r73102 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r73101‎ | r73102 | r73103 >
Date:23:59, 15 September 2010
removing last remnants of old banner loading system
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/SpecialNoticeTemplate.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/SpecialNoticeText.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/TemplatePager.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/newCentralNotice.js (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/SpecialNoticeText.php
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Generates content for static Javascript files
6 - */
7 -class SpecialNoticeText extends NoticePage {
8 - var $project = 'wikipedia';
9 - var $language = 'en';
10 - var $centralNoticeDB;
11 -
12 - function __construct() {
13 - parent::__construct( "NoticeText" );
14 -
15 - $this->centralNoticeDB = new CentralNoticeDB();
16 - }
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * Clients can cache this as long as they like -- if it changes,
20 - * we'll be bumping things at the loader level, bringing a new URL.
21 - *
22 - * Let's say a week.
23 - */
24 - protected function maxAge() {
25 - return 86400 * 7;
26 - }
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * Given a project key, generate the body for a static Javascript file
30 - */
31 - function getOutput( $par ) {
32 -
33 - // Break $par into separate parameters and assign to $this->project and $this->language
34 - $this->setLanguage( $par );
35 -
36 - // Quick short circuit to be able to show preferred notices
37 - $templates = array();
38 -
39 - if ( $this->language == 'en' && $this->project != null ) {
40 - // See if we have any preferred notices for all of en
41 - $notices = $this->centralNoticeDB->getNotices( '', 'en', '', '', 1 );
42 -
43 - if ( $notices ) {
44 - // Pull out values
45 - foreach ( $notices as $notice => $val ) {
46 - // Either match against ALL project or a specific project
47 - if ( $val['project'] == '' || $val['project'] == $this->project ) {
48 - $templates = $this->centralNoticeDB->selectTemplatesAssigned( $notice );
49 - break;
50 - }
51 - }
52 - }
53 - }
54 -
55 - if ( !$templates && $this->project == 'wikipedia' ) {
56 - $notices = $this->centralNoticeDB->getNotices( 'wikipedia', $this->language, '', '', 1 );
57 - if ( $notices && is_array( $notices ) ) {
58 - foreach ( $notices as $notice => $val ) {
59 - $templates = $this->centralNoticeDB->selectTemplatesAssigned( $notice );
60 - break;
61 - }
62 - }
63 - }
64 -
65 - // Didn't find any preferred matches so do an old style lookup
66 - if ( !$templates ) {
67 - $templates = CentralNotice::selectNoticeTemplates( $this->project, $this->language );
68 - }
69 -
70 - // Slice the columns of the $templates array into separate arrays.
71 - // This is required due to how pickTemplate() currently works.
72 - $templateNames = array();
73 - $templateWeights = array();
74 - $templateDisplayAnons = array();
75 - $templateDisplayAccounts = array();
76 - foreach ( $templates as $template ) {
77 - $templateNames[] = $template['name'];
78 - $templateWeights[] = $template['weight'];
79 - $templateDisplayAnons[] = $template['display_anon'];
80 - $templateDisplayAccounts[] = $template['display_account'];
81 - }
82 -
83 - $templateTexts = array_map(
84 - array( $this, 'getHtmlNotice' ),
85 - $templateNames );
86 -
87 - if ( preg_grep( "/&lt;centralnotice-template-\w{1,}&gt;\z/", $templateTexts ) ) {
88 - return false; // Bailing out if we have a failed cache lookup
89 - }
90 -
91 - return
92 - $this->getScriptFunctions() .
93 - $this->getToggleScripts() .
94 - 'wgNotice=pickTemplate(' .
95 - Xml::encodeJsVar( $templateTexts ) .
96 - "," .
97 - Xml::encodeJsVar( $templateWeights ) .
98 - "," .
99 - Xml::encodeJsVar( $templateDisplayAnons ) .
100 - "," .
101 - Xml::encodeJsVar( $templateDisplayAccounts ) .
102 - ");\n" .
103 - "if (wgNotice != '')\n" .
104 - "wgNotice='<div id=\"centralNotice\" class=\"' + " .
105 - "(wgNoticeToggleState ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed') + " .
