r52329 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r52328‎ | r52329 | r52330 >
Date:22:28, 23 June 2009
Status:deferred (Comments)
* Port deleteImageMemcached, populateLogSearch, runJobs, sql, undelete, updateSpecialPages
* Add generic batch size param
Modified paths:
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/Maintenance.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/deleteImageMemcached.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/populateLogSearch.inc (deleted) (history)
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/populateLogSearch.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/runJobs.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/sql.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/undelete.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/updateSpecialPages.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/populateLogSearch.inc
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * Makes the required database updates for log display in Special:RevisionDelete
5 - *
6 - * Run via update.php or directly through populateLogSearch.php
7 - *
8 - * @file
9 - * @ingroup Maintenance
10 - */
11 -
12 -define( 'LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE', 100 );
13 -
14 -function migrate_log_params( $db ) {
15 - $start = $db->selectField( 'logging', 'MIN(log_id)', false, __FUNCTION__ );
16 - if( !$start ) {
17 - echo "Nothing to do.\n";
18 - return true;
19 - }
20 - $end = $db->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', false, __FUNCTION__ );
21 -
22 - # Do remaining chunk
23 - $end += LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
24 - $blockStart = $start;
25 - $blockEnd = $start + LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
26 - while( $blockEnd <= $end ) {
27 - echo "...doing log_id from $blockStart to $blockEnd\n";
28 - $cond = "log_id BETWEEN $blockStart AND $blockEnd";
29 - $res = $db->select( 'logging', '*', $cond, __FUNCTION__ );
30 - $batch = array();
31 - while( $row = $db->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
32 - // RevisionDelete logs - revisions
33 - if( LogEventsList::typeAction( $row, array('delete','suppress'), 'revision' ) ) {
34 - $params = LogPage::extractParams( $row->log_params );
35 - // Param format: <urlparam> <item CSV> [<ofield> <nfield>]
36 - if( count($params) >= 2 ) {
37 - $field = RevisionDeleter::getRelationType($params[0]);
38 - // B/C, the params may start with a title key
39 - if( $field == null ) {
40 - array_shift($params);
41 - $field = RevisionDeleter::getRelationType($params[0]);
42 - }
43 - if( $field == null ) {
44 - echo "Invalid param type for $row->log_id\n";
45 - continue; // skip this row
46 - }
47 - $items = explode(',',$params[1]);
48 - $log = new LogPage( $row->log_type );
49 - $log->addRelations( $field, $items, $row->log_id );
50 - }
51 - // RevisionDelete logs - log events
52 - } else if( LogEventsList::typeAction( $row, array('delete','suppress'), 'event' ) ) {
53 - $params = LogPage::extractParams( $row->log_params );
54 - // Param format: <item CSV> [<ofield> <nfield>]
55 - if( count($params) >= 1 ) {
56 - $items = explode(',',$params[0]);
57 - $log = new LogPage( $row->log_type );
58 - $log->addRelations( 'log_id', $items, $row->log_id );
59 - }
60 - }
61 - }
62 - $blockStart += LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE;
63 - $blockEnd += LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE;
