r97059 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r97058‎ | r97059 | r97060 >
Date:15:06, 14 September 2011
phase II social tools: FanBoxes, a social version of userboxes. Tested and built against MW 1.16.0, ResourceLoader support is there but it hasn't been tested so it probably is buggy (i.e. using addModules() instead of addModuleScripts()/addModuleStyles()), but I'll fix that later.
YUI color pickers should be rewritten to use jQuery in the future.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.alias.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.i18n.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.namespaces.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxClass.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxHooks.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxPage.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox_AjaxFunctions.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxes.css (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxes.js (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxesClass.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/MiniAjaxUpload.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialFanBoxes.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialTopFanBoxes.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialViewFanBoxes.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/TagCloudClass.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/UserBoxesHook.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/ajax-loader-white.gif (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/fantag.sql (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialTopFanBoxes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
 4+ * A special page to show either the most popular userboxes (default) or
 5+ * alternatively, the newest userboxes.
 6+ *
 7+ * @file
 8+ * @ingroup Extensions
 9+ */
 10+class TopFanBoxes extends SpecialPage {
 12+ /**
 13+ * Constructor
 14+ */
 15+ public function __construct() {
 16+ parent::__construct( 'TopUserboxes' );
 17+ }
 19+ /**
 20+ * Show the special page
 21+ *
 22+ * @param $par Mixed: parameter passed to the page or null
 23+ */
 24+ public function execute( $par ) {
 25+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgRequest, $wgFanBoxScripts;
 27+ // Add CSS & JS
 28+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.css' );
 29+ $wgOut->addScriptFile( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.js' );
 31+ $topfanboxId = $wgRequest->getVal( 'id' );
 32+ $topfanboxCategory = $wgRequest->getVal( 'cat' );
 34+ if( $topfanboxId == 'fantag_date' ) {
 35+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'most-recent-fanboxes-link' ) );
 36+ $topfanboxes = $this->getTopFanboxes( 'fantag_date' );
 37+ } else {
 38+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'topuserboxes' ) );
 39+ $topfanboxes = $this->getTopFanboxes( 'fantag_count' );
 40+ }
 42+ $output = '';
 44+ // Make top right nav bar
 45+ $output .= '<div class="fanbox-nav">
 46+ <h2>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-nav-header' ) . "</h2>
 47+ <p><a href=\"{$this->getTitle()->escapeFullURL()}\">" .
 48+ wfMsg( 'top-fanboxes-link' ) . '</a></p>
 49+ <p><a href="' . $this->getTitle()->escapeFullURL( 'id=fantag_date' ) . '">' .
 50+ wfMsg( 'most-recent-fanboxes-link' ) . '</a></p>
 51+ </div>';
 53+ // Nothing? That means that no userboxes have been created yet...so
 54+ // show a message to the user about that, prompting them to create some
 55+ // userboxes
 56+ if ( empty( $topfanboxes ) ) {
 57+ $output .= wfMsgExt( 'fanbox-top-list-is-empty', 'parse' );
 58+ }
 60+ if( !$topfanboxCategory ) {
 61+ $x = 1;
 63+ $output .= '<div class="top-fanboxes">';
 65+ $tagParser = new Parser();
 67+ foreach( $topfanboxes as $topfanbox ) {
 68+ $check_user_fanbox = $this->checkIfUserHasFanbox( $topfanbox['fantag_id'] );
 70+ if( $topfanbox['fantag_image_name'] ) {
 71+ $fantag_image_width = 45;
 72+ $fantag_image_height = 53;
 73+ $fantag_image = wfFindFile( $topfanbox['fantag_image_name'] );
 74+ $fantag_image_url = '';
 75+ if ( is_object( $fantag_image ) ) {
 76+ $fantag_image_url = $fantag_image->createThumb(
 77+ $fantag_image_width,
 78+ $fantag_image_height
 79+ );
 80+ }
 81+ $fantag_image_tag = '<img alt="" src="' . $fantag_image_url . '"/>';
 82+ }
 84+ if( $topfanbox['fantag_left_text'] == '' ) {
 85+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_image_tag;
 86+ } else {
 87+ $fantag_leftside = $topfanbox['fantag_left_text'];
 88+ $fantag_leftside = $tagParser->parse(
 89+ $fantag_leftside, $wgTitle,
 90+ $wgOut->parserOptions(), false
 91+ );
 92+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_leftside->getText();
 93+ }
 95+ if( $topfanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 96+ $leftfontsize = '14px';
 97+ }
 98+ if( $topfanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'bigfont' ) {
 99+ $leftfontsize = '20px';
 100+ }
 102+ if( $topfanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'smallfont' ) {
 103+ $rightfontsize = '12px';
 104+ }
 105+ if( $topfanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 106+ $rightfontsize = '14px';
 107+ }
 109+ // Get permalink
 110+ $fantag_title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FANTAG, $topfanbox['fantag_title'] );
 112+ // Get creator
 113+ $userftusername = $topfanbox['fantag_user_name'];
 114+ $userftuserid = $topfanbox['fantag_user_id'];
 115+ $user_title = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $topfanbox['fantag_user_name'] );
 116+ $avatar = new wAvatar( $topfanbox['fantag_user_id'], 'm' );
 118+ $right_text = $topfanbox['fantag_right_text'];
 119+ $right_text = $tagParser->parse(
 120+ $right_text, $wgTitle, $wgOut->parserOptions(), false
 121+ );
 122+ $right_text = $right_text->getText();
 124+ $output .= "
 125+ <div class=\"top-fanbox-row\">
 126+ <span class=\"top-fanbox-num\">{$x}.</span><span class=\"top-fanbox\">
 128+ <div class=\"fanbox-item\">
 130+ <div class=\"individual-fanbox\" id=\"individualFanbox" . $topfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 131+ <div class=\"show-message-container\" id=\"show-message-container" . $topfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 132+ <div class=\"permalink-container\">
 133+ <a class=\"perma\" style=\"font-size:8px; color:" . $topfanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . "\" href=\"" . $fantag_title->escapeFullURL() . "\" title=\"{$topfanbox['fantag_title']}\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-perma' ) . "</a>
 134+ <table class=\"fanBoxTable\" onclick=\"javascript:FanBoxes.openFanBoxPopup('fanboxPopUpBox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
 135+ <tr>
 136+ <td id=\"fanBoxLeftSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $topfanbox['fantag_left_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$leftfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $topfanbox['fantag_left_bgcolor'] . "\">" . $fantag_leftside . "</td>
 137+ <td id=\"fanBoxRightSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $topfanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$rightfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $topfanbox['fantag_right_bgcolor'] . "\">" . $right_text . "</td>
 138+ </tr>
 139+ </table>
 140+ </div>
 141+ </div>
 142+ </div>";
 144+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 145+ if( $check_user_fanbox == 0 ) {
 146+ $output .= "
 147+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $topfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 148+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 149+ <tr>
 150+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox' ) . "</td>
 151+ </tr>
 152+ <tr>
 153+ <td align=\"center\">
 154+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(1, {$topfanbox['fantag_id']}, 'show-addremove-message')\" />
 155+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 156+ </td>
 157+ </tr>
 158+ </table>
 159+ </div>";
 160+ } else {
 161+ $output .= "
 162+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $topfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 163+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 164+ <tr>
 165+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove-fanbox' ) . "</td>
 166+ </tr>
 167+ <tr>
 168+ <td align=\"center\">
 169+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(2, {$topfanbox['fantag_id']}, 'show-addremove-message')\" />
 170+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 171+ </td>
 172+ </tr>
 173+ </table>
 174+ </div>";
 175+ }
 176+ }
 178+ if( $wgUser->getID() == 0 ) {
 179+ $login = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' );
 180+ $output .= "<div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $topfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 181+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 182+ <tr>
 183+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox-login' ) .
 184+ " <a href=\"{$login->getFullURL()}\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-login' ) . "</a>
 185+ </td>
 186+ </tr>
 187+ <tr>
 188+ <td align=\"center\">
 189+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$topfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 190+ </td>
 191+ </tr>
 192+ </table>
 193+ </div>";
 194+ }
 196+ $output .= '</div></span>';
 197+ $output .= '<div class="top-fanbox-users">
 198+ <table>
 199+ <tr>
 200+ <td class="centerheight">
 201+ <b><a href="' . $fantag_title->escapeFullURL() . '">' .
 202+ wfMsgExt(
 203+ 'fanbox-members',
 204+ 'parsemag',
 205+ $topfanbox['fantag_count']
 206+ ) .
 207+ '</a></b>
 208+ </td>
 209+ </tr>
 210+ </table>
 211+ </div>';
 212+ $output .= '<div class="cleared"></div>';
 213+ $output .= '</div>';
 215+ $x++;
 217+ }
 218+ $output .= '</div><div class="cleared"></div>';
 219+ }
 221+ if( $topfanboxCategory ) {
 222+ $x = 1;
 224+ $output .= '<div class="top-fanboxes">';
 226+ // This variable wasn't originally defined, I'm not sure that this
 227+ // is 100% correct, but...
 228+ $categoryfanboxes = $this->getFanBoxByCategory( $topfanboxCategory );
 230+ foreach( $categoryfanboxes as $categoryfanbox ) {
 231+ $check_user_fanbox = $this->checkIfUserHasFanbox( $categoryfanbox['fantag_id'] );
 233+ if( $categoryfanbox['fantag_image_name'] ) {
 234+ $fantag_image_width = 45;
 235+ $fantag_image_height = 53;
 236+ $fantag_image = wfFindFile( $categoryfanbox['fantag_image_name'] );
 237+ $fantag_image_url = '';
 238+ if ( is_object( $fantag_image ) ) {
 239+ $fantag_image_url = $fantag_image->createThumb(
 240+ $fantag_image_width,
 241+ $fantag_image_height
 242+ );
 243+ }
 244+ $fantag_image_tag = '<img alt="" src="' . $fantag_image_url . '"/>';
 245+ }
 247+ if( $categoryfanbox['fantag_left_text'] == '' ) {
 248+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_image_tag;
 249+ } else {
 250+ $fantag_leftside = $categoryfanbox['fantag_left_text'];
 251+ }
 253+ if( $categoryfanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 254+ $leftfontsize = '14px';
 255+ }
 256+ if( $categoryfanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'bigfont' ) {
 257+ $leftfontsize = '20px';
 258+ }
 260+ if( $categoryfanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'smallfont' ) {
 261+ $rightfontsize = '12px';
 262+ }
 263+ if( $categoryfanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 264+ $rightfontsize = '14px';
 265+ }
 267+ // Get permalink
 268+ $fantag_title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FANTAG, $categoryfanbox['fantag_title'] );
 270+ // Get creator
 271+ $userftusername = $categoryfanbox['fantag_user_name'];
 272+ $userftuserid = $categoryfanbox['fantag_user_id'];
 273+ $user_title = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $categoryfanbox['fantag_user_name'] );
 274+ $avatar = new wAvatar( $categoryfanbox['fantag_user_id'], 'm' );
 276+ $output .= "
 277+ <div class=\"top-fanbox-row\">
 278+ <span class=\"top-fanbox-num\">{$x}.</span><div class=\"top-fanbox\">
 280+ <div class=\"fanbox-item\">
 282+ <div class=\"individual-fanbox\" id=\"individualFanbox" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 283+ <div class=\"show-message-container\" id=\"show-message-container" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 284+ <div class=\"permalink-container\">
 285+ <a class=\"perma\" style=\"font-size:8px; color:" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . "\" href=\"" . $fantag_title->escapeFullURL() . "\" title=\"{$categoryfanbox['fantag_title']}\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-perma' ) . "</a>
 286+ <table class=\"fanBoxTable\" onclick=\"javascript:FanBoxes.openFanBoxPopup('fanboxPopUpBox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
 287+ <tr>
 288+ <td id=\"fanBoxLeftSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_left_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$leftfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_left_bgcolor'] . "\">" . $fantag_leftside . "</td>
 289+ <td id=\"fanBoxRightSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$rightfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_right_bgcolor'] . "\">" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_right_text'] . '</td>
 290+ </tr>
 291+ </table>
 292+ </div>
 293+ </div>
 294+ </div>';
 296+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 297+ if( $check_user_fanbox == 0 ) {
 298+ $output .= "
 299+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 300+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 301+ <tr>
 302+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox' ) . "</td>
 303+ </tr>
 304+ <tr>
 305+ <td align=\"center\">
 306+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$categoryfanbox["fantag_id"]}', 'individualFanbox{$categoryfanbox["fantag_id"]}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(1, {$categoryfanbox["fantag_id"]}, 'show-addremove-message')\" />
 307+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$categoryfanbox["fantag_id"]}', 'individualFanbox{$categoryfanbox["fantag_id"]}')\" />
 308+ </td>
 309+ </tr>
 310+ </table>
 311+ </div>";
 312+ } else {
 313+ $output .= "
 314+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 315+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 316+ <tr>
 317+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove-fanbox' ) . "</td>
 318+ </tr>
 319+ <tr>
 320+ <td align=\"center\">
 321+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(2, {$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}, 'show-addremove-message')\" />
 322+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 323+ </td>
 324+ </tr>
 325+ </table>
 326+ </div>";
 327+ }
 328+ }
 330+ if( $wgUser->getID() == 0 ) {
 331+ $login = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' );
 332+ $output .= "<div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $categoryfanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 333+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 334+ <tr>
 335+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox-login' ) .
 336+ " <a href=\"{$login->getFullURL()}\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-login' ) . "</a>
 337+ </td>
 338+ </tr>
 339+ <tr>
 340+ <td align=\"center\">
 341+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$categoryfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 342+ </td>
 343+ </tr>
 344+ </table>
 345+ </div>";
 346+ }
 348+ $output .= '</div></div>';
 349+ $output .= '<div class="top-fanbox-creator">
 350+ <table>
 351+ <tr>
 352+ <td class="centerheight"> <b> ' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-created-by' ) . ' <b> </td>
 353+ <td class="centerheight"> <b> <a href="' . $user_title->escapeFullURL() . "\">
 354+ {$avatar->getAvatarURL()}
 355+ </a></b>
 356+ </td>
 357+ </tr>
 358+ </table>
 359+ </div>";
 360+ $output .= '<div class="top-fanbox-users">
 361+ <table>
 362+ <tr>
 363+ <td class="centerheight">
 364+ <b><a href="' . $fantag_title->escapeFullURL() . '">' .
 365+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-members', $categoryfanbox['fantag_count'] ).
 366+ '</a></b>
 367+ </td>
 368+ </tr>
 369+ </table>
 370+ </div>';
 371+ $output .= '<div class="cleared"></div>';
 372+ $output .= '</div>';
 374+ $x++;
 376+ }
 377+ $output .= '</div><div class="cleared"></div>';
 379+ }
 380+ $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
 382+ }
 384+ function getTopFanboxes( $orderBy ) {
 385+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 387+ $res = $dbr->select(
 388+ 'fantag',
 389+ array(
 390+ 'fantag_id', 'fantag_title', 'fantag_pg_id', 'fantag_left_text',
 391+ 'fantag_left_textcolor', 'fantag_left_bgcolor',
 392+ 'fantag_right_text', 'fantag_right_textcolor',
 393+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor', 'fantag_image_name',
 394+ 'fantag_left_textsize', 'fantag_right_textsize', 'fantag_count',
 395+ 'fantag_user_id', 'fantag_user_name', 'fantag_date'
 396+ ),
 397+ array(),
 398+ __METHOD__,
 399+ array( 'ORDER BY' => "$orderBy DESC", 'LIMIT' => 50 )
 400+ );
 402+ $topFanboxes = array();
 403+ foreach( $res as $row ) {
 404+ $topFanboxes[] = array(
 405+ 'fantag_id' => $row->fantag_id,
 406+ 'fantag_title' => $row->fantag_title,
 407+ 'fantag_pg_id' => $row->fantag_pg_id,
 408+ 'fantag_left_text' => $row->fantag_left_text,
 409+ 'fantag_left_textcolor' => $row->fantag_left_textcolor,
 410+ 'fantag_left_bgcolor' => $row->fantag_left_bgcolor,
 411+ 'fantag_right_text' => $row->fantag_right_text,
 412+ 'fantag_right_textcolor' => $row->fantag_right_textcolor,
 413+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor' => $row->fantag_right_bgcolor,
 414+ 'fantag_image_name' => $row->fantag_image_name,
 415+ 'fantag_left_textsize' => $row->fantag_left_textsize,
 416+ 'fantag_right_textsize' => $row->fantag_right_textsize,
 417+ 'fantag_count' => $row->fantag_count,
 418+ 'fantag_user_id' => $row->fantag_user_id,
 419+ 'fantag_user_name' => $row->fantag_user_name,
 420+ 'fantag_date' => $row->fantag_date,
 421+ );
 422+ }
 424+ return $topFanboxes;
 425+ }
 427+ function checkIfUserHasFanbox( $userft_fantag_id ) {
 428+ global $wgUser;
 429+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 430+ $res = $dbr->select(
 431+ 'user_fantag',
 432+ array( 'COUNT(*) AS count' ),
 433+ array(
 434+ 'userft_user_name' => $wgUser->getName(),
 435+ 'userft_fantag_id' => intval( $userft_fantag_id )
 436+ ),
 437+ __METHOD__
 438+ );
 439+ $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res );
 440+ $check_fanbox_count = 0;
 441+ if( $row ) {
 442+ $check_fanbox_count = $row->count;
 443+ }
 444+ return $check_fanbox_count;
 445+ }
 447+ public function getFanBoxByCategory( $category ) {
 448+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 450+ $res = $dbr->select(
 451+ array( 'fantag', 'categorylinks' ),
 452+ array(
 453+ 'fantag_id', 'fantag_title', 'fantag_pg_id',
 454+ 'fantag_left_text', 'fantag_left_textcolor',
 455+ 'fantag_left_bgcolor', 'fantag_right_text',
 456+ 'fantag_right_textcolor', 'fantag_right_bgcolor',
 457+ 'fantag_image_name', 'fantag_left_textsize',
 458+ 'fantag_right_textsize', 'fantag_count',
 459+ 'fantag_user_id', 'fantag_user_name'
 460+ ),
 461+ array( 'cl_to' => $category ),
 462+ __METHOD__,
 463+ array( 'ORDER BY' => 'fantag_count DESC' ),
 464+ array( 'categorylinks' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 'cl_from = fantag_pg_id' ) )
 465+ );
 467+ $categoryFanboxes = array();
 468+ foreach( $res as $row ) {
 469+ $categoryFanboxes[] = array(
 470+ 'fantag_id' => $row->fantag_id,
 471+ 'fantag_title' => $row->fantag_title,
 472+ 'fantag_pg_id' => $row->fantag_pg_id,
 473+ 'fantag_left_text' => $row->fantag_left_text,
 474+ 'fantag_left_textcolor' => $row->fantag_left_textcolor,
 475+ 'fantag_left_bgcolor' => $row->fantag_left_bgcolor,
 476+ 'fantag_right_text' => $row->fantag_right_text,
 477+ 'fantag_right_textcolor' => $row->fantag_right_textcolor,
 478+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor' => $row->fantag_right_bgcolor,
 479+ 'fantag_image_name' => $row->fantag_image_name,
 480+ 'fantag_left_textsize' => $row->fantag_left_textsize,
 481+ 'fantag_right_textsize' => $row->fantag_right_textsize,
 482+ 'fantag_count' => $row->fantag_count,
 483+ 'fantag_user_id' => $row->fantag_user_id,
 484+ 'fantag_user_name' => $row->fantag_user_name,
 485+ );
 486+ }
 488+ return $categoryFanboxes;
 489+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialTopFanBoxes.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1491 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
 2+var FanBoxes = {
 3+ // Display right side of fanbox as user inputs info
 4+ displayRightSide: function() {
 5+ var rightSideOutput = document.form1.inputRightSide.value;
 6+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxRightSideOutput2' ).innerHTML = rightSideOutput;
 7+ },
 9+ /**
 10+ * Display left side as user inputs info and sets imagename value to empty
 11+ * (just in case he previously uploaded an image)
 12+ */
 13+ displayLeftSide: function() {
 14+ var leftSideOutput = document.form1.inputLeftSide.value;
 15+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).innerHTML = leftSideOutput;
 16+ document.getElementById( 'fantag_image_name' ).value = '';
 17+ },
 19+ /**
 20+ * If user uploaded image, and then typed in text, and now wants to insert
 21+ * image again, he can just click it
 22+ */
 23+ insertImageToLeft: function() {
 24+ var imageElement = document.getElementById( 'fanbox_image' );
 25+ document.getElementById( 'fantag_image_name' ).value = imageElement.value;
 26+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).innerHTML = imageElement.innerHTML;
 27+ document.getElementById( 'inputLeftSide' ).value = '';
 28+ },
 30+ // Countdown as user types characters
 31+ limitText: function( limitField, limitCount, limitNum ) {
 32+ if( limitField.value.length > limitNum ) {
 33+ limitField.value = limitField.value.substring( 0, limitNum );
 34+ } else {
 35+ limitCount.value = limitNum - limitField.value.length;
 36+ }
 37+ },
 39+ // Limits the left side fanbox so user can't type in tons of characters without a space
 40+ leftSideFanBoxFormat: function() {
 41+ var str_left_side = document.form1.inputLeftSide.value;
 42+ var str_left_side_length = document.form1.inputLeftSide.value.length;
 43+ var space_position = str_left_side.substring(
 44+ str_left_side_length - 5, str_left_side_length ).search( ' ' );
 45+ if( str_left_side.length < 6 ) {
 46+ document.form1.inputLeftSide.maxLength = 11;
 47+ }
 48+ if( space_position == -1 && str_left_side.length > 6 ) {
 49+ document.form1.inputLeftSide.maxLength = str_left_side.length;
 50+ }
 51+ if( space_position == -1 && str_left_side.length == 6 ) {
 52+ document.form1.inputLeftSide.value =
 53+ document.form1.inputLeftSide.value.substring( 0, 5 ) + ' ' +
 54+ document.form1.inputLeftSide.value.substring( 5, 6 );
 55+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).innerHTML =
 56+ document.form1.inputLeftSide.value.substring( 0, 5 ) + ' ' +
 57+ document.form1.inputLeftSide.value.substring( 5, 7 );
 58+ }
 59+ if( str_left_side.length >= 5 ) {
 60+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).style.fontSize = '14px';
 61+ document.getElementById( 'textSizeLeftSide' ).value = 'mediumfont';
 62+ } else {
 63+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).style.fontSize = '20px';
 64+ document.getElementById( 'textSizeLeftSide' ).value = 'bigfont';
 65+ }
 66+ },
 68+ /**
 69+ * Limits right side so user can't type in tons of characters without a
 70+ * space
 71+ */
 72+ rightSideFanBoxFormat: function() {
 73+ var str_right_side = document.form1.inputRightSide.value;
 74+ var str_right_side_length = document.form1.inputRightSide.value.length;
 75+ var space_position = str_right_side.substring(
 76+ str_right_side_length - 17, str_right_side_length ).search( ' ' );
 77+ if( str_right_side.length < 18 ) {
 78+ document.form1.inputRightSide.maxLength = 70;
 79+ }
 80+ if( space_position == -1 && str_right_side.length > 18 ) {
 81+ document.form1.inputRightSide.maxLength = str_right_side.length;
 82+ }
 83+ if( space_position == -1 && str_right_side.length == 18 ) {
 84+ document.form1.inputRightSide.value =
 85+ document.form1.inputRightSide.value.substring( 0, 17 ) + ' ' +
 86+ document.form1.inputRightSide.value.substring( 17, 18 );
 87+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxRightSideOutput2' ).innerHTML =
 88+ document.form1.inputRightSide.value.substring( 0, 17 ) + ' ' +
 89+ document.form1.inputRightSide.value.substring( 17, 19 );
 90+ }
 92+ if( str_right_side.length >= 52 ) {
 93+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxRightSideOutput2' ).style.fontSize = '12px';
 94+ document.getElementById( 'textSizeRightSide' ).value = 'smallfont';
 95+ } else {
 96+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxRightSideOutput2' ).style.fontSize = '14px';
 97+ document.getElementById( 'textSizeRightSide' ).value = 'mediumfont';
 98+ }
 99+ },
 101+ /**
 102+ * The below 3 functions are used to open, add/remove, and close the fanbox
 103+ * popup box when you click on it
 104+ */
 105+ openFanBoxPopup: function( popupBox, fanBox ) {
 106+ popupBox = document.getElementById( popupBox );
 107+ fanBox = document.getElementById( fanBox );
 108+ popupBox.style.display = ( popupBox.style.display == 'block' ) ? 'none' : 'block';
 109+ fanBox.style.display = ( fanBox.style.display == 'none' ) ? 'block' : 'none';
 110+ },
 112+ closeFanboxAdd: function( popupBox, fanBox ) {
 113+ popupBox = document.getElementById( popupBox );
 114+ fanBox = document.getElementById( fanBox );
 115+ popupBox.style.display = 'none';
 116+ fanBox.style.display = 'block';
 117+ },
 119+ /**
 120+ * Display image box
 121+ */
 122+ displayAddImage: function( el, el2, el3 ) {
 123+ el = document.getElementById( el );
 124+ el.style.display = ( el.style.display == 'block' ) ? 'none' : 'block';
 125+ el2 = document.getElementById( el2 );
 126+ el3 = document.getElementById( el3 );
 127+ el2.style.display = 'none';
 128+ el3.style.display = 'inline';
 129+ },
 131+ /**
 132+ * Insert a tag (category) from the category cloud into the inputbox below
 133+ * it on Special:UserBoxes
 134+ *
 135+ * @param tagname String: category name
 136+ * @param tagnumber Integer
 137+ */
 138+ insertTag: function( tagname, tagnumber ) {
 139+ document.getElementById( 'tag-' + tagnumber ).style.color = '#CCCCCC';
 140+ document.getElementById( 'tag-' + tagnumber ).innerHTML = tagname;
 141+ // Funny...if you move this getElementById call into a variable and use
 142+ // that variable here, this won't work as intended
 143+ document.getElementById( 'pageCtg' ).value += ( ( document.getElementById( 'pageCtg' ).value ) ? ', ' : '' ) + tagname;
 144+ },
 146+ showMessage: function( addRemove, title, fantagId ) {
 147+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + fantagId ).style.display = 'none';
 148+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + fantagId ).style.visibility = 'hidden';
 149+ sajax_request_type = 'POST';
 150+ sajax_do_call( 'wfFanBoxShowaddRemoveMessage', [ addRemove, title, fantagId ], function( request ) {
 151+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + fantagId ).innerHTML = request.responseText;
 152+ jQuery( '#show-message-container' + fantagId ).fadeIn( 2000 );
 153+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + fantagId ).style.display = 'block';
 154+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + fantagId ).style.visibility = 'visible';
 155+ });
 156+ },
 158+ showAddRemoveMessageUserPage: function( addRemove, id, style ) {
 159+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + id ).style.display = 'none';
 160+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + id ).style.visibility = 'hidden';
 161+ sajax_request_type = 'POST';
 162+ sajax_do_call( 'wfMessageAddRemoveUserPage', [ addRemove, id, style ], function( request ) {
 163+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + id ).innerHTML = request.responseText;
 164+ jQuery( '#show-message-container' + id ).fadeIn( 2000 );
 165+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + id ).style.display = 'block';
 166+ document.getElementById( 'show-message-container' + id ).style.visibility = 'visible';
 167+ });
 168+ },
 170+ /**
 171+ * Create a fantag, performing various checks before submitting the
 172+ * document.
