r97394 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r97393‎ | r97394 | r97395 >
Date:21:53, 17 September 2011
Delete chinese form

Fix undefineds from missing global
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/wikimania/wmreg/index.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/wikimania/wmreg/recaptchalib.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/wikimania/wmreg/skin/admin_interface.old.php (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/wikimania/wmreg/skin/admin_interface.old.php
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/* Prevent hacking */
4 -if ( !defined( 'TC_STARTED' ) )
5 -{ die( 'Hacking Attempt' ); }
6 -
7 -include_once 'includes/language_zh-hant.php';
8 -
9 -global $myself_url, $register_data, $table_data, $lang_countries, $error_message, $lang_register_form;
10 -
11 -function get_percentage( $number ) {
12 - global $register_data;
13 - if ( $register_data['total_people'] == 0 ) return '0.0%';
14 - else return number_format( $number / $register_data['total_people'] * 100, 1 ) . '%';
15 -}
16 -/* Fix XSS */
17 -$register_data = array_map( 'htmlspecialchars', $register_data );
18 -
19 -$cloth_sizes = array( NULL, 'XXS', 'XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', 'XXL', 'XXXL' );
20 -
21 -$parameters = $myself_url . 'index.php?action=admin';
22 -$parameters2 = $myself_url . 'index.php?action=admin';
23 -if ( $MY_REQUEST['page'] )
24 -{ $parameters .= '&page=' . urlencode( $MY_REQUEST['page'] ); }
25 -
26 -if ( $MY_REQUEST['keyword'] )
27 -{
28 - $parameters .= '&keyword=' . urlencode( $MY_REQUEST['keyword'] ) . '&filter=' . urlencode( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] );
29 - $parameters2 .= '&keyword=' . urlencode( $MY_REQUEST['keyword'] ) . '&filter=' . urlencode( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] );
30 -}
31 -$parameters2 .= '&mode=' . urlencode( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] );
32 -
33 -?>
34 - <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-latest.pack.js"><!--//XHTML hack--></script>
35 - <script type="text/javascript">
36 - <!--
37 -
38 - $(document).ready(function(){
39 - for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
40 - {if (document.getElementById("item"+i+"_radio").checked == true) {radiocheck(i); } }
41 -
42 - $('#admin_form2').addClass('popup');
43 - $('#cancel_button').removeClass('hide_item');
44 - $('#fill_data_col').removeClass('hide_item');
45 - $('.fill_data_link').removeClass('hide_item');
46 -
47 - });
48 -
49 - function confirm_warning()
50 - {
51 - return confirm('注意:一旦勾選接受或退回報名,報名的處理狀態將無法再度在此介面修正。\n並且,在您勾選的同時,會將報名結果寄發信件給報名者。\n請再次確定您的勾選資料是否正確。');
52 - }
53 -
54 - function warning2()
55 - {
56 - if (document.getElementById("item2_radio").checked == true)
57 - return confirm('注意:\n(1) 請確認該報名者是否有有選擇過參加8/2的議程;如果有的話請確認Hacking Days Extra與Citizen Journalism Unconference的參加有沒有勾選。若沒有勾選,可能需要確認報名者希望參與哪場活動。\n(2) 新加入的勾選住宿者將自動設定為「不在乎」房間類型;而取消住宿者也將取消喜好房間類型的設定,而再次勾選住宿並無法復原其喜好設定。\n\n請再度確定填寫的資料是否正確。是否確定執行?');
58 - else
59 - return confirm('請再度確定填寫的資料是否正確。是否確定執行?');
60 -
61 - }
62 - function fill_data(surname, given_name, unique_code, j1, he, cju, j3, j4, j5, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, tag/* now invaild */, vip_status)
63 - {
64 -
65 - $("#content_part, #admin_form3, #footer").fadeTo('slow', 0.5);
66 - $('#mask').show();
67 - $("#admin_form2").fadeIn('slow');
68 -
69 - for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
70 - {if (document.getElementById("item"+i+"_radio").checked == true) {radiocheck(i); } }
71 -
72 - $("#surname").val(surname);
73 - $("#given_name").val(given_name);
74 - $("#u_code").val(unique_code);
75 - $("#tag").val(tag);
76 -
77 - if (j1) $("#j1").attr("checked", "checked");
78 - else $("#j1").removeAttr("checked");
79 - if (he) $("#he").attr("checked", "checked");
80 - else $("#he").removeAttr("checked");
