r29788 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r29787‎ | r29788 | r29789 >
Date:14:38, 15 January 2008
* update indentation of SignDocument messages files
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SignDocument/SignDocument.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SignDocument/SpecialCreateSignDocument.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SignDocument/SpecialSignDocument.i18n.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SignDocument/SignDocument.i18n.php
@@ -9,61 +9,61 @@
1010 'signaturelogpage' => 'Signature Log',
1111 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'This is a log of all signatures added to documents via [[Special:SignDocument]].',
1212 'signaturelogentry' => 'signed the document $1',
13 - );
1515 $messages['ar'] = array(
1616 'signaturelogpage' => 'سجل التوقيع',
1717 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'هذا سجل بكل التوقيعات التي أضيفت إلى الوثائق من خلال [[Special:SignDocument]].',
1818 'signaturelogentry' => 'وقع الوثيقة $1',
19 - );
2121 $messages['de'] = array(
2222 'signaturelogpage' => 'Unterschrifts-Logbuch',
2323 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Dies ist das Unterschrifts-Logbuch für Dokumente, die über die Seite [[{{ns:special}}:SignDocument]] unterschrieben werden können.',
2424 'signaturelogentry' => 'hat das Dokument $1 unterschrieben',
25 - );
2727 $messages['fr'] = array(
2828 'signaturelogpage' => 'Journal des signatures',
2929 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Ceci est le journal de toutes les signatures ajoutées aux documents via [[Special:SignDocument]].',
3030 'signaturelogentry' => 'a signé le document $1.',
31 - );
3333 $messages['gl'] = array(
3434 'signaturelogpage' => 'Rexistro de Sinaturas',
3535 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Este é un rexistro de todas as sinaturas engadidas aos documentos mediante [[Special:SignDocument]].',
3636 'signaturelogentry' => 'asinou o documento $1',
37 - );
3939 $messages['hsb'] = array(
4040 'signaturelogpage' => 'Proatokol podpisow',
4141 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Tio estas protokol wšěch podpisow, kotrež buchu přez [[Special:SignDocument]] dokumentam přidate.',
4242 'signaturelogentry' => 'je dokument $1 podpisał',
43 - );
4545 $messages['nl'] = array(
4646 'signaturelogpage' => 'Logboek ondertekeningen',
4747 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Dit is een logboek van alle ondertekeningen van documenten via [[Special:SignDocument]].',
4848 'signaturelogentry' => 'ondertekende het document $1',
49 - );
5151 $messages['no'] = array(
5252 'signaturelogpage' => 'Signaturlogg',
5353 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Dette er en logg over alle signaturer lagt til dokumenter via [[Special:SignDocument]].',
5454 'signaturelogentry' => 'signerte dokumentet $1',
55 - );
5757 $messages['oc'] = array(
5858 'signaturelogpage' => 'Jornal de las signaturas',
5959 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Aquò es lo jornal de totas las signaturas ajustadas als documents via [[Special:SignDocument]].',
6060 'signaturelogentry' => 'a signat lo document $1.',
61 - );
6363 $messages['pms'] = array(
6464 'signaturelogpage' => 'Registr dle firme',
6565 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Sòn a l\'é ël registr dle firme giontà ant sëj document ën dovrand la fonsion ëd [[Special:SignDocument|firma digital]].',
6666 'signaturelogentry' => 'a l\'é firmasse ël document $1',
67 - );
6969 /** Slovak (Slovenčina)
7070 * @author Helix84
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
7373 'signaturelogpage' => 'Záznam podpisov',
7474 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Toto je záznam všetkých podpisov, ktoré boli pridané do dokumentov prostredníctvom [[Special:SignDocument]].',
7575 'signaturelogentry' => 'podpísal dokument $1',
76 - );
7878 /** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
7979 * @author Pyt
