r55781 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r55780‎ | r55781 | r55782 >
Date:18:06, 3 September 2009
Status:deferred (Comments)
Solves r20485 by explicitly listing javascript files to be combined since order is important, and we were previously just getting luck that alphabetical order was acceptable.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/combine.sh (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/js/plugins.combined.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/js/plugins.combined.min.js (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/combine.sh
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
44 rm js/plugins.combined.*
55 rm css/combined.*
66 echo "Merging raw scripts and styles"
7 -cat js/js2/*.js > js/js2.combined.js
8 -cat js/plugins/*.js > js/plugins.combined.js
 7+# Explicitly including scripts is important, because loading order is important
 8+cat js/js2/jquery-1.3.2.js js/js2/jquery-ui-1.7.2.js js/js2/js2.js > js/js2.combined.js
 9+cat js/plugins/jquery.async.js js/plugins/jquery.browser.js js/plugins/jquery.cookie.js js/plugins/jquery.suggestions.js js/plugins/jquery.textSelection.js js/plugins/jquery.wikiEditor.js js/plugins/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js js/plugins/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js js/plugins/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js > js/plugins.combined.js
 10+# Styles can be loaded in any order
911 cat css/*.css > css/combined.css
1012 # For more info on JSMin, see: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html
1113 echo "Minifying merged scripts and styles"
Index: trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/js/plugins.combined.js
@@ -1010,82 +1010,6 @@
10111011 }
10131013 } ); } )( jQuery );/**
1014 - * Extend the RegExp object with an escaping function
1015 - * From http://simonwillison.net/2006/Jan/20/escape/
1016 - */
1017 -RegExp.escape = function( s ) { return s.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\/\\[\]])/g, '\\$1'); };
1018 -
1019 -/**
1020 - * Dialog Module for wikiEditor
1021 - */
1022 -( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
1023 -
1024 -/**
1025 - * API accessible functions
1026 - */
1027 -api: {
1028 - addDialog: function( context, data ) {
1029 - $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.create( context, { 'modules': data } )
1030 - },
1031 - openDialog: function( context, data ) {
1032 - if ( data.dialog in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
1033 - $( '#' + $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[data.dialog].id ).dialog( 'open' );
1034 - }
1035 - },
1036 - closeDialog: function( context, data ) {
1037 - if ( data.dialog in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
1038 - $( '#' + $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[data.dialog].id ).dialog( 'close' );
1039 - }
1040 - }
1041 -},
1042 -/**
1043 - * Internally used functions
1044 - */
1045 -fn: {
1046 - /**
1047 - * Creates a dialog module within a wikiEditor
1048 - *
1049 - * @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
1050 - * @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
1051 - */
1052 - create: function( context, config ) {
1053 - // Add modules
1054 - for ( module in config ) {
1055 - $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module] = config[module];
1056 - }
1057 - // Build out modules immediately
1058 - for ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
1059 - var module = $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module];
1060 - // Only create the dialog if it doesn't exist yet
1061 - if ( $( '#' + module.id ).size() == 0 ) {
1062 - var configuration = module.dialog;
1063 - // Add some stuff to configuration
1064 - configuration.bgiframe = true;
1065 - configuration.autoOpen = false;
1066 - configuration.modal = true;
1067 - configuration.title = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( module, 'title' );
1068 - // Transform messages in keys
1069 - // Stupid JS won't let us do stuff like
1070 - // foo = { gM ('bar'): baz }
1071 - for ( msg in configuration.buttons ) {
1072 - configuration.buttons[gM( msg )] = configuration.buttons[msg];
1073 - delete configuration.buttons[msg];
1074 - }
1075 - // Create the dialog <div>
1076 - $( '<div /> ' )
1077 - .attr( 'id', module.id )
1078 - .html( module.html )
1079 - .data( 'context', context )
1080 - .appendTo( $( 'body' ) )
1081 - .each( module.init )
1082 - .dialog( configuration );
1083 - }
1084 - }
1085 - }
1086 -},
1087 -'modules': {}
1088 -
1089 -}; } ) ( jQuery );/**
10901014 * This plugin provides a way to build a user interface around a textarea. You
10911015 * can build the UI from a confguration..
