r103783 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r103782‎ | r103783 | r103784 >
Date:21:04, 20 November 2011
Status:deferred (Comments)
overhaul of extension structure
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SFI_Inputs.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SFI_Settings.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SemanticFormsInputs.i18n.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SemanticFormsInputs.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_DatePicker.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_DateTimePicker.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_MenuSelect.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_RegExp.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_Settings.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_TimePicker.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_Utils.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/libs/timepicker.js (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SFI_Settings.php
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * Settings for the Semantic Forms Inputs extension.
5 - *
6 - * @author Stephan Gambke
7 - *
8 - * To change the default settings you can uncomment (or copy) the
9 - * examples here and adjust them to your needs. You may as well
10 - * include them in your LocalSettings.php.
11 - */
12 -
13 -##
14 -# This is the path to your installation of Semantic Forms Inputs as
15 -# seen from the web. No final slash.
16 -#
17 -$sfigSettings->scriptPath = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs';
18 -
19 -## Date Picker Settings
20 -
21 -##
22 -# This is the first selectable date (format yyyy/mm/dd)
23 -# Sample value: '2005/01/01'
24 -#
25 -$sfigSettings->datePickerFirstDate = null;
26 -
27 -##
28 -# This is the last selectable date (format yyyy/mm/dd)
29 -# Sample value: '2015/31/12'
30 -#
31 -$sfigSettings->datePickerLastDate = null;
32 -
33 -##
34 -# The date format string used for the user input.
35 -# The date sent back to the form is fixed to yyyy/mm/dd
36 -# (that is, yy/mm/dd in the format code below).
37 -#
38 -# The format can be combinations of the following:
39 -#
40 -# d - day of month (no leading zero)
41 -# dd - day of month (two digit)
42 -# o - day of the year (no leading zeros)
43 -# oo - day of the year (three digit)
44 -# D - day name short
45 -# DD - day name long
46 -# m - month of year (no leading zero)
47 -# mm - month of year (two digit)
48 -# M - month name short
49 -# MM - month name long
50 -# y - year (two digit)
51 -# yy - year (four digit)
52 -# @ - Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
53 -# ! - Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
54 -# '...' - literal text
55 -# '' - single quote
56 -# anything else - literal text
57 -#
58 -# There are also two predefined standard date formats available:
59 -#
60 -# SHORT - short date format localized to the wiki user language
61 -# LONG - long date format localized to the wiki user language
62 -#
63 -$sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat = 'SHORT';
64 -
65 -##
66 -# This determines the start of the week in the display.
67 -# Set it to: 0 (Zero) for Sunday, 1 (One) for Monday etc.
68 -# If set to null the day is localized to the wiki user language
69 -# Sample value: 1
70 -#
71 -$sfigSettings->datePickerWeekStart = null;
72 -
73 -##
74 -# This determines if the number of the week shall be shown.
75 -#
76 -$sfigSettings->datePickerShowWeekNumbers = false;
77 -
78 -##
79 -# This determines if the input field shall be disabled. The user can
80 -# only set the date via the datepicker in this case.
81 -#
82 -$sfigSettings->datePickerDisableInputField = false;
83 -
84 -##
85 -# This determines if a reset button shall be shown. This is the only
86 -# way to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.
87 -#
88 -$sfigSettings->datePickerShowResetButton = false;
89 -
90 -##
91 -# This is a string of disabled days of the week, i.e. days the user can not
92 -# pick. The days must be given as comma-separated list of numbers starting
93 -# with 0 for Sunday.
94 -# Sample value: "6,0"
95 -#
96 -$sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDaysOfWeek = null;
97 -
98 -##
99 -# This is a string of highlighted days of the week. The days must be given as
100 -# comma-separated list of numbers starting with 0 for Sunday.
101 -# Sample value: "6,0"
102 -#
103 -$sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDaysOfWeek = null;
104 -
105 -##
106 -# This is a string of disabled dates, i.e. days the user cannot pick. The
107 -# days must be given as comma-separated list of dates or date ranges. The
108 -# format for days is yyyy/mm/dd, for date ranges use yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd.
109 -# Spaces are permissible.
110 -# Sample value: "2010/12/25 - 2011/01/06, 2011/05/01"
111 -#
112 -$sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDates = null;
113 -
114 -##
115 -# This is a string of highlighted dates. The days must be given as
116 -# comma-separated list of dates or date ranges. The format for days is
117 -# yyyy/mm/dd, for date ranges use yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd. Spaces are
118 -# permissible.
119 -# Sample value: "2010/12/25 - 2011/01/06, 2011/05/01"
120 -#
121 -$sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDates = null;
122 -
123 -
124 -## Time Picker Settings
125 -
126 -##
127 -# This is the first selectable time (format hh:mm)
128 -# Sample value: '00:00'
129 -#
130 -$sfigSettings->timePickerMinTime = null;
131 -
132 -##
133 -# This is the last selectable time (format hh:mm)
134 -# Sample value: '24:00'
135 -#
136 -$sfigSettings->timePickerMaxTime = null;
137 -
138 -##
139 -# This determines if the input field shall be disabled. The user can
140 -# only set the time via the timepicker in this case.
141 -#
142 -$sfigSettings->timePickerDisableInputField = false;
143 -
144 -##
145 -# This determines if a reset button shall be shown. This is the only
146 -# way to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.
147 -#
148 -$sfigSettings->timePickerShowResetButton = false;
149 -
150 -
151 -##
152 -# This determines if a reset button shall be shown. This is the only
153 -# way to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.
154 -#
155 -$sfigSettings->datetimePickerShowResetButton = false;
156 -
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SFI_Inputs.php
@@ -1,1320 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * Input definitions for the Semantic Forms Inputs extension.
5 - *
6 - * @author Stephan Gambke
7 - * @author Sanyam Goyal
8 - * @author Yaron Koren
9 - *
10 - */
11 -
12 -if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
13 - die( 'This file is part of a MediaWiki extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
14 -}
15 -
16 -class SFIInputs {
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * Creates the html text for an input.
20 - *
21 - * Common attributes for input types are set according to the parameters.
22 - * The parameters are the standard parameters set by Semantic Forms'
23 - * InputTypeHook plus some optional.
24 - *
25 - * @param string $cur_value
26 - * @param string $input_name
27 - * @param boolean $is_mandatory
28 - * @param boolean $is_disabled
29 - * @param array $other_args
30 - * @param string $input_id (optional)
31 - * @param int $tabindex (optional)
32 - * @param string $class
33 - * @return string the html text of an input element
34 - */
35 - static private function textHTML ( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args, $input_id = null, $tabindex = null, $class = "" ) {
36 -
37 - global $sfgFieldNum, $sfgTabIndex;
38 -
39 - // array of attributes to pass to the input field
40 - $attribs = array(
41 - "name" => $input_name,
42 - "class" => $class,
43 - "value" => $cur_value,
44 - "type" => "text"
45 - );
46 -
47 - // set size attrib
48 - if ( array_key_exists( 'size', $other_args ) ) {
49 - $attribs['size'] = $other_args['size'];
50 - }
51 -
52 - // set maxlength attrib
53 - if ( array_key_exists( 'maxlength', $other_args ) ) {
54 - $attribs['maxlength'] = $other_args['maxlength'];
55 - }
56 -
57 - // modify class attribute for mandatory form fields
58 - if ( $is_mandatory ) {
59 - $attribs["class"] .= ' mandatoryField';
60 - }
61 -
62 - // add user class(es) to class attribute of input field
63 - if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $other_args ) ) {
64 - $attribs["class"] .= ' ' . $other_args['class'];
65 - }
66 -
67 - // set readonly attrib
68 - if ( $is_disabled ) {
69 - $attribs["readonly"] = "1";
70 - }
71 -
72 - // if no special input id is specified set the Semantic Forms standard
73 - if ( $input_id == null ) {
74 - $attribs[ 'id' ] = "input_" . $sfgFieldNum;
75 - } else {
76 - $attribs[ 'id' ] = $input_id;
77 - }
78 -
79 -
80 - if ( $tabindex == null ) $attribs[ 'tabindex' ] = $sfgTabIndex;
81 - else $attribs[ 'tabindex' ] = $tabindex;
82 -
83 - // $html = Html::element( "input", $attribs );
84 - $html = Xml::element( "input", $attribs );
85 -
86 - return $html;
87 -
88 - }
89 -
90 - /**
91 - * Setup function for input type regexp.
92 - *
93 - * Loads the Javascript code used by all regexp filters.
94 - */
95 - static private function regexpSetup() {
96 -
97 - global $wgOut;
98 - global $sfigSettings;
99 -
100 - static $hasRun = false;
101 -
102 - if ( !$hasRun ) {
103 - $hasRun = true;
104 -
105 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/regexp.js"></script> ' );
106 -
107 - }
108 - }
109 -
110 -
111 - /**
112 - * Definition of input type "regexp"
113 - *
114 - * Returns the html code to be included in the page and registers the
115 - * input's JS initialisation method
116 - *
117 - * @param string $cur_value current value of this field (which is sometimes null)
118 - * @param string $input_name HTML name that this input should have
119 - * @param boolean $is_mandatory indicates whether this field is mandatory for the user
120 - * @param boolean $is_disabled indicates whether this field is disabled (meaning, the user can't edit)
121 - * @param array $other_args hash representing all the other properties defined for this input in the form definition
122 - * @return string html code of input
123 - */
124 - static function regexpHTML ( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args ) {
125 -
126 - global $wgOut;
127 - global $sfgFieldNum; // used for setting various HTML IDs
128 - global $sfgJSValidationCalls; // array of Javascript calls to determine if page can be saved
129 - global $sfgFormPrinter;
130 -
131 - self::regexpSetup();
132 -
133 - // set base input type
134 - if ( array_key_exists( 'base type', $other_args ) ) {
135 -
136 - $baseType = trim( $other_args['base type'] );
137 - unset( $other_args['base type'] );
138 -
139 - // if unknown set default base input type
140 - if ( ! array_key_exists( $baseType, $sfgFormPrinter->mInputTypeHooks ) )
141 - $baseType = 'text';
142 - }
143 - else $baseType = 'text';
144 -
145 - // set base prefix string
146 - if ( array_key_exists( 'base prefix', $other_args ) ) {
147 - $basePrefix = trim( $other_args['base prefix'] ) . ".";
148 - unset( $other_args['base prefix'] );
149 - }
150 - else $basePrefix = '';
151 -
152 - // set OR character
153 - if ( array_key_exists( 'or char', $other_args ) ) {
154 - $orChar = trim( $other_args['or char'] );
155 - unset( $other_args['or char'] );
156 - }
157 - else $orChar = '!';
158 -
159 - // set inverse string
160 - if ( array_key_exists( 'inverse', $other_args ) ) {
161 - $inverseString = 'true';
162 - unset( $other_args['inverse'] );
163 - }
164 - else $inverseString = 'false';
165 -
166 - // set regexp string
167 - if ( array_key_exists( 'regexp', $other_args ) ) {
168 -
169 - $regexp = str_replace( $orChar, '|', trim( $other_args['regexp'] ) );
170 - unset( $other_args['regexp'] );
171 -
172 - // check for leading/trailing delimiter and remove it (else reset regexp)
173 - if ( preg_match ( "/^\/.*\/\$/", $regexp ) ) {
174 -
175 - $regexp = substr( $regexp, 1, strlen( $regexp ) - 2 );
176 -
177 - }
178 - else $regexp = '.*';
179 -
180 - }
181 - else $regexp = '.*';
182 -
183 - // set failure message string
184 - if ( array_key_exists( 'message', $other_args ) ) {
185 - $message = trim( $other_args['message'] );
186 - unset( $other_args['message'] );
187 - }
188 - else $message = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-wrongformat' );
189 -
190 - // sanitize error message and regexp for JS
191 - $message = Xml::encodeJsVar( $message );
192 - $regexp = Xml::encodeJsVar( $regexp );
193 -
194 - // register event to validate regexp on submit/preview
195 - $jstext = <<<JAVASCRIPT
196 -jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#input_$sfgFieldNum').SemanticForms_registerInputValidation( SFI_RE_validate, {retext: {$regexp}, inverse: {$inverseString}, message: {$message} }); });
198 -
199 - $wgOut->addScript( Html::inlineScript( $jstext ) );
200 -
201 - // create other_args for base input type
202 - $new_other_args = array();
203 -
204 - foreach ( $other_args as $key => $value )
205 - if ( $basePrefix && strpos( $key, $basePrefix ) === 0 ) {
206 - $new_other_args[substr( $key, strlen( $basePrefix ) )] = $value;
207 - } else
208 - $new_other_args[$key] = $value;
209 -
210 - // setup parameters for base input type
211 - $funcArgs = array();
212 - $funcArgs[] = $cur_value;
213 - $funcArgs[] = $input_name;
214 - $funcArgs[] = $is_mandatory;
215 - $funcArgs[] = $is_disabled;
216 - $funcArgs[] = $new_other_args;
217 -
218 - // get the input type hooks for the base input type
219 - $hook_values = $sfgFormPrinter->mInputTypeHooks[$baseType];
220 -
221 - // generate html and JS code for base input type and return it
222 - return call_user_func_array( $hook_values[0], $funcArgs );
223 -
224 -}
225 -
226 -
227 - /**
228 - * Setup for input type jqdatepicker.
229 - *
230 - * Adds the Javascript code used by all datepickers.
