r89619 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r89618‎ | r89619 | r89620 >
Date:00:22, 7 June 2011
Current version of CommonSettings.php that lives in /home/wikipedia/common/php-1.17/wmf-config. This may get out of sync but will provide a good start for the changes to the configs
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/tools/mwmultiversion/wmf-config (added) (history)
  • /trunk/tools/mwmultiversion/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/tools/mwmultiversion/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2418 @@
 4+# WARNING: This file is publically viewable on the web. Do not put private data here.
 6+# Godforsaken hack to work around problems with the Squid caching changes...
 8+# To minimize damage on fatal PHP errors, output a default no-cache header
 9+# It will be overridden in cases where we actually specify caching behavior.
 11+# More modern PHP versions will send a 500 result code on fatal erorr,
 12+# at least sometimes, but what we're running will send a 200.
 13+header( "Cache-control: no-cache" );
 16+# Try to control stuff:
 17+#define( 'DEBUG_LOG', true );
 20+# useful tokens to search for:
 22+# :SEARCH: - search settings
 23+# :SLAVES: - database slaves
 26+# header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal server error" );
 27+# die("Wikipedia and its sister projects are experiencing technical problems. Please try again later. We apologise for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience while developers are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible."); # temp to reduce load --brion
 29+# -----------------
 31+if( php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ) {
 32+ # Override for sanity's sake.
 33+ ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
 34+ #error_reporting(E_ALL);
 36+if( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ) {
 37+ ini_set( 'error_append_string', ' (' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ')' );
 40+# Protection for unusual entry points
 41+if ( !function_exists( 'wfProfileIn' ) ) {
 42+ require( './includes/ProfilerStub.php' );
 44+$fname = 'CommonSettings.php';
 45+wfProfileIn( $fname );
 46+wfProfileIn( "$fname-init" );
 49+# Initialisation
 51+if ( defined( 'TESTWIKI' ) ) {
 52+ $IP = "/home/wikipedia/common/php-1.17";
 53+} else {
 54+ $IP = "/usr/local/apache/common/php-1.17";
 56+//ini_set( "include_path", "$IP:$IP/includes:$IP/languages:$IP/templates:$IP/lib:$IP/extensions/wikihiero:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/share/php" );
 57+// Modernized BV -- 2009-7-14
 58+set_include_path( "$IP:$IP/lib:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/share/php" );
 60+if( getenv( 'WIKIBACKUP' ) ) {
 61+ // hack while normal ext is not enabled sitewide
 62+ if( !function_exists( 'utf8_normalize' ) ) {
 63+ dl('php_utfnormal.so');
 64+ }
 68+$cluster = @file_get_contents( '/etc/cluster' );
 69+if ( !$cluster ) {
 70+ # Let's be nice until we're sure things are set up properly
 71+ # die( "Invalid or missing /etc/cluster file on host {$_ENV['HOSTNAME']}\n" );
 72+ $cluster = 'pmtpa';
 74+$cluster = trim( $cluster );
 75+ */
 76+$cluster = 'pmtpa';
 78+# Load site configuration
 79+include( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
 81+# Safari bug with URLs ending in ".gz" and gzip encoding
 82+# http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4635
 83+$hatesSafari = isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) &&
 84+ strtolower( substr( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], -3 ) ) == '.gz';
 85+if ( $hatesSafari ) {
 86+ $wgDisableOutputCompression = true;
 89+if ( !$wgCommandLineMode && !defined( 'MW_NO_OUTPUT_BUFFER' ) && !$hatesSafari ) {
 90+ ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
 93+ini_set( 'memory_limit', 120 * 1024 * 1024 );
 95+$DP = $IP;
 97+wfProfileOut( "$fname-init" );
 98+wfProfileIn( "$fname-host" );
 100+# Determine domain and language
 101+$secure = getenv( 'MW_SECURE_HOST' );
 102+if ( (@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == '/w/thumb.php' && (@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) == 'upload.wikimedia.org' ) {
 103+ $pathBits = explode( '/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] );
 104+ $site = $pathBits[1];
 105+ $lang = $pathBits[2];
 106+} elseif (php_sapi_name() == 'cgi-fcgi') {
 107+ if (!preg_match('/^([^.]+).([^.]+).*$/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $m))
 108+ die("invalid hostname");
 110+ $lang = $m[1];
 111+ $site = $m[2];
 113+ if (in_array($lang, array("commons", "grants", "sources", "wikimania", "wikimania2006", "foundation", "meta")))
 114+ $site = "wikipedia";
 115+} elseif( $secure ) {
 116+ if (!preg_match('/^([^.]+).([^.]+).*$/', $secure, $m))
 117+ die("invalid hostname");
 119+ $lang = $m[1];
 120+ $site = $m[2];
 122+ if (in_array($lang, array("commons", "grants", "sources", "wikimania", "wikimania2006", "foundation", "meta")))
 123+ $site = "wikipedia";
 124+} else {
 125+ if ( !isset( $site ) ) {
 126+ $site = "wikipedia";
 127+ if ( !isset( $lang ) ) {
 129+ $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
 130+ $docRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
 131+ if ( preg_match( '/^(?:\/usr\/local\/apache\/|\/home\/wikipedia\/)(?:htdocs|common\/docroot)\/([a-z]+)\.org/', $docRoot, $matches ) ) {
 132+ $site = $matches[1];
 133+ if ( preg_match( '/^(.*)\.' . preg_quote( $site ) . '\.org$/', $server, $matches ) ) {
 134+ $lang = $matches[1];
 135+ // For some special subdomains, like pa.us
 136+ $lang = str_replace( '.', '-', $lang );
 137+ } else {
 138+ die( "Invalid host name, can't determine language" );
 139+ }
 140+ } elseif ( preg_match( "/^\/usr\/local\/apache\/(?:htdocs|common\/docroot)\/([a-z0-9\-_]*)$/", $docRoot, $matches ) ) {
 141+ $site = "wikipedia";
 142+ $lang = $matches[1];
 143+ } else {
 144+ die( "Invalid host name (docroot=" . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "), can't determine language" );
 145+ }
 146+ }
 147+ }
 151+# Disabled, no IPv6 support, waste of a regex -- TS 20051207
 153+$ipv6 = false;
 154+if (preg_match('/^[a-z]\.ipv6\./', $server)) {
 155+ $ipv6 = true;
 159+if ( $site == "wikipedia" ) {
 160+ $dbSuffix = "wiki";
 161+} else {
 162+ $dbSuffix = $site;
 164+$wgDBname = str_replace( "-", "_", $lang . $dbSuffix );
 166+# Shutting eswiki down
 167+#if ( $wgDBname == 'eswiki' && php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ) { die(); }
 169+wfProfileOut( "$fname-host" );
 171+# Initialise wgConf
 172+wfProfileIn( "$fname-wgConf" );
 173+require( "$IP/wmf-config/wgConf.php" );
 175+function wmfLoadInitialiseSettings( $conf ) {
 176+ global $IP;
 177+ $wgConf =& $conf; # b/c alias
 178+ require( "$IP/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php" );
 181+wfProfileOut( "$fname-wgConf" );
 182+wfProfileIn( "$fname-confcache" );
 184+# Is this database listed in $cluster.dblist?
 185+if ( array_search( $wgDBname, $wgLocalDatabases ) === false ){
 186+ # No? Load missing.php
 187+ if ( $wgCommandLineMode) {
 188+ print "Database name $wgDBname is not listed in $cluster.dblist\n";
 189+ } else {
 190+ require( "$IP/wmf-config/missing.php" );
 191+ }
 192+ exit;
 195+# Try configuration cache
 197+$filename = "/tmp/mw-cache-1.17/conf-$wgDBname";
 198+$globals = false;
 199+if ( @filemtime( $filename ) >= filemtime( "$IP/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php" ) ) {
 200+ $cacheRecord = @file_get_contents( $filename );
 201+ if ( $cacheRecord !== false ) {
 202+ $globals = unserialize( $cacheRecord );
 203+ }
 205+wfProfileOut( "$fname-confcache" );
 206+if ( !$globals ) {
 207+ wfProfileIn( "$fname-recache-settings" );
 208+ # Get configuration from SiteConfiguration object
 209+ require( "$IP/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php" );
 211+ $wikiTags = array();
 212+ foreach ( array( 'private', 'fishbowl', 'special', 'closed', 'flaggedrevs', 'readonly', 'switchover-jun30' ) as $tag ) {
 213+ $dblist = array_map( 'trim', file( "$IP/../$tag.dblist" ) );
 214+ if ( in_array( $wgDBname, $dblist ) ) {
 215+ $wikiTags[] = $tag;
 216+ }
 217+ }
 219+ $globals = $wgConf->getAll( $wgDBname, $dbSuffix,
 220+ array(
 221+ 'lang' => $lang,
 222+ 'docRoot' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],
 223+ 'site' => $site,
 224+ 'stdlogo' => "http://upload.wikimedia.org/$site/$lang/b/bc/Wiki.png"
 225+ ), $wikiTags );
 227+ # Save cache
 228+ $oldUmask = umask( 0 );
 229+ @mkdir( '/tmp/mw-cache-1.17', 0777 );
 230+ $file = fopen( $filename, 'w' );
 231+ if ( $file ) {
 232+ fwrite( $file, serialize( $globals ) );
 233+ fclose( $file );
 234+ @chmod( $file, 0666 );
 235+ }
 236+ umask( $oldUmask );
 237+ wfProfileOut( "$fname-recache-settings" );
 239+wfProfileIn( "$fname-misc1" );
 241+extract( $globals );
 245+# Settings common to all wikis
 247+# Private settings such as passwords, that shouldn't be published
 248+# Needs to be before db.php
 249+require( "$IP/wmf-config/PrivateSettings.php" );
 251+# Cluster-dependent files for database and memcached
 252+require( "$IP/wmf-config/db.php" );
 256+setlocale( LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' );
 258+unset( $wgStylePath );
 259+unset( $wgStyleSheetPath );
 260+#$wgStyleSheetPath = '/w/skins-1.17';
 261+if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 262+ // Make testing skin/JS changes easier
 263+ $wgExtensionAssetsPath = 'http://test.wikipedia.org/w/extensions-1.17';
 264+ $wgStyleSheetPath = 'http://test.wikipedia.org/w/skins-1.17';
 266+} else {
 267+ $wgExtensionAssetsPath = 'http://bits.wikimedia.org/w/extensions-1.17';
 268+ $wgStyleSheetPath = 'http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.17';
 270+$wgStylePath = $wgStyleSheetPath;
 271+$wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1";
 273+$wgScriptPath = '/w';
 274+$wgLocalStylePath = "$wgScriptPath/skins-1.17";
 275+$wgStockPath = '/images';
 276+$wgScript = $wgScriptPath.'/index.php';
 277+$wgRedirectScript = $wgScriptPath.'/redirect.php';
 278+if ( $wgDBname != 'testwiki' ) {
 279+ // Make testing JS/skin changes easy by not running load.php through bits for testwiki
 280+ $wgLoadScript = "http://bits.wikimedia.org/{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/load.php";
 283+# Very wrong place for NFS access - brought the site down -- domas - 2009-01-27
 285+#if ( ! is_dir( $wgUploadDirectory ) && !$wgCommandLineMode ) {
 286+# @mkdir( $wgUploadDirectory, 0777 );
 289+$wgFileStore['deleted']['directory'] = "/mnt/upload6/private/archive/$site/$lang";
 291+if ( $cluster == 'yaseo' ) {
 292+ $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath = 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/thumb.php';
 293+ $wgUploadPath = '/upload';
 294+ $wgUploadDirectory = "/mnt/upload/$site/$lang";
 295+ $wgFileStore['deleted']['directory'] = "/mnt/upload/private/archive/$site/$lang";
 298+# used for mysql/search settings
 299+$tmarray = getdate(time());
 300+$hour = $tmarray['hours'];
 301+$day = $tmarray['wday'];
 303+$wgEmergencyContact = 'noc@wikipedia.org';
 305+# HTCP multicast squid purging
 306+$wgHTCPMulticastAddress = '';
 307+$wgHTCPMulticastTTL = 2;
 309+if( defined( 'DEBUG_LOG' ) ) {
 310+ if ( $wgDBname == 'aawiki' ) {
 311+ $wgMemCachedDebug=true;
 312+ $wgDebugLogFile = 'udp://';
 313+ $wgDebugDumpSql = true;
 314+ }
 317+$wgDBerrorLog = 'udp://';
 318+$wgCheckDBSchema = false;
 320+if(!isset($wgLocaltimezone)) $wgLocaltimezone = 'UTC';
 321+# Ugly hack warning! This needs smoothing out.
 322+if($wgLocaltimezone) {
 323+ $oldtz = getenv('TZ');
 324+ putenv("TZ=$wgLocaltimezone");
 325+ $wgLocalTZoffset = date('Z') / 60;
 326+ putenv("TZ=$oldtz");
 330+$wgShowIPinHeader = false;
 331+$wgUseGzip = true;
 332+$wgRCMaxAge = 30*86400;
 334+$wgUseTeX = true;
 335+$wgTexvc = "/usr/local/bin/texvc";
 336+$wgTmpDirectory = '/tmp';
 337+$wgLegalTitleChars = "+ %!\"$&'()*,\\-.\\/0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\\^_`a-z~\\x80-\\xFF";
 339+$wgSQLMode = null;
 343+$wgMiserMode = true;
 344+# wgMiserMode now in the configuration object
 345+# enabled to test DB load balancing -- TS 2004-06-22
 347+# This is overridden in the Lucene section below
 348+$wgDisableTextSearch = true;
 349+$wgDisableSearchUpdate = true;
 350+$wgDisableCounters = true;
 352+# $wgSiteSupportPage = "http://wikimediafoundation.org/fundraising";
 353+# $wgDisableUploads = false;
 355+# Is this safe??
