r114441 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r114440‎ | r114441 | r114442 >
Date:03:26, 23 March 2012
qqq++ the rest is for tomorrow :)
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/EducationProgram.i18n.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/EducationProgram.i18n.php
@@ -622,15 +622,7 @@
623623 // Special:MyCourses
624624 'ep-mycourses-enrolled' => 'You have successfully enrolled for $1 at $2.',
625625 'ep-mycourses-not-enrolled' => 'You are not enrolled in any course. A list of courses can be found [[Special:Courses|here]].',
626 - 'ep-mycourses-current' => 'Active courses',
627 - 'ep-mycourses-passed' => 'Passed courses',
628 - 'ep-mycourses-header-name' => 'Name',
629 - 'ep-mycourses-header-institution' => 'Institution',
630 - 'ep-mycourses-show-all' => 'This page shows one of the courses you are enrolled in. You can also view all [[Special:MyCourses|your courses]].',
631626 'ep-mycourses-no-such-course' => 'You are not enrolled in any course with name "$1". The courses you are enrolled in are listed below.',
632 - 'ep-mycourses-course-title' => 'My courses: $1 at $2',
633 - 'specialmycourses-summary-name' => 'Course name',
634 - 'specialmycourses-summary-org' => 'Institution name',
635627 'ep-mycourses-nocourses-epstudent' => 'You are not enrolled in any [[Special:Courses|courses]].',
636628 'ep-mycourses-enrollment' => 'Courses I am enrolled in',
637629 'ep-mycourses-login-first' => 'You need to login before you can view your courses.',
@@ -1361,4 +1353,207 @@
13621354 'ep-student-courses' => 'h2 section header',
13631355 'ep-student-articles' => 'h2 section header',
 1357+ // Special:Enroll
 1358+ 'ep-enroll-title' => 'Page title. $1 is course name, $2 is institution name',
 1359+ 'ep-enroll-login-first' => 'States you need to login before you can enroll',
 1360+ 'ep-enroll-login-and-enroll' => 'Link text. Links to login page',
 1361+ 'ep-enroll-signup-and-enroll' => 'Link text. Links to signup page',
 1362+ 'ep-enroll-not-allowed' => 'Shown when user is not allowed to enroll',
 1363+ 'ep-enroll-invalid-id' => 'Error message when the user tries to enroll for a course that does not exist',
 1364+ 'ep-enroll-no-id' => 'Error message shown when the user does not specify a coutse',
 1365+ 'ep-enroll-invalid-token' => 'Error message shown when the user provides an invalid enrollment token',
 1366+ 'ep-enroll-legend' => 'Enroll form header',
 1367+ 'ep-enroll-header' => 'Enroll form description',
 1368+ 'ep-enroll-gender' => 'Input label',
 1369+ 'ep-enroll-realname' => 'Input label',
 1370+ 'ep-enroll-invalid-name' => 'Error message indicating the value needs to contain $1 or more characters',
 1371+ 'ep-enroll-invalid-gender' => 'Error message indicating that an invalid gender was selected',
 1372+ 'ep-enroll-add-token' => 'Token input form header',
 1373+ 'ep-enroll-add-token-doc' => 'Describes that the user should provide a token on top of the token input form',
 1374+ 'ep-enroll-token' => 'Input label',
 1375+ 'ep-enroll-submit-token' => 'Submission button text for enrollment token form',
 1376+ 'ep-enroll-course-passed' => 'Shown when the user tries to enroll for ended course',
 1377+ 'ep-enroll-course-planned' => 'Shown when the user tries to enroll for planned course',
 1379+ // Special:Disenroll
 1380+ 'ep-disenroll-no-name' => 'Error message shown when the user tries to unroll from an unspecified course',
 1381+ 'ep-disenroll-invalid-name' => 'Error message shown when the user tries to unroll from a non-existing course',
 1382+ 'ep-disenroll-course-passed' => 'Error message shown when the user tries to unroll from an ended course',
 1383+ 'ep-disenroll-not-enrolled' => 'Error message shown when the user tries to unroll from a course they are not enrolled in',
 1384+ 'ep-disenroll-title' => 'Page title. $1 is course name',
 1385+ 'ep-disenroll-text' => 'Message indicating what the user is about to do.',
 1386+ 'ep-disenroll-button' => 'Disenroll button text',
 1387+ 'ep-disenroll-summary' => 'Summary text input label',
 1388+ 'ep-disenroll-cancel' => 'Cancel button text',
 1389+ 'ep-disenroll-fail' => 'Error message shown in error box at top of page',
 1390+ 'ep-disenroll-success' => 'Success message shown in success box at top of page',
 1391+ 'ep-disenroll-returnto' => 'Return to text with link. $1 is course name',
 1393+ // Special:MyCourses
 1394+ 'ep-mycourses-enrolled' => 'Success message shown after enrollment in success box at top of page. $1 is course name, $2 is institution name',
