r83431 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r83430‎ | r83431 | r83432 >
Date:02:09, 7 March 2011
refactor and rem obsolete file
Modified paths:
  • /branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_KMLPrinter.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_MapPrinter.old.php (deleted) (history)
  • /branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_MapPrinter.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_QueryHandler.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_MapPrinter.old.php
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Abstract class that provides the common functionality for all map query printers.
6 - *
7 - * TODO: make use of SMQueryHandler
8 - * TODO: make use of new-style Validator parameter handling
9 - *
10 - * @file SM_MapPrinter.php
11 - * @ingroup SemanticMaps
12 - *
13 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw
14 - * @author Robert Buzink
15 - * @author Yaron Koren
16 - */
17 -abstract class SMMapPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter implements iMappingFeature {
18 -
19 - /**
20 - * Returns the name of the service to get the correct mapping service object.
21 - *
22 - * @since 0.6.3
23 - *
24 - * @return string
25 - */
26 - protected abstract function getServiceName();
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * @var iMappingService
30 - */
31 - protected $service;
32 -
33 - /**
34 - * @var array
35 - */
36 - protected $locations = array();
37 -
38 - /**
39 - * @var string
40 - */
41 - protected $markerJs;
42 -
43 - /**
44 - * @var string
45 - */
46 - protected $centreLat;
47 -
48 - /**
49 - * @var string
50 - */
51 - protected $centreLon;
52 -
53 - /**
54 - * @var string
55 - */
56 - protected $output = '';
57 -
58 - /**
59 - * @var array or false
60 - */
61 - protected $specificParameters = false;
62 -
63 - /**
64 - * Indicates if the zoom paramter was set to it's default.
65 - *
66 - * @since 0.7
67 - *
68 - * @var boolean
69 - */
70 - protected $zoomDefaulted;
71 -
72 - /**
73 - * Constructor.
74 - *
75 - * @param $format String
76 - * @param $inline
77 - * @param $service iMappingService
78 - */
79 - public function __construct( $format, $inline, /* iMappingService */ $service = null ) {
80 - // TODO: this is a hack since I can't find a way to pass along the service object here when the QP is created in SMW.
81 - if ( $service == null ) {
82 - $service = MapsMappingServices::getServiceInstance( $this->getServiceName() );
83 - }
84 -
85 - $this->service = $service;
86 - }
87 -
88 - /**
89 - * Returns the specific parameters by first checking if they have been initialized yet,
90 - * doing to work if this is not the case, and then returning them.
91 - *
92 - * @since 0.6.5
93 - *
94 - * @return array
95 - */
96 - public final function getSpecificParameterInfo() {
97 - if ( $this->specificParameters === false ) {
98 - $this->specificParameters = array();
99 - $this->initSpecificParamInfo( $this->specificParameters );
100 - }
101 -
102 - return $this->specificParameters;
103 - }
104 -
105 - /**
106 - * Initializes the specific parameters.
107 - *
108 - * Override this method to set parameters specific to a feature service comibination in
109 - * the inheriting class.
110 - *
111 - * @since 0.6.5
112 - *
113 - * @param array $parameters
114 - */
115 - protected function initSpecificParamInfo( array &$parameters ) {
116 - }
117 -
118 - /**
119 - * Builds up and returns the HTML for the map, with the queried coordinate data on it.
120 - *
121 - * @param SMWQueryResult $res
122 - * @param $outputmode
123 - *
124 - * @return array
125 - */
126 - public final function getResultText( /* SMWQueryResult */ $res, $outputmode ) {
127 - if ( self::manageMapProperties( $this->m_params ) ) {
128 - $this->formatResultData( $res, $outputmode );
129 -
130 - // Only create a map when there is at least one result.
131 - if ( count( $this->locations ) > 0 || $this->forceshow ) {
132 - $this->setZoom();
133 -
134 - $this->setCentre();
135 -
136 - $this->markerJs = $this->service->createMarkersJs( $this->locations );
137 -
138 - $this->addSpecificMapHTML();
139 -
140 - $dependencies = $this->service->getDependencyHtml();
141 - $hash = md5( $dependencies );
142 - SMWOutputs::requireHeadItem( $hash, $dependencies );
143 - }
144 - else {
145 - // TODO: add warning when level high enough and append to error list?
146 - }
147 - }
148 -
149 - return array( $this->output, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true );
150 - }
151 -
152 - /**
153 - * Validates and corrects the provided map properties, and the sets them as class fields.
