r79411 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r79410‎ | r79411 | r79412 >
Date:03:39, 1 January 2011
Status:resolved (Comments)
Start work on porting ParserTests completely into PHPunit.
Disable temporary tables, a few reports of them not working. The tables get deleted anyway, so why risk it?
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/MediaWikiTestCase.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserHelpers.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserTest.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/testHelpers.inc (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/MediaWikiTestCase.php
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
108108 $prefix = $dbType != 'oracle' ? 'unittest_' : 'ut_';
110110 $this->dbClone = new CloneDatabase( $this->db, $tables, $prefix );
 111+ $this->dbClone->useTemporaryTables( false ); //reported problems with temp tables, disabling until fixed
111112 $this->dbClone->cloneTableStructure();
113114 if ( $dbType == 'oracle' )
Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserHelpers.php
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
 4+class ParserTestFileIterator implements Iterator {
 6+ protected $file;
 7+ protected $fh;
 8+ protected $parserTest; /* An instance of ParserTest (parserTests.php) or MediaWikiParserTest (phpunit) */
 9+ protected $index = 0;
 10+ protected $test;
 11+ protected $lineNum;
 12+ protected $eof;
 14+ function __construct( $file, $parserTest ) {
 15+ global $IP;
 17+ $this->file = $file;
 18+ $this->fh = fopen( $this->file, "rt" );
 20+ if ( !$this->fh ) {
 21+ wfDie( "Couldn't open file '$file'\n" );
 22+ }
 24+ $this->parserTest = $parserTest;
 25+ //$this->parserTest->showRunFile( wfRelativePath( $this->file, $IP ) );
 27+ $this->lineNum = $this->index = 0;
 28+ }
 30+ function rewind() {
 31+ if ( fseek( $this->fh, 0 ) ) {
 32+ wfDie( "Couldn't fseek to the start of '$this->file'\n" );
 33+ }
 35+ $this->index = -1;
 36+ $this->lineNum = 0;
 37+ $this->eof = false;
 38+ $this->next();
 40+ return true;
 41+ }
 43+ function current() {
 44+ return $this->test;
 45+ }
 47+ function key() {
 48+ return $this->index;
 49+ }
 51+ function next() {
 52+ if ( $this->readNextTest() ) {
 53+ $this->index++;
 54+ return true;
 55+ } else {
 56+ $this->eof = true;
 57+ }
 58+ }
 60+ function valid() {
 61+ return $this->eof != true;
 62+ }
 64+ function readNextTest() {
 65+ $data = array();
 66+ $section = null;
 68+ while ( false !== ( $line = fgets( $this->fh ) ) ) {
 69+ $this->lineNum++;
 70+ $matches = array();
 72+ if ( preg_match( '/^!!\s*(\w+)/', $line, $matches ) ) {
 73+ $section = strtolower( $matches[1] );
 75+ if ( $section == 'endarticle' ) {
 76+ if ( !isset( $data['text'] ) ) {
 77+ wfDie( "'endarticle' without 'text' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 78+ }
 80+ if ( !isset( $data['article'] ) ) {
 81+ wfDie( "'endarticle' without 'article' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 82+ }
