyw" => "G4",
 607+ "pA" => "G40",
 608+ "xn" => "G41",
 609+ "wSA" => "G42",
 610+ "w" => "G43",
 611+ "ww" => "G44",
 612+ "mAw" => "G46",
 613+ "TA" => "G47",
 614+ "snD" => "G54",
 615+ "pq" => "H2",
 616+ "wSm" => "H2",
 617+ "pAq" => "H3",
 618+ "nr" => "H4",
 619+ "Sw" => "H6",
 620+ "aSA" => "I1",
 621+ "D" => "I10",
 622+ "DD" => "I11",
 623+ "Styw" => "I2",
 624+ "mzH" => "I3",
 625+ "sbk" => "I4",
 626+ "sAq" => "I5",
 627+ "km" => "I6",
 628+ "Hfn" => "I8",
 629+ "f" => "I9",
 630+ "in" => "K1",
 631+ "ad" => "K3",
 632+ "XA" => "K4",
 633+ "bz" => "K5",
 634+ "nSmt" => "K6",
 635+ "xpr" => "L1",
 636+ "bit" => "L2",
 637+ "srqt" => "L7",
 638+ "iAm" => "M1",
 639+ "wdn" => "M11",
 640+ "xA" => "M12",
 641+ "1000" => "M12",
 642+ "wAD" => "M13",
 643+ "HA" => "M16",
 644+ "i" => "M17",
 645+ "ii" => "M18",
 646+ "Hn" => "M2",
 647+ "sxt" => "M20",
 648+ "sm" => "M21",
 649+ "nn" => "M22A",
 650+ "sw" => "M23",
 651+ "rsw" => "M24",
 652+ "Sma" => "M26",
 653+ "nDm" => "M29",
 654+ "xt" => "M3",
 655+ "bnr" => "M30",
 656+ "bdt" => "M34",
 657+ "Dr" => "M36",
 658+ "rnp" => "M4",
 659+ "iz" => "M40",
 660+ "tr" => "M6",
 661+ "SA" => "M8",
 662+ "zSn" => "M9",
 663+ "pt" => "N1",
 664+ "Abd" => "N11",
 665+ "iaH" => "N11",
 666+ "dwA" => "N14",
 667+ "sbA" => "N14",
 668+ "dwAt" => "N15",
 669+ "tA" => "N16",
 670+ "iw" => "N18",
 671+ "wDb" => "N20",
 672+ "spAt" => "N24",
 673+ "xAst" => "N25",
 674+ "Dw" => "N26",
 675+ "Axt" => "N27",
 676+ "xa" => "N28",
 677+ "q" => "N29",
 678+ "iAt" => "N30",
 679+ "n" => "N35",
 680+ "mw" => "N35A",
 681+ "S" => "N37",
 682+ "iAdt" => "N4",
 683+ "idt" => "N4",
 684+ "Sm" => "N40",
 685+ "id" => "N41",
 686+ "hrw" => "N5",
 687+ "ra" => "N5",
 688+ "zw" => "N5",
 689+ "Hnmmt" => "N8",
 690+ "pzD" => "N9",
 691+ "pr" => "O1",
 692+ "aH" => "O11",
 693+ "wsxt" => "O15",
 694+ "kAr" => "O18",
 695+ "zH" => "O22",
 696+ "txn" => "O25",
 697+ "iwn" => "O28",
 698+ "aA" => "O29",
 699+ "zxnt" => "O30",
 700+ "z" => "O34",
 701+ "zb" => "O35",
 702+ "inb" => "O36",
 703+ "qnbt" => "O38A",
 704+ "h" => "O4",
 705+ "Szp" => "O42",
 706+ "ipt" => "O45",
 707+ "nxn" => "O47",
 708+ "niwt" => "O49",
 709+ "zp" => "O50",
 710+ "Snwt" => "O51",
 711+ "Hwt" => "O6",
 712+ "wHa" => "P4",
 713+ "TAw" => "P5",
 714+ "nfw" => "P5",
 715+ "aHa" => "P6",
 716+ "xrw" => "P8",
 717+ "st" => "Q1",
 718+ "wz" => "Q2",
 719+ "p" => "Q3",
 720+ "qrsw" => "Q6",
 721+ "xAt" => "R1",
 722+ "xAwt" => "R1",
 723+ "Dd" => "R11",
 724+ "dd" => "R11",
 725+ "imnt" => "R14",
 726+ "iAb" => "R15",
 727+ "wx" => "R16",
 728+ "xm" => "R22",
 729+ "Htp" => "R4",
 730+ "kAp" => "R5",
 731+ "kp" => "R5",
 732+ "snTr" => "R7",
 733+ "nTr" => "R8",
 734+ "nTrw" => "R8A",
 735+ "bd" => "R9",
 736+ "HDt" => "S1",
 737+ "mDH" => "S10",
 738+ "wsx" => "S11",
 739+ "nbw" => "S12",
 740+ "THn" => "S15",
 741+ "tHn" => "S15",
 742+ "mnit" => "S18",
 743+ "sDAw" => "S19",
 744+ "xtm" => "S20",
 745+ "sT" => "S22",
 746+ "dmD" => "S23",
 747+ "Tz" => "S24",
 748+ "Sndyt" => "S26",
 749+ "mnxt" => "S27",
 750+ "s" => "S29",
 751+ "N" => "S3",
 752+ "dSrt" => "S3",
 753+ "sf" => "S30",
 754+ "siA" => "S32",
