Index: trunk/extensions/Translate/wikimedia-mostused.txt |
— | — | @@ -1,485 +0,0 @@ |
2 | | -mainpage |
3 | | -mainpage-description |
4 | | -aboutsite |
5 | | -privacy |
6 | | -disclaimers |
7 | | -talkpagelinktext |
8 | | -tooltip-n-mainpage |
9 | | -editsection |
10 | | -editsectionhint |
11 | | -search |
12 | | -powersearch |
13 | | -contribslink |
14 | | -january |
15 | | -february |
16 | | -march |
17 | | -april |
18 | | -may_long |
19 | | -june |
20 | | -july |
21 | | -august |
22 | | -september |
23 | | -october |
24 | | -november |
25 | | -december |
26 | | -printableversion |
27 | | -alphaindexline |
28 | | -permalink |
29 | | -tagline |
30 | | -searcharticle |
31 | | -upload |
32 | | -aboutpage |
33 | | -specialpages |
34 | | -privacypage |
35 | | -retrievedfrom |
36 | | -site-rss-feed |
37 | | -searchbutton |
38 | | -site-atom-feed |
39 | | -disclaimerpage |
40 | | -views |
41 | | -toolbox |
42 | | -personaltools |
43 | | -tooltip-search |
44 | | -tooltip-t-specialpages |
45 | | -tooltip-t-upload |
46 | | -jumpto |
47 | | -jumptonavigation |
48 | | -jumptosearch |
49 | | -tooltip-n-recentchanges |
50 | | -tooltip-n-help |
51 | | -tooltip-n-portal |
52 | | -userlogin |
53 | | -nav-login-createaccount |
54 | | -tooltip-pt-login |
55 | | -tooltip-n-randompage |
56 | | -bad_image_list |
57 | | -whatlinkshere |
58 | | -tooltip-ca-talk |
59 | | -talk |
60 | | -tooltip-t-whatlinkshere |
61 | | -recentchangeslinked |
62 | | -last |
63 | | -cur |
64 | | -edit |
65 | | -tooltip-ca-edit |
66 | | -tooltip-n-currentevents |
67 | | -editundo |
68 | | -jan |
69 | | -feb |
70 | | -mar |
71 | | -apr |
72 | | -may |
73 | | -jun |
74 | | -jul |
75 | | -aug |
76 | | -sep |
77 | | -oct |
78 | | -nov |
79 | | -dec |
80 | | -blocklink |
81 | | -blanknamespace |
82 | | -whatlinkshere-links |
83 | | -minoreditletter |
84 | | -lineno |
85 | | -thumbnail-more |
86 | | -hist |
87 | | -summary |
88 | | -nbytes |
89 | | -help |
90 | | -showpreview |
91 | | -toc |
92 | | -hidetoc |
93 | | -showtoc |
94 | | -watch |
95 | | -imagelinks |
96 | | -filehist |
97 | | -sun |
98 | | -mon |
99 | | -tue |
100 | | -wed |
101 | | -thu |
102 | | -fri |
103 | | -sat |
104 | | -diff |
105 | | -revisionasof |
106 | | -unwatch |
107 | | -redirectedfrom |
108 | | -history |
109 | | -previousrevision |
110 | | -watching |
111 | | -unwatching |
112 | | -mycontris |
113 | | -boteditletter |
114 | | -newpageletter |
115 | | -userlogout |
116 | | -mytalk |
117 | | -tooltip-pt-logout |
118 | | -tooltip-pt-mytalk |
119 | | -tooltip-pt-preferences |
120 | | -tooltip-pt-mycontris |
121 | | -mypreferences |
122 | | -mywatchlist |
123 | | -tooltip-pt-watchlist |
124 | | -tooltip-pt-userpage |
125 | | -rcnote |
126 | | -hide |
127 | | -rcshowhideminor |
128 | | -rclinks |
129 | | -randompage |
130 | | -january-gen |
131 | | -february-gen |
132 | | -march-gen |
133 | | -april-gen |
134 | | -may-gen |
135 | | -june-gen |
136 | | -july-gen |
137 | | -august-gen |
138 | | -september-gen |
139 | | -october-gen |
140 | | -november-gen |
141 | | -december-gen |
142 | | -copyrightpage |
143 | | -edithelp |
144 | | -edithelppage |
145 | | -cancel |
146 | | -watchthis |
147 | | -tooltip-save |
148 | | -minoredit |