 84+ $this->parserTest->addArticle( $this->parserTest->removeEndingNewline( $data['article'] ), $data['text'], $this->lineNum );
 87+ $data = array();
 88+ $section = null;
 90+ continue;
 91+ }
 93+ if ( $section == 'endhooks' ) {
 94+ if ( !isset( $data['hooks'] ) ) {
 95+ wfDie( "'endhooks' without 'hooks' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 96+ }
 98+ foreach ( explode( "\n", $data['hooks'] ) as $line ) {
 99+ $line = trim( $line );
 101+ if ( $line ) {
 102+ if ( !$this->parserTest->requireHook( $line ) ) {
 103+ return false;
 104+ }
 105+ }
 106+ }
 108+ $data = array();
 109+ $section = null;
 111+ continue;
 112+ }
 114+ if ( $section == 'endfunctionhooks' ) {
 115+ if ( !isset( $data['functionhooks'] ) ) {
 116+ wfDie( "'endfunctionhooks' without 'functionhooks' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 117+ }
 119+ foreach ( explode( "\n", $data['functionhooks'] ) as $line ) {
 120+ $line = trim( $line );
 122+ if ( $line ) {
 123+ if ( !$this->parserTest->requireFunctionHook( $line ) ) {
 124+ return false;
 125+ }
 126+ }
 127+ }
 129+ $data = array();
 130+ $section = null;
 132+ continue;
 133+ }
 135+ if ( $section == 'end' ) {
 136+ if ( !isset( $data['test'] ) ) {
 137+ wfDie( "'end' without 'test' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 138+ }
 140+ if ( !isset( $data['input'] ) ) {
 141+ wfDie( "'end' without 'input' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 142+ }
 144+ if ( !isset( $data['result'] ) ) {
 145+ wfDie( "'end' without 'result' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 146+ }
 148+ if ( !isset( $data['options'] ) ) {
 149+ $data['options'] = '';
 150+ }
 152+ if ( !isset( $data['config'] ) )
 153+ $data['config'] = '';
 155+ if ( ( preg_match( '/\\bdisabled\\b/i', $data['options'] ) && !$this->parserTest->runDisabled )
 156+ || !preg_match( "/" . $this->parserTest->regex . "/i", $data['test'] ) ) {
 157+ # disabled test
 158+ $data = array();
 159+ $section = null;
 161+ continue;
 162+ }
 164+ global $wgUseTeX;
 166+ if ( preg_match( '/\\bmath\\b/i', $data['options'] ) && !$wgUseTeX ) {
 167+ # don't run math tests if $wgUseTeX is set to false in LocalSettings
 168+ $data = array();
 169+ $section = null;
 171+ continue;
 172+ }
 174+ $this->test = array(
 175+ 'test' => $this->parserTest->removeEndingNewline( $data['test'] ),
 176+ 'input' => $this->parserTest->removeEndingNewline( $data['input'] ),
 177+ 'result' => $this->parserTest->removeEndingNewline( $data['result'] ),
 178+ 'options' => $this->parserTest->removeEndingNewline( $data['options'] ),
 179+ 'config' => $this->parserTest->removeEndingNewline( $data['config'] ) );
 181+ return true;
 182+ }
 184+ if ( isset ( $data[$section] ) ) {
 185+ wfDie( "duplicate section '$section' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" );
 186+ }
 188+ $data[$section] = '';
 190+ continue;
 191+ }
 193+ if ( $section ) {
 194+ $data[$section] .= $line;
 195+ }
 196+ }
 198+ return false;
 199+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
 4+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/NewParserHelpers.php' );
