r98271 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r98270‎ | r98271 | r98272 >
Date:22:02, 27 September 2011
Moved DonationDataTest.php under AllTests.php
Modified paths:
  • /branches/fundraising/extensions/DonationInterface/tests/AllTests.php (modified) (history)
  • /branches/fundraising/extensions/DonationInterface/tests/DonationDataTest.php (deleted) (history)
  • /branches/fundraising/extensions/DonationInterface/tests/DonationDataTestCase.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/fundraising/extensions/DonationInterface/tests/DonationDataTest.php
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * @group Fundraising
6 - * @group Splunge
7 - * @group Gateways
8 - * @author Katie Horn <khorn@wikimedia.org>
9 - */
10 -$dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
11 -require_once( $dir . '../gateway_common/DonationData.php' );
12 -class DonationDataTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
13 -
14 - function __construct(){
15 - parent::__construct();
16 - $this->testData = array(
17 - 'amount' => '128',
18 - 'email' => 'unittest@example.com',
19 - 'fname' => 'Testocres',
20 - 'mname' => 'S.',
21 - 'lname' => 'McTestingyou',
22 - 'street' => '123 Fake Street',
23 - 'city' => 'Springfield',
24 - 'state' => 'US',
25 - 'zip' => '99999',
26 - 'country' => 'US',
27 - 'fname2' => 'Testor',
28 - 'lname2' => 'Testeyton',
29 - 'street2' => '123 W. Grand Ave.',
30 - 'city2' => 'Oakland',
31 - 'state2' => 'CA',
32 - 'zip2' => '94607',
33 - 'country2' => 'US',
34 - 'size' => 'Big mcLargeHuge',
35 - 'premium_language' => 'fr',
36 - 'card_num' => '42',
37 - 'card_type' => 'visa',
38 - 'expiration' => '1138',
39 - 'cvv' => '665',
40 - 'currency' => 'USD',
41 - 'payment_method' => '',
42 - 'i_order_id' => '1234567890',
43 - 'numAttempt' => '5',
44 - 'referrer' => 'http://www.testing.com/',
45 - 'utm_source' => '..dd',
46 - 'utm_medium' => 'large',
47 - 'utm_campaign' => 'yes',
48 - 'comment-option' => '',
49 - 'comment' => 'My hovercraft is full of eels',
50 - 'email-opt' => '',
51 - 'test_string' => '',
52 - 'token' => '113811',
53 - 'contribution_tracking_id' => '',
54 - 'data_hash' => '',
55 - 'action' => '',
56 - 'gateway' => 'chainlink',
57 - 'owa_session' => '',
58 - 'owa_ref' => 'http://localhost/importedTestData',
59 - );
60 -
61 - }
62 -
63 -
64 - function testConstruct(){
65 - $ddObj = new DonationData(''); //as if we were posted.
66 - $returned = $ddObj->getData();
67 - $expected = array( 'posted' => '',
68 - 'amount' => '0.00',
69 - 'email' => '',
70 - 'fname' => '',
71 - 'mname' => '',
72 - 'lname' => '',
73 - 'street' => '',
74 - 'city' => '',
75 - 'state' => '',
76 - 'zip' => '',
77 - 'country' => '',
78 - 'fname2' => '',
79 - 'lname2' => '',
80 - 'street2' => '',
81 - 'city2' => '',
82 - 'state2' => '',
83 - 'zip2' => '',
84 - 'country2' => '',
85 - 'size' => '',
86 - 'premium_language' => 'en',
87 - 'card_num' => '',
88 - 'card_type' => '',
89 - 'expiration' => '',
90 - 'cvv' => '',
91 - 'currency' => '',
92 - 'payment_method' => '',
93 - 'numAttempt' => '0',
94 - 'referrer' => '',
95 - 'utm_source' => '..cc',
96 - 'utm_medium' => '',
97 - 'utm_campaign' => '',
98 - 'language' => '',
99 - 'comment-option' => '',
100 - 'comment' => '',
101 - 'email-opt' => '',
102 - 'test_string' => '',
103 - '_cache_' => '',
104 - 'token' => '',
105 - 'contribution_tracking_id' => '',
106 - 'data_hash' => '',
107 - 'action' => '',
108 - 'gateway' => '',
109 - 'owa_session' => '',
110 - 'owa_ref' => '',
111 - );
112 - unset($returned['order_id']);
113 - unset($returned['i_order_id']);
114 - $this->assertEquals($returned, $expected, "Staged post data does not match expected (largely empty).");
115 - }
116 -
117 - function testConstructAsTest(){
118 - $ddObj = new DonationData('', true); //test mode from the start, no data