81 - if (eval("cju")) $("#cju").attr("checked", "checked");
82 - else $("#cju").removeAttr("checked");
83 -
84 - for (var i=3; i<=5; i++)
85 - { if (eval("j"+i)) $("#j"+i).attr("checked", "checked");
86 - else $("#j"+i).removeAttr("checked");
87 - }
88 - for (var i=1; i<=6; i++)
89 - { if (eval("n"+i)) $("#n"+i).attr("checked", "checked");
90 - else $("#n"+i).removeAttr("checked");
91 - }
92 -
93 - for (var i=0; i<=3; i++)
94 - { if (vip_status == i) $("#vips"+i).attr("selected", "selected");
95 - else $("#vips"+i).removeAttr("selected");
96 - }
97 - }
98 -
99 - function radiocheck(num)
100 - {
101 - for (i = 1; i<= 3; i++)
102 - {
103 - if (i != num)
104 - $("#item"+i).removeClass();
105 - $("#item"+i+" > p").hide('fast');
106 - }
107 - $("#item"+num).addClass("checked_item");
108 - $("#item"+num+" > p").show();
109 - }
110 -
111 - function close_popup()
112 - {
113 - $('#mask').hide();
114 - $("#content_part, #admin_form3, #footer").fadeTo('slow', 1);
115 - $("#admin_form2").fadeOut('slow');
116 - }
117 - //-->
118 - </script>
119 - <div id="mask">&nbsp;</div>
120 - <div id="content_part">
121 - <h1>管理介面</h1>
122 - <p id="special_pages">登入為<strong> <?php echo $_SESSION['user_id']?></strong> | <a href="<?php echo $myself_url . 'index.php?action=logout'?>" title="登出並離開管理介面">登出</a></p>
123 - <?php if ( !empty( $error_message ) )
124 - {
125 - echo '<div id="correction">' . "\n" . $error_message . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
126 - }
127 - ?>
128 -<h3>列表與統計資料</h3>
129 -
130 -<?php if ( $register_data['total_keyword'] ) { ?>
131 -<p>搜尋結果共找到 <strong><?php echo $register_data['total_keyword']?></strong> 筆資料。<a href="<?php echo $myself_url; ?>?action=admin" title="結束搜尋,顯示所有資料">清除搜尋結果</a>
132 -<?php } else { ?>
133 -<p>目前共有 <strong><?php echo $register_data['total_people']; ?> 人</strong>報名,<strong><?php echo $register_data['total_accommodation']; ?> 人</strong>需要安排住宿。</p>
134 -<?php } ?>
135 -<form action="<?php echo $myself_url . 'index.php'; ?>" method="GET">
136 - <div id="admin_navigation">
137 - <p id="search_form">
138 - <select name="filter">
139 - <option value="name" <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] == 'name' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>姓名、維基帳號</option>
140 - <option value="organization" <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] == 'organization' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>組織</option>
141 - <option value="email" <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] == 'email' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>電子郵件</option>
142 - <option value="unique_code" <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] == 'unique_code' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>識別碼</option>
143 - <option value="tag" <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] == 'tag' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>標籤</option>
144 - </select>
145 - <input type="text" name="keyword" value="<?php echo stripslashes( htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['keyword'] ) ); ?>" />
146 - <input type="submit" value="查詢" />
147 - <input type="hidden" name="action" value="admin" />
148 - <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] ); ?>" />
149 - </p>
150 -<p><a href="<?php echo $parameters?>" title="諸如生日、姓名與身分證資料的資訊">基本資料</a> | <a href="<?php echo $parameters?>&mode=topic" title="參加的日期、偏好的主題、飲食習慣與衣服尺寸">日期、主題、食衣住行</a> | <a href="<?php echo $parameters?>&mode=liveinfo" title="是否須安排住宿,偏好的房間大小">住宿資訊</a> | <a href="<?php echo $parameters?>&mode=visa" title="是否要籌備團隊安排簽證協助,與需求的內容">簽證需求</a> | <a href="<?php echo $parameters?>&mode=pay" title="是否已經付款,付了多少錢">付款狀態</a></p>
151 -</div>
152 -</form>
153 -<p>
154 -<?php
155 -switch( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] )
156 -{
157 - case NULL:
158 - echo '共來自 <strong>' . $register_data['total_countries'] . '</strong> 個國家 / ' .