154 - *
155 - * @param array $mapProperties
156 - *
157 - * @return boolean Indicates whether the map should be shown or not.
158 - */
159 - protected final function manageMapProperties( array $mapProperties ) {
160 -
161 - /*
162 - * Assembliy of the allowed parameters and their information.
163 - * The main parameters (the ones that are shared by everything) are overidden
164 - * by the feature parameters (the ones specific to a feature). The result is then
165 - * again overidden by the service parameters (the ones specific to the service),
166 - * and finally by the specific parameters (the ones specific to a service-feature combination).
167 - */
168 - $parameterInfo = SMQueryPrinters::getParameterInfo();
169 - $this->service->addParameterInfo( $parameterInfo );
170 -
171 - // TODO
172 - $parameterInfo = array_merge_recursive( $parameterInfo, $this->getSpecificParameterInfo() );
173 -
174 - $validator = new Validator( $this->getName(), false );
175 -
176 - $validator->setParameters( $mapProperties, $parameterInfo );
177 -
178 - $validator->validateParameters();
179 -
180 - $fatalError = $validator->hasFatalError();
181 -
182 - if ( $fatalError === false ) {
183 - $this->zoomDefaulted = $validator->getParameter( 'zoom' )->wasSetToDefault();
184 - $this->setMapProperties( $validator->getParameterValues() );
185 - }
186 - else {
187 - $this->output = '<span class="errorbox">' .
188 - htmlspecialchars( wfMsgExt( 'validator-fatal-error', 'parsemag', $fatalError->getMessage() ) ) .
189 - '</span>';
190 - }
191 -
192 - return !$fatalError;
193 - }
194 -
195 - /**
196 - * Sets the map properties as class fields.
197 - *
198 - * @param array $mapProperties
199 - */
200 - private function setMapProperties( array $mapProperties ) {
201 - foreach ( $mapProperties as $paramName => $paramValue ) {
202 - if ( !property_exists( __CLASS__, $paramName ) ) {
203 - $this-> { $paramName } = $paramValue;
204 - }
205 - else {
206 - throw new Exception( 'Attempt to override a class field during map propertie assignment. Field name: ' . $paramName );
207 - }
208 - }
209 - }
210 -
211 - /**
212 - * Reads the parameters and gets the query printers output.
213 - *
214 - * @param SMWQueryResult $results
215 - * @param array $params
216 - * @param $outputmode
217 - *
218 - * @return array
219 - */
220 - public final function getResult( /* SMWQueryResult */ $results, /* array */ $params, $outputmode ) {
221 - // Skip checks, results with 0 entries are normal.
222 - $this->readParameters( $params, $outputmode );
223 -
224 - return $this->getResultText( $results, SMW_OUTPUT_HTML );
225 - }
226 -
227 - /**
228 - * Loops over the rows in the result and adds them via addResultRow.
229 - *
230 - * @param SMWQueryResult $res
231 - * @param $outputmode
232 - */
233 - protected function formatResultData( SMWQueryResult $res, $outputmode ) {
234 - $this->addStaticLocations();
235 -
236 - while ( ( $row = $res->getNext() ) !== false ) {
237 - $this->addResultRow( $outputmode, $row );
238 - }
239 - }
240 -
241 - /**
242 - * Adds the static locations (specified via the staticlocations parameter) to the map.
243 - *
244 - * @since 0.7
245 - */
246 - protected function addStaticLocations() {
247 - global $wgTitle;
248 -
249 - // New parser object to render popup contents with.
250 - $parser = new Parser();
251 -
252 - $this->title = $parser->parse( $this->title, $wgTitle, new ParserOptions() )->getText();
253 - $this->label = $parser->parse( $this->label, $wgTitle, new ParserOptions() )->getText();
254 -
255 - // Each $location is an array containg the coordinate set as first element, possibly followed by meta data.
256 - foreach ( $this->staticlocations as $location ) {
257 - $markerData = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates( array_shift( $location ) );
258 -
259 - if ( !$markerData ) continue;
260 -
261 - $markerData = array( $markerData['lat'], $markerData['lon'] );
262 -
263 - if ( count( $location ) > 0 ) {
264 - // Parse and add the point specific title if it's present.