149 | | -copyrightwarning |
150 | | -showdiff |
151 | | -tooltip-diff |
152 | | -tooltip-preview |
153 | | -newwindow |
154 | | -subject |
155 | | -media_tip |
156 | | -image_tip |
157 | | -italic_tip |
158 | | -headline_tip |
159 | | -link_sample |
160 | | -bold_sample |
161 | | -extlink_sample |
162 | | -link_tip |
163 | | -math_sample |
164 | | -italic_sample |
165 | | -math_tip |
166 | | -bold_tip |
167 | | -headline_sample |
168 | | -hr_tip |
169 | | -extlink_tip |
170 | | -sig_tip |
171 | | -nowiki_tip |
172 | | -nowiki_sample |
173 | | -recentchangeslinked-summary |
174 | | -recentchangeslinked-title |
175 | | -editing |
176 | | -template-protected |
177 | | -noarticletext |
178 | | -filehist-help |
179 | | -filehist-filesize |
180 | | -filehist-current |
181 | | -filehist-datetime |
182 | | -filehist-comment |
183 | | -filehist-user |
184 | | -filehist-dimensions |
185 | | -nstab-image |
186 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-image |
187 | | -recentchanges |
188 | | -linkstoimage |
189 | | -anoneditwarning |
190 | | -file-info-size |
191 | | -namespace |
192 | | -nmembers |
193 | | -tooltip-ca-watch |
194 | | -tooltip-ca-move |
195 | | -move |
196 | | -viewprevnext |
197 | | -viewsource |
198 | | -allpagessubmit |
199 | | -namespacesall |
200 | | -whatlinkshere-title |
201 | | -metadata |
202 | | -thumbnail_error |
203 | | -editold |
204 | | -newarticletext |
205 | | -recentchangeslinked-noresult |
206 | | -show-big-image-thumb |
207 | | -show-big-image |
208 | | -sharedupload |
209 | | -deletedarticle |
210 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-category |
211 | | -nstab-category |
212 | | -isredirect |
213 | | -istemplate |
214 | | -tooltip-ca-viewsource |
215 | | -edit-externally-help |
216 | | -edit-externally |
217 | | -category_header |
218 | | -linkshere |
219 | | -whatlinkshere-next |
220 | | -whatlinkshere-prev |
221 | | -file-nohires |
222 | | -listingcontinuesabbrev |
223 | | -compareselectedversions |
224 | | -tooltip-compareselectedversions |
225 | | -tooltip-ca-addsection |
226 | | -helppage |
227 | | -prevn |
228 | | -nextn |
229 | | -returnto |
230 | | -contributions |
231 | | -metadata-expand |
232 | | -metadata-help |
233 | | -metadata-fields |
234 | | -metadata-collapse |
235 | | -log |
236 | | -export |
237 | | -portal |
238 | | -portal-url |
239 | | -viewsourcefor |
240 | | -rollbacklink |
241 | | -nstab-user |
242 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-user |
243 | | -dellogpage |
244 | | -difference |
245 | | -currentevents-url |
246 | | -currentevents |
247 | | -nolinkshere |
248 | | -previousdiff |
249 | | -subcategories |
250 | | -tooltip-minoredit |
251 | | -tooltip-watch |
252 | | -about |
253 | | -templatesused |
254 | | -currentrev |
255 | | -history-title |
256 | | -viewpagelogs |
257 | | -tooltip-t-contributions |
258 | | -page-rss-feed |
259 | | -editingsection |
260 | | -template-semiprotected |
261 | | -histlast |
262 | | -histfirst |
263 | | -histlegend |
264 | | -history-fieldset-title |
265 | | -tooltip-ca-unwatch |
266 | | -nstab-project |
267 | | -recentchanges-feed-description |
268 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-project |
269 | | -nocreatetext |