 1395+ 'ep-mycourses-not-enrolled' => 'Shown when the user goes to their courses page while not enrolled in any',
 1397+ // ===================== TODO =====================
 1399+ 'ep-mycourses-no-such-course' => 'You are not enrolled in any course with name "$1". The courses you are enrolled in are listed below.',
 1400+ 'ep-mycourses-nocourses-epstudent' => 'You are not enrolled in any [[Special:Courses|courses]].',
 1401+ 'ep-mycourses-enrollment' => 'Courses I am enrolled in',
 1402+ 'ep-mycourses-login-first' => 'You need to login before you can view your courses.',
 1403+ 'ep-mycourses-courses-epoa' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Course|Courses}} I am {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}} for',
 1404+ 'ep-mycourses-courses-epca' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Course|Courses}} I am {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}} for',
 1405+ 'ep-mycourses-courses-epinstructor' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Course|Courses}} I am {{GENDER:$1|Instructor}} for',
 1406+ 'ep-mycourses-courses-epstudent' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Course|Courses}} I am enrolled in',
 1407+ 'ep-mycourses-nocourses-epca' => 'There are no courses for which you are Campus Ambassador yet.',
 1408+ 'ep-mycourses-nocourses-epoa' => 'There are no courses for which you are Online Ambassador for yet.',
 1409+ 'ep-mycourses-nocourses-epinstructor' => 'There are no courses for which you are Instructor for yet.',
 1410+ 'ep-mycourses-enrolledin' => 'You are currently enrolled in course $1 at institution $2.',
 1411+ 'ep-mycourses-course-org-links' => 'Course $1 at institution $2.',
 1412+ 'ep-mycourses-articletable' => 'These are the articles you are working on and their reviewers:',
 1414+ // ep.enlist instructor
 1415+ 'ep-instructor-remove-title' => 'Remove instructor from course',
 1416+ 'ep-instructor-remove-button' => 'Remove instructor',
 1417+ 'ep-instructor-removing' => 'Removing...',
 1418+ 'ep-instructor-removal-success' => 'This instructor has been successfully removed from this course.',
 1419+ 'ep-instructor-close-button' => 'Close',
 1420+ 'ep-instructor-remove-retry' => 'Retry',
 1421+ 'ep-instructor-remove-failed' => 'Something went wrong - could not remove the instructor from the course.',
 1422+ 'ep-instructor-cancel-button' => 'Cancel',
 1423+ 'ep-instructor-remove-text' => 'You are about to remove $2 (Username: $1) as {{GENDER:$1|instructor}} from course $3. Please enter a brief summary with the reason for this removal.',
 1424+ 'ep-instructor-adding' => 'Adding...',
 1425+ 'ep-instructor-addittion-success' => '$1 has been successfully added as {{GENDER:$1|instructor}} for course $2!',
 1426+ 'ep-instructor-addittion-self-success' => 'You have been successfully added as {{GENDER:$1|instructor}} for course $2!',
 1427+ 'ep-instructor-addittion-null' => '$1 has already been added as {{GENDER:$1|instructor}} to course $2',
 1428+ 'ep-instructor-addittion-invalid-user' => 'There is no user with name $1, so no one has been added to course $2',
 1429+ 'ep-instructor-add-close-button' => 'Close',
 1430+ 'ep-instructor-add-retry' => 'Retry',
 1431+ 'ep-instructor-addittion-failed' => 'Something went wrong - could not add the instructor to the course.',
 1432+ 'ep-instructor-add-title' => 'Add an instructor to the course',
 1433+ 'ep-instructor-add-self-title' => 'Become an {{GENDER:$1|instructor}} for this course',
 1434+ 'ep-instructor-add-button' => 'Add instructor',
 1435+ 'ep-instructor-add-self-button' => 'Become {{GENDER:$1|instructor}}',
 1436+ 'ep-instructor-add-text' => 'You are adding an instructor for course $1. Enter the username of the instructor and a brief description why this person is being added.',
 1437+ 'ep-instructor-add-self-text' => 'You are adding yourself as {{GENDER:$1|instructor}} for course $1. Please add a brief description why you are doing so.',
 1438+ 'ep-instructor-add-cancel-button' => 'Cancel',
 1439+ 'ep-instructor-summary-input' => 'Summary:',
 1440+ 'ep-instructor-name-input' => 'User name:',
 1442+ // ep.enlist online
 1443+ 'ep-online-remove-title' => 'Remove Online Ambassador from course',
 1444+ 'ep-online-remove-button' => 'Remove Online Ambassador',
 1445+ 'ep-online-removing' => 'Removing...',
 1446+ 'ep-online-removal-success' => 'This Online Ambassador has been successfully removed from this course.',
 1447+ 'ep-online-close-button' => 'Close',
