r82396 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r82395‎ | r82396 | r82397 >
Date:13:34, 18 February 2011
Collect and process hourly page view files from http://dammit.lt/wikistats
Folder cellar contains old special purpose code, perhaps still of value (undocumented)
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitCompactHourlyOrDailyPageCountFiles.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitCompactHourlyPageCountFiles.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitReportPageRequestsStaffWikis.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitSyncFiles.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitCollectArticleNames.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitCollectViewsOneArticle.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitFilesFindMisses.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitFilterDailyPagecountFilesPerLanguage.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPageViewsPerSpecialSearch.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPatchProjectcountsForBanners.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPatchProjectcountsForFundraiser.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPrepCollectHarvestInterwikiLinks.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitRankSpecialPages.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitRankSpecialPages.txt (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitScanCompactedFiles.pl (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_compact_monthly.sh (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_filter.sh (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_report.sh (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_scan.sh (added) (history)
  • /trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_sync.sh (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_report.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
 2+perl /a/dammit.lt/DammitReportPageRequestsStaffWikis.pl
Property changes on: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_report.sh
Added: svn:eol-style
13 + native
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_sync.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
 2+perl /a/dammit.lt/DammitSyncFiles.pl
 3+#perl /home/ezachte/wikistats/WikiCountsJobProgress.pl >> /a/dammit.lt/cron.txt
Property changes on: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_sync.sh
Added: svn:eol-style
14 + native
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPageViewsPerSpecialSearch.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
 4+ use lib "/home/ezachte/lib" ;
 5+ use EzLib ;
 6+ $trace_on_exit = $true ;
 8+ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 9+ use Time::Local ;
 10+ use Net::Domain qw (hostname);
 12+ $file_csv_pagecounts = "pagecounts-$month-$language\_fdt" ;
 14+ open CSV, '>', "/a/dammit.lt/SpecialSearch.csv" ;
 15+ open TXT, '>', "/a/dammit.lt/SpecialSearch.txt" ;
 17+ $timestart = time ;
 19+ &ScanFiles ;
 20+ print "\n\nReady\n\n" ;
 21+ exit ;
 23+sub ScanFiles
 25+ print "ScanFiles\n" ;
 26+ print "Filter view counts for $language to $dir_out/$file_csv_pagecounts\n\n" ;
 28+ $year = 2009 ;
 29+ $month = 10 ;
 30+ while ($year == 2009 || ($year == 2010 && $month <= 5))
 31+ {
 33+ for ($day = 1 ; $day <= 31 ; $day++)
 34+ {
 36+ $yyyymm = sprintf ("%04d-%02d", $year, $month) ;
 37+ $yyyymmdd = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day) ;
 39+ $file_pagecounts = "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts/$yyyymm/pagecounts-${yyyymmdd}_h.bz2" ;
 41+ if (! -e $file_pagecounts)
 42+ { print "Not found: $file_pagecounts\n" ; next ; }
 44+ print ddhhmmss (time,"%d:%02d:%02d") . "\nRead $file_pagecounts\n\n" ;
 46+ if ($file_pagecounts =~ /.7z$/)
 47+ { open IN, "-|", "./7za e -so \"$file_pagecounts\"" || die ("Input file '$file_pagecounts' could not be opened.") ; }
 48+ elsif ($file_pagecounts =~ /.bz2$/)
 49+ { open IN, "-|", "bzip2 -dc \"$file_pagecounts\"" || die ("Input file '$file_pagecounts' could not be opened.") ; }
 50+ else
 51+ { next ; } # open IN, '<', $file_pagecounts ; }
 53+ $project = "" ;
 54+ while ($line = <IN>)
 55+ {
 56+ next if $line =~ /^#/ ;
 57+ next if $line =~ /^@/ ;
 59+ if ($line !~ /$project/)
 60+ {
 61+ if ($project eq 'en.z')
 62+ {
 63+ print CSV "\"=date($year,$month,$day)\",$project2,$generic,$specific,$other\n" ;
 64+ print "\"=date($year,$month,$day)\",$project2,$generic,$specific,$other\n" ;
 65+ $generic = 0 ;
 66+ $specific = 0 ;
 67+ $other = 0 ;
 68+ }
 69+ ($project) = split ' ', $line ; print "$project " ;
 70+ }
 71+ next if $line lt "en.z " ;
 72+ last if $line gt "en.\xFF" ;
 74+ if ($project eq 'en.z')
 75+ {
 76+ if ($line =~ /Special:Search/i)
 77+ {
 78+ ($project, $title, $counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 79+ ($project2 = $project) =~ s/\.z// ;
 80+ $counts =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 81+ $title =~ s/,/&comma;/g ;
 83+ if ($yyyymmdd eq '20100201')
 84+ { print TXT "$yyyymmdd,$project2,$counts,$title\n" ; }
 86+ if ($title =~ /^Special:Search\//i)
 87+ { $specific += $counts ; }
 88+ elsif ($title =~ /^Special:Search/i)
 89+ { $generic += $counts ; }
 90+ else
 91+ { $other += $counts ; }
 92+ }
 93+ }
 94+ }
 95+ close IN ;
 96+ }
 97+ close OUT ;
 98+ $month ++ ;
 99+ if ($month > 12)
 100+ { $month = 1 ; $year ++ ; }
 102+ }
 105+sub CountArticles
 107+ print "CountArticles\n" ;
 108+ if (! -e "$dir_in/$file_csv_pagecounts")
 109+ { print "File not found: $dir_in/$file_csv_pagecounts\n" ; exit ; }
 111+ open IN, '<', "$dir_in/$file_csv_pagecounts" ;
 112+ while ($line = <IN>)
 113+ {
 114+ chomp ($line) ;
 116+ ($count,$title) = split (' ', $line,2) ;
 117+# if ($title !~ /Depardieu/) { next ; }
 118+ $title =~ s/%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 119+ if ($unicodetoascii)
 120+ { $title =~ s/([\x80-\xFF]{2,})/&UnicodeToAscii($1)/ge ; }
 121+ $title =~ s/(\&\#\d+\;)/&HtmlToAscii($1)/ge ;
 122+ $title =~ s/\&quot;/'/g ;
 123+ $title =~ s/\&amp;/&/g ;
 124+ $title = lc ($title) ;
 125+# print "X $count $title\n" ;
 126+ $titles {$title} += $count ;
 127+ }
 128+ close IN ;
 130+ open OUT, '>', "$dir_out/WikiStatsPageViewsPerArticleSortByTitle.txt" ;
 131+ open IN, '<', "$dir_out/WikiStatsArticles.csv" ;
 132+ while ($line = <IN>)
 133+ {
 134+ chomp ($line) ;
 135+ ($title,$category) = split (',',$line) ;
 137+# next if $category !~ /politicus/ ;
 138+# next if $category =~ /Nederlands/ ;
 139+# $category =~ s/-politicus// ;
 141+# if ($title !~ /Depardieu/) { next ; }
 142+ $title =~ s/\%2C/,/g ;
 143+ $category =~ s/\%2C/,/g ;
 144+ $title =~ s/\s/_/g ;
 145+ $title =~ s/(\&\#\d+\;)/&HtmlToAscii($1)/ge ;
 146+ $title =~ s/\&quot;/'/g ;
 147+ $title =~ s/\&amp;/&/g ;
 148+ $title_lc = lc ($title) ;
 149+ $count = ($titles {$title_lc}+0) ; # force numeric
 150+# print "Y $count $title_lc\n" ;
 151+ print OUT sprintf ("%5d",$count) . " " . $title . "\n" ;
 152+ if ($title ne $title_prev)
 153+ { $articles {$title} += $count ; }
 154+ $title_prev = $title ;
 155+ $categories {$category} += $count ;
 156+ $titlecat {$title} = $category ;
 157+ }
 158+ close IN ;
 159+ close OUT ;
 161+ open OUT, '>', "$dir_out/WikiStatsPageViewsPerArticleSortByTitle.txt" ;
 162+ print OUT "Wikipedia '$wikipedia', Category: '$categoryroot', Month: '$month_out'\n" ;
 163+ foreach $article (sort keys %articles)
 164+# { print OUT sprintf ("%5d",$articles {$article}) . " " . $article . "\n" ; }
 165+ { &Print ($articles {$article}, $article) ; }
 166+ close OUT ;
 168+ open OUT, '>', "$dir_out/WikiStatsPageViewsPerArticleSortByViews.txt" ;
 169+ print OUT "Wikipedia '$wikipedia', Category: '$categoryroot', Month: '$month_out'\n" ;
 170+ foreach $article (sort {$articles {$b} <=> $articles {$a}} keys %articles)
 171+# { print OUT sprintf ("%5d",$articles {$article}) . " " . $article . "\n" ; }
 172+ { &Print ($articles {$article}, $article) ; }
 173+ close OUT ;
 175+ open OUT, '>', "$dir_out/WikiStatsPageViewsPerCategorySortByTitle.txt" ;
 176+ print OUT "Wikipedia '$wikipedia', Category: '$categoryroot', Month: '$month_out'\n" ;
 177+ foreach $category (sort keys %categories)
 178+# { print OUT sprintf ("%5d",$categories {$category}) . " " . $category . "\n" ; }
 179+ { &Print ($categories {$category}, $category) ; }
 180+ close OUT ;
 182+ open OUT, '>', "$dir_out/WikiStatsPageViewsPerCategorySortByViews.txt" ;
 183+ print OUT "Wikipedia '$wikipedia', Category: '$categoryroot', Month: '$month_out'\n" ;
 184+ foreach $category (sort {$categories {$b} <=> $categories {$a}} keys %categories)
 185+# { print OUT sprintf ("%5d",$categories {$category}) . " " . $category . "\n" ; }
 186+ { &Print ($categories {$category}, $category) ; }
 187+ close OUT ;
 189+# open OUT, '>', "$dir_out/WikiStatsPageViewsPerPerArticleSortByViewsPvdA.csv" ;
 190+# print OUT "politicus,partij,hits,kleur\n" ;
 191+# foreach $article (sort {$articles {$b} <=> $articles {$a}} keys %articles)
 192+# {
 193+# last if $articles {$article} == 0 ;
 194+# next if $titlecat {$article} !~ /pvda/i ;
 195+# $color = int(rand(255)) ;
 196+# print OUT "$article,${titlecat {$article}},${articles {$article}},$color\n" ;
 197+# }
 198+# close OUT ;
 202+sub Print
 204+ my $count = shift ;
 205+ my $text = shift ;
 206+ print OUT sprintf ("%5d",$count) . " p/m = " . sprintf ("%4.0f",$count/$daysinmonth) . " p/d : $text\n" ;
 209+# translates one unicode character into plain ascii
 210+sub UnicodeToAscii {
 211+ my $unicode = shift ;
 213+ my $char = substr ($unicode,0,1) ;
 214+ my $ord = ord ($char) ;
 215+ my ($c, $value, $html) ;
 217+ if ($ord < 128) # plain ascii character
 218+ { return ($unicode) ; } # (will not occur in this script)
 219+ else
 220+ {
 221+ if ($ord >= 252) { $value = $ord - 252 ; }
 222+ elsif ($ord >= 248) { $value = $ord - 248 ; }
 223+ elsif ($ord >= 240) { $value = $ord - 240 ; }
 224+ elsif ($ord >= 224) { $value = $ord - 224 ; }
 225+ else { $value = $ord - 192 ; }
 227+ for ($c = 1 ; $c < length ($unicode) ; $c++)
 228+ { $value = $value * 64 + ord (substr ($unicode, $c,1)) - 128 ; }
 230+ if ($value < 256)
 231+ { return (chr ($value)) ; }
 233+ # $unicode =~ s/([\x80-\xFF])/("%".sprintf("%02X",$1))/gie ;
 234+ return ($unicode) ;
 235+ }
 238+sub HtmlToAscii {
 239+ my $html = shift ;
 240+ my $html2 = $html ;
 241+ $html2 =~ s/[^\d]//g ;
 242+ if ($html2 <= 255)
 243+ { return (chr ($html2)) ; }
 244+ else
 245+ { return ($html) ; }
 248+sub Log
 250+ $msg = shift ;
 251+ print $msg ;
 252+ print FILE_LOG $msg ;
 255+sub Abort
 257+ $msg = shift ;
 258+ print "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 259+ print LOG "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 260+ exit ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitCollectViewsOneArticle.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
 4+# 27 April 2010 renamed from WikiStatsCollectViewsOneArticle.pl
 6+ use CGI qw(:all);
 7+ use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 8+ use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 10+ $| = 1; # flush screen output
 11+ $true = 1 ;
 12+ $false = 0 ;
 13+ $mode = "H" ; # daily files as opposed to H
 15+# $dir0 = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day" ;
 16+ $dir0 = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors" ;
 17+ chdir ($dir0) || die "Cannot chdir to $dir0\n";
 19+# open TXT, ">", "JoeBiden.txt" ;
 20+# open TXT, ">", "FalungGong.txt" ;
 21+# &ProcessMonth (2008,7) ;
 22+# &ProcessMonth (2008,8) ;
 23+# close TXT ;
 25+ &ProcessSelection ;
 27+ exit ;
 29+sub ProcessSelection
 31+ open "IN", "<", "FalungGong.txt" ;
 32+ open "OUT", ">", "FalungGongTotals.csv" ;
 33+ while ($line = <IN>)
 34+ {
 35+ chomp ($line) ;
 36+ $line =~ s/\s+/ /g ;
 37+ ($timestamp, $project, $count, $title) = split (' ', $line) ;
 38+ # $timestamp =~ s/\d\d\d\d$// ; # discard minutes and seconds
 39+ $timestamp =~ s/\-\d\d\d\d\d\d$// ; # discard hours, minutes and seconds
 40+ if ($project eq "zh")
 41+ { @counts_zh {$timestamp} += $count ; }
 42+ else
 43+ { @counts_other {$timestamp} += $count ; }
 44+ }
 45+ close IN ;
 47+foreach $date (sort keys %counts_zh)
 49+ $year = substr ($date,0,4) ;
 50+ $month = substr ($date,4,2) ;
 51+ $day = substr ($date,6,2) ;
 52+ $timestamp = sprintf ("%02d/%02d/%04d", $day, $month, $year) ;
 53+ print OUT $timestamp . "," . (@counts_zh {$date}) . "\n" ;
 56+if (0)
 58+ $month = 7 ;
 59+ for $day (1..31)
 60+ {
 61+ for $hour (0..23)
 62+ {
 63+ $timestamp = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d", 2008, 7, $day, $hour) ;
 64+ $timestamp2 = sprintf ("%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d", $day, 7, 2008, $hour, 0) ;
 65+ print OUT $timestamp2 . "," . (@counts_zh {$timestamp}+0) . "," . (@counts_other {$timestamp}+0) . "\n" ;
 66+ }
 67+ }
 69+ $month = 8 ;
 70+ for $day (1..31)
 71+ {
 72+ for $hour (0..23)
 73+ {
 74+ $timestamp = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d", 2008, 8, $day, $hour) ;
 75+ $timestamp2 = sprintf ("%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d", $day, 8, 2008, $hour, 0) ;
 76+ print OUT $timestamp2 . "," . (@counts_zh {$timestamp}+0) . "," . (@counts_other {$timestamp}+0) . "\n" ;
 77+ }
 78+ }
 80+ $month = 9 ;
 81+ for $day (1..14)
 82+ {
 83+ for $hour (0..23)
 84+ {
 85+ $timestamp = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d", 2008, 9, $day, $hour) ;
 86+ $timestamp2 = sprintf ("%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d", $day, 9, 2008, $hour, 0) ;
 87+ print OUT $timestamp2 . "," . (@counts_zh {$timestamp}+0) . "," . (@counts_other {$timestamp}+0) . "\n" ;
 88+ }
 89+ }
 91+ close OUT ;
 94+sub ProcessMonth
 96+ my $year = shift ;
 97+ my $month = sprintf ("%02d", shift) ;
 99+ $dir0 =~ s/[\\\/]$// ;
 101+ $dir_in = "$dir0/$year-$month-pagecounts" ;
 102+ &Log ("Process year $year month $month from '$dir_in'\n") ;
 103+ chdir ($dir_in) || die "Cannot chdir to $dir_in\n";
 104+ local (*DIR);
 106+ opendir (DIR, ".");
 107+ @files = () ;
 108+ while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 109+ {
 110+ if ($mode eq "H")
 111+ {
 112+ if ($file_in !~ /^pagecounts-\d{8,8}-\d{6,6}.gz$/)
 113+ { next ; }
 114+ if ($file_in lt "pagecounts-20080816-000000.gz")
 115+ { next ; }
 116+# if ($file_in ge "pagecounts-20080831-000000.gz")
 117+# { next ; }
 118+ }
 119+ if ($mode eq "D")
 120+ {
 121+ if ($file_in !~ /^pagecounts-\d{8,8}_fd.gz$/)
 122+ { next ; }
 123+# if ($file_in lt "pagecounts-20080801_fd.gz")
 124+# { next ; }
 125+# if ($file_in ge "pagecounts-20080831_fd.gz")
 126+# { next ; }
 127+ }
 128+ push @files, $file_in ;
 129+ }
 130+ closedir (DIR, ".");
 132+ @files = sort {$a cmp $b} @files ;
 134+ foreach $file (@files)
 135+ { &ProcessFile ($file) ; }
 138+sub ProcessFile
 140+ my $file = shift ;
 141+ $date = substr ($file, 11, 8) ;
 142+ $time = substr ($file, 20, 6) ;
 143+ print "ProcessFile ($file)\n" ;
 145+ my $lines ;
 146+ $in_gz = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file) or die "IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file': $GunzipError\n";
 147+ binmode $in_gz ;
 148+ while ($line = <$in_gz>)
 149+ {
 150+ # if ($line ge "eo")
 151+ # { last ; }
 152+ # if ($line !~ /^en /)
 153+ # { next ; }
 154+ # if ($lines ++ == 0) { print "$line" ; }
 156+# if ($line =~ /sarah.*palin/i)
 157+# if ($line =~ /joe.*biden/i)
 158+ if ($line =~ / \%E6\%B3\%95\%E8\%BD\%AE\%E5\%8A\%9F /)
 159+ {
 160+ if ($mode eq "H")
 161+ {
 162+ ($wiki,$title,$views,$bytes) = split (' ', $line) ;
 163+ $line = sprintf ("%-10s", $wiki) . " " . sprintf ("%8d",$views) . " $title\n" ;
 164+ print "$date-$time $line" ;
 165+ print TXT "$date-$time $line" ;
 166+ }
 167+ if ($mode eq "D")
 168+ {
 169+ chomp ($line) ;
 171+ ($wiki,$title,$views_all_day) = split (' ', $line) ;
 172+ $wiki =~ s/\.z// ;
 173+ $wiki =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 174+ $views_all_day =~ s/^\d+// ; # remove (redundant) preceding total
 175+ while ($views_all_day ne "")
 176+ {
 177+ $letter = substr ($views_all_day,0,1) ;
 178+ $views_all_day = substr ($views_all_day,1) ;
 179+ ($views_one_hour = $views_all_day) =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 180+ $views_all_day =~ s/^\d+(.*)$/$1/ ;
 181+ $time = sprintf ("%02d",ord ($letter) - ord ('A')) . "0000" ;
 183+ $line = sprintf ("%-10s", $wiki) . " " . sprintf ("%8d",$views_one_hour) . " $title\n" ;
 184+ print "$date-$time $line" ;
 185+ print TXT "$date-$time $line" ;
 186+ }
 187+ }
 188+ }
 189+ }
 191+ $in_gz->close() ;
 194+sub Log
 196+ $msg = shift ;
 197+ print $msg ;
 198+ print LOG $msg ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitFilterDailyPagecountFilesPerLanguage.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
 4+# 27 April 2010 renamed from WikiStatsFilterCompactedDammitFilesPerLanguage.pl
 6+ use lib "/home/ezachte/lib" ;
 7+ use EzLib ;
 8+ $trace_on_exit = $true ;
 10+ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 11+ use Time::Local ;
 12+ use Net::Domain qw (hostname);
 14+ $language = "nl" ;
 15+ $wikipedia = "$language.wikipedia.org" ; # read from input
 17+ $path_in = "." ;
 18+ $path_out = "." ;
 19+ if ($hostname eq "bayes")
 20+ {
 21+ $path_in = "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts" ;
 22+ $path_out = "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts/languages/$language.z" ;
 23+ if (! -d $path_out)
 24+ { mkdir $path_out, 0777 ; }
 25+ $path_7za = "/usr/lib/p7zip/7za" ;
 26+ }
 28+ $month = 8 ;
 29+ $year = 2008 ;
 30+ $yyyymm = sprintf ("%04d-%02d", $year, $month) ;
 31+ $path_in_monthly = "$path_in/$yyyymm" ;
 32+ while (-d $path_in_monthly)
 33+ {
 34+ print "\nCheck dir $path_in_monthly\n" ;
 36+ $file_filtered = "$path_out/pagecounts-$yyyymm-$language-fdt.txt" ;
 38+ if ($hostname eq "bayes")
 39+ {
 40+ $file_filtered_7z = "$file_filtered.7z" ;
 42+ if (-e $file_filtered_7z)
 43+ { print "File $file_filtered_7z already exists\n" ; }
 44+ else
 45+ { &FilterCounts ($yyyymm, $file_filtered) ; }
 46+ }
 47+ else
 48+ { &FilterCounts ($yyyymm, $file_filtered) ; }
 50+ $month++ ;
 51+ if ($month > 12)
 52+ { $month = 1 ; $year++ ; }
 53+ $yyyymm = sprintf ("%04d-%02d", $year, $month) ;
 54+ $path_in_monthly = "$path_in/$yyyymm" ;
 55+ }
 57+ print "\n\nReady\n\n" ;
 58+ exit ;
 60+sub FilterCounts
 62+ my ($yyyymm, $file_filtered) = @_ ;
 63+ ($yyyymm2 = $yyyymm) =~ s/-// ;
 65+ open OUT, '>', $file_filtered ;
 67+ print OUT "# Counts for articles with less than a few requests per full day (before April 2010 five per day, from then on two per day) were not preserved in daily archives and hence are neither included here\n" ;
 68+# print OUT "# Subproject is language code, followed by project code\n" ;
 69+# print OUT "# Project is b:wikibooks, k:wiktionary, n:wikinews, q:wikiquote, s:wikisource, v:wikiversity, z:wikipedia (z added by compression script: wikipedia happens to be sorted last in dammit.lt files)\n" ;
 70+ print OUT "# Counts format is total per day, followed by count per hour if larger than zero, hour 0..23 shown as A..X (saves up to 22 bytes per line compared to comma separated values)\n" ;
 71+ print OUT "# If data are missing for some hour (file missing or corrupt) a question mark (?) is shown (and for each missing hour the daily total is incremented with hourly average)\n" ;
 72+ print OUT "# Lines starting with ampersand (@) show totals per 'namespace' (including omitted counts for low traffic articles)\n" ;
 73+ print OUT "# Since valid namespace string are not known in the compression script any string followed by colon (:) counts as possible namespace string\n" ;
 74+ print OUT "# Please reconcile with real namespace name strings later\n" ;
 75+ print OUT "# 'namespaces' with count < 5 are combined in 'Other' (on larger wikis these are surely false positives)\n" ;
 76+ print OUT "# Page titles are shown unmodified (preserves sort sequence)\n" ;
 79+ for ($day = 1 ; $day <= 31 ; $day++)
 80+ {
 81+ $yyyymmdd = "$yyyymm-" . sprintf ("%02d", $day) ;
 83+ $file_pagecounts = "$path_in/$yyyymm/pagecounts-$yyyymm2" . sprintf ("%02d", $day) . "_fdt" ;
 84+ if ($hostname eq "bayes")
 85+ { $file_pagecounts .= ".7z" ; }
 88+ if (! -e $file_pagecounts)
 89+ {
 90+ print "\nNot found: $file_pagecounts\n" ;
 91+ print OUT "# $yyyymmdd missing!\n" ;
 92+ next ;
 93+ }
 95+ print "Read $file_pagecounts\n" ;
 96+ print OUT "# $yyyymmdd\n" ;
 98+ if ($hostname eq "bayes")
 99+ { open IN, "-|", "./7za e -so \"$file_pagecounts\"" || die ("Input file '" . $file_pagecounts . "' could not be opened.") ; }
 100+ else
 101+ { open IN, '<', $file_pagecounts ; }