231 - */
232 - static private function jqDatePickerSetup () {
233 - global $wgOut, $wgLang, $sfgScriptPath;
234 - global $sfigSettings;
235 -
236 - static $hasRun = false;
237 -
238 - if ( !$hasRun ) {
239 - $hasRun = true;
240 -
241 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfgScriptPath . '/libs/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.min.js"></script> ' );
242 - $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . '/skins/jquery-ui/base/jquery.ui.datepicker.css' );
243 - $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . '/skins/jquery-ui/base/jquery.ui.theme.css' );
244 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/datepicker.js"></script> ' );
245 -
246 - // set localized messages (use MW i18n, not jQuery i18n)
247 - $jstext =
248 - "jQuery(function(){\n"
249 - . " jQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki'] = {\n"
250 - . " closeText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-close' ) ) . "',\n"
251 - . " prevText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-prev' ) ) . "',\n"
252 - . " nextText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-next' ) ) . "',\n"
253 - . " currentText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-today' ) ) . "',\n"
254 - . " monthNames: ['"
255 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'january' ) ) . "','"
256 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'february' ) ) . "','"
257 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'march' ) ) . "','"
258 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'april' ) ) . "','"
259 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'may_long' ) ) . "','"
260 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'june' ) ) . "','"
261 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'july' ) ) . "','"
262 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'august' ) ) . "','"
263 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'september' ) ) . "','"
264 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'october' ) ) . "','"
265 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'november' ) ) . "','"
266 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'december' ) ) . "'],\n"
267 - . " monthNamesShort: ['"
268 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jan' ) ) . "','"
269 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'feb' ) ) . "','"
270 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'mar' ) ) . "','"
271 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'apr' ) ) . "','"
272 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'may' ) ) . "','"
273 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jun' ) ) . "','"
274 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jul' ) ) . "','"
275 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'aug' ) ) . "','"
276 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sep' ) ) . "','"
277 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'oct' ) ) . "','"
278 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'nov' ) ) . "','"
279 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'dec' ) ) . "'],\n"
280 - . " dayNames: ['"
281 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sunday' ) ) . "','"
282 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'monday' ) ) . "','"
283 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'tuesday' ) ) . "','"
284 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'wednesday' ) ) . "','"
285 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'thursday' ) ) . "','"
286 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'friday' ) ) . "','"
287 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'saturday' ) ) . "'],\n"
288 - . " dayNamesShort: ['"
289 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sun' ) ) . "','"
290 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'mon' ) ) . "','"
291 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'tue' ) ) . "','"
292 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'wed' ) ) . "','"
293 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'thu' ) ) . "','"
294 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'fri' ) ) . "','"
295 - . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sat' ) ) . "'],\n"
296 - . " dayNamesMin: ['"
297 - . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'sun' ) ) ) . "','"
298 - . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'mon' ) ) ) . "','"
299 - . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'tue' ) ) ) . "','"
300 - . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'wed' ) ) ) . "','"
301 - . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'thu' ) ) ) . "','"
302 - . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'fri' ) ) ) . "','"
303 - . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'sat' ) ) ) . "'],\n"
304 - . " weekHeader: '',\n"
305 - . " dateFormat: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' ) ) . "',\n"
306 - . " firstDay: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek' ) ) . "',\n"
307 - . " isRTL: " . ( $wgLang->isRTL() ? "true" : "false" ) . ",\n"
308 - . " showMonthAfterYear: false,\n"
309 - . " yearSuffix: ''};\n"
310 - . " jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(jQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki']);\n"
311 - . "});\n";
312 -
313 -
314 - $wgOut->addInlineScript( $jstext );
315 -
316 - }
317 - }
318 -
319 - /**
320 - * Sort and merge time ranges in an array
321 - *
322 - * expects an array of arrays
323 - * the inner arrays must contain two dates representing the start and end
324 - * date of a time range
325 - *
326 - * returns an array of arrays with the date ranges sorted and overlapping
327 - * ranges merged
328 - *
329 - * @param array $ranges array of arrays of DateTimes
330 - * @return array of arrays of DateTimes
331 - */
332 - static private function sortAndMergeRanges ( $ranges ) {
333 -
334 - // sort ranges, earliest date first
335 - sort( $ranges );
336 -
337 - // stores the start of the current date range
338 - $currmin = FALSE;
339 -
340 - // stores the date the next ranges start date has to top to not overlap
341 - $nextmin = FALSE;
342 -
343 - // result array
344 - $mergedRanges = array();
345 -
346 - foreach ( $ranges as $range ) {
347 -
348 - // ignore empty date ranges
349 - if ( !$range ) continue;
350 -
351 - if ( !$currmin ) { // found first valid range
352 -
353 - $currmin = $range[0];
354 - $nextmin = $range[1];
355 - $nextmin->modify( '+1 day' );
356 -
357 - } elseif ( $range[0] <= $nextmin ) { // overlap detected
358 -
359 - $currmin = min( $currmin, $range[0] );
360 -
361 - $range[1]->modify( '+1 day' );
362 - $nextmin = max( $nextmin, $range[1] );
363 -
364 - } else { // no overlap, store current range and continue with next
365 -
366 - $nextmin->modify( '-1 day' );
367 - $mergedRanges[] = array( $currmin, $nextmin );
368 -
369 - $currmin = $range[0];
370 - $nextmin = $range[1];
371 - $nextmin->modify( '+1 day' );
372 -
373 - }
374 -
375 - }
376 -
377 - // store last range
378 - if ( $currmin ) {
379 - $nextmin->modify( '-1 day' );
380 - $mergedRanges[] = array( $currmin, $nextmin );
381 - }
382 -
383 - return $mergedRanges;
384 -
385 - }
386 -
387 - /**
388 - * Creates an array of arrays of dates from an array of strings
389 - *
390 - * expects an array of strings containing dates or date ranges in the format
391 - * "yyyy/mm/dd" or "yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd"
392 - *
393 - * returns an array of arrays, each of the latter consisting of two dates
394 - * representing the start and end date of the range
395 - *
396 - * The result array will contain null values for unparseable date strings
397 - *
398 - * @param array $rangesAsStrings array of strings with dates and date ranges
399 - * @return array of arrays of DateTimes
400 - */
401 - static private function createRangesArray ( $rangesAsStrings ) {
402 -
403 - // transform array of strings into array of array of dates
404 - // have to use create_function to be PHP pre5.3 compatible
405 - return array_map( create_function( '$range', '
406 -
407 - if ( strpos ( $range, "-" ) === FALSE ) { // single date
408 - $date = date_create( $range );
409 - return ( $date ) ? array( $date, clone $date ):null;
410 - } else { // date range
411 - $dates = array_map( "date_create", explode( "-", $range ) );
412 - return ( $dates[0] && $dates[1] ) ? $dates:null;
413 - }
414 -
415 - ' ), $rangesAsStrings );
416 -
417 - }
418 -
419 - /**
420 - * Takes an array of date ranges and returns an array containing the gaps
421 - *
422 - * The very first and the very last date of the original string are lost in
423 - * the process, of course, as they do not delimit a gap. This means, after
424 - * repeated inversion the result would eventually be empty.
425 - *
426 - * @param array $ranges of arrays of DateTimes
427 - * @return array of arrays of DateTimes
428 - */
429 - static private function invertRangesArray( $ranges ) {
430 -
431 - // the result (initially empty)
432 - $invRanges = null;
433 -
434 - // the minimum of the current gap (initially none)
435 - $min = null;
436 -
437 - foreach ( $ranges as $range ) {
438 -
439 - if ( $min ) { // if min date of current gap is known store gap
440 - $min->modify( "+1day " );
441 - $range[0]->modify( "-1day " );
442 - $invRanges[] = array( $min, $range[0] );
443 - }
444 -
445 - $min = $range[1]; // store min date of next gap
446 -
447 - }
448 -
449 - return $invRanges;
450 - }
451 -
452 -
453 - /**
454 - * Definition of input type "datepicker".
455 - *
456 - * Returns the html code to be included in the page and registers the
457 - * input's JS initialisation method
458 - *
459 - * @param string $cur_value current value of this field (which is sometimes null)
460 - * @param string $input_name HTML name that this input should have
461 - * @param boolean $is_mandatory indicates whether this field is mandatory for the user
462 - * @param boolean $is_disabled indicates whether this field is disabled (meaning, the user can't edit)
463 - * @param array $other_args hash representing all the other properties defined for this input in the form definition
464 - * @return string html code of input
465 - */
466 - static function jqDatePickerHTML( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args ) {
467 -
468 - global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgAmericanDates; // MW variables
469 - global $sfgFieldNum, $sfgScriptPath, $sfgTabIndex; // SF variables
470 - global $sfigSettings; // SFI variables
471 -
472 - // call common setup for all jqdatepickers
473 - self::jqDatePickerSetup();
474 -
475 - // The datepicker is created in three steps:
476 - // first: set up HTML attributes
477 - // second: set up JS attributes
478 - // third: assemble HTML and JS code
479 -
480 -
481 - // first: set up HTML attributes
482 - // nothing much to do here, self::textHTML will take care od the standard stuff
483 -
484 - // store user class(es) for use with buttons
485 - if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $other_args ) ) {
486 - $userClasses = $other_args['class'];
487 - } else $userClasses = "";
488 -
489 - // should the input field be disabled?
490 - $inputFieldDisabled =
491 - array_key_exists( 'disable input field', $other_args )
492 - || ( !array_key_exists( 'enable input field', $other_args ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerDisableInputField )
493 - || $is_disabled ;
494 -
495 - // second: set up JS attributes
496 -
497 - // set up attributes required for both enabled and disabled datepickers
498 - $jsattribs = array(
499 - 'currValue' => $cur_value,
500 - 'disabled' => $is_disabled,
501 - 'userClasses' => $userClasses
502 - );
503 -
504 - if ( array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $other_args ) ) {
505 - $jsattribs['partOfDTP'] = $other_args['part of dtp'];
506 - }
507 -
508 - // set date format
509 - // SHORT and LONG are SFI specific acronyms and are translated here
510 - // into format strings, anything else is passed to the jQuery date picker
511 - // Americans need special treatment
512 - if ( $wgAmericanDates && $wgLang->getCode() == "en" ) {
513 -
514 - if ( array_key_exists( 'date format', $other_args ) ) {
515 -
516 - if ( $other_args['date format'] == 'SHORT' ) {
517 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'mm/dd/yy';
518 - } elseif ( $other_args['date format'] == 'LONG' ) {
519 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'MM d, yy';
520 - } else {
521 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $other_args['date format'];
522 - }
523 -
524 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat ) {
525 -
526 - if ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'SHORT' ) {
527 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'mm/dd/yy';
528 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'LONG' ) {
529 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'MM d, yy';
530 - } else {
531 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat;
532 - }
533 -
534 - } else $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'yy/mm/dd';
535 -
536 - } else {
537 -
538 - if ( array_key_exists( 'date format', $other_args ) ) {
539 -
540 - if ( $other_args['date format'] == 'SHORT' ) {
541 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' );
542 - } elseif ( $other_args['date format'] == 'LONG' ) {
543 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatlong' );
544 - } else {
545 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $other_args['date format'];
546 - }
547 -
548 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat ) {
549 -
550 - if ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'SHORT' ) {
551 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' );
552 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'LONG' ) {
553 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatlong' );
554 - } else {
555 - $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat;
556 - }
557 -
558 - } else $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'yy/mm/dd';
559 -
560 - }
561 -
562 - // setup attributes required only for either disabled or enabled datepickers
563 - if ( $is_disabled ) {
564 -
565 - $jsattribs['buttonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerButtonDisabled.gif';
566 -
567 - if ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $other_args ) ||
568 - ( !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $other_args ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerShowResetButton ) ) {
569 -
570 - $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerResetButtonDisabled.gif';
571 -
572 - }
573 -
574 - } else {
575 -
576 - $jsattribs['buttonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerButton.gif';
577 -
578 - if ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $other_args ) ||
579 - ( !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $other_args ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerShowResetButton ) ) {
580 -
581 - $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerResetButton.gif';
582 -
583 - }
584 -
585 - // find min date, max date and disabled dates
586 -
587 - // set first date
588 - if ( array_key_exists( 'first date', $other_args ) ) {
589 - $minDate = date_create( $other_args['first date'] );
590 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerFirstDate ) {
591 - $minDate = date_create( $sfigSettings->datePickerFirstDate );
592 - } else {
593 - $minDate = null;
594 - }
595 -
596 - // set last date
597 - if ( array_key_exists( 'last date', $other_args ) ) {
598 - $maxDate = date_create( $other_args['last date'] );
599 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerLastDate ) {
600 - $maxDate = date_create( $sfigSettings->datePickerLastDate );
601 - } else {
602 - $maxDate = null;
603 - }
604 -
605 - // find allowed values and invert them to get disabled values
606 - if ( array_key_exists( 'possible_values', $other_args ) && count( $other_args['possible_values'] ) ) {
607 -
608 - $enabledDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges( self::createRangesArray( $other_args['possible_values'] ) );
609 -
610 - // correct min/max date to the first/last allowed value
611 - if ( !$minDate || $minDate < $enabledDates[0][0] ) {
612 - $minDate = $enabledDates[0][0];
613 - }
614 -
615 - if ( !$maxDate || $maxDate > $enabledDates[count( $enabledDates ) - 1][1] ) {
616 - $maxDate = $enabledDates[count( $enabledDates ) - 1][1];
617 - }
618 -
619 - $disabledDates = self::invertRangesArray( $enabledDates );
620 -
621 - } else $disabledDates = array();
622 -
623 - // add user-defined or default disabled values
624 - if ( array_key_exists( 'disable dates', $other_args ) ) {
625 -
626 - $disabledDates =
627 - self::sortAndMergeRanges(
628 - array_merge( $disabledDates, self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $other_args['disable dates'] ) ) ) );
629 -
630 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDates ) {
631 -
632 - $disabledDates =
633 - self::sortAndMergeRanges(
634 - array_merge( $disabledDates, self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDates ) ) ) );
635 -
636 - }
637 -
638 - // if a minDate is set, discard all disabled dates below the min date
639 - if ( $minDate ) {
640 -
641 - // discard all ranges of disabled dates that are entirely below the min date
642 - while ( $minDate && count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[0][1] < $minDate ) array_shift( $disabledDates );
643 -
644 - // if min date is in first disabled date range, discard that range and adjust min date
645 - if ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[0][0] <= $minDate && $disabledDates[0][1] >= $minDate ) {
646 - $minDate = $disabledDates[0][1];
647 - array_shift( $disabledDates );
648 - $minDate->modify( "+1 day" );
649 - }
650 - }
651 -
652 - // if a maxDate is set, discard all disabled dates above the max date
653 - if ( $maxDate ) {
654 -
655 - // discard all ranges of disabled dates that are entirely above the max date
656 - while ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0] > $maxDate ) array_pop( $disabledDates );
657 -
658 - // if max date is in last disabled date range, discard that range and adjust max date
659 - if ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0] <= $maxDate && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][1] >= $maxDate ) {
660 - $maxDate = $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0];
661 - array_pop( $disabledDates );
662 - $maxDate->modify( "-1 day" );
663 - }
664 - }
665 - // finished with disabled dates
666 -
667 - // find highlighted dates
668 - if ( array_key_exists( "highlight dates", $other_args ) ) {
669 - $highlightedDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges ( self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $other_args["highlight dates"] ) ) ) ;
670 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDates ) {
671 - $highlightedDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges ( self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDates ) ) ) ;
672 - } else {
673 - $highlightedDates = null;
674 - }
675 -
676 -
677 - // find disabled week days and mark them in an array
678 - if ( array_key_exists( "disable days of week", $other_args ) ) {
679 - $disabledDaysString = $other_args['disable days of week'];
680 - } else {
681 - $disabledDaysString = $sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDaysOfWeek;
682 - }
683 -
684 - if ( $disabledDaysString != null ) {
685 -
686 - $disabledDays = array( false, false, false, false, false, false, false );
687 -
688 - foreach ( explode( ',', $disabledDaysString ) as $day ) {
689 -
690 - if ( is_numeric( $day ) && $day >= 0 && $day <= 6 ) {
691 - $disabledDays[$day] = true;
692 - }
693 -
694 - }
695 -
696 - } else {
697 - $disabledDays = null;
698 - }
699 -
700 - // find highlighted week days and mark them in an array
701 - if ( array_key_exists( "highlight days of week", $other_args ) ) {
702 - $highlightedDaysString = $other_args['highlight days of week'];
703 - } else {
704 - $highlightedDaysString = $sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDaysOfWeek;
705 - }
706 -
707 - if ( $highlightedDaysString != null ) {
708 -
709 - $highlightedDays = array( false, false, false, false, false, false, false );
710 -
711 - foreach ( explode( ',', $highlightedDaysString ) as $day ) {
712 -
713 - if ( is_numeric( $day ) && $day >= 0 && $day <= 6 ) {
714 - $highlightedDays[$day] = true;
715 - }
716 -
717 - }
718 -
719 - } else {
720 - $highlightedDays = null;
721 - }
722 -
723 - // set first day of the week
724 - if ( array_key_exists( 'week start', $other_args ) ) {
725 - $jsattribs['firstDay'] = $other_args['week start'];
726 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerWeekStart != null ) {
727 - $jsattribs['firstDay'] = $sfigSettings->datePickerWeekStart;
728 - } else {
729 - $jsattribs['firstDay'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek' );
730 - }
731 -
732 - // set show week number
733 - if ( array_key_exists( 'show week numbers', $other_args )
734 - || ( !array_key_exists( 'hide week numbers', $other_args ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerShowWeekNumbers ) ) {
735 -
736 - $jsattribs['showWeek'] = true;
737 - } else {
738 - $jsattribs['showWeek'] = false;
739 - }
740 -
741 - // store min date as JS attrib
742 - if ( $minDate ) {
743 - $jsattribs['minDate'] = $minDate->format( 'Y/m/d' );
744 - }
745 -
746 - // store max date as JS attrib
747 - if ( $maxDate ) {
748 - $jsattribs['maxDate'] = $maxDate->format( 'Y/m/d' );
749 - }
750 -
751 - // register disabled dates with datepicker
752 - if ( count( $disabledDates ) > 0 ) {
753 -
754 - // convert the PHP array of date ranges into an array of numbers
755 - $jsattribs["disabledDates"] = array_map( create_function ( '$range', '
756 -
757 - $y0 = $range[0]->format( "Y" );
758 - $m0 = $range[0]->format( "m" ) - 1;
759 - $d0 = $range[0]->format( "d" );
760 -
761 - $y1 = $range[1]->format( "Y" );
762 - $m1 = $range[1]->format( "m" ) - 1;
763 - $d1 = $range[1]->format( "d" );
764 -
765 - return array($y0, $m0, $d0, $y1, $m1, $d1);
766 - ' ) , $disabledDates );
767 - }
768 -
769 - // register highlighted dates with datepicker
770 - if ( count( $highlightedDates ) > 0 ) {
771 -
772 - // convert the PHP array of date ranges into an array of numbers
773 - $jsattribs["highlightedDates"] = array_map( create_function ( '$range', '
774 -
775 - $y0 = $range[0]->format( "Y" );
776 - $m0 = $range[0]->format( "m" ) - 1;
777 - $d0 = $range[0]->format( "d" );
778 -
779 - $y1 = $range[1]->format( "Y" );
780 - $m1 = $range[1]->format( "m" ) - 1;
781 - $d1 = $range[1]->format( "d" );
782 -
783 - return array($y0, $m0, $d0, $y1, $m1, $d1);
784 - ' ) , $highlightedDates );
785 - }
786 -
787 - // register disabled days of week with datepicker
788 - if ( count( $disabledDays ) > 0 ) {
789 - $jsattribs["disabledDays"] = $disabledDays;
790 - }
791 -
792 - // register highlighted days of week with datepicker
793 - if ( count( $highlightedDays ) > 0 ) {
794 - $jsattribs["highlightedDays"] = $highlightedDays;
795 - }
796 - }
797 -
798 -
799 - // third: assemble HTML and JS code
800 -
801 - // start with the displayed input and append the real, but hidden
802 - // input that gets sent to SF; it will be filled by the datepicker
803 - $html = self::textHTML( $cur_value, "", $is_mandatory, $inputFieldDisabled,
804 - $other_args, "input_{$sfgFieldNum}_dp_show", null, "createboxInput" );
805 -
806 - if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $other_args ) ) {
807 -
808 - $html .= Xml::element( "input",
809 - array(
810 - "id" => "input_{$sfgFieldNum}",
811 - "name" => $input_name,
812 - "type" => "hidden",
813 - "value" => $cur_value
814 - ) );
815 -
816 - // wrap in span (e.g. used for mandatory inputs)
817 - $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ($is_mandatory ? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .$html . '</span>';
818 - }
819 -
820 - // build JS code from attributes array
821 - $jsattribsString = Xml::encodeJsVar( $jsattribs );
822 -
823 - // wrap the JS code fragment in a function for deferred init
824 -// $jstext = <<<JAVASCRIPT
825 -//jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#input_{$sfgFieldNum}_dp_show').SemanticForms_registerInputInit(SFI_DP_init, $jsattribsString ); });
827 -//
828 - $jstext = <<<JAVASCRIPT
829 -jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#input_{$sfgFieldNum}').SemanticForms_registerInputInit(SFI_DP_init, $jsattribsString ); });
831 -
832 - // insert the code of the JS init function into the pages code
833 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript">' . $jstext . '</script>' );
834 -
835 - //return array( $html, "", "initInput$sfgFieldNum" );
836 - return $html;
837 -
838 - }
839 -
840 - /**
841 - * Setup for input type jqdatepicker.
