r58400 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r58399‎ | r58400 | r58401 >
Date:11:04, 1 November 2009
rest api for thesaurus (in progress)
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/api.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwclient.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwimages.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwthesaurus.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwutils.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwwikis.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/api.php
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
 4+$IP = dirname(__FILE__);
 9+$query = @$_REQUEST['query'];
 11+if ( $query ) {
 12+ $lang = @$_REQUEST['lang'];
 13+ $format = @$_REQUEST['format'];
 14+ if ( !$format ) $format = 'phps';
 16+ $result = array( 'query' => $query );
 17+ $start = microtime();
 19+ try {
 20+ $thesaurus = new WWThesaurus();
 21+ $db = $thesaurus->connect($wwDBServer, $wwDBUser, $wwDBPassword, $wwDBDatabase);
 23+ if ( !$db ) {
 24+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 1010, 'message' => "failed to connect to thesaurus database");
 25+ } else if ($query == 'concepts') {
 26+ $term = @$_REQUEST['term'];
 27+ $page = @$_REQUEST['page'];
 29+ if ( $lang === null ) $result['error'] = array('code' => 150, 'message' => "missing parameter lang");
 30+ else if ( $term !=== null ) {
 31+ $result['concepts'] = $thesaurus->getConceptsForTerm($lang, $term);
 32+ if ( $result['concepts'] === false || $result['concepts'] === null ) {
 33+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 210, 'message' => "failed to retrieve concepts for term $langt:$term");
 34+ }
 35+ } else if ( $page !=== null ) {
 36+ $result['concepts'] = $thesaurus->getConceptsForPage($lang, $page);
 37+ if ( $result['concepts'] === false || $result['concepts'] === null ) {
 38+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 250, 'message' => "failed to retrieve concepts for page $langt:$page");
 39+ }
 40+ } else {
 41+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 110, 'message' => "missing parameter term");
 42+ }
 43+ } if ($query == 'properties') else {
 44+ $gcid = @$_REQUEST['gcid'];
 45+ $props = @$_REQUEST['props'];
 47+ if ( $gcid === null ) $result['error'] = array('code' => 120, 'message' => "missing parameter gcid");
 48+ else if ( $props === null ) $result['error'] = array('code' => 130, 'message' => "missing parameter props");
 49+ else {
 50+ $props = preg_split('![\\s,;|/:]\\s*!', $props);
 52+ foreach ( $props as $p ) {
 53+ $m = "get" . ucfist($p) . "ForConcept";
 54+ if ( !method_exists($thesaurus, $m) ) {
 55+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 190, 'message' => "unknown property: $p");
 56+ break;
 57+ }
 59+ $result[$p] = $thesaurus->$m($gcid, $lang);
 61+ if ( $result[$p] === false || $result[$p] === null ) {
 62+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 220, 'message' => "failed to retrieve property $p for concept $gcid");
 63+ break;
 64+ }
 65+ }
 66+ }
 67+ } else {
 68+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 10, 'message' => "bad query: $query");
 69+ }
 70+ } catch (Exception e) {
 71+ $result['error'] = array('code' => 1000, 'message' => "unexpected exception: " . $e->getMessage());
 72+ }
 74+ $result['time'] = (microtime() - $start) . "ms";
 76+ if ( isset($result['error']) ) {
 77+ #TODO: HTTP error codce would be nice, but causes file_get_contents to swallow the data.
 78+ # need to use CURL in client!
 79+ #header("Status: 400 Bad Request", true, 400);
 80+ }
 83+ if ($format == 'phps') {
 84+ header("Content-Type: application/vnd.php.serialized"); #as proposed by http://www.alvestrand.no/pipermail/ietf-types/2004-August/001259.html
 85+ $data = serialize($result);
 86+ echo $data;
 87+ } else if ($format == 'php') {
 88+ header("Content-Type: text/php");
 89+ var_export($result);
 90+ } else if ($format == 'text') {
 91+ header("Content-Type: text/plain");
 92+ print_r($result);
 93+ } else {
 94+ header("Content-Type: text/plain");
 95+ header("Status: 400 Bad Request", true, 400);
 96+ echo "Bad format: $format";
 97+ }
 99+ exit();
 102+header("Content-Type: text/plain");
 104+WikiWord REST API
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/api.php
Name: svn:mergeinfo
1105 +
Index: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwclient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
 3+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/wwutils.php" );
 5+class WWClient {
 6+ var $api;
 8+ function __construct( $api ) {
 9+ $this->api = $api;
 10+ }
 12+ function query( $param ) {
 13+ $url = $this->api . '?format=phps';
 15+ for ( $params as $k => $v ) {
 16+ $url .= '&';
 17+ $url .= urlencode( $k );
 18+ $url .= '=';
 19+ $url .= urlencode( $v );
 20+ }
 22+ $data = file_get_contents( $url ); //TODO: CURL
 23+ if ( !$data ) throw new Exception("failed to fetch data from $url");
 25+ $data = unserialize($data);
 26+ if ( !$data ) throw new Exception("failed to unserialize data from $url");
 28+ if ( $data['error'] ) throw new Exception("API returned error ".$data['error']['code'].": ".$data['error']['message']);
 29+ return $data;
 30+ }
 32+ function getWikiPages( $id ) {
 33+ $p = $this->getConceptProperties( $id, 'pages' );
 35+ return $p['pages'];
 36+ }
 38+ function getConceptProperties( $id, $props, $lang = NUL L) {
 39+ $param = array(
 40+ 'query' => 'properties',
 41+ 'props' => ( is_array($props) ? join('|', $props) : $props ),
 42+ 'gcid' => $id,
 43+ );
 45+ if ( $lang ) $param['lang'] = $lang;
 47+ $rs = $this->query( $param );
 49+ return $rs;