265 - $markerData['title'] = $parser->parse( $location[0], $wgTitle, new ParserOptions() )->getText();
266 -
267 - if ( count( $location ) > 1 ) {
268 - // Parse and add the point specific label if it's present.
269 - $markerData['label'] = $parser->parse( $location[1], $wgTitle, new ParserOptions() )->getText();
270 -
271 - if ( count( $location ) > 2 ) {
272 - // Add the point specific icon if it's present.
273 - $markerData['icon'] = $location[2];
274 - }
275 - }
276 - }
277 -
278 - // If there is no point specific icon, use the general icon parameter when available.
279 - if ( !array_key_exists( 'icon', $markerData ) ) {
280 - $markerData['icon'] = $this->icon;
281 - }
282 -
283 - if ( $markerData['icon'] != '' ) {
284 - $markerData['icon'] = MapsMapper::getImageUrl( $markerData['icon'] );
285 - }
286 -
287 - // Temporary fix, will refactor away later
288 - // TODO
289 - $markerData = array_values( $markerData );
290 - if ( count( $markerData ) < 5 ) {
291 - if ( count( $markerData ) < 4 ) {
292 - $markerData[] = '';
293 - }
294 - $markerData[] = '';
295 - }
296 -
297 - $this->locations[] = $markerData;
298 - }
299 - }
300 -
301 - /**
302 - * This function will loop through all properties (fields) of one record (row),
303 - * and add the location data, title, label and icon to the m_locations array.
304 - *
305 - * TODO: this doesn't qualify as a megamoth just yet, but some splitting up would be nice
306 - *
307 - * @param $outputmode
308 - * @param array $row The record you want to add data from
309 - */
310 - protected function addResultRow( $outputmode, array $row ) {
311 - global $wgUser, $smgUseSpatialExtensions, $wgTitle;
312 -
313 - $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
314 -
315 - $title = '';
316 - $titleForTemplate = '';
317 - $text = '';
318 - $lat = '';
319 - $lon = '';
320 -
321 - $coords = array();
322 - $label = array();
323 -
324 - // Loop throught all fields of the record.
325 - foreach ( $row as $i => $field ) {
326 - $pr = $field->getPrintRequest();
327 -
328 - // Loop throught all the parts of the field value.
329 - while ( ( $object = $field->getNextObject() ) !== false ) {
330 - if ( $object->getTypeID() == '_wpg' && $i == 0 ) {
331 - if ( $this->showtitle ) $title = $object->getLongText( $outputmode, $skin );
332 - if ( $this->template ) $titleForTemplate = $object->getLongText( $outputmode, NULL );
333 - }
334 -
335 - if ( $object->getTypeID() != '_geo' && $i != 0 ) {
336 - if ( $this->template ) {
337 - if ( $object instanceof SMWWikiPageValue ) {
338 - $label[] = $object->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
339 - } else {
340 - $label[] = $object->getLongText( $outputmode, $skin );
341 - }
342 - }
343 - else {
344 - $propertyName = $pr->getHTMLText( $skin );
345 - if ( $propertyName != '' ) $propertyName .= ': ';
346 - $text .= $propertyName . $object->getLongText( $outputmode, $skin ) . '<br />';
347 - }
348 - }
349 -
350 - if ( $pr->getMode() == SMWPrintRequest::PRINT_PROP && $pr->getTypeID() == '_geo' ) {
351 - $coords[] = $object->getDBkeys();
352 - }
353 - }
354 - }
355 -
356 - if ( $this->template ) {
357 - // New parser object to render the templates with.
358 - $parser = new Parser();
359 - }
360 -
361 - foreach ( $coords as $coord ) {
362 - if ( count( $coord ) >= 2 ) {
363 - if ( $smgUseSpatialExtensions ) {
364 - // TODO
365 - }
366 - else {
367 - list( $lat, $lon ) = $coord;
368 - }
369 -
370 - if ( $lat != '' && $lon != '' ) {
371 - $icon = $this->getLocationIcon( $row );
372 -
373 - if ( $this->template ) {
374 - $segments = array_merge(
375 - array( $this->template, 'title=' . $titleForTemplate, 'latitude=' . $lat, 'longitude=' . $lon ),
376 - $label
377 - );
378 -
379 - $text = $parser->parse( '{{' . implode( '|', $segments ) . '}}', $wgTitle, new ParserOptions() )->getText();
380 - }
381 -
382 - $this->locations[] = array(
383 - $lat,
384 - $lon,
385 - $title,
386 - $text,
387 - $icon
388 - );
389 - }
390 - }
391 - }
392 - }
393 -
394 - /**
395 - * Get the icon for a row.
