r102530 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r102529‎ | r102530 | r102531 >
Date:16:38, 9 November 2011
Status:deferred (Comments)
Update for Array Result Format. Additional parameter support and adjusted for SMWs recent dependencies on Validator extension.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/Array/SRF_Array.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/SRF_Messages.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/SRF_Settings.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/SRF_Settings.php
@@ -21,15 +21,39 @@
2323 # The formats you want to be able to use.
2424 # See the INSTALL file or this url for more info: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Result_Formats#Installation
25 -$srfgFormats = array( 'icalendar', 'vcard', 'bibtex', 'calendar', 'eventline', 'timeline', 'outline', 'gallery', 'jqplotbar', 'jqplotpie', 'sum', 'average', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'product', 'tagcloud', 'valuerank' );
 25+$srfgFormats = array( 'icalendar', 'vcard', 'bibtex', 'calendar', 'eventline', 'timeline', 'outline', 'gallery', 'jqplotbar', 'jqplotpie', 'sum', 'average', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'product', 'tagcloud', 'valuerank', 'array' );
 27+# load hash format only if HashTables extension is initialised, otherwise 'Array' format is enough
 28+if( isset( $wgHashTables ) ) {
 29+ $srfgFormats[] = 'hash';
2732 # Used for jqplot formats.
2833 $srfgJQPlotIncluded = false;
3035 # Used for Array and Hash formats.
3136 # Allows value as string or object instances of Title or Article classes or an array
3237 # where index 0 is the page title and 1 is the namespace-index (by default NS_MAIN)
 38+# also allows defining optional template-arguments by index 'args' as array where a
 39+# key represents an argument name and a keys associated value an argument value.
3340 $srfgArraySep = ', ';
3441 $srfgArrayPropSep = '<PROP>';
3542 $srfgArrayManySep = '<MANY>';
3643 $srfgArrayRecordSep = '<RCRD>';
 44+$srfgArrayHeaderSep = ' ';
 47+ * used if Array|Hash result format isn't used inline and the standard config values
 48+ * defined in LocalSettings.php can't be used because they are page references which
 49+ * can only be evaluated in inline queries
 50+ *
 51+ * @var Array
 52+ */
 53+$srfgArraySepTextualFallbacks = array (
 54+ 'sep' => $srfgArraySep,
 55+ 'propsep' => $srfgArrayPropSep,
 56+ 'manysep' => $srfgArrayManySep,
 57+ 'recordsep' => $srfgArrayRecordSep,
 58+ 'headersep' => $srfgArrayHeaderSep
 60+$srfgArraySep = array( 'bla', NS_TEMPLATE );
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/SRF_Messages.php
@@ -105,14 +105,15 @@
107107 // format "Array" and "Hash"
108108 'srf_printername_array' => 'Array',
109 - 'srf_paramdesc_pagetitle' => 'Whether to show page titles as result entries or to hide them',
110 - 'srf_paramdesc_hidegaps' => 'Whether to show empty property and record values separated by separators or to hide them',
111 - 'srf_paramdesc_arrayname' => 'If given and ArrayExtension is available this will create an array with the specified name',
 109+ 'srf_paramdesc_pagetitle' => 'Whether to show page titles as result entries or to leave them out',
 110+ 'srf_paramdesc_hidegaps' => 'Whether to print requested but unavailable property and record values separated by separators or leaving them out',
 111+ 'srf_paramdesc_arrayname' => 'If given and ArrayExtension is available this will create an array with the specified name (no visible output then)',
112112 'srf_paramdesc_propsep' => 'Separator between the requested properties',
113 - 'srf_paramdesc_manysep' => 'Separator between many valued properties',
 113+ 'srf_paramdesc_manysep' => 'Separator between many valued property values',