 50+ }
 52+ function getConceptsForTerm( $lang, $term ) {
 53+ $param = array(
 54+ 'query' => 'concepts',
 55+ 'lang' => $lang,
 56+ 'term' => $term,
 57+ );
 59+ $rs = $this->query( $param );
 61+ return $rs['concepts'];
 62+ }
Property changes on: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwclient.php
Name: svn:mergeinfo
165 +
Index: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwutils.php
@@ -1,86 +1,8 @@
22 <?php
4 -if (!defined('NS_IMAGE'))
5 - define('NS_IMAGE', 6);
6 -
7 -if (!defined('NS_TEMPLATE'))
8 - define('NS_TEMPLATE', 10);
9 -
10 -class ImageCollection {
11 -
12 - function __construct() {
13 - $this->images = array();
14 - }
15 -
16 - static function compareRecords($a, $b) {
17 - $d = (float)$b['score'] - (float)$a['score']; //NOTE: descending
18 -
19 - if ( $d > 0 ) return 1;
20 - else if ( $d < 0 ) return -1;
21 - else return 0;
22 - }
23 -
24 - function size() {
25 - return count($this->images);
26 - }
27 -
28 - function listImages($max) {
29 - uasort($this->images, "Imagecollection::compareRecords");
30 -
31 - if ($max) return array_slice($this->images, 0, $max);
32 - else return $this->images;
33 - }
34 -
35 - function addImage($image, $key, $usage = "page", $weight = 1) {
36 - if (!isset($this->images[$image])) {
37 - $rec = array(
38 - "name" => $image,
39 - "score" => 0,
40 - );
41 - } else {
42 - $rec = $this->images[$image];
43 - }
44 -
45 - if (!isset($rec[$usage])) $rec[$usage] = array();
46 - $rec[$usage][] = $key;
47 - $rec["score"] += $weight;
48 -
49 - $this->images[$image] = $rec;
50 - return $rec['score'];
51 - }
52 -
53 - function addImages($images, $key, $usage = "page", $weight = 1) {
54 - foreach ($images as $image) {
55 - $this->addImage($image, $key, $usage, $weight);
56 - }
57 - }
58 -
59 - function addTags($image, $tags, $prefix = "") {
60 - global $wwTagScores;
61 -
62 - if (isset($this->images[$image])) {
63 - foreach ($tags as $tag => $weight) {
64 - if (is_int($tag)) {
65 - $tag = $prefix.$weight;
66 -
67 - if (isset($wwTagScores[$tag])) $weight = $wwTagScores[$tag];
68 - else continue;
69 - } else {
70 - $tag = $prefix.$tag;
71 - }
72 -
73 - $this->images[$image]['score'] += $weight;
74 - $this->images[$image]['tags'][] = $tag;
75 - }
76 - }
77 - }
78 -
79 -}
80 -
814 class WWUtils {
825 var $debug = false;
836 var $db = NULL;
84 - var $wikidbs = array();
868 var $dbuser;
879 var $dbpassword;
@@ -119,66 +41,10 @@
12042 return $result;
12143 }
123 - function getWikiTableName($lang, $table) {
124 - global $wwWikitableNamePattern;
125 -
126 - if ($wwWikitableNamePattern) {
127 - return str_replace(array('{lang}', '{name}'), array($lang, $table), $wwWikitableNamePattern);
128 - }
129 -
130 - return $table;
131 - }
132 -
13345 function quote($s) {
13446 return '"' . mysql_real_escape_string($s) . '"';
13547 }
137 - function getWikiInfo($lang) {
138 - global $wwWikiInfoTable, $wwWikiDbName, $wwWikiServerName, $wwCommonsServerName;
139 -
140 - $db = str_replace('{lang}', $lang, $wwWikiDbName);
141 -
142 - $dbname = "{$lang}wiki_p";
143 - $sql = "select * from $wwWikiInfoTable ";
144 - $sql .= " where dbname = " . $this->quote("$db");
145 -
146 - $rs = $this->query($sql);
147 - $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
148 - mysql_free_result($rs);
149 -
150 - if (!$info) $info = false;
151 - else $info['server'] = str_replace('{num}', $info['server'], $wwWikiServerName);
152 -
153 - if ($lang == "commons" && $wwCommonsServerName) $info['server'] = $wwCommonsServerName;
154 -
155 - return $info;
156 - }
157 -
158 - function getWikiConnection($lang) {
159 - if (isset($this->wikidbs[$lang])) return $this->wikidbs[$lang];
160 -
161 - $info = $this->getWikiInfo($lang);
162 -
163 - if (!$info) {
164 - $db = false;
165 - } else {
166 - $db = mysql_connect($info['server'], $this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword);
167 - if (!$db) throw new Exception("Connection Failure to Database: " . mysql_error());
168 - if (!mysql_select_db($info['dbname'], $db)) throw new Exception ("Database not found: " . mysql_error());
169 - if (!mysql_query("SET NAMES Latin1;", $db)) throw new Exception ("Database not found: " . mysql_error());
170 - }
171 -
172 - $this->wikidbs[$lang] = $db;
173 - return $db;
174 - }
175 -
176 - function queryWiki($lang, $sql) {
177 - $db = $this->getWikiConnection($lang);
178 - if (!$db) throw new Exception ("Wiki not found: $lang");
179 -
180 - return $this->query($sql, $db);
181 - }
182 -
18349 function close() {
18450 if ($this->db) mysql_close($this->db);
18551 $this->db = NULL;
@@ -214,60 +80,6 @@
21581 return $list;
21682 }
218 - function queryConceptsForTerm($lang, $term) {
219 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
220 -
221 - $term = trim($term);
222 -
223 - $sql = "SELECT M.*, O.*, definition FROM {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_meaning as M"
224 - . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_definition as D ON M.concept = D.concept "
225 - . " JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O ON O.lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" AND M.concept = O.local_concept "
226 - . " WHERE term_text = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($term) . "\""
227 - . " ORDER BY freq DESC "
228 - . " LIMIT 100";
229 -
230 - return $this->query($sql);
231 - }
232 -
233 - function queryLocalConcepts($id) {
234 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
235 - $sql = "SELECT O.lang, O.local_concept_name from {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O ";
236 - $sql .= " WHERE O.global_concept = " . (int)$id;
237 -
238 - return $this->query($sql);
239 - }
240 -