 356+#$wgCookieDomain = ".wikipedia.org";
 357+#ini_set('session.name', "{$lang}wikiSession" );
 358+session_name( $lang.'wikiSession' );
 359+$wgSessionsInMemcached = true;
 361+# Enable subpages in the meta space
 362+$wgNamespacesWithSubpages[4] = 1;
 363+# And namespace 101, which is probably a talk namespace of some description
 364+$wgNamespacesWithSubpages[101] = 1;
 366+/* <important notice>
 367+ *
 368+ * When you add a sitenotice make sure to wrap it in <span dir=ltr></span>,
 369+ * otherwise it'll format badly on RTL wikis -ævar
 370+ */
 371+# Site notices
 372+#$wgSiteNotice = "All Wikimedia projects will be down for approximately 30 minutes for a server configuration change around 18:00 UTC on 11 June. We apologise for the inconvenience.";
 373+#$wgSiteNotice = "Servers will be rebooted for operating system upgrades circa 12:00 UTC.";
 374+#$wgSiteNotice = "Servers are being rebooted for operating system upgrades. May be offline for a bit.";
 375+#$wgSiteNotice = "The databases are being moved to a less crash-prone server until the new machine is debugged. We'll be offline for probably an hour or two to get a consistent and complete backup transferred.";
 376+#$wgSiteNotice = "Completing transfer of database to less crash-prone server; will be offline for a few minutes.";
 377+#$wgSiteNotice = "Database should be working, but some files are still being transferred.";
 378+#$wgSiteNotice = "The wiki will be locked starting in a few minutes"; # to
 379+#move the databases back to a faster machine. Downtime may be a few
 380+#hours, but things will be much faster after that!";
 381+#$wgSiteNotice = "The database is offline for a while from 05:00 UTC
 382+#to make a clean copy for transfer to our new servers. Sorry for the inconvenience;
 383+#we should be back online around 06:15 UTC.";
 384+#$wgSiteNotice = "The database is read-only and using an older copy while some serious problems are fixed, sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.";
 385+#$wgSiteNotice = "<div name=\"fundraising\" id=\"fundraising\" align=\"center\">'''Wikimedia Fundraising Drive 2004'''. Help us raise $50,000. See [http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/fundraising our fundraising page] for details.<br />
 386+#[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_site_notice Information on this message] - [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:MediaWiki:Sitenotice|action=edit}} Edit this message]</div>";
 387+#$wgSiteNotice = "-";
 388+#$wgSiteNotice = "The site will be read only for 20 minutes for a server restart starting at the next hour time - 11:00 UTC";
 389+#$wgSiteNotice = "The site will be read-only in 5-15 minutes for an undetermined period of time while database recovery is performed";
 390+#$wgSiteNotice = "The site will be unavailable for about 30 minutes between 07:00 and 09:00 UTC to switch master database server.";
 391+#$wgSiteNotice = '<span dir="ltr">There is some kind of problem with the image server currently. The issue is being investigated.</span>'; # hashar
 392+#$wgSiteNotice = "There is a problem with the image storage. We are in the process of fixing it.";
 393+/* </important notice> */
 395+# Not CLI, see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47540
 396+if ( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ) {
 397+ ignore_user_abort(true);
 400+$wgUseImageResize = true;
 401+$wgUseImageMagick = true;
 402+$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = '/usr/bin/convert';
 403+$wgSharpenParameter = '0x0.8'; # for IM>6.5, bug 24857
 405+# Strict checking is still off for now, but added
 406+# .txt and .mht to the blacklist.
 407+# -- brion 2004-09-23
 408+# Someone has obviously turned it on, look, the line to disable it is commented out: -- TS
 409+#$wgStrictFileExtensions = false;
 410+$wgFileBlacklist[] = 'txt';
 411+$wgFileBlacklist[] = 'mht';
 412+# $wgFileBlacklist[] = 'pdf';
 413+$wgFileExtensions[] = 'xcf';
 414+# Disabling this for now -- brion - 2007-08-21
 415+#if( $wgDBname != 'commonswiki' ) {
 416+# $wgFileExtensions[] = 'xls';
 418+$wgFileExtensions[] = 'pdf';
 419+$wgFileExtensions[] = 'mid';
 420+#$wgFileExtensions[] = 'sxw'; # OOo writer # -- disabling these as obsolete -- brion 2008-02-05
 421+#$wgFileExtensions[] = 'sxi'; # OOo presentation
 422+#$wgFileExtensions[] = 'sxc'; # OOo spreadsheet
 423+#$wgFileExtensions[] = 'sxd'; # OOo drawing
 424+$wgFileExtensions[] = 'ogg'; # Ogg audio & video
 425+$wgFileExtensions[] = 'ogv'; # Ogg audio & video
 426+$wgFileExtensions[] = 'svg';
 427+$wgFileExtensions[] = 'djvu'; # DjVu images/documents
 429+if ( /* use PagedTiffHandler */ true ) {
 430+ include( $IP.'/extensions/PagedTiffHandler/PagedTiffHandler.php' );
 431+ $wgTiffUseTiffinfo = true;
 432+} else {
 433+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'tif';
 434+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'tiff';
 437+if( $wgDBname == 'foundationwiki' ) { # per cary on 2010-05-11
 438+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'otf';
 439+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'ai';
 442+if ( $wgDBname == 'outreachwiki' ) { # Per Frank, bug 25106
 443+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'sla';
 446+if( $wmgPrivateWikiUploads ) {
 447+ # mav forced me to --midom
 448+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'ppt';
 450+ # mav forced me as well!!! -- Tim
 451+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'doc';
 452+ # adding since removed elsewhere now -- 2007-08-21 -- brion
 453+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'xls';
 454+ # delphine made me do it!!!!! --brion
 455+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'eps';
 456+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'zip';
 458+ # OpenOffice, hell if we're going to allow doc we may as well have these too -- Tim
 459+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'odf';
 460+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'odp';
 461+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'ods';
 462+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'odt';
 463+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'odg'; // OpenOffice Graphics
 464+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'ott'; // Templates
 466+ # Temporary for office work :P
 467+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'wmv';
 468+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'dv';
 469+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'avi';
 470+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'mov';
 471+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'mp3'; // for Jay for fundraising bits
 472+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'aif'; // "
 473+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'aiff'; // "
 475+ # Becausee I hate having to find print drivers -- tomasz
 476+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'ppd';
 478+ # InDesign & PhotoShop, Illustrator wanted for Chapters logo work
 479+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'indd';
 480+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'inx';
 481+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'psd';
 482+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'ai';
 484+ # Pete made me --Roan
 485+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'omniplan';
 487+ # Dia Diagrams files --fred.
 488+ $wgFileExtensions[] = 'dia';
 489+ // To allow OpenOffice doc formats we need to not blacklist zip files
 490+ $wgMimeTypeBlacklist = array_diff(
 491+ $wgMimeTypeBlacklist,
 492+ array( 'application/zip' ) );
 495+# Hack for rsvg broken by security patch
 496+$wgSVGConverters['rsvg-broken'] = '$path/rsvg-convert -w $width -h $height -o $output < $input';
 498+$wgAllowUserJs = true;
 499+$wgAllowUserCss = true;
 501+# Squid!
 502+$wgUseSquid = true;
 503+$wgUseESI = false;
 505+# As of 2005-04-08, this is empty
 506+# Squids are purged by HTCP multicast, currently relayed to paris via udpmcast on larousse
 507+$wgSquidServers = array();
 509+# Accept XFF from these proxies
 510+$wgSquidServersNoPurge = array(
 512+ # Wikimedia servers
 513+ # ------------------------------------------------
 515+ # pmtpa external
 516+ # Note that all pmtpa squids must have an external address here, for the
 517+ # benefit of the yaseo apaches.
 519+ '', # singer (secure)
 521+ '', # eiximenis (testing)
 523+ '', # sq1
 524+ '', # sq2
 525+ '', # sq3
 526+ '', # sq4
 527+ '', # sq5
 528+ '', # sq6
 529+ '', # sq7
 530+ '', # sq8
 531+ '', # sq9
 532+ '', # sq10
 533+ '', # sq11
 534+ '', # sq12
 535+ '', # sq13
 536+ '', # sq14
 537+ '', # sq15
 538+ '', # sq16
 539+ '', # sq17
 540+ '', # sq18
 541+ '', # sq19
 542+ '', # sq20
 543+ '', # sq21
 544+ '', # sq22
 545+ '', # sq23
 546+ '', # sq24
 547+ '', # sq25
 548+ '', # sq26
 549+ '', # sq27
 550+ '', # sq28
 551+ '', # sq29
 552+ '', # sq30
 553+ '', # sq31
 554+ '', # sq32
 555+ '', # sq33
 556+ '', # sq34
 557+ '', # sq35
 558+ '', # sq36
 559+ '', # sq37
 560+ '', # sq38
 561+ '', # sq39
 562+ '', # sq40
 563+ '', # sq41
 564+ '', # sq42
 565+ '', # sq43
 566+ '', # sq44
 567+ '', # sq45
 568+ '', # sq46
 569+ '', # sq47
 570+ '', # sq48
 571+ '', # sq49
 572+ '', # sq50
 573+ '', # sq51
 574+ '', # sq52
 575+ '', # sq53
 576+ '', # sq54
 577+ '', # sq55
 578+ '', # sq56
 579+ '', # sq57
 580+ '', # sq58
 581+ '', # sq59
 582+ '', # sq60
 583+ '', # sq61
 584+ '', # sq62
 585+ '', # sq63
 586+ '', # sq64
 587+ '', # sq65
 588+ '', # sq66
 589+ '', # sq67
 590+ '', # sq68
 591+ '', # sq69
 592+ '', # sq70
 593+ '', # sq71
 594+ '', # sq72
 595+ '', # sq73
 596+ '', # sq74
 597+ '', # sq75
 598+ '', # sq76
 599+ '', # sq77
 600+ '', # sq78
 601+ '', # sq79
 602+ '', # sq80
 603+ '', # sq81
 604+ '', # sq82
 605+ '', # sq83
 606+ '', # sq84
 607+ '', # sq85
 608+ '', # sq86
 610+ '', # knsq1
 611+ '', # knsq2
 612+ '', # knsq3
 613+ '', # knsq4
 614+ '', # knsq5
 615+ '', # knsq6
 616+ '', # knsq7
 617+ '', # knsq8
 618+ '', # knsq9
 619+ '', # knsq10
 620+ '', # knsq11
 621+ '', # knsq12
 622+ '', # knsq13
 623+ '', # knsq14
 624+ '', # knsq15
 625+ '', # knsq16
 626+ '', # knsq17
 627+ '', # knsq18
 628+ '', # knsq19
 629+ '', # knsq20
 630+ '', # knsq21
 631+ '', # knsq22
 632+ '', # knsq23
 633+ '', # knsq24
 634+ '', # knsq25
 635+ '', # knsq26
 636+ '', # knsq27
 637+ '', # knsq28
 638+ '', # knsq29
 639+ '', # knsq30
 641+ '', # amssq31
 642+ '', # amssq32
 643+ '', # amssq33
 644+ '', # amssq34
 645+ '', # amssq35
 646+ '', # amssq36
 647+ '', # amssq37
 648+ '', # amssq38
 649+ '', # amssq39
 650+ '', # amssq40
 651+ '', # amssq41
 652+ '', # amssq42
 653+ '', # amssq43
 654+ '', # amssq44
 655+ '', # amssq45
 656+ '', # amssq46
 657+ '', # amssq47
 658+ '', # amssq48
 659+ '', # amssq49
 660+ '', # amssq50
 661+ '', # amssq51
 662+ '', # amssq52
 663+ '', # amssq53
 664+ '', # amssq54
 665+ '', # amssq55
 666+ '', # amssq56
 667+ '', # amssq57
 668+ '', # amssq58
 669+ '', # amssq59
 670+ '', # amssq60
 671+ '', # amssq61
 672+ '', # amssq62
 676+# IP addresses that aren't proxies, regardless of what the other sources might say
 677+$wgProxyWhitelist = array(
 678+ '',
 679+ '',
 680+ '',
 681+ '',
 683+ # True Internet
 684+ # (Thai ISP, used by Waerth)
 685+# '',
 686+# '',
 687+# '',
 691+# Default:
 692+#$wgSquidMaxage = 2678400;
 694+# Purge site message:
 695+#$wgSquidMaxage = 2678400;
 696+#$wgSquidMaxage = 3600;
 698+# Special:AskSQL
 699+$wgLogQueries = true;
 700+$wgSqlLogFile = $wgUploadDirectory.'/sqllog';
 703+$wgBlockOpenProxies = false;
 705+$wgDebugLogGroups['UploadBlacklist'] = 'udp://';
 707+$wgDebugLogGroups['404'] = 'udp://';
 710+# Don't allow users to redirect other users' talk pages
 711+# Disabled because interwiki redirects are turned off, so it's not needed
 712+#include( "$IP/Filter-ext_redir.php" );
 715+#declareOutage( "2004-05-12", "02:00", "03:00" );
 717+$d = getdate();
 718+$hour = $d['hours'];
 719+if ( $lang == "en" && $hour >= 13 && $hour < 18 ) {
 720+ $wgUseWatchlistCache = true;
 721+ $wgWLCacheTimeout = 3600;
 724+## For attaching licensing metadata to pages, and displaying an
 725+## appropriate copyright notice / icon. GNU Free Documentation
 726+## License and Creative Commons licenses are supported so far.