10921016 * $j( 'div#edittoolbar' ).wikiEditor(
@@ -1246,226 +1170,80 @@
12471171 return $(this).data( 'context', context );
12491173 };})(jQuery);/**
1250 - * TOC Module for wikiEditor
 1174+ * Extend the RegExp object with an escaping function
 1175+ * From http://simonwillison.net/2006/Jan/20/escape/
12511176 */
1252 -( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toc = {
 1177+RegExp.escape = function( s ) { return s.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\/\\[\]])/g, '\\$1'); };
12541179 /**
 1180+ * Dialog Module for wikiEditor
 1181+ */
 1182+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
12551185 * API accessible functions
12561186 */
12571187 api: {
1258 - //
 1188+ addDialog: function( context, data ) {
 1189+ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.create( context, { 'modules': data } )
 1190+ },
 1191+ openDialog: function( context, data ) {
 1192+ if ( data.dialog in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
 1193+ $( '#' + $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[data.dialog].id ).dialog( 'open' );
 1194+ }
 1195+ },
 1196+ closeDialog: function( context, data ) {
 1197+ if ( data.dialog in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
 1198+ $( '#' + $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[data.dialog].id ).dialog( 'close' );
 1199+ }
 1200+ }
12591201 },
12601202 /**
12611203 * Internally used functions
12621204 */
12631205 fn: {
12641206 /**
1265 - * Creates a table of contents module within a wikiEditor
 1207+ * Creates a dialog module within a wikiEditor
12661208 *
12671209 * @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
12681210 * @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
12691211 */
12701212 create: function( context, config ) {
1271 - if ( '$toc' in context.modules ) {
1272 - return;
 1213+ // Add modules
 1214+ for ( module in config ) {
 1215+ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module] = config[module];
12731216 }
1274 - context.modules.$toc = $( '<div></div>' )
1275 - .addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toc' )
1276 - .attr( 'id', 'wikiEditor-ui-toc' );
1277 - $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.build( context, config );
1278 - context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-bottom' )
1279 - .append( context.modules.$toc );
1280 - context.modules.$toc.height(
1281 - context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-bottom' ).height()
1282 - );
1283 - // Make some css modifications to make room for the toc on the right...
1284 - // Perhaps this could be configurable?
1285 - context.modules.$toc
1286 - .css( 'width', '12em' )
1287 - .css( 'marginTop', -( context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-bottom' ).height() ) );
1288 - context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-text' )
1289 - .css( ( $( 'body.rtl' ).size() ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight' ), '12em' );
1290 - // Add the TOC to the document
1291 - $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.build( context );
1292 - $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
1293 - context.$textarea
1294 - .bind( 'keyup encapsulateSelection',
1295 - function( event ) {
1296 - var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
1297 - $(this).eachAsync( {
1298 - bulk: 0,
1299 - loop: function() {
1300 - $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.build( context );
1301 - $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
1302 - }
1303 - } );
 1217+ // Build out modules immediately
 1218+ for ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
 1219+ var module = $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module];
 1220+ // Only create the dialog if it doesn't exist yet
 1221+ if ( $( '#' + module.id ).size() == 0 ) {
 1222+ var configuration = module.dialog;
 1223+ // Add some stuff to configuration
 1224+ configuration.bgiframe = true;
 1225+ configuration.autoOpen = false;
 1226+ configuration.modal = true;
 1227+ configuration.title = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( module, 'title' );
 1228+ // Transform messages in keys
 1229+ // Stupid JS won't let us do stuff like
 1230+ // foo = { gM ('bar'): baz }
 1231+ for ( msg in configuration.buttons ) {
 1232+ configuration.buttons[gM( msg )] = configuration.buttons[msg];
 1233+ delete configuration.buttons[msg];
13041234 }
1305 - )
1306 - .bind( 'mouseup scrollToPosition',
1307 - function( event ) {
1308 - var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
1309 - $(this).eachAsync( {
1310 - bulk: 0,
1311 - loop: function() {
1312 - $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
1313 - }
1314 - } );
1315 - }
1316 - );
1317 - },
1318 - /**
