r70521 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r70520‎ | r70521 | r70522 >
Date:19:18, 5 August 2010
Follow-up to r70520: forgot to add new files
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/skins/common/password.css (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/skins/common/password.js (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/skins/common/password.css
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
 2+span.mw-password-bad {
 3+ background: red;
 4+ color: yellow;
 5+ font-weight: bold;
 8+.mw-password-mediocre {
 9+ background: yellow;
 12+.mw-password-acceptable {
 13+ background: silver;
 16+.mw-password-good {
 17+ background: green;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/skins/common/password.css
Added: svn:eol-style
119 + native
Index: trunk/phase3/skins/common/password.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
 3+ * Password strength checker
 4+ * @license WTFPL 2.0
 5+ * All scores are ranged approximately 0 (total disaster) - 100 (_looks_ great)
 6+ * @todo Check for popular passwords and keyboard sequences (QWERTY, etc)
 7+ */
 9+function bruteForceComplexity( pwd ) {
 10+ var score = 0;
 12+ if ( pwd.length < 16 ) {
 13+ score = pwd.length * 5;
 14+ } else {
 15+ score = 80;
 16+ }
 18+ var regexes = [
 19+ /[a-z]/,
 20+ /[A-Z]/,
 21+ /[0-9]/,
 22+ /[-_;:\.,'"`~!@#$%\^&\*\(\)\[\]\{\} ]/ ];
 24+ var charClasses = 0;
 25+ for ( var i in regexes ) {
 26+ if ( pwd.match( regexes[i] ) ) {
 27+ charClasses++;
 28+ }
 29+ }
 31+ var matches = pwd.match( /[\x80-\uFFFF]/g );
 32+ if ( matches ) {
 33+ charClasses++;
 35+ // poor man's isUpper() and isLower()
 36+ var i, lower = false, upper = false;
 37+ for ( i in matches ) {
 38+ var ch = matches[i];
 39+ upper |= ch != ch.toLowerCase();
 40+ lower |= ch != ch.toUpperCase();
 41+ if ( upper && lower ) break;
 42+ }
 43+ if ( upper && lower ) {
 44+ charClasses++;
 45+ }
 46+ }
 47+ score += ( charClasses - 1 ) * 10;
 49+ return score;
 52+function repetitionScore( pwd ) {
 53+ var unique = '';
 54+ for ( var i in pwd ) {
 55+ if ( unique.indexOf( pwd[i] ) < 0 ) {
 56+ unique += pwd[i];
 57+ }
 58+ }
 59+ var ratio = pwd.length / unique.length - 0.4; // allow up to 40% repetition, reward for less, penalize for more
 61+ return 100 / ratio;
 64+function sequenceScore( pwd ) {
 65+ pwd = pwd.concat( '\0' );
 66+ var score = 100, sequence = 1;
 67+ for ( var i = 1; i < pwd.length; i++ ) {
 68+ if ( pwd.charCodeAt( i ) == pwd.charCodeAt(i - 1) + 1 ) {
 69+ sequence++;
 70+ } else {
 71+ if ( sequence > 2 ) {
 72+ score -= Math.sqrt( sequence ) * 15;
 73+ }
 74+ sequence = 1;
 75+ }
 76+ }
 77+ for ( var i = 1; i < pwd.length; i++ ) {
 78+ if ( pwd.charCodeAt( i ) == pwd.charCodeAt(i - 1) - 1 ) {
 79+ sequence++;
 80+ } else {
 81+ if ( sequence > 2 ) {
 82+ score -= Math.sqrt( sequence ) * 15;
 83+ }
 84+ sequence = 1;
 85+ }
 86+ }
 87+ return score;
 90+(function( $ ) {
 91+ function passwordChanged() {
 92+ retypeChanged();
 93+ var pwd = $( passwordSecurity.password ).val();
 94+ if ( pwd == '' ) {
 95+ $( '#password-strength' ).html( '' );
 96+ return;
 97+ }
 98+ if ( pwd.length > 100 ) pwd = pwd.slice( 0, 100 );
 99+ var score = Math.min(
 100+ bruteForceComplexity( pwd ),
 101+ repetitionScore( pwd ),
 102+ sequenceScore( pwd )
 103+ );
 104+ var result = 'good';
 105+ if ( score < 40 ) {
 106+ result = 'bad';
 107+ } else if ( score < 60 ) {
 108+ result = 'mediocre';
 109+ } else if ( score < 85 ) {
 110+ result = 'acceptable';
 111+ }
 112+ var message = '<span class="mw-password-' + result + '">' + passwordSecurity.messages['password-strength-' + result]
 113+ + '</span>';
 114+ $( '#password-strength' ).html(
 115+ passwordSecurity.messages['password-strength'].replace( '$1', message )
 116+ );
 117+ }
 119+ function retypeChanged() {
 120+ var pwd = $( passwordSecurity.password ).val();
 121+ var retype = $( passwordSecurity.retype ).val();
 122+ var message;
 123+ if ( pwd == '' || pwd == retype ) {
 124+ message = '';
 125+ } else if ( retype == '' ) {
 126+ message = passwordSecurity.messages['password-retype'];
 127+ } else {
 128+ message = passwordSecurity.messages['password-retype-mismatch'];
 129+ }
 130+ $( '#password-retype' ).html( message );
 131+ }
 133+ $( document ).ready( function() {
 134+ $( passwordSecurity.password ).bind( 'keyup change', passwordChanged );
 135+ $( passwordSecurity.retype ).bind( 'keyup change', retypeChanged );
 136+ })
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/skins/common/password.js
Added: svn:eol-style
1138 + native

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r70523Improvement for r70521: simplification, avoid iterating over an array. Thanks...maxsem20:11, 5 August 2010

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r70520JavaScript-based password complexity checker on account creation and password...maxsem19:16, 5 August 2010

Status & tagging log