842 - *
843 - * Adds the Javascript code used by all datetimepickers.
844 - */
845 - static private function datetimePickerSetup () {
846 -
847 - global $wgOut, $sfigSettings;
848 -
849 - static $hasRun = false;
850 -
851 - if ( !$hasRun ) {
852 - $hasRun = true;
853 -
854 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/datetimepicker.js"></script> ' );
855 -
856 - }
857 - }
858 -
859 - /**
860 - * Definition of input type "datetimepicker".
861 - *
862 - * Returns the html code to be included in the page and registers the
863 - * input's JS initialisation method
864 - *
865 - * @param string $cur_value current value of this field (which is sometimes null)
866 - * @param string $input_name HTML name that this input should have
867 - * @param boolean $is_mandatory indicates whether this field is mandatory for the user
868 - * @param boolean $is_disabled indicates whether this field is disabled (meaning, the user can't edit)
869 - * @param array $other_args hash representing all the other properties defined for this input in the form definition
870 - * @return string html code of input
871 - */
872 - static function datetimepickerHTML($cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args) {
873 -
874 - global $wgOut, $sfgFieldNum, $sfigSettings;
875 -
876 - self::datetimePickerSetup();
877 -
878 - $other_args["part of dtp"] = true;
879 -
880 - $jsattribs = array();
881 -
882 - // if we have to show a reset button
883 - if ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $other_args ) ||
884 - ( !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $other_args ) && $sfigSettings->datetimePickerShowResetButton ) ) {
885 -
886 - // some values must be available to the init function
887 -
888 - // is the button disabled?
889 - $jsattribs['disabled'] = $is_disabled;
890 -
891 - // set the button image
892 - if ( $is_disabled ) {
893 - $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DateTimePickerResetButtonDisabled.gif';
894 - } else {
895 - $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DateTimePickerResetButton.gif';
896 - }
897 -
898 - // set user classes
899 - if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $other_args ) ) $jsattribs[ "userClasses" ] = $other_args['class'];
900 - else $jsattribs[ "userClasses" ] = "";
901 -
902 - }
903 -
904 - // find allowed values and keep only the date portion
905 - if ( array_key_exists( 'possible_values', $other_args ) &&
906 - count( $other_args[ 'possible_values' ] ) ) {
907 -
908 - $other_args[ 'possible_values' ] = preg_replace(
909 - '/^\s*(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}).*/',
910 - '$1',
911 - $other_args[ 'possible_values' ]
912 - );
913 - }
914 -
915 - $dateTimeString = trim( $cur_value );
916 - $dateString = '';
917 - $timeString = '';
918 -
919 - $separatorPos = strpos($dateTimeString, " ");
920 -
921 - // does it have a separating whitespace? assume it's a date & time
922 - if ( $separatorPos ) {
923 - $dateString = substr( $dateTimeString, 0, $separatorPos );
924 - $timeString = substr( $dateTimeString, $separatorPos + 1 );
925 -
926 - // does it start with a time of some kind?
927 - } elseif ( preg_match( '/^\d?\d:\d\d/', $dateTimeString ) ) {
928 - $timeString = $dateTimeString;
929 -
930 - // if all else fails assume it's a date
931 - } else {
932 - $dateString = $dateTimeString;
933 - }
934 -
935 - $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ($is_mandatory ? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .
936 - self::jqDatePickerHTML( $dateString, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args) . " " .
937 - self::timepickerHTML( $timeString, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args) .
938 - Xml::element("input",
939 - array(
940 - "id" => "input_{$sfgFieldNum}",
941 - "name" => $input_name,
942 - "type" => "hidden",
943 - "value" => $cur_value
944 - ))
945 - . '</span>';
946 -
947 - // build JS code from attributes array
948 - $jsattribsString = Xml::encodeJsVar( $jsattribs );
949 -
950 - $jstext = <<<JAVASCRIPT
951 -jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#input_$sfgFieldNum').SemanticForms_registerInputInit(SFI_DTP_init, $jsattribsString ); });
953 -
954 - // insert the code of the JS init function into the pages code
955 - $wgOut->addScript('<script type="text/javascript">' . $jstext . '</script>');
956 -
957 - return $html;
958 - }
959 -
960 -//
961 -// static function wysiwygSetup() {
962 -//
963 -// }
964 -//
965 -//
966 -// static function wysiwygHTML ( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args ) {
967 -//
968 -// global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgAmericanDates, $wgScriptPath, $wgFCKEditorDir;
969 -// global $sfgFieldNum, $sfgScriptPath, $sfigSettings;
970 -// global $sfgTabIndex, $sfgJSValidationCalls; // used to represent the current tab index in the form
971 -//
972 -// $htmltext = Html::element('textarea', array(
973 -// 'id' => "input_$sfgFieldNum",
974 -// 'class' => 'createboxInput',
975 -// 'name' => $input_name,
976 -// 'tabindex' => $sfgTabIndex,
977 -// 'rows' => 25,
978 -// 'cols' => 80
979 -// ));
980 -//
981 -// $jstext = <<<JAVASCRIPT
982 -// addOnloadHook(function()
983 -// {
984 -// var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'input_$sfgFieldNum', '100%', '100%') ;
985 -// oFCKeditor.BasePath = "$wgScriptPath/$wgFCKEditorDir/" ;
986 -// oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;
987 -// });
988 -//
990 -//
991 -// $sfgJSValidationCalls[] = "function() {document.getElementById('input_$sfgFieldNum').value = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('input_$sfgFieldNum').GetHtml();return true;}";
992 -//
993 -// $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript">' . $jstext . '</script>' );
994 -// return array( $htmltext, "" );
995 -// }
996 -//
997 -
998 -
999 - /**
1000 - * Setup for input type "timepicker".
1001 - *
1002 - * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all timepickers.
1003 - */
1004 - static private function timepickerSetup() {
1005 -
1006 - global $sfigSettings, $wgOut;
1007 -
1008 - static $hasRun = false;
1009 -
1010 - if ( !$hasRun ) {
1011 -
1012 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/timepicker.js"></script> ' );
1013 - $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/skins/SFI_Timepicker.css' );
1014 -
1015 - }
1016 -
1017 - }
1018 -
1019 - /**
1020 - * Definition of input type "timepicker"
1021 - *
1022 - * Returns the html code to be included in the page and registers the
1023 - * input's JS initialisation method
1024 - *
1025 - * @param string $cur_value current value of this field (which is sometimes null)
1026 - * @param string $input_name HTML name that this input should have
1027 - * @param boolean $is_mandatory indicates whether this field is mandatory for the user
1028 - * @param boolean $is_disabled indicates whether this field is disabled (meaning, the user can't edit)
1029 - * @param array $other_args hash representing all the other properties defined for this input in the form definition
1030 - * @return string html code of input
1031 - */
1032 - static function timepickerHTML( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args ) {
1033 -
1034 - global $wgOut;
1035 - global $sfgFieldNum;
1036 - global $sfigSettings;
1037 -
1038 - // The timepicker is created in four steps:
1039 - // first: set up HTML attributes
1040 - // second: assemble HTML
1041 - // third: set up JS attributes
1042 - // fourth: assemble JS call
1043 -
1044 -
1045 - // first: set up HTML attributes
1046 - $inputFieldDisabled =
1047 - array_key_exists( 'disable input field', $other_args )
1048 - || ( !array_key_exists( 'enable input field', $other_args ) && $sfigSettings->timePickerDisableInputField )
1049 - || $is_disabled ;
1050 -
1051 - if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $other_args ) ) $userClasses = $other_args['class'];
1052 - else $userClasses = "";
1053 -
1054 - // second: assemble HTML
1055 - // create visible input field (for display) and invisible field (for data)
1056 - $html = self::textHTML( $cur_value, '', $is_mandatory, $inputFieldDisabled, $other_args, "input_{$sfgFieldNum}_tp_show", null, "createboxInput" );
1057 -
1058 - if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $other_args ) ) {
1059 - $html .= Xml::element( "input", array(
1060 - 'id' => "input_{$sfgFieldNum}",
1061 - 'type' => 'hidden',
1062 - 'name' => $input_name,
1063 - 'value' => $cur_value
1064 - ) );
1065 - }
1066 -
1067 - // append time picker button
1068 - if ( $is_disabled ) {
1069 -
1070 - $html .= Xml::openElement(
1071 - "button",
1072 - array(
1073 - 'type' => 'button',
1074 - 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
1075 - 'disabled' => '1',
1076 - 'id' => "input_{$sfgFieldNum}_button"
1077 - ) )
1078 -
1079 - . Xml::element(
1080 - "image",
1081 - array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerButtonDisabled.gif' )
1082 - )
1083 -
1084 - . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
1085 -
1086 - } else {
1087 -
1088 - $html .= "<button "
1089 - . Xml::expandAttributes ( array(
1090 - 'type' => 'button',
1091 - 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
1092 - 'name' => "button",
1093 - ) )
1094 - . " onclick=\"document.getElementById(this.id.replace('_button','_tp_show')).focus();\""
1095 - . ">"
1096 -
1097 - . Xml::element(
1098 - "image",
1099 - array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerButton.gif' )
1100 - )
1101 -
1102 - . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
1103 -
1104 - }
1105 -
1106 - // append reset button (if selected)
1107 - if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $other_args ) &&
1108 - ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $other_args ) ||
1109 - $sfigSettings->timePickerShowResetButton && !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $other_args )
1110 - )
1111 - ) {
1112 -
1113 - if ( $is_disabled ) {
1114 -
1115 - $html .= Xml::openElement(
1116 - "button",
1117 - array(
1118 - 'type' => 'button',
1119 - 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
1120 - 'disabled' => '1',
1121 - 'id' => "input_{$sfgFieldNum}_resetbutton"
1122 - ) )
1123 -
1124 - . Xml::element(
1125 - "image",
1126 - array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerResetButtonDisabled.gif' )
1127 -
1128 - )
1129 - . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
1130 -
1131 - } else {
1132 -
1133 - $html .= "<button "
1134 - . Xml::expandAttributes ( array(
1135 - 'type' => 'button',
1136 - 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
1137 - 'name' => "resetbutton",
1138 - ) )
1139 - . " onclick=\"document.getElementById(this.id.replace('_resetbutton','')).value='';"
1140 - . "document.getElementById(this.id.replace('_resetbutton','_tp_show')).value='';\""
1141 - . ">"
1142 -
1143 - . Xml::element(
1144 - "image",
1145 - array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerResetButton.gif' )
1146 -
1147 - )
1148 - . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
1149 -
1150 - }
1151 - }
1152 -
1153 - // wrap in span (e.g. used for mandatory inputs)
1154 - if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $other_args ) ) {
1155 - $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ($is_mandatory ? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .$html . '</span>';
1156 - }
1157 -
1158 - // third: if the timepicker is not disabled set up JS attributes ans assemble JS call
1159 - if ( !$is_disabled ) {
1160 -
1161 - self::timepickerSetup();
1162 -
1163 - // set min time if valid, else use default
1164 - if ( array_key_exists( 'mintime', $other_args )
1165 - && ( preg_match( '/^\d+:\d\d$/', trim( $other_args['mintime'] ) ) == 1 ) ) {
1166 - $minTime = trim( $other_args[ 'mintime' ] );
1167 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->timePickerMinTime != null ) {
1168 - $minTime = $sfigSettings->timePickerMinTime ;
1169 - } else {
1170 - $minTime = '00:00';
1171 - }
1172 -
1173 - // set max time if valid, else use default
1174 - if ( array_key_exists( 'maxtime', $other_args )
1175 - && ( preg_match( '/^\d+:\d\d$/', trim( $other_args['maxtime'] ) ) == 1 ) ) {
1176 - $maxTime = trim( $other_args[ 'maxtime' ] );
1177 - } elseif ( $sfigSettings->timePickerMaxTime != null ) {
1178 - $maxTime = $sfigSettings->timePickerMaxTime ;
1179 - } else {
1180 - $maxTime = '23:59';
1181 - }
1182 -
1183 - // set interval if valid, else use default
1184 - if ( array_key_exists( 'interval', $other_args )
1185 - && preg_match( '/^\d+$/', trim( $other_args['interval'] ) ) == 1 ) {
1186 - $interval = trim( $other_args[ 'interval' ] );
1187 - } else {
1188 - $interval = '15';
1189 - }
1190 -
1191 - // build JS code from attributes array
1192 - $jsattribs = array(
1193 - "minTime" => $minTime,
1194 - "maxTime" => $maxTime,
1195 - "interval" => $interval,
1196 - "format" => "hh:mm"
1197 - );
1198 -
1199 - if ( array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $other_args ) ) {
1200 - $jsattribs['partOfDTP'] = $other_args['part of dtp'];
1201 - }
1202 -
1203 - $jstext = Xml::encodeJsVar( $jsattribs );
1204 -
1205 - $jstext = <<<JAVASCRIPT
1206 -jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#input_{$sfgFieldNum}_tp_show').SemanticForms_registerInputInit(SFI_TP_init, $jstext ); });
1208 -
1209 - // write JS code directly to the page's code
1210 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript">' . $jstext . '</script>' );
1211 -
1212 - // return HTML and name of JS init function
1213 -
1214 - }
1215 -
1216 - return $html;
1217 -
1218 - }
1219 -
1220 - static function menuselectSetGlobalVars(&$vars) {
1221 - global $sfigSettings;
1222 - $vars['sfigScriptPath'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath;
1223 - return true;
1224 - }
1225 -
1226 - /**
1227 - * Setup for input type "menuselect".
