r91087 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r91086‎ | r91087 | r91088 >
Date:17:59, 29 June 2011
Status:resolved (Comments)
Move global functions tests to their own directory.

Will let us create a test file for each functions which is easier to handle
in the long time.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions.php/GlobalTest.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions.php/README (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalTest.php (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalTest.php
@@ -1,895 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -class GlobalTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
5 - function setUp() {
6 - global $wgReadOnlyFile, $wgContLang, $wgLang, $wgUrlProtocols, $wgLanguageCode;
7 - $this->originals['wgReadOnlyFile'] = $wgReadOnlyFile;
8 - $this->originals['wgUrlProtocols'] = $wgUrlProtocols;
9 - $wgReadOnlyFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), "mwtest_readonly" );
10 - $wgUrlProtocols[] = 'file://';
11 - unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
12 - $wgLanguageCode = 'en';
13 - $wgContLang = $wgLang = Language::factory( 'en' );
14 - }
15 -
16 - function tearDown() {
17 - global $wgReadOnlyFile, $wgUrlProtocols;
18 - if ( file_exists( $wgReadOnlyFile ) ) {
19 - unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
20 - }
21 - $wgReadOnlyFile = $this->originals['wgReadOnlyFile'];
22 - $wgUrlProtocols = $this->originals['wgUrlProtocols'];
23 - }
24 -
25 - /** @dataProvider provideForWfArrayDiff2 */
26 - public function testWfArrayDiff2( $a, $b, $expected ) {
27 - $this->assertEquals(
28 - wfArrayDiff2( $a, $b), $expected
29 - );
30 - }
31 -
32 - // @todo Provide more tests
33 - public function provideForWfArrayDiff2() {
34 - // $a $b $expected
35 - return array(
36 - array(
37 - array( 'a', 'b'),
38 - array( 'a', 'b'),
39 - array(),
40 - ),
41 - array(
42 - array( array( 'a'), array( 'a', 'b', 'c' )),
43 - array( array( 'a'), array( 'a', 'b' )),
44 - array( 1 => array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ) ),
45 - ),
46 - );
47 - }
48 -
49 - function testRandom() {
50 - # This could hypothetically fail, but it shouldn't ;)
51 - $this->assertFalse(
52 - wfRandom() == wfRandom() );
53 - }
54 -
55 - function testUrlencode() {
56 - $this->assertEquals(
57 - "%E7%89%B9%E5%88%A5:Contributions/Foobar",
58 - wfUrlencode( "\xE7\x89\xB9\xE5\x88\xA5:Contributions/Foobar" ) );
59 - }
60 -
61 - function testReadOnlyEmpty() {
62 - global $wgReadOnly;
63 - $wgReadOnly = null;
64 -
65 - $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
66 - $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
67 - }
68 -
69 - function testReadOnlySet() {
70 - global $wgReadOnly, $wgReadOnlyFile;
71 -
72 - $f = fopen( $wgReadOnlyFile, "wt" );
73 - fwrite( $f, 'Message' );
74 - fclose( $f );
75 - $wgReadOnly = null; # Check on $wgReadOnlyFile
76 -
77 - $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() );
78 - $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() ); # Check cached
79 -
80 - unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
81 - $wgReadOnly = null; # Clean cache
82 -
83 - $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
84 - $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
85 - }
86 -
87 - function testQuotedPrintable() {
88 - $this->assertEquals(
89 - "=?UTF-8?Q?=C4=88u=20legebla=3F?=",
90 - UserMailer::quotedPrintable( "\xc4\x88u legebla?", "UTF-8" ) );
91 - }
92 -
93 - function testTime() {
94 - $start = wfTime();
95 - $this->assertInternalType( 'float', $start );
96 - $end = wfTime();
97 - $this->assertTrue( $end > $start, "Time is running backwards!" );
98 - }
99 -
100 - function testArrayToCGI() {
101 - $this->assertEquals(
102 - "baz=AT%26T&foo=bar",
103 - wfArrayToCGI(
104 - array( 'baz' => 'AT&T', 'ignore' => '' ),
105 - array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'overridden value' ) ) );
106 - $this->assertEquals(
107 - "path%5B0%5D=wiki&path%5B1%5D=test&cfg%5Bservers%5D%5Bhttp%5D=localhost",
108 - wfArrayToCGI( array(
109 - 'path' => array( 'wiki', 'test' ),
110 - 'cfg' => array( 'servers' => array( 'http' => 'localhost' ) ) ) ) );
111 - }
112 -
113 - function testCgiToArray() {
114 - $this->assertEquals(
115 - array( 'path' => array( 'wiki', 'test' ),
116 - 'cfg' => array( 'servers' => array( 'http' => 'localhost' ) ) ),
117 - wfCgiToArray( 'path%5B0%5D=wiki&path%5B1%5D=test&cfg%5Bservers%5D%5Bhttp%5D=localhost' ) );
118 - }
119 -
120 - function testMimeTypeMatch() {
121 - $this->assertEquals(
122 - 'text/html',
123 - mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
124 - array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
125 - 'text/html' => 0.7,
126 - 'text/plain' => 0.3 ) ) );
127 - $this->assertEquals(
128 - 'text/*',
129 - mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
130 - array( 'image/*' => 1.0,
131 - 'text/*' => 0.5 ) ) );
132 - $this->assertEquals(
133 - '*/*',
134 - mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
135 - array( '*/*' => 1.0 ) ) );
136 - $this->assertNull(
137 - mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
138 - array( 'image/png' => 1.0,
139 - 'image/svg+xml' => 0.5 ) ) );
140 - }
141 -
142 - function testNegotiateType() {
143 - $this->assertEquals(
144 - 'text/html',
145 - wfNegotiateType(
146 - array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
147 - 'text/html' => 0.7,
148 - 'text/plain' => 0.5,
149 - 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
150 - array( 'text/html' => 1.0 ) ) );
151 - $this->assertEquals(
152 - 'application/xhtml+xml',
153 - wfNegotiateType(
154 - array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
155 - 'text/html' => 0.7,
156 - 'text/plain' => 0.5,
157 - 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
158 - array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
159 - 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
160 - $this->assertEquals(
161 - 'text/html',
162 - wfNegotiateType(
163 - array( 'text/html' => 1.0,
164 - 'text/plain' => 0.5,
165 - 'text/*' => 0.5,
166 - 'application/xhtml+xml' => 0.2 ),
167 - array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
168 - 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
169 - $this->assertEquals(
170 - 'text/html',
171 - wfNegotiateType(
172 - array( 'text/*' => 1.0,
173 - 'image/*' => 0.7,
174 - '*/*' => 0.3 ),
175 - array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
176 - 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
177 - $this->assertNull(
178 - wfNegotiateType(
179 - array( 'text/*' => 1.0 ),
180 - array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0 ) ) );
181 - }
182 -
183 - function testTimestamp() {
184 - $t = gmmktime( 12, 34, 56, 1, 15, 2001 );
185 - $this->assertEquals(
186 - '20010115123456',
187 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $t ),
188 - 'TS_UNIX to TS_MW' );
189 - $this->assertEquals(
190 - '19690115123456',
191 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, -30281104 ),
192 - 'Negative TS_UNIX to TS_MW' );
193 - $this->assertEquals(
194 - 979562096,
195 - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $t ),
196 - 'TS_UNIX to TS_UNIX' );
197 - $this->assertEquals(
198 - '2001-01-15 12:34:56',
199 - wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $t ),
200 - 'TS_UNIX to TS_DB' );
201 - $this->assertEquals(
202 - '20010115T123456Z',
203 - wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, $t ),
204 - 'TS_ISO_8601_BASIC to TS_DB' );
205 -
206 - $this->assertEquals(
207 - '20010115123456',
208 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '20010115123456' ),