64 - wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
65 - }
66 - if( $db->insert(
67 - 'updatelog',
68 - array( 'ul_key' => 'populate log_search' ),
69 - __FUNCTION__,
70 - 'IGNORE'
71 - )
72 - ) {
73 - wfOut( "log_search population complete.\n" );
74 - return true;
75 - } else {
76 - wfOut( "Could not insert log_search population row.\n" );
77 - return false;
78 - }
79 -}
Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/undelete.php
@@ -6,34 +6,35 @@
77 * @ingroup Maintenance
88 */
10 -$usage = <<<EOT
11 -Undelete a page
12 -Usage: php undelete.php [-u <user>] [-r <reason>] <pagename>
 10+require_once( "Maintenance.php" );
14 -EOT;
 12+class Undelete extends Maintenance {
 13+ public function __construct() {
 14+ parent::__construct();
 15+ $this->mDescription = "Undelete a page";
 16+ $this->addParam( 'u', 'The user to perform the undeletion', false, true );
 17+ $this->addParam( 'r', 'The reason to undelete', false, true );
 18+ $this->addArgs( array( 'pagename' ) );
 19+ }
16 -$optionsWithArgs = array( 'u', 'r' );
17 -require_once( 'commandLine.inc' );
 21+ public function execute() {
 22+ global $wgUser;
19 -$user = 'Command line script';
20 -$reason = '';
 24+ $user = $this->getOption( 'u', 'Command line script' );
 25+ $reason = $this->getOption( 'r', '' );
 26+ $pageName = $this->getArg();
22 -if ( isset( $options['u'] ) ) {
23 - $user = $options['u'];
 28+ $title = Title::newFromText( $pageName );
 29+ if ( !$title ) {
 30+ $this->error( "Invalid title", true );
 31+ }
 32+ $wgUser = User::newFromName( $user );
 33+ $archive = new PageArchive( $title );
 34+ $this->output( "Undeleting " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . '...' );
 35+ $archive->undelete( array(), $reason );
 36+ $this->output( "done\n" );
 37+ }
2438 }
25 -if ( isset( $options['r'] ) ) {
26 - $reason = $options['r'];
27 -}
28 -$pageName = @$args[0];
29 -$title = Title::newFromText( $pageName );
30 -if ( !$title ) {
31 - echo $usage;
32 - exit( 1 );
33 -}
34 -$wgUser = User::newFromName( $user );
35 -$archive = new PageArchive( $title );
36 -echo "Undeleting " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . '...';
37 -$archive->undelete( array(), $reason );
38 -echo "done\n";
40 -
 40+$maintClass = "Undelete";
 41+require_once( DO_MAINTENANCE );
Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/updateSpecialPages.php
@@ -6,114 +6,114 @@
77 * @file
88 * @ingroup Maintenance
99 */
10 -$options = array('only','help');
 11+require_once( "Maintenance.php" );
12 -require_once( 'commandLine.inc' );
13 -
14 -require_once( "$IP/includes/SpecialPage.php" );
15 -require_once( "$IP/includes/QueryPage.php" );
16 -
17 -if(@$options['help']) {
18 - print "usage:updateSpecialPages.php [--help] [--only=page]\n";
19 - print " --help : this help message\n";
20 - print " --list : list special pages names\n";
21 - print " --only=page : only update 'page'. Ex: --only=BrokenRedirects\n";
22 - print " --override : update even pages which have had updates disabled\n";
23 - wfDie();
24 -}
25 -
26 -$wgOut->disable();
27 -$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
28 -
29 -foreach( $wgSpecialPageCacheUpdates as $special => $call ) {
30 - if( !is_callable($call) ) {
31 - print "Uncallable function $call!\n";
32 - continue;
 13+class UpdateSpecialPages extends Maintenance {
 14+ public function __construct() {
 15+ parent::__construct();
 16+ $this->addParam( 'list', 'List special page names' );
 17+ $this->addParam( 'only', 'Only update "page". Ex: --only=BrokenRedirects', false, true );