159 - '<strong>' . $register_data['total_male'] . '</strong> 男 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_male'] ) . ')/ ' .
160 - '<strong>' . $register_data['total_female'] . '</strong> 女 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_female'] ) . ')/ ' .
161 - '<strong>' . $register_data['total_sex_other'] . '</strong> 其他 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_sex_other'] ) . ')/ ' .
162 - '<strong>' . $register_data['total_wikimedians'] . '</strong> 維基人 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_wikimedians'] ) . ')';
163 - break;
164 -
165 - case 'topic':
166 - for ( $i = 3; $i <= 5; $i++ )
167 - echo '8/' . $i . ':<strong>' . $register_data['total_day' . $i] . '</strong> 人 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_day' . $i] ) . ') / ';
168 - for ( $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++ )
169 - echo '' . $i . ' 天:<strong>' . $register_data['total_' . $i . 'days'] . '</strong> 人 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_' . $i . 'days'] ) . ') / ';
170 - break;
171 -
172 - case 'liveinfo':
173 - for ( $i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++ )
174 - echo $i . ' 天:<strong>' . $register_data['total_' . $i . 'nights'] . '</strong> 人 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_' . $i . 'nights'] ) . ') / ';
175 - break;
176 -
177 - case 'visa':
178 - echo '共 <strong>' . $register_data['total_assist'] . '</strong> 人 (' . get_percentage( $register_data['total_assist'] ) . ') 需要簽證協助';
179 - break;
180 -}
181 -?></p>
182 -<form action="<?php echo $myself_url . 'index.php'; ?>" method="POST" onsubmit="return confirm_warning();">
183 - <table id="admin_table">
184 - <tr>
185 - <th>核取</th>
186 - <th>編號</th><th>姓名</th><th>台籍</th>
187 - <th>姓別</th><th>註冊時間</th>
188 - <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] ) { ?>
189 - <th>8/1</th>
190 - <th>8/2</th>
191 - <th>HE</th>
192 - <th>CJU</th>
193 - <th>8/3</th>
194 - <th>8/4</th>
195 - <th>8/5</th>
196 - <?php }
197 - switch( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] ) {
198 - case NULL:
199 - echo '<th>ID</th><th>國家</th>
200 - '/*<th>城市</th>*/ . '<th>生日</th><th>母語</th>
201 - <th>語言程度</th>
202 - <th>組織</th><th>維基用戶名</th><th>名稱顯示</th>';
203 - break;
204 - case 'topic':
205 - echo '<th>T1</th>
206 - <th>T2</th>
207 - <th>T3</th>
208 - <th>衣</th><th>食</th>
209 - <th>過敏</th>';
210 - break;
211 - case 'liveinfo':
212 - echo '<th>7/31</th>
213 - <th>8/1</th>
214 - <th>8/2</th>
215 - <th>8/3</th>
216 - <th>8/4</th>
217 - <th>8/5</th>
218 - <th>R2</th>
219 - <th>R4</th>
220 - <th>R6</th>
221 - <th>DC</th>
222 - <th>應繳金額</th>
223 -';
224 - break;
225 - case 'visa':
226 - echo '<th>簽證需求</th><th>需求詳述</th>';
227 - break;
228 - case 'pay':
229 - echo '<th>Email</th><th>識別碼</th><th>付款方式</th><th>付款狀態</th><!--<th>PayPal OK</th>--><th>應繳金額</th><th>收到金額</th>';
230 - break;
231 - } ?>
232 - <th>折價券</th>
233 - <th>狀態</th>
234 - <th>標籤</th>
235 - <th id="fill_data_col">編輯資訊</th>
236 - </tr>
237 -<?php foreach ( $table_data as $data ) {
238 -/* I Hate XSS */
239 -$data = array_map( 'htmlspecialchars', $data );
240 -?>
241 - <tr>
242 - <td><input type="checkbox" name="no[]" value=<?php echo $data['no']; ?> /></td>
243 - <td><?php echo $data['no']; ?></td>
244 - <td><?php echo $data['given_name'] . ' ' . $data['surname']; ?></td>
