r97072 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r97071‎ | r97072 | r97073 >
Date:16:52, 14 September 2011
Reverting erroneously added file in r97019
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/DonationInterface/payflowpro_gateway/forms/RapidHtml.php.orig (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/DonationInterface/payflowpro_gateway/forms/RapidHtml.php.orig
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -class PayflowProGateway_Form_RapidHtml extends PayflowProGateway_Form {
5 -
6 - /**
7 - * Full path of HTML form to load
8 - * @var string
9 - */
10 - protected $html_file_path = '';
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * Tokens used in HTML form for data replacement
14 - *
15 - * Note that these NEED to be in the same order as the variables in $data in
16 - * order for str_replace to work as expected
17 - * @var array
18 - */
19 - protected $data_tokens = array(
20 - '@amount', // => $amount,
21 - '@amountOther', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'amountOther' ),
22 - '@emailAdd', //'email' => $wgRequest->getText( 'emailAdd' ),
23 - '@fname', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'fname' ),
24 - '@mname', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'mname' ),
25 - '@lname', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'lname' ),
26 - '@street', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'street' ),
27 - '@city', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'city' ),
28 - '@state', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'state' ),
29 - '@zip', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'zip' ),
30 - '@country', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'country' ),
31 - '@card_num', // => str_replace( ' ', '', $wgRequest->getText( 'card_num' ) ),
32 - '@card', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'card' ),
33 - '@expiration', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'mos' ) . substr( $wgRequest->getText( 'year' ), 2, 2 ),
34 - '@cvv', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'cvv' ),
35 - '@currency_code', //'currency' => $wgRequest->getText( 'currency_code' ),
36 - '@payment_method', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'payment_method' ),
37 - '@order_id', // => $order_id,
38 - '@numAttempt', // => $numAttempt,
39 - '@referrer', // => ( $wgRequest->getVal( 'referrer' ) ) ? $wgRequest->getVal( 'referrer' ) : $wgRequest->getHeader( 'referer' ),
40 - '@utm_source', // => self::getUtmSource(),
41 - '@utm_medium', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'utm_medium' ),
42 - '@utm_campaign', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'utm_campaign' ),
43 - // try to honr the user-set language (uselang), otherwise the language set in the URL (language)
44 - '@language', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'uselang', $wgRequest->getText( 'language' ) ),
45 - '@comment-option', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'comment-option' ),
46 - '@comment', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'comment' ),
47 - '@email-opt', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'email-opt' ),
48 - '@test_string', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'process' ), // for showing payflow string during testing
49 - '@token', // => $token,
50 - '@contribution_tracking_id', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'contribution_tracking_id' ),
51 - '@data_hash', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'data_hash' ),
52 - '@action', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'action' ),
53 - '@gateway', // => 'payflowpro', // this may need to become dynamic in the future
54 - '@owa_session', // => $wgRequest->getText( 'owa_session', null ),
55 - '@owa_ref', // => $owa_ref,
56 - // Not actually data tokens, but available to you in html form:
57 - // @captcha -> the captcha form
58 - // @script_path -> maps to $wgScriptPath
59 - // @action -> generate correct form action for this form
60 - );
61 -
62 - /**
63 - * Error field names used as tokens
64 - * @var array
65 - */
66 - protected $error_tokens = array(
67 - '#general',
68 - '#retryMsg',
69 - '#amount',
70 - '#card_num',
71 - '#card',
72 - '#cvv',
73 - '#fname',
74 - '#lname',
75 - '#city',
76 - '#country',
77 - '#street',
78 - '#state',
79 - '#zip',
80 - '#emailAdd',
81 - );
82 -
83 - public function __construct( &$form_data, &$form_errors ) {
84 - global $wgRequest;
85 - parent::__construct( $form_data, $form_errors );
86 -
87 - $this->loadValidateJs();
88 -
89 - // set html-escaped filename.
90 - $this->set_html_file_path( htmlspecialchars( $wgRequest->getText( 'ffname', 'default' )));
91 -
92 - // fix general form error messages so it's not an array of msgs
93 - if ( is_array( $form_errors[ 'general' ] ) && count( $form_errors[ 'general' ] )) {
94 - $general_errors = "";
95 - foreach ( $form_errors[ 'general' ] as $general_error ) {
96 - $general_errors .= "<p class='creditcard'>$general_error</p>";
97 - }
98 - $form_errors[ 'general' ] = $general_errors;
99 - }
100 - }
101 -
102 - /**
103 - * Return the HTML form with data added
104 - */
105 - public function getForm() {
106 - $html = $this->load_html();
107 - return $this->add_data( $html );
108 - }
109 -
110 - /**
111 - * Load the HTML form from a file into a string
112 - * @return string
113 - */
114 - public function load_html() {
115 - return file_get_contents( $this->html_file_path );
116 - }
117 -
118 - /**
119 - * Add data into the HTML form
120 - *
121 - * @param string $html Form with tokens as placehodlers for data
122 - * @return string The HTML form with real data in it
123 - */
124 - public function add_data( $html ) {
125 - global $wgScriptPath;
126 -
127 - /**
128 - * This is a hack and should be replaced with something more performant.
