r94706 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r94705‎ | r94706 | r94707 >
Date:23:06, 16 August 2011
Simplified code structure within doCompoundQuery()
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticCompoundQueries/SCQ_QueryProcessor.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticCompoundQueries/SCQ_QueryProcessor.php
@@ -20,40 +20,38 @@
2121 public static function doCompoundQuery( Parser &$parser ) {
2222 global $smwgQEnabled, $smwgIQRunningNumber;
24 - if ( $smwgQEnabled ) {
25 - $smwgIQRunningNumber++;
26 -
27 - $params = func_get_args();
28 - array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser.
29 -
30 - $other_params = array();
31 - $results = array();
32 -
33 - foreach ( $params as $param ) {
34 - // very primitive heuristic - if the parameter
35 - // includes a square bracket, then it's a
36 - // sub-query; otherwise it's a regular parameter
37 - if ( strpos( $param, '[' ) !== false ) {
38 - $sub_params = self::getSubParams( $param );
39 - $next_result = self::getQueryResultFromFunctionParams( $sub_params, SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
40 -
41 - $results = self::mergeSMWQueryResults( $results, $next_result->getResults() );
42 - } else {
43 - $parts = explode( '=', $param, 2 );
44 -
45 - if ( count( $parts ) >= 2 ) {
46 - $other_params[strtolower( trim( $parts[0] ) )] = $parts[1]; // don't trim here, some params care for " "
47 - }
 24+ if ( !$smwgQEnabled ) {
 25+ return smwfEncodeMessages( array( wfMsgForContent( 'smw_iq_disabled' ) ) );
 26+ }
 28+ $smwgIQRunningNumber++;
 30+ $params = func_get_args();
 31+ array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser.
 33+ $other_params = array();
 34+ $results = array();
 36+ foreach ( $params as $param ) {
 37+ // Very primitive heuristic - if the parameter
 38+ // includes a square bracket, then it's a
 39+ // sub-query; otherwise it's a regular parameter.
 40+ if ( strpos( $param, '[' ) !== false ) {
 41+ $sub_params = self::getSubParams( $param );
 42+ $next_result = self::getQueryResultFromFunctionParams( $sub_params, SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
 44+ $results = self::mergeSMWQueryResults( $results, $next_result->getResults() );
 45+ } else {
 46+ $parts = explode( '=', $param, 2 );
 48+ if ( count( $parts ) >= 2 ) {
 49+ $other_params[strtolower( trim( $parts[0] ) )] = $parts[1]; // don't trim here, some params care for " "
4850 }
4951 }
50 -
51 - $query_result = new SCQQueryResult( $next_result->getPrintRequests(), new SMWQuery(), $results, smwfGetStore() );
52 - $result = self::getResultFromQueryResult( $query_result, $other_params, SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
53 - } else {
54 - $result = smwfEncodeMessages( array( wfMsgForContent( 'smw_iq_disabled' ) ) );
5552 }
56 -
57 - return $result;
 54+ $query_result = new SCQQueryResult( $next_result->getPrintRequests(), new SMWQuery(), $results, smwfGetStore() );
 55+ return self::getResultFromQueryResult( $query_result, $other_params, SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI );
5856 }
6058 /**