209 - 'TS_MW to TS_MW' );
210 - $this->assertEquals(
211 - 979562096,
212 - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '20010115123456' ),
213 - 'TS_MW to TS_UNIX' );
214 - $this->assertEquals(
215 - '2001-01-15 12:34:56',
216 - wfTimestamp( TS_DB, '20010115123456' ),
217 - 'TS_MW to TS_DB' );
218 - $this->assertEquals(
219 - '20010115T123456Z',
220 - wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, '20010115123456' ),
221 - 'TS_MW to TS_ISO_8601_BASIC' );
222 -
223 - $this->assertEquals(
224 - '20010115123456',
225 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
226 - 'TS_DB to TS_MW' );
227 - $this->assertEquals(
228 - 979562096,
229 - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
230 - 'TS_DB to TS_UNIX' );
231 - $this->assertEquals(
232 - '2001-01-15 12:34:56',
233 - wfTimestamp( TS_DB, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
234 - 'TS_DB to TS_DB' );
235 - $this->assertEquals(
236 - '20010115T123456Z',
237 - wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
238 - 'TS_DB to TS_ISO_8601_BASIC' );
239 -
240 - # rfc2822 section 3.3
241 -
242 - $this->assertEquals(
243 - 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT',
244 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '20010115123456' ),
245 - 'TS_MW to TS_RFC2822' );
246 -
247 - $this->assertEquals(
248 - '20010115123456',
249 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
250 - 'TS_RFC2822 to TS_MW' );
251 -
252 - $this->assertEquals(
253 - '20010115123456',
254 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, ' Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
255 - 'TS_RFC2822 with leading space to TS_MW' );
256 -
257 - $this->assertEquals(
258 - '20010115123456',
259 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
260 - 'TS_RFC2822 without optional day-of-week to TS_MW' );
261 -
262 - # FWS = ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) / obs-FWS ; Folding white space
263 - # obs-FWS = 1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP) ; Section 4.2
264 - $this->assertEquals(
265 - '20010115123456',
266 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
267 - 'TS_RFC2822 to TS_MW' );
268 -
269 - # WSP = SP / HTAB ; rfc2234
270 - $this->assertEquals(
271 - '20010115123456',
272 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, "Mon, 15 Jan\x092001 12:34:56 GMT" ),
273 - 'TS_RFC2822 with HTAB to TS_MW' );
274 -
275 - $this->assertEquals(
276 - '20010115123456',
277 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, "Mon, 15 Jan\x09 \x09 2001 12:34:56 GMT" ),
278 - 'TS_RFC2822 with HTAB and SP to TS_MW' );
279 -
280 - $this->assertEquals(
281 - '19941106084937',
282 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, "Sun, 6 Nov 94 08:49:37 GMT" ),
283 - 'TS_RFC2822 with obsolete year to TS_MW' );
284 - }
285 -
286 - /**
287 - * This test checks wfTimestamp() with values outside.
288 - * It needs PHP 64 bits or PHP > 5.1.
289 - * See r74778 and bug 25451
290 - */
291 - function testOldTimestamps() {
292 - $this->assertEquals( 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:54 GMT',
293 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '19011213204554' ),
294 - 'Earliest time according to php documentation' );
295 -
296 - $this->assertEquals( 'Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT',
297 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '20380119031407' ),
298 - 'Latest 32 bit time' );
299 -
300 - $this->assertEquals( '-2147483648',
301 - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '19011213204552' ),
302 - 'Earliest 32 bit unix time' );
303 -
304 - $this->assertEquals( '2147483647',
305 - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '20380119031407' ),
306 - 'Latest 32 bit unix time' );
307 -
308 - $this->assertEquals( 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:52 GMT',
309 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '19011213204552' ),
310 - 'Earliest 32 bit time' );
311 -
312 - $this->assertEquals( 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:51 GMT',
313 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '19011213204551' ),
314 - 'Earliest 32 bit time - 1' );
315 -
316 - $this->assertEquals( 'Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:08 GMT',
317 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '20380119031408' ),
318 - 'Latest 32 bit time + 1' );
319 -
320 - $this->assertEquals( '19011212000000',
321 - wfTimestamp(TS_MW, '19011212000000'),
322 - 'Convert to itself r74778#c10645' );
323 -
324 - $this->assertEquals( '-2147483649',
325 - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '19011213204551' ),
326 - 'Earliest 32 bit unix time - 1' );
327 -
328 - $this->assertEquals( '2147483648',
329 - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '20380119031408' ),
330 - 'Latest 32 bit unix time + 1' );
331 -
332 - $this->assertEquals( '19011213204551',
333 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '-2147483649' ),
334 - '1901 negative unix time to MediaWiki' );
335 -
336 - $this->assertEquals( '18010115123456',
337 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '-5331871504' ),
338 - '1801 negative unix time to MediaWiki' );
339 -
340 - $this->assertEquals( 'Tue, 09 Aug 0117 12:34:56 GMT',
341 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '0117-08-09 12:34:56'),
342 - 'Death of Roman Emperor [[Trajan]]');
343 -
344 - /* @todo FIXME: 00 to 101 years are taken as being in [1970-2069] */
345 -
346 - $this->assertEquals( 'Sun, 01 Jan 0101 00:00:00 GMT',
347 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '-58979923200'),
348 - '1/1/101');
349 -
350 - $this->assertEquals( 'Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 GMT',
351 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '-62135596800'),
352 - 'Year 1');
353 -
354 - /* It is not clear if we should generate a year 0 or not
355 - * We are completely off RFC2822 requirement of year being
356 - * 1900 or later.
357 - */
358 - $this->assertEquals( 'Wed, 18 Oct 0000 00:00:00 GMT',
359 - wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '-62142076800'),
360 - 'ISO 8601:2004 [[year 0]], also called [[1 BC]]');
361 - }
362 -
363 - function testHttpDate() {
364 - # The Resource Loader uses wfTimestamp() to convert timestamps
365 - # from If-Modified-Since header.
366 - # Thus it must be able to parse all rfc2616 date formats
367 - # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1
368 -
369 - $this->assertEquals(
370 - '19941106084937',
371 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT' ),
372 - 'RFC 822 date' );
373 -
374 - $this->assertEquals(
375 - '19941106084937',
376 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT' ),
377 - 'RFC 850 date' );
378 -
379 - $this->assertEquals(
380 - '19941106084937',
381 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994' ),
382 - "ANSI C's asctime() format" );
383 -
384 - // See http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-users/200307/0122.html and r77171
385 - $this->assertEquals(
386 - '20101122141242',
387 - wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Mon, 22 Nov 2010 14:12:42 GMT; length=52626' ),
388 - "Netscape extension to HTTP/1.0" );
389 -
390 - }
391 -
392 - function testTimestampParameter() {
393 - // There are a number of assumptions in our codebase where wfTimestamp() should give
394 - // the current date but it is not given a 0 there. See r71751 CR
395 -
396 - $now = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX );
397 - // We check that wfTimestamp doesn't return false (error) and use a LessThan assert
398 - // for the cases where the test is run in a second boundary.
