r87646 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r87645‎ | r87646 | r87647 >
Date:17:25, 7 May 2011
new extension from ShoutWiki; see http://www.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Help:WikiForum for help and http://blog.shoutwiki.com/2011/05/new-feature-wikiforum/ for the announcement. This code is a fork of Michael Chlebek's original WikiForum, version 1.2
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/SpecialWikiForum.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.alias.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.i18n.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForumClass.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForumGui.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_down.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_up.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_down.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_up.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_add.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_delete.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_edit.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comments_add.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_add.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_delete.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_edit.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/exclamation.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_add.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_delete.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_edit.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_add.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_open.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/new.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_add.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_delete.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_edit.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_go.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/paste_plain.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_add.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_delete.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/zoom.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/styles.css (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/WikiForum/wikiforum.sql (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.i18n.php
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
 4+ * Internationalisation file for WikiForum extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ */
 10+$messages = array();
 12+/** English
 13+ * @author Michael Chlebek
 14+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 15+ */
 16+$messages['en'] = array(
 17+ 'wikiforum-desc' => '[[Special:WikiForum|Forum]] extension for MediaWiki',
 18+ 'wikiforum' => 'Discussion board',
 20+ // Configuration variables -- do not translate!
 21+ 'wikiforum-day-definition-new' => '3', // a thread is considered new for this many days
 22+ 'wikiforum-max-threads-per-page' => '20', // number of threads which shall be shown per page on a forum
 23+ 'wikiforum-max-replies-per-page' => '10', // number of replies which shall be shown per page on a thread
 25+ 'wikiforum-anonymous' => 'Anonymous',
 26+ 'wikiforum-announcement-only-description' => 'Announcement forum (only moderators can add threads)',
 27+ 'wikiforum-by' => '$1<br />by $2', // $1 is a timestamp (time and date), $2 is a username
 28+ 'wikiforum-description' => 'Description:',
 29+ 'wikiforum-forum-is-empty' => 'This forum is currently empty.
 30+Please contact a forum administrator to have some categories and forums added.',
 31+ 'wikiforum-forum-name' => 'Forum $1', // $1 is the name of a forum
 32+ 'wikiforum-name' => 'Name:',
 33+ 'wikiforum-preview' => 'Preview',
 34+ 'wikiforum-preview-with-title' => 'Preview: $1',
 35+ 'wikiforum-save' => 'Save', // button text
 36+ 'wikiforum-error-search' => 'Search error',
 37+ 'wikiforum-error-search-missing-query' => 'You must supply a term to search for!',
 38+ 'wikiforum-search-hits' => 'Found {{PLURAL:$1|one hit|$1 hits}}',
 39+ 'wikiforum-search-thread' => 'Thread: $1',
 40+ 'wikiforum-thread-deleted' => 'thread deleted',
 41+ 'wikiforum-topic-name' => 'Forum - $1',
 42+ 'wikiforum-updates' => 'Newly updated forums',
 44+ 'wikiforum-write-thread' => 'New topic',
 45+ 'wikiforum-replies' => 'Replies',
 46+ 'wikiforum-views' => 'Views',
 47+ 'wikiforum-thread' => 'Thread',
 48+ 'wikiforum-threads' => 'Threads',
 49+ 'wikiforum-latest-reply' => 'Latest reply',
 50+ 'wikiforum-latest-thread' => 'Latest thread',
 51+ 'wikiforum-forum' => 'Forum: $1 > $2',
 52+ 'wikiforum-overview' => 'Overview',
 53+ 'wikiforum-pages' => 'Pages:', // followed by pagination links, like [01] [02] etc.
 54+ 'wikiforum-thread-closed' => 'Thread closed',
 55+ 'wikiforum-new-thread' => 'New thread',
 56+ 'wikiforum-edit-thread' => 'Edit thread',
 57+ 'wikiforum-delete-thread' => 'Delete thread',
 58+ 'wikiforum-close-thread' => 'Close thread',
 59+ 'wikiforum-reopen-thread' => 'Reopen thread',
 60+ 'wikiforum-write-reply' => 'Write a reply',
 61+ 'wikiforum-edit-reply' => 'Edit reply',
 62+ 'wikiforum-delete-reply' => 'Delete reply',
 63+ 'wikiforum-save-thread' => 'Save thread',
 64+ 'wikiforum-save-reply' => 'Save reply',
 65+ 'wikiforum-thread-title' => 'Title of your thread',
 66+ 'wikiforum-no-threads' => 'No threads are available at the moment.',
 68+ 'wikiforum-edit' => 'edit',
 69+ 'wikiforum-close' => 'close',
 70+ 'wikiforum-delete' => 'delete',
 71+ 'wikiforum-reopen' => 'reopen',
 73+ 'wikiforum-posted' => 'Posted at $1 by $2',
 74+ 'wikiforum-edited' => 'Edited at $1 by $2',
 75+ 'wikiforum-closed-text' => 'Thread was closed at $1 by $2',
 77+ 'wikiforum-cat-not-found' => 'Category not found',
 78+ 'wikiforum-cat-not-found-text' => 'Category does not exist - go back to $1',
 79+ 'wikiforum-forum-not-found' => 'Forum not found',
 80+ 'wikiforum-forum-not-found-text' => 'Forum does not exist - go back to $1',
 81+ 'wikiforum-thread-not-found' => 'Thread not found',
 82+ 'wikiforum-thread-not-found-text' => 'Thread does not exist or was already deleted - go back to $1.',
 84+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-reopen' => 'Error while reopening thread',
 85+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-close' => 'Error while closing thread',
 86+ 'wikiforum-error-general' => 'Object not found or no rights to perform this action.',
 87+ 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' => 'You don\'t have the rights to perform this action.',
 88+ 'wikiforum-error-not-found' => 'Object not found.',
 89+ 'wikiforum-error-no-text-or-title' => 'Title or text not correctly filled out.',
 90+ 'wikiforum-error-no-reply' => 'Reply not correctly filled out.',
 91+ 'wikiforum-error-double-post' => 'Double-click protection: thread already added.', // @todo FIXME: better wording
 92+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-closed' => 'Thread is currently closed. It\'s not possible to add a new reply here.',
 94+ 'wikiforum-error-delete' => 'Error while deleting',
 95+ 'wikiforum-error-sticky' => 'Error while changing sticky attribute',
 96+ 'wikiforum-error-move-thread' => 'Error while moving thread',
 97+ 'wikiforum-error-add' => 'Error while adding',
 98+ 'wikiforum-error-edit' => 'Error while editing',
 100+ 'wikiforum-add-category' => 'Add category',
 101+ 'wikiforum-edit-category' => 'Edit category',
 102+ 'wikiforum-delete-category' => 'Delete category',
 103+ 'wikiforum-add-forum' => 'Add forum',
 104+ 'wikiforum-edit-forum' => 'Edit forum',
 105+ 'wikiforum-delete-forum' => 'Delete forum',
 106+ 'wikiforum-sort-up' => 'sort up',
 107+ 'wikiforum-sort-down' => 'sort down',
 108+ 'wikiforum-remove-sticky' => 'Remove sticky',
 109+ 'wikiforum-make-sticky' => 'Make sticky',
 110+ 'wikiforum-move-thread' => 'Move thread',
 111+ 'wikiforum-paste-thread' => 'Paste thread',
 112+ 'wikiforum-quote' => 'Quote',
 114+ // For Special:ListGroupRights
 115+ 'right-wikiforum-admin' => 'Add, edit and delete categories and forums on [[Special:WikiForum|the discusion board]]',
 116+ 'right-wikiforum-moderator' => 'Edit and delete threads and replies on [[Special:WikiForum|the discusion board]]',
 118+ // Forum admin group, as per discussion with Jedimca0 on 30 December 2010
 119+ 'group-forumadmin' => 'Forum administrators',
 120+ 'group-forumadmin-member' => 'Forum administrator',
 121+ 'grouppage-forumadmin' => 'Project:Forum administrators',
 124+/** Finnish (Suomi)
 125+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 126+ */
 127+$messages['fi'] = array(
 128+ 'wikiforum-desc' => '[[Special:WikiForum|Foorumilisäosa]] MediaWikille',
 129+ 'wikiforum' => 'Keskustelupalsta',
 130+ 'wikiforum-anonymous' => 'Anonyymi',
 131+ 'wikiforum-announcement-only-description' => 'Ilmoitusfoorumi (vain moderaattorit voivat lisätä aiheita)',
 132+ 'wikiforum-by' => '$1;<br />kirjoittanut $2',
 133+ 'wikiforum-description' => 'Kuvaus:',
 134+ 'wikiforum-forum-is-empty' => 'Tämä foorumi on tällä hetkellä tyhjä.