1319 - * Highlight the section the cursor is currently within
1320 - *
1321 - * @param {Object} context
1322 - */
1323 - update: function( context ) {
1324 - context.modules.$toc.find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'currentSelection' );
1325 - var position = context.$textarea.getCaretPosition();
1326 - var section = 0;
1327 - if ( context.data.outline.length > 0 ) {
1328 - // If the caret is before the first heading, you must be in section
1329 - // 0, and there is no need to look any farther - otherwise check
1330 - // that the caret is before each section, and when it's not, we now
1331 - // know what section it is in
1332 - if ( !( position < context.data.outline[0].position - 1 ) ) {
1333 - while (
1334 - section < context.data.outline.length && context.data.outline[section].position - 1 < position
1335 - ) {
1336 - section++;
1337 - }
1338 - section = Math.max( 0, section );
 1235+ // Create the dialog <div>
 1236+ $( '<div /> ' )
 1237+ .attr( 'id', module.id )
 1238+ .html( module.html )
 1239+ .data( 'context', context )
 1240+ .appendTo( $( 'body' ) )
 1241+ .each( module.init )
 1242+ .dialog( configuration );
13391243 }
1340 - context.modules.$toc.find( 'a.section-' + section ).addClass( 'currentSelection' );
13411244 }
1342 - },
1343 - /**
1344 - * Builds table of contents
1345 - *
1346 - * @param {Object} context
1347 - */
1348 - build: function( context ) {
1349 - /**
1350 - * Builds a structured outline from flat outline
1351 - *
1352 - * @param {Object} outline Array of objects with level fields
1353 - */
1354 - function buildStructure( outline, offset, level ) {
1355 - if ( offset == undefined ) offset = 0;
1356 - if ( level == undefined ) level = 1;
1357 - var sections = [];
1358 - for ( var i = offset; i < outline.length; i++ ) {
1359 - if ( outline[i].nLevel == level ) {
1360 - var sub = buildStructure( outline, i + 1, level + 1 );
1361 - if ( sub.length ) {
1362 - outline[i].sections = sub;
1363 - }
1364 - sections[sections.length] = outline[i];
1365 - } else if ( outline[i].nLevel < level ) {
1366 - break;
1367 - }
1368 - }
1369 - return sections;
1370 - }
1371 - /**
1372 - * Bulds unordered list HTML object from structured outline
1373 - *
1374 - * @param {Object} structure Structured outline
1375 - */
1376 - function buildList( structure ) {
1377 - var list = $( '<ul></ul>' );
1378 - for ( i in structure ) {
1379 - var item = $( '<li></li>' )
1380 - .append(
1381 - $( '<a></a>' )
1382 - .attr( 'href', '#' )
1383 - .addClass( 'section-' + structure[i].index )
1384 - .data( 'textbox', context.$textarea )
1385 - .data( 'position', structure[i].position )
1386 - .click( function( event ) {
1387 - $(this).data( 'textbox' ).scrollToCaretPosition( $(this).data( 'position' ) );
1388 - event.preventDefault();
1389 - } )
1390 - .text( structure[i].text )
1391 - );
1392 - if ( structure[i].sections !== undefined ) {
1393 - item.append( buildList( structure[i].sections ) );
1394 - }
1395 - list.append( item );
1396 - }
1397 - return list;
1398 - }
1399 - // Build outline from wikitext
1400 - var outline = [];
1401 - var wikitext = '\n' + context.$textarea.val() + '\n';
1402 - var headings = wikitext.match( /\n={1,5}.*={1,5}(?=\n)/g );
1403 - var offset = 0;
1404 - headings = $.makeArray( headings );
1405 - for ( var h = 0; h < headings.length; h++ ) {
1406 - text = headings[h];
1407 - // Get position of first occurence
1408 - var position = wikitext.indexOf( text, offset );
1409 - // Update offset to avoid stumbling on duplicate headings
1410 - if ( position > offset ) {
1411 - offset = position;
1412 - } else if ( position == -1 ) {
1413 - // Not sure this is possible, or what should happen
1414 - continue;
1415 - }
1416 - // Trim off whitespace
1417 - text = $.trim( text );
1418 - // Detect the starting and ending heading levels
1419 - var startLevel = 0;
1420 - for ( var c = 0; c < text.length; c++ ) {
1421 - if ( text.charAt( c ) == '=' ) {
1422 - startLevel++;
1423 - } else {
1424 - break;
1425 - }
1426 - }
1427 - var endLevel = 0;
1428 - for ( var c = text.length - 1; c >= 0; c-- ) {
1429 - if ( text.charAt( c ) == '=' ) {
1430 - endLevel++;
1431 - } else {
1432 - break;
1433 - }
1434 - }
1435 - // Use the lowest number of =s as the actual level
1436 - var level = Math.min( startLevel, endLevel );
1437 - text = $.trim( text.substr( level, text.length - ( level * 2 ) ) );
1438 - // Add the heading data to the outline
1439 - outline[h] = { 'text': text, 'position': position, 'level': level, 'index': h + 1 };
1440 - }
1441 - // Normalize heading levels for list creation
1442 - // This is based on Linker::generateTOC() so, it should behave like the
1443 - // TOC on rendered articles does - which is considdered to be correct
1444 - // at this point in time.