399 -
400 - $zero = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, 0 );
401 - $this->assertNotEquals( false, $zero );
402 - $this->assertLessThan( 5, $zero - $now );
403 -
404 - $empty = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '' );
405 - $this->assertNotEquals( false, $empty );
406 - $this->assertLessThan( 5, $empty - $now );
407 -
408 - $null = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, null );
409 - $this->assertNotEquals( false, $null );
410 - $this->assertLessThan( 5, $null - $now );
411 - }
412 -
413 - function testBasename() {
414 - $sets = array(
415 - '' => '',
416 - '/' => '',
417 - '\\' => '',
418 - '//' => '',
419 - '\\\\' => '',
420 - 'a' => 'a',
421 - 'aaaa' => 'aaaa',
422 - '/a' => 'a',
423 - '\\a' => 'a',
424 - '/aaaa' => 'aaaa',
425 - '\\aaaa' => 'aaaa',
426 - '/aaaa/' => 'aaaa',
427 - '\\aaaa\\' => 'aaaa',
428 - '\\aaaa\\' => 'aaaa',
429 - '/mnt/upload3/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8b/Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg/93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg' => '93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg',
430 - 'C:\\Progra~1\\Wikime~1\\Wikipe~1\\VIEWER.EXE' => 'VIEWER.EXE',
431 - 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png' => 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png',
432 - );
433 - foreach ( $sets as $from => $to ) {
434 - $this->assertEquals( $to, wfBaseName( $from ),
435 - "wfBaseName('$from') => '$to'" );
436 - }
437 - }
438 -
439 -
440 - function testFallbackMbstringFunctions() {
441 -
442 - if( !extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ) ) {
443 - $this->markTestSkipped( "The mb_string functions must be installed to test the fallback functions" );
444 - }
445 -
446 - $sampleUTF = "Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png";
447 -
448 -
449 - //mb_substr
450 - $substr_params = array(
451 - array( 0, 0 ),
452 - array( 5, -4 ),
453 - array( 33 ),
454 - array( 100, -5 ),
455 - array( -8, 10 ),
456 - array( 1, 1 ),
457 - array( 2, -1 )
458 - );
459 -
460 - foreach( $substr_params as $param_set ) {
461 - $old_param_set = $param_set;
462 - array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
463 -
464 - $this->assertEquals(
465 - MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_substr', $param_set ),
466 - MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_substr', $param_set ),
467 - 'Fallback mb_substr with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
468 - );
469 - }
470 -
471 -
472 - //mb_strlen
473 - $this->assertEquals(
474 - mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
475 - Fallback::mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
476 - 'Fallback mb_strlen'
477 - );
478 -
479 -
480 - //mb_str(r?)pos
481 - $strpos_params = array(
482 - //array( 'ter' ),
483 - //array( 'Ö' ),
484 - //array( 'Ö', 3 ),
485 - //array( 'oat_', 100 ),
486 - //array( 'c', -10 ),
487 - //Broken for now
488 - );
489 -
490 - foreach( $strpos_params as $param_set ) {
491 - $old_param_set = $param_set;
492 - array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
493 -
494 - $this->assertEquals(
495 - MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strpos', $param_set ),
496 - MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strpos', $param_set ),
497 - 'Fallback mb_strpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
498 - );
499 -
500 - $this->assertEquals(
501 - MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
502 - MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
503 - 'Fallback mb_strrpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
504 - );
505 - }
506 -
507 - }
508 -
509 -
510 - function testDebugFunctionTest() {
511 -
512 - global $wgDebugLogFile, $wgOut, $wgShowDebug, $wgDebugTimestamps;
513 -
514 - $old_log_file = $wgDebugLogFile;
515 - $wgDebugLogFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), 'mw-' );
516 - # @todo FIXME: This setting should be tested
517 - $wgDebugTimestamps = false;
518 -
519 -
520 -
521 - wfDebug( "This is a normal string" );
522 - $this->assertEquals( "This is a normal string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
523 - unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
524 -
525 -
526 - wfDebug( "This is nöt an ASCII string" );
527 - $this->assertEquals( "This is nöt an ASCII string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
528 - unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
529 -
530 -
531 - wfDebug( "\00305This has böth UTF and control chars\003" );
532 - $this->assertEquals( " 05This has böth UTF and control chars ", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
533 - unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
534 -
535 -
536 -
537 - $old_wgOut = $wgOut;
538 - $old_wgShowDebug = $wgShowDebug;
539 -
540 - $wgOut = new MockOutputPage;
541 -
542 - $wgShowDebug = true;
543 -
544 - $message = "\00305This has böth UTF and control chars\003";
545 -
546 - wfDebug( $message );
547 -
548 - if( $wgOut->message == "JAJA is a stupid error message. Anyway, here's your message: $message" ) {
549 - $this->assertTrue( true, 'MockOutputPage called, set the proper message.' );
550 - }
551 - else {
552 - $this->assertTrue( false, 'MockOutputPage was not called.' );
553 - }
554 -
555 - $wgOut = $old_wgOut;
556 - $wgShowDebug = $old_wgShowDebug;
557 - unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
558 -
559 -
560 -
561 - wfDebugMem();
562 - $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
563 - unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
564 -
565 - wfDebugMem(true);
566 - $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
567 - unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
568 -
569 -
570 -
571 - $wgDebugLogFile = $old_log_file;
572 -
573 - }
574 -
575 - function testClientAcceptsGzipTest() {
576 -
577 - $settings = array(
578 - 'gzip' => true,
579 - 'bzip' => false,
580 - '*' => false,
581 - 'compress, gzip' => true,
582 - 'gzip;q=1.0' => true,
583 - 'foozip' => false,
584 - 'foo*zip' => false,
585 - 'gzip;q=abcde' => true, //is this REALLY valid?
586 - 'gzip;q=12345678.9' => true,
587 - ' gzip' => true,
588 - );
589 -
590 - if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) ) $old_server_setting = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'];
591 -
592 - foreach ( $settings as $encoding => $expect ) {
593 - $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = $encoding;
594 -
595 - $this->assertEquals( $expect, wfClientAcceptsGzip( true ),
596 - "'$encoding' => " . wfBoolToStr( $expect ) );
597 - }
598 -
599 - if( isset( $old_server_setting ) ) $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = $old_server_setting;
600 -
601 - }
602 -
603 -
604 -
605 - function testSwapVarsTest() {
606 -
607 -
608 - $var1 = 1;
609 - $var2 = 2;
610 -
611 - $this->assertEquals( $var1, 1, 'var1 is set originally' );
612 - $this->assertEquals( $var2, 2, 'var1 is set originally' );
613 -
614 - swap( $var1, $var2 );
615 -
616 - $this->assertEquals( $var1, 2, 'var1 is swapped' );
617 - $this->assertEquals( $var2, 1, 'var2 is swapped' );
618 -
619 - }
620 -
621 -
622 - function testWfPercentTest() {
623 -
624 - $pcts = array(
625 - array( 6/7, '0.86%', 2, false ),
626 - array( 3/3, '1%' ),
627 - array( 22/7, '3.14286%', 5 ),
628 - array( 3/6, '0.5%' ),
629 - array( 1/3, '0%', 0 ),
630 - array( 10/3, '0%', -1 ),
631 - array( 3/4/5, '0.1%', 1 ),
632 - array( 6/7*8, '6.8571428571%', 10 ),
633 - );
634 -
635 - foreach( $pcts as $pct ) {
636 - if( !isset( $pct[2] ) ) $pct[2] = 2;
637 - if( !isset( $pct[3] ) ) $pct[3] = true;
638 -
639 - $this->assertEquals( wfPercent( $pct[0], $pct[2], $pct[3] ), $pct[1], $pct[1] );
640 - }
641 -
642 - }
643 -
644 -
645 - function testInStringTest() {
646 -
647 - $this->assertTrue( in_string( 'foo', 'foobar' ), 'foo is in foobar' );
648 - $this->assertFalse( in_string( 'Bar', 'foobar' ), 'Case-sensitive by default' );
649 - $this->assertTrue( in_string( 'Foo', 'foobar', true ), 'Case-insensitive when asked' );
650 -
651 - }
652 -
653 - /**
654 - * test @see wfShorthandToInteger()
655 - * @dataProvider provideShorthand
656 - */
657 - public function testWfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand, $expected ) {
658 - $this->assertEquals( $expected,
659 - wfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand )
660 - );
661 - }
662 -
663 - /** array( shorthand, expected integer ) */
664 - public function provideShorthand() {
665 - return array(
666 - # Null, empty ...
667 - array( '', -1),
668 - array( ' ', -1),
669 - array( null, -1),
670 -
671 - # Failures returns 0 :(
672 - array( 'ABCDEFG', 0 ),
673 - array( 'Ak', 0 ),
674 -
675 - # Int, strings with spaces
676 - array( 1, 1 ),
677 - array( ' 1 ', 1 ),
678 - array( 1023, 1023 ),
679 - array( ' 1023 ', 1023 ),
680 -
681 - # kilo, Mega, Giga
682 - array( '1k', 1024 ),
683 - array( '1K', 1024 ),
684 - array( '1m', 1024 * 1024 ),
685 - array( '1M', 1024 * 1024 ),
686 - array( '1g', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
687 - array( '1G', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
688 -
689 - # Negatives
690 - array( -1, -1 ),
691 - array( -500, -500 ),
692 - array( '-500', -500 ),
693 - array( '-1k', -1024 ),
694 -
695 - # Zeroes
696 - array( '0', 0 ),
697 - array( '0k', 0 ),
698 - array( '0M', 0 ),
699 - array( '0G', 0 ),
700 - array( '-0', 0 ),
701 - array( '-0k', 0 ),
702 - array( '-0M', 0 ),
703 - array( '-0G', 0 ),
704 - );
705 - }
706 -
707 -
708 - /**
709 - * test @see wfBCP47().