114114 'srf_paramdesc_recordsep' => 'Separator between values of record properties',
 115+ 'srf_paramdesc_headersep' => 'Separator between property name and value if "headers" is set to "show" or "plain"',
115116 'srf_printername_hash' => 'Hash',
116 - 'srf_paramdesc_hashname' => 'If given and the HashTables extension is available this will create an hash with the specified name',
 117+ 'srf_paramdesc_hashname' => 'If given and the HashTables extension is available this will create a hash with the specified name (no visible output then)',
118119 // format "graph"
119120 'srf-printername-graph' => 'Graph',
@@ -613,12 +614,13 @@
614615 'srf_printername_array' => 'Datenfeld (Array)',
615616 'srf_paramdesc_pagetitle' => 'Legt fest ob Seitentitel in Auflistung mit aufgenommen werden soll',
616617 'srf_paramdesc_hidegaps' => 'Definiert ob auf einer Seite nicht vorhandene Werte einen leeren Listeneintrag erzeugen',
617 - 'srf_paramdesc_arrayname' => 'Sofern die Erweiterung ArrayExtension verfügbar ist, wird ein Datenfeld (Array) mit diesem Namen angelegt',
 618+ 'srf_paramdesc_arrayname' => 'Sofern die Erweiterung ArrayExtension vorhanden ist, wird anstelle einer sichtbaren Ausgabe ein Datenfeld (Array) mit diesem Namen angelegt',
618619 'srf_paramdesc_propsep' => 'Trennzeichen zwischen angeforderten Attributen',
619620 'srf_paramdesc_manysep' => 'Trennzeichen zwischen mehreren Werten die für ein Attribut angegeben sind',
620621 'srf_paramdesc_recordsep' => 'Trennzeichen zwischen einzelnen Werten eines Datenverbundattributs',
 622+ 'srf_paramdesc_headersep' => 'Trennzeichen zwischen Attribut-Namen und -Wert falls „headers“ auf „show“ oder „plain“ gesetzt',
621623 'srf_printername_hash' => 'Assoziatives Datenfeld (Hash)',
622 - 'srf_paramdesc_hashname' => 'Sofern die Erweiterung HashTables vorhanden ist wird ein assoziatives Datenfeld (Hash) mit diesem Namen angelegt',
 624+ 'srf_paramdesc_hashname' => 'Sofern die Erweiterung HashTables vorhanden ist, wird anstelle einer sichtbaren Ausgabe ein assoziatives Datenfeld (Hash) mit diesem Namen angelegt',
623625 'srf-printername-graph' => 'Grafik',
624626 'srf-paramdesc-graph-relation' => 'Sind die Betreffe oder Namensattribute Haupt- oder Unterobjekte?',
625627 'srf-paramdesc-graph-nameprop' => 'Ermöglicht es ein Attribut festzulegen, das als Betreff anstelle des eigentlichen Betreffs genutzt wird',
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/Array/SRF_Array.php
@@ -3,112 +3,43 @@
44 * Query format for arrays with features for Extensions ArrayExtension and HashTables
55 * @file
66 * @ingroup SemanticResultFormats
7 - * @author Daniel Werner
 7+ * @author Daniel Werner < danweetz@web.de >
88 *
9 - * Requires ArrayExtension 1.3.2 or higher and HashTables 0.6 or higher
 9+ * Doesn't require ArrayExtension nor HashTables but has additional features
 10+ * ('name' parameter in either result format) if they are available.
 11+ *
 12+ * ArrayExtension 1.3.2+ and HashTables 0.6+ are recommended but not necessary
1013 */
1215 /**
1316 * Array format
1417 */
1518 class SRFArray extends SMWResultPrinter {
 20+ protected static $mDefaultSeps = array();
1621 protected $mSep;
1722 protected $mPropSep;
1823 protected $mManySep;
1924 protected $mRecordSep;
 25+ protected $mHeaderSep;
2026 protected $mArrayName = null;
21 - protected $mDeliverPageTitle = true;
 27+ protected $mShowPageTitles;
23 - protected $mHideRecordGaps = false;
24 - protected $mHidePropertyGaps = false;
25 -
26 - public function __construct( $format, $inline ) {
27 - parent::__construct( $format, $inline );
28 - //overwrite default behavior for linking:
 29+ protected $mHideRecordGaps;
 30+ protected $mHidePropertyGaps;
 32+ /**
 33+ * @var Boolean true if 'mainlabel' parameter is set to '-'
 34+ */