 173+ *
 174+ * Moved from SpecialFanBoxes.php
 175+ */
 176+ createFantag: function() {
 177+ if( !document.getElementById( 'inputRightSide' ).value ) {
 178+ alert( __FANBOX_MUSTENTER_RIGHT_OR__ );
 179+ return '';
 180+ }
 182+ if(
 183+ !document.getElementById( 'inputLeftSide' ).value &&
 184+ !document.getElementById( 'fantag_image_name' ).value
 185+ )
 186+ {
 187+ alert( __FANBOX_MUSTENTER_LEFT__ );
 188+ return '';
 189+ }
 191+ var title = document.getElementById( 'wpTitle' ).value;
 192+ if( !title ) {
 193+ alert( __FANBOX_MUSTENTER_TITLE__ );
 194+ return '';
 195+ }
 197+ if( title.indexOf( '#' ) > -1 ) {
 198+ alert( __FANBOX_HASH__ );
 199+ return '';
 200+ }
 202+ // Encode ampersands
 203+ title = title.replace( '&', '%26' );
 205+ sajax_request_type = 'POST';
 206+ sajax_do_call(
 207+ 'wfFanBoxesTitleExists',
 208+ [ encodeURIComponent( document.getElementById( 'wpTitle' ) ) ],
 209+ function( req ) {
 210+ if( req.responseText.indexOf( 'OK' ) >= 0 ) {
 211+ document.form1.submit();
 212+ } else {
 213+ alert( __FANBOX_CHOOSE_ANOTHER__ );
 214+ }
 215+ }
 216+ );
 217+ },
 219+ /**
 220+ * Simpler version of FanBoxes.createFantag(); this one checks that the
 221+ * right side input has something and that the left side input has
 222+ * something and then submits the form.
 223+ */
 224+ createFantagSimple: function() {
 225+ if( !document.getElementById( 'inputRightSide' ).value ) {
 226+ alert( __FANBOX_MUSTENTER_RIGHT__ );
 227+ return '';
 228+ }
 230+ if(
 231+ !document.getElementById( 'inputLeftSide' ).value &&
 232+ !document.getElementById( 'fantag_image_name' ).value
 233+ )
 234+ {
 235+ alert( __FANBOX_MUSTENTER_LEFT__ );
 236+ return '';
 237+ }
 239+ document.form1.submit();
 240+ },
 242+ resetUpload: function() {
 243+ var frame = document.getElementById( 'imageUpload-frame' );
 244+ frame.src = wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:FanBoxAjaxUpload';
 245+ frame.style.display = 'block';
 246+ frame.style.visibility = 'visible';
 247+ },
 249+ completeImageUpload: function() {
 250+ var html = '<div style="margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;"><img height="30" width="30" src="' +
 251+ wgScriptPath + '/extensions/FanBoxes/ajax-loader-white.gif" alt="" /></div>';
 252+ document.getElementById( 'fanbox_image' ).innerHTML = html;
 253+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).innerHTML = html;
 254+ },
 256+ uploadComplete: function( img_tag, img_name ) {
 257+ document.getElementById( 'fanbox_image' ).innerHTML = img_tag;
 258+ document.getElementById( 'fanbox_image2' ).innerHTML =
 259+ '<p><a href="javascript:FanBoxes.resetUpload();">' +
 260+ __FANBOX_UPLOAD_NEW_IMAGE__ + '</a></p>';
 261+ document.getElementById( 'fanbox_image' ).value = img_name;
 263+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).innerHTML = img_tag;
 264+ document.getElementById( 'fantag_image_name' ).value = img_name;
 266+ document.getElementById( 'inputLeftSide' ).value = '';
 267+ document.getElementById( 'imageUpload-frame' ).style.display = 'none';
 268+ document.getElementById( 'imageUpload-frame' ).style.visibility = 'hidden';
 269+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxes.js
Added: svn:eol-style
1271 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.i18n.php
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
 4+ * Internationalization file for the FanBox extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ */
 10+$messages = array();
 12+/** English
 13+ * @author Aaron Wright <aaron.wright@gmail.com>
 14+ * @author David Pean <david.pean@gmail.com>
 15+ */
 16+$messages['en'] = array(
 17+ 'fanbox-add' => 'Add',
 18+ 'fanbox-addtext' => 'Add Text',
 19+ 'fanbox-categories-help' => 'Categories help organize information on the site. To add multiple categories seperate them by commas.',
 20+ 'fanbox-categories-label' => 'Categories',
 21+ 'fanbox-choose-another' => 'Please choose another title',
 22+ 'fanbox-create-button' => 'Create',
 23+ 'fanbox-created-by' => 'created by:',
 24+ 'fanbox-hash' => '# is an invalid character for the title.',
 25+ 'fanbox-members' => '{{PLURAL:$1|one member|$1 members}}',
 26+ 'fanbox-mustenter-left' => 'You must enter either text or an image for the left side',
 27+ 'fanbox-mustenter-right' => 'You must enter text for the right side',
 28+ 'fanbox-mustenter-right-or' => 'You must enter text for the right side',
 29+ 'fanbox-mustenter-title' => 'You must enter a title',
 30+ 'fanbox-perma' => 'perma',
 31+ 'fanbox-prev' => 'Prev',
 32+ 'fanbox-next' => 'Next',
 33+ 'fan-addfan-title' => 'Create a userbox',
 34+ 'fan-createfor' => 'Create a userbox for $1',
 35+ 'fan-createfannotloggedin'=> 'You must log-in to create a userbox.',
 36+ 'fan-updatefan' => 'Edit Userbox for "$1"',
 37+ 'fanbox-instructions' => 'Choose a title for the userbox, add text (or an image) and color to the left and right side and press create! It\'s that easy!',
 38+ 'fanbox-title' => 'Title',
 39+ 'fanbox-leftsidetext' => 'Left Side',
 40+ 'fanbox-display-image'=> ' (add an image)',
 41+ 'fanbox-close-image'=> ' (close image box)',
 42+ 'fanbox-leftsideinstructions' => '(Maximum characters: 10; 5 per line)',
 43+ 'fanbox-rightsidetext' => 'Right Side',
 44+ 'fanbox-rightsideinstructions' => '(Maximum characters: 70)',
 45+ 'fanbox-charsleft' => '(you have $1 characters left)',
 46+ 'fanbox-leftbg-color' => 'Left Background',
 47+ 'fanbox-lefttext-color' => 'Left Text',
 48+ 'fanbox-rightbg-color' => 'Right Background',
 49+ 'fanbox-righttext-color' => 'Right Text',
 50+ 'fanbox-leftsideimage' => 'Add an Image',
 51+ 'fanbox-leftsideimageinstructions' => '(instead of text, you can add an image to left side)',
 52+ 'fanboxes-maxchars-sixty' => 'Maximum characters: 60',
 53+ 'fanbox-upload-image-button' => 'Upload',
 54+ 'fanbox-upload-new-image' => 'Upload New Image',
 55+ 'fanbox-update-button' => 'Edit',
 56+ 'fanbox-userdoesnotexist' => 'The user you are trying to view does not exist.',
 57+ 'fanbox-woops' => 'Woops, you took a wrong turn!',
 58+ 'fanbox-userbox-category' => 'Userboxes', # default category where all userboxes will be put into
 59+ 'fanbox-summary-new' => 'new userbox',
 60+ 'fanbox-summary-update' => 'update userbox',
 61+ 'fan-addfan-exists' => 'The title for your userbox already exists. Please choose another title for the userbox.',
 62+ 'f-list-title' => "$1's Userbox List",
 63+ 'f-back-link' => '< Back to $1\'s Page',
 64+ 'f-count' => '$1 has $2 {{PLURAL:$2|userbox|userboxes}}.',
 65+ 'fan-embed' => 'Embed',
 66+ 'fan-add-colors' => 'Add Colors',
 67+ 'fanbox-remove' => 'Remove',
 68+ 'fanbox-remove-fanbox' => 'Remove this box from your userpage?',
 69+ 'fanbox-add-fanbox' => 'Add this box to your userpage?',
 70+ 'fanbox-add-fanbox-login' => 'Want to add this to your userpage?',
 71+ 'fanbox-login' => 'Login.',
 72+ 'fanbox-nav-header' => 'Userboxes',
 73+ 'top-fanboxes-link' => 'Top Userboxes',
 74+ 'most-recent-fanboxes-link' => 'Most Recent Userboxes',
 75+ 'fanbox-successful-add' => 'You have successfully added this userbox to your userpage.',
 76+ 'fanbox-successful-remove' => 'You have successfully removed this userbox from your userpage.',
 77+ 'fanbox-users-with-fanbox' => 'Fans with this Userbox',
 78+ 'fanbox-users-with-fanbox-message' => 'Other people interested in the same stuff',
 79+ 'fanbox-woops-title' => 'Woops!',
 80+ 'user-fanbox-title' => 'Userboxes',
 81+ 'topuserboxes' => 'Top UserBoxes',
 82+ 'viewuserboxes' => 'View UserBoxes',
 83+ 'userboxes' => 'Create a Userbox',
 84+ 'userboxes-instructions' => '<!-- Put instructions or stuff here -->', # do not translate this
 85+ 'fanbox-top-list-is-empty' => 'There are no top userboxes yet. [[Special:UserBoxes|Create a userbox!]]',
 88+/** Finnish (Suomi)
 89+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 90+ */
 91+$messages['fi'] = array(
 92+ 'fanbox-add' => 'Lisää',
 93+ 'fanbox-addtext' => 'Lisää tekstiä',
 94+ 'fanbox-categories-help' => 'Luokat auttavat järjestämään tietoa tässä wikissä. Lisätäksesi useita luokkia, erottele ne pilkuin.',
 95+ 'fanbox-categories-label' => 'Luokat',
 96+ 'fanbox-choose-another' => 'Ole hyvä ja valitse toinen otsikko',
 97+ 'fanbox-create-button' => 'Luo',
 98+ 'fanbox-created-by' => 'luonut:',
 99+ 'fanbox-hash' => '# on merkki, joka ei kelpaa otsikkoon.',
 100+ 'fanbox-members' => '{{PLURAL:$1|yksi jäsen|$1 jäsentä}}',
 101+ 'fanbox-mustenter-left' => 'Sinun tulee antaa joko tekstiä tai kuva vasemmalle puolelle',
 102+ 'fanbox-mustenter-right' => 'Sinun tulee antaa tekstiä oikealle puolelle',
 103+ 'fanbox-mustenter-right-or' => 'Sinun tulee antaa tekstiä oikealle puolelle',
 104+ 'fanbox-mustenter-title' => 'Sinun tulee antaa otsikko',
 105+ 'fanbox-perma' => 'ikilinkki',
 106+ 'fanbox-prev' => 'edell.',
 107+ 'fanbox-next' => 'seur.',
 108+ 'fan-addfan-title' => 'Luo käyttäjälaatikko',
 109+ 'fan-createfor' => 'Luo käyttäjälaatikko $1',
 110+ 'fan-createfannotloggedin'=> 'Sinun tulee kirjautua sisään voidaksesi luoda käyttäjälaatikon.',
 111+ 'fan-updatefan' => 'Päivitä käyttäjälaatikko "$1"',
 112+ 'fanbox-instructions' => 'Valitse otsikko käyttäjälaatikollesi, lisää tekstiä (tai kuva) ja väriä vasemmalle puolelle ja oikealle puolelle ja paina "Luo"-nappia. Se on niin helppoa!',
 113+ 'fanbox-title' => 'Otsikko',
 114+ 'fanbox-leftsidetext' => 'Vasen puoli',
 115+ 'fanbox-display-image'=> ' (lisää kuva)',
 116+ 'fanbox-close-image'=> ' (sulje kuvalaatikko)',
 117+ 'fanbox-leftsideinstructions' => '(Suurin merkkimäärä: 10; 5 riviä kohden)',
 118+ 'fanbox-rightsidetext' => 'Oikea puoli',
 119+ 'fanbox-rightsideinstructions' => '(Suurin merkkimäärä: 70)',
 120+ 'fanbox-charsleft' => '(sinulla on $1 merkkiä jäljellä)',
 121+ 'fanbox-leftbg-color' => 'Vasen tausta',
 122+ 'fanbox-lefttext-color' => 'Vasen teksti',
 123+ 'fanbox-rightbg-color' => 'Oikea tausta',
 124+ 'fanbox-righttext-color' => 'Oikea teksti',
 125+ 'fanbox-leftsideimage' => 'Lisää kuva',
 126+ 'fanbox-leftsideimageinstructions' => '(tekstin sijaan voit lisätä kuvan vasemmalle puolelle)',
 127+ 'fanboxes-maxchars-sixty' => 'Suurin merkkimäärä: 60',
 128+ 'fanbox-upload-image-button' => 'Tallenna',
 129+ 'fanbox-upload-new-image' => 'Tallenna uusi kuva',
 130+ 'fanbox-update-button' => 'Muokkaa',
 131+ 'fanbox-userdoesnotexist' => 'Käyttäjää, jota koitat katsoa, ei ole olemassa',
 132+ 'fanbox-woops' => 'Hups, astuit harhaan!',
 133+ 'fanbox-userbox-category' => 'Käyttäjälaatikot',
 134+ 'fanbox-summary-new' => 'uusi käyttäjälaatikko',
 135+ 'fanbox-summary-update' => 'käyttäjälaatikko päivitetty',
 136+ 'fan-addfan-exists' => 'Käyttäjälaatikkosi otsikko on jo olemassa. Ole hyvä ja valitse toinen otsiko käyttäjälaatikollesi.',
 137+ 'f-list-title' => 'Käyttäjän $1 käyttäjälaatikkolista',
 138+ 'f-back-link' => '< Takaisin käyttäjän $1 sivulle',
 139+ 'f-count' => 'Käyttäjällä $1 on $2 {{PLURAL:$2|käyttäjälaatikko|käyttäjälaatikkoa}}.',
 140+ 'fan-embed' => 'Upota',
 141+ 'fan-add-colors' => 'Lisää värejä',
 142+ 'fanbox-remove' => 'Poista',
 143+ 'fanbox-remove-fanbox' => 'Poista tämä laatikko käyttäjäsivultasi?',
 144+ 'fanbox-add-fanbox' => 'Lisää tämä laatikko käyttäjäsivullesi?',
 145+ 'fanbox-add-fanbox-login' => 'Haluatko lisätä tämän käyttäjäsivullesi?',
 146+ 'fanbox-login' => 'Kirjaudu sisään.',
 147+ 'fanbox-nav-header' => 'Käyttäjälaatikot',
 148+ 'top-fanboxes-link' => 'Parhaimmat käyttäjälaatikot',
 149+ 'most-recent-fanboxes-link' => 'Tuoreimmat käyttäjälaatikot',
 150+ 'fanbox-successful-add' => 'Olet onnistuneesti lisännyt tämän käyttäjälaatikon käyttäjäsivullesi.',
 151+ 'fanbox-successful-remove' => 'Olet onnistuneesti poistanut tämän käyttäjälaatikon käyttäjäsivultasi.',
 152+ 'fanbox-users-with-fanbox' => 'Fanit, joilla on tämä käyttäjälaatikko',
 153+ 'fanbox-users-with-fanbox-message' => 'Muut ihmiset, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet samoista asioista',
 154+ 'fanbox-woops-title' => 'Ups!',
 155+ 'user-fanbox-title' => 'Käyttäjälaatikot',
 156+ 'topuserboxes' => 'Parhaimmat käyttäjälaatikot',
 157+ 'viewuserboxes' => 'Katso käyttäjälaatikkoja',
 158+ 'userboxes' => 'Luo käyttäjälaatikko',
 161+/** French (Français)
 162+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 163+ */
 164+$messages['fr'] = array(
 165+ 'fanbox-add' => 'Ajouter',
 166+ 'fanbox-addtext' => 'Ajouter le texte',
 167+ 'fanbox-categories-label' => 'Catégories',
 168+ 'fanbox-create-button' => 'Créer',
 169+ 'fanbox-members' => '{{PLURAL:$1|un membre|$1 membres}}',
 170+ 'fanbox-perma' => 'lien permanent',
 171+ 'fan-addfan-title' => 'Créer une boîte utilisateur',
 172+ 'fan-createfor' => 'Créer une boîte utilisateur pour $1',
 173+ 'fan-createfannotloggedin'=> 'Vous devez vous connecter pour créer une boîte utilisateur.',
 174+ 'fan-updatefan' => 'Modifier boîte utilisateur pour $1',
 175+ 'fanbox-title' => 'Titre',
 176+ 'fanbox-upload-image-button' => 'Téléverser',
 177+ 'fanbox-upload-new-image' => 'Téléverser une nouvelle image',
 178+ 'fanbox-update-button' => 'Modifier',
 179+ 'fanbox-userbox-category' => 'Boîtes utilisateur',
 180+ 'fanbox-summary-new' => 'nouvelle boîte utilisateur',
 181+ 'f-count' => '$1 a $2 {{PLURAL:$2|boîte utilisateur|boîtes utilisateur}}.',
 182+ 'fan-add-colors' => 'Ajouter coleurs',
 183+ 'fanbox-nav-header' => 'Boîtes utilisateur',
 184+ 'user-fanbox-title' => 'Boîtes utilisateur',
 185+ 'userboxes' => 'Créer une boîte utilisateur',
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.i18n.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1187 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.namespaces.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
 4+ * Translations of the UserBox namespace.