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
8282 'signaturelogpage' => 'Unnerschrifts-Logbouk',
8383 'signaturelogpagetext' => 'Dit is dät Unnerschrifts-Logbouk foar Dokumente, do der uur ju Siede [[{{ns:special}}:SignDocument]] unnerschrieuwen wäide konnen.',
8484 'signaturelogentry' => 'häd dät Dokument $1 unnerschrieuwen',
85 - );
8787 /** Volapük (Volapük)
8888 * @author Malafaya
@@ -90,25 +90,25 @@
9191 'sign-realname' => 'Nem:',
9292 'sign-viewfield-realname' => 'Nem',
9393 'sign-viewfield-reviewcomment' => 'Küpet',
94 - );
9696 $messages['yue'] = array(
9797 'signaturelogpage' => '簽名日誌',
9898 'signaturelogpagetext' => '呢個係全部經過[[Special:SignDocument]]簽過名嘅文件嘅日誌。',
9999 'signaturelogentry' => '簽咗$1文件',
100 - );
102102 $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
103103 'signaturelogpage' => '签署日志',
104104 'signaturelogpagetext' => '这个是所有经过[[Special:SignDocument]]签署文件的日志。',
105105 'signaturelogentry' => '已经签署$1文件',
106 - );
108108 $messages['zh-hant'] = array(
109109 'signaturelogpage' => '簽署日誌',
110110 'signaturelogpagetext' => '這個是所有經過[[Special:SignDocument]]簽署文件的日誌。',
111111 'signaturelogentry' => '已經簽署$1文件',
112 - );
114114 $messages['zh'] = $messages['zh-hans'];
115115 $messages['zh-cn'] = $messages['zh-hans'];
Index: trunk/extensions/SignDocument/SpecialSignDocument.i18n.php
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
2 -<?PHP
44 /* Messages for Special:SignDocument.
5 - * @addtogroup Extensions
 5+ * @addtogroup Extensions
66 */
88 $messages = array();
9 -$messages['en'] = array(
 10+$messages['en'] = array(
1011 'signdocument' => 'Sign Document',
1112 'sign-nodocselected' => 'Please select the document you wish to sign.',
1213 'sign-selectdoc' => 'Document:',
13 - 'sign-docheader' =>
14 -'<div class="noarticletext">Please use this form to sign the document "[[$1]]," ' .
 14+ 'sign-docheader' =>
 15+'<div class="noarticletext">Please use this form to sign the document "[[$1]]," ' .
1516 'shown below. Please read through the entire document, and if you wish to indicate your '.
1617 'support for it, please fill in the required fields to sign it.</div>',
1718 'sign-error-nosuchdoc' => 'The document you requested ($1) does not exist.',
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
2526 'sign-bday' => 'Age:',
2627 'sign-email' => 'E-mail address:',
2728 'sign-indicates-req' => '<small><i><font color="red">*</font> indicates required field.</i></small>',
28 - 'sign-hide-note' =>
 29+ 'sign-hide-note' =>
2930 '<small><i><font color="red">**</font> Note: Unlisted information will still be visible to moderators.</i></small>',
3031 'sign-list-anonymous' => 'List anonymously',
3132 'sign-list-hideaddress'=> 'Do not list address',
@@ -39,10 +40,10 @@
4041 'below and clicking "Sign Document." Please ' .
4142 'ensure that your personal information is correct and that we have some way to contact you ' .
4243 'to verify your identity. Note that your [[wikipedia:IP address|IP address]] ' .
43 -'and other identifying information will be recorded by this form and used by moderators ' .
 44+'and other identifying information will be recorded by this form and used by moderators ' .
4445 'to eliminate duplicate signatures and confirm the correctness of your personal information. ' .
45 -'As the use of open and anonymizing proxies inhibits our ability to perform this task, ' .
46 -'signatures from such proxies will likely not be counted. If you are currently connected ' .
 46+'As the use of open and anonymizing proxies inhibits our ability to perform this task, ' .
 47+'signatures from such proxies will likely not be counted. If you are currently connected ' .
4748 'through a proxy server, please disconnect from it and use a standard connection while signing. '.
4849 '<br /><br /> $1',
4950 'sig-success' => 'You have successfully signed the document.',
@@ -102,14 +103,17 @@
103104 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail'=> 'Similar email',
104105 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} '.