 103+ while ($line = <IN>)
 104+ {
 105+ $ch = substr ($line,0,1) ;
 107+ next if $ch eq '#' ; # comments
 109+ if ($ch eq '@') # summary per language project
 110+ {
 111+ if ($line =~ /^\@ $language\.z /o)
 112+ { print OUT $line ; }
 113+ next ;
 114+ }
 116+ next if $line lt "$language.z" ;
 117+ last if $line !~ /$language.z / ;
 119+ ($project, $title, $counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 120+ print OUT "$title $counts\n" ;
 121+ }
 122+ close IN ;
 123+ }
 124+ close OUT ;
 126+ $cmd = "$path_7za a $file_filtered.7z $file_filtered" ;
 127+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 129+ if ($result =~ /Everything is Ok/s)
 130+ {
 131+ $result =~ s/^.*?(Updating.*?)\n.*$/$1 -> OK/s ;
 132+ unlink $file_filtered ;
 133+ }
 134+ else
 135+ {
 136+ print "Delete $file_filtered.7z\n" ;
 137+ unlink "$file_filtered.7z" ;
 138+ }
 140+ print "$cmd -> $result\n" ;
 143+sub Log
 145+ $msg = shift ;
 146+ print $msg ;
 149+sub Abort
 151+ $msg = shift ;
 152+ print "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 153+ exit ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPatchProjectcountsForFundraiser.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
 4+$| = 1; # flush screen output
 6+open IN, '<', 'DammitPatchProjectcountsForFundraiser/AllSquids.csv' ;
 7+open LOG, '>', 'DammitPatchProjectcountsForFundraiser/Log.txt' ;
 9+chdir ("DammitPatchProjectcountsForFundraiser") || die "Cannot chdir to DammitPatchProjectcountsForFundraiser\n" ;
 11+while ($line = <IN>)
 13+ chomp $line ;
 15+ next if $line =~ /[*]/ ;
 16+ next if $line !~ /^2010/ ;
 18+ ($date,$hour,$events,$avg_delta) = split (',', $line) ;
 20+ next if $avg_delta <= 1005 ; # normally projectcounts also miss a few hits, overcorrecting would skew trends
 21+ &Patch ($date, $hour, $avg_delta) ;
 24+print "\n\nReady\n\n" ;
 25+exit ;
 27+sub Patch
 29+ ($date,$hour,$avg_delta) = @_ ;
 31+ $date =~ s/-//g ;
 32+ $file = "projectcounts-$date-" . sprintf ("%02d",$hour) . "0000" ;
 34+ if (! -e $file)
 35+ {
 36+ $file = "projectcounts-$date-" . sprintf ("%02d",$hour) . "0001" ;
 37+ if (! -e $file)
 38+ {
 39+ print "File '$file' missing!\n" ;
 40+ exit ;
 41+ }
 42+ }
 43+ &PatchFile ($file, $avg_delta) ;
 46+sub PatchFile
 48+ my ($file,$avg_delta) = @_ ;
 49+ my $line ;
 50+ $correction = $avg_delta / 1000 ;
 51+ print "Patch file $file: avg delta $avg_delta -> correction $correction\n" ;
 53+ open PROJECTFILE, '<', $file || die "Could not open '$file'\n" ;
 55+ undef @projectfile ;
 56+ $file_changed = 0 ;
 57+ while ($line = <PROJECTFILE>)
 58+ {
 59+ chomp $line ;
 60+ ($project,$dash,$count,$bytes) = split (' ', $line) ;
 62+ if ($bytes > 0)
 63+ {
 64+ $count = sprintf ("%.0f", $correction * $count) ;
 65+ # &Log ("\n$line ->\n") ;
 66+ $line = "$project $dash $count 1" ;
 67+ # &Log ("$line\n") ;
 68+ }
 69+ push @projectfile, "$line\n" ;
 70+ }
 72+ close PROJECTFILE ;
 74+ open PROJECTFILE, '>', $file || die "Could not open '$file'\n" ;
 75+ print PROJECTFILE @projectfile ;
 76+ close PROJECTFILE ;
 79+sub Log
 81+ my $msg = shift ;
 82+ print $msg ;
 83+ print LOG $msg ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitRankSpecialPages.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
 3+use CGI qw(:all);
 5+ open IN, '<', "pagecounts-20090301_fdt" ;
 6+ open OUT, '>', "!DammitRankSpecialPages.txt" ;
 7+ $projprev = "" ;
 8+ while ($line = <IN>)
 9+ {
 10+ if ($line =~ /^#/) { next ; }
 11+ if ($line =~ /^@/) { next ; }
 12+ # if (($line !~ / Wikipedia\:/) && ($line !~ / Help\:/) && ($line !~ / Hilfe\:/) && ($line !~ / Wikip�dia\:/) && ($line !~ / Aide\:/) )
 13+ if (($line !~ / Help\:/) && ($line !~ / Hilfe\:/) && ($line !~ / Aide\:/))
 14+ { next ; }
 16+ chomp ($line) ;
 17+ ($project, $title, $counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 18+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.z/wikipedia:$1/ ;
 19+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.b/wikibooks:$1/ ;
 20+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.d/wiktionary:$1/ ; # dictionaire
 21+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.m/wikimedia:$1/ ;
 22+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.n/wikinews:$1/ ;
 23+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.q/wikiquote:$1/ ;
 24+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.s/wikisource:$1/ ;
 25+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.v/wikiversity:$1/ ;
 26+ $project =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.x/wikispecial:$1/ ;
 27+ if ($project ne $projprev)
 28+ {
 29+ $rows = 0 ;
 30+ foreach $key (sort {$counts {$b} <=> $counts {$a}} keys %counts)
 31+ {
 32+ print OUT sprintf ("%8d", $counts {$key} ) . ": $key\n" ;
 33+ if ($rows++ > 50)
 34+ { last ;}
 35+ }
 36+ undef %counts ;
 37+ }
 38+ $projprev = $project ;
 40+ $counts =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 41+ @counts {"$project $title"} += $counts ;
 42+ }
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitCollectArticleNames.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
 4+# 27 April 2010 renamed from WikiStatsCollectArticleNames.pl
 6+use CGI qw(:all);
 7+use Time::Local ;
 8+use Getopt::Std ;
 10+ &ParseArguments ;
 11+ $dumpfile = &FindDumpFile ;
 12+ &ProcessFile ($dumpfile, "$path_out/$mode\_$project.txt") ;
 13+ print "\n\nReady\n\n" ;
 14+ exit ;
 16+sub ParseArguments
 18+ my $options ;
 19+ getopt ("iomp", \%options) ;
 21+ &Abort ("Specify input folder for xml dump files as: -i path") if (! defined (@options {"i"})) ;
 22+ &Abort ("Specify output folder as: -o path") if (! defined (@options {"o"})) ;
 24+ $path_in = @options {"i"} ;
 25+ $path_out = @options {"o"} ;
 26+ $project = @options {"p"} ;
 27+ $mode = @options {"m"} ;
 29+ $language = $project ;
 30+ $language_ = $language ;
 31+ $language_ =~ s/-/_/g ;
 33+ if ($mode eq "")
 34+ { $mode = "wp" ; }
 35+ if ($mode !~ /^(?:wb|wk|wn|wp|wq|ws|wx|wv)$/)
 36+ { abort ("Specify mode as: -m [wb|wk|wn|wp|wq|ws|wx|wv]\n(wp=wikipedia (default), wb=wikibooks, wk=wiktionary, wn=wikinews, wq=wikiquote, ws=wikisource, wx=wikispecial, wv=wikiversity)") ; }
 38+ &Abort ("Project $project is skipped: 'mania' and/or 'team' in the name") if ($project =~ /(?:mania|team)/i) ;
 40+ if ($project =~ /wik(?:|ibooks|inews|iquote|isource|tionary|iversity)$/i)
 41+ {
 42+ $project_suffix = $project ;
 43+ $project_suffix =~ s/wik(?:|ibooks|inews|iquote|isource|tionary|iversity)$// ;
 44+ }
 45+ $language =~ s/wik(?:|ibooks|inews|iquote|isource|tionary|iversity)$// ;
 47+ if ($project =~ /wiki$/i)
 48+ {
 49+ $project_suffix = $project ;
 50+ $project_suffix =~ s/wiki$// ;
 51+ }
 52+ $language =~ s/wiki$// ;
 54+ &Log ("Project '$project' -> language '$language'\n\n") ;
 57+sub FindDumpFile
 59+ my ($dumpdir,$dir,$file,$scandir,$status) ;
 61+ @files = glob "$path_in/*" ;
 63+ &Log ("Find latest valid dump dir in $path_in ->\n\n") ;
 64+ foreach $file (@files)
 65+ {
 66+ if ($file !~ /\/\d{8,8}$/)
 67+ { next ; }
 68+ if (! -d $file)
 69+ { next ; }
 71+ ($dir = $file) =~ s/.*?\/(\d{8,8})/$1/ ;
 72+ $scandir = "$path_in/$dir" ;
 73+ if (! -e "$scandir/status.html")
 74+ { &Log ("$scandir/status.html not found\n") ; }
 75+ elsif (! -e "$scandir/index.html")
 76+ { &Log ("$scandir/index.html not found\n") ; }
 77+ else
 78+ {
 79+ open STATUS, '<', "$scandir/status.html" ;
 80+ $line = <STATUS> ;
 81+ chomp $line ;
 82+ close STATUS ;
 83+ $status = "undetermined: $line" ;
 84+ if ($line =~ /dump complete/i)
 85+ { $status = "dump complete" ; }
 86+ elsif ($line =~ /dump aborted/i)
 87+ { $status = "dump aborted" ; }
 88+ elsif ($line =~ /dump in progress/i)
 89+ { $status = "dump in progress" ; }
 90+ if ($dumpdir lt $dir)
 91+ {
 92+ if ($status eq "dump complete")
 93+ {
 94+ open INDEX, '<', "$scandir/index.html" ;
 95+ while ($line = <INDEX>)
 96+ {
 97+ if ($line =~ /failed.*?All pages with complete.*?edit history/i)
 98+ {
 99+ $status = "dump aborted (dump failed)" ;
 100+ last ;
 101+ }
 102+ }
 103+ close INDEX ;
 104+ }
 105+ if ($status eq "dump complete")
 106+ { $dumpdir = $dir ; }
 107+ }
 108+ &Log ("$dir: $status\n") ;
 109+ }
 110+ }
 111+ if ($dumpdir eq "")
 112+ { &Abort ("No valid dump dir found\n") ; }
 114+ $path_in .= "/$dumpdir/" ;
 115+ &Log ("\nDump dir -> $path_in\n") ;
 116+ $dumpdate = $dumpdir ;
 118+ $dumpfile = "$path_in/$project-$dumpdate-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2" ;
 119+ &Log ("\nFile in $dumpfile\n") ;
 120+ return ($dumpfile) ;
 123+sub ProcessFile
 125+ my $file_in = shift ;
 126+ my $file_out = shift ;
 127+ print "File out $file_out\n" ;
 128+ open FILE_OUT, '>', $file_out || abort ("Output file '" . $file_out . "' could not be opened.") ;
 129+ open FILE_IN, "-|", "bzip2 -dc \"$file_in\"" || abort ("Input file '" . $file_in . "' could not be opened.") ;
 130+ while ($line = <FILE_IN>)
 131+ {
 132+ # $line =~ s/<title>([^<]*)<\/title>/print FILE_OUT "$1\n", print "$1\n"/ge ;
 133+ $line =~ s/<title>([^<]*)<\/title>/print FILE_OUT "$1\n"/ge ;
 134+ }
 135+ close FILE_IN ;
 138+sub Log
 140+ $msg = shift ;
 141+ print $msg ;
 142+# print LOG $msg ;
 145+sub Abort
 147+ $msg = shift ;
 148+ print "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 149+# print LOG "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 150+ exit ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPrepCollectHarvestInterwikiLinks.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
 4+open IN, '<', 'index.php' ;
 6+while ($line = <IN>)
 8+ if ($line =~ /class=\"interwiki/)
 9+ {
 10+ chomp ($line) ;
 11+ $lang = $line ;
 12+ $lang =~ s/^.*?interwiki-(\w+).*$/$1/ ;
 13+ $title = $line ;
 14+ $title =~ s/^.*?href=\"([^\"]+)\".*$/$1/ ;
 15+ $title =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/ ;
 16+# print "[$lang] $title\n" ;
 17+ @languages {$title} .= "$lang," ;
 18+ @langcnt {$title}++ ;
 19+ }
 21+print "\n\n\n" ;
 23+foreach $title (sort {$langcnt {$b} <=> $langcnt {$a}} keys %langcnt)
 25+ $count = $langcnt {$title} ;
 26+ if ($count > 10)
 27+ { $pattern .= "^$title\n" ; }
 28+ else
 29+ {
 30+ $langlist = $languages {$title} ;
 31+ @langs = split (',', $langlist) ;
 32+ foreach $lang (@langs)
 33+ {
 34+ print "$lang $title\n" ;
 35+ $pattern .= "^$lang\.z $title\n"
 36+ }
 37+ }
 40+print "\n\nPATTERN:\n$pattern\n" ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitRankSpecialPages.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
 2+ 14: wikipedia:als Hilfe:Neue_Seite_anlegen
 3+ 33: wikipedia:am Help:Contents
 4+ 68: wikipedia:ang Help:Innung
 5+ 10: wikipedia:arc Help:Contents
 6+ 31: wikipedia:ay Help:Contents
 7+ 12: wikipedia:bar Hilfe:Hilfe
 8+ 10: wikiversity:beta Help:Contents
 9+ 11: wikipedia:bo Help:Contents
 10+ 10: wikipedia:chr Help:Contents
 11+ 11: wikipedia:co Help:Contents
 12+ 993: wikimedia:commons Help:Contents
 13+ 86: wikimedia:commons Help:Inkscape
 14+ 30: wikimedia:commons Help:SVG
 15+ 23: wikimedia:commons Help:Creating_a_DjVu_file
 16+ 21: wikimedia:commons Help:Sommaire
 17+ 20: wikimedia:commons Help:Converting_video
 18+ 18: wikimedia:commons Hilfe:%C3%9Cbersicht
 19+ 17: wikimedia:commons Help:Scanning
 20+ 16: wikimedia:commons Help:%E7%9B%AE%E6%AC%A1
 21+ 15: wikimedia:commons Help:%C3%9Cbersicht
 22+ 14: wikimedia:commons Help:Mass_deletion_request
 23+ 13: wikimedia:commons Help:Zoomable_images
 24+ 12: wikimedia:commons Help:Logging_in
 25+ 11: wikimedia:commons Help:Mpeg2dv.sh
 26+ 36: wikibooks:de Hilfe:Sammlungen
 27+ 18: wikibooks:de Hilfe:Suche
 28+ 18: wikibooks:de Hilfe:So_schreibe_ich_gute_B%C3%BCcher
 29+ 11: wikibooks:de Hilfe:Erste_Schritte_auf_der_Spielwiese
 30+ 10: wikibooks:de Hilfe:Urheberrechte_beachten
 31+ 10: wikibooks:de Hilfe:Wikibook_lokal_speichern
 32+ 811: wiktionary:de Hilfe:H%C3%B6rbeispiele
 33+ 197: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Wortart
 34+ 164: wiktionary:de Hilfe:IPA
 35+ 63: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Nominativ
 36+ 61: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Sonderzeichen/Tabelle
 37+ 35: wiktionary:de Hilfe:H%C3%A4ufig_gestellte_Fragen
 38+ 35: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Genitiv
 39+ 34: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Plural
 40+ 33: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Singular
 41+ 26: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Pr%C3%A4sens
 42+ 26: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Akkusativ
 43+ 25: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Flexionstabellen_(Altgriechisch)
 44+ 25: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Dativ
 45+ 24: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Pr%C3%A4teritum
 46+ 23: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Suche
 47+ 21: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Konjunktiv
 48+ 19: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Sonderzeichen
 49+ 18: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Flexionstabellen_(Franz%C3%B6sisch)
 50+ 15: wiktionary:de Hilfe:H%C3%B6rbeispiele/Liste
 51+ 15: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Flexionstabellen_(Lateinisch)
 52+ 15: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Lautschrift
 53+ 14: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Positiv
 54+ 14: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Kasus
 55+ 13: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Imperativ
 56+ 13: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Flexionstabellen
 57+ 13: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Flexionstabellen_(Spanisch)
 58+ 12: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Partizip
 59+ 12: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Hinweise_f%C3%BCr_Leser
 60+ 10: wiktionary:de Hilfe:Komparativ
 61+ 19: wikinews:de Hilfe:Erste_Schritte
 62+ 18: wikinews:de Hilfe:%C3%9Cbersicht
 63+ 14: wikinews:de Hilfe:Zweite_Schritte
 64+ 10: wikinews:de Hilfe:Quellenverzeichnis
 65+ 11: wikiquote:de Hilfe:Erste_Schritte
 66+ 20: wikisource:de Hilfe:Bearbeitungsstand
 67+ 18: wikisource:de Hilfe:B%C3%BCcher
 68+ 16: wikisource:de Hilfe:Korrekturlesen
 69+ 10: wikisource:de Hilfe:Scannen_von_B%C3%BCchern
 70+ 1722: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Buchfunktion
 71+ 1154: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Sonderzeichen
 72+ 923: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Gesichtete_und_gepr%C3%BCfte_Versionen
 73+ 834: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tutorial
 74+ 747: wikipedia:de Hilfe:TeX
 75+ 728: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Suche
 76+ 484: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Wikimedia_Commons
 77+ 417: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Neu_bei_Wikipedia
 78+ 338: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Bearbeitungshilfe
 79+ 272: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tutorial/3
 80+ 242: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Spezialseiten
 81+ 241: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tutorial/1
 82+ 233: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Bilder
 83+ 219: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Textgestaltung
 84+ 202: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Vorlagen
 85+ 191: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Seite_bearbeiten
 86+ 177: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Zusammenfassung_und_Quelle
 87+ 175: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Einzelnachweise
 88+ 173: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tutorial/2
 89+ 169: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tabellen
 90+ 167: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Audio
 91+ 166: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Neue_Seite_anlegen
 92+ 154: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Einstellungen
 93+ 141: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Formatvorlagen
 94+ 140: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Signatur
 95+ 139: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tutorial/4
 96+ 126: wikipedia:de Hilfe:FAQ
 97+ 125: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Bausteine
 98+ 125: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Archivieren
 99+ 121: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Namensr%C3%A4ume
 100+ 117: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Links
 101+ 116: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Personendaten
 102+ 115: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Zusammenfassung_und_Quellen
 103+ 114: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Weiterleitung
 104+ 110: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Bearbeiten
 105+ 105: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Buchfunktion/Fragen_und_Antworten
 106+ 95: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Benutzerkonto_anlegen
 107+ 94: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Bild_und_Ton
 108+ 87: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Farben
 109+ 85: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Allgemeine_Textbausteine
 110+ 79: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Versionen
 111+ 79: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Bildertutorial
 112+ 78: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Navigation
 113+ 78: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Inhaltsverzeichnis
 114+ 76: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Benutzerkonto
 115+ 75: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Formatieren
 116+ 74: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Listen_und_Tabellen
 117+ 74: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Buchfunktion/Feedback_zur_Buchfunktion
 118+ 74: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tutorial/6
 119+ 73: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Tutorial/5
 120+ 72: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Benutzernamensraum
 121+ 69: wikipedia:de Hilfe:Glossar
 122+ 345: wikibooks:en Help:Contents
 123+ 330: wikibooks:en Help:Page_validation
 124+ 125: wikibooks:en Help:Collections
 125+ 62: wikibooks:en Help:Starting_a_new_page_or_book
 126+ 42: wikibooks:en Help:Editing
 127+ 40: wikibooks:en Help:About
 128+ 36: wikibooks:en Help:Development_stages
 129+ 29: wikibooks:en Help:Searching
 130+ 25: wikibooks:en Help:Print_versions
 131+ 22: wikibooks:en Help:Contributing_FAQ
 132+ 18: wikibooks:en Help:Contents/editing_wikibooks_-_the_basics
 133+ 12: wikibooks:en Help:Why_contribute%3F
 134+ 12: wikibooks:en Help:How_to_start_a_book
 135+ 10: wikibooks:en Help:Images_and_other_uploaded_files
 136+ 10: wikibooks:en Help:FAQ
 137+ 869: wiktionary:en Help:Contents
 138+ 58: wiktionary:en Help:Searching
 139+ 45: wiktionary:en Help:How_to_check_translations
 140+ 44: wiktionary:en Help:Starting_a_new_page
 141+ 23: wiktionary:en Help:Example_sentences
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Property changes on: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitRankSpecialPages.txt
Added: svn:eol-style
1578 + native
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitPatchProjectcountsForBanners.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
 4+$| = 1; # flush screen output
 6+open IN, '<', 'PageViewsBannerPages.txt' ;
 7+open OUT1, '>', 'PageViewsBannerPagesUse.txt' ;
 8+open OUT2, '>', 'PageViewsBannerPagesDiscard.txt' ;
 9+open LOG, '>', 'PageViewsBannerPagesLog.txt' ;
 11+while ($line = <IN>)
 13+ ($date,$project,$title,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 15+ $date =~ s/^.*?(\d{8}).*$/$1/ ;
 16+ $project =~ s/^.*?:// ;
 17+ $project =~ s/\.z// ;
 19+ $projects {$project} ++ ;
 21+ ($total = $counts) =~ s/\D.*//g ;
 23+# next if $line !~ /20101001/ ;
 24+# next if $line !~ /fy\.z/ ;
 26+ if ($line !~ /(?:BannerCont|BannerList|BannerLoad|Bannerbeheer)/i)
 27+ {
 28+ print OUT2 $line ;
 29+ $total_discard += $total ;
 30+ $titles_discard {"$project $title"} += $total ;
 31+ next ;
 32+ }
 34+ print OUT1 $line ;
 35+ $titles_use {"$project $title"} += $total ;
 36+ $total_use += $total ;
 38+ # print "$counts: " ;
 39+ $counts =~ s/^\d+// ; # remove (redundant) preceding total
 40+ while ($counts ne "")
 41+ {
 42+ $letter = substr ($counts,0,1) ;
 43+ $counts = substr ($counts,1) ;
 44+ ($count = $counts) =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 45+ $counts =~ s/^\d+(.*)$/$1/ ;
 46+ $hour = ord ($letter) - ord ('A') ;
 47+ # print "[$hour] $count " ;
 49+ $substract {"$project,$date,$hour"} += $count ;
