r24542 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r24541‎ | r24542 | r24543 >
Date:12:55, 2 August 2007

also adding CreatePage extension to Wikiwyg
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/CreatePageCore.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/SpecialCreatePage.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/js (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/js/createpage.js (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/js/createpage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
 4+* @author Bartek Łapiński
 5+* @copyright Copyright © 2007, Wikia Inc.
 6+* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
 9+var WikiwygInstance;
 11+/* copied and adapted from upload image script... */
 12+// apply tagOpen/tagClose to selection in textarea,
 13+// use sampleText instead of selection if there is none
 14+// copied and adapted from phpBB
 15+function insertTags(tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) {
 16+ if (WikiwygInstance.enabled) {
 17+ var out = WikiwygInstance.current_mode ;
 18+ out.insert_html (tagOpen + sampleText + tagClose) ;
 19+ }
 22+/* fall back if edit mode not supported - provide a normal interface */
 23+function CreatePageFallBack () {
 24+ var loading_mesg = document.getElementById ('loading_mesg') ;
 25+ loading_mesg.style.display = 'none' ;
 26+ var input1 = document.createElement ('textarea') ;
 27+ input1.setAttribute ('name','wpTextbox1') ;
 28+ input1.setAttribute ('id','wpTextbox1') ;
 29+ input1.setAttribute ('rows', 25) ;
 30+ input1.setAttribute ('cols', 80) ;
 31+ var backup_txt = document.getElementById ('backup_textarea_placeholder') ;
 32+ backup_txt.appendChild (input1) ;
 33+ /* todo give standard edit toolbar - mainly for Opera users */
 37+document.insertTags = insertTags ;
 39+/* modified function for image upload (omitting HACK section for non-existing watchthis link )*/
 40+var imageUploadDialog = null;
 42+/* provide an old-way edit */
 43+function CreatePageNormalEdit () {
 44+ var title = document.getElementById ('title') ;
 45+ var error_msg = document.getElementById ('createpage_messenger') ;
 46+ if (title.value == '') {
 47+ error_msg.innerHTML = 'Please specify title first' ;
 48+ error_msg.style.display = '' ;
 49+ return ;
 50+ }
 51+ /* check for unsaved changes (they will always be *unsaved* here... ) */
 52+ var textarea = WikiwygInstance.current_mode.get_edit_document().body.innerHTML ;
 53+ textarea = textarea.replace ("<br>", "") ;
 54+ if (textarea != "") {
 55+ var abandon_changes = confirm ("You have unsaved changes. Clicking OK will result in abandoning them.","Unsaved changes") ;
 56+ if (!abandon_changes) {
 57+ return ;
 58+ }
 59+ }
 60+ var fixed_article_path = wgArticlePath.replace ('$1','') ;
 61+ fixed_article_path = fixed_article_path.replace ('index.php[^\/]','index.php?title=') ;
 62+ window.location = fixed_article_path + title.value + '?action=edit' ;
 65+function fixupRelativeUrl(url) {
 66+ var loc = String(location);
 67+ if (loc.match (/\?index\.php/i) != '') {
 68+ var base = loc.replace (/&action=.*$/i, '');
 69+ return base ;
 70+ } else {
 71+ var base = loc.replace(/index\.php.*/, '');
 72+ if (base == loc)
 73+ base = loc.replace(/(.*\/wiki\/).*/, '$1');
 74+ if (base == loc)
 75+ throw("fixupRelativeUrl error: " + loc);
 76+ return base + url;
 77+ }
 80+function CreatePageShowSection (section) {
 81+ var this_section = document.getElementById ('createpage_' + section + '_section') ;
 82+ var show_this = document.getElementById ('createpage_show_' + section) ;
 83+ var hide_this = document.getElementById ('createpage_hide_' + section) ;
 85+ this_section.style.display = '' ;
 86+ show_this.style.display = 'none' ;
 87+ hide_this.style.display = '' ;
 90+function CreatePageHideSection (section) {
 91+ var this_section = document.getElementById ('createpage_' + section + '_section') ;