1445 - var lastLevel = 0;
1446 - var nLevel = 0;
1447 - for ( var i = 0; i < outline.length; i++ ) {
1448 - if ( outline[i].level > lastLevel ) {
1449 - nLevel++;
1450 - }
1451 - else if ( outline[i].level < nLevel ) {
1452 - nLevel -= Math.max( 1, lastLevel - outline[i].level );
1453 - }
1454 - if ( nLevel <= 0 ) {
1455 - nLevel = 1;
1456 - }
1457 - outline[i].nLevel = nLevel;
1458 - lastLevel = outline[i].level;
1459 - }
1460 - // Recursively build the structure and add special item for
1461 - // section 0, if needed
1462 - var structure = buildStructure( outline );
1463 - if ( $( 'input[name=wpSection]' ).val() == '' )
1464 - structure.unshift( { 'text': wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' '), 'level': 1, 'index': 0, 'position': 0 } );
1465 - context.modules.$toc.html( buildList( structure ) );
1466 - // Cache the outline for later use
1467 - context.data.outline = outline;
14681245 }
1469 -}
 1247+'modules': {}
14711249 }; } ) ( jQuery );/**
14721250 * Toolbar module for wikiEditor
@@ -1925,6 +1703,12 @@
19261704 $section.show();
19271705 $(this).addClass( 'current' );
19281706 }
 1708+ //click tracking
 1709+ if($.trackAction != undefined){
 1710+ $.trackAction($section.attr('rel') + '.' + ( show ? 'show': 'hide' ) );
 1711+ }
19291713 $.cookie(
19301714 'wikiEditor-' + $(this).data( 'context' ).instance + '-toolbar-section',
19311715 show ? $section.attr( 'rel' ) : null
@@ -2022,3 +1806,226 @@
20231807 }
20251809 }; } )( jQuery );
 1811+ * TOC Module for wikiEditor
 1812+ */
 1813+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toc = {
 1816+ * API accessible functions
 1817+ */
 1818+api: {
 1819+ //
 1822+ * Internally used functions
 1823+ */
 1824+fn: {
 1825+ /**
 1826+ * Creates a table of contents module within a wikiEditor
 1827+ *
 1828+ * @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
 1829+ * @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
 1830+ */
 1831+ create: function( context, config ) {
 1832+ if ( '$toc' in context.modules ) {
 1833+ return;
 1834+ }
 1835+ context.modules.$toc = $( '<div></div>' )
 1836+ .addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toc' )
 1837+ .attr( 'id', 'wikiEditor-ui-toc' );
 1838+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.build( context, config );
 1839+ context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-bottom' )
 1840+ .append( context.modules.$toc );
 1841+ context.modules.$toc.height(
 1842+ context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-bottom' ).height()
 1843+ );
 1844+ // Make some css modifications to make room for the toc on the right...
 1845+ // Perhaps this could be configurable?