 18+ $this->addParam( 'override', 'Also update pages that have updates disabled' );
3319 }
34 - $t1 = explode( ' ', microtime() );
35 - call_user_func( $call, $dbw );
36 - $t2 = explode( ' ', microtime() );
37 - printf( '%-30s ', $special );
38 - $elapsed = ($t2[0] - $t1[0]) + ($t2[1] - $t1[1]);
39 - $hours = intval( $elapsed / 3600 );
40 - $minutes = intval( $elapsed % 3600 / 60 );
41 - $seconds = $elapsed - $hours * 3600 - $minutes * 60;
42 - if ( $hours ) {
43 - print $hours . 'h ';
44 - }
45 - if ( $minutes ) {
46 - print $minutes . 'm ';
47 - }
48 - printf( "completed in %.2fs\n", $seconds );
49 - # Wait for the slave to catch up
50 - wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
51 -}
53 -foreach( $wgQueryPages as $page ) {
54 - @list( $class, $special, $limit ) = $page;
 21+ public function execute() {
 22+ global $wgOut;
 23+ $wgOut->disable();
 24+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
56 - # --list : just show the name of pages
57 - if( @$options['list'] ) {
58 - print "$special\n";
59 - continue;
60 - }
61 -
62 - if ( !isset( $options['override'] ) && $wgDisableQueryPageUpdate && in_array( $special, $wgDisableQueryPageUpdate ) ) {
63 - printf("%-30s disabled\n", $special);
64 - continue;
65 - }
66 -
67 - $specialObj = SpecialPage::getPage( $special );
68 - if ( !$specialObj ) {
69 - print "No such special page: $special\n";
70 - exit;
71 - }
72 - if ( !class_exists( $class ) ) {
73 - $file = $specialObj->getFile();
74 - require_once( $file );
75 - }
76 - $queryPage = new $class;
77 -
78 - if( !isset($options['only']) or $options['only'] == $queryPage->getName() ) {
79 - printf( '%-30s ', $special );
80 - if ( $queryPage->isExpensive() ) {
 26+ foreach( $wgSpecialPageCacheUpdates as $special => $call ) {
 27+ if( !is_callable($call) ) {
 28+ $this->error( "Uncallable function $call!\n" );
 29+ continue;
 30+ }
8131 $t1 = explode( ' ', microtime() );
82 - # Do the query
83 - $num = $queryPage->recache( $limit === null ? $wgQueryCacheLimit : $limit );
 32+ call_user_func( $call, $dbw );
8433 $t2 = explode( ' ', microtime() );
85 - if ( $num === false ) {
86 - print "FAILED: database error\n";
87 - } else {
88 - print "got $num rows in ";
89 -
90 - $elapsed = ($t2[0] - $t1[0]) + ($t2[1] - $t1[1]);
91 - $hours = intval( $elapsed / 3600 );
92 - $minutes = intval( $elapsed % 3600 / 60 );
93 - $seconds = $elapsed - $hours * 3600 - $minutes * 60;
94 - if ( $hours ) {
95 - print $hours . 'h ';
 34+ $this->output( sprintf( '%-30s ', $special ) );
 35+ $elapsed = ($t2[0] - $t1[0]) + ($t2[1] - $t1[1]);
 36+ $hours = intval( $elapsed / 3600 );
 37+ $minutes = intval( $elapsed % 3600 / 60 );
 38+ $seconds = $elapsed - $hours * 3600 - $minutes * 60;
 39+ if ( $hours ) {
 40+ $this->output( $hours . 'h ' );
 41+ }
 42+ if ( $minutes ) {
 43+ $this->output( $minutes . 'm ' );
 44+ }
 45+ $this->output( sprintf( "completed in %.2fs\n", $seconds ) );
 46+ # Wait for the slave to catch up
 47+ wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
 48+ }
 50+ foreach( $wgQueryPages as $page ) {
 51+ @list( $class, $special, $limit ) = $page;
 53+ # --list : just show the name of pages
 54+ if( $this->hasOption('list') ) {
 55+ $this->output( "$special\n" );
 56+ continue;
 57+ }
 59+ if ( $this->hasOption('override') && $wgDisableQueryPageUpdate && in_array( $special, $wgDisableQueryPageUpdate ) ) {
 60+ $this->output( sprintf( "%-30s disabled\n", $special ) );