241 - function getLocalConcepts($id) {
242 - $rs = $this->queryLocalConcepts($id);
243 - $list = WWUtils::slurpAssoc($rs, "lang", "local_concept_name");
244 - mysql_free_result($rs);
245 - return $list;
246 - }
247 -
248 - function queryLocalConceptInfo($lang, $id) {
249 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
250 -
251 - $sql = "SELECT O.*, C.*, F.*, definition FROM {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_concept_info as F "
252 - . " JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_concept as C ON F.concept = C.id "
253 - . " JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O ON O.lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" AND F.concept = O.local_concept "
254 - . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_definition as D ON F.concept = D.concept "
255 - . " WHERE O.local_concept = $id ";
256 -
257 - return $this->query($sql);
258 - }
259 -
260 - function queryConceptInfo($id, $lang) {
261 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
262 -
263 - $sql = "SELECT O.*, C.*, F.*, definition FROM {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O "
264 - . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_concept_info as F ON O.global_concept = F.concept "
265 - . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_concept as C ON O.local_concept = C.id "
266 - . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_definition as D ON O.local_concept = D.concept "
267 - . " WHERE O.global_concept = $id AND O.lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" ";
268 -
269 - return $this->query($sql);
270 - }
271 -
27284 static function authFailed($realm) {
27385 header("Status: 401 Unauthorized", true, 401);
27486 header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$realm.'"');
@@ -302,339 +114,4 @@
304116 print "</select>";
305117 }
306 -
307 - function unpickle($s, $lang, $hasId=true, $hasName=true, $hasConf=true) {
308 - $ss = explode("\x1E", $s);
309 - $items = array();
310 -
311 - $fetchNames = false;
312 -
313 - foreach ($ss as $i) {
314 - $r = explode("\x1F", $i);
315 - $offs = -1;
316 -
317 - if ($hasId) $r['id'] = @$r[$offs += 1];
318 - if ($hasName) $r['name'] = @$r[$offs += 1];
319 - if ($hasConf) $r['conf'] = @$r[$offs += 1];
320 -
321 - if ($hasId && !isset($r['name']))
322 - $fetchNames = true;
323 -
324 - if ($hasId) $items[ $r['id'] ] = $r;
325 - else $items[] = $r;
326 - }
327 -
328 - if ($fetchNames) {
329 - $names = $this->fetchNames(array_keys($items), $lang);
330 -
331 - $keys = array_keys($items);
332 - foreach ($keys as $k) {
333 - $id = $items[$k]['id'];
334 - $items[$k]['name'] = $names[$id];
335 - }
336 - }
337 -
338 - return $items;
339 - }
340 -
341 - function fetchNames($ids, $lang) {
342 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
343 -
344 - $names = array();
345 - if (!$ids) return $names;
346 -
347 - $set = NULL;
348 - foreach ($ids as $id) {
349 - if ($set===NULL) $set = "";
350 - else $set .= ", ";
351 - $set .= $id;
352 - }
353 -
354 - $sql = "select global_concept as id, local_concept_name as name from {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin ";
355 - $sql .= "where global_concept in ($set) and lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" ";
356 -
357 - $res = $this->query($sql);
358 -
359 - while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
360 - $id = $row['id'];
361 - $names[$id] = $row['name'];
362 - }
363 -
364 - mysql_free_result($res);
365 -
366 - return $names;
367 - }
368 -
369 - function queryImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
370 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
371 -
372 - if ($lang == "commons") $commonsOnly = false;
373 -
374 - $imagelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "imagelinks");
375 - $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
376 - $image_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "image");
377 -
378 - $sql = "/* queryImagesOnPage(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . (int)$ns . ", " . $this->quote($title) . ", " . (int)$commonsOnly . ") */ ";
379 -
380 - $sql .= " SELECT I.il_to as name FROM $imagelinks_table as I ";
381 - $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = I.il_from ";
382 - if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " LEFT JOIN $image_table as R on R.img_name = I.il_to ";
383 - if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " JOIN {$wwCommonsTablePrefix}image as C on C.img_name = I.il_to ";
384 -
385 - $sql .= " WHERE P.page_namespace = " . (int)$ns;
386 - $sql .= " AND P.page_title = " . $this->quote($title);
387 - if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " AND R.img_name IS NULL";
388 -
389 - return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
390 - }
391 -
392 - function getImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
393 - $rs = $this->queryImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly);
394 -
395 - $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "name");
396 - mysql_free_result($rs);
397 -
398 - return $list;
399 - }
400 -
401 - function queryImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
402 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
403 -
404 - if ($lang == "commons") $commonsOnly = false;
405 -
406 - $imagelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "imagelinks");
407 - $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
408 - $image_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "image");
409 - $templatelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "templatelinks");
410 -
