r78994 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r78993‎ | r78994 | r78995 >
Date:11:14, 25 December 2010
Status:deferred (Comments)
mostly crap but might as well be in the branch til it gets fixed. estimating num revs per page range so we can split jobs into chunks with similar runtime
Modified paths:
  • /branches/ariel/xmldumps-backup/pagerange.py (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/ariel/xmldumps-backup/pagerange.py
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
 2+import getopt
 3+import os
 4+import re
 5+import sys
 6+import time
 7+import WikiDump
 8+import bz2
 9+import worker
 10+import CommandManagement
 12+from CommandManagement import CommandPipeline, CommandSeries, CommandsInParallel
 13+from worker import Runner
 15+class PageRange(object):
 16+ """Methods for getting number of revisions per page,
 17+ estimating how many revisions a consecutive number of pages contains
 18+ given a certain starting page ID, estimating how long it will take
 19+ to retrieve a certain number of revisions starting from a certain
 20+ revisionID
 21+ We use this for splitting up history runs into small chunks to be run in
 22+ parallel, with each job taking roughly the same length of time.
 23+ Note that doing a straight log curve fit doesn't work; it's got to be done
 24+ by approximation.
 25+ Speed of retrieval of revisions depends on revision size and whether it's
 26+ prefetchable (in the previous dump's file) or must be retrieved from the
 27+ external store (database query)."""
 28+ def __init__(self, dbname, config):
 29+ """Arguments:
 30+ dbname -- the name of the database we are dumping
 31+ config -- this is the general config context used by the runner class."""
 32+ self._dbname = dbname
 33+ self._config = config
 34+ self._totalPages = None
 35+ # this is the number of pages we typically poll when we get estimated revs per page
 36+ # at some pageID
 37+ self._sampleSize = 500
 38+ self.getNumPagesInDB()
 40+ def getNumPagesInDB(self):
 41+ pipeline = []
 42+ pipeline.append([ "echo", '$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $count = $dbr->selectField( "page", "max(page_id)", false ); if ( intval($count) > 0 ) { echo intval($count); }' ])
 43+ pipeline.append([ '%s' % self._config.php, '%s/maintenance/eval.php' % config.wikiDir , '%s' % self._dbname])
 44+ p = CommandPipeline(pipeline, quiet=True)
 45+ p.runPipelineAndGetOutput()
 46+ if not p.exitedSuccessfully():
 47+ print "DEBUG: serious error encountered (1)"
 48+ return None
 49+ output = p.output()
 50+ output = output.rstrip('\n')
 51+ if (output != ''):
 52+ self._totalPages = int(output)
 53+ return output
 55+ def runDBQueryAndGetOutput(self,query):
 56+ pipeline = []
 57+ pipeline.append( query )
 58+ pipeline.append([ '%s' % self._config.php, '%s/maintenance/eval.php' % self._config.wikiDir, '%s' % self._dbname])
 59+ p = CommandPipeline(pipeline, quiet=True)
 60+ p.runPipelineAndGetOutput()
 61+ output = p.output().rstrip('\n')
 62+ return(output)
 64+ def estimateNumRevsPerPage(self, pageID):
 65+ """Get the number of revisions for self._sampleSize pages starting at a given pageID.
 66+ Returns an estimated number of revisions per page based on this.
 67+ This assumes that the older pages (lower page ID) have
 68+ generally more revisions."""