 61+ continue;
 62+ }
 64+ $specialObj = SpecialPage::getPage( $special );
 65+ if ( !$specialObj ) {
 66+ $this->output( "No such special page: $special\n" );
 67+ exit;
 68+ }
 69+ if ( !class_exists( $class ) ) {
 70+ $file = $specialObj->getFile();
 71+ require_once( $file );
 72+ }
 73+ $queryPage = new $class;
 75+ if( !$this->hasOption('only') || $this->getOption('only') == $queryPage->getName() ) {
 76+ $this->output( sprintf( '%-30s ', $special ) );
 77+ if ( $queryPage->isExpensive() ) {
 78+ $t1 = explode( ' ', microtime() );
 79+ # Do the query
 80+ $num = $queryPage->recache( $limit === null ? $wgQueryCacheLimit : $limit );
 81+ $t2 = explode( ' ', microtime() );
 82+ if ( $num === false ) {
 83+ $this->output( "FAILED: database error\n" );
 84+ } else {
 85+ $this->output( "got $num rows in " );
 87+ $elapsed = ($t2[0] - $t1[0]) + ($t2[1] - $t1[1]);
 88+ $hours = intval( $elapsed / 3600 );
 89+ $minutes = intval( $elapsed % 3600 / 60 );
 90+ $seconds = $elapsed - $hours * 3600 - $minutes * 60;
 91+ if ( $hours ) {
 92+ $this->output( $hours . 'h ' );
 93+ }
 94+ if ( $minutes ) {
 95+ $this->output( $minutes . 'm ' );
 96+ }
 97+ $this->output( sprintf( "%.2fs\n", $seconds ) );
9698 }
97 - if ( $minutes ) {
98 - print $minutes . 'm ';
 99+ # Reopen any connections that have closed
 100+ if ( !wfGetLB()->pingAll()) {
 101+ $this->output( "\n" );
 102+ do {
 103+ $this->error( "Connection failed, reconnecting in 10 seconds...\n" );
 104+ sleep(10);
 105+ } while ( !wfGetLB()->pingAll() );
 106+ $this->output( "Reconnected\n\n" );
 107+ } else {
 108+ # Commit the results
 109+ $dbw->immediateCommit();
99110 }
100 - printf( "%.2fs\n", $seconds );
 111+ # Wait for the slave to catch up
 112+ wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
 113+ } else {
 114+ $this->output( "cheap, skipped\n" );
 115+ }
 116+ }
101117 }
102 - # Reopen any connections that have closed
103 - if ( !wfGetLB()->pingAll()) {
104 - print "\n";
105 - do {
106 - print "Connection failed, reconnecting in 10 seconds...\n";
107 - sleep(10);
108 - } while ( !wfGetLB()->pingAll() );
109 - print "Reconnected\n\n";
110 - } else {
111 - # Commit the results
112 - $dbw->immediateCommit();
113 - }
114 - # Wait for the slave to catch up
115 - wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
116 - } else {
117 - print "cheap, skipped\n";
118 - }
119118 }
120119 }
Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/runJobs.php
@@ -10,71 +10,77 @@
1111 * @ingroup Maintenance
1212 */
14 -$optionsWithArgs = array( 'maxjobs', 'type', 'procs' );
15 -$wgUseNormalUser = true;
16 -require_once( 'commandLine.inc' );
 14+require_once( "Maintenance.php" );
18 -if ( isset( $options['procs'] ) ) {
19 - $procs = intval( $options['procs'] );
20 - if ( $procs < 1 || $procs > 1000 ) {
21 - echo "Invalid argument to --procs\n";
22 - exit( 1 );
 16+class RunJobs extends Maintenance {
 17+ public function __construct() {
 18+ global $wgUseNormalUser;
 19+ parent::__construct();
 20+ $this->mDescription = "Run pending jobs";
 21+ $this->addParam( 'maxjobs', 'Maximum number of jobs to run', false, true );
 22+ $this->addParam( 'type', 'Type of job to run', false, true );
 23+ $this->addParam( 'procs', 'Number of processes to use', false, true );
 24+ $wgUseNormalUser = true;
2325 }
24 - $fc = new ForkController( $procs );
25 - if ( $fc->start( $procs ) != 'child' ) {
26 - exit( 0 );
27 - }
28 -}
30 -if ( isset( $options['maxjobs'] ) ) {
31 - $maxJobs = $options['maxjobs'];