 755+ "Tb" => "S33",
 756+ "anx" => "S34",
 757+ "Swt" => "S35",
 758+ "xw" => "S37",
 759+ "HqA" => "S38",
 760+ "awt" => "S39",
 761+ "wAs" => "S40",
 762+ "Dam" => "S41",
 763+ "abA" => "S42",
 764+ "sxm" => "S42",
 765+ "xrp" => "S42",
 766+ "md" => "S43",
 767+ "Ams" => "S44",
 768+ "nxxw" => "S45",
 769+ "K" => "S56",
 770+ "sxmty" => "S6",
 771+ "xprS" => "S7",
 772+ "Atf" => "S8",
 773+ "Swty" => "S9",
 774+ "pD" => "T10",
 775+ "sXr" => "T11",
 776+ "zin" => "T11",
 777+ "zwn" => "T11",
 778+ "Ai" => "T12",
 779+ "Ar" => "T12",
 780+ "rwD" => "T12",
 781+ "rwd" => "T12",
 782+ "rs" => "T13",
 783+ "qmA" => "T14",
 784+ "wrrt" => "T17",
 785+ "Sms" => "T18",
 786+ "qs" => "T19",
 787+ "wa" => "T21",
 788+ "sn" => "T22",
 789+ "iH" => "T24",
 790+ "DbA" => "T25",
 791+ "Xr" => "T28",
 792+ "nmt" => "T29",
 793+ "HD" => "T3",
 794+ "sSm" => "T31",
 795+ "nm" => "T34",
 796+ "HDD" => "T6",
 797+ "pd" => "T9",
 798+ "mA" => "U1",
 799+ "it" => "U10",
 800+ "HqAt" => "U11",
 801+ "Sna" => "U13",
 802+ "hb" => "U13",
 803+ "tm" => "U15",
 804+ "biA" => "U16",
 805+ "grg" => "U17",
 806+ "stp" => "U21",
 807+ "mnx" => "U22",
 808+ "Ab" => "U23",
 809+ "Hmt" => "U24",
 810+ "wbA" => "U26",
 811+ "DA" => "U28",
 812+ "rtH" => "U31",
 813+ "zmn" => "U32",
 814+ "ti" => "U33",
 815+ "xsf" => "U34",
 816+ "Hm" => "U36",
 817+ "mxAt" => "U38",
 818+ "mr" => "U6",
 819+ "100" => "V1",
 820+ "arq" => "V12",
 821+ "T" => "V13",
 822+ "iTi" => "V15",
 823+ "TmA" => "V19",
 824+ "XAr" => "V19",
 825+ "mDt" => "V19",
 826+ "sTA" => "V2",
 827+ "10" => "V20",
 828+ "mD" => "V20",
 829+ "mH" => "V22",
 830+ "wD" => "V24",
 831+ "aD" => "V26",
 832+ "H" => "V28",
 833+ "sk" => "V29",
 834+ "wAH" => "V29",
 835+ "sTAw" => "V3",
 836+ "nb" => "V30",
 837+ "k" => "V31",
 838+ "msn" => "V32",
 839+ "sSr" => "V33",
 840+ "idr" => "V37",
 841+ "wA" => "V4",
 842+ "snT" => "V5",
 843+ "sS" => "V6",
 844+ "Sn" => "V7",
 845+ "iab" => "W10",
 846+ "g" => "W11",
 847+ "nzt" => "W11",
 848+ "Hz" => "W14",
 849+ "xnt" => "W17",
 850+ "mi" => "W19",
 851+ "bAs" => "W2",
 852+ "Hnqt" => "W22",
 853+ "nw" => "W24",
 854+ "ini" => "W25",
 855+ "Hb" => "W3",
 856+ "Xnm" => "W9",
 857+ "t" => "X1",
 858+ "di" => "X8",
 859+ "rdi" => "X8",
 860+ "mDAt" => "Y1",
 861+ "mnhd" => "Y3",
 862+ "zS" => "Y3",
 863+ "mn" => "Y5",
 864+ "ibA" => "Y6",
 865+ "zSSt" => "Y8",
 866+ "imi" => "Z11",
 867+ "y" => "Z4",
 868+ "W" => "Z7",
 870+ "<1" => "Ca1", // cartouche
 871+ "2>" => "Ca2",
 872+ "<2" => "Ca2a",
 873+ "1>" => "Ca1a",
 874+ "<0" => "Ca1",
 875+ "0>" => "Ca2",
 876+ "<h1" => "Cah1", // horus
 877+ "h1>" => "Cah1a",
 878+ "<h2" => "Cah2",
 879+ "h2>" => "Cah2a",
 880+ "<h3" => "Cah3",
 881+ "h3>" => "Cah3a",
 882+ "<h0" => "Cah1",
 883+ "h0>" => "Cah1a",
 884+ "<" => "Ca1", // cartouche
 885+ ">" => "Ca2",
 886+ "[&" => "Ba16",
 887+ "&]" => "Ba16",
 888+ "[{" => "Ba17",
 889+ "}]" => "Ba17a",
 890+ "[[" => "Ba15",
 891+ "]]" => "Ba15a",
 892+ "[\"" => "",
 893+ "\"]" => "",
 894+ "['" => "",
 895+ "']" => "",
 898+/* not used yet
 899+$wh_syntax = array(
 900+ "-", //block sepatator
 901+ ":", //supperposition