 1448+ 'ep-online-remove-retry' => 'Retry',
 1449+ 'ep-online-remove-failed' => 'Something went wrong - could not remove the Online Ambassador from the course.',
 1450+ 'ep-online-cancel-button' => 'Cancel',
 1451+ 'ep-online-remove-text' => 'You are about to remove $2 (Username: $1) as {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}} from course $3. Please enter a brief summary with the reason for this removal.',
 1452+ 'ep-online-adding' => 'Adding...',
 1453+ 'ep-online-addittion-success' => '$1 has been successfully added as {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}} for course $2!',
 1454+ 'ep-online-addittion-self-success' => 'You have been successfully added as {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}} for course $2!',
 1455+ 'ep-online-addittion-null' => '$1 has already been added as {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}} to course $2',
 1456+ 'ep-online-addittion-invalid-user' => 'There is no user with name $1, so no one has been added to course $2',
 1457+ 'ep-online-add-close-button' => 'Close',
 1458+ 'ep-online-add-retry' => 'Retry',
 1459+ 'ep-online-addittion-failed' => 'Something went wrong - could not add the Online Ambassador to the course.',
 1460+ 'ep-online-add-title' => 'Add an Online Ambassador to the course',
 1461+ 'ep-online-add-self-title' => 'Become an {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}} for this course',
 1462+ 'ep-online-add-button' => 'Add Online Ambassador',
 1463+ 'ep-online-add-self-button' => 'Become {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}}',
 1464+ 'ep-online-add-text' => 'You are adding an Online Ambassador for course $1. Enter the username of the Online Ambassador and a brief description why this person is being added.',
 1465+ 'ep-online-add-self-text' => 'You are adding yourself as {{GENDER:$1|Online Ambassador}} for course $1. Please add a brief description why you are doing so.',
 1466+ 'ep-online-add-cancel-button' => 'Cancel',
 1467+ 'ep-online-summary-input' => 'Summary:',
 1468+ 'ep-online-name-input' => 'User name:',
 1470+ // ep.enlist campus
 1471+ 'ep-campus-remove-title' => 'Remove Campus Ambassador from course',
 1472+ 'ep-campus-remove-button' => 'Remove Campus Ambassador',
 1473+ 'ep-campus-removing' => 'Removing...',
 1474+ 'ep-campus-removal-success' => 'This Campus Ambassador has been successfully removed from this course.',
 1475+ 'ep-campus-close-button' => 'Close',
 1476+ 'ep-campus-remove-retry' => 'Retry',
 1477+ 'ep-campus-remove-failed' => 'Something went wrong - could not remove the Campus Ambassador from the course.',
 1478+ 'ep-campus-cancel-button' => 'Cancel',
 1479+ 'ep-campus-remove-text' => 'You are about to remove $2 (Username: $1) as {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}} from course $3. Please enter a brief summary with the reason for this removal.',
 1480+ 'ep-campus-adding' => 'Adding...',
 1481+ 'ep-campus-addittion-success' => '$1 has been successfully added as {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}} for course $2!',
 1482+ 'ep-campus-addittion-self-success' => 'You have been successfully added as {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}} for course $2!',
 1483+ 'ep-campus-addittion-null' => '$1 has already been added as {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}} to course $2',
 1484+ 'ep-campus-addittion-invalid-user' => 'There is no user with name $1, so no one has been added to course $2',
 1485+ 'ep-campus-add-close-button' => 'Close',
 1486+ 'ep-campus-add-retry' => 'Retry',
 1487+ 'ep-campus-addittion-failed' => 'Something went wrong - could not add the Campus Ambassador to the course.',
 1488+ 'ep-campus-add-title' => 'Add a Campus Ambassador to the course',
 1489+ 'ep-campus-add-self-title' => 'Become an {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}} for this course',
 1490+ 'ep-campus-add-button' => 'Add Campus Ambassador',
 1491+ 'ep-campus-add-self-button' => 'Become {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}}',
 1492+ 'ep-campus-add-text' => 'You are adding a Campus Ambassador for course $1. Enter the username of the Campus Ambassador and a brief description why this person is being added.',
 1493+ 'ep-campus-add-self-text' => 'You are adding yourself as {{GENDER:$1|Campus Ambassador}} for course $1. Please add a brief description why you are doing so.',
 1494+ 'ep-campus-add-cancel-button' => 'Cancel',
 1495+ 'ep-campus-summary-input' => 'Summary:',