411 - $sql = "/* queryImagesOnPageTemplates(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . (int)$ns . ", " . $this->quote($title) . ", " . (int)$commonsOnly . ") */ ";
412 -
413 - $sql .= " SELECT I.il_to as name FROM $imagelinks_table as I ";
414 - $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as TP on TP.page_id = I.il_from ";
415 - $sql .= " JOIN $templatelinks_table as T on T.tl_namespace = TP.page_namespace AND T.tl_title = TP.page_title ";
416 - $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = T.tl_from ";
417 - if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " LEFT JOIN $image_table as R on R.img_name = I.il_to ";
418 - if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " JOIN {$wwCommonsTablePrefix}image as C on C.img_name = I.il_to ";
419 -
420 - $sql .= " WHERE P.page_namespace = " . (int)$ns;
421 - $sql .= " AND P.page_title = " . $this->quote($title);
422 - if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " AND R.img_name IS NULL";
423 -
424 - return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
425 - }
426 -
427 - function getImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
428 - $rs = $this->queryImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly);
429 - $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "name");
430 - mysql_free_result($rs);
431 - return $list;
432 - }
433 -
434 - function queryImagesInCategory($lang, $title) {
435 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
436 - $categorylinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "categorylinks");
437 - $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
438 -
439 - $sql = "/* queryImagesInCategory(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . $this->quote($title) . ") */ ";
440 -
441 - $sql .= " SELECT P.page_title as name FROM $page_table as P ";
442 - $sql .= " JOIN $categorylinks_table as C on C.cl_from = P.page_id ";
443 -
444 - $sql .= " WHERE C.cl_to = " . $this->quote($title);
445 - $sql .= " AND P.page_namespace = " . NS_IMAGE;
446 -
447 - return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
448 - }
449 -
450 - function getImagesInCategory($lang, $title) {
451 - $rs = $this->queryImagesInCategory($lang, $title);
452 - $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "name");
453 - mysql_free_result($rs);
454 - return $list;
455 - }
456 -
457 - function queryTemplatesOnImagePage($lang, $image) {
458 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
459 - $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
460 - $templatelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "templatelinks");
461 -
462 - $sql = "/* queryTemplatesOnImagePage(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . $this->quote($image) . ") */ ";
463 -
464 - $sql .= " SELECT tl_title as template FROM $templatelinks_table as T ";
465 - $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = T.tl_from AND T.tl_namespace = " . NS_TEMPLATE . " ";
466 -
467 - $sql .= " WHERE P.page_title = " . $this->quote($image);
468 - $sql .= " AND P.page_namespace = " . NS_IMAGE;
469 -
470 - return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
471 - }
472 -
473 - function getTemplatesOnImagePage($lang, $image) {
474 - $rs = $this->queryTemplatesOnImagePage($lang, $image);
475 - $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "template");
476 - mysql_free_result($rs);
477 - return $list;
478 - }
479 -
480 - function queryCategoriesOfImagePage($lang, $image) {
481 - global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
482 - $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
483 - $categorylinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "categorylinks");
484 -
485 - $sql = "/* queryCategoriesOfImagePage(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . $this->quote($image) . ") */ ";
486 -
487 - $sql .= " SELECT cl_to as category FROM $categorylinks_table as C ";
488 - $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = C.cl_from ";
489 -
490 - $sql .= " WHERE P.page_title = " . $this->quote($image);
491 - $sql .= " AND P.page_namespace = " . NS_IMAGE;
492 -
493 - return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
494 - }
495 -
496 - function getCategoriesOfImagePage($lang, $image) {
497 - $rs = $this->queryCategoriesOfImagePage($lang, $image);
498 - $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "category");
499 - mysql_free_result($rs);
500 - return $list;
501 - }
502 -
503 - function getTemplateScores($templates, $values = NULL) {
504 - global $wwWikiServerName;
505 - if ($values === NULL) $values = $wwTemplateScores;
506 -
507 - if (!$values) return 0;
508 -
509 - $score = 0;
510 - foreach ($templates as $t) {
511 - $v = @$values[$t];
512 - if ($v) $score += $v;
513 - }
514 -
515 - return $score;
516 - }
517 -
518 - function getRelevantImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
519 - $img = $this->getImagesOnPage($lang, 0, $title, true);
520 - $timg = $this->getImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, 0, $title, true);
521 - $img = array_diff($img, $timg);
522 - return $img;
523 - }
524 -
525 - function getImagesAbout($id, $max = 0) {
526 - global $wwFakeCommonsConcepts, $wwFakeCommonsPlural, $wwLanguages;
527 -
528 - $concepts = $this->getLocalConcepts($id);
529 -
530 - if ($wwFakeCommonsConcepts && isset($concepts['en'])) {
531 - $concepts['commons'] = @$concepts['en'];
532 - }
533 -
534 - $images = new ImageCollection();
535 -
536 - foreach ($concepts as $lang => $title) {
537 - if ($lang == "commons") continue;
538 - if (!isset($wwLanguages[$lang])) continue;
539 -
540 - $img = $this->getRelevantImagesOnPage($lang, 0, $title, true); //FIXME: resource mapping