129 - */
130 - $form = $html;
131 -
132 - // handle form action
133 - $form = str_replace( "@action", $this->getNoCacheAction(), $form );
134 -
135 - // replace data
136 - foreach ( $this->data_tokens as $token ) {
137 - $key = substr( $token, 1, strlen( $token )); //get the token string w/o the '@'
138 - if ( $key == 'emailAdd' ) $key = 'email';
139 - if ( $key == 'currency_code' ) $key = 'currency';
140 -<<<<<<< HEAD
141 - if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->form_data )) {
142 -=======
143 - if ( array_key_exists( $this->form_data[ $key ] )) {
144 ->>>>>>> Fixed key-mapping for currency code in rapid html system
145 - $replace = $this->form_data[ $key ];
146 - } else {
147 - $replace = '';
148 - }
149 - $form = str_replace( $token, $replace, $form );
150 - }
151 -
152 - // replace errors
153 - $form = str_replace( $this->error_tokens, $this->form_errors, $form );
154 -
155 - // handle captcha
156 - $form = str_replace( "@captcha", $this->getCaptchaHtml(), $form );
157 -
158 - // handle script path
159 - $form = str_replace( "@script_path", $wgScriptPath, $form );
160 -
161 - $form = $this->fix_dropdowns( $form );
162 -
163 - return $form;
164 - }
165 -
166 - /**
167 - * Set dropdowns to 'selected' where appropriate
168 - *
169 - * This is basically a hackish fix to make sure that dropdowns stay
170 - * 'sticky' on form submit. This could no doubt be better.
171 - * @param $html
172 - * @return string
173 - */
174 - public function fix_dropdowns( $html ) {
175 - // currency code
176 - $start = strpos( $html, 'name="currency_code"' );
177 - if ( $start ) {
178 - $currency_code = $this->form_data[ 'currency' ];
179 - $end = strpos( $html, '</select>', $start );
180 - $str = substr( $html, $start, ( $end - $start ));
181 - $str = str_replace( 'value="' . $currency_code . '"', 'value="' . $currency_code . '" selected="selected"', $str );
182 - $html = substr_replace( $html, $str, $start, $end-$start );
183 - }
184 -
185 - // mos
186 - $month = substr( $this->form_data[ 'expiration' ], 0, 2 );
187 - $start = strpos( $html, 'name="mos"' );
188 - if ( $start ) {
189 - $end = strpos( $html, '</select>', $start );
190 - $str = substr( $html, $start, ( $end - $start ));
191 - $str = str_replace( 'value="' . $month . '"', 'value="' . $month . '" selected="selected"', $str );
192 - $html = substr_replace( $html, $str, $start, $end-$start );
193 - }
194 -
195 - // year
196 - $year = substr( $this->form_data[ 'expiration' ], 2, 2 );
197 - $start = strpos( $html, 'name="year"' );
198 - if ( $start ) {
199 - $end = strpos( $html, '</select>', $start );
200 - $str = substr( $html, $start, ( $end - $start ));
201 - // dbl extra huge hack alert! note the '20' prefix...
202 - $str = str_replace( 'value="20' . $year . '"', 'value="20' . $year . '" selected="selected"', $str );
203 - $html = substr_replace( $html, $str, $start, $end-$start );
204 - }
205 -
206 - // state
207 - $state = $this->form_data[ 'state' ];
208 - $start = strpos( $html, 'name="state"' );
209 - if ( $start ) {
210 - $end = strpos( $html, '</select>', $start );
211 - $str = substr( $html, $start, ( $end - $start ));
212 - $str = str_replace( 'value="' . $state . '"', 'value="' . $state . '" selected="selected"', $str );
213 - $html = substr_replace( $html, $str, $start, $end-$start );
214 - }
215 -
216 - //country
217 - $country = $this->form_data[ 'country' ];
218 - $start = strpos( $html, 'name="country"' );
219 - if ( $start ) {
220 - $end = strpos( $html, '</select>', $start );
221 - $str = substr( $html, $start, ( $end - $start ));
222 - $str = str_replace( 'value="' . $country . '"', 'value="' . $country . '" selected="selected"', $str );
223 - $html = substr_replace( $html, $str, $start, $end-$start );
224 - }
225 -
226 - return $html;
227 - }
228 -
229 - /**
230 - * Validate and set the path to the HTML file
231 - *
232 - * @param string $file_name
233 - */
234 - public function set_html_file_path( $file_name ) {
235 - global $wgPayflowHtmlFormDir, $wgPayflowAllowedHtmlForms;
236 -
237 - // Get the dirname - the "/." helps ensure we get a consistent path name with no trailing slash
238 - $html_dir = dirname( $wgPayflowHtmlFormDir . "/." );
239 -
240 - if ( !is_dir( $html_dir )) {
241 - throw new MWException( 'Requested form directory does not exist.' );
242 - }
243 -
244 - // make sure our file name is clean - strip extension and any other cruft like relpaths, dirs, etc
245 - $file_info = pathinfo( $file_name );
246 - $file_name = $file_info[ 'filename' ];
247 -
248 - $full_path = $html_dir . '/' . $file_name . '.html';
249 -
250 - // ensure that the full file path is actually whitelisted and exists
251 - if ( !in_array( $full_path, $wgPayflowAllowedHtmlForms ) || !file_exists( $full_path ) ) {
252 - throw new MWException( 'Requested an unavailable or non-existent form.' );
253 - }
254 -
255 - $this->html_file_path = $full_path;
256 - }
257 -}

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r97019Fixed key-mapping for currency code in rapid html systemawjrichards22:37, 13 September 2011

Status & tagging log