396 - *
397 - * @param array $row
398 - *
399 - * @return string
400 - */
401 - private function getLocationIcon( array $row ) {
402 - $icon = '';
403 - $legend_labels = array();
404 -
405 - // Look for display_options field, which can be set by Semantic Compound Queries
406 - // the location of this field changed in SMW 1.5
407 - $display_location = method_exists( $row[0], 'getResultSubject' ) ? $row[0]->getResultSubject() : $row[0];
408 -
409 - if ( property_exists( $display_location, 'display_options' ) && is_array( $display_location->display_options ) ) {
410 - $display_options = $display_location->display_options;
411 - if ( array_key_exists( 'icon', $display_options ) ) {
412 - $icon = $display_options['icon'];
413 -
414 - // This is somewhat of a hack - if a legend label has been set, we're getting it for every point, instead of just once per icon
415 - if ( array_key_exists( 'legend label', $display_options ) ) {
416 -
417 - $legend_label = $display_options['legend label'];
418 -
419 - if ( ! array_key_exists( $icon, $legend_labels ) ) {
420 - $legend_labels[$icon] = $legend_label;
421 - }
422 - }
423 - }
424 - } // Icon can be set even for regular, non-compound queries If it is, though, we have to translate the name into a URL here
425 - elseif ( $this->icon != '' ) {
426 - $icon = MapsMapper::getImageUrl( $this->icon );
427 - }
428 -
429 - return $icon;
430 - }
431 -
432 - /**
433 - * Sets the zoom level to the provided value, or when not set, to the default.
434 - */
435 - protected function setZoom() {
436 - if ( $this->zoomDefaulted ) {
437 - if ( count( $this->locations ) > 1 ) {
438 - $this->zoom = 'null';
439 - }
440 - }
441 - }
442 -
443 - /**
444 - * Sets the $centre_lat and $centre_lon fields.
445 - * Note: this needs to be done AFTRE the maker coordinates are set.
446 - */
447 - protected function setCentre() {
448 - // If a centre value is set, use it.
449 - if ( $this->centre != '' ) {
450 - // Geocode and convert if required.
451 - $centre = MapsGeocoders::attemptToGeocode( $this->centre, $this->geoservice, $this->service->getName() );
452 -
453 - if ( $centre ) {
454 - $this->centreLat = $centre['lat'];
455 - $this->centreLon = $centre['lon'];
456 - }
457 - else {
458 - $this->setCentreDefault();
459 - }
460 - }
461 - else {
462 - $this->setCentreDefault();
463 - }
464 - }
465 -
466 - /**
467 - * Figures out the default value for the centre.
468 - */
469 - private function setCentreDefault() {
470 - if ( count( $this->locations ) > 1 ) {
471 - // If centre is not set, and there are multiple points, set the values to null, to be auto determined by the JS of the mapping API.
472 - $this->centreLat = 'null';
473 - $this->centreLon = 'null';
474 - }
475 - elseif ( count( $this->locations ) == 1 ) {
476 - // If centre is not set and there is exactelly one marker, use it's coordinates.
477 - $this->centreLat = Xml::escapeJsString( $this->locations[0][0] );
478 - $this->centreLon = Xml::escapeJsString( $this->locations[0][1] );
479 - }
480 - else {
481 - // If centre is not set and there are no results, centre on the default coordinates.
482 - global $egMapsDefaultMapCentre;
483 - // TODO
484 - }
485 - }
486 -
487 - /**
488 - * Returns the internationalized name of the mapping service.
489 - *
490 - * @return string
491 - */
492 - public final function getName() {
493 - return wfMsg( 'maps_' . $this->service->getName() );
494 - }
495 -
496 - /**
497 - * Returns a list of parameter information, for usage by Special:Ask and others.