 92+ var show_this = document.getElementById ('createpage_show_' + section) ;
 93+ var hide_this = document.getElementById ('createpage_hide_' + section) ;
 95+ this_section.style.display = 'none' ;
 96+ show_this.style.display = '' ;
 97+ hide_this.style.display = 'none' ;
 100+function CreatePageAddCategory (category, num) {
 101+ if (category != '') {
 102+ if (document.editform.category.value == '') {
 103+ document.editform.category.value += category ;
 104+ } else {
 105+ document.editform.category.value += ',' + category ;
 106+ }
 107+ /* change colour */
 108+ this_button = document.getElementById ('cloud_'+ num) ;
 109+ this_span = document.getElementById ('tag-' + num) ;
 110+ this_button.onclick = function() { eval("CreatePageRemoveCategory('" + category + "', " + num + ")"); return false };
 111+ this_button.style["color"] = "#419636" ;
 112+ }
 114+function CreatePageRemoveCategory (category, num) {
 115+ category_text = document.editform.category.value ;
 116+ this_pos = category_text.indexOf(category) ;
 117+ if (this_pos != -1) {
 118+ category_text = category_text.substr (0, this_pos-1 ) + category_text.substr (this_pos + category.length) ;
 119+ document.editform.category.value = category_text ;
 120+ }
 122+ this_button = document.getElementById ('cloud_'+ num) ;
 123+ this_button.onclick = function() { eval("CreatePageAddCategory('" + category + "', " + num + ")"); return false };
 124+ this_button.style["color"] = "" ;
 127+function CreatePageShowThrobber (text) {
 128+// var Throbber = document.getElementById ('ajaxProgressIcon') ;
 129+// Throbber.style.visibility = 'visible' ;
 132+function CreatePageHideThrobber (text) {
 133+// var Throbber = document.getElementById ('ajaxProgressIcon') ;
 134+// Throbber.style.visibility = 'hidden' ;
 138+window.onload = function() {
 139+ var WikiwygDiv = document.getElementById ('wikiwyg') ;
 140+ var category_wrapper = document.getElementById ('category_wrapper') ;
 141+ var subtitle = document.getElementById ('contentSub') ;
 142+ var cp_subtitle = document.getElementById ('createpage_subtitle') ;
 143+ subtitle.innerHTML = cp_subtitle.innerHTML ;
 144+ CreatePageShowThrobber ('') ;
 145+ category_wrapper.style.display = 'block' ;
 146+ var WikiwygConfig = {
 147+ doubleClickToEdit: true ,
 148+ editHeightMinimum: 300 ,
 149+ wysiwyg: {
 150+ iframeId: 'wikiwyg-iframe'
 151+ },
 152+ toolbar: {
 153+ imagesLocation: wgScriptPath + '/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/images/',
 154+ markupRules: {
 155+ link: ['bound_phrase', '[', ']']
 156+ },
 157+ controlLayout: [
 158+ 'bold' ,
 159+ 'italic' ,
 160+ 'strike' ,
 161+ 'www' ,
 162+ 'unlink' ,
 163+ 'wikify' ,
 164+ 'h1' ,
 165+ 'h2' ,
 166+ 'h3' ,
 167+ 'pre' ,
 168+ 'hr' ,
 169+ 'unordered' ,
 170+ 'ordered' ,
 171+ 'youtube' ,
 172+ 'table' ,
 173+ '|l' ,
 174+ 'insertimage' ,
 175+ '|l' ,
 176+ 'help'
 177+ ]
 178+ },
 179+ modeClasses: [
 180+ 'Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.Custom' ,
 181+ 'Wikiwyg.Wikitext.Custom'
 182+ ]
 183+ } ;
 184+ WikiwygInstance = new Wikiwyg.Test ();
 185+ WikiwygInstance.createWikiwygArea(WikiwygDiv, WikiwygConfig);
 186+ if (WikiwygInstance.enabled) {
 187+ setTimeout("WikiwygInstance.editMode();",400);
 188+ } else {
 189+ CreatePageFallBack () ;
 190+ }
 191+ document.getElementById ('loading_mesg').style.display = 'none' ;
 193+ // register edit page
 194+ var CreatePageLinkBottom = document.getElementById ('wpSaveBottom') ;
 195+ var self = WikiwygInstance ;
 196+ CreatePageLinkBottom.onclick = function() { eval('WikiwygInstance.saveChanges()'); return false };
 197+ CreatePageHideThrobber ('') ;
 200+proto = new Subclass('Wikiwyg.Test', 'Wikiwyg');
 202+ proto.modeClasses = [
 203+ 'Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.Custom',
 204+ 'Wikiwyg.Wikitext.Custom'
 205+ ];
 207+proto.saveChanges = function () {
 208+ if (!this.checkContents()) {
 209+ return false ;
 210+ }