 50+ # if (($project eq 'fy') && ($date eq '20101001'))
 51+ # { print "$project,$date,$hour\n" ; }
 52+ }
 53+ # print "\n" ;
 56+close IN ;
 58+&Log ("\n\nDiscard:\n") ;
 59+foreach $title (sort {$titles_discard {$b} <=> $titles_discard {$a}} keys %titles_discard)
 61+ print $titles_discard {$title} . " : $title\n" ;
 62+ print LOG $titles_discard {$title} . " : $title\n" ;
 63+ last if $lines_discard++ > 10 ;
 66+&Log ("\n\nUse:\n") ;
 67+foreach $title (sort {$titles_use {$b} <=> $titles_use {$a}} keys %titles_use)
 69+ print LOG $titles_use {$title} . " : $title\n" ;
 70+ next if $lines_use++ > 10 ;
 71+ print $titles_use {$title} . " : $title\n" ;
 72+ last if $lines_use++ > 1000 ;
 75+&Log ("\n\nProjects:\n") ;
 76+foreach $project (sort keys %projects)
 78+ &Log ("$project ") ;
 79+ &Log ("\n") if $projects_printed++ %10 == 0 ;
 81+close OUT1 ;
 82+close OUT2 ;
 83+close LOG ;
 85+&Patch ;
 87+&Log ("Use $total_use\n") ;
 88+&Log ("Discard $total_discard\n") ;
 89+&Log ("Substracted $counts_substracted\n") ;
 91+print "\n\nReady\n\n" ;
 92+exit ;
 94+sub Patch
 96+ &Log ("\n\nPatch\n\n") ;
 97+ if (-d "/a/dammit.lt/projectcounts")
 98+ { $dir = "/a/dammit.lt/projectcounts" ; }
 99+ else
 100+ { $dir = "w:/# In Dammit.lt/projectcounts/t" ; }
 102+ chdir ($dir) || die "Cannot chdir to $dir\n" ;
 104+ local (*DIR);
 105+ opendir (DIR, ".");
 106+ @files = () ;
 108+ while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 109+ {
 110+ next if $file_in !~ /^projectcounts-2010(?:09|10)/ ;
 111+ # next if $file_in !~ /^projectcounts-20101001/ ;
 113+ push @files, $file_in ;
 114+ }
 116+ closedir (DIR);
 118+ @files = sort @files ;
 120+ foreach $file (@files)
 121+ { &PatchFile ($file) ; }
 123+ &Log ("\n\nUnpatched\n\n") ;
 124+ foreach $key (sort keys %substract)
 125+ {
 126+ if (! $substract_found {$key})
 127+ { &Log ("$key\n") ; }
 128+ }
 131+sub PatchFile
 133+ my $file = shift ;
 134+ my $line ;
 135+ print "\nFile $file\n" ;
 137+ ($dummy,$date,$time) = split '-', $file ;
 138+ $hour = substr ($time,0,2) + 0 ;
 140+ open PROJECTFILE, '<', "$dir/$file" || die "Could not open '$dir/$file'\n" ;
 142+ undef @projectfile ;
 143+ $file_changed = 0 ;
 144+ while ($line = <PROJECTFILE>)
 145+ {
 146+ chomp $line ;
 147+ ($project,$dash,$count,$bytes) = split (' ', $line) ;
 149+ # next if $project ne 'fy' ;
 150+ # print "$line\n" ;
 151+ next if $bytes eq '' ;
 152+ $count_substract = $substract {"$project,$date,$hour"} ;
 153+ $substract_found {"$project,$date,$hour"} ++ ;
 155+ if ($count_substract == 0)
 156+ { push @projectfile, $line ; }
 157+ else
 158+ {
 159+ $file_changed = 1 ;
 160+ $count -= $count_substract ;
 161+ &Log ("\n$line ->\n") ;
 162+ $line = "$project $dash $count 1" ;
 163+ push @projectfile, $line ;
 164+ &Log ("$line\n") ;
 165+ }
 166+ # next if $count_substract eq '' ;
 167+ $counts_substracted += $count_substract ;
 168+ # print "$project $count minus $count_substract\n" ; # '$project,$date,$hour'\n" ;
 169+ }
 171+ close PROJECTFILE ;
 173+ if ($file_changed)
 174+ {
 175+ open PROJECTFILE, '>', "$dir/$file" || die "Could not open '$dir/$file'\n" ;
 176+ foreach $line (@projectfile)
 177+ { print PROJECTFILE "$line\n" ; }
 178+ close PROJECTFILE ;
 179+ }
 182+sub Log
 184+ my $msg = shift ;
 185+ print $msg ;
 186+ print LOG $msg ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitFilesFindMisses.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
 4+# to do
 5+# titles can occur twice (because of ucfirst) , add those counts before pushing to table @data
 6+# remove extra parameters e.g. "Gabriel_Andrade&limit=500"
 8+ use CGI qw(:all);
 9+ use URI::Escape;
 10+ use Getopt::Std ;
 11+ use Cwd ;
 13+ $bayes = -d "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts" ;
 14+ $path_7za = "/usr/lib/p7zip/7za" ;
 15+ $path_grep = "/bin/grep" ;
 17+ $| = 1; # flush screen output
 18+ $true = 1 ;
 19+ $false = 0 ;
 21+ $jobstart = time ;
 23+ $key = "de.z" ;
 25+# -i "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Dammit Log Files/Scan Log Files/in" -o "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Dammit Log Files/Scan Log Files/out" -f 20090429 -t 20090429 -p ''
 26+ my $options ;
 27+ getopt ("iop", \%options) ;
 29+ $file_articles_in = "W:/# In Dumps/dewiki-20090917-all-titles-in-ns0" ;
 30+ $file_articles_out = "W:/# In Dumps/dewiki-20090917-all-titles-in-ns0_b" ;
 31+ $file_pageviews_in = "W:/pagecounts-20090801_fdt" ;
 32+ $file_pageviews_out = "W:/pagecounts-20090801_fdt_b" ;
 33+ $file_extract = "W:/! Perl/Dammit Log Files/Scan Log Files/PageViewsExtractArticlesDeWp.txt" ;
 34+ $file_missing = "W:/! Perl/Dammit Log Files/Scan Log Files/PageViewsMissingArticlesDeWp.txt" ;
 36+# if (! defined ($options {"i"})) { &Abort ("Specify input dir as -i dirname") } ;
 37+# if (! defined ($options {"o"})) { &Abort ("Specify output dir as -o dirname") } ;
 38+# if (! defined ($options {"p"})) { &Abort ("Specify project as -p \".....\"") } ;
 40+# $dir_in = $options {"i"} ;
 41+# $dir_out = $options {"o"} ;
 42+# $project = $options {"p"} ;
 44+# $work = cwd() ;
 45+# print "Work dir $work\n" ;
 46+# if ($dir_in !~ /[\/\\]/)
 47+# { $dir_in = "$work/$dir_in" ; }
 48+# if ($dir_out !~ /[\/\\]/)
 49+# { $dir_out = "$work/$dir_out" ; }
 51+# if (! -d $dir_in) { &Abort ("Input dir not found: $dir_in") } ;
 52+# if (! -d $dir_out)
 53+# {
 54+# print "Create output dir $dir_out\n" ;
 55+# mkdir $dir_out ;
 56+# if (! -d $dir_out)
 57+# { &Abort ("Output dir could not be created.") } ;
 58+# }
 60+ print "\nExtract missing articles\n" ; # Parm in: $dir_in\nParm out: $dir_out\n" ;
 62+# &SortEncodedArticleTitles ;
 63+ &ExtractMissingArticles ;
 65+ &Log ("\nReady\n") ;
 66+ exit ;
 68+sub SortEncodedArticleTitles
 70+ open IN, '<', $file_articles_in || &Abort ("$file_articles_in could not be opened") ;
 71+ open OUT, '>', $file_articles_out || &Abort ("$file_articles_out could not be opened") ;
 73+ while ($line = <IN>)
 74+ {
 75+ chomp ($line) ;
 76+ $line =~ s/\%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 77+ $line =~ s/([\x00-\x31\x80-\xFF])/"%".sprintf("%X",ord ($1))/ge ;
 78+ $line = ucfirst ($line) ;
 79+ push @data, $line ;
 80+ }
 81+ close IN ;
 83+ @data = sort @data ;
 85+ foreach $line (@data)
 86+ { print OUT "$line\n" ; }
 88+ close OUT ;
 90+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 92+ open IN, '<', $file_pageviews_in || &Abort ("$file_pageviews_in could not be opened") ;
 93+ open OUT, '>', $file_pageviews_out || &Abort ("$file_pageviews_tmp could not be opened") ;
 95+ @data = () ;
 96+ while ($line = <IN>)
 97+ {
 98+ if ($line !~ /^$key /) { next ; }
 100+ chomp ($line) ;
 101+ ($key2,$title,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 102+ $title =~ s/\%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 103+ $title =~ s/([\x00-\x31\x80-\xFF])/"%".sprintf("%X",ord ($1))/ge ;
 104+ $title = ucfirst ($title) ;
 105+ push @data, "$title $counts" ;
 106+ }
 107+ close IN ;
 109+ @data = sort @data ;
 111+ foreach $line (@data)
 112+ { print OUT "$line\n" ; }
 114+ close OUT ;
 117+sub ExtractMissingArticles
 119+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 120+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 122+ open ARTICLES, '<', $file_articles_out || &Abort ("$file_articles_out could not be opened") ;
 123+ open PAGEVIEWS, '<', $file_pageviews_out || &Abort ("$file_pageviews_out could not be opened") ;
 124+ open EXTRACT, '>', $file_extract || &Abort ("$file_extract could not be written") ;
 125+ open MISSING, '>', $file_missing || &Abort ("$file_missing could not be written") ;
 127+ $title_at = <ARTICLES> ; # at = article title
 128+ chomp $title_at ;
 130+ @data = () ;
 131+ while ($line_pv = <PAGEVIEWS>) # pv = page view
 132+ {
 133+ chomp ($line_pv) ;
 134+ ($title_pv,$counts) = split (' ', $line_pv) ;
 136+ while (($title_at ne "") && ($title_pv gt $title_at))
 137+ {
 138+ # print EXTRACT " PV '$title_pv' gt AT $title_at\n" ;
 139+ $title_at = <ARTICLES> ;
 140+ chomp ($title_at) ;
 141+ }
 143+ chomp ($line_articles) ;
 144+ # if ($title_pv eq $title_at)
 145+ # { print EXTRACT " PV '$title_pv' EQ AT '$title_at'\n" ; }
 146+ # else
 147+ # { print EXTRACT " PV '$title_pv' NE AT '$title_at'\n" ; }
 148+ if ($title_pv ne $title_at)
 149+ {
 150+ $title_pv2 = $title_pv ;
 151+ $title_pv2 =~ s/\%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 152+ print EXTRACT "$title_pv2 $counts\n" ;
 154+ if ($title_pv2 !~ /:/) # temp treat all titles with : as namespaces
 155+ {
 156+ $counts =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 157+ push @data, "$counts $title_pv2" ;
 158+ }
 159+ }
 160+ }
 161+ @data = sort {$b <=> $a} @data ;
 162+ foreach $line (@data)
 163+ { print MISSING "$line\n" ; }
 166+sub Log
 168+ $msg = shift ;
 169+ print $msg ;
 170+ print LOG $msg ;
 173+sub Abort
 175+ $msg = shift ;
 176+ print "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 177+ print LOG "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 178+ exit ;
 181+sub mmss
 183+ my $seconds = shift ;
 184+ return (int ($seconds / 60) . " min, " . ($seconds % 60) . " sec") ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/cellar/!DammitScanCompactedFiles.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
 4+# 27 April 2010 renamed from WikiStatsScanCompactedDammitFiles.pl
 6+ use CGI qw(:all);
 7+ use URI::Escape;
 8+ use Getopt::Std ;
 9+ use Cwd ;
 11+# grep pagecounts-20090428_fdt -f pandemic.txt > scan.txt
 12+# utf-8 encoder for non western article titles: http://www.motobit.com/util/url-encoder.asp
 14+# &UncompactVisitorStats ('.') ;
 15+# exit ;
 17+ $bayes = -d "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts" ;
 18+ $path_7za = "/usr/lib/p7zip/7za" ;
 19+ $path_grep = "/bin/grep" ;
 21+# if (! $bayes)
 22+# {
 23+# print "Test on Windows\n" ;
 24+# include IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 25+# include IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 26+# }
 28+ $| = 1; # flush screen output
 29+ $true = 1 ;
 30+ $false = 0 ;
 31+ $threshold = 5 ;
 32+ $jobstart = time ;
 34+# -i "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Dammit Log Files/Scan Log Files/in" -o "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Dammit Log Files/Scan Log Files/out" -f 20090429 -t 20090429 -p ''
 35+ my $options ;
 36+ getopt ("ioftp", \%options) ;
 38+ if (! defined ($options {"i"})) { &Abort ("Specify input dir as -i dirname") } ;
 39+ if (! defined ($options {"o"})) { &Abort ("Specify output dir as -o dirname") } ;
 40+ if (! defined ($options {"f"})) { &Abort ("Specify from date as -f yyyymmdd") } ;
 41+ if (! defined ($options {"t"})) { &Abort ("Specify till date as -t yyyymmdd") } ;
 42+ if (! defined ($options {"p"})) { &Abort ("Specify pattern as -p \".....\"") } ;
 44+ $dir_in = $options {"i"} ;
 45+ $dir_out = $options {"o"} ;
 46+ $datefrom = $options {"f"} ;
 47+ $datetill = $options {"t"} ;
 48+ $pattern = $options {"p"} ;
 50+ print "Pattern '$pattern'\n" ;
 51+ if ($pattern eq "html")
 52+ { $pattern = &GetPattern ; }
 54+ $work = cwd() ;
 55+ print "Work dir $work\n" ;
 56+ if ($dir_in !~ /[\/\\]/)
 57+ { $dir_in = "$work/$dir_in" ; }
 58+ if ($dir_out !~ /[\/\\]/)
 59+ { $dir_out = "$work/$dir_out" ; }
 61+ if (! -d $dir_in) { &Abort ("Input dir not found: $dir_in") } ;
 62+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 63+ {
 64+ print "Create output dir $dir_out\n" ;
 65+ mkdir $dir_out ;
 66+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 67+ { &Abort ("Output dir could not be created.") } ;
 68+ }
 70+ print "\nParm pattern: $pattern\n\n" ;
 71+# $pattern = "^nl.z Amsterdam\n^de.z Leiden\n" ;
 72+ if ($pattern =~ /^\#/)
 73+ { $file_pattern = substr ($pattern,1) ; }
 74+ else
 75+ {
 76+ $pattern =~ s/\\n/\n/gs ;
 77+ $file_pattern = "$dir_out/pattern.txt" ;
 78+ print "Write pattern to $file_pattern\n" ;
 79+ open PATTERN, ">", $file_pattern ;
 80+ print PATTERN $pattern ;
 81+ close PATTERN ;
 82+ }
 84+ if (($datefrom !~ /^20\d{6}$/))
 85+ { &Abort ("Specify from date: as -f yyyymmdd") ; }
 86+ if (($datetill !~ /^20\d{6}$/))
 87+ { &Abort ("Specify till date: as -t yyyymmdd") ; }
 89+ $dirfrom = substr ($datefrom,0,4) . "-" . substr ($datefrom,4,2) ;
 90+ $dirtill = substr ($datetill,0,4) . "-" . substr ($datetill,4,2) ;
 92+ print "\nScan pagecount files\nParm in: $dir_in\nParm out: $dir_out\nParm from: $datefrom (in folder $dirfrom)\nParm till: $datetill (in folder $dirtill)\nParm pattern: $pattern\n\n" ;
 94+ open LOG, ">>", "$work/WikiStatsScanVisitorstats.log" ;
 96+ &ScanVisitorStats ($dir_in, $dir_out, $dirfrom, $dirtill, $datefrom, $datetill) ;
 97+ &UncompactVisitorStats ($dir_out) ;
 99+ &Log ("\nReady\n") ;
 100+ close LOG ;
 101+ exit ;
 103+sub ScanVisitorStats
 105+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 106+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 107+ my $dirfrom = shift ;
 108+ my $dirtill = shift ;
 109+ my $datefrom = shift ;
 110+ my $datetill = shift ;
 112+ my @dirs ;
 113+ my @files ;
 115+ chdir ($dir_in) || &Abort ("Cannot chdir to $dir_in\n") ;
 116+ local (*DIR);
 117+ opendir (DIR, ".");
 118+ @files = () ;
 119+ while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 120+ {
 121+ if (! -d $file_in)
 122+ { next ; }
 123+ if ($file_in !~ /^20\d\d-\d\d$/)
 124+ { next ; }
 125+ if (($file_in lt $dirfrom) || ($file_in gt $dirtill))
 126+ { next ; }
 127+ &Log ("Store folder $file_in\n") ;
 128+ push @dirs, $file_in ;
 129+ }
 130+ &Log ("\n") ;
 131+ closedir (DIR, ".");
 133+ @dirs = sort @dirs ;
 135+ foreach $dir (@dirs)
 136+ {
 137+ chdir ("$dir_in/$dir") || &Abort ("Cannot chdir to $dir_in/$dir\n") ;
 138+ local (*DIR);
 139+ opendir (DIR, ".");
 140+ while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 141+ {
 142+ if (-d $file_in)
 143+ { next ; }
 144+ if ($file_in !~ /^pagecounts-\d{8,8}_fdt.7z$/)
 145+ { next ; }
 146+ if (($file_in lt "pagecounts-$datefrom") || ($file_in gt "pagecounts-$datetill\xFF"))
 147+ { next ; }
 148+ &Log ("Store file $file_in\n") ;
 149+ push @files, "$dir/$file_in" ;
 150+ }
 151+ closedir (DIR, ".");
 152+ }
 153+ &Log ("\n") ;
 155+ if ($#files > -1)
 156+ {
 157+ @files = sort @files ;
 159+ unlink "$dir_out/scan.txt" ;
 160+ foreach $file (@files)
 161+ {
 162+ my $filestart = time ;
 163+ my $date = $file ;
 164+ $date =~ s/^.*?-(\d{8,8})_.*$/$1/ ;
 165+ $size = -s "$dir_in/$file" ;
 166+ print "Scan file '$file' ($size bytes)\n" ;
 168+ $cmd = "echo \"\# $date\" >> $dir_out/scan.txt" ;
 169+ print "Cmd: $cmd\n" ;
 170+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 172+ $cmd = "7z -so e $dir_in/$file | grep -i -f $file_pattern >> $dir_out/scan.txt" ;
 173+ print "Cmd: $cmd\n" ;
 174+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 176+ print "File done in " . &mmss(time - $filestart) . "\n\n" ;
 177+ }
 179+ print "Job done in " . &mmss(time - $jobstart) . "\n" ;
 180+ print "Average file took " . &mmss(int (time - $jobstart)/($#files+1)) . "\n" ;
 181+ }
 182+ &Log ("\n\n") ;
 185+sub UncompactVisitorStats
 187+ &Log ("\nUncompact visitors stats\n\n") ;
 188+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 190+ my $file_in = "$dir_out/scan.txt" ;
 191+ my $file_out1 = "$dir_out/CountsDailyPerLanguageTitles.csv" ; # totals for full day per language:title
 192+ my $file_out2 = "$dir_out/CountsHourlyPerLanguageTitle.csv" ; # hourly counts per language:title (hours vertical)
 193+ my $file_out3 = "$dir_out/CountsHourlyPerLanguage.csv" ; # hourly counts per language (hours vertical)
 194+ my ($date,$time,$year,$month,$day) ; ;
 196+ open IN, '<', $file_in ;
 197+ binmode IN ;
 199+ while ($line = <IN>)
 200+ {
 201+ # process timestamp
 202+ if ($line =~ /^#/)
 203+ {
 204+ $date = substr ($line,2,8) ;
 205+ $year = substr ($date,0,4) ;
 206+ $month = substr ($date,4,2) ;
 207+ $day = substr ($date,6,2) ;
 208+ $date = "=DATE($year,$month,$day)" ;
 209+ next ;
 210+ }
 212+ chomp ($line) ;
 213+ ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (" ", $line) ;
 214+ $title =~ s/,/&comma;/g ;
 215+ $lang =~ s/\.z// ;
 216+ $lang =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 217+ $counts =~ s/^\d+// ; # remove (redundant) preceding total
 219+ # store hourly counts
 220+ while ($counts ne "")
 221+ {
 222+ $letter = substr ($counts,0,1) ;
 223+ $counts = substr ($counts,1) ;
 224+ ($count = $counts) =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 225+ $counts =~ s/^\d+(.*)$/$1/ ;
 226+ $h = sprintf ("%02d", ord ($letter) - ord ('A')) ;
 227+ $time = $date . "+TIME($h,0,0)" ;
 229+ $hits1 {"$lang,$title,\"$date\""} += $count ;
 230+ $key = "$lang:$title" ;
 231+ $times {$time}++ ;
 232+ $keys {$key} ++ ;
 233+ $languages {$lang} ++ ;
 234+ $hits2 {"$time,$key"} += $count ;
 235+ $hits3 {"$time,$lang"} += $count ;
 236+ }
 237+ }
 239+ close IN ;
 241+ # file_out1: write totals for full day per language:title
 242+ # quick way to see which titles are visisted significantly
 243+ @lines = sort @lines ;
 244+ open OUT, '>', $file_out1 ;
 245+ binmode OUT ;
 246+ foreach $key (sort keys %hits1)
 247+ { print OUT "$key,${hits1{$key}}\n" ; }
 248+ close OUT ;
 250+ # file_out2: write hourly counts per language:title (hours vertical)
 251+ open OUT, '>', $file_out2 ;
 252+ binmode OUT ;
 254+ # header line
 255+ $line = "date / group" ;
 256+ foreach $key (sort keys %keys)
 257+ { $line .= ",$key" ; }
 258+ $line .= "\n" ;
 259+ print OUT $line ;
 261+ foreach $time (sort keys %times)
 262+ {
 263+ $line = "\"$time\"" ;
 264+ foreach $key (sort keys %keys)
 265+ {
 266+ $count = $hits2 {"$time,$key"} ;
 267+ if ($count eq "")
 268+ { $count = 0 ; }
 269+ $line .= ",$count" ;
 270+ }
 271+ $line .= "\n" ;
 272+ print OUT $line ;
 273+ }
 274+ close OUT ;
 276+ # file_out3: write hourly counts per language (hours vertical)
 277+ open OUT, '>', $file_out3 ;
 278+ binmode OUT ;
 280+ # header line
 281+ $line = "date / group" ;
 282+ foreach $lang (sort keys %languages)
 283+ { $line .= ",$lang" ; }
 284+ $line .= "\n" ;
 285+ print OUT $line ;
 287+ foreach $time (sort keys %times)
 288+ {
 289+ $line = "\"$time\"" ;
 290+ foreach $lang (sort keys %languages)
 291+ {
 292+ $count = $hits3 {"$time,$lang"} ;
 293+ if ($count eq "")
 294+ { $count = 0 ; }
 295+ $line .= ",$count" ;
 296+ }
 297+ $line .= "\n" ;
 298+ print OUT $line ;
 299+ }
 300+ close OUT ;
 304+sub GetPattern
 306+ print "GetPattern\n" ;
 307+ open HTML, '<', 'wikilinks.html' ;
 308+ $pattern = "" ;
 309+ while ($line = <HTML>)
 310+ {
 311+ if ($line =~ /class=\"interwiki/)
 312+ {
 313+ chomp ($line) ;
 314+ $lang = $line ;
 315+ $lang =~ s/^.*?interwiki-(\w+).*$/$1/ ;
 316+ $title = $line ;
 317+ $title =~ s/^.*?href=\"([^\"]+)\".*$/$1/ ;
 318+ $title =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/ ;
 319+ # print "[$lang] $title\n" ;
 320+ @languages {$title} .= "$lang," ;
 321+ @langcnt {$title}++ ;
 322+ }
 323+ }
 324+ print "\n\n\n" ;
 326+ foreach $title (sort {$langcnt {$b} <=> $langcnt {$a}} keys %langcnt)
 327+ {
 328+ $count = $langcnt {$title} ;
 329+ if ($count > 10)
 330+ { $pattern .= "$title\n" ; }
 331+ else
 332+ {
 333+ $langlist = $languages {$title} ;
 334+ @langs = split (',', $langlist) ;
 335+ foreach $lang (@langs)
 336+ {
 337+ print "$lang $title\n" ;
 338+ $pattern .= "^$lang\.z $title\n"
 339+ }
 340+ }
 341+ }
 342+ return ($pattern) ;
 345+sub Log
 347+ $msg = shift ;
 348+ print $msg ;
 349+ print LOG $msg ;
 352+sub Abort
 354+ $msg = shift ;
 355+ print "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 356+ print LOG "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 357+ exit ;
 360+sub mmss
 362+ my $seconds = shift ;
 363+ return (int ($seconds / 60) . " min, " . ($seconds % 60) . " sec") ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_compact_monthly.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
 4+ulimit -v 8000000
 6+# dte=$(date +%Y%m)
 7+# dte=$(date --date "$dte -1 days" +%Y%m)
 8+# echo "Compact dammit.lt files for one day: $dte"
 10+echo "Compact dammit.lt files for one month"
 11+nice perl /a/dammit.lt/DammitCompactHourlyOrDailyPageCountFiles.pl -m -d 201001 -i /a/dammit.lt/pagecounts -o /a/dammit.lt/pagecounts/monthly >> /a/dammit.lt/pagecounts/monthly/compact_log.txt
Property changes on: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_compact_monthly.sh
Added: svn:eol-style
113 + native
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitReportPageRequestsStaffWikis.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
 4+# bash file for daily generation and copy
 5+# blank article title ?!
