r55128 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r55127‎ | r55128 | r55129 >
Date:07:31, 16 August 2009
UI cleanup
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/ReaderFeedback/language/RatingHistory.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ReaderFeedback/specialpages/RatingHistory_body.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/ReaderFeedback/specialpages/RatingHistory_body.php
@@ -73,11 +73,14 @@
7474 global $wgOut;
7575 # Show latest month of results
7676 $html = ReaderFeedback::getVoteAggregates( $this->page, $this->period, array(),
77 - $this->doPurge ? 'skipCache' : 'useCache'
 77+ ($this->doPurge ? 'skipCache' : 'useCache')
7878 );
79 - if( $html ) {
80 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<h2>'.wfMsgHtml('ratinghistory-table')."</h2>\n".
81 - "<div class='rfb-reader_feedback_ratings'>$html</div>" );
 79+ if( $html != '' ) {
 80+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 81+ '<h2>' . wfMsgHtml('ratinghistory-table') . "</h2>\n" .
 82+ wfMsgExt( 'ratinghistory-ratings', 'parse' ) . "\n" .
 83+ "<div class='rfb-reader_feedback_ratings'>$html</div>"
 84+ );
8285 }
8386 }
Index: trunk/extensions/ReaderFeedback/language/RatingHistory.i18n.php
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
2929 'ratinghistory-table-rating' => 'Rating',
3030 'ratinghistory-table-votes' => 'Votes',
3131 'ratinghistory-none' => 'There is not enough reader feedback data available for graphs at this time.',
32 - 'ratinghistory-legend' => 'The \'\'\'daily average rating\'\'\' <font color="blue">\'\'(blue)\'\'</font> and
33 - \'\'\'running average rating\'\'\' <font color="green">\'\'(green)\'\'</font> are graphed below, by date. The
34 - \'\'\'running average rating\'\'\' is simply the average of all the daily ratings \'\'within\'\' this time frame for each day.
 32+ 'ratinghistory-ratings' => '\'\'\'Legend:\'\'\' \'\'\'(1)\'\'\' - Poor; \'\'\'(2)\'\'\' - Low; \'\'\'(3)\'\'\' - Fair; \'\'\'(4)\'\'\' - High; \'\'\'(5)\'\'\' - Excellent;',
 33+ 'ratinghistory-legend' => 'The \'\'\'daily number of reviews\'\'\' <font color="red">\'\'(red)\'\'</font>, \'\'\'daily average rating\'\'\' <font color="blue">\'\'(blue)\'\'</font>,
 34+ and \'\'\'running average rating\'\'\' <font color="green">\'\'(green)\'\'</font> are graphed below, by date.
 35+ The \'\'\'running average rating\'\'\' is simply the average of all the daily ratings \'\'within\'\' this time frame for each day.
 36+ The ratings are as follows:
36 -Scale: \'\'\'[1]\'\'\' - Poor; \'\'\'[2]\'\'\' - Low; \'\'\'[3]\'\'\' - Fair; \'\'\'[4]\'\'\' - High; \'\'\'[5]\'\'\' - Excellent;
37 -
38 - The \'\'\'number of reviews per day\'\'\' <font color="red">\'\'(red)\'\'</font> is shown on the graphs below; the scale is given for each graph.',
 38+ \'\'\'(1)\'\'\' - Poor; \'\'\'(2)\'\'\' - Low; \'\'\'(3)\'\'\' - Fair; \'\'\'(4)\'\'\' - High; \'\'\'(5)\'\'\' - Excellent;',
3939 'ratinghistory-graph-scale' => '\'\'\'Reviews per day\'\'\' <font color="red">\'\'(red)\'\'</font> shown on a \'\'1:$1\'\' scale.',
4040 'right-feedback' => 'Use the feedback form to rate a page',
4141 );

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