 727+$wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = false;
 729+if( $site == 'wikinews' ) {
 730+ #$wgRightsPage = "";# Set to the title of a wiki page that describes your license/copyright
 731+ $wgRightsUrl = 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/';
 732+ $wgRightsText = 'Creative Commons Attribution 2.5';
 733+ $wgRightsIcon = 'http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png';
 734+} elseif ( $wgDBname == 'huwikinews') {
 735+ $wgRightsUrl = 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/';
 736+ $wgRightsText = 'Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported';
 737+ $wgRightsIcon = 'http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png';
 738+} else {
 739+ # Set 2009-06-22 -- BV
 740+ $wgRightsUrl = 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/';
 741+ $wgRightsText = 'Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported';
 742+ $wgRightsIcon = 'http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png';
 745+# FIXME: Turned off tidy for testing. --brion 2004-01-19
 746+# turned it on again to see if this is the culprit --gwicke 2005-01-20
 747+# Anthere had problems with the quarto page on meta which contained broken markup
 748+# Turned off for performance reasons experimentally -- TS 2005-04-20
 749+# -- Didn't seem to make any difference
 750+# Turned off, to investigate cluster trouble -- AV Mon Nov 14 21:45:49 UTC 2005
 751+# Investigated cluster trouble, tidy seems to have been unrelated to them -- TS
 752+$wgUseTidy = true;
 754+# Profiling, typically at 100 rate
 755+#Caution: moderate profiling rates can write 1.5GB per day each to the slow query and binary logs.
 756+# If the master is low on disk space, you'll need to empty the slow query log
 758+# :PROFILING:
 761+//if ( isset( $_REQUEST['wpSave'] ) ) {
 762+ if ( $wgDBname == 'enwiki' || $wgDBname == 'dewiki' ) {
 763+ $wgProfiling = true;
 764+ $wgProfileToDatabase = true;
 765+ $wgProfileSampleRate = 500;
 766+ }
 767+ if ( $wgDBname == 'frwiki' ) {
 768+ $wgProfiling = true;
 769+ $wgProfileToDatabase = true;
 770+ $wgProfileSampleRate = 100;
 771+ }
 772+ if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 773+ $wgProfiling = true;
 774+ $wgProfileToDatabase = true;
 775+ $wgProfileSampleRate = 1;
 776+ }
 777+// $wgProfileSampleRate /= 50;
 781+if ($wgDBname == 'enwiki' || $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
 782+ $wgProfiling = true;
 783+ $wgProfilerType = 'SimpleUDP';
 784+ $wgProfileSampleRate = 1;
 786+$wgUDPProfilerHost = ''; # spence
 787+$wgAggregateStatsID = 'all';
 789+// $wgProfiler is set in index.php
 790+if ( isset( $wgProfiler ) ) {
 791+ $wgProfiling = true;
 792+ $wgProfileToDatabase = true;
 793+ $wgProfileSampleRate = 1;
 797+wfProfileOut( "$fname-misc1" );
 798+wfProfileIn( "$fname-ext-include1" );
 803+// if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 804+ // $wgTimelineSettings->fontFile = 'unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf';
 805+// }
 806+if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' || $wgDBname == 'mlwiki' ) {
 807+ // FreeSansWMF has been generated from FreeSans and FreeSerif by using this script with fontforge:
 808+ // Open("FreeSans.ttf");
 809+ // MergeFonts("FreeSerif.ttf");
 810+ // SetFontNames("FreeSans-WMF", "FreeSans WMF", "FreeSans WMF Regular", "Regular", "");
 811+ // Generate("FreeSansWMF.ttf", "", 4 );
 812+ $wgTimelineSettings->fontFile = 'FreeSansWMF.ttf';
 816+include( $IP.'/extensions/SiteMatrix/SiteMatrix.php' );
 817+// Config for sitematrix
 818+$wgSiteMatrixFile = '/apache/common/langlist';
 819+$wgSiteMatrixClosedSites = "$IP/../closed.dblist";
 820+$wgSiteMatrixPrivateSites = "$IP/../private.dblist";
 821+$wgSiteMatrixFishbowlSites = "$IP/../fishbowl.dblist";
 823+include( $IP.'/extensions/CharInsert/CharInsert.php' );
 824+include( $IP.'/extensions/CheckUser/CheckUser.php' );
 825+include( $IP.'/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php' );
 826+$wgMaxIfExistCount = 500; // obs
 827+$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit = 500;
 829+// <ref> and <references> tags -ævar, 2005-12-23
 830+require( $IP.'/extensions/Cite/Cite.php' );
 832+// psuedobotinterface -ævar, 2005-12-25
 833+//require( $IP.'/extensions/Filepath/SpecialFilepath.php' ); // obsolete 2008-02-12
 835+# Inputbox extension for searching or creating articles
 836+include( $IP.'/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.php' );
 838+include( $IP.'/extensions/ExpandTemplates/ExpandTemplates.php' );
 839+// include( $IP.'/extensions/PicturePopup/PicturePopup.php' ); // extension deleted in december 2007...
 841+include( $IP.'/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.php' );
 842+include( $IP.'/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.php' );
 844+// Experimental side-by-side comparison extension for wikisource. enabled brion 2006-01-13
 845+if( $wmgUseDoubleWiki ) {
 846+ include( $IP.'/extensions/DoubleWiki/DoubleWiki.php' );
 849+# Poem
 850+include( $IP.'/extensions/Poem/Poem.php' );
 852+if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 853+ include( $IP.'/extensions/UnicodeConverter/UnicodeConverter.php' );
 856+// Per-wiki config for Flagged Revisions
 857+if ( $wmgUseFlaggedRevs ) {
 858+ include( $IP.'/wmf-config/flaggedrevs.php');
 861+$wgUseAjax = true;
 862+$wgCategoryTreeDynamicTag = true;
 863+require( $IP.'/extensions/CategoryTree/CategoryTree.php' );
 866+if ( $wmgUseProofreadPage ) {
 867+//if ( $wgDBname == 'frwikisource' || $wgDBname == 'enwikisource' || $wgDBname == 'ptwikisource' ) {
 868+ include( $IP . '/extensions/ProofreadPage/ProofreadPage.php' );
 869+ include( $IP . '/wmf-config/proofreadpage.php');
 871+if( $wmgUseLST ) {
 872+ include( $IP . '/extensions/LabeledSectionTransclusion/lst.php' );
 875+if( $wmgUseSpamBlacklist ) {
 876+ include( $IP.'/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php' );
 879+include( $IP.'/extensions/UploadBlacklist/UploadBlacklist.php' );
 880+# disabled by Domas. reenabling without consulting will end up on wrath and torture
 881+include( $IP.'/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.php' );
 883+$wgTitleBlacklistSources = array(
 884+ array(
 885+ 'type' => TBLSRC_URL,
 886+ 'src' => 'http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Title_blacklist&action=raw&tb_ver=1',
 887+ ),
 890+#if ( $site == 'wikiversity' || $wgDBname == 'ptwikibooks' || $wgDBname == 'itwikibooks' || $wgDBname == 'enwikinews' ) {
 891+if( $wmgUseQuiz ) {
 892+ include( "$IP/extensions/Quiz/Quiz.php" );
 895+if ( $wmgUseGadgets ) {
 896+ include( "$IP/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.php" );
 899+// if( $wgAutomaticGroups ) {
 900+// include( "$IP/extensions/AutomaticGroups/AutomaticGroups.php" );
 903+include( $IP.'/extensions/OggHandler/OggHandler.php' );
 904+$wgOggThumbLocation = '/usr/local/bin/oggThumb';
 905+// you can keep the filename the same and use maintenance/purgeList.php
 906+$wgCortadoJarFile = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/jars/cortado.jar';
 908+include( $IP.'/extensions/AssertEdit/AssertEdit.php' );
 910+if ( $wgDBname == 'foundationwiki' ) {
 911+ include( "$IP/extensions/FormPreloadPostCache/FormPreloadPostCache.php" );
 912+ include( "$IP/extensions/SkinPerPage/SkinPerPage.php" );
 913+ include( "$IP/extensions/skins/Schulenburg/Schulenburg.php" );
 914+ include( "$IP/extensions/skins/Tomas/Tomas.php" );
 915+ include( "$IP/extensions/skins/Donate/Donate.php" );
 917+ include( "$IP/extensions/ContributionReporting/ContributionReporting.php" );
 918+ include( "$IP/wmf-config/reporting-setup.php");
 920+ include( "$IP/extensions/ContactPageFundraiser/ContactPage.php" );
 921+ $wgContactUser = 'Storiescontact';
 922+ $wgUseTidy = false;
 924+ $wgAllowedTemplates = array(
 925+ 'enwiki_00','enwiki_01','enwiki_02','enwiki_03',
 926+ 'enwiki_04','enwiki_05', 'donate','2009_Notice1',
 927+ '2009_Notice1_b', '2009_EM1Notice','2009_EM1Notice_b','2009_Notice11',
 928+ '2009_Notice10','2009_Notice14','2009_Notice15','2009_Notice17',
 929+ '2009_Notice17_g','2009_Notice18','2009_Notice18_g','2009_Notice21_g',
 930+ '2009_Notice22','2009_Notice22_g','2009_Notice30','2009_Notice31',
 931+ '2009_Notice32','2009_Notice33','2009_Notice34','2009_Notice30_g',
 932+ '2009_Notice30_EML', 'Notice30_EML','2009_Notice35','2009_Notice36',
 933+ '2009_Notice36_g','2009_Notice37','2009_Notice38','2009_Notice39',
 934+ '2009_Notice40','2009_Notice30_bold','2009_Yandex1','2009_Notice41',
 935+ '2009_Notice42','2009_Notice43','2009_Notice44','2009_Notice45',
 936+ '2009_Notice47','2009_Notice46','2009_Notice48','2009_Craig_Appeal1',
 937+ '2009_Jimmy_Appeal1','2009_Jimmy_Appeal3','2009_Jimmy_Appeal4','2009_Jimmy_Appeal5',
 938+ '2009_Jimmy_Appeal7','2009_Jimmy_Appeal8','2009_Jimmy_Appeal9','2009_Notice49',
 939+ '2009_Notice51','2009_ThankYou1','2009_ThankYou2','2010_testing1',
 940+ '2010_testing1B','2010_testing2','2010_testing2B','2010_testing3',
 941+ '2010_testing3B','2010_testing4','2010_testing4B','2010_testing5',
 942+ '2010_testing5_anon','2010_testing6','2010_testing6_anon','2010_testing7',
 943+ '2010_testing7_anon','2010_testing8','2010_testing8_anon','2010_testing9',
 944+ '2010_testing9_anon','2010_testing10','2010_testing10_anon','2010_testing11',
 945+ '2010_testing11_anon','2010_testing12','2010_testing12_anon','2010_testing13',
 946+ '2010_testing13_anon','2010_testing14','2010_testing14_anon','2010_testing15',
 947+ '2010_testing15_anon','2010_testing16','2010_testing17','2010_testing18',
 948+ '2010_testing15_anon','2010_testing16','2010_testing17','2010_testing18',
 949+ '2010_testing19','2010_testing20','2010_testing21','2010_testing22',
 950+ '2010_testing23','2010_testing24','2010_testing25','2010_testing26',
 951+ '2010_testing23','2010_testing24','2010_testing25','2010_testing26',
 952+ '2010_testing23','2010_testing24','2010_testing25','2010_testing26',
 953+ '2010_testing27','2010_testing28','2010_testing29','2010_testing30',
 954+ '2010_testing31','2010_testing32','2010_testing33','2010_testing34',
 955+ '2010_testing35','2010_testing36','2010_testing37','2010_testing38',
 956+ '2010_testing39','2010_testing40','2010_testing41','2010_testing42',
 957+ '2010_testing43','2010_testing44','2010_testing44_twostep','2010_testing45',
 958+ '2010_testing46','2010_testing47','2010_testing48','2010_testing49',
 959+ '2010_testing50','2010_testing51','2010_testing52','2010_testing53',
 960+ '2010_testing54','2010_testing55','2010_fr_testing1','2010_fr_testing5',
 961+ '2010_fr_testing3','2010_fr_testing4','2010_de_testing1','2010_de_testing2',
 962+ '2010_de_testing3','2010_de_testing4','2010_en_testing1',',2010_en_testing2',
 963+ '2010_en_testing3','2010_en_testing4','2010_en_testing5','2010_en_testing6',
 964+ '2010_en_testing7','2010_en_testing8','2010_en_testing9','2010_en_testing10',
 965+ '2010_en_testing11','2010_en_testing12','2010_en_testing13','2010_en_testing14',
 966+ '2010_en_testing15','2010_en_testing16','2010_en_testing17','2010_en_testing18',
 967+ '2010_en_testing19','2010_en_testing20','2010_en_testing21','2010_en_testing22',
 968+ '2010_en_testing23','2010_en_testing24','2010_en_testing25','2010_en_testing26',
 969+ '2010_en_testing27','2010_en_testing28','2010_en_testing29','2010_en_testing30',
 970+ '2010_en_testing31','2010_en_testing32','2010_en_testing33','2010_en_testing34',
 971+ '2010_en_testing35','2010_en_testing36','2010_en_testing37','2010_en_testing38',
 972+ '2010_en_testing39','2010_en_testing40',
 974+ );
 976+ $wgAllowedSupport = array(
 977+ 'Support', 'Support2', 'ChangeWorld', 'FiveFacts',
 978+ 'Craig_Appeal', 'Appeal', 'Appeal2', 'Global_Support',
 979+ '2010_Landing_1','2010_Landing_2','2010_Landing_3', '2010_Landing_4',
 980+ '2010_Landing_5','2010_Landing_6','2010_Landing_7','2010_Landing_8',
 981+ '2010_Landing_9','cc1','cc2','cc3','cc4','cc5','cc6','cc7','cc8','cc9',
 982+ 'cc10','cc11','cc12','cc13','cc14','cc15','Appeal3','Appeal4','Appeal5',
 983+ 'Appeal6','Appeal7','Appeal8','Appeal9','Appeal10','Appeal11','Appeal12',
 984+ 'Appeal13','Appeal14','Appeal16','Appeal18','Appeal20','cc15',
 985+ );
 987+ $wgAllowedPaymentMethod = array(
 988+ 'cc','pp'
 989+ );
 994+if ( $wgDBname == 'mediawikiwiki' ) {
 995+ include( "$IP/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor.php" );
 996+ $wgExtDistTarDir = '/mnt/upload6/ext-dist';
 997+ $wgExtDistTarUrl = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/ext-dist';
 998+ $wgExtDistWorkingCopy = '/mnt/upload6/private/ExtensionDistributor/mw-snapshot';
 999+ $wgExtDistRemoteClient = '';
 1001+ $wgExtDistBranches = array(
 1002+ 'trunk' => array(
 1003+ 'tarLabel' => 'trunk',
 1004+ 'msgName' => 'extdist-current-version',
 1005+ ),
 1006+ /**
 1007+ * If you add a branch here, you must also check it out into the working copy directory.
