r92110 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r92109‎ | r92110 | r92111 >
Date:22:15, 13 July 2011
Readd ajaxCategories from r58959 . This is just a preparation for my next commit, so that the file's history is preserved
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/resources/mediawiki.page/mediawiki.page.ajaxCategories.js (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/resources/mediawiki.page/mediawiki.page.ajaxCategories.js
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
 2+loadGM( {
 3+ "ajax-add-category" : "[Add Category]",
 4+ "ajax-add-category-submit" : "[Add]",
 5+ "ajax-confirm-prompt" : "[Confirmation Text]",
 6+ "ajax-confirm-title" : "[Confirmation Title]",
 7+ "ajax-confirm-save" : "[Save]",
 8+ "ajax-add-category-summary" : "[Add category $1]",
 9+ "ajax-remove-category-summary" : "[Remove category $2]",
 10+ "ajax-confirm-actionsummary" : "[Summary]",
 11+ "ajax-error-title" : "Error",
 12+ "ajax-error-dismiss" : "OK",
 13+ "ajax-remove-category-error" : "[RemoveErr]"
 14+} );
 16+var ajaxCategories = {
 17+ handleAddLink : function( e ) {
 18+ e.preventDefault();
 20+ // Make sure the suggestion plugin is loaded. Load everything else while we're at it
 21+ mvJsLoader.doLoad(
 22+ ['$j.ui', '$j.ui.dialog', '$j.fn.suggestions'],
 23+ function() {
 24+ $j( '#mw-addcategory-prompt' ).toggle();
 26+ $j( '#mw-addcategory-input' ).suggestions( {
 27+ 'fetch':ajaxCategories.fetchSuggestions,
 28+ 'cancel': function() {
 29+ var req = ajaxCategories.request;
 30+ if ( req.abort )
 31+ req.abort();
 32+ }
 33+ } );
 35+ $j( '#mw-addcategory-input' ).suggestions();
 36+ }
 37+ );
 38+ },
 40+ fetchSuggestions : function( query ) {
 41+ var that = this;
 42+ var request = $j.ajax( {
 43+ url: wgScriptPath + '/api.php',
 44+ data: {
 45+ 'action': 'query',
 46+ 'list': 'allpages',
 47+ 'apnamespace': 14,
 48+ 'apprefix': $j( this ).val(),
 49+ 'format': 'json'
 50+ },
 51+ dataType: 'json',
 52+ success: function( data ) {
 53+ // Process data.query.allpages into an array of titles
 54+ var pages = data.query.allpages;
 55+ var titleArr = [];
 57+ $j.each( pages, function( i, page ) {
 58+ var title = page.title.split( ':', 2 )[1];
 59+ titleArr.push( title );
 60+ } );
 62+ $j( that ).suggestions( 'suggestions', titleArr );
 63+ }
 64+ } );
 66+ ajaxCategories.request = request;
 67+ },
 69+ reloadCategoryList : function( response ) {
 70+ var holder = $j( '<div/>' );
 72+ holder.load(
 73+ window.location.href + ' .catlinks',
 74+ function() {
 75+ $j( '.catlinks' ).replaceWith( holder.find( '.catlinks' ) );
 76+ ajaxCategories.setupAJAXCategories();
 77+ ajaxCategories.removeProgressIndicator( $j( '.catlinks' ) );
 78+ }
 79+ );
 80+ },
 82+ confirmEdit : function( page, fn, actionSummary, doneFn ) {
 83+ // Load jQuery UI
 84+ mvJsLoader.doLoad(
 85+ ['$j.ui', '$j.ui.dialog', '$j.fn.suggestions'],
 86+ function() {
 87+ // Produce a confirmation dialog
 89+ var dialog = $j( '<div/>' );
 91+ dialog.addClass( 'mw-ajax-confirm-dialog' );
 92+ dialog.attr( 'title', gM( 'ajax-confirm-title' ) );
 94+ // Intro text.
 95+ var confirmIntro = $j( '<p/>' );
 96+ confirmIntro.text( gM( 'ajax-confirm-prompt' ) );
 97+ dialog.append( confirmIntro );
 99+ // Summary of the action to be taken
 100+ var summaryHolder = $j( '<p/>' );
 101+ var summaryLabel = $j( '<strong/>' );
 102+ summaryLabel.text( gM( 'ajax-confirm-actionsummary' ) + " " );
 103+ summaryHolder.text( actionSummary );
 104+ summaryHolder.prepend( summaryLabel );
 105+ dialog.append( summaryHolder );
 107+ // Reason textbox.