105106 '$1] signed [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
106 - );
107109 $messages['af'] = array(
108110 'sign-realname' => 'Naam:',
109111 'sign-viewfield-realname' => 'Naam',
110 - );
111114 $messages['ang'] = array(
112115 'sign-realname' => 'Nama:',
113 - );
114118 $messages['ar'] = array(
115119 'signdocument' => 'توقيع الوثيقة',
116120 'sign-nodocselected' => 'من فضلك اختر الوثيقة التي تود توقيعها.',
@@ -190,7 +194,8 @@
191195 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'هاتف مشابه',
192196 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'بريد إلكتروني مشابه',
193197 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] وقع [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
194 - );
195200 $messages['bcl'] = array(
196201 'signdocument' => 'Pirmahan an Dokumento',
197202 'sign-selectdoc' => 'Dokumento:',
@@ -204,7 +209,7 @@
205210 'sign-viewfield-age' => 'Edad',
206211 'sign-viewfield-reviewcomment' => 'Komento',
207212 'sign-review-comment' => 'Komento',
208 - );
210215 /** Bulgarian (Български)
211216 * @author DCLXVI
@@ -243,7 +248,7 @@
244249 --></span>',
245250 'sign-viewfield-reviewcomment' => 'Коментар',
246251 'sign-review-comment' => 'Коментар',
247 - );
249254 /** Greek (Ελληνικά)
250255 * @author Consta
@@ -270,7 +275,7 @@
271276 'sign-uniquequery-similarname' => 'Παρόμοιο όνομα',
272277 'sign-uniquequery-similaraddress' => 'Παρόμοια διεύθυνση',
273278 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Παρόμοιο τηλέφωνο',
274 - );
276281 $messages['ext'] = array(
277282 'sign-selectdoc' => 'Decumentu:',
@@ -286,7 +291,8 @@
287292 'sign-viewfield-options' => 'Ocionis',
288293 'sign-signatures' => 'Firmas',
289294 'sign-closed' => 'afechau',
290 - );
291297 $messages['fr'] = array(
292298 'signdocument' => 'Authentifier le document',
293299 'sign-nodocselected' => 'Prière de choisir le document que vous voulez authentifier',
@@ -369,7 +375,8 @@
370376 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Numéro de téléphone semblable',
371377 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Adresse de courriel semblable',
372378 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] a authentifié [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
373 - );
374381 $messages['gl'] = array(
375382 'signdocument' => 'Asine o Documento',
376383 'sign-nodocselected' => 'Seleccione o documento que vostede quere asinar.',
@@ -450,7 +457,8 @@
451458 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Teléfono parecido',
452459 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Correo electrónico parecido',
453460 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] asinado [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
454 - );
455463 $messages['hsb'] = array(
456464 'signdocument' => 'Dokument podpisać',
457465 'sign-nodocselected' => 'Prošu wubjer dokument, kotryž chceš podpisać.',
@@ -531,7 +539,7 @@
532540 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Podobne telefonowe čisło',
533541 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Podobna e-mejlowa adresa',
534542 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] je [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2] podpisał.',
535 - );
537545 $messages['la'] = array(
538546 'sign-realname' => 'Nomen:',
@@ -540,7 +548,7 @@
541549 'sign-viewfield-city' => 'Urbs',
542550 'sign-viewfield-reviewcomment' => 'Sententia',
543551 'sign-review-comment' => 'Sententia',
544 - );
546554 /** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
547555 * @author Robby
@@ -555,7 +563,7 @@
556564 'sign-viewfield-age' => 'Alter',
557565 'sign-viewfield-reviewcomment' => 'Bemierkung',
558566 'sign-review-comment' => 'Bemierkung',
559 - );
561569 $messages['nl'] = array(
562570 'signdocument' => 'Document ondertekenen',
@@ -637,7 +645,8 @@
638646 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Gelijkaardige telefoonnummer',
639647 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Gelijkaardige e-mailadres',
640648 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] ondertekende [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
641 - );
642651 $messages['no'] = array(
643652 'signdocument' => 'Signer dokument',
644653 'sign-nodocselected' => 'Vennligst velg dokumentet du ønsker å signere.',
@@ -718,7 +727,7 @@
719728 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Lignende telefonnummer',
720729 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Lignende e-postadresse',
721730 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{fullurl:Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] signerte [{{fullurl:Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
722 - );
723732 /** Occitan (Occitan)
724733 * @author Cedric31
725734 */
@@ -789,7 +798,7 @@
790799 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Numèro de telèfon similar',
791800 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Adreça de corrièr electronica similara',
792801 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] a autentificat [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
793 - );
795804 $messages['pl'] = array(
796805 'sign-viewfield-address' => 'Adres',
@@ -802,7 +811,8 @@
803812 'sign-viewfield-age' => 'Wiek',
804813 'sign-viewfield-options' => 'Opcje',
805814 'sign-review-comment' => 'Komentarz',
806 - );
807817 $messages['pms'] = array(
808818 'signdocument' => 'Firma digital d\'un document',
809819 'sign-nodocselected' => 'Për piasì, ch\'a sërna ël document ch\'a veul firmé.',
@@ -827,9 +837,9 @@
828838 'sign-list-hidebday' => 'Pùblica nen l\'età (contut che j\'aministrator ij dat personaj a-j ës-ciàiro franch midem)',
829839 'sign-list-hideemail' => 'Pùblica nen l\'adrëssa ëd pòsta eletrònica (contut che j\'aministrator ij dat personaj a-j ës-ciàiro franch midem)',
830840 'sign-submit' => 'Ch\'a-i daga \'n colp ambelessì për firmé',
831 - 'sign-information' => '<div class="noarticletext">Motobin mersì për avej dovrà sò temp a lese ës document-sì. S\'a l\'é d\'acòrdi con lòn ch\'a-i é scrit për piasì ch\'a lo disa ën butand sò dat personaj e dand-ie un colp ansima al boton dla firma.