498 - *
499 - * @return array
500 - */
501 - public function getParameters() {
502 - global $egMapsMapWidth, $egMapsMapHeight;
503 -
504 - $params = parent::exportFormatParameters();
505 -
506 - $params[] = array( 'name' => 'zoom', 'type' => 'int', 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticmaps_paramdesc_zoom' ) );
507 - $params[] = array( 'name' => 'width', 'type' => 'int', 'description' => wfMsgExt( 'semanticmaps_paramdesc_width', 'parsemag', $egMapsMapWidth ) );
508 - $params[] = array( 'name' => 'height', 'type' => 'int', 'description' => wfMsgExt( 'semanticmaps_paramdesc_height', 'parsemag', $egMapsMapHeight ) );
509 -
510 - return $params;
511 - }
512 -
513 -}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_MapPrinter.php
@@ -20,12 +20,24 @@
2121 protected abstract function getServiceName();
2323 /**
 24+ * @since 0.6
 25+ *
2426 * @var iMappingService
2527 */
2628 protected $service;
 30+ /**
 31+ * @since 0.8
 32+ *
 33+ * @var false or string
 34+ */
2835 protected $fatalErrorMsg = false;
 37+ /**
 38+ * @since 0.8
 39+ *
 40+ * @var array
 41+ */
3042 protected $parameters;
3244 /**
@@ -86,7 +98,6 @@
8799 $params = $this->parameters;
89101 $queryHandler = new SMQueryHandler( $res, $outputmode, $params );
90 - //$queryHandler->setText( );
92103 $this->handleMarkerData( $params, $queryHandler->getLocations() );
@@ -227,9 +238,11 @@
229240 $params = parent::getParameters();
 242+ // Obtain the parameter descriptions list.
231243 $paramDescs = SMQueryPrinters::getParameterInfo();
232244 $this->service->addParameterInfo( $paramDescs );
 246+ // Now go through the descriptions, and convert them from Validator- to SMW-style.
234247 foreach ( $paramDescs as $paramDesc ) {
235248 $param = array(
236249 'name' => $paramDesc->getName(),
Index: branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_QueryHandler.php
@@ -75,6 +75,24 @@
7676 protected $pageLinkText;
7878 /**
 79+ * A separator to use beteen the subject and properties in the text field.
 80+ *
 81+ * @since 0.8
 82+ *
 83+ * @var string
 84+ */
 85+ protected $subjectSeparator = '<hr />';
 87+ /**
 88+ * Make the subject in the text bold or not?
 89+ *
 90+ * @since 0.8
 91+ *
 92+ * @var boolean
 93+ */
 94+ protected $boldSubject = true;
 96+ /**
7997 * Constructor.
8098 *
8199 * @since 0.7.3
@@ -122,9 +140,31 @@
123141 */
124142 public function setText( $text ) {
125143 $this->text = $text;
 144+ }
 146+ /**
 147+ * Sets the subject separator.
 148+ *
 149+ * @since 0.8
 150+ *
 151+ * @param string $subjectSeparator
 152+ */
 153+ public function setSubjectSeparator( $subjectSeparator ) {
 154+ $this->subjectSeparator = $subjectSeparator;
126155 }
128157 /**
 158+ * Sets if the subject should be made bold in the text.
 159+ *
 160+ * @since 0.8
 161+ *
 162+ * @param string $boldSubject
 163+ */
 164+ public function setBoldSubject( $boldSubject ) {
 165+ $this->boldSubject = $boldSubject;
 166+ }
 168+ /**
129169 * Gets the query result as a list of locations.
130170 *
131171 * @since 0.7.3
@@ -159,9 +199,7 @@
160200 /**
161201 * Returns the locations found in the provided result row.
162202 *
163 - * TODO: split up this method if possible (!)
164203 * TODO: fix template handling
165 - * TODO: clean up link type handling
166204 *
167205 * @since 0.7.3
168206 *
@@ -170,20 +208,12 @@
171209 * @return array of MapsLocation
172210 */
173211 protected function handleResultRow( array /* of SMWResultArray */ $row ) {
174 - global $wgUser, $smgUseSpatialExtensions, $wgTitle;
 212+ $coords = array();
 213+ $properties = array();
176 - $locations = array();
177 -
178 - $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
179 -
180215 $title = '';
181216 $text = '';
182 - $lat = '';
183 - $lon = '';
185 - $coords = array();
186 - $label = array();
187 -
188218 // Loop throught all fields of the record.
189219 foreach ( $row as $i => $resultArray ) {
190220 /* SMWPrintRequest */ $printRequest = $resultArray->getPrintRequest();
@@ -191,108 +221,155 @@
192222 // Loop throught all the parts of the field value.
