r111849 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r111848‎ | r111849 | r111850 >
Date:01:07, 19 February 2012
Add a special page to search for a wiki by selecting a project and inputting a language name or code. It accepts language names in English, the user interface language and in the language itself. It goes directly to the subdomain if it exists, and otherwise to the incubator test wiki.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/SpecialSearchWiki.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/WikimediaIncubator.alias.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/WikimediaIncubator.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/WikimediaIncubator.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/SpecialSearchWiki.php
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
 4+class SpecialSearchWiki extends IncludableSpecialPage {
 5+ public function __construct() {
 6+ parent::__construct( 'SearchWiki' );
 7+ }
 9+ function getDescription() {
 10+ return wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki' )->plain();
 11+ }
 13+ /**
 14+ * Show the special page
 15+ * @param $subpage Mixed: parameter passed to the page or null
 16+ */
 17+ public function execute( $subpage ) {
 18+ global $wmincProjects, $wmincSisterProjects, $wgScript;
 20+ $this->setHeaders();
 22+ # Array of projects
 23+ $this->mProjects = array_merge( $wmincProjects, $wmincSisterProjects );
 25+ # Queries
 26+ if( $subpage ) {
 27+ $subpage = explode( '/', $subpage );
 28+ }
 29+ $projectQuery = $this->getRequest()->getText( 'searchproject', isset( $subpage[0] ) ? $subpage[0] : '' );
 30+ $languageQuery = $this->getRequest()->getText( 'searchlanguage', isset( $subpage[1] ) ? $subpage[1] : '' );
 32+ # Show form
 33+ $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
 34+ Xml::fieldset( wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki' )->plain(),
 35+ Html::rawElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript, 'id' => 'wminc-searchwiki-form' ),
 36+ Html::hidden( 'title', SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'SearchWiki' ) ) .
 37+ '<p>' . Xml::label( wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-selectproject' )->text(), 'wminc-searchproject' ) .
 38+ ' ' . $this->makeProjectSelector( $projectQuery ) . '</p>' .
 39+ '<p>' . Xml::inputLabel( wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-inputlanguage' )->text(), 'searchlanguage',
 40+ 'wminc-searchlanguage', 30, $languageQuery ) . ' ' .
 41+ Xml::submitButton( wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-go' )->text() ) . '</p>'
 42+ ) )
 43+ );
 45+ # Search
 46+ if ( $projectQuery || $languageQuery ) {
 47+ $this->mNamesUserLang = Language::getTranslatedLanguageNames( $this->getLanguage()->getCode() );
 48+ $this->mEnglishNames = Language::getTranslatedLanguageNames( 'en' );
 49+ $this->mNativeNames = Language::getLanguageNames( false );
 50+ $this->doSearch( $projectQuery, $languageQuery );
 51+ }
 52+ }
 54+ /**
 55+ * Make a <select> box with projects (Wikipedia, Wiktionary, ...)
 56+ * @param $selected
 57+ * @return string
 58+ */
 59+ protected function makeProjectSelector( $selected ) {
 60+ $select = new XmlSelect( 'searchproject', 'wminc-searchproject', $selected );
 61+ $select->addOptions( array_flip( $this->mProjects ) );
 62+ return $select->getHTML();
 63+ }
 65+ protected function doSearch( $projectQuery, $languageQuery ) {
 66+ ## Match project ##
 67+ if( isset( $this->mProjects[$projectQuery] ) ) {
 68+ $matchProject = $projectQuery; # searched with a project code (select box)
 69+ } elseif( $projectCode = array_search( $projectQuery, $this->mProjects ) ) {
 70+ $matchProject = $projectCode; # searched with a project name