32 -} else {
33 - $maxJobs = 10000;
34 -}
 27+ public function execute() {
 28+ global $wgTitle;
 29+ if ( $this->hasOption( 'procs' ) ) {
 30+ $procs = intval( $this->getOption('procs') );
 31+ if ( $procs < 1 || $procs > 1000 ) {
 32+ $this->error( "Invalid argument to --procs\n", true );
 33+ }
 34+ $fc = new ForkController( $procs );
 35+ if ( $fc->start( $procs ) != 'child' ) {
 36+ exit( 0 );
 37+ }
 38+ }
 39+ $maxJobs = $this->getOption( 'maxjobs', 10000 );
 40+ $type = $this->getOption( 'type', false );
 41+ $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( 'RunJobs.php' );
 42+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 43+ $n = 0;
 44+ $conds = '';
 45+ if ($type !== false)
 46+ $conds = "job_cmd = " . $dbw->addQuotes($type);
36 -$type = false;
37 -if ( isset( $options['type'] ) )
38 - $type = $options['type'];
39 -
40 -$wgTitle = Title::newFromText( 'RunJobs.php' );
41 -
42 -$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
43 -$n = 0;
44 -$conds = '';
45 -if ($type !== false)
46 - $conds = "job_cmd = " . $dbw->addQuotes($type);
47 -
48 -while ( $dbw->selectField( 'job', 'job_id', $conds, 'runJobs.php' ) ) {
49 - $offset=0;
50 - for (;;) {
51 - $job = ($type == false) ?
52 - Job::pop($offset)
53 - : Job::pop_type($type);
54 -
55 - if ($job == false)
56 - break;
57 -
58 - wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
59 - $t = microtime( true );
60 - $offset=$job->id;
61 - $status = $job->run();
62 - $t = microtime( true ) - $t;
63 - $timeMs = intval( $t * 1000 );
64 - if ( !$status ) {
65 - runJobsLog( $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs error={$job->error}" );
66 - } else {
67 - runJobsLog( $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs good" );
 48+ while ( $dbw->selectField( 'job', 'job_id', $conds, 'runJobs.php' ) ) {
 49+ $offset=0;
 50+ for (;;) {
 51+ $job = ($type == false) ?
 52+ Job::pop($offset)
 53+ : Job::pop_type($type);
 55+ if ($job == false)
 56+ break;
 58+ wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
 59+ $t = microtime( true );
 60+ $offset=$job->id;
 61+ $status = $job->run();
 62+ $t = microtime( true ) - $t;
 63+ $timeMs = intval( $t * 1000 );
 64+ if ( !$status ) {
 65+ $this->runJobsLog( $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs error={$job->error}" );
 66+ } else {
 67+ $this->runJobsLog( $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs good" );
 68+ }
 69+ if ( $maxJobs && ++$n > $maxJobs ) {
 70+ break 2;
 71+ }
 72+ }
6873 }
69 - if ( $maxJobs && ++$n > $maxJobs ) {
70 - break 2;
71 - }
7274 }
73 -}
75 -
76 -function runJobsLog( $msg ) {
77 - print wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) . " $msg\n";
78 - wfDebugLog( 'runJobs', $msg );
 76+ /**
 77+ * Log the job message
 78+ * @param $msg String The message to log
 79+ */
 80+ private function runJobsLog( $msg ) {
 81+ $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) . " $msg\n" );
 82+ wfDebugLog( 'runJobs', $msg );
 83+ }
7984 }
81 -
 86+$maintClass = "RunJobs";
 87+require_once( DO_MAINTENANCE );
Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/Maintenance.php
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
4848 // Have we already loaded our user input?
4949 private $inputLoaded = false;
 51+ // Batch size
 52+ protected $mBatchSize = 100;
5154 /**
5255 * Default constructor. Children should call this if implementing
@@ -125,6 +128,14 @@
126129 }
128131 /**
 132+ * Set the batch size.