270 | | -allpages |
271 | | -watchlist |
272 | | -newpage |
273 | | -preview |
274 | | -show |
275 | | -ipboptions |
276 | | -rclistfrom |
277 | | -rcshowhideliu |
278 | | -rcshowhidebots |
279 | | -invert |
280 | | -rcshowhidemine |
281 | | -rcshowhideanons |
282 | | -youhavenewmessages |
283 | | -newmessagesdifflink |
284 | | -newmessageslink |
285 | | -month |
286 | | -monthsall |
287 | | -year |
288 | | -pager-newer-n |
289 | | -pager-older-n |
290 | | -uctop |
291 | | -newarticle |
292 | | -delete |
293 | | -tooltip-ca-delete |
294 | | -login |
295 | | -recreate-deleted-warn |
296 | | -allarticles |
297 | | -newpages |
298 | | -blocklogpage |
299 | | -protect |
300 | | -tooltip-ca-protect |
301 | | -blockedtext |
302 | | -movelogpage |
303 | | -revertmove |
304 | | -blocklogentry |
305 | | -allpagesfrom |
306 | | -sp-contributions-blocklog |
307 | | -sp-contributions-search |
308 | | -sp-contributions-newbies |
309 | | -sp-contributions-username |
310 | | -nstab-template |
311 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-template |
312 | | -uploadlogpage |
313 | | -svg-long-desc |
314 | | -contribsub2 |
315 | | -undeletebtn |
316 | | -redirectpagesub |
317 | | -nextdiff |
318 | | -previewnote |
319 | | -nolinkstoimage |
320 | | -booksources |
321 | | -prevpage |
322 | | -remembermypassword |
323 | | -yourpassword |
324 | | -yourname |
325 | | -emailuser |
326 | | -nextpage |
327 | | -watchlisttools-edit |
328 | | -watchlisttools-raw |
329 | | -watchlistfor |
330 | | -watchlisttools-view |
331 | | -currentrevisionlink |
332 | | -nextrevision |
333 | | -tooltip-t-emailuser |
334 | | -mailmypassword |
335 | | -loginprompt |
336 | | -nologinlink |
337 | | -watchlist-details |
338 | | -wlshowlast |
339 | | -watchlistall2 |
340 | | -nologin |
341 | | -revision-info |
342 | | -category-media-header |
343 | | -viewsourcetext |
344 | | -badtitletext |
345 | | -statistics |
346 | | -nlinks |
347 | | -rcshowhidepatr |
348 | | -editthispage |
349 | | -importlogpage |
350 | | -preferences |
351 | | -errorpagetitle |
352 | | -nchanges |
353 | | -prefixindex |
354 | | -uploadbtn |
355 | | -uploadedimage |
356 | | -1movedto2 |
357 | | -talkpage |
358 | | -templatesusedpreview |
359 | | -protectlogpage |
360 | | -all-logs-page |
361 | | -movethispage |
362 | | -qbedit |
363 | | -summary-preview |
364 | | -rightslog |
365 | | -imagelist |
366 | | -grouppage-sysop |
367 | | -sp-contributions-newbies-sub |
368 | | -watchthispage |
369 | | -rcnotefrom |
370 | | -categories |
371 | | -longpagewarning |
372 | | -logout |
373 | | -blockip |
374 | | -badtitle |
375 | | -speciallogtitlelabel |
376 | | -specialloguserlabel |
377 | | -qbfind |
378 | | -history-feed-item-nocomment |
379 | | -page_last |
380 | | -page_first |
381 | | -ipblocklist |
382 | | -uploadnewversion-linktext |
383 | | -category-empty |
384 | | -newimages |
385 | | -listusers |
386 | | -createaccount |
387 | | -diff-multi |
388 | | -loginsuccesstitle |
389 | | -allpagesprefix |
390 | | -protectedpages |
391 | | -noimage-linktext |
392 | | -noimage |
393 | | -allmessages |
394 | | -longpages |
395 | | -doubleredirects |
396 | | -disambiguations |
397 | | -ancientpages |
398 | | -listredirects |
399 | | -deadendpages |