119 - $returned = $ddObj->getData();
120 - $expected = array(
121 - 'amount' => '35',
122 - 'email' => 'test@example.com',
123 - 'fname' => 'Tester',
124 - 'mname' => 'T.',
125 - 'lname' => 'Testington',
126 - 'street' => '548 Market St.',
127 - 'city' => 'San Francisco',
128 - 'state' => 'CA',
129 - 'zip' => '94104',
130 - 'country' => 'US',
131 - 'fname2' => 'Testy',
132 - 'lname2' => 'Testerson',
133 - 'street2' => '123 Telegraph Ave.',
134 - 'city2' => 'Berkeley',
135 - 'state2' => 'CA',
136 - 'zip2' => '94703',
137 - 'country2' => 'US',
138 - 'size' => 'small',
139 - 'premium_language' => 'es',
140 - 'card_num' => '378282246310005',
141 - 'card_type' => 'american',
142 - 'expiration' => '1012',
143 - 'cvv' => '001',
144 - 'currency' => 'USD',
145 - 'payment_method' => '',
146 - 'i_order_id' => '1234567890',
147 - 'numAttempt' => '0',
148 - 'referrer' => 'http://www.baz.test.com/index.php?action=foo&amp;action=bar',
149 - 'utm_source' => '..cc',
150 - 'utm_medium' => '',
151 - 'utm_campaign' => '',
152 - 'language' => 'en',
153 - 'comment-option' => '',
154 - 'comment' => '',
155 - 'email-opt' => '',
156 - 'test_string' => '',
157 - 'token' => '',
158 - 'contribution_tracking_id' => '',
159 - 'data_hash' => '',
160 - 'action' => '',
161 - 'gateway' => 'payflowpro',
162 - 'owa_session' => '',
163 - 'owa_ref' => 'http://localhost/defaultTestData',
164 - );
165 - unset($returned['order_id']);
166 -
167 - $this->assertEquals($expected, $returned, "Staged default test data does not match expected.");
168 - }
169 -
170 - function testRepopulate(){
171 - $expected = $this->testData;
172 - //just unset a handfull... doesn't matter what, really.
173 - unset($expected['comment-option']);
174 - unset($expected['email-opt']);
175 - unset($expected['test_string']);
176 -
177 - $ddObj = new DonationData('');
178 - $ddObj->populateData(true, $expected); //change to test mode with explicit test data
179 - $returned = $ddObj->getData();
180 - //unset these, because they're always new
181 - unset($returned['order_id']);
182 - unset($expected['order_id']);
183 - $this->assertEquals($returned, $expected, "The forced test data did not populate as expected.");
184 - }
185 -
186 - function testIsSomething(){
187 - $data = $this->testData;
188 - unset($data['zip']);
189 - $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
190 - $this->assertEquals($ddObj->isSomething('zip'), false, "Zip should currently be nothing.");
191 - $this->assertEquals($ddObj->isSomething('lname'), true, "Lname should currently be something.");
192 - }
193 -
194 - function testGetVal(){
195 - $data = $this->testData;
196 - unset($data['zip']);
197 - $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
198 - $this->assertEquals($ddObj->getVal('zip'), null, "Zip should currently be nothing.");
199 - $this->assertEquals($ddObj->getVal('lname'), 'McTestingyou', "Lname should currently be 'McTestingyou'.");
200 - }
201 -
202 - function testSetNormalizedAmount_amtGiven() {
203 - $data = $this->testData;
204 - $data['amount'] = 'this is not a number';
205 - $data['amountGiven'] = 42.50;
206 - //unset($data['zip']);
207 - $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
208 - $returned = $ddObj->getData();
209 - $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], '42.50', "Amount was not properly reset");
210 - $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountGiven', $returned)), "amountGiven should have been removed from the data");
211 - }
212 -
213 - function testSetNormalizedAmount_amount() {
214 - $data = $this->testData;
215 - $data['amount'] = 88.15;
216 - $data['amountGiven'] = 42.50;
217 - //unset($data['zip']);
218 - $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
219 - $returned = $ddObj->getData();
