r110715 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r110714‎ | r110715 | r110716 >
Date:09:53, 5 February 2012
Status:fixme (Comments)
Tags:nodeploy, todo 
Releasing new version 1.3.0 which is completely based on API. Thank you Krinkle for these API codes.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/HelpCommons/HelpCommons.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/HelpCommons/HelpCommons.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/HelpCommons/HelpCommons.i18n.php
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@
1818 * @author SVG
1919 */
2020 $messages['en'] = array(
21 - 'helpcommons-desc' => 'Fetches help pages from a help wiki and includes them into other wikis on the wiki family',
 21+ 'helpcommons-desc' => 'Fetches help pages from an external or local help wiki and includes them into this wiki',
 22+ 'helpcommons-create' => 'Create on Help Wiki',
 23+ 'helpcommons-edit' => 'Edit on Help Wiki',
 24+ 'helpcommons-discussion' => 'Discuss this on Help Wiki',
 25+ 'helpcommons-info' => 'This content is fetched from $1. See $2.',
2226 );
2428 /** Message documentation (Message documentation)
@@ -25,6 +29,10 @@
2630 */
2731 $messages['qqq'] = array(
2832 'helpcommons-desc' => '{{desc}}',
 33+ 'helpcommons-create' => 'Second create tab connected to Help Wiki',
 34+ 'helpcommons-edit' => 'Second edit tab connected to Help Wiki',
 35+ 'helpcommons-discussion' => 'Second discussion tab connected to Help Wiki',
 36+ 'helpcommons-info' => "Short description about source at the left side in top in the help page's infobox",
2937 );
3139 /** Asturian (Asturianu)
@@ -54,7 +62,11 @@
5563 * @author SVG
5664 */
5765 $messages['de'] = array(
58 - 'helpcommons-desc' => 'Ermöglicht das Einbinden des Namensraums Hilfe aus einem Wiki in alle anderen Wikis der Wiki-Familie',
 66+ 'helpcommons-desc' => 'Ermöglicht das Einbinden des Hilfe-Namensraums aus einem externen oder lokalen Hilfe Wiki in dieses Wiki',
 67+ 'helpcommons-create' => 'Erstellen im Hilfe Wiki',
 68+ 'helpcommons-edit' => 'Bearbeiten im Hilfe Wiki',
 69+ 'helpcommons-discussion' => 'Diskussion im Hilfe Wiki',
 70+ 'helpcommons-info' => 'Dieser Inhalt ist bezogen aus $1. Siehe $2.',
5971 );
6173 /** Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski)
@@ -127,4 +139,3 @@
128140 $messages['ru'] = array(
129141 'helpcommons-desc' => 'Извлекает страницы справки из справочной вики и добавляет их в другие вики',
130142 );
131 -
Index: trunk/extensions/HelpCommons/HelpCommons.php
@@ -23,79 +23,129 @@
2424 'author' => array( 'Tim Weyer' ),
2525 'url' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:HelpCommons',
2626 'descriptionmsg' => 'helpcommons-desc',
27 - 'version' => '1.0.2',
 27+ 'version' => '1.3.0', // 02-05-2012
2828 );
3030 // Internationalization
3131 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['HelpCommons'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/HelpCommons.i18n.php';
3333 // Help wiki(s) where the help namespace is fetched from
 34+// You only need to give a database if you use help pages from your own wiki family so help pages are not fetched for help wiki from help wiki
 35+// Examples:
 36+// $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis['en']['no-database']['https://meta.wikimedia.org']['w'] = 'Help Wiki'; // https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php
 37+// $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis['de']['dewiki']['http://de.community.wikiunity.com']['no-prefix'] = 'dem deutschsprachigen Hilfe Wiki'; // http://de.community.wikiunity.com/api.php
 38+// $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis['fr']['no-database']['http://fr.wikiunity.com']['no-prefix'] = 'Wikiunity Aidé'; // http://fr.wikiunity.com/api.php
 39+// $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis['ja']['no-database']['http://meta.wikimedia.org']['w'] = 'Help Wiki'; // http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php
3440 $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis = array();
35 -// If true, all non-existent help pages and talks which exist on help wiki will be protected on non-help wikis
36 -$wgHelpCommonsProtect = true;
37 -// If true, every non-existent help page will be protected on non-help wikis
38 -$wgHelpCommonsProtectAll = false;
 42+// Enable local discussions and add an extra tab to help wiki's talk or redirect local discussions to help wiki?
 43+$wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions = true;
 45+// Show re-localized categories from help wiki?