 211+ var title = document.getElementById ('title') ;
 212+ if (!this.checkIfArticleExists (title.value)) {
 213+ return false ;
 214+ }
 217+proto.imageUpload = function (tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) {
 218+ Wikiwyg.prototype.imageUpload.call (this, tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) ;
 221+proto.checkContents = function () {
 222+ var error_msg = document.getElementById ('createpage_messenger') ;
 223+ var title = document.getElementById ('title') ;
 224+ article_text = this.current_mode.get_edit_document().body.innerHTML ;
 225+ article_text = article_text.replace(/<br[^>]+./gi,"<br>") ;
 226+// article_text = article_text.replace(/<br><br>/gi,"<p>") ;
 227+ var class_name = this.config.modeClasses[1];
 228+ var mode_object = this.mode_objects[class_name];
 229+ article_text = mode_object.convert_html_to_wikitext(article_text) ;
 230+ if ( (title.value == '') || (article_text == '') ) {
 231+ error_msg.innerHTML = "You need to specify both title and some content to create an article." ;
 232+ error_msg.style.display = 'block' ;
 233+ return false ;
 234+ }
 235+ return true ;
 238+proto.checkIfArticleExists = function (article) {
 239+ CreatePageShowThrobber ('') ;
 240+ WKWAjax.post (
 241+ fixupRelativeUrl('Special:Createpage') ,
 242+ 'action=check&to_check=' + article ,
 243+ function (response) {
 244+ WikiwygInstance.handleArticleExistsResponse (response)
 245+ }
 246+ ) ;
 249+proto.handleArticleExistsResponse = function (response) {
 250+ if (response.indexOf("pagetitleexists") != -1) {
 251+ var error_msg = document.getElementById ('createpage_messenger') ;
 252+ var title = document.getElementById ('title') ;
 253+ error_msg.innerHTML = "That title already exists. Please choose another title." ;
 254+ error_msg.style.display = 'block' ;
 255+ CreatePageHideThrobber ('') ;
 256+ return false ;
 257+ } else {
 258+ /* select wikitext mode */
 259+ var class_name = this.config.modeClasses[1];
 260+ var mode_object = this.mode_objects[class_name];
 261+ this.current_mode.saveChanges (mode_object) ;
 262+ CreatePageHideThrobber ('') ;
 263+ return true ;
 264+ }
 267+proto = new Subclass('Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.Custom', 'Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg');
 269+/* taken from Wysiwig.MediaWiki */
 271+proto.insert_html = function(html) { // See IE
 272+ this.get_edit_window().focus();
 273+ this.exec_command('inserthtml', html);
 276+proto.apply_stylesheets = function() {
 277+ Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.prototype.apply_stylesheets.apply(this, arguments);
 278+ var head = this.get_edit_document().getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
 279+ var style_string = "body { font-size: small; }";
 280+ this.append_inline_style_element(style_string, head);
 283+proto.enableStarted = function () {
 284+ this.wikiwyg.toolbarObject.disableThis();
 285+ this.wikiwyg.toolbarObject.enableMessage();
 288+proto.enableFinished = function (){
 289+ this.wikiwyg.toolbarObject.enableThis();
 290+ this.wikiwyg.toolbarObject.disableMessage();
 293+proto.disableCreateButtons = function () {
 294+ var CreatePageLinkBottom = document.getElementById ('wpSaveBottom') ;
 295+ CreatePageLinkBottom.disabled = true ;
 298+proto.saveChanges = function (mode) {
 299+ var title = document.getElementById ('title') ;
 300+ document.editform.action="index.php?title=" + title.value + "&action=submit" ;
 301+ this.disableCreateButtons () ;
 302+ var input1 = document.createElement ('input') ;
 303+ input1.setAttribute ('name','wpTextbox1') ;
 304+ input1.setAttribute ('id','wpTextbox1') ;
 305+ input1.setAttribute ('type','hidden') ;
 306+ document.editform.appendChild (input1) ;
 307+ var article_text = this.get_edit_document().body.innerHTML ;
 308+ article_text = article_text.replace(/<br[^>]+./gi,"<br>") ;
 309+ article_text = article_text.replace(/<br><br>/gi,"<p>") ;