710 - * Please note the BCP explicitly state that language codes are case
711 - * insensitive, there are some exceptions to the rule :)
712 - * This test is used to verify our formatting against all lower and
713 - * all upper cases language code.
714 - *
715 - * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47
716 - * @dataProvider provideLanguageCodes()
717 - */
718 - function testBCP47( $code, $expected ) {
719 - $code = strtolower( $code );
720 - $this->assertEquals( $expected, wfBCP47($code),
721 - "Applying BCP47 standard to lower case '$code'"
722 - );
723 -
724 - $code = strtoupper( $code );
725 - $this->assertEquals( $expected, wfBCP47($code),
726 - "Applying BCP47 standard to upper case '$code'"
727 - );
728 - }
729 -
730 - /**
731 - * Array format is ($code, $expected)
732 - */
733 - function provideLanguageCodes() {
734 - return array(
735 - // Extracted from BCP47 (list not exhaustive)
736 - # 2.1.1
737 - array( 'en-ca-x-ca' , 'en-CA-x-ca' ),
738 - array( 'sgn-be-fr' , 'sgn-BE-FR' ),
739 - array( 'az-latn-x-latn', 'az-Latn-x-latn' ),
740 - # 2.2
741 - array( 'sr-Latn-RS', 'sr-Latn-RS' ),
742 - array( 'az-arab-ir', 'az-Arab-IR' ),
743 -
744 - # 2.2.5
745 - array( 'sl-nedis' , 'sl-nedis' ),
746 - array( 'de-ch-1996', 'de-CH-1996' ),
747 -
748 - # 2.2.6
749 - array(
750 - 'en-latn-gb-boont-r-extended-sequence-x-private',
751 - 'en-Latn-GB-boont-r-extended-sequence-x-private'
752 - ),
753 -
754 - // Examples from BCP47 Appendix A
755 - # Simple language subtag:
756 - array( 'DE', 'de' ),
757 - array( 'fR', 'fr' ),
758 - array( 'ja', 'ja' ),
759 -
760 - # Language subtag plus script subtag:
761 - array( 'zh-hans', 'zh-Hans'),
762 - array( 'sr-cyrl', 'sr-Cyrl'),
763 - array( 'sr-latn', 'sr-Latn'),
764 -
765 - # Extended language subtags and their primary language subtag
766 - # counterparts:
767 - array( 'zh-cmn-hans-cn', 'zh-cmn-Hans-CN' ),
768 - array( 'cmn-hans-cn' , 'cmn-Hans-CN' ),
769 - array( 'zh-yue-hk' , 'zh-yue-HK' ),
770 - array( 'yue-hk' , 'yue-HK' ),
771 -
772 - # Language-Script-Region:
773 - array( 'zh-hans-cn', 'zh-Hans-CN' ),
774 - array( 'sr-latn-RS', 'sr-Latn-RS' ),
775 -
776 - # Language-Variant:
777 - array( 'sl-rozaj' , 'sl-rozaj' ),
778 - array( 'sl-rozaj-biske', 'sl-rozaj-biske' ),
779 - array( 'sl-nedis' , 'sl-nedis' ),
780 -
781 - # Language-Region-Variant:
782 - array( 'de-ch-1901' , 'de-CH-1901' ),
783 - array( 'sl-it-nedis' , 'sl-IT-nedis' ),
784 -
785 - # Language-Script-Region-Variant:
786 - array( 'hy-latn-it-arevela', 'hy-Latn-IT-arevela' ),
787 -
788 - # Language-Region:
789 - array( 'de-de' , 'de-DE' ),
790 - array( 'en-us' , 'en-US' ),
791 - array( 'es-419', 'es-419'),
792 -
793 - # Private use subtags:
794 - array( 'de-ch-x-phonebk' , 'de-CH-x-phonebk' ),
795 - array( 'az-arab-x-aze-derbend', 'az-Arab-x-aze-derbend' ),
796 - /**
797 - * Previous test does not reflect the BCP which states:
798 - * az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend
799 - * AZE being private, it should be lower case, hence the test above
800 - * should probably be:
801 - #array( 'az-arab-x-aze-derbend', 'az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend' ),
802 - */
803 -
804 - # Private use registry values:
805 - array( 'x-whatever', 'x-whatever' ),
806 - array( 'qaa-qaaa-qm-x-southern', 'qaa-Qaaa-QM-x-southern' ),
807 - array( 'de-qaaa' , 'de-Qaaa' ),
808 - array( 'sr-latn-qm', 'sr-Latn-QM' ),
809 - array( 'sr-qaaa-rs', 'sr-Qaaa-RS' ),
810 -
811 - # Tags that use extensions
812 - array( 'en-us-u-islamcal', 'en-US-u-islamcal' ),
813 - array( 'zh-cn-a-myext-x-private', 'zh-CN-a-myext-x-private' ),
814 - array( 'en-a-myext-b-another', 'en-a-myext-b-another' ),
815 -
816 - # Invalid:
817 - // de-419-DE
818 - // a-DE
819 - // ar-a-aaa-b-bbb-a-ccc
820 -
821 - /*
822 - // ISO 15924 :
823 - array( 'sr-Cyrl', 'sr-Cyrl' ),
824 - # @todo FIXME: Fix our function?
825 - array( 'SR-lATN', 'sr-Latn' ),
826 - array( 'fr-latn', 'fr-Latn' ),
827 - // Use lowercase for single segment
828 - // ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code
829 - array( 'US', 'us' ), # USA
830 - array( 'uS', 'us' ), # USA
831 - array( 'Fr', 'fr' ), # France
832 - array( 'va', 'va' ), # Holy See (Vatican City State)
833 - */);
834 - }
835 -
836 - /**
837 - * @dataProvider provideMakeUrlIndex()
838 - */
839 - function testMakeUrlIndex( $url, $expected ) {
840 - $index = wfMakeUrlIndex( $url );
841 - $this->assertEquals( $expected, $index, "wfMakeUrlIndex(\"$url\")" );
842 - }
843 -
844 - function provideMakeUrlIndex() {
845 - return array(
846 - array(
847 - // just a regular :)
848 - 'https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28627',
849 - 'https://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627'
850 - ),
851 - array(
852 - // mailtos are handled special
853 - // is this really right though? that final . probably belongs earlier?
854 - 'mailto:wiki@wikimedia.org',
855 - 'mailto:org.wikimedia@wiki.',
856 - ),
857 -
858 - // file URL cases per bug 28627...
859 - array(
860 - // three slashes: local filesystem path Unix-style
861 - 'file:///whatever/you/like.txt',
862 - 'file://./whatever/you/like.txt'
863 - ),
864 - array(
865 - // three slashes: local filesystem path Windows-style
866 - 'file:///c:/whatever/you/like.txt',
867 - 'file://./c:/whatever/you/like.txt'
868 - ),
869 - array(
870 - // two slashes: UNC filesystem path Windows-style
871 - 'file://intranet/whatever/you/like.txt',
872 - 'file://intranet./whatever/you/like.txt'
873 - ),
874 - // Multiple-slash cases that can sorta work on Mozilla
875 - // if you hack it just right are kinda pathological,
876 - // and unreliable cross-platform or on IE which means they're
877 - // unlikely to appear on intranets.
878 - //
879 - // Those will survive the algorithm but with results that
880 - // are less consistent.