245 - <td><?php if ( $data['egy'] ) echo '是'; else echo '否'; ?></td>
246 - <td><?php
247 - switch( $data['sex'] )
248 - {
249 - case 1: echo '男'; break;
250 - case 2: echo '女'; break;
251 - case 3: echo $data['custom_sex']; break;
252 - }
253 - ?></td><td><?php echo $data['signuptime']; ?></td>
254 - <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] ) { ?>
255 - <td class="group1"><?php if ( $data['join1'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
256 - <td class="group1"><?php if ( $data['join2'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
257 - <td class="group1"><?php if ( $data['hacking'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
258 - <td class="group1"><?php if ( $data['citizen'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
259 - <td class="group1"><?php if ( $data['join3'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
260 - <td class="group1"><?php if ( $data['join4'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
261 - <td class="group1"><?php if ( $data['join5'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
262 - <?php
263 - }
264 - switch( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] ) {
265 - case "":
266 - echo '<td>' . $data['id'] . '</td><td>' . $lang_countries[strtolower( $data['country'] )] . '</td>
267 - <td>'/*.$data['city'].'</td><td>'*/ . $data['birthday'] . '</td><td>' . $data['langn'] . '</td>
268 - <td>';
269 - if ( $data['lang1'] )
270 - echo $data['lang1'] . '-' . $data['lang1-level'] . '<br />';
271 - if ( $data['lang2'] )
272 - echo $data['lang2'] . '-' . $data['lang2-level'] . '<br />';
273 - if ( $data['lang3'] )
274 - echo $data['lang3'] . '-' . $data['lang3-level'] . '<br />';
275 - echo '</td><td>';
276 - echo $data['organization'];
277 - echo '</td><td>';
278 - if ( $data['wiki_id'] ) echo $data['wiki_id'] . '@' . $data['wiki_language'] . '.' . $data['wiki_project'];
279 - echo '</td><td>';
280 -
281 - foreach ( explode( ',', $data['showname'] ) as $key => $value )
282 - {
283 - echo $lang_register_form['showname' . $value];
284 - if ( $value == 4 )
285 - { echo ': ' . $data['custom_showname']; }
286 - else
287 - { echo ', '; }
288 - }
289 - echo '</td>';
290 - break;
291 - case "topic":?>
292 - <td class="group2"><?php if ( $data['topic1'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
293 - <td class="group2"><?php if ( $data['topic2'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
294 - <td class="group2"><?php if ( $data['topic3'] ) echo '●'; ?></td>
295 - <?php echo
296 - '<td>' . $cloth_sizes[$data['size']] . '</td>
297 - <td>';
298 - foreach ( explode( ',', $data['food'] ) as $key => $value )
299 - {
300 - echo $lang_register_form['food' . $value];
301 - if ( $value == 6 )
302 - { echo ': ' . $data['food_other']; }
303 - else
304 - { echo ', '; }
305 - }
306 - echo '</td><td>' . $data['allegric'] . '</td>';
307 - break;
308 - case "liveinfo":
309 - echo '<td class="group2">';
310 - if ( $data['night1'] && $data['room_num1'] ) echo $data['room_num1']; elseif ( $data['night1'] ) echo '●';
311 - echo '</td><td class="group2">';
312 - if ( $data['night2'] && $data['room_num2'] ) echo $data['room_num2']; elseif ( $data['night2'] ) echo '●';
313 - echo '</td><td class="group2">';
314 - if ( $data['night3'] && $data['room_num3'] ) echo $data['room_num3']; elseif ( $data['night3'] ) echo '●';
315 - echo '</td><td class="group2">';