 310+ article_text = mode.convert_html_to_wikitext(article_text) ;
 311+ document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = article_text ;
 312+ this.getCategories () ;
 313+ document.editform.submit() ;
 316+proto.getCategories = function () {
 317+ /* get categories separated by commas */
 318+ var categories = document.getElementById ('category').value ;
 319+ categories = categories.split (",") ;
 320+ for (i=0;i<categories.length;i++) {
 321+ this.addCategory (categories[i]) ;
 322+ }
 325+proto.addCategory = function (text) {
 326+ if (text != '') {
 327+ document.editform.wpTextbox1.value += '[[Category:'+text+']]' ;
 328+ }
 331+proto = new Subclass('Wikiwyg.Wikitext.Custom', 'Wikiwyg.Wikitext');
 333+proto.do_p = function() {
 334+ this.selection_mangle(
 335+ function(that) {
 336+ if (that.sel == '') return false;
 337+ that.sel = that.sel.replace(/^\=* */gm, '');
 338+ that.sel = that.sel.replace(/ *\=*$/gm, '');
 339+ return true;
 340+ }
 341+ )
 344+proto.do_youtube = function () {
 345+ this.make_do ('youtube') ;
 348+Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.prototype.do_wikify = function() {
 349+ var selection = this.get_link_selection_text();
 350+ if (!selection) return ;
 351+ var self = this ;
 352+ WKWAjax.post (
 353+ fixupRelativeUrl('Special:Createpage') ,
 354+ 'action=check&to_check=' + selection ,
 355+ function (response) {
 356+ if (response.indexOf("pagetitleexists") != -1) {
 357+ link_color = "26579A";
 358+ } else {
 359+ link_color = "FF0000";
 360+ }
 361+ var url;
 362+ var match = selection.match(/(.*?)\b((?:http|https|ftp|irc):\/\/\S+)(.*)/);
 363+ if (match) {
 364+ if (match[1] || match[3]) return null;
 365+ url = match[2];
 366+ }
 367+ else {
 368+ url = '?' + escape(selection);
 369+ }
 371+ self.exec_command('createlink', url);
 372+ self.exec_command('underline', selection);
 373+ self.exec_command('ForeColor', "#" + link_color);
 374+ }
 375+ ) ;
 378+Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.Custom.prototype.do_youtube = function() {
 380+ if (Wikiwyg.is_ie) {
 381+ //hack to remember Caret Position in IE
 382+ this.ieRange = this.get_edit_document().selection.createRange();
 383+ this.ieRange.moveStart ('character', -this.get_inner_html().length) ;
 384+ this.ieCaretPos = this.ieRange.text.length;
 385+ }
 387+ var url = prompt("Add YouTube Video. Copy and paste the video's URL or Embed code.", "");
 388+ if (url == null) return ;
 390+ if(Wikiwyg.is_ie){
 391+ // Move selection start and end to 0 position
 392+ self.ieRange.moveStart ('character', -self.get_inner_html().length);
 394+ // Move selection start and end to desired position
 395+ self.ieRange.moveStart ('character', self.ieCaretPos);
 396+ self.ieRange.moveEnd ('character', 0);
 397+ self.ieRange.select ();
 398+ }
 399+ this.insert_youtube(url) ;
 402+Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.Custom.prototype.extract_youtube_id = function(youTubeCode) {
 403+ id = 0;
 404+ inURL = youTubeCode.indexOf("watch?v=")
 405+ if(inURL > -1){
 406+ id = youTubeCode.substring(inURL+8)
 407+ }else{
 408+ r = /http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/v\/\w+/
 409+ test = r.exec(youTubeCode);
 410+ if(test){
 411+ id = test.toString().replace("http://www.youtube.com/v/","")
 412+ }
 413+ }
 414+ return id;
 417+Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg.Custom.prototype.insert_youtube = function(url) {
 418+ youTubeID = this.extract_youtube_id(url);
 419+ if(!id){
 420+ alert("Invalid Youtube url");
 421+ return;
 422+ }
 423+ TheURL = window.location.href
 424+ TheURL = TheURL.substring(0,TheURL.lastIndexOf("/"))
 425+ this.exec_command('InsertImage', TheURL + "/images/YouTube_placeholder.gif?id=" + youTubeID);
 428+proto.format_table = function(element) {
 429+ this.insert_new_line();
 430+ this.appendOutput ('{|') ;
 431+ this.assert_blank_line() ;
 432+ this.walk(element);