106 - "'\">' + wgNotice+'</div>';\n";
107 - }
108 -
109 - function getHtmlNotice( $templateName ) {
110 - $this->templateName = $templateName;
111 - return preg_replace_callback(
112 - '/{{{(.*?)}}}/',
113 - array( $this, 'getNoticeField' ),
114 - $this->getNoticeTemplate() );
115 - }
116 -
117 - function getToggleScripts() {
118 - $showStyle = <<<END
119 -<style type="text/css">
120 -#centralNotice .siteNoticeSmall {display:none;}
121 -#centralNotice .siteNoticeSmallAnon {display:none;}
122 -#centralNotice .siteNoticeSmallUser {display:none;}
123 -#centralNotice.collapsed .siteNoticeBig {display:none;}
124 -#centralNotice.collapsed .siteNoticeSmall {display:block;}
125 -#centralNotice.collapsed .siteNoticeSmallUser {display:block;}
126 -#centralNotice.collapsed .siteNoticeSmallAnon {display:block;}
127 -#centralNotice.anonnotice .siteNoticeSmallUser {display:none !important;}
128 -#centralNotice.usernotice .siteNoticeSmallAnon {display:none !important;}
129 -</style>
130 -END;
131 - $encShowStyle = Xml::encodeJsVar( $showStyle );
132 -
133 - $script = "
134 -var wgNoticeToggleState = (document.cookie.indexOf('hidesnmessage=1')==-1);
135 -document.writeln($encShowStyle);\n\n";
136 - return $script;
137 - }
138 -
139 - function getScriptFunctions() {
140 - $script = "
141 -function toggleNotice() {
142 - var notice = document.getElementById('centralNotice');
143 - if (!wgNoticeToggleState) {
144 - notice.className = notice.className.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
145 - toggleNoticeCookie('0');
146 - } else {
147 - notice.className = notice.className.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
148 - toggleNoticeCookie('1');
149 - }
150 - wgNoticeToggleState = !wgNoticeToggleState;
151 -}
152 -function toggleNoticeStyle(elems, display) {
153 - if(elems)
154 - for(var i=0;i<elems.length;i++)
155 - elems[i].style.display = display;
156 -}
157 -function toggleNoticeCookie(state) {
158 - var e = new Date();
159 - e.setTime( e.getTime() + (7*24*60*60*1000) ); // one week
160 - var work='hidesnmessage='+state+'; expires=' + e.toGMTString() + '; path=/';
161 - document.cookie = work;
162 -}
163 -function pickTemplate(templates, weights, displayAnons, displayAccounts) {
164 - var weightedTemplates = new Array();
165 - var currentTemplate = 0;
166 - var totalWeight = 0;
167 -
168 - if (templates.length == 0)
169 - return '';
170 -
171 - while (currentTemplate < templates.length) {
172 - if ((wgUserName && displayAccounts[currentTemplate]) || (!wgUserName && displayAnons[currentTemplate])) {
173 - totalWeight += weights[currentTemplate];
174 - for (var i=0; i<weights[currentTemplate]; i++) {
175 - weightedTemplates[weightedTemplates.length] = templates[currentTemplate];
176 - }
177 - }
178 - currentTemplate++;
179 - }
180 -
181 - if (totalWeight == 0)
182 - return '';
183 -
184 - var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*totalWeight);
185 - return weightedTemplates[randomnumber];
186 -}\n\n";
187 - return $script;
188 - }
189 -
190 - private function formatNum( $num ) {
191 - $num = sprintf( "%.1f", $num / 1e6 );
192 - if ( substr( $num, - 2 ) == '.0' ) {
193 - $num = substr( $num, 0, - 2 );
194 - }
195 - $lang = Language::factory( $this->language );
196 - return $lang->formatNum( $num );
197 - }
198 -
199 - private function setLanguage( $par ) {
200 - // Strip extra ? bits if they've gotten in. Sigh.
201 - $bits = explode( '?', $par, 2 );
202 - $par = $bits[0];
203 -
204 - // Special:NoticeText/project/language
205 - $bits = explode( '/', $par );
206 - if ( count( $bits ) >= 2 ) {
207 - $this->project = $bits[0];
208 - $this->language = $bits[1];
209 - }
210 - }
211 -
212 - function getNoticeTemplate() {
213 - return $this->getMessage( "centralnotice-template-{$this->templateName}" );
214 - }
215 -
216 - function getNoticeField( $matches ) {
217 - $field = $matches[1];
218 - $params = array();
219 - if ( $field == 'amount' ) {
220 - $params = array( $this->formatNum( $this->getDonationAmount() ) );
221 - }
222 - $message = "centralnotice-{$this->templateName}-$field";
223 - $source = $this->getMessage( $message, $params );
224 - return $source;
225 - }
226 -
227 - private function getMessage( $msg, $params = array() ) {
228 - // A god-damned dirty hack! :D
229 - $old = array();
230 - $old['wgSitename'] = $GLOBALS['wgSitename'];
231 - $old['wgLang'] = $GLOBALS['wgLang'];
232 -
233 - $GLOBALS['wgSitename'] = $this->projectName();
234 - $GLOBALS['wgLang'] = Language::factory( $this->language ); // hack for {{int:...}}
235 -
236 - $options = array(
237 - 'language' => $this->language,
238 - 'parsemag',
239 - );
240 - array_unshift( $params, $options );
241 - array_unshift( $params, $msg );
242 - $out = call_user_func_array( 'wfMsgExt', $params );
243 -
244 - // Restore globals
245 - $GLOBALS['wgSitename'] = $old['wgSitename'];
246 - $GLOBALS['wgLang'] = $old['wgLang'];
247 -
248 - return $out;
249 - }
250 -
251 - private function projectName() {
252 - global $wgConf;
253 -
254 - $wgConf->loadFullData();
255 -
256 - // Special cases for commons and meta who have no lang
257 - if ( $this->project == 'commons' )
258 - return "Commons";
259 - else if ( $this->project == 'meta' )
260 - return "Wikimedia";
261 -
262 - // Guess dbname since we don't have it atm
263 - $dbname = $this->language .