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ */
 9+$namespaceNames = array();
 11+// For wikis where the FanBoxes extension is not installed.
 12+if( !defined( 'NS_FANTAG' ) ) {
 13+ define( 'NS_FANTAG', 600 );
 16+if( !defined( 'NS_FANTAG_TALK' ) ) {
 17+ define( 'NS_FANTAG_TALK', 601 );
 20+/** English */
 21+$namespaceNames['en'] = array(
 22+ NS_FANTAG => 'UserBox',
 23+ NS_FANTAG_TALK => 'UserBox_talk',
 26+/** Finnish (Suomi) */
 27+$namespaceNames['fi'] = array(
 28+ NS_FANTAG => 'Käyttäjälaatikko',
 29+ NS_FANTAG_TALK => 'Keskustelu_käyttäjälaatikosta',
 32+/** Dutch (Nederlands) */
 33+$namespaceNames['nl'] = array(
 34+ NS_FANTAG => 'Gebruikers_box',
 35+ NS_FANTAG_TALK => 'Overleg_gebruikers_box',
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.namespaces.php
Added: svn:eol-style
137 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxesClass.php
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
 4+ * @file
 5+ * @todo document
 6+ */
 7+class UserFanBoxes {
 9+ var $user_id; # Text form (spaces not underscores) of the main part
 10+ var $user_name; # Text form (spaces not underscores) of the main part
 12+ /**
 13+ * Constructor
 14+ * @todo FIXME: we could, in theory, drop this function and the private
 15+ * class member variables as they are unused in here, we'd
 16+ * just need to fix all the callers
 17+ * @private
 18+ */
 19+ /* private */ function __construct( $username ) {
 20+ $title1 = Title::newFromDBkey( $username );
 21+ $this->user_name = $title1->getText();
 22+ $this->user_id = User::idFromName( $this->user_name );
 23+ }
 25+ /**
 26+ * Used on SpecialViewFanBoxes page to get all the user's fanboxes
 27+ *
 28+ * @param $type Integer: unused
 29+ * @param $limit Integer: LIMIT for the SQL query
 30+ * @param $page Integer: the current page; used to build pagination links
 31+ * and also used here to calculate the OFFSET for the
 32+ * SQL query
 33+ * @return Array
 34+ */
 35+ public function getUserFanboxes( $type, $limit = 0, $page = 0 ) {
 36+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 38+ $params['ORDER BY'] = 'userft_date DESC';
 39+ //$limit_sql = '';
 40+ if( $limit > 0 ) {
 41+ $limitvalue = 0;
 42+ if( $page ) {
 43+ $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ( $limit );
 44+ }
 45+ $params['LIMIT'] = $limit;
 46+ $params['OFFSET'] = $limitvalue;
 47+ //$limit_sql = " LIMIT {$limitvalue},{$limit} ";
 48+ }
 50+ $res = $dbr->select(
 51+ array( 'fantag', 'user_fantag' ),
 52+ array(
 53+ 'fantag_id',
 54+ 'fantag_title',
 55+ 'fantag_left_text',
 56+ 'fantag_left_textcolor',
 57+ 'fantag_left_bgcolor',
 58+ 'fantag_right_text',
 59+ 'fantag_right_textcolor',
 60+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor',
 61+ 'userft_date',
 62+ 'fantag_image_name',
 63+ 'fantag_left_textsize',
 64+ 'fantag_right_textsize'
 65+ ),
 66+ array( 'userft_user_id' => $this->user_id ),
 67+ __METHOD__,
 68+ $params,
 69+ array( 'user_fantag' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 'userft_fantag_id = fantag_id' ) )
 70+ );
 72+ $userFanboxes = array();
 73+ foreach ( $res as $row ) {
 74+ $userFanboxes[] = array(
 75+ 'fantag_id' => $row->fantag_id,
 76+ 'fantag_title' => $row->fantag_title,
 77+ 'fantag_left_text' => $row->fantag_left_text,
 78+ 'fantag_left_textcolor' => $row->fantag_left_textcolor,
 79+ 'fantag_left_bgcolor' => $row->fantag_left_bgcolor,
 80+ 'fantag_right_text' => $row->fantag_right_text,
 81+ 'fantag_right_textcolor' => $row->fantag_right_textcolor,
 82+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor' => $row->fantag_right_bgcolor,
 83+ 'fantag_image_name' => $row->fantag_image_name,
 84+ 'fantag_left_textsize' => $row->fantag_left_textsize,
 85+ 'fantag_right_textsize' => $row->fantag_right_textsize
 86+ );
 87+ }
 89+ return $userFanboxes;
 90+ }
 92+ /**
 93+ * Used on Special:ViewFanBoxes page to get the count of a user's fanboxes
 94+ * so we can build the prev/next bar
 95+ *
 96+ * @param $user_name String: name of the user whose fanbox count we want to
 97+ * get
 98+ * @return Integer: amount of fanboxes the user has, or 0 if they have none
 99+ */
 100+ static function getFanBoxCountByUsername( $user_name ) {
 101+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 102+ $res = $dbw->select(
 103+ 'user_fantag',
 104+ array( 'COUNT(*) AS count' ),
 105+ array( 'userft_user_name' => $user_name ),
 106+ __METHOD__,
 107+ array( 'LIMIT' => 1 )
 108+ );
 109+ $row = $dbw->fetchObject( $res );
 110+ $user_fanbox_count = 0;
 111+ if( $row ) {
 112+ $user_fanbox_count = $row->count;
 113+ }
 114+ return $user_fanbox_count;
 115+ }
 117+ /**
 118+ * Used on Special:ViewFanBoxes to know whether popup box should be Add or
 119+ * Remove fanbox
 120+ *
 121+ * @param $userft_fantag_id Integer: user ID number
 122+ * @return Integer:
 123+ */
 124+ public function checkIfUserHasFanbox( $userft_fantag_id ) {
 125+ global $wgUser;
 126+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 127+ $res = $dbw->select(
 128+ 'user_fantag',
 129+ array( 'COUNT(*) AS count' ),
 130+ array(
 131+ 'userft_user_name' => $wgUser->getName(),
 132+ 'userft_fantag_id' => intval( $userft_fantag_id )
 133+ ),
 134+ __METHOD__
 135+ );
 136+ $row = $dbw->fetchObject( $res );
 137+ $check_fanbox_count = 0;
 138+ if( $row ) {
 139+ $check_fanbox_count = $row->count;
 140+ }
 141+ return $check_fanbox_count;
 142+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxesClass.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1145 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/UserBoxesHook.php
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
 4+ * <userboxes> parser hook extension -- allows displaying your own userboxes in
 5+ * a wiki page
 6+ *
 7+ * @file
 8+ * @ingroup Extensions
 9+ */
 10+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 11+ die( "Not a valid entry point.\n" );
 14+$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfUserBoxesHook';
 17+ * Register the <userboxes> tag with the Parser.
 18+ *
 19+ * @param $parser Object: instance of Parser (not necessarily $wgParser)
 20+ * @return Boolean: true
 21+ */
 22+function wfUserBoxesHook( &$parser ) {
 23+ $parser->setHook( 'userboxes', 'UserBoxesHook' );
 24+ return true;
 27+function UserBoxesHook( $input, $args, $parser ) {
 28+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgMemc, $wgFanBoxScripts;
 30+ $parser->disableCache();
 32+ $wgOut->addScriptFile( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.js' );
 33+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.css' );
 35+ $user_name = ( isset( $args['user'] ) ? $args['user'] : $wgUser->getName() );
 37+ $limit = 10;
 38+ if ( isset( $args['limit'] ) && is_numeric( $args['limit'] ) ) {
 39+ $limit = intval( $args['limit'] );
 40+ }
 42+ $f = new UserFanBoxes( $user_name );
 44+ // Try cache
 45+ //$key = wfMemcKey( 'user', 'profile', 'fanboxes', $f->user_id );
 46+ //$data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
 48+ //if( !$data ) {
 49+ // wfDebug( "Got profile fanboxes for user {$user_name} from DB\n" );
 50+ // $fanboxes = $f->getUserFanboxes( 0, $limit );
 51+ // $wgMemc->set( $key, $fanboxes );
 52+ //} else {
 53+ // wfDebug( "Got profile fanboxes for user {$user_name} from cache\n" );
 54+ // $fanboxes = $data;
 55+ //}
 57+ $fanboxes = $f->getUserFanboxes( 0, $limit );
 59+ $fanbox_count = $f->getFanBoxCountByUsername( $user_name );
 60+ $fanbox_link = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ViewUserBoxes' );
 61+ $per_row = 1;
 62+ $output = '';
 64+ if( $fanboxes ) {
 65+ $output .= '<div class="clearfix"><div class="user-fanbox-container">';
 67+ $x = 1;
 68+ $tagParser = new Parser();
 70+ foreach( $fanboxes as $fanbox ) {
 71+ $check_user_fanbox = $f->checkIfUserHasFanbox( $fanbox['fantag_id'] );
 73+ if( $fanbox['fantag_image_name'] ) {
 74+ $fantag_image_width = 45;
 75+ $fantag_image_height = 53;
 76+ $fantag_image = wfFindFile( $fanbox['fantag_image_name'] );
 77+ $fantag_image_url = '';
 78+ if ( is_object( $fantag_image ) ) {
 79+ $fantag_image_url = $fantag_image->createThumb(
 80+ $fantag_image_width,
 81+ $fantag_image_height
 82+ );
 83+ }
 84+ $fantag_image_tag = '<img alt="" src="' . $fantag_image_url . '" />';
 85+ }
 87+ if( $fanbox['fantag_left_text'] == '' ) {
 88+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_image_tag;
 89+ } else {
 90+ $fantag_leftside = $fanbox['fantag_left_text'];
 91+ $fantag_leftside = $tagParser->parse(
 92+ $fantag_leftside,
 93+ $wgTitle,
 94+ $wgOut->parserOptions(),
 95+ false
 96+ );
 97+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_leftside->getText();
 98+ }
 100+ $leftfontsize = '10px';
 101+ if( $fanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 102+ $leftfontsize = '11px';
 103+ }
 104+ if( $fanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'bigfont' ) {
 105+ $leftfontsize = '15px';
 106+ }
 107+ $rightfontsize = '10px';
 108+ if( $fanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'smallfont' ) {
 109+ $rightfontsize = '10px';
 110+ }
 111+ if( $fanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 112+ $rightfontsize = '11px';
 113+ }
 115+ // Get permalink
 116+ $fantag_title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FANTAG, $fanbox['fantag_title'] );
 118+ $right_text = $fanbox['fantag_right_text'];
 119+ $right_text = $tagParser->parse(
 120+ $right_text,
 121+ $wgTitle,
 122+ $wgOut->parserOptions(),
 123+ false
 124+ );
 125+ $right_text = $right_text->getText();
 127+ // Output fanboxes
 128+ $output .= "<span class=\"top-fanbox\"><div class=\"fanbox-item\">
 129+ <div class=\"individual-fanbox\" id=\"individualFanbox" . $fanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 130+ <div class=\"show-message-container-profile\" id=\"show-message-container" . $fanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 131+ <div class=\"relativeposition\">
 132+ <a class=\"perma\" style=\"font-size:8px; color:" . $fanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . "\" href=\"" . $fantag_title->escapeFullURL() . "\" title=\"{$fanbox['fantag_title']}\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-perma' ) . "</a>
 133+ <table class=\"fanBoxTableProfile\" onclick=\"javascript:FanBoxes.openFanBoxPopup('fanboxPopUpBox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}')\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
 134+ <tr>
 135+ <td id=\"fanBoxLeftSideOutputProfile\" style=\"color:" . $fanbox['fantag_left_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$leftfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $fanbox['fantag_left_bgcolor'] . "\">" . $fantag_leftside . "</td>
 136+ <td id=\"fanBoxRightSideOutputProfile\" style=\"color:" . $fanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$rightfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $fanbox['fantag_right_bgcolor'] . "\">" . $right_text . "</td>
 137+ </tr>
 138+ </table>
 139+ </div>
 140+ </div>
 141+ </div>";
 143+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 144+ if( $check_user_fanbox == 0 ) {
 145+ $output .= "
 146+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box-profile\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $fanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 147+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
 148+ <tr>
 149+ <td style=\"font-size:10px\" align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox' ) . "</td>
 150+ </tr>
 151+ <tr>
 152+ <td align=\"center\">
 153+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add' ) . "\" size=\"10\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(1, {$fanbox['fantag_id']}, 'show-addremove-message-half')\" />
 154+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"10\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 155+ </td>
 156+ </tr>
 157+ </table>
 158+ </div>";
 159+ } else {
 160+ $output .= "
 161+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box-profile\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $fanbox['fantag_id'] . "\">
 162+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
 163+ <tr>
 164+ <td style=\"font-size:10px\" align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove-fanbox' ) . "</td>
 165+ </tr>
 166+ <tr>
 167+ <td align=\"center\">
 168+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove' ) . "\" size=\"10\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(2, {$fanbox['fantag_id']}, 'show-addremove-message-half')\" />
 169+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"10\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 170+ </td>
 171+ </tr>
 172+ </table>
 173+ </div>";
 174+ }
 175+ }
 177+ if( $wgUser->getID() == 0 ) {
 178+ $login = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' );
 179+ $output .= '<div class="fanbox-pop-up-box-profile" id="fanboxPopUpBox' . $fanbox['fantag_id'] . '">
 180+ <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
 181+ <tr>
 182+ <td style="font-size: 10px" align="center">' .
 183+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox-login' ) .
 184+ "<a href=\"{$login->getFullURL()}\">" .
 185+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-login' ) . '</a>
 186+ </td>
 187+ <tr>
 188+ <td align="center">
 189+ <input type="button" value="' . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"10\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$fanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 190+ </td>
 191+ </tr>
 192+ </table>
 193+ </div>";
 194+ }
 196+ $output .= '</div></span><div class="cleared"></div>';
 197+ //if( $x == count( $fanboxes ) || $x != 1 && $x % $per_row == 0 ) $output .= '<div class="cleared"></div>';
 198+ $x++;
 199+ }
 201+ $output .= '</div></div>';
 202+ }
 204+ return $output;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/UserBoxesHook.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1206 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialViewFanBoxes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
 4+ * A special page for viewing the fanboxes of a user, either someone else or
 5+ * yourself.
 6+ *
 7+ * @file
 8+ * @ingroup Extensions
 9+ */
 10+class ViewFanBoxes extends SpecialPage {
 12+ /**
 13+ * Constructor
 14+ */
 15+ public function __construct() {
 16+ parent::__construct( 'ViewUserBoxes' );
 17+ }
 19+ /**
 20+ * Show the special page
 21+ *
 22+ * @param $par Mixed: parameter passed to the page or null
 23+ */
 24+ public function execute( $par ) {
 25+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgRequest, $wgFanBoxScripts;
 27+ // Redirect Non-logged in users to Login Page
 28+ if( $wgUser->getID() == 0 && $user_name == '' ) {
 29+ $login = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' );
 30+ $wgOut->redirect( $login->escapeFullURL( 'returnto=Special:ViewUserBoxes' ) );
 31+ return false;
 32+ }
 34+ $tagParser = new Parser();
 35+ $wgOut->addScriptFile( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.js' );
 36+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.css' );
 38+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsgHtml( 'fanbox-nav-header' ) );
 40+ // Code for viewing fanboxes for each user
 41+ $output = '';
 42+ $user_name = $wgRequest->getVal( 'user', $par );
 43+ $page = $wgRequest->getInt( 'page', 1 );
 45+ // If no user is set in the URL, we assume it's the current user
 46+ if( !$user_name ) {
 47+ $user_name = $wgUser->getName();
 48+ }
 49+ $user_id = User::idFromName( $user_name );
 50+ $user = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $user_name );
 52+ // Error message for username that does not exist (from URL)
 53+ if( $user_id == 0 ) {
 54+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'fanbox-woops' ) );
 55+ $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'fanbox-userdoesnotexist' ) );
 56+ return false;
 57+ }
 59+ // Config for the page
 60+ $per_page = 30;
 62+ // Get all FanBoxes for this user into the array
 63+ // Calls the FanBoxesClass file
 64+ $userfan = new UserFanBoxes( $user_name );
 65+ $userFanboxes = $userfan->getUserFanboxes( 0, $per_page, $page );
 66+ $total = $userfan->getFanBoxCountByUsername( $user_name );
 67+ $per_row = 3;
 69+ // Page title and top part
 70+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsgHtml( 'f-list-title', $userfan->user_name ) );
 71+ $output .= '<div class="back-links">
 72+ <a href="' . $user->getFullURL() . '">' .
 73+ wfMsgHtml( 'f-back-link', $userfan->user_name ) .
 74+ '</a>
 75+ </div>
 76+ <div class="fanbox-count">' .
 77+ wfMsgExt( 'f-count', 'parsemag', $userfan->user_name, $total ) .
 78+ '</div>
 80+ <div class="view-fanboxes-container clearfix">';
 82+ if( $userFanboxes ) {
 83+ $x = 1;
 85+ foreach( $userFanboxes as $userfanbox ) {
 86+ $check_user_fanbox = $userfan->checkIfUserHasFanbox( $userfanbox['fantag_id'] );
 88+ if( $userfanbox['fantag_image_name'] ) {
 89+ $fantag_image_width = 45;
 90+ $fantag_image_height = 53;
 91+ $fantag_image = wfFindFile( $userfanbox['fantag_image_name'] );
 92+ $fantag_image_url = '';
 93+ if ( is_object( $fantag_image ) ) {
 94+ $fantag_image_url = $fantag_image->createThumb(
 95+ $fantag_image_width,
 96+ $fantag_image_height
 97+ );
 98+ }
 99+ $fantag_image_tag = '<img alt="" src="' . $fantag_image_url . '" />';
 100+ }
 102+ if( $userfanbox['fantag_left_text'] == '' ) {
 103+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_image_tag;
 104+ } else {
 105+ $fantag_leftside = $userfanbox['fantag_left_text'];
 106+ $fantag_leftside = $tagParser->parse(
 107+ $fantag_leftside, $wgTitle,
 108+ $wgOut->parserOptions(), false
 109+ );
 110+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_leftside->getText();
 111+ }
 113+ $leftfontsize = '12px';
 114+ if( $userfanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 115+ $leftfontsize = '14px';
 116+ }
 117+ if( $userfanbox['fantag_left_textsize'] == 'bigfont' ) {
 118+ $leftfontsize = '20px';
 119+ }
 121+ $rightfontsize = '10px';
 122+ if( $userfanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'smallfont' ) {
 123+ $rightfontsize = '12px';
 124+ }
 125+ if( $userfanbox['fantag_right_textsize'] == 'mediumfont' ) {
 126+ $rightfontsize = '14px';
 127+ }
 129+ // Get permalink
 130+ $fantag_title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FANTAG, $userfanbox['fantag_title'] );
 132+ $right_text = $userfanbox['fantag_right_text'];
 133+ $right_text = $tagParser->parse(
 134+ $right_text,
 135+ $wgTitle,
 136+ $wgOut->parserOptions(),
 137+ false
 138+ );
 139+ $right_text = $right_text->getText();
 141+ // Output fanboxes
 142+ $output .= '<span class="top-fanbox">
 143+ <div class="fanbox-item">
 144+ <div class="individual-fanboxtest" id="individualFanbox' . $userfanbox['fantag_id'] . '">
 145+ <div class="show-message-container" id="show-message-container' . $userfanbox['fantag_id'] . '">
 146+ <div class="permalink-container">
 147+ <a class="perma" style="font-size:8px; color:' . $userfanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . '" href="' . $fantag_title->escapeFullURL() . "\" title=\"{$userfanbox['fantag_title']}\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-perma' ) . "</a>
 148+ <table class=\"fanBoxTable\" onclick=\"javascript:FanBoxes.openFanBoxPopup('fanboxPopUpBox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
 149+ <tr>
 150+ <td id=\"fanBoxLeftSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $userfanbox['fantag_left_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$leftfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $userfanbox['fantag_left_bgcolor'] . '">' . $fantag_leftside . "</td>
 151+ <td id=\"fanBoxRightSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $userfanbox['fantag_right_textcolor'] . "; font-size:$rightfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $userfanbox['fantag_right_bgcolor'] . '">' . $right_text . '</td>
 152+ </tr>
 153+ </table>
 154+ </div>
 155+ </div>
 156+ </div>';
 158+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 159+ if( $check_user_fanbox == 0 ) {
 160+ $output .= '
 161+ <div class="fanbox-pop-up-box" id="fanboxPopUpBox' . $userfanbox['fantag_id'] . '">
 162+ <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="258px">
 163+ <tr>
 164+ <td align="center">' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox' ) . '</td>
 165+ </tr>
 166+ <tr>
 167+ <td align="center">
 168+ <input type="button" value="' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(1, {$userfanbox['fantag_id']}, 'show-addremove-message')\" />
 169+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 170+ </td>
 171+ </tr>
 172+ </table>
 173+ </div>";
 174+ } else {
 175+ $output .= '
 176+ <div class="fanbox-pop-up-box" id="fanboxPopUpBox' . $userfanbox['fantag_id'] . '">
 177+ <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="258px">
 178+ <tr>
 179+ <td align="center">' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove-fanbox' ) . '</td>
 180+ </tr>
 181+ <tr>
 182+ <td align="center">
 183+ <input type="button" value="' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}'); FanBoxes.showAddRemoveMessageUserPage(2, {$userfanbox['fantag_id']}, 'show-addremove-message')\" />
 184+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 185+ </td>
 186+ </tr>
 187+ </table>
 188+ </div>";
 189+ }
 190+ }
 192+ if( $wgUser->getID() == 0 ) {
 193+ $login = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' );
 194+ $output .= '<div class="fanbox-pop-up-box" id="fanboxPopUpBox' . $userfanbox['fantag_id'] . '">
 195+ <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="258px">
 196+ <tr>
 197+ <td align="center">' .
 198+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox-login' ) .
 199+ "<a href=\"{$login->getFullURL()}\">" .