193223 while ( ( /* SMWDataValue */ $object = $resultArray->getNextObject() ) !== false ) {
194224 if ( $object->getTypeID() == '_wpg' && $i == 0 ) {
195 - $title = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, null );
196 -
197 - if ( !$this->titleLinkSeperate && $this->linkAbsolute ) {
198 - $text = Html::element(
199 - 'a',
200 - array( 'href' => $object->getTitle()->getFullUrl() ),
201 - $object->getTitle()->getText()
202 - ) . '<br />';
203 - }
204 - else {
205 - $text = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, $skin ) . '<br />';
206 - }
207 -
208 - if ( $this->titleLinkSeperate ) {
209 - $text .= Html::element(
210 - 'a',
211 - array( 'href' => $object->getTitle()->getFullUrl() ),
212 - str_replace( '$1', $object->getTitle()->getText(), $this->params['pagelinktext'] )
213 - ) . '<br />';
214 - }
 225+ list( $title, $text ) = $this->handleResultSubject( $object );
215226 }
216 -
217 - if ( $object->getTypeID() != '_geo' && $i != 0 ) {
218 - if ( $this->linkAbsolute ) {
219 - $t = Title::newFromText( $printRequest->getHTMLText( NULL ), SMW_NS_PROPERTY );
220 -
221 - if ( $t->exists() ) {
222 -
223 - $propertyName = $propertyName = Html::element(
224 - 'a',
225 - array( 'href' => $t->getFullUrl() ),
226 - $printRequest->getHTMLText( NULL )
227 - );
228 - }
229 - else {
230 - $propertyName = $printRequest->getHTMLText( NULL );
231 - }
232 - }
233 - else {
234 - $propertyName = $printRequest->getHTMLText( $skin );
235 - }
236 -
237 - if ( $propertyName != '' ) $propertyName .= ': ';
238 -
239 - if ( $this->linkAbsolute ) {
240 - $hasPage = $object->getTypeID() == '_wpg';
241 -
242 - if ( $hasPage ) {
243 - $t = Title::newFromText( $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, NULL ), NS_MAIN );
244 - $hasPage = $t->exists();
245 - }
246 -
247 - if ( $hasPage ) {
248 - $propertyValue = Html::element(
249 - 'a',
250 - array( 'href' => $t->getFullUrl() ),
251 - $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, NULL )
252 - );
253 - }
254 - else {
255 - $propertyValue = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, NULL );
256 - }
257 - }
258 - else {
259 - $propertyValue = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, $skin );
260 - }
261 -
262 - $text .= $propertyName . $propertyValue . '<br />';
 227+ else if ( $object->getTypeID() != '_geo' && $i != 0 ) {
 228+ $properties[] = $this->handleResultProperty( $object, $printRequest );
263229 }
264 -
265 - if ( $printRequest->getMode() == SMWPrintRequest::PRINT_PROP && $printRequest->getTypeID() == '_geo' ) {
 230+ else if ( $printRequest->getMode() == SMWPrintRequest::PRINT_PROP && $printRequest->getTypeID() == '_geo' ) {
266231 $coords[] = $object->getDBkeys();
267232 }
268233 }
269234 }
 236+ if ( count( $properties ) > 0 && $text != '' ) {
 237+ $text .= $this->subjectSeparator;
 238+ }
 240+ $text .= implode( '<br />', $properties );
 241+ $icon = $this->getLocationIcon( $row );
 243+ return $this->buildLocationsList( $coords, $title, $text, $icon );
 244+ }
 246+ /**
 247+ * Handles a SMWDataValue subject value.
 248+ * Gets the plain text title and creates the HTML text with headers and the like.
 249+ *
 250+ * @since 0.8
 251+ *
 252+ * @param SMWDataValue $object
 253+ *
 254+ * @return array with title and text
 255+ */
 256+ protected function handleResultSubject( SMWDataValue $object ) {
 257+ global $wgUser;
 259+ $title = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, null );
 260+ $text = '';
 262+ if ( !$this->titleLinkSeperate && $this->linkAbsolute ) {
 263+ $text = Html::element(
 264+ 'a',
 265+ array( 'href' => $object->getTitle()->getFullUrl() ),
 266+ $object->getTitle()->getText()
 267+ );
 268+ }
 269+ else {
 270+ $text = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, $wgUser->getSkin() );
 271+ }
 273+ if ( $this->boldSubject ) {
 274+ $text = '<b>' . $text . '</b>';
 275+ }
 277+ if ( $this->titleLinkSeperate ) {
 278+ $text .= Html::element(
 279+ 'a',
 280+ array( 'href' => $object->getTitle()->getFullUrl() ),
 281+ str_replace( '$1', $object->getTitle()->getText(), $this->params['pagelinktext'] )
 282+ );
 283+ }
 285+ return array( $title, $text );
 286+ }
 288+ /**
 289+ * Handles a single property (SMWPrintRequest) to be displayed for a record (SMWDataValue).