1228 - * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects.
1229 - */
1230 - static private function menuselectSetup() {
1231 -
1232 - global $wgOut, $wgHooks;
1233 - global $sfigSettings;
1234 -
1235 - static $hasRun = false;
1236 -
1237 - if ( !$hasRun ) {
1238 -
1239 - $hasRun = true;
1240 -
1241 - $wgHooks['MakeGlobalVariablesScript'][] = 'SFIInputs::menuselectSetGlobalVars';
1242 -
1243 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/menuselect.js"></script> ' );
1244 - $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/skins/SFI_Menuselect.css' );
1245 -
1246 - }
1247 -
1248 - }
1249 -
1250 - /**
1251 - * Definition of input type "menuselect"
1252 - *
1253 - * Returns the html code to be included in the page and registers the
1254 - * input's JS initialisation method
1255 - *
1256 - * @param string $cur_value current value of this field (which is sometimes null)
1257 - * @param string $input_name HTML name that this input should have
1258 - * @param boolean $is_mandatory indicates whether this field is mandatory for the user
1259 - * @param boolean $is_disabled indicates whether this field is disabled (meaning, the user can't edit)
1260 - * @param array $other_args hash representing all the other properties defined for this input in the form definition
1261 - * @return string html code of input
1262 - */
1263 - static function menuselectHTML( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args ) {
1264 - global $wgParser, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgOut;
1265 - global $sfgFieldNum;
1266 - global $sfigSettings;
1267 -
1268 - self::menuselectSetup();
1269 -
1270 - // first: set up HTML attributes
1271 - $inputFieldDisabled =
1272 - array_key_exists( 'disable input field', $other_args )
1273 - || ( !array_key_exists( 'enable input field', $other_args ) && $sfigSettings->timePickerDisableInputField )
1274 - || $is_disabled ;
1275 -
1276 - // second: assemble HTML
1277 - // create visible input field (for display) and invisible field (for data)
1278 - $html = self::textHTML( $cur_value, '', $is_mandatory, $inputFieldDisabled, $other_args, "input_{$sfgFieldNum}_show", null, "createboxInput" )
1279 - . Xml::element( "input", array(
1280 - 'id' => "input_{$sfgFieldNum}",
1281 - 'type' => 'hidden',
1282 - 'name' => $input_name,
1283 - 'value' => $cur_value
1284 - ) );
1285 -
1286 -
1287 - $html .= "<span class='SFI_menuselect' id='span_{$sfgFieldNum}_tree'>";
1288 -
1289 -
1290 - // parse menu structure
1291 -
1292 - $parser = new Parser();
1293 -
1294 - // FIXME: SF does not parse options correctly. Users have to replace | by {{!}}
1295 - $structure = str_replace( '{{!}}', '|', $other_args["structure"] );
1296 - $options = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $wgUser );
1297 -
1298 - $structure = $parser->parse( $structure, $wgTitle, $options )->getText();
1299 -
1300 -// $wgParser->mStripState = $oldStripState;
1301 -
1302 -
1303 - $html .= str_replace( '<li', '<li class=\'ui-state-default\'', $structure );
1304 -
1305 - $html .= "</span>";
1306 -
1307 - // wrap in span (e.g. used for mandatory inputs)
1308 - $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ($is_mandatory ? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .$html . '</span>';
1309 -
1310 - $jstext = <<<JAVASCRIPT
1311 -jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#input_$sfgFieldNum').SemanticForms_registerInputInit(SFI_MS_init, null ); });
1313 -
1314 - // write JS code directly to the page's code
1315 - $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript">' . $jstext . '</script>' );
1316 -
1317 -// return array( $html, "", "SFI_MS_init" );
1318 -
1319 - return $html;
1320 - }
1321 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SemanticFormsInputs.i18n.php
@@ -14,9 +14,37 @@
1515 'semanticformsinputs-today' => 'Today',
1616 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatlong' => 'd MM yy', // see http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker/formatDate
1717 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' => 'dd/mm/yy', // see http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker/formatDate
18 - 'semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek' => '0' // 0 - sunday, 1 - monday...
19 -);
 18+ 'semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek' => '0', // 0 - sunday, 1 - monday...
 20+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-dateformat' => 'The date format string. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Extension:Semantic_Forms_Inputs&fromsection=Date_picker#Parameters online documentation] for more information.',
 21+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-weekstart' => 'The first day of the week (0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, ...).',
 22+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-firstdate' => 'The first date that can be chosen (in yyyy/mm/dd format).',
 23+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-lastdate' => 'The last date that can be chosen (in yyyy/mm/dd format).',
 24+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-disabledaysofweek' => 'A list of days that can not be selected (e.g. weekend: 6, 0).',
 25+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-highlightdaysofweek' => 'A list of days that shall appear highlighted (e.g. weekend: 6, 0).',
 26+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-disabledates' => 'A comma-separated list of disabled dates/date ranges (dates in yyyy/mm/dd format, ranges in yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd format).',
 27+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-highlightdates' => 'A comma-separated list of dates/date ranges that shall appear highlighted (dates in yyyy/mm/dd format, ranges in yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd format).',
 28+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-showweeknumbers' => 'Should week numbers be shown left of the week?',
 29+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-enableinputfield' => 'Should the user be able to fill the input field directly or only via the date picker?',
 30+ 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-showresetbutton' => 'Should a reset button be shown? This is the only way for the user to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.',
 32+ 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-mintime' => 'The earliest time to show. Format: hh:mm',
 33+ 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-maxtime' => 'The latest time to show. Format: hh:mm',
 34+ 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-interval' => 'Interval between minutes. Number between 1 and 60.',
 35+ 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-enableinputfield' => 'Should the user be able to fill the input field directly or only via the date picker?',
 36+ 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-showresetbutton' => 'Should a reset button be shown? This is the only way for the user to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.',
 38+ 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-regexp' => 'The regular expression the input has to match to be valid. This must be given including the slashes! Defaults to "/.*/", i.e. any value.',
 39+ 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-basetype' => 'The base type to be used. May be any input type that generates an html form element of type input or select (e.g. text, listbox, datepicker) or another regexp. Defaults to "text".',
 40+ 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-baseprefix' => 'Prefix for the parameters of the base type.',
 41+ 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-orchar' => 'The OR-character to be used in the regular expression instead of |. Defaults to "!"',
 42+ 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-inverse' => 'If set, the input must NOT match the regular expression to be valid. I.e. the regular expression is inverted.',
 43+ 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-message' => 'The error message to be displayed if the match fails. Defaults to "Wrong format!" (or equivalent in the current locale)',
 45+ 'semanticformsinputs-menuselect-structure' => 'The menu structure as an unordered list.',
 46+ 'semanticformsinputs-menuselect-enableinputfield' => 'Should the user be able to fill the input field directly?',
 47+ );
2149 /** Message documentation (Message documentation)
2250 * @author EugeneZelenko
2351 * @author F.trott
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/SemanticFormsInputs.php
@@ -16,13 +16,17 @@
1717 */
1919 if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
20 - die( 'This file is a MediaWiki extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 20+ die( 'This file is part of a MediaWiki extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
2121 }
2323 if ( !defined( 'SF_VERSION' ) ) {
2424 die( '<b>Error:</b> <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms_Inputs">Semantic Forms Inputs</a> is a Semantic Forms extension. You need to install <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms">Semantic Forms</a> first.' );
2525 }
 27+if ( version_compare( '2.3', SF_VERSION ) != -1 ) {
 28+ die( '<b>Error:</b> This version of <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms_Inputs">Semantic Forms Inputs</a> is only compatible with Semantic Forms 2.4 or above. You need to upgrade <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms">Semantic Forms</a> first.' );
2731 define( 'SFI_VERSION', '0.4.2 alpha' );
2933 // create and initialize settings
@@ -41,12 +45,18 @@
4246 $dir = dirname( __FILE__ );
4448 // load user settings
45 -require_once( $dir . '/SFI_Settings.php' );
 49+require_once( $dir . '/includes/SFI_Settings.php' );
4751 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SemanticFormsInputs'] = $dir . '/SemanticFormsInputs.i18n.php';
48 -$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSFISetup';
49 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SFIInputs'] = $dir . '/SFI_Inputs.php';
 52+$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfSFISetup';
 54+$wgAutoloadClasses['SFIUtils'] = $dir . '/includes/SFI_Utils.php';
 55+$wgAutoloadClasses['SFIDatePicker'] = $dir . '/includes/SFI_DatePicker.php';
 56+$wgAutoloadClasses['SFITimePicker'] = $dir . '/includes/SFI_TimePicker.php';
 57+$wgAutoloadClasses['SFIDateTimePicker'] = $dir . '/includes/SFI_DateTimePicker.php';
 58+$wgAutoloadClasses['SFIMenuSelect'] = $dir . '/includes/SFI_MenuSelect.php';
 59+$wgAutoloadClasses['SFIRegExp'] = $dir . '/includes/SFI_RegExp.php';
5161 /**
5262 * Class to encapsulate all settings
5363 */
@@ -77,16 +87,16 @@
7888 function wfSFISetup() {
7989 global $sfgFormPrinter, $wgVersion;
81 - $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook( 'regexp', array( 'SFIInputs', 'regexpHTML' ), array() );
82 - $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook( 'datepicker', array( 'SFIInputs', 'jqDatePickerHTML' ), array() );
83 - $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook( 'simpledatepicker', array( 'SFIInputs', 'jqDatePickerHTML' ), array() );
84 - $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook( 'timepicker', array( 'SFIInputs', 'timepickerHTML' ), array() );
85 - $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook( 'datetimepicker', array( 'SFIInputs', 'datetimepickerHTML' ), array() );
86 -// $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook( 'wysiwyg', array( 'SFIInputs', 'wysiwygHTML' ), array() );
87 - $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook( 'menuselect', array( 'SFIInputs', 'menuselectHTML' ), array() );
88 -
 91+ $sfgFormPrinter->registerInputType( 'SFIDatePicker' );
 92+ $sfgFormPrinter->registerInputType( 'SFITimePicker' );
 93+ $sfgFormPrinter->registerInputType( 'SFIDateTimePicker' );
 94+ $sfgFormPrinter->registerInputType( 'SFIMenuSelect' );
 95+ $sfgFormPrinter->registerInputType( 'SFIRegExp' );
8997 // This function has been deprecated in 1.16, but needed for earlier versions.
9098 if ( version_compare( $wgVersion, '1.16', '<' ) ) {
9199 wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'SemanticFormsInputs' );
92100 }
 102+ return true;
93103 }
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_DateTimePicker.php
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
 5+ * File holding the SFI_DateTimePicker class
 6+ *
 7+ * @author Stephan Gambke
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup SemanticFormsInputs
 10+ */
 11+if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
 12+ die( 'This file is part of the SemanticFormsInputs extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 16+ * The SFIDateTimePicker class.
 17+ *
 18+ * @ingroup SemanticFormsInputs
 19+ */
 20+class SFIDateTimePicker extends SFFormInput {
 22+ protected $mDatePicker;
 23+ protected $mTimePicker;
 25+ /**
 26+ * Constructor.
 27+ *
 28+ * @param String $input_number
 29+ * The number of the input in the form.
 30+ * @param String $cur_value
 31+ * The current value of the input field.
 32+ * @param String $input_name
 33+ * The name of the input.
 34+ * @param String $disabled
 35+ * Is this input disabled?
 36+ * @param Array $other_args
 37+ * An associative array of other parameters that were present in the
 38+ * input definition.
 39+ */
 40+ public function __construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args ) {
 42+ parent::__construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args );
 44+ self::setup();
 46+ // add JS data
 47+ $this->addJsInitFunctionData( 'SFI_DTP_init', $this->setupJsInitAttribs() );
 49+ // prepare sub-inputs
 51+ $this->mOtherArgs["part of dtp"] = true;
 53+ // find allowed values and keep only the date portion
 54+ if ( array_key_exists( 'possible_values', $this->mOtherArgs ) &&
 55+ count( $this->mOtherArgs[ 'possible_values' ] ) ) {
 57+ $this->mOtherArgs[ 'possible_values' ] = preg_replace(
 58+ '/^\s*(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}).*/',
 59+ '$1',
 60+ $this->mOtherArgs[ 'possible_values' ]
 61+ );
 62+ }
 64+ $dateTimeString = trim( $this->mCurrentValue );
 65+ $dateString = '';
 66+ $timeString = '';
 68+ $separatorPos = strpos($dateTimeString, " ");
 70+ // does it have a separating whitespace? assume it's a date & time
 71+ if ( $separatorPos ) {
 72+ $dateString = substr( $dateTimeString, 0, $separatorPos );
 73+ $timeString = substr( $dateTimeString, $separatorPos + 1 );
 75+ // does it start with a time of some kind?