400 | | -brokenredirects |
401 | | -lonelypages |
402 | | -wantedcategories |
403 | | -unblocklink |
404 | | -fewestrevisions |
405 | | -uncategorizedpages |
406 | | -mostimages |
407 | | -mostlinkedtemplates |
408 | | -mimesearch |
409 | | -wantedpages |
410 | | -version |
411 | | -mostlinked |
412 | | -shortpages |
413 | | -mostlinkedcategories |
414 | | -mostrevisions |
415 | | -uncategorizedcategories |
416 | | -unusedtemplates |
417 | | -mostcategories |
418 | | -randomredirect |
419 | | -unusedcategories |
420 | | -unusedimages |
421 | | -withoutinterwiki |
422 | | -uncategorizedtemplates |
423 | | -uncategorizedimages |
424 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-help |
425 | | -loginsuccess |
426 | | -gotaccount |
427 | | -retypenew |
428 | | -yourrealname |
429 | | -prefs-help-realname |
430 | | -gotaccountlink |
431 | | -savearticle |
432 | | -nosuchuser |
433 | | -nosuchusershort |
434 | | -nouserspecified |
435 | | -wrongpassword |
436 | | -wrongpasswordempty |
437 | | -passwordtooshort |
438 | | -passwordremindertitle |
439 | | -passwordremindertext |
440 | | -noemail |
441 | | -passwordsent |
442 | | -eauthentsent |
443 | | -history_short |
444 | | -historywarning |
445 | | -confirmdeletetext |
446 | | -actioncomplete |
447 | | -deletedtext |
448 | | -deletecomment |
449 | | -deleteotherreason |
450 | | -deletereasonotherlist |
451 | | -deletepage |
452 | | -movepagetext |
453 | | -movepagetalktext |
454 | | -movearticle |
455 | | -newtitle |
456 | | -move-watch |
457 | | -movepagebtn |
458 | | -pagemovedsub |
459 | | -movepage-moved |
460 | | -articleexists |
461 | | -talkexists |
462 | | -movedto |
463 | | -movetalk |
464 | | -movereason |
465 | | -addedwatch |
466 | | -addedwatchtext |
467 | | -removedwatch |
468 | | -removedwatchtext |
469 | | -protectcomment |
470 | | -protectexpiry |
471 | | -protect_expiry_invalid |
472 | | -protect_expiry_old |
473 | | -protect-unchain |
474 | | -protect-text |
475 | | -protect-locked-access |
476 | | -protect-cascadeon |
477 | | -protect-default |
478 | | -protect-fallback |
479 | | -protect-level-autoconfirmed |
480 | | -protect-level-sysop |
481 | | -protect-summary-cascade |
482 | | -protect-expiring |
483 | | -protect-cascade |
484 | | -protect-cantedit |
485 | | -restriction-type |
486 | | -restriction-level |
Index: trunk/extensions/Translate/wikimedia-mostused-2009.txt |
— | — | @@ -1,498 +0,0 @@ |
2 | | -mainpage |
3 | | -talkpagelinktext |
4 | | -red-link-title |
5 | | -disclaimers |
6 | | -aboutsite |
7 | | -privacy |
8 | | -contribslink |
9 | | -january |
10 | | -february |
11 | | -march |
12 | | -april |
13 | | -may_long |
14 | | -june |
15 | | -july |
16 | | -august |
17 | | -september |
18 | | -october |
19 | | -november |
20 | | -december |
21 | | -search-result-size |
22 | | -edit |
23 | | -search |
24 | | -searchbutton |
25 | | -editsectionhint |
26 | | -aboutpage |
27 | | -disclaimerpage |
28 | | -privacypage |
29 | | -printableversion |
30 | | -site-rss-feed |
31 | | -retrievedfrom |
32 | | -site-atom-feed |
33 | | -tagline |
34 | | -tooltip-n-mainpage |
35 | | -search-mwsuggest-enabled |
36 | | -search-mwsuggest-disabled |
37 | | -views |
38 | | -searcharticle |