541 - $images->addImages($img, $lang . ":" . $title, "article", 1);
542 - }
543 -
544 - if ($max && $images->size()>$max) {
545 - $this->addImageTags($images);
546 - return $images->listImages($max);
547 - }
548 -
549 - if (isset($concepts['commons'])) {
550 - $title = $concepts['commons'];
551 -
552 - $img = $this->getRelevantImagesOnPage("commons", 0, $title, false); //FIXME: resource mapping
553 - $images->addImages($img, "commons:" . $title, "gallery", 0.8);
554 -
555 - if ($max && $images->size()>$max) {
556 - $this->addImageTags($images);
557 - return $images->listImages($max);
558 - }
559 -
560 - $img = $this->getImagesInCategory("commons", $title); //FIXME: resource mapping
561 - if ($img) $images->addImages($img, "commons:category:" . $title, "category", 0.5);
562 - else if ($wwFakeCommonsConcepts && $wwFakeCommonsPlural && !preg_match('/s$/', $title)) {
563 - $cname = $title."s";
564 -
565 - $img = $this->getImagesInCategory("commons", $cname); //FIXME: resource mapping
566 - $images->addImages($img, "commons:category:" . $cname, "category(pl)", 0.5);
567 - }
568 - }
569 -
570 - $this->addImageTags($images);
571 - return $images->listImages($max);
572 - }
573 -
574 - function addImageTags($images) {
575 - foreach ($images->images as $image) {
576 - $image = $image['name'];
577 -
578 - $tags = $this->getTemplatesOnImagePage('commons', $image);
579 - $images->addTags($image, $tags, "Template:");
580 -
581 - $cats = $this->getCategoriesOfImagePage('commons', $image);
582 - $images->addTags($image, $cats, "Category:");
583 - }
584 - }
585 -
586 - function getThumbnailURL($image, $width = 120, $height = NULL) {
587 - global $wwThumbnailURL;
588 -
589 - if (is_array($image)) $image = $image['name'];
590 -
591 - if (!$height) $height = $width;
592 -
593 - $u = $wwThumbnailURL;
594 - $u = str_replace("{name}", urlencode($image), $u);
595 - $u = str_replace("{width}", !$width ? "" : urlencode($width), $u);
596 - $u = str_replace("{height}", !$height ? "" : urlencode($height), $u);
597 -
598 - return $u;
599 - }
600 -
601 - function getImagePageURL($image) {
602 - global $wwImagePageURL;
603 -
604 - if (is_array($image)) $image = $image['name'];
605 -
606 - $u = $wwImagePageURL;
607 - $u = str_replace("{name}", urlencode($image), $u);
608 -
609 - return $u;
610 - }
611 -
612 - function getThumbnailHTML($image, $w = 120, $h = NULL) {
613 - $thumb = $this->getThumbnailURL($image, $w, $h);
614 - $page = $this->getImagePageURL($image);
615 -
616 - if (is_array($image)) {
617 - $title = @$image['title'];
618 - $name = @$image['name'];
619 - } else {
620 - $name = $image;
621 - }
622 -
623 - if (!@$title) $title = $name;
624 -
625 - $tags = "";
626 - if (isset($image['tags'])) {
627 - foreach ($image['tags'] as $tag) {
628 - $tags .= "tag-" . str_replace(":", "-", $tag) . " ";
629 - }
630 - }
631 -
632 - $html= "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars($thumb) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($title) . "\" border=\"0\"/>";
633 - $html= "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($page) . "\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($title) . " (score " . htmlspecialchars($image['score']) . ")\" class=\"thumb-link $tags\">$html</a>";
634 -
635 - if (is_array($image)) {
636 - $html .= "<!-- " . str_replace("--", "~~", var_export( $image, true ) ) . " -->";
637 - }
638 -
639 - return $html;
640 - }
641118 }
Index: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwthesaurus.php
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
 5+class WWThesaurus extends WWUTils {
 7+ function queryConceptsForTerm($lang, $term) {
 8+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
 10+ $term = trim($term);
 12+ $sql = "SELECT M.*, O.*, definition FROM {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_meaning as M"
 13+ . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_definition as D ON M.concept = D.concept "
 14+ . " JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O ON O.lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" AND M.concept = O.local_concept "
 15+ . " WHERE term_text = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($term) . "\""
 16+ . " ORDER BY freq DESC "
 17+ . " LIMIT 100";
 19+ return $this->query($sql);
 20+ }
 22+ function queryLocalConcepts($id) {
 23+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
 24+ $sql = "SELECT O.lang, O.local_concept_name from {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O ";
 25+ $sql .= " WHERE O.global_concept = " . (int)$id;
 27+ return $this->query($sql);
 28+ }
 30+ function getLocalConcepts($id) {
 31+ $rs = $this->queryLocalConcepts($id);
 32+ $list = WWUtils::slurpAssoc($rs, "lang", "local_concept_name");
 33+ mysql_free_result($rs);
 34+ return $list;
 35+ }
 37+ function queryLocalConceptInfo($lang, $id) {
 38+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
 40+ $sql = "SELECT O.*, C.*, F.*, definition FROM {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_concept_info as F "
 41+ . " JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_concept as C ON F.concept = C.id "
 42+ . " JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O ON O.lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" AND F.concept = O.local_concept "
 43+ . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_definition as D ON F.concept = D.concept "
 44+ . " WHERE O.local_concept = $id ";
 46+ return $this->query($sql);
 47+ }
 49+ function queryConceptInfo($id, $lang) {
 50+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
 52+ $sql = "SELECT O.*, C.*, F.*, definition FROM {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin as O "