 135+Otathan yhteyttä foorumin ylläpitäjään saadaksesi joitakin luokkia ja foorumeja lisätyksi.',
 136+ 'wikiforum-forum-name' => 'Foorumi $1',
 137+ 'wikiforum-name' => 'Nimi:',
 138+ 'wikiforum-preview' => 'Esikatselu',
 139+ 'wikiforum-preview-with-title' => 'Esikatselu: $1',
 140+ 'wikiforum-save' => 'Tallenna',
 141+ 'wikiforum-error-search' => 'Hakuvirhe',
 142+ 'wikiforum-error-search-missing-query' => 'Sinun tulee antaa hakusana, jolla haetaan!',
 143+ 'wikiforum-search-hits' => 'Löydettiin {{PLURAL:$1|yksi tulos|$1 tulosta}}',
 144+ 'wikiforum-search-thread' => 'Aihe: $1',
 145+ 'wikiforum-thread-deleted' => 'aihe on poistettu',
 146+ 'wikiforum-topic-name' => 'Foorumi - $1',
 147+ 'wikiforum-updates' => 'Äskettäin päivitetyt foorumit',
 148+ 'wikiforum-write-thread' => 'Uusi aihe',
 149+ 'wikiforum-replies' => 'Vastauksia',
 150+ 'wikiforum-views' => 'Katselukertoja',
 151+ 'wikiforum-thread' => 'Aihe',
 152+ 'wikiforum-threads' => 'Aiheita', // @todo CHECKME
 153+ 'wikiforum-latest-reply' => 'Viimeisin vastaus',
 154+ 'wikiforum-latest-thread' => 'Viimeisin aihe',
 155+ 'wikiforum-forum' => 'Foorumi: $1 > $2',
 156+ 'wikiforum-overview' => 'Yleiskatsaus',
 157+ 'wikiforum-pages' => 'Sivuja:',
 158+ 'wikiforum-thread-closed' => 'Aihe suljettu',
 159+ 'wikiforum-new-thread' => 'Uusi aihe',
 160+ 'wikiforum-edit-thread' => 'Muokkaa aihetta',
 161+ 'wikiforum-delete-thread' => 'Poista aihe',
 162+ 'wikiforum-close-thread' => 'Sulje aihe',
 163+ 'wikiforum-reopen-thread' => 'Avaa aihe',
 164+ 'wikiforum-write-reply' => 'Kirjoita vastaus',
 165+ 'wikiforum-edit-reply' => 'Muokkaa vastausta',
 166+ 'wikiforum-delete-reply' => 'Poista vastaus',
 167+ 'wikiforum-save-thread' => 'Tallenna aihe',
 168+ 'wikiforum-save-reply' => 'Tallenna vastaus',
 169+ 'wikiforum-thread-title' => 'Aiheesi otsikko',
 170+ 'wikiforum-no-threads' => 'Tällä hetkellä aiheita ei ole saatavilla.',
 171+ 'wikiforum-edit' => 'muokkaa',
 172+ 'wikiforum-close' => 'sulje',
 173+ 'wikiforum-delete' => 'poista',
 174+ 'wikiforum-reopen' => 'avaa',
 175+ 'wikiforum-posted' => 'Kirjoittanut $2 kello $1',
 176+ 'wikiforum-edited' => 'Muokannut $2 kello $1',
 177+ 'wikiforum-closed-text' => 'Aiheen sulki $2 kello $1',
 178+ 'wikiforum-cat-not-found' => 'Luokkaa ei löydy',
 179+ 'wikiforum-cat-not-found-text' => 'Luokkaa ei ole olemassa - mene takaisin sivulle $1',
 180+ 'wikiforum-forum-not-found' => 'Foorumia ei löydy',
 181+ 'wikiforum-forum-not-found-text' => 'Foorumia ei ole olemassa - mene takaisin sivulle $1',
 182+ 'wikiforum-thread-not-found' => 'Aihetta ei löydy',
 183+ 'wikiforum-thread-not-found-text' => 'Aihetta ei ole olemassa tai se on jo poistettu - mene takaisin sivulle $1',
 184+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-reopen' => 'Virhe aihetta avatesssa',
 185+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-close' => 'Virhe aihetta sulkiessa',
 186+ //'wikiforum-error-general' => 'Object not found or no rights to perform this action.',
 187+ 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' => 'Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia suorittaa tätä toimintoa.',
 188+ /*'wikiforum-error-not-found' => 'Object not found.',
 189+ 'wikiforum-error-no-text-or-title' => 'Title or text not correctly filled out.',
 190+ 'wikiforum-error-no-reply' => 'Reply not correctly filled out.',*/
 191+ 'wikiforum-error-double-post' => 'Kaksoisnapsautuksen esto: aihe on jo lisätty.',
 192+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-closed' => 'Aihe on tällä hetkellä lukittu. Ei ole mahdollista jättää tänne uutta vastausta.',
 193+ 'wikiforum-error-delete' => 'Virhe poistaessa',
 194+ 'wikiforum-error-sticky' => 'Virhe tiedote-ominaisuutta muutettaessa', // this could use a better wording...
 195+ 'wikiforum-error-move-thread' => 'Virhe aihetta siirrettäessä',
 196+ 'wikiforum-error-add' => 'Virhe lisätessä',
 197+ 'wikiforum-error-edit' => 'Virhe muokatessa',
 198+ 'wikiforum-add-category' => 'Lisää luokka',
 199+ 'wikiforum-edit-category' => 'Muokkaa luokkaa',
 200+ 'wikiforum-delete-category' => 'Poista luokka',
 201+ 'wikiforum-add-forum' => 'Lisää foorumi',
 202+ 'wikiforum-edit-forum' => 'Muokkaa foorumia',
 203+ 'wikiforum-delete-forum' => 'Poista foorumi',
 204+ /*'wikiforum-sort-up' => 'sort up',
 205+ 'wikiforum-sort-down' => 'sort down',*/
 206+ 'wikiforum-remove-sticky' => 'Poista tiedote-status',
 207+ 'wikiforum-make-sticky' => 'Tee tiedote',
 208+ 'wikiforum-move-thread' => 'Siirrä aihe',
 209+ 'wikiforum-paste-thread' => 'Liitä aihe',
 210+ 'wikiforum-quote' => 'Siteeraa',
 211+ 'right-wikiforum-admin' => 'Lisätä, muokata ja poistaa luokkia ja foorumeja [[Special:WikiForum|keskustelupalstalla]]',
 212+ 'right-wikiforum-moderator' => 'Muokata ja poistaa aiheita ja vastauksia [[Special:WikiForum|keskustelupalstalla]]',
 213+ 'group-forumadmin' => 'Foorumin ylläpitäjät',
 214+ 'group-forumadmin-member' => 'Foorumin ylläpitäjä',
 215+ 'grouppage-forumadmin' => 'Project:Foorumin ylläpitäjät',
 218+/** French (Français)
 219+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 220+ */
 221+$messages['fr'] = array(
 222+ 'wikiforum' => 'Forum de discussion',
 223+ 'wikiforum-anonymous' => 'Anonyme',
 224+ 'group-forumadmin' => 'Administrateurs du forum',
 225+ 'group-forumadmin-member' => 'Administrateur du forum',
 226+ 'grouppage-forumadmin' => 'Project:Administrateurs du forum',
 229+/** Dutch (Nederlands)
 230+ * @author Jedimca0
 231+ */
 232+$messages['nl'] = array(
 233+ 'wikiforum-desc' => '[[Special:WikiForum|Forum]] extensie voor MediaWiki',
 234+ 'wikiforum' => 'Discussie bord',
 235+ 'wikiforum-anonymous' => 'Anonieme',
 236+ 'wikiforum-announcement-only-description' => 'Aankondigingen forum (Alleen forum moderatoren kunnen nieuwe berichten plaatsen)',
 237+ 'wikiforum-by' => '$1<br />door $2',
 238+ 'wikiforum-description' => 'Omschrijving:',
 239+ 'wikiforum-forum-is-empty' => 'Dit forum is op het moment leeg.