881 - );
882 - }
883 -
884 - /* TODO: many more! */
885 -}
886 -
887 -
888 -class MockOutputPage {
889 -
890 - public $message;
891 -
892 - function debug( $message ) {
893 - $this->message = "JAJA is a stupid error message. Anyway, here's your message: $message";
894 - }
895 -}
896 -
Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions.php/GlobalTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
 4+class GlobalTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
 5+ function setUp() {
 6+ global $wgReadOnlyFile, $wgContLang, $wgLang, $wgUrlProtocols, $wgLanguageCode;
 7+ $this->originals['wgReadOnlyFile'] = $wgReadOnlyFile;
 8+ $this->originals['wgUrlProtocols'] = $wgUrlProtocols;
 9+ $wgReadOnlyFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), "mwtest_readonly" );
 10+ $wgUrlProtocols[] = 'file://';
 11+ unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
 12+ $wgLanguageCode = 'en';
 13+ $wgContLang = $wgLang = Language::factory( 'en' );
 14+ }
 16+ function tearDown() {
 17+ global $wgReadOnlyFile, $wgUrlProtocols;
 18+ if ( file_exists( $wgReadOnlyFile ) ) {
 19+ unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
 20+ }
 21+ $wgReadOnlyFile = $this->originals['wgReadOnlyFile'];
 22+ $wgUrlProtocols = $this->originals['wgUrlProtocols'];
 23+ }
 25+ /** @dataProvider provideForWfArrayDiff2 */
 26+ public function testWfArrayDiff2( $a, $b, $expected ) {
 27+ $this->assertEquals(
 28+ wfArrayDiff2( $a, $b), $expected
 29+ );
 30+ }
 32+ // @todo Provide more tests
 33+ public function provideForWfArrayDiff2() {
 34+ // $a $b $expected
 35+ return array(
 36+ array(
 37+ array( 'a', 'b'),
 38+ array( 'a', 'b'),
 39+ array(),
 40+ ),
 41+ array(
 42+ array( array( 'a'), array( 'a', 'b', 'c' )),
 43+ array( array( 'a'), array( 'a', 'b' )),
 44+ array( 1 => array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ) ),
 45+ ),
 46+ );
 47+ }
 49+ function testRandom() {
 50+ # This could hypothetically fail, but it shouldn't ;)
 51+ $this->assertFalse(
 52+ wfRandom() == wfRandom() );
 53+ }
 55+ function testUrlencode() {
 56+ $this->assertEquals(
 57+ "%E7%89%B9%E5%88%A5:Contributions/Foobar",
 58+ wfUrlencode( "\xE7\x89\xB9\xE5\x88\xA5:Contributions/Foobar" ) );
 59+ }
 61+ function testReadOnlyEmpty() {
 62+ global $wgReadOnly;
 63+ $wgReadOnly = null;
 65+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
 66+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
 67+ }
 69+ function testReadOnlySet() {
 70+ global $wgReadOnly, $wgReadOnlyFile;
 72+ $f = fopen( $wgReadOnlyFile, "wt" );
 73+ fwrite( $f, 'Message' );
 74+ fclose( $f );
 75+ $wgReadOnly = null; # Check on $wgReadOnlyFile
 77+ $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() );
 78+ $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() ); # Check cached
 80+ unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
 81+ $wgReadOnly = null; # Clean cache
 83+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
 84+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
 85+ }
 87+ function testQuotedPrintable() {
 88+ $this->assertEquals(
 89+ "=?UTF-8?Q?=C4=88u=20legebla=3F?=",
 90+ UserMailer::quotedPrintable( "\xc4\x88u legebla?", "UTF-8" ) );
 91+ }
 93+ function testTime() {
 94+ $start = wfTime();
 95+ $this->assertInternalType( 'float', $start );
 96+ $end = wfTime();
 97+ $this->assertTrue( $end > $start, "Time is running backwards!" );
 98+ }
 100+ function testArrayToCGI() {
 101+ $this->assertEquals(
 102+ "baz=AT%26T&foo=bar",
 103+ wfArrayToCGI(
 104+ array( 'baz' => 'AT&T', 'ignore' => '' ),
 105+ array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'overridden value' ) ) );
 106+ $this->assertEquals(
 107+ "path%5B0%5D=wiki&path%5B1%5D=test&cfg%5Bservers%5D%5Bhttp%5D=localhost",
 108+ wfArrayToCGI( array(
 109+ 'path' => array( 'wiki', 'test' ),
 110+ 'cfg' => array( 'servers' => array( 'http' => 'localhost' ) ) ) ) );
 111+ }
 113+ function testCgiToArray() {
 114+ $this->assertEquals(
 115+ array( 'path' => array( 'wiki', 'test' ),
 116+ 'cfg' => array( 'servers' => array( 'http' => 'localhost' ) ) ),
 117+ wfCgiToArray( 'path%5B0%5D=wiki&path%5B1%5D=test&cfg%5Bservers%5D%5Bhttp%5D=localhost' ) );
 118+ }
 120+ function testMimeTypeMatch() {
 121+ $this->assertEquals(
 122+ 'text/html',
 123+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
 124+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
 125+ 'text/html' => 0.7,
 126+ 'text/plain' => 0.3 ) ) );
 127+ $this->assertEquals(
 128+ 'text/*',
 129+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
 130+ array( 'image/*' => 1.0,
 131+ 'text/*' => 0.5 ) ) );
 132+ $this->assertEquals(
 133+ '*/*',
 134+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
 135+ array( '*/*' => 1.0 ) ) );
 136+ $this->assertNull(
 137+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
 138+ array( 'image/png' => 1.0,
 139+ 'image/svg+xml' => 0.5 ) ) );
 140+ }
 142+ function testNegotiateType() {
 143+ $this->assertEquals(
 144+ 'text/html',
 145+ wfNegotiateType(
 146+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
 147+ 'text/html' => 0.7,
 148+ 'text/plain' => 0.5,
 149+ 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
 150+ array( 'text/html' => 1.0 ) ) );
 151+ $this->assertEquals(
 152+ 'application/xhtml+xml',
 153+ wfNegotiateType(
 154+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
 155+ 'text/html' => 0.7,
 156+ 'text/plain' => 0.5,
 157+ 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
 158+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
 159+ 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
 160+ $this->assertEquals(
 161+ 'text/html',
 162+ wfNegotiateType(
 163+ array( 'text/html' => 1.0,
 164+ 'text/plain' => 0.5,
 165+ 'text/*' => 0.5,
 166+ 'application/xhtml+xml' => 0.2 ),
 167+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
 168+ 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
 169+ $this->assertEquals(
 170+ 'text/html',
 171+ wfNegotiateType(
 172+ array( 'text/*' => 1.0,
 173+ 'image/*' => 0.7,
 174+ '*/*' => 0.3 ),
 175+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
 176+ 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
 177+ $this->assertNull(
 178+ wfNegotiateType(
 179+ array( 'text/*' => 1.0 ),
 180+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0 ) ) );
 181+ }
 183+ function testTimestamp() {
 184+ $t = gmmktime( 12, 34, 56, 1, 15, 2001 );
 185+ $this->assertEquals(
 186+ '20010115123456',
 187+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $t ),
 188+ 'TS_UNIX to TS_MW' );
 189+ $this->assertEquals(
 190+ '19690115123456',
 191+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, -30281104 ),
 192+ 'Negative TS_UNIX to TS_MW' );
 193+ $this->assertEquals(
 194+ 979562096,
 195+ wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $t ),
 196+ 'TS_UNIX to TS_UNIX' );
 197+ $this->assertEquals(
 198+ '2001-01-15 12:34:56',
 199+ wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $t ),
 200+ 'TS_UNIX to TS_DB' );
 201+ $this->assertEquals(
 202+ '20010115T123456Z',
 203+ wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, $t ),
 204+ 'TS_ISO_8601_BASIC to TS_DB' );
 206+ $this->assertEquals(
 207+ '20010115123456',
 208+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '20010115123456' ),
 209+ 'TS_MW to TS_MW' );
 210+ $this->assertEquals(
 211+ 979562096,
 212+ wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '20010115123456' ),
 213+ 'TS_MW to TS_UNIX' );
 214+ $this->assertEquals(
 215+ '2001-01-15 12:34:56',
 216+ wfTimestamp( TS_DB, '20010115123456' ),
 217+ 'TS_MW to TS_DB' );
 218+ $this->assertEquals(
 219+ '20010115T123456Z',
 220+ wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, '20010115123456' ),
 221+ 'TS_MW to TS_ISO_8601_BASIC' );
 223+ $this->assertEquals(
 224+ '20010115123456',
 225+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
 226+ 'TS_DB to TS_MW' );
 227+ $this->assertEquals(
 228+ 979562096,
 229+ wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
 230+ 'TS_DB to TS_UNIX' );
 231+ $this->assertEquals(
 232+ '2001-01-15 12:34:56',
 233+ wfTimestamp( TS_DB, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
 234+ 'TS_DB to TS_DB' );
 235+ $this->assertEquals(
 236+ '20010115T123456Z',
 237+ wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, '2001-01-15 12:34:56' ),
 238+ 'TS_DB to TS_ISO_8601_BASIC' );
 240+ # rfc2822 section 3.3
 242+ $this->assertEquals(
 243+ 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT',
 244+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '20010115123456' ),
 245+ 'TS_MW to TS_RFC2822' );
 247+ $this->assertEquals(
 248+ '20010115123456',
 249+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
 250+ 'TS_RFC2822 to TS_MW' );
 252+ $this->assertEquals(
 253+ '20010115123456',
 254+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, ' Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
 255+ 'TS_RFC2822 with leading space to TS_MW' );
 257+ $this->assertEquals(
 258+ '20010115123456',
 259+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
 260+ 'TS_RFC2822 without optional day-of-week to TS_MW' );
 262+ # FWS = ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) / obs-FWS ; Folding white space
 263+ # obs-FWS = 1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP) ; Section 4.2
 264+ $this->assertEquals(
 265+ '20010115123456',
 266+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT' ),
 267+ 'TS_RFC2822 to TS_MW' );
 269+ # WSP = SP / HTAB ; rfc2234
 270+ $this->assertEquals(
 271+ '20010115123456',
 272+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, "Mon, 15 Jan\x092001 12:34:56 GMT" ),
 273+ 'TS_RFC2822 with HTAB to TS_MW' );
 275+ $this->assertEquals(
 276+ '20010115123456',
 277+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, "Mon, 15 Jan\x09 \x09 2001 12:34:56 GMT" ),
 278+ 'TS_RFC2822 with HTAB and SP to TS_MW' );
 280+ $this->assertEquals(
 281+ '19941106084937',
 282+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, "Sun, 6 Nov 94 08:49:37 GMT" ),
 283+ 'TS_RFC2822 with obsolete year to TS_MW' );
 284+ }
 286+ /**
 287+ * This test checks wfTimestamp() with values outside.
