r94207 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r94206‎ | r94207 | r94208 >
Date:22:26, 10 August 2011
Status:ok (Comments)
remove unused commented code and fix problem with calling another function from a static function.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/ArchiveLinks/ArchiveLinks.class.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/ArchiveLinks/ArchiveLinks.class.php
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@
4343 $old_id = $article->getTitle();
4444 $old_id = $old_id->getPreviousRevisionID( $page_id );
46 - die('firing');
47 -
4846 $db_result['links_on_page'] = $db_master->select( 'el_archive_link_history', '*', array( 'hist_page_id' => $page_id ), __METHOD__ );
5048 $old_external_links = array();
@@ -68,96 +66,56 @@
7068 if ( count( $new_external_links ) <= $wgArchiveLinksConfig['link_insert_max'] ) {
7169 //insert the links into the queue now
72 - foreach( $new_external_links as $link ) {
73 - $this->feed_insert_links( $link );
74 -
75 - /*
 70+ foreach( $new_external_links as $link ) {
 71+ $db_result['queue'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_queue', '*', array( 'url' => $link ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => '1', ) );
 72+ $db_result['blacklist'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_blacklist', '*', array( 'bl_url' => $link ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => '1', ) );
77 -
78 - /*
79 -
80 - } elseif ( $db_result['history-row']['hist_insertion_time'] >= $time - $wgArchiveLinksConfig['global_rearchive_time'] ) {
81 - $db_result['history_page'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_link_history', '*', array( 'hist_url' => $link, 'page_id' => $page_id ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => '1', 'ORDER BY' => 'hist_id DESC' ) );
 74+ $db_result['queue-numrows'] = $db_result['queue']->numRows();
 75+ $db_result['blacklist-numrows'] = $db_result['blacklist']->numRows();
83 - $db_result['history_page-numrows'] = $db_result['history_page']->numRows();
84 - $db_result['history_page-row'] = $db_result['history_page']->fetchRow();
 77+ if ( $db_result['blacklist-numrows'] === 0 && $db_result['queue-numrows'] === 0 ) {
 78+ $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_queue', array(
 79+ 'page_id' => $page_id,
 80+ 'url' => $link,
 81+ 'delay_time' => '0',
 82+ 'insertion_time' => $time,
 83+ 'in_progress' => '0',
 84+ ));
86 - if ( $db_result['history_page-numrows'] === 0 && $db_result['history-row']['hist_insertion_time'] >= $time - $wgArchiveLinksConfig['previous_archive_lockout_time'] ) {
87 - //this link is new to this particular page but has been archived on another page less than the rearchive delay
88 - //grab a new version of it in case the content has changed
89 - $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_queue', array(
90 - 'page_id' => $page_id,
91 - 'url' => $link,
92 - 'delay_time' => '0',
93 - 'insertion_time' => $time,
94 - 'in_progress' => '0',
95 - ));
96 -
97 - $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_link_history', array(
98 - 'page_id' => $page_id,
99 - 'url' => $link,
100 - 'delay_time' => '0',
101 - 'insertion_time' => $time,
102 - 'in_progress' => '0',
103 - ));
104 -
105 - }
106 -
107 - if ( $db_result['history_page-row']['insertion_time'] >= $time - $wgArchiveLinksConfig['page_rearchive_time']) {
108 -
109 - }
110 - }*/
 86+ $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_link_history', array(
 87+ 'hist_page_id' => $page_id,
 88+ 'hist_url' => $link,
 89+ 'hist_insertion_time' => $time,
 90+ ));
 91+ }
11192 }
11293 } else {
11394 //insert everything as a job and do the work later to avoid lagging page save
11495 }
11697 } else {
117 -
11898 foreach ( $external_links as $link => $unused_value ) {
119 - $link = $db_slave->strencode( $link );
 99+ //$db_result['resource'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_resource', '*', '`el_archive_resource`.`resource_url` = "' . $db_slave->strencode( $link ) . '"');
 100+ $db_result['blacklist'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_blacklist', '*', array( 'bl_url' => $link ), __METHOD__ );