 1008+ * If you add it here without doing that, the extension will break.
 1009+ */
 1010+ 'branches/REL1_17' => array(
 1011+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.17',
 1012+ 'name' => '1.17.x',
 1013+ ),
 1014+ 'branches/REL1_16' => array(
 1015+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.16',
 1016+ 'name' => '1.16.x',
 1017+ ),
 1018+ 'branches/REL1_15' => array(
 1019+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.15',
 1020+ 'name' => '1.15.x',
 1021+ ),
 1022+ 'branches/REL1_14' => array(
 1023+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.14',
 1024+ 'name' => '1.14.x',
 1025+ ),
 1026+ 'branches/REL1_13' => array(
 1027+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.13',
 1028+ 'name' => '1.13.x',
 1029+ ),
 1030+ 'branches/REL1_12' => array(
 1031+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.12',
 1032+ 'name' => '1.12.x',
 1033+ ),
 1034+ 'branches/REL1_11' => array(
 1035+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.11',
 1036+ 'name' => '1.11.x',
 1037+ ),
 1038+ /**
 1039+ * If you delete a branch, you must also delete it from the working copy
 1040+ */
 1041+ 'branches/REL1_10' => array(
 1042+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.10',
 1043+ 'name' => '1.10.x',
 1044+ ),
 1045+ );
 1048+include( $IP.'/extensions/GlobalBlocking/GlobalBlocking.php' );
 1049+$wgGlobalBlockingDatabase = 'centralauth';
 1050+$wgApplyGlobalBlocks = $wmgApplyGlobalBlocks;
 1052+include( $IP.'/extensions/TrustedXFF/TrustedXFF.php' );
 1053+$wgTrustedXffFile = "$IP/cache/trusted-xff.cdb";
 1055+if ( $wmgContactPageConf ) {
 1056+ include( $IP.'/extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage.php' );
 1057+ extract( $wmgContactPageConf );
 1060+include( $IP.'/extensions/SecurePoll/SecurePoll.php' );
 1062+$wgHooks['SecurePoll_JumpUrl'][] = 'wmfSecurePollJumpUrl';
 1064+function wmfSecurePollJumpUrl( $page, &$url ) {
 1065+ global $site, $lang;
 1067+ $url = wfAppendQuery( $url, array( 'site' => $site, 'lang' => $lang ) );
 1068+ return true;
 1071+// Email capture
 1072+// NOTE: Must be BEFORE ArticleFeedback
 1073+if ( $wgUseEmailCapture ) {
 1074+ include( "$IP/extensions/EmailCapture/EmailCapture.php" );
 1077+// Mobile redirect
 1078+if ( $wmgUseWikimediaMobile && !$secure ) {
 1079+ include( "$IP/extensions/WikimediaMobile/WikimediaMobile.php" );
 1080+ $wgWikimediaMobileUrl = "http://$lang.m.$site.org/wiki";
 1081+ $wgWikimediaMobileVersion .= '.2';
 1084+// PoolCounter
 1085+if ( $wmgUsePoolCounter ) {
 1086+ include( "$IP/wmf-config/PoolCounterSettings.php" );
 1089+wfProfileOut( "$fname-ext-include1" );
 1090+wfProfileIn( "$fname-misc2" );
 1093+# Per site additional spam blacklists
 1094+# -- hashar Sat Jan 6 21:27:21 UTC 2007
 1095+switch( $wgDBname ) {
 1096+ 'frwiki':
 1097+# $wgSpamBlacklistFiles[] = 'http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=<INSERT_TITLE>&action=raw&sb_ver=1';
 1098+ break;
 1099+ default:
 1104+# Upload spam system
 1105+// SHA-1 hashes of blocked files:
 1106+# FIXME should check file size too
 1107+$ubUploadBlacklist = array(
 1108+ // Goatse:
 1109+ 'aebbf277146e497c036937d3c3d6d0cac49a37a8', // 20050901082002!Patoo.jpg
 1110+ // Spam:
 1111+ '7740dab676725bcf6ea58b03b231aa4ec6c7ff34', // Austriaflaggemodern.jpg
 1112+ '1f1c44af6ee4f6e4b6cb48b892e625fa52238bd1', // Nostalgieplattenspielerei.jpg
 1113+ 'e6eb4549756b88e2c69171ffbd278be51c3e2bfe', // Patioboy.jpg
 1114+ 'eeb9b16edb9b5e9c58f47a558589e7eb970f32c0', // Shoessss.jpg, 73464736474847367.jpg
 1115+ '14e4858e63b008a7e087f2b90d3f57c021ab0f78', // Vacuumbigmell.jpg
 1116+ 'f989e303ef505c4706db42d5cdad67841042e2b9', // 998_pre_1.jpg
 1117+ // Ass pus:
 1118+ '27979159b13b819d1bf62e1071a0c2a54b373ed5', // Squish.png
 1119+ '7176aeddf3d7d8aada785721773ffeb7ee7b292e', // 20050905221505!Linguistics_stub.png *
 1120+ '27979159b13b819d1bf62e1071a0c2a54b373ed5', // 20050905235133!Leaf.png
 1121+ 'bb3acc61413ef813453a4b0c0198e30b2cd8fcf9', // Kitty100.jpg
 1122+ '855e55c4925644aeaef262ef25dd00815761c076', // Wikipedia-logo-100px
 1123+ '203bc24e5291e543779201734c49cfd88fcb2445', // Wikipodia-logo.png
 1124+ '14d2a0c0f3081815d04493f72ab5970c51422bc7', // Bung.jpg
 1125+ '3c610bc87d0ba49467c6f2d3cfba4b3321f6b351', // Blue_morpho_butterfly_300x271.png
 1126+ '7176aeddf3d7d8aada785721773ffeb7ee7b292e', // 20050905235450!Blue_morpho_butterfly_300x271.png
 1127+ '7a7f9d7ef52ed8967cb6b0171ef8d45e2a0c68b9', // Leaf.png
 1128+ '1ecfaf883c4130e1827290ad063158d0037631e6', // Wikimedia-button1.png
 1129+ '1c73d6596685175a8af6b08508468252c4dff8e2', // Windbuchencom.jpg
 1130+ '203bc24e5291e543779201734c49cfd88fcb2445', // Leaf.png
 1131+ '95d825bcf01ca3e553f4175dd7238ff12ba1d153', // 20050915055251!New_Orleans_Survivor_Flyover.jpg
 1132+ 'bbd292d917d7fa7dec9a524de77ca39bd8cdf738', // 20050915060435!New_Orleans_Survivor_Flyover.jpg
 1134+ // Some singnet guy
 1135+ 'bed74eef04f5b54884dc650679e5688c7c1f74cb', // Peniscut.jpg
 1136+ );
 1139+if( file_exists( '/usr/bin/ploticus' ) ) {
 1140+ $wgTimelineSettings->ploticusCommand = '/usr/bin/ploticus';
 1141+} else {
 1142+ // Back-compat for Fedora boxes
 1143+ $wgTimelineSettings->ploticusCommand = '/usr/local/bin/pl';
 1145+$wgTimelineSettings->epochTimestamp = '20110206135500'; // fixed font setting
 1148+$wgAllowRealName = false;
 1149+$wgSysopRangeBans = true;
 1150+$wgSysopUserBans = true;
 1153+#### To declare an outage:
 1155+#declareOutage( "2005-01-03", "04:00", "08:00" );
 1157+# Log IP addresses in the recentchanges table
 1158+$wgPutIPinRC = true;
 1160+$wgUploadSizeWarning = false;
 1162+# Default address gets rejected by some mail hosts
 1163+$wgPasswordSender = 'wiki@wikimedia.org';
 1165+$wgLocalFileRepo = array(
 1166+ 'class' => 'LocalRepo',
 1167+ 'name' => 'local',
 1168+ 'directory' => $wgUploadDirectory,
 1169+ 'url' => $wgUploadBaseUrl ? $wgUploadBaseUrl . $wgUploadPath : $wgUploadPath,
 1170+ 'hashLevels' => 2,
 1171+ 'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgThumbnailScriptPath,
 1172+ 'transformVia404' => true,
 1173+ 'initialCapital' => $wgCapitalLinks,
 1174+ 'deletedDir' => "/mnt/upload6/private/archive/$site/$lang",
 1175+ 'deletedHashLevels' => 3,
 1176+ 'thumbDir' => str_replace( '/mnt/upload6', '/mnt/thumbs', "$wgUploadDirectory/thumb" ),
 1177+ );
 1178+# New commons settings
 1179+if( $wgDBname != 'commonswiki' ) {
 1180+ $wgForeignFileRepos[] = array(
 1181+ 'class' => 'ForeignDBViaLBRepo',
 1182+ 'name' => 'shared',
 1183+ 'directory' => '/mnt/upload6/wikipedia/commons',
 1184+ 'url' => 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons',
 1185+ 'hashLevels' => 2,
 1186+ 'thumbScriptUrl' => false,
 1187+ 'transformVia404' => true,
 1188+ 'hasSharedCache' => true,
 1189+ 'descBaseUrl' => 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:',
 1190+ 'scriptDirUrl' => 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/w',
 1191+ 'fetchDescription' => true,
 1192+ 'wiki' => 'commonswiki',
 1193+ 'initialCapital' => true,
 1194+ );
 1195+ $wgDefaultUserOptions['watchcreations'] = 1;
 1198+if($wgDBname == 'nostalgiawiki') {
 1199+ # Link back to current version from the archive funhouse
 1200+ if( ( isset( $_REQUEST['title'] ) && ( $title = $_REQUEST['title'] ) )
 1201+ || (isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) && ( $title = substr( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1 ) ) ) ) {
 1202+ if( preg_match( '/^(.*)\\/Talk$/', $title, $matches ) ) {
 1203+ $title = 'Talk:' . $matches[1];
 1204+ }
 1205+ $wgSiteNotice = '[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' .
 1206+ htmlspecialchars( urlencode( $title ) ) .
 1207+ ' See the current version of this page on Wikipedia]';
 1208+ } else {
 1209+ $wgSiteNotice = '[http://en.wikipedia.org/ See current Wikipedia]';
 1210+ }
 1211+ $wgDefaultUserOptions['highlightbroken'] = 0;
 1214+$wgUseHashTable = true;
 1216+$wgCopyrightIcon = '<a href="http://wikimediafoundation.org/"><img src="http://bits.wikimedia.org/images/wikimedia-button.png" width="88" height="31" alt="Wikimedia Foundation"/></a>';
 1218+# For Special:Cite, we only want it on wikipedia (but can't count on $site),
 1219+# not on these fakers.
 1220+$wgLanguageCodeReal = $wgLanguageCode;
 1221+# Fake it up
 1222+if( $wgLanguageCode == 'commons' ||
 1223+ $wgLanguageCode == 'meta' ||
 1224+ $wgLanguageCode == 'sources' ||
 1225+ $wgLanguageCode == 'species' ||
 1226+ $wgLanguageCode == 'foundation' ||
 1227+ $wgLanguageCode == 'nostalgia' ||
 1228+ $wgLanguageCode == 'mediawiki'
 1229+ ) {
 1230+ $wgLanguageCode = 'en';
 1233+# :SEARCH:
 1234+$wgUseLuceneSearch = true;
 1236+# Proposed emergency optimisation -- TS
 1238+if ( time() < 1234195258 ) {
 1239+ $wgUseLuceneSearch = false;
 1242+wfProfileOut( "$fname-misc2" );
 1245+if( $wgUseLuceneSearch ) {
 1246+ wfProfileIn( "$fname-lucene" );
 1247+ include( $IP.'/wmf-config/lucene.php' );
 1248+ wfProfileOut( "$fname-lucene" );
 1251+// Case-insensitive title prefix search extension
 1252+// Load this _after_ Lucene so Lucene's prefix search can be used
 1253+// when available (for OpenSearch suggestions and AJAX search mode)
 1254+// But note we still need TitleKey for "go" exact matches and similar.