 1496+ 'ep-campus-name-input' => 'User name:',
 1498+ // EPInstrucor
 1499+ 'ep-instructor-remove' => 'remove as instructor',
 1501+ // EPCA
 1502+ 'ep-campus-remove' => 'remove as Campus Ambassador',
 1504+ // EPOA
 1505+ 'ep-online-remove' => 'remove as Online Ambassador',
 1507+ // API enlist
 1508+ 'ep-enlist-invalid-user-args' => 'You need to either provide the username or the userid parameter',
 1509+ 'ep-enlist-invalid-user' => 'The provided user id or name is not valid and can therefore not be associated as instrucor or ambassador with the specified course',
 1510+ 'ep-enlist-invalid-course' => 'There is no course with the provided ID',
 1512+ // Special:OnlineAmbassadorProfile
 1513+ 'onlineambassadorprofile' => 'Online Ambassador profile',
 1514+ 'onlineambassadorprofile-legend' => 'My Online Ambassador profile',
 1515+ 'onlineambassadorprofile-text' => 'Your Online Ambassador profile is what students get to see when they browse available ambassadors.',
 1516+ 'epoa-profile-invalid-photo' => 'The photo must be located on {{PLURAL:$2|this website: $1|one of these websites: $1}}',
 1517+ 'epoa-profile-bio' => 'Short bio',
 1518+ 'epoa-profile-photo' => 'Profile photo',
 1519+ 'epoa-profile-photo-help' => 'A picture of you that will be shown next to your bio. Enter the name of an image on Wikimedia Commons and a preview will appear. You can type the first few letters of the image name and then select your image from the suggestion list. If you do not have a picture of you on commons yet, [$1 go upload one]!',
 1520+ 'epoa-profile-saved' => 'Your profile has been saved',
 1521+ 'epoa-profile-invalid-bio' => 'Your bio needs to be at least contain $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}}.',
 1522+ 'epoa-visible' => 'Publicly list me as Online Ambassador',
 1524+ // Special:CampusAmbassadorProfile
 1525+ 'campusambassadorprofile' => 'Campus Ambassador profile',
 1526+ 'campusambassadorprofile-legend' => 'My Campus Ambassador profile',
 1527+ 'campusambassadorprofile-text' => 'Your Campus Ambassador profile is what students get to see when they browse available ambassadors.',
 1528+ 'epca-profile-invalid-photo' => 'The photo must be located on {{PLURAL:$2|this website: $1|one of these websites: $1}}',
 1529+ 'epca-profile-bio' => 'Short bio',
 1530+ 'epca-profile-photo' => 'Profile photo',
 1531+ 'epca-profile-photo-help' => 'A picture of you that will be shown next to your bio. Enter the name of an image on Wikimedia Commons and a preview will appear. You can type the first few letters of the image name and then select your image from the suggestion list. If you do not have a picture of you on commons yet, [$1 go upload one]!',
 1532+ 'epca-profile-saved' => 'Your profile has been saved',
 1533+ 'epca-profile-invalid-bio' => 'Your bio needs to be at least contain $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}}.',
 1534+ 'epca-visible' => 'Publicly list me as Campus Ambassador',
 1536+ // Special:StudentActivity
 1537+ 'ep-studentactivity-noresults' => 'There are no students that where active in the last $1 :(
 1539+You can find a full list of students on [[Special:Students|the student list]].',
 1540+ 'ep-studentactivity-count' => '{{PLURAL:$1|One student was|$1 students were}} active in the last $2.',
 1542+ // Cached special page, back compat for MW < 1.20
 1543+ 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl' => 'You are viewing a cached version of this page, which can be up to $1 old.',
 1544+ 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts' => 'You are viewing a cached version of this page, which might not be completely actual.',
 1545+ 'cachedspecial-refresh-now' => 'View latest.',
 1547+ // Durations, back compat for MW < 1.20
 1548+ 'duration-seconds' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}',
 1549+ 'duration-minutes' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|minute|minutes}}',
 1550+ 'duration-hours' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|hour|hours}}',
 1551+ 'duration-days' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}',
 1552+ 'duration-weeks' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|week|weeks}}',
 1553+ 'duration-years' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|year|years}}',
 1554+ 'duration-centuries' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|century|centuries}}',
 1556+ // Diffs
 1557+ 'ep-diff-old' => 'Old value',
 1558+ 'ep-diff-new' => 'New value',
13651560 );

Status & tagging log