 70+ pageRangeStart = str(pageID)
 71+ pageRangeEnd = str(pageID + self._sampleSize)
 72+ query = [ "echo", '$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $count = $dbr->selectField( "revision", "COUNT(distinct(rev_page))", array( "rev_page < ' + pageRangeEnd + '", "rev_page >= ' + pageRangeStart + '" ) ); echo $count;' ]
 73+# query = [ "echo", '$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $result = $dbr->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT "revision", "COUNT(*)", array( "rev_page < ' + pageRangeEnd + '", "rev_page >= ' + pageRangeStart + '" ) ); echo $count;' ]
 74+ print query
 75+ rowCount = self.runDBQueryAndGetOutput(query)
 76+ rowCount = int(rowCount)
 77+ if (rowCount > 0):
 78+# limit = str(rowCount*9/10)
 79+ limit = str(rowCount)
 80+ print "there were %s many rows in the request, getting %s" % (rowCount, limit)
 81+ queryString = "select avg(a.cnt) as avgcnt from (select count(rev_page) as cnt from revision where rev_page >=" + pageRangeStart + " and rev_page < " + pageRangeEnd + " group by rev_page order by cnt asc limit " + limit + ") as a;"
 82+ query = [ "echo", '$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->query( "' + queryString + '" ); if ($res && $dbr->numRows( $res ) > 0) { while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { echo $row->avgcnt; } }' ]
 83+ average = self.runDBQueryAndGetOutput(query)
 84+ if (average):
 85+ revsPerPage = int(round(float(average)))
 86+ if (revsPerPage == 0):
 87+ revsPerPage = 1
 88+ print "got average of %s revs per page at pageid %s" % (revsPerPage, pageID)
 89+ print "that amounts to ", revsPerPage * self._sampleSize
 90+ return (revsPerPage, rowCount)
 91+ return (None, None)
 93+ def getEstimatedRevsForIntervalFromEndpoints(self, revsPage0, revsPage1, pageID0, pageID1, pagesP0, pagesP1):
 94+ """given the revs per page estimate at each endpoint, and the number of undeleted pages out of the sample size
 95+ (self._sampleSize is the sample size), figure out the estimated revs for the interval"""
 97+ estimatedPagesInInterval = self.getEstimatedUndeletedPagesInInterval(pageID0, pageID1, pagesP0, pagesP1)
 98+ # now we can get a notion of how many revs might be in the interval
 100+ # FIXME is this always what we want, is the average? or do we want it form the greater endpoint? or what?
 101+ estimatedRevsInInterval = abs((revsPage0 + revsPage1) * estimatedPagesInInterval /2)
 102+ return(estimatedRevsInInterval)
 104+ def getEstimatedUndeletedPagesInInterval(self, pageID0, pageID1, pagesP0, pagesP1):
 105+ """given the number of undeleted pages at both P0 and P1 for our standard sample size self._sampleSize,
 106+ guesstimate the number of undeleted pages for the whole interval"""
 107+ # guess at number of undeleted pages in the interval
 108+ estimatedPagesInInterval = int(round((pageID1 - pageID0) * (pagesP0 + pagesP1)/(2*self._sampleSize)))
 109+ print "estimatedPagesInInterval %s" % estimatedPagesInInterval
 110+ return(estimatedPagesInInterval)
 112+ def checkEstimatedRevsAgainstErrorMargin(self, revsPage0, revsPage1, pageID0, pageID1, pagesP0, pagesP1, errorMargin):
 113+ """Decide if the estimated number of revs is within our
 114+ margin of error"""
 116+ # fixme call the previous function to do this
 118+ # guess at number of undeleted pages in the interval
 119+ estimatedPagesInInterval = int(round((pageID1 - pageID0) * (pagesP0 + pagesP1)/self._sampleSize))
 120+ # now we can get a notion of how many revs might be in the interval
 121+ if abs((revsPage0 - revsPage1) * estimatedPagesInInterval) < errorMargin:
 122+ return True
 123+ return False
 125+ def getErrorMarginForInterval(self, pageIDStart, pageIDEnd, maxRevs = None):
 126+ if (not maxRevs):
 127+ errorMargin = round((pageIDEnd - pageIDStart)*5/100)
 128+ else:
 129+ # get three samples, take the min revs per page,
 130+ # guess based on that where pageIDEnd ought to be as a max cutoff,
 131+ # set error margin from that
 133+ intervalSize = pageIDEnd - pageIDStart
 134+ print "%s %s %s" % (pageIDStart, pageIDStart + intervalSize/10, pageIDStart + intervalSize/5)
 135+ (sample1, pcount1) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageIDStart)
 136+ (sample2, pcount2) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(round(pageIDStart + intervalSize/10))
 137+ (sample3, pcount3) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(round(pageIDStart + intervalSize/5))
 138+ print "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s" % (sample1, pcount1, sample2, pcount2, sample3, pcount3)
 140+ if not sample1 or not sample2 or not sample3:
 141+ errorMargin = round((pageIDEnd - pageIDStart)*5/100)
 142+ else:
 143+ revsPerPage = min(sample1,sample2,sample3)
 144+ undeletedPagesPerSample = min(pcount1, pcount2, pcount3)
 145+ newIntervalSize = (maxRevs/revsPerPage)*(undeletedPagesPerSample/self._sampleSize)
 146+ newPageIDEnd = pageIDStart + newIntervalSize
 147+ if newPageIDEnd < pageIDEnd:
 148+ newPageIDEnd = pageIDEnd
 149+ errorMargin = round((newPageIDEnd - pageIDStart)*5/100)
 150+ if errorMargin < self._sampleSize:
 151+ errorMargin = sampleSize
 153+ def estimateNumRevsForPageRange(self, pageIDStart, pageIDEnd, maxRevs = None):
 154+ """estimate the cumulative number of revisions for a given page interval.