 7+ * @group Database
 8+ */
 9+class NewParserTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
 11+ public $uploadDir;
 12+ public $keepUploads = false;
 13+ public $runDisabled = false;
 14+ public $regex = '';
 15+ public $showProgress = true;
 16+ public $savedGlobals = array();
 17+ public $hooks = array();
 18+ public $functionHooks = array();
 20+ function setUp() {
 21+ global $wgContLang;
 22+ $wgContLang = Language::factory( 'en' );
 24+ global $wgParser, $wgParserConf, $IP, $messageMemc, $wgMemc, $wgDeferredUpdateList,
 25+ $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgStyleDirectory, $wgEnableParserCache,
 26+ $wgMessageCache, $wgUseDatabaseMessages, $wgMsgCacheExpiry, $parserMemc,
 27+ $wgNamespaceAliases, $wgNamespaceProtection, $wgLocalFileRepo,
 28+ $wgThumbnailScriptPath, $wgScriptPath,
 29+ $wgArticlePath, $wgStyleSheetPath, $wgScript, $wgStylePath;
 31+ $wgScript = '/index.php';
 32+ $wgScriptPath = '/';
 33+ $wgArticlePath = '/wiki/$1';
 34+ $wgStyleSheetPath = '/skins';
 35+ $wgStylePath = '/skins';
 36+ $wgThumbnailScriptPath = false;
 37+ $wgLocalFileRepo = array(
 38+ 'class' => 'LocalRepo',
 39+ 'name' => 'local',
 40+ 'directory' => wfTempDir() . '/test-repo',
 41+ 'url' => 'http://example.com/images',
 42+ 'deletedDir' => wfTempDir() . '/test-repo/delete',
 43+ 'hashLevels' => 2,
 44+ 'transformVia404' => false,
 45+ );
 46+ $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI] = 'editinterface';
 47+ $wgNamespaceAliases['Image'] = NS_FILE;
 48+ $wgNamespaceAliases['Image_talk'] = NS_FILE_TALK;
 51+ $wgEnableParserCache = false;
 52+ $wgDeferredUpdateList = array();
 53+ $wgMemc = &wfGetMainCache();
 54+ $messageMemc = &wfGetMessageCacheStorage();
 55+ $parserMemc = &wfGetParserCacheStorage();
 57+ // $wgContLang = new StubContLang;
 58+ $wgUser = new User;
 59+ $wgLang = new StubUserLang;
 60+ $wgOut = new StubObject( 'wgOut', 'OutputPage' );
 61+ $wgParser = new StubObject( 'wgParser', $wgParserConf['class'], array( $wgParserConf ) );
 62+ $wgRequest = new WebRequest;
 64+ $wgMessageCache = new StubObject( 'wgMessageCache', 'MessageCache',
 65+ array( $messageMemc, $wgUseDatabaseMessages,
 66+ $wgMsgCacheExpiry ) );
 67+ if ( $wgStyleDirectory === false ) {
 68+ $wgStyleDirectory = "$IP/skins";
 69+ }
 70+ }
 72+ /**
 73+ * Set up the global variables for a consistent environment for each test.
 74+ * Ideally this should replace the global configuration entirely.
 75+ */
 76+ protected function setupGlobals( $opts = '', $config = '' ) {
 77+ # Find out values for some special options.
 78+ $lang =
 79+ self::getOptionValue( 'language', $opts, 'en' );
 80+ $variant =
 81+ self::getOptionValue( 'variant', $opts, false );
 82+ $maxtoclevel =
 83+ self::getOptionValue( 'wgMaxTocLevel', $opts, 999 );
 84+ $linkHolderBatchSize =
 85+ self::getOptionValue( 'wgLinkHolderBatchSize', $opts, 1000 );
 87+ $settings = array(
 88+ 'wgServer' => 'http://Britney-Spears',
 89+ 'wgScript' => '/index.php',
 90+ 'wgScriptPath' => '/',
 91+ 'wgArticlePath' => '/wiki/$1',