39 | | -personaltools |
40 | | -tooltip-search |
41 | | -tooltip-search-go |
42 | | -jumpto |
43 | | -tooltip-p-navigation |
44 | | -navigation |
45 | | -jumptonavigation |
46 | | -tooltip-search-fulltext |
47 | | -jumptosearch |
48 | | -tooltip-n-recentchanges |
49 | | -permalink |
50 | | -tooltip-n-randompage |
51 | | -tooltip-n-help |
52 | | -toolbox |
53 | | -specialpages |
54 | | -tooltip-n-portal |
55 | | -tooltip-n-sitesupport |
56 | | -tooltip-t-specialpages |
57 | | -editundo |
58 | | -nav-login-createaccount |
59 | | -nbytes |
60 | | -tooltip-pt-login |
61 | | -tooltip-n-contact |
62 | | -tooltip-n-mainpage-description |
63 | | -whatlinkshere |
64 | | -editsection |
65 | | -talk |
66 | | -searchresults |
67 | | -searchresults-title |
68 | | -tooltip-ca-talk |
69 | | -tooltip-t-whatlinkshere |
70 | | -searchsubtitle |
71 | | -tooltip-ca-edit |
72 | | -tooltip-t-print |
73 | | -recentchangeslinked |
74 | | -nstab-main |
75 | | -history_short |
76 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-main |
77 | | -search-summary |
78 | | -tooltip-ca-history |
79 | | -tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked |
80 | | -lineno |
81 | | -copyright |
82 | | -lastmodifiedat |
83 | | -tooltip-t-permalink |
84 | | -pagecategories |
85 | | -nstab-special |
86 | | -upload |
87 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-special |
88 | | -bad_image_list |
89 | | -hist |
90 | | -blanknamespace |
91 | | -otherlanguages |
92 | | -tooltip-t-upload |
93 | | -blocklink |
94 | | -minoreditletter |
95 | | -viewprevnext |
96 | | -missing-article |
97 | | -revisionasof |
98 | | -rev-delundel |
99 | | -previousrevision |
100 | | -change-blocklink |
101 | | -protect_change |
102 | | -unblocklink |
103 | | -revertmerge |
104 | | -revdel-restore |
105 | | -undeletelink |
106 | | -revertmove |
107 | | -allpagessubmit |
108 | | -deletedarticle |
109 | | -namespace |
110 | | -jan |
111 | | -feb |
112 | | -mar |
113 | | -apr |
114 | | -may |
115 | | -jun |
116 | | -jul |
117 | | -aug |
118 | | -sep |
119 | | -oct |
120 | | -nov |
121 | | -dec |
122 | | -recentchangeslinked-summary |
123 | | -create |
124 | | -savearticle |
125 | | -spam-blacklist |
126 | | -Recentchangestext |
127 | | -tooltip-n-aboutsite |
128 | | -tooltip-n-currentevents |
129 | | -searchresulttext |
130 | | -powersearch-redir |
131 | | -powersearch |
132 | | -powersearch-legend |
133 | | -powersearch-ns |
134 | | -search-section |
135 | | -powersearch-field |
136 | | -watch |
137 | | -notitlematches |
138 | | -nextn |
139 | | -prevn |
140 | | -unwatch |
141 | | -mycontris |
142 | | -unwatching |
143 | | -watching |
144 | | -userlogout |
145 | | -mytalk |
146 | | -search-redirect |
147 | | -mypreferences |
148 | | -mywatchlist |
149 | | -search-suggest |
150 | | -tooltip-pt-mytalk |
151 | | -tooltip-pt-watchlist |
152 | | -tooltip-pt-logout |
153 | | -tooltip-pt-mycontris |
154 | | -tooltip-pt-preferences |
155 | | -tooltip-pt-userpage |
156 | | -thumbnail-more |
157 | | -tooltip-ca-watch |
158 | | -imagelinks |
159 | | -filehist |
160 | | -rollbacklink |
161 | | -move |
162 | | -tooltip-ca-move |
163 | | -tooltip-rollback |
164 | | -noarticletext |
165 | | -redirectedfrom |
166 | | -nonefound |
