r69759 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r69758‎ | r69759 | r69760 >
Date:22:07, 22 July 2010
Status:ok (Comments)
Adding RSS extension to the repo, instead of just having the code on mediawiki.org. Hope I got the svn import command right...
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/RSS (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/RSS/RSS.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/RSS/RSS.php
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
 6+ * RSS-Feed MediaWiki extension
 7+ *
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup Extensions
 10+ * @version 1.6
 11+ * @author mutante, Duesentrieb, Rdb, Mafs, Alxndr, Cmreigrut, K001
 12+ * @copyright © mutante, Duesentrieb, Rdb, Mafs, Alxndr, Cmreigrut, K001
 13+ * @link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RSS Documentation
 14+ *
 15+ * Requires:
 16+ * # magpie rss parser <http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/>
 17+ * # iconv <http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/>, see also <http://www.php.net/iconv>
 18+ *
 19+ * 07.05.2008 compatible/checked with MediaWiki 1.12
 20+ */
 22+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 23+ die( "This is not a valid entry point.\n" );
 26+$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
 27+ 'name' => 'RSS feed',
 28+ 'author' => array('mutante', 'Duesentrieb', 'Rdb', 'Mafs', 'Alxndr', 'Wikinaut', 'Cmreigrut', 'K001'),
 29+ 'version' => '1.6',
 30+ 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RSS',
 31+ 'description' => 'Displays an RSS feed on a wiki page'
 34+define('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING', 'UTF-8');
 36+#change this according to your magpie installation!
 39+// Avoid unstubbing $wgParser too early on modern (1.12+) MW versions, as per r35980
 41+ $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfRssExtension';
 42+} else {
 43+ $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfRssExtension';
 46+#Extension hook callback function
 47+function wfRssExtension() {
 48+ global $wgParser;
 50+ #Install parser hook for <rss> tags
 51+ $wgParser->setHook( 'rss', 'renderRss' );
 52+ return true;
 55+#Parser hook callback function
 56+function renderRss( $input ) {
 57+ global $wgOutputEncoding, $wgParser;
 59+ // Kill parser cache
 60+ $wgParser->disableCache();
 62+ if ( !$input ) return ''; #if <rss>-section is empty, return nothing
 64+ #Parse fields in rss-section
 65+ $fields = explode( "|", $input );
 66+ $url = @$fields[0];
 68+ $args = array();
 69+ for ( $i = 1; $i < sizeof( $fields ); $i++ ) {
 70+ $f = $fields[$i];
 72+ if ( strpos( $f, "=" ) === false ) $args[strtolower(trim($f))] = false;
 73+ else {
 74+ list( $k, $v ) = explode( "=", $f, 2 );
 75+ if ( trim( $v ) == false ) $args[strtolower(trim($k))] = false;
 76+ else $args[strtolower(trim($k))] = trim($v);
 77+ }
 78+ }
 80+ #Get charset from argument-array
 81+ $charset = @$args['charset'];
 82+ if( !$charset ) $charset = $wgOutputEncoding;
 83+ #Get max number of headlines from argument-array
 84+ $maxheads = @$args['max'];
 85+ $headcnt = 0;
 87+ #Get short-flag from argument-array
 88+ #If short is set, no description text is printed
 89+ if( isset( $args['short'] ) ) $short = true; else $short = false;
 90+ #Get reverse-flag from argument-array
 91+ if( isset( $args['reverse'] ) ) $reverse = true; else $reverse = false;
 93+ # Get date format from argument-array
 94+ if (isset($args["date"])) {
 95+ $date = @$args["date"];
 96+ if ($date == '')
 97+ $date = 'd M Y H:i';
 98+ }
 99+ else
 100+ $date = false;
 102+ #Get highlight terms from argument array
 103+ $rssHighlight = @$args['highlight'];
 104+ $rssHighlight = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $rssHighlight );
 105+ $rssHighlight = explode( ' ', trim( $rssHighlight ) );
 107+ #Get filter terms from argument-array
 108+ $rssFilter = @$args['filter'];
 109+ $rssFilter = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $rssFilter );
 110+ $rssFilter = explode( ' ', trim( $rssFilter ) );
 112+ #Filterout terms
 113+ $rssFilterout = @$args['filterout'];
 114+ $rssFilterout = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $rssFilterout );
 115+ $rssFilterout = explode( ' ', trim( $rssFilterout ) );
 117+ #Fetch RSS. May be cached locally.
 118+ #Refer to the documentation of magpie for details.
 119+ $rss = @fetch_rss( $url );
 121+ #Check for errors.
 122+ if ( $rss->ERROR ) {
 123+ return "<div>Failed to load RSS feed from $url: ".$rss->ERROR."</div>"; #localize…
 124+ }
 126+ if ( !is_array( $rss->items ) ) {
 127+ return "<div>Failed to load RSS feed from $url!</div>"; #localize…
 128+ }
 130+ #Build title line
 131+ #$title = iconv($charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $rss->channel['title']);
 132+ #if( $rss->channel['link'] ) $title = "<a href='".$rss->channel['link']."'>$title</a>";
 134+ $output = '';
 135+ if( $reverse ) $rss->items = array_reverse( $rss->items );
 136+ $description = false;
 137+ foreach ( $rss->items as $item ) {
 138+ if ( $item['description'] ) {