 240+Neem a.u.b. contact op met een forum administrator on categorieën en forums to te voegen.',
 241+ 'wikiforum-forum-name' => 'Forum $1',
 242+ 'wikiforum-name' => 'Naam:',
 243+ 'wikiforum-preview' => 'Preview',
 244+ 'wikiforum-preview-with-title' => 'Preview: $1',
 245+ 'wikiforum-save' => 'opslaan',
 246+ 'wikiforum-error-search' => 'Zoek error',
 247+ 'wikiforum-error-search-missing-query' => 'U moet een term invoeren om naar te zoeken!',
 248+ 'wikiforum-search-hits' => '{{PLURAL:$1|forum|$1 forums}} gevonden',
 249+ 'wikiforum-search-thread' => 'Thread: $1',
 250+ 'wikiforum-thread-deleted' => 'thread verwijderd',
 251+ 'wikiforum-topic-name' => 'Forum - $1',
 252+ 'wikiforum-updates' => 'ge-update forums',
 253+ 'wikiforum-write-thread' => 'Nieuw onderwerp',
 254+ 'wikiforum-replies' => 'Reacties',
 255+ 'wikiforum-views' => 'Bekeken',
 256+ 'wikiforum-thread' => 'Thread',
 257+ 'wikiforum-threads' => 'Threads',
 258+ 'wikiforum-latest-reply' => 'Laatste reactie',
 259+ 'wikiforum-latest-thread' => 'Laatste thread',
 260+ 'wikiforum-forum' => 'Forum: $1 > $2',
 261+ 'wikiforum-overview' => 'Overzicht',
 262+ 'wikiforum-pages' => "Pagina's:",
 263+ 'wikiforum-thread-closed' => 'Thread gesloten',
 264+ 'wikiforum-new-thread' => 'Nieuw thread',
 265+ 'wikiforum-edit-thread' => 'bewerk thread',
 266+ 'wikiforum-delete-thread' => 'verwijder thread',
 267+ 'wikiforum-close-thread' => 'sluit thread',
 268+ 'wikiforum-reopen-thread' => 'heropen thread',
 269+ 'wikiforum-write-reply' => 'Schrijf een reactie',
 270+ 'wikiforum-edit-reply' => 'Bewerk reactie',
 271+ 'wikiforum-delete-reply' => 'verwijder reactie',
 272+ 'wikiforum-save-thread' => 'thread opslaan',
 273+ 'wikiforum-save-reply' => 'reactie opslaan',
 274+ 'wikiforum-thread-title' => 'Titel van uw thread',
 275+ 'wikiforum-no-threads' => 'Er zijn op het moment geen threads beschikbaar.',
 276+ 'wikiforum-edit' => 'bewerk',
 277+ 'wikiforum-close' => 'sluit',
 278+ 'wikiforum-delete' => 'verwijder',
 279+ 'wikiforum-reopen' => 'heropen',
 280+ 'wikiforum-posted' => 'Geplaatst op $1 door $2',
 281+ 'wikiforum-edited' => 'Bewerkt op $1 door $2',
 282+ 'wikiforum-closed-text' => 'Thread was gesloten op $1 door $2',
 283+ 'wikiforum-cat-not-found' => 'Categorie niet gevonden',
 284+ 'wikiforum-cat-not-found-text' => 'Categorie bestaat niet - terug naar $1',
 285+ 'wikiforum-forum-not-found' => 'Forum niet gevonden',
 286+ 'wikiforum-forum-not-found-text' => 'Forum bestaat niet - terug naar $1',
 287+ 'wikiforum-thread-not-found' => 'Thread niet gevonden',
 288+ 'wikiforum-thread-not-found-text' => 'Thread bestaat niet of was verwijderd - terug naar $1.',
 289+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-reopen' => 'Fout bij het heropenen van thread',
 290+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-close' => 'Fout tijdens sluiten van thread',
 291+ 'wikiforum-error-general' => 'Object niet gevonden, of u heeft geen rechten om deze actie uit te voeren.',
 292+ 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' => 'U heeft het recht niet om deze actie uit te voeren.',
 293+ 'wikiforum-error-not-found' => 'Object niet gevonden.',
 294+ 'wikiforum-error-no-text-or-title' => 'Titel of text was niet correct ingevuld.',
 295+ 'wikiforum-error-no-reply' => 'Reactie niet correct ingevuld.',
 296+ 'wikiforum-error-double-post' => 'Dubbel click preventie, thread is al toegevoegd.',
 297+ 'wikiforum-error-thread-closed' => 'Thread is op het moment gesloten, het is niet mogelijk om een reactie toe te voegen.',
 298+ 'wikiforum-error-delete' => 'Fout tijdens verwijderen',
 299+ 'wikiforum-error-sticky' => 'Fout tijdens veranderen van sticky aanmerking',
 300+ 'wikiforum-error-move-thread' => 'Fout tijdens her verplaatsen van het thread',
 301+ 'wikiforum-error-add' => 'Fout tijdens toevoegen',
 302+ 'wikiforum-error-edit' => 'Fout tijdens bewerken',
 303+ 'wikiforum-add-category' => 'Categorie toevoegen',
 304+ 'wikiforum-edit-category' => 'Categorie bewerken',
 305+ 'wikiforum-delete-category' => 'Categorie verwijderen',
 306+ 'wikiforum-add-forum' => 'Forum toevoegen',
 307+ 'wikiforum-edit-forum' => 'Forum bewerken',
 308+ 'wikiforum-delete-forum' => 'Forum verwijderen',
 309+ 'wikiforum-sort-up' => 'Naar boven sorteren',
 310+ 'wikiforum-sort-down' => 'Naar beneden sorteren',
 311+ 'wikiforum-remove-sticky' => 'Sticky verwijderen',
 312+ 'wikiforum-make-sticky' => 'Sticky maken',
 313+ 'wikiforum-move-thread' => 'Thread verplaatsen',
 314+ 'wikiforum-paste-thread' => 'Thread plakken',
 315+ 'wikiforum-quote' => 'Quote',
 316+ 'right-wikiforum-admin' => 'Forums en categorieën toevoegen, bewerken en verwijderen op [[Special:WikiForum|het forum]]',
 317+ 'right-wikiforum-moderator' => 'Threads en reacties bewerken en verwijderen op [[Special:WikiForum|het forum]]',
 318+ 'group-forumadmin' => 'Forum administratoren',
 319+ 'group-forumadmin-member' => 'Forum administrator',
 320+ 'grouppage-forumadmin' => 'Project:Forum administratoren',
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.i18n.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1322 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.php
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
 4+ * WikiForum -- forum extension for MediaWiki
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ * @author Michael Chlebek
 9+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 10+ * @date 23 December 2010 (date of this build: 22 January 2011)
 11+ * @version 1.2-SW
 12+ * @copyright Copyright © 2010 Unidentify Studios
 13+ * @copyright Copyright © 2010-2011 Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 14+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 3.0 or later
 15+ *
 16+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 17+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 18+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 19+ * (at your option) any later version.
 20+ *
 21+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 22+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 24+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 25+ *
 26+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 27+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 28+ */
 30+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 31+ die( "This is an extension to the MediaWiki package and cannot be run standalone.\n" );
 34+// Extension credits that will show up on Special:Version
 35+$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
 36+ 'path' => __FILE__,
 37+ 'name' => 'WikiForum',
 38+ 'author' => array( 'Michael Chlebek', 'Jack Phoenix' ),
 39+ 'version' => '1.2-SW',
 40+ 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiForum',
 41+ 'description' => '[[Special:WikiForum|Forum]] extension for MediaWiki',
 42+ 'descriptionmsg' => 'wikiforum-desc'
 45+// Set up i18n, the new special page etc.
 46+$dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
 47+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['WikiForum'] = $dir . 'WikiForum.i18n.php';
 48+$wgExtensionAliasesFiles['WikiForum'] = $dir . 'WikiForum.alias.php';
 49+$wgAutoloadClasses['WikiForumGui'] = $dir . 'WikiForumGui.php';
 50+$wgAutoloadClasses['WikiForumClass'] = $dir . 'WikiForumClass.php';
 51+$wgAutoloadClasses['WikiForum'] = $dir . 'SpecialWikiForum.php';
 52+$wgSpecialPages['WikiForum'] = 'WikiForum';
 54+// New user rights for administrating and moderating the forum
 55+$wgAvailableRights[] = 'wikiforum-admin';
 56+$wgAvailableRights[] = 'wikiforum-moderator';
 58+// New forumadmin group
 59+$wgGroupPermissions['forumadmin']['wikiforum-admin'] = true;
 60+$wgGroupPermissions['forumadmin']['wikiforum-moderator'] = true;
 62+// Allow sysops to act as forum administrators, too
 63+$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['wikiforum-admin'] = true;
 64+$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['wikiforum-moderator'] = true;
 66+# Configuration parameters
 67+// Allow anonymous users to write threads and replies?
 68+$wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous = true;
 70+// Array of emoticon text forms => image file names
 71+// @todo FIXME: kill this variable WITH FIRE and make an admin-configurable
 72+// way to configure the emoticons (a MediaWiki message maybe?)
 73+$wgWikiForumSmilies = array(
 74+ /*
 75+ ':)' => 'icons/emoticon_grin.png',
 76+ // yeah, apparently you have to use &lt; and &gt; instead of < and >
 77+ '&gt;D' => 'icons/emoticon_evilgrin.png',
 78+ */
 81+// Hooked functions
 82+$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfWikiForumTags';
 83+$wgHooks['SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink'][] = 'wfSpecialWikiForumNav';
 84+$wgHooks['SkinTemplateToolboxEnd'][] = 'wfSpecialWikiForumToolbox';
 87+ * Set up the two new parser hooks: <WikiForumList> and <WikiForumThread>
 88+ *
 89+ * @param $parser Object: instance of Parser
 90+ * @return Boolean: true
 91+ */
 92+function wfWikiForumTags( &$parser ) {
 93+ $parser->setHook( 'WikiForumList', 'renderWikiForumList' );
 94+ $parser->setHook( 'WikiForumThread', 'renderWikiForumThread' );
 95+ return true;
 99+ * Adds a link to Special:WikiForum to the toolbox, after permalink.
 100+ * Both this and the function below are required to render the link in the
 101+ * toolbox.
 102+ *
 103+ * @param $skinTemplate Object: SkinTemplate instance
 104+ * @param $nav_urls Array: existing navigation URLs
 105+ * @param $oldid Integer
 106+ * @param $revid Integer: revision ID number of the current revision
 107+ * @return Boolean: true
 108+ */
 109+function wfSpecialWikiForumNav( &$skinTemplate, &$nav_urls, &$oldid, &$revid ) {
 110+ $nav_urls['wikiforum'] = array(
 111+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'wikiforum' ),
 112+ 'href' => $skinTemplate->makeSpecialUrl( 'WikiForum' )
 113+ );
 114+ return true;
 118+ * Adds a link to Special:WikiForum to the toolbox, after permalink.