 108+ var reasonBox = $j( '<input type="text" size="45" />' );
 109+ reasonBox.addClass( 'mw-ajax-confirm-reason' );
 110+ dialog.append( reasonBox );
 112+ // Submit button
 113+ var submitButton = $j( '<input type="button"/>' );
 114+ submitButton.val( gM( 'ajax-confirm-save' ) );
 116+ var submitFunction = function() {
 117+ ajaxCategories.addProgressIndicator( dialog );
 118+ ajaxCategories.doEdit(
 119+ page,
 120+ fn,
 121+ reasonBox.val(),
 122+ function() {
 123+ doneFn();
 124+ dialog.dialog( 'close' );
 125+ ajaxCategories.removeProgressIndicator( dialog );
 126+ }
 127+ );
 128+ };
 130+ var buttons = { };
 131+ buttons[gM( 'ajax-confirm-save' )] = submitFunction;
 132+ var dialogOptions = {
 133+ 'AutoOpen' : true,
 134+ 'buttons' : buttons,
 135+ 'width' : 450
 136+ };
 138+ $j( '#catlinks' ).prepend( dialog );
 139+ dialog.dialog( dialogOptions );
 140+ }
 141+ );
 142+ },
 144+ doEdit : function( page, fn, summary, doneFn ) {
 145+ // Get an edit token for the page.
 146+ var getTokenVars = {
 147+ 'action':'query',
 148+ 'prop':'info|revisions',
 149+ 'intoken':'edit',
 150+ 'titles':page,
 151+ 'rvprop':'content|timestamp',
 152+ 'format':'json'
 153+ };
 155+ $j.get( wgScriptPath + '/api.php', getTokenVars,
 156+ function( reply ) {
 157+ var infos = reply.query.pages;
 158+ $j.each(
 159+ infos,
 160+ function( pageid, data ) {
 161+ var token = data.edittoken;
 162+ var timestamp = data.revisions[0].timestamp;
 163+ var oldText = data.revisions[0]['*'];
 165+ var newText = fn( oldText );
 167+ if ( newText === false ) return;
 169+ var postEditVars = {
 170+ 'action':'edit',
 171+ 'title':page,
 172+ 'text':newText,
 173+ 'summary':summary,
 174+ 'token':token,
 175+ 'basetimestamp':timestamp,
 176+ 'format':'json'
 177+ };
 179+ $j.post( wgScriptPath + '/api.php', postEditVars, doneFn, 'json' );
 180+ }
 181+ );
 182+ }
 183+ , 'json' );
 184+ },
 186+ addProgressIndicator : function( elem ) {
 187+ var indicator = $j( '<div/>' );
 189+ indicator.addClass( 'mw-ajax-loader' );
 191+ elem.append( indicator );
 192+ },
 194+ removeProgressIndicator : function( elem ) {
 195+ elem.find( '.mw-ajax-loader' ).remove();
 196+ },
 198+ handleCategoryAdd : function( e ) {
 199+ // Grab category text
 200+ var category = $j( '#mw-addcategory-input' ).val();
 201+ var appendText = "\n[[" + wgFormattedNamespaces[14] + ":" + category + "]]\n";
 202+ var summary = gM( 'ajax-add-category-summary', category );
 204+ ajaxCategories.confirmEdit(
 205+ wgPageName,
 206+ function( oldText ) { return oldText + appendText },
 207+ summary,
 208+ ajaxCategories.reloadCategoryList
 209+ );
 210+ },
 212+ handleDeleteLink : function( e ) {
 213+ e.preventDefault();
 215+ var category = $j( this ).parent().find( 'a' ).text();
 217+ // Build a regex that matches legal invocations of that category.
 219+ // In theory I should escape the aliases, but there's no JS function for it
 220+ // Shouldn't have any real impact, can't be exploited or anything, so we'll
 221+ // leave it for now.