220 - $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], 88.15, "Amount was not properly reset");
221 - $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountGiven', $returned)), "amountGiven should have been removed from the data");
222 - }
223 -
224 - function testSetNormalizedAmount_neagtiveAmount() {
225 - $data = $this->testData;
226 - $data['amount'] = -1;
227 - $data['amountOther'] = 3.25;
228 - //unset($data['zip']);
229 - $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
230 - $returned = $ddObj->getData();
231 - $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], 3.25, "Amount was not properly reset");
232 - $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountOther', $returned)), "amountOther should have been removed from the data");
233 - }
234 -
235 - function testSetNormalizedAmount_noGoodAmount() {
236 - $data = $this->testData;
237 - $data['amount'] = 'splunge';
238 - $data['amountGiven'] = 'wombat';
239 - $data['amountOther'] = 'macedonia';
240 - //unset($data['zip']);
241 - $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
242 - $returned = $ddObj->getData();
243 - $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], 0.00, "Amount was not properly reset");
244 - $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountOther', $returned)), "amountOther should have been removed from the data");
245 - $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountGiven', $returned)), "amountGiven should have been removed from the data");
246 - }
247 -
248 - /*
249 - * TODO: Make sure ALL these functions in DonationData are tested, either directly or through a calling function.
250 - * I know that's more regression-ish, but I stand by it. :p
251 - function isCache(){
252 - function setOwaRefId(){
253 - function setNormalizedOrderIDs(){
254 - function generateOrderId() {
255 - public function sanitizeInput( &$value, $key, $flags=ENT_COMPAT, $double_encode=false ) {
256 - function setGateway(){
257 - function doCacheStuff(){
258 - function getAnnoyingOrderIDLogLinePrefix(){
259 - public function getEditToken( $salt = '' ) {
260 - public static function generateToken( $salt = '' ) {
261 - function matchEditToken( $val, $salt = '' ) {
262 - function unsetEditToken() {
263 - public static function ensureSession() {
264 - public function checkTokens() {
265 - function wasPosted(){
266 - public static function getUtmSource( $utm_source = null, $utm_source_id = null ) {
267 - public function getOptOuts() {
268 - public function getCleanTrackingData( $clean_optouts = false ) {
269 - function saveContributionTracking() {
270 - public static function insertContributionTracking( $tracking_data ) {
271 - public function updateContributionTracking( $force = false ) {
272 -
273 - */
274 -}
275 -
276 -?>
Index: branches/fundraising/extensions/DonationInterface/tests/AllTests.php
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
2323 * @see DonationInterface_Adapter_AllTests
2424 */
2525 require_once 'Adapter/AllTests.php';
 26+require_once 'DonationDataTestCase.php';
2728 /**
2829 * AllTests
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
5152 $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( 'Donation Interface Suite' );
5354 $suite->addTestSuite( 'DonationInterface_Adapter_AllTests' );
 55+ $suite->addTestSuite( 'DonationInterface_DonationDataTestCase' );
5456 //$suite->addTest(DonationInterface_Adapter_AllTests::suite());
5658 return $suite;
Index: branches/fundraising/extensions/DonationInterface/tests/DonationDataTestCase.php
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
 4+ * Wikimedia Foundation
 5+ *
 7+ *
 8+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 9+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 10+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 11+ * (at your option) any later version.