316 - if ( $data['night4'] && $data['room_num4'] ) echo $data['room_num4']; elseif ( $data['night4'] ) echo '●';
317 - echo '</td><td class="group2">';
318 - if ( $data['night5'] && $data['room_num5'] ) echo $data['room_num5']; elseif ( $data['night5'] ) echo '●';
319 - echo '</td><td class="group2">';
320 - if ( $data['night6'] && $data['room_num6'] ) echo $data['room_num6']; elseif ( $data['night6'] ) echo '●';
321 - echo '</td><td class="group3">';
322 - if ( $data['room2'] ) echo '●';
323 - echo '</td><td class="group3">';
324 - if ( $data['room4'] ) echo '●';
325 - echo '</td><td class="group3">';
326 - if ( $data['room6'] ) echo '●';
327 - echo '</td><td class="group3">';
328 - if ( $data['room8'] ) echo '●';
329 - echo '</td>';
330 - echo '<td>' . $data['cost_total'] . '</td>';
331 - break;
332 - case 'visa':
333 - echo '<td>';
334 - if ( $data['visa_assistance'] ) echo '是'; else echo '否';
335 - echo '</td>
336 - <td>' . $data['visa_assistance_description'] . '</td>';
337 - break;
338 - case 'pay':
339 - echo '<td>' . $data['email'] . '</td>';
340 - echo '<td>' . $data['unique_code'] . '</td><td>';
341 - if ( $data['pay_method'] == 1 ) echo 'PayPal'; else echo '匯款';
342 - echo '</td><td>';
343 - if ( $data['cost_total'] > $data['cost_paid'] ) echo '不足';
344 - if ( $data['cost_total'] == 0 ) echo '免費';
345 - elseif ( $data['cost_total'] == $data['cost_paid'] ) echo '剛好付清';
346 - if ( $data['cost_total'] < $data['cost_paid'] ) echo '超過';
347 - // echo '</td><td>';
348 - // if ($data['paypal'] == 1) echo '完成'; else echo '未完成';
349 - echo '</td><td>' . $data['cost_total'];
350 - echo '</td><td>' . $data['cost_paid'] . '</td>';
351 -
352 - }
353 - echo '<td>';
354 - switch ( $data['vip_status'] )
355 - {
356 - case 1: echo '完全免費'; break;
357 - case 2: echo '一律維基人價'; break;
358 - case 3: echo '只有住宿費'; break;
359 - }
360 - echo '</td>';
361 - echo '<td>';
362 - switch ( $data['status'] )
363 - {
364 - case 0: echo '未受理'; break;
365 - case 1: echo '已接受'; break;
366 - case 2: echo '已拒絕'; break;
367 - }
368 - echo '</td><td>' . $data['tag'] . '</td><td>';
369 - echo '<a href="#" class="fill_data_link" onclick="fill_data(\'' . addslashes( $data['surname'] ) . '\',\'' . addslashes( $data['given_name'] ) . '\',\'' . $data['unique_code'] . '\',' . $data['join1'] . ',' . $data['hacking'] . ',' . $data['citizen'] . ',' . $data['join3'] . ',' . $data['join4'] . ',' . $data['join5'] . ',' . $data['night1'] . ',' . $data['night2'] . ',' . $data['night3'] . ',' . $data['night4'] . ',' . $data['night5'] . ',' . $data['night6'] . ',\'' . addslashes( $data['tag'] ) . '\',' . $data['vip_status'] . ')">編輯</a>';
370 - echo '</td>';
371 - ?>
372 - </tr>
373 -<?php } ?>
374 - </table>
375 - <p id="page">
376 - <?php
377 - if ( $MY_REQUEST['keyword'] )
378 - { $total_page = ceil( $register_data['total_keyword'] / $register_data['per_page'] ); }
379 - else
380 - { $total_page = ceil( $register_data['total_people'] / $register_data['per_page'] ); }
381 -
382 - if ( $register_data['page'] >= 5 )
383 - { echo '<a href="' . $parameters2 . '&page=1" title="第 1 頁">1</a> '; }
384 - if ( $register_data['page'] >= 6 )
385 - { echo '... '; }
386 - for ( $i = max( 1, $register_data['page'] - 3 ); ( $i < $register_data['page'] ); $i++ )
387 - {
388 - echo '<a href="' . $parameters2 . '&page=' . ( $i ) . '" title="第 ' . ( $i ) . ' 頁">' . ( $i ) . '</a> ';