 200+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-login' ) . '</a></td>
 201+ </tr>
 202+ <tr>
 203+ <td align="center">
 204+ <input type="button" value="' . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}', 'individualFanbox{$userfanbox['fantag_id']}')\" />
 205+ </td>
 206+ </tr>
 207+ </table>
 208+ </div>";
 209+ }
 211+ $output .= '</div></span>';
 213+ if( $x == count( $userFanboxes ) || $x != 1 && $x % $per_row == 0 ) {
 214+ $output .= '<div class="cleared"></div>';
 215+ }
 216+ $x++;
 217+ }
 218+ }
 220+ $output .= '</div>';
 222+ // Build next/prev nav
 223+ $numofpages = $total / $per_page;
 225+ if( $numofpages > 1 ) {
 226+ $output .= '<div class="page-nav">';
 227+ if( $page > 1 ) {
 228+ $output .= '<a href="' . $this->getTitle()->escapeFullURL(
 229+ array( 'user' => $user_name, 'page' => ( $page - 1 ) ) ) .
 230+ '">' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-prev' ) . '</a> ';
 231+ }
 233+ if( ( $total % $per_page ) != 0 ) {
 234+ $numofpages++;
 235+ }
 236+ if( $numofpages >= 9 && $page < $total ) {
 237+ $numofpages = 9 + $page;
 238+ }
 239+ if( $numofpages >= ( $total / $per_page ) ) {
 240+ $numofpages = ( $total / $per_page ) + 1;
 241+ }
 243+ for( $i = 1; $i <= $numofpages; $i++ ) {
 244+ if( $i == $page ) {
 245+ $output .= ( $i . ' ' );
 246+ } else {
 247+ $output .= '<a href="' . $this->getTitle()->escapeFullURL(
 248+ array( 'user' => $user_name, 'page' => $i ) ) .
 249+ "\">$i</a> ";
 250+ }
 251+ }
 253+ if( ( $total - ( $per_page * $page ) ) > 0 ) {
 254+ $output .= ' <a href="' . $this->getTitle()->escapeFullURL(
 255+ array( 'user' => $user_name, 'page' => ( $page + 1 ) ) ) .
 256+ '">' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-next' ) . '</a>';
 257+ }
 258+ $output .= '</div>';
 259+ }
 261+ // Output everything
 262+ $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
 263+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialViewFanBoxes.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1266 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxClass.php
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
 4+ * FanBox class
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @todo document
 8+ */
 9+class FanBox {
 11+ var $name,
 12+ $title,
 13+ $exists,
 14+ $create_date,
 15+ $type,
 16+ $fantag_id,
 17+ $fantag_title,
 18+ $user_name,
 19+ $left_text,
 20+ $left_textcolor,
 21+ $left_bgcolor,
 22+ $left_textsize,
 23+ $right_text,
 24+ $right_textcolor,
 25+ $right_bgcolor,
 26+ $right_textsize,
 27+ $fantag_left_text,
 28+ $fantag_left_textcolor,
 29+ $fantag_left_bgcolor,
 30+ $fantag_right_text,
 31+ $fantag_right_textcolor,
 32+ $fantag_right_bgcolor,
 33+ $fantag_image_name,
 34+ $fantag_left_textsize,
 35+ $fantag_right_textsize,
 36+ $userft_fantag_id;
 38+ /**
 39+ * Constructor
 40+ */
 41+ public function __construct( $title ) {
 42+ if( !is_object( $title ) ) {
 43+ throw new MWException( 'FanBox constructor given bogus title.' );
 44+ }
 45+ $this->title =& $title;
 46+ $this->name = $title->getDBkey();
 47+ $this->dataLoaded = false;
 48+ }
 50+ /**
 51+ * Create a Fantag object from a fantag name
 52+ *
 53+ * @param $name String: name of the fanbox, used to create a title object
 54+ * using Title::makeTitleSafe
 55+ * @return Mixed: new instance of FanBox for the constructed title or null
 56+ */
 57+ public static function newFromName( $name ) {
 58+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FANTAG, $name );
 60+ if ( is_object( $title ) ) {
 61+ return new FanBox( $title );
 62+ } else {
 63+ return null;
 64+ }
 65+ }
 67+ /**
 68+ * Insert info into fantag table in the database when user creates fantag
 69+ */
 70+ public function addFan( $fantag_left_text, $fantag_left_textcolor,
 71+ $fantag_left_bgcolor, $fantag_right_text,
 72+ $fantag_right_textcolor, $fantag_right_bgcolor, $fantag_image_name,
 73+ $fantag_left_textsize, $fantag_right_textsize, $categories
 74+ ) {
 75+ global $wgUser, $wgContLang;
 77+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 79+ $descTitle = $this->getTitle();
 80+ $desc = wfMsgForContent( 'fanbox-summary-new' );
 81+ $article = new Article( $descTitle );
 83+ $categories_wiki = '';
 84+ if( $categories ) {
 85+ $categories_a = explode( ',', $categories );
 86+ foreach( $categories_a as $category ) {
 87+ $categories_wiki .= '[[' .
 88+ $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY ) . ':' .
 89+ trim( $category ) . "]]\n";
 90+ }
 91+ }
 92+ $article = new Article( $this->title );
 94+ $article_content = $this->buildWikiText() . "\n\n" .
 95+ $this->getBaseCategories() . "\n" . $categories_wiki .
 96+ "\n__NOEDITSECTION__";
 98+ if( $descTitle->exists() ) {
 99+ # Invalidate the cache for the description page
 100+ $descTitle->invalidateCache();
 101+ $descTitle->purgeSquid();
 102+ } else {
 103+ // New fantag; create the description page.
 104+ $article->doEdit( $this->buildWikiText() . "\n\n" . $article_content, $desc );
 105+ }
 107+ # Test to see if the row exists using INSERT IGNORE
 108+ # This avoids race conditions by locking the row until the commit, and also
 109+ # doesn't deadlock. SELECT FOR UPDATE causes a deadlock for every race condition.
 110+ $dbw->insert( 'fantag',
 111+ array(
 112+ 'fantag_title' => $this->getName(),
 113+ 'fantag_left_text' => $fantag_left_text,
 114+ 'fantag_left_textcolor' => $fantag_left_textcolor,
 115+ 'fantag_left_bgcolor' => $fantag_left_bgcolor,
 116+ 'fantag_right_text' => $fantag_right_text,
 117+ 'fantag_right_textcolor' => $fantag_right_textcolor,
 118+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor' => $fantag_right_bgcolor,
 119+ 'fantag_date' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
 120+ 'fantag_pg_id' => $article->getID(),
 121+ 'fantag_user_id' => $wgUser->getID(),
 122+ 'fantag_user_name' => $wgUser->getName(),
 123+ 'fantag_image_name' => $fantag_image_name,
 124+ 'fantag_left_textsize' => $fantag_left_textsize,
 125+ 'fantag_right_textsize' => $fantag_right_textsize,
 126+ ),
 127+ __METHOD__,
 128+ 'IGNORE'
 129+ );
 130+ return $dbw->insertId();
 131+ }
 133+ /**
 134+ * Insert info into user_fantag table when user creates fantag or grabs it
 135+ *
 136+ * @param $userft_fantag_id Integer: fantag ID number
 137+ */
 138+ public function addUserFan( $userft_fantag_id ) {
 139+ global $wgUser;
 141+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 142+ $dbw->insert(
 143+ 'user_fantag',
 144+ array(
 145+ 'userft_fantag_id' => intval( $userft_fantag_id ),
 146+ 'userft_user_id' => $wgUser->getID(),
 147+ 'userft_user_name' => $wgUser->getName(),
 148+ 'userft_date' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
 149+ ),
 150+ __METHOD__
 151+ );
 152+ }
 154+ public function buildWikiText() {
 155+ $output = '';
 156+ $output .= "left_text:{$this->getFanBoxLeftText()}\n";
 157+ $output .= "left_textcolor:{$this->getFanBoxLeftTextColor()}\n";
 158+ $output .= "left_bgcolor:{$this->getFanBoxLeftBgColor()}\n";
 159+ $output .= "right_text:{$this->getFanBoxRightText()}\n";
 160+ $output .= "right_textcolor:{$this->getFanBoxRightTextColor()}\n";
 161+ $output .= "right_bgcolor:{$this->getFanBoxRightBgColor()}\n";
 162+ $output .= "left_textsize:{$this->getFanBoxLeftTextSize()}\n";
 163+ $output .= "right_textsize:{$this->getFanBoxRightTextSize()}\n";
 165+ $output = "<!--{$output}-->";
 166+ return $output;
 167+ }
 169+ public function getBaseCategories() {
 170+ global $wgUser, $wgContLang;
 171+ $creator = $this->getUserName();
 172+ if( !$creator ) {
 173+ $creator = $wgUser->getName();
 174+ }
 175+ $ctg = '{{DEFAULTSORT:{{PAGENAME}}}}';
 176+ $ctg .= '[[' . $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY ) . ':' .
 177+ wfMsgForContent( 'fanbox-userbox-category' ) . "]]\n";
 178+ return $ctg;
 179+ }
 181+ // Update fan
 182+ public function updateFan( $fantag_left_text, $fantag_left_textcolor,
 183+ $fantag_left_bgcolor, $fantag_right_text, $fantag_right_textcolor,
 184+ $fantag_right_bgcolor, $fantag_image_name, $fantag_left_textsize,
 185+ $fantag_right_textsize, $fanboxId, $categories
 186+ ) {
 187+ global $wgUser, $wgMemc, $wgContLang;
 189+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 191+ $dbw->update(
 192+ 'fantag',
 193+ array(
 194+ 'fantag_left_text' => $fantag_left_text,
 195+ 'fantag_left_textcolor' => $fantag_left_textcolor,
 196+ 'fantag_left_bgcolor' => $fantag_left_bgcolor,
 197+ 'fantag_right_text' => $fantag_right_text,
 198+ 'fantag_right_textcolor' => $fantag_right_textcolor,
 199+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor' => $fantag_right_bgcolor,
 200+ 'fantag_image_name' => $fantag_image_name,
 201+ 'fantag_left_textsize' => $fantag_left_textsize,
 202+ 'fantag_right_textsize' => $fantag_right_textsize,
 203+ ),
 204+ array( 'fantag_pg_id' => intval( $fanboxId ) ),
 205+ __METHOD__
 206+ );
 207+ $key = wfMemcKey( 'fantag', 'page', $this->name );
 208+ $wgMemc->delete( $key );
 210+ $categories_wiki = '';
 211+ if( $categories ) {
 212+ $categories_a = explode( ',', $categories );
 213+ foreach( $categories_a as $category ) {
 214+ $categories_wiki .= '[[' . $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY ) .
 215+ ':' . trim( $category ) . "]]\n";
 216+ }
 217+ }
 218+ $article = new Article( $this->title );
 220+ $article_content = $this->buildWikiText() . "\n" .
 221+ $this->getBaseCategories() . "\n" . $categories_wiki .
 222+ "\n__NOEDITSECTION__";
 224+ $article->doEdit( $article_content, wfMsgForContent( 'fanbox-summary-update' ) );
 225+ }
 227+ /**
 228+ * Remove fantag from user_fantag table when user removes it
 229+ *
 230+ * @param $userft_fantag_id Integer: fantag ID number
 231+ */
 232+ function removeUserFanBox( $userft_fantag_id ) {
 233+ global $wgUser;
 234+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 235+ $dbw->delete(
 236+ 'user_fantag',
 237+ array(
 238+ 'userft_user_name' => $wgUser->getName(),
 239+ 'userft_fantag_id' => intval( $userft_fantag_id )
 240+ ),
 241+ __METHOD__
 242+ );
 243+ $dbw->commit();
 244+ }
 246+ /**
 247+ * Change count of fantag when user adds or removes it
 248+ *
 249+ * @param $fanBoxId Integer: fantag ID number
 250+ * @param $number Integer
 251+ */
 252+ function changeCount( $fanBoxId, $number ) {
 253+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 255+ $count = (int)$dbw->selectField(
 256+ 'fantag',
 257+ 'fantag_count',
 258+ array( 'fantag_id' => intval( $fanBoxId ) ),
 259+ __METHOD__
 260+ );
 262+ $res = $dbw->update(
 263+ 'fantag',
 264+ array( 'fantag_count' => "{$count}+{$number}" ),
 265+ array( 'fantag_id' => intval( $fanBoxId ) ),
 266+ __METHOD__
 267+ );
 268+ }
 270+ /**
 271+ * Try to load fan metadata from memcached.
 272+ *
 273+ * @return Boolean: true on success.
 274+ */
 275+ private function loadFromCache() {
 276+ global $wgMemc;
 278+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 279+ $this->dataLoaded = false;
 281+ $key = wfMemcKey( 'fantag', 'page', $this->name );
 282+ $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
 284+ if( !empty( $data ) && is_array( $data ) ) {
 285+ $this->id = $data['id'];
 286+ $this->left_text = $data['lefttext'];
 287+ $this->left_textcolor = $data['lefttextcolor'];
 288+ $this->left_bgcolor = $data['leftbgcolor'];
 289+ $this->right_text = $data['righttext'];
 290+ $this->right_textcolor = $data['righttextcolor'];
 291+ $this->right_bgcolor = $data['rightbgcolor'];
 292+ $this->fantag_image = $data['fantagimage'];
 293+ $this->left_textsize = $data['lefttextsize'];
 294+ $this->right_textsize = $data['righttextsize'];
 295+ $this->pg_id = $data['pgid'];
 296+ $this->user_id = $data['userid'];
 297+ $this->user_name = $data['username'];
 298+ $this->dataLoaded = true;
 299+ $this->exists = true;
 300+ }
 302+ if ( $this->dataLoaded ) {
 303+ wfDebug( "loaded Fan:{$this->name} from cache\n" );
 304+ wfIncrStats( 'fantag_cache_hit' );
 305+ } else {
 306+ wfIncrStats( 'fantag_cache_miss' );
 307+ }
 309+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 310+ return $this->dataLoaded;
 311+ }
 313+ /**
 314+ * Save the fan data to memcached
 315+ */
 316+ private function saveToCache() {
 317+ global $wgMemc;
 319+ $key = wfMemcKey( 'fantag', 'page', $this->name );
 320+ if ( $this->exists() ) {
 321+ $cachedValues = array(
 322+ 'id' => $this->id,
 323+ 'lefttext' => $this->left_text,
 324+ 'lefttextcolor' => $this->left_textcolor,
 325+ 'leftbgcolor' => $this->left_bgcolor,
 326+ 'righttext' => $this->right_text,
 327+ 'righttextcolor' => $this->right_textcolor,
 328+ 'rightbgcolor' => $this->right_bgcolor,
 329+ 'fantagimage' => $this->fantag_image,
 330+ 'lefttextsize' => $this->left_textsize,
 331+ 'righttextsize' => $this->right_textsize,
 332+ 'userid' => $this->user_id,
 333+ 'username' => $this->user_name,
 334+ 'pgid' => $this->pg_id
 335+ );
 336+ $wgMemc->set( $key, $cachedValues, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ); // A week
 337+ } else {
 338+ // However we should clear them, so they aren't leftover
 339+ // if we've deleted the file.
 340+ $wgMemc->delete( $key );
 341+ }
 342+ }
 344+ function loadFromDB() {
 345+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 347+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 349+ $row = $dbw->selectRow(
 350+ 'fantag',
 351+ array(
 352+ 'fantag_id', 'fantag_left_text',
 353+ 'fantag_left_textcolor', 'fantag_left_bgcolor',
 354+ 'fantag_user_id', 'fantag_user_name',
 355+ 'fantag_right_text', 'fantag_right_textcolor',
 356+ 'fantag_right_bgcolor', 'fantag_image_name',
 357+ 'fantag_left_textsize', 'fantag_right_textsize', 'fantag_pg_id'
 358+ ),
 359+ array( 'fantag_title' => $this->name ),
 360+ __METHOD__
 361+ );
 362+ if ( $row ) {
 363+ $this->id = $row->fantag_id;
 364+ $this->left_text = $row->fantag_left_text;
 365+ $this->exists = true;
 366+ $this->left_textcolor = $row->fantag_left_textcolor;
 367+ $this->left_bgcolor = $row->fantag_left_bgcolor;
 368+ $this->right_text = $row->fantag_right_text;
 369+ $this->right_textcolor = $row->fantag_right_textcolor;
 370+ $this->right_bgcolor = $row->fantag_right_bgcolor;
 371+ $this->fantag_image = $row->fantag_image_name;
 372+ $this->left_textsize = $row->fantag_left_textsize;
 373+ $this->right_textsize = $row->fantag_right_textsize;
 374+ $this->pg_id = $row->fantag_pg_id;
 375+ $this->user_id = $row->fantag_user_id;
 376+ $this->user_name = $row->fantag_user_name;
 377+ }
 379+ # Unconditionally set loaded=true, we don't want the accessors constantly rechecking
 380+ $this->dataLoaded = true;
 381+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 382+ }
 384+ /**
 385+ * Load fanbox metadata from cache or DB, unless already loaded
 386+ */
 387+ function load() {
 388+ if ( !$this->dataLoaded ) {
 389+ if ( !$this->loadFromCache() ) {
 390+ $this->loadFromDB();
 391+ $this->saveToCache();
 392+ }
 393+ $this->dataLoaded = true;
 394+ }
 395+ }
 397+ public function outputFanBox() {
 398+ global $wgTitle, $wgOut;
 400+ $tagParser = new Parser();
 402+ if( $this->getFanBoxImage() ) {
 403+ $fantag_image_width = 45;
 404+ $fantag_image_height = 53;
 405+ $fantag_image = wfFindFile( $this->getFanBoxImage() );
 406+ $fantag_image_url = '';
 407+ if ( is_object( $fantag_image ) ) {
 408+ $fantag_image_url = $fantag_image->createThumb(
 409+ $fantag_image_width,
 410+ $fantag_image_height
 411+ );
 412+ }
 413+ $fantag_image_tag = '<img alt="" src="' . $fantag_image_url . '"/>';
 414+ }
 416+ if( $this->getFanBoxLeftText() == '' ) {
 417+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_image_tag;
 418+ } else {
 419+ $fantag_leftside = $this->getFanBoxLeftText();
 420+ $fantag_leftside = $tagParser->parse(
 421+ $fantag_leftside,
 422+ $wgTitle,
 423+ $wgOut->parserOptions(),
 424+ false
 425+ );
 426+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_leftside->getText();
 427+ }
 429+ $fantag_title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FANTAG, $this->name );
 430+ $individual_fantag_id = $this->getFanBoxId();
 432+ if( $this->getFanBoxPageID() == $wgTitle->getArticleID() ) {
 433+ $fantag_perma = '';
 434+ } else {
 435+ $fantag_perma = "<a class=\"perma\" style=\"font-size:8px; color:" .
 436+ $this->getFanBoxRightTextColor() . "\" href=\"" .
 437+ $fantag_title->escapeFullURL() . "\" title=\"{$this->name}\">" .
 438+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-perma' ) . '</a>';
 439+ }
 441+ $leftfontsize = '12px';
 442+ if( $this->getFanBoxLeftTextSize() == 'mediumfont' ) {
 443+ $leftfontsize = '14px';
 444+ }
 445+ if( $this->getFanBoxLeftTextSize() == 'bigfont' ) {
 446+ $leftfontsize = '20px';
 447+ }
 449+ if( $this->getFanBoxRightTextSize() == 'smallfont' ) {
 450+ $rightfontsize = '12px';
 451+ }
 452+ if( $this->getFanBoxRightTextSize() == 'mediumfont' ) {
 453+ $rightfontsize = '14px';
 454+ }
 456+ $right_text = $this->getFanBoxRightText();
 457+ $right_text = $tagParser->parse(
 458+ $right_text, $wgTitle, $wgOut->parserOptions(), false
 459+ );
 460+ $right_text = $right_text->getText();
 462+ $output = '<input type="hidden" name="individualFantagId" value="' . $this->getFanBoxId() . '" />
 463+ <div class="individual-fanbox" id="individualFanbox' . $individual_fantag_id . "\">
 464+ <div class=\"permalink-container\">
 465+ $fantag_perma
 466+ </div>
 467+ <table class=\"fanBoxTable\" onclick=\"javascript:FanBoxes.openFanBoxPopup('fanboxPopUpBox{$individual_fantag_id}','individualFanbox{$individual_fantag_id}')\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
 468+ <tr>
 469+ <td id=\"fanBoxLeftSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $this->getFanBoxLeftTextColor() . "; font-size:$leftfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $this->getFanBoxLeftBgColor() . "\">" . $fantag_leftside . "</td>
 470+ <td id=\"fanBoxRightSideOutput\" style=\"color:" . $this->getFanBoxRightTextColor() . "; font-size:$rightfontsize\" bgcolor=\"" . $this->getFanBoxRightBgColor() . "\">" . $right_text . "</td>
 471+ </tr>
 472+ </table>
 473+ </div>";
 475+ return $output;
 476+ }
 478+ /**
 479+ * Check if user has fanbox and output the right (add vs. remove) popup box
 480+ */
 481+ public function checkIfUserHasFanBox() {
 482+ global $wgUser;
 484+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 485+ /*$check_fanbox_count = $dbw->selectField(
 486+ 'user_fantag',
 487+ array( 'COUNT(*) AS count' ),
 488+ array(
 489+ 'userft_user_name' => $wgUser->getName(),
 490+ 'userft_fantag_id' => $this->getFanBoxId()
 491+ ),
 492+ __METHOD__
 493+ );*/
 494+ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
 495+ FROM {$dbw->tableName( 'user_fantag' )}
 496+ WHERE userft_user_name = '{$wgUser->getName()}' && userft_fantag_id = '{$this->getFanBoxId()}'";
 497+ $res = $dbw->query( $sql, __METHOD__ );
 498+ $row = $dbw->fetchObject( $res );
 499+ $check_fanbox_count = 0;
 500+ if( $row ) {
 501+ $check_fanbox_count = $row->count;
 502+ }
 503+ return $check_fanbox_count;
 504+ }
 506+ public function outputIfUserHasFanBox() {
 507+ $fanboxtitle = $this->getTitle();
 508+ $fanboxtitle = $fanboxtitle->getText();
 509+ $individual_fantag_id = $this->getFanBoxId();
 511+ $output = "
 512+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $individual_fantag_id . "\">
 513+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 514+ <tr>
 515+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove-fanbox' ) ."</td>
 516+ <tr>
 517+ <td align=\"center\">
 518+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-remove' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$individual_fantag_id}','individualFanbox{$individual_fantag_id}'); FanBoxes.showMessage(2, '$fanboxtitle', $individual_fantag_id) \" />
 519+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$individual_fantag_id}','individualFanbox{$individual_fantag_id}')\" />
 520+ </td>
 521+ </table>
 522+ </div>";
 524+ return $output;
 525+ }
 527+ public function outputIfUserDoesntHaveFanBox() {
 528+ $fanboxtitle = $this->getTitle();
 529+ $fanboxtitle = $fanboxtitle->getText();
 530+ $individual_fantag_id = $this->getFanBoxId();
 532+ $output = "
 533+ <div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $individual_fantag_id . "\">
 534+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 535+ <tr>
 536+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox' ) . "</td>
 537+ </tr>
 538+ <tr>
 539+ <td align=\"center\">
 540+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$individual_fantag_id}','individualFanbox{$individual_fantag_id}'); FanBoxes.showMessage(1, '$fanboxtitle', $individual_fantag_id) \"/>
 541+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.closeFanboxAdd('fanboxPopUpBox{$individual_fantag_id}','individualFanbox{$individual_fantag_id}')\" />
 542+ </td>
 543+ </tr>
 544+ </table>
 545+ </div>";
 547+ return $output;
 548+ }
 550+ public function outputIfUserNotLoggedIn() {
 551+ // The fantag ID in the div element is needed for the "login" popup
 552+ // to work properly
 553+ $individual_fantag_id = $this->getFanBoxId();
 554+ $login = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' );
 555+ $output = "<div class=\"fanbox-pop-up-box\" id=\"fanboxPopUpBox" . $individual_fantag_id . "\">
 556+ <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"258px\">
 557+ <tr>
 558+ <td align=\"center\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-add-fanbox-login' ) .