 12+ *
 13+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 14+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 16+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
 17+ *
 18+ * @since r98249
 19+ * @author Katie Horn <khorn@wikimedia.org>
 20+ */
 23+ * @see DonationInterfaceTestCase
 24+ */
 25+require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'DonationInterfaceTestCase.php';
 28+ * @group Fundraising
 29+ * @group Splunge
 30+ * @group Gateways
 31+ * @author Katie Horn <khorn@wikimedia.org>
 32+ */
 33+class DonationInterface_DonationDataTestCase extends DonationInterfaceTestCase {
 35+ /**
 36+ *
 37+ */
 38+ public function __construct(){
 39+ parent::__construct();
 40+ $this->testData = array(
 41+ 'amount' => '128',
 42+ 'email' => 'unittest@example.com',
 43+ 'fname' => 'Testocres',
 44+ 'mname' => 'S.',
 45+ 'lname' => 'McTestingyou',
 46+ 'street' => '123 Fake Street',
 47+ 'city' => 'Springfield',
 48+ 'state' => 'US',
 49+ 'zip' => '99999',
 50+ 'country' => 'US',
 51+ 'fname2' => 'Testor',
 52+ 'lname2' => 'Testeyton',
 53+ 'street2' => '123 W. Grand Ave.',
 54+ 'city2' => 'Oakland',
 55+ 'state2' => 'CA',
 56+ 'zip2' => '94607',
 57+ 'country2' => 'US',
 58+ 'size' => 'Big mcLargeHuge',
 59+ 'premium_language' => 'fr',
 60+ 'card_num' => '42',
 61+ 'card_type' => 'visa',
 62+ 'expiration' => '1138',
 63+ 'cvv' => '665',
 64+ 'currency' => 'USD',
 65+ 'payment_method' => '',
 66+ 'i_order_id' => '1234567890',
 67+ 'numAttempt' => '5',
 68+ 'referrer' => 'http://www.testing.com/',
 69+ 'utm_source' => '..dd',
 70+ 'utm_medium' => 'large',
 71+ 'utm_campaign' => 'yes',
 72+ 'comment-option' => '',
 73+ 'comment' => 'My hovercraft is full of eels',
 74+ 'email-opt' => '',
 75+ 'test_string' => '',
 76+ 'token' => '113811',
 77+ 'contribution_tracking_id' => '',
 78+ 'data_hash' => '',
 79+ 'action' => '',
 80+ 'gateway' => 'chainlink',
 81+ 'owa_session' => '',
 82+ 'owa_ref' => 'http://localhost/importedTestData',
 83+ );
 85+ }
 88+ /**
 89+ *
 90+ */
 91+ public function testConstruct(){
 92+ $ddObj = new DonationData(''); //as if we were posted.
 93+ $returned = $ddObj->getData();
 94+ $expected = array( 'posted' => '',
 95+ 'amount' => '0.00',
 96+ 'email' => '',
 97+ 'fname' => '',
 98+ 'mname' => '',
 99+ 'lname' => '',
 100+ 'street' => '',
 101+ 'city' => '',
 102+ 'state' => '',
 103+ 'zip' => '',
 104+ 'country' => '',
 105+ 'fname2' => '',
 106+ 'lname2' => '',
 107+ 'street2' => '',
 108+ 'city2' => '',
 109+ 'state2' => '',
 110+ 'zip2' => '',
 111+ 'country2' => '',
 112+ 'size' => '',
 113+ 'premium_language' => 'en',
 114+ 'card_num' => '',