 101+ $db_result['queue'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_queue', '*', array( 'url' => $link ), __METHOD__ );
121 - if ( $wgArchiveLinksConfig['generate_feed'] === true ) {
122 -
123 -
124 -
125 - /*$diff_eng = new DifferenceEngine( null, $old_id, $page_id, null, false );
126 -
127 - $diff = $diff_eng->getDiffBody();
128 - die( var_dump($diff) );
129 - */
130 -
131 - //file_put_contents('stf.txt', var_export( $diff, TRUE ) );
132 -
133 - /*
134 - * Querying the db server with selects for every link on the page would potentially be a whole bunch of unnecessary load
135 - * Let's take the diff first then do it on a job instead...
136 - *
137 -*/
138 -
139 - } else {
140 - //$db_result['resource'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_resource', '*', '`el_archive_resource`.`resource_url` = "' . $db_slave->strencode( $link ) . '"');
141 - $db_result['blacklist'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_blacklist', '*', array( 'bl_url' => $link ), __METHOD__ );
142 - $db_result['queue'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_queue', '*', array( 'url' => $link ), __METHOD__ );
143 -
144 - if ( $db_result['blacklist']->numRows() === 0 ) {
145 - if ( $db_result['queue']->numRows() === 0 ) {
146 - // this probably a first time job
147 - // but we should check the logs and resource table
148 - // to make sure
149 - $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_queue', array (
150 - 'page_id' => $page_id,
151 - 'url' => $link,
152 - 'delay_time' => '0',
153 - 'insertion_time' => $time,
154 - 'in_progress' => '0',
155 - ));
156 - } else {
157 - //this job is already in the queue, why?
158 - // * most likely reason is it has already been inserted by another page
159 - // * or we are checking it later because the site was down at last archival
160 - // in either case we don't really need to do anything right now, so skip...
161 - }
 103+ if ( $db_result['blacklist']->numRows() === 0 ) {
 104+ if ( $db_result['queue']->numRows() === 0 ) {
 105+ // this probably a first time job
 106+ // but we should check the logs and resource table
 107+ // to make sure
 108+ $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_queue', array (
 109+ 'page_id' => $page_id,
 110+ 'url' => $link,
 111+ 'delay_time' => '0',
 112+ 'insertion_time' => $time,
 113+ 'in_progress' => '0',
 114+ ));
 115+ } else {
 116+ //this job is already in the queue, why?
 117+ // * most likely reason is it has already been inserted by another page
 118+ // * or we are checking it later because the site was down at last archival
 119+ // in either case we don't really need to do anything right now, so skip...
162120 }
163121 }
164122 }
@@ -207,36 +165,6 @@
208166 }
209167 }
211 - public function feed_insert_links ( $url, $escaped = false ) {
212 - if ( !$escaped ) {
213 - $url = $this->strencode( $url );
214 - }
215 -
216 - $db_result['queue'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_queue', '*', array( 'url' => $link ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => '1', ) );
217 - $db_result['blacklist'] = $db_slave->select( 'el_archive_blacklist', '*', array( 'bl_url' => $link ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => '1', ) );
218 -
219 - $db_result['queue-numrows'] = $db_result['queue']->numRows();
220 - $db_result['blacklist-numrows'] = $db_result['blacklist']->numRows();
221 -
222 - if ( $db_result['blacklist-numrows'] === 0 && $db_result['queue-numrows'] === 0 ) {
223 - $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_queue', array(
224 - 'page_id' => $page_id,
225 - 'url' => $link,
226 - 'delay_time' => '0',
227 - 'insertion_time' => $time,
228 - 'in_progress' => '0',
229 - ));
230 -
231 - $db_master->insert( 'el_archive_link_history', array(
232 - 'page_id' => $page_id,
233 - 'url' => $link,
234 - 'delay_time' => '0',
235 - 'insertion_time' => $time,
236 - 'in_progress' => '0',
237 - ));
238 - }
239 - }
240 -
241169 public static function schemaUpdates ( $updater = null ) {
242170 $path = dirname( __FILE__ );
243171 $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array(


#Comment by NeilK (talk | contribs)   15:54, 16 August 2011

ok given followups

Status & tagging log