 76+ } elseif ( preg_match( '/^\d?\d:\d\d/', $dateTimeString ) ) {
 77+ $timeString = $dateTimeString;
 79+ // if all else fails assume it's a date
 80+ } else {
 81+ $dateString = $dateTimeString;
 82+ }
 84+ $this->mDatePicker = new SFIDatePicker( $this->mInputNumber, $dateString, $this->mInputName, $this->mIsDisabled, $this->mOtherArgs );
 85+ $this->mTimePicker = new SFITimePicker( $this->mInputNumber, $timeString, $this->mInputName, $this->mIsDisabled, $this->mOtherArgs );
 86+ }
 88+ /**
 89+ * Returns the name of the input type this class handles: menuselect.
 90+ *
 91+ * This is the name to be used in the field definition for the "input type"
 92+ * parameter.
 93+ *
 94+ * @return String The name of the input type this class handles.
 95+ */
 96+ public static function getName() {
 97+ return 'datetimepicker';
 98+ }
 100+ /**
 101+ * Static setup method for input type "menuselect".
 102+ * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects.
 103+ */
 104+ static private function setup() {
 106+ global $wgOut;
 107+ global $sfigSettings;
 109+ static $hasRun = false;
 111+ if ( !$hasRun ) {
 112+ $hasRun = true;
 114+ $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/datetimepicker.js"></script> ' );
 116+ }
 118+ }
 120+ protected function setupJsInitAttribs() {
 122+ global $sfigSettings;
 124+ $jsattribs = array();
 126+ // if we have to show a reset button
 127+ if ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $this->mOtherArgs ) ||
 128+ ( !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $this->mOtherArgs ) && $sfigSettings->datetimePickerShowResetButton ) ) {
 130+ // some values must be available to the init function
 132+ // is the button disabled?
 133+ $jsattribs['disabled'] = $this->mIsDisabled;
 135+ // set the button image
 136+ if ( $this->mIsDisabled ) {
 137+ $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DateTimePickerResetButtonDisabled.gif';
 138+ } else {
 139+ $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DateTimePickerResetButton.gif';
 140+ }
 142+ // set user classes
 143+ if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) $jsattribs[ 'userClasses' ] = $this->mOtherArgs['class'];
 144+ else $jsattribs[ 'userClasses' ] = '';
 146+ }
 148+ // build JS code from attributes array
 149+ return Xml::encodeJsVar( $jsattribs );
 150+ }
 152+ /**
 153+ * Returns the HTML code to be included in the output page for this input.
 154+ *
 155+ * Ideally this HTML code should provide a basic functionality even if the
 156+ * browser is not Javascript capable. I.e. even without Javascript the user
 157+ * should be able to input values.
 158+ *
 159+ */
 160+ public function getHtmlText(){
 162+ global $wgOut, $sfgFieldNum, $sfigSettings;
 164+ $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ( array_key_exists( 'mandatory', $this->mOtherArgs) ? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .
 165+ $this->mDatePicker->getHtmlText() . " " .
 166+ $this->mTimePicker->getHtmlText() .
 167+ Xml::element("input",
 168+ array(
 169+ "id" => "input_{$this->mInputNumber}",
 170+ "name" => $this->mInputName,
 171+ "type" => "hidden",
 172+ "value" => $this->mCurrentValue
 173+ ))
 174+ . '</span>';
 176+ return $html;
 178+ }
 180+ /**
 181+ * Returns the set of SMW property types which this input can
 182+ * handle, but for which it isn't the default input.
 183+ */
 184+ public static function getOtherPropTypesHandled() {
 185+ return array( '_str', '_dat' );
 186+ }
 188+ /**
 189+ * Returns the set of parameters for this form input.
 190+ *
 191+ * TODO: Specify parameters specific for menuselect.
 192+ */
 193+ public static function getParameters() {
 194+ $params = parent::getParameters();
 196+ $params[] = array(
 197+ 'name' => 'structure',
 198+ 'type' => 'text',
 199+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-menuselect-structure' ),
 200+ 'default' => "* item 1\n** item 11\n** item 12\n* item 2\n** item 21\n** item 22"
 201+ );
 202+ $params[] = array(
 203+ 'name' => $sfigSettings->menuSelectDisableInputField?'enable input field':'disable input field',
 204+ 'type' => 'boolean',
 205+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-menuselect-enableinputfield' ),
 206+ );
 207+ return $params;
 208+ }
 210+ /**
 211+ * Returns the name and parameters for the initialization JavaScript
 212+ * function for this input type, if any.
 213+ */
 214+ public function getJsInitFunctionData() {
 215+ return array_merge(
 216+ $this->mJsInitFunctionData,
 217+ $this->mDatePicker->getJsInitFunctionData(),
 218+ $this->mTimePicker->getJsInitFunctionData()
 219+ );
 220+ }
 222+ /**
 223+ * Returns the name and parameters for the validation JavaScript
 224+ * functions for this input type, if any.
 225+ */
 226+ public function getJsValidationFunctionData() {
 227+ return array_merge(
 228+ $this->mJsValidationFunctionData,
 229+ $this->mDatePicker->getJsValidationFunctionData(),
 230+ $this->mTimePicker->getJsValidationFunctionData()
 231+ );
 233+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_DateTimePicker.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1236 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_RegExp.php
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
 5+ * File holding the SFIRegExp class
 6+ *
 7+ * @author Stephan Gambke
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup SemanticFormsInputs
 10+ */
 11+if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
 12+ die( 'This file is part of the SemanticFormsInputs extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 16+ * This class represents the RegExp input.
 17+ *
 18+ * @ingroup SFI
 19+ */
 20+class SFIRegExp extends SFFormInput {
 22+ /** @var SFFormInput */
 23+ protected $mBaseInput;
 25+ /**
 26+ * Constructor.
 27+ *
 28+ * @param String $input_number
 29+ * The number of the input in the form.
 30+ * @param String $cur_value
 31+ * The current value of the input field.
 32+ * @param String $input_name
 33+ * The name of the input.
 34+ * @param String $disabled
 35+ * Is this input disabled?
 36+ * @param Array $other_args
 37+ * An associative array of other parameters that were present in the
 38+ * input definition.
 39+ */
 40+ public function __construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args ) {
 42+ global $sfgFormPrinter;
 44+ parent::__construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args );
 46+ // call static setup
 47+ self::setup();
 49+ // set OR character
 50+ if ( array_key_exists( 'or char', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 51+ $orChar = trim( $this->mOtherArgs['or char'] );
 52+ unset( $this->mOtherArgs['or char'] );
 53+ } else {
 54+ $orChar = '!';
 55+ }
 58+ // set regexp string
 59+ if ( array_key_exists( 'regexp', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 61+ $this->mRegExp = str_replace( $orChar, '|', trim( $this->mOtherArgs['regexp'] ) );
 62+ unset( $this->mOtherArgs['regexp'] );
 64+ // check for leading/trailing delimiter and remove it (else reset regexp)
 65+ if ( preg_match( "/^\/.*\/\$/", $this->mRegExp ) ) {
 67+ $this->mRegExp = substr( $this->mRegExp, 1, strlen( $this->mRegExp ) - 2 );
 68+ } else {
 69+ $this->mRegExp = '.*';
 70+ }
 71+ } else {
 72+ $this->mRegExp = '.*';
 73+ }
 75+ // set inverse string
 76+ if ( array_key_exists( 'inverse', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 77+ $invertRegexp = 'true';
 78+ unset( $this->mOtherArgs['inverse'] );
 79+ } else {
 80+ $invertRegexp = 'false';
 81+ }
 83+ // set failure message string
 84+ if ( array_key_exists( 'message', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 85+ $this->mErrorMessage = trim( $this->mOtherArgs['message'] );
 86+ unset( $this->mOtherArgs['message'] );
 87+ } else {
 88+ $this->mErrorMessage = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-wrongformat' );
 89+ }
 91+ // sanitize error message and regexp for JS
 92+ $message = Xml::encodeJsVar( $this->mErrorMessage );
 93+ $regexp = Xml::encodeJsVar( $this->mRegExp );
 95+ // Finally set name and parameters for the validation function
 96+ $this->addJsValidationFunctionData( 'SFI_RE_validate', "{retext: {$regexp}, inverse: {$invertRegexp}, message: {$message} }" );
 99+ // set base input type name
 100+ if ( array_key_exists( 'base type', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 102+ $baseType = trim( $this->mOtherArgs['base type'] );
 103+ unset( $this->mOtherArgs['base type'] );
 105+ // if unknown set default base input type
 106+ if ( !array_key_exists( $baseType, $sfgFormPrinter->mInputTypeClasses ) ) {
 107+ $baseType = 'text';
 108+ }
 109+ } else {
 110+ $baseType = 'text';
 111+ }
 113+ // create other_args array for base input type if base prefix was set
 114+ if ( array_key_exists( 'base prefix', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 116+ // set base prefix
 117+ $basePrefix = trim( $this->mOtherArgs['base prefix'] ) . ".";
 118+ unset( $this->mOtherArgs['base prefix'] );
 120+ // create new other_args param
 121+ $newOtherArgs = array();
 123+ foreach ( $this->mOtherArgs as $key => $value ) {
 124+ if ( strpos( $key, $basePrefix ) === 0 ) {
 125+ $newOtherArgs[substr( $key, strlen( $basePrefix ) )] = $value;
 126+ } else {
 127+ $newOtherArgs[$key] = $value;
 128+ }
 129+ }
 131+ } else {
 132+ $newOtherArgs = $this->mOtherArgs;
 133+ }
 135+ // create base input
 136+ $this->mBaseInput = new $sfgFormPrinter->mInputTypeClasses[ $baseType ] (
 137+ $this->mInputNumber, $this->mCurrentValue, $this->mInputName, $this->mIsDisabled, $newOtherArgs
 138+ );
 140+ }
 142+ /**
 143+ * Returns the name of the input type this class handles.
 144+ *
 145+ * This is the name to be used in the field definition for the "input type"
 146+ * parameter.
 147+ *
 148+ * @return String The name of the input type this class handles.
 149+ */
 150+ public static function getName() {
 151+ return 'regexp';
 152+ }
 154+ /**
 155+ * Static setup method for input type "menuselect".
 156+ * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects.
 157+ */
 158+ static private function setup() {
 160+ global $wgOut;
 161+ global $sfigSettings;
 163+ static $hasRun = false;
 165+ if ( !$hasRun ) {
 166+ $hasRun = true;
 167+ $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/regexp.js"></script> ' );
 168+ }
 169+ }
 171+ /**
 172+ * Returns the set of parameters for this form input.
 173+ */
 174+ public static function getParameters() {
 175+ $params = parent::getParameters();
 176+ $params[] = array(
 177+ 'name' => 'regexp',
 178+ 'type' => 'string',
 179+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-regexp' )
 180+ );
 181+ $params[] = array(
 182+ 'name' => 'base type',
 183+ 'type' => 'string',
 184+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-basetype' )
 185+ );
 186+ $params[] = array(
 187+ 'name' => 'base prefix',
 188+ 'type' => 'string',
 189+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-baseprefix' )
 190+ );
 191+ $params[] = array(
 192+ 'name' => 'or char',
 193+ 'type' => 'string',
 194+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-orchar' )
 195+ );
 196+ $params[] = array(
 197+ 'name' => 'inverse',
 198+ 'type' => 'string',
 199+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-inverse' )
 200+ );
 201+ $params[] = array(
 202+ 'name' => 'message',
 203+ 'type' => 'string',
 204+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-regexp-message' )
 205+ );
 208+ return $params;
 209+ }
 211+ /**
 212+ * Returns the HTML code to be included in the output page for this input.
 213+ *
 214+ * Ideally this HTML code should provide a basic functionality even if the
 215+ * browser is not JavaScript capable. I.e. even without JavaScript the user
 216+ * should be able to input values.
 217+ *
 218+ */
 219+ public function getHtmlText() {
 221+ return $this->mBaseInput->getHtmlText();
 222+ }
 224+ /**
 225+ * Returns the set of SMW property types which this input can
 226+ * handle, but for which it isn't the default input.
 227+ *
 228+ * @deprecated
 229+ * @return Array of strings
 230+ */
 231+ public static function getOtherPropTypesHandled() {
 232+ return array('_str', '_num', '_dat', '_geo', '_ema', '_tel', '_wpg', '_tem', '_qty');
 233+ }
 235+ /**
 236+ * Returns the name and parameters for the initialization JavaScript
 237+ * function for this input type, if any.
 238+ */
 239+ public function getJsInitFunctionData() {
 240+ return array_merge( $this->mJsInitFunctionData, $this->mBaseInput->getJsInitFunctionData() );
 241+ }
 243+ /**
 244+ * Returns the name and parameters for the validation JavaScript
 245+ * functions for this input type, if any.
 246+ */
 247+ public function getJsValidationFunctionData() {
 248+ return array_merge( $this->mJsValidationFunctionData, $this->mBaseInput->getJsValidationFunctionData() );
 249+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_RegExp.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1251 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_DatePicker.php
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
 5+ * File holding the SFIDatePicker class
 6+ *
 7+ * @author Stephan Gambke
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup SemanticFormsInputs
 10+ */
 11+if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
 12+ die( 'This file is part of the SemanticFormsInputs extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 16+ * The SFIDatePicker class.
 17+ *
 18+ * @ingroup SemanticFormsInputs
 19+ */
 20+class SFIDatePicker extends SFFormInput {
 22+ /**
 23+ * Constructor.
 24+ *
 25+ * @param String $input_number
 26+ * The number of the input in the form.
 27+ * @param String $cur_value
 28+ * The current value of the input field.
 29+ * @param String $input_name
 30+ * The name of the input.
 31+ * @param String $disabled
 32+ * Is this input disabled?
 33+ * @param Array $other_args
 34+ * An associative array of other parameters that were present in the
 35+ * input definition.
 36+ */
 37+ public function __construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args ) {
 39+ parent::__construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args );
 41+ // call static setup
 42+ self::setup();
 44+ $this->addJsInitFunctionData( 'SFI_DP_init', $this->setupJsInitAttribs() );
 45+ }
 47+ /**
 48+ * Returns the name of the input type this class handles.
 49+ *
 50+ * This is the name to be used in the field definition for the "input type"
 51+ * parameter.
 52+ *
 53+ * @return String The name of the input type this class handles.
 54+ */
 55+ public static function getName() {
 56+ return 'datepicker';
 57+ }
 59+ /**
 60+ * Static setup method for input type "menuselect".
 61+ * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects.