 139+ $description = true;
 140+ break;
 141+ }
 142+ }
 144+ #Build items
 145+ if ( !$short and $description ) { #full item list
 146+ $output.= '<dl>';
 148+ foreach ( $rss->items as $item ) {
 149+ $d_text = true;
 150+ $d_title = true;
 152+ $href = htmlspecialchars( trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['link'] ) ) );
 153+ $title = htmlspecialchars( trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['title'] ) ) );
 155+ if ($date) {
 156+ $pubdate = trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['pubdate'] ) );
 157+ $pubdate = date( $date, strtotime( $pubdate ) );
 158+ }
 160+ $d_title = wfRssFilter( $title, $rssFilter );
 161+ $d_title = wfRssFilterout( $title, $rssFilterout );
 162+ $title = wfRssHighlight( $title, $rssHighlight );
 164+ #Build description text if desired
 165+ if ( $item['description'] ) {
 166+ $text = trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['description'] ) );
 167+ #Avoid pre-tags
 168+ $text = str_replace( "\r", ' ', $text );
 169+ $text = str_replace( "\n", ' ', $text );
 170+ $text = str_replace( "\t", ' ', $text );
 171+ $text = str_replace( '<br>', '', $text );
 173+ $d_text = wfRssFilter( $text, $rssFilter );
 174+ $d_text = wfRssFilterout( $text, $rssFilterout );
 175+ $text = wfRssHighlight( $text, $rssHighlight );
 176+ $display = $d_text or $d_title;
 177+ } else {
 178+ $text = '';
 179+ $display = $d_title;
 180+ }
 181+ if ( $display ) {
 182+ $output.= "<dt><a href='$href'><b>$title</b></a></dt>";
 183+ if ( $date ) $output.= " ($pubdate)";
 184+ if ( $text ) $output.= "<dd>$text <b>[<a href='$href'>?</a>]</b></dd>";
 185+ }
 186+ #Cut off output when maxheads is reached:
 187+ if ( ++$headcnt == $maxheads ) break;
 188+ }
 190+ $output.= '</dl>';
 191+ } else { #short item list
 193+ $output.= '<ul>';
 194+ $displayed = array();
 195+ foreach ( $rss->items as $item ) {
 196+ $href = htmlspecialchars( trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['link'] ) ) );
 197+ $title = htmlspecialchars( trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['title'] ) ) );
 198+ $d_title = wfRssFilter( $title, $rssFilter ) && wfRssFilterout( $title, $rssFilterout );
 199+ $title = wfRssHighlight( $title, $rssHighlight );
 200+ if ($date) {
 201+ $pubdate = trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['pubdate'] ) );
 202+ if ( $pubdate == '' ) {
 203+ $pubdate = trim( iconv( $charset, $wgOutputEncoding, $item['dc']['date'] ) );
 204+ }
 205+ $pubdate = date( $date, strtotime( $pubdate ) );
 206+ }
 207+ if ( $d_title && !in_array( $title, $displayed ) ) {
 208+ // Add date to ouput if specified
 209+ $output.= '<li><a href="'.$href.'" title="'.$title.'">'.$title.'</a>';
 210+ if( $date ) {
 211+ $output.= " ($pubdate)";
 212+ }
 213+ $output.= '</li>';
 215+ $displayed[] = $title;
 216+ #Cut off output when maxheads is reached:
 217+ if ( ++$headcnt == $maxheads ) break;
 218+ }
 219+ }
 220+ $output.= '</ul>';
 221+ }
 223+ return $output;
 226+function wfRssFilter( $text, $rssFilter ) {
 227+ $display = true;
 228+ if ( is_array( $rssFilter ) ) {
 229+ foreach( $rssFilter as $term ) {
 230+ if ( $term ) {
 231+ $display = false;
 232+ if ( preg_match( "|$term|i", $text, $a ) ) {
 233+ $display = true;
 234+ return $display;
 235+ }
 236+ }
 237+ if ( $display ) break;
 238+ }
 239+ }
 240+ return $display;
 243+function wfRssFilterout( $text, $rssFilterout ) {
 244+ $display = true;
 245+ if ( is_array( $rssFilterout ) ) {
 246+ foreach ( $rssFilterout as $term ) {
 247+ if ( $term ) {
 248+ if ( preg_match( "|$term|i", $text, $a ) ) {
 249+ $display = false;
 250+ return $display;
 251+ }
 252+ }
 253+ }
 254+ }
 255+ return $display;
 258+function wfRssHighlight( $text, $rssHighlight ) {
 259+ $i = 0;
 260+ $starttag = 'v8x5u3t3u8h';
 261+ $endtag = 'q8n4f6n4n4x';
 263+ $color[] = 'coral';
 264+ $color[] = 'greenyellow';
 265+ $color[] = 'lightskyblue';
 266+ $color[] = 'gold';
 267+ $color[] = 'violet';
 268+ $count_color = count( $color );
 270+ if ( is_array( $rssHighlight ) ) {
 271+ foreach( $rssHighlight as $term ) {
 272+ if ( $term ) {
 273+ $text = preg_replace("|\b(\w*?".$term."\w*?)\b|i", "$starttag"."_".$i."\\1$endtag", $text);
 274+ $i++;
 275+ if ( $i == $count_color ) $i = 0;
 276+ }
 277+ }
 278+ }
 280+ #To avoid trouble should someone wants to highlight the terms "span", "style", …
 281+ for ( $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++ ) {
 282+ $text = preg_replace( "|$starttag"."_".$i."|", "<span style=\"background-color:".$color[$i]."; font-weight: bold;\">", $text );
 283+ $text = preg_replace( "|$endtag|", '</span>', $text );
 284+ }
 286+ return $text;
 288+#PHP closing tag intentionally left blank
\ No newline at end of file

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r69762Apply svn:eol-style native for r69759reedy22:28, 22 July 2010
r69779Follow-up r69759: Add i18n file and add extension to Translatewikiraymond08:02, 23 July 2010


#Comment by Simetrical (talk | contribs)   19:00, 27 July 2010

r69767 fixed the double <?php.

Status & tagging log