 7+# no warnings 'uninitialized';
 9+ use lib "/home/ezachte/lib" ; # general routines
 10+ use lib "/home/ezachte/wikistats" ; # WikiReports*.pm modules
 11+ use lib "W:/! Perl/Wikistats" ; # test env
 13+ use EzLib ;
 14+ ez_lib_version (8) ;
 15+ $trace_on_exit = $true ;
 17+# use Time::Local ;
 18+# use Net::Domain qw (hostname);
 20+ use WikiReportsDate ;
 21+ use WikiReportsLiterals ;
 22+ use WikiReportsOutputMisc ;
 23+ use WikiReportsScripts ;
 24+ use WikiReportsNoWikimedia ;
 25+ use WikiReportsLocalizations ;
 26+ use WikiReportsHtml ;
 28+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
 30+ &SetMonths ;
 31+ &SetLiterals ;
 32+ &SetScripts ;
 34+ &CountMostViewedPages ($this_month) ;
 35+ if ($mday <= 5)
 36+ { &CountMostViewedPages ($prev_month) ; }
 38+ exit ;
 40+sub SetMonths
 42+ $mon ++ ;
 43+ $year += 1900 ;
 44+ $this_month = sprintf ("%04d-%02d", $year, $mon) ;
 45+ if (-- $mon == 0) { $mon = 12 ; $year-- ; }
 46+ $prev_month = sprintf ("%04d-%02d", $year, $mon) ;
 47+ if (-- $mon == 0) { $mon = 12 ; $year-- ; }
 48+ $prev_prev_month = sprintf ("%04d-%02d", $year, $mon) ;
 51+sub CountMostViewedPages
 53+ my $month = shift ;
 54+ ($month2 = $month) =~ s/-// ;
 56+ undef %views ;
 58+ &LogT ("Count pages for $month\n\n") ;
 60+ if ($job_runs_on_production_server)
 61+ {
 62+ &LogT ("Job runs on production server\n") ;
 63+ $path_in = "/a/dammit.lt/filtered" ;
 64+ $path_out = "/mnt/htdocs/page_views" ;
 65+ }
 66+ else
 67+ {
 68+ &LogT ("Job runs on local test server\n") ;
 69+ $path_in = "w:/! Perl/Dammit/Page Requests Staff Wikis" ;
 70+ $path_out = "w:/! Perl/Dammit/Page Requests Staff Wikis" ;
 71+ }
 73+ &LogT ("Path in: $path_in\n") ;
 74+ &LogT ("Path out: $path_out\n") ;
 75+ chdir $path_in ;
 76+ my @files = glob "*" ; # glob on qualified dir on Windows gives problems, hence chdir ??
 78+ $first = "" ;
 79+ $last = "" ;
 80+ foreach $file (sort @files)
 81+ {
 82+ next if $file !~ /pagecounts-$month2\d\d.txt/ ;
 83+ &LogT ("$file\n") ;
 85+ if ($first eq "")
 86+ { ($first = $file) =~ s/[^\d]//g ; }
 87+ ($last = $file) =~ s/[^\d]//g ;
 88+ $first =~ s/(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/$1-$2-$3/ ;
 89+ $last =~ s/(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/$1-$2-$3/ ;
 90+ $first_day = substr ($first,8,2) ;
 91+ $last_day = substr ($last ,8,2) ;
 93+ open IN, '<', $file ;
 94+ while ($line = <IN>)
 95+ {
 96+ chomp $line ;
 97+ ($project, $article, $counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 99+ next if $article =~ /^\s*$/ ;
 100+ next if $project eq "quality.m" ; # obsolete
 101+ next if $article =~ /:\/\// ; # e.g. http://
 102+ next if $article =~ /\.php/ ;
 104+ $article =~ s/^[\/\\]*// ;
 105+ $article = ucfirst $article ;
 106+ $project =~ s/\.m$// ;
 107+ $project = ucfirst $project ;
 108+ $projects {$project} ++ ;
 110+ ($daytotal = $counts) =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 111+ $views {$project} {$article} += $daytotal ;
 113+ # if ($article =~ /China/)
 114+ # { print "$project $article + $daytotal -> " . $views {$project} {$article} . "\n" ; }
 115+ }
 116+ }
 118+ $month_eng = month_english_short (substr($month,5,2) - 1) . ' ' . substr ($month,0,4) ;
 120+ $period = 'day ' . (substr ($first,8,2)+0) . '-' . (substr ($last,8,2)+0) ;
 122+ foreach $project (sort keys %projects)
 123+ {
 124+ &LogT ("\nWrite totals for project $project for month $month (day $first_day - $last_day)\n\n") ;
 126+ # === Sort by title ===
 128+ @articles = sort keys %{$views {$project}} ;
 129+ next if $#articles == -1 ;
 131+ open TXT, '>', "$path_out/PageViews${project}-$month-ByTitle.txt" ;
 132+ open CSV, '>', "$path_out/PageViews${project}-$month-ByTitle.csv" ;
 134+ print TXT "title,views (period: $first - $last)\n" ;
 135+ print CSV "views,title,period: $first - $last\n" ;
 137+ foreach $article (@articles)
 138+ {
 139+ ($article2 = $article) =~ s/\%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 140+ print TXT "$article2,${views {$project} {$article}}\n" ;
 142+ $article2 = $article ;
 143+ if ($article2 =~ /,/)
 144+ { $article2 = "\"$article2\"" ; }
 145+ print CSV "${views {$project} {$article}},$article2\n" ;
 146+ }
 147+ close TXT ;
 148+ close CSV ;
 150+ # === Sort by views ===
 152+ if ($month eq $this_month)
 153+ {
 154+ $url_prev = "PageViews${project}-$prev_month-ByViews.html" ;
 155+ $url_next = "" ;
 156+ $out_button_prev = &btn (" < ", $url_prev) ;
 157+ $out_button_next = "" ;
 158+ }
 159+ elsif ($month eq $prev_month)
 160+ {
 161+ $url_prev = "PageViews${project}-$prev_prev_month-ByViews.html" ;
 162+ $url_next = "PageViews${project}-$this_month-ByViews.html" ;
 163+ $out_button_prev = &btn (" < ", $url_prev) ;
 164+ $out_button_next = &btn (" > ", $url_next) ;
 166+ if (! -e $url_prev)
 167+ { $out_button_prev = "" ; }
 168+ }
 170+ my $out_zoom = "" ;
 171+ my $out_options = "" ;
 172+ my $out_explanation = "" ; #Based on Domas' <a href='http://dammit.lt/wikistats/'>page view files</a>" ;
 173+ my $out_page_subtitle = "" ;
 174+ my $out_crossref = "" ;
 175+ my $out_description = "" ;
 176+ my $out_button_switch = "" ;
 177+ my $out_msg = "<b>$month_eng ($period)</b>" ;
 178+ my $lang = "en" ;
 180+ my $out_html_title = "$project wiki page views" ;
 181+ my $out_page_title = "$project wiki page views" ;
 183+ $out_scriptfile = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"WikipediaStatistics14.js\"></script>\n" ;
 184+ $out_style =~ s/td/td {font-size:12px}\nth {font-size:12px}\ntd/ ; # script definition needs clean up
 186+ $out_options = &opt ("PageViews${project}-$month-ByViews.html", $project) ;
 187+ foreach $project2 (keys %projects)
 188+ {
 189+ if ($project2 ne $project)
 190+ { $out_options .= &opt ("PageViews${project2}-$month-ByViews.html", $project2) ; }
 191+ }
 193+ $unicode = $true ;
 194+ &GenerateHtmlStart ($out_html_title, $out_zoom, $out_options,
 195+ $out_page_title, $out_page_subtitle, $out_explanation,
 196+ $out_button_prev, $out_button_next, $out_button_switch,
 197+ $out_crossref, $out_msg) ;
 199+ $out_html =~ s/Sitemap.htm/http:\/\/stats.wikimedia.org/ ; # Q&D patch
 200+ $out_html =~ s/ Home / stats.wikimedia.org / ; # Q&D patch
 202+ @articles = sort {$views {$project}{$b} <=> $views {$project}{$a}} keys %{$views {$project}} ;
 204+ open TXT, '>', "$path_out/PageViews${project}-$month-ByViews.txt" ;
 205+ open CSV, '>', "$path_out/PageViews${project}-$month-ByViews.csv" ;
 207+ print TXT "title,views (period: $first - $last)\n" ;
 208+ print CSV "views,title,period: $first - $last\n" ;
 210+ $out_html .= "<p><b>Other formats</b>: " ;
 211+ $out_html .= "ordered by views: <a href='PageViews${project}-$month-ByViews.txt'>text file</a> / <a href='PageViews${project}-$month-ByViews.csv'>csv file</a>, " ;
 212+ $out_html .= "ordered by title: <a href='PageViews${project}-$month-ByTitle.txt'>text file</a> / <a href='PageViews${project}-$month-ByTitle.csv'>csv file</a><p>" ;
 213+ $out_html .= "<table border=1>\n" ;
 214+ $out_html .= "<tr><th class=cb>Rank</th><th class=cb>Views</th><th class=lb>Title</th></tr>\n" ;
 216+ $lines = 0 ;
 217+ foreach $article (@articles)
 218+ {
 219+ ($article2 = $article) =~ s/\%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 220+ print TXT "$article2,${views {$project} {$article}}\n" ;
 222+ $article2 =~ s/_/ /g ;
 223+ if (++$lines <= 1000)
 224+ { $out_html .= "<tr><td class=c>$lines</td><td class=r>${views {$project} {$article}}</td><td class=l><a href='http://$project.wikimedia.org/wiki/$article'>$article2</a></td></tr>\n" ; }
 226+ $article2 = $article ;
 227+ if ($article2 =~ /,/)
 228+ { $article2 = "\"$article2\"" ; }
 229+ print CSV "${views {$project} {$article}},$article2\n" ;
 230+ }
 232+ $out_html .= "</table>\n" ;
 234+ close TXT ;
 235+ close CSV ;
 237+ $out_html .= "<p><small>Counts based on <a href='http://dammit.lt/wikistats/'>Domas' hourly pagecount files</a><br>" .
 238+ "File generated on " . date_time_english (time) . "<br>Author: Erik Zachte</small>" ;
 240+ open HTML, '>', "$path_out/PageViews${project}-$month-ByViews.html" ;
 241+ print HTML $out_html ;
 242+ close HTML ;
 244+ if ($month eq $this_month) # static url
 245+ {
 246+ open HTML, '>', "$path_out/PageViews${project}.html" ;
 247+ print HTML $out_html ;
 248+ close HTML ;
 249+ }
 250+ }
 253+# translates one unicode character into plain ascii
 254+sub UnicodeToAscii {
 255+ my $unicode = shift ;
 257+ my $char = substr ($unicode,0,1) ;
 258+ my $ord = ord ($char) ;
 259+ my ($c, $value, $html) ;
 261+ if ($ord < 128) # plain ascii character
 262+ { return ($unicode) ; } # (will not occur in this script)
 263+ else
 264+ {
 265+ if ($ord >= 252) { $value = $ord - 252 ; }
 266+ elsif ($ord >= 248) { $value = $ord - 248 ; }
 267+ elsif ($ord >= 240) { $value = $ord - 240 ; }
 268+ elsif ($ord >= 224) { $value = $ord - 224 ; }
 269+ else { $value = $ord - 192 ; }
 271+ for ($c = 1 ; $c < length ($unicode) ; $c++)
 272+ { $value = $value * 64 + ord (substr ($unicode, $c,1)) - 128 ; }
 274+ if ($value < 256)
 275+ { return (chr ($value)) ; }
 277+ # $unicode =~ s/([\x80-\xFF])/("%".sprintf("%02X",$1))/gie ;
 278+ return ($unicode) ;
 279+ }
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitSyncFiles.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
 4+# 27 April 2010 renamed from WikiStatsDammitSync.pl
 6+ use Time::Local ;
 7+ use Archive::Tar;
 9+ $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
 11+ $| = 1; # flush screen output
 13+ $maxdaysago = 40; # do not download files more than this ago
 15+ if (-e "a_dammit.lt_index.html") # test
 16+ { $file_html = "a_dammit.lt_index.html" ; }
 17+ else
 18+ {
 19+ open LOG, '>>', "/a/dammit.lt/WikiStatsDammitSync.log" ;
 21+ $file_html = "/a/dammit.lt/index.html" ;
 22+ unlink $file_html ;
 23+ $cmd = "wget -O $file_html http://dammit.lt/wikistats/" ;
 24+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 25+ if ($result == 0)
 26+ { $result = "OK" ; }
 27+ &Log ("Cmd '$cmd' -> $result \n\n") ;
 29+ if (! -e $file_html) { &Abort ("File $file_html not found") ; }
 30+ if (-s $file_html == 0) { &Abort ("File $file_html empty") ; }
 31+ }
 33+ $timestart = time ;
 35+ chdir "/a/dammit.lt/projectcounts" ;
 36+ $cmd = `pwd` ;
 37+ &Log ("Cmd '$cmd'\n") ;
 38+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 39+ print "$result\n" ;
 41+ open HTML,'<',$file_html ;
 42+ while ($line = <HTML>)
 43+ {
 44+ if ($line =~ /<title>/)
 45+ {
 46+ $subdir = "" ;
 47+ if ($line =~ /archive/)
 48+ {
 49+ $line =~ s/^.*?\/wikistats\/// ;
 50+ $line =~ s/<.*$// ;
 51+ chomp $line ;
 52+ $subdir = $line ;
 53+ }
 54+ &Log ("Subdir = '$subdir'\n") ;
 55+ next ;
 56+ }
 58+ if ($line !~ /application\/octet-stream/) { next ; }
 60+ ($file = $line) =~ s/^.*?a href=\"([^"]+)\".*$/$1/s ;
 61+ ($date = $line) =~ s/^.*?class=\"m\">([^<]+)<.*$/$1/s ;
 62+ ($date,$time) = split (' ', $date) ;
 64+ if ($file =~ /^pagecounts/)
 65+ {
 66+ $yy = substr ($file,11,4) ;
 67+ $mm = substr ($file,15,2) ;
 68+ $dd = substr ($file,17,2) ;
 69+ $daysago = int ((time - timegm(0,0,0,$dd,$mm-1,$yy-1900)) / (24 * 60 * 60)) ;
 71+ print "$file: $daysago days ago\n" ;
 72+ if ($daysago > $maxdaysago) { next ; }
 74+ # $path_7z = "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts/$yy\-$mm/pagecounts\-$yy$mm$dd\_fdt.7z" ;
 75+ # if (-e $path_7z) { print "exists\n" ; next ; }
 77+ $path = "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts/$yy\-$mm/pagecounts\-$yy$mm$dd\_h" ;
 78+ if ((-e "$path.7z") || (-e "$path.zip") || (-e "$path.bz2") || (-e "$path.gz"))
 79+ { print "$path.[7z|zip|bz2|gz] exists\n" ; next ; }
 80+ else
 81+ { print "$path.[7z|zip|bz2|gz] new -> download\n" ; }
 82+ }
 84+ # if ($file =~ /^projectcounts/)
 85+ # {
 86+ # $yy = substr ($file,14,4) ;
 87+ # $mm = substr ($file,18,2) ;
 88+ # $dd = substr ($file,20,2) ;
 89+ # $daysago = int ((time - timegm(0,0,0,$dd,$mm-1,$yy-1900)) / (24 * 60 * 60)) ;
 90+ # if ($daysago > $maxdaysago) { next ; }
 91+ # }
 94+ $yy = substr ($date,0,4) ;
 95+ $mm = substr ($date,5,3) ;
 96+ $dd = substr ($date,9,2) ;
 97+ $hh = substr ($time,0,2) ;
 98+ $nn = substr ($time,3,2) ;
 99+ $ss = substr ($time,6,2) ;
 101+ if ($mm eq 'Jan') { $mm = 1 ; }
 102+ elsif ($mm eq 'Feb') { $mm = 2 ; }
 103+ elsif ($mm eq 'Mar') { $mm = 3 ; }
 104+ elsif ($mm eq 'Apr') { $mm = 4 ; }
 105+ elsif ($mm eq 'May') { $mm = 5 ; }
 106+ elsif ($mm eq 'Jun') { $mm = 6 ; }
 107+ elsif ($mm eq 'Jul') { $mm = 7 ; }
 108+ elsif ($mm eq 'Aug') { $mm = 8 ; }
 109+ elsif ($mm eq 'Sep') { $mm = 9 ; }
 110+ elsif ($mm eq 'Oct') { $mm = 10 ; }
 111+ elsif ($mm eq 'Nov') { $mm = 11 ; }
 112+ elsif ($mm eq 'Dec') { $mm = 12 ; }
 113+ else { &Abort ("Invalid month '$mm' in file date $date $time") ; }
 115+ $date2 = sprintf ("%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%02d", ($yy-2000), $mm, $dd, $hh, $nn, $ss) ;
 117+ if ($file =~ /^(?:page|project)counts-2/)
 118+ {
 120+ if ($file =~ /^pagecounts/)
 121+ { $path = "/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts/$file" ; }
 122+ else
 123+ { $path = "/a/dammit.lt/projectcounts/$file" ; }
 125+ if (-e $path)
 126+ {
 127+ &Log ("File $path exists\n") ;
 128+ if (-s $path == 0)
 129+ {
 130+ &Log ("File $path empty -> overwrite\n") ;
 131+ unlink $path ;
 132+ }
 133+ else { next ; }
 134+ }
 136+ if ($file =~ /^projectcounts/)
 137+ {
 138+ $tar_file = "/a/dammit.lt/projectcounts/projectcounts-$yy.tar" ;
 139+ if (-e $tar_file)
 140+ {
 141+ if ($tar_file ne $tar_file_prev)
 142+ {
 143+ &Log ("\nRead tar file $tar_file\n") ;
 144+ $tar->read($tar_file);
 145+ $tar_file_prev = $tar_file ;
 146+ }
 147+ if ($tar->contains_file ($file))
 148+ {
 149+ &Log ("File $file exists in tar file $tar_file\n") ;
 150+ next ;
 151+ }
 152+ }
 153+ else
 154+ { &Log ("Tar file $tar_file not found\n") ; }
 155+ }
 157+ &Log ("Write file $path, set date $date2\n") ;
 159+ $cmd = "wget -a /a/dammit.lt/wget.log -O $path http://mituzas.lt/wikistats/$subdir$file" ;
 160+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 161+ if ($result == 0)
 162+ { $result = "OK" ; }
 163+ &Log ("Cmd '$cmd' -> $result \n\n") ;
 165+ `touch $path -t $date2` ;
 167+ if ($file =~ /^projectcounts/)
 168+ {
 169+ $cmd = "tar --append --file=$tar_file $file" ;
 170+ &Log ("Cmd '$cmd'\n") ;
 171+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 172+ print "$result\n" ;
 173+ unlink $path ;
 174+ }
 175+ }
 176+ }
 178+ &Log ("Ready in " . (time - $timestart) . " sec.\n") ;
 179+ close HTML ;
 180+ close LOG ;
 181+ exit ;
 183+sub Log
 185+ $msg = shift ;
 186+ my ($ss, $nn, $hh) = (localtime(time))[0,1,2] ;
 187+ my $time = sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hh, $nn, $ss) ;
 188+ $msg = "$time $msg" ;
 189+ print $msg ;
 190+ print LOG $msg ;
 193+sub Abort
 195+ $msg = shift ;
 196+ &Log ($msg) ;
 197+ exit ;
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitCompactHourlyPageCountFiles.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
 2+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl
 4+# 4/27/2010 renamed from WikiStatsCompactDammitFiles.pl
 6+# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical/38154/match=new+statistics+stuff
 7+# http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/webstatscollector/
 8+# https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13541
 9+# http://de.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases
 11+# Ideas:
 12+# 1 namespace string -> namespace number ? (may not save much space: compress will deal with recurring patterns like these)
 13+# 2 frequenty distribution hits per file per first letter _-> manifest crawler
 14+# assuming crawler collects articles in alphabetical order
 15+# 3 first letter uppercase -> sort (in sections per first two chars ?)