 1255+if( $wmgUseTitleKey ) {
 1256+ include "$IP/extensions/TitleKey/TitleKey.php";
 1259+wfProfileIn( "$fname-misc3" );
 1261+$wgUseDumbLinkUpdate = false;
 1262+$wgAntiLockFlags = ALF_NO_LINK_LOCK | ALF_NO_BLOCK_LOCK;
 1263+# had been using
 1264+#$wgUseDumbLinkUpdate = true;
 1267+#$wgSquidFastPurge = true;
 1268+# Deferred update still broken
 1269+$wgMaxSquidPurgeTitles = 500;
 1271+$wgInvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange = false;
 1273+// General Cache Epoch:
 1274+$wgCacheEpoch = '20060419151500'; # broken thumbnails due to power failure
 1276+// Entries olders than the general wgCacheEpoch
 1277+#if( $lang == 'sr' ) $wgCacheEpoch = '20060311075933'; # watch/unwatch title corruption
 1278+#if( $wgDBname == 'frwikiquote' ) $wgCacheEpoch = '20060331191924'; # cleaned...
 1280+// Newer entries
 1281+if( $wgDBname == 'zhwiki' ) $wgCacheEpoch = '20060528093500'; # parser bug?
 1282+if( $wgDBname == 'lawikibooks' ) $wgCacheEpoch = '20060610090000'; # sidebar bug
 1284+#$wgThumbnailEpoch = '20060227114700'; # various rsvg and imagemagick fixes
 1285+$wgThumbnailEpoch = '20051227114700'; # various rsvg and imagemagick fixes
 1287+# OAI repository for update server
 1288+include( $IP.'/extensions/OAI/OAIRepo.php' );
 1289+$oaiAgentRegex = '/experimental/';
 1290+$oaiAuth = true; # broken... squid? php config? wtf
 1291+$oaiAudit = true;
 1292+$oaiAuditDatabase = 'oai';
 1293+$wgDebugLogGroups['oai'] = 'udp://';
 1295+$wgEnableUserEmail = true;
 1297+# XFF log for vandal tracking
 1298+function wfLogXFF() {
 1299+ if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ) {
 1300+ $uri = ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) .
 1302+ wfErrorLog(
 1303+ gmdate('r') . "\t" .
 1304+ "$uri\t" .
 1306+ ($_REQUEST['wpSave'] ? 'save' : '') . "\n",
 1307+ 'udp://' );
 1308+ }
 1310+$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfLogXFF';
 1312+wfProfileOut( "$fname-misc3" );
 1313+wfProfileIn( "$fname-ext-include2" );
 1315+# Experimental category intersection plugin.
 1316+# Enabling on an exerimental basis for Wikinews only,
 1317+# 2005-03-30 brion
 1318+#if( $site == 'wikinews' || $site == 'wikiquote' ||
 1319+# $wgDBname == 'metawiki' ||
 1320+# $wgDBname == 'enwiktionary' || $wgDBname == 'dewiktionary' ||
 1321+# $site == 'wikibooks' ||
 1322+# $wgDBname == 'srwiki' ) {
 1323+if( $wmgUseDPL ) {
 1324+ include( $IP.'/extensions/intersection/DynamicPageList.php' );
 1327+# 2005-10-12 -ævar
 1328+# 2010-01-22 hashar: disabled as per 16878
 1329+//include( $IP.'/extensions/CrossNamespaceLinks/SpecialCrossNamespaceLinks.php' );
 1331+#if ( $wgDBname == 'frwiki' || $wgDBname == 'testwiki' || $wgDBname == 'dewiki' ) {
 1332+# include( $IP.'/BoardVoteInit.php' );
 1335+include( $IP.'/extensions/Renameuser/SpecialRenameuser.php' );
 1337+#if( $wgDBname == 'metawiki' || $wgDBname == 'mediawikiwiki' || $wgDBname == 'chrwiki' || $wgDBname == 'pdcwiki' ) {
 1338+if ( $wmgUseSpecialNuke ) {
 1339+ // TODO: Update path
 1340+ include( $IP.'/extensions/Nuke/SpecialNuke.php' );
 1343+include( "$IP/extensions/AntiBot/AntiBot.php" );
 1344+$wgAntiBotPayloads = array(
 1345+ 'default' => array( 'log', 'fail' ),
 1348+include( "$IP/extensions/TorBlock/TorBlock.php" );
 1349+$wgTorLoadNodes = false;
 1350+$wgTorIPs = array( '', '', '' );
 1351+$wgTorAutoConfirmAge = 90 * 86400;
 1352+$wgTorAutoConfirmCount = 100;
 1353+$wgTorDisableAdminBlocks = false;
 1354+$wgTorTagChanges = false;
 1355+$wgGroupPermissions['user']['torunblocked'] = false;
 1357+if ( $wmgUseRSSExtension ) {
 1358+ include( "$IP/extensions/RSS/RSS.php" );
 1359+ #$wgRSSProxy = 'url-downloader.wikimedia.org:8080';
 1362+wfProfileOut( "$fname-ext-include2" );
 1363+wfProfileIn( "$fname-misc4" );
 1365+# 2005-09-30: Disabled for potential XSS issue -ævar
 1366+#include 'extensions/PageCSS/PageCSS.php';
 1368+$wgDisabledActions = array( 'credits' );
 1369+# $wgDisableHardRedirects = true; // moved to InitializeSettings.php
 1371+# category rss feed extension, sponsored by kennisnet
 1373+# why is there, AGAIN, no explanation of safety or limitation to known places?
 1376+# Process group overrides
 1378+# makesysop permission removed, https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23081
 1379+# $wgGroupPermissions['steward' ]['makesysop' ] = true;
 1380+# $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['makesysop' ] = true;
 1382+$wgGroupPermissions['steward' ]['userrights'] = true;
 1383+$wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['userrights'] = false;
 1385+$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['bigdelete'] = false; // quick hack
 1387+foreach ( $groupOverrides2 as $group => $permissions ) {
 1388+ if ( !array_key_exists( $group, $wgGroupPermissions ) ) {
 1389+ $wgGroupPermissions[$group] = array();
 1390+ }
 1391+ $wgGroupPermissions[$group] = $permissions + $wgGroupPermissions[$group];
 1393+foreach ( $groupOverrides as $group => $permissions ) {
 1394+ if ( !array_key_exists( $group, $wgGroupPermissions ) ) {
 1395+ $wgGroupPermissions[$group] = array();
 1396+ }
 1397+ $wgGroupPermissions[$group] = $permissions + $wgGroupPermissions[$group];
 1400+$wgGroupPermissions['confirmed'] = $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed'];
 1401+$wgGroupPermissions['confirmed']['skipcaptcha'] = true;
 1403+$wgAutopromote = array(
 1404+ 'autoconfirmed' => array( '&',
 1405+ array( APCOND_EDITCOUNT, $wgAutoConfirmCount ),
 1406+ array( APCOND_AGE, $wgAutoConfirmAge ),
 1407+ ),
 1410+if ( is_array( $wmgAutopromoteExtraGroups ) ) {
 1411+ $wgAutopromote += $wmgAutopromoteExtraGroups;
 1414+if ( is_array( $wmgExtraImplicitGroups ) ) {
 1415+ $wgImplicitGroups = array_merge( $wgImplicitGroups, $wmgExtraImplicitGroups );
 1418+$wgLegacySchemaConversion = true;
 1420+#$wgReadOnly = '5 min DB server maintenance...';
 1421+#$wgReadOnly = 'Read-only during network issues';
 1423+# fcache stuff -kate
 1424+#$fcuse = array("metawiki");
 1425+#if (in_array($wgDBname, $fcuse) && file_exists('/mnt/fcache/fcache_is_mounted')) {
 1426+# $wgUseFileCache = true;
 1427+# /** Directory where the cached page will be saved */
 1428+# $wgFileCacheDirectory = "/mnt/fcache/$wgDBname/";
 1431+if ( $cluster != 'pmtpa' ) {
 1432+ $wgHTTPTimeout = 10;
 1436+if( //isset( $_POST['action'] ) &&
 1437+ isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) &&
 1438+ strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], '' ) !== false ) {
 1439+ $wgDebugLogFile = "udp://";
 1440+ $wgDebugDumpSql = true;
 1441+ foreach( $wgDBservers as $key => $x ) {
 1442+ $wgDBservers[$key]['flags'] |= DBO_DEBUG;
 1443+ }
 1447+if ( $wgDBname == 'enwiki' ) {
 1448+ require( "$IP/extensions/CookieBlock/CookieBlock.php" );
 1450+ $wgCookieBlocks = array(
 1451+ # Test -- block Tim on aawiki for a day
 1452+ #'d0e2a4080155d22cc2340e64b9930689' => array( 37, 86400 ),
 1453+ );
 1456+// disabling so we don't worry about xmlrpc
 1457+// 2006-10-21
 1458+#include( $IP.'/extensions/MWBlocker/MWBlockerHook.php' );
 1459+#$mwBlockerHost = 'larousse';
 1460+#$mwBlockerPort = 8126;
 1461+##$wgProxyList = array_flip( array_map( 'trim', file( 'udp://' ) ) );
 1462+$wgProxyList = "$IP/wmf-config/mwblocker.log";
 1464+if( getenv( 'WIKIDEBUG' ) ) {
 1465+ $wgDebugLogFile = '/tmp/wiki.log';
 1466+ $wgDebugDumpSql = true;
 1467+ $wgDebugLogGroups = array();
 1468+ foreach( $wgDBservers as $key => $val ) {
 1469+ $wgDBserver[$key]['flags'] |= 1;//DBO_DEBUG;
 1470+ }
 1471+ foreach( $wgExternalServers as $key => $val ) {
 1472+ foreach( $val as $x => $y ) {
 1473+ $wgExternalServers[$key][$x]['flags'] |= 1;//DBO_DEBUG;
 1474+ }
 1475+ }
 1478+wfProfileOut( "$fname-misc4" );
 1479+wfProfileIn( "$fname-misc5" );
 1481+//$wgDisableSearchContext = true;
 1482+// Turn off search text extracts for random visitors, put it on
 1483+// for editors. --brion 2005-11-09
 1484+// Turning it back on -- brion 2008-03-12
 1485+//$wgDisableSearchContext = !isset($_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}_session"]);
 1487+$wgBrowserBlackList[] = '/^Lynx/';
 1489+// Vandal checks
 1490+require( $IP.'/wmf-config/checkers.php' );
 1492+// Experimental ScanSet extension
 1493+if ( $wgDBname == 'enwikisource' ) {
 1494+ require( $IP.'/extensions/ScanSet/ScanSet.php' );
 1495+ $wgScanSetSettings = array(
 1496+ 'baseDirectory' => '/mnt/upload6/wikipedia/commons/scans',
 1497+ 'basePath' => 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/scans',
 1498+ );
 1501+// 2005-11-27 Special:Cite for Wikipedia -Ævar
 1502+// FIXME: This should really be done with $wmgUseSpecialCite in InitialiseSettings.php
 1503+if ( ($site == 'wikipedia' && $wgLanguageCodeReal == $wgLanguageCode )
 1504+ || $site == 'wikisource'
 1505+ || ( $site == 'wikiversity' && $wgLanguageCode == 'en' )
 1506+ || ( $site == 'wikibooks' && $wgLanguageCode == 'it' )
 1507+ || ( $site == 'wiktionary' && $wgLanguageCode == 'it' ) )
 1508+ require( $IP.'/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.php' );
 1510+// Added throttle for account creations on zh due to mass registration attack 2005-12-16
 1511+// might be useful elesewhere. --brion
 1512+// disabled temporarily due to tugela bug -- Tim
 1514+if( false /*$lang == 'zh' || $lang == 'en'*/ ) {
 1515+ require( "$IP/extensions/UserThrottle/UserThrottle.php" );
 1516+ $wgGlobalAccountCreationThrottle = array(
 1518+ 'min_interval' => 30, // Hard minimum time between creations (default 5)
 1519+ 'soft_time' => 300, // Timeout for rolling count
 1520+ 'soft_limit' => 5, // 5 registrations in five minutes (default 10)
 1522+ 'min_interval' => 0, // Hard minimum time between creations (default 5)
 1523+ 'soft_time' => 60, // Timeout for rolling count (default 5 minutes)
 1524+ 'soft_limit' => 2, // 2 registrations in one minutes (default 10)
 1525+ );
 1529+// Customize URL handling for secure.wikimedia.org HTTPS logins
 1530+if( $secure ) {
 1531+ require( "$IP/wmf-config/secure.php" );
 1532+} elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' ) {
 1533+ // New HTTPS service on regular URLs
 1534+ $wgServer = preg_replace( '/^http:/', 'https:', $wgServer );
 1535+} else {
 1536+ # For non-SSL hosts...
 1537+ if( $wgDBname != 'testwiki' ) {
 1538+# $wgStyleSheetPath = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/skins';
 1539+ }
 1542+if ( isset( $_REQUEST['captchabypass'] ) && $_REQUEST['captchabypass'] == $wmgCaptchaPassword ) {
 1543+ $wmgEnableCaptcha = false;
 1546+if( $wmgEnableCaptcha ) {
 1547+ require( "$IP/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.php" );
 1548+ require( "$IP/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.php" );
 1549+ $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['skipcaptcha'] = true;
 1550+# $wgCaptchaTriggers['edit'] = true;
 1551+ $wgCaptchaSecret = $wmgCaptchaSecret;
 1552+ $wgCaptchaDirectory = '/mnt/upload6/private/captcha';
 1553+ $wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels = 3;
 1554+ $wgCaptchaStorageClass = 'CaptchaCacheStore';
 1555+ $wgCaptchaClass = 'FancyCaptcha';
 1556+ $wgCaptchaWhitelist = '#^https?://([.a-z0-9-]+\\.)?((wikimedia|wikipedia|wiktionary|wikiquote|wikibooks|wikisource|wikispecies|mediawiki|wikimediafoundation|wikinews|wikiversity)\.org|dnsstuff\.com|completewhois\.com|wikimedia\.de|toolserver\.org)(/|$)#i';
 1557+ $wgCaptchaWhitelistIP = array( '' ); # toolserver (bug 23982)
 1558+ $wgDebugLogGroups["captcha"] = "udp://";
 1559+ /**
 1560+ * Possibly a broken spambot, or a spambot being tested before a real run.