 1846+ context.modules.$toc
 1847+ .css( 'width', '12em' )
 1848+ .css( 'marginTop', -( context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-bottom' ).height() ) );
 1849+ context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-text' )
 1850+ .css( ( $( 'body.rtl' ).size() ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight' ), '12em' );
 1851+ // Add the TOC to the document
 1852+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.build( context );
 1853+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
 1854+ context.$textarea
 1855+ .bind( 'keyup encapsulateSelection',
 1856+ function( event ) {
 1857+ var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
 1858+ $(this).eachAsync( {
 1859+ bulk: 0,
 1860+ loop: function() {
 1861+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.build( context );
 1862+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
 1863+ }
 1864+ } );
 1865+ }
 1866+ )
 1867+ .bind( 'mouseup scrollToPosition',
 1868+ function( event ) {
 1869+ var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
 1870+ $(this).eachAsync( {
 1871+ bulk: 0,
 1872+ loop: function() {
 1873+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
 1874+ }
 1875+ } );
 1876+ }
 1877+ );
 1878+ },
 1879+ /**
 1880+ * Highlight the section the cursor is currently within
 1881+ *
 1882+ * @param {Object} context
 1883+ */
 1884+ update: function( context ) {
 1885+ context.modules.$toc.find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'currentSelection' );
 1886+ var position = context.$textarea.getCaretPosition();
 1887+ var section = 0;
 1888+ if ( context.data.outline.length > 0 ) {
 1889+ // If the caret is before the first heading, you must be in section
 1890+ // 0, and there is no need to look any farther - otherwise check
 1891+ // that the caret is before each section, and when it's not, we now
 1892+ // know what section it is in
 1893+ if ( !( position < context.data.outline[0].position - 1 ) ) {
 1894+ while (
 1895+ section < context.data.outline.length && context.data.outline[section].position - 1 < position
 1896+ ) {
 1897+ section++;
 1898+ }
 1899+ section = Math.max( 0, section );
 1900+ }
 1901+ context.modules.$toc.find( 'a.section-' + section ).addClass( 'currentSelection' );
 1902+ }
 1903+ },
 1904+ /**
 1905+ * Builds table of contents
 1906+ *
 1907+ * @param {Object} context
 1908+ */
 1909+ build: function( context ) {
 1910+ /**
 1911+ * Builds a structured outline from flat outline
 1912+ *
 1913+ * @param {Object} outline Array of objects with level fields
 1914+ */
 1915+ function buildStructure( outline, offset, level ) {
 1916+ if ( offset == undefined ) offset = 0;
 1917+ if ( level == undefined ) level = 1;
 1918+ var sections = [];
 1919+ for ( var i = offset; i < outline.length; i++ ) {
 1920+ if ( outline[i].nLevel == level ) {
 1921+ var sub = buildStructure( outline, i + 1, level + 1 );
 1922+ if ( sub.length ) {
 1923+ outline[i].sections = sub;
 1924+ }
 1925+ sections[sections.length] = outline[i];
 1926+ } else if ( outline[i].nLevel < level ) {
 1927+ break;
 1928+ }
 1929+ }
 1930+ return sections;
 1931+ }
 1932+ /**
 1933+ * Bulds unordered list HTML object from structured outline
 1934+ *
 1935+ * @param {Object} structure Structured outline
 1936+ */
 1937+ function buildList( structure ) {
 1938+ var list = $( '<ul></ul>' );
 1939+ for ( i in structure ) {
 1940+ var item = $( '<li></li>' )
 1941+ .append(
 1942+ $( '<a></a>' )
 1943+ .attr( 'href', '#' )
 1944+ .addClass( 'section-' + structure[i].index )
 1945+ .data( 'textbox', context.$textarea )
 1946+ .data( 'position', structure[i].position )
 1947+ .click( function( event ) {
 1948+ $(this).data( 'textbox' ).scrollToCaretPosition( $(this).data( 'position' ) );
 1949+ event.preventDefault();
 1950+ } )
 1951+ .text( structure[i].text )
 1952+ );
 1953+ if ( structure[i].sections !== undefined ) {
