r94621 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r94620‎ | r94621 | r94622 >
Date:11:27, 16 August 2011
Update punctuation for error messages.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/QPoll/i18n/qp.i18n.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/QPoll/i18n/qp.i18n.php
@@ -80,60 +80,60 @@
8181 'qp_results_interpretation_header' => 'Answer interpretation',
8282 'qp_results_short_interpretation' => 'Short interpretation: $1',
8383 'qp_results_long_interpretation' => 'Long interpretation: $1',
84 - 'qp_poll_has_no_interpretation' => 'This poll has no interpretation template defined in the poll\'s header',
 84+ 'qp_poll_has_no_interpretation' => 'This poll has no interpretation template defined in the poll\'s header.',
8585 'qp_interpetation_wrong_answer' => 'Wrong answer',
8686 'qp_export_to_xls' => 'Export statistics into XLS format',
8787 'qp_voices_to_xls' => 'Export voices into XLS format',
8888 'qp_users_answered_questions' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}} answered to the questions',
8989 'qp_func_no_such_poll' => 'No such poll ($1)',
90 - 'qp_func_missing_question_id' => 'Please specify an existing question id (starting from 1) for the poll $1',
91 - 'qp_func_invalid_question_id' => 'Invalid question id=$2 (not a number) for the poll $1',
92 - 'qp_func_missing_proposal_id' => 'Please specify an existing proposal id (starting from 0) for the poll $1, question $2',
93 - 'qp_func_invalid_proposal_id' => 'Invalid proposal id=$3 (not a number) for the poll $1, question $2',
 90+ 'qp_func_missing_question_id' => 'Please specify an existing question id (starting from 1) for the poll $1.',
 91+ 'qp_func_invalid_question_id' => 'Invalid question id=$2 (not a number) for the poll $1.',
 92+ 'qp_func_missing_proposal_id' => 'Please specify an existing proposal id (starting from 0) for the poll $1, question $2.',
 93+ 'qp_func_invalid_proposal_id' => 'Invalid proposal id=$3 (not a number) for the poll $1, question $2.',
9494 'qp_error_no_such_poll' => 'No such poll ($1).
95 -Make sure that the poll declared and saved, also be sure to use address delimiter character #',
96 - 'qp_error_in_question_header' => 'Invalid question header: $1',
97 - 'qp_error_id_in_stats_mode' => 'Cannot declare an ID of the poll in statistical mode',
98 - 'qp_error_dependance_in_stats_mode' => 'Cannot declare dependance chain of the poll in statistical mode',
99 - 'qp_error_no_stats' => 'No statistical data is available, because no one has voted for this poll, yet (address=$1)',
100 - 'qp_error_address_in_decl_mode' => 'Cannot get an address of the poll in declaration mode',
101 - 'qp_error_question_not_implemented' => 'Questions of such type are not implemented: $1',
102 - 'qp_error_invalid_question_type' => 'Invalid question type: $1',
103 - 'qp_error_type_in_stats_mode' => 'Question type cannot be defined in statistical display mode: $1',
 95+Make sure that the poll declared and saved, also be sure to use address delimiter character #.',
 96+ 'qp_error_in_question_header' => 'Invalid question header: $1.',
 97+ 'qp_error_id_in_stats_mode' => 'Cannot declare an ID of the poll in statistical mode.',
 98+ 'qp_error_dependance_in_stats_mode' => 'Cannot declare dependance chain of the poll in statistical mode.',
 99+ 'qp_error_no_stats' => 'No statistical data is available, because no one has voted for this poll, yet (address=$1).',
 100+ 'qp_error_address_in_decl_mode' => 'Cannot get an address of the poll in declaration mode.',
 101+ 'qp_error_question_not_implemented' => 'Questions of such type are not implemented: $1.',
 102+ 'qp_error_invalid_question_type' => 'Invalid question type: $1.',
 103+ 'qp_error_type_in_stats_mode' => 'Question type cannot be defined in statistical display mode: $1.',
104104 'qp_error_no_poll_id' => 'Poll tag has no id attribute defined.',
105105 'qp_error_invalid_poll_id' => 'Invalid poll id (id=$1).
106 -Poll id may contain only letters, numbers and space character',
 106+Poll id may contain only letters, numbers and space character.',
107107 'qp_error_already_used_poll_id' => 'The poll id has already been used on this page (id=$1).',
108 - 'qp_error_invalid_dependance_value' => 'The poll (id=$1) dependance chain has invalid value of dependance attribute (dependance="$2")',
 108+ 'qp_error_invalid_dependance_value' => 'The poll (id=$1) dependance chain has invalid value of dependance attribute (dependance="$2").',
109109 'qp_error_missed_dependance_title' => 'The poll (id=$1) is dependant on the another poll (id=$3) from page [[$2]], but the title [[$2]] was not found.
110 -Either remove the dependance attribute, or restore [[$2]]',
 110+Either remove the dependance attribute, or restore [[$2]].',
111111 'qp_error_missed_dependance_poll' => 'The poll (id=$1) is dependant on the another poll (id=$3) at page $2, but that poll does not exists or has not been saved yet.