167 | | -notextmatches |
168 | | -tooltip-undo |
169 | | -showtoc |
170 | | -hidetoc |
171 | | -toc |
172 | | -editold |
173 | | -pager-newer-n |
174 | | -pager-older-n |
175 | | -filehist-thumbtext |
176 | | -histlast |
177 | | -histfirst |
178 | | -show |
179 | | -hide |
180 | | -nstab-image |
181 | | -diff |
182 | | -filehist-help |
183 | | -last |
184 | | -filehist-comment |
185 | | -cur |
186 | | -filehist-datetime |
187 | | -filehist-current |
188 | | -namespacesall |
189 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-image |
190 | | -filehist-user |
191 | | -filehist-thumb |
192 | | -filehist-dimensions |
193 | | -linkstoimage |
194 | | -edithelppage |
195 | | -edithelp |
196 | | -showdiff |
197 | | -showpreview |
198 | | -summary |
199 | | -editlink |
200 | | -cancel |
201 | | -template-protected |
202 | | -hidden-categories |
203 | | -newwindow |
204 | | -recentchanges |
205 | | -subject |
206 | | -copyrightpage |
207 | | -minoredit |
208 | | -tooltip-save |
209 | | -watchthis |
210 | | -copyrightwarning |
211 | | -viewsourcelink |
212 | | -simpleantispam-label |
213 | | -tooltip-preview |
214 | | -tooltip-diff |
215 | | -bold_sample |
216 | | -file-info-size |
217 | | -bold_tip |
218 | | -group-sysop |
219 | | -viewsource |
220 | | -alphaindexline |
221 | | -extlink_sample |
222 | | -grouppage-sysop |
223 | | -rc-enhanced-hide |
224 | | -italic_tip |
225 | | -rc-enhanced-expand |
226 | | -math_tip |
227 | | -italic_sample |
228 | | -tooltip-ca-viewsource |
229 | | -extlink_tip |
230 | | -nowiki_tip |
231 | | -image_tip |
232 | | -link_sample |
233 | | -headline_sample |
234 | | -nowiki_sample |
235 | | -hr_tip |
236 | | -link_tip |
237 | | -math_sample |
238 | | -headline_tip |
239 | | -sig_tip |
240 | | -media_tip |
241 | | -imagemap_desc_types |
242 | | -page-rss-feed |
243 | | -page-atom-feed |
244 | | -tooltip-ca-addsection |
245 | | -tooltip-feed-rss |
246 | | -tooltip-feed-atom |
247 | | -tooltip-minoredit |
248 | | -tooltip-watch |
249 | | -difference |
250 | | -export |
251 | | -previousdiff |
252 | | -newpageletter |
253 | | -metadata |
254 | | -history |
255 | | -export-summary |
256 | | -editing |
257 | | -shareduploadwiki-linktext |
258 | | -shareduploadwiki-desc |
259 | | -sharedupload |
260 | | -search-interwiki-default |
261 | | -search-interwiki-more |
262 | | -dellogpage |
263 | | -tooltip-ca-unwatch |
264 | | -rcshowhidebots |
265 | | -rcshowhideliu |
266 | | -rcshowhidemine |
267 | | -rcshowhideanons |
268 | | -rcshowhideminor |
269 | | -contributions |
270 | | -invert |
271 | | -boteditletter |
272 | | -currentrev-asof |
273 | | -anoneditwarning |
274 | | -nmembers |
275 | | -log |
276 | | -nstab-user |
277 | | -show-big-image |
278 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-user |
279 | | -show-big-image-thumb |
280 | | -compareselectedversions |
281 | | -tooltip-compareselectedversions |
282 | | -protectlogpage |
283 | | -watchlist |
284 | | -newpage |
285 | | -file-nohires |
286 | | -recentchanges-summary |
287 | | -noexactmatch |
288 | | -rclistfrom |
289 | | -rclinks |
290 | | -recentchanges-legend |
291 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-project |
292 | | -nstab-project |
293 | | -rclegend |