 119+ * Both this and the function above are required to render the link in the
 120+ * toolbox.
 121+ *
 122+ * @param $skinTemplate Object: instance of SkinTemplate class
 123+ * @return Boolean: true
 124+ */
 125+function wfSpecialWikiForumToolbox( &$skinTemplate ) {
 126+ if( isset( $skinTemplate->data['nav_urls']['wikiforum'] ) ) {
 127+ if( $skinTemplate->data['nav_urls']['wikiforum']['href'] == '' ) {
 128+ echo '<li id="t-iswikiforum">' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum' ) . '</li>';
 129+ } else {
 130+ $url = $skinTemplate->data['nav_urls']['wikiforum']['href'];
 131+ echo '<li id="t-wikiforum"><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $url ) . '">';
 132+ echo wfMsg( 'wikiforum' );
 133+ echo '</a></li>';
 134+ }
 135+ }
 136+ return true;
 140+ * Callback for <WikiForumList> tag.
 141+ * Takes only the following argument: num (used as the LIMIT for the SQL query)
 142+ */
 143+function renderWikiForumList( $input, $args, $parser, $frame ) {
 144+ global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgScriptPath;
 146+ if( !isset( $args['num'] ) ) {
 147+ $args['num'] = 5;
 148+ }
 150+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 151+ $sqlThreads = $dbr->select(
 152+ array(
 153+ 'wikiforum_forums', 'wikiforum_category', 'wikiforum_threads',
 154+ 'user'
 155+ ),
 156+ array(
 157+ '*', 'wff_forum', 'wff_forum_name', 'wfc_category',
 158+ 'wfc_category_name', 'user_name'
 159+ ),
 160+ array(
 161+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 162+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 163+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 164+ 'wff_category = wfc_category',
 165+ 'wff_forum = wft_forum'
 166+ ),
 167+ __METHOD__,
 168+ // it's either wff or wft, I'm not 100% sure which one so I just picked
 169+ // one of them...
 170+ array(
 171+ 'ORDER BY' => 'wff_last_post_timestamp DESC',
 172+ 'LIMIT' => intval( $args['num'] )
 173+ ),
 174+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wft_user' ) )
 175+ );
 177+ $output = WikiForumGui::getMainPageHeader(
 178+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-updates' ),
 179+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-replies' ),
 180+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-views' ),
 181+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-latest-reply' )
 182+ );
 184+ foreach( $sqlThreads as $thread ) {
 185+ $icon = WikiForumClass::getThreadIcon(
 186+ $thread->wft_posted_timestamp,
 187+ $thread->wft_closed,
 188+ $thread->wft_sticky
 189+ );
 191+ $lastpost = '';
 192+ // If there are some replies, then we can obviously figure out who was
 193+ // the last user who posted something on the topic...
 194+ if( $thread->wft_reply_count > 0 ) {
 195+ $lastpost = wfMsg(
 196+ 'wikiforum-by',
 197+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $thread->wft_last_post_timestamp ),
 198+ WikiForumClass::getUserLinkById( $thread->wft_last_post_user )
 199+ );
 200+ }
 202+ $specialPageObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 203+ $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
 204+ // Build the links to the category and forum pages by using Linker
 205+ $categoryLink = $sk->link(
 206+ $specialPageObj,
 207+ $thread->wfc_category_name,
 208+ array(),
 209+ array( 'category' => $thread->wfc_category )
 210+ );
 211+ $forumLink = $sk->link(
 212+ $specialPageObj,
 213+ $thread->wff_forum_name,
 214+ array(),
 215+ array( 'forum' => $thread->wff_forum )
 216+ );
 217+ $threadLink = $sk->link(
 218+ $specialPageObj,
 219+ $thread->wft_thread_name,
 220+ array(),
 221+ array( 'thread' => $thread->wft_thread )
 222+ );
 224+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainBody(
 225+ '<p class="mw-wikiforum-thread">' . $icon . $threadLink .
 226+ '<p class="mw-wikiforum-descr" style="border-top: 0;">' .
 227+ wfMsg(
 228+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 229+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $thread->wft_posted_timestamp ),
 230+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $thread->user_name )
 231+ ) . '<br />' .
 232+ wfMsgHtml( 'wikiforum-forum', $categoryLink, $forumLink ) .
 233+ '</p></p>',
 234+ $thread->wft_reply_count,
 235+ $thread->wft_view_count,
 236+ $lastpost,
 237+ false,
 238+ false
 239+ );
 240+ }
 241+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainPageFooter();
 243+ return $output;
 247+ * Callback for the <WikiForumThread> hook.
 248+ * Takes the following arguments: id (ID number of the thread, used in SQL
 249+ * query), replies (whether to display replies)
 250+ */
 251+function renderWikiForumThread( $input, $args, $parser, $frame ) {
 252+ global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgScriptPath;
 254+ if( isset( $args['id'] ) && $args['id'] > 0 ) {
 255+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 256+ $sqlThreads = $dbr->select(
 257+ array( 'wikiforum_forums', 'wikiforum_category', 'wikiforum_threads', 'user' ),
 258+ array(
 259+ 'wft_thread', 'wft_thread_name', 'wft_text', 'wff_forum',
 260+ 'wff_forum_name', 'wfc_category', 'wfc_category_name',
 261+ 'user_name', 'user_id', 'wft_edit_timestamp', 'wft_edit_user',
 262+ 'wft_posted_timestamp', 'wft_user', 'wft_closed',
 263+ 'wft_closed_user'
 264+ ),
 265+ array(
 266+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 267+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 268+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 269+ 'wff_category = wfc_category',
 270+ 'wff_forum = wft_forum',
 271+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $args['id'] )
 272+ ),
 273+ __METHOD__,
 274+ array(),
 275+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wft_user' ) )
 276+ );
 277+ $overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $sqlThreads );
 279+ if( $overview ) {
 280+ $posted = wfMsg(
 281+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 282+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $overview->wft_posted_timestamp ),
 283+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $overview->user_name )
 284+ );
 285+ if( $overview->wft_edit_timestamp > 0 ) {
 286+ $posted .= '<br /><i>' .
 287+ wfMsg(
 288+ 'wikiforum-edited',
 289+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $overview->wft_edit_timestamp ),
 290+ WikiForumClass::getUserLinkById( $overview->wft_edit_user )
 291+ ) . '</i>';
 292+ }
 294+ $output = WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow(
 295+ $overview->wfc_category,
 296+ $overview->wfc_category_name,
 297+ $overview->wff_forum,
 298+ $overview->wff_forum_name,
 299+ false
 300+ );
 302+ $specialPageObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 303+ $link = $specialPageObj->escapeFullURL( 'thread=' . $overview->wft_thread );
 305+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getThreadHeader(
 306+ '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $overview->wft_thread_name . '</a>',
 307+ $parser->recursiveTagParse( $overview->wft_text, $frame ),
 308+ $posted,
 309+ '',
 310+ $overview->wft_thread,
 311+ $overview->user_id
 312+ );
 314+ if ( isset( $args['replies'] ) && $args['replies'] ) {
 315+ $replies = $dbr->select(
 316+ array( 'wikiforum_replies', 'user' ),
 317+ array( '*', 'user_name' ),
 318+ array( 'wfr_deleted' => 0, 'wfr_thread' => $overview->pkThread ),
 319+ __METHOD__,
 320+ array( 'ORDER BY' => 'wfr_posted_timestamp ASC' ),
 321+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wfr_user' ) )
 322+ );
 324+ foreach( $replies as $reply ) {
 325+ $posted = wfMsg(
 326+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 327+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $reply->wfr_posted_timestamp ),
 328+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $reply->user_name )
 329+ );
 330+ if( $reply->wfr_edit > 0 ) {
 331+ $posted .= '<br /><i>' .
 332+ wfMsg(
 333+ 'wikiforum-edited',
 334+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $reply->wfr_edit ),
 335+ WikiForumClass::getUserLinkById( $reply->wfr_edit_user )
 336+ ) . '</i>';
 337+ }
 338+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getReply(
 339+ $wgOut->parse( WikiForum::deleteTags( $reply->wfr_reply_text ) ),
 340+ $posted,
 341+ '',
 342+ $reply->wfr_reply_id
 343+ );
 344+ }
 345+ }
 347+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getThreadFooter();
 348+ return $output;
 349+ }
 350+ } else {
 351+ return '';
 352+ }
 355+$wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'wfWikiForumAddStyles';
 357+ * Add the CSS file to the output, but only once.