 1561+ * Hitting lots of wikis in late June 2006
 1562+ */
 1563+ $wgCaptchaRegexes[] = '/\b\d{22,28}\b/';
 1564+ /**
 1565+ * Somebody's been repeatedly hitting some user talk pages and other arts
 1566+ * with this; February 2007
 1567+ */
 1568+ $wgCaptchaRegexes[] = '/\{\{indefblockeduser\}\}/';
 1569+ // copyvio bot on be.wikipedia
 1570+ if( $lang == 'be' ) {
 1571+ $wgCaptchaRegexes[] = '/\[\[Катэгорыя:Архітэктура\]\]/';
 1572+ }
 1573+ if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 1574+ $wgCaptchaTriggers['create'] = true;
 1575+ }
 1576+ // Mystery proxy bot
 1577+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Killamanjaro&diff=prev&oldid=168037317
 1578+ $wgCaptchaRegexes[] = '/^[a-z0-9]{5,}$/m';
 1580+ // 'XRumer' spambot
 1581+ // adds non-real links
 1582+ // http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Cometstyles/XRumer
 1583+ // http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Jorunn/tracks
 1584+ // (added 2008-05-08 -- brion)
 1585+ $wgCaptchaRegexes[] = '/<a +href/i';
 1587+ // https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14544
 1588+ // 2008-07-05
 1589+ $wgCaptchaRegexes[] = '/\b(?i:anontalk\.com)\b/';
 1591+ // For emergencies
 1592+ if( $wmgEmergencyCaptcha ) {
 1593+ $wgCaptchaTriggers['edit'] = true;
 1594+ $wgCaptchaTriggers['create'] = true;
 1595+ }
 1600+require( "$IP/extensions/Oversight/HideRevision.php" );
 1601+$wgGroupPermissions['oversight']['hiderevision'] = true;
 1602+$wgGroupPermissions['oversight']['oversight'] = true;
 1604+if ( extension_loaded( 'wikidiff2' ) ) {
 1605+ $wgExternalDiffEngine = 'wikidiff2';
 1608+if( function_exists( 'dba_open' ) && file_exists( "$IP/cache/interwiki.cdb" ) ) {
 1609+ $wgInterwikiCache = "$IP/cache/interwiki.cdb";
 1612+$wgDebugLogGroups["ExternalStoreDB"] = "udp://";
 1614+#if( $wgDBname == 'frwikiquote' ||
 1615+if( $wgDBname == 'sep11wiki' ) {
 1616+ $wgSiteNotice = @file_get_contents( $wgReadOnlyFile );
 1619+// Enable enotif for user talk if it's on for watchlist.
 1620+if( $wgEnotifWatchlist ) {
 1621+ $wgEnotifUserTalk = true;
 1622+} else {
 1623+ $wgShowUpdatedMarker = false; // not working right ?
 1626+# testing enotif via job queue, river 2007-05-10
 1627+# turning this off since it's currently so lagged it's horrible -- brion 2009-01-20
 1628+# turning back on while investigating other probs
 1629+$wgEnotifUseJobQ = true;
 1631+// Quick hack for Makesysop vs enwiki
 1632+// (Slightly slower hack now [TS])
 1633+if ( isset( $sectionLoads ) ) {
 1634+ $wgAlternateMaster = array( 'DEFAULT' => $dbHostsByName[key( $sectionLoads['DEFAULT'] )] );
 1635+ foreach ( $sectionsByDB as $db => $section ) {
 1636+ $wgAlternateMaster[$db] = $dbHostsByName[key( $sectionLoads[$section] )];
 1637+ }
 1640+$wgDebugLogGroups["query"] = "udp://";
 1642+// Username spoofing / mixed-script / similarity check detection
 1643+include $IP . '/extensions/AntiSpoof/AntiSpoof.php';
 1644+//$wgAntiSpoofAccounts = false; // log only for now
 1645+$wgDebugLogGroups['antispoof'] = 'udp://';
 1647+// For transwiki import
 1648+ini_set( 'user_agent', 'Wikimedia internal server fetcher (noc@wikimedia.org' );
 1650+// CentralAuth
 1651+if ( $wmgUseCentralAuth ) {
 1652+ include "$IP/extensions/CentralAuth/CentralAuth.php";
 1653+ $wgCentralAuthDryRun = false;
 1654+ #unset( $wgGroupPermissions['*']['centralauth-merge'] );
 1655+ #$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['centralauth-merge'] = true;
 1656+ $wgCentralAuthCookies = true;
 1658+ # Broken -- TS
 1659+ $wgCentralAuthUDPAddress = $wgRC2UDPAddress;
 1660+ $wgCentralAuthNew2UDPPrefix = "#central\t";
 1662+ # Determine second-level domain
 1663+ if ( preg_match( '/^\w+\.\w+\./', strrev( $wgServer ), $m ) ) {
 1664+ $wmgSecondLevelDomain = strrev( $m[0] );
 1665+ } else {
 1666+ $wmgSecondLevelDomain = false;
 1667+ }
 1668+ $wgCentralAuthAutoLoginWikis = array(
 1669+ '.wikipedia.org' => 'enwiki',
 1670+ 'meta.wikimedia.org' => 'metawiki',
 1671+ '.wiktionary.org' => 'enwiktionary',
 1672+ '.wikibooks.org' => 'enwikibooks',
 1673+ '.wikiquote.org' => 'enwikiquote',
 1674+ '.wikisource.org' => 'enwikisource',
 1675+ 'commons.wikimedia.org' => 'commonswiki',
 1676+ '.wikinews.org' => 'enwikinews',
 1677+ '.wikiversity.org' => 'enwikiversity',
 1678+ '.mediawiki.org' => 'mediawikiwiki',
 1679+ 'species.wikimedia.org' => 'specieswiki',
 1680+ );
 1681+ # Don't autologin to self
 1682+ if ( isset( $wgCentralAuthAutoLoginWikis[$wmgSecondLevelDomain] ) ) {
 1683+ unset( $wgCentralAuthAutoLoginWikis[$wmgSecondLevelDomain] );
 1684+ $wgCentralAuthCookieDomain = $wmgSecondLevelDomain;
 1685+ } elseif ( $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
 1686+ unset( $wgCentralAuthAutoLoginWikis['commons.wikimedia.org'] );
 1687+ $wgCentralAuthCookieDomain = 'commons.wikimedia.org';
 1688+ } elseif ( $wgDBname == 'metawiki' ) {
 1689+ unset( $wgCentralAuthAutoLoginWikis['meta.wikimedia.org'] );
 1690+ $wgCentralAuthCookieDomain = 'meta.wikimedia.org';
 1691+ } else {
 1692+ # Don't set 2nd-level cookies for *.wikimedia.org, insecure
 1693+ $wgCentralAuthCookieDomain = '';
 1694+ }
 1695+ $wgCentralAuthLoginIcon = $wmgCentralAuthLoginIcon;
 1696+ $wgCentralAuthAutoNew = true;
 1698+ $wgHooks['CentralAuthWikiList'][] = 'wmfCentralAuthWikiList';
 1699+ function wmfCentralAuthWikiList( &$list ) {
 1700+ global $wgLocalDatabases, $IP;
 1701+ $privateWikis = array_map( 'trim', file( "$IP/../private.dblist" ) );
 1702+ $fishbowlWikis = array_map( 'trim', file( "$IP/../fishbowl.dblist" ) );
 1703+ $closedWikis = array_map( 'trim', file( "$IP/../closed.dblist" ) );
 1704+ $list = array_diff( $wgLocalDatabases,
 1705+ $privateWikis, $fishbowlWikis, $closedWikis );
 1706+ return true;
 1707+ }
 1709+ // Let's give it another try
 1710+ $wgCentralAuthCreateOnView = true;
 1712+ // Enable global sessions for secure.wikimedia.org
 1713+ if( $secure ) {
 1714+ $wgCentralAuthCookies = true;
 1715+ $wgCentralAuthCookieDomain = 'secure.wikimedia.org';
 1717+ $wgCentralAuthCookiePrefix = 'centralauth_';
 1719+ // Don't log in to the insecure URLs
 1720+ $wgCentralAuthAutoLoginWikis = array();
 1721+ }
 1724+# Dismissable site notice demo
 1725+//if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 1726+// require( "$IP/sitenotice.php" );
 1729+// taking it live 2006-12-15 brion
 1730+if( $wmgUseDismissableSiteNotice ) {
 1731+ require( "$IP/extensions/DismissableSiteNotice/DismissableSiteNotice.php" );
 1733+$wgMajorSiteNoticeID = '2';
 1735+#$wgSiteNotice = "<span class=\"ltr\">All community members are invited to give [[m:Board elections/2007/Candidates|Board Election Candidates]] their [[m:Board elections/2007/Endorsements|endorsements]].</span>";
 1738+//require( "$IP/extensions/UsernameBlacklist/UsernameBlacklist.php" ); //Removed per bug 15888
 1741+function wfInitDonationLinkMessage() {
 1742+ global $wgMessageCache;
 1743+ $wgMessageCache->addMessage( 'sitenotice_link', '[http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Wikimedia_thanks_Virgin_Unite Virgin Unite]' );
 1745+$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfInitDonationLinkMessage';
 1749+$wgHooks['LoginAuthenticateAudit'][] = 'logBadPassword';
 1750+$wgDebugLogGroups['badpass'] = 'udp://';
 1751+$wgDebugLogGroups['ts_badpass'] = 'udp://';
 1752+$wgHooks['PrefsEmailAudit'][] = 'logPrefsEmail';
 1753+$wgHooks['PrefsPasswordAudit'][] = 'logPrefsPassword';
 1755+function logBadPassword( $user, $pass, $retval ) {
 1756+ $headers = apache_request_headers();
 1758+ if( $user->isAllowed( 'delete' ) && $retval != LoginForm::SUCCESS ) {
 1759+ switch( $retval ) {
 1760+ case LoginForm::WRONG_PASS:
 1761+ case LoginForm::EMPTY_PASS:
 1762+ $bit = 'Bad login attempt';
 1763+ break;
 1764+ case LoginForm::RESET_PASS:
 1765+ $bit = 'Login with temporary password';
 1766+ break;
 1767+ default:
 1768+ $bit = '???';
 1769+ }
 1771+ wfDebugLog( 'badpass', "$bit for sysop '" .
 1772+ $user->getName() . "' from " . wfGetIP() .
 1773+ #" - " . serialize( apache_request_headers() )
 1774+ " - " . @$headers['X-Forwarded-For'] .
 1775+ ' - ' . @$headers['User-Agent'] .
 1776+ ''
 1777+ );
 1778+ }
 1780+ # Looking for broken bot on toolserver -river 2007-10-13
 1781+ if ($retval != LoginForm::SUCCESS
 1782+ && @strpos(@$headers['X-Forwarded-For'], "") !== false)
 1783+ {
 1784+ wfDebugLog('ts_badpass', "bad login for '" . $user->getName() . "' - "
 1785+ . @$headers['User-Agent']);
 1786+ }
 1788+ return true;
 1791+function logPrefsEmail( $user, $old, $new ) {
 1792+ if( $user->isAllowed( 'delete' ) ) {
 1793+ $headers = apache_request_headers();
 1794+ wfDebugLog( 'badpass', "Email changed in prefs for sysop '" .
 1795+ $user->getName() .
 1796+ "' from '$old' to '$new'" .
 1797+ " - " . wfGetIP() .
 1798+ #" - " . serialize( apache_request_headers() )
 1799+ " - " . @$headers['X-Forwarded-For'] .
 1800+ ' - ' . @$headers['User-Agent'] .
 1801+ '');
 1802+ }
 1803+ return true;
 1806+function logPrefsPassword( $user, $pass, $status ) {
 1807+ if( $user->isAllowed( 'delete' ) ) {
 1808+ $headers = apache_request_headers();
 1809+ wfDebugLog( 'badpass', "Password change in prefs for sysop '" .
 1810+ $user->getName() .
 1811+ "': $status" .
 1812+ " - " . wfGetIP() .
 1813+ #" - " . serialize( apache_request_headers() )
 1814+ " - " . @$headers['X-Forwarded-For'] .
 1815+ ' - ' . @$headers['User-Agent'] .
 1816+ '');
 1817+ }
 1818+ return true;
 1821+if ( file_exists( '/etc/wikimedia-image-scaler' ) ) {
 1822+ $wgMaxShellMemory = 300000; // temp was 200M
 1824+$wgMaxShellTime = 50; // so it times out before PHP and curl and squid
 1825+$wgImageMagickTempDir = '/a/magick-tmp';
 1827+// Re-enable GIF scaling --catrope 2010-01-04
 1828+// Disabled again, apparently thumbnailed GIFs above the limits have only one frame,
 1829+// should be unthumbnailed instead -- Andrew 2010-01-13
 1830+// Retrying with wgMaxAnimatedGifArea back at a sensible value. Andrew 2010-04-06
 1831+// if ( $wgDBname != 'testwiki' ) {
 1832+// $wgMediaHandlers['image/gif'] = 'BitmapHandler_ClientOnly';
 1833+// }
 1836+// Banner notice system
 1837+if( $wmgUseCentralNotice ) {
 1838+ include "$IP/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.php";
 1840+ // new settings for secure server support
 1841+ if( $secure ) {
 1842+ # Don't load the JS from an insecure source!