 92+ 'wgActionPaths' => array(),
 93+ 'wgLocalFileRepo' => array(
 94+ 'class' => 'LocalRepo',
 95+ 'name' => 'local',
 96+ 'directory' => $this->uploadDir,
 97+ 'url' => 'http://example.com/images',
 98+ 'hashLevels' => 2,
 99+ 'transformVia404' => false,
 100+ ),
 101+ 'wgEnableUploads' => self::getOptionValue( 'wgEnableUploads', $opts, true ),
 102+ 'wgStylePath' => '/skins',
 103+ 'wgStyleSheetPath' => '/skins',
 104+ 'wgSitename' => 'MediaWiki',
 105+ 'wgLanguageCode' => $lang,
 106+ 'wgDBprefix' => $this->db->getType() != 'oracle' ? 'unittest_' : 'ut_',
 107+ 'wgRawHtml' => isset( $opts['rawhtml'] ),
 108+ 'wgLang' => null,
 109+ 'wgContLang' => null,
 110+ 'wgNamespacesWithSubpages' => array( 0 => isset( $opts['subpage'] ) ),
 111+ 'wgMaxTocLevel' => $maxtoclevel,
 112+ 'wgCapitalLinks' => true,
 113+ 'wgNoFollowLinks' => true,
 114+ 'wgNoFollowDomainExceptions' => array(),
 115+ 'wgThumbnailScriptPath' => false,
 116+ 'wgUseImageResize' => false,
 117+ 'wgUseTeX' => isset( $opts['math'] ),
 118+ 'wgMathDirectory' => $this->uploadDir . '/math',
 119+ 'wgLocaltimezone' => 'UTC',
 120+ 'wgAllowExternalImages' => true,
 121+ 'wgUseTidy' => false,
 122+ 'wgDefaultLanguageVariant' => $variant,
 123+ 'wgVariantArticlePath' => false,
 124+ 'wgGroupPermissions' => array( '*' => array(
 125+ 'createaccount' => true,
 126+ 'read' => true,
 127+ 'edit' => true,
 128+ 'createpage' => true,
 129+ 'createtalk' => true,
 130+ ) ),
 131+ 'wgNamespaceProtection' => array( NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'editinterface' ),
 132+ 'wgDefaultExternalStore' => array(),
 133+ 'wgForeignFileRepos' => array(),
 134+ 'wgLinkHolderBatchSize' => $linkHolderBatchSize,
 135+ 'wgExperimentalHtmlIds' => false,
 136+ 'wgExternalLinkTarget' => false,
 137+ 'wgAlwaysUseTidy' => false,
 138+ 'wgHtml5' => true,
 139+ 'wgWellFormedXml' => true,
 140+ 'wgAllowMicrodataAttributes' => true,
 141+ 'wgAdaptiveMessageCache' => true
 142+ );
 144+ if ( $config ) {
 145+ $configLines = explode( "\n", $config );
 147+ foreach ( $configLines as $line ) {
 148+ list( $var, $value ) = explode( '=', $line, 2 );
 150+ $settings[$var] = eval( "return $value;" ); //???
 151+ }
 152+ }
 154+ $this->savedGlobals = array();
 156+ foreach ( $settings as $var => $val ) {
 157+ if ( array_key_exists( $var, $GLOBALS ) ) {
 158+ $this->savedGlobals[$var] = $GLOBALS[$var];
 159+ }
 161+ $GLOBALS[$var] = $val;
 162+ }
 164+ $langObj = Language::factory( $lang );
 165+ $GLOBALS['wgLang'] = $langObj;
 166+ $GLOBALS['wgContLang'] = $langObj;
 167+ $GLOBALS['wgMemc'] = new FakeMemCachedClient;
 168+ $GLOBALS['wgOut'] = new OutputPage;
 170+ global $wgHooks;
 172+ $wgHooks['ParserTestParser'][] = 'ParserTestParserHook::setup';
 173+ $wgHooks['ParserTestParser'][] = 'ParserTestStaticParserHook::setup';
 174+ $wgHooks['ParserGetVariableValueTs'][] = 'ParserTest::getFakeTimestamp';
 176+ MagicWord::clearCache();
 178+ global $wgUser;
 179+ $wgUser = new User();
 180+ }
 182+ /**
 183+ * Restore default values and perform any necessary clean-up
 184+ * after each test runs.