 46+$wgHelpCommonsShowCategories = true;
 48+// Protection levels for the help namespace and its talk namespace
 49+// $wgHelpCommonsProtection = 'existing'; => all existing help pages and their discussions
 50+// $wgHelpCommonsProtection = 'all'; => every help page and every help page discussion
 51+$wgHelpCommonsProtection = false;
4053 // Hooks
41 -$wgHooks['ShowMissingArticle'][] = 'wfHelpCommonsLoad';
42 -$wgHooks['ArticleViewHeader'][] = 'wfHelpCommonsRedirectTalks';
43 -$wgHooks['LinkBegin'][] = 'efHelpCommonsMakeBlueLinks';
44 -$wgHooks['LinkBegin'][] = 'efHelpCommonsChangeCategoryLinks';
45 -$wgHooks['DoEditSectionLink'][] = 'wfHelpCommonsChangeEditSectionLink';
46 -$wgHooks['getUserPermissionsErrors'][] = 'fnProtectHelpCommons';
 54+$wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsLoad';
 55+$wgHooks['ArticleViewHeader'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsRedirectTalks';
 56+$wgHooks['SkinTemplateTabs'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsInsertTabs';
 57+$wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsInsertTabsVector';
 58+$wgHooks['getUserPermissionsErrors'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsProtection';
 59+// This hook is not needed when 'TitleHelpCommonsPageIsKnown' and 'TitleHelpCommonsTalkIsKnown' hooks are used but it does not need to be removed
 60+$wgHooks['LinkBegin'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsMakeBlueLinks';
 61+// HelpCommons' hooks included in Title.php
 62+// Please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:HelpCommons to include these hooks
 63+$wgHooks['TitleHelpCommonsPageIsKnown'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsPageIsKnown';
 64+$wgHooks['TitleHelpCommonsTalkIsKnown'][] = 'fnHelpCommonsTalkIsKnown';
4866 /**
4967 * @param $helppage Article
5068 * @return bool
5169 */
52 -function wfHelpCommonsLoad( $helppage ) {
53 - global $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname, $wgOut;
 70+function fnHelpCommonsLoad( OutputPage &$helppage, Skin &$skin ) {
 71+ global $wgRequest, $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgDBname, $wgLanguageCode, $wgOut, $wgHelpCommonsShowCategories, $wgContLang;
5573 $title = $helppage->getTitle();
57 - if ( $title->getNamespace() != NS_HELP ) {
 75+ $action = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action', 'view' );
 76+ if ( $title->getNamespace() != NS_HELP || ( $action != 'view' && $action != 'purge' ) ) {
5877 return true;
5978 }
61 - $dbkey = $title->getDBkey();
 80+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 81+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 82+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 83+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 84+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
63 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
64 - foreach ( $urls as $helpwiki ) {
65 - if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language && $wgDBname != $helpwiki ) {
66 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE, array(), $helpwiki );
67 - $page = $dbr->selectRow(
68 - 'page',
69 - array( 'page_title', 'page_namespace', 'page_latest' ),
70 - array( 'page_namespace' => NS_HELP, 'page_title' => $dbkey ),
71 - __METHOD__
72 - );
 86+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 87+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 88+ return true;
 89+ }
 90+ }
 92+ $dbkey = $title->getDBkey();
 94+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 95+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 96+ } else {
 97+ $prefix = '';
 98+ }
 100+ // check if requested page does exist
 101+ $apiResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $dbkey );
 102+ $apiData = unserialize( $apiResponse );
 104+ if ( !$apiResponse ) {
 105+ return true;
 106+ }
 108+ if ( !$apiData ) {
 109+ return true;
 110+ }
 112+ if ( !$apiData['query'] ) {
 113+ return true;
 114+ }
 116+ foreach( $apiData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 117+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) ) {
 119+ // remove noarticletext message and its <div> if not existent (does remove all content)
 120+ if ( !$title->exists() ) {
 121+ $wgOut->clearHTML();
 122+ }
 124+ $response = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=json&action=parse&prop=text|categorieshtml&redirects&disablepp&pst&text={{:Help:' . $dbkey . '}}' );
 125+ $data = json_decode( $response, /*assoc=*/ true );
 126+ $text = $data['parse']['text']['*'];
 127+ $text_html = str_replace( '<span class="editsection">[<a href="'.$prefix.'/', '<span class="editsection">[<a href="'.$url.$prefix.'/', $text ); // re-locate [edit] links to help wiki
 128+ if ( $wgHelpCommonsShowCategories ) {
 129+ $categories = $data['parse']['categorieshtml']['*'];
 130+ $categories_html = str_replace( '<a href="', '<a href="'.$url, $categories );