 559+ " <a href=\"{$login->getFullURL()}\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-login' ) . "</a></td>
 560+ </tr>
 561+ <tr>
 562+ <td align=\"center\">
 563+ <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . "\" size=\"20\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.openFanBoxPopup('fanboxPopUpBox{$individual_fantag_id}','individualFanbox{$individual_fantag_id}')\" />
 564+ </td>
 565+ </tr>
 566+ </table>
 567+ </div>";
 568+ return $output;
 569+ }
 571+ /**
 572+ * @return String: the name of this fanbox
 573+ */
 574+ public function getName() {
 575+ return $this->name;
 576+ }
 578+ /**
 579+ * @return Object: the associated Title object
 580+ */
 581+ public function getTitle() {
 582+ return $this->title;
 583+ }
 585+ /**
 586+ * @return Integer: the ID number of the fanbox
 587+ */
 588+ public function getFanBoxId() {
 589+ $this->load();
 590+ return $this->id;
 591+ }
 593+ /**
 594+ * @return String: left-hand text of the fanbox
 595+ */
 596+ public function getFanBoxLeftText() {
 597+ $this->load();
 598+ return $this->left_text;
 599+ }
 601+ /**
 602+ * @return String: the color of the left-side text
 603+ */
 604+ public function getFanBoxLeftTextColor() {
 605+ $this->load();
 606+ return $this->left_textcolor;
 607+ }
 609+ /**
 610+ * @return String: background color of the left side
 611+ */
 612+ public function getFanBoxLeftBgColor() {
 613+ $this->load();
 614+ return $this->left_bgcolor;
 615+ }
 617+ /**
 618+ * @return String: right-hand text of the fanbox
 619+ */
 620+ public function getFanBoxRightText() {
 621+ $this->load();
 622+ return $this->right_text;
 623+ }
 625+ /**
 626+ * @return String: text color of the right side text
 627+ */
 628+ public function getFanBoxRightTextColor() {
 629+ $this->load();
 630+ return $this->right_textcolor;
 631+ }
 633+ /**
 634+ * @return String: background color of the right side
 635+ */
 636+ public function getFanBoxRightBgColor() {
 637+ $this->load();
 638+ return $this->right_bgcolor;
 639+ }
 641+ /**
 642+ * @return String: URL to the fanbox image (if any), I think
 643+ */
 644+ public function getFanBoxImage() {
 645+ $this->load();
 646+ return $this->fantag_image;
 647+ }
 649+ /**
 650+ * @return String: size of the left-hand text
 651+ */
 652+ public function getFanBoxLeftTextSize() {
 653+ $this->load();
 654+ return $this->left_textsize;
 655+ }
 657+ /**
 658+ * @return String: size of the right-hand text
 659+ */
 660+ public function getFanBoxRightTextSize() {
 661+ $this->load();
 662+ return $this->right_textsize;
 663+ }
 665+ /**
 666+ * @return Integer: page ID for the current page
 667+ */
 668+ public function getFanBoxPageID() {
 669+ $this->load();
 670+ return $this->pg_id;
 671+ }
 673+ /**
 674+ * @return Integer: user ID of the user who created this FanBox
 675+ */
 676+ public function getUserID() {
 677+ $this->load();
 678+ return $this->user_id;
 679+ }
 681+ /**
 682+ * @return String: name of the user who created this FanBox
 683+ */
 684+ public function getUserName() {
 685+ $this->load();
 686+ return $this->user_name;
 687+ }
 689+ /**
 690+ * @return Boolean: true if the FanBox exists, else false
 691+ */
 692+ public function exists() {
 693+ $this->load();
 694+ return $this->exists;
 695+ }
 697+ /**
 698+ * @return String: the embed code for the current fanbox
 699+ */
 700+ public function getEmbedThisCode() {
 701+ $embedtitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_FANTAG, $this->getName() )->getPrefixedDBkey();
 702+ return "[[$embedtitle]]";
 703+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxClass.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1706 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.alias.php
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
 4+ * Aliases for the FanBoxes extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ */
 10+$aliases = array();
 12+/** English */
 13+$aliases['en'] = array(
 14+ 'FanBoxAjaxUpload' => array( 'FanBoxAjaxUpload' ),
 15+ 'UserBoxes' => array( 'UserBoxes' ),
 16+ 'TopUserboxes' => array( 'TopUserboxes' ),
 17+ 'ViewUserBoxes' => array( 'ViewUserBoxes' ),
 20+/** Finnish (Suomi) */
 21+$aliases['fi'] = array(
 22+ 'UserBoxes' => array( 'Käyttäjälaatikot' ),
 23+ 'TopUserboxes' => array( 'Suosituimmat käyttäjälaatikot' ),
 24+ 'ViewUserBoxes' => array( 'Katso käyttäjälaatikkoja' ),
 27+/** Dutch (Nederlands) */
 28+$aliases['nl'] = array(
 29+ 'UserBoxes' => array( 'Gebruikers boxen' ),
 30+ 'TopUserboxes' => array( 'Top gebruikers boxen' ),
 31+ 'ViewUserBoxes' => array( 'Bekijk gebruikers boxen' ),
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox.alias.php
Added: svn:eol-style
133 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/MiniAjaxUpload.php
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
 4+ * New version of that fucking AJAX upload form, 1.16-compatible.
 5+ *
 6+ * wpThumbWidth is the width of the thumbnail that will be returned
 7+ * Also, to prevent overwriting uploads of files with popular names i.e.
 8+ * Image.jpg all the uploaded files are prepended with the current timestamp.
 9+ *
 10+ * @file
 11+ * @ingroup SpecialPage
 12+ * @ingroup Upload
 13+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 14+ * @date 26 June 2011
 15+ * @note Based on 1.16 core SpecialUpload.php (GPL-licensed) by Bryan et al.
 16+ */
 17+class SpecialFanBoxAjaxUpload extends SpecialUpload {
 18+ /**
 19+ * Constructor: initialise object
 20+ * Get data POSTed through the form and assign them to the object
 21+ * @param WebRequest $request Data posted.
 22+ */
 23+ public function __construct( $request = null ) {
 24+ global $wgRequest;
 26+ SpecialPage::__construct( 'FanBoxAjaxUpload', 'upload', false );
 28+ $this->loadRequest( is_null( $request ) ? $wgRequest : $request );
 29+ }
 31+ /**
 32+ * apparently you don't need to (re)declare the protected/public class
 33+ * member variables here, so I removed them.
 34+ */
 36+ /**
 37+ * Initialize instance variables from request and create an Upload handler
 38+ *
 39+ * What was changed here: $this->mIgnoreWarning is now unconditionally true
 40+ * and we use our own handler for $this->mUpload instead of UploadBase
 41+ *
 42+ * @param WebRequest $request The request to extract variables from
 43+ */
 44+ protected function loadRequest( $request ) {
 45+ global $wgUser;
 47+ $this->mRequest = $request;
 48+ $this->mSourceType = $request->getVal( 'wpSourceType', 'file' );
 49+ $this->mUpload = FanBoxUpload::createFromRequest( $request );
 50+ $this->mUploadClicked = $request->wasPosted()
 51+ && ( $request->getCheck( 'wpUpload' )
 52+ || $request->getCheck( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning' ) );
 54+ // Guess the desired name from the filename if not provided
 55+ $this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getText( 'wpDestFile' );
 56+ if( !$this->mDesiredDestName && $request->getFileName( 'wpUploadFile' ) !== null ) {
 57+ $this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getFileName( 'wpUploadFile' );
 58+ }
 59+ $this->mComment = $request->getText( 'wpUploadDescription' );
 60+ $this->mLicense = $request->getText( 'wpLicense' );
 62+ $this->mDestWarningAck = $request->getText( 'wpDestFileWarningAck' );
 63+ $this->mIgnoreWarning = true;//$request->getCheck( 'wpIgnoreWarning' ) || $request->getCheck( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning' );
 64+ $this->mWatchthis = $request->getBool( 'wpWatchthis' ) && $wgUser->isLoggedIn();
 65+ $this->mCopyrightStatus = $request->getText( 'wpUploadCopyStatus' );
 66+ $this->mCopyrightSource = $request->getText( 'wpUploadSource' );
 68+ $this->mForReUpload = $request->getBool( 'wpForReUpload' ); // updating a file
 69+ $this->mCancelUpload = $request->getCheck( 'wpCancelUpload' )
 70+ || $request->getCheck( 'wpReUpload' ); // b/w compat
 72+ // If it was posted check for the token (no remote POST'ing with user credentials)
 73+ $token = $request->getVal( 'wpEditToken' );
 74+ if( $this->mSourceType == 'file' && $token == null ) {
 75+ // Skip token check for file uploads as that can't be faked via JS...
 76+ // Some client-side tools don't expect to need to send wpEditToken
 77+ // with their submissions, as that's new in 1.16.
 78+ $this->mTokenOk = true;
 79+ } else {
 80+ $this->mTokenOk = $wgUser->matchEditToken( $token );
 81+ }
 82+ }
 84+ /**
 85+ * Special page entry point
 86+ *
 87+ * What was changed here: the setArticleBodyOnly() line below was added,
 88+ * and some bits of code were entirely removed.
 89+ */
 90+ public function execute( $par ) {
 91+ global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest;
 93+ // Disable the skin etc.
 94+ $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly( true );
 96+ # Check uploading enabled
 97+ if( !UploadBase::isEnabled() ) {
 98+ $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'uploaddisabled', 'uploaddisabledtext' );
 99+ return;
 100+ }
 102+ # Check permissions
 103+ global $wgGroupPermissions;
 104+ if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'upload' ) ) {
 105+ if( !$wgUser->isLoggedIn() && ( $wgGroupPermissions['user']['upload']
 106+ || $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['upload'] ) ) {
 107+ // Custom message if logged-in users without any special rights can upload
 108+ $wgOut->showErrorPage( 'uploadnologin', 'uploadnologintext' );
 109+ } else {
 110+ $wgOut->permissionRequired( 'upload' );
 111+ }
 112+ return;
 113+ }
 115+ # Check blocks
 116+ if( $wgUser->isBlocked() ) {
 117+ $wgOut->blockedPage();
 118+ return;
 119+ }
 121+ # Check whether we actually want to allow changing stuff
 122+ if( wfReadOnly() ) {
 123+ $wgOut->readOnlyPage();
 124+ return;
 125+ }
 127+ # Unsave the temporary file in case this was a cancelled upload
 128+ if ( $this->mCancelUpload ) {
 129+ if ( !$this->unsaveUploadedFile() ) {
 130+ # Something went wrong, so unsaveUploadedFile showed a warning
 131+ return;
 132+ }
 133+ }
 135+ # Process upload or show a form
 136+ if ( $this->mTokenOk && !$this->mCancelUpload && ( $this->mUpload && $this->mUploadClicked ) ) {
 137+ $this->processUpload();
 138+ } else {
 139+ $this->showUploadForm( $this->getUploadForm() );
 140+ }
 142+ # Cleanup
 143+ if ( $this->mUpload ) {
 144+ $this->mUpload->cleanupTempFile();
 145+ }
 146+ }
 148+ /**
 149+ * Get an UploadForm instance with title and text properly set.
 150+ *
 151+ * @param string $message HTML string to add to the form
 152+ * @param string $sessionKey Session key in case this is a stashed upload
 153+ * @return UploadForm
 154+ */
 155+ protected function getUploadForm( $message = '', $sessionKey = '', $hideIgnoreWarning = false ) {
 156+ # Initialize form
 157+ $form = new FanBoxAjaxUploadForm( array(
 158+ 'watch' => $this->getWatchCheck(),
 159+ 'forreupload' => $this->mForReUpload,
 160+ 'sessionkey' => $sessionKey,
 161+ 'hideignorewarning' => $hideIgnoreWarning,
 162+ 'destwarningack' => (bool)$this->mDestWarningAck,
 163+ 'destfile' => $this->mDesiredDestName,
 164+ ) );
 165+ $form->setTitle( $this->getTitle() );
 167+ # Check the token, but only if necessary
 168+ if( !$this->mTokenOk && !$this->mCancelUpload
 169+ && ( $this->mUpload && $this->mUploadClicked ) ) {
 170+ $form->addPreText( wfMsgExt( 'session_fail_preview', 'parseinline' ) );
 171+ }
 173+ # Add upload error message
 174+ $form->addPreText( $message );
 176+ return $form;
 177+ }
 179+ /**
 180+ * Stashes the upload and shows the main upload form.
 181+ *
 182+ * Note: only errors that can be handled by changing the name or
 183+ * description should be redirected here. It should be assumed that the
 184+ * file itself is sane and has passed UploadBase::verifyFile. This
 185+ * essentially means that UploadBase::VERIFICATION_ERROR and
 186+ * UploadBase::EMPTY_FILE should not be passed here.
 187+ *
 188+ * @param $message String: HTML message to be passed to mainUploadForm
 189+ */
 190+ protected function showRecoverableUploadError( $message ) {
 191+ $sessionKey = $this->mUpload->stashSession();
 192+ $message = '<h2>' . wfMsgHtml( 'uploadwarning' ) . "</h2>\n" .
 193+ '<div class="error">' . $message . "</div>\n";
 195+ $form = $this->getUploadForm( $message, $sessionKey );
 196+ $form->setSubmitText( wfMsg( 'upload-tryagain' ) );
 197+ $this->showUploadForm( $form );
 198+ }
 200+ /**
 201+ * Show the upload form with error message, but do not stash the file.
 202+ *
 203+ * @param $message String: error message to show
 204+ */
 205+ protected function showUploadError( $message ) {
 206+ $message = addslashes( $message );
 207+ $output = "<script language=\"javascript\">
 208+ /*<![CDATA[*/
 209+ window.parent.uploadError( '{$message}' );
 210+ /*]]>*/</script>";
 211+ $this->showUploadForm( $this->getUploadForm( $output ) );
 212+ }
 214+ /**
 215+ * Do the upload.
 216+ * Checks are made in SpecialFanBoxAjaxUpload::execute()
 217+ *
 218+ * What was changed here: $wgRequest was added as a global, one hook and
 219+ * the post-upload redirect were removed in favor of the code below
 220+ * the $this->mUploadSuccessful = true; line
 221+ */
 222+ protected function processUpload() {
 223+ global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest;
 225+ // Verify permissions
 226+ $permErrors = $this->mUpload->verifyPermissions( $wgUser );
 227+ if( $permErrors !== true ) {
 228+ $wgOut->showPermissionsErrorPage( $permErrors );
 229+ return;
 230+ }
 232+ // Fetch the file if required
 233+ $status = $this->mUpload->fetchFile();
 234+ if( !$status->isOK() ) {
 235+ $this->showUploadForm(
 236+ $this->getUploadForm( $wgOut->parse( $status->getWikiText() ) )
 237+ );
 238+ return;
 239+ }
 241+ // Upload verification
 242+ $details = $this->mUpload->verifyUpload();
 243+ if ( $details['status'] != UploadBase::OK ) {
 244+ $this->processVerificationError( $details );
 245+ return;
 246+ }
 248+ $this->mLocalFile = $this->mUpload->getLocalFile();
 250+ // Get the page text if this is not a reupload
 251+ if( !$this->mForReUpload ) {
 252+ $pageText = self::getInitialPageText(
 253+ $this->mComment, $this->mLicense,
 254+ $this->mCopyrightStatus, $this->mCopyrightSource );
 255+ } else {
 256+ $pageText = false;
 257+ }
 259+ $status = $this->mUpload->performUpload(
 260+ $this->mComment, $pageText, $this->mWatchthis, $wgUser
 261+ );
 263+ if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
 264+ $this->showUploadError( $wgOut->parse( $status->getWikiText() ) );
 265+ return;
 266+ }
 268+ // Success, redirect to description page
 269+ $this->mUploadSuccessful = true;
 271+ $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly( true );
 272+ $wgOut->clearHTML();
 274+ $thumbWidth = $wgRequest->getInt( 'wpThumbWidth', 75 );
 276+ // The old version below, which initially used $this->mDesiredDestName
 277+ // instead of that getTitle() caused plenty o' fatals...the new version
 278+ // seems to be OK...I think.
 279+ //$img = wfFindFile( $this->mUpload->getTitle() );
 280+ $img = $this->mLocalFile;
 282+ if ( !$img ) {
 283+ // This should NOT be happening...the getThumbnail() call below
 284+ // will cause a fatal error if $img is not an object
 285+ error_log(
 286+ 'FanBox/MiniAjaxUpload FATAL! $this->mUpload is:' .
 287+ print_r( $this->mUpload, true )
 288+ );
 289+ }
 291+ $thumb = $img->getThumbnail( $thumbWidth );
 292+ $img_tag = $thumb->toHtml();
 293+ $slashedImgTag = addslashes( $img_tag );
 295+ // $this->mDesiredDestName doesn't include the timestamp so we can't
 296+ // use it as the second param to the JS function...
 297+ // @see extensions/QuizGame/QuestionGameUpload.php,
 298+ // SpecialQuestionGameUpload::processUpload() for a detailed
 299+ // description of wtf's going on in here
 300+ $imgName = $img->getTitle()->getDBkey();
 301+ echo "<script language=\"javascript\">
 302+ /*<![CDATA[*/
 303+ window.parent.FanBoxes.uploadComplete(\"{$slashedImgTag}\", \"{$imgName}\", '');
 304+ /*]]>*/</script>";
 305+ }
 308+class FanBoxAjaxUploadForm extends UploadForm {
 309+ protected $mWatch;
 310+ protected $mForReUpload;
 311+ protected $mSessionKey;
 312+ protected $mHideIgnoreWarning;
 313+ protected $mDestWarningAck;
 314+ protected $mDestFile;
 316+ protected $mSourceIds;
 318+ public function __construct( $options = array() ) {
 319+ $this->mWatch = !empty( $options['watch'] );
 320+ $this->mForReUpload = !empty( $options['forreupload'] );
 321+ $this->mSessionKey = isset( $options['sessionkey'] )
 322+ ? $options['sessionkey'] : '';
 323+ $this->mHideIgnoreWarning = !empty( $options['hideignorewarning'] );
 324+ $this->mDestWarningAck = !empty( $options['destwarningack'] );
 326+ $this->mDestFile = isset( $options['destfile'] ) ? $options['destfile'] : '';
 328+ $sourceDescriptor = $this->getSourceSection();
 329+ $descriptor = $sourceDescriptor
 330+ + $this->getDescriptionSection()
 331+ + $this->getOptionsSection();
 333+ //wfRunHooks( 'UploadFormInitDescriptor', array( &$descriptor ) );
 334+ HTMLForm::__construct( $descriptor, 'upload' );
 336+ # Set some form properties
 337+ $this->setSubmitText( wfMsg( 'uploadbtn' ) );
 338+ $this->setSubmitName( 'wpUpload' );
 339+ $this->setSubmitTooltip( 'upload' );
 340+ $this->setId( 'mw-upload-form' );
 342+ # Build a list of IDs for JavaScript insertion
 343+ $this->mSourceIds = array();
 344+ foreach ( $sourceDescriptor as $key => $field ) {
 345+ if ( !empty( $field['id'] ) ) {
 346+ $this->mSourceIds[] = $field['id'];
 347+ }
 348+ }
 349+ }
 351+ function displayForm( $submitResult ) {
 352+ global $wgOut;
 353+ parent::displayForm( $submitResult );
 354+ if ( method_exists( $wgOut, 'allowClickjacking' ) ) {
 355+ $wgOut->allowClickjacking();
 356+ }
 357+ }
 359+ /**
 360+ * Wrap the form innards in an actual <form> element
 361+ * This is here because HTMLForm's default wrapForm() is so stupid that it
 362+ * doesn't let us add the onsubmit attribute...oh yeah, and because using
 363+ * $wgOut->addInlineScript in that addUploadJS() function doesn't work,
 364+ * either
 365+ *
 366+ * @param $html String: HTML contents to wrap.
 367+ * @return String: wrapped HTML.
 368+ */
 369+ function wrapForm( $html ) {
 370+ # Include a <fieldset> wrapper for style, if requested.
 371+ if ( $this->mWrapperLegend !== false ) {
 372+ $html = Xml::fieldset( $this->mWrapperLegend, $html );
 373+ }
 374+ # Use multipart/form-data
 375+ $encType = $this->mUseMultipart
 376+ ? 'multipart/form-data'
 377+ : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
 378+ # Attributes
 379+ $attribs = array(
 380+ 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getFullURL(),
 381+ 'method' => 'post',
 382+ 'class' => 'visualClear',
 383+ 'enctype' => $encType,
 384+ 'onsubmit' => 'submitForm()' // changed
 385+ );
 386+ if ( !empty( $this->mId ) ) {
 387+ $attribs['id'] = $this->mId;
 388+ }
 390+ // fucking newlines...