 17+ use lib "/home/ezachte/lib" ;
 18+ use EzLib ;
 20+ $trace_on_exit = $true ;
 21+ ez_lib_version (13) ;
 23+ # set defaults mainly for tests on local machine
 24+ default_argv "-i C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts|-t C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt|-f C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt|-o C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt|-d 20101215" ;
 26+ use CGI qw(:all);
 27+ use URI::Escape;
 28+ use Getopt::Std ;
 29+ use Cwd ;
 30+ $bayes = -d "/a/dammit.lt" ;
 31+ $path_7za = "/usr/lib/p7zip/7za" ;
 32+ if (! $bayes)
 33+ {
 34+ print "Test on Windows\n" ;
 35+ use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 36+ use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 37+ }
 39+ $| = 1; # flush screen output
 41+ $true = 1 ;
 42+ $false = 0 ;
 43+ $threshold = 0 ;
 44+ undef %totals_per_namespace ;
 46+ $filter = "^(?:outreach|quality|strategy|usability)\.m\$" ;
 47+ print "Filter: $filter\n" ;
 48+ $reg_exp_filter = qr"$filter" ;
 50+ $track = "NonExistingPageForSquidLogMonitoring" ;
 51+ print "Track: $track\n" ;
 52+ $reg_exp_track = qr"$track" ;
 54+# -i "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Visitors Compact Log Files/in" -o "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Visitors Compact Log Files/out"
 56+ my $options ;
 57+ getopt ("iodft", \%options) ;
 59+ if (! defined ($options {"i"})) { &Abort ("Specify input dir: -i dirname") } ;
 60+ if (! defined ($options {"o"})) { &Abort ("Specify output dir: -o dirname") } ;
 61+ if (! defined ($options {"f"})) { &Abort ("Specify filter dir: -f dirname") } ;
 62+ if (! defined ($options {"t"})) { &Abort ("Specify tracking dir: -t dirname") } ;
 63+ if (! defined ($options {"d"})) { &Abort ("Specify date range: as yyyymmdd, yyyymm*, yyyy* or *") } ;
 65+ $dir_in = $options {"i"} ;
 66+ $dir_out = $options {"o"} ;
 67+ $dir_filtered = $options {"f"} ;
 68+ $dir_track = $options {"t"} ;
 69+ $daterange = $options {"d"} ;
 71+ $work = cwd() ;
 72+ print "Work dir $work\n" ;
 74+ if ($dir_in !~ /[\/\\]/)
 75+ { $dir_in = "$work/$dir_in" ; }
 77+ if ($dir_out !~ /[\/\\]/)
 78+ { $dir_out = "$work/$dir_out" ; }
 80+ if ($dir_filtered !~ /[\/\\]/)
 81+ { $dir_filtered = "$work/$dir_filtered" ; }
 83+ if ($dir_track !~ /[\/\\]/)
 84+ { $dir_track = "$work/$dir_track" ; }
 86+ if (! -d $dir_in)
 87+ { &Abort ("Input dir not found: $dir_in") } ;
 89+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 90+ {
 91+ print "Create output dir $dir_out\n" ;
 92+ mkdir $dir_out ;
 93+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 94+ { &Abort ("Output dir could not be created.") } ;
 95+ }
 97+ if (($daterange !~ /^\d{8}$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\d{6}\*$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\d{4}\*$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\*$/))
 98+ { &Abort ("Specify date range: as yyyymmdd, yyyymm*, yyyy* or *") ; }
 100+ print "\nCompress pagecount files\nin: $dir_in\nout: $dir_out\nflt: $dir_filtered\ntrack: $dir_track\ndate range: $daterange" ;
 101+ $daterange =~ s/\*/\\d+/ ;
 103+ open LOG, ">>", "$work/WikiStatsCompactDammitFiles.log" ;
 105+ &CompactVisitorStats ($dir_in, $dir_out, $dir_filtered, $dir_track, $daterange) ;
 106+# &UncompactVisitorStats ; # test only, to see if process is revertible
 108+ &Log ("\nReady\n") ;
 109+ close LOG ;
 110+ exit ;
 112+sub CompactVisitorStats
 114+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 115+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 116+ my $dir_filtered = shift ;
 117+ my $dir_track = shift ;
 118+ my $daterange = shift ;
 120+ chdir ($dir_in) || &Abort ("Cannot chdir to $dir_in\n") ;
 122+ local (*DIR);
 123+ opendir (DIR, ".");
 124+ @files = () ;
 126+ while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 127+ {
 128+ next if $file_in !~ /^pagecounts-$daterange-\d{6,6}.gz$/ ;
 130+ push @files, $file_in ;
 131+ }
 133+ closedir (DIR, ".");
 135+ @files = sort @files ;
 137+ if (($daterange =~ /^\d{8}$/) and ($#files < 23))
 138+ { &Abort ("Less than 24 files found for date $daterange\n" . @files) ; }
 140+ foreach $file (@files)
 141+ {
 142+ $date = substr ($file,11,8) ;
 143+ $process_dates {$date}++ ;
 144+ }
 146+ &Log ("\n\n") ;
 148+ foreach $date (sort keys %process_dates)
 149+ { &MergeFilesFullDay ($dir_in, $dir_out, $dir_filtered, $dir_track, $date) ; }
 152+sub MergeFilesFullDay
 154+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 155+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 156+ my $dir_filtered = shift ;
 157+ my $dir_track = shift ;
 158+ my $date = shift ;
 160+ my $year = substr ($date,0,4) ;
 161+ my $month = substr ($date,4,2) ;
 162+ my $day = substr ($date,6,2) ;
 164+ my ($file_out1, $file_out2, $file_out3, $out_gz) ;
 166+ $dir_out = "$dir_out/${year}-${month}" ;
 167+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 168+ {
 169+ mkdir $dir_out ;
 170+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 171+ { &Abort ("Output dir could not be created: $dir_out") } ;
 172+ }
 174+ my @files_today = () ;
 175+ foreach $file (@files)
 176+ {
 177+ next if $file !~ /^pagecounts-$date-\d{6,6}.gz$/ ;
 179+ push @files_today, $file ;
 180+ }
 182+ # very few times (nearly) dupiclate files are found for same hour
 183+ # keep the largest and presumably most complete one
 184+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < $#files_today ; $i++)
 185+ {
 186+ for ($j = $i+1 ; $j <= $#files_today ; $j++)
 187+ {
 188+ if (substr ($files_today [$i],0,25) eq substr ($files_today [$j],0,25))
 189+ {
 190+ $size_i = -s $files_today [$i] ;
 191+ $size_j = -s $files_today [$j] ;
 192+ print "${files_today [$i]}: $size_i\n" ;
 193+ print "${files_today [$j]}: $size_j\n" ;
 194+ if ($size_i > $size_j)
 195+ {
 196+ print "Keep ${files_today [$i]}\n\n" ;
 197+ $files_today [$j]= "" ;
 198+ }
 199+ else
 200+ {
 201+ print "Keep ${files_today [$j]}\n\n" ;
 202+ $files_today [$i]= "" ;
 203+ }
 204+ }
 205+ }
 206+ }
 208+ $time_start = time ;
 209+ $lines = 0 ;
 211+ undef @in_gz ;
 212+ undef $file_open ;
 213+ my $time_start = time ;
 215+ # $file_out = "pagecounts-$year$month$day_full_day" ;
 216+ # open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 217+ # binmode $file_out ;
 219+ # print "File_out1 $file_out1\n" ;
 220+ # print "File_out2 $file_out2\n" ;
 221+ # print "File_out3 $file_out3\n" ;
 223+# my $out_gz1 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out1) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 224+ if ($bayes)
 225+ {
 226+ # $file_out1 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_fd" ; # full day
 227+ $file_out2 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_h" ; # full day, hourly data
 228+ # $file_out3 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_d" ; # full day, compact, just daily totals
 229+ if ((-e "$file_out2.7z") || (-e "$file_out2.bz2") || (-e "$file_out2.zip") || (-e "$file_out2.gz"))
 230+ {
 231+ &Log ("\nTarget file '$file_out2.[7z|bz2|zip|gz]' exists already. Skip this date.\n") ;
 232+ return ;
 233+ }
 234+ if ($#files_today < 23)
 235+ {
 236+ &Log ("\nLess than 24 files found for target file '$file_out2.7z'. Skip this date.\n") ;
 237+ return ;
 238+ }
 240+ open $out_gz2, ">", "$file_out2" || &Abort ("Output file '$file_out2' could not be opened.") ;
 241+ # open $out_gz3, ">", "$file_out3" || &Abort ("Output file '$file_out3' could not be opened.") ;
 242+ }
 243+ else
 244+ {
 245+ # $file_out1 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_fd.gz" ; # full day
 246+ $file_out2 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_h.gz" ; # full day, count above threshold
 247+ $out_gz2 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out2) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 248+ # $file_out3 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_d.gz" ; # full day, count above threshold
 249+ # $out_gz3 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out3) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 250+ }
 252+# binmode $out_gz1 ;
 253+ binmode $out_gz2 ;
 254+# binmode $out_gz3 ;
 256+ $file_filtered = "$dir_filtered/pagecounts-$year$month$day.txt" ;
 257+ &Log ("\nFilter file: $file_filtered\n") ;
 258+ open $out_filtered, '>', $file_filtered ;
 259+ binmode $out_filtered ;
 261+ $file_track = "$dir_track/_PageCountsForSquidLogTracking.txt" ;
 262+ &Log ("Tracking file: $file_track\n\n") ;
 264+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 265+ { $file_in_found [$hour] = $false ; }
 267+ $files_in_open = 0 ;
 268+ $files_in_found = 0 ;
 269+ $langprev = "" ;
 270+ foreach $file_in (@files_today)
 271+ {
 272+ next if $file_in eq "" ;
 274+ ($hour = $file_in) =~ s/^pagecounts-\d+-(\d\d)\d+\.gz$/$1/ ;
 275+ $hour = (0+$hour) ;
 276+ # print " file found '$file_in'\n" ;
 278+ if ($bayes)
 279+ { open $in_gz [$hour], "-|", "gzip -dc \"$file_in\"" || &Abort ("Input file '" . $file_in . "' could not be opened.") ; }
 280+ else
 281+ { $in_gz [$hour] = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ; }
 282+ binmode $in_gz [$hour] ;
 284+ $files_in_open++ ;
 285+ $file_in_found [$hour] = $true ;
 286+ $file_in_open [$hour] = $true ;
 287+ $files_in_found ++ ;
 288+ $file = $in_gz [$hour] ;
 289+ $line = <$file> ;
 290+ $line =~ s/^(\w+)2 /$1.y /o ;
 291+ $line =~ s/^(\w+) /$1.z /o ;
 293+ ($lang,$title,$count [$hour],$dummy) = split (' ', $line) ;
 294+ $key [$hour] = "$lang $title" ;
 295+ }
 297+ $comment = "# Wikimedia page request counts for $date, each line shows 'subproject title counts'\n" ;
 298+ if ($threshold > 0 )
 299+ { $comment .= "# Count for articles with less than $threshold requests per full day are omitted\n" ; }
 300+ $comment .= "# Subproject is language code, followed by project code\n" ;
 301+ $comment .= "# Project is b:wikibooks, k:wiktionary, n:wikinews, q:wikiquote, s:wikisource, v:wikiversity, z:wikipedia (z added by compression script: wikipedia happens to be sorted last in dammit.lt files)\n" ;
 302+ $comment .= "# Counts format is total per day, followed by count per hour if larger than zero, hour 0..23 shown as A..X (saves up to 22 bytes per line compared to comma separated values)\n" ;
 303+ $comment .= "# If data are missing for some hour (file missing or corrupt) a question mark (?) is shown (and for each missing hour the daily total is incremented with hourly average)\n" ;
 304+ print $out_gz2 $comment ;
 305+# print $out_gz3 $comment ;
 307+ if ($files_in_found < 24)
 308+ {
 309+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 310+ {
 311+ if (! $file_in_found [$hour])
 312+ { $hours_missing .= "$hour," ; }
 313+ }
 314+ $hours_missing =~ s/,$// ;
 315+ &Log ("Merge files: date = $date, only $files_in_found files found!\n") ;
 316+ }
 317+ else
 318+ { &Log ("Merge files: date = $date\n") ; }
 320+ if ($hours_missing ne '')
 321+ {
 322+ print $out_gz2 "#\n" ;
 323+ print $out_gz2 "# In this file data are missing for hour(s) $hours_missing!\n" ;
 324+ # print $out_gz3 "#\n" ;
 325+ # print $out_gz3 "# In this file data are missing for hour(s) $hours_missing!\n" ;
 326+ }
 327+ $comment = "#\n" ;
 328+ $comment .= "# Lines starting with ampersand (@) show totals per 'namespace' (including omitted counts for low traffic articles)\n" ;
 329+ $comment .= "# Since valid namespace string are not known in the compression script any string followed by colon (:) counts as possible namespace string\n" ;
 330+ $comment .= "# Please reconcile with real namespace name strings later\n" ;
 331+ $comment .= "# 'namespaces' with count < 5 are combined in 'Other' (on larger wikis these are surely false positives)\n" ;
 332+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 333+ $comment .= "# Page titles are shown unmodified (preserves sort sequence)\n" ;
 334+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 335+ print $out_gz2 $comment ;
 336+# print $out_gz3 $comment ;
 338+ $key_low_prev = "" ;
 339+ while ($files_in_open > 0)
 340+ {
 341+ $key_low = "\xFF\xFF";
 342+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 343+ {
 344+ if (($files_in_open == 24) || ($file_in_found [$hour] && $file_in_open [$hour]))
 345+ {
 346+ if ($key [$hour] lt $key_low)
 347+ { $key_low = $key [$hour] ; }
 348+ }
 349+ }
 351+ if (($key_low =~ /^nov/) || ($key_low_prev =~ /^nov/))
 352+ { &Log ("key_low '$key_low' (key_low_prev '$key_low_prev')\n") ; }
 354+ $counts = "" ;
 355+ $total = 0 ;
 356+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 357+ {
 358+ if (! $file_in_found [$hour])
 359+ { $counts .= chr ($hour+ord('A')) . '?' ; }
 360+ elsif (($files_in_open == 24) || $file_in_open [$hour])
 361+ {
 362+ if ($key [$hour] eq $key_low)
 363+ {
 364+ $counts .= chr ($hour+ord('A')) . $count [$hour] ;
 365+ $total += $count [$hour] ;
 366+ $file = $in_gz [$hour] ;
 367+ # $line = <$file> ;
 369+ while ($true)
 370+ {
 371+ if ($line = <$file>) # =~ /^a/)
 372+ {
 373+ $line =~ s/^([\w\-]+)2 /$1.y /o ;
 374+ $line =~ s/^([\w\-]+) /$1.z /o ;
 375+ ($lang,$title,$count [$hour],$dummy) = split (' ', $line) ;
 376+ $key [$hour] = "$lang $title" ;
 378+ last if $lang !~ /\d/ ;
 379+ }
 380+ else
 381+ {
 382+ if ($bayes)
 383+ { close $in_gz [$hour] ; }
 384+ else
 385+ { $in_gz [$hour] -> close () ; }
 386+ $files_in_open-- ;
 387+ $file_in_open [$hour] = $false ;
 388+ $key [$hour] = "\xFF\xFF";
 390+ last ;
 391+ }
 392+ }
 393+ }
 394+ }
 395+ }
 396+ if ($lines == 0)
 397+ { &Log ("\nlines: project key\n") ; }
 399+ if (++$lines % 100000 == 0)
 400+ { &Log ("$lines: $key_low\n") ; }
 402+ # last if $lines > 10000 ; # test
 404+ last if $key_low eq "\xFF\xFF" ;
 406+ # Q&D fix for unexplained out of order error for what seems to be invalid language
 407+ # remember : no suffix on language code gets replaced by .y or .z to fixed sort order
 408+ # ^nov.mw nov1 1 8765
 409+ # ^nov1.mw nov1 1 931 <--------------
 410+ # ^nov 10_dw_oktobre 1 11421
 411+ ($lang,$title) = split (' ', $key_low) ;
 412+ if ($lang =~ /\d/)
 413+ {
 414+ $invalid_languages {$lang}++ ;
 415+ &Log ("\nSkip invalid language '$lang'\n") ;
 416+ next ;
 417+ }
 420+ if ($key_low_prev gt $key_low)
 421+ {
 422+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 423+ { &Log ("hour $hour: key ${key[$hour]}\n") ; }
 425+ &Abort ("Sequence error: '$key_low_prev' gt '$key_low'\n") ;
 426+ }
 428+ if (($key_low_prev eq $key_low) && ($files_in_open > 0))
 429+ {
 430+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 431+ {
 432+ if ($file_in_open [$hour])
 433+ { print "hour $hour: file open, key ${key [$hour]}\n" ; }
 434+ else
 435+ { print "hour $hour: file closed, key ${key [$hour]}\n" ; }
 436+ }
 437+ &Abort ("Sequence error: '$key_low_prev' eq '$key_low'\n") ;
 438+ }
 440+ # print OUT "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 441+# print $out_gz1 "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 443+ ($lang,$title) = split (' ', $key_low) ;
 445+ $title =~ s/\%20/_/g ;
 446+ $title =~ s/\%3A/:/gi ;
 447+# $title =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 448+ if (($title !~ /\:/) || ($title =~ /^:[^:]*$/)) # no colon or only on first position
 449+ { $namespace = 'NamespaceArticles' ; }
 450+ else
 451+ { ($namespace = $title) =~ s/([^:])\:.*$/$1/ ; }
 452+ # print "KEY $key_low -> $namespace\n" ;
 454+ if (($lang ne $langprev) && ($langprev ne ""))
 455+ {
 456+ $filter_matches = $lang =~ $reg_exp_filter ;
 457+ if ($filter_matches)
 458+ { print "F $lang\n" ; }
 459+ # else
 460+ # { print "- $lang\n" ; }
 462+ &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_gz2, $langprev) ;
 463+ # &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_gz3, $langprev) ;
 464+ undef %totals_per_namespace ;
 465+ }
 466+ $langprev = $lang ;
 468+ if (($files_in_found < 24) && ($files_in_found > 0)) # always > 0 actually
 469+ { $total = sprintf ("%.0f",($total / $files_in_found) * 24) ; }
 471+ $totals_per_namespace {"$lang $namespace"} += $total ;
 473+ if ($filter_matches)
 474+ { print $out_filtered "$key_low $total$counts\n" ; }
 476+ if ($key_low =~ $reg_exp_track) # track count for NonExistingPageForSquidLogMonitoring on en.z
 477+ {
 478+ open $out_track, '>>', $file_track ;
 479+ binmode $out_track ;
 480+ print $out_track "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 481+ close $out_track ;
 482+ }
 484+ if ($total >= $threshold)
 485+ { print $out_gz2 "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 486+ # print $out_gz3 "$key_low $total\n" ;
 487+ }
 489+ $key_low_prev = $key_low ;
 490+ # print "OUT $key_low $counts\n" ;
 491+ }
 493+ &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_gz2, $langprev) ;
 494+# &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_gz3, $langprev) ;
 496+ &Log ("File production took " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 498+ &Log ("[$lines, $files_in_open] $key_low\n") ;
 499+# close OUT ;
 501+ if ($bayes)
 502+ {
 503+ # close $out_gz1 ;
 504+ close $out_gz2 ;
 505+ # close $out_gz3 ;
 506+ close $out_filtered ;
 508+# $cmd = "$path_7za a $file_out2.7z $file_out2" ;
 509+# $result = `$cmd` ;
 510+# if ($result =~ /Everything is Ok/s)
 511+# {
 512+# $result =~ s/^.*?(Updating.*?)\n.*$/$1 -> OK/s ;
 513+# unlink $file_out2 ;
 514+# foreach $file_in (@files_today)
 515+# {
 516+# print "unlink $dir_in/$file_in\n" ;
 517+# unlink "$dir_in/$file_in" ;
 518+# }
 519+# }
 520+# else
 521+# {
 522+# print "Delete $file_out2.7z\n" ;
 523+# unlink "$file_out2.7z" ;
 524+# }
 527+ $cmd = "bzip2 -9 -v $file_out2" ;
 528+ &Log ("\n\n$cmd ->\n") ;
 529+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 530+ &Log ("\n\n") ;
 532+ # if ($true) # qqq
 533+ if ($false)
 534+ {
 535+ foreach $file_in (@files_today)
 536+ {
 537+ print "unlink $dir_in/$file_in\n" ;
 538+ unlink "$dir_in/$file_in" ;
 539+ }
 540+ }
 541+ else
 542+ {
 543+ # print "Delete $file_out2.7z\n" ;
 544+ # unlink "$file_out2.7z" ;
 545+ }
 547+ # $cmd = "bzip2 -9 -v $file_out3" ;
 548+ # &Log ("\n$cmd ->\n") ;
 549+ # $result = `$cmd` ;
 550+ # &Log ("\n\n") ;
 551+ &Log ("Compression took " . (time-$time_start_compression) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 552+ }
 553+ else
 554+ {
 555+ # $out_gz1->close() ;
 556+ $out_gz2->close() ;
 557+ # $out_gz3->close() ;
 558+ close $out_filtered ;
 559+ }
 561+ &Log ("\nRecords skipped for invalid languages:\n") ;
 562+ foreach $key (sort keys %invalid_languages)
 563+ { &Log ("$key: ${invalid_languages {$key}}\n") ; }
 565+ &Log ("\nTotals per namespace written: $lines_namespace_counts\n") ;
 566+ &Log ("Processed in " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 569+sub WriteTotalsPerNamespace
 571+ my $out_gz = shift ;
 572+ my $lang = shift ;
 573+ my $total ;
 574+ my $totals_per_namespace_other ;
 576+ foreach my $key (sort keys %totals_per_namespace)
 577+ {
 578+ $total = $totals_per_namespace {$key} ;
 579+ if ($total < 5)
 580+ { $totals_per_namespace_other += $total ; }
 581+ else
 582+ {
 583+ # print "@ $key $total\n" ;
 584+ print $out_gz "@ $key $total\n" ;
 585+ $lines_namespace_counts ++ ;
 586+ }
 587+ }
 588+ if ($totals_per_namespace_other > 0 )
 589+ {
 590+ # print "@ $lang -other- $totals_per_namespace_other\n" ;
 591+ print $out_gz "@ $lang -other- $totals_per_namespace_other\n" ;
 592+ $lines_namespace_counts ++ ;
 593+ }
 596+sub Log
 598+ $msg = shift ;
 599+ print $msg ;
 600+ print LOG $msg ;
 603+sub Abort
 605+ $msg = shift ;
 606+ print "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 607+ print LOG "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 608+ exit ;
 613+#sub Compact
 615+# my $day = shift ;
 616+# &Log ("Compact files for $day\n") ;
 618+# $file_in = "pagecounts-$day.out" ;
 619+# $file_out1 = "pagecounts-${day}_all.gz" ;
 620+# $file_out2 = "pagecounts-${day}_10plus.gz" ;
 621+# open IN, "<", $file_in ;
 622+# binmode $file_in ;
 624+# my $out_gz1 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out1) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 625+# my $out_gz2 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out2) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 627+# open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 628+# binmode $file_out ;
 630+# $lang_prev = "" ;
 631+# while ($line = <IN>)
 632+# {
 633+# chomp ($line) ;
 634+# ($lang, $title, $counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 635+# $title2 = $title ;
 636+# $title =~ s/\%20/_/g ;
 637+# $title =~ s/\%3A/:/g ;
 638+# # $title =~ s/\%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 639+# # if ($title =~ /[\x00-\x1F]/)
 640+# # { &Log ("> '$title2'\n") ; }
 641+# $title =~ s/\x00-\x1F/"%" . sprintf ("%X", ord($1)) ;/ge ;
 642+# print $out_gz1 "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 643+# ($counts2 = $counts) =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/ ;
 644+# if ($counts2 >= $threshold)
 645+# { print $out_gz2 "$lang $title $counts\n" ; }
 646+# $lang_prev = $lang ;
 647+# }
 649+# close IN ;
 650+# $out_gz1->close() ;
 651+# $out_gz2->close() ;
 655+#sub GetViewDistribution
 657+# open OUT, ">", "Views.csv" ;
 658+# foreach $file_in (@files)
 659+# {
 660+# ($hour = $file_in) =~ s/^pagecounts-\d+-(\d\d)\d+\.gz$/$1/ ;
 661+# $hour = chr(ord('A')+$hour) ;
 662+# &Log ("Process $hour $file_in\n") ;
 664+# $in_gz1 = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n") ;
 665+# while ($line = <$in_gz1>)
 666+# {
 667+# ($lang,$title,$count,$dummy) = split (' ', $line) ;
 668+# if (($lang eq "en") && ($title !~ /:/)) # only en: and namespace 0
 669+# {
 670+# $tot {$hour} += $count ;
 671+# if ($count < 3)
 672+# { @counts {$hour . substr ($title,0,1)}++ ; }
 673+# }
 674+# }
 675+# $in_gz1->close () ;
 676+# }
 678+# print OUT "," ;
 679+# foreach $hour ('A'..'X')
 680+# { print OUT $hour . ", " ; }
 681+# print OUT "\n" ;
 683+# print OUT "," ;
 684+# foreach $hour ('A'..'X')
 685+# { print OUT $tot {$hour} . ", " ; }
 686+# print OUT "\n" ;
 688+# for ($c=0; $c < 256; $c++)
 689+# {
 690+# # do not print chars " and , as such: confuses csv format
 691+# if ($c < 33)
 692+# { print OUT "chr($c), " ; }
 693+# elsif (chr($c) eq '"')
 694+# { print OUT "dquote, " ; }
 695+# elsif (chr($c) eq ',')
 696+# { print OUT "comma, " ; }
 697+# else
 698+# { print OUT chr($c) . ", " ; }
 700+# foreach $hour ('A'..'X')
 701+# { print OUT (0+@counts {$hour.chr($c)}) , ", " ; }
 703+# if ($c < 255)
 704+# { print OUT "\n" ; }
 705+# }
 706+# close OUT ;
 710+#sub RecompactVisitorStats
 712+# my $dir_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/" ;
 713+# chdir ($dir_in) || &Abort ("Cannot chdir to $dir_in\n") ;
 714+# local (*DIR);
 715+# opendir (DIR, ".");
 716+# @files = () ;
 717+# while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 718+# {
 719+# next if $file_in !~ /^pagecounts-\d{8,8}_fd.gz$/ ;
 721+# push @files, $file_in ;
 722+# }
 724+# $filecnt = $#files+1 ;
 725+# @files = sort { substr ($a, 20,2) <=> substr ($b, 20,2)} @files ;
 727+# foreach $file (@files)
 728+# { &RecompactVisitorStats2 ($file) ; }
 729+# closedir (DIR, ".");
 732+#sub RecompactVisitorStats2
 734+## http://www.7-zip.org/7z.html
 735+# my $file = shift ;
 736+# my $time_start = time ;
 737+# my $path_7z = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/7z.exe" ;
 738+## my $file_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/2008-07-pagecounts/pagecounts-20080702_fd.gz" ;
 739+# my $file_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/$file" ;
 740+# my $file_out ; ($file_out = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/txt/ ;
 741+# my $file_7z ; ($file_7z = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/7z/ ;
 743+# &Log ("Process $file_in\n") ;
 745+# $in_gz = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ;
 746+# binmode $in_gz ;
 747+# open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 748+# binmode OUT ;
 750+# my ($title, $title2) ;
 751+# while ($line = <$in_gz>)
 752+# {
 753+# chomp ($line) ;
 754+# ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (" ", $line) ;
 756+# if ($lang ne $lang_prev) { print "$lang " ; }
 757+# $lang_prev = $lang ;
 759+# # test pagecounts-20080701_fd.gz
 760+# # all records 424 Mib compressed (1984 uncompressed)
 761+# # count > 1 212 Mib compressed ( 733 uncompressed)
 762+# # count > 2 169 Mib compressed ( 551 uncompressed)
 763+# next if $counts <= 1 ;
 765+# $title =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 766+# $title =~ s/\s/_/g;
 767+# $lang =~ s/\.z// ; # remove codes that were added to fix sort sequence
 768+# $lang =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 770+# print OUT "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 771+# }
 773+# print "Close files\n" ;
 774+# $in_gz -> close () ;
 775+# close (OUT) ;
 777+# &Log ("Compress $file_out\n") ;
 779+# unlink $file_7z ;
 780+# $result = `$path_7z a $file_7z $file_out` ;
 781+# &Log ("Compressed\n") ;
 782+# &Log ("Result " . ($result+0) . " \n") ;
 783+# if ((-e $file_7z) && (-s $file_7z > 0) && (($result == 0) || ($result == 7)))
 784+# { unlink $file_out ; }
 786+# &Log ("Processed in " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 787+## 0 No error
 788+## 1 Warning (Non fatal error(s)). For example, one or more files were locked by some other application, so they were not compressed.