 1843+ $wgCentralPagePath = 'https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/meta/w/index.php';
 1844+ } else {
 1845+ $wgCentralPagePath = 'http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php';
 1846+ }
 1848+ $wgNoticeProject = $wmgNoticeProject;
 1849+ $wgCentralDBname = 'metawiki';
 1851+ $wgCentralNoticeLoader = $wmgCentralNoticeLoader;
 1854+ /*
 1855+ $wgNoticeTestMode = true;
 1856+ $wgNoticeEnabledSites = array(
 1857+ 'test.wikipedia',
 1858+ 'en.wikipedia', // sigh
 1859+ 'en.*',
 1860+ 'meta.*',
 1861+ 'commons.*',
 1862+ # Wednesday
 1863+ 'af.*',
 1864+ 'ca.*',
 1865+ 'de.*',
 1866+ 'fr.*',
 1867+ 'ja.*',
 1868+ 'ru.*',
 1869+ 'sv.*',
 1870+ 'zh.*',
 1871+ 'zh-yue.*',
 1872+ );
 1873+ */
 1875+ # Wed evening -- all on!
 1876+ $wgNoticeTimeout = 3600;
 1877+ $wgNoticeServerTimeout = 3600; // to let the counter update
 1878+ $wgNoticeCounterSource = 'http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Special:ContributionTotal' .
 1879+ '?action=raw' .
 1880+ '&start=20101112000000' . // FY 10-11
 1881+ '&fudgefactor=660000'; // fudge for pledged donations not in CRM
 1883+ if( $wgDBname == 'metawiki' ) {
 1884+ $wgNoticeInfrastructure = true;
 1885+ } else {
 1886+ $wgNoticeInfrastructure = false;
 1887+ }
 1891+// Load our site-specific l10n extensions
 1892+include "$IP/extensions/WikimediaMessages/WikimediaMessages.php";
 1894+if ( $wmgUseWikimediaLicenseTexts ) {
 1895+ include "$IP/extensions/WikimediaMessages/WikimediaLicenseTexts.php";
 1899+function wfNoDeleteMainPage( &$title, &$user, $action, &$result ) {
 1900+ global $wgMessageCache, $wgDBname;
 1901+ if ( $action !== 'delete' && $action !== 'move' ) {
 1902+ return true;
 1903+ }
 1904+ $main = Title::newMainPage();
 1905+ $mainText = $main->getPrefixedDBkey();
 1906+ if ( $mainText === $title->getPrefixedDBkey() ) {
 1907+ $wgMessageCache->addMessage( 'cant-delete-main-page', "You can't delete or move the main page." );
 1908+ $result = array( 'cant-delete-main-page' );
 1909+ return false;
 1910+ }
 1911+ return true;
 1914+if( $wgDBname == 'enwiki' ) {
 1915+ // Please don't interferew with our hundreds of wikis ability to manage themselves.
 1916+ // Only use this shitty hack for enwiki. Thanks.
 1917+ // -- brion 2008-04-10
 1918+ $wgHooks['getUserPermissionsErrorsExpensive'][] = 'wfNoDeleteMainPage';
 1921+// Quickie extension that addsa bogus field to edit form and whinges if it's filled out
 1922+// Might or might not do anything useful :D
 1923+// Enabling just to log to udp://
 1924+include "$IP/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php";
 1926+if( $wmgUseCollection ) {
 1927+ // PediaPress / PDF generation
 1928+ include "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";
 1929+ #$wgPDFServer = 'http://bindery.wikimedia.org/cgi-bin/pdfserver.py';
 1930+ #$wgCollectionMWServeURL = 'http://bindery.wikimedia.org/cgi-bin/mwlib.cgi';
 1931+ #$wgCollectionMWServeURL = 'http://bindery.wikimedia.org:8080/mw-serve/';
 1932+ #$wgCollectionMWServeURL = 'http://erzurumi.wikimedia.org:8080/mw-serve/';
 1933+ $wgCollectionMWServeURL = 'http://pdf1.wikimedia.org:8080/mw-serve/';
 1935+ // MediaWiki namespace is not a good default
 1936+ $wgCommunityCollectionNamespace = NS_PROJECT;
 1938+ // Allow collecting Help pages
 1939+ $wgCollectionArticleNamespaces[] = NS_HELP;
 1941+ // Sidebar cache doesn't play nice with this
 1942+ $wgEnableSidebarCache = false;
 1944+ $wgCollectionFormats = array(
 1945+ 'rl' => 'PDF',
 1946+ 'odf' => 'OpenDocument Text',
 1947+ 'zim' => 'openZIM',
 1948+ );
 1950+ $wgLicenseURL = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Text_of_the_GNU_Free_Documentation_License&action=raw';
 1952+ $wgCollectionPortletForLoggedInUsersOnly = $wmgCollectionPortletForLoggedInUsersOnly;
 1953+ $wgCollectionArticleNamespaces = $wmgCollectionArticleNamespaces;
 1956+// Testing internally
 1957+include "$IP/wmf-config/secret-projects.php";
 1960+if ( $wgDBname == 'idwiki' ) {
 1961+ # Account creation throttle disabled for outreach event
 1962+ # Contact: Siska Doviana <serenity@gmail.com>
 1963+ if ( time() > strtotime( '2008-08-08T08:00 +7:00' )
 1964+ && time() < strtotime( '2008-08-08T19:00 +7:00' ) )
 1965+ {
 1966+ $wgAccountCreationThrottle = 300;
 1967+ }
 1972+if ( $wgDBname == 'enwiki' ) {
 1973+ # Account creation throttle disabled for outreach event
 1974+ # Contact: fschulenburg@wikimedia.org
 1975+ if ( time() > strtotime( '2009-10-19T11:00 -7:00' )
 1976+ && time() < strtotime( '2009-10-19T16:00 -7:00' ) )
 1977+ {
 1978+ $wgAccountCreationThrottle = 300;
 1979+ }
 1981+ */
 1983+if ( $wgDBname == 'elwiki' ) {
 1984+ # Account creation throttle disabled for editing workshop
 1985+ # Contact: ariel@wikimedia.org (irc: apergos)
 1986+ if ( time() > strtotime( '2011-05-16T17:00 +3:00' )
 1987+ && time() < strtotime( '2011-05-16T20:00 +3:00') )
 1988+ {
 1989+ $wgAccountCreationThrottle = 40;
 1990+ }
 1993+# Account creation throttle raised for wiki week at UEM, see bug 21510
 1994+function efRaiseThrottleForUEM() {
 1995+ global $wgAccountCreationThrottle;
 1996+ if ( wfGetIP() == '' &&
 1997+ time() > strtotime( '2009-11-30T08:00 +1:00' ) &&
 1998+ time() < strtotime( '2009-12-06T23:00 +1:00' ) )
 1999+ {
 2000+ $wgAccountCreationThrottle = 300;
 2001+ }
 2003+if ( $wgDBname == 'eswiki' )
 2004+ $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'efRaiseThrottleForUEM';
 2006+if( $wmgUseNewUserMessage ) {
 2007+ include "$IP/extensions/NewUserMessage/NewUserMessage.php";
 2008+ $wgNewUserSuppressRC = $wmgNewUserSuppressRC;
 2009+ $wgNewUserMinorEdit = $wmgNewUserMinorEdit;
 2010+ $wgNewUserMessageOnAutoCreate = $wmgNewUserMessageOnAutoCreate;
 2013+if( $wmgUseCodeReview ) {
 2014+ include "$IP/extensions/CodeReview/CodeReview.php";
 2015+ include( $IP.'/wmf-config/codereview.php');
 2016+ $wgSubversionProxy = 'http://codereview-proxy.wikimedia.org/index.php';
 2018+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-add-tag'] = false;
 2019+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-remove-tag'] = false;
 2020+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-post-comment'] = false;
 2021+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-set-status'] = false;
 2022+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-link-user'] = false;
 2023+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-signoff'] = false;
 2024+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-associate'] = false;
 2026+ $wgGroupPermissions['user']['codereview-post-comment'] = true;
 2028+ $wgGroupPermissions['coder']['codereview-add-tag'] = true;
 2029+ $wgGroupPermissions['coder']['codereview-remove-tag'] = true;
 2030+ $wgGroupPermissions['coder']['codereview-set-status'] = true;
 2031+ $wgGroupPermissions['coder']['codereview-link-user'] = true;
 2032+ $wgGroupPermissions['coder']['codereview-signoff'] = true;
 2033+ $wgGroupPermissions['coder']['codereview-associate'] = true;
 2035+ $wgGroupPermissions['svnadmins']['repoadmin'] = true; // Default is stewards, but this has nothing to do with them
 2037+ $wgCodeReviewENotif = true; // let's experiment with this
 2038+ $wgCodeReviewSharedSecret = $wmgCodeReviewSharedSecret;
 2039+ $wgCodeReviewCommentWatcherEmail = 'mediawiki-codereview@lists.wikimedia.org';
 2040+ $wgCodeReviewRepoStatsCacheTime = 60*60; // 1 hour, default is 6
 2042+ $wgCodeReviewMaxDiffPaths = 30;
 2045+if( $wmgUseAbuseFilter ) {
 2046+ include "$IP/extensions/AbuseFilter/AbuseFilter.php";
 2047+ include( $IP.'/wmf-config/abusefilter.php');
 2050+if ($wmgUseCommunityVoice == true) {
 2051+ include ( "$IP/extensions/ClientSide/ClientSide.php" );
 2052+ include ( "$IP/extensions/CommunityVoice/CommunityVoice.php" );
 2055+if ($wmgUsePdfHandler == true) {
 2056+ include ("$IP/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler.php" );
 2059+if ($wmgUseUsabilityInitiative) {
 2061+ $wgNavigableTOCCollapseEnable = true;
 2062+ $wgNavigableTOCResizable = true;
 2063+ require( "$IP/extensions/Vector/Vector.php" );
 2065+ require( "$IP/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php" );
 2067+ // Uncomment this line for debugging only
 2068+ //if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) { $wgUsabilityInitiativeResourceMode = 'raw'; }
 2069+ // Disable experimental things
 2070+ $wgWikiEditorFeatures['templateEditor'] =
 2071+ $wgWikiEditorFeatures['preview'] =
 2072+ $wgWikiEditorFeatures['previewDialog'] =
 2073+ $wgWikiEditorFeatures['publish'] =
 2074+ $wgWikiEditorFeatures['templates'] =
 2075+ $wgVectorFeatures['collapsiblenav'] =
 2076+ $wgWikiEditorFeatures['highlight'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => true ); // Hidden from prefs view
 2077+ $wgVectorFeatures['simplesearch'] = array( 'global' => true, 'user' => false );
 2078+ $wgVectorFeatures['expandablesearch'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
 2079+ $wgVectorUseSimpleSearch = true;
 2080+ // Enable EditWarning by default
 2081+ $wgDefaultUserOptions['useeditwarning'] = 1;
 2082+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'usenavigabletoc';
 2083+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'wikieditor-templates';
 2084+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'wikieditor-template-editor';
 2085+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'wikieditor-preview';
 2086+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'wikieditor-previewDialog';
 2087+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'wikieditor-publish';
 2088+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'wikieditor-highlight';
 2089+ if ( $wmgUseCollapsibleNav ) {
 2090+ $wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-collapsiblenav'] = 1;
 2091+ } else {
 2092+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'vector-collapsiblenav';
 2093+ }
 2094+ if( $wgDBname == 'enwiki' ) {
 2095+ $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'minordefault';
 2096+ }
 2098+ if ($wmgUsabilityPrefSwitch) {
 2099+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/PrefStats/PrefStats.php" );
 2101+ $wgPrefStatsTrackPrefs = array(
 2102+ 'skin' => $wgDefaultSkin != 'vector' ? 'vector' : 'monobook',
 2103+ 'usebetatoolbar' => $wmgUsabilityEnforce ? 0 : 1,
 2104+ 'useeditwarning' => 0,
 2105+ 'usenavigabletoc' => 1,
 2106+ 'usebetatoolbar-cgd' => $wmgUsabilityEnforce ? 0 : 1,
 2107+ );
 2109+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/PrefSwitch/PrefSwitch.php" );
 2110+ $wgPrefSwitchGlobalOptOut = true;
 2111+ $wgPrefSwitchShowLinks = false;
 2112+ }
 2115+ if ($wmgUsabilityEnforce) {
 2116+ $wgEditToolbarGlobalEnable = false;
 2117+ $wgDefaultUserOptions['usebetatoolbar'] = 1;
 2118+ $wgDefaultUserOptions['usebetatoolbar-cgd'] = 1;
 2120+ }
 2122+ // For Babaco... these are still experimental, won't be on by default
 2123+ $wgNavigableTOCUserEnable = true;
 2124+ $wgEditToolbarCGDUserEnable = true;
 2126+ if( $wmgUserDailyContribs ) {
 2127+ require "$IP/extensions/UserDailyContribs/UserDailyContribs.php";
 2128+ }
 2130+ if( $wmgClickTracking ) {
 2131+ require "$IP/extensions/ClickTracking/ClickTracking.php";
 2133+ $wgClickTrackThrottle = $wmgClickTrackThrottle;
 2134+ # Disable Special:ClickTracking, not secure yet (as of r59230)
 2135+ unset( $wgSpecialPages['ClickTracking'] );
 2136+ # Remove the clicktracking permission because people see it in ListGroupRights and wonder what it does
 2137+ unset( $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['clicktrack'] );
 2138+ }
 2140+ if ( $wmgVectorEditSectionLinks ) {
 2141+ $wgVectorFeatures['sectioneditlinks'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => true );
 2142+ $wgVectorSectionEditLinksBucketTest = true;
 2143+ $wgVectorSectionEditLinksLotteryOdds = 1;
 2144+ $wgVectorSectionEditLinksExperiment = 2;
 2145+ }
 2148+if ( $wmgClickTracking && $wmgCustomUserSignup ){
 2149+ include "$IP/extensions/CustomUserSignup/CustomUserSignup.php";
 2152+if (!$wmgEnableVector) {
 2153+ $wgSkipSkins[] = 'vector';
 2156+if ($wmgUseReaderFeedback) {
 2157+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/ReaderFeedback/ReaderFeedback.php" );
 2158+ $wgFeedbackStylePath = "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/ReaderFeedback";
 2159+ $wgFeedbackNamespaces = $wmgFeedbackNamespaces;
 2160+ if( $wmgFeedbackTags ) {
 2161+ $wgFeedbackTags = $wmgFeedbackTags;
 2162+ }
 2163+ $wgFeedbackSizeThreshhold = $wmgFeedbackSizeThreshhold;
 2166+if( $wmgUseLocalisationUpdate ) {
 2167+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php" );
 2168+ // Set to a local checkout that's accessible when we run...