294 | | -search-interwiki-caption |
295 | | -tooltip-t-contributions |
296 | | -year |
297 | | -monthsall |
298 | | -recentchanges-feed-description |
299 | | -month |
300 | | -category-subcat-count |
301 | | -allpages |
302 | | -category-article-count |
303 | | -listingcontinuesabbrev |
304 | | -metadata-fields |
305 | | -noexactmatch-nocreate |
306 | | -recentchangeslinked-title |
307 | | -recentchangeslinked-to |
308 | | -whatlinkshere-hideredirs |
309 | | -recentchangeslinked-page |
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313 | | -nstab-category |
314 | | -tooltip-ca-nstab-category |
315 | | -category_header |
316 | | -whatlinkshere-page |
317 | | -tooltip-t-log |
318 | | -whatlinkshere-hidelinks |
319 | | -whatlinkshere-title |
320 | | -whatlinkshere-hidetrans |
321 | | -whatlinkshere-filters |
322 | | -booksources |
323 | | -actioncomplete |
324 | | -template-semiprotected |
325 | | -viewpagelogs |
326 | | -history-title |
327 | | -edit-externally-help |
328 | | -movelogpage |
329 | | -edit-externally |
330 | | -imagepage-searchdupe |
331 | | -whatlinkshere-prev |
332 | | -whatlinkshere-next |
333 | | -istemplate |
334 | | -whatlinkshere-links |
335 | | -isredirect |
336 | | -linkshere |
337 | | -isimage |
338 | | -templatesused |
339 | | -history-fieldset-title |
340 | | -histlegend |
341 | | -january-gen |
342 | | -february-gen |
343 | | -march-gen |
344 | | -april-gen |
345 | | -may-gen |
346 | | -june-gen |
347 | | -july-gen |
348 | | -august-gen |
349 | | -september-gen |
350 | | -october-gen |
351 | | -november-gen |
352 | | -december-gen |
353 | | -protectedarticle |
354 | | -1movedto2 |
355 | | -youhavenewmessages |
356 | | -newmessageslink |
357 | | -newmessagesdifflink |
358 | | -blocklogpage |
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361 | | -delete |
362 | | -preview |
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365 | | -tooltip-ca-protect |
366 | | -ipboptions |
367 | | -watchlist-summary |
368 | | -watchlist-options |
369 | | -watchlistfor |
370 | | -newuserlog-create-entry |
371 | | -watchlisttools-edit |
372 | | -watchlistall2 |
373 | | -newarticletext |
374 | | -watchlisttools-raw |
375 | | -watchlisttools-view |
376 | | -userlogin |
377 | | -watchlist-details |
378 | | -wlshowlast |
379 | | -rcnote |
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381 | | -allpagesfrom |
382 | | -newuserlogpage |
383 | | -contribsub2 |
384 | | -booksources-go |
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386 | | -booksources-search-legend |
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388 | | -contributions-title |
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392 | | -sp-contributions-blocklog |
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436 | | -yourpassword |
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441 | | -helppage |
442 | | -mailmypassword |
443 | | -sitesupport |
444 | | -unblocklogentry |
445 | | -nextrevision |
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458 | | -imagelist |
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460 | | -deletedtext |
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466 | | -movepagetalktext |
467 | | -movearticle |