 433+ this.assert_blank_line() ;
 434+ this.appendOutput ('|}') ;
 435+ this.insert_new_line();
 438+proto.format_tr = function(element) {
 439+ this.appendOutput('|-') ;
 440+ this.assert_new_line() ;
 441+ this.appendOutput('|') ;
 442+ this.walk(element) ;
 443+ this.assert_blank_line() ;
 444+ this.assert_new_line() ;
 447+proto.format_br = function (element) {
 448+ this.insert_new_line () ;
 449+ this.insert_new_line () ;
 452+proto.format_p = function(element) {
 453+ if (this.is_indented(element)) {
 454+ this.format_blockquote(element);
 455+ return;
 456+ }
 457+ this.insert_new_line();
 458+ this.insert_new_line();
 459+ this.insert_new_line();
 460+ this.walk(element);
 463+proto.format_td = function(element) {
 464+ this.no_following_whitespace();
 465+ this.walk(element);
 466+ this.chomp();
 467+ this.appendOutput('||');
 471+ proto.format_div = function(element) {
 472+ if (! this.previous_was_newline_or_start())
 473+ this.insert_new_line();
 475+ this.walk(element);
 476+ this.assert_blank_line();
 477+ }
 480+proto.normalizeDomWhitespace = function(dom) {
 481+ Wikiwyg.Wikitext.prototype.normalizeDomWhitespace.call(this, dom);
 482+ var tags = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'li'];
 483+ for (var ii = 0; ii < tags.length; ii++) {
 484+ var elements = dom.getElementsByTagName(tags[ii]);
 485+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
 486+ var element = elements[i];
 487+ if (element.firstChild && element.firstChild.nodeType == '3') {
 488+ element.firstChild.nodeValue =
 489+ element.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/^\s*/, '');
 490+ }
 491+ if (element.lastChild && element.lastChild.nodeType == '3') {
 492+ element.lastChild.nodeValue =
 493+ element.lastChild.nodeValue.replace(/\s*$/, '');
 494+ }
 495+ }
 496+ }
 499+proto.config = {
 500+markupRules: {
 501+link: ['bound_phrase', '[[', ']]'],
 502+ www: ['bound_phrase', '[', ']'],
 503+ bold: ['bound_phrase', "'''", "'''"],
 504+ italic: ['bound_phrase', "''", "''"],
 505+ strike: ['bound_phrase', "<s>", "</s>"],
 506+ pre: ['start_lines', ' '],
 507+ p: ['bound_line', '', ''],
 508+ h1: ['bound_line', '= ', ' ='],
 509+ h2: ['bound_line', '== ', ' =='],
 510+ h3: ['bound_line', '=== ', ' ==='],
 511+ h4: ['bound_line', '==== ', ' ===='],
 512+ ordered: ['start_lines', '#'],
 513+ unordered: ['start_lines', '*'],
 514+ indent: ['start_lines', ''],
 515+ hr: ['line_alone', '----'],
 516+ table: ['line_alone', '{ | A | B | C |\n| | | |\n| | | | }']
 517+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/js/createpage.js
Added: svn:eol-style
1520 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/CreatePageCore.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
 5+* @author Bartek Łapiński
 6+* @copyright Copyright © 2007, Wikia Inc.
 7+* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
 10+if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 11+ die();
 13+$wgHooks ['EditFilter'][] = 'wfCreatePageSanityCheck' ;
 15+function wfCreatePageSanityCheck () {
 16+ global $wgRequest, $wgOut ;
 18+ $isCreatePage = $wgRequest->getBool ('wpCreatePage') ;
 20+ if ($isCreatePage) {
 21+ if ($wgRequest->getVal ('title') == '' ) {
 22+ /* do not allow blanking Main Page each time non-js user hits 'Create Article'
 23+ go back to SpecialCreatePage and display error
 24+ */
 25+ $titleObj = Title::makeTitle (NS_SPECIAL, 'Createpage') ;
 26+ $wgOut->redirect ( $titleObj->getFullURL ('action=failure')) ;
 27+ return false ;
 28+ }
 29+ }
 30+ return true ;
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/CreatePageCore.php
Added: svn:eol-style
134 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/SpecialCreatePage.php
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
 5+* A special page to create a new article, attempting to use wikiwyg, a wysiwig wikitext editor
 6+* @author Bartek Łapiński
 7+* @copyright Copyright © 2007, Wikia Inc.