 53+ . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_concept_info as F ON O.global_concept = F.concept "
 54+ . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_concept as C ON O.local_concept = C.id "
 55+ . " LEFT JOIN {$wwTablePrefix}_{$lang}_definition as D ON O.local_concept = D.concept "
 56+ . " WHERE O.global_concept = $id AND O.lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" ";
 58+ return $this->query($sql);
 59+ }
 61+ function unpickle($s, $lang, $hasId=true, $hasName=true, $hasConf=true) {
 62+ $ss = explode("\x1E", $s);
 63+ $items = array();
 65+ $fetchNames = false;
 67+ foreach ($ss as $i) {
 68+ $r = explode("\x1F", $i);
 69+ $offs = -1;
 71+ if ($hasId) $r['id'] = @$r[$offs += 1];
 72+ if ($hasName) $r['name'] = @$r[$offs += 1];
 73+ if ($hasConf) $r['conf'] = @$r[$offs += 1];
 75+ if ($hasId && !isset($r['name']))
 76+ $fetchNames = true;
 78+ if ($hasId) $items[ $r['id'] ] = $r;
 79+ else $items[] = $r;
 80+ }
 82+ if ($fetchNames) {
 83+ $names = $this->fetchNames(array_keys($items), $lang);
 85+ $keys = array_keys($items);
 86+ foreach ($keys as $k) {
 87+ $id = $items[$k]['id'];
 88+ $items[$k]['name'] = $names[$id];
 89+ }
 90+ }
 92+ return $items;
 93+ }
 95+ function fetchNames($ids, $lang) {
 96+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset;
 98+ $names = array();
 99+ if (!$ids) return $names;
 101+ $set = NULL;
 102+ foreach ($ids as $id) {
 103+ if ($set===NULL) $set = "";
 104+ else $set .= ", ";
 105+ $set .= $id;
 106+ }
 108+ $sql = "select global_concept as id, local_concept_name as name from {$wwTablePrefix}_{$wwThesaurusDataset}_origin ";
 109+ $sql .= "where global_concept in ($set) and lang = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang) . "\" ";
 111+ $res = $this->query($sql);
 113+ while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
 114+ $id = $row['id'];
 115+ $names[$id] = $row['name'];
 116+ }
 118+ mysql_free_result($res);
 120+ return $names;
 121+ }
Property changes on: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwthesaurus.php
Name: svn:mergeinfo
1124 +
Index: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwimages.php
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
 5+class ImageCollection {
 7+ function __construct() {
 8+ $this->images = array();
 9+ }
 11+ static function compareRecords($a, $b) {
 12+ $d = (float)$b['score'] - (float)$a['score']; //NOTE: descending
 14+ if ( $d > 0 ) return 1;
 15+ else if ( $d < 0 ) return -1;
 16+ else return 0;
 17+ }
 19+ function size() {
 20+ return count($this->images);
 21+ }
 23+ function listImages($max) {
 24+ uasort($this->images, "Imagecollection::compareRecords");
 26+ if ($max) return array_slice($this->images, 0, $max);
 27+ else return $this->images;
 28+ }
 30+ function addImage($image, $key, $usage = "page", $weight = 1) {
 31+ if (!isset($this->images[$image])) {
 32+ $rec = array(
 33+ "name" => $image,
 34+ "score" => 0,
 35+ );
 36+ } else {
 37+ $rec = $this->images[$image];
 38+ }
 40+ if (!isset($rec[$usage])) $rec[$usage] = array();
 41+ $rec[$usage][] = $key;
 42+ $rec["score"] += $weight;
 44+ $this->images[$image] = $rec;
 45+ return $rec['score'];
 46+ }
 48+ function addImages($images, $key, $usage = "page", $weight = 1) {
 49+ foreach ($images as $image) {
 50+ $this->addImage($image, $key, $usage, $weight);
 51+ }
 52+ }
 54+ function addTags($image, $tags, $prefix = "") {
 55+ global $wwTagScores;
 57+ if (isset($this->images[$image])) {
 58+ foreach ($tags as $tag => $weight) {
 59+ if (is_int($tag)) {
 60+ $tag = $prefix.$weight;
 62+ if (isset($wwTagScores[$tag])) $weight = $wwTagScores[$tag];
 63+ else continue;
 64+ } else {
 65+ $tag = $prefix.$tag;
 66+ }
 68+ $this->images[$image]['score'] += $weight;
 69+ $this->images[$image]['tags'][] = $tag;
 70+ }
 71+ }
 72+ }
 76+class WWImages extends WWUtils {
 77+ var $thesaurus;
 79+ function __construct($thesaurus) {
 80+ $this->thesaurus = $thesaurus;
 81+ }
 83+ function queryImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
 84+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
 86+ if ($lang == "commons") $commonsOnly = false;
 88+ $imagelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "imagelinks");
 89+ $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
 90+ $image_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "image");
 92+ $sql = "/* queryImagesOnPage(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . (int)$ns . ", " . $this->quote($title) . ", " . (int)$commonsOnly . ") */ ";
 94+ $sql .= " SELECT I.il_to as name FROM $imagelinks_table as I ";
 95+ $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = I.il_from ";
 96+ if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " LEFT JOIN $image_table as R on R.img_name = I.il_to ";
 97+ if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " JOIN {$wwCommonsTablePrefix}image as C on C.img_name = I.il_to ";
 99+ $sql .= " WHERE P.page_namespace = " . (int)$ns;
 100+ $sql .= " AND P.page_title = " . $this->quote($title);
 101+ if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " AND R.img_name IS NULL";
 103+ return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
 104+ }
 106+ function getImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
 107+ $rs = $this->queryImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly);
 109+ $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "name");
 110+ mysql_free_result($rs);
 112+ return $list;
 113+ }
 115+ function queryImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
 116+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
 118+ if ($lang == "commons") $commonsOnly = false;