 131+ $content = $text_html . $categories_html;
 132+ } else {
 133+ $content = $text_html;
 134+ }
 135+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<div id="helpCommons" style="border: solid 1px; padding: 10px; margin: 5px;">' . '<div class="helpCommonsInfo" style="text-align: right; font-size: smaller;padding: 5px;">' . wfMsgForContent( 'helpcommons-info', $name, '<a href="' . $url . $prefix . '/index.php?title=Help:' . $dbkey . '" title="' . $wgContLang->namespaceNames[NS_HELP] . ':' . str_replace( '_', ' ', $dbkey ) . '">' . $wgContLang->namespaceNames[NS_HELP] . ':' . str_replace( '_', ' ', $dbkey ) . '</a>' ) . '</div>' . $content . '</div>' );
 136+ return false;
 137+ } else {
 138+ return true;
 139+ }
 140+ }
 142+ }
 144+ }
73145 }
74146 }
75147 }
76 - if ( !empty( $page->page_title ) ) {
77 - $rev = $dbr->select( 'revision',
78 - array( 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id' ),
79 - array( 'rev_id' => $page->page_latest ),
80 - __METHOD__
81 - );
82 - $rev = $dbr->fetchObject( $rev );
83 - } else {
84 - return true;
85 - }
86 - $text = $dbr->select( 'text',
87 - array( 'old_id', 'old_text' ),
88 - array( 'old_id' => $rev->rev_text_id ),
89 - __METHOD__
90 - );
91 - $text = $dbr->fetchObject( $text );
93 - if ( !empty( $text->old_text ) ) {
94 - $wgOut->addWikiText( $text->old_text );
95 - $wgOut->addScript( '<style type="text/css">div.noarticletext { display: none; } div.mw-warning-with-logexcerpt { display: none; } #contentSub, #contentSub2 { display: none; }</style>' );
96 - return false;
97 - } else {
98 - return true;
99 - }
 149+ return true;
100150 }
102152 /**
@@ -103,87 +153,441 @@
104154 * @param $fields
105155 * @return bool
106156 */
107 -function wfHelpCommonsRedirectTalks( &$helppage, &$outputDone, &$pcache ) {
108 - global $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname, $wgOut;
 157+function fnHelpCommonsRedirectTalks( &$helppage, &$outputDone, &$pcache ) {
 158+ global $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions, $wgHelpCommonsProtection, $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname, $wgOut;
110160 $title = $helppage->getTitle();
112 - if ( $title->getNamespace() != NS_HELP_TALK ) {
 162+ if ( $title->getNamespace() != NS_HELP_TALK || ( $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions && $wgHelpCommonsProtection != 'all' && $wgHelpCommonsProtection != 'existing' ) ) {
113163 return true;
114164 }
116166 $dbkey = $title->getDBkey();
118 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
119 - foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpwiki ) {
120 - if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language && $wgDBname != $helpwiki ) {
121 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE, array(), $helpwiki );
122 - $page = $dbr->selectRow(
123 - 'page',
124 - array( 'page_title', 'page_namespace', 'page_latest' ),
125 - array( 'page_namespace' => NS_HELP, 'page_title' => $dbkey ),
126 - __METHOD__
127 - );
128 - }
129 - if ( !empty( $page->page_title ) ) {
130 - if ( $page->page_title == $dbkey && !$title->exists() ) {
131 - $helpCommonsRedirectTalk = Title::newFromText( $url . '/index.php?title=' . str_replace( ' ', '_', $title ) );
132 - $redirectTalkPage = $helpCommonsRedirectTalk->getFullText();
133 - $wgOut->redirect( $redirectTalkPage );
134 - return false;
135 - } else {
136 - return true;
 168+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 169+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 170+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 171+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 172+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
 174+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 175+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 176+ return true;
 177+ }
 178+ }
 180+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 181+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 182+ } else {
 183+ $prefix = '';
 184+ }
 186+ // check if requested page does exist
 187+ $apiResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $dbkey );
 188+ $apiData = unserialize( $apiResponse );
 190+ if ( !$apiResponse ) {
 191+ return true;
 192+ }
 194+ if ( !$apiData ) {
 195+ return true;
 196+ }
 198+ if ( !$apiData['query'] ) {
 199+ return true;
 200+ }
 202+ // check if page does exist
 203+ foreach( $apiData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 204+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) && !$title->exists() ) {
 205+ $helpCommonsRedirectTalk = $url . $prefix . '/index.php?title=Help_talk:' . $dbkey;
 206+ $wgOut->redirect( $helpCommonsRedirectTalk );
 207+ return false;
 208+ } else {
 209+ return true;
 210+ }
 211+ }
 213+ }
137215 }
138216 }
139217 }
140218 }
141220 return true;
142221 }
144223 /**
145 - * @param $skin
