r64879 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r64878‎ | r64879 | r64880 >
Date:14:02, 10 April 2010
Changes for 0.6 - put the geodistance function in a class
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/ParserFunctions/GeoFunctions/Maps_GeoFunctions.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/ParserFunctions/GeoFunctions/Maps_GeoFunctions.php
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
1717 die( 'Not an entry point.' );
1818 }
 20+// The approximate radius of the earth in km.
 21+define( 'Maps_EARTH_RADIUS', 20000 / M_PI );
2023 $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'efMapsGeoFunctionsMagic';
2124 $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'efMapsGeoFunctions';
@@ -33,89 +36,92 @@
3437 */
3538 function efMapsGeoFunctions( &$wgParser ) {
3639 // Hooks to enable the geocoding parser functions.
37 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geodistance', 'efMapsRenderGeoDistance' );
 40+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geodistance', array( 'MapsGeoFunctions', 'renderGeoDistance' ) );
3942 return true;
4043 }
42 -// TODO: add support for smart geocoding
43 -// TODO: add coordinate validation
44 -function efMapsRenderGeoDistance( Parser &$parser ) {
45 - $args = func_get_args();
 45+final class MapsGeoFunctions {
47 - // We already know the $parser.
48 - array_shift( $args );
49 -
50 - // Default parameter assignment, to allow for nameless syntax.
51 - $defaultParams = array( 'location1', 'location2' );
52 - $parameters = array();
 47+ // TODO: add support for smart geocoding
 48+ // TODO: add coordinate validation
 49+ function renderGeoDistance( Parser &$parser ) {
 50+ $args = func_get_args();
 52+ // We already know the $parser.
 53+ array_shift( $args );
54 - // Determine all parameter names and value, and take care of default (nameless)
55 - // parameters, by turning them into named ones.
56 - foreach( $args as $arg ) {
57 - $parts = explode( '=', $arg );
58 - if ( count( $parts ) == 1 ) {
59 - if ( count( $defaultParams ) > 0 ) {
60 - $defaultParam = array_shift( $defaultParams );
61 - $parameters[$defaultParam] = trim( $parts[0] );
 55+ // Default parameter assignment, to allow for nameless syntax.
 56+ $defaultParams = array( 'location1', 'location2' );
 57+ $parameters = array();
 59+ // Determine all parameter names and value, and take care of default (nameless)
 60+ // parameters, by turning them into named ones.
 61+ foreach( $args as $arg ) {
 62+ $parts = explode( '=', $arg );
 63+ if ( count( $parts ) == 1 ) {
 64+ if ( count( $defaultParams ) > 0 ) {
 65+ $defaultParam = array_shift( $defaultParams );
 66+ $parameters[$defaultParam] = trim( $parts[0] );
 67+ }
 68+ } else {
 69+ $name = strtolower( trim( array_shift( $parts ) ) );
 70+ $parameters[$name] = trim( implode( $parts ) );
6271 }
 72+ }
 74+ $parameterInfo = array(
 75+ 'location1' => array(
 76+ 'required' => true
 77+ ),
 78+ 'location2' => array(
 79+ 'required' => true
 80+ ),
 81+ );
 83+ $manager = new ValidatorManager();
 85+ $parameters = $manager->manageMapparameters( $parameters, $parameterInfo );
 87+ $doCalculation = $parameters !== false;
 89+ if ( $doCalculation ) {
 90+ $start = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates( $parameters['location1'] );
 91+ $end = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates( $parameters['location2'] );
 93+ $northRad1 = deg2rad( $start['lat'] );
 94+ $eastRad1 = deg2rad( $start['lon'] );
 96+ $cosNorth1 = cos( $northRad1 );
 97+ $cosEast1 = cos( $eastRad1 );
 99+ $sinNorth1 = sin( $northRad1 );
 100+ $sinEast1 = sin( $eastRad1 );
 102+ $northRad2 = deg2rad( $end['lat'] );
 103+ $eastRad2 = deg2rad( $end['lon'] );
 105+ $cosNorth2 = cos( $northRad2 );
 106+ $cosEast2 = cos( $eastRad2 );
 108+ $sinNorth2 = sin( $northRad2 );
 109+ $sinEast2 = sin( $eastRad2 );
 111+ $term1 = $cosNorth1 * $sinEast1 - $cosNorth2 * $sinEast2;
 112+ $term2 = $cosNorth1 * $cosEast1 - $cosNorth2 * $cosEast2;
 113+ $term3 = $sinNorth1 - $sinNorth2;
 115+ $distThruSquared = $term1 * $term1 + $term2 * $term2 + $term3 * $term3;
 117+ $surfaceDistance = 2 * Maps_EARTH_RADIUS * asin( sqrt( $distThruSquared ) / 2 );
 119+ $output = $surfaceDistance . ' km<br />' . $manager->getErrorList();
63120 } else {
64 - $name = strtolower( trim( array_shift( $parts ) ) );
65 - $parameters[$name] = trim( implode( $parts ) );
 121+ $output = $manager->getErrorList();
66122 }
 124+ return array( $output, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true );
67125 }
69 - $parameterInfo = array(
70 - 'location1' => array(
71 - 'required' => true
72 - ),
73 - 'location2' => array(
74 - 'required' => true
75 - ),
76 - );
77 -
78 - $manager = new ValidatorManager();
79 -
80 - $parameters = $manager->manageMapparameters( $parameters, $parameterInfo );
81 -
82 - $doCalculation = $parameters !== false;
83 -
84 - if ( $doCalculation ) {
85 - $start = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates( $parameters['location1'] );
86 - $end = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates( $parameters['location2'] );
87 -
88 - $radiusOfEarthKm = 20000 / M_PI;
89 -
90 - $northRad1 = deg2rad( $start['lat'] );
91 - $eastRad1 = deg2rad( $start['lon'] );
93 - $cosNorth1 = cos( $northRad1 );
94 - $cosEast1 = cos( $eastRad1 );
95 -
96 - $sinNorth1 = sin( $northRad1 );
97 - $sinEast1 = sin( $eastRad1 );
98 -
99 - $northRad2 = deg2rad( $end['lat'] );
100 - $eastRad2 = deg2rad( $end['lon'] );
101 -
102 - $cosNorth2 = cos( $northRad2 );
103 - $cosEast2 = cos( $eastRad2 );
104 -
105 - $sinNorth2 = sin( $northRad2 );
106 - $sinEast2 = sin( $eastRad2 );
107 -
108 - $term1 = $cosNorth1 * $sinEast1 - $cosNorth2 * $sinEast2;
109 - $term2 = $cosNorth1 * $cosEast1 - $cosNorth2 * $cosEast2;
110 - $term3 = $sinNorth1 - $sinNorth2;
111 -
112 - $distThruSquared = $term1 * $term1 + $term2 * $term2 + $term3 * $term3;
113 -
114 - $surfaceDistance = 2 * $radiusOfEarthKm * asin( sqrt( $distThruSquared ) / 2 );
115 -
116 - $output = $surfaceDistance . ' km<br />' . $manager->getErrorList();
117 - } else {
118 - $output = $manager->getErrorList();
119 - }
120 -
121 - return array( $output, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true );
122 -}
\ No newline at end of file

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