 35+ protected $mMainLabelHack = false;
 37+ public function __construct( $format, $inline, $useValidator = true ) {
 38+ parent::__construct( $format, $inline, $useValidator );
 39+ //overwrite parent default behavior for linking:
2940 $this->mLinkFirst = false;
3041 $this->mLinkOthers = false;
31 -
32 - //initialize user configuration from localsettings or load default values:
33 - $this->initializeUserConfig();
3442 }
35 -
36 - protected function initializeUserConfig() {
37 - global $srfgArraySep, $srfgArrayPropSep, $srfgArrayManySep, $srfgArrayRecordSep,
38 - $srfgArraySepDefault, $srfgArrayPropSepDefault, $srfgArrayManySepDefault, $srfgArrayRecordSepDefault;
40 - //Sep:
41 - if( ! isset( $srfgArraySepDefault ) ) {
42 - $srfgArraySepDefault = self::initializeDefaultSepText( $srfgArraySep );
43 - } $this->mSep = $srfgArraySepDefault;
44 - //PropSep:
45 - if( ! isset( $srfgArrayPropSepDefault ) ) {
46 - $srfgArrayPropSepDefault = self::initializeDefaultSepText( $srfgArrayPropSep );
47 - } $this->mPropSep = $srfgArrayPropSepDefault;
48 - //ManySep:
49 - if( ! isset( $srfgArrayManySepDefault ) ) {
50 - $srfgArrayManySepDefault = self::initializeDefaultSepText( $srfgArrayManySep );
51 - } $this->mManySep = $srfgArrayManySepDefault;
52 - //Sep:
53 - if( ! isset( $srfgArrayRecordSepDefault ) ) {
54 - $srfgArrayRecordSepDefault = self::initializeDefaultSepText( $srfgArrayRecordSep );
55 - } $this->mRecordSep = $srfgArrayRecordSepDefault;
56 -
57 - }
58 -
59 - static function initializeDefaultSepText( $obj ) {
60 - if( is_array( $obj ) ) {
61 - if( ! array_key_exists( 0, $obj ) )
62 - return '';
63 - $obj = Title::newFromText( $obj[0], ( array_key_exists( 1, $obj ) ? $obj[1] : NS_MAIN ) );
64 - }
65 - if( $obj instanceof Title ) {
66 - $article = new Article( $obj );
67 - } elseif( $obj instanceof Article ) {
68 - $article = obj;
69 - } else {
70 - return $obj; //only text
71 - }
72 - global $wgParser;
73 - return trim( $wgParser->recursiveTagParse( $article->getRawText() ) ); //return rendered text from page
74 - }
75 -
76 - protected function readParameters( $params, $outputmode ) {
77 - parent::readParameters( $params, $outputmode );
78 -
79 - //separators:
80 - if( array_key_exists('sep', $params) ) $this->mSep = trim( $params['sep'] );
81 - if( array_key_exists('propsep', $params) ) $this->mPropSep = trim( $params['propsep'] );
82 - if( array_key_exists('manysep', $params) ) $this->mManySep = trim( $params['manysep'] );
83 - if( array_key_exists('recordsep', $params) ) $this->mRecordSep = trim( $params['recordsep'] );
84 -
85 - if( array_key_exists( 'name', $params ) )
86 - $this->mArrayName = trim( $params['name'] );
87 -
88 - if( array_key_exists( 'pagetitle', $params ) )
89 - $this->mDeliverPageTitle = !( trim( strtolower( $params['pagetitle'] ) ) == 'hide' );
90 -
91 - if( array_key_exists( 'hidegaps', $params ) ) {
92 - switch( trim( strtolower( $params['hidegaps'] ) ) ) {
93 - case 'none':
94 - $this->mHideRecordGaps = false;
95 - $this->mHidePropertyGaps = false;
96 - break;
97 - case 'all':
98 - $this->mHideRecordGaps = true;
99 - $this->mHidePropertyGaps = true;
100 - break;
101 - case 'property': case 'prop': case 'attribute': case 'attr':
102 - $this->mHideRecordGaps = false;
103 - $this->mHidePropertyGaps = true;
104 - break;
105 - case 'record': case 'rec': case 'n-ary': case 'nary':
106 - $this->mHideRecordGaps = true;
107 - $this->mHidePropertyGaps = false;
108 - break;
109 - }
110 - }
111 - }
112 -
11344 public function getQueryMode($context) {
11445 return SMWQuery::MODE_INSTANCES;
11546 }
@@ -116,6 +47,14 @@
11748 public function getName() {
11849 return wfMsg( 'srf_printername_' . $this->mFormat );
11950 }
 52+ /*
 53+ // By overwriting this function, we disable default searchlabel handling?