264 - ( ( $this->project == 'wikipedia' ) ? "wiki" : $this->project );
265 - $name = $wgConf->get( 'wgSitename', $dbname, $this->project,
266 - array( 'lang' => $this->language, 'site' => $this->project ) );
267 -
268 - if ( $name ) {
269 - return $name;
270 - } else {
271 - global $wgLang;
272 - return $wgLang->ucfirst( $this->project );
273 - }
274 - }
275 -
276 - private function getDonationAmount() {
277 - global $wgNoticeCounterSource, $wgMemc;
278 - $count = intval( $wgMemc->get( 'centralnotice:counter' ) );
279 - if ( !$count ) {
280 - $count = intval( @file_get_contents( $wgNoticeCounterSource ) );
281 - if ( !$count ) {
282 - // nooooo
283 - return $this->getFallbackDonationAmount();
284 - }
285 -
286 - $wgMemc->set( 'centralnotice:counter', $count, 60 );
287 - $wgMemc->set( 'centralnotice:counter:fallback', $count ); // no expiry
288 - }
289 -
290 - return $count;
291 - }
292 -
293 - private function getFallbackDonationAmount() {
294 - global $wgMemc;
295 - $count = intval( $wgMemc->get( 'centralnotice:counter:fallback' ) );
296 - if ( !$count ) {
297 - return 16672; // number last i saw... dirty hack ;)
298 - }
299 - return $count;
300 - }
301 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/newCentralNotice.js
@@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
55 * Mostly stubbed functionallity for central notice improvements
66 * May or may not be used, definitely will be changed.
77 * More of a sketch of what we think needs to be done.
8 - *
10 - * 1. How do I determin if a user is logged in or not?
11 - * A: See function pickTemplate() in SpecialNoticeText.php
12 - * 2. How do I determin a users location?
13 - * A: The country value given by http://geoiplookup.wikimedia.org/
148 */
159 ( function( $ ) {
1610 $.centralNotice = {
Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.php
@@ -101,11 +101,6 @@
102102 $wgSpecialPages['NoticeTemplate'] = 'SpecialNoticeTemplate';
103103 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialNoticeTemplate'] = $dir . 'SpecialNoticeTemplate.php';
105 - // remove these as soon as banner loader is complete
106 - $wgSpecialPages['NoticeText'] = 'SpecialNoticeText';
107 - $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialNoticeText'] = $dir . 'SpecialNoticeText.php';
108 - $wgAutoloadClasses['NoticePage'] = $dir . 'NoticePage.php';
109 -
110105 $wgAutoloadClasses['CentralNoticeDB'] = $dir . 'CentralNotice.db.php';
111106 $wgAutoloadClasses['TemplatePager'] = $dir . 'TemplatePager.php';
112107 }
Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/TemplatePager.php
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
5757 // Link and Preview
5858 $viewPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'NoticeTemplate', 'view' );
59 - $render = new SpecialNoticeText();
60 - $render->project = 'wikipedia';
 59+ $render = new SpecialBannerLoader();
 60+ $render->siteName = 'Wikipedia';
6161 $render->language = $this->mRequest->getVal( 'wpUserLanguage' );
6262 $htmlOut .= Xml::tags( 'td', array( 'valign' => 'top' ),
6363 $this->getSkin()->makeLinkObj( $this->viewPage,
Index: trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/SpecialNoticeTemplate.php
@@ -565,8 +565,8 @@
566566 foreach ( $langs as $lang ) {
567567 // Link and Preview all available translations
568568 $viewPage = $this->getTitle( 'view' );
569 - $render = new SpecialNoticeText();
570 - $render->project = 'wikipedia';
 569+ $render = new SpecialBannerLoader();
 570+ $render->siteName = 'Wikipedia';
571571 $render->language = $lang;
572572 $htmlOut .= Xml::tags( 'td', array( 'valign' => 'top' ),
573573 $sk->makeLinkObj( $viewPage,

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r75910Removed NoticePage.php, unused since r73102. Has bugs in, they are annoying me.tstarling05:57, 3 November 2010

Status & tagging log