 155+ if the parameter maxRevs is supplied, stop when we get to that point
 156+ (within margin of error of it anyways).
 157+ return (revisions, page id of upper end of interval)"""
 159+ # error margin has to make sense given the interval size; too small and we will never
 160+ # get an estimate that meets it, too large and our estimate will have no value
 162+ errorMargin = self.getErrorMarginForInterval(pageIDStart, pageIDEnd, maxRevs)
 164+ print "pageIDEnd is %s" % pageIDEnd
 166+ if (pageIDEnd + self._sampleSize > self._totalPages):
 167+ pageIDEnd = self._totalPages - self._sampleSize
 168+ else:
 169+ print "pageIDEnd + self._sampleSize < self._totalPages", pageIDEnd + self._sampleSize, self._totalPages
 171+ if (pageIDEnd < pageIDStart):
 172+ pageIDEnd = pageIDStart
 174+ print "estimateNumRevsForPageRange:", pageIDStart, pageIDEnd, self._totalPages
 175+ if (pageIDEnd - pageIDStart) < self._sampleSize:
 176+ # just take the estimate for revs at pageIDStart, call it good
 177+ print "estimateNumRevsForPageRange: initial pageend is close enough to pagestart to quit"
 178+ (estimate, pages) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageIDStart)
 179+ if (estimate):
 180+ return (estimate*pages,pageIDStart+self._sampleSize)
 181+ else:
 182+ return(None, None)
 183+ (estimateP0, pagesP0) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageIDStart)
 184+ if (not estimateP0):
 185+ return (None, None)
 186+ if estimateP0 * pagesP0 > maxRevs:
 187+ # we're already over. too bad, report it back,
 188+ # we just don't do fine grained enough estimates for this case whatever it is
 189+ return (estimateP0 * pagesP0,pageIDStart+self._sampleSize)
 190+ else:
 191+ print "estimateP0 %s is less than maxRevs %s" % (estimateP0, maxRevs)
 193+ (estimatePN, pagesPN) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageIDEnd)
 194+ if (not estimatePN):
 195+ return (None, None)
 197+ # fixme put these comments somewhere useful
 198+ # on the one hand we want revs per page
 199+ # on the other hand we want pages not deleted out of the 500, these are both useful numbers
 201+ if self.checkEstimatedRevsAgainstErrorMargin(estimateP0, estimatePN, pagesP0, pagesPN, pageIDStart, pageIDEnd, errorMargin):
 202+ print "estimateNumRevsForPageRange: our first two estimates are close enough together to quit"
 203+ print "they are %s and %s for page ids %s and %s respectively" % (estimateP0, estimatePN, pageIDStart, pageIDEnd)
 204+ return (estimateP0*(pageIDEnd - pageIDStart), pageIDEnd)
 205+ # main loop, here's where we have to do real work
 206+ pageIDTemp = pageIDEnd
 207+ tempMargin = errorMargin
 208+ numintervals = 1
 210+ i=0 # debug
 212+ while True:
 213+ i = i + 1 # debug
 214+ tempMargin = tempMargin/2
 215+ # FIXME this means that our final estimate may be outside the error margin
 216+ if (tempMargin < 1):
 217+ tempMargin = 1
 218+ pageIDTemp = (pageIDTemp - pageIDStart)/2 + pageIDStart
 219+ if pageIDTemp - self._sampleSize> self._totalPages:
 220+ pageIDTemp = self._totalPages - self._sampleSize
 221+ if pageIDTemp < pageIDStart:
 222+ # FIXME we really need to do something more with this case...
