r92346 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r92345‎ | r92346 | r92347 >
Date:05:52, 16 July 2011
adding functions sfCreatePageSchemasObject,sfGeneratePages,sfParseFieldElements,sfGetPageList
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticForms/includes/SF_Utils.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticForms/includes/SF_Utils.php
@@ -149,7 +149,123 @@
150150 SMWPropertyValue::registerProperty( $id, $typeid, $label, true );
151151 }
152152 }
 153+ /**
 154+ * Function to return the Property based on the xml passed from the PageSchema extension
 155+ */
 156+ public static function sfCreatePageSchemasObject( $objectName, $xmlForField, &$object ) {
 157+ $sfarray = array();
 158+ if ( $objectName == "FormInput" ) {
 159+ foreach ( $xmlForField->children() as $tag => $child ) {
 160+ if ( $tag == $objectName ) {
 161+ foreach ( $child->children() as $prop ) {
 162+ if($prop->getName() == 'InputType'){
 163+ $sfarray[$prop->getName()] = (string)$prop;
 164+ }else{
 165+ //Remember these values can be null also. While polulating in the page text, take care of that.
 166+ $sfarray[(string)$prop->attributes()->name] = (string)$prop;
 167+ }
 168+ }
 169+ }
 170+ }
 171+ //Setting value specific to SF in 'sf' index.
 172+ $object['sf'] = $sfarray;
 173+ }
 174+ return true;
 175+ }
 177+ /**
 178+ */
 179+ public static function sfGetPageList( $psSchemaObj, &$genPageList ) {
 180+ global $wgOut, $wgUser;
 181+ $template_all = $psSchemaObj->getTemplates();
 182+ $form_templates = array();
 183+ foreach ( $template_all as $template ) {
 184+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_TEMPLATE, $template->getName() );
 185+ $genPageList[] = 'Template:'.$title->getText();
 186+ //Creating Form Templates at this time
 187+ $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create( $template->getName(),
 188+ $template->getLabel(),
 189+ $template->isMultiple() );
 190+ $form_templates[] = $form_template;
 191+ }
 192+ $form_name = $psSchemaObj->getFormName();
 193+ $form = SFForm::create( $form_name, $form_templates );
 194+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SF_NS_FORM, $form->form_name );
 195+ $genPageList[] = 'Form:'.$title->getText();
 196+ return true;
 197+ }
 198+ /**
 199+ */
 200+ public static function sfGeneratePages( $psSchemaObj, $toGenPageList ) {
 201+ global $wgOut, $wgUser;
 202+ $template_all = $psSchemaObj->getTemplates();
 203+ $form_templates = array();
 204+ $jobs = array();
 205+ foreach ( $template_all as $template ) {
 206+ $template_array = array();
 207+ $template_array['name'] = $template->getName();
 208+ $template_array['category_name'] = $psSchemaObj->categoryName;
 209+ $field_all = $template->getFields();
 210+ $field_count = 0; //counts the number of fields
 211+ $template_fields = array();
 212+ foreach( $field_all as $fieldObj ) { //for each Field, retrieve smw properties and fill $prop_name , $prop_type
 213+ $field_count++;
 214+ $sf_array = $fieldObj->getObject('FormInput');//this returns an array with property values filled
 215+ $form_input_array = $sf_array['sf'];
 216+ $field_t = SFTemplateField::create( $fieldObj->getName(), $fieldObj->getLabel() );
 217+ $smw_array = $fieldObj->getObject('Property'); //this returns an array with property values filled
 218+ $prop_array = $smw_array['smw'];
 219+ $field_t->semantic_property = $prop_array['name'];
 220+ $field_t->is_list = $fieldObj->isList();
 221+ $template_fields[] = $field_t;
 222+ }
 223+ $template_text = SFTemplateField::createTemplateText( $template->getName(), $template_fields, null, $psSchemaObj->categoryName, null, null, null );
 224+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_TEMPLATE, $template->getName() );
 225+ if( in_array('Template:'.$title->getText(), $toGenPageList )){
 226+ $params = array();
 227+ $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
 228+ $params['page_text'] = $template_text;
 229+ $jobs[] = new PSCreatePageJob( $title, $params );
 230+ Job::batchInsert( $jobs );
 231+ }
 232+ //Creating Form Templates at this time
 233+ $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create( $template->getName(), $template->getLabel(), $template->isMultiple() );
 234+ $form_templates[] = $form_template;
 235+ }
 236+ $form_name = $psSchemaObj->getFormName();
 237+ $form = SFForm::create( $form_name, $form_templates );
 238+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SF_NS_FORM, $form->form_name );
 239+ if( in_array('Form:'.$title->getText(), $toGenPageList )){
 240+ $full_text = $form->createMarkup();
 241+ $params = array();
 242+ $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
 243+ $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
 244+ $jobs[] = new PSCreatePageJob( $title, $params );
 245+ Job::batchInsert( $jobs );
 246+ }
 247+ return true;
 248+ }
 249+ /**
 250+ *Thi Function parses the Field elements in the xml of the pages. Hooks for PageSchemas extension
 251+ */
 252+ public static function sfParseFieldElements( $field_xml, &$text_object ) {
 253+ foreach ( $field_xml->children() as $tag => $child ) {
 254+ if ( $tag == "FormInput" ) {
 255+ $text = "";
 256+ $text = PageSchemas::tableMessageRowHTML( "paramAttr", "SemanticForms", (string)$tag );
 257+ foreach ( $child->children() as $prop ) {
 258+ if( $prop->getName() == 'InputType' ){
 259+ $text .= PageSchemas::tableMessageRowHTML("paramAttrMsg", $prop->getName(), $prop );
 260+ }else {
 261+ $prop_name = (string)$prop->attributes()->name;
 262+ $text .= PageSchemas::tableMessageRowHTML("paramAttrMsg", $prop_name, (string)$prop );
 263+ }
 264+ }
 265+ $text_object['sf']=$text;
 266+ }
 267+ }
 268+ return true;
 269+ }
154270 public static function initProperties() {
155271 global $sfgContLang;