 54+ public function getResult( SMWQueryResult $results, array $params, $outputmode ) {
 55+ $this->handleParameters( $params, $outputmode );
 56+ return $this->getResultText( $results, $outputmode );
 57+ }
 58+ */
12160 protected function getResultText( SMWQueryResult $res, $outputmode ) {
12261 /*
@@ -129,57 +68,68 @@
13069 //for each page:
13170 while( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
13271 $perProperty_items = array();
133 - $isPageTitle = true; //first field is always the page title;
 73+ /**
 74+ * first field is always the page title, except, mainlabel is set to '-'
 75+ * @ToDo: Is there some other way to check the data value directly for being the
 76+ * page title or not? SMWs behavior could change on mainlabel handling...
 77+ */
 78+ $isPageTitle = !$this->mMainLabelHack;
13580 //for each property on that page:
13681 foreach( $row as $field ) { // $row is array(), $field of type SMWResultArray
13782 $manyValue_items = array();
138 - $missingProperty = false;
 83+ $isMissingProperty = false;
14085 $manyValues = $field->getContent();
14287 //If property is not set (has no value) on a page:
143 - if( count( $manyValues ) < 1 ) {
 88+ if( empty( $manyValues ) ) {
14489 $delivery = $this->deliverMissingProperty( $field );
14590 $manyValue_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $manyValue_items, $delivery );
146 - $missingProperty = true;
 91+ $isMissingProperty = true;
14792 } else
148 - //otherwise collect property value (potentially many values)
149 - while( $obj = $field->getNextDataValue() ) { // $manyValues of type SMWResultArray, contains many values (or just one) of one property of type SMWDataValue
 93+ //otherwise collect property value (potentially many values):
 94+ while( $obj = $field->getNextDataValue() ) {
15196 $value_items = array();
 97+ $isRecord = false;
153 - if( $isPageTitle ) {
154 - $isPageTitle = false;
155 - if( ! $this->mDeliverPageTitle ) {
 99+ // handle page Title:
 100+ if( $isPageTitle ) {
 101+ if( ! $this->mShowPageTitles ) {
 102+ $isPageTitle = false;
156103 continue 2; //next property
 104+ }
 105+ $value_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $value_items, $this->deliverPageTitle( $obj, $this->mLinkFirst ) );
 106+ }
 107+ // handle record values:
 108+ elseif( $obj instanceof SMWRecordValue ) {
 109+ $recordItems = $obj->getDataItems();
 110+ // walk all single values of the record set:
 111+ foreach( $recordItems as $dataItem ) {
 112+ $recordField = $dataItem !== null ? SMWDataValueFactory::newDataItemValue( $dataItem, null ) : null;
 113+ $value_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $value_items, $this->deliverRecordField( $recordField, $this->mLinkOthers ) );
157114 }
158 - $value_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $value_items, $this->deliverPageTitle( $obj, $this->mLinkFirst ) );
159 - $isRecord = false;
160 - } elseif( $obj instanceof SMWRecordValue ) {
161 - $record = $obj->getDVs();
162 - $recordLength = count( $obj->getTypeValues() );
163 - for( $i = 0; $i < $recordLength; $i++ ) {
164 - $recordField = $record[$i];
165 - $value_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $value_items, $this->deliverRecordField( $recordField, $this->mLinkOthers ) );
166 - }
167115 $isRecord = true;
168 - } else {
 116+ }
 117+ // handle normal data values:
 118+ else {
169119 $value_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $value_items, $this->deliverSingleValue( $obj, $this->mLinkOthers ) );
170 - $isRecord = false;
171120 }
172 - $delivery = $this->deliverSingleManyValuesData( $value_items, $isRecord );
 121+ $delivery = $this->deliverSingleManyValuesData( $value_items, $isRecord, $isPageTitle );
173122 $manyValue_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $manyValue_items, $delivery );
174123 } // foreach...