 185+ */
 186+ protected function teardownGlobals() {
 187+ RepoGroup::destroySingleton();
 188+ LinkCache::singleton()->clear();
 190+ foreach ( $this->savedGlobals as $var => $val ) {
 191+ $GLOBALS[$var] = $val;
 192+ }
 193+ }
 195+ function addDBData() {
 196+ # Hack: insert a few Wikipedia in-project interwiki prefixes,
 197+ # for testing inter-language links
 198+ $this->db->insert( 'interwiki', array(
 199+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'wikipedia',
 200+ 'iw_url' => 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1',
 201+ 'iw_api' => '',
 202+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
 203+ 'iw_local' => 0 ),
 204+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'meatball',
 205+ 'iw_url' => 'http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?$1',
 206+ 'iw_api' => '',
 207+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
 208+ 'iw_local' => 0 ),
 209+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'zh',
 210+ 'iw_url' => 'http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1',
 211+ 'iw_api' => '',
 212+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
 213+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
 214+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'es',
 215+ 'iw_url' => 'http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1',
 216+ 'iw_api' => '',
 217+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
 218+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
 219+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'fr',
 220+ 'iw_url' => 'http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1',
 221+ 'iw_api' => '',
 222+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
 223+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
 224+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'ru',
 225+ 'iw_url' => 'http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1',
 226+ 'iw_api' => '',
 227+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
 228+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
 229+ ) );
 232+ # Update certain things in site_stats
 233+ $this->db->insert( 'site_stats', array( 'ss_row_id' => 1, 'ss_images' => 2, 'ss_good_articles' => 1 ) );
 235+ # Reinitialise the LocalisationCache to match the database state
 236+ Language::getLocalisationCache()->unloadAll();
 238+ # Make a new message cache
 239+ global $wgMessageCache, $wgMemc;
 240+ $wgMessageCache = new MessageCache( $wgMemc, true, 3600 );
 242+ $this->uploadDir = $this->setupUploadDir();
 244+ $user = User::newFromId( 0 );
 246+ $image = wfLocalFile( Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, 'Foobar.jpg' ) );
 247+ $image->recordUpload2( '', 'Upload of some lame file', 'Some lame file', array(
 248+ 'size' => 12345,
 249+ 'width' => 1941,
 250+ 'height' => 220,
 251+ 'bits' => 24,
 252+ 'media_type' => MEDIATYPE_BITMAP,
 253+ 'mime' => 'image/jpeg',
 254+ 'metadata' => serialize( array() ),
 255+ 'sha1' => wfBaseConvert( '', 16, 36, 31 ),
 256+ 'fileExists' => true
 257+ ), $this->db->timestamp( '20010115123500' ), $user );
 259+ # This image will be blacklisted in [[MediaWiki:Bad image list]]
 260+ $image = wfLocalFile( Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, 'Bad.jpg' ) );
 261+ $image->recordUpload2( '', 'zomgnotcensored', 'Borderline image', array(
 262+ 'size' => 12345,
 263+ 'width' => 320,
 264+ 'height' => 240,
 265+ 'bits' => 24,
 266+ 'media_type' => MEDIATYPE_BITMAP,
 267+ 'mime' => 'image/jpeg',
 268+ 'metadata' => serialize( array() ),
 269+ 'sha1' => wfBaseConvert( '', 16, 36, 31 ),
 270+ 'fileExists' => true
 271+ ), $this->db->timestamp( '20010115123500' ), $user );
 273+ }
 275+ public function testParserTests() {
 277+ //global $IP;
 278+ //$wgParserTestFiles = array( "$IP/tests/parser/testparserTests.txt" );
 280+ global $wgParserTestFiles;
 282+ foreach( $wgParserTestFiles as $file ) {
 284+ $iter = new ParserTestFileIterator( $file, $this );
 286+ foreach ( $iter as $t ) {
 288+ $result = $this->doRunTest( $t['test'], $t['input'], $t['result'], $t['options'], $t['config'] );
 290+ //$this->recorder->record( $t['test'], $result );
 291+ }
 293+ }
 296+ }
 299+ /**
 300+ * Run a given wikitext input through a freshly-constructed wiki parser,
 301+ * and compare the output against the expected results.
 302+ * Prints status and explanatory messages to stdout.