146 - * @param $target Title
147 - * @param $text
148 - * @param $customAttribs
149 - * @param $query
150 - * @param $options array
151 - * @param $ret
 224+ * @param $talkpage Title
 225+ * @param $content_actions
152226 * @return bool
153227 */
154 -function efHelpCommonsMakeBlueLinks( $skin, $target, &$text, &$customAttribs, &$query, &$options, &$ret ) {
155 - global $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgDBname;
 228+function fnHelpCommonsInsertTalkpageTab( $talkpage, &$content_actions ) {
 229+ global $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions, $wgHelpCommonsProtection, $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname, $wgUser;
157 - // only affects non-help-page-fetching wikis
158 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
159 - foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpwiki ) {
160 - if ( $wgDBname == $helpwiki ) {
161 - return true;
 231+ if ( ( $talkpage->getTitle()->getNamespace() != NS_HELP && $talkpage->getTitle()->getNamespace() != NS_HELP_TALK ) || !$wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions || $wgHelpCommonsProtection == 'all' || $wgHelpCommonsProtection == 'existing' ) {
 232+ return false;
 233+ }
 235+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 236+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 237+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 238+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 239+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
 241+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 242+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 243+ return false;
 244+ }
 245+ }
 247+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 248+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 249+ } else {
 250+ $prefix = '';
 251+ }
 254+ // check if requested page does exist
 255+ $apiResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $talkpage->getTitle()->getDBkey() );
 256+ $apiData = unserialize( $apiResponse );
 258+ if ( !$apiResponse ) {
 259+ return false;
 260+ }
 262+ if ( !$apiData ) {
 263+ return false;
 264+ }
 266+ if ( !$apiData['query'] ) {
 267+ return false;
 268+ }
 270+ // check if page does exist
 271+ foreach( $apiData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 272+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) ) {
 274+ $tab_keys = array_keys( $content_actions );
 276+ // find the location of the 'talk' link, and
 277+ // add the link to 'Discuss on help wiki' right before it
 278+ $helpcommons_tab_talk = array(
 279+ 'class' => false,
 280+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'helpcommons-discussion' ),
 281+ 'href' => $url.$prefix.'/index.php?title=Help_talk:'.$talkpage->getTitle()->getDBkey(),
 282+ );
 284+ $tab_values = array_values( $content_actions );
 285+ if ( $wgUser->getSkin()->getSkinName() == 'vector' ) {
 286+ $tabs_location = array_search( 'help_talk', $tab_keys );
 287+ } else {
 288+ $tabs_location = array_search( 'talk', $tab_keys );
 289+ }
 290+ array_splice( $tab_keys, $tabs_location, 0, 'talk-helpwiki' );
 291+ array_splice( $tab_values, $tabs_location, 0, array( $helpcommons_tab_talk ) );
 293+ $content_actions = array();
 294+ for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $tab_keys ); $i++ ) {
 295+ $content_actions[$tab_keys[$i]] = $tab_values[$i];
 296+ }
 298+ }
 299+ }
 301+ }
 302+ }
162303 }
163304 }
164305 }
166 - if ( is_null( $target ) ) {
167 - return true;
168 - }
 307+ return false;
170 - // only affects non-existent help pages and talks
171 - if ( ( $target->getNamespace() != NS_HELP && $target->getNamespace() != NS_HELP_TALK ) || $target->exists() ) {
172 - return true;
 311+ * @param $action Title
 312+ * @param $content_actions
 313+ * @return bool
 314+ */
 315+function fnHelpCommonsInsertActionTab( $action, &$content_actions ) {
 316+ global $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname, $wgUser, $wgVectorUseIconWatch;
 318+ if ( $action->getTitle()->getNamespace() != NS_HELP ) {
 319+ return false;
173320 }
175 - // remove "broken" assumption/override
176 - $brokenKey = array_search( 'broken', $options );
177 - if ( $brokenKey !== false ) {
178 - unset( $options[$brokenKey] );
 322+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 323+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 324+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 325+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 326+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
 328+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 329+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 330+ return false;
 331+ }
 332+ }
 334+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 335+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 336+ } else {
 337+ $prefix = '';
 338+ }
 341+ // check if requested page does exist