 841+ 'sign-information' => '<div class="noarticletext">Motobin mersì për avej dovrà sò temp a lese ës document-sì. S\'a l\'é d\'acòrdi con lòn ch\'a-i é scrit për piasì ch\'a lo disa ën butand sò dat personaj e dand-ie un colp ansima al boton dla firma.
833 -Ch\'a varda che sò dat a sio giust, e che i peulo contatela për verifiché soa identità. Ch\'a ten-a present che soa [[wikipedia:IP address|adrëssa IP]] e dj\'àotre anformassion ansima soa identità a resteran registrà quand a firma e saran dovrà da j\'aministrator për eliminé le firme dobie e confermé che ij dat personaj a sio giust.
 843+Ch\'a varda che sò dat a sio giust, e che i peulo contatela për verifiché soa identità. Ch\'a ten-a present che soa [[wikipedia:IP address|adrëssa IP]] e dj\'àotre anformassion ansima soa identità a resteran registrà quand a firma e saran dovrà da j\'aministrator për eliminé le firme dobie e confermé che ij dat personaj a sio giust.
835845 \'\'\'Nòta\'\'\': për via che ën passand për ij \'\'\'proxy duvèrt\'\'\' (ch\'a fan ëvnì anònima la gent); un an permëtt nen da fé sossì, le firme ch\'a rivo ën passand për dij canaj parej as peulo nen contesse. Se ant ës moment-sì chiel/chila a l\'é tacà a \'n proxy, për piasì, \'\'\'për firmé\'\'\' ch\'as dëstaca e \'\'\'ch\'a dòvra na conession normal\'\'\'. <br />$1
836846 </div>',
@@ -879,10 +889,11 @@
880890 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Teléfono ch\'a-j ësmija',
881891 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Pòsta eletrònica ch\'a-j ësmija',
882892 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] firmà [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
883 - );
884895 $messages['rm'] = array(
885896 'sign-viewfield-realname' => 'Num',
886 - );
888899 /** Slovak (Slovenčina)
889900 * @author Helix84
@@ -967,11 +978,11 @@
968979 'sign-uniquequery-similarphone' => 'Podobný telefón',
969980 'sign-uniquequery-similaremail' => 'Podobný email',
970981 'sign-uniquequery-1signed2' => '[{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs&detail=$3}} $1] podpísal [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$4&viewsigs}} $2].',
971 - );
973984 /** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
974985 * @author Pyt
975986 */
976987 $messages['stq'] = array(
977988 'sign-realname' => 'Noome:',
978 - );
Index: trunk/extensions/SignDocument/SpecialCreateSignDocument.i18n.php
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
77 $messages = array();
9 -$messages['en'] = array(
 9+$messages['en'] = array(
1010 'createsigndocument' => 'Enable Document Signing',
11 - 'createsigndoc-head' =>
 11+ 'createsigndoc-head' =>
1212 "Use this form to create a 'Sign Document' page for the provided page, such that
1313 users will be able to sign it via [[Special:SignDocument]]. Please specify the name
14 -of the page on which you wish to enable digital signing, members of which
15 -usergroup should be allowed to sign it, which fields you wish to be visible to users
16 -and which should be optional, a minimum age to require users to be to sign the
17 -document (no minimum if omitted); and a brief introductory text describing the
 14+of the page on which you wish to enable digital signing, members of which
 15+usergroup should be allowed to sign it, which fields you wish to be visible to users
 16+and which should be optional, a minimum age to require users to be to sign the
 17+document (no minimum if omitted); and a brief introductory text describing the
1818 document and providing instructions to users.