 1954+ item.append( buildList( structure[i].sections ) );
 1955+ }
 1956+ list.append( item );
 1957+ }
 1958+ return list;
 1959+ }
 1960+ // Build outline from wikitext
 1961+ var outline = [];
 1962+ var wikitext = '\n' + context.$textarea.val() + '\n';
 1963+ var headings = wikitext.match( /\n={1,5}.*={1,5}(?=\n)/g );
 1964+ var offset = 0;
 1965+ headings = $.makeArray( headings );
 1966+ for ( var h = 0; h < headings.length; h++ ) {
 1967+ text = headings[h];
 1968+ // Get position of first occurence
 1969+ var position = wikitext.indexOf( text, offset );
 1970+ // Update offset to avoid stumbling on duplicate headings
 1971+ if ( position > offset ) {
 1972+ offset = position;
 1973+ } else if ( position == -1 ) {
 1974+ // Not sure this is possible, or what should happen
 1975+ continue;
 1976+ }
 1977+ // Trim off whitespace
 1978+ text = $.trim( text );
 1979+ // Detect the starting and ending heading levels
 1980+ var startLevel = 0;
 1981+ for ( var c = 0; c < text.length; c++ ) {
 1982+ if ( text.charAt( c ) == '=' ) {
 1983+ startLevel++;
 1984+ } else {
 1985+ break;
 1986+ }
 1987+ }
 1988+ var endLevel = 0;
 1989+ for ( var c = text.length - 1; c >= 0; c-- ) {
 1990+ if ( text.charAt( c ) == '=' ) {
 1991+ endLevel++;
 1992+ } else {
 1993+ break;
 1994+ }
 1995+ }
 1996+ // Use the lowest number of =s as the actual level
 1997+ var level = Math.min( startLevel, endLevel );
 1998+ text = $.trim( text.substr( level, text.length - ( level * 2 ) ) );
 1999+ // Add the heading data to the outline
 2000+ outline[h] = { 'text': text, 'position': position, 'level': level, 'index': h + 1 };
 2001+ }
 2002+ // Normalize heading levels for list creation
 2003+ // This is based on Linker::generateTOC() so, it should behave like the
 2004+ // TOC on rendered articles does - which is considdered to be correct
 2005+ // at this point in time.
 2006+ var lastLevel = 0;
 2007+ var nLevel = 0;
 2008+ for ( var i = 0; i < outline.length; i++ ) {
 2009+ if ( outline[i].level > lastLevel ) {
 2010+ nLevel++;
 2011+ }
 2012+ else if ( outline[i].level < nLevel ) {
 2013+ nLevel -= Math.max( 1, lastLevel - outline[i].level );
 2014+ }
 2015+ if ( nLevel <= 0 ) {
 2016+ nLevel = 1;
 2017+ }
 2018+ outline[i].nLevel = nLevel;
 2019+ lastLevel = outline[i].level;
 2020+ }
 2021+ // Recursively build the structure and add special item for
 2022+ // section 0, if needed
 2023+ var structure = buildStructure( outline );
 2024+ if ( $( 'input[name=wpSection]' ).val() == '' )
 2025+ structure.unshift( { 'text': wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' '), 'level': 1, 'index': 0, 'position': 0 } );
 2026+ context.modules.$toc.html( buildList( structure ) );
 2027+ // Cache the outline for later use
 2028+ context.data.outline = outline;
 2029+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/js/plugins.combined.min.js
@@ -107,34 +107,16 @@
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@@ -173,10 +155,29 @@
174156 $.wikiEditor.autoMsg(row[cell],['html','text'])+'</span></td>';}
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\ No newline at end of file
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 170+sections[sections.length]=outline[i];}else if(outline[i].nLevel<level){break;}}
 171+return sections;}
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 176+text=$.trim(text);var startLevel=0;for(var c=0;c<text.length;c++){if(text.charAt(c)=='='){startLevel++;}else{break;}}
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\ No newline at end of file

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r20485move to language subdirbrion14:10, 15 March 2007


#Comment by Mormegil (talk | contribs)   19:58, 3 September 2009

That would be “Solves bug #20485”, not “Solves r20485”. ;-)

#Comment by Trevor Parscal (WMF) (talk | contribs)   20:17, 3 September 2009

Yes, sorry - that's what I meant...

Status & tagging log