 342+ $apiResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $action->getTitle()->getDBkey() );
 343+ $apiData = unserialize( $apiResponse );
 345+ if ( !$apiResponse ) {
 346+ return false;
 347+ }
 349+ if ( !$apiData ) {
 350+ return false;
 351+ }
 353+ if ( !$apiData['query'] ) {
 354+ return false;
 355+ }
 357+ // check if page does exist
 358+ foreach( $apiData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 359+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) ) {
 361+ $tab_keys = array_keys( $content_actions );
 363+ // find the location of the 'edit' link or the 'watch' icon of vector, and
 364+ // add the link to 'Edit on help wiki' right before it
 365+ if ( array_search( 'edit', $tab_keys ) || array_search( 'watch', $tab_keys ) ) {
 367+ $helpcommons_tab_edit = array(
 368+ 'class' => false,
 369+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'helpcommons-edit' ),
 370+ 'href' => $url.$prefix.'/index.php?title=Help:'.$action->getTitle()->getDBkey().'&action=edit',
 371+ );
 373+ $tab_values = array_values( $content_actions );
 374+ if ( $wgUser->getSkin()->getSkinName() == 'vector' && $wgVectorUseIconWatch && !$action->getTitle()->exists() ) {
 375+ $tabs_location = array_search( 'watch', $tab_keys );
 376+ } else {
 377+ $tabs_location = array_search( 'edit', $tab_keys );
 378+ }
 379+ array_splice( $tab_keys, $tabs_location, 0, 'edit-on-helpwiki' );
 380+ array_splice( $tab_values, $tabs_location, 0, array( $helpcommons_tab_edit ) );
 382+ $content_actions = array();
 383+ for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $tab_keys ); $i++ ) {
 384+ $content_actions[$tab_keys[$i]] = $tab_values[$i];
 385+ }
 387+ // find the location of the 'viewsource' link, and
 388+ // add the link to 'Edit on help wiki' right before it
 389+ } elseif ( array_search( 'viewsource', $tab_keys ) ) {
 391+ $helpcommons_tab_edit = array(
 392+ 'class' => false,
 393+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'helpcommons-edit' ),
 394+ 'href' => $url.$prefix.'/index.php?title=Help:'.$action->getTitle()->getDBkey().'&action=edit',
 395+ );
 397+ $tab_values = array_values( $content_actions );
 398+ $tabs_location = array_search( 'viewsource', $tab_keys );
 399+ array_splice( $tab_keys, $tabs_location, 0, 'edit-on-helpwiki' );
 400+ array_splice( $tab_values, $tabs_location, 0, array( $helpcommons_tab_edit ) );
 402+ $content_actions = array();
 403+ for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $tab_keys ); $i++ ) {
 404+ $content_actions[$tab_keys[$i]] = $tab_values[$i];
 405+ }
 407+ } else {
 409+ $content_actions['edit-on-helpwiki'] = array(
 410+ 'class' => false,
 411+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'helpcommons-edit' ),
 412+ 'href' => $url.$prefix.'/index.php?title=Help:'.$action->getTitle()->getDBkey().'&action=edit',
 413+ );
 415+ }
 417+ } else {
 419+ $tab_keys = array_keys( $content_actions );
 421+ // find the location of the 'edit' link or the 'watch' icon of vector, and
 422+ // add the link to 'Edit on help wiki' right before it
 423+ if ( array_search( 'edit', $tab_keys ) || array_search( 'watch', $tab_keys ) ) {
 425+ $helpcommons_tab_create = array(
 426+ 'class' => false,
 427+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'helpcommons-create' ),
 428+ 'href' => $url.$prefix.'/index.php?title=Help:'.$action->getTitle()->getDBkey().'&action=edit',
 429+ );
 431+ $tab_values = array_values( $content_actions );
 432+ if ( $wgUser->getSkin()->getSkinName() == 'vector' && $wgVectorUseIconWatch && !$action->getTitle()->exists() ) {
 433+ $tabs_location = array_search( 'watch', $tab_keys );
 434+ } else {
 435+ $tabs_location = array_search( 'edit', $tab_keys );
 436+ }
 437+ array_splice( $tab_keys, $tabs_location, 0, 'create-on-helpwiki' );
 438+ array_splice( $tab_values, $tabs_location, 0, array( $helpcommons_tab_create ) );
 440+ $content_actions = array();
 441+ for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $tab_keys ); $i++ ) {
 442+ $content_actions[$tab_keys[$i]] = $tab_values[$i];
 443+ }
 445+ } else {
 447+ $content_actions['create-on-helpwiki'] = array(
 448+ 'class' => false,
 449+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'helpcommons-create' ),
 450+ 'href' => $url.$prefix.'/index.php?title=Help:'.$action->getTitle()->getDBkey().'&action=edit',
 451+ );
 453+ }
 455+ }
 456+ }
 458+ }
 459+ }
 460+ }
 461+ }
179462 }
181 - // make the link "blue"
182 - $options[] = 'known';
 464+ return false;
 468+ * @param $skin Title
 469+ * @param $content_actions
 470+ * @return bool
 471+ */
 472+function fnHelpCommonsInsertTabs( $skin, &$content_actions ) {
 473+ fnHelpCommonsInsertTalkpageTab( $skin, $content_actions );
 474+ fnHelpCommonsInsertActionTab( $skin, $content_actions );
184475 return true;
185476 }
187478 /**
 479+ * @param $sktemplate Title
 480+ * @param $links
