r93010 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r93009‎ | r93010 | r93011 >
Date:19:59, 24 July 2011
Rename class to match change of method location
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/SanitizerValidateEmailTest.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/UserIsValidEmailAddrTest.php (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/UserIsValidEmailAddrTest.php
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -class UserIsValidEmailAddrTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
5 -
6 - private function checkEmail( $addr, $expected = true, $msg = '') {
7 - if( $msg == '' ) { $msg = "Testing $addr"; }
8 - $this->assertEquals(
9 - $expected,
10 - User::isValidEmailAddr( $addr ),
11 - $msg
12 - );
13 - }
14 - private function valid( $addr, $msg = '' ) {
15 - $this->checkEmail( $addr, true, $msg );
16 - }
17 - private function invalid( $addr, $msg = '' ) {
18 - $this->checkEmail( $addr, false, $msg );
19 - }
20 -
21 - function testEmailWellKnownUserAtHostDotTldAreValid() {
22 - $this->valid( 'user@example.com' );
23 - $this->valid( 'user@example.museum' );
24 - }
25 - function testEmailWithUpperCaseCharactersAreValid() {
26 - $this->valid( 'USER@example.com' );
27 - $this->valid( 'user@EXAMPLE.COM' );
28 - $this->valid( 'user@Example.com' );
29 - $this->valid( 'USER@eXAMPLE.com' );
30 - }
31 - function testEmailWithAPlusInUserName() {
32 - $this->valid( 'user+sub@example.com' );
33 - $this->valid( 'user+@example.com' );
34 - }
35 - function testEmailDoesNotNeedATopLevelDomain() {
36 - $this->valid( "user@localhost" );
37 - $this->valid( "FooBar@localdomain" );
38 - $this->valid( "nobody@mycompany" );
39 - }
40 - function testEmailWithWhiteSpacesBeforeOrAfterAreInvalids() {
41 - $this->invalid( " user@host.com" );
42 - $this->invalid( "user@host.com " );
43 - $this->invalid( "\tuser@host.com" );
44 - $this->invalid( "user@host.com\t" );
45 - }
46 - function testEmailWithWhiteSpacesAreInvalids() {
47 - $this->invalid( "User user@host" );
48 - $this->invalid( "first last@mycompany" );
49 - $this->invalid( "firstlast@my company" );
50 - }
51 - // bug 26948 : comma were matched by an incorrect regexp range
52 - function testEmailWithCommasAreInvalids() {
53 - $this->invalid( "user,foo@example.org" );
54 - $this->invalid( "userfoo@ex,ample.org" );
55 - }
56 - function testEmailWithHyphens() {
57 - $this->valid( "user-foo@example.org" );
58 - $this->valid( "userfoo@ex-ample.org" );
59 - }
60 - function testEmailDomainCanNotBeginWithDot() {
61 - $this->invalid( "user@." );
62 - $this->invalid( "user@.localdomain" );
63 - $this->invalid( "user@localdomain." );
64 - $this->valid( "user.@localdomain" );
65 - $this->valid( ".@localdomain" );
66 - $this->invalid( ".@a............" );
67 - }
68 - function testEmailWithFunnyCharacters() {
69 - $this->valid( "\$user!ex{this}@123.com" );
70 - }
71 - function testEmailTopLevelDomainCanBeNumerical() {
72 - $this->valid( "user@example.1234" );
73 - }
74 - function testEmailWithoutAtSignIsInvalid() {
75 - $this->invalid( 'useràexample.com' );
76 - }
77 - function testEmailWithOneCharacterDomainIsValid() {
78 - $this->valid( 'user@a' );
79 - }
80 -}
Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/SanitizerValidateEmailTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
 4+class SanitizerValidateEmailTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
 6+ private function checkEmail( $addr, $expected = true, $msg = '') {
 7+ if( $msg == '' ) { $msg = "Testing $addr"; }
 8+ $this->assertEquals(
 9+ $expected,
 10+ Sanitizer::validateEmail( $addr ),
 11+ $msg
 12+ );
 13+ }
 14+ private function valid( $addr, $msg = '' ) {
 15+ $this->checkEmail( $addr, true, $msg );
 16+ }
 17+ private function invalid( $addr, $msg = '' ) {
 18+ $this->checkEmail( $addr, false, $msg );
 19+ }
 21+ function testEmailWellKnownUserAtHostDotTldAreValid() {
 22+ $this->valid( 'user@example.com' );
 23+ $this->valid( 'user@example.museum' );
 24+ }
 25+ function testEmailWithUpperCaseCharactersAreValid() {
 26+ $this->valid( 'USER@example.com' );
 27+ $this->valid( 'user@EXAMPLE.COM' );
 28+ $this->valid( 'user@Example.com' );
 29+ $this->valid( 'USER@eXAMPLE.com' );
 30+ }
 31+ function testEmailWithAPlusInUserName() {
 32+ $this->valid( 'user+sub@example.com' );
 33+ $this->valid( 'user+@example.com' );
 34+ }
 35+ function testEmailDoesNotNeedATopLevelDomain() {
 36+ $this->valid( "user@localhost" );
 37+ $this->valid( "FooBar@localdomain" );
 38+ $this->valid( "nobody@mycompany" );
 39+ }
 40+ function testEmailWithWhiteSpacesBeforeOrAfterAreInvalids() {
 41+ $this->invalid( " user@host.com" );
 42+ $this->invalid( "user@host.com " );
 43+ $this->invalid( "\tuser@host.com" );
 44+ $this->invalid( "user@host.com\t" );
 45+ }
 46+ function testEmailWithWhiteSpacesAreInvalids() {
 47+ $this->invalid( "User user@host" );
 48+ $this->invalid( "first last@mycompany" );
 49+ $this->invalid( "firstlast@my company" );
 50+ }
 51+ // bug 26948 : comma were matched by an incorrect regexp range
 52+ function testEmailWithCommasAreInvalids() {
 53+ $this->invalid( "user,foo@example.org" );
 54+ $this->invalid( "userfoo@ex,ample.org" );
 55+ }
 56+ function testEmailWithHyphens() {
 57+ $this->valid( "user-foo@example.org" );
 58+ $this->valid( "userfoo@ex-ample.org" );
 59+ }
 60+ function testEmailDomainCanNotBeginWithDot() {
 61+ $this->invalid( "user@." );
 62+ $this->invalid( "user@.localdomain" );
 63+ $this->invalid( "user@localdomain." );
 64+ $this->valid( "user.@localdomain" );
 65+ $this->valid( ".@localdomain" );
 66+ $this->invalid( ".@a............" );
 67+ }
 68+ function testEmailWithFunnyCharacters() {
 69+ $this->valid( "\$user!ex{this}@123.com" );
 70+ }
 71+ function testEmailTopLevelDomainCanBeNumerical() {
 72+ $this->valid( "user@example.1234" );
 73+ }
 74+ function testEmailWithoutAtSignIsInvalid() {
 75+ $this->invalid( 'useràexample.com' );
 76+ }
 77+ function testEmailWithOneCharacterDomainIsValid() {
 78+ $this->valid( 'user@a' );
 79+ }
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/SanitizerValidateEmailTest.php
Added: svn:eol-style
181 + native

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