 789+## 2 Fatal error
 790+## 7 Command line error
 791+## 8 Not enough memory for operation
 792+## 255 User stopped the process
 796+#sub RecompactVisitorStats3
 798+## http://www.7-zip.org/7z.html
 799+# my $path_7z = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/7z.exe" ;
 800+# my $file_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/2008-07-pagecounts/pagecounts-20080702_fd.gz" ;
 801+# my $file_out ; ($file_out = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/txt/ ;
 802+# my $file_7z ; ($file_7z = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/7z/ ;
 803+## my $file_log = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/2008-07-pagecounts/pagecounts.log" ;
 805+# $in_gz = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ;
 806+# binmode $in_gz ;
 807+## $out_gz = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 808+## binmode $out_gz ;
 809+# open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 810+# binmode OUT ;
 811+## open LOG, ">", $file_log ;
 812+## binmode LOG ;
 814+# my ($title, $title2) ;
 815+# while ($line = <$in_gz>)
 816+# {
 817+# chomp ($line) ;
 818+# ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (" ", $line) ;
 820+# if ($lang ne $lang_prev) { print "$lang\n" ; }
 821+## last if $lang gt "fs" ;
 822+# $lang_prev = $lang ;
 824+# # test pagecounts-20080701_fd.gz
 825+# # all records 424 Mib compressed (1984 uncompressed)
 826+# # count > 1 212 Mib compressed ( 733 uncompressed)
 827+# # count > 2 169 Mib compressed ( 551 uncompressed)
 828+# next if $counts <= 1 ;
 830+## next if $lang !~ /^(?:ar|fr)/ ;
 832+#if ($false)
 834+# $title1b = $title ;
 835+# $title1b =~ s/(\%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/uc($1)/seg;
 836+# $title1b =~ s/\%28/(/g ;
 837+# $title1b =~ s/\%29/)/g ;
 838+# $title1b =~ s/\%3A/:/g ;
 839+# $title1b =~ s/\%2F/\//g ;
 840+# $title1b =~ s/\%5C/\\/g ;
 841+# $title1b =~ s/\%2A/*/g ;
 842+# $title1b =~ s/\%21/!/g ;
 843+# $title1b =~ s/\%5F/_/g ;
 844+# $title1b =~ s/\%2C/,/g ;
 845+# $title1b =~ s/\%2E/./g ;
 846+# $title1b =~ s/\%2D/-/g ;
 847+# $title1b =~ s/\%25/%/g ;
 848+# $title1b =~ s/\%7E/~/g ;
 849+# $title1b =~ s/\%27/'/g ;
 850+# $title1b =~ s/\%3D/=/g ;
 851+# $title1b =~ s/\%26/&/g ;
 852+# $title1b =~ s/\%3B/;/g ;
 853+# $title1b =~ s/\%3F/?/g ;
 854+# $title1b =~ s/\%2B/+/g ;
 855+# $title2 = $title1b ;
 856+# $title2 =~ s/%([A-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 858+# if ($title1b ne $title2) # if changed anything at all
 859+# {
 860+# $title3 = uri_escape ($title2) ;
 861+# $title3 =~ s/\%28/(/g ;
 862+# $title3 =~ s/\%29/)/g ;
 863+# $title3 =~ s/\%3A/:/g ;
 864+# $title3 =~ s/\%2F/\//g ;
 865+# $title3 =~ s/\%5C/\\/g ;
 866+# $title3 =~ s/\%2A/\*/g ;
 867+# $title3 =~ s/\%21/\!/g ;
 868+# $title3 =~ s/\%5F/\_/g ;
 869+# $title3 =~ s/\%2C/,/g ;
 870+# $title3 =~ s/\%2E/./g ;
 871+# $title3 =~ s/\%2D/-/g ;
 872+# $title3 =~ s/\%25/%/g ;
 873+# $title3 =~ s/\%7E/~/g ;
 874+# $title3 =~ s/\%27/'/g ;
 875+# $title3 =~ s/\%3D/=/g ;
 876+# $title3 =~ s/\%26/&/g ;
 877+# $title3 =~ s/\%3B/;/g ;
 878+# $title3 =~ s/\%3F/?/g ;
 879+# $title3 =~ s/\%2B/+/g ;
 881+# if ($title1b eq $title3) # process reversible ?
 882+# {
 883+# $y++ ;
 884+# $title2 =~ s/\s/_/g;
 885+# $title = $title2 ;
 886+# }
 887+# else
 888+# {
 889+# $n++ ;
 890+# print "Y $y N $n\n$title\n$title3\n\n" ;
 891+# print LOG "Y $y N $n\n$title\n$title3\n\n" ;
 892+# }
 893+# }
 895+# $title =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 896+# $title =~ s/\s/_/g;
 897+# $lang =~ s/\.z// ; # remove codes that were added to fix sort sequence
 898+# $lang =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 900+# # print $out_gz "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 901+# print OUT "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 902+# }
 904+# print "Close files\n" ;
 905+# $in_gz -> close () ;
 906+## $out_gz -> close () ;
 907+# close (OUT) ;
 908+# $result = `$path_7z a $file_out $file_txt` ;
 909+# print $result ;
 914+# test (partial) reversibility of process
 915+#sub UncompactVisitorStats
 917+# my $file_in = "out/2009-03/pagecounts-20090301_fdt1" ;
 918+# my $dir_out = "out" ;
 919+# # $in_gz = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ;
 920+# open $in_gz, '<', $file_in ;
 921+# binmode $in_gz ;
 923+# for ($h=0 ; $h<=23 ; $h++)
 924+# {
 925+# $time = sprintf ("%02d",$h) . "0000" ;
 926+## $file_out = "$dir_out/pagecounts-20090301-$time.gz" ;
 927+# $file_out = "$dir_out/pagecounts-20090301-$time" ;
 928+# open $out_gz [$h], '>', $file_out ;
 929+## $out_gz [$h] = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n");
 930+# binmode $out_gz [$h] ;
 931+# }
 933+# while ($line = <$in_gz>)
 934+# {
 935+# next if $line =~ /^#/ ;
 936+# next if $line =~ /^@/ ;
 937+# chomp ($line) ;
 938+## print "$line\n" ;
 939+# if ($lines++ > 10000) { exit ; }
 940+# ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (" ", $line) ;
 941+# $lang =~ s/\.z// ;
 942+# $lang =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 943+# $counts =~ s/^\d+// ; # remove (redundant) preceding total
 944+# while ($counts ne "")
 945+# {
 946+# $letter = substr ($counts,0,1) ;
 947+# $counts = substr ($counts,1) ;
 948+# ($count = $counts) =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 949+# $counts =~ s/^\d+(.*)$/$1/ ;
 950+# $h = ord ($letter) - ord ('A') ;
 951+# $file = $out_gz [$h] ;
 952+# $writes {$h} ++ ;
 953+# print $file "$lang $title $count\n" ;
 954+# }
 956+# }
 958+# for ($h=0 ; $h<=23 ; $h++)
 959+# {
 960+## $out_gz [$h] -> close () ;
 961+# close $out_gz [$h] ;
 962+# }
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_scan.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
 2+i='/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts' # input dir
 3+o='/home/ezachte/wikistats/scans' # output dir
 4+f=20090424 # from date
 5+t=20091110 # till date
 8+#p="#$o/pattern_influenza_en.txt" # file name
 9+#p="#$o/pattern_pandemic_shortlist.txt" # file name
 11+perl /a/dammit.lt/DammitScanCompactedFiles.pl -i $i -o $o -f $f -t $t -p $p
Property changes on: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_scan.sh
Added: svn:eol-style
112 + native
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_filter.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
 2+#='/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts' # input dir
 3+#o='/home/ezachte/wikistats/scans' # output dir
 4+#f=20090424 # from date
 5+#t=20091110 # till date
 6+perl /a/dammit.lt/DammitFilterDailyPageCountsPerLanguage.pl
Property changes on: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/dammit_filter.sh
Added: svn:eol-style
17 + native
Index: trunk/wikistats/dammit.lt/DammitCompactHourlyOrDailyPageCountFiles.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1568 @@
 4+# 4/27/2010 renamed from WikiStatsCompactDammitFiles.pl
 6+# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical/38154/match=new+statistics+stuff
 7+# http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/webstatscollector/
 8+# https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13541
 9+# http://de.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases
 11+# Ideas:
 12+# 1 namespace string -> namespace number ? (may not save much space: compress will deal with recurring patterns like these)
 13+# 2 frequency distribution hits per file per first letter _-> manifest crawler
 14+# assuming crawler collects articles in alphabetical order
 15+# 3 first letter uppercase -> sort (in sections per first two chars ?)
 17+ use lib "/home/ezachte/lib" ;
 18+ use EzLib ;
 20+ $trace_on_exit = $true ;
 21+ ez_lib_version (13) ;
 23+ # set defaults mainly for tests on local machine
 24+# default_argv "-i C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts|-t C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt|-f C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt|-o C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt|-d 20101215" ;
 25+ default_argv "-m|-i C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt/pagecounts|-o C:/bayes_backup/a/dammit.lt|-d 200812" ;
 27+ use CGI qw(:all);
 28+ use URI::Escape;
 29+ use Cwd ;
 30+ $bayes = -d "/a/dammit.lt" ;
 31+# $path_7za = "/usr/lib/p7zip/7za" ;
 33+ use IO::Compress::Bzip2 qw(bzip2 $Bzip2Error) ;
 35+ if (! $bayes)
 36+ {
 37+ print "Test on Windows\n" ;
 38+ use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 39+ use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; # install IO-Compress-Zlib
 40+ }
 42+ $| = 1; # flush screen output
 44+ $true = 1 ;
 45+ $false = 0 ;
 46+ $threshold = 0 ;
 47+ undef %totals_per_namespace ;
 49+ ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);
 50+ $year = $year + 1900;
 51+ $month++ ;
 52+ $month_run = sprintf ("%4d-%2d", $year, $month) ;
 53+ print "Current month: $month_run\n" ;
 55+ $filter = "^(?:outreach|quality|strategy|usability)\.m\$" ;
 56+ print "Filter: $filter\n" ;
 57+ $reg_exp_filter = qr"$filter" ;
 59+ $track = "NonExistingPageForSquidLogMonitoring" ;
 60+ print "Track: $track\n" ;
 61+ $reg_exp_track = qr"$track" ;
 63+# -i "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Visitors Compact Log Files/in" -o "D:/\@Wikimedia/!Perl/#Projects/Visitors Compact Log Files/out"
 65+ my $options ;
 66+ getopt ("iodft", \%options) ;
 68+ $compactmonth = $options {"m"} ;
 69+ $compactday = ! $compactmonth ;
 71+ if (! defined ($options {"i"})) { &Abort ("Specify input dir: -i dirname") } ;
 72+ if ($compactday)
 73+ {
 74+ if (! defined ($options {"o"})) { &Abort ("Specify output dir: -o dirname") } ;
 75+ if (! defined ($options {"f"})) { &Abort ("Specify filter dir: -f dirname") } ;
 76+ if (! defined ($options {"t"})) { &Abort ("Specify tracking dir: -t dirname") } ;
 77+ if (! defined ($options {"d"})) { &Abort ("Specify date range: as yyyymmdd, yyyymm*, yyyy* or *") } ;
 78+ }
 79+ if ($compactmonth)
 80+ {
 81+ if (! defined ($options {"d"})) { &Abort ("Specify date range: as yyyymm, yyyy* or *") } ;
 82+ }
 85+ $dir_in = $options {"i"} ;
 86+ $dir_out = $options {"o"} ;
 87+ $dir_filtered = $options {"f"} ;
 88+ $dir_track = $options {"t"} ;
 89+ $daterange = $options {"d"} ;
 91+ $work = cwd() ;
 92+ print "Work dir $work\n" ;
 94+ if ($dir_in !~ /[\/\\]/)
 95+ { $dir_in = "$work/$dir_in" ; }
 97+ if ($dir_out eq '')
 98+ { $dir_out = "$work" ; }
 99+ elsif ($dir_out !~ /[\/\\]/)
 100+ { $dir_out = "$work/$dir_out" ; }
 102+ if ($compactmonth && ($dir_out eq ''))
 103+ { $dir_out = $dir_in ; }
 105+ if ($dir_filtered !~ /[\/\\]/)
 106+ { $dir_filtered = "$work/$dir_filtered" ; }
 108+ if ($dir_track !~ /[\/\\]/)
 109+ { $dir_track = "$work/$dir_track" ; }
 111+ if (! -d $dir_in)
 112+ { &Abort ("Input dir not found: $dir_in") } ;
 114+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 115+ {
 116+ print "Create output dir $dir_out\n" ;
 117+ mkdir $dir_out ;
 118+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 119+ { &Abort ("Output dir could not be created.") } ;
 120+ }
 122+ open LOG, ">>", "$work/WikiStatsCompactDammitFiles.log" ;
 124+ if ($compactday)
 125+ {
 126+ if (($daterange !~ /^\d{8}$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\d{6}\*$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\d{4}\*$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\*$/))
 127+ { &Abort ("Specify date range: as yyyymmdd, yyyymm*, yyyy* or *") ; }
 129+ &Log ("\nCompress pagecount files\nin: $dir_in\nout: $dir_out\nflt: $dir_filtered\ntrack: $dir_track\ndate range: $daterange\n") ;
 130+ $daterange =~ s/\*/\\d+/ ;
 132+ &CompactVisitorStatsOneDay ($dir_in, $dir_out, $dir_filtered, $dir_track, $daterange) ;
 133+ # &UncompactVisitorStats ; # test only, to see if process is revertible
 134+ }
 136+ if ($compactmonth)
 137+ {
 138+ if (($daterange !~ /^\d{6}$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\d{4}\*$/) && ($daterange !~ /^\*$/))
 139+ { &Abort ("Specify date range: as yyyymm, yyyy* or *") ; }
 141+ ($daterange2 = $daterange) =~ s/\*/\\d+/ ;
 142+ &Log ("\nCompress pagecount files\nin: $dir_in\nout: $dir_out\ndate range: $daterange->$daterange2\n") ;
 144+ &CompactVisitorStatsOneMonth ($dir_in, $dir_out, $daterange2) ;
 145+ }
 147+ &Log ("\nReady\n") ;
 148+ close LOG ;
 149+ exit ;
 151+sub CompactVisitorStatsOneDay
 153+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 154+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 155+ my $dir_filtered = shift ;
 156+ my $dir_track = shift ;
 157+ my $daterange = shift ;
 159+ chdir ($dir_in) || &Abort ("Cannot chdir to $dir_in\n") ;
 161+ local (*DIR);
 162+ opendir (DIR, ".");
 163+ @files = () ;
 165+ while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 166+ {
 167+ next if $file_in !~ /^pagecounts-$daterange-\d{6,6}.gz$/ ;
 169+ push @files, $file_in ;
 170+ }
 172+ closedir (DIR);
 174+ @files = sort @files ;
 176+# if (($daterange =~ /^\d{8}$/) and ($#files < 23))
 177+# { &Abort ("Less than 24 files found for date $daterange\n" . @files) ; }
 179+ foreach $file (@files)
 180+ {
 181+ $date = substr ($file,11,8) ;
 182+ $process_dates {$date}++ ;
 183+ }
 185+ &Log ("\n\n") ;
 187+ foreach $date (sort keys %process_dates)
 188+ { &MergeFilesFullDay ($dir_in, $dir_out, $dir_filtered, $dir_track, $date) ; }
 191+sub MergeFilesFullDay
 193+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 194+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 195+ my $dir_filtered = shift ;
 196+ my $dir_track = shift ;
 197+ my $date = shift ;
 199+ my $year = substr ($date,0,4) ;
 200+ my $month = substr ($date,4,2) ;
 201+ my $day = substr ($date,6,2) ;
 203+ my ($file_out1, $file_out2, $file_out3, $out_day, $hours_missing) ;
 205+ $dir_out = "$dir_out/${year}-${month}" ;
 206+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 207+ {
 208+ mkdir $dir_out ;
 209+ if (! -d $dir_out)
 210+ { &Abort ("Output dir could not be created: $dir_out") } ;
 211+ }
 213+ my @files_today = () ;
 214+ foreach $file (@files)
 215+ {
 216+ next if $file !~ /^pagecounts-$date-\d{6,6}.gz$/ ;
 218+ push @files_today, $file ;
 219+ }
 221+ # very few times (nearly) dupiclate files are found for same hour
 222+ # keep the largest and presumably most complete one
 223+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < $#files_today ; $i++)
 224+ {
 225+ for ($j = $i+1 ; $j <= $#files_today ; $j++)
 226+ {
 227+ if (substr ($files_today [$i],0,25) eq substr ($files_today [$j],0,25))
 228+ {
 229+ $size_i = -s $files_today [$i] ;
 230+ $size_j = -s $files_today [$j] ;
 231+ print "${files_today [$i]}: $size_i\n" ;
 232+ print "${files_today [$j]}: $size_j\n" ;
 233+ if ($size_i > $size_j)
 234+ {
 235+ print "Keep ${files_today [$i]}\n\n" ;
 236+ $files_today [$j]= "" ;
 237+ }
 238+ else
 239+ {
 240+ print "Keep ${files_today [$j]}\n\n" ;
 241+ $files_today [$i]= "" ;
 242+ }
 243+ }
 244+ }
 245+ }
 247+ $time_start = time ;
 248+ $lines = 0 ;
 250+ undef @in_hour ;
 252+ # $file_out = "pagecounts-$year$month$day_full_day" ;
 253+ # open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 254+ # binmode $file_out ;
 256+# my $out_day1 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out1) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 257+ if ($bayes)
 258+ {
 259+ # $file_out1 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_fd" ; # full day
 260+ $file_out2 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_h" ; # full day, hourly data
 261+ # $file_out3 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_d" ; # full day, compact, just daily totals
 262+ if ((-e "$file_out2.7z") || (-e "$file_out2.bz2") || (-e "$file_out2.zip") || (-e "$file_out2.gz"))
 263+ {
 264+ &Log ("\nTarget file '$file_out2.[7z|bz2|zip|gz]' exists already. Skip this date.\n") ;
 265+ return ;
 266+ }
 267+ if ($#files_today < 23)
 268+ {
 269+ &Log ("\nLess than 24 files found for target file '$file_out2.7z'. Skip this date.\n") ;
 270+ return ;
 271+ }
 273+ open $out_day2, ">", "$file_out2" || &Abort ("Output file '$file_out2' could not be opened.") ;
 274+ # open $out_day3, ">", "$file_out3" || &Abort ("Output file '$file_out3' could not be opened.") ;
 275+ }
 276+ else
 277+ {
 278+ # $file_out1 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_fd.gz" ; # full day
 279+ $file_out2 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_h.gz" ; # full day, hourly data, count above threshold
 280+ $out_day2 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out2) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 281+ # $file_out3 = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year$month$day" . "_d.gz" ; # full day, count above threshold
 282+ # $out_day3 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out3) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 283+ }
 285+# binmode $out_day1 ;
 286+ binmode $out_day2 ;
 287+# binmode $out_day3 ;
 289+ # print "File_out1 $file_out1\n" ;
 290+ print "File_out2 $file_out2\n" ;
 291+ # print "File_out3 $file_out3\n" ;
 293+ $file_filtered = "$dir_filtered/pagecounts-$year$month$day.txt" ;
 294+ &Log ("\nFilter file: $file_filtered\n") ;
 295+ open $out_filtered, '>', $file_filtered ;
 296+ binmode $out_filtered ;
 298+ $file_track = "$dir_track/_PageCountsForSquidLogTracking.txt" ;
 299+ &Log ("Tracking file: $file_track\n\n") ;
 301+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 302+ { $file_in_found [$hour] = $false ; }
 304+ $files_in_open = 0 ;
 305+ $files_in_found = 0 ;
 306+ $langprev = "" ;
 307+ foreach $file_in (@files_today)
 308+ {
 309+ next if $file_in eq "" ;
 311+ ($hour = $file_in) =~ s/^pagecounts-\d+-(\d\d)\d+\.gz$/$1/ ;
 312+ $hour = (0+$hour) ;
 313+ # print " file found '$file_in'\n" ;
 315+ if ($bayes)
 316+ { open $in_hour [$hour], "-|", "gzip -dc \"$file_in\"" || &Abort ("Input file '" . $file_in . "' could not be opened.") ; }
 317+ else
 318+ { $in_hour [$hour] = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ; }
 319+ binmode $in_hour [$hour] ;
 321+ $files_in_open++ ;
 322+ $file_in_found [$hour] = $true ;
 323+ $file_in_open [$hour] = $true ;
 324+ $files_in_found ++ ;
 325+ $file = $in_hour [$hour] ;
 326+ $line = <$file> ;
 327+ $line =~ s/^(\w+)2 /$1.y /o ;# project wikipedia comes without suffix -> out of sort order, make it fit by appending suffix
 328+ $line =~ s/^(\w+) /$1.z /o ;
 330+ ($lang,$title,$count [$hour],$dummy) = split (' ', $line) ;
 331+ $key [$hour] = "$lang $title" ;
 332+ }
 334+ $comment = "# Wikimedia page request counts for $date, each line shows 'subproject title counts'\n" ;
 335+ if ($threshold > 0 )
 336+ { $comment .= "# Count for articles with less than $threshold requests per full day are omitted\n" ; }
 337+ $comment .= "# Subproject is language code, followed by project code\n" ;
 338+ $comment .= "# Project is b:wikibooks, k:wiktionary, n:wikinews, q:wikiquote, s:wikisource, v:wikiversity, z:wikipedia (z added by compression script: wikipedia happens to be sorted last in dammit.lt files)\n" ;
 339+ $comment .= "# Counts format is total per day, followed by count per hour if larger than zero, hour 0..23 shown as A..X (saves up to 22 bytes per line compared to comma separated values)\n" ;
 340+ $comment .= "# If data are missing for some hour (file missing or corrupt) a question mark (?) is shown (and for each missing hour the daily total is incremented with hourly average)\n\n" ;
 341+ print $out_day2 $comment ;
 342+# print $out_day3 $comment ;
 344+ if ($files_in_found < 24)
 345+ {
 346+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 347+ {
 348+ if (! $file_in_found [$hour])
 349+ { $hours_missing .= "$hour," ; }
 350+ }
 351+ $hours_missing =~ s/,$// ;
 352+ &Log ("Merge files: date = $date, only $files_in_found files found!\n\n") ;
 353+ }
 354+ else
 355+ { &Log ("Merge files: date = $date\n") ; }
 357+ if ($hours_missing ne '')
 358+ {
 359+ print $out_day2 "#\n" ;
 360+ print $out_day2 "# In this file data are missing for hour(s) $hours_missing!\n" ;
 361+ # print $out_day3 "#\n" ;
 362+ # print $out_day3 "# In this file data are missing for hour(s) $hours_missing!\n" ;
 363+ }
 364+ $comment = "#\n" ;
 365+ $comment .= "# Lines starting with ampersand (@) show totals per 'namespace' (including omitted counts for low traffic articles)\n" ;