 358+ *
 359+ * @param $out Object: OutputPage instance
 360+ * @param $sk Object: Skin (or descendant class) instance
 361+ */
 362+function wfWikiForumAddStyles( &$out, &$sk ) {
 363+ static $cssDone = false;
 364+ if ( !$cssDone ) {
 365+ global $wgScriptPath;
 366+ $out->addExtensionStyle( $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/styles.css' );
 367+ $cssDone = true;
 368+ }
 369+ return true;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1371 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/SpecialWikiForum.php
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
 4+ * Special:WikiForum -- an overview of all available boards on the forum
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ */
 10+class WikiForum extends SpecialPage {
 12+ /**
 13+ * Constructor -- set up the new special page
 14+ */
 15+ public function __construct() {
 16+ parent::__construct( 'WikiForum' );
 17+ }
 19+ /**
 20+ * Show the special page
 21+ *
 22+ * @param $par Mixed: parameter passed to the page or null
 23+ */
 24+ public function execute( $par ) {
 25+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgScriptPath;
 27+ // If user is blocked, s/he doesn't need to access this page
 28+ if ( $wgUser->isBlocked() ) {
 29+ $wgOut->blockedPage();
 30+ return;
 31+ }
 33+ // Checking for wfReadOnly() is done in the individual functions
 34+ // in WikiForumClass.php; besides, we should be able to browse the
 35+ // forum even when the DB is in read-only mode
 37+ $this->setHeaders();
 39+ $forum = new WikiForumClass;
 40+ $values = array();
 42+ // Add CSS
 43+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/styles.css' );
 45+ // If a parameter to the special page is specified, check its type
 46+ // and either display a forum (if parameter is a number) or a thread
 47+ // (if it's the title of a topic)
 48+ if ( $par ) {
 49+ // Let search spiders index our content
 50+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'index,follow' );
 51+ if ( is_numeric( $par ) ) {
 52+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->showForum( $par ) );
 53+ } else {
 54+ $threadId = WikiForumClass::findThreadIDByTitle( $par );
 55+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->showThread( $threadId ) );
 56+ }
 57+ } else {
 58+ // That's...a lot of variables. No kidding.
 59+ $mod_category = $wgRequest->getInt( 'category' );
 60+ $mod_forum = $wgRequest->getInt( 'forum' );
 61+ $mod_thread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'thread' );
 62+ $mod_writethread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'writethread' );
 63+ $mod_addcomment = $wgRequest->getInt( 'addcomment' );
 64+ $mod_addthread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'addthread' );
 65+ $mod_editcomment = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editcomment' );
 66+ $mod_editthread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editthread' );
 67+ $mod_deletecomment = $wgRequest->getInt( 'deletecomment' );
 68+ $mod_deletethread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'deletethread' );
 69+ $mod_closethread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'closethread' );
 70+ $mod_reopenthread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'reopenthread' );
 71+ $mod_addcategory = $wgRequest->getBool( 'addcategory' );
 72+ $mod_addforum = $wgRequest->getInt( 'addforum' );
 73+ $mod_editcategory = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editcategory' );
 74+ $mod_editforum = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editforum' );
 75+ $mod_deletecategory = $wgRequest->getInt( 'deletecategory' );
 76+ $mod_deleteforum = $wgRequest->getInt( 'deleteforum' );
 77+ $mod_makesticky = $wgRequest->getInt( 'makesticky' );
 78+ $mod_removesticky = $wgRequest->getInt( 'removesticky' );
 79+ $mod_categoryup = $wgRequest->getInt( 'categoryup' );
 80+ $mod_categorydown = $wgRequest->getInt( 'categorydown' );
 81+ $mod_forumup = $wgRequest->getInt( 'forumup' );
 82+ $mod_forumdown = $wgRequest->getInt( 'forumdown' );
 83+ $mod_search = $wgRequest->getVal( 'txtSearch' );
 84+ $mod_submit = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butSubmit' );
 85+ $mod_pastethread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'pastethread' );
 87+ // Define this variable to prevent E_NOTICEs about undefined variable
 88+ $mod_none = false;
 90+ // Figure out what we're going to do here...post a reply, a new thread,
 91+ // edit a reply, edit a thread...and so on.
 92+ if( isset( $mod_addcomment ) && $mod_addcomment > 0 ) {
 93+ $data_text = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmText' );
 94+ $data_preview = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butPreview' );
 95+ $data_save = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butSave' );
 96+ if( $data_save == true ) {
 97+ $result = $forum->addReply( $mod_addcomment, $data_text );
 98+ $mod_thread = $mod_addcomment;
 99+ } elseif( $data_preview == true ) {
 100+ $result = $wgOut->addHTML(
 101+ $forum->previewIssue(
 102+ 'addcomment',
 103+ $mod_addcomment,
 104+ false,
 105+ $data_text
 106+ )
 107+ );
 108+ $mod_none = true;
 109+ }
 110+ } elseif( isset( $mod_addthread ) && $mod_addthread > 0 ) {
 111+ $data_title = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmTitle' );
 112+ $data_text = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmText' );
 113+ $data_preview = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butPreview' );
 114+ $data_save = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butSave' );
 115+ if( $data_save == true ) {
 116+ $result = $forum->addThread(
 117+ $mod_addthread,
 118+ $data_title,
 119+ $data_text
 120+ );
 121+ $mod_forum = $mod_addthread;
 122+ } elseif( $data_preview == true ) {
 123+ $result = $wgOut->addHTML(
 124+ $forum->previewIssue(
 125+ 'addthread',
 126+ $mod_addthread,
 127+ $data_title,
 128+ $data_text
 129+ )
 130+ );
 131+ $mod_none = true;
 132+ } else {
 133+ $mod_writethread = $mod_addthread;
 134+ }
 135+ } elseif( isset( $mod_editcomment ) && $mod_editcomment > 0 ) {
 136+ $data_text = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmText' );
 137+ $data_preview = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butPreview' );
 138+ $data_save = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butSave' );
 139+ if( $data_save == true ) {
 140+ $result = $forum->editReply(
 141+ $mod_editcomment,
 142+ $data_text
 143+ );
 144+ $mod_thread = $mod_thread;
 145+ } elseif( $data_preview == true ) {
 146+ $result = $wgOut->addHTML(
 147+ $forum->previewIssue(
 148+ 'editcomment',
 149+ $mod_editcomment,
 150+ false,
 151+ $data_text
 152+ )
 153+ );
 154+ $mod_none = true;
 155+ }
 156+ } elseif( isset( $mod_editthread ) && $mod_editthread > 0 ) {
 157+ $data_title = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmTitle' );
 158+ $data_text = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmText' );
 159+ $data_preview = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butPreview' );
 160+ $data_save = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butSave' );
 161+ if( $data_save == true ) {
 162+ $result = $forum->editThread(
 163+ $mod_editthread,
 164+ $data_title,
 165+ $data_text
 166+ );
 167+ $mod_thread = $mod_editthread;
 168+ } elseif( $data_preview == true ) {
 169+ $result = $wgOut->addHTML(
 170+ $forum->previewIssue(
 171+ 'editthread',
 172+ $mod_editthread,
 173+ $data_title,
 174+ $data_text
 175+ )
 176+ );
 177+ $mod_none = true;
 178+ } else {
 179+ $mod_writethread = $mod_editthread;
 180+ }
 181+ } elseif( isset( $mod_deletecomment ) && $mod_deletecomment > 0 ) {
 182+ $result = $forum->deleteReply( $mod_deletecomment );
 183+ } elseif( isset( $mod_deletethread ) && $mod_deletethread > 0 ) {
 184+ $result = $forum->deleteThread( $mod_deletethread );
 185+ } elseif( isset( $mod_deletecategory ) && $mod_deletecategory > 0 ) {
 186+ $result = $forum->deleteCategory( $mod_deletecategory );
 187+ } elseif( isset( $mod_deleteforum ) && $mod_deleteforum > 0 ) {
 188+ $result = $forum->deleteForum( $mod_deleteforum );
 189+ } elseif( isset( $mod_categoryup ) && $mod_categoryup > 0 ) {
 190+ $result = $forum->sortKeys( $mod_categoryup, 'category', true );
 191+ } elseif( isset( $mod_categorydown ) && $mod_categorydown > 0 ) {
 192+ $result = $forum->sortKeys( $mod_categorydown, 'category', false );
 193+ } elseif( isset( $mod_forumup ) && $mod_forumup > 0 ) {
 194+ $result = $forum->sortKeys( $mod_forumup, 'forum', true );
 195+ } elseif( isset( $mod_forumdown ) && $mod_forumdown > 0 ) {
 196+ $result = $forum->sortKeys( $mod_forumdown, 'forum', false );
 197+ } elseif( isset( $mod_closethread ) && $mod_closethread > 0 ) {
 198+ $result = $forum->closeThread( $mod_closethread );
 199+ $mod_thread = $mod_closethread;
 200+ } elseif( isset( $mod_reopenthread ) && $mod_reopenthread > 0 ) {
 201+ $result = $forum->reopenThread( $mod_reopenthread );
 202+ $mod_thread = $mod_reopenthread;
 203+ } elseif( isset( $mod_makesticky ) && $mod_makesticky > 0 ) {
 204+ $result = $forum->makeSticky( $mod_makesticky, true );
 205+ $mod_thread = $mod_makesticky;
 206+ } elseif( isset( $mod_removesticky ) && $mod_removesticky > 0 ) {
 207+ $result = $forum->makeSticky( $mod_removesticky, false );
 208+ $mod_thread = $mod_removesticky;
 209+ } elseif( isset( $mod_pastethread ) && $mod_pastethread > 0 ) {
 210+ $result = $forum->pasteThread( $mod_pastethread, $mod_forum );
 211+ } elseif(
 212+ isset( $mod_addcategory ) && $mod_addcategory == true &&
 213+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' )
 214+ )
 215+ {
 216+ if( $mod_submit == true ) {
 217+ $values['title'] = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmTitle' );
 218+ $mod_submit = $forum->addCategory( $values['title'] );
 219+ }
 220+ if( $mod_submit == false ) {
 221+ $mod_showform = true;
 222+ $type = 'addcategory';
 223+ $id = $mod_addcategory;
 224+ }
 225+ } elseif(
 226+ isset( $mod_addforum ) && $mod_addforum > 0 &&
 227+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' )
 228+ )
 229+ {
 230+ if( $mod_submit == true ) {
 231+ $values['title'] = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmTitle' );
 232+ $values['text'] = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmText' );
 233+ if( $wgRequest->getBool( 'chkAnnouncement' ) == true ) {
 234+ $values['announce'] = '1';
 235+ } else {
 236+ $values['announce'] = '0';
 237+ }
 238+ $mod_submit = $forum->addForum(
 239+ $mod_addforum,
 240+ $values['title'],
 241+ $values['text'],
 242+ $values['announce']
 243+ );
 244+ }
 245+ if( $mod_submit == false ) {
 246+ $mod_showform = true;
 247+ $type = 'addforum';
 248+ $id = $mod_addforum;
 249+ }
 250+ } elseif(
 251+ isset( $mod_editcategory ) && $mod_editcategory > 0 &&
 252+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' )
 253+ )
 254+ {
 255+ if( $mod_submit == true ) {
 256+ $values['title'] = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmTitle' );
 257+ $mod_submit = $forum->editCategory(
 258+ $mod_editcategory,
 259+ $values['title']
 260+ );
 261+ }
 262+ if( $mod_submit == false ) {
 263+ $mod_showform = true;
 264+ $type = 'editcategory';
 265+ $id = $mod_editcategory;
 266+ }
 267+ } elseif(
 268+ isset( $mod_editforum ) && $mod_editforum > 0 &&
 269+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' )
 270+ )
 271+ {
 272+ if( $mod_submit == true ) {
 273+ $values['title'] = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmTitle' );
 274+ $values['text'] = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmText' );
 275+ if( $wgRequest->getBool( 'chkAnnouncement' ) == true ) {
 276+ $values['announce'] = '1';
 277+ } else {
 278+ $values['announce'] = '0';
 279+ }
 280+ $mod_submit = $forum->editForum(
 281+ $mod_editforum,
 282+ $values['title'],
 283+ $values['text'],
 284+ $values['announce']
 285+ );
 286+ }
 287+ if( $mod_submit == false ) {
 288+ $mod_showform = true;
 289+ $type = 'editforum';
 290+ $id = $mod_editforum;
 291+ }
 292+ }
 294+ // Only in certain cases we want search spiders to index our content
 295+ // and follow links. These are overview (Special:WikiForum), individual
 296+ // threads, forums and categories.
 297+ if( isset( $mod_search ) && $mod_search == true ) {
 298+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->showSearchResults( $mod_search ) );
 299+ } elseif( $mod_none == true ) {
 300+ // no data
 301+ } elseif( isset( $mod_category ) && $mod_category > 0 ) {
 302+ // Let search spiders index our content
 303+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'index,follow' );
 304+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->showCategory( $mod_category ) );
 305+ } elseif( isset( $mod_forum ) && $mod_forum > 0 ) {
 306+ // Let search spiders index our content
 307+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'index,follow' );
 308+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->showForum( $mod_forum ) );
 309+ } elseif( isset( $mod_thread ) && $mod_thread > 0 ) {
 310+ // Let search spiders index our content
 311+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'index,follow' );
 312+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->showThread( $mod_thread ) );
 313+ } elseif( isset( $mod_writethread ) && $mod_writethread > 0 ) {
 314+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->writeThread( $mod_writethread ) );
 315+ } elseif( isset( $mod_showform ) && $mod_showform ) {
 316+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 317+ $forum->showEditorCatForum( $id, $type, $values )
 318+ );
 319+ } else {
 320+ // Let search spiders index our content
 321+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'index,follow' );
 322+ $wgOut->addHTML( $forum->showOverview() );
 323+ }
 324+ } // else from line 55 (the if $par is not specified one)
 326+ } // execute()
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/SpecialWikiForum.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1329 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForumGui.php
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
 4+ * Graphical User Interface (GUI) methods used by WikiForum extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * All class methods are public and static.
 7+ *
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup Extensions
 10+ */
 11+class WikiForumGui {
 13+ public static function getFrameHeader() {
 14+ return '<table class="mw-wikiforum-frame" cellspacing="10"><tr><td class="mw-wikiforum-innerframe">';
 15+ }
 17+ public static function getFrameFooter() {
 18+ return '</td></tr></table>';
 19+ }
 21+ public static function getSearchbox() {
 22+ global $wgScriptPath;
 24+ $specialPageObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 26+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/zoom.png" id="searchbox_picture" title="' . wfMsg( 'search' ) . '" />';
 28+ $output = '<div id="searchbox"><form method="post" action="' . $specialPageObj->escapeFullURL() . '">' .
 29+ '<div id="searchbox_border">' . $icon .
 30+ '<input type="text" value="" name="txtSearch" id="txtSearch" /></div>
 31+ </form></div>';
 33+ return $output;
 34+ }
 36+ /**
 37+ * Builds the header row -- the breadcrumb navigation
 38+ * (Overview > Category name > Forum)
 39+ *
 40+ * @todo FIXME: would be nice to add > Topic name to the navigation, too
 41+ */
 42+ public static function getHeaderRow( $catId, $catName, $forumId, $forumName, $additionalLinks ) {
 43+ global $wgUser, $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous;
 45+ $output = '<table class="mw-wikiforum-headerrow"><tr><td class="mw-wikiforum-leftside">';
 46+ if(
 47+ strlen( $additionalLinks ) == 0 ||
 48+ $catId > 0 && strlen( $catName ) > 0
 49+ )
 50+ {
 51+ $specialPageObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 52+ $output .= '<a href="' . $specialPageObj->escapeFullURL() . '">' .
 53+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-overview' ) . '</a>';
 54+ if( $catId > 0 && strlen( $catName ) > 0 ) {
 55+ $output .= ' &gt; <a href="' .
 56+ $specialPageObj->escapeFullURL( 'category=' . $catId ) . '">' .
 57+ $catName . '</a>';
 58+ }
 59+ if( $forumId > 0 && strlen( $forumName ) > 0 ) {
 60+ $output .= ' &gt; <a href="' . $specialPageObj->escapeFullURL( 'forum=' . $forumId ) . '">' . $forumName . '</a>';
 61+ }
 62+ }
 63+ if(
 64+ strlen( $additionalLinks ) > 0 &&
 65+ ( $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous || $wgUser->getId() > 0 )
 66+ )
 67+ {
 68+ $output .= '</td><td class="mw-wikiforum-rightside">' . $additionalLinks;
 69+ }
 70+ $output .= '</td></tr></table>';
 71+ return $output;
 72+ }
 74+ /**
 75+ * Gets the footer row, in other words: pagination links.
 76+ *
 77+ * @param $page Integer: number of the current page
 78+ * @param $maxissues Integer: amount of replies, fetched from the DB
 79+ * @param $limit Integer: limit; this is also used for the SQL query
 80+ * @param $forumId Integer: forum ID number, so that the pagination code
 81+ * knows where it's going...
 82+ * @return HTML
 83+ */
 84+ public static function getFooterRow( $page, $maxissues, $limit, $forumId ) {
 85+ $output = '';
 86+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 88+ if( $maxissues / $limit > 1 ) {
 89+ $output = '<table class="mw-wikiforum-footerrow"><tr><td class="mw-wikiforum-leftside">' .
 90+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-pages' ) . wfMsg( 'word-separator' );
 91+ for( $i = 1; $i < ( $maxissues / $limit ) + 1; $i++ ) {
 92+ if( $i != $page + 1 ) {
 93+ $output .= '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'lp' => $i, 'forum' => $forumId ) ) . '">';
 94+ } else {
 95+ $output .= '[';
 96+ }
 98+ if( $i <= 9 ) {
 99+ $output .= '0' . $i;
 100+ } else {
 101+ $output .= $i;
 102+ }
 104+ if( $i != $page + 1 ) {
 105+ $output .= '</a>';
 106+ } else {
 107+ $output .= ']';
 108+ }
 110+ $output .= wfMsg( 'word-separator' );
 111+ }
 112+ $output .= '</td><td class="mw-wikiforum-rightside">';
 113+ $output .= '</td></tr></table>';
 114+ }
 115+ return $output;
 116+ }
 118+ public static function getMainHeader( $title1, $title2, $title3, $title4, $title5 ) {
 119+ return self::getFrameHeader() . '<table class="mw-wikiforum-title">' .
 120+ self::getMainHeaderRow(
 121+ $title1, $title2, $title3,
 122+ $title4, $title5
 123+ );
 124+ }
 126+ public static function getMainPageHeader( $title1, $title2, $title3, $title4 ) {
 127+ return '<table class="mw-wikiforum-mainpage" cellspacing="0">' .
 128+ self::getMainHeaderRow(
 129+ $title1, $title2,
 130+ $title3, $title4, false
 131+ );
 132+ }
 134+ public static function getMainHeaderRow( $title1, $title2, $title3, $title4, $title5 ) {
 135+ $output = '<tr class="mw-wikiforum-title">
 136+ <th class="mw-wikiforum-title">' . $title1 . '</th>';
 137+ if( $title5 ) {
 138+ $output .= '<th class="mw-wikiforum-admin"><p class="mw-wikiforum-valuetitle">' .
 139+ $title5 . '</p></th>';
 140+ }
 141+ $output .= '
 142+ <th class="mw-wikiforum-value"><p class="mw-wikiforum-valuetitle">' . $title2 . '</p></th>
 143+ <th class="mw-wikiforum-value"><p class="mw-wikiforum-valuetitle">' . $title3 . '</p></th>
 144+ <th class="mw-wikiforum-lastpost"><p class="mw-wikiforum-valuetitle">' . $title4 . '</p></th></tr>';
 145+ return $output;
 146+ }
 148+ public static function getMainBody( $col_value1, $col_value2, $col_value3, $col_value4, $col_title5, $marked ) {
 149+ $output = '<tr class="mw-wikiforum-';
 150+ if( $marked ) {
 151+ $output .= $marked;
 152+ } else {
 153+ $output .= 'normal';
 154+ }
 155+ $output .= '"><td class="mw-wikiforum-title">' . $col_value1 . '</td>';
 156+ if( $col_title5 ) {
 157+ $output .= '<td class="mw-wikiforum-admin">' . $col_title5 . '</td>';
 158+ }
 159+ $output .= '
 160+ <td class="mw-wikiforum-value">' . $col_value2 . '</td>
 161+ <td class="mw-wikiforum-value">' . $col_value3 . '</td>
 162+ <td class="mw-wikiforum-value">' . $col_value4 . '</td></tr>';
 163+ return $output;
 164+ }
 166+ public static function getMainFooter() {
 167+ return '</table>' . self::getFrameFooter();
 168+ }
 170+ public static function getMainPageFooter() {
 171+ return '</table>';
 172+ }
 174+ /**
 175+ * Get the thread header. This is used only for the starting post.
 176+ *
 177+ * @param $title
 178+ * @param $text String: thread text
 179+ * @param $posted
 180+ * @param $buttons
 181+ * @param $id Integer: internal post ID number
 182+ * @param $userId Integer: if supplied, and if wAvatar class (social tools)
 183+ * exists, this will be used to get the poster's
 184+ * avatar image
 185+ */
 186+ public static function getThreadHeader( $title, $text, $posted, $buttons, $id, $userId ) {
 187+ $avatar = '';
 188+ if ( $userId && class_exists( 'wAvatar' ) ) {
 189+ $avatarObj = new wAvatar( $userId, 'l' );
 190+ $avatar = '<div class="wikiforum-avatar-image">';
 191+ $avatar .= $avatarObj->getAvatarURL();
 192+ $avatar .= '</div>';
 193+ }
 194+ return self::getFrameHeader() . '
 195+ <table style="width:100%">
 196+ <tr>
 197+ <th class="mw-wikiforum-thread-top" style="text-align: right;">[#' . $id . ']</th>
 198+ </tr>
 199+ <tr>
 200+ <td class="mw-wikiforum-thread-main" colspan="2">' . $avatar .
 201+ $text . self::getBottomLine( $posted, $buttons ) . '
 202+ </td>
 203+ </tr>';
 204+ }
 206+ public static function getReplyHeader( $title ) {
 207+ return self::getFrameHeader() . '
 208+ <table style="width:100%">
 209+ <tr>
 210+ <th class="mw-wikiforum-thread-top" colspan="2">' .
 211+ $title .
 212+ '</th>
 213+ </tr>';
 214+ }
 216+ public static function getThreadFooter() {
 217+ return '</table>' . self::getFrameFooter();
 218+ }
 220+ public static function getReply( $reply, $posted, $buttons, $id, $userId ) {
 221+ $avatar = '';
 222+ if ( $userId && class_exists( 'wAvatar' ) ) {
 223+ $avatarObj = new wAvatar( $userId, 'l' );
 224+ $avatar = '<div class="wikiforum-avatar-image">';
 225+ $avatar .= $avatarObj->getAvatarURL();
 226+ $avatar .= '</div>';
 227+ }
 228+ return '<tr><td class="mw-wikiforum-thread-sub" colspan="2" id="reply_' . intval( $id ) . '">' . $avatar .
 229+ $reply . self::getBottomLine( $posted, $buttons ) . '</td></tr>';
 230+ }
 232+ public static function getBottomLine( $posted, $buttons ) {
 233+ global $wgUser;
 235+ $output = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="mw-wikiforum-posted">' .
 236+ '<tr><td class="mw-wikiforum-leftside">' . $posted . '</td>';
 238+ if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 239+ $output .= '<td class="mw-wikiforum-rightside">' . $buttons . '</td>';
 240+ }
 242+ $output .= '</tr></table>';
 244+ return $output;
 245+ }
 247+ public static function getSingleLine( $message, $cols ) {
 248+ return '<tr class="sub"><td class="mw-wikiforum-title" colspan="' . intval( $cols ) . '">' .
 249+ $message . '</td></tr>';
 250+ }
 252+ public static function getWriteForm( $type, $action, $input, $height, $text_prev, $saveButton ) {
 253+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgScriptPath, $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous;
 255+ $output = '';
 257+ if( $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous || $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 258+ // Required for the edit buttons to display
 259+ $wgOut->addScriptFile( 'edit.js' );
 260+ $toolbar = EditPage::getEditToolbar();
 261+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 263+ $output = '<form name="frmMain" method="post" action="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( $action ) . '" id="writereply">
 264+ <table class="mw-wikiforum-frame" cellspacing="10">' . $input . '
 265+ <tr>
 266+ <td>' . $toolbar . '</td>
 267+ </tr>
 268+ <tr>
 269+ <td><textarea name="frmText" style="height: ' . $height . ';">' . $text_prev . '</textarea></td>
 270+ </tr>
 271+ <tr>
 272+ <td>
 273+ <input name="butSave" type="submit" value="' . $saveButton . '" accesskey="s" title="' . $saveButton . ' [s]" />
 274+ <input name="butPreview" type="submit" value="' . wfMsg( 'preview' ) . '" accesskey="p" title="' . wfMsg( 'preview' ) . ' [p]" />';
 275+ if( $type == 'addthread' ) {
 276+ $output .= ' <input name="butCancel" type="button" value="' . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . '" accesskey="c" onclick="javascript:history.back();" title="' . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . ' [c]" />';
 277+ }
 278+ $output .= '</td>
 279+ </td>
 280+ </tr>
 281+ </table>
 282+ </form>' . "\n";
 283+ }
 284+ return $output;
 285+ }
 287+ /**
 288+ * Get the form for adding/editing categories and forums.
 289+ *
 290+ * @param $type
 291+ * @param $categoryName
 292+ * @param $action Array: URL parameters (like array( 'foo' => 'bar' ) or so)
 293+ * @param $title_prev
 294+ * @param $text_prev
 295+ * @param $saveButton
 296+ */
 297+ public static function getFormCatForum( $type, $categoryName, $action, $title_prev, $text_prev, $saveButton, $overviewObj ) {
 298+ global $wgUser;
 300+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 301+ $title_prev = str_replace( '"', '&quot;', $title_prev );
 302+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 303+ $output = '
 304+ <form name="frmMain" method="post" action="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( $action ) . '" id="form">
 305+ <table class="mw-wikiforum-frame" cellspacing="10">
 306+ <tr>
 307+ <th class="mw-wikiforum-title">' . $categoryName . '</th>
 308+ </tr>
 309+ <tr>
 310+ <td>
 311+ <p>' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-name' ) . '</p>
 312+ <input type="text" name="frmTitle" style="width: 100%" value="' . $title_prev . '" />
 313+ </td>
 314+ </tr>';
 315+ if( $type == 'addforum' || $type == 'editforum' ) {
 316+ $check = '';
 317+ if ( is_object( $overviewObj ) && $overviewObj->wff_announcement == true ) {
 318+ $check = 'checked="checked"';
 319+ }
 320+ $output .= '<tr>
 321+ <td>
 322+ <p>' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-description' ) . '</p>
 323+ <textarea name="frmText" style="height: 40px;">' . $text_prev . '</textarea>
 324+ </td>
 325+ </tr>
 326+ <tr>
 327+ <td>
 328+ <p><input type="checkbox" name="chkAnnouncement"' . $check . '/> ' .
 329+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-announcement-only-description' ) .
 330+ '</p>
 331+ </td>
 332+ </tr>';
 333+ }
 334+ $output .= '
 335+ <tr>
 336+ <td>
 337+ <input name="butSubmit" type="submit" value="' . $saveButton . '" accesskey="s" title="' . $saveButton . ' [s]" />
 338+ <input name="butCancel" type="button" value="' . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . '" accesskey="c" onclick="javascript:history.back();" title="' . wfMsg( 'cancel' ) . ' [c]" />
 339+ </td>
 340+ </tr>
 341+ </table>
 342+ </form>
 343+ ';
 344+ return $output;
 345+ } else {
 346+ return '';
 347+ }
 348+ }
 350+ public static function getInput( $title_prev ) {
 351+ $title_prev = str_replace( '"', '&quot;', $title_prev );
 352+ return '<tr><td><input type="text" name="frmTitle" style="width:100%" value="' . $title_prev . '" /></td></tr>';
 353+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForumGui.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1356 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForumClass.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2514 @@
 4+ * Main class for WikiForum extension, contains all the logic to manage forums,
 5+ * categories, individual topics, etc.
 6+ *
 7+ * @file
 8+ * @ingroup Extensions
 9+ */
 10+class WikiForumClass {
 11+ private $result = true; // boolean; if true, everything went well
 13+ private $errorTitle = ''; // error page title
 14+ private $errorIcon = ''; // error icon name
 15+ private $errorMessage = ''; // error message
 17+ /**
 18+ * Find a thread's ID number when you know the title.
 19+ *
 20+ * @param $titleText String: thread title
 21+ * @return Integer: thread ID number
 22+ */
 23+ public static function findThreadIDByTitle( $titleText ) {
 24+ // Titles are stored with spaces in the DB but the query will otherwise
 25+ // use friggin' underscores...
 26+ $titleText = str_replace( '_', ' ', $titleText );
 28+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 29+ $res = $dbr->selectRow(
 30+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 31+ 'wft_thread',
 32+ // Database::makeList calls Database::addQuotes so that we don't
 33+ // need to do it here yet this still is safe
 34+ array( 'wft_thread_name' => $titleText ),
 35+ __METHOD__
 36+ );
 38+ if ( $res ) {
 39+ $threadId = $res->wft_thread;
 40+ } else {
 41+ // Something went wrong...
 42+ $threadId = 0;
 43+ }
 44+ return $threadId;
 45+ }
 47+ /**
 48+ * Deletes the reply with ID = $replyId.
 49+ *
 50+ * @param $replyId Integer: ID number of the reply to delete
 51+ * @return Boolean: was reply deletion successful or not?
 52+ */
 53+ function deleteReply( $replyId ) {
 54+ global $wgUser;
 56+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 58+ $reply = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 59+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 60+ array( 'wfr_reply_id', 'wfr_user' ),
 61+ array( 'wfr_deleted' => 0, 'wfr_reply_id' => intval( $replyId ) ),
 62+ __METHOD__
 63+ ));
 65+ if(
 66+ $reply->wfr_reply_id > 0 && $wgUser->getId() > 0 &&
 67+ (
 68+ $wgUser->getId() == $reply->wfr_user ||
 69+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' )
 70+ ) &&
 71+ !wfReadOnly()
 72+ )
 73+ {
 74+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 75+ $result = $dbw->update(
 76+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 77+ array(
 78+ 'wfr_deleted' => wfTimestampNow(),
 79+ 'wfr_deleted_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 80+ ),
 81+ array(
 82+ 'wfr_reply_id' => $reply->wfr_reply_id
 83+ ),
 84+ __METHOD__
 85+ );
 86+ } else {
 87+ $result = false;
 88+ }
 90+ if( $result == false ) {
 91+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-delete' );
 92+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 93+ }
 94+ return $result;
 95+ }
 97+ /**
 98+ * Deletes the thread with ID = $threadId.
 99+ *
 100+ * @param $threadId Integer: ID number of the thread to delete
 101+ * @return Boolean: was thread deletion successful or not?
 102+ */
 103+ function deleteThread( $threadId ) {
 104+ global $wgUser;
 106+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 108+ $thread = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 109+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 110+ array( 'wft_thread', 'wft_user' ),
 111+ array( 'wft_deleted' => 0, 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId ) ),
 112+ __METHOD__
 113+ ));
 115+ if(
 116+ $thread->wft_thread > 0 && $wgUser->getId() > 0 &&
 117+ ( $wgUser->getId() == $thread->wft_user || $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) ) &&
 118+ !wfReadOnly()
 119+ )
 120+ {
 121+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 122+ $result = $dbw->update(
 123+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 124+ array(
 125+ 'wft_deleted' => wfTimestampNow(),
 126+ 'wft_deleted_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 127+ ),
 128+ array(
 129+ 'wft_thread' => $thread->wft_thread
 130+ ),
 131+ __METHOD__
 132+ );
 133+ } else {
 134+ $result = false;
 135+ }
 137+ if( $result == false ) {
 138+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-delete' );
 139+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 140+ }
 141+ return $result;
 142+ }
 144+ /**
 145+ * Deletes the category with ID = $categoryId.
 146+ *
 147+ * @param $categoryId Integer: ID number of the category to delete
 148+ * @return Boolean: was category deletion successful or not?
 149+ */
 150+ function deleteCategory( $categoryId ) {
 151+ global $wgUser;
 153+ if(
 154+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) &&
 155+ !wfReadOnly()
 156+ )
 157+ {
 158+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 159+ $result = $dbw->update(
 160+ 'wikiforum_category',
 161+ array(
 162+ 'wfc_deleted' => wfTimestampNow(),
 163+ 'wfc_deleted_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 164+ ),
 165+ array(
 166+ 'wfc_category' => intval( $categoryId )
 167+ ),
 168+ __METHOD__
 169+ );
 170+ } else {
 171+ $result = false;
 172+ }
 174+ if( $result == false ) {
 175+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-delete' );
 176+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 177+ }
 178+ return $result;
 179+ }
 181+ /**
 182+ * Deletes the forum with ID = $forumId.
 183+ *
 184+ * @param $forumId Integer: ID number of the forum to delete
 185+ * @return Boolean: was forum deletion successful or not?
 186+ */
 187+ function deleteForum( $forumId ) {
 188+ global $wgUser;
 190+ if(
 191+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) &&
 192+ !wfReadOnly()
 193+ )
 194+ {
 195+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 196+ $result = $dbw->update(
 197+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 198+ array(
 199+ 'wff_deleted' => wfTimestampNow(),
 200+ 'wff_deleted_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 201+ ),
 202+ array(
 203+ 'wff_forum' => intval( $forumId )
 204+ ),
 205+ __METHOD__
 206+ );
 207+ } else {
 208+ $result = false;
 209+ }
 211+ if( $result == false ) {
 212+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-delete' );
 213+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 214+ }
 215+ return $result;
 216+ }
 218+ /**
 219+ * Reopens the thread with ID = $threadId.
 220+ *
 221+ * @param $threadId Integer: ID number of the thread to reopen
 222+ * @return Boolean: was thread reopening successful or not?
 223+ */
 224+ function reopenThread( $threadId ) {
 225+ global $wgUser;
 227+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 229+ $thread = $dbr->selectRow(
 230+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 231+ 'wft_thread',
 232+ array(
 233+ 'wft_closed > 0',
 234+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 235+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId )
 236+ ),
 237+ __METHOD__
 238+ );
 240+ if(
 241+ $thread->wft_thread > 0 &&
 242+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) &&
 243+ !wfReadOnly()
 244+ )
 245+ {
 246+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 247+ $result = $dbw->update(
 248+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 249+ array(
 250+ 'wft_closed' => 0,
 251+ 'wft_closed_user' => 0
 252+ ),
 253+ array( 'wft_thread' => $thread->wft_thread ),
 254+ __METHOD__
 255+ );
 256+ } else {
 257+ $result = false;
 258+ }
 260+ if( $result == false ) {
 261+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-thread-reopen' );
 262+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 263+ }
 264+ return $result;
 265+ }
 267+ /**
 268+ * Closes the thread with ID = $threadId.
 269+ *
 270+ * @param $threadId Integer: ID number of the thread to close
 271+ * @return Boolean: was thread closed successfully or not?
 272+ */
 273+ function closeThread( $threadId ) {
 274+ global $wgUser;
 276+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 278+ $thread = $dbr->selectRow(
 279+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 280+ 'wft_thread',
 281+ array(
 282+ 'wft_closed' => 0,
 283+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 284+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId )
 285+ ),
 286+ __METHOD__
 287+ );
 289+ if(
 290+ $thread->wft_thread > 0 &&
 291+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) &&
 292+ !wfReadOnly()
 293+ )
 294+ {
 295+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 296+ $result = $dbw->update(
 297+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 298+ array(
 299+ 'wft_closed' => wfTimestampNow(),
 300+ 'wft_closed_user' => $wgUser->getId()
 301+ ),
 302+ array( 'wft_thread' => intval( $thread->wft_thread ) ),
 303+ __METHOD__
 304+ );
 305+ } else {
 306+ $result = false;
 307+ }
 309+ if( $result == false ) {
 310+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-thread-close' );
 311+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 312+ }
 313+ return $result;
 314+ }
 316+ /**
 317+ * Makes the thread with ID = $threadId sticky.
 318+ *
 319+ * @param $threadId Integer: ID number of the thread to mark as sticky
 320+ * @param $value
 321+ * @return Boolean: was thread deletion successful or not?
 322+ */
 323+ function makeSticky( $threadId, $value ) {
 324+ global $wgUser;
 326+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 328+ $thread = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 