175 - $delivery = $this->deliverPropertiesManyValues( $manyValue_items, $missingProperty );
 124+ $delivery = $this->deliverPropertiesManyValues( $manyValue_items, $isMissingProperty, $isPageTitle, $field );
176125 $perProperty_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $perProperty_items, $delivery );
 126+ $isPageTitle = false; // next one could be record or normal value
177127 } // foreach...
178128 $delivery = $this->deliverPageProperties( $perProperty_items );
179129 $perPage_items = $this->fillDeliveryArray( $perPage_items, $delivery );
180130 } // while...
182132 $output = $this->deliverQueryResultPages( $perPage_items );
183 -
184134 return $output;
185135 }
@@ -194,37 +144,46 @@
195145 return $this->deliverSingleValue( $value, $link );
196146 }
197147 protected function deliverRecordField( $value, $link = false ) {
198 - if( $value !== null ) //void value (null)
 148+ if( $value !== null ) // contains value
199149 return $this->deliverSingleValue( $value, $link );
200150 elseif( $this->mHideRecordGaps )
201 - return null; //hide empty entry
 151+ return null; // hide gap
202152 else
203 - return ''; //empty string will make sure that array separator will be generated (for record separators)
 153+ return ''; // empty string will make sure that record value separators are generated
204154 }
205155 protected function deliverSingleValue( $value, $link = false ) {
 156+ //return trim( $value->getShortWikiText( $link ) );
206157 return trim( Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences( $value->getShortWikiText( $link ) ) ); // decode: better for further processing with array extension
207158 }
208159 // Property not declared on a page:
209 - protected function deliverMissingProperty( $field ) {
 160+ protected function deliverMissingProperty( SMWResultArray $field ) {
210161 if( $this->mHidePropertyGaps )
211162 return null;
212163 else
213164 return ''; //empty string will make sure that array separator will be generated
214 - //@ToDo: System for Default values...
 165+ /** @ToDo: System for Default values?... **/
215166 }
216167 //represented by an array of record fields or just a single array value:
217 - protected function deliverSingleManyValuesData( $value_items, $containsRecord = false ) {
218 - if( count( $value_items ) < 1 ) //happens when one of the higher functions delivers null
 168+ protected function deliverSingleManyValuesData( $value_items, $containsRecord, $isPageTitle ) {
 169+ if( empty( $value_items ) ) //happens when one of the higher functions delivers null
219170 return null;
220171 return implode( $this->mRecordSep, $value_items );
221172 }
222 - protected function deliverPropertiesManyValues( $manyValue_items, $propertyIsMissing = false ) {
223 - if( count( $manyValue_items ) < 1 )
 173+ protected function deliverPropertiesManyValues( $manyValue_items, $isMissingProperty, $isPageTitle, SMWResultArray $data ) {
 174+ if( empty( $manyValue_items ) )
224175 return null;
225 - return implode( $this->mManySep, $manyValue_items );
 177+ $text = implode( $this->mManySep, $manyValue_items );
 179+ // if property names should be displayed and this is not the page titles value:
 180+ if( $this->mShowHeaders != SMW_HEADERS_HIDE && ! $isPageTitle ) {
 181+ $linker = $this->mShowHeaders == SMW_HEADERS_PLAIN ? null : $this->mLinker;
 182+ $text = $data->getPrintRequest()->getText( SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI, $linker ) . $this->mHeaderSep . $text;
 183+ }
 184+ return $text;
226185 }
227186 protected function deliverPageProperties( $perProperty_items ) {
228 - if( count( $perProperty_items ) < 1 )
 187+ if( empty( $perProperty_items ) )
229188 return null;
230189 return implode( $this->mPropSep, $perProperty_items );
231190 }
@@ -237,46 +196,199 @@
238197 }
239198 }
241 - protected function createArray( $arr ) {
 200+ protected function createArray( $array ) {
242201 global $wgArrayExtension;
244203 if( ! isset( $wgArrayExtension ) ) {
245204 //Hash extension is not installed in this wiki
246205 return false;
247 - }
 206+ }
 207+ $version = null;
 208+ if( defined( 'ArrayExtension::VERSION' ) ) {
 209+ $version = ArrayExtension::VERSION;
 210+ } elseif( defined( 'ExtArrayExtension::VERSION' ) ) {
 211+ $version = ExtArrayExtension::VERSION;
 212+ }
 213+ if( $version !== null && version_compare( $version, '1.3.2', '>=' ) ) {
 214+ $wgArrayExtension->createArray( $this->mArrayName, $array ); //requires Extension:ArrayExtension 1.3.2 or higher
 215+ } else {
 216+ $wgArrayExtension->mArrayExtension[ trim( $this->mArrayName ) ] = $array;