2020 <b>There is presently no way to delete or modify signature documents after they are
21 -created</b> without direct database access. Additionally, the text of the page
 21+created</b> without direct database access. Additionally, the text of the page
2222 displayed on the signature page will be the ''current'' text of the page, regardless
2323 of changes made to it after today. Please be absolutely positive that the document
2424 is to a point of stability for signing, and please also be sure that you specify
@@ -38,13 +38,15 @@
3939 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Error: The page [[$1]] does not exist.',
4040 'createsigndoc-success' => 'Document signing has been successfully enabled
4141 on [[$1]]. To test it, please visit [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} this page].',
42 - );
4344 $messages['af'] = array(
4445 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Bladsy:',
45 - );
4648 $messages['ang'] = array(
4749 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Tramet:',
48 - );
4951 /** Arabic (العربية)
5052 * @author Meno25
5153 */
@@ -52,14 +54,14 @@
5355 'createsigndocument' => 'فعل توقيع الوثيقة',
5456 'createsigndoc-head' => "استخدم هذه الوثيقة لإنشاء صفحة 'Sign Document' للصفحة المعطاة، بحيث
5557 يمكن للمستخدمين توقيعها من خلال [[Special:SignDocument]]. من فضلك حدد اسم
56 -الصفحة التي تود تفعيل التوقيع الرقمي عليها، أعضاء أي
57 -مجموعة مستخدم مسموح لهم بتوقيعها، أي حقول تود أن تكون مرئية للمستخدمين
58 -وأي يجب أن تكون اختيارية، عمر أدنى لمستخدمين ليمكن لهم توقيع
59 -الوثيقة (لا حد أدنى لو حذفت)، ونص تقديمي مختصر يصف
 58+الصفحة التي تود تفعيل التوقيع الرقمي عليها، أعضاء أي
 59+مجموعة مستخدم مسموح لهم بتوقيعها، أي حقول تود أن تكون مرئية للمستخدمين
 60+وأي يجب أن تكون اختيارية، عمر أدنى لمستخدمين ليمكن لهم توقيع
 61+الوثيقة (لا حد أدنى لو حذفت)، ونص تقديمي مختصر يصف
6062 الوثيقة ويوفر التعليمات للمستخدمين.
6264 <b>لا توجد حاليا أية طريقة لحذف أو تعديل توقيعات الوثائق بعد
63 -إنشائها</b> بدون دخول قاعدة البيانات مباشرة. إضافة إلى ذلك، نص الصفحة
 65+إنشائها</b> بدون دخول قاعدة البيانات مباشرة. إضافة إلى ذلك، نص الصفحة
6466 المعروض في صفحة التوقيع سيكون النص ''الحالي'' للصفحة، بغض النظر عن
6567 التغييرات بها بعد اليوم. من فضلك كن متأكدا تماما من أن الوثيقة
6668 وصلت لنقطة ثبات للتوقيع، ومن فضلك أيضا تأكد أنك حددت
@@ -79,14 +81,14 @@
8082 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'خطأ: $1',
8183 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'خطأ: الصفحة [[$1]] غير موجودة.',
8284 'createsigndoc-success' => 'توقيع الوثيقة تم تفعيله بنجاح على [[$1]]. لاختباره، من فضلك زر [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} هذه الصفحة].',
83 - );
8587 $messages['bcl'] = array(
8688 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Páhina:',
8789 'createsigndoc-bday' => 'Kamondágan:',
8890 'createsigndoc-create' => 'Maggibo',
8991 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Salâ: $1',
90 - );
9294 /** Bulgarian (Български)
9395 * @author DCLXVI
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@
106108 'createsigndoc-create' => 'Създаване',
107109 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Грешка: $1',
108110 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Грешка: Страницата [[$1]] не съществува.',
109 - );
111113 /** Greek (Ελληνικά)
112114 * @author Consta
@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@
122124 'createsigndoc-introtext' => 'Εισαγωγή:',
123125 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Σφάλμα: $1',
124126 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Σφάλμα: Η σελίδα [[$1]] δεν υπάρχει.',
125 - );
127129 $messages['ext'] = array(
128130 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Páhina:',
@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@
130132 'createsigndoc-optional' => 'Ocional',
131133 'createsigndoc-create' => 'Creal',
132134 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Marru: La páhina [[$1]] nu desisti.',
133 - );
135137 /** French (Français)
136138 * @author Sherbrooke
@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@
156158 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Erreur : $1',
157159 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => "La page [[$1]] n'existe pas.",