112112 Either remove the dependance attribute, or create the poll with id=$3 at the page $2 and save it.
113113 To save a poll, submit it while not answering to any proposal questions.',
114114 'qp_error_vote_dependance_poll' => 'Please vote for poll $1 first.',
115 - 'qp_error_too_many_spans' => 'Too many category groups for the total number of subcategories defined',
116 - 'qp_error_unanswered_span' => 'Unanswered subcategory',
117 - 'qp_error_non_unique_choice' => 'This question requires unique proposal answer',
118 - 'qp_error_category_name_empty' => 'Category name is empty',
119 - 'qp_error_proposal_text_empty' => 'Proposal text is empty',
120 - 'qp_error_too_few_categories' => 'At least two categories must be defined',
121 - 'qp_error_too_few_spans' => 'Every category group must contain at least two subcategories',
122 - 'qp_error_no_answer' => 'Unanswered proposal',
123 - 'qp_error_unique' => 'Question of type unique() has more proposals than possible answers defined: impossible to complete',
124 - 'qp_error_no_more_attempts' => 'You have reached maximal number of submitting attempts for this poll',
125 - 'qp_error_interpretation_no_return' => 'Interpretation script returned no result',
126 - 'qp_error_no_json_decode' => 'Interpretation of poll answers requires json_decode() PHP function',
127 - 'qp_error_eval_missed_lang_attr' => 'XML attribute "lang" is required to choose proper interpretation language',
128 - 'qp_error_eval_mix_languages' => 'Single interpretation script cannot mix different interpretation languages: "$1", "$2"',
129 - 'qp_error_eval_unsupported_language' => 'Unsupported interpretation language "$1"',
130 - 'qp_error_eval_illegal_token' => 'PHP token $1 with value $2 is not allowed in line $3',
131 - 'qp_error_eval_illegal_superglobal' => 'PHP token $1 with superglobal $2 is not allowed in line $3',
132 - 'qp_error_eval_illegal_function_call' => 'PHP token $1 with function $2 is not allowed in line $3',
133 - 'qp_error_eval_variable_variable_access' => 'PHP token $1 with variable variable $2 is not allowed in line $3',
134 - 'qp_error_eval_illegal_variable_name' => 'PHP token $1 has disallowed variable name $2 in line $3',
135 - 'qp_error_eval_variable_function_call' => 'PHP token $1 with variable function $2 is not allowed in line $3',
 115+ 'qp_error_too_many_spans' => 'Too many category groups for the total number of subcategories defined.',
 116+ 'qp_error_unanswered_span' => 'Unanswered subcategory.',
 117+ 'qp_error_non_unique_choice' => 'This question requires unique proposal answer.',
 118+ 'qp_error_category_name_empty' => 'Category name is empty.',
 119+ 'qp_error_proposal_text_empty' => 'Proposal text is empty.',
 120+ 'qp_error_too_few_categories' => 'At least two categories must be defined.',
 121+ 'qp_error_too_few_spans' => 'Every category group must contain at least two subcategories.',
 122+ 'qp_error_no_answer' => 'Unanswered proposal.',
 123+ 'qp_error_unique' => 'Question of type unique() has more proposals than possible answers defined: Impossible to complete.',
 124+ 'qp_error_no_more_attempts' => 'You have reached maximal number of submitting attempts for this poll.',
 125+ 'qp_error_interpretation_no_return' => 'Interpretation script returned no result.',
 126+ 'qp_error_no_json_decode' => 'Interpretation of poll answers requires json_decode() PHP function.',
 127+ 'qp_error_eval_missed_lang_attr' => 'XML attribute "lang" is required to choose proper interpretation language.',
 128+ 'qp_error_eval_mix_languages' => 'Single interpretation script cannot mix different interpretation languages: "$1", "$2".',
 129+ 'qp_error_eval_unsupported_language' => 'Unsupported interpretation language "$1".',
 130+ 'qp_error_eval_illegal_token' => 'PHP token $1 with value $2 is not allowed in line $3.',
 131+ 'qp_error_eval_illegal_superglobal' => 'PHP token $1 with superglobal $2 is not allowed in line $3.',
 132+ 'qp_error_eval_illegal_function_call' => 'PHP token $1 with function $2 is not allowed in line $3.',
 133+ 'qp_error_eval_variable_variable_access' => 'PHP token $1 with variable variable $2 is not allowed in line $3.',
 134+ 'qp_error_eval_illegal_variable_name' => 'PHP token $1 has disallowed variable name $2 in line $3.',
 135+ 'qp_error_eval_variable_function_call' => 'PHP token $1 with variable function $2 is not allowed in line $3.',
136136 'qp_error_eval_self_check' => 'The following eval() self-check was failed: $1. You have unsupported version of PHP, which does not allow to run eval scripts securely.',
137 - 'qp_error_eval_unable_to_lint' => 'Unable to lint (check your system configuration)',
 137+ 'qp_error_eval_unable_to_lint' => 'Unable to lint (check your system configuration).',
138138 );
140140 /** Message documentation (Message documentation)

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