 62+ */
 63+ static private function setup() {
 65+ global $wgOut, $wgLang;
 66+ global $sfgScriptPath, $sfigSettings;
 68+ static $hasRun = false;
 70+ if ( !$hasRun ) {
 71+ $hasRun = true;
 73+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . '/skins/jquery-ui/base/jquery.ui.datepicker.css' );
 74+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . '/skins/jquery-ui/base/jquery.ui.theme.css' );
 75+ $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfgScriptPath . '/libs/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.min.js"></script> ' );
 76+ $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/datepicker.js"></script> ' );
 78+ // set localized messages (use MW i18n, not jQuery i18n)
 79+ $jstext =
 80+ "jQuery(function(){\n"
 81+ . " jQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki'] = {\n"
 82+ . " closeText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-close' ) ) . "',\n"
 83+ . " prevText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-prev' ) ) . "',\n"
 84+ . " nextText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-next' ) ) . "',\n"
 85+ . " currentText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-today' ) ) . "',\n"
 86+ . " monthNames: ['"
 87+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'january' ) ) . "','"
 88+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'february' ) ) . "','"
 89+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'march' ) ) . "','"
 90+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'april' ) ) . "','"
 91+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'may_long' ) ) . "','"
 92+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'june' ) ) . "','"
 93+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'july' ) ) . "','"
 94+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'august' ) ) . "','"
 95+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'september' ) ) . "','"
 96+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'october' ) ) . "','"
 97+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'november' ) ) . "','"
 98+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'december' ) ) . "'],\n"
 99+ . " monthNamesShort: ['"
 100+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jan' ) ) . "','"
 101+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'feb' ) ) . "','"
 102+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'mar' ) ) . "','"
 103+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'apr' ) ) . "','"
 104+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'may' ) ) . "','"
 105+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jun' ) ) . "','"
 106+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jul' ) ) . "','"
 107+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'aug' ) ) . "','"
 108+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sep' ) ) . "','"
 109+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'oct' ) ) . "','"
 110+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'nov' ) ) . "','"
 111+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'dec' ) ) . "'],\n"
 112+ . " dayNames: ['"
 113+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sunday' ) ) . "','"
 114+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'monday' ) ) . "','"
 115+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'tuesday' ) ) . "','"
 116+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'wednesday' ) ) . "','"
 117+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'thursday' ) ) . "','"
 118+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'friday' ) ) . "','"
 119+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'saturday' ) ) . "'],\n"
 120+ . " dayNamesShort: ['"
 121+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sun' ) ) . "','"
 122+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'mon' ) ) . "','"
 123+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'tue' ) ) . "','"
 124+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'wed' ) ) . "','"
 125+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'thu' ) ) . "','"
 126+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'fri' ) ) . "','"
 127+ . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sat' ) ) . "'],\n"
 128+ . " dayNamesMin: ['"
 129+ . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'sun' ) ) ) . "','"
 130+ . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'mon' ) ) ) . "','"
 131+ . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'tue' ) ) ) . "','"
 132+ . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'wed' ) ) ) . "','"
 133+ . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'thu' ) ) ) . "','"
 134+ . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'fri' ) ) ) . "','"
 135+ . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'sat' ) ) ) . "'],\n"
 136+ . " weekHeader: '',\n"
 137+ . " dateFormat: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' ) ) . "',\n"
 138+ . " firstDay: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek' ) ) . "',\n"
 139+ . " isRTL: " . ( $wgLang->isRTL() ? "true" : "false" ) . ",\n"
 140+ . " showMonthAfterYear: false,\n"
 141+ . " yearSuffix: ''};\n"
 142+ . " jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(jQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki']);\n"
 143+ . "});\n";
 145+ $wgOut->addScript( Html::inlineScript( $jstext ) );
 147+ }
 148+ }
 150+ /**
 151+ * Set up JS attributes
 152+ *
 153+ * @return String
 154+ */
 155+ protected function setupJsInitAttribs() {
 157+ global $sfgFormPrinter, $sfigSettings;
 158+ global $wgAmericanDates;
 160+ // store user class(es) for use with buttons
 161+ if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 162+ $userClasses = $this->mOtherArgs['class'];
 163+ } else $userClasses = "";
 165+ // set up attributes required for both enabled and disabled datepickers
 166+ $jsattribs = array(
 167+ 'currValue' => $this->mCurrentValue,
 168+ 'disabled' => $this->mIsDisabled,
 169+ 'userClasses' => $userClasses
 170+ );
 172+ if ( array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 173+ $jsattribs['partOfDTP'] = $this->mOtherArgs['part of dtp'];
 174+ }
 176+ // set date format
 177+ // SHORT and LONG are SFI specific acronyms and are translated here
 178+ // into format strings, anything else is passed to the jQuery date picker
 179+ // Americans need special treatment
 180+ if ( $wgAmericanDates && $wgLang->getCode() == "en" ) {
 182+ if ( array_key_exists( 'date format', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 184+ if ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'SHORT' ) {
 185+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'mm/dd/yy';
 186+ } elseif ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'LONG' ) {
 187+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'MM d, yy';
 188+ } else {
 189+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $this->mOtherArgs['date format'];
 190+ }
 192+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat ) {
 194+ if ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'SHORT' ) {
 195+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'mm/dd/yy';
 196+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'LONG' ) {
 197+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'MM d, yy';
 198+ } else {
 199+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat;
 200+ }
 202+ } else $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'yy/mm/dd';
 204+ } else {
 206+ if ( array_key_exists( 'date format', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 208+ if ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'SHORT' ) {
 209+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' );
 210+ } elseif ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'LONG' ) {
 211+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatlong' );
 212+ } else {
 213+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $this->mOtherArgs['date format'];
 214+ }
 216+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat ) {
 218+ if ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'SHORT' ) {
 219+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' );
 220+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat == 'LONG' ) {
 221+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatlong' );
 222+ } else {
 223+ $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat;
 224+ }
 226+ } else $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'yy/mm/dd';
 228+ }
 230+ // setup attributes required only for either disabled or enabled datepickers
 231+ if ( $this->mIsDisabled ) {
 233+ $jsattribs['buttonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerButtonDisabled.gif';
 235+ if ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $this->mOtherArgs ) ||
 236+ ( !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $this->mOtherArgs ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerShowResetButton ) ) {
 238+ $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerResetButtonDisabled.gif';
 240+ }
 242+ } else {
 244+ $jsattribs['buttonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerButton.gif';
 246+ if ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $this->mOtherArgs ) ||
 247+ ( !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $this->mOtherArgs ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerShowResetButton ) ) {
 249+ $jsattribs['resetButtonImage'] = $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/DatePickerResetButton.gif';
 251+ }
 253+ // find min date, max date and disabled dates
 255+ // set first date
 256+ if ( array_key_exists( 'first date', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 257+ $minDate = date_create( $this->mOtherArgs['first date'] );
 258+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerFirstDate ) {
 259+ $minDate = date_create( $sfigSettings->datePickerFirstDate );
 260+ } else {
 261+ $minDate = null;
 262+ }
 264+ // set last date
 265+ if ( array_key_exists( 'last date', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 266+ $maxDate = date_create( $this->mOtherArgs['last date'] );
 267+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerLastDate ) {
 268+ $maxDate = date_create( $sfigSettings->datePickerLastDate );
 269+ } else {
 270+ $maxDate = null;
 271+ }
 273+ // find allowed values and invert them to get disabled values
 274+ if ( array_key_exists( 'possible_values', $this->mOtherArgs ) && count( $this->mOtherArgs['possible_values'] ) ) {
 276+ $enabledDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges( self::createRangesArray( $this->mOtherArgs['possible_values'] ) );
 278+ // correct min/max date to the first/last allowed value
 279+ if ( !$minDate || $minDate < $enabledDates[0][0] ) {
 280+ $minDate = $enabledDates[0][0];
 281+ }
 283+ if ( !$maxDate || $maxDate > $enabledDates[count( $enabledDates ) - 1][1] ) {
 284+ $maxDate = $enabledDates[count( $enabledDates ) - 1][1];
 285+ }
 287+ $disabledDates = self::invertRangesArray( $enabledDates );
 289+ } else $disabledDates = array();
 291+ // add user-defined or default disabled values
 292+ if ( array_key_exists( 'disable dates', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 294+ $disabledDates =
 295+ self::sortAndMergeRanges(
 296+ array_merge( $disabledDates, self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $this->mOtherArgs['disable dates'] ) ) ) );
 298+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDates ) {
 300+ $disabledDates =
 301+ self::sortAndMergeRanges(
 302+ array_merge( $disabledDates, self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDates ) ) ) );
 304+ }
 306+ // if a minDate is set, discard all disabled dates below the min date
 307+ if ( $minDate ) {
 309+ // discard all ranges of disabled dates that are entirely below the min date
 310+ while ( $minDate && count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[0][1] < $minDate ) array_shift( $disabledDates );
 312+ // if min date is in first disabled date range, discard that range and adjust min date
 313+ if ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[0][0] <= $minDate && $disabledDates[0][1] >= $minDate ) {
 314+ $minDate = $disabledDates[0][1];
 315+ array_shift( $disabledDates );
 316+ $minDate->modify( "+1 day" );
 317+ }
 318+ }
 320+ // if a maxDate is set, discard all disabled dates above the max date
 321+ if ( $maxDate ) {
 323+ // discard all ranges of disabled dates that are entirely above the max date
 324+ while ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0] > $maxDate ) array_pop( $disabledDates );
 326+ // if max date is in last disabled date range, discard that range and adjust max date
 327+ if ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0] <= $maxDate && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][1] >= $maxDate ) {
 328+ $maxDate = $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0];
 329+ array_pop( $disabledDates );
 330+ $maxDate->modify( "-1 day" );
 331+ }
 332+ }
 333+ // finished with disabled dates
 335+ // find highlighted dates
 336+ if ( array_key_exists( "highlight dates", $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 337+ $highlightedDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges ( self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $this->mOtherArgs["highlight dates"] ) ) ) ;
 338+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDates ) {
 339+ $highlightedDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges ( self::createRangesArray( explode( ',' , $sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDates ) ) ) ;
 340+ } else {
 341+ $highlightedDates = null;
 342+ }
 345+ // find disabled week days and mark them in an array
 346+ if ( array_key_exists( "disable days of week", $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 347+ $disabledDaysString = $this->mOtherArgs['disable days of week'];
 348+ } else {
 349+ $disabledDaysString = $sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDaysOfWeek;
 350+ }
 352+ if ( $disabledDaysString != null ) {
 354+ $disabledDays = array( false, false, false, false, false, false, false );
 356+ foreach ( explode( ',', $disabledDaysString ) as $day ) {
 358+ if ( is_numeric( $day ) && $day >= 0 && $day <= 6 ) {
 359+ $disabledDays[$day] = true;
 360+ }
 362+ }
 364+ } else {
 365+ $disabledDays = null;
 366+ }
 368+ // find highlighted week days and mark them in an array
 369+ if ( array_key_exists( "highlight days of week", $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 370+ $highlightedDaysString = $this->mOtherArgs['highlight days of week'];
 371+ } else {
 372+ $highlightedDaysString = $sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDaysOfWeek;
 373+ }
 375+ if ( $highlightedDaysString != null ) {
 377+ $highlightedDays = array( false, false, false, false, false, false, false );
 379+ foreach ( explode( ',', $highlightedDaysString ) as $day ) {
 381+ if ( is_numeric( $day ) && $day >= 0 && $day <= 6 ) {
 382+ $highlightedDays[$day] = true;
 383+ }
 385+ }
 387+ } else {
 388+ $highlightedDays = null;
 389+ }
 391+ // set first day of the week
 392+ if ( array_key_exists( 'week start', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 393+ $jsattribs['firstDay'] = $this->mOtherArgs['week start'];
 394+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->datePickerWeekStart != null ) {
 395+ $jsattribs['firstDay'] = $sfigSettings->datePickerWeekStart;
 396+ } else {
 397+ $jsattribs['firstDay'] = wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek' );
 398+ }
 400+ // set show week number
 401+ if ( array_key_exists( 'show week numbers', $this->mOtherArgs )
 402+ || ( !array_key_exists( 'hide week numbers', $this->mOtherArgs ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerShowWeekNumbers ) ) {
 404+ $jsattribs['showWeek'] = true;
 405+ } else {
 406+ $jsattribs['showWeek'] = false;
 407+ }
 409+ // store min date as JS attrib
 410+ if ( $minDate ) {
 411+ $jsattribs['minDate'] = $minDate->format( 'Y/m/d' );
 412+ }
 414+ // store max date as JS attrib
 415+ if ( $maxDate ) {
 416+ $jsattribs['maxDate'] = $maxDate->format( 'Y/m/d' );
 417+ }
 419+ // register disabled dates with datepicker
 420+ if ( count( $disabledDates ) > 0 ) {
 422+ // convert the PHP array of date ranges into an array of numbers
 423+ $jsattribs["disabledDates"] = array_map( create_function ( '$range', '
 425+ $y0 = $range[0]->format( "Y" );
 426+ $m0 = $range[0]->format( "m" ) - 1;
 427+ $d0 = $range[0]->format( "d" );
 429+ $y1 = $range[1]->format( "Y" );
 430+ $m1 = $range[1]->format( "m" ) - 1;
 431+ $d1 = $range[1]->format( "d" );
 433+ return array($y0, $m0, $d0, $y1, $m1, $d1);
 434+ ' ) , $disabledDates );
 435+ }
 437+ // register highlighted dates with datepicker
 438+ if ( count( $highlightedDates ) > 0 ) {
 440+ // convert the PHP array of date ranges into an array of numbers
 441+ $jsattribs["highlightedDates"] = array_map( create_function ( '$range', '
 443+ $y0 = $range[0]->format( "Y" );
 444+ $m0 = $range[0]->format( "m" ) - 1;
 445+ $d0 = $range[0]->format( "d" );
 447+ $y1 = $range[1]->format( "Y" );
 448+ $m1 = $range[1]->format( "m" ) - 1;
 449+ $d1 = $range[1]->format( "d" );
 451+ return array($y0, $m0, $d0, $y1, $m1, $d1);
 452+ ' ) , $highlightedDates );
 453+ }
 455+ // register disabled days of week with datepicker
 456+ if ( count( $disabledDays ) > 0 ) {
 457+ $jsattribs["disabledDays"] = $disabledDays;
 458+ }
 460+ // register highlighted days of week with datepicker
 461+ if ( count( $highlightedDays ) > 0 ) {
 462+ $jsattribs["highlightedDays"] = $highlightedDays;
 463+ }
 464+ }
 466+ // build JS code from attributes array
 467+ return Xml::encodeJsVar( $jsattribs );
 469+ }
 471+ /**
 472+ * Sort and merge time ranges in an array
 473+ *
 474+ * expects an array of arrays
 475+ * the inner arrays must contain two dates representing the start and end
 476+ * date of a time range
 477+ *
 478+ * returns an array of arrays with the date ranges sorted and overlapping
 479+ * ranges merged
 480+ *
 481+ * @param array $ranges array of arrays of DateTimes
 482+ * @return array of arrays of DateTimes
 483+ */
 484+ static private function sortAndMergeRanges ( $ranges ) {
 486+ // sort ranges, earliest date first
 487+ sort( $ranges );
 489+ // stores the start of the current date range
 490+ $currmin = FALSE;
 492+ // stores the date the next ranges start date has to top to not overlap
 493+ $nextmin = FALSE;
 495+ // result array
 496+ $mergedRanges = array();
 498+ foreach ( $ranges as $range ) {
 500+ // ignore empty date ranges
 501+ if ( !$range ) continue;
 503+ if ( !$currmin ) { // found first valid range
 505+ $currmin = $range[0];
 506+ $nextmin = $range[1];
 507+ $nextmin->modify( '+1 day' );
 509+ } elseif ( $range[0] <= $nextmin ) { // overlap detected
 511+ $currmin = min( $currmin, $range[0] );
 513+ $range[1]->modify( '+1 day' );
 514+ $nextmin = max( $nextmin, $range[1] );
 516+ } else { // no overlap, store current range and continue with next
 518+ $nextmin->modify( '-1 day' );
 519+ $mergedRanges[] = array( $currmin, $nextmin );
 521+ $currmin = $range[0];
 522+ $nextmin = $range[1];
 523+ $nextmin->modify( '+1 day' );
 525+ }
 527+ }
 529+ // store last range
 530+ if ( $currmin ) {
 531+ $nextmin->modify( '-1 day' );
 532+ $mergedRanges[] = array( $currmin, $nextmin );
 533+ }
 535+ return $mergedRanges;
 537+ }
 539+ /**
 540+ * Creates an array of arrays of dates from an array of strings
 541+ *
 542+ * expects an array of strings containing dates or date ranges in the format
 543+ * "yyyy/mm/dd" or "yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd"
 544+ *
 545+ * returns an array of arrays, each of the latter consisting of two dates
 546+ * representing the start and end date of the range
 547+ *
 548+ * The result array will contain null values for unparseable date strings
 549+ *
 550+ * @param array $rangesAsStrings array of strings with dates and date ranges
 551+ * @return array of arrays of DateTimes
 552+ */
 553+ static private function createRangesArray ( $rangesAsStrings ) {
 555+ // transform array of strings into array of array of dates
 556+ // have to use create_function to be PHP pre5.3 compatible
 557+ return array_map( create_function( '$range', '
 559+ if ( strpos ( $range, "-" ) === FALSE ) { // single date
 560+ $date = date_create( $range );
 561+ return ( $date ) ? array( $date, clone $date ):null;
 562+ } else { // date range
 563+ $dates = array_map( "date_create", explode( "-", $range ) );
 564+ return ( $dates[0] && $dates[1] ) ? $dates:null;
 565+ }
 567+ ' ), $rangesAsStrings );
 569+ }
 571+ /**
 572+ * Takes an array of date ranges and returns an array containing the gaps
 573+ *
 574+ * The very first and the very last date of the original string are lost in
 575+ * the process, of course, as they do not delimit a gap. This means, after
 576+ * repeated inversion the result will eventually be empty.