 481+ * @return bool
 482+ */
 483+function fnHelpCommonsInsertTabsVector( SkinTemplate &$sktemplate, array &$links ) {
 484+ // the old '$content_actions' array is thankfully just a
 485+ // sub-array of this one
 486+ fnHelpCommonsInsertTalkpageTab( $sktemplate, $links['namespaces'] );
 487+ fnHelpCommonsInsertActionTab( $sktemplate, $links['views'] );
 488+ return true;
 492+ * @param $title Title
 493+ * @param $user User
 494+ * @param $action
 495+ * @param $result
 496+ * @return bool
 497+ */
 498+function fnHelpCommonsProtection( &$title, &$user, $action, &$result ) {
 499+ global $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgDBname, $wgLanguageCode, $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions, $wgHelpCommonsProtection;
 501+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 502+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 503+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 504+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 505+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
 507+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 508+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 509+ return true;
 510+ }
 511+ }
 513+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 514+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 515+ } else {
 516+ $prefix = '';
 517+ }
 519+ $ns = $title->getNamespace();
 521+ // don't protect existing pages
 522+ if ( $title->exists() ) {
 523+ return true;
 524+ }
 526+ // block actions 'create', 'edit' and 'protect'
 527+ if ( $action != 'create' && $action != 'edit' && $action != 'protect' ) {
 528+ return true;
 529+ }
 531+ if ( !$wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions && $ns == NS_HELP_TALK ) {
 532+ // error message if action is blocked
 533+ $result = array( 'protectedpagetext' );
 534+ // bail, and stop the request
 535+ return false;
 536+ }
 538+ switch ( $wgHelpCommonsProtection ) {
 540+ case 'all':
 541+ if ( $ns == NS_HELP || $ns == NS_HELP_TALK ) {
 542+ // error message if action is blocked
 543+ $result = array( 'protectedpagetext' );
 544+ // bail, and stop the request
 545+ return false;
 546+ }
 547+ break;
 549+ case 'existing':
 550+ // check if requested page does exist
 551+ $apiResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $title->getDBkey() );
 552+ $apiData = unserialize( $apiResponse );
 554+ if ( !$apiResponse ) {
 555+ return true;
 556+ }
 558+ if ( !$apiData ) {
 559+ return true;
 560+ }
 562+ if ( !$apiData['query'] ) {
 563+ return true;
 564+ }
 566+ // check if page does exist
 567+ foreach( $apiData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 568+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) && ( $ns == NS_HELP || $ns == NS_HELP_TALK ) ) {
 569+ // error message if action is blocked
 570+ $result = array( 'protectedpagetext' );
 571+ // bail, and stop the request
 572+ return false;
 573+ }
 574+ }
 575+ break;
 577+ default:
 578+ return true;
 579+ }
 581+ }
 583+ }
 584+ }
 585+ }
 586+ }
 588+ return true;
188592 * @param $skin
189593 * @param $target Title
190594 * @param $text
@@ -193,45 +597,74 @@
194598 * @param $ret
195599 * @return bool
196600 */
197 -function efHelpCommonsChangeCategoryLinks( $skin, $target, &$text, &$customAttribs, &$query, &$options, &$ret ) {
198 - global $wgTitle, $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname;
 601+function fnHelpCommonsMakeBlueLinks( $skin, $target, &$text, &$customAttribs, &$query, &$options, &$ret ) {
 602+ global $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions, $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname;
200 - // only affects non-help-page-fetching wikis
201 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
202 - foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpwiki ) {
203 - if ( $wgDBname == $helpwiki ) {
204 - return true;
205 - }
206 - }
207 - }
208 -
209 - if ( $wgTitle->getNamespace() != NS_HELP || $wgTitle->exists() ) {
 604+ if ( is_null( $target ) ) {
210605 return true;
211606 }
213 - if ( is_null( $target ) ) {
 608+ if ( ( $target->getNamespace() != NS_HELP && $target->getNamespace() != NS_HELP_TALK ) || $target->exists() ) {
214609 return true;
215610 }
217 - // only affects non-existent categories
218 - if ( $target->getNamespace() != NS_CATEGORY || $target->exists() ) {
 612+ if ( $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions && $target->getNamespace() == NS_HELP_TALK ) {
219613 return true;
220614 }
222 - // remove "broken" assumption/override
223 - $brokenKey = array_search( 'broken', $options );
224 - if ( $brokenKey !== false ) {
225 - unset( $options[$brokenKey] );
226 - }
 616+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 617+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 618+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 619+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 620+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