 115+ 'card_type' => '',
 116+ 'expiration' => '',
 117+ 'cvv' => '',
 118+ 'currency' => '',
 119+ 'payment_method' => '',
 120+ 'numAttempt' => '0',
 121+ 'referrer' => '',
 122+ 'utm_source' => '..cc',
 123+ 'utm_medium' => '',
 124+ 'utm_campaign' => '',
 125+ 'language' => '',
 126+ 'comment-option' => '',
 127+ 'comment' => '',
 128+ 'email-opt' => '',
 129+ 'test_string' => '',
 130+ '_cache_' => '',
 131+ 'token' => '',
 132+ 'contribution_tracking_id' => '',
 133+ 'data_hash' => '',
 134+ 'action' => '',
 135+ 'gateway' => '',
 136+ 'owa_session' => '',
 137+ 'owa_ref' => '',
 138+ );
 139+ unset($returned['order_id']);
 140+ unset($returned['i_order_id']);
 141+ $this->assertEquals($returned, $expected, "Staged post data does not match expected (largely empty).");
 142+ }
 144+ /**
 145+ *
 146+ */
 147+ public function testConstructAsTest(){
 148+ $ddObj = new DonationData('', true); //test mode from the start, no data
 149+ $returned = $ddObj->getData();
 150+ $expected = array(
 151+ 'amount' => '35',
 152+ 'email' => 'test@example.com',
 153+ 'fname' => 'Tester',
 154+ 'mname' => 'T.',
 155+ 'lname' => 'Testington',
 156+ 'street' => '548 Market St.',
 157+ 'city' => 'San Francisco',
 158+ 'state' => 'CA',
 159+ 'zip' => '94104',
 160+ 'country' => 'US',
 161+ 'fname2' => 'Testy',
 162+ 'lname2' => 'Testerson',
 163+ 'street2' => '123 Telegraph Ave.',
 164+ 'city2' => 'Berkeley',
 165+ 'state2' => 'CA',
 166+ 'zip2' => '94703',
 167+ 'country2' => 'US',
 168+ 'size' => 'small',
 169+ 'premium_language' => 'es',
 170+ 'card_num' => '378282246310005',
 171+ 'card_type' => 'american',
 172+ 'expiration' => '1012',
 173+ 'cvv' => '001',
 174+ 'currency' => 'USD',
 175+ 'payment_method' => '',
 176+ 'i_order_id' => '1234567890',
 177+ 'numAttempt' => '0',
 178+ 'referrer' => 'http://www.baz.test.com/index.php?action=foo&amp;action=bar',
 179+ 'utm_source' => '..cc',
 180+ 'utm_medium' => '',
 181+ 'utm_campaign' => '',
 182+ 'language' => 'en',
 183+ 'comment-option' => '',
 184+ 'comment' => '',
 185+ 'email-opt' => '',
 186+ 'test_string' => '',
 187+ 'token' => '',
 188+ 'contribution_tracking_id' => '',
 189+ 'data_hash' => '',
 190+ 'action' => '',
 191+ 'gateway' => 'payflowpro',
 192+ 'owa_session' => '',
 193+ 'owa_ref' => 'http://localhost/defaultTestData',
 194+ );
 195+ unset($returned['order_id']);
 197+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $returned, "Staged default test data does not match expected.");
 198+ }
 200+ /**
 201+ *
 202+ */
 203+ public function testRepopulate(){
 204+ $expected = $this->testData;
 205+ //just unset a handfull... doesn't matter what, really.