 303+ *
 304+ * @param $desc String: test's description
 305+ * @param $input String: wikitext to try rendering
 306+ * @param $result String: result to output
 307+ * @param $opts Array: test's options
 308+ * @param $config String: overrides for global variables, one per line
 309+ * @return Boolean
 310+ */
 311+ protected function doRunTest( $desc, $input, $result, $opts, $config ) {
 313+ $opts = $this->parseOptions( $opts );
 314+ $this->setupGlobals( $opts, $config );
 316+ $user = new User();
 317+ $options = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user );
 319+ if ( isset( $opts['title'] ) ) {
 320+ $titleText = $opts['title'];
 321+ }
 322+ else {
 323+ $titleText = 'Parser test';
 324+ }
 326+ $local = isset( $opts['local'] );
 327+ $preprocessor = isset( $opts['preprocessor'] ) ? $opts['preprocessor'] : null;
 328+ $parser = $this->getParser( $preprocessor );
 329+ $title = Title::newFromText( $titleText );
 331+ if ( isset( $opts['pst'] ) ) {
 332+ $out = $parser->preSaveTransform( $input, $title, $user, $options );
 333+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['msg'] ) ) {
 334+ $out = $parser->transformMsg( $input, $options );
 335+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['section'] ) ) {
 336+ $section = $opts['section'];
 337+ $out = $parser->getSection( $input, $section );
 338+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['replace'] ) ) {
 339+ $section = $opts['replace'][0];
 340+ $replace = $opts['replace'][1];
 341+ $out = $parser->replaceSection( $input, $section, $replace );
 342+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['comment'] ) ) {
 343+ $linker = $user->getSkin();
 344+ $out = $linker->formatComment( $input, $title, $local );
 345+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['preload'] ) ) {
 346+ $out = $parser->getpreloadText( $input, $title, $options );
 347+ } else {
 348+ $output = $parser->parse( $input, $title, $options, true, true, 1337 );
 349+ $out = $output->getText();
 351+ if ( isset( $opts['showtitle'] ) ) {
 352+ if ( $output->getTitleText() ) {
 353+ $title = $output->getTitleText();
 354+ }
 356+ $out = "$title\n$out";
 357+ }
 359+ if ( isset( $opts['ill'] ) ) {
 360+ $out = $this->tidy( implode( ' ', $output->getLanguageLinks() ) );
 361+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['cat'] ) ) {
 362+ global $wgOut;
 364+ $wgOut->addCategoryLinks( $output->getCategories() );
 365+ $cats = $wgOut->getCategoryLinks();
 367+ if ( isset( $cats['normal'] ) ) {
 368+ $out = $this->tidy( implode( ' ', $cats['normal'] ) );
 369+ } else {
 370+ $out = '';
 371+ }
 372+ }
 374+ $result = $this->tidy( $result );
 375+ }
 377+ $this->teardownGlobals();
 379+ $this->assertEquals( $result, $out, $desc );
 380+ }
 382+ /**
 383+ * Get a Parser object
 384+ */
 385+ function getParser( $preprocessor = null ) {
 386+ global $wgParserConf;
 388+ $class = $wgParserConf['class'];
 389+ $parser = new $class( array( 'preprocessorClass' => $preprocessor ) + $wgParserConf );
 391+ foreach ( $this->hooks as $tag => $callback ) {
 392+ $parser->setHook( $tag, $callback );
 393+ }
 395+ foreach ( $this->functionHooks as $tag => $bits ) {
 396+ list( $callback, $flags ) = $bits;
 397+ $parser->setFunctionHook( $tag, $callback, $flags );
 398+ }
 400+ wfRunHooks( 'ParserTestParser', array( &$parser ) );
 402+ return $parser;
 403+ }
 405+ /*
 406+ * Run the "tidy" command on text if the $wgUseTidy
 407+ * global is true
 408+ *
 409+ * @param $text String: the text to tidy
 410+ * @return String
 411+ * @static
 412+ */
 413+ protected function tidy( $text ) {
 414+ global $wgUseTidy;
 416+ if ( $wgUseTidy ) {
 417+ $text = MWTidy::tidy( $text );
 418+ }
 420+ return $text;
 421+ }
 424+ /**
 425+ * Create a dummy uploads directory which will contain a couple
 426+ * of files in order to pass existence tests.