228 - // make the link "blue"
229 - $options[] = 'known';
 622+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 623+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 624+ return true;
 625+ }
 626+ }
231 - // change category's link
232 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
233 - foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpwiki ) {
234 - if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
235 - $text = '<a href="' . $url . '/index.php?title=' . str_replace( ' ', '_', $target->getPrefixedText() ) . '">' . $text . '</a>';
 628+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 629+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 630+ } else {
 631+ $prefix = '';
 632+ }
 634+ // check if requested page does exist
 635+ $apiResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $target->getDBkey() );
 636+ $apiData = unserialize( $apiResponse );
 638+ if ( !$apiResponse ) {
 639+ return true;
 640+ }
 642+ if ( !$apiData ) {
 643+ return true;
 644+ }
 646+ if ( !$apiData['query'] ) {
 647+ return true;
 648+ }
 650+ // check if page does exist
 651+ foreach( $apiData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 652+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) ) {
 654+ // remove "broken" assumption/override
 655+ $brokenKey = array_search( 'broken', $options );
 656+ if ( $brokenKey !== false ) {
 657+ unset( $options[$brokenKey] );
 658+ }
 660+ // make the link "blue"
 661+ $options[] = 'known';
 663+ }
 664+ }
 666+ }
 668+ }
236669 }
237670 }
238671 }
@@ -240,94 +673,143 @@
241674 }
243676 /**
244 - * @param $skin
245 - * @param $title Title
246 - * @param $section
247 - * @param $tooltip
248 - * @param $result
249 - * @param bool $lang
 677+ * @param $page Article
250678 * @return bool
251679 */
252 -function wfHelpCommonsChangeEditSectionLink( $skin, $title, $section, $tooltip, $result, $lang = false ) {
 680+function fnHelpCommonsPageIsKnown( $page ) {
253681 global $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname;
255 - $baseTitle = $skin->getTitle();
 683+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 684+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 685+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 686+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 687+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
257 - if ( $baseTitle->getNamespace() != NS_HELP ) {
258 - return false;
259 - }
 689+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 690+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 691+ return false;
 692+ }
 693+ }
261 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
262 - foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpwiki ) {
263 - if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language && $wgDBname != $helpwiki && !$baseTitle->exists() ) {
264 - // FIXME: $result is unused
265 - $result = '<span class="editsection">[' . Xml::element( 'a', array(
266 - 'href' => $url . '/index.php?title=' . str_replace( ' ', '_', $title ) . '&action=edit&section=' . $section,
267 - 'title' => wfMsg( 'editsectionhint', $tooltip ) ),
268 - wfMsg( 'editsection' )
269 - ) . ']</span>';
 695+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 696+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 697+ } else {
 698+ $prefix = '';
 699+ }
 701+ // check if requested page does exist
 702+ $apiResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $page->getDBkey() );
 703+ $apiData = unserialize( $apiResponse );
 705+ if ( !$apiResponse ) {
 706+ return false;
 707+ }
 709+ if ( !$apiData ) {
 710+ return false;
 711+ }
 713+ if ( !$apiData['query'] ) {
 714+ return false;
 715+ }
 717+ // check if page does exist
 718+ foreach( $apiData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 719+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) ) {
 720+ return true;
 721+ } else {
 722+ return false;
 723+ }
 724+ }
 726+ }
 728+ }
270729 }
271730 }
272731 }
273 - return true;
 733+ return false;
274734 }
276736 /**
277 - * @param $title Title
278 - * @param $user User
279 - * @param $action
280 - * @param $result
 737+ * @param $talk Article
281738 * @return bool
282739 */
283 -function fnProtectHelpCommons( &$title, &$user, $action, &$result ) {
284 - global $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgDBname, $wgHelpCommonsProtectAll, $wgHelpCommonsProtect, $wgLanguageCode;
 740+function fnHelpCommonsTalkIsKnown( $talk ) {
 741+ global $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions, $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDBname;
286 - // only affects non-help-page-fetching wikis
287 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
288 - foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpwiki ) {