 223+ pageIDTemp = pageIDStart
 225+ numIntervals = numintervals *2
 226+ (estimateP0, pagesP0) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageIDStart)
 227+ (estimatePN, pagesPN) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageIDTemp)
 228+ if (not estimateP0 or not estimatePN):
 229+ return (None, None)
 230+ # the "distance less than self._sampleSize" clause is just a catchall in case the slope of the
 231+ # curve is so steep that we can't get a good estimate within the margin of error...
 232+ # in which case we have the absolute number (revs for 500 pages at p0) and we use it
 233+ if self.checkEstimatedRevsAgainstErrorMargin(estimateP0, estimatePN, pageIDStart, pageIDTemp, pagesP0, pagesPN, tempMargin) or (pageIDTemp - pageIDStart < self._sampleSize):
 234+ print "estimateNumRevsForPageRange: estimate of 1st interval close enough on %sth iteration for estimates %s and %s at %s and %s, tempmargin %s" %( i, estimateP0, estimatePN, pageIDStart, pageIDTemp, tempMargin)
 235+ step = pageIDTemp - pageIDStart
 236+ if (step < self._sampleSize):
 237+ step = self._sampleSize
 238+ (estimatePI1, pagesPI1) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageIDStart)
 239+ if (not estimatePI1):
 240+ return (None, None)
 241+ totalEstimate = 0
 242+ print "have estimate %s at %s (pageIDStart)" % (estimatePI1, pageIDStart)
 244+ pageI = pageIDStart
 245+ while (pageI <= pageIDEnd):
 246+ (estimatePI2, pagesPI2) = self.estimateNumRevsPerPage(pageI+step)
 247+ if (not estimatePI2):
 248+ return None
 249+ print "have estimate %s at %s, step is %s and we added it to %s" % (estimatePI2, pageI+step, step, pageI)
 250+ print "*******estimatePI1, estimatePI2, pageI, pageI+step, pagesPI1, pagesPI2:", estimatePI1, estimatePI2, pageI, pageI+step, pagesPI1, pagesPI2
 251+ estimate = self.getEstimatedRevsForIntervalFromEndpoints(estimatePI1, estimatePI2, pageI, pageI+step, pagesPI1, pagesPI2)
 253+ if (maxRevs):
 254+ # FIXME do we know we are within the margin of error? ummmm
 256+ if (totalEstimate + estimate > maxRevs):
 257+ print "about to return with totalEstimate %s + estimate %s > maxRevs %s" % (totalEstimate, estimate, maxRevs)
 258+ if (totalEstimate):
 259+ return (totalEstimate, pageI)
 260+ else:
 261+ return (estimate, pageI)
 263+ # since the number of revs decreases as the page id increases,
 264+ # eventually our interval size can get larger too and still
 265+ # keep us within the margin of error
 267+ undeletedPagesInInterval = self.getEstimatedUndeletedPagesInInterval(pageI, pageI+step, pagesPI1, pagesPI2)
 268+ if (estimatePI2 == estimatePI1):
 269+ multiplier = 2
 270+ else:
 271+ multiplier = int( abs ( tempMargin/( (estimatePI2*undeletedPagesInInterval) - (estimatePI1*undeletedPagesInInterval) ) ) )
 273+ # check if this makes sense with the multiplier, is that really how we get it?
 274+ if multiplier > 1:
 275+ print "got multiplier %s from tempMargin %s and estimateP1 %s, estimateP2 %s, undelPagesInInterval %s, step currently %s" % (multiplier, tempMargin, estimatePI1, estimatePI2, undeletedPagesInInterval, step)
 276+ step = step * multiplier
 277+ print "step now adjusted to %s" % step
 278+ # FIXME is this right?