 288+ * It needs PHP 64 bits or PHP > 5.1.
 289+ * See r74778 and bug 25451
 290+ */
 291+ function testOldTimestamps() {
 292+ $this->assertEquals( 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:54 GMT',
 293+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '19011213204554' ),
 294+ 'Earliest time according to php documentation' );
 296+ $this->assertEquals( 'Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT',
 297+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '20380119031407' ),
 298+ 'Latest 32 bit time' );
 300+ $this->assertEquals( '-2147483648',
 301+ wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '19011213204552' ),
 302+ 'Earliest 32 bit unix time' );
 304+ $this->assertEquals( '2147483647',
 305+ wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '20380119031407' ),
 306+ 'Latest 32 bit unix time' );
 308+ $this->assertEquals( 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:52 GMT',
 309+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '19011213204552' ),
 310+ 'Earliest 32 bit time' );
 312+ $this->assertEquals( 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:51 GMT',
 313+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '19011213204551' ),
 314+ 'Earliest 32 bit time - 1' );
 316+ $this->assertEquals( 'Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:08 GMT',
 317+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '20380119031408' ),
 318+ 'Latest 32 bit time + 1' );
 320+ $this->assertEquals( '19011212000000',
 321+ wfTimestamp(TS_MW, '19011212000000'),
 322+ 'Convert to itself r74778#c10645' );
 324+ $this->assertEquals( '-2147483649',
 325+ wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '19011213204551' ),
 326+ 'Earliest 32 bit unix time - 1' );
 328+ $this->assertEquals( '2147483648',
 329+ wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '20380119031408' ),
 330+ 'Latest 32 bit unix time + 1' );
 332+ $this->assertEquals( '19011213204551',
 333+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '-2147483649' ),
 334+ '1901 negative unix time to MediaWiki' );
 336+ $this->assertEquals( '18010115123456',
 337+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, '-5331871504' ),
 338+ '1801 negative unix time to MediaWiki' );
 340+ $this->assertEquals( 'Tue, 09 Aug 0117 12:34:56 GMT',
 341+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '0117-08-09 12:34:56'),
 342+ 'Death of Roman Emperor [[Trajan]]');
 344+ /* @todo FIXME: 00 to 101 years are taken as being in [1970-2069] */
 346+ $this->assertEquals( 'Sun, 01 Jan 0101 00:00:00 GMT',
 347+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '-58979923200'),
 348+ '1/1/101');
 350+ $this->assertEquals( 'Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 GMT',
 351+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '-62135596800'),
 352+ 'Year 1');
 354+ /* It is not clear if we should generate a year 0 or not
 355+ * We are completely off RFC2822 requirement of year being
 356+ * 1900 or later.
 357+ */
 358+ $this->assertEquals( 'Wed, 18 Oct 0000 00:00:00 GMT',
 359+ wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, '-62142076800'),
 360+ 'ISO 8601:2004 [[year 0]], also called [[1 BC]]');
 361+ }
 363+ function testHttpDate() {
 364+ # The Resource Loader uses wfTimestamp() to convert timestamps
 365+ # from If-Modified-Since header.
 366+ # Thus it must be able to parse all rfc2616 date formats
 367+ # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1
 369+ $this->assertEquals(
 370+ '19941106084937',
 371+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT' ),
 372+ 'RFC 822 date' );
 374+ $this->assertEquals(
 375+ '19941106084937',
 376+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT' ),
 377+ 'RFC 850 date' );
 379+ $this->assertEquals(
 380+ '19941106084937',
 381+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994' ),
 382+ "ANSI C's asctime() format" );
 384+ // See http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-users/200307/0122.html and r77171
 385+ $this->assertEquals(
 386+ '20101122141242',
 387+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW, 'Mon, 22 Nov 2010 14:12:42 GMT; length=52626' ),
 388+ "Netscape extension to HTTP/1.0" );
 390+ }
 392+ function testTimestampParameter() {
 393+ // There are a number of assumptions in our codebase where wfTimestamp() should give
 394+ // the current date but it is not given a 0 there. See r71751 CR
 396+ $now = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX );
 397+ // We check that wfTimestamp doesn't return false (error) and use a LessThan assert
 398+ // for the cases where the test is run in a second boundary.