289 - if ( $wgDBname == $helpwiki ) {
290 - return true;
291 - }
292 - }
 743+ if ( $wgHelpCommonsEnableLocalDiscussions ) {
 744+ return false;
293745 }
295 - $ns = $title->getNamespace();
296 - if ( ( $ns !== NS_HELP && $ns !== NS_HELP_TALK ) || $title->exists() ) {
297 - return true;
298 - }
 747+ foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $dbs ) {
 748+ foreach ( $dbs as $db => $urls ) {
 749+ foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpWikiPrefixes ) {
 750+ foreach ( $helpWikiPrefixes as $helpWikiPrefix => $name ) {
 751+ if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
300 - // block actions 'create', 'edit' and 'protect'
301 - if ( $action != 'create' && $action != 'edit' && $action != 'protect' ) {
302 - return true;
303 - }
 753+ if ( $db != 'no-database' ) {
 754+ if ( $wgDBname == $db ) {
 755+ return false;
 756+ }
 757+ }
305 - if ( $wgHelpCommonsProtectAll ) {
306 - $result = array( 'protectedpagetext' );
307 - return false;
308 - } elseif ( !$wgHelpCommonsProtect ) {
309 - return true;
310 - }
 759+ if ( $helpWikiPrefix != 'no-prefix' ) {
 760+ $prefix = '/' . $helpWikiPrefix;
 761+ } else {
 762+ $prefix = '';
 763+ }
312 - foreach ( $wgHelpCommonsFetchingWikis as $language => $urls ) {
313 - foreach ( $urls as $url => $helpwiki ) {
314 - // only protect non-existent help pages on non-help-page-fetching wikis
315 - if ( $wgLanguageCode == $language ) {
316 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE, array(), $helpwiki );
317 - $res = $dbr->selectField(
318 - 'page',
319 - '1',
320 - array( 'page_namespace' => NS_HELP, 'page_title' => $title->getDBkey() ),
321 - __METHOD__
322 - );
 765+ // check if requested page does exist
 766+ $apiPageResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $talk->getDBkey() );
 767+ $apiPageData = unserialize( $apiPageResponse );
324 - if ( $res ) {
325 - // error message if action is blocked
326 - $result = array( 'protectedpagetext' );
327 - // bail, and stop the request
328 - return false;
 769+ if ( !$apiPageResponse ) {
 770+ return false;
 771+ }
 773+ if ( !$apiPageData ) {
 774+ return false;
 775+ }
 777+ if ( !$apiPageData['query'] ) {
 778+ return false;
 779+ }
 781+ // check if requested talkpage does exist
 782+ $apiTalkResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help_talk:' . $talk->getDBkey() );
 783+ $apiTalkData = unserialize( $apiTalkResponse );
 785+ if ( !$apiTalkResponse ) {
 786+ return false;
 787+ }
 789+ if ( !$apiTalkData ) {
 790+ return false;
 791+ }
 793+ if ( !$apiTalkData['query'] ) {
 794+ return false;
 795+ }
 797+ // check if page and its talk do exist
 798+ foreach( $apiPageData['query']['pages'] as $pageId => $pageData ) {
 799+ foreach( $apiTalkData['query']['pages'] as $talkId => $talkData ) {
 800+ if ( !isset( $pageData['missing'] ) && !isset( $talkData['missing'] ) ) {
 801+ return true;
 802+ } else {
 803+ return false;
 804+ }
 805+ }
 806+ }
 808+ }
329810 }
330811 }
331812 }
332813 }
333 - return true;
 815+ return false;
334816 }

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r104338Adding SharedHelpNamespace extensioncervidae15:32, 27 November 2011


#Comment by Krinkle (talk | contribs)   04:11, 23 February 2012
+	if ( $title->getNamespace() != NS_HELP || ( $action != 'view' && $action != 'purge' ) ) { 

As of 1.18 (or earlier maybe even) purge is a form-action for anonymous users and a redirect to view for logged-in users, so no article will show while action is purge. This isn't needed anymore. View is just plain view.

#Comment by SVG (talk | contribs)   14:06, 6 March 2012

Yes, since 1.18, purge action will be redirected to normal view. It's still needed for backward compatibility but I'll add a notice.

#Comment by Krinkle (talk | contribs)   04:14, 23 February 2012
+						if ( !$apiPageData['query'] ) {

Use isset() instead to avoid PHP Notice errors when the property isn't set. Marking fixme.

+						$apiPageResponse = file_get_contents( $url . $prefix . '/api.php?format=php&action=query&titles=Help:' . $talk->getDBkey() );
+						$apiPageData = unserialize( $apiPageResponse );

You may wanna use MediaWiki's build-in Http class instead so that it uses whatever method is configured. Also on the long-term this should really be cached instead of fetched on every request, adding a todo for that.

Releasing new version 1.3.0 which is completely based on API. Thank you Krinkle for these API codes.

You're welcome!

#Comment by SVG (talk | contribs)   14:15, 6 March 2012

I will apply these changes soon because this extension is currently not real stable. I think it's easier to use a function for this ($this->apiQuery( true / false )). Caching is a good option, I've added it to my todo list. There are currently many things to do so I don't know when time will be there for this.

Status & tagging log