 577+ *
 578+ * @param array $ranges of arrays of DateTimes
 579+ * @return array of arrays of DateTimes
 580+ */
 581+ static private function invertRangesArray( $ranges ) {
 583+ // the result (initially empty)
 584+ $invRanges = null;
 586+ // the minimum of the current gap (initially none)
 587+ $min = null;
 589+ foreach ( $ranges as $range ) {
 591+ if ( $min ) { // if min date of current gap is known store gap
 592+ $min->modify( "+1day " );
 593+ $range[0]->modify( "-1day " );
 594+ $invRanges[] = array( $min, $range[0] );
 595+ }
 597+ $min = $range[1]; // store min date of next gap
 599+ }
 601+ return $invRanges;
 602+ }
 604+ /**
 605+ * Returns the set of parameters for this form input.
 606+ *
 607+ * TODO: Add missing parameters
 608+ */
 609+ public static function getParameters() {
 610+ global $sfigSettings;
 612+ $params = parent::getParameters();
 613+ $params[] = array(
 614+ 'name' => 'date format',
 615+ 'type' => 'string',
 616+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-dateformat' )
 617+ );
 618+ $params[] = array(
 619+ 'name' => 'week start',
 620+ 'type' => 'int',
 621+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-weekstart' )
 622+ );
 623+ $params[] = array(
 624+ 'name' => 'first date',
 625+ 'type' => 'string',
 626+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-firstdate' )
 627+ );
 628+ $params[] = array(
 629+ 'name' => 'last date',
 630+ 'type' => 'string',
 631+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-lastdate' )
 632+ );
 633+ $params[] = array(
 634+ 'name' => 'disable days of week',
 635+ 'type' => 'string',
 636+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-disabledaysofweek' )
 637+ );
 638+ $params[] = array(
 639+ 'name' => 'highlight days of week',
 640+ 'type' => 'string',
 641+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-highlightdaysofweek' )
 642+ );
 643+ $params[] = array(
 644+ 'name' => 'disable dates',
 645+ 'type' => 'string',
 646+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-disabledates' )
 647+ );
 648+ $params[] = array(
 649+ 'name' => 'highlight days of week',
 650+ 'type' => 'string',
 651+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-highlightdates' )
 652+ );
 653+ $params[] = array(
 654+ 'name' => $sfigSettings->datePickerShowWeekNumbers?'hide week numbers':'show week numbers',
 655+ 'type' => 'boolean',
 656+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-showweeknumbers' )
 657+ );
 658+ $params[] = array(
 659+ 'name' => $sfigSettings->datePickerDisableInputField?'enable input field':'disable input field',
 660+ 'type' => 'boolean',
 661+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-enableinputfield' )
 662+ );
 663+ $params[] = array(
 664+ 'name' => $sfigSettings->datePickerShowResetButton?'hide reset button':'show reset button',
 665+ 'type' => 'boolean',
 666+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-datepicker-showresetbutton' )
 667+ );
 668+ return $params;
 669+ }
 671+ /**
 672+ * Returns the HTML code to be included in the output page for this input.
 673+ *
 674+ * Ideally this HTML code should provide a basic functionality even if the
 675+ * browser is not JavaScript capable. I.e. even without JavaScript the user
 676+ * should be able to input values.
 677+ *
 678+ */
 679+ public function getHtmlText() {
 680+ global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgAmericanDates; // MW variables
 681+ global $sfgFieldNum, $sfgScriptPath, $sfgTabIndex; // SF variables
 682+ global $sfigSettings; // SFI variables
 684+ // should the input field be disabled?
 685+ $inputFieldDisabled =
 686+ array_key_exists( 'disable input field', $this->mOtherArgs )
 687+ || ( !array_key_exists( 'enable input field', $this->mOtherArgs ) && $sfigSettings->datePickerDisableInputField )
 688+ || $this->mIsDisabled ;
 691+ // assemble HTML code
 693+ // start with the displayed input and append the real, but hidden
 694+ // input that gets sent to SF; it will be filled by the datepicker
 695+ $html = SFIUtils::textHTML( $this->mCurrentValue, '', array_key_exists( 'mandatory', $this->mOtherArgs ), $inputFieldDisabled,
 696+ $this->mOtherArgs, "input_{$sfgFieldNum}_dp_show", null, "createboxInput" );
 698+ if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 700+ $html .= Xml::element( "input",
 701+ array(
 702+ "id" => "input_{$sfgFieldNum}",
 703+ "name" => $this->mInputName,
 704+ "type" => "hidden",
 705+ "value" => $this->mCurrentValue
 706+ ) );
 708+ // wrap in span (e.g. used for mandatory inputs)
 709+ $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ( array_key_exists( 'mandatory', $this->mOtherArgs ) ? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .$html . '</span>';
 710+ }
 712+ //return array( $html, "", "initInput$sfgFieldNum" );
 713+ return $html;
 714+ }
 716+ /**
 717+ * Returns the set of SMW property types which this input can
 718+ * handle, but for which it isn't the default input.
 719+ *
 720+ * @return Array of strings
 721+ */
 722+ public static function getOtherPropTypesHandled() {
 723+ return array('_str', '_dat');
 724+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_DatePicker.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1727 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_TimePicker.php
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
 5+ * File holding the SFI_TimePicker class
 6+ *
 7+ * @author Stephan Gambke
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup SemanticFormsInputs
 10+ */
 11+if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
 12+ die( 'This file is part of the SemanticFormsInputs extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 16+ * The SFITimePicker class.
 17+ *
 18+ * @ingroup SemanticFormsInputs
 19+ */
 20+class SFITimePicker extends SFFormInput {
 22+ /**
 23+ * Constructor.
 24+ *
 25+ * @param String $input_number
 26+ * The number of the input in the form.
 27+ * @param String $cur_value
 28+ * The current value of the input field.
 29+ * @param String $input_name
 30+ * The name of the input.
 31+ * @param String $disabled
 32+ * Is this input disabled?
 33+ * @param Array $other_args
 34+ * An associative array of other parameters that were present in the
 35+ * input definition.
 36+ */
 37+ public function __construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args ) {
 39+ global $sfigSettings;
 41+ parent::__construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args );
 43+ // third: if the timepicker is not disabled set up JS attributes ans assemble JS call
 44+ if ( !$this->mIsDisabled ) {
 46+ self::setup();
 48+ // set min time if valid, else use default
 49+ if ( array_key_exists( 'mintime', $other_args )
 50+ && ( preg_match( '/^\d+:\d\d$/', trim( $other_args['mintime'] ) ) == 1 ) ) {
 51+ $minTime = trim( $other_args[ 'mintime' ] );
 52+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->timePickerMinTime != null ) {
 53+ $minTime = $sfigSettings->timePickerMinTime ;
 54+ } else {
 55+ $minTime = '00:00';
 56+ }
 58+ // set max time if valid, else use default
 59+ if ( array_key_exists( 'maxtime', $other_args )
 60+ && ( preg_match( '/^\d+:\d\d$/', trim( $other_args['maxtime'] ) ) == 1 ) ) {
 61+ $maxTime = trim( $other_args[ 'maxtime' ] );
 62+ } elseif ( $sfigSettings->timePickerMaxTime != null ) {
 63+ $maxTime = $sfigSettings->timePickerMaxTime ;
 64+ } else {
 65+ $maxTime = '23:59';
 66+ }
 68+ // set interval if valid, else use default
 69+ if ( array_key_exists( 'interval', $other_args )
 70+ && preg_match( '/^\d+$/', trim( $other_args['interval'] ) ) == 1 ) {
 71+ $interval = trim( $other_args[ 'interval' ] );
 72+ } else {
 73+ $interval = '15';
 74+ }
 76+ // build JS code from attributes array
 77+ $jsattribs = array(
 78+ "minTime" => $minTime,
 79+ "maxTime" => $maxTime,
 80+ "interval" => $interval,
 81+ "format" => "hh:mm"
 82+ );
 84+ if ( array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $other_args ) ) {
 85+ $jsattribs['partOfDTP'] = $other_args['part of dtp'];
 86+ }
 88+ $jstext = Xml::encodeJsVar( $jsattribs );
 90+ $this->addJsInitFunctionData( 'SFI_TP_init', $jstext );
 91+ }
 92+ }
 94+ /**
 95+ * Returns the name of the input type this class handles: menuselect.
 96+ *
 97+ * This is the name to be used in the field definition for the "input type"
 98+ * parameter.
 99+ *
 100+ * @return String The name of the input type this class handles.
 101+ */
 102+ public static function getName() {
 103+ return 'timepicker';
 104+ }
 106+ /**
 107+ * Static setup method for input type "menuselect".
 108+ * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects.
 109+ */
 110+ static private function setup() {
 112+ global $wgOut;
 113+ global $sfigSettings;
 115+ static $hasRun = false;
 117+ if ( !$hasRun ) {
 118+ $hasRun = true;
 120+ $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/timepicker.js"></script> ' );
 121+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/skins/SFI_Timepicker.css' );
 123+ }
 125+ }
 127+ /**
 128+ * Returns the HTML code to be included in the output page for this input.
 129+ *
 130+ * Ideally this HTML code should provide a basic functionality even if the
 131+ * browser is not Javascript capable. I.e. even without Javascript the user
 132+ * should be able to input values.
 133+ *
 134+ */
 135+ public function getHtmlText(){
 137+ global $sfigSettings;
 139+ // The timepicker is created in four steps:
 140+ // first: set up HTML attributes
 141+ // second: assemble HTML
 144+ // first: set up HTML attributes
 145+ $inputFieldDisabled =
 146+ array_key_exists( 'disable input field', $this->mOtherArgs )
 147+ || ( !array_key_exists( 'enable input field', $this->mOtherArgs ) && $sfigSettings->timePickerDisableInputField )
 148+ || $this->mIsDisabled ;
 150+ if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) $userClasses = $this->mOtherArgs['class'];
 151+ else $userClasses = "";
 153+ // second: assemble HTML
 154+ // create visible input field (for display) and invisible field (for data)
 155+ $html = SFIUtils::textHTML( $this->mCurrentValue, '', array_key_exists('mandatory', $this->mOtherArgs ), $inputFieldDisabled, $this->mOtherArgs, "input_{$this->mInputNumber}_tp_show", null, "createboxInput" );
 157+ if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 158+ $html .= Xml::element( "input", array(
 159+ 'id' => "input_{$this->mInputNumber}",
 160+ 'type' => 'hidden',
 161+ 'name' => $input_name,
 162+ 'value' => $this->mCurrentValue
 163+ ) );
 164+ }
 166+ // append time picker button
 167+ if ( $this->mIsDisabled ) {
 169+ $html .= Xml::openElement(
 170+ "button",
 171+ array(
 172+ 'type' => 'button',
 173+ 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
 174+ 'disabled' => '1',
 175+ 'id' => "input_{$this->mInputNumber}_button"
 176+ ) )
 178+ . Xml::element(
 179+ "image",
 180+ array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerButtonDisabled.gif' )
 181+ )
 183+ . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
 185+ } else {
 187+ $html .= "<button "
 188+ . Xml::expandAttributes ( array(
 189+ 'type' => 'button',
 190+ 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
 191+ 'name' => "button",
 192+ ) )
 193+ . " onclick=\"document.getElementById(this.id.replace('_button','_tp_show')).focus();\""
 194+ . ">"
 196+ . Xml::element(
 197+ "image",
 198+ array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerButton.gif' )
 199+ )
 201+ . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
 203+ }
 205+ // append reset button (if selected)
 206+ if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $this->mOtherArgs ) &&
 207+ ( array_key_exists( 'show reset button', $this->mOtherArgs ) ||
 208+ $sfigSettings->timePickerShowResetButton && !array_key_exists( 'hide reset button', $this->mOtherArgs )
 209+ )
 210+ ) {
 212+ if ( $this->mIsDisabled ) {
 214+ $html .= Xml::openElement(
 215+ "button",
 216+ array(
 217+ 'type' => 'button',
 218+ 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
 219+ 'disabled' => '1',
 220+ 'id' => "input_{$this->mInputNumber}_resetbutton"
 221+ ) )
 223+ . Xml::element(
 224+ "image",
 225+ array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerResetButtonDisabled.gif' )
 227+ )
 228+ . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
 230+ } else {
 232+ $html .= "<button "
 233+ . Xml::expandAttributes ( array(
 234+ 'type' => 'button',
 235+ 'class' => 'createboxInput ' . $userClasses,
 236+ 'name' => "resetbutton",
 237+ ) )
 238+ . " onclick=\"document.getElementById(this.id.replace('_resetbutton','')).value='';"
 239+ . "document.getElementById(this.id.replace('_resetbutton','_tp_show')).value='';\""
 240+ . ">"
 242+ . Xml::element(
 243+ "image",
 244+ array( 'src' => $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/images/TimePickerResetButton.gif' )
 246+ )
 247+ . Xml::closeElement( "button" );
 249+ }
 250+ }
 252+ // wrap in span (e.g. used for mandatory inputs)
 253+ if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) {
 254+ $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ( array_key_exists( 'mandatory', $this->mOtherArgs )? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .$html . '</span>';
 255+ }
 258+ return $html;
 260+ }
 262+ /**
 263+ * Returns the set of SMW property types which this input can
 264+ * handle, but for which it isn't the default input.