 427+ *
 428+ * @return String: the directory
 429+ */
 430+ protected function setupUploadDir() {
 431+ global $IP;
 433+ if ( $this->keepUploads ) {
 434+ $dir = wfTempDir() . '/mwParser-images';
 436+ if ( is_dir( $dir ) ) {
 437+ return $dir;
 438+ }
 439+ } else {
 440+ $dir = wfTempDir() . "/mwParser-" . mt_rand() . "-images";
 441+ }
 443+ // wfDebug( "Creating upload directory $dir\n" );
 444+ if ( file_exists( $dir ) ) {
 445+ wfDebug( "Already exists!\n" );
 446+ return $dir;
 447+ }
 449+ wfMkdirParents( $dir . '/3/3a' );
 450+ copy( "$IP/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg", "$dir/3/3a/Foobar.jpg" );
 451+ wfMkdirParents( $dir . '/0/09' );
 452+ copy( "$IP/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg", "$dir/0/09/Bad.jpg" );
 454+ return $dir;
 455+ }
 457+ /**
 458+ * Insert a temporary test article
 459+ * @param $name String: the title, including any prefix
 460+ * @param $text String: the article text
 461+ * @param $line Integer: the input line number, for reporting errors
 462+ */
 463+ public function addArticle( $name, $text, $line = 'unknown' ) {
 464+ global $wgCapitalLinks;
 466+ $text = $this->removeEndingNewline($text);
 468+ $oldCapitalLinks = $wgCapitalLinks;
 469+ $wgCapitalLinks = true; // We only need this from SetupGlobals() See r70917#c8637
 471+ $name = $this->removeEndingNewline( $name );
 472+ $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
 474+ if ( is_null( $title ) ) {
 475+ wfDie( "invalid title ('$name' => '$title') at line $line\n" );
 476+ }
 478+ $aid = $title->getArticleID( Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE );
 480+ if ( $aid != 0 ) {
 481+ debug_print_backtrace();
 482+ wfDie( "duplicate article '$name' at line $line\n" );
 483+ }
 485+ $art = new Article( $title );
 486+ $art->doEdit( $text, '', EDIT_NEW );
 488+ $wgCapitalLinks = $oldCapitalLinks;
 489+ }
 491+ /**
 492+ * Remove last character if it is a newline
 493+ */
 494+ public function removeEndingNewline( $s ) {
 495+ if ( substr( $s, -1 ) === "\n" ) {
 496+ return substr( $s, 0, -1 );
 497+ }
 498+ else {
 499+ return $s;
 500+ }
 501+ }
 503+ /**
 504+ * Steal a callback function from the primary parser, save it for
 505+ * application to our scary parser. If the hook is not installed,
 506+ * abort processing of this file.
 507+ *
 508+ * @param $name String
 509+ * @return Bool true if tag hook is present
 510+ */
 511+ public function requireHook( $name ) {
 512+ global $wgParser;
 514+ $wgParser->firstCallInit( ); // make sure hooks are loaded.