158160 'createsigndoc-success' => "L'authentification des documents est activée sur [[$1]]. Pour la tester, voir [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} cette page].",
159 - );
161163 /** Galician (Galego)
162164 * @author Alma
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@
190192 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Erro: $1',
191193 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Erro: A páxina [[$1]] non existe.',
192194 'createsigndoc-success' => 'O documento asinado foi habilitado con éxito en [[$1]]. Para comprobalo, visite [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special: SignDocument|doc=$2}} esta páxina].',
193 - );
195197 $messages['hsb'] = array(
196198 'createsigndocument' => 'Podpisanje dokumentow zmóžnić',
@@ -211,12 +213,12 @@
212214 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Zmylk: $1',
213215 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Zmylk: Strona [[$1]] njeeksistuje.',
214216 'createsigndoc-success' => 'Podpisanje dokumentow bu wuspěšnje na [[$1]]aktiwizowane. Zo by je testował, wopytaj prošu [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} tutu stronu:].',
215 - );
217219 $messages['la'] = array(
218220 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Pagina:',
219221 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Error: Pagina [[$1]] non existit.',
220 - );
222224 /** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
223225 * @author Robby
@@ -231,11 +233,11 @@
232234 'createsigndoc-hidden' => 'Verstoppt',
233235 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Feeler: $1',
234236 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => "Feeler: D'Säit [[$1]] gëtt et net.",
235 - );
237 -$messages['nl'] = array(
 239+$messages['nl'] = array(
238240 'createsigndocument' => 'Documentondertekening inschakelen',
239 - 'createsigndoc-head' =>
 241+ 'createsigndoc-head' =>
240242 "Gebruik dit formulier om een pagina 'Document ondertekenen' voor een gegeven
241243 pagina te maken, zodat gebruikers het kunnen ondertekenen via
242244 [[Special:SignDocument]]. Geef alstublieft op voor welke pagina u digitaal
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@
270272 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Error: De pagina [[$1]] bestaat niet.',
271273 'createsigndoc-success' => 'Documentondertekening is ingeschakeld op
272274 [[$1]]. Ga alstublieft naar [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} deze pagina] om het te testen.',
273 - );
275277 /** Norwegian (‪Norsk (bokmål)‬)
276278 * @author Jon Harald Søby
@@ -294,7 +296,7 @@
295297 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Feil: $1',
296298 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Feil: Siden [[$1]] eksisterer ikke.',
297299 'createsigndoc-success' => 'Dokumentsignering har blitt slått på for [[$1]]. For å signere det, besøk [{{fullurl:Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} denne siden].',
298 - );
300302 /** Occitan (Occitan)
301303 * @author Cedric31
@@ -317,7 +319,7 @@
318320 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Error : $1',
319321 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'La pagina [[$1]] existís pas.',
320322 'createsigndoc-success' => "L'autentificacion dels documents es activada sus [[$1]]. Per la testar, vejatz [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} aquesta pagina].",
321 - );
323325 $messages['pl'] = array(
324326 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Strona:',
@@ -326,25 +328,25 @@
327329 'createsigndoc-bday' => 'Data urodzenia:',
328330 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Błąd: $1',
329331 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Błąd: Strona [[$1]] nie istnieje',
330 - );
332334 /** Piemontèis (Piemontèis)
333335 * @author Bèrto 'd Sèra
334336 */
335337 $messages['pms'] = array(
336338 'createsigndocument' => 'Visché la firma digital ëd na pàgina coma document',
337 - 'createsigndoc-head' => "Ch'a dòvra la domanda ambelessì sota për visché l'opsion ëd 'Firma Digital' ëd n'artìcol, ch'a lassa che j'utent a peulo firmé ën dovrand la fonsion ëd [[Special:SignDocument|firma digital]].