 400+ $zero = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, 0 );
 401+ $this->assertNotEquals( false, $zero );
 402+ $this->assertLessThan( 5, $zero - $now );
 404+ $empty = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '' );
 405+ $this->assertNotEquals( false, $empty );
 406+ $this->assertLessThan( 5, $empty - $now );
 408+ $null = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, null );
 409+ $this->assertNotEquals( false, $null );
 410+ $this->assertLessThan( 5, $null - $now );
 411+ }
 413+ function testBasename() {
 414+ $sets = array(
 415+ '' => '',
 416+ '/' => '',
 417+ '\\' => '',
 418+ '//' => '',
 419+ '\\\\' => '',
 420+ 'a' => 'a',
 421+ 'aaaa' => 'aaaa',
 422+ '/a' => 'a',
 423+ '\\a' => 'a',
 424+ '/aaaa' => 'aaaa',
 425+ '\\aaaa' => 'aaaa',
 426+ '/aaaa/' => 'aaaa',
 427+ '\\aaaa\\' => 'aaaa',
 428+ '\\aaaa\\' => 'aaaa',
 429+ '/mnt/upload3/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8b/Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg/93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg' => '93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg',
 430+ 'C:\\Progra~1\\Wikime~1\\Wikipe~1\\VIEWER.EXE' => 'VIEWER.EXE',
 431+ 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png' => 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png',
 432+ );
 433+ foreach ( $sets as $from => $to ) {
 434+ $this->assertEquals( $to, wfBaseName( $from ),
 435+ "wfBaseName('$from') => '$to'" );
 436+ }
 437+ }
 440+ function testFallbackMbstringFunctions() {
 442+ if( !extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ) ) {
 443+ $this->markTestSkipped( "The mb_string functions must be installed to test the fallback functions" );
 444+ }
 446+ $sampleUTF = "Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png";
 449+ //mb_substr
 450+ $substr_params = array(
 451+ array( 0, 0 ),
 452+ array( 5, -4 ),
 453+ array( 33 ),
 454+ array( 100, -5 ),
 455+ array( -8, 10 ),
 456+ array( 1, 1 ),
 457+ array( 2, -1 )
 458+ );
 460+ foreach( $substr_params as $param_set ) {
 461+ $old_param_set = $param_set;
 462+ array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
 464+ $this->assertEquals(
 465+ MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_substr', $param_set ),
 466+ MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_substr', $param_set ),
 467+ 'Fallback mb_substr with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
 468+ );
 469+ }
 472+ //mb_strlen
 473+ $this->assertEquals(
 474+ mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
 475+ Fallback::mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
 476+ 'Fallback mb_strlen'
 477+ );
 480+ //mb_str(r?)pos
 481+ $strpos_params = array(
 482+ //array( 'ter' ),
 483+ //array( 'Ö' ),
 484+ //array( 'Ö', 3 ),
 485+ //array( 'oat_', 100 ),
 486+ //array( 'c', -10 ),
 487+ //Broken for now
 488+ );
 490+ foreach( $strpos_params as $param_set ) {
 491+ $old_param_set = $param_set;
 492+ array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
 494+ $this->assertEquals(
 495+ MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strpos', $param_set ),
 496+ MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strpos', $param_set ),
 497+ 'Fallback mb_strpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
 498+ );
 500+ $this->assertEquals(
 501+ MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
 502+ MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
 503+ 'Fallback mb_strrpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
 504+ );
 505+ }
 507+ }
 510+ function testDebugFunctionTest() {
 512+ global $wgDebugLogFile, $wgOut, $wgShowDebug, $wgDebugTimestamps;
 514+ $old_log_file = $wgDebugLogFile;
 515+ $wgDebugLogFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), 'mw-' );
 516+ # @todo FIXME: This setting should be tested
 517+ $wgDebugTimestamps = false;
 521+ wfDebug( "This is a normal string" );
 522+ $this->assertEquals( "This is a normal string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
 523+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
 526+ wfDebug( "This is nöt an ASCII string" );
 527+ $this->assertEquals( "This is nöt an ASCII string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
 528+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
 531+ wfDebug( "\00305This has böth UTF and control chars\003" );
 532+ $this->assertEquals( " 05This has böth UTF and control chars ", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
 533+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
 537+ $old_wgOut = $wgOut;
 538+ $old_wgShowDebug = $wgShowDebug;
 540+ $wgOut = new MockOutputPage;
 542+ $wgShowDebug = true;
 544+ $message = "\00305This has böth UTF and control chars\003";
 546+ wfDebug( $message );
 548+ if( $wgOut->message == "JAJA is a stupid error message. Anyway, here's your message: $message" ) {
 549+ $this->assertTrue( true, 'MockOutputPage called, set the proper message.' );
 550+ }
 551+ else {
 552+ $this->assertTrue( false, 'MockOutputPage was not called.' );
 553+ }
 555+ $wgOut = $old_wgOut;
 556+ $wgShowDebug = $old_wgShowDebug;
 557+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
 561+ wfDebugMem();
 562+ $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
 563+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
 565+ wfDebugMem(true);
 566+ $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
 567+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
 571+ $wgDebugLogFile = $old_log_file;
 573+ }
 575+ function testClientAcceptsGzipTest() {
 577+ $settings = array(
 578+ 'gzip' => true,
 579+ 'bzip' => false,
 580+ '*' => false,
 581+ 'compress, gzip' => true,
 582+ 'gzip;q=1.0' => true,
 583+ 'foozip' => false,
 584+ 'foo*zip' => false,
 585+ 'gzip;q=abcde' => true, //is this REALLY valid?
 586+ 'gzip;q=12345678.9' => true,
 587+ ' gzip' => true,
 588+ );
 590+ if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) ) $old_server_setting = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'];
 592+ foreach ( $settings as $encoding => $expect ) {
 593+ $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = $encoding;
 595+ $this->assertEquals( $expect, wfClientAcceptsGzip( true ),
 596+ "'$encoding' => " . wfBoolToStr( $expect ) );
 597+ }
 599+ if( isset( $old_server_setting ) ) $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = $old_server_setting;
 601+ }
 605+ function testSwapVarsTest() {
 608+ $var1 = 1;
 609+ $var2 = 2;
 611+ $this->assertEquals( $var1, 1, 'var1 is set originally' );
 612+ $this->assertEquals( $var2, 2, 'var1 is set originally' );
 614+ swap( $var1, $var2 );
 616+ $this->assertEquals( $var1, 2, 'var1 is swapped' );
 617+ $this->assertEquals( $var2, 1, 'var2 is swapped' );
 619+ }
 622+ function testWfPercentTest() {
 624+ $pcts = array(
 625+ array( 6/7, '0.86%', 2, false ),
 626+ array( 3/3, '1%' ),
 627+ array( 22/7, '3.14286%', 5 ),
 628+ array( 3/6, '0.5%' ),
 629+ array( 1/3, '0%', 0 ),
 630+ array( 10/3, '0%', -1 ),
 631+ array( 3/4/5, '0.1%', 1 ),
 632+ array( 6/7*8, '6.8571428571%', 10 ),
 633+ );
 635+ foreach( $pcts as $pct ) {
 636+ if( !isset( $pct[2] ) ) $pct[2] = 2;
 637+ if( !isset( $pct[3] ) ) $pct[3] = true;
 639+ $this->assertEquals( wfPercent( $pct[0], $pct[2], $pct[3] ), $pct[1], $pct[1] );
 640+ }
 642+ }
 645+ function testInStringTest() {
 647+ $this->assertTrue( in_string( 'foo', 'foobar' ), 'foo is in foobar' );
 648+ $this->assertFalse( in_string( 'Bar', 'foobar' ), 'Case-sensitive by default' );
 649+ $this->assertTrue( in_string( 'Foo', 'foobar', true ), 'Case-insensitive when asked' );
 651+ }
 653+ /**
 654+ * test @see wfShorthandToInteger()
 655+ * @dataProvider provideShorthand
 656+ */
 657+ public function testWfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand, $expected ) {
 658+ $this->assertEquals( $expected,
 659+ wfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand )
 660+ );
 661+ }
 663+ /** array( shorthand, expected integer ) */
 664+ public function provideShorthand() {
 665+ return array(
 666+ # Null, empty ...
 667+ array( '', -1),
 668+ array( ' ', -1),
 669+ array( null, -1),
 671+ # Failures returns 0 :(
 672+ array( 'ABCDEFG', 0 ),
 673+ array( 'Ak', 0 ),
 675+ # Int, strings with spaces
 676+ array( 1, 1 ),
 677+ array( ' 1 ', 1 ),
 678+ array( 1023, 1023 ),
 679+ array( ' 1023 ', 1023 ),
 681+ # kilo, Mega, Giga
 682+ array( '1k', 1024 ),
 683+ array( '1K', 1024 ),
 684+ array( '1m', 1024 * 1024 ),
 685+ array( '1M', 1024 * 1024 ),
 686+ array( '1g', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
 687+ array( '1G', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
 689+ # Negatives
 690+ array( -1, -1 ),
 691+ array( -500, -500 ),
 692+ array( '-500', -500 ),
 693+ array( '-1k', -1024 ),
 695+ # Zeroes
 696+ array( '0', 0 ),
 697+ array( '0k', 0 ),
 698+ array( '0M', 0 ),
 699+ array( '0G', 0 ),
 700+ array( '-0', 0 ),
 701+ array( '-0k', 0 ),
 702+ array( '-0M', 0 ),
 703+ array( '-0G', 0 ),
 704+ );
 705+ }
 708+ /**
 709+ * test @see wfBCP47().
 710+ * Please note the BCP explicitly state that language codes are case
 711+ * insensitive, there are some exceptions to the rule :)
 712+ * This test is used to verify our formatting against all lower and
 713+ * all upper cases language code.