 133+ * @param $s int The number of operations to do in a batch
 134+ */
 135+ protected function setBatchSize( $s = 0 ) {
 136+ $this->mBatchSize = $s;
 137+ }
 139+ /**
129140 * Return input from stdin.
130141 * @param $length int The number of bytes to read. If null,
131142 * just return the handle
Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/deleteImageMemcached.php
@@ -3,40 +3,36 @@
44 * This script delete image information from memcached.
55 *
66 * Usage example:
7 - * php deleteImageMemcached.php --until "2005-09-05 00:00:00" --sleep 0 --report 10
 7+ * php deleteImageMemcached.php --until "2005-09-05 00:00:00" --sleep 0
88 *
99 * @file
1010 * @ingroup Maintenance
1111 */
13 -$optionsWithArgs = array( 'until', 'sleep', 'report' );
 13+require_once( "Maintenance.php" );
15 -require_once 'commandLine.inc';
16 -
17 -/**
18 - * @ingroup Maintenance
19 - */
20 -class DeleteImageCache {
21 - var $until, $sleep, $report;
22 -
23 - function DeleteImageCache( $until, $sleep, $report ) {
24 - $this->until = $until;
25 - $this->sleep = $sleep;
26 - $this->report = $report;
 15+class DeleteImageCache extends Maintenance {
 16+ public function __construct() {
 17+ parent::__construct();
 18+ $this->mDescription = "Delete image information from memcached";
 19+ $this->addParam( 'sleep', 'How many seconds to sleep between deletions', true, true );
 20+ $this->addParam( 'until', 'Timestamp to delete all entries prior to', true, true );
2721 }
29 - function main() {
 23+ public function execute() {
3024 global $wgMemc;
31 - $fname = 'DeleteImageCache::main';
 26+ $until = preg_replace( "/[^\d]/", '', $this->getOption('until') );
 27+ $sleep = (int)$this->getOption('sleep') * 1000; // milliseconds
3329 ini_set( 'display_errors', false );
3531 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
3733 $res = $dbr->select( 'image',
3834 array( 'img_name' ),
39 - array( "img_timestamp < {$this->until}" ),
40 - $fname
 35+ array( "img_timestamp < {$until}" ),
 36+ __METHOD__
4137 );
4339 $i = 0;
@@ -44,29 +40,22 @@
4642 while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
4743 if ($i % $this->report == 0)
48 - printf("%s: %13s done (%s)\n", wfWikiID(), "$i/$total", wfPercent( $i / $total * 100 ));
 44+ $this->output( sprintf("%s: %13s done (%s)\n", wfWikiID(), "$i/$total", wfPercent( $i / $total * 100 ) ) );
4945 $md5 = md5( $row->img_name );
5046 $wgMemc->delete( wfMemcKey( 'Image', $md5 ) );
52 - if ($this->sleep != 0)
53 - usleep( $this->sleep );
 48+ if ($sleep != 0)
 49+ usleep( $sleep );
5551 ++$i;
5652 }
5753 }
59 - function getImageCount() {
60 - $fname = 'DeleteImageCache::getImageCount';
61 -
 55+ private function getImageCount() {
6256 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
63 - return $dbr->selectField( 'image', 'COUNT(*)', array(), $fname );
 57+ return $dbr->selectField( 'image', 'COUNT(*)', array(), __METHOD__ );
6458 }
6559 }
67 -$until = preg_replace( "/[^\d]/", '', $options['until'] );
68 -$sleep = (int)$options['sleep'] * 1000; // milliseconds
69 -$report = (int)$options['report'];
70 -
71 -$dic = new DeleteImageCache( $until, $sleep, $report );
72 -$dic->main();
73 -
 61+$maintClass = "DeleteImageCache";
 62+require_once( DO_MAINTENANCE );
Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/populateLogSearch.php
@@ -9,13 +9,88 @@
1010 * @ingroup Maintenance
1111 */
13 -require_once 'commandLine.inc';
14 -require_once 'populateLogSearch.inc';