389 - }
390 - echo '<strong>' . $register_data['page'] . '</strong> ';
391 -
392 - for ( $i = $register_data['page'] + 1; ( $i <= $total_page && $i <= $register_data['page'] + 3 ); $i++ )
393 - {
394 - echo '<a href="' . $parameters2 . '&page=' . ( $i ) . '" title="第 ' . ( $i ) . ' 頁">' . ( $i ) . '</a> ';
395 - }
396 - if ( $total_page - $register_data['page'] >= 5 )
397 - { echo '... '; }
398 -
399 - if ( $total_page - $register_data['page'] >= 4 )
400 - { echo '<a href="' . $parameters2 . '&page=' . $total_page . '" title="第 ' . $total_page . ' 頁">' . $total_page . '</a> '; }
401 - ?>
402 - </p>
403 -
404 - <div id="admin_form1">
405 - <p>
406 - 所核取的報名者:
407 - <input type="hidden" name="modification" value="change_status" />
408 - <input type="radio" name="status" value="1" id="accept" checked="checked" /><label for="accept"> 接受報名</label>
409 - <input type="radio" name="status" value="2" id="reject" /><label for="reject"> 退回報名</label>
410 - <input type="hidden" name="action" value="admin" />
411 - <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] ); ?>" />
412 - <input type="hidden" name="keyword" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['keyword'] ); ?>" />
413 - <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['page'] ); ?>" />
414 - <input type="submit" value="確認" /> (接受報名只對已付完全款者有效)
415 - </p> </div>
416 - </form>
417 - </div>
418 - <form action="<?php echo $myself_url; ?>index.php" method="POST" onsubmit="return warning2();">
419 - <div id="admin_form2">
420 - <h3>調整項目</h3>
421 - <p>名:<input type="text" name="given_name" id="given_name" />
422 - 姓:<input type="text" name="surname" id="surname" />
423 - 識別碼:<input type="text" name="unique_code" size="6" id="u_code" />
424 - </p>
425 - <div id="item1" class="checked_item">
426 - <input type="radio" name="item" value="1" checked="checked" id="item1_radio" onclick="radiocheck(1);" /><label for="item1_radio">收到付款登記</label>
427 - <p>收到金額:<input type="text" name="cost_paid" value="<?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['cost_paid'] != 0 ) echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['cost_paid'] ); ?>" size="5" />
428 - <input type="hidden" name="modification" value="add_paid" />
429 - <input type="hidden" name="action" value="admin" />
430 - <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['mode'] ); ?>" />
431 - <input type="hidden" name="keyword" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['keyword'] ); ?>" />
432 - <input type="hidden" name="filter" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['filter'] ); ?>" />
433 - <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $MY_REQUEST['page'] ); ?>" />
434 -
435 - (若輸入錯誤,可設定為負值以調整)
436 - </p>
437 - </div>
438 - <div id="item2">
439 - <input type="radio" name="item" value="2" id="item2_radio" onclick="radiocheck(2);" /><label for="item2_radio">日期與住宿資訊</label>
440 - <p>
441 - 參加日期:
442 - <?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['j'] )
443 - { echo ' <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="j1" id="j1" checked="checked" />'; }
444 - else
445 - { echo ' <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="j1" id="j1" />'; }
446 - echo '<label for="j1">' . $lang_register_form['join1'] . '</label>' . "\n";
447 -
448 - // echo $lang_register_form['join2']; ?>