 120+ $imagelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "imagelinks");
 121+ $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
 122+ $image_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "image");
 123+ $templatelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "templatelinks");
 125+ $sql = "/* queryImagesOnPageTemplates(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . (int)$ns . ", " . $this->quote($title) . ", " . (int)$commonsOnly . ") */ ";
 127+ $sql .= " SELECT I.il_to as name FROM $imagelinks_table as I ";
 128+ $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as TP on TP.page_id = I.il_from ";
 129+ $sql .= " JOIN $templatelinks_table as T on T.tl_namespace = TP.page_namespace AND T.tl_title = TP.page_title ";
 130+ $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = T.tl_from ";
 131+ if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " LEFT JOIN $image_table as R on R.img_name = I.il_to ";
 132+ if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " JOIN {$wwCommonsTablePrefix}image as C on C.img_name = I.il_to ";
 134+ $sql .= " WHERE P.page_namespace = " . (int)$ns;
 135+ $sql .= " AND P.page_title = " . $this->quote($title);
 136+ if ($commonsOnly) $sql .= " AND R.img_name IS NULL";
 138+ return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
 139+ }
 141+ function getImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
 142+ $rs = $this->queryImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly);
 143+ $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "name");
 144+ mysql_free_result($rs);
 145+ return $list;
 146+ }
 148+ function queryImagesInCategory($lang, $title) {
 149+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
 150+ $categorylinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "categorylinks");
 151+ $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
 153+ $sql = "/* queryImagesInCategory(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . $this->quote($title) . ") */ ";
 155+ $sql .= " SELECT P.page_title as name FROM $page_table as P ";
 156+ $sql .= " JOIN $categorylinks_table as C on C.cl_from = P.page_id ";
 158+ $sql .= " WHERE C.cl_to = " . $this->quote($title);
 159+ $sql .= " AND P.page_namespace = " . NS_IMAGE;
 161+ return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
 162+ }
 164+ function getImagesInCategory($lang, $title) {
 165+ $rs = $this->queryImagesInCategory($lang, $title);
 166+ $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "name");
 167+ mysql_free_result($rs);
 168+ return $list;
 169+ }
 171+ function queryTemplatesOnImagePage($lang, $image) {
 172+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
 173+ $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
 174+ $templatelinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "templatelinks");
 176+ $sql = "/* queryTemplatesOnImagePage(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . $this->quote($image) . ") */ ";
 178+ $sql .= " SELECT tl_title as template FROM $templatelinks_table as T ";
 179+ $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = T.tl_from AND T.tl_namespace = " . NS_TEMPLATE . " ";
 181+ $sql .= " WHERE P.page_title = " . $this->quote($image);
 182+ $sql .= " AND P.page_namespace = " . NS_IMAGE;
 184+ return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
 185+ }
 187+ function getTemplatesOnImagePage($lang, $image) {
 188+ $rs = $this->queryTemplatesOnImagePage($lang, $image);
 189+ $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "template");
 190+ mysql_free_result($rs);
 191+ return $list;
 192+ }
 194+ function queryCategoriesOfImagePage($lang, $image) {
 195+ global $wwTablePrefix, $wwThesaurusDataset, $wwCommonsTablePrefix;
 196+ $page_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "page");
 197+ $categorylinks_table = $this->getWikiTableName($lang, "categorylinks");
 199+ $sql = "/* queryCategoriesOfImagePage(" . $this->quote($lang) . ", " . $this->quote($image) . ") */ ";
 201+ $sql .= " SELECT cl_to as category FROM $categorylinks_table as C ";
 202+ $sql .= " JOIN $page_table as P on P.page_id = C.cl_from ";
 204+ $sql .= " WHERE P.page_title = " . $this->quote($image);
 205+ $sql .= " AND P.page_namespace = " . NS_IMAGE;
 207+ return $this->queryWiki($lang, $sql);
 208+ }
 210+ function getCategoriesOfImagePage($lang, $image) {
 211+ $rs = $this->queryCategoriesOfImagePage($lang, $image);
 212+ $list = WWUtils::slurpList($rs, "category");
 213+ mysql_free_result($rs);
 214+ return $list;
 215+ }
 217+ function getTemplateScores($templates, $values = NULL) {
 218+ global $wwWikiServerName;
 219+ if ($values === NULL) $values = $wwTemplateScores;
 221+ if (!$values) return 0;
 223+ $score = 0;
 224+ foreach ($templates as $t) {
 225+ $v = @$values[$t];
 226+ if ($v) $score += $v;
 227+ }
 229+ return $score;
 230+ }
 232+ function getRelevantImagesOnPage($lang, $ns, $title, $commonsOnly = false) {
 233+ $img = $this->getImagesOnPage($lang, 0, $title, true);
 234+ $timg = $this->getImagesOnPageTemplates($lang, 0, $title, true);
 235+ $img = array_diff($img, $timg);
 236+ return $img;
 237+ }
 239+ function getImagesAbout($id, $max = 0) {
 240+ global $wwFakeCommonsConcepts, $wwFakeCommonsPlural, $wwLanguages;
 242+ $concepts = $this->thesaurus->getLocalConcepts($id);
 244+ if ($wwFakeCommonsConcepts && isset($concepts['en'])) {
 245+ $concepts['commons'] = @$concepts['en'];
 246+ }
 248+ $images = new ImageCollection();
 250+ foreach ($concepts as $lang => $title) {
 251+ if ($lang == "commons") continue;
 252+ if (!isset($wwLanguages[$lang])) continue;
 254+ $img = $this->getRelevantImagesOnPage($lang, 0, $title, true); //FIXME: resource mapping