 279+ tempMargin = tempMargin * multiplier
 280+ # redo the estimate so it matches the new step size I guess
 281+ estimate = self.getEstimatedRevsForIntervalFromEndpoints(estimatePI1, estimatePI2, pageI, pageI+step, pagesPI1, pagesPI2)
 283+ print "*******added %s to totalestimate %s for %s" % ( estimate, totalEstimate, totalEstimate + estimate )
 284+ totalEstimate = totalEstimate + estimate
 286+ estimatePI1 = estimatePI2
 287+ pageI = pageI + step
 288+ pagesPI1 = pagesPI2
 290+ return (totalEstimate, pageIDEnd)
 292+ def getPageEndForNumRevsFromPageStart(self, pageIDStart, numRevs):
 293+ """given a starting pageID and the number of revs we want
 294+ in the page range, find an ending page ID so that the cumulative number of revs
 295+ for the pages in that interval is around (and less than) numRevs"""
 296+ if not self._totalPages:
 297+ print "getPageEndForNumRevsFromPageStart: calling getNumPagesInDB"
 298+ if not self.getNumPagesInDB():
 299+ # something wrong with this db or the server or... anyways, we bail
 300+ return None
 302+ # can't have more revs than pages. well actually
 303+ # we can since some pages might have been deleted and then
 304+ # their ids are no longer in the page table. But how are
 305+ # the odds that there will be a bunch of those *and* that there
 306+ # will be less pages than that with more than one revision?
 307+ # so screw it.
 308+ pageIDMax = pageIDStart + numRevs
 309+ print "getPageEndForNumRevsFromPageStart: got total pages %s" % self._totalPages
 310+ if pageIDMax > self._totalPages:
 311+ pageIDMax = self._totalPages
 312+ (estimatedRevs, pageIDEnd) = self.estimateNumRevsForPageRange(pageIDStart,pageIDMax,numRevs)
 313+ return(pageIDEnd)
 315+if __name__ == "__main__":
 317+ config = WikiDump.Config()
 318+ testchunks = PageRange('enwiki',config)
 319+ # test with 5000 error margin
 320+ wiki = WikiDump.Wiki(config, 'enwiki')
 321+ date = None
 322+ checkpoint = None
 323+ prefetch = False
 324+ spawn = False
 325+ jobRequested = None
 326+# runner = Runner(wiki, date, checkpoint, prefetch, spawn, jobRequested)
 328+ numPages = testchunks.getNumPagesInDB()
 329+ if not numPages:
 330+ print ">>>>>>>>>failed to retrieve number of pages for db elwikidb"
 331+ else:
 332+ print ">>>>>>>>>total number of pages: %s" % numPages
 334+# pageIDStart = 20000
 335+# pageIDEnd = 110000
 336+ pageIDStart = 2000000
 337+ pageIDEnd = 3000000
 338+ maxNumRevs = 2500000
 339+# maxNumRevs = 25000
 340+# (revcount, pageID) = testchunks.estimateNumRevsForPageRange(pageIDStart, pageIDEnd, maxNumRevs)
 341+# print ">>>>>>>>>got revcount", revcount, "for range (%s, %s) ending now at %s" % ( pageIDStart, pageIDEnd, pageID)
 343+ maxNumRevs = 30000000
 344+ pageIDStart = 1
 345+ pageIDEnd = 2969038
 346+ endpageid = 0
 347+ while (endpageid < numPages):
 348+ endpageid = testchunks.getPageEndForNumRevsFromPageStart(pageIDStart, maxNumRevs)
 349+ print ">>>>>>>>>we think that starting from", pageIDStart, "if you go to about ", endpageid, "you get around ", maxNumRevs, "revisions and not more than that (not more? really?)"
 350+ pageIDStart = endpageid
Property changes on: branches/ariel/xmldumps-backup/pagerange.py
Added: svn:eol-style
1353 + native


#Comment by Platonides (talk | contribs)   13:58, 25 December 2010

This seems better done in php.

#Comment by ArielGlenn (talk | contribs)   14:08, 25 December 2010

Well it's going to be folded in with the rest of the python backup scripts. When it doesn't suck, that is. In addition the bzip2 stuff does not work in php; the library doesn't do what I need it to do.

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