 290+ *
 291+ * @since 0.8
 292+ *
 293+ * @param SMWDataValue $object
 294+ * @param SMWPrintRequest $printRequest
 295+ *
 296+ * @return string
 297+ */
 298+ protected function handleResultProperty( SMWDataValue $object, SMWPrintRequest $printRequest ) {
 299+ global $wgUser;
 301+ if ( $this->linkAbsolute ) {
 302+ $t = Title::newFromText( $printRequest->getHTMLText( NULL ), SMW_NS_PROPERTY );
 304+ if ( $t->exists() ) {
 305+ $propertyName = $propertyName = Html::element(
 306+ 'a',
 307+ array( 'href' => $t->getFullUrl() ),
 308+ $printRequest->getHTMLText( NULL )
 309+ );
 310+ }
 311+ else {
 312+ $propertyName = $printRequest->getHTMLText( NULL );
 313+ }
 314+ }
 315+ else {
 316+ $propertyName = $printRequest->getHTMLText( $wgUser->getSkin() );
 317+ }
 319+ if ( $this->linkAbsolute ) {
 320+ $hasPage = $object->getTypeID() == '_wpg';
 322+ if ( $hasPage ) {
 323+ $t = Title::newFromText( $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, NULL ), NS_MAIN );
 324+ $hasPage = $t->exists();
 325+ }
 327+ if ( $hasPage ) {
 328+ $propertyValue = Html::element(
 329+ 'a',
 330+ array( 'href' => $t->getFullUrl() ),
 331+ $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, NULL )
 332+ );
 333+ }
 334+ else {
 335+ $propertyValue = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, NULL );
 336+ }
 337+ }
 338+ else {
 339+ $propertyValue = $object->getLongText( $this->outputmode, $wgUser->getSkin() );
 340+ }
 342+ return $propertyName . ( $propertyName == '' ? '' : ': ' ) . $propertyValue;
 343+ }
 345+ /**
 346+ * Builds a set of locations with the provided title, text and icon.
 347+ *
 348+ * @since 0.8
 349+ *
 350+ * @param array $coords
 351+ * @param string $title
 352+ * @param string $text
 353+ * @param string $icon
 354+ *
 355+ * @return array of MapsLocation
 356+ */
 357+ protected function buildLocationsList( array $coords, $title, $text, $icon ) {
 358+ $locations = array();
271360 foreach ( $coords as $coord ) {
272361 if ( count( $coord ) >= 2 ) {
273 - if ( $smgUseSpatialExtensions ) {
274 - // TODO
275 - }
276 - else {
277 - list( $lat, $lon ) = $coord;
278 - }
 362+ $location = new MapsLocation();
 363+ $location->setCoordinates( $coord );
280 - if ( $lat != '' && $lon != '' ) {
281 - $icon = $this->getLocationIcon( $row );
 365+ if ( $location->isValid() ) {
 366+ $location->setTitle( $title );
 367+ $location->setText( $text );
 368+ $location->setIcon( $icon );
283 - $location = new MapsLocation();
284 -
285 - $location->setCoordinates( array( $lat, $lon ) );
286 -
287 - if ( $location->isValid() ) {
288 - $location->setTitle( $title );
289 - $location->setText( $text );
290 - $location->setIcon( $icon );
291 -
292 - $locations[] = $location;
293 - }
 370+ $locations[] = $location;
294371 }
295372 }
296 - }
 373+ }
298375 return $locations;
299376 }
Index: branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_KMLPrinter.php
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
8383 $queryHandler = new SMQueryHandler( $res, $outputmode, $params['linkabsolute'], $params['pagelinktext'], false );
8484 $queryHandler->setText( $params['text'] );
8585 $queryHandler->setTitle( $params['title'] );
 86+ $queryHandler->setSubjectSeparator( '' );
8788 $formatter = new MapsKMLFormatter( $params );
8889 $formatter->addPlacemarks( $queryHandler->getLocations() );

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