This doesn't appear to be needed any more. That is, the tests pass without it.
I think I completely disabled the message cache in a later revision.
I get
Running test Interlanguage link, with prefix links... A database error has occurred. Did you forget to run maintenance/update.php after upgrading? See: [] Query: SELECT value,exptime FROM `parsertest_objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'testwiki-parsertest_:message-profiling' LIMIT 1 Function: SqlBagOStuff::get Error: 1146 Table 'testwiki.parsertest_objectcache' doesn't exist (
unless this is patched out.
Works for me. How is Wiki::restInPeace() getting called for you?
I'm not sure. It's stopped happening now.
Maybe you were running with an old version where $wgMemc = wfGetMainCache(); $messageMemc = wfGetMessageCacheStorage(); $parserMemc = wfGetParserCacheStorage(); still worked by reference.
In such case I do get a parsertest_objectcache' doesn't exist message (although not for message-profiling).