449 - <input type="checkbox" name="he" value="1" id="he"<?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['he'] ) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> /> <label for="he">Hacking Days Extra</label>
450 - <input type="checkbox" name="cju" value="1" id="cju"<?php if ( $MY_REQUEST['cju'] ) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> /> <label for="cju">Citizen Journalism Unconference</label>
451 - </p><p style="margin-left: 6em;">
452 -<?php
453 -for ( $i = 3; $i <= 5; $i++ )
454 -{
455 - if ( $MY_REQUEST['j' . $i] )
456 - { echo ' <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="j' . $i . '" id="j' . $i . '" checked="checked" />'; }
457 - else
458 - { echo ' <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="j' . $i . '" id="j' . $i . '" />'; }
459 - echo '<label for="j' . $i . '">' . $lang_register_form['join' . $i] . '</label>';
460 -
461 - echo "\n";
462 -
463 -}
464 -?>
465 - </p>
466 -
467 - <p>
468 -住宿:
469 - <?php
470 -for ( $i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++ )
471 -{
472 - if ( $MY_REQUEST['n' . $i] )
473 - { echo ' <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="n' . $i . '" id="n' . $i . '" checked="checked" />'; }
474 - else
475 - { echo ' <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="n' . $i . '" id="n' . $i . '" />'; }
476 - echo '<label for="n' . $i . '">' . $lang_register_form['night' . $i] . '</label>';
477 -
478 - echo "\n";
479 -
480 -}
481 -?>
482 -
483 - </p>
484 - </div>
485 - <div id="item3">
486 - <input type="radio" name="item" value="3" id="item3_radio" onclick="radiocheck(3);" /><label for="item3_radio">編輯標籤與特殊身分</label>
487 - <p><label for="tag">標籤:</label><input type="text" name="tag" id="tag" />
488 - <label for="vip_status">特殊費用計算:</label><select name="vip_status" id="vip_status">
489 - <option value="0" id="vips0">不做特殊費用</option>
490 - <option value="1" id="vips1">完全免費</option>
491 - <option value="2" id="vips2">一律維基人價</option>
492 - <option value="3" id="vips3">只有住宿費</option>
493 - </select></p>
494 - </div>
495 - <p><input type="submit" value="確認" /><input type="button" value="取消" id="cancel_button" class="hide_item" onclick="close_popup()" /></p></div>
496 - </form>
497 - <div id="admin_form3">
498 - <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $myself_url; ?>index.php" method="POST">
499 - <h3>資料上傳</h3>
500 - <p>上傳住宿資料:
501 - <input type="file" name="accommodation_file">
502 - <input type="hidden" name="modification" value="set_data" />
503 - <input type="hidden" name="action" value="admin" />
504 - <input type="submit" value="上傳" />
505 - </p>
506 - </form>
507 -
508 - <form action="<?php echo $myself_url; ?>index.php" method="POST">
509 - <h3>下載資料</h3>
510 - <p>
511 - <input type="hidden" name="modification" value="get_data" />
512 - <input type="hidden" name="action" value="admin" />
513 - <input type="submit" value="下載住宿資料庫" /> 格式為Tab分隔,UTF16-LE編碼的檔案,可匯入Micorosft Excel處理,處理完後存成Tab分隔檔案上傳即可。
514 - </p>
515 - </form>
516 - </div>
Index: trunk/wikimania/wmreg/recaptchalib.php
@@ -45,17 +45,15 @@
4646 * @return string - encoded request
4747 */
4848 function _recaptcha_qsencode ( $data ) {
49 - $req = "";
50 - foreach ( $data as $key => $value )
51 - $req .= $key . '=' . urlencode( stripslashes( $value ) ) . '&';
 49+ $req = "";
 50+ foreach ( $data as $key => $value )
 51+ $req .= $key . '=' . urlencode( stripslashes( $value ) ) . '&';