 222+ var categoryNSFragment = '';
 223+ $j.each( wgNamespaceIds, function( name, id ) {
 224+ if ( id == 14 ) {
 225+ // Allow the first character to be any case
 226+ var firstChar = name.charAt( 0 );
 227+ firstChar = '[' + firstChar.toUpperCase() + firstChar.toLowerCase() + ']';
 228+ categoryNSFragment += '|' + firstChar + name.substr( 1 );
 229+ }
 230+ } );
 231+ categoryNSFragment = categoryNSFragment.substr( 1 ); // Remove leading |
 233+ // Build the regex
 234+ var titleFragment = category;
 236+ firstChar = category.charAt( 0 );
 237+ firstChar = '[' + firstChar.toUpperCase() + firstChar.toLowerCase() + ']';
 238+ titleFragment = firstChar + category.substr( 1 );
 239+ var categoryRegex = '\\[\\[' + categoryNSFragment + ':' + titleFragment + '(\\|[^\\]]*)?\\]\\]';
 240+ categoryRegex = new RegExp( categoryRegex, 'g' );
 242+ var summary = gM( 'ajax-remove-category-summary', category );
 244+ ajaxCategories.confirmEdit(
 245+ wgPageName,
 246+ function( oldText ) {
 247+ var newText = oldText.replace( categoryRegex, '' );
 249+ if ( newText == oldText ) {
 250+ var error = gM( 'ajax-remove-category-error' );
 251+ ajaxCategories.showError( error );
 252+ ajaxCategories.removeProgressIndicator( $j( '.mw-ajax-confirm-dialog' ) );
 253+ $j( '.mw-ajax-confirm-dialog' ).dialog( 'close' );
 254+ return false;
 255+ }
 257+ return newText;
 258+ },
 259+ summary, ajaxCategories.reloadCategoryList
 260+ );
 261+ },
 263+ showError : function( str ) {
 264+ var dialog = $j( '<div/>' );
 265+ dialog.text( str );
 267+ $j( '#bodyContent' ).append( dialog );
 269+ var buttons = { };
 270+ buttons[gM( 'ajax-error-dismiss' )] = function( e ) {
 271+ dialog.dialog( 'close' );
 272+ };
 273+ var dialogOptions = {
 274+ 'buttons' : buttons,
 275+ 'AutoOpen' : true,
 276+ 'title' : gM( 'ajax-error-title' )
 277+ };
 279+ dialog.dialog( dialogOptions );
 280+ },
 282+ setupAJAXCategories : function() {
 283+ // Only do it for articles.
 284+ if ( !wgIsArticle ) return;
 286+ var clElement = $j( '.catlinks' );
 288+ // Unhide hidden category holders.
 289+ clElement.removeClass( 'catlinks-allhidden' );
 291+ var addLink = $j( '<a/>' );
 292+ addLink.addClass( 'mw-ajax-addcategory' );
 294+ // Create [Add Category] link
 295+ addLink.text( gM( 'ajax-add-category' ) );
 296+ addLink.attr( 'href', '#' );
 297+ addLink.click( ajaxCategories.handleAddLink );
 298+ clElement.append( addLink );
 300+ // Create add category prompt
 301+ var promptContainer = $j( '<div id="mw-addcategory-prompt"/>' );
 302+ var promptTextbox = $j( '<input type="text" size="45" id="mw-addcategory-input"/>' );
 303+ var addButton = $j( '<input type="button" id="mw-addcategory-button"/>' );
 304+ addButton.val( gM( 'ajax-add-category-submit' ) );
 306+ promptTextbox.keypress( ajaxCategories.handleCategoryInput );
 307+ addButton.click( ajaxCategories.handleCategoryAdd );
 309+ promptContainer.append( promptTextbox );
 310+ promptContainer.append( addButton );
 311+ promptContainer.hide();
 313+ // Create delete link for each category.
 314+ $j( '.catlinks div span a' ).each( function( e ) {
 315+ // Create a remove link
 316+ var deleteLink = $j( '<a class="mw-remove-category" href="#"/>' );
 318+ deleteLink.click( ajaxCategories.handleDeleteLink );
 320+ $j( this ).after( deleteLink );
 321+ } );
 323+ clElement.append( promptContainer );
 324+ }
 327+js2AddOnloadHook( ajaxCategories.setupAJAXCategories );
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/resources/mediawiki.page/mediawiki.page.ajaxCategories.js
Added: svn:mergeinfo
1328 Merged /branches/REL1_15/phase3/js2/ajaxcategories.js:r51646
2329 Merged /branches/sqlite/js2/ajaxcategories.js:r58211-58321
Added: svn:eol-style
3330 + native

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r58959Run patched version of stylize.php (http://pywiki.pastey.net/128379 for diff)...siebrand17:54, 12 November 2009

Status & tagging log