 902+ "*", //juxtaposition
 903+ "(", //open bracket
 904+ ")", //close bracket
 905+ "!!", //end of text
 906+ "!", //end of line
 907+ "..", //blank caracter
 908+ ".", //half-size blank caracter
 909+ "$", //color
 910+ "#", //shade
 911+ "[&", //select
 912+ "&]",
 913+ "[{",
 914+ "}]",
 915+ "[[",
 916+ "]]",
 917+ "[\"",
 918+ "\"]",
 919+ "['",
 920+ "']",
 921+ "<", //cartouche
 922+ ">",
 923+ "<1",
 924+ "2>",
 925+ "<2",
 926+ "1>",
 927+ "<0",
 928+ "0>",
 929+ "<h1", //horus
 930+ "h1>",
 931+ "<h2",
 932+ "h2>",
 933+ "<h3",
 934+ "h3>",
 935+ "<h0",
 936+ "h0>",
 937+ "++", //comment
 938+ "+s", //hieroglyph
 939+ "+t", //transcription
 940+ "+l", //latin-normal
 941+ "+i", //latin-italic
 942+ "+g", //latin-bold (gras)
 943+ "+b", //latin-bold
 944+ "+c",
 948+// convertion table for text mode
 949+$wh_text_conv = array(
 950+ "-" => " ",
 951+ ":" => "-",
 952+ "*" => "-",
 953+ "!" => "<br />",
 954+ "." => "",
 955+ "=" => "",
 956+ "(" => "",
 957+ ")" => "",
 958+ "<1" => "(",
 959+ "2>" => ")|",
 960+ "<2" => "|(",
 961+ "1>" => ")",
 962+ "<0" => "(",
 963+ "0>" => ")|",
 964+ "<h1" => "[", // horus
 965+ "h1>" => "]",
 966+ "<h2" => "[",
 967+ "h2>" => "]",
 968+ "<h3" => "[",
 969+ "h3>" => "]",
 970+ "<h0" => "[",
 971+ "h0>" => "]",
 972+ "<" => "(", // cartouche
 973+ ">" => ")|",
 976+// ========================================================================
 977+// F U N C T I O N S
 980+// ========================================================================
 982+// W i k i H i e r o
 985+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 986+// WH_GetCode - Get glyph code from file name
 987+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 988+// file << file name
 989+// return >> string with converted code
 990+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 991+function WH_GetCode( $file ) {
 992+ return substr( $file, strlen( WH_IMG_PRE ), -( 1 + strlen( WH_IMG_EXT ) ) );
 995+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 996+// WH_Credit - Get glyph code from file name
 997+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 998+// return >> credit string
 999+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1000+function WH_Credit() {
 1001+ $html = "";
 1002+ $html .= "<b>WikiHiero v" . WH_VER_MAJ . "." . WH_VER_MED . "." . WH_VER_MIN . "</b>\n";
 1003+ $html .= "by Guillaume Blanchard (Aoineko) under GPL (2004).<br />\n";
 1004+ $html .= "Hieroglyph credit: S. Rosmorduc, G. Watson, J. Hirst (under GFDL).\n";
 1005+ return $html;
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.body.php
Added: svn:eol-style
11007 + native
Added: svn:keywords
21008 + Author Date Id Revision


#Comment by Jack Phoenix (talk | contribs)   17:49, 19 August 2011

Why continue the tradition of using lowercase? The extension is called "WikiHiero", so it would've made sense to call the main body file WikiHiero.body.php — maybe one day we can rename the whole directory from "wikihiero" to "WikiHiero".

#Comment by MaxSem (talk | contribs)   06:54, 21 August 2011

I feel compatibility is important here.

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