 366+ $comment .= "# Since valid namespace string are not known in the compression script any string followed by colon (:) counts as possible namespace string\n" ;
 367+ $comment .= "# Please reconcile with real namespace name strings later\n" ;
 368+ $comment .= "# 'namespaces' with count < 5 are combined in 'Other' (on larger wikis these are surely false positives)\n" ;
 369+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 370+ $comment .= "# Page titles are shown unmodified (preserves sort sequence)\n" ;
 371+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 372+ print $out_day2 $comment ;
 373+# print $out_day3 $comment ;
 375+ $key_low_prev = "" ;
 376+ while ($files_in_open > 0)
 377+ {
 378+ $key_low = "\xFF\xFF";
 379+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 380+ {
 381+ if (($files_in_open == 24) || ($file_in_found [$hour] && $file_in_open [$hour]))
 382+ {
 383+ if ($key [$hour] lt $key_low)
 384+ { $key_low = $key [$hour] ; }
 385+ }
 386+ }
 388+ if (($key_low =~ /^nov/) || ($key_low_prev =~ /^nov/))
 389+ { &Log ("key_low '$key_low' (key_low_prev '$key_low_prev')\n") ; }
 391+ $counts = "" ;
 392+ $total = 0 ;
 393+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 394+ {
 395+ if (! $file_in_found [$hour])
 396+ { $counts .= chr ($hour+ord('A')) . '?' ; }
 397+ elsif (($files_in_open == 24) || $file_in_open [$hour])
 398+ {
 399+ if ($key [$hour] eq $key_low)
 400+ {
 401+ $counts .= chr ($hour+ord('A')) . $count [$hour] ;
 402+ $total += $count [$hour] ;
 403+ $file = $in_hour [$hour] ;
 404+ # $line = <$file> ;
 406+ while ($true)
 407+ {
 408+ if ($line = <$file>) # =~ /^a/)
 409+ {
 410+ $line =~ s/^([\w\-]+)2 /$1.y /o ; # project wikipedia comes without suffix -> out of sort order, make it fit by appending suffix
 411+ $line =~ s/^([\w\-]+) /$1.z /o ;
 412+ ($lang,$title,$count [$hour],$dummy) = split (' ', $line) ;
 413+ $key [$hour] = "$lang $title" ;
 415+ last if $lang !~ /\d/ ;
 416+ }
 417+ else
 418+ {
 419+ if ($bayes)
 420+ { close $in_hour [$hour] ; }
 421+ else
 422+ { $in_hour [$hour] -> close () ; }
 423+ $files_in_open-- ;
 424+ $file_in_open [$hour] = $false ;
 425+ $key [$hour] = "\xFF\xFF";
 427+ last ;
 428+ }
 429+ }
 430+ }
 431+ }
 432+ }
 433+ if ($lines == 0)
 434+ { &Log ("\nlines: project key\n") ; }
 436+ if (++$lines % 100000 == 0)
 437+ { &Log ("$lines: $key_low\n") ; }
 439+ # last if $lines > 10000 ; # test
 441+ last if $key_low eq "\xFF\xFF" ;
 443+ # Q&D fix for unexplained out of order error for what seems to be invalid language
 444+ # remember : no suffix on language code gets replaced by .y or .z to fixed sort order
 445+ # ^nov.mw nov1 1 8765
 446+ # ^nov1.mw nov1 1 931 <--------------
 447+ # ^nov 10_dw_oktobre 1 11421
 448+ ($lang,$title) = split (' ', $key_low) ;
 449+ if ($lang =~ /\d/)
 450+ {
 451+ $invalid_languages {$lang}++ ;
 452+ &Log ("\nSkip invalid language '$lang'\n") ;
 453+ next ;
 454+ }
 457+ if ($key_low_prev gt $key_low)
 458+ {
 459+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 460+ { &Log ("hour $hour: key ${key[$hour]}\n") ; }
 462+ &Abort ("Sequence error: '$key_low_prev' gt '$key_low'\n") ;
 463+ }
 465+ if (($key_low_prev eq $key_low) && ($files_in_open > 0))
 466+ {
 467+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour < 24 ; $hour++)
 468+ {
 469+ if ($file_in_open [$hour])
 470+ { print "hour $hour: file open, key ${key [$hour]}\n" ; }
 471+ else
 472+ { print "hour $hour: file closed, key ${key [$hour]}\n" ; }
 473+ }
 474+ &Abort ("Sequence error: '$key_low_prev' eq '$key_low'\n") ;
 475+ }
 477+ # print OUT "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 478+# print $out_day1 "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 480+ ($lang,$title) = split (' ', $key_low) ;
 482+ $title =~ s/\%20/_/g ;
 483+ $title =~ s/\%3A/:/gi ;
 484+# $title =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 485+ if (($title !~ /\:/) || ($title =~ /^:[^:]*$/)) # no colon or only on first position
 486+ { $namespace = 'NamespaceArticles' ; }
 487+ else
 488+ { ($namespace = $title) =~ s/([^:])\:.*$/$1/ ; }
 489+ # print "KEY $key_low -> $namespace\n" ;
 491+ if (($lang ne $langprev) && ($langprev ne ""))
 492+ {
 493+ $filter_matches = $lang =~ $reg_exp_filter ;
 494+ if ($filter_matches)
 495+ { print "F $lang\n" ; }
 496+ # else
 497+ # { print "- $lang\n" ; }
 499+ &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_day2, $langprev) ;
 500+ # &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_day3, $langprev) ;
 501+ undef %totals_per_namespace ;
 502+ }
 503+ $langprev = $lang ;
 505+ if (($files_in_found < 24) && ($files_in_found > 0)) # always > 0 actually
 506+ { $total = sprintf ("%.0f",($total / $files_in_found) * 24) ; }
 508+ $totals_per_namespace {"$lang $namespace"} += $total ;
 510+ if ($filter_matches)
 511+ { print $out_filtered "$key_low $total$counts\n" ; }
 513+ if ($key_low =~ $reg_exp_track) # track count for NonExistingPageForSquidLogMonitoring on en.z
 514+ {
 515+ open $out_track, '>>', $file_track ;
 516+ binmode $out_track ;
 517+ print $out_track "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 518+ close $out_track ;
 519+ }
 521+ if ($total >= $threshold)
 522+ { print $out_day2 "$key_low $total$counts\n" ;
 523+ # print $out_day3 "$key_low $total\n" ;
 524+ }
 526+ $key_low_prev = $key_low ;
 527+ # print "OUT $key_low $counts\n" ;
 528+ }
 530+ &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_day2, $langprev) ;
 531+# &WriteTotalsPerNamespace ($out_day3, $langprev) ;
 533+ &Log ("File production took " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 535+ &Log ("[$lines, $files_in_open] $key_low\n") ;
 536+# close OUT ;
 538+ if ($bayes)
 539+ {
 540+ # close $out_day1 ;
 541+ close $out_day2 ;
 542+ # close $out_day3 ;
 543+ close $out_filtered ;
 545+# $cmd = "$path_7za a $file_out2.7z $file_out2" ;
 546+# $result = `$cmd` ;
 547+# if ($result =~ /Everything is Ok/s)
 548+# {
 549+# $result =~ s/^.*?(Updating.*?)\n.*$/$1 -> OK/s ;
 550+# unlink $file_out2 ;
 551+# foreach $file_in (@files_today)
 552+# {
 553+# print "unlink $dir_in/$file_in\n" ;
 554+# unlink "$dir_in/$file_in" ;
 555+# }
 556+# }
 557+# else
 558+# {
 559+# print "Delete $file_out2.7z\n" ;
 560+# unlink "$file_out2.7z" ;
 561+# }
 564+ $time_start_compression = time ;
 565+ $cmd = "bzip2 -9 -v $file_out2" ;
 566+ &Log ("\n\n$cmd ->\n") ;
 567+ $result = `$cmd` ;
 568+ &Log ("\n\nCompression took " . (time-$time_start_compression) . " seconds\n$result\n") ;
 570+ if ($true)
 571+ {
 572+ foreach $file_in (@files_today)
 573+ {
 574+ print "unlink $dir_in/$file_in\n" ;
 575+ unlink "$dir_in/$file_in" ;
 576+ }
 577+ }
 578+ else
 579+ {
 580+ # print "Delete $file_out2.7z\n" ;
 581+ # unlink "$file_out2.7z" ;
 582+ }
 583+ }
 584+ else
 585+ {
 586+ # $out_day1->close() ;
 587+ $out_day2->close() ;
 588+ # $out_day3->close() ;
 589+ close $out_filtered ;
 590+ }
 592+ &Log ("\nRecords skipped for invalid languages:\n") ;
 593+ foreach $key (sort keys %invalid_languages)
 594+ { &Log ("$key: ${invalid_languages {$key}}\n") ; }
 596+ &Log ("\nTotals per namespace written: $lines_namespace_counts\n") ;
 597+ &Log ("Processed in " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 600+sub WriteTotalsPerNamespace
 602+ my $out_day = shift ;
 603+ my $lang = shift ;
 604+ my $total ;
 605+ my $totals_per_namespace_other ;
 607+ foreach my $key (sort keys %totals_per_namespace)
 608+ {
 609+ $total = $totals_per_namespace {$key} ;
 610+ if ($total < 5)
 611+ { $totals_per_namespace_other += $total ; }
 612+ else
 613+ {
 614+ # print "@ $key $total\n" ;
 615+ print $out_day "@ $key $total\n" ;
 616+ $lines_namespace_counts ++ ;
 617+ }
 618+ }
 619+ if ($totals_per_namespace_other > 0 )
 620+ {
 621+ # print "@ $lang -other- $totals_per_namespace_other\n" ;
 622+ print $out_day "@ $lang -other- $totals_per_namespace_other\n" ;
 623+ $lines_namespace_counts ++ ;
 624+ }
 627+sub CompactVisitorStatsOneMonth
 629+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 630+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 631+ my $daterange = shift ;
 633+ &Log ("\nCompactVisitorStatsOneMonth\n\n") ;
 635+ chdir ($dir_in) || &Abort ("Cannot chdir to $dir_in\n") ;
 637+ local (*DIR);
 638+ opendir (DIR, ".");
 639+ @files = () ;
 641+ while ($dir = readdir (DIR))
 642+ {
 643+ next if ! -d $dir ;
 644+ next if $dir !~ /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d$/ ;
 646+ push @dirs, $dir ;
 647+ }
 649+ closedir (DIR);
 651+ @dirs = sort @dirs ;
 653+ foreach $dir (@dirs)
 654+ {
 655+ &Log ("\n\n" . '-' x 80 . "\n\nCompactVisitorStatsOneMonth:\nCheck dir $dir_in/$dir\n") ;
 657+ if (-e "$dir_in/$dir/a")
 658+ {
 659+ &Log ("Already done -> skip\n\n") ;
 660+ next ;
 661+ }
 663+ ($dir2 = $dir) =~ s/-//g ;
 664+ if ($dir2 !~ /^$daterange/)
 665+ {
 666+ &Log ("Directory out of date range ($daterange) -> skip\n\n") ;
 667+ next ;
 668+ }
 670+ local (*DIR2);
 671+ opendir (DIR2, "$dir_in/$dir");
 673+ undef @files ;
 674+ undef %process_dates ;
 676+ while ($file_in = readdir (DIR2))
 677+ {
 678+ if ($bayes)
 679+ { next if $file_in !~ /^pagecounts-\d{8}_(?:fdt\.7z|h\.bz2)$/ ; }
 680+ else
 681+ { next if $file_in !~ /^pagecounts-\d{8}_fdt$/ ; }
 683+ &Log ("File found: $file_in\n") ;
 685+ push @files, $file_in ;
 686+ }
 688+ closedir (DIR2);
 690+ @files = sort @files ;
 692+ foreach $file (@files)
 693+ {
 694+ $date = substr ($file,11,8) ;
 695+ $process_dates {$date}++ ;
 696+ }
 698+ &Log ("\n\n") ;
 700+ &MergeFilesFullMonth ($dir_in, $dir_out, $dir, @files) ;
 701+ }
 703+ exit ;
 706+sub MergeFilesFullMonth
 708+ my $dir_in = shift ;
 709+ my $dir_out = shift ;
 710+ my $dir = shift ;
 711+ my @files_this_month = @_ ;
 713+ my $year = substr ($dir,0,4) ;
 714+ my $month = substr ($dir,5,2) ;
 716+ my (@file_in_open, @file_in_found, @counts, $days_missing) ;
 717+ my $days_in_month = days_in_month ($year, $month) ;
 719+ my ($file_out2) ;
 721+ $lines = 0 ;
 723+ undef @in_day ;
 724+ my $time_start = time ;
 726+ if ($dir eq $month_run)
 727+ { $scope = "part" ; }
 728+ else
 729+ { $scope = "all" ; }
 731+ $file_out = "$dir_out/pagecounts-$year-$month-$scope" ;
 733+ &Log ("\nMergeFilesFullMonth\nIn: $dir_in/$dir\nOut: $dir_out/$file_out\nDays expected: $days_in_month\n\nProcess...\n") ;
 735+ if ($bayes)
 736+ {
 737+ if ((-e "$file_out.7z") || (-e "$file_out.bz2") || (-e "$file_out.zip") || (-e "$file_out.gz"))
 738+ {
 739+ &Log ("\nTarget file '$file_out.[7z|bz2|zip|gz]' exists already. Skip this month.\n") ;
 740+ return ;
 741+ }
 742+ }
 745+ my $out_month_all = new IO::Compress::Bzip2 "$file_out.bz2" or die "bzip2 failed for $file_out.bz2: $Bzip2Error\n";
 746+ my $out_month_ge5 = new IO::Compress::Bzip2 "${file_out}_ge5.bz2" or die "bzip2 failed for ${file_out}_ge5.bz2: $Bzip2Error\n";
 748+ $out_month_all->binmode() ;
 749+ $out_month_ge5->binmode() ;
 751+ for ($day = 0 ; $day < $days_in_month ; $day++)
 752+ { $file_in_found [$day] = $false ; }
 754+ $files_in_open = 0 ;
 755+ $files_in_found = 0 ;
 756+ $total_hours_missing = 0 ;
 757+ $langprev = "" ;
 758+ $lines_read_this_month = 0 ;
 759+ @hours_missing_per_day = () ;
 760+ $hours_missing_coded = '' ;
 761+ $lines_omitted_daily = 0 ;
 763+ foreach $file_in (@files_this_month)
 764+ {
 765+ next if $file_in eq "" ;
 767+ ($day = $file_in) =~ s/^pagecounts-\d{6}(\d+)_(?:fdt|fdt\.7z|h\.bz2)$/$1/ ;
 768+ $day = sprintf ("%2d", $day-1) ;
 770+ $file_in = "$dir_in/$year-$month/$file_in" ;
 771+ # print "File $file_in -> day $day\n" ;
 773+ &CheckHoursMissing ($year,$month,$day,$file_in) ;
 775+ if ($bayes)
 776+ {
 777+ if ($file_in =~ /\.bz2$/)
 778+ { open $in_day [$day], "-|", "bzip2 -dc \"$file_in\"" || abort ("Input file '" . $file_in . "' could not be opened.") ; }
 779+ elsif ($file_in =~ /\.7z$/)
 780+ { open $in_day [$day], "-|", "7z e -so \"$file_in\"" || abort ("Input file '" . $file_in . "' could not be opened.") ; }
 781+ else
 782+ { abort ("MergeFilesFullMonth: unexpected file name $file_in.") ; }
 783+ }
 784+ else
 785+ { open $in_day [$day], '<', $file_in || &Abort ("Open failed for '$file_in'\n") ; }
 787+ binmode $in_day [$day] ;
 789+ $files_in_open++ ;
 790+ $file_in_found [$day] = $true ;
 791+ $file_in_open [$day] = $true ;
 792+ $files_in_found ++ ;
 794+ $file = $in_day [$day] ;
 795+ $line = <$file> ;
 796+ while (($line =~ /^#/) || ($line =~ /^@/))
 797+ { $line = <$file> ; }
 799+ chomp $line ;
 800+ if ($line =~ /^[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+$/) # prepare for format change: space will be added between daily total and hourly counts
 801+ {
 802+ ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 803+ }
 804+ else
 805+ {
 806+ ($lang,$title,$total,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 807+ $counts = "$total$counts" ;
 808+ }
 810+ $key [$day] = "$lang $title" ;
 811+ $counts [$day] = $counts ;
 812+ # print "DAY " . ($day+1) . " KEY ${key [$day]} COUNTS $counts\n" ;
 813+ }
 814+ print "\n" ;
 816+ $comment = "# Wikimedia article requests (aka page views) for year $year, month $month\n" ;
 817+ if ($threshold > 0 )
 818+ { $comment .= "# Count for articles with less than $threshold requests per full month are omitted\n" ; }
 819+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 820+ $comment .= "# Each line contains four fields separated by spaces\n" ;
 821+ $comment .= "# - wiki code (subproject.project, see below)\n" ;
 822+ $comment .= "# - article title (encoding from original hourly files is preserved to maintain proper sort sequence)\n" ;
 823+ $comment .= "# - monthly total (possibly extrapolated from available data when hours/days in input were missing)\n" ;
 824+ $comment .= "# - hourly counts (only for hours where indeed article requests occurred)\n" ;
 825+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 826+ $comment .= "# Subproject is language code, followed by project code\n" ;
 827+ $comment .= "# Project is b:wikibooks, k:wiktionary, n:wikinews, q:wikiquote, s:wikisource, v:wikiversity, z:wikipedia\n" ;
 828+ $comment .= "# Note: suffix z added by compression script: project wikipedia happens to be sorted last in dammit.lt files, so add this suffix to fix sort order\n" ;
 829+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 830+ $comment .= "# To keep hourly counts compact and tidy both day and hour are coded as one character each, as follows:\n" ;
 831+ $comment .= "# Hour 0..23 shown as A..X convert to number: ordinal (char) - ordinal ('A')\n" ;
 832+ $comment .= "# Day 1..31 shown as A.._ 27=[ 28=\\ 29=] 30=^ 31=_ convert to number: ordinal (char) - ordinal ('A') + 1\n" ;
 833+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 834+ $comment .= "# Original data source: Wikimedia full (=unsampled) squid logs\n" ;
 835+ $comment .= "# These data have been aggregated from hourly pagecount files at http://dammit.lt/wikistats, originally produced by Domas Mituzas\n" ;
 836+ $comment .= "# Daily and monthly aggregator script built by Erik Zachte\n" ;
 837+ $comment .= "# Each day hourly files for previous day are downloaded and merged into one file per day\n" ;
 838+ $comment .= "# Each month daily files are merged into one file per month\n" ;
 839+# $comment .= "# If data are missing for some hour (file missing or corrupt) a question mark (?) is shown (and for each missing hour the daily total is incremented with hourly average)\n" ;
 840+# $comment .= "# If data are missing for some day (file missing or corrupt) a question mark (?) is shown (and for each missing day the monthly total is incremented with daily average)\n" ;
 841+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 843+ $out_month_all->print ($comment) ;
 844+ $comment .= "# This file contains only lines with monthly page request total greater/equal 5\n" ;
 845+ $comment .= "#\n" ;
 846+ $out_month_ge5->print ($comment) ;
 848+ if ($files_in_found < $days_in_month)
 849+ {
 850+ for ($day = 0 ; $day < $days_in_month ; $day++)
 851+ {
 852+ if (! $file_in_found [$day])
 853+ {
 854+ $days_missing .= ($day+1) . "," ;
 855+ $total_hours_missing += 24 ;
 856+ for (my $h = 0 ; $h <= 23 ; $h++)
 857+ { $hours_missing_coded .= chr ($day + ord ('A')) . chr ($h + ord ('A')) .',' ; }
 858+ }
 859+ }
 861+ $days_missing =~ s/,$// ;
 862+ &Log ("Merge files: year $year, month $month, only $files_in_found files found!\n\n") ;
 864+ if ($days_missing =~ /,/)
 865+ {
 866+ $out_month_all->print ("# No input files found for days $days_missing!\n#\n") ;
 867+ $out_month_ge5->print ("# No input files found for days $days_missing!\n#\n") ;
 868+ print "No input files found for days $days_missing!\n\n" ;
 869+ }
 870+ else
 871+ {
 872+ $out_month_all->print ("# No input file found for day $days_missing!\n#\n") ;
 873+ $out_month_ge5->print ("# No input file found for day $days_missing!\n#\n") ;
 874+ print "No input file found for day $days_missing!\n\n" ;
 875+ }
 876+ }
 877+ else
 878+ { &Log ("Merge files: year $year, month $month\n\n") ; }
 880+ if ($#hours_missing_per_day > -1)
 881+ {
 882+ $out_month_all->print (@hours_missing_per_day) ;
 883+ $out_month_ge5->print (@hours_missing_per_day) ;
 884+ }
 886+ if ($hours_missing_coded ne '')
 887+ {
 888+ $hours_missing_coded =~ s/,$// ;
 889+ $hours_missing_coded = join (',', sort {$a cmp $b} split (',', $hours_missing_coded)) ; # single hours and full days missing added out of sort order
 890+ $out_month_all->print ("#\n# Hours missing: $hours_missing_coded\n") ;
 891+ $out_month_ge5->print ("#\n# Hours missing: $hours_missing_coded\n") ;
 892+ print "Hours missing: $hours_missing_coded\n\n" ;
 893+ }
 895+ $monthly_correction = 1 ;
 896+ if ($total_hours_missing == 0)
 897+ {
 898+ $out_month_all->print ("# Data for all hours of each day were available in input\n#\n") ;
 899+ $out_month_ge5->print ("# Data for all hours of each day were available in input\n#\n") ;
 900+ print "Data for all hours of each day were available in input\n\n" ;
 901+ }
 902+ else
 903+ {
 904+ $monthly_correction = sprintf ("%.4f", ($days_in_month * 24) / ($days_in_month * 24 - $total_hours_missing)) ;
 905+ $out_month_all->print ("#\n# In this file data for $total_hours_missing hours were not encountered in input\n") ;
 906+ $out_month_ge5->print ("#\n# In this file data for $total_hours_missing hours were not encountered in input\n") ;
 907+ $out_month_all->print ("# Monthly totals per page have been extrapolated from available counts: multiplication factor = $monthly_correction\n#\n") ;
 908+ $out_month_ge5->print ("# Monthly totals per page have been extrapolated from available counts: multiplication factor = $monthly_correction\n#\n") ;
 909+ print "In this file data for $total_hours_missing hours were not encountered in input\n" ;
 910+ print "Monthly totals per page have been extrapolated from available counts: multiplication factor = $monthly_correction\n\n" ;
 911+ }
 913+ if ($threshold_requests_omitted > 0)
 914+ {
 915+ $out_month_all->print ("# For this month intermediate files (from daily aggregation of hourly files) did no longer contain lines with daily total below $threshold_requests_omitted page requests\n#\n") ;
 916+ $out_month_ge5->print ("# For this month intermediate files (from daily aggregation of hourly files) did no longer contain lines with daily total below $threshold_requests_omitted page requests\n#\n") ;
 917+ print "# For this month intermediate files (from daily aggregation of hourly files) did no longer contain lines with daily total below $threshold_requests_omitted page requests\n#\n" ;
 918+ }
 920+ $key_low_prev = "" ;
 921+ while ($files_in_open > 0)
 922+ {
 923+ # last if $cycles ++ > 10000 ; # test code
 925+ $key_low = "\xFF\xFF";
 926+ for ($day = 0 ; $day < $days_in_month ; $day++)
 927+ {
 928+ if (($files_in_open == $days_in_month) || ($file_in_found [$day] && $file_in_open [$day]))
 929+ {
 930+ if ($key [$day] lt $key_low)
 931+ { $key_low = $key [$day] ; }
 932+ }
 933+ }
 935+ $counts_per_month = "" ;
 936+ $total_per_month = 0 ;
 938+ for ($day = 0 ; $day < $days_in_month ; $day++)
 939+ {
 940+ if (! $file_in_found [$day])
 941+ {