 2169+ $wgLocalisationUpdateSVNURL = "/home/wikipedia/l10n/trunk";
 2170+ $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = "$IP/cache/l10n";
 2173+if ( $wmgEnableLandingCheck ) {
 2174+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/LandingCheck/LandingCheck.php" );
 2176+ $wgPriorityCountries = array( 'AU', 'AT', 'FR', 'DE', 'HU', 'IL', 'IT',
 2177+ 'NL', 'RU', 'SE', 'CH', 'GB');
 2180+if ( $wmgUseLiquidThreads ) {
 2181+ require_once( "$IP/wmf-config/liquidthreads.php" );
 2184+if ( $wmgUseFundraiserPortal ) {
 2185+ require "$IP/extensions/FundraiserPortal/FundraiserPortal.php";
 2186+ $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'setupFundraiserPortal';
 2187+ function setupFundraiserPortal() {
 2188+ global $wgScriptPath; // SSL may change this after CommonSettings
 2189+ global $wgFundraiserPortalDirectory, $wgFundraiserPortalPath, $wgFundraiserImageUrl;
 2190+ $wgFundraiserPortalDirectory = "/mnt/upload6/portal";
 2191+ $wgFundraiserPortalPath = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/portal";
 2192+ $wgFundraiserImageUrl = "$wgScriptPath/extensions/FundraiserPortal/images";
 2193+ }
 2196+if ( $wmgDonationInterface ) {
 2197+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/DonationInterface/donate_interface/donate_interface.php" );
 2198+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/DonationInterface/payflowpro_gateway/payflowpro_gateway.php" );
 2199+// require_once( "$IP/extensions/DonationInterface/paypal_gateway/paypal_gateway.php" ); # Pulling until Diana fixes ContribTracking Posts
 2202+if ( $wmgUseGlobalUsage ) {
 2203+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/GlobalUsage/GlobalUsage.php" );
 2204+ $wgGlobalUsageDatabase = 'commonswiki';
 2207+if ( $wmgUseAPIRequestLog ) {
 2208+ $wgAPIRequestLog = "udp://locke.wikimedia.org:9000/$wgDBname";
 2211+if ( $wmgUseLivePreview ) {
 2212+ $wgDefaultUserOptions['uselivepreview'] = 1;
 2215+if ( $wmgUseArticleAssessment ) {
 2216+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/PrefSwitch/PrefSwitch.php" );
 2217+ $wgPrefSwitchGlobalOptOut = true;
 2218+ $wgPrefSwitchShowLinks = false;
 2219+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/ArticleAssessmentPilot/ArticleAssessmentPilot.php" );
 2221+ $wgArticleAssessmentCategory = $wmgArticleAssessmentCategory;
 2223+ // WMF-specific tweaks for back compat with 1.16wmf4
 2224+ $wgSimpleSurveyJSPath = "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/PrefSwitch/PrefSwitch.js";
 2225+ $wgSimpleSurveyCSSPath = "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/PrefSwitch/PrefSwitch.css";
 2226+ $wgArticleAssessmentJUIPath = $wgArticleAssessmentJUIJSPath = "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/UsabilityInitiative/js/js2stopgap/jui.combined.min.js";
 2227+ $wgArticleAssessmentJUICSSPath = "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/UsabilityInitiative/css/vector/jquery-ui-1.7.2.css";
 2228+ $wgArticleAssessmentNeedJUICSS = true;
 2230+ // Enable this for testing only
 2231+ if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) $wgArticleAssessmentResourceMode = 'raw';
 2234+if ( $wmgUseArticleFeedback ) {
 2235+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/ArticleFeedback/ArticleFeedback.php" );
 2236+ $wgArticleFeedbackCategories = $wmgArticleFeedbackCategories;
 2237+ $wgArticleFeedbackLotteryOdds = $wmgArticleFeedbackLotteryOdds;
 2238+ $wgArticleFeedbackTrackingVersion = 1;
 2240+ $wgArticleFeedbackTracking = array(
 2241+ 'buckets' => array(
 2242+ 'track' => 10,
 2243+ 'ignore' => 90,
 2244+ //'track'=>0, 'ignore' => 100
 2245+ ),
 2246+ 'version' => 8,
 2247+ 'expires' => 30,
 2248+ 'tracked' => false
 2249+ );
 2250+ $wgArticleFeedbackOptions = array(
 2251+ 'buckets' => array(
 2252+ 'show' => 100,
 2253+ 'hide' => 0,
 2254+ ),
 2255+ 'version' => 8,
 2256+ 'expires' => 30,
 2257+ 'tracked' => false
 2258+ );
 2259+ $wgArticleFeedbackDashboard = $wmgArticleFeedbackDashboard;
 2262+#if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 2263+# $wgDebugLogFile = '/tmp/debuglog_tmp.txt';
 2267+$wgDefaultUserOptions['thumbsize'] = $wmgThumbsizeIndex;
 2269+if ( $wgDBname == 'strategywiki' ) {
 2270+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/StrategyWiki/ActiveStrategy/ActiveStrategy.php" );
 2273+if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' || $wgDBname == 'foundationwiki' ) {
 2274+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/CommunityHiring/CommunityHiring.php" );
 2275+ $wgCommunityHiringDatabase = 'officewiki';
 2276+} elseif ( $wgDBname == 'officewiki' ) {
 2277+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/CommunityApplications/CommunityApplications.php" );
 2280+## Hack to block emails from some idiot user who likes 'The Joker' --Andrew 2009-05-28
 2281+$wgHooks['EmailUser'][] = 'wmfBlockJokerEmails';
 2282+$wgDebugLogGroups['block_joker_mail'] = 'udp://';
 2284+function wmfBlockJokerEmails( &$to, &$from, &$subject, &$text ) {
 2285+ $blockedAddresses = array( 'the4joker@gmail.com', 'testaccount@werdn.us', 'randomdude5555@gmail.com', 'siyang.li@yahoo.com', 'johnnywiki@gmail.com', 'wikifreedomfighter@googlemail.com' );
 2286+ if ( in_array( $from->address, $blockedAddresses ) ) {
 2287+ wfDebugLog( 'block_joker_mail', "Blocked attempted email from ".$from->toString().
 2288+ " to ".$to->address." with subject ".$subject."\n" );
 2289+ return false;
 2290+ }
 2291+ return true;
 2294+#$wgEnableUploads = false;
 2295+#$wgUploadMaintenance = true; // temp disable delete/restore of images
 2296+#$wgSiteNotice = "Image uploads, deletes and restores are temporarily disabled while we upgrade our servers. We expect to enable them again shortly.";
 2297+#if( $wgDBname == 'enwiki' ) {
 2298+# $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'logWtf';
 2299+# function logWtf() {
 2300+# wfDebugLog( 'wtf', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
 2301+# }
 2304+#$wgReadOnly = "Emergency database maintenance, will be back to full shortly.";
 2305+#$wgSiteNotice = "<div style='text-align: center; background: #f8f4f0; border: solid 1px #988; font-size: 90%; padding: 4px'>Software updates are being applied to Wikimedia sites; there may be some brief interruption as the servers update.</div>";
 2306+#$wgSiteNotice = "<div style='text-align: center; background: #f8f4f0; border: solid 1px #988; font-size: 90%; padding: 4px'>Software updates are being applied to Wikimedia sites; we're shaking out a few remaining issues.</div>";
 2308+// Variable destinations for Donate link in sidebar. Currently only for test wiki
 2309+if ( $wgUseVariablePage ) {
 2310+ include( "$IP/extensions/VariablePage/VariablePage.php");
 2311+ $wgVariablePagePossibilities = array(
 2312+ 'http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/WMFJA1/en' => 100,
 2313+ );
 2315+ $wgVariablePageShowSidebarLink = true;
 2316+ $wgVariablePageSidebarLinkQuery = array(
 2317+ 'utm_source' => 'donate',
 2318+ 'utm_medium' => 'sidebar',
 2319+ 'utm_campaign' => 'spontaneous_donation'
 2320+ );
 2323+// ContributionTracking for handling PayPal redirects
 2324+if ( $wgUseContributionTracking ) {
 2325+ include( "$IP/extensions/ContributionTracking/ContributionTracking.php" );
 2326+ include( "$IP/wmf-config/contribution-tracking-setup.php");
 2327+ $wgContributionTrackingPayPalIPN = "https://civicrm.wikimedia.org/fundcore_gateway/paypal";
 2328+ $wgContributionTrackingPayPalRecurringIPN = "https://civicrm.wikimedia.org/IPNListener_Recurring.php";
 2331+if ( $wmgUseUploadWizard ) {
 2332+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/UploadWizard/UploadWizard.php" );
 2333+ $wgUploadStashScalerBaseUrl = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/$site/$lang/thumb/temp";
 2334+ $wgUploadWizardConfig = array(
 2335+ #'debug' => true,
 2336+ 'disableResourceLoader' => false,
 2337+ 'autoCategory' => 'Uploaded with UploadWizard',
 2338+ // If Special:UploadWizard again experiences unexplained slowness loading JavaScript (spinner on intial load spinning forever)
 2339+ // set fallbackToAltUploadForm to true.
 2340+ 'fallbackToAltUploadForm' => false, # Set by neilk, 2011-05-17
 2341+ 'altUploadForm' => 'Special:Upload', # Set by demon, 2011-05-10 per neilk
 2342+ );
 2343+ if ( $wgDBname == 'testwiki' ) {
 2344+ $wgUploadWizardConfig['feedbackPage'] = 'Prototype_upload_wizard_feedback';
 2345+ $wgUploadWizardConfig['altUploadForm'] = 'Special:Upload';
 2346+ unset( $wgUploadWizardConfig['fallbackToAltUploadForm'] );
 2347+ } else if ( $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
 2348+ $wgUploadWizardConfig['feedbackPage'] = 'Commons:Prototype_upload_wizard_feedback';
 2349+ $wgUploadWizardConfig['altUploadForm'] = 'Commons:Upload';
 2350+ }
 2353+if ( $wmgUseNarayam ) {
 2354+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/Narayam/Narayam.php" );
 2355+ $wgNarayamEnabledByDefault = false;
 2358+if ( $wmgUseGoogleNewsSitemap ) {
 2359+ include( "$IP/extensions/GoogleNewsSitemap/GoogleNewsSitemap.php" );
 2362+if ( $wmgUseCLDR ) {
 2363+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/cldr/cldr.php" );
 2366+# Disable action=parse due to bug 25238 -- TS
 2367+# ImageAnnotator disabled, reenabling parse on Commons --catrope
 2368+#if ( $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
 2369+# $wgAPIModules['parse'] = 'ApiDisabled';
 2372+if ( $wgDBname == 'ptwikibooks' ) {
 2373+ # Account creation throttle disabled for "Logística 2011" project from
 2374+ # [[FCT]] / [[New University of Lisbon]]
 2375+ $wgAccountCreationThrottle = 100;
 2378+$wgObjectCaches['ehcache-multiwrite'] = array(
 2379+ 'class' => 'MultiWriteBagOStuff',
 2380+ 'caches' => array(
 2381+ 0 => array(
 2382+ 'class' => 'EhcacheBagOStuff',
 2383+ 'servers' => array(
 2384+ '',
 2385+ ),
 2386+ 'connectTimeout' => 0.5,
 2387+ 'timeout' => 5,
 2388+ ),
 2389+ 1 => array(
 2390+ 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::newMemcached',
 2391+ ),
 2392+ )
 2396+# Style version appendix
 2397+# Shouldn't be needed much in 1.17 due to ResourceLoader, but some legacy things still need it
 2398+$wgStyleVersion .= '-2';
 2401+// Installed by Andrew, 2011-04-26
 2402+if ( $wmgUseDisableAccount ) {
 2403+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/DisableAccount/DisableAccount.php" );
 2404+ $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['disableaccount'] = true;
 2407+if ( $wmgUseIncubator ) {
 2408+ require_once( "$IP/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/WikimediaIncubator.php" );
 2414+# REALlY ... were not kidding here ... NO EXTENSIONS AFTER
 2416+require( "$IP/wmf-config/ExtensionMessages.php" );
 2418+wfProfileOut( "$fname-misc5" );
 2419+wfProfileOut( $fname );

Status & tagging log