 391+ return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
 392+ function submitForm() {
 393+ if ( document.getElementById( 'wpUploadFile' ).value != '' ) {
 394+ window.parent.FanBoxes.completeImageUpload();
 395+ return true;
 396+ } else {
 397+ alert( '" . str_replace( "\n", ' ', wfMsg( 'emptyfile' ) ) . "' );
 398+ return false;
 399+ }
 400+ }
 401+</script>\n" . Html::rawElement( 'form', $attribs, $html );
 402+ }
 404+ /**
 405+ * Get the descriptor of the fieldset that contains the file source
 406+ * selection. The section is 'source'
 407+ *
 408+ * @return array Descriptor array
 409+ */
 410+ protected function getSourceSection() {
 411+ global $wgUser, $wgRequest;
 413+ if ( $this->mSessionKey ) {
 414+ return array(
 415+ 'wpSessionKey' => array(
 416+ 'type' => 'hidden',
 417+ 'default' => $this->mSessionKey,
 418+ ),
 419+ 'wpSourceType' => array(
 420+ 'type' => 'hidden',
 421+ 'default' => 'Stash',
 422+ ),
 423+ );
 424+ }
 426+ $canUploadByUrl = UploadFromUrl::isEnabled() && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'upload_by_url' );
 427+ $radio = $canUploadByUrl;
 428+ $selectedSourceType = strtolower( $wgRequest->getText( 'wpSourceType', 'File' ) );
 430+ $descriptor = array();
 431+ $descriptor['UploadFile'] = array(
 432+ 'class' => 'UploadSourceField',
 433+ 'section' => 'source',
 434+ 'type' => 'file',
 435+ 'id' => 'wpUploadFile',
 436+ 'label-message' => 'sourcefilename',
 437+ 'upload-type' => 'File',
 438+ 'radio' => &$radio,
 439+ // help removed, we don't need any tl,dr on this mini-upload form
 440+ 'checked' => $selectedSourceType == 'file',
 441+ );
 442+ if ( $canUploadByUrl ) {
 443+ $descriptor['UploadFileURL'] = array(
 444+ 'class' => 'UploadSourceField',
 445+ 'section' => 'source',
 446+ 'id' => 'wpUploadFileURL',
 447+ 'label-message' => 'sourceurl',
 448+ 'upload-type' => 'url',
 449+ 'radio' => &$radio,
 450+ 'checked' => $selectedSourceType == 'url',
 451+ );
 452+ }
 454+ return $descriptor;
 455+ }
 457+ /**
 458+ * Get the descriptor of the fieldset that contains the file description
 459+ * input. The section is 'description'
 460+ *
 461+ * @note I thought that adding the time() call to the 'default' and/or
 462+ * 'nodata' keys would do what I assumed, i.e. prepend the file name w/
 463+ * the timestamp, but it did nothing. @see wrapForm() instead
 464+ *
 465+ * @return array Descriptor array
 466+ */
 467+ protected function getDescriptionSection() {
 468+ $descriptor = array(
 469+ 'DestFile' => array(
 470+ 'type' => 'hidden',
 471+ 'id' => 'wpDestFile',
 472+ 'size' => 60,
 473+ 'default' => $this->mDestFile,
 474+ # FIXME: hack to work around poor handling of the 'default' option in HTMLForm
 475+ 'nodata' => strval( $this->mDestFile ) !== '',
 476+ 'readonly' => true // users do not need to change the file name; normally this is true only when reuploading
 477+ )
 478+ );
 480+ global $wgUseCopyrightUpload;
 481+ if ( $wgUseCopyrightUpload ) {
 482+ $descriptor['UploadCopyStatus'] = array(
 483+ 'type' => 'text',
 484+ 'section' => 'description',
 485+ 'id' => 'wpUploadCopyStatus',
 486+ 'label-message' => 'filestatus',
 487+ );
 488+ $descriptor['UploadSource'] = array(
 489+ 'type' => 'text',
 490+ 'section' => 'description',
 491+ 'id' => 'wpUploadSource',
 492+ 'label-message' => 'filesource',
 493+ );
 494+ }
 496+ return $descriptor;
 497+ }
 499+ /**
 500+ * Get the descriptor of the fieldset that contains the upload options,
 501+ * such as "watch this file". The section is 'options'
 502+ *
 503+ * @return array Descriptor array
 504+ */
 505+ protected function getOptionsSection() {
 506+ $descriptor = array();
 508+ $descriptor['wpDestFileWarningAck'] = array(
 509+ 'type' => 'hidden',
 510+ 'id' => 'wpDestFileWarningAck',
 511+ 'default' => $this->mDestWarningAck ? '1' : '',
 512+ );
 514+ if ( $this->mForReUpload ) {
 515+ $descriptor['wpForReUpload'] = array(
 516+ 'type' => 'hidden',
 517+ 'id' => 'wpForReUpload',
 518+ 'default' => '1',
 519+ );
 520+ }
 522+ return $descriptor;
 523+ }
 525+ /**
 526+ * Add the upload JS and show the form.
 527+ */
 528+ public function show() {
 529+ HTMLForm::show();
 530+ }
 532+ /**
 533+ * Empty function; submission is handled elsewhere.
 534+ *
 535+ * @return bool false
 536+ */
 537+ function trySubmit() {
 538+ return false;
 539+ }
 543+ * Quick helper class for SpecialFanBoxAjaxUpload::loadRequest; this prefixes
 544+ * the filename with the timestamp. Yes, another class is needed for it. *sigh*
 545+ */
 546+class FanBoxUpload extends UploadFromFile {
 547+ /**
 548+ * Create a form of UploadBase depending on wpSourceType and initializes it
 549+ */
 550+ public static function createFromRequest( &$request, $type = null ) {
 551+ $handler = new self;
 552+ $handler->initializeFromRequest( $request );
 553+ return $handler;
 554+ }
 556+ function initializeFromRequest( &$request ) {
 557+ $desiredDestName = $request->getText( 'wpDestFile' );
 558+ if( !$desiredDestName ) {
 559+ $desiredDestName = $request->getFileName( 'wpUploadFile' );
 560+ }
 561+ $desiredDestName = time() . '-' . $desiredDestName;
 562+ return $this->initializePathInfo(
 563+ $desiredDestName,
 564+ $request->getFileTempName( 'wpUploadFile' ),
 565+ $request->getFileSize( 'wpUploadFile' )
 566+ );
 567+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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1569 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxes.css
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
 2+/* CSS for FanBoxes extension */
 3+/* Create Form */
 4+.create-fanbox-text-and-color {
 5+ width: 550px;
 6+ margin-bottom: 10px;
 9+h3 {
 10+ margin-top: 5px;
 11+ margin-bottom: 5px;
 12+ font-size: 14px;
 15+.create-fanbox-title {
 16+ margin-bottom: 10px;
 17+ width: 550px;
 20+.create-fanbox-text {
 21+ width: 550px;
 24+.category-section {
 25+ width: 550px;
 28+h1 {
 29+ font-size: 16px;
 30+ margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px !important;
 31+ border-bottom: none;
 32+ font-weight: bold;
 35+#addImage {
 36+ font-size: 9px;
 37+ color: #285C98;
 38+ cursor: pointer;
 39+ display: inline;
 42+#closeImage {
 43+ font-size: 9px;
 44+ color: #285C98;
 45+ cursor: pointer;
 46+ display: none;
 49+.create-fanbox-image {
 50+ display: none;
 53+#countdownbox {
 54+ padding-left: 10px;
 57+#fanbox-left-text {
 58+ float: left;
 59+ width: 180px;
 60+ padding-right: 10px;
 63+#fanbox-right-text {
 64+ float: right;
 65+ width: 350px;
 68+#add-colors-left {
 69+ width: 150px;
 70+ margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px;
 71+ float: left;
 74+#colorpickerholder {
 75+ position: relative;
 76+ padding: 6px;
 77+ background-color: #eeeeee;
 78+ width: 370px;
 79+ height: 190px;
 80+ float: left;
 83+.imageUpload-frame {
 84+ height: 90px;
 87+.fanBoxTable {
 88+ cursor: pointer;
 89+ height: 65px;
 90+ width: 270px;
 93+#fanBoxLeftSideOutput {
 94+ width: 45px;
 95+ height: 57px;
 96+ font-size: 20px;
 97+ text-align: center;
 98+ padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px;
 99+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 100+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 101+ border-left: 1px #000000 solid;
 102+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 105+#fanBoxLeftSideContainer {
 106+ width: 55px;
 107+ height: 63px;
 108+ text-align: center;
 109+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 110+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 111+ border-left: 1px #000000 solid;
 112+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 115+#fanBoxLeftSideOutput2 {
 116+ width: 45px;
 117+ height: 57px;
 118+ font-size: 20px;
 119+ text-align: center;
 120+ padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px;
 123+#fanBoxRightSideOutput {
 124+ width: 202px;
 125+ height: 57px;
 126+ font-size: 14px;
 127+ padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px;
 128+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 129+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 130+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 133+#fanBoxRightSideContainer {
 134+ width: 212px;
 135+ height: 63px;
 136+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 137+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 138+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 141+#fanBoxRightSideOutput2 {
 142+ width: 202px;
 143+ height: 57px;
 144+ font-size: 14px;
 145+ padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px;
 148+#fanBoxLeftSideOutputProfile {
 149+ width: 35px;
 150+ height: 52px;
 151+ font-size: 20px;
 152+ text-align: center;
 153+ padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
 154+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 155+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 156+ border-left: 1px #000000 solid;
 157+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 160+#fanBoxRightSideOutputProfile {
 161+ width: 150px;
 162+ height: 52px;
 163+ font-size: 14px;
 164+ padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
 165+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 166+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 167+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 170+.categorytext {
 171+ width: 700px;
 174+.lr-left {
 175+ float: left;
 176+ width: 55%;
 179+.lr-right {
 180+ float: right;
 181+ border-left: 1px solid #DCDCDC;
 182+ float: right;
 183+ padding: 0px 0px 0px 20px;
 184+ margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
 185+ width: 40%;
 188+/* End of Create Form */
 190+.fantag-image {
 191+ margin: 0px 0px 24px 0px;
 194+.fanbox-item {
 195+ width: 270px;
 196+ height: 100%;
 197+ margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px;
 200+.individual-fanbox {
 201+ display: block;
 202+ width: 270px;
 203+ height: 100%;
 206+.individual-fanboxtest {
 207+ display: block;
 210+.fanbox-pop-up-box {
 211+ width: 258px;
 212+ display: none;
 213+ padding: 5px;
 214+ border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
 215+ height: 53px;
 218+.fanbox-pop-up-box-profile {
 219+ width: 201px;
 220+ height: 50px;
 221+ display: none;
 222+ border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
 225+.fanBoxTableProfile {
 226+ cursor: pointer;
 227+ width: 100%;
 228+ height: 100%;
 229+ line-height: 1;
 232+.show-message-container {
 233+ position: relative;
 236+.show-message-container-profile {
 237+ width: 75%;
 238+ height: 75%;
 239+ position: relative;
 242+.fanboxpopup-container {
 243+ width: 270px;
 244+ height: 100%;
 247+.permalink-container {
 248+ position: relative;
 251+.relativeposition {
 252+ position: relative;
 255+.75percent {
 256+ width: 75%;
 257+ height: 75%;
 260+a.perma {
 261+ position: absolute;
 262+ bottom: 0.3em;
 263+ right: 0.3em;
 264+ display: block;
 265+ z-index: 1;
 268+.show-addremove-message {
 269+ color: red;
 270+ font-weight: bold;
 271+ text-align: center;
 272+ height: 63px;
 273+ width: 268px;
 274+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 275+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 276+ border-left: 1px #000000 solid;
 277+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 280+.show-addremove-message-half {
 281+ color: red;
 282+ font-weight: bold;
 283+ text-align: center;
 284+ height: 43px;
 285+ width: 190px;
 286+ padding: 5px;
 287+ border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;
 288+ border-top: 1px #000000 solid;
 289+ border-left: 1px #000000 solid;
 290+ border-right: 1px #000000 solid;
 293+.show-individual-addremove-message {
 294+ color: red;
 295+ font-weight: bold;
 296+ padding-top: 10px;
 299+.verticalalign {
 300+ vertical-align: middle;
 303+#messageforaddremove {
 304+ display: none;
 307+.fan-error {
 308+ color: #ff0000;
 309+ font-size: 16px;
 310+ font-weight: bold;
 313+.back-links {
 314+ margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
 317+.back-links a {
 318+ text-decoration: none;
 319+ font-weight: bold;
 322+.fanbox-count {
 323+ margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
 326+.page-nav a {
 327+ font-weight: bold;
 330+.top-fanbox-num {
 331+ font-weight: bold;
 332+ font-size: 18px;
 333+ color: #dcdcdc;
 334+ width: 45px;
 335+ padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px;
 336+ margin: 0px 0px 0px 5px;
 337+ float: left;
 340+.top-fanbox-users {
 341+ font-size: 13px;
 342+ color: #797979;
 343+ height: 65px;
 344+ width: 100px;
 345+ float: left;
 348+.top-fanbox-creator {
 349+ font-size: 13px;
 350+ color: #797979;
 351+ height: 65px;
 352+ width: 150px;
 353+ padding-left: 10px;
 354+ float: left;
 357+.centerheight {
 358+ text-align: center;
 359+ height: 65px;
 362+.top-fan {
 363+ padding-right: 10px;
 364+ float: left;
 367+.fanbox-nav {
 368+ float: right;
 369+ margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
 370+ width: 200px;
 371+ padding: 5px;
 374+.fanbox-nav h2 {
 375+ font-size: 16px;
 376+ color: #333333;
 377+ padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px;
 378+ border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
 379+ margin:0px 0px 10px 0px !important;
 382+.fanbox-nav a {
 383+ font-weight: bold;
 384+ text-decoration: none;
 387+.top-fanboxes {
 388+ float: left;
 389+ margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
 390+ position: relative;
 391+ overflow: hidden;
 394+.top-fanbox-row {
 395+ clear: both;
 398+.top-fanbox {
 399+ padding-right: 10px;
 400+ float: left;
 404+ padding: 0px 0px 25px 0px;
 405+ position: relative;
 409+ padding-right: 10px;
 410+ float: left;
 413+.fa-item {
 414+ border: 1px solid #D7DEE8;
 415+ padding: 7px;
 416+ float: left;
 417+ margin: 0px 15px 15px 0px;
 418+ width: 350px;
 421+.user-embed-tag {
 422+ margin: 20px 0 10px 0;
 425+.fanbox-page-container {
 426+ padding: 5px 0 0 0;
 429+.user-embed-tag input {
 430+ width: 40%;
 433+.users-with-fanbox h2 {
 434+ border-bottom: none;
 435+ font-size: 14px;
 436+ font-weight: bold;
 437+ color: #777;
 438+ margin: 0px 0 3px 0 !important;
 439+ padding: 0;
 442+.users-with-fanbox-message {
 443+ font-size: 9px;
 444+ margin: 0px 0px 5px;
 447+.users-with-fanbox img {
 448+ border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
 449+ padding: 2px;
 450+ background-color: #fff;
 451+ margin: 0px 2px 0px;
 454+.fanbox-right-text-message {
 455+ font-size: 10px !important;
 456+ font-weight: normal;
 457+ margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxes.css
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1459 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialFanBoxes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
 4+ * A special page for creating new social userboxes (a.k.a fanboxes a.k.a
 5+ * fantags).
 6+ *
 7+ * @file
 8+ * @ingroup Extensions
 9+ */
 10+class FanBoxes extends SpecialPage {
 12+ /**
 13+ * Constructor
 14+ */
 15+ public function __construct() {
 16+ parent::__construct( 'UserBoxes' );
 17+ }
 19+ /**
 20+ * Show the special page
 21+ *
 22+ * @param $par Mixed: parameter passed to the page or null
 23+ */
 24+ public function execute( $par ) {
 25+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgHooks, $wgFanBoxScripts;
 27+ // Set it up so that you must be logged in to create a userbox
 28+ if( $wgUser->getID() == 0 ) {
 29+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsgHtml( 'fanbox-woops-title' ) );
 30+ $login = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' );
 31+ $wgOut->redirect( $login->getFullURL( 'returnto=Special:UserBoxes' ) );
 32+ return false;
 33+ }
 35+ // Don't allow blocked users (RT #12589)
 36+ if( $wgUser->isBlocked() ) {
 37+ $wgOut->blockedPage();
 38+ return true;
 39+ }
 41+ // If the database is in read-only mode, bail out
 42+ if( wfReadOnly() ) {
 43+ $wgOut->readOnlyPage();
 44+ return true;
 45+ }
 47+ // Extension's CSS & JS
 48+ $wgOut->addScriptFile( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.js' );
 49+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.css' );
 51+ // colorpicker
 52+ $wgOut->addScript( "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/utilities/utilities.js\"></script>\n" );
 53+ $wgOut->addScript( "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/slider/slider-min.js\"></script>\n" );
 54+ $wgOut->addScript( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/colorpicker/assets/skins/sam/colorpicker.css\"/>\n" );
 55+ $wgOut->addScript( "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/colorpicker/colorpicker-min.js\"></script>\n" );
 57+ // Add i18n messages as JS globals (this can be removed once we require
 58+ // ResourceLoader/MW 1.17+)
 59+ $wgHooks['MakeGlobalVariablesScript'][] = 'FanBoxes::addJSGlobals';
 61+ $output = '';
 62+ $title = str_replace( '#', '', $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpTitle' ) );
 63+ $fanboxId = $wgRequest->getInt( 'id' );
 64+ $categories = '';
 66+ // Set up the edit fanbox part
 67+ if( $fanboxId ) {
 68+ $title = Title::newFromID( $fanboxId );
 69+ $update_fan = new FanBox( $title );
 71+ // Get categories
 72+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 73+ $res = $dbr->select(
 74+ 'categorylinks',
 75+ 'cl_to',
 76+ array( 'cl_from' => intval( $fanboxId ) ),
 77+ __METHOD__
 78+ );
 80+ $fanboxCategory = wfMsgForContent( 'fanbox-userbox-category' );
 81+ foreach( $res as $row ) {
 82+ if(
 83+ $row->cl_to != $fanboxCategory &&
 84+ // @todo FIXME: i18n
 85+ strpos( $row->cl_to, 'Userboxes_by_User_' ) === false
 86+ )
 87+ {
 88+ $categories .= ( ( $categories ) ? ', ' : '' ) . $row->cl_to;
 89+ }
 90+ }
 92+ $output .= "
 93+ <form action=\"\" method=\"post\" name=\"form1\">
 94+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fantag_image_name\" id=\"fantag_image_name\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxImage()}\">
 95+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"textSizeRightSide\" id=\"textSizeRightSide\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxRightTextSize()}\" >
 96+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"textSizeLeftSide\" id=\"textSizeLeftSide\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxLeftTextSize()}\">
 97+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bgColorLeftSideColor\" id=\"bgColorLeftSideColor\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxLeftBgColor()}\">
 98+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"textColorLeftSideColor\" id=\"textColorLeftSideColor\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxLeftTextColor()}\">
 99+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bgColorRightSideColor\" id=\"bgColorRightSideColor\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxRightBgColor()}\">
 100+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"textColorRightSideColor\" id=\"textColorRightSideColor\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxRightTextColor()}\">";
 102+ if( $update_fan->getFanBoxImage() ) {
 103+ $fantag_image_width = 45;
 104+ $fantag_image_height = 53;
 105+ $fantag_image = wfFindFile( $update_fan->getFanBoxImage() );
 106+ $fantag_image_url = '';
 107+ if ( is_object( $fantag_image ) ) {
 108+ $fantag_image_url = $fantag_image->createThumb(
 109+ $fantag_image_width,
 110+ $fantag_image_height
 111+ );
 112+ }
 113+ $fantag_image_tag = '<img alt="" src="' . $fantag_image_url . '" />';
 114+ }
 116+ if( $update_fan->getFanBoxLeftText() == '' ) {
 117+ $fantag_leftside = $fantag_image_tag;
 118+ $fantag_imageholder = $fantag_image_tag;
 119+ } else {
 120+ $fantag_leftside = $update_fan->getFanBoxLeftText();
 121+ $fantag_imageholder = '';
 122+ }
 124+ $leftfontsize = $rightfontsize = '';
 125+ if( $update_fan->getFanBoxLeftTextSize() == 'mediumfont' ) {
 126+ $leftfontsize = '14px';
 127+ }
 128+ if( $update_fan->getFanBoxLeftTextSize() == 'bigfont' ) {
 129+ $leftfontsize = '20px';
 130+ }
 132+ if( $update_fan->getFanBoxRightTextSize() == 'smallfont' ) {
 133+ $rightfontsize = '12px';
 134+ }
 135+ if( $update_fan->getFanBoxRightTextSize() == 'mediumfont' ) {
 136+ $rightfontsize = '14px';
 137+ }
 139+ $output .= "\n" . '<table class="fanBoxTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
 140+ <tr>
 141+ <td id="fanBoxLeftSideContainer" bgcolor="' . $update_fan->getFanBoxLeftBgColor() . '">
 142+ <table cellspacing="0" width="55px" height="63px">
 143+ <tr>
 144+ <td id="fanBoxLeftSideOutput2" style="color:' .
 145+ $update_fan->getFanBoxLeftTextColor() .
 146+ '; font-size:' . $leftfontsize . '">' .
 147+ $fantag_leftside .
 148+ '</td>
 149+ </table>
 150+ </td>
 151+ <td id="fanBoxRightSideContainer" bgcolor="' . $update_fan->getFanBoxRightBgColor() . '">
 152+ <table cellspacing="0">
 153+ <tr>
 154+ <td id="fanBoxRightSideOutput2" style="color:' .
 155+ $update_fan->getFanBoxRightTextColor() .
 156+ '; font-size:' . $rightfontsize . '">' .
 157+ $update_fan->getFanBoxRightText() .
 158+ '</td>
 159+ </table>
 160+ </td>
 161+ </table>';
 163+ $output .= '<h1>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-addtext' ) . '</h1>
 164+ <div class="create-fanbox-text">
 165+ <div id="fanbox-left-text">
 166+ <h3>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-leftsidetext' ) . "<span id=\"addImage\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.displayAddImage('create-fanbox-image', 'addImage', 'closeImage')\">" .
 167+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-display-image' ) . "</span> <span id=\"closeImage\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.displayAddImage('create-fanbox-image', 'closeImage', 'addImage')\">" .