 339+ 'createsigndoc-head' => "Ch'a dòvra la domanda ambelessì sota për visché l'opsion ëd 'Firma Digital' ëd n'artìcol, ch'a lassa che j'utent a peulo firmé ën dovrand la fonsion ëd [[Special:SignDocument|firma digital]].
339341 Për piasì, ch'an buta:
340 -*ël nòm dl'artìcol andova ch'a veul visché la fonsion ëd firma digital,
341 -*ij component ëd che partìa d'utent ch'a resto aotorisà a firmé,
342 -*che camp ch'a debio smon-se a j'utent e coj ch'a debio resté opsionaj,
343 -*n'eta mìnima përché n'utent a peula firmé (a peulo tuti s'a buta nen ël mìnim);
344 -*un cit ëspiegon ch'a disa lòn ch'a l'é ës document e ch'a-j disa a j'utent coma fé.
 342+*ël nòm dl'artìcol andova ch'a veul visché la fonsion ëd firma digital,
 343+*ij component ëd che partìa d'utent ch'a resto aotorisà a firmé,
 344+*che camp ch'a debio smon-se a j'utent e coj ch'a debio resté opsionaj,
 345+*n'eta mìnima përché n'utent a peula firmé (a peulo tuti s'a buta nen ël mìnim);
 346+*un cit ëspiegon ch'a disa lòn ch'a l'é ës document e ch'a-j disa a j'utent coma fé.
346348 Anans che dovré sossì ch'a ten-a present che:
347 -#<b>Për adess a-i é gnun-a manera dë scancelé ò modifiché ij document ch'as mando an firma, na vira ch'a sio stait creà</b> sensa dovej travajé ant sla base dat da fòra.
348 -#Ël test smonù ant sla pàgina an firma a resta col ëd quand as anandio a cheuje le firme, donca la version ''corenta'' al moment ch'as fa sossì, e qualsëssìa modìfica ch'as fasa peuj '''an firma a la riva pì nen'''.
 349+#<b>Për adess a-i é gnun-a manera dë scancelé ò modifiché ij document ch'as mando an firma, na vira ch'a sio stait creà</b> sensa dovej travajé ant sla base dat da fòra.
 350+#Ël test smonù ant sla pàgina an firma a resta col ëd quand as anandio a cheuje le firme, donca la version ''corenta'' al moment ch'as fa sossì, e qualsëssìa modìfica ch'as fasa peuj '''an firma a la riva pì nen'''.
350352 Për piasì, ch'a varda d'avej controlà sò test coma ch'as dev anans che mandelo an firma, e ch'a varda che tuti ij camp a sio coma ch'a-j ven-o bin a chiel, ''anans dë mandé la domanda''.",
351353 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Pàgina:',
@@ -362,7 +364,7 @@
363365 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Eror: $1',
364366 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => "Eror: a-i é pa gnun-a pàgina ch'as ciama [[$1]].",
365367 'createsigndoc-success' => "La procedura për buté an firma [[$1]] a l'é andaita a bonfin. Për provela, për piasì ch'a varda [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} ambelessì].",
366 - );
368370 /** Slovak (Slovenčina)
369371 * @author Helix84
@@ -393,12 +395,12 @@
394396 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Chyba: $1',
395397 'createsigndoc-error-pagenoexist' => 'Chyba: Stránka [[$1]] neexistuje.',
396398 'createsigndoc-success' => 'Podpisovanie dokumentov bolo úspešne zapnuté pre stránku [[$1]]. Otestovať ho môžete na [{{SERVER}}{{localurl: Special:SignDocument|doc=$2}} tejto stránke].',
397 - );
399401 $messages['ss'] = array(
400402 'createsigndoc-phone' => 'Inombolo yelucingo:',
401403 'createsigndoc-create' => 'Kúdála',
402 - );
404406 /** Volapük (Volapük)
405407 * @author Malafaya
@@ -406,4 +408,4 @@
407409 $messages['vo'] = array(
408410 'createsigndoc-pagename' => 'Pad:',
409411 'createsigndoc-error-generic' => 'Pöl: $1',
410 - );

Status & tagging log