 516+ if ( isset( $wgParser->mTagHooks[$name] ) ) {
 517+ $this->hooks[$name] = $wgParser->mTagHooks[$name];
 518+ } else {
 519+ echo " This test suite requires the '$name' hook extension, skipping.\n";
 520+ return false;
 521+ }
 523+ return true;
 524+ }
 526+ protected function parseOptions( $instring ) {
 527+ $opts = array();
 528+ // foo
 529+ // foo=bar
 530+ // foo="bar baz"
 531+ // foo=[[bar baz]]
 532+ // foo=bar,"baz quux"
 533+ $regex = '/\b
 534+ ([\w-]+) # Key
 535+ \b
 536+ (?:\s*
 537+ = # First sub-value
 538+ \s*
 539+ (
 540+ "
 541+ [^"]* # Quoted val
 542+ "
 543+ |
 544+ \[\[
 545+ [^]]* # Link target
 546+ \]\]
 547+ |
 548+ [\w-]+ # Plain word
 549+ )
 550+ (?:\s*
 551+ , # Sub-vals 1..N
 552+ \s*
 553+ (
 554+ "[^"]*" # Quoted val
 555+ |
 556+ \[\[[^]]*\]\] # Link target
 557+ |
 558+ [\w-]+ # Plain word
 559+ )
 560+ )*
 561+ )?
 562+ /x';
 564+ if ( preg_match_all( $regex, $instring, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
 565+ foreach ( $matches as $bits ) {
 566+ array_shift( $bits );
 567+ $key = strtolower( array_shift( $bits ) );
 568+ if ( count( $bits ) == 0 ) {
 569+ $opts[$key] = true;
 570+ } elseif ( count( $bits ) == 1 ) {
 571+ $opts[$key] = $this->cleanupOption( array_shift( $bits ) );
 572+ } else {
 573+ // Array!
 574+ $opts[$key] = array_map( array( $this, 'cleanupOption' ), $bits );
 575+ }
 576+ }
 577+ }
 578+ return $opts;
 579+ }
 581+ protected function cleanupOption( $opt ) {
 582+ if ( substr( $opt, 0, 1 ) == '"' ) {
 583+ return substr( $opt, 1, -1 );
 584+ }
 586+ if ( substr( $opt, 0, 2 ) == '[[' ) {
 587+ return substr( $opt, 2, -2 );
 588+ }
 589+ return $opt;
 590+ }
 592+ /**
 593+ * Use a regex to find out the value of an option
 594+ * @param $key String: name of option val to retrieve
 595+ * @param $opts Options array to look in
 596+ * @param $default Mixed: default value returned if not found
 597+ */
 598+ protected static function getOptionValue( $key, $opts, $default ) {
 599+ $key = strtolower( $key );
 601+ if ( isset( $opts[$key] ) ) {
 602+ return $opts[$key];
 603+ } else {
 604+ return $default;
 605+ }
 606+ }
Index: trunk/phase3/tests/testHelpers.inc
@@ -527,7 +527,8 @@
529529 if ( $this->parserTest ) {
530530 $this->parserTest->addArticle( ParserTest::chomp( $data['article'] ), $data['text'], $this->lineNum );
531 - } else {wfDie("JAJA");
 531+ } else {
 532+ wfDie("Cannot add an article without a parserTest instance");
532533 ParserTest::addArticle( $data['article'], $data['text'], $this->lineNum );
533534 }
534535 $data = array();

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r82582maintenance/commandLine.inc loads DefaultSettings, LocalSettings and then run...platonides23:19, 21 February 2011
r82867Finally commit the testing stuff I have been with this week. Could be conside...platonides21:49, 26 February 2011
r82877Remove NewParserHelpers.php and use instead the original TestFileIterator fro...platonides23:45, 26 February 2011


#Comment by Platonides (talk | contribs)   01:04, 20 February 2011

Temporary tables are faster (near a minute here).

You didn't do a svn cp for tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserHelpers.php which is a barely modified isntance of TestFileIterator. What was wrong with reusing the testHelpers.inc class?

The big function testParserTests() will fail on the first non-passing parserTest (and r79431 try/catch is wrong). It should use a data provider. Although being a double iteration it's tricky. May be time to dust off the parserest suite.

#Comment by Platonides (talk | contribs)   23:50, 26 February 2011

Only some NewParserTest.php pieces left after my follow ups. Marking as resolved.

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