 8+* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
 11+ die();
 13+$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfCreatePageSetup';
 14+$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
 15+ 'name' => 'Create Page',
 16+ 'author' => 'Bartek Lapinski',
 17+ 'url' => 'http://www.wikia.com' ,
 18+ 'description' => 'allows to create a new page - with the wysiwyg editor '
 21+/* special page init */
 22+function wfCreatePageSetup() {
 23+ global $IP, $wgMessageCache, $wgOut ;
 24+ require_once($IP. '/includes/SpecialPage.php');
 26+ /* add messages to all the translator people out there to play with */
 27+ $wgMessageCache->addMessages(
 28+ array(
 29+ 'createpage' => 'Create a new article' ,
 30+ 'createpage_button' => 'Create a new article' ,
 31+ 'createpage_help' => '' ,
 32+ 'createpage_caption' => 'title' ,
 33+ 'createpage_button_caption' => 'Create!' ,
 34+ 'createpage_title' => 'Create a new article' ,
 35+ 'createpage_categories' => 'Categories:' ,
 36+ 'createpage_title_caption' => 'Title:' ,
 37+ 'createpage_loading_mesg' => 'Loading... please wait...' ,
 38+ 'createpage_enter_text' => 'Text:' ,
 39+ 'createpage_here' => 'here' ,
 40+ 'createpage_show_cloud' => '[show category cloud]' ,
 41+ 'createpage_hide_cloud' => '[hide category cloud]' ,
 42+ 'createpage_alternate_creation' => 'or click $1 to use original editor' ,
 43+ 'createpage_categories_help' => 'Categories help organize information in this wiki. Please choose from the list below or type a new one.'
 44+ )
 45+ );
 46+ SpecialPage::addPage(new SpecialPage('Createpage', '', true, 'wfCreatePageSpecial', false));
 49+/* the core */
 50+function wfCreatePageSpecial( $par ) {
 51+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgServer, $wgScriptPath, $wgEnableAjaxLogin, $wgContLang ;
 52+ require_once($IP. 'extensions/TagCloud/TagCloudClass.php') ;
 54+ if (! isset($wgWikiwygPath)) {
 55+ $wgWikiwygPath = "{$wgServer}/{$wgScriptPath}/extensions/wikiwyg";
 56+ }
 57+ if (! isset($wgWikiwygJsPath)) {
 58+ $wgWikiwygJsPath = "$wgWikiwygPath/share/MediaWiki";
 59+ }
 60+ if (! isset($wgWikiwygCssPath)) {
 61+ $wgWikiwygCssPath = "$wgWikiwygPath/share/MediaWiki/css";
 62+ }
 63+ if (! isset($wgWikiwygImagePath)) {
 64+ $wgWikiwygImagePath = "$wgWikiwygPath/share/MediaWiki/images";
 65+ }
 67+ $wgOut->addScript("<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen,projection\">/*<![CDATA[*/ @import \"$wgWikiwygCssPath/MediaWikiwyg.css\"; /*]]>*/</style>\n");
 68+ /* load main js file when not loaded yet */
 69+ if (wfGetDependingOnSkin () == 0) {
 70+ if (isset($wgWysiwygEnabled) && ($wgWysiwygEnabled == true)) {
 71+ $useWysiwygTrue = 1 ;
 72+ } else {
 73+ $useWysiwygTrue = 0 ;
 74+ }
 76+ if (! isset($wgEnableAjaxLogin) || ($wgEnableAjaxLogin == false)) {
 77+ $wgEnableAjaxLogin = 0 ;
 78+ }
 79+ $wgOut->addScript("
 80+ <script type=\"text/javascript\">
 81+ if (typeof(Wikiwyg) == 'undefined') Wikiwyg = function() {};
 82+ Wikiwyg.mediawiki_source_path = \"$wgWikiwygPath\";
 83+ var wgEditCaption = \"".mb_strtolower(wfMsg('qbedit'))."\";
 84+ var wgSaveCaption = \"".mb_strtolower(wfMsg ('save'))."\";
 85+ var wgCancelCaption = \"".mb_strtolower(wfMsg ('cancel'))."\";
 86+ var wgSummaryCaption = \"".wfMsg ('edit-summary')."\";
 87+ var wgPreviewCaption = \"".wfMsg ('preview')."\";
 88+ var wgHelpCaption = \"".wfMsg ('help')."\" ;
 89+ var wgBoldTip = \"".wfMsg ('bold_tip')."\";
 90+ var wgItalicTip = \"".wfMsg ('italic_tip')."\";
 91+ var wgIntlinkTip = \"".wfMsg ('link_tip')."\";
 92+ var wgExtlinkTip = \"".wfMsg ('extlink_tip')."\";
 93+ var wgNowikiTip = \"".wfMsg ('nowiki_tip')."\";
 94+ var wgHrTip = \"".wfMsg ('hr_tip')."\";