 714+ *
 715+ * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47
 716+ * @dataProvider provideLanguageCodes()
 717+ */
 718+ function testBCP47( $code, $expected ) {
 719+ $code = strtolower( $code );
 720+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, wfBCP47($code),
 721+ "Applying BCP47 standard to lower case '$code'"
 722+ );
 724+ $code = strtoupper( $code );
 725+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, wfBCP47($code),
 726+ "Applying BCP47 standard to upper case '$code'"
 727+ );
 728+ }
 730+ /**
 731+ * Array format is ($code, $expected)
 732+ */
 733+ function provideLanguageCodes() {
 734+ return array(
 735+ // Extracted from BCP47 (list not exhaustive)
 736+ # 2.1.1
 737+ array( 'en-ca-x-ca' , 'en-CA-x-ca' ),
 738+ array( 'sgn-be-fr' , 'sgn-BE-FR' ),
 739+ array( 'az-latn-x-latn', 'az-Latn-x-latn' ),
 740+ # 2.2
 741+ array( 'sr-Latn-RS', 'sr-Latn-RS' ),
 742+ array( 'az-arab-ir', 'az-Arab-IR' ),
 744+ # 2.2.5
 745+ array( 'sl-nedis' , 'sl-nedis' ),
 746+ array( 'de-ch-1996', 'de-CH-1996' ),
 748+ # 2.2.6
 749+ array(
 750+ 'en-latn-gb-boont-r-extended-sequence-x-private',
 751+ 'en-Latn-GB-boont-r-extended-sequence-x-private'
 752+ ),
 754+ // Examples from BCP47 Appendix A
 755+ # Simple language subtag:
 756+ array( 'DE', 'de' ),
 757+ array( 'fR', 'fr' ),
 758+ array( 'ja', 'ja' ),
 760+ # Language subtag plus script subtag:
 761+ array( 'zh-hans', 'zh-Hans'),
 762+ array( 'sr-cyrl', 'sr-Cyrl'),
 763+ array( 'sr-latn', 'sr-Latn'),
 765+ # Extended language subtags and their primary language subtag
 766+ # counterparts:
 767+ array( 'zh-cmn-hans-cn', 'zh-cmn-Hans-CN' ),
 768+ array( 'cmn-hans-cn' , 'cmn-Hans-CN' ),
 769+ array( 'zh-yue-hk' , 'zh-yue-HK' ),
 770+ array( 'yue-hk' , 'yue-HK' ),
 772+ # Language-Script-Region:
 773+ array( 'zh-hans-cn', 'zh-Hans-CN' ),
 774+ array( 'sr-latn-RS', 'sr-Latn-RS' ),
 776+ # Language-Variant:
 777+ array( 'sl-rozaj' , 'sl-rozaj' ),
 778+ array( 'sl-rozaj-biske', 'sl-rozaj-biske' ),
 779+ array( 'sl-nedis' , 'sl-nedis' ),
 781+ # Language-Region-Variant:
 782+ array( 'de-ch-1901' , 'de-CH-1901' ),
 783+ array( 'sl-it-nedis' , 'sl-IT-nedis' ),
 785+ # Language-Script-Region-Variant:
 786+ array( 'hy-latn-it-arevela', 'hy-Latn-IT-arevela' ),
 788+ # Language-Region:
 789+ array( 'de-de' , 'de-DE' ),
 790+ array( 'en-us' , 'en-US' ),
 791+ array( 'es-419', 'es-419'),
 793+ # Private use subtags:
 794+ array( 'de-ch-x-phonebk' , 'de-CH-x-phonebk' ),
 795+ array( 'az-arab-x-aze-derbend', 'az-Arab-x-aze-derbend' ),
 796+ /**
 797+ * Previous test does not reflect the BCP which states:
 798+ * az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend
 799+ * AZE being private, it should be lower case, hence the test above
 800+ * should probably be:
 801+ #array( 'az-arab-x-aze-derbend', 'az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend' ),
 802+ */
 804+ # Private use registry values:
 805+ array( 'x-whatever', 'x-whatever' ),
 806+ array( 'qaa-qaaa-qm-x-southern', 'qaa-Qaaa-QM-x-southern' ),
 807+ array( 'de-qaaa' , 'de-Qaaa' ),
 808+ array( 'sr-latn-qm', 'sr-Latn-QM' ),
 809+ array( 'sr-qaaa-rs', 'sr-Qaaa-RS' ),
 811+ # Tags that use extensions
 812+ array( 'en-us-u-islamcal', 'en-US-u-islamcal' ),
 813+ array( 'zh-cn-a-myext-x-private', 'zh-CN-a-myext-x-private' ),
 814+ array( 'en-a-myext-b-another', 'en-a-myext-b-another' ),
 816+ # Invalid:
 817+ // de-419-DE
 818+ // a-DE
 819+ // ar-a-aaa-b-bbb-a-ccc
 821+ /*
 822+ // ISO 15924 :
 823+ array( 'sr-Cyrl', 'sr-Cyrl' ),
 824+ # @todo FIXME: Fix our function?
 825+ array( 'SR-lATN', 'sr-Latn' ),
 826+ array( 'fr-latn', 'fr-Latn' ),
 827+ // Use lowercase for single segment
 828+ // ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code
 829+ array( 'US', 'us' ), # USA
 830+ array( 'uS', 'us' ), # USA
 831+ array( 'Fr', 'fr' ), # France
 832+ array( 'va', 'va' ), # Holy See (Vatican City State)
 833+ */);
 834+ }
 836+ /**
 837+ * @dataProvider provideMakeUrlIndex()
 838+ */
 839+ function testMakeUrlIndex( $url, $expected ) {
 840+ $index = wfMakeUrlIndex( $url );
 841+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $index, "wfMakeUrlIndex(\"$url\")" );
 842+ }
 844+ function provideMakeUrlIndex() {
 845+ return array(
 846+ array(
 847+ // just a regular :)
 848+ 'https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28627',
 849+ 'https://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627'
 850+ ),
 851+ array(
 852+ // mailtos are handled special
 853+ // is this really right though? that final . probably belongs earlier?
 854+ 'mailto:wiki@wikimedia.org',
 855+ 'mailto:org.wikimedia@wiki.',
 856+ ),
 858+ // file URL cases per bug 28627...
 859+ array(
 860+ // three slashes: local filesystem path Unix-style
 861+ 'file:///whatever/you/like.txt',
 862+ 'file://./whatever/you/like.txt'
 863+ ),
 864+ array(
 865+ // three slashes: local filesystem path Windows-style
 866+ 'file:///c:/whatever/you/like.txt',
 867+ 'file://./c:/whatever/you/like.txt'
 868+ ),
 869+ array(
 870+ // two slashes: UNC filesystem path Windows-style
 871+ 'file://intranet/whatever/you/like.txt',
 872+ 'file://intranet./whatever/you/like.txt'
 873+ ),
 874+ // Multiple-slash cases that can sorta work on Mozilla
 875+ // if you hack it just right are kinda pathological,
 876+ // and unreliable cross-platform or on IE which means they're
 877+ // unlikely to appear on intranets.
 878+ //
 879+ // Those will survive the algorithm but with results that
 880+ // are less consistent.
 881+ );
 882+ }
 884+ /* TODO: many more! */
 888+class MockOutputPage {
 890+ public $message;
 892+ function debug( $message ) {
 893+ $this->message = "JAJA is a stupid error message. Anyway, here's your message: $message";
 894+ }
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions.php/GlobalTest.php
Added: svn:keywords
1897 + Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:eol-style
2898 + native
Index: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions.php/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
 2+This directory hold tests for includes/GlobalFunctions.php file
 3+which is a pile of functions.
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions.php/README
Added: svn:eol-style
14 + native

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r91181Followup r91087, rename directoryreedy16:41, 30 June 2011


#Comment by 😂 (talk | contribs)   18:00, 29 June 2011

You called the folder GlobalFunctions.php? Not sure I like that...

#Comment by Hashar (talk | contribs)   06:44, 30 June 2011

I dont see the point in marking this fixme anyway. Seriously, just change the directory name to something better.

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