 255+ $images->addImages($img, $lang . ":" . $title, "article", 1);
 256+ }
 258+ if ($max && $images->size()>$max) {
 259+ $this->addImageTags($images);
 260+ return $images->listImages($max);
 261+ }
 263+ if (isset($concepts['commons'])) {
 264+ $title = $concepts['commons'];
 266+ $img = $this->getRelevantImagesOnPage("commons", 0, $title, false); //FIXME: resource mapping
 267+ $images->addImages($img, "commons:" . $title, "gallery", 0.8);
 269+ if ($max && $images->size()>$max) {
 270+ $this->addImageTags($images);
 271+ return $images->listImages($max);
 272+ }
 274+ $img = $this->getImagesInCategory("commons", $title); //FIXME: resource mapping
 275+ if ($img) $images->addImages($img, "commons:category:" . $title, "category", 0.5);
 276+ else if ($wwFakeCommonsConcepts && $wwFakeCommonsPlural && !preg_match('/s$/', $title)) {
 277+ $cname = $title."s";
 279+ $img = $this->getImagesInCategory("commons", $cname); //FIXME: resource mapping
 280+ $images->addImages($img, "commons:category:" . $cname, "category(pl)", 0.5);
 281+ }
 282+ }
 284+ $this->addImageTags($images);
 285+ return $images->listImages($max);
 286+ }
 288+ function addImageTags($images) {
 289+ foreach ($images->images as $image) {
 290+ $image = $image['name'];
 292+ $tags = $this->getTemplatesOnImagePage('commons', $image);
 293+ $images->addTags($image, $tags, "Template:");
 295+ $cats = $this->getCategoriesOfImagePage('commons', $image);
 296+ $images->addTags($image, $cats, "Category:");
 297+ }
 298+ }
 300+ function getThumbnailURL($image, $width = 120, $height = NULL) {
 301+ global $wwThumbnailURL;
 303+ if (is_array($image)) $image = $image['name'];
 305+ if (!$height) $height = $width;
 307+ $u = $wwThumbnailURL;
 308+ $u = str_replace("{name}", urlencode($image), $u);
 309+ $u = str_replace("{width}", !$width ? "" : urlencode($width), $u);
 310+ $u = str_replace("{height}", !$height ? "" : urlencode($height), $u);
 312+ return $u;
 313+ }
 315+ function getImagePageURL($image) {
 316+ global $wwImagePageURL;
 318+ if (is_array($image)) $image = $image['name'];
 320+ $u = $wwImagePageURL;
 321+ $u = str_replace("{name}", urlencode($image), $u);
 323+ return $u;
 324+ }
 326+ function getThumbnailHTML($image, $w = 120, $h = NULL) {
 327+ $thumb = $this->getThumbnailURL($image, $w, $h);
 328+ $page = $this->getImagePageURL($image);
 330+ if (is_array($image)) {
 331+ $title = @$image['title'];
 332+ $name = @$image['name'];
 333+ } else {
 334+ $name = $image;
 335+ }
 337+ if (!@$title) $title = $name;
 339+ $tags = "";
 340+ if (isset($image['tags'])) {
 341+ foreach ($image['tags'] as $tag) {
 342+ $tags .= "tag-" . str_replace(":", "-", $tag) . " ";
 343+ }
 344+ }
 346+ $html= "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars($thumb) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($title) . "\" border=\"0\"/>";
 347+ $html= "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($page) . "\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($title) . " (score " . htmlspecialchars($image['score']) . ")\" class=\"thumb-link $tags\">$html</a>";
 349+ if (is_array($image)) {
 350+ $html .= "<!-- " . str_replace("--", "~~", var_export( $image, true ) ) . " -->";
 351+ }
 353+ return $html;
 354+ }
Property changes on: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwimages.php
Name: svn:mergeinfo
1356 +
Index: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwwikis.php
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
 5+if (!defined('NS_IMAGE'))
 6+ define('NS_IMAGE', 6);
 8+if (!defined('NS_TEMPLATE'))
 9+ define('NS_TEMPLATE', 10);
 12+class WWWikis extends WWUtils {
 13+ var $wikidbs = array();
 15+ function getWikiTableName($lang, $table) {
 16+ global $wwWikitableNamePattern;
 18+ if ($wwWikitableNamePattern) {
 19+ return str_replace(array('{lang}', '{name}'), array($lang, $table), $wwWikitableNamePattern);
 20+ }
 22+ return $table;
 23+ }
 25+ function getWikiInfo($lang) {
 26+ global $wwWikiInfoTable, $wwWikiDbName, $wwWikiServerName, $wwCommonsServerName;
 28+ $db = str_replace('{lang}', $lang, $wwWikiDbName);
 30+ $dbname = "{$lang}wiki_p";
 31+ $sql = "select * from $wwWikiInfoTable ";
 32+ $sql .= " where dbname = " . $this->quote("$db");
 34+ $rs = $this->query($sql);
 35+ $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
 36+ mysql_free_result($rs);
 38+ if (!$info) $info = false;
 39+ else $info['server'] = str_replace('{num}', $info['server'], $wwWikiServerName);
 41+ if ($lang == "commons" && $wwCommonsServerName) $info['server'] = $wwCommonsServerName;
 43+ return $info;
 44+ }
 46+ function getWikiConnection($lang) {
 47+ if (isset($this->wikidbs[$lang])) return $this->wikidbs[$lang];
 49+ $info = $this->getWikiInfo($lang);
 51+ if (!$info) {
 52+ $db = false;
 53+ } else {
 54+ $db = mysql_connect($info['server'], $this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword);
 55+ if (!$db) throw new Exception("Connection Failure to Database: " . mysql_error());
 56+ if (!mysql_select_db($info['dbname'], $db)) throw new Exception ("Database not found: " . mysql_error());
 57+ if (!mysql_query("SET NAMES Latin1;", $db)) throw new Exception ("Database not found: " . mysql_error());
 58+ }
 60+ $this->wikidbs[$lang] = $db;
 61+ return $db;
 62+ }
 64+ function queryWiki($lang, $sql) {
 65+ $db = $this->getWikiConnection($lang);
 66+ if (!$db) throw new Exception ("Wiki not found: $lang");
 68+ return $this->query($sql, $db);
 69+ }
Property changes on: trunk/WikiWord/WikiWord/src/main/php/wwwikis.php
Name: svn:mergeinfo
172 +

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