53 - // Cut the last '&'
54 - $req = substr( $req, 0, strlen( $req ) -1 );
55 - return $req;
 53+ // Cut the last '&'
 54+ $req = substr( $req, 0, strlen( $req ) -1 );
 55+ return $req;
5656 }
58 -
59 -
6058 /**
6159 * Submits an HTTP POST to a reCAPTCHA server
6260 * @param string $host
@@ -66,33 +64,31 @@
6765 */
6866 function _recaptcha_http_post( $host, $path, $data, $port = 80 ) {
70 - $req = _recaptcha_qsencode ( $data );
 68+ $req = _recaptcha_qsencode ( $data );
72 - $http_request = "POST $path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
73 - $http_request .= "Host: $host\r\n";
74 - $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n";
75 - $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen( $req ) . "\r\n";
76 - $http_request .= "User-Agent: reCAPTCHA/PHP\r\n";
77 - $http_request .= "\r\n";
78 - $http_request .= $req;
 70+ $http_request = "POST $path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
 71+ $http_request .= "Host: $host\r\n";
 72+ $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n";
 73+ $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen( $req ) . "\r\n";
 74+ $http_request .= "User-Agent: reCAPTCHA/PHP\r\n";
 75+ $http_request .= "\r\n";
 76+ $http_request .= $req;
80 - $response = '';
81 - if ( false == ( $fs = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 40 ) ) ) {
82 - die ( 'Could not open socket' );
83 - }
 78+ $response = '';
 79+ if ( false == ( $fs = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 40 ) ) ) {
 80+ die ( 'Could not open socket' );
 81+ }
85 - fwrite( $fs, $http_request );
 83+ fwrite( $fs, $http_request );
87 - while ( !feof( $fs ) )
88 - $response .= fgets( $fs, 1160 ); // One TCP-IP packet
89 - fclose( $fs );
90 - $response = explode( "\r\n\r\n", $response, 2 );
 85+ while ( !feof( $fs ) )
 86+ $response .= fgets( $fs, 1160 ); // One TCP-IP packet
 87+ fclose( $fs );
 88+ $response = explode( "\r\n\r\n", $response, 2 );
92 - return $response;
 90+ return $response;
9391 }
95 -
96 -
9793 /**
9894 * Gets the challenge HTML (javascript and non-javascript version).
9995 * This is called from the browser, and the resulting reCAPTCHA HTML widget
@@ -132,8 +128,8 @@
133129 * A ReCaptchaResponse is returned from recaptcha_check_answer()
134130 */
135131 class ReCaptchaResponse {
136 - var $is_valid;
137 - var $error;
 132+ var $is_valid;
 133+ var $error;
138134 }
140136 /**
Index: trunk/wikimania/wmreg/index.php
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
836836 function administration()
837837 {
838838 global $_SESSION, $sql, $register_data, $MY_REQUEST, $table_data, $error_array,
839 - $error_message, $lang_countries, $lang_register_form;
 839+ $error_message, $lang_countries, $lang_register_form, $myself_url;
841841 /* check for login. If not, show login form */
842842 if ( !$_SESSION['logged_in'] )
@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@
13461346 function process_login()
13471347 {
1348 - global $_POST, $sql, $error_message, $register_data;
 1348+ global $_POST, $sql, $error_message, $register_data, $myself_url;
13501350 $error_message = '';
@@ -1388,6 +1388,7 @@
13891389 unset( $_SESSION['user_id'] );
13901390 unset( $_SESSION['user_password'] );
 1392+ global $myself_url;
13921393 header( 'Location:' . $myself_url . 'index.php' );
13941395 }

Status & tagging log