 168+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-close-image' ) . "</span></h3>
 169+ <input type=\"text\" name=\"inputLeftSide\" id=\"inputLeftSide\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxLeftText()}\" oninput=\"FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()\" onkeyup=\"FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()\" onkeydown=\"FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()\" onpaste=\"FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()\" onkeypress=\"FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()\" maxlength=\"11\"><br />
 170+ <font size=\"1\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-leftsideinstructions' ) . '</font>
 171+ </div>
 172+ <div id="fanbox-right-text">
 173+ <h3>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-rightsidetext' ) . '<span class="fanbox-right-text-message">' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-charsleft', '<input readonly="readonly" type="text" name="countdown" style="width:20px; height:15px;" value="70" /> ' ) . "</span></h3>
 174+ <input type=\"text\" name=\"inputRightSide\" id=\"inputRightSide\" style=\"width:350px\" value=\"{$update_fan->getFanBoxRightText()}\" oninput=\"FanBoxes.displayRightSide();
 175+ rightSideFanBoxFormat()\"
 176+ onkeydown=\"FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()\"
 177+ onkeyup=\"FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()\"
 178+ onpaste=\"FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()\"
 179+ onkeypress=\"FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()\"
 180+ maxlength=\"70\" /><br />
 181+ <font size=\"1\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-rightsideinstructions' ) . '</font>
 182+ </div>
 183+ </form>
 184+ </div>';
 186+ $output .= '
 187+ <div id="create-fanbox-image" class="create-fanbox-image">
 188+ <h1>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-leftsideimage' ) . ' <font size="1">' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-leftsideimageinstructions' ) . " </font></h1>
 189+ <div id=\"fanbox_image\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.insertImageToLeft()\">$fantag_imageholder</div>
 190+ <div id=\"fanbox_image2\"> </div>
 191+ <div id=\"real-form\" style=\"display:block;height:70px;\">
 192+ <iframe id=\"imageUpload-frame\" class=\"imageUpload-frame\" width=\"700\"
 193+ scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" src=\"" .
 194+ SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'FanBoxAjaxUpload' )->escapeFullURL() . '">
 195+ </iframe>
 196+ </div>
 197+ </div>';
 199+ $output .= $this->colorPickerAndCategoryCloud( $categories );
 201+ $output .= '<div class="create-fanbox-buttons">
 202+ <input type="button" class="site-button" value="' .
 203+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-update-button' ) .
 204+ '" size="20" onclick="FanBoxes.createFantagSimple()" />
 205+ </div>';
 206+ }
 208+ // Set it up so that the page title includes the title of the red link that the user clicks on
 209+ $destination = $wgRequest->getVal( 'destName' );
 210+ $page_title = wfMsg( 'fan-addfan-title' );
 211+ if( $destination ) {
 212+ $page_title = wfMsg( 'fan-createfor', str_replace( '_', ' ', $destination ) );
 213+ }
 214+ if( $fanboxId ) {
 215+ $page_title = wfMsg( 'fan-updatefan', str_replace( '_', ' ', $update_fan->getName() ) );
 216+ }
 218+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( $page_title );
 220+ // Set it up so that the title of the page the user creates using the create form ends
 221+ // up being the title of the red link he clicked on to get to the create form
 222+ if( $destination ) {
 223+ $title = $destination;
 224+ }
 226+ if( !$fanboxId ) {
 227+ $output .= '<div class="lr-right">' .
 228+ wfMsgExt( 'userboxes-instructions', 'parse' ) .
 229+ '</div>
 231+ <form action="" method="post" name="form1">
 232+ <input type="hidden" name="fantag_image_name" id="fantag_image_name" />
 233+ <input type="hidden" name="fantag_imgname" id="fantag_imgname" />
 234+ <input type="hidden" name="fantag_imgtag" id="fantag_imgtag" />
 235+ <input type="hidden" name="textSizeRightSide" id="textSizeRightSide" />
 236+ <input type="hidden" name="textSizeLeftSide" id="textSizeLeftSide" />
 237+ <input type="hidden" name="bgColorLeftSideColor" id="bgColorLeftSideColor" value="" />
 238+ <input type="hidden" name="textColorLeftSideColor" id="textColorLeftSideColor" value="" />
 239+ <input type="hidden" name="bgColorRightSideColor" id="bgColorRightSideColor" value="" />
 240+ <input type="hidden" name="textColorRightSideColor" id="textColorRightSideColor" value="" />';
 242+ if( !$destination ) {
 243+ $output .= '<h1>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-title' ) . '</h1>
 244+ <div class="create-fanbox-title">
 245+ <input type="text" name="wpTitle" id="wpTitle" value="' .
 246+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpTitle' ) .
 247+ '" style="width:350px" maxlength="60" /><br />
 248+ <font size="1">(' . wfMsg( 'fanboxes-maxchars-sixty' ) . ')</font><br />
 249+ </div>';
 250+ } else {
 251+ $output .= Html::hidden( 'wpTitle', $destination, array( 'id' => 'wpTitle' ) );
 252+ }
 254+ $output .= '<table class="fanBoxTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
 255+ <tr>
 256+ <td id="fanBoxLeftSideContainer">
 257+ <table cellspacing="0" width="55px" height="63px">
 258+ <tr>
 259+ <td id="fanBoxLeftSideOutput2"></td>
 260+ </tr>
 261+ </table>
 262+ </td>
 263+ <td id="fanBoxRightSideContainer">
 264+ <table cellspacing="0" width="212px" height="63px">
 265+ <tr>
 266+ <td id="fanBoxRightSideOutput2"></td>
 267+ </tr>
 268+ </table>
 269+ </td>
 270+ </tr>
 271+ </table>' . "\n";
 273+ $output.= '<h1>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-addtext' ) . '</h1>
 274+ <div class="create-fanbox-text">
 275+ <div id="fanbox-left-text">
 276+ <h3>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-leftsidetext' ) . "<span id=\"addImage\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.displayAddImage('create-fanbox-image', 'addImage', 'closeImage')\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-display-image' ) . "</span> <span id=\"closeImage\" onclick=\"FanBoxes.displayAddImage('create-fanbox-image', 'closeImage', 'addImage')\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-close-image' ) . '</span></h3>
 277+ <input type="text" name="inputLeftSide" id="inputLeftSide" oninput="FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()" onkeyup="FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()" onkeydown="FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()" onpaste="FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()" onkeypress="FanBoxes.displayLeftSide(); FanBoxes.leftSideFanBoxFormat()"
 278+ maxlength="11" /><br />
 279+ <font size="1">' . wfMsgForContent( 'fanbox-leftsideinstructions' ) . '</font>
 280+ </div>
 281+ <div id="fanbox-right-text">
 282+ <h3>' . wfMsgForContent( 'fanbox-rightsidetext' ) . '<span id="countdownbox"> <span class="fanbox-right-text-message">'
 283+ . wfMsg( 'fanbox-charsleft', '<input readonly="readonly" type="text" name="countdown" style="width:20px; height:15px;" value="70" />' ) . '</span></span></h3>
 284+ <input type="text" name="inputRightSide" id="inputRightSide" style="width:350px" oninput="FanBoxes.displayRightSide();
 285+ FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()"
 286+ onkeydown="FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()"
 287+ onkeyup="FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()"
 288+ onpaste="FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()"
 289+ onkeypress="FanBoxes.limitText(this.form.inputRightSide,this.form.countdown,70); FanBoxes.displayRightSide(); FanBoxes.rightSideFanBoxFormat()"
 290+ maxlength="70" /><br />
 291+ <font size="1">' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-rightsideinstructions' ) . '</font>
 292+ </div>
 293+ <div class="cleared"></div>
 294+ </form>
 295+ </div>';
 297+ $output .= '<div id="create-fanbox-image" class="create-fanbox-image">
 298+ <h1>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-leftsideimage' ) .
 299+ ' <font size="1">' .
 300+ wfMsgForContent( 'fanbox-leftsideimageinstructions' ) .
 301+ ' </font></h1>
 302+ <div id="fanbox_image" onclick="FanBoxes.insertImageToLeft()"></div>
 303+ <div id="fanbox_image2"></div>
 305+ <div id="real-form" style="display: block; height: 70px;">
 306+ <iframe id="imageUpload-frame" class="imageUpload-frame" width="700"
 307+ scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="' . SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'FanBoxAjaxUpload' )->escapeFullURL() . '">
 308+ </iframe>
 309+ </div>
 310+ </div>';
 312+ $output .= $this->colorPickerAndCategoryCloud( $categories );
 314+ $output .= '<div class="create-fanbox-buttons">
 315+ <input type="button" class="site-button" value="' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-create-button' ) . '" size="20" onclick="FanBoxes.createFantag()" />
 316+ </div>';
 317+ }
 319+ $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
 321+ // Send values to database and create fantag page when form is submitted
 322+ if( $wgRequest->wasPosted() ) {
 323+ if( !$fanboxId ) {
 324+ $fan = FanBox::newFromName( $title );
 325+ $fantagId = $fan->addFan(
 326+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'inputLeftSide' ),
 327+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textColorLeftSideColor' ),
 328+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'bgColorLeftSideColor' ),
 329+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'inputRightSide' ),
 330+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textColorRightSideColor' ),
 331+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'bgColorRightSideColor' ),
 332+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'fantag_image_name' ),
 333+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textSizeLeftSide' ),
 334+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textSizeRightSide' ),
 335+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'pageCtg' )
 336+ );
 337+ $fan->addUserFan( $fantagId );
 338+ $wgOut->redirect( $fan->title->getFullURL() );
 339+ }
 340+ if( $fanboxId ) {
 341+ $title = Title::newFromID( $fanboxId );
 342+ $update_fan = new FanBox( $title );
 343+ $update_fan->updateFan(
 344+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'inputLeftSide' ),
 345+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textColorLeftSideColor' ),
 346+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'bgColorLeftSideColor' ),
 347+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'inputRightSide' ),
 348+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textColorRightSideColor' ),
 349+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'bgColorRightSideColor' ),
 350+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'fantag_image_name' ),
 351+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textSizeLeftSide' ),
 352+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'textSizeRightSide' ),
 353+ $fanboxId,
 354+ $wgRequest->getVal( 'pageCtg' )
 355+ );
 356+ $wgOut->redirect( $update_fan->title->getFullURL() );
 357+ }
 358+ }
 359+ }
 361+ function colorPickerAndCategoryCloud( $categories ) {
 362+ $output = '<div class="add-colors">
 363+ <h1>' . wfMsg( 'fan-add-colors' ) . '</h1>
 364+ <div id="add-colors-left">
 365+ <form name="colorpickerradio" action="">
 366+ <input type="radio" name="colorpickerchoice" value="leftBG" checked="checked" />' .
 367+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-leftbg-color' ) .
 368+ '<br />
 369+ <input type="radio" name="colorpickerchoice" value="leftText" />' .
 370+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-lefttext-color' ) .
 371+ '<br />
 372+ <input type="radio" name="colorpickerchoice" value="rightBG" />' .
 373+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-rightbg-color' ) .
 374+ '<br />
 375+ <input type="radio" name="colorpickerchoice" value="rightText" />' .
 376+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-righttext-color' ) . "
 377+ </form>
 378+ </div>
 380+ <div id=\"add-colors-right\">
 381+ <div id=\"colorpickerholder\"></div>
 382+ </div>
 384+ <script type=\"text/javascript\">
 385+ var colorPickerTest = new YAHOO.widget.ColorPicker( 'colorpickerholder', {
 386+ showhsvcontrols: true,
 387+ showhexcontrols: true,
 388+ images: {
 389+ PICKER_THUMB: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/build/colorpicker/assets/picker_thumb.png',
 390+ HUE_THUMB: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/build/colorpicker/assets/hue_thumb.png'
 391+ }
 392+ });
 394+ colorPickerTest.on( 'rgbChange', function( p_oEvent ) {
 395+ var sColor = '#' + this.get( 'hex' );
 397+ if( document.colorpickerradio.colorpickerchoice[0].checked ) {
 398+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).style.backgroundColor = sColor;
 399+ // The commented-out line below is the original NYC code but I noticed that it doesn't work
 400+ //document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideContainer' ).style.backgroundColor = sColor;
 401+ document.getElementById( 'bgColorLeftSideColor' ).value = sColor;
 402+ }
 404+ if( document.colorpickerradio.colorpickerchoice[1].checked ) {
 405+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxLeftSideOutput2' ).style.color = sColor;
 406+ document.getElementById( 'textColorLeftSideColor' ).value = sColor;
 407+ }
 409+ if( document.colorpickerradio.colorpickerchoice[2].checked ) {
 410+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxRightSideOutput2' ).style.backgroundColor = sColor;
 411+ // The commented-out line below is the original NYC code but I noticed that it doesn't work
 412+ //document.getElementById( 'fanBoxRightSideContainer' ).style.backgroundColor = sColor;
 413+ document.getElementById( 'bgColorRightSideColor' ).value = sColor;
 414+ }
 416+ if( document.colorpickerradio.colorpickerchoice[3].checked ) {
 417+ document.getElementById( 'fanBoxRightSideOutput2' ).style.color = sColor;
 418+ document.getElementById( 'textColorRightSideColor' ).value = sColor;
 419+ }
 420+ });
 421+ </script>
 422+ <div class=\"cleared\"></div>
 423+ </div>";
 425+ // Category cloud stuff
 426+ $cloud = new TagCloud( 10 );
 427+ $categoriesLabel = wfMsg( 'fanbox-categories-label' );
 428+ $categoriesHelpText = wfMsg( 'fanbox-categories-help' );
 430+ $output .= '<div class="category-section">';
 431+ $tagcloud = '<div id="create-tagcloud" style="line-height: 25pt; width: 600px; padding-bottom: 15px;">';
 432+ $tagnumber = 0;
 433+ $tabcounter = 1;
 434+ foreach( $cloud->tags as $tag => $att ) {
 435+ $tag = str_replace( 'Fans', '', $tag );
 436+ $tag = trim( $tag );
 437+ $slashedTag = $tag; // define variable
 438+ // Fix for categories that contain an apostrophe
 439+ if ( strpos( $tag, "'" ) ) {
 440+ $slashedTag = str_replace( "'", "\'", $tag );
 441+ }
 442+ $tagcloud .= " <span id=\"tag-{$tagnumber}\" style=\"font-size:{$cloud->tags[$tag]['size']}{$cloud->tags_size_type}\">
 443+ <a style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline' onclick=\"javascript:FanBoxes.insertTag('" . $slashedTag . "',{$tagnumber});\">{$tag}</a>
 444+ </span>\n";
 445+ $tagnumber++;
 446+ }
 448+ $tagcloud .= '</div>';
 449+ $output .= '<div class="create-category-title">';
 450+ $output .= "<h1>$categoriesLabel</h1>";
 451+ $output .= '</div>';
 452+ $output .= "<div class=\"categorytext\">$categoriesHelpText</div>";
 453+ $output .= $tagcloud;
 454+ $output .= '<textarea class="createbox" tabindex="' . $tabcounter . '" accesskey="," name="pageCtg" id="pageCtg" rows="2" cols="80">' .
 455+ $categories . '</textarea><br /><br />';
 456+ $output .= '</div>';
 458+ return $output;
 459+ }
 461+ /**
 462+ * Add some new JS globals into the page output. This can be replaced by
 463+ * ResourceLoader in the future.
 464+ *
 465+ * @param $vars Array: array of pre-existing JS globals
 466+ * @return Boolean: true
 467+ */
 468+ public static function addJSGlobals( $vars ) {
 469+ $vars['__FANBOX_MUSTENTER_LEFT__'] = wfMsg( 'fanbox-mustenter-left' );
 470+ $vars['__FANBOX_MUSTENTER_RIGHT__'] = wfMsg( 'fanbox-mustenter-right' );
 471+ $vars['__FANBOX_MUSTENTER_RIGHT_OR__'] = wfMsg( 'fanbox-mustenter-right-or' );
 472+ $vars['__FANBOX_MUSTENTER_TITLE__'] = wfMsg( 'fanbox-mustenter-title' );
 473+ $vars['__FANBOX_HASH__'] = wfMsg( 'fanbox-hash' );
 474+ $vars['__FANBOX_CHOOSE_ANOTHER__'] = wfMsg( 'fanbox-choose-another' );
 475+ $vars['__FANBOX_UPLOAD_NEW_IMAGE__'] = wfMsg( 'fanbox-upload-new-image' );
 476+ return true;
 477+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/SpecialFanBoxes.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1479 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/fantag.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
 2+CREATE TABLE /*_*/fantag (
 3+ `fantag_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
 4+ `fantag_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
 5+ `fantag_pg_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 6+ `fantag_left_text` varchar(20) default NULL,
 7+ `fantag_left_textcolor` varchar(20) default NULL,
 8+ `fantag_left_bgcolor` varchar(20) default NULL,
 9+ `fantag_right_text` varchar(90) NOT NULL,
 10+ `fantag_right_textcolor` varchar(20) default NULL,
 11+ `fantag_right_bgcolor` varchar(20) default NULL,
 12+ `fantag_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 13+ `fantag_user_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 14+ `fantag_date` datetime NOT NULL,
 15+ `fantag_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
 16+ `fantag_image_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
 17+ `fantag_left_textsize` varchar(20) default NULL,
 18+ `fantag_right_textsize` varchar(20) default NULL
 19+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
 21+CREATE INDEX /*i*/fantag_user_id ON /*_*/fantag (fantag_user_id);
 22+CREATE INDEX /*i*/fantag_pg_id ON /*_*/fantag (fantag_pg_id);
 24+CREATE TABLE /*_*/user_fantag (
 25+ `userft_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
 26+ `userft_fantag_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 27+ `userft_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 28+ `userft_user_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 29+ `userft_date` datetime NOT NULL,
 30+ `userft_order` int(11) NOT NULL
 31+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
 33+CREATE INDEX /*i*/userft_fantag_id ON /*_*/user_fantag (userft_fantag_id);
 34+CREATE INDEX /*i*/userft_user_id ON /*_*/user_fantag (userft_user_id);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/fantag.sql
Added: svn:eol-style
135 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBox_AjaxFunctions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
 4+ * AJAX functions used by FanBoxes extension.
 5+ */
 7+$wgAjaxExportList[] = 'wfFanBoxShowaddRemoveMessage';
 8+function wfFanBoxShowaddRemoveMessage( $addremove, $title, $individual_fantag_id ) {
 9+ global $wgUser;
 10+ $out = '';
 12+ $fanbox = FanBox::newFromName( $title );
 14+ if( $addremove == 1 ) {
 15+ $fanbox->changeCount( $individual_fantag_id, +1 );
 16+ $fanbox->addUserFan( $individual_fantag_id );
 18+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 19+ $check = $fanbox->checkIfUserHasFanBox();
 20+ if( $check == 0 ) {
 21+ $out .= $fanbox->outputIfUserDoesntHaveFanBox();
 22+ } else {
 23+ $out .= $fanbox->outputIfUserHasFanBox();
 24+ }
 25+ } else {
 26+ $out .= $fanbox->outputIfUserNotLoggedIn();
 27+ }
 29+ $out.= '<div class="show-individual-addremove-message">' .
 30+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-successful-add' ) .
 31+ '</div>';
 32+ }
 34+ if( $addremove == 2 ) {
 35+ $fanbox->changeCount( $individual_fantag_id, -1 );
 36+ $fanbox->removeUserFanBox( $individual_fantag_id );
 38+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 39+ $check = $fanbox->checkIfUserHasFanBox();
 40+ if( $check == 0 ) {
 41+ $out .= $fanbox->outputIfUserDoesntHaveFanBox();
 42+ } else {
 43+ $out .= $fanbox->outputIfUserHasFanBox();
 44+ }
 45+ } else {
 46+ $out .= $fanbox->outputIfUserNotLoggedIn();
 47+ }
 49+ $out.= '<div class="show-individual-addremove-message">' .
 50+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-successful-remove' ) .
 51+ '</div>';
 52+ }
 54+ return $out;
 57+$wgAjaxExportList[] = 'wfMessageAddRemoveUserPage';
 58+function wfMessageAddRemoveUserPage( $addRemove, $id, $style ) {
 59+ global $wgUser;
 60+ $out = '';
 62+ if( $addRemove == 1 ) {
 63+ $number = +1;
 65+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 66+ $dbw->insert(
 67+ 'user_fantag',
 68+ array(
 69+ 'userft_fantag_id' => $id,
 70+ 'userft_user_id' => $wgUser->getID(),
 71+ 'userft_user_name' => $wgUser->getName(),
 72+ 'userft_date' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
 73+ ),
 74+ __METHOD__
 75+ );
 76+ $dbw->commit();
 78+ $out .= "<div class=\"$style\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-successful-add' ) .
 79+ '</div>';
 80+ }
 82+ if( $addRemove == 2 ) {
 83+ $number = -1;
 85+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 86+ $dbw->delete(
 87+ 'user_fantag',
 88+ array(
 89+ 'userft_user_id' => $wgUser->getID(),
 90+ 'userft_fantag_id' => $id
 91+ ),
 92+ __METHOD__
 93+ );
 94+ $dbw->commit();
 96+ $out.= "<div class=\"$style\">" . wfMsg( 'fanbox-successful-remove' ) .
 97+ '</div>';
 98+ }
 100+ $dbw->update(
 101+ 'fantag',
 102+ /* SET */array( "fantag_count=fantag_count+{$number}" ),
 103+ /* WHERE */array( 'fantag_id' => $id ),
 104+ __METHOD__
 105+ );
 107+ $dbw->commit();
 109+ return $out;
 112+$wgAjaxExportList[] = 'wfFanBoxesTitleExists';
 113+function wfFanBoxesTitleExists( $page_name ) {
 114+ // Construct page title object to convert to Database Key
 115+ $pageTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, urldecode( $page_name ) );
 116+ $dbKey = $pageTitle->getDBkey();
 118+ // Database key would be in page title if the page already exists
 119+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 120+ $s = $dbw->selectRow(
 121+ 'page',
 122+ array( 'page_id' ),
 123+ array( 'page_title' => $dbKey, 'page_namespace' => NS_FANTAG ),
 124+ __METHOD__
 125+ );
 127+ if ( $s !== false ) {
 128+ return 'Page exists';
 129+ } else {
 130+ return 'OK';
 131+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
 4+ * This class handles the views of UserBox: pages.
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ */
 9+class FanBoxPage extends Article {
 11+ var $title = null;
 12+ var $authors = array();
 14+ /**
 15+ * @var Object: instance of FanBox for the current Title
 16+ */
 17+ var $fan;
 19+ function __construct( Title $title ) {
 20+ parent::__construct( $title );
 21+ }
 23+ function view() {
 24+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgFanBoxScripts;
 26+ $wgOut->addScriptFile( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.js' );
 28+ $wgOut->setHTMLTitle( $wgTitle->getText() );
 29+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( $wgTitle->getText() );
 31+ $this->fan = new FanBox( $this->getTitle() );
 32+ $fanboxTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_FANTAG, $this->fan->getName() );
 34+ // Don't throw a bunch of E_NOTICEs when we're viewing the page of a
 35+ // nonexistent fanbox
 36+ if ( !$this->getID() ) {
 37+ parent::view();
 38+ return '';
 39+ }
 41+ $output = '';
 42+ $output .= "<h1 class=\"firstHeading\">{$fanboxTitle->getPrefixedText()}</h1>";
 44+ $output .= '<div class="fanbox-page-container clearfix">' .