 942+ # $counts_per_month .= chr ($day+ord('A')) . '?' ;
 943+ }
 944+ elsif (($files_in_open == $days_in_month) || $file_in_open [$day]) # slight optimization
 945+ {
 946+ if ($key [$day] eq $key_low)
 947+ {
 948+ $ch_day = chr ($day+ord('A')) ;
 949+ $counts_per_day = $counts [$day] ;
 951+ ($total_per_day = $counts_per_day) =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 952+ $counts_per_day =~ s/^\d+// ; # remove total
 954+ $counts_per_day =~ s/([A-Z]\d+)/$ch_day$1,/g ; # prefix each hourly count with char that represent day
 955+ $counts_per_month .= $counts_per_day ;
 957+ $total_per_month += $total_per_day ;
 958+ $file = $in_day [$day] ;
 959+ # $line = <$file> ;
 961+ while ($true)
 962+ {
 963+ # if (($line = <$file>) && ($lines_read_this_month++ < 10000)) # test code
 964+ if ($line = <$file>)
 965+ {
 966+ next if $line =~ /^#/ ;
 967+ next if $line =~ /^@/ ;
 969+ $line =~ s/^([\w\-]+)2 /$1.y /o ;
 970+ $line =~ s/^([\w\-]+) /$1.z /o ;
 972+ chomp $line ;
 974+ if ($line =~ /^[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+$/) # prepare for format change: space will be added between daily total and hourly counts
 975+ {
 976+ ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 977+ }
 978+ else
 979+ {
 980+ ($lang,$title,$total,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 981+ $counts = "$total$counts" ;
 982+ }
 984+ $key [$day] = "$lang $title" ;
 985+ $counts [$day] = $counts ;
 987+ last ;
 988+ }
 989+ else
 990+ {
 991+ close $in_day [$day] ;
 993+ $files_in_open-- ;
 994+ $file_in_open [$day] = $false ;
 995+ $key [$day] = "\xFF\xFF";
 997+ last ;
 998+ }
 999+ }
 1000+ }
 1001+ }
 1002+ }
 1003+ if ($lines == 0)
 1004+ { &Log ("\nlines: project key\n") ; }
 1006+ if (++$lines % 100000 == 0)
 1007+ { &Log ("$lines: $key_low\n") ; }
 1009+ # last if $lines > 10000 ; # test
 1011+ last if $key_low eq "\xFF\xFF" ;
 1013+ # Q&D fix for unexplained out of order error for what seems to be invalid language
 1014+ # remember : language code without suffix gets appended by .y or .z to fix sort order
 1015+ # ^nov.mw nov1 1 8765
 1016+ # ^nov1.mw nov1 1 931 <--------------
 1017+ # ^nov 10_dw_oktobre 1 11421
 1018+ ($lang,$title) = split (' ', $key_low) ;
 1019+ if ($lang =~ /\d/)
 1020+ {
 1021+ $invalid_languages {$lang}++ ;
 1022+ &Log ("\nSkip invalid language '$lang'\n") ;
 1023+ next ;
 1024+ }
 1026+ if ($key_low_prev gt $key_low)
 1027+ {
 1028+ for ($day = 0 ; $day < $days_in_month ; $day++)
 1029+ { &Log ("day " . ($day+1) . ": key ${key[$day]}\n") ; }
 1031+ &Abort ("Sequence error: '$key_low_prev' gt '$key_low'\n") ;
 1032+ }
 1034+ if (($key_low_prev eq $key_low) && ($files_in_open > 0))
 1035+ {
 1036+ for ($day = 0 ; $day < $days_in_month ; $day++)
 1037+ {
 1038+ if ($file_in_open [$day])
 1039+ { print "day " . ($day+1) . ": file open, key ${key [$day]}\n" ; }
 1040+ else
 1041+ { print "day " . ($day+1) . ": file closed, key ${key [$day]}\n" ; }
 1042+ }
 1043+ &Abort ("Sequence error: '$key_low_prev' eq '$key_low'\n") ;
 1044+ }
 1046+ ($lang,$title) = split (' ', $key_low) ;
 1048+ if (($title !~ /\:/) || ($title =~ /^:[^:]*$/)) # no colon or only on first position
 1049+ { $namespace = 'NamespaceArticles' ; }
 1050+ else
 1051+ { ($namespace = $title) =~ s/([^:])\:.*$/$1/ ; }
 1053+ if (($lang ne $langprev) && ($langprev ne ""))
 1054+ {
 1055+ $filter_matches = $lang =~ $reg_exp_filter ;
 1056+ if ($filter_matches)
 1057+ { print "F $lang\n" ; }
 1058+ }
 1059+ $langprev = $lang ;
 1061+ if (($files_in_found < $days_in_month) && ($files_in_found > 0)) # always > 0 actually
 1062+ { $total = sprintf ("%.0f",($total / $files_in_found) * $days_in_month) ; }
 1064+ $counts_per_month =~ s/,$// ;
 1065+ $total_per_month = sprintf ("%.0f", $monthly_correction * $total_per_month) ;
 1067+ $out_month_all->print ("$key_low $total_per_month $counts_per_month\n") ;
 1068+ if ($total_per_month ge 5)
 1069+ { $out_month_ge5->print ("$key_low $total_per_month $counts_per_month\n") ; }
 1071+ $key_low_prev = $key_low ;
 1072+ }
 1074+ &Log ("File production took " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 1076+ &Log ("[$lines, $files_in_open] $key_low\n") ;
 1078+ $out_month_all->close () ;
 1079+ $out_month_ge5->close () ;
 1081+ if ($bayes)
 1082+ {
 1083+ foreach $file_in (@files_this_month)
 1084+ {
 1085+ print "unlink $dir_in/$file_in (dummy run, test only)\n" ;
 1086+ # unlink "$dir_in/$file_in" ;
 1087+ }
 1088+ }
 1090+ &Log ("Processed in " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 1093+sub CheckHoursMissing
 1095+ my ($year,$month,$day,$file_in) = @_ ;
 1096+ my ($hour,%hours_seen,%hours_valid,$hours_seen,$hours_missing,%hours_missing) ;
 1098+# &Log ("\nCheckHoursMissing for day " . ($day+1) . "\n") ;
 1100+ if ($bayes)
 1101+ {
 1102+ if ($file_in =~ /\.bz2$/)
 1103+ { open FILE_CHECK, "-|", "bzip2 -dc \"$file_in\"" || abort ("Input file '" . $file_in . "' could not be opened.") ; }
 1104+ elsif ($file_in =~ /\.7z$/)
 1105+ { open FILE_CHECK, "-|", "7z e -so \"$file_in\"" || abort ("Input file '" . $file_in . "' could not be opened.") ; }
 1106+ else
 1107+ { abort ("CheckHoursMissing: unexpected file name $file_in.") ; }
 1108+ }
 1109+ else
 1110+ { open FILE_CHECK, '<', $file_in || &Abort ("Open failed for '$file_in'\n") ; }
 1112+ binmode FILE_CHECK ;
 1114+ $lines_checked = 0 ;
 1115+ while ($line = <FILE_CHECK>)
 1116+ {
 1117+ if ($line =~ /^#.*?requests per full day are omitted/)
 1118+ { ($threshold_requests_omitted = $line) =~ s/[^\d]//g ; }
 1120+ next if $line =~ /^#/ or $line =~ /^@/ ;
 1122+ last if $lines_checked ++ > 10000 ;
 1124+ chomp $line ;
 1125+ if ($line =~ /^[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+$/) # prepare for format change: space will be added between daily total and hourly counts
 1126+ {
 1127+ ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 1128+ }
 1129+ else
 1130+ {
 1131+ ($lang,$title,$total,$counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 1132+ $counts = "$total$counts" ;
 1133+ }
 1134+ # &Log ("Counts 1 $counts\n") ; # test
 1136+ undef @counts ;
 1137+ # $counts = "123A1B2C?D4" ; # test
 1138+ $counts =~ s/([A-X])(\d+|\?)/(push @counts,"$1$2"),""/ge ;
 1139+ foreach $key (@counts)
 1140+ {
 1141+ my $hour = ord (substr ($key,0,1)) - ord ('A') ;
 1143+ # test code
 1144+ # if ($month % 2 == 1)
 1145+ # {
 1146+ # if ($day % 3 == 0)
 1147+ # {
 1148+ # next if $hour == 2 ;
 1149+ # if ($hour % 3 == 0)
 1150+ # { $key = substr ($key,0,1,) . '?' ; }
 1151+ # }
 1152+ # }
 1153+ # else
 1154+ # { next if $hour == 2 ; }
 1156+ next if $hours_seen {$hour} > 0 ;
 1157+ $hours_seen {$hour} = $true ;
 1158+ $hours_seen ++ ;
 1159+ if ($key =~ /\d/)
 1160+ { $hours_valid {$hour} ++ ; }
 1161+ else
 1162+ {
 1163+ $hours_missing {$hour} ++ ;
 1164+ $hours_missing ++ ;
 1165+ $hours_missing_coded .= chr ($day + ord ('A')) . chr ($hour + ord ('A')) .',' ;
 1166+ }
 1167+ }
 1168+ # &Log ("Counts 2 $counts, seen: $hours_seen, valid:". (join ',', sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hours_valid) . ", missing: " . (join ',', sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hours_missing) . "\n") ; # test
 1170+ last if $hours_seen == 24 ;
 1171+ }
 1173+ close FILE_CHECK ;
 1175+ for ($hour = 0 ; $hour <= 23 ; $hour++)
 1176+ {
 1177+ if (! $hours_seen {$hour})
 1178+ {
 1179+ $hours_missing {$hour} ++ ;
 1180+ $hours_missing ++ ;
 1181+ $hours_missing_coded .= chr ($day + ord ('A')) . chr ($hour + ord ('A')) .',' ;
 1182+ }
 1183+ }
 1185+ if ($lines_checked > 10000)
 1186+ { &Log ("\nDay " . ($day+1) . ": not all hours encountered after 10,000 lines !!! Seen (can be ?=missing) " . (join ',', sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hours_seen) . "\n") ; }
 1188+ if ($hours_missing > 0)
 1189+ {
 1190+ $text_hour = $hours_missing > 1 ? 'hours' : 'hour' ;
 1191+ push @hours_missing_per_day, "# Day " . ($day+1) . ": $text_hour missing " . (join ',', sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hours_missing) . "\n" ;
 1192+ print "Day " . ($day+1) . ": $text_hour missing " . (join ',', sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hours_missing) . "\n" ;
 1193+ }
 1195+ $total_hours_missing += $hours_missing ;
 1198+sub Log
 1200+ $msg = shift ;
 1201+ print $msg ;
 1202+ print LOG $msg ;
 1205+sub Abort
 1207+ $msg = shift ;
 1208+ print "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 1209+ print LOG "Abort script\nError: $msg\n" ;
 1210+ exit ;
 1215+# snippets obsolete but revivable code / test code
 1217+#sub Compact
 1219+# my $day = shift ;
 1220+# &Log ("Compact files for $day\n") ;
 1222+# $file_in = "pagecounts-$day.out" ;
 1223+# $file_out1 = "pagecounts-${day}_all.gz" ;
 1224+# $file_out2 = "pagecounts-${day}_10plus.gz" ;
 1225+# open IN, "<", $file_in ;
 1226+# binmode $file_in ;
 1228+# my $out_day1 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out1) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 1229+# my $out_day2 = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out2) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 1231+# open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 1232+# binmode $file_out ;
 1234+# $lang_prev = "" ;
 1235+# while ($line = <IN>)
 1236+# {
 1237+# chomp ($line) ;
 1238+# ($lang, $title, $counts) = split (' ', $line) ;
 1239+# $title2 = $title ;
 1240+# $title =~ s/\%20/_/g ;
 1241+# $title =~ s/\%3A/:/g ;
 1242+# # $title =~ s/\%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge ;
 1243+# # if ($title =~ /[\x00-\x1F]/)
 1244+# # { &Log ("> '$title2'\n") ; }
 1245+# $title =~ s/\x00-\x1F/"%" . sprintf ("%X", ord($1)) ;/ge ;
 1246+# print $out_day1 "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 1247+# ($counts2 = $counts) =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/ ;
 1248+# if ($counts2 >= $threshold)
 1249+# { print $out_day2 "$lang $title $counts\n" ; }
 1250+# $lang_prev = $lang ;
 1251+# }
 1253+# close IN ;
 1254+# $out_day1->close() ;
 1255+# $out_day2->close() ;
 1259+#sub GetViewDistribution
 1261+# open OUT, ">", "Views.csv" ;
 1262+# foreach $file_in (@files)
 1263+# {
 1264+# ($hour = $file_in) =~ s/^pagecounts-\d+-(\d\d)\d+\.gz$/$1/ ;
 1265+# $hour = chr(ord('A')+$hour) ;
 1266+# &Log ("Process $hour $file_in\n") ;
 1268+# $in_hour1 = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n") ;
 1269+# while ($line = <$in_hour1>)
 1270+# {
 1271+# ($lang,$title,$count,$dummy) = split (' ', $line) ;
 1272+# if (($lang eq "en") && ($title !~ /:/)) # only en: and namespace 0
 1273+# {
 1274+# $tot {$hour} += $count ;
 1275+# if ($count < 3)
 1276+# { @counts {$hour . substr ($title,0,1)}++ ; }
 1277+# }
 1278+# }
 1279+# $in_hour1->close () ;
 1280+# }
 1282+# print OUT "," ;
 1283+# foreach $hour ('A'..'X')
 1284+# { print OUT $hour . ", " ; }
 1285+# print OUT "\n" ;
 1287+# print OUT "," ;
 1288+# foreach $hour ('A'..'X')
 1289+# { print OUT $tot {$hour} . ", " ; }
 1290+# print OUT "\n" ;
 1292+# for ($c=0; $c < 256; $c++)
 1293+# {
 1294+# # do not print chars " and , as such: confuses csv format
 1295+# if ($c < 33)
 1296+# { print OUT "chr($c), " ; }
 1297+# elsif (chr($c) eq '"')
 1298+# { print OUT "dquote, " ; }
 1299+# elsif (chr($c) eq ',')
 1300+# { print OUT "comma, " ; }
 1301+# else
 1302+# { print OUT chr($c) . ", " ; }
 1304+# foreach $hour ('A'..'X')
 1305+# { print OUT (0+@counts {$hour.chr($c)}) , ", " ; }
 1307+# if ($c < 255)
 1308+# { print OUT "\n" ; }
 1309+# }
 1310+# close OUT ;
 1314+#sub RecompactVisitorStats
 1316+# my $dir_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/" ;
 1317+# chdir ($dir_in) || &Abort ("Cannot chdir to $dir_in\n") ;
 1318+# local (*DIR);
 1319+# opendir (DIR, ".");
 1320+# @files = () ;
 1321+# while ($file_in = readdir (DIR))
 1322+# {
 1323+# next if $file_in !~ /^pagecounts-\d{8,8}_fd.gz$/ ;
 1325+# push @files, $file_in ;
 1326+# }
 1328+# $filecnt = $#files+1 ;
 1329+# @files = sort { substr ($a, 20,2) <=> substr ($b, 20,2)} @files ;
 1331+# foreach $file (@files)
 1332+# { &RecompactVisitorStats2 ($file) ; }
 1333+# closedir (DIR, ".");
 1336+#sub RecompactVisitorStats2
 1338+## http://www.7-zip.org/7z.html
 1339+# my $file = shift ;
 1340+# my $time_start = time ;
 1341+# my $path_7z = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/7z.exe" ;
 1342+## my $file_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/2008-07-pagecounts/pagecounts-20080702_fd.gz" ;
 1343+# my $file_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/$file" ;
 1344+# my $file_out ; ($file_out = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/txt/ ;
 1345+# my $file_7z ; ($file_7z = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/7z/ ;
 1347+# &Log ("Process $file_in\n") ;
 1349+# $in_hour = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ;
 1350+# binmode $in_hour ;
 1351+# open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 1352+# binmode OUT ;
 1354+# my ($title, $title2) ;
 1355+# while ($line = <$in_hour>)
 1356+# {
 1357+# chomp ($line) ;
 1358+# ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (" ", $line) ;
 1360+# if ($lang ne $lang_prev) { print "$lang " ; }
 1361+# $lang_prev = $lang ;
 1363+# # test pagecounts-20080701_fd.gz
 1364+# # all records 424 Mib compressed (1984 uncompressed)
 1365+# # count > 1 212 Mib compressed ( 733 uncompressed)
 1366+# # count > 2 169 Mib compressed ( 551 uncompressed)
 1367+# next if $counts <= 1 ;
 1369+# $title =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 1370+# $title =~ s/\s/_/g;
 1371+# $lang =~ s/\.z// ; # remove codes that were added to fix sort sequence
 1372+# $lang =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 1374+# print OUT "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 1375+# }
 1377+# print "Close files\n" ;
 1378+# $in_hour -> close () ;
 1379+# close (OUT) ;
 1381+# &Log ("Compress $file_out\n") ;
 1383+# unlink $file_7z ;
 1384+# $result = `$path_7z a $file_7z $file_out` ;
 1385+# &Log ("Compressed\n") ;
 1386+# &Log ("Result " . ($result+0) . " \n") ;
 1387+# if ((-e $file_7z) && (-s $file_7z > 0) && (($result == 0) || ($result == 7)))
 1388+# { unlink $file_out ; }
 1390+# &Log ("Processed in " . (time-$time_start) . " seconds\n\n") ;
 1391+## 0 No error
 1392+## 1 Warning (Non fatal error(s)). For example, one or more files were locked by some other application, so they were not compressed.
 1393+## 2 Fatal error
 1394+## 7 Command line error
 1395+## 8 Not enough memory for operation
 1396+## 255 User stopped the process
 1400+#sub RecompactVisitorStats3
 1402+## http://www.7-zip.org/7z.html
 1403+# my $path_7z = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/7z.exe" ;
 1404+# my $file_in = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/2008-07-pagecounts/pagecounts-20080702_fd.gz" ;
 1405+# my $file_out ; ($file_out = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/txt/ ;
 1406+# my $file_7z ; ($file_7z = $file_in) =~ s/gz$/7z/ ;
 1407+## my $file_log = "D:/Wikipedia_Visitors/full_day/2008-07-pagecounts/pagecounts.log" ;
 1409+# $in_hour = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ;
 1410+# binmode $in_hour ;
 1411+## $out_day = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n") ;
 1412+## binmode $out_day ;
 1413+# open OUT, ">", $file_out ;
 1414+# binmode OUT ;
 1415+## open LOG, ">", $file_log ;
 1416+## binmode LOG ;
 1418+# my ($title, $title2) ;
 1419+# while ($line = <$in_hour>)
 1420+# {
 1421+# chomp ($line) ;
 1422+# ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (" ", $line) ;
 1424+# if ($lang ne $lang_prev) { print "$lang\n" ; }
 1425+## last if $lang gt "fs" ;
 1426+# $lang_prev = $lang ;
 1428+# # test pagecounts-20080701_fd.gz
 1429+# # all records 424 Mib compressed (1984 uncompressed)
 1430+# # count > 1 212 Mib compressed ( 733 uncompressed)
 1431+# # count > 2 169 Mib compressed ( 551 uncompressed)
 1432+# next if $counts <= 1 ;
 1434+## next if $lang !~ /^(?:ar|fr)/ ;
 1436+#if ($false)
 1438+# $title1b = $title ;
 1439+# $title1b =~ s/(\%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/uc($1)/seg;
 1440+# $title1b =~ s/\%28/(/g ;
 1441+# $title1b =~ s/\%29/)/g ;
 1442+# $title1b =~ s/\%3A/:/g ;
 1443+# $title1b =~ s/\%2F/\//g ;
 1444+# $title1b =~ s/\%5C/\\/g ;
 1445+# $title1b =~ s/\%2A/*/g ;
 1446+# $title1b =~ s/\%21/!/g ;
 1447+# $title1b =~ s/\%5F/_/g ;
 1448+# $title1b =~ s/\%2C/,/g ;
 1449+# $title1b =~ s/\%2E/./g ;
 1450+# $title1b =~ s/\%2D/-/g ;
 1451+# $title1b =~ s/\%25/%/g ;
 1452+# $title1b =~ s/\%7E/~/g ;
 1453+# $title1b =~ s/\%27/'/g ;
 1454+# $title1b =~ s/\%3D/=/g ;
 1455+# $title1b =~ s/\%26/&/g ;
 1456+# $title1b =~ s/\%3B/;/g ;
 1457+# $title1b =~ s/\%3F/?/g ;
 1458+# $title1b =~ s/\%2B/+/g ;
 1459+# $title2 = $title1b ;
 1460+# $title2 =~ s/%([A-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 1462+# if ($title1b ne $title2) # if changed anything at all
 1463+# {
 1464+# $title3 = uri_escape ($title2) ;
 1465+# $title3 =~ s/\%28/(/g ;
 1466+# $title3 =~ s/\%29/)/g ;
 1467+# $title3 =~ s/\%3A/:/g ;
 1468+# $title3 =~ s/\%2F/\//g ;
 1469+# $title3 =~ s/\%5C/\\/g ;
 1470+# $title3 =~ s/\%2A/\*/g ;
 1471+# $title3 =~ s/\%21/\!/g ;
 1472+# $title3 =~ s/\%5F/\_/g ;
 1473+# $title3 =~ s/\%2C/,/g ;
 1474+# $title3 =~ s/\%2E/./g ;
 1475+# $title3 =~ s/\%2D/-/g ;
 1476+# $title3 =~ s/\%25/%/g ;
 1477+# $title3 =~ s/\%7E/~/g ;
 1478+# $title3 =~ s/\%27/'/g ;
 1479+# $title3 =~ s/\%3D/=/g ;
 1480+# $title3 =~ s/\%26/&/g ;
 1481+# $title3 =~ s/\%3B/;/g ;
 1482+# $title3 =~ s/\%3F/?/g ;
 1483+# $title3 =~ s/\%2B/+/g ;
 1485+# if ($title1b eq $title3) # process reversible ?
 1486+# {
 1487+# $y++ ;
 1488+# $title2 =~ s/\s/_/g;
 1489+# $title = $title2 ;
 1490+# }
 1491+# else
 1492+# {
 1493+# $n++ ;
 1494+# print "Y $y N $n\n$title\n$title3\n\n" ;
 1495+# print LOG "Y $y N $n\n$title\n$title3\n\n" ;
 1496+# }
 1497+# }
 1499+# $title =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
 1500+# $title =~ s/\s/_/g;
 1501+# $lang =~ s/\.z// ; # remove codes that were added to fix sort sequence
 1502+# $lang =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 1504+# # print $out_day "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 1505+# print OUT "$lang $title $counts\n" ;
 1506+# }
 1508+# print "Close files\n" ;
 1509+# $in_hour -> close () ;
 1510+## $out_day -> close () ;
 1511+# close (OUT) ;
 1512+# $result = `$path_7z a $file_out $file_txt` ;
 1513+# print $result ;
 1518+# test (partial) reversibility of process
 1519+#sub UncompactVisitorStats
 1521+# my $file_in = "out/2009-03/pagecounts-20090301_fdt" ;
 1522+# my $dir_out = "out" ;
 1523+# # $in_hour = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new ($file_in) || &Abort ("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed for '$file_in': $GunzipError\n") ;
 1524+# open $in_hour, '<', $file_in ;
 1525+# binmode $in_hour ;
 1527+# for ($h=0 ; $h<=23 ; $h++)
 1528+# {
 1529+# $time = sprintf ("%02d",$h) . "0000" ;
 1530+## $file_out = "$dir_out/pagecounts-20090301-$time.gz" ;
 1531+# $file_out = "$dir_out/pagecounts-20090301-$time" ;
 1532+# open $out_day [$h], '>', $file_out ;
 1533+## $out_day [$h] = IO::Compress::Gzip->new ($file_out) || &Abort ("IO::Compress::Gzip failed: $GzipError\n");
 1534+# binmode $out_day [$h] ;
 1535+# }
 1537+# while ($line = <$in_hour>)
 1538+# {
 1539+# next if $line =~ /^#/ ;
 1540+# next if $line =~ /^@/ ;
 1541+# chomp ($line) ;
 1542+## print "$line\n" ;
 1543+# if ($lines++ > 10000) { exit ; }
 1544+# ($lang,$title,$counts) = split (" ", $line) ;
 1545+# $lang =~ s/\.z// ;
 1546+# $lang =~ s/\.y/2/ ;
 1547+# $counts =~ s/^\d+// ; # remove (redundant) preceding total
 1548+# while ($counts ne "")
 1549+# {
 1550+# $letter = substr ($counts,0,1) ;
 1551+# $counts = substr ($counts,1) ;
 1552+# ($count = $counts) =~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ ;
 1553+# $counts =~ s/^\d+(.*)$/$1/ ;
 1554+# $h = ord ($letter) - ord ('A') ;
 1555+# $file = $out_day [$h] ;
 1556+# $writes {$h} ++ ;
 1557+# print $file "$lang $title $count\n" ;
 1558+# }
 1560+# }
 1562+# for ($h=0 ; $h<=23 ; $h++)
 1563+# {
 1564+## $out_day [$h] -> close () ;
 1565+# close $out_day [$h] ;
 1566+# }

Status & tagging log