 206+ unset($expected['comment-option']);
 207+ unset($expected['email-opt']);
 208+ unset($expected['test_string']);
 210+ $ddObj = new DonationData('');
 211+ $ddObj->populateData(true, $expected); //change to test mode with explicit test data
 212+ $returned = $ddObj->getData();
 213+ //unset these, because they're always new
 214+ unset($returned['order_id']);
 215+ unset($expected['order_id']);
 216+ $this->assertEquals($returned, $expected, "The forced test data did not populate as expected.");
 217+ }
 219+ /**
 220+ *
 221+ */
 222+ public function testIsSomething(){
 223+ $data = $this->testData;
 224+ unset($data['zip']);
 225+ $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
 226+ $this->assertEquals($ddObj->isSomething('zip'), false, "Zip should currently be nothing.");
 227+ $this->assertEquals($ddObj->isSomething('lname'), true, "Lname should currently be something.");
 228+ }
 230+ /**
 231+ *
 232+ */
 233+ public function testGetVal(){
 234+ $data = $this->testData;
 235+ unset($data['zip']);
 236+ $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
 237+ $this->assertEquals($ddObj->getVal('zip'), null, "Zip should currently be nothing.");
 238+ $this->assertEquals($ddObj->getVal('lname'), 'McTestingyou', "Lname should currently be 'McTestingyou'.");
 239+ }
 241+ /**
 242+ *
 243+ */
 244+ public function testSetNormalizedAmount_amtGiven() {
 245+ $data = $this->testData;
 246+ $data['amount'] = 'this is not a number';
 247+ $data['amountGiven'] = 42.50;
 248+ //unset($data['zip']);
 249+ $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
 250+ $returned = $ddObj->getData();
 251+ $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], '42.50', "Amount was not properly reset");
 252+ $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountGiven', $returned)), "amountGiven should have been removed from the data");
 253+ }
 255+ /**
 256+ *
 257+ */
 258+ public function testSetNormalizedAmount_amount() {
 259+ $data = $this->testData;
 260+ $data['amount'] = 88.15;
 261+ $data['amountGiven'] = 42.50;
 262+ //unset($data['zip']);
 263+ $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
 264+ $returned = $ddObj->getData();
 265+ $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], 88.15, "Amount was not properly reset");
 266+ $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountGiven', $returned)), "amountGiven should have been removed from the data");
 267+ }
 269+ /**
 270+ *
 271+ */
 272+ public function testSetNormalizedAmount_neagtiveAmount() {
 273+ $data = $this->testData;
 274+ $data['amount'] = -1;
 275+ $data['amountOther'] = 3.25;
 276+ //unset($data['zip']);
 277+ $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
 278+ $returned = $ddObj->getData();
 279+ $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], 3.25, "Amount was not properly reset");
 280+ $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountOther', $returned)), "amountOther should have been removed from the data");
 281+ }
 283+ /**
 284+ *
 285+ */
 286+ public function testSetNormalizedAmount_noGoodAmount() {
 287+ $data = $this->testData;
 288+ $data['amount'] = 'splunge';
 289+ $data['amountGiven'] = 'wombat';
 290+ $data['amountOther'] = 'macedonia';
 291+ //unset($data['zip']);
 292+ $ddObj = new DonationData('', true, $data);
 293+ $returned = $ddObj->getData();
 294+ $this->assertEquals($returned['amount'], 0.00, "Amount was not properly reset");
 295+ $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountOther', $returned)), "amountOther should have been removed from the data");
 296+ $this->assertTrue(!(array_key_exists('amountGiven', $returned)), "amountGiven should have been removed from the data");
 297+ }
 299+ /*
 300+ * TODO: Make sure ALL these functions in DonationData are tested, either directly or through a calling function.
 301+ * I know that's more regression-ish, but I stand by it. :p
 302+ function isCache(){
 303+ function setOwaRefId(){
 304+ function setNormalizedOrderIDs(){
 305+ function generateOrderId() {
 306+ public function sanitizeInput( &$value, $key, $flags=ENT_COMPAT, $double_encode=false ) {
 307+ function setGateway(){
 308+ function doCacheStuff(){
 309+ function getAnnoyingOrderIDLogLinePrefix(){
 310+ public function getEditToken( $salt = '' ) {
 311+ public static function generateToken( $salt = '' ) {
 312+ function matchEditToken( $val, $salt = '' ) {
 313+ function unsetEditToken() {
 314+ public static function ensureSession() {
 315+ public function checkTokens() {
 316+ function wasPosted(){
 317+ public static function getUtmSource( $utm_source = null, $utm_source_id = null ) {
 318+ public function getOptOuts() {
 319+ public function getCleanTrackingData( $clean_optouts = false ) {
 320+ function saveContributionTracking() {
 321+ public static function insertContributionTracking( $tracking_data ) {
 322+ public function updateContributionTracking( $force = false ) {
 324+ */
Property changes on: branches/fundraising/extensions/DonationInterface/tests/DonationDataTestCase.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1328 + native

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r98255Expanding unit tests for DonationInterfacejpostlethwaite21:13, 27 September 2011

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