 71+ } else {
 72+ return $this->getOutput()->addWikiMsg( 'wminc-searchwiki-noproject' );
 73+ }
 75+ $results = array();
 77+ $lcLanguageQuery = strtolower( $languageQuery );
 78+ # The more important, the more below, because they override earlier codes
 79+ $validCodes = array_keys( Language::getLanguageNames() );
 80+ if( in_array( $lcLanguageQuery, $validCodes ) ) {
 81+ $builtinCode = Language::factory( $lcLanguageQuery )->getCode();
 82+ $results[$builtinCode] = 'langcode'; # Match language code
 83+ }
 84+ if( $codeByEnglishName = array_search( $lcLanguageQuery, array_map( 'strtolower', $this->mEnglishNames ) ) ) {
 85+ $results[$codeByEnglishName] = 'englishname'; # Match name in English
 86+ }
 87+ if( $codeUserLang = array_search( $lcLanguageQuery, array_map( 'strtolower', $this->mNamesUserLang ) ) ) {
 88+ $results[$codeUserLang] = 'userlangname'; # Match name in user language
 89+ }
 90+ if( $codeByNativeName = array_search( $lcLanguageQuery, array_map( 'strtolower', $this->mNativeNames ) ) ) {
 91+ $results[$codeByNativeName] = 'nativename'; # Match native name
 92+ }
 94+ if( count( $results ) === 1 ) {
 95+ self::gotoWiki( $matchProject, key( $results ) );
 96+ } elseif( count( $results ) < 1 ) {
 97+ $noresult = Html::element( 'p', array( 'class' => 'error' ), wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-noresults' )->text() );
 98+ return $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $noresult );
 99+ } elseif( count( $results ) > 1 ) {
 100+ self::showMultipleResults( $matchProject, $languageQuery, $results );
 101+ }
 102+ }
 104+ /**
 105+ * Go directly to the wiki if it exists, else to the Incubator test wiki
 106+ * @param $project String: project code
 107+ * @param $lang String: Language code
 108+ */
 109+ protected function goToWiki( $project, $lang ) {
 110+ $lang = self::getRootCode( $lang );
 111+ $status = IncubatorTest::getDBState( array( 'project' => $project, 'lang' => $lang, 'error' => null ) );
 112+ $url = $status == 'existing' ? IncubatorTest::getSubdomain( $lang, $project ) :
 113+ Title::newFromText( 'W' . $project . '/' . $lang )->getFullURL( array( 'goto' => 'mainpage' ) );
 114+ $this->getOutput()->redirect( $url );
 115+ }
 117+ protected function getRootCode( $code ) {
 118+ # e.g. ks-arab -> ks
 119+ $stripLangTags = array( '-arab', '-latn', '-cyrl', '-deva', '-cans', '-grek' );
 120+ return str_replace( $stripLangTags, '', $code );
 121+ }
 123+ protected function showMultipleResults( $project, $languageQuery, $results ) {
 124+ $this->getOutput()->addHTML( '<div id="wminc-searchwiki-results">' .
 125+ Xml::element( 'p', array(), wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-multiplematches' )->text() ) . '<ul>' );
 126+ foreach( $results as $resultCode => $resultType ) {
 127+ $langName = $this->mNamesUserLang[$resultCode];
 128+ $infopage = Title::newFromText( IncubatorTest::displayPrefix( $project, $resultCode, true ) );
 129+ $linkInfoPage = Linker::linkKnown( $infopage, wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-gotoinfopage' )->text() );
 130+ $linkMainPage = Linker::linkKnown( $infopage, wfMessage( 'wminc-infopage-title-' . $project, $langName )->text(),
 131+ array(), array( 'goto' => 'mainpage' ) );
 132+ # wminc-searchwiki-match-langcode, wminc-searchwiki-match-englishname,
 133+ # wminc-searchwiki-match-userlangname, wminc-searchwiki-match-nativename
 134+ $this->getOutput()->addHTML( '<li>' .
 135+ wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-match-' . $resultType,
 136+ $languageQuery, $langName, $resultCode )->escaped() . ' ' .
 137+ $this->getLanguage()->getArrow() . ' ' .
 138+ wfMessage( 'wminc-searchwiki-goto', $linkMainPage, $linkInfoPage )->text() .