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471 | | -pagemovedsub |
472 | | -movepage-moved |
473 | | -articleexists |
474 | | -talkexists |
475 | | -movedto |
476 | | -movetalk |
477 | | -movereason |
478 | | -addedwatch |
479 | | -addedwatchtext |
480 | | -removedwatch |
481 | | -removedwatchtext |
482 | | -protectcomment |
483 | | -protectexpiry |
484 | | -protect_expiry_invalid |
485 | | -protect_expiry_old |
486 | | -protect-unchain |
487 | | -protect-text |
488 | | -protect-locked-access |
489 | | -protect-cascadeon |
490 | | -protect-default |
491 | | -protect-fallback |
492 | | -protect-level-autoconfirmed |
493 | | -protect-level-sysop |
494 | | -protect-summary-cascade |
495 | | -protect-expiring |
496 | | -protect-cascade |
497 | | -protect-cantedit |
498 | | -restriction-type |
499 | | -restriction-level |
Index: trunk/extensions/Translate/MessageGroups.php |
— | — | @@ -641,38 +641,7 @@ |
642 | 642 | } |
643 | 643 | } |
644 | 644 | |
645 | | -/** |
646 | | - * This class implements the "Most used messages" group for %MediaWiki for the old group. |
647 | | - * Should be removed in June 2011. |
648 | | - * @todo Move to the new interface. |
649 | | - */ |
650 | | -class OldCoreMostUsedMessageGroup extends CoreMessageGroup { |
651 | | - protected $label = 'MediaWiki (most used - 2009)'; |
652 | | - protected $id = 'core-0-mostused-old'; |
653 | | - protected $meta = true; |
654 | 645 | |
655 | | - protected $description = '{{int:translate-group-desc-mediawikimostused}}'; |
656 | | - |
657 | | - public function export( MessageCollection $messages ) { return 'Not supported'; } |
658 | | - public function exportToFile( MessageCollection $messages, $authors ) { return 'Not supported'; } |
659 | | - |
660 | | - function getDefinitions() { |
661 | | - $data = file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wikimedia-mostused-2009.txt' ); |
662 | | - $data = str_replace( "\r", '', $data ); |
663 | | - $messages = explode( "\n", $data ); |
664 | | - $contents = Language::getMessagesFor( 'en' ); |
665 | | - $definitions = array(); |
666 | | - |
667 | | - foreach ( $messages as $key ) { |
668 | | - if ( isset( $contents[$key] ) ) { |
669 | | - $definitions[$key] = $contents[$key]; |
670 | | - } |
671 | | - } |
672 | | - |
673 | | - return $definitions; |
674 | | - } |
675 | | -} |
676 | | - |
677 | 646 | /** |
678 | 647 | * Group for messages that can be controlled via a page in %MediaWiki namespace. |
679 | 648 | * |
Index: trunk/extensions/Translate/Translate.php |
— | — | @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ |
16 | 16 | /** |
17 | 17 | * Version number used in extension credits and in other placed where needed. |
18 | 18 | */ |
19 | | -define( 'TRANSLATE_VERSION', '2011-06-02' ); |
| 19 | +define( 'TRANSLATE_VERSION', '2011-06-24' ); |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | /** |
22 | 22 | * Extension credits properties. |
— | — | @@ -398,7 +398,6 @@ |
399 | 399 | $wgTranslateAC = array( |
400 | 400 | 'core' => 'CoreMessageGroup', |
401 | 401 | 'core-0-mostused' => 'CoreMostUsedMessageGroup', |
402 | | - 'core-0-mostused-old' => 'OldCoreMostUsedMessageGroup', |
403 | 402 | ); |
404 | 403 | |
405 | 404 | /** |