 95+ var wgTimestampTip = \"".wfMsg ('sig_tip')."\";
 96+ var wgUseWysiwyg = " .$useWysiwygTrue." ;
 97+ var wgUseInPage = ".wfGetDependingOnSkin ().";
 98+ var wgFullPageEditing = false ;
 99+ var wgWysiwygCaption = \"".wfMsg ('wysiwygcaption') ."\" ;
 100+ var wgInsertImageCaption = \"".wfMsg ('insertimage') ."\" ;
 101+ var wgDefaultMode = \"".$wgUser->getOption ('visualeditormode','wysiwyg') ."\" ;
 102+ var wgCategoryPrefix = \"".urlencode ($wgContLang->getNsText (NS_CATEGORY) ) ."\" ;
 103+ var wgSpecialPrefix = \"".urlencode ($wgContLang->getNsText (NS_SPECIAL) ) ."\" ;
 104+ var wgEnableAjaxLogin = ".$wgEnableAjaxLogin." ;
 105+ </script>
 106+ ");
 107+ $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$wgWikiwygJsPath/MediaWikiWyg.js?".$GLOBALS['wgStyleVersion']."\"></script>\n");
 108+ }
 110+ $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$wgScriptPath/extensions/wikia/CreatePage/js/createpage.js\"></script>\n");
 112+ if (! isset($wgEnableAjaxLogin) || ($wgEnableAjaxLogin == false)) {
 113+ $wgEnableAjaxLogin = 0 ;
 114+ }
 115+ $wgOut->addHTML ("
 116+ <script type=\"text/javascript\">
 117+ var wgEnableAjaxLogin = $wgEnableAjaxLogin ;
 118+ </script>"
 119+ ) ;
 120+ $wgOut->setPageTitle (wfMsg('createpage_title'));
 121+ $cSF = new CreatePageForm ($par) ;
 123+ $action = $wgRequest->getVal ('action') ;
 124+ if ('success' == $action) {
 125+ /* do something */
 126+ } else if ( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && 'submit' == $action &&
 127+ $wgUser->matchEditToken( $wgRequest->getVal ('wpEditToken') ) ) {
 128+ $cSF->doSubmit () ;
 129+ } else if ('failure' == $action) {
 130+ $cSF->showForm ('Please specify title') ;
 131+ } else if ('check' == $action) {
 132+ $cSF->checkArticleExists ($wgRequest->getVal ('to_check')) ;
 133+ } else {
 134+ $cSF->showForm ('') ;
 135+ }
 138+/* the form for blocking names and addresses */
 139+class CreatePageForm {
 140+ var $mMode, $mLink, $mDo, $mFile ;
 142+ /* constructor */
 143+ function CreatePageForm ( $par ) {
 144+ global $wgRequest ;
 145+ }
 147+ /* output */
 148+ function showForm ( $err ) {
 149+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest ;
 151+ if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()) {
 152+ $token = htmlspecialchars( $wgUser->editToken() );
 153+ } else {
 154+ $token = EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX;
 155+ }
 156+ $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Createpage' );
 157+ $action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL( "action=submit" ) ;
 159+ if ( "" != $err ) {
 160+ $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsgHtml( 'formerror' ) );
 161+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<p class='error'>{$err}</p>\n" );
 162+ }
 163+ $alternate_link = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"CreatePageNormalEdit(); return false;\" >".wfMsg ('createpage_here')."</a>" ;
 164+ $wgOut->addHTML ("<div id=\"createpage_subtitle\" style=\"display:none\">".wfMsg ('createpage_alternate_creation', $alternate_link)."</div>") ;
 166+ $edittime = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $this->mTimestamp) ;
 167+ /* make a TagCloud html */
 168+ $cloud_html = "" ;
 169+ $MyCloud = new TagCloud ;
 170+ $num = 0 ;
 172+ if (is_array ($MyCloud->tags)) {
 173+ foreach ($MyCloud->tags as $name => $tag) {
 174+ $cloud_html .= ("<span id=\"tag-$num\" style=\"font-size:". $tag["size"]."pt\">
 175+ <a href=\"#\" id=\"cloud_$num\" onclick=\"CreatePageAddCategory ('$name', $num) ; return false ;\">$name</a>
 176+ </span>
 177+ ") ;
 178+ $num++ ;
 180+ }
 181+ }
 183+ $html = "
 184+<form name=\"editform\" method=\"post\" action=\"{$action}\">