 13+require_once( "Maintenance.php" );
 15+class PopulateLogSearch extends Maintenance {
 17+ const LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE = 100;
 19+ public function __construct() {
 20+ parent::__construct();
 21+ $this->mDescription = "Migrate log params to new table and index for searching";
 22+ }
 24+ public function execute() {
 25+ $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 26+ if ( !$db->tableExists( 'log_search' ) ) {
 27+ $this->error( "log_search does not exist\n", true );
 28+ }
 29+ $start = $db->selectField( 'logging', 'MIN(log_id)', false, __FUNCTION__ );
 30+ if( !$start ) {
 31+ $this->output( "Nothing to do.\n" );
 32+ return true;
 33+ }
 34+ $end = $db->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', false, __FUNCTION__ );
16 -$db =& wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
17 -if ( !$db->tableExists( 'log_search' ) ) {
18 - echo "log_search does not exist\n";
19 - exit( 1 );
 36+ # Do remaining chunk
 37+ $end += self::LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
 38+ $blockStart = $start;
 39+ $blockEnd = $start + self::LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
 40+ while( $blockEnd <= $end ) {
 41+ $this->output( "...doing log_id from $blockStart to $blockEnd\n" );
 42+ $cond = "log_id BETWEEN $blockStart AND $blockEnd";
 43+ $res = $db->select( 'logging', '*', $cond, __FUNCTION__ );
 44+ $batch = array();
 45+ while( $row = $db->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
 46+ // RevisionDelete logs - revisions
 47+ if( LogEventsList::typeAction( $row, array('delete','suppress'), 'revision' ) ) {
 48+ $params = LogPage::extractParams( $row->log_params );
 49+ // Param format: <urlparam> <item CSV> [<ofield> <nfield>]
 50+ if( count($params) >= 2 ) {
 51+ $field = RevisionDeleter::getRelationType($params[0]);
 52+ // B/C, the params may start with a title key
 53+ if( $field == null ) {
 54+ array_shift($params);
 55+ $field = RevisionDeleter::getRelationType($params[0]);
 56+ }
 57+ if( $field == null ) {
 58+ $this->output( "Invalid param type for $row->log_id\n" );
 59+ continue; // skip this row
 60+ }
 61+ $items = explode(',',$params[1]);
 62+ $log = new LogPage( $row->log_type );
 63+ $log->addRelations( $field, $items, $row->log_id );
 64+ }
 65+ // RevisionDelete logs - log events
 66+ } else if( LogEventsList::typeAction( $row, array('delete','suppress'), 'event' ) ) {
 67+ $params = LogPage::extractParams( $row->log_params );
 68+ // Param format: <item CSV> [<ofield> <nfield>]
 69+ if( count($params) >= 1 ) {
 70+ $items = explode(',',$params[0]);
 71+ $log = new LogPage( $row->log_type );
 72+ $log->addRelations( 'log_id', $items, $row->log_id );
 73+ }
 74+ }
 75+ }
 76+ $blockStart += self::LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE;
 77+ $blockEnd += self::LOG_SEARCH_BATCH_SIZE;
 78+ wfWaitForSlaves( 5 );
 79+ }
 80+ if( $db->insert(
 81+ 'updatelog',
 82+ array( 'ul_key' => 'populate log_search' ),
 83+ __FUNCTION__,
 84+ 'IGNORE'
 85+ )
 86+ ) {
 87+ $this->output( "log_search population complete.\n" );
 88+ return true;
 89+ } else {
 90+ $this->output( "Could not insert log_search population row.\n" );
 91+ return false;
 92+ }
 93+ }
2094 }
22 -migrate_log_params( $db );
 96+$maintClass = "PopulateLogSearch";
 97+require_once( DO_MAINTENANCE );
Index: branches/maintenance-work/maintenance/sql.php
@@ -7,38 +7,56 @@
88 * @ingroup Database Maintenance
99 */