 45+ $this->fan->outputFanBox();
 46+ $fantag_id = $this->fan->getFanBoxId();
 48+ $output .= '<div id="show-message-container' . $fantag_id . '">';
 50+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 51+ $check = $this->fan->checkIfUserHasFanBox();
 52+ if( $check == 0 ) {
 53+ $output .= $this->fan->outputIfUserDoesntHaveFanBox();
 54+ } else {
 55+ $output .= $this->fan->outputIfUserHasFanBox();
 56+ }
 57+ } else {
 58+ $output .= $this->fan->outputIfUserNotLoggedIn();
 59+ }
 61+ $output .= '</div>
 62+ <div class="user-embed-tag">' .
 63+ $this->getEmbedThisTag() .
 64+ '</div>
 65+ <div class="users-with-fanbox">
 66+ <h2>' . wfMsg( 'fanbox-users-with-fanbox' ) . '</h2>
 67+ <div class="users-with-fanbox-message">' .
 68+ wfMsg( 'fanbox-users-with-fanbox-message' ) .
 69+ '</div>' .
 70+ $this->fanBoxHolders() . "\n" .
 71+ '</div>
 72+ </div>';
 74+ $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
 76+ global $wgFanBoxPageDisplay;
 77+ // Display comments, if we want to display those.
 78+ if( $wgFanBoxPageDisplay['comments'] ) {
 79+ $wgOut->addWikiText( '<comments/>' );
 80+ }
 82+ parent::view();
 83+ }
 85+ /**
 86+ * Get the users who have the current fanbox.
 87+ *
 88+ * @return Array: array containing the users' names and IDs or an empty
 89+ * array
 90+ */
 91+ function getFanBoxHolders() {
 92+ global $wgTitle;
 94+ $pageTitleId = $wgTitle->getArticleID();
 96+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 97+ /* I don't know how the Database class handles the DISTINCT keyword,
 98+ but it won't do a join without the ON part, sadly; see
 99+ DatabaseBase::tableNamesWithUseIndexOrJOIN() which is where it forces
 100+ the ON crap on us (pun not intended, I swear)
 101+ $res = $dbr->select(
 102+ array( 'user_fantag', 'fantag' ),
 103+ array( 'DISTINCT userft_user_name', 'userft_user_id' ),
 104+ array(
 105+ 'userft_fantag_id = fantag_id',
 106+ 'fantag_pg_id' => $pageTitleId
 107+ ),
 108+ __METHOD__,
 109+ array(),
 110+ array( 'fantag' => array( 'INNER JOIN' ) )
 111+ );
 112+ */
 113+ $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT userft_user_name, userft_user_id
 114+ FROM {$dbr->tableName( 'user_fantag' )} INNER JOIN {$dbr->tableName( 'fantag' )}
 115+ WHERE user_fantag.userft_fantag_id = fantag.fantag_id AND fantag.fantag_pg_id = {$pageTitleId}";
 116+ $res = $dbr->query( $sql, __METHOD__ );
 118+ $fanboxHolders = array();
 120+ foreach( $res as $row ) {
 121+ $fanboxHolders[] = array(
 122+ 'userft_user_name' => $row->userft_user_name,
 123+ 'userft_user_id' => $row->userft_user_id
 124+ );
 125+ };
 127+ return $fanboxHolders;
 128+ }
 130+ /**
 131+ * Get the users who have the current fanbox from the database and output
 132+ * their avatars.
 133+ *
 134+ * @return String: HTML
 135+ */
 136+ function fanBoxHolders() {
 137+ $output = '';
 138+ $fanboxHolders = $this->getFanBoxHolders();
 140+ foreach( $fanboxHolders as $fanboxHolder ) {
 141+ $userftusername = $fanboxHolder['userft_user_name'];
 142+ $userftuserid = $fanboxHolder['userft_user_id'];
 143+ $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $fanboxHolder['userft_user_name'] );
 144+ $avatar = new wAvatar( $fanboxHolder['userft_user_id'], 'ml' );
 145+ $output .= "<a href=\"" . $userTitle->escapeFullURL() . "\">
 146+ {$avatar->getAvatarURL()}
 147+ </a>";
 148+ }
 150+ return $output;
 151+ }
 153+ /**
 154+ * Get the wikitext code for embedding this fanbox on a wiki page.
 155+ *
 156+ * @return String: HTML
 157+ */
 158+ public function getEmbedThisTag() {
 159+ $code = $this->fan->getEmbedThisCode();
 160+ $code = preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', '', $code ); // remove any non-space whitespace
 161+ $code = str_replace( '_', ' ', $code ); // replace underscores with spaces
 162+ return '<form name="embed_fan" action="">' . wfMsg( 'fan-embed' ) .
 163+ " <input name='embed_code' type='text' value='{$code}' onclick='javascript:document.embed_fan.embed_code.focus();document.embed_fan.embed_code.select();' readonly='readonly' /></form>";
 164+ }
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1167 + native
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@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
 4+ * FanBox extension
 5+ * Defines a new namespace for fanboxes (NS_FANTAG, the namespace number is 600
 6+ * by default) and some new special pages to add/view fanboxes.
 7+ *
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup Extensions
 10+ * @version 2.0
 11+ * @author Aaron Wright <aaron.wright@gmail.com>
 12+ * @author David Pean <david.pean@gmail.com>
 13+ * @author Robert Lefkowitz
 14+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 15+ * @link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FanBox Documentation
 16+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
 17+ */
 19+if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 20+ die( 'This is not a valid entry point to MediaWiki.' );
 23+// Extension credits that show up on Special:Version
 24+$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
 25+ 'name' => 'FanBox',
 26+ 'version' => '2.0',
 27+ 'author' => array( 'Aaron Wright', 'David Pean', 'Robert Lefkowitz', 'Jack Phoenix' ),
 28+ 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FanBox',
 29+ 'description' => 'A new way of creating and using userboxes, based on special pages',
 32+// ResourceLoader support for MediaWiki 1.17+
 33+$wgResourceModules['ext.fanBoxes'] = array(
 34+ 'styles' => 'FanBoxes.css',
 35+ 'scripts' => 'FanBoxes.js',
 36+ 'messages' => array(
 37+ 'fanbox-mustenter-left', 'fanbox-mustenter-right',
 38+ 'fanbox-mustenter-right-or', 'fanbox-mustenter-title', 'fanbox-hash',
 39+ 'fanbox-choose-another', 'fanbox-upload-new-image'
 40+ ),
 41+ 'localBasePath' => dirname( __FILE__ ),
 42+ 'remoteExtPath' => 'FanBoxes',
 43+ 'position' => 'top' // available since r85616
 46+// Global fantag namespace reference
 47+if( !defined( 'NS_FANTAG' ) ) {
 48+ define( 'NS_FANTAG', 600 );
 51+if( !defined( 'NS_FANTAG_TALK' ) ) {
 52+ define( 'NS_FANTAG_TALK', 601 );
 55+// Set up the new special pages
 56+$dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
 57+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['FanBox'] = $dir . 'FanBox.i18n.php';
 58+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['FanBoxNamespaces'] = $dir . 'FanBox.namespaces.php';
 59+$wgAutoloadClasses['FanBox'] = $dir . 'FanBoxClass.php';
 60+$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialFanBoxAjaxUpload'] = $dir . 'MiniAjaxUpload.php';
 61+$wgAutoloadClasses['FanBoxAjaxUploadForm'] = $dir . 'MiniAjaxUpload.php';
 62+$wgAutoloadClasses['FanBoxUpload'] = $dir . 'MiniAjaxUpload.php';
 63+$wgAutoloadClasses['FanBoxPage'] = $dir . 'FanBoxPage.php';
 64+$wgAutoloadClasses['FanBoxes'] = $dir . 'SpecialFanBoxes.php';
 65+$wgAutoloadClasses['TagCloud'] = $dir . 'TagCloudClass.php';
 66+$wgAutoloadClasses['TopFanBoxes'] = $dir . 'SpecialTopFanBoxes.php';
 67+$wgAutoloadClasses['UserFanBoxes'] = $dir . 'FanBoxesClass.php';
 68+$wgAutoloadClasses['ViewFanBoxes'] = $dir . 'SpecialViewFanBoxes.php';
 69+$wgSpecialPages['FanBoxAjaxUpload'] = 'SpecialFanBoxAjaxUpload';
 70+$wgSpecialPages['UserBoxes'] = 'FanBoxes';
 71+$wgSpecialPages['TopUserboxes'] = 'TopFanBoxes';
 72+$wgSpecialPages['ViewUserBoxes'] = 'ViewFanBoxes';
 73+// Special page groups for MW 1.13+
 74+$wgSpecialPageGroups['UserBoxes'] = 'users';
 75+$wgSpecialPageGroups['TopUserboxes'] = 'users';
 76+$wgSpecialPageGroups['ViewUserBoxes'] = 'users';
 78+// AJAX functions used by this extension
 79+require_once( 'FanBox_AjaxFunctions.php' );
 81+// <userboxes> parser hook
 82+require_once( 'UserBoxesHook.php' );
 84+# Configuration settings
 85+// Web-readable path to FanBox files (used to fetch CSS & JS)
 86+$wgFanBoxScripts = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/FanBoxes';
 87+// Should we display comments on FanBox pages? Requires the Comments extension.
 88+$wgFanBoxPageDisplay['comments'] = true;
 90+// Hooked functions
 91+$wgAutoloadClasses['FanBoxHooks'] = $dir . 'FanBoxHooks.php';
 93+$wgHooks['TitleMoveComplete'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::updateFanBoxTitle';
 94+$wgHooks['ArticleDelete'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::deleteFanBox';
 95+$wgHooks['ArticleFromTitle'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::fantagFromTitle';
 96+$wgHooks['ParserBeforeStrip'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::transformFanBoxTags';
 97+$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::registerFanTag';
 98+$wgHooks['LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::addTables';
 99+$wgHooks['RenameUserSQL'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::onUserRename'; // For the Renameuser extension
 100+$wgHooks['CanonicalNamespaces'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::onCanonicalNamespaces';
\ No newline at end of file
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1101 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxHooks.php
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
 4+ * FanBox extension's hooked function. All class methods are obviously public
 5+ * and static.
 6+ *
 7+ * @file
 8+ * @ingroup Extensions
 9+ */
 10+class FanBoxHooks {
 12+ /**
 13+ * When a fanbox is moved to a new title, update the records in the fantag
 14+ * table.
 15+ *
 16+ * @param $title Object: Title object representing the old title
 17+ * @param $newtitle Object: Title object representing the new title
 18+ * @param $oldid Integer:
 19+ * @param $newid Integer:
 20+ * @return Boolean: true
 21+ */
 22+ public static function updateFanBoxTitle( &$title, &$newtitle, &$user, $oldid, $newid ) {
 23+ if( $title->getNamespace() == NS_FANTAG ) {
 24+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 25+ $dbw->update(
 26+ 'fantag',
 27+ array( 'fantag_title' => $newtitle->getText() ),
 28+ array( 'fantag_pg_id' => intval( $oldid ) ),
 29+ __METHOD__
 30+ );
 31+ $dbw->commit();
 32+ }
 33+ return true;
 34+ }
 36+ /**
 37+ * When a page in the NS_FANTAG namespace is deleted, delete all fantag
 38+ * records associated with that page.
 39+ *
 40+ * @param $article Object: instance of Article or its descendant class
 41+ * @param $user Object: the User performing the page deletion [unused]
 42+ * @param $reason String: user-supplied reason for the deletion [unused]
 43+ * @return Boolean: true
 44+ */
 45+ public static function deleteFanBox( &$article, &$user, $reason ) {
 46+ global $wgTitle, $wgSupressPageTitle;
 47+ if( $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_FANTAG ) {
 48+ $wgSupressPageTitle = true;
 50+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 52+ $s = $dbw->selectRow(
 53+ 'fantag',
 54+ array( 'fantag_pg_id', 'fantag_id' ),
 55+ array( 'fantag_pg_id' => intval( $article->getID() ) ),
 56+ __METHOD__
 57+ );
 58+ if ( $s !== false ) {
 59+ // delete fanbox records
 60+ $dbw->delete(
 61+ 'user_fantag',
 62+ array( 'userft_fantag_id' => intval( $s->fantag_id ) ),
 63+ __METHOD__
 64+ );
 66+ $dbw->delete(
 67+ 'fantag',
 68+ array( 'fantag_pg_id' => intval( $article->getID() ) ),
 69+ __METHOD__
 70+ );
 71+ $dbw->commit();
 72+ }
 73+ }
 74+ return true;
 75+ }
 77+ /**
 78+ * Convert [[Fan:Fan Name]] tags to <fan></fan> hook
 79+ *
 80+ * @param $parser Unused
 81+ * @param $text String: text to search for [[Fan:]] links
 82+ * @param $strip_state Unused
 83+ * @return Boolean: true
 84+ */
 85+ public static function transformFanBoxTags( &$parser, &$text, &$strip_state ) {
 86+ global $wgContLang;
 88+ $fantitle = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_FANTAG );
 89+ $pattern = "@(\[\[$fantitle)([^\]]*?)].*?\]@si";
 90+ $text = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, 'FanBoxHooks::renderFanBoxTag', $text );
 92+ return true;
 93+ }
 95+ /**
 96+ * On preg_replace_callback
 97+ * Found a match of [[Fan:]], so get parameters and construct <fan> hook
 98+ *
 99+ * @param $matches Array
 100+ * @return String: HTML
 101+ */
 102+ public static function renderFanBoxTag( $matches ) {
 103+ $name = $matches[2];
 104+ $params = explode( '|', $name );
 105+ $fan_name = $params[0];
 106+ $fan_name = Title::newFromDBKey( $fan_name );
 108+ if( !is_object( $fan_name ) ) {
 109+ return '';
 110+ }
 112+ $fan = FanBox::newFromName( $fan_name->getText() );
 114+ if( $fan->exists() ) {
 115+ $output = "<fan name=\"{$fan->getName()}\"></fan>";
 116+ return $output;
 117+ }
 119+ return $matches[0];
 120+ }
 122+ /**
 123+ * Calls FanBoxPage instead of standard Article for pages in the NS_FANTAG
 124+ * namespace.
 125+ *
 126+ * @param $title Object: instance of Title
 127+ * @param $article Object: instance of Article that we transform into an
 128+ * instance of FanBoxPage
 129+ * @return Boolean: true
 130+ */
 131+ public static function fantagFromTitle( &$title, &$article ) {
 132+ global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgSupressPageTitle, $wgSupressPageCategories, $wgFanBoxScripts;
 134+ if ( $title->getNamespace() == NS_FANTAG ) {
 135+ $wgSupressPageTitle = true;
 137+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.css' );
 139+ if( $wgRequest->getVal( 'action' ) == 'edit' ) {
 140+ $addTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'UserBoxes' );
 141+ $fan = FanBox::newFromName( $title->getText() );
 142+ if( !$fan->exists() ) {
 143+ $wgOut->redirect( $addTitle->getFullURL( 'destName=' . $fan->getName() ) );
 144+ } else {
 145+ $update = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'UserBoxes' );
 146+ $wgOut->redirect( $update->getFullURL( 'id=' . $wgTitle->getArticleID() ) );
 147+ }
 148+ }
 150+ $article = new FanBoxPage( $wgTitle );
 151+ }
 153+ return true;
 154+ }
 156+ /**
 157+ * Register the new <fan> hook with the parser.
 158+ *
 159+ * @param $parser Object: instance of Parser (not necessarily $wgParser)
 160+ * @return Boolean: true
 161+ */
 162+ public static function registerFanTag( &$parser ) {
 163+ $parser->setHook( 'fan', array( 'FanBoxHooks', 'embedFanBox' ) );
 164+ return true;
 165+ }
 167+ /**
 168+ * Callback function for the registerFanTag() function that expands <fan>
 169+ * into valid HTML.
 170+ *
 171+ * @param $input
 172+ * @param $argv Array: array of user-supplied arguments
 173+ * @param $parser Object: instance of Parser
 174+ * @return String: HTML
 175+ */
 176+ public static function embedFanBox( $input, $argv, $parser ) {
 177+ global $wgUser, $wgHooks;
 179+ $parser->disableCache();
 181+ $wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'FanBoxHooks::addFanBoxScripts';
 183+ $fan_name = $argv['name'];
 184+ if( !$fan_name ) {
 185+ return '';
 186+ }
 188+ $fan = FanBox::newFromName( $fan_name );
 190+ $output = '';
 191+ if( $fan->exists() ) {
 192+ $output .= $fan->outputFanBox();
 193+ $fantagId = $fan->getFanBoxId();
 195+ $output .= '<div id="show-message-container' . intval( $fantagId ) . '">';
 196+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 197+ $check = $fan->checkIfUserHasFanBox();
 198+ if( $check == 0 ) {
 199+ $output .= $fan->outputIfUserDoesntHaveFanBox();
 200+ } else {
 201+ $output .= $fan->outputIfUserHasFanBox();
 202+ }
 203+ } else {
 204+ $output .= $fan->outputIfUserNotLoggedIn();
 205+ }
 207+ $output .= '</div>';
 208+ }
 210+ return $output;
 211+ }
 213+ /**
 214+ * Add FanBox's CSS and JS into the page output.
 215+ *
 216+ * @param $out Object: instance of OutputPage
 217+ * @param $skin Object: instance of Skin or a descendant class
 218+ * @return Boolean: true
 219+ */
 220+ public static function addFanBoxScripts( &$out, &$skin ) {
 221+ global $wgFanBoxScripts;
 222+ $out->addScriptFile( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.js' );
 223+ $out->addExtensionStyle( $wgFanBoxScripts . '/FanBoxes.css' );
 224+ return true;
 225+ }
 227+ /**
 228+ * Creates the necessary database tables when the user runs
 229+ * maintenance/update.php.
 230+ *
 231+ * @param $updater Object: instance of DatabaseUpdater
 232+ * @return Boolean: true
 233+ */
 234+ public static function addTables( $updater = null ) {
 235+ $dir = dirname( __FILE__ );
 236+ $file = "$dir/fantag.sql";
 237+ if ( $updater === null ) {
 238+ global $wgExtNewTables;
 239+ $wgExtNewTables[] = array( 'fantag', $file );
 240+ $wgExtNewTables[] = array( 'user_fantag', $file );
 241+ } else {
 242+ $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'fantag', $file, true ) );
 243+ $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'user_fantag', $file, true ) );
 244+ }
 245+ return true;
 246+ }
 248+ /**
 249+ * For the Renameuser extension.
 250+ *
 251+ * @param $renameUserSQL
 252+ * @return Boolean: true
 253+ */
 254+ public static function onUserRename( $renameUserSQL ) {
 255+ $renameUserSQL->tables['fantag'] = array(
 256+ 'fantag_user_name', 'fantag_user_id'
 257+ );
 258+ $renameUserSQL->tables['user_fantag'] = array(
 259+ 'userft_user_name', 'userft_user_id'
 260+ );
 261+ return true;
 262+ }
 264+ /**
 265+ * Register the canonical names for our namespace and its talkspace.
 266+ *
 267+ * @param $list Array: array of namespace numbers with corresponding
 268+ * canonical names
 269+ * @return Boolean: true
 270+ */
 271+ public static function onCanonicalNamespaces( &$list ) {
 272+ $list[NS_FANTAG] = 'UserBox';
 273+ $list[NS_FANTAG_TALK] = 'UserBox_talk';
 274+ return true;
 275+ }
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Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/FanBoxHooks.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1277 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/ajax-loader-white.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/gif
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/ajax-loader-white.gif
Added: svn:mime-type
2278 + image/gif
Index: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/TagCloudClass.php
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
 4+ * @copyright Copyright © 2007, Wikia Inc.
 5+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
 6+ */
 7+class TagCloud {
 8+ var $tags_min_pts = 8;
 9+ var $tags_max_pts = 32;
 10+ var $tags_highest_count = 0;
 11+ var $tags_size_type = 'pt';
 13+ public function __construct( $limit = 10 ) {
 14+ $this->limit = $limit;
 15+ $this->initialize();
 16+ }
 18+ public function initialize() {
 19+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 20+ $res = $dbr->select(
 21+ 'categorylinks',
 22+ array( 'cl_to', 'COUNT(*) AS count' ),
 23+ array(),
 24+ __METHOD__,
 25+ array(
 26+ 'GROUP BY' => 'cl_to',
 27+ 'ORDER BY' => 'count DESC',
 28+ 'LIMIT' => $this->limit
 29+ )
 30+ );
 31+ wfSuppressWarnings(); // prevent PHP from bitching about strtotime()
 32+ foreach( $res as $row ) {
 33+ $tag_name = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, $row->cl_to );
 34+ $tag_text = $tag_name->getText();
 35+ if( strtotime( $tag_text ) == '' ) { // don't want dates to show up
 36+ if( $row->count > $this->tags_highest_count ) {
 37+ $this->tags_highest_count = $row->count;
 38+ }
 39+ $this->tags[$tag_text] = array( 'count' => $row->count );
 40+ }
 41+ }
 42+ wfRestoreWarnings();
 44+ // sort tag array by key (tag name)
 45+ if( $this->tags_highest_count == 0 ) {
 46+ return;
 47+ }
 48+ ksort( $this->tags );
 49+ /* and what if we have _1_ category? like on a new wiki with nteen articles, mhm? */
 50+ if( $this->tags_highest_count == 1 ) {
 51+ $coef = $this->tags_max_pts - $this->tags_min_pts;
 52+ } else {
 53+ $coef = ( $this->tags_max_pts - $this->tags_min_pts ) / ( ( $this->tags_highest_count - 1 ) * 2 );
 54+ }
 55+ foreach( $this->tags as $tag => $att ) {
 56+ $this->tags[$tag]['size'] = $this->tags_min_pts + ( $this->tags[$tag]['count'] - 1 ) * $coef;
 57+ }
 58+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FanBoxes/TagCloudClass.php
Added: svn:eol-style
160 + native

Status & tagging log