 185+ <div id=\"createpage_messenger\" style=\"display:none; color:red \" ></div>
 186+ <b>".wfMsg ('createpage_title_caption')."</b>
 187+ <br/>
 188+ <input name=\"title\" id=\"title\" value=\"\" size=\"100\" /><br/><br/>
 189+ <b>".wfMsg ('createpage_enter_text')."</b>
 190+ <br><div id=\"wikiwyg\"></div>
 191+ <div id=\"loading_mesg\"><b>".wfMsg('createpage_loading_mesg')."</b></div>
 193+ <noscript>
 194+ <style type=\"text/css\">
 195+ #loading_mesg, #image_upload {
 196+ display: none ;
 197+ }
 198+ </style>
 199+ <textarea tabindex=\"1\" accesskey=\",\" name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" rows=\"25\" cols=\"80\" ></textarea>
 200+ </noscript>
 201+ <div id=\"backup_textarea_placeholder\"></div>
 202+ <iframe id=\"wikiwyg-iframe\" height=\"0\" width=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>
 203+ <input type=\"submit\" name=\"wpSave\" id=\"wpSaveBottom\" value=\"".wfMsg ('createpage_button_caption') ."\" />
 204+ <input type='hidden' name='wpEditToken' value=\"{$token}\" />
 205+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpCreatePage\" value=\"true\" />
 207+ <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$this->edittime}\" name=\"wpEdittime\" />
 208+ <br/>
 209+ <div id=\"category_wrapper\">
 210+ <table id=\"editpage_table\">
 211+ <tr style=\"padding: 6px 0px 6px 0px\">
 212+ <td class=\"editpage_header\">&nbsp;</td>
 213+ <td>".wfMsg ('createpage_categories_help')."</td>
 214+ </tr>
 215+ <tr>
 216+ <td class=\"editpage_header\">".wfMsg ('createpage_categories')."</td>
 217+ <td>
 218+ <textarea name=\"category\" id=\"category\" rows=\"1\" cols=\"80\" /></textarea>
 219+ <div id=\"category_cloud_wrapper\" class=\editpage_inside\">
 220+ <div id=\"editpage_cloud_section\" style=\"line-height: 22pt; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px\"> ".$cloud_html."
 221+ </div>
 222+ </td>
 223+ </tr>
 224+ </table>" ;
 226+ $wgOut->addHtml( $html );
 227+ $wgOut->addHTML ("
 228+ </div><br/>
 230+ );
 232+ }
 234+ /* draws select and selects it properly */
 235+ function makeSelect ($name, $options_array, $current, $tabindex) {
 236+ global $wgOut ;
 237+ $wgOut->addHTML ("<select tabindex=\"$tabindex\" name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\">") ;
 238+ foreach ($options_array as $key => $value) {
 239+ if ($value == $current )
 240+ $wgOut->addHTML ("<option value=\"$value\" selected=\"selected\">$key</option>") ;
 241+ else
 242+ $wgOut->addHTML ("<option value=\"$value\">$key</option>") ;
 243+ }
 244+ $wgOut->addHTML ("</select>") ;
 245+ }
 247+ /* check if article exists */
 248+ function checkArticleExists ($given) {
 249+ global $wgOut ;
 250+ $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly( true );
 251+ $title = Title::newFromText( $given );
 252+ $page = $title->getText () ;
 253+ $page = str_replace( ' ', '_', $page ) ;
 254+ $dbr =& wfGetDB (DB_SLAVE);
 255+ $exists = $dbr->selectField ('page', 'page_title', array ('page_title' => $page)) ;
 256+ if ($exists != '')
 257+ $wgOut->addHTML('pagetitleexists');
 258+ }
 260+ /* on success */
 261+ function showSuccess () {
 262+ global $wgOut, $wgRequest ;
 263+ $wgOut->setPageTitle (wfMsg('createpage_success_title') ) ;
 264+ $wgOut->setSubTitle(wfMsg('createpage_success_subtitle')) ;
 265+ }
 268+ /* on submit */
 269+ function doSubmit () {
 270+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest ;
 271+ $wgOut->setSubTitle ( wfMsg ('createpage_success_subtitle', wfMsg('createpage_'.$this->mMode) ) ) ;
 272+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/wikiwyg/share/MediaWiki/extensions/CreatePage/SpecialCreatePage.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1276 + native

Status & tagging log