 265+ */
 266+ public static function getOtherPropTypesHandled() {
 267+ return array( '_str', '_dat' );
 268+ }
 270+ /**
 271+ * Returns the set of parameters for this form input.
 272+ *
 273+ * TODO: Specify parameters specific for menuselect.
 274+ */
 275+ public static function getParameters() {
 277+ global $sfigSettings;
 279+ $params = parent::getParameters();
 280+ $params[] = array(
 281+ 'name' => 'mintime',
 282+ 'type' => 'string',
 283+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-mintime' ),
 284+ );
 285+ $params[] = array(
 286+ 'name' => 'maxtime',
 287+ 'type' => 'string',
 288+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-maxtime' ),
 289+ );
 290+ $params[] = array(
 291+ 'name' => 'interval',
 292+ 'type' => 'int',
 293+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-interval' ),
 294+ );
 295+ $params[] = array(
 296+ 'name' => $sfigSettings->timePickerDisableInputField?'enable input field':'disable input field',
 297+ 'type' => 'boolean',
 298+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-enableinputfield' ),
 299+ );
 300+ $params[] = array(
 301+ 'name' => $sfigSettings->timePickerShowResetButton?'hide reset button':'show reset button',
 302+ 'type' => 'boolean',
 303+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-timepicker-showresetbutton' ),
 304+ );
 306+ return $params;
 307+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_TimePicker.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1309 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_Settings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
 4+ * Settings for the Semantic Forms Inputs extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * @author Stephan Gambke
 7+ *
 8+ * To change the default settings you can uncomment (or copy) the
 9+ * examples here and adjust them to your needs. You may as well
 10+ * include them in your LocalSettings.php.
 11+ */
 13+if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
 14+ die( 'This file is part of the SemanticFormsInputs extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 18+# This is the path to your installation of Semantic Forms Inputs as
 19+# seen from the web. No final slash.
 21+$sfigSettings->scriptPath = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs';
 23+## Date Picker Settings
 26+# This is the first selectable date (format yyyy/mm/dd)
 27+# Sample value: '2005/01/01'
 29+$sfigSettings->datePickerFirstDate = null;
 32+# This is the last selectable date (format yyyy/mm/dd)
 33+# Sample value: '2015/31/12'
 35+$sfigSettings->datePickerLastDate = null;
 38+# The date format string used for the user input.
 39+# The date sent back to the form is fixed to yyyy/mm/dd
 40+# (that is, yy/mm/dd in the format code below).
 42+# The format can be combinations of the following:
 44+# d - day of month (no leading zero)
 45+# dd - day of month (two digit)
 46+# o - day of the year (no leading zeros)
 47+# oo - day of the year (three digit)
 48+# D - day name short
 49+# DD - day name long
 50+# m - month of year (no leading zero)
 51+# mm - month of year (two digit)
 52+# M - month name short
 53+# MM - month name long
 54+# y - year (two digit)
 55+# yy - year (four digit)
 56+# @ - Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
 57+# ! - Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
 58+# '...' - literal text
 59+# '' - single quote
 60+# anything else - literal text
 62+# There are also two predefined standard date formats available:
 64+# SHORT - short date format localized to the wiki user language
 65+# LONG - long date format localized to the wiki user language
 67+$sfigSettings->datePickerDateFormat = 'SHORT';
 70+# This determines the start of the week in the display.
 71+# Set it to: 0 (Zero) for Sunday, 1 (One) for Monday etc.
 72+# If set to null the day is localized to the wiki user language
 73+# Sample value: 1
 75+$sfigSettings->datePickerWeekStart = null;
 78+# This determines if the number of the week shall be shown.
 80+$sfigSettings->datePickerShowWeekNumbers = false;
 83+# This determines if the input field shall be disabled. The user can
 84+# only set the date via the datepicker in this case.
 86+$sfigSettings->datePickerDisableInputField = false;
 89+# This determines if a reset button shall be shown. This is the only
 90+# way to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.
 92+$sfigSettings->datePickerShowResetButton = false;
 95+# This is a string of disabled days of the week, i.e. days the user can not
 96+# pick. The days must be given as comma-separated list of numbers starting
 97+# with 0 for Sunday.
 98+# Sample value: "6,0"
 100+$sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDaysOfWeek = null;
 103+# This is a string of highlighted days of the week. The days must be given as
 104+# comma-separated list of numbers starting with 0 for Sunday.
 105+# Sample value: "6,0"
 107+$sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDaysOfWeek = null;
 110+# This is a string of disabled dates, i.e. days the user cannot pick. The
 111+# days must be given as comma-separated list of dates or date ranges. The
 112+# format for days is yyyy/mm/dd, for date ranges use yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd.
 113+# Spaces are permissible.
 114+# Sample value: "2010/12/25 - 2011/01/06, 2011/05/01"
 116+$sfigSettings->datePickerDisabledDates = null;
 119+# This is a string of highlighted dates. The days must be given as
 120+# comma-separated list of dates or date ranges. The format for days is
 121+# yyyy/mm/dd, for date ranges use yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd. Spaces are
 122+# permissible.
 123+# Sample value: "2010/12/25 - 2011/01/06, 2011/05/01"
 125+$sfigSettings->datePickerHighlightedDates = null;
 128+## Time Picker Settings
 131+# This is the first selectable time (format hh:mm)
 132+# Sample value: '00:00'
 134+$sfigSettings->timePickerMinTime = null;
 137+# This is the last selectable time (format hh:mm)
 138+# Sample value: '24:00'
 140+$sfigSettings->timePickerMaxTime = null;
 143+# This determines if the input field shall be disabled. The user can
 144+# only set the time via the timepicker in this case.
 146+$sfigSettings->timePickerDisableInputField = false;
 149+# This determines if a reset button shall be shown. This is the only
 150+# way to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.
 152+$sfigSettings->timePickerShowResetButton = false;
 156+# This determines if a reset button shall be shown. This is the only
 157+# way to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.
 159+$sfigSettings->datetimePickerShowResetButton = false;
 162+# This determines if the input field shall be disabled. The user can
 163+# only set the value via the menu in this case.
 165+$sfigSettings->menuSelectDisableInputField = false;
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_Settings.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1167 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_Utils.php
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
 4+ * Input definitions for the Semantic Forms Inputs extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * @author Stephan Gambke
 7+ * @author Sanyam Goyal
 8+ * @author Yaron Koren
 9+ *
 10+ */
 12+if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
 13+ die( 'This file is part of a MediaWiki extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 16+class SFIUtils {
 18+ /**
 19+ * Creates the html text for an input.
 20+ *
 21+ * Common attributes for input types are set according to the parameters.
 22+ * The parameters are the standard parameters set by Semantic Forms'
 23+ * InputTypeHook plus some optional.
 24+ *
 25+ * @param string $cur_value
 26+ * @param string $input_name
 27+ * @param boolean $is_mandatory
 28+ * @param boolean $is_disabled
 29+ * @param array $other_args
 30+ * @param string $input_id (optional)
 31+ * @param int $tabindex (optional)
 32+ * @param string $class
 33+ * @return string the html text of an input element
 34+ */
 35+ static function textHTML ( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args, $input_id = null, $tabindex = null, $class = "" ) {
 37+ global $sfgFieldNum, $sfgTabIndex;
 39+ // array of attributes to pass to the input field
 40+ $attribs = array(
 41+ "name" => $input_name,
 42+ "class" => $class,
 43+ "value" => $cur_value,
 44+ "type" => "text"
 45+ );
 47+ // set size attrib
 48+ if ( array_key_exists( 'size', $other_args ) ) {
 49+ $attribs['size'] = $other_args['size'];
 50+ }
 52+ // set maxlength attrib
 53+ if ( array_key_exists( 'maxlength', $other_args ) ) {
 54+ $attribs['maxlength'] = $other_args['maxlength'];
 55+ }
 57+ // modify class attribute for mandatory form fields
 58+ if ( $is_mandatory ) {
 59+ $attribs["class"] .= ' mandatoryField';
 60+ }
 62+ // add user class(es) to class attribute of input field
 63+ if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $other_args ) ) {
 64+ $attribs["class"] .= ' ' . $other_args['class'];
 65+ }
 67+ // set readonly attrib
 68+ if ( $is_disabled ) {
 69+ $attribs["readonly"] = "1";
 70+ }
 72+ // if no special input id is specified set the Semantic Forms standard
 73+ if ( $input_id == null ) {
 74+ $attribs[ 'id' ] = "input_" . $sfgFieldNum;
 75+ } else {
 76+ $attribs[ 'id' ] = $input_id;
 77+ }
 80+ if ( $tabindex == null ) $attribs[ 'tabindex' ] = $sfgTabIndex;
 81+ else $attribs[ 'tabindex' ] = $tabindex;
 83+ // $html = Html::element( "input", $attribs );
 84+ $html = Xml::element( "input", $attribs );
 86+ return $html;
 88+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_Utils.php
Added: svn:eol-style
190 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_MenuSelect.php
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
 5+ * File holding the SFIMenuSelect class.
 6+ *
 7+ * @author Stephan Gambke
 8+ *
 9+ * @file
 10+ * @ingroup SFI
 11+ */
 12+if ( !defined( 'SFI_VERSION' ) ) {
 13+ die( 'This file is part of the Semantic Forms Inputs extension, it is not a valid entry point.' );
 17+ * This class represents the MenuSelect input.
 18+ *
 19+ * @ingroup SFI
 20+ */
 21+class SFIMenuSelect extends SFFormInput {
 24+ /**
 25+ * Constructor.
 26+ *
 27+ * @param String $input_number
 28+ * The number of the input in the form.
 29+ * @param String $cur_value
 30+ * The current value of the input field.
 31+ * @param String $input_name
 32+ * The name of the input.
 33+ * @param String $disabled
 34+ * Is this input disabled?
 35+ * @param Array $other_args
 36+ * An associative array of other parameters that were present in the
 37+ * input definition.
 38+ */
 39+ public function __construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args ) {
 41+ parent::__construct( $input_number, $cur_value, $input_name, $disabled, $other_args );
 43+ self::setup();
 45+ $this->addJsInitFunctionData( 'SFI_MS_init', 'null' );
 48+ }
 50+ /**
 51+ * Returns the name of the input type this class handles: menuselect.
 52+ *
 53+ * This is the name to be used in the field definition for the "input type"
 54+ * parameter.
 55+ *
 56+ * @return String The name of the input type this class handles.
 57+ */
 58+ public static function getName() {
 59+ return 'menuselect';
 60+ }
 62+ /**
 63+ * Static setup method for input type "menuselect".
 64+ * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects.
 65+ */
 66+ static private function setup() {
 68+ global $wgOut;
 69+ global $sfigSettings;
 71+ static $hasRun = false;
 73+ if ( !$hasRun ) {
 74+ $hasRun = true;
 75+ $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript">sfigScriptPath="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '";</script> ' );
 76+ $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/menuselect.js"></script> ' );
 77+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/skins/SFI_Menuselect.css' );
 78+ }
 80+ }
 82+ /**
 83+ * Returns the HTML code to be included in the output page for this input.
 84+ *
 85+ * Ideally this HTML code should provide a basic functionality even if the
 86+ * browser is not Javascript capable. I.e. even without Javascript the user
 87+ * should be able to input values.
 88+ *
 89+ */
 90+ public function getHtmlText(){
 92+ global $wgUser, $wgTitle;
 93+ global $sfigSettings;
 95+ // first: set up HTML attributes
 96+ $inputFieldDisabled =
 97+ array_key_exists( 'disable input field', $this->mOtherArgs )
 98+ || $this->mIsDisabled
 99+ || ( $sfigSettings->menuSelectDisableInputField && !array_key_exists( 'enable input field', $this->mOtherArgs ) );
 101+ // second: assemble HTML
 102+ // create visible input field (for display) and invisible field (for data)
 103+ $html = SFIUtils::textHTML( $this->mCurrentValue, '', array_key_exists( 'mandatory', $this->mOtherArgs ), $inputFieldDisabled, $this->mOtherArgs, "input_{$this->mInputNumber}_show", null, "createboxInput" )
 104+ . Xml::element( "input", array(
 105+ 'id' => "input_{$this->mInputNumber}",
 106+ 'type' => 'hidden',
 107+ 'name' => $this->mInputName,
 108+ 'value' => $this->mCurrentValue
 109+ ) );
 112+ $html .= "<span class='SFI_menuselect' id='span_{$this->mInputNumber}_tree'>";
 115+ // parse menu structure
 117+ $parser = new Parser();
 119+ // FIXME: SF does not parse options correctly. Users have to replace | by {{!}}
 120+ $structure = str_replace( '{{!}}', '|', $this->mOtherArgs['structure'] );
 121+ $options = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $wgUser );
 123+ $structure = $parser->parse( $structure, $wgTitle, $options )->getText();
 125+ $html .= str_replace( '<li', '<li class=\'ui-state-default\'', $structure );
 127+ $html .= "</span>";
 129+ // wrap in span (e.g. used for mandatory inputs)
 130+ $html = '<span class="inputSpan' . ($this->mIsMandatory ? ' mandatoryFieldSpan' : '') . '">' .$html . '</span>';
 132+ return $html;
 135+ }
 137+ /**
 138+ * Returns the set of SMW property types which this input can
 139+ * handle, but for which it isn't the default input.
 140+ */
 141+ public static function getOtherPropTypesHandled() {
 142+ return array( '_str', '_wpg' );
 143+ }
 145+ /**
 146+ * Returns the set of parameters for this form input.
 147+ *
 148+ * TODO: Specify parameters specific for menuselect.
 149+ */
 150+ public static function getParameters() {
 151+ $params = parent::getParameters();
 152+ $params[] = array(
 153+ 'name' => 'structure',
 154+ 'type' => 'text',
 155+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-menuselect-structure' ),
 156+ 'default' => "* item 1\n** item 11\n** item 12\n* item 2\n** item 21\n** item 22"
 157+ );
 158+ $params[] = array(
 159+ 'name' => $sfigSettings->menuSelectDisableInputField?'enable input field':'disable input field',
 160+ 'type' => 'boolean',
 161+ 'description' => wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-menuselect-enableinputfield' ),
 162+ );
 163+ return $params;
 164+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/includes/SFI_MenuSelect.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1166 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticFormsInputs/libs/timepicker.js
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
1717 * format: (String) a format string (unused) (do we even need it?)
1818 *
1919 */
20 -function SFI_TP_init( inputIDshow, params ) { // minTime, maxTime, interval, format
 20+function SFI_TP_init( inputID, params ) { // minTime, maxTime, interval, format
22 - var inputID = inputIDshow.replace( "_tp_show", "" );
 22+ var inputIDshow = inputID + "_tp_show";
2424 // sanitize inputs
2525 var re = /^\d+:\d\d$/;

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r104254followup r103783: Message documentationfoxtrott21:22, 25 November 2011


#Comment by Siebrand (talk | contribs)   16:56, 25 November 2011

Please add message documentation for the newly added messages. Thanks.

Status & tagging log