11 -require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'commandLine.inc' );
 11+require_once( "Maintenance.php" );
13 -if ( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
14 - echo "Send SQL queries to a MediaWiki database.\nUsage: php sql.php [<file>]\n";
15 - exit( 1 );
16 -}
 13+class MwSql extends Maintenance {
 14+ public function __construct() {
 15+ parent::__construct();
 16+ $this->mDescription = "Send SQL queries to a MediaWiki database";
 17+ }
18 -if ( isset( $args[0] ) ) {
19 - $fileName = $args[0];
20 - $file = fopen( $fileName, 'r' );
21 - $promptCallback = false;
22 -} else {
23 - $file = STDIN;
24 - $promptObject = new SqlPromptPrinter( "> " );
25 - $promptCallback = $promptObject->cb();
26 -}
 19+ public function execute() {
 20+ if ( $this->hasArg() ) {
 21+ $fileName = $this->getArg();
 22+ $file = fopen( $fileName, 'r' );
 23+ $promptCallback = false;
 24+ } else {
 25+ $file = $this->getStdin();
 26+ $promptObject = new SqlPromptPrinter( "> " );
 27+ $promptCallback = $promptObject->cb();
 28+ }
 30+ if ( !$file )
 31+ $this->error( "Unable to open input file\n", true );
28 -if ( !$file ) {
29 - echo "Unable to open input file\n";
30 - exit( 1 );
31 -}
 33+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 34+ $error = $dbw->sourceStream( $file, $promptCallback, array( $this, 'sqlPrintResult' ) );
 35+ if ( $error !== true ) {
 36+ $this->error( $error, true );
 37+ } else {
 38+ exit( 0 );
 39+ }
 40+ }
33 -$dbw =& wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
34 -$error = $dbw->sourceStream( $file, $promptCallback, 'sqlPrintResult' );
35 -if ( $error !== true ) {
36 - echo $error;
37 - exit( 1 );
38 -} else {
39 - exit( 0 );
 42+ /**
 43+ * Print the results, callback for $db->sourceStream()
 44+ * @param $res The results object
 45+ * @param $db Database object
 46+ */
 47+ public function sqlPrintResult( $res, $db ) {
 48+ if ( !$res ) {
 49+ // Do nothing
 50+ } elseif ( is_object( $res ) && $res->numRows() ) {
 51+ while ( $row = $res->fetchObject() ) {
 52+ $this->output( print_r( $row, true ) );
 53+ }
 54+ } else {
 55+ $affected = $db->affectedRows();
 56+ $this->output( "Query OK, $affected row(s) affected\n" );
 57+ }
 58+ }
4059 }
42 -//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4361 class SqlPromptPrinter {
4462 function __construct( $prompt ) {
4563 $this->prompt = $prompt;
@@ -53,17 +71,5 @@
5472 }
5573 }
57 -function sqlPrintResult( $res, $db ) {
58 - if ( !$res ) {
59 - // Do nothing
60 - } elseif ( is_object( $res ) && $res->numRows() ) {
61 - while ( $row = $res->fetchObject() ) {
62 - print_r( $row );
63 - }
64 - } else {
65 - $affected = $db->affectedRows();
66 - echo "Query OK, $affected row(s) affected\n";
67 - }
68 -}
69 -
70 -
 75+$maintClass = "MwSql";
 76+require_once( DO_MAINTENANCE );


#Comment by Simetrical (talk | contribs)   01:18, 24 June 2009

If what you're doing at this point is mostly just porting the old scripts, why don't you merge this branch with trunk and do it there? (Or do the old maintenance scripts not work in your branch for some reason?) If there's something wrong with your new maintenance framework, better to have it show up when people find problems with the few commonly-used scripts than for it to only turn up once you've laboriously converted everything.

#Comment by 😂 (talk | contribs)   01:33, 24 June 2009

I can merge without the deletions until we're more sure of not breaking things.

Status & tagging log