 139+ '</li>' );
 140+ }
 141+ $this->getOutput()->addHTML( '</ul></div>' );
 142+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/SpecialSearchWiki.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1144 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/WikimediaIncubator.php
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
1717 'path' => __FILE__,
1818 'name' => 'Wikimedia Incubator',
1919 'author' => 'SPQRobin',
20 - 'version' => '4.8',
 20+ 'version' => '5.0',
2121 'url' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikimediaIncubator',
2222 'descriptionmsg' => 'wminc-desc',
2323 );
@@ -155,3 +155,7 @@
156156 $wgHooks['SpecialSearchCreateLink'][] = 'IncubatorTest::onSpecialSearchCreateLink';
157157 $wgHooks['SpecialSearchPowerBox'][] = 'IncubatorTest::onSpecialSearchPowerBox';
158158 $wgHooks['SpecialSearchSetupEngine'][] = 'IncubatorTest::onSpecialSearchSetupEngine';
 160+/* Search for a wiki in a language */
 161+$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialSearchWiki'] = $dir . 'SpecialSearchWiki.php';
 162+$wgSpecialPages['SearchWiki'] = 'SpecialSearchWiki';
Index: trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/WikimediaIncubator.alias.php
@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@
1414 'ViewUserLang' => array( 'ViewUserLang' ),
1515 'MyMainPage' => array( 'MyMainPage' ),
1616 'RandomByTest' => array( 'RandomByTest' ),
 17+ 'SearchWiki' => array( 'SearchWiki' ),
1718 );
Index: trunk/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/WikimediaIncubator.i18n.php
@@ -62,6 +62,21 @@
6363 # Search
6464 'wminc-search-nocreate-nopref' => 'You searched for "$1". Please set your [[Special:Preferences|test wiki preference]] so we can tell you which page you can create!',
6565 'wminc-search-nocreate-suggest' => 'You searched for "$1". You can create a page in your wiki at <b>[[$2]]</b>!',
 67+ # SearchWiki
 68+ 'wminc-searchwiki' => 'Search wiki',
 69+ 'wminc-searchwiki-noproject' => 'You did not select a project.',
 70+ 'wminc-searchwiki-noresults' => 'No results. You can search by language codes, native names and names in your interface language or English.',
 71+ 'wminc-searchwiki-selectproject' => 'Search for:',
 72+ 'wminc-searchwiki-inputlanguage' => 'In language:',
 73+ 'wminc-searchwiki-go' => 'Go',
 74+ 'wminc-searchwiki-multiplematches' => 'Your search matches the following languages:',
 75+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-langcode' => '"$1" is an ISO 639 language code for $2.',
 76+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-userlangname' => '$1 is the name of a language.',
 77+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-englishname' => '"$1" is the name for $2 in English.',
 78+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-nativename' => '"$1" is the name for $2 in that language.',
 79+ 'wminc-searchwiki-goto' => '<b>$1</b> ($2)',
 80+ 'wminc-searchwiki-gotoinfopage' => 'info page',
6681 );
6883 /** Message documentation (Message documentation)
@@ -122,6 +137,18 @@
123138 'wminc-listusers-testwiki' => 'Used on [[Special:ListUsers]]. $1 is either "Incubator" or a link to pages like "Wx/xyz".',
124139 'wminc-search-nocreate-nopref' => 'Used on Special:Search. $1 is the search term.',
125140 'wminc-search-nocreate-suggest' => 'Used on Special:Search. $1 is the search term, and $2 is the prefixed form of $1.',
 141+ 'wminc-searchwiki' => 'Title of Special:SearchWiki, to search for a wiki in a specific language',
 142+ 'wminc-searchwiki-noproject' => 'Error message',
 143+ 'wminc-searchwiki-noresults' => 'Error message',
 144+ 'wminc-searchwiki-selectproject' => 'Followed by a dropdown menu with projects (Wikipedia, Wiktionary, ...)',
 145+ 'wminc-searchwiki-inputlanguage' => 'Followed by an input box where you can enter a language name or code',
 146+ 'wminc-searchwiki-go' => 'Submit button',
 147+ 'wminc-searchwiki-multiplematches' => 'Followed by a list of matches when there are multiple matches',
 148+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-langcode' => '$1 is the input; $2 is its language name in the user interface language',
 149+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-userlangname' => '$1 is the input; $2 is its language name in the user interface language',
 150+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-englishname' => '$1 is the input; $2 is its language name in the user interface language',
 151+ 'wminc-searchwiki-match-nativename' => '$1 is the input; $2 is its language name in the user interface language',
 152+ 'wminc-searchwiki-gotoinfopage' => 'Link text to go to the Wx/xyz info page',
126153 );
128155 /** адыгэбзэ (адыгэбзэ)

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r111852follow-up r111849robin01:49, 19 February 2012

Status & tagging log