 217+ }
 218+ return true;
 219+ }
 221+ protected function initializeCfgValue( $dfltVal, $dfltCacheKey ) {
 222+ $cache = &self::$mDefaultSeps[ $dfltCacheKey ];
 223+ if( ! isset( $cache ) ) {
 224+ $cache = $this->getCfgSepText( $dfltVal );
 225+ if( $cache === null ) {
 226+ // cache can't be initialized, propably function-reference in userconfig
 227+ // but format is not used in inline context, use fallback in this case:
 228+ global $srfgArraySepTextualFallbacks;
 229+ $cache = $srfgArraySepTextualFallbacks[ $dfltCacheKey ];
 230+ }
 231+ }
 232+ return $cache;
 233+ }
 234+ protected function getCfgSepText( $obj ) {
 235+ if( is_array( $obj ) ) {
 236+ // invalid definition:
 237+ if( ! array_key_exists( 0, $obj ) )
 238+ return null;
 240+ // check for config-defined arguments to pass to the page before processing it:
 241+ if( array_key_exists( 'args', $obj ) && is_array( $obj['args'] ) )
 242+ $params = $obj['args'];
 243+ else
 244+ $params = array(); // no arguments
249 - $arrExtClass = new ReflectionClass( get_class( $wgArrayExtension ) );
 246+ // create title of page whose text should be used as separator:
 247+ $obj = Title::newFromText( $obj[0], ( array_key_exists( 1, $obj ) ? $obj[1] : NS_MAIN ) );
 248+ }
 249+ if( $obj instanceof Title ) {
 250+ $article = new Article( $obj );
 251+ } elseif( $obj instanceof Article ) {
 252+ $article = obj;
 253+ } else {
 254+ return $obj; //only text
 255+ }
251 - $wgArrayExtension->createArray( $this->mArrayName, $arr );
 257+ global $wgParser;
 258+ /*
 259+ * Feature to use page value as separator only works if Parser::parse() is running!
 260+ * That's not the case on semantic search special page for example!
 261+ */
 262+ // can't use $this->mInline here since SMW 1.6.2 had a bug setting it to false in most cases!
 263+ if( ! isset( $wgParser->mOptions ) ) {
 264+ //if( ! $this->mInline ) {
 265+ return null;
 266+ }
253 - return true;
 268+ /*
 269+ * parse page as if it were included like a template. Never use Parser::recursiveTagParse() or similar
 270+ * for this since it would call hooks we don't want to call and won't return wiki text for inclusion!
 271+ */
 272+ $frame = $wgParser->getPreprocessor()->newCustomFrame( $params );
 273+ $text = $wgParser->preprocessToDom( $article->getRawText(), Parser::PTD_FOR_INCLUSION );
 274+ $text = trim( $frame->expand( $text ) );
 276+ return $text;
254277 }
256 - public function getParameters() {
257 - return array (
258 - array( 'name' => 'limit', 'type' => 'int', 'description' => wfMsg( 'smw_paramdesc_limit' ) ),
259 -
260 - array( 'name' => 'link', 'type' => 'enumeration', 'description' => wfMsg( 'smw_paramdesc_link' ), 'values' => array( 'all', 'subject', 'none' ) ),
261 - array( 'name' => 'pagetitle', 'type' => 'enumeration', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_pagetitle' ), 'values' => array( 'show', 'hide' ) ),
262 - array( 'name' => 'hidegaps', 'type' => 'enumeration', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_hidegaps' ), 'values' => array( 'none', 'all', 'property', 'record' ) ),
263 -
264 - array( 'name' => 'name', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_arrayname' ) ),
265 - array( 'name' => 'sep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'smw_paramdesc_sep' ) ),
266 - array( 'name' => 'propsep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_propsep' ) ),
267 - array( 'name' => 'manysep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_manysep' ) ),
268 - array( 'name' => 'recordsep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_recordsep' ) ),
269 - );
 279+ protected function handleParameters( array $params, $outputmode ) {
 280+ // does the link parameter:
 281+ parent::handleParameters( $params, $outputmode );
 283+ $wgParser;
 284+ //die( isset( $wgParser->mOptions ) );
 286+ //separators:
 287+ $this->mSep = $params['sep'];
 288+ $this->mPropSep = $params['propsep'];
 289+ $this->mManySep = $params['manysep'];
 290+ $this->mRecordSep = $params['recordsep'];
 291+ $this->mHeaderSep = $params['headersep'];
 293+ // only use this in inline mode, if text is given. Since SMW 1.6.2 '' is given, so if
 294+ // we wouldn't check, we would always end up with an array instead of visible output
 295+ if( $params['name'] !== false && ( $this->mInline || trim( $params['name'] ) !== '' ) ) {
 296+ $this->mArrayName = trim( $params['name'] );
 297+ $this->createArray( array() ); //create empty array in case we get no result so we won't have an undefined array in the end.
 298+ }
 300+ // if mainlabel set to '-', this will cause the titles not to appear, so make sure we catch this!
 301+ $this->mMainLabelHack = trim( $params['mainlabel'] ) === '-';
 303+ // whether or not to display the page title:
 304+ $this->mShowPageTitles = strtolower( $params['titles'] ) != 'hide';
 306+ switch( strtolower( $params['hidegaps'] ) ) {
 307+ case 'none':
 308+ $this->mHideRecordGaps = false;
 309+ $this->mHidePropertyGaps = false;
 310+ break;
 311+ case 'all':
 312+ $this->mHideRecordGaps = true;
 313+ $this->mHidePropertyGaps = true;
 314+ break;
 315+ case 'property': case 'prop': case 'attribute': case 'attr':
 316+ $this->mHideRecordGaps = false;
 317+ $this->mHidePropertyGaps = true;
 318+ break;
 319+ case 'record': case 'rec': case 'rcrd': case 'n-ary': case 'nary':
 320+ $this->mHideRecordGaps = true;
 321+ $this->mHidePropertyGaps = false;
 322+ break;
 323+ }
270324 }
 326+ public function getParameters() {
 327+ global $smwgQMaxInlineLimit;
 329+ $params = array();
 330+ $dfltParams = SMWQueryProcessor::getParameters();
 332+ ### adjusted basic SMW params: ###
 334+ $params['limit'] = $dfltParams['limit'];
 335+ $params['limit']->setDefault( $smwgQMaxInlineLimit );
 337+ $params['link'] = $dfltParams['link'];
 338+ $params['link']->setDefault( 'none' );
 340+ $params['headers'] = $dfltParams['headers'];
 341+ $params['headers']->setDefault( 'hide' );
 343+ ### new params: ###
 345+ $params['titles'] = new Parameter( 'titles' );
 346+ $params['titles']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_pagetitle' );
 347+ $params['titles']->addCriteria( new CriterionInArray( 'show', 'hide' ) );
 348+ $params['titles']->addAliases( 'pagetitle', 'pagetitles' );
 349+ $params['titles']->setDefault( 'show' );
 351+ $params['hidegaps'] = new Parameter( 'hidegaps' );
 352+ $params['hidegaps']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_hidegaps' );
 353+ $params['hidegaps']->addCriteria( new CriterionInArray( 'none', 'all', 'property', 'record' ) );
 354+ $params['hidegaps']->setDefault( 'none' );
 356+ # name to create 'real' array with if set (empty string '' counts as set!):
 357+ $params['name'] = new Parameter( 'name' );
 358+ $params['name']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_arrayname' );
 359+ $params['name']->setDefault( false, false );
 361+ # separators (default values are defined in the following globals:)
 362+ global $srfgArraySep, $srfgArrayPropSep, $srfgArrayManySep, $srfgArrayRecordSep, $srfgArrayHeaderSep;
 364+ $params['sep'] = new Parameter( 'sep' );
 365+ $params['sep']->setMessage( 'smw_paramdesc_sep' );
 366+ $params['sep']->setDefault( $this->initializeCfgValue( $srfgArraySep, 'sep' ) );
 368+ $params['propsep'] = new Parameter( 'propsep' );
 369+ $params['propsep']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_propsep' );
 370+ $params['propsep']->setDefault( $this->initializeCfgValue( $srfgArrayPropSep, 'propsep' ) );
 372+ $params['manysep'] = new Parameter( 'manysep' );
 373+ $params['manysep']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_manysep' );
 374+ $params['manysep']->setDefault( $this->initializeCfgValue( $srfgArrayManySep, 'manysep' ) );
 376+ $params['recordsep'] = new Parameter( 'recordsep' );
 377+ $params['recordsep']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_recordsep' );
 378+ $params['recordsep']->addAliases( 'narysep', 'rcrdsep', 'recsep' );
 379+ $params['recordsep']->setDefault( $this->initializeCfgValue( $srfgArrayRecordSep, 'recordsep' ) );
 381+ $params['headersep'] = new Parameter( 'headersep' );
 382+ $params['headersep']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_headersep' );
 383+ $params['headersep']->addAliases( 'narysep', 'rcrdsep', 'recsep' );
 384+ $params['headersep']->setDefault( $this->initializeCfgValue( $srfgArrayHeaderSep, 'headersep' ) );
 386+ return $params;
 387+ }
271388 }
273 -
274 -class SRFHash extends SRFArray {
 390+class SRFHash extends SRFArray {
275391 protected $mLastPageTitle;
277 - protected function readParameters( $params, $outputmode ) {
278 - parent::readParameters( $params, $outputmode );
279 - $this->mDeliverPageTitle = true;
280 - }
281393 protected function deliverPageTitle( $value, $link = false ) {
282394 $this->mLastPageTitle = $this->deliverSingleValue( $value, $link ); //remember the page title
283395 return null; //don't add page title into property list
@@ -300,26 +412,31 @@
301413 //Hash extension is not installed in this wiki
302414 return false;
303415 }
304 -
305416 $hashExtClass = new ReflectionClass( get_class( $wgHashTables ) );
307 - $wgHashTables->createHash( $this->mArrayName, $hash );
308 -
 418+ $version = null;
 419+ if( defined( 'ExtHashTables::VERSION' ) ) {
 420+ $version = ExtHashTables::VERSION;
 421+ }
 422+ if( $version !== null && version_compare( $version, '0.6', '>=' ) ) {
 423+ $wgHashTables->createHash( $this->mArrayName, $hash ); //requires Extension:HashTables 0.6 or higher
 424+ } else {
 425+ $wgHashTables->mHashTables[ trim( $this->mArrayName ) ] = $hash; //dirty way
 426+ }
309427 return true;
310428 }
 430+ protected function handleParameters( array $params, $outputmode ) {
 431+ parent::handleParameters( $params, $outputmode );
 432+ $this->mShowPageTitles = true;
 433+ }
312435 public function getParameters() {
313 - return array (
314 - array( 'name' => 'limit', 'type' => 'int', 'description' => wfMsg( 'smw_paramdesc_limit' ) ),
315 -
316 - array( 'name' => 'link', 'type' => 'enumeration', 'description' => wfMsg( 'smw_paramdesc_link' ), 'values' => array( 'all', 'subject', 'none' ) ),
317 - array( 'name' => 'hidegaps', 'type' => 'enumeration', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_hidegaps' ), 'values' => array( 'none', 'all', 'property', 'record' ) ),
318 -
319 - array( 'name' => 'name', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_hashname' ) ),
320 - array( 'name' => 'sep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'smw_paramdesc_sep' ) ),
321 - array( 'name' => 'propsep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_propsep' ) ),
322 - array( 'name' => 'manysep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_manysep' ) ),
323 - array( 'name' => 'recordsep', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMsg( 'srf_paramdesc_recordsep' ) ),
324 - );
 436+ $params = parent::getParameters();
 438+ unset( $params['pagetitle'] ); // page title is Hash key, otherwise, just use Array format!
 439+ $params['name']->setMessage( 'srf_paramdesc_hashname' );
 441+ return $params;
325442 }
326443 }

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r107922bad configuration value for $srfgArraySep removed which has accidentally been...danwe18:54, 3 January 2012


#Comment by Danwe (talk | contribs)   16:49, 9 November 2011

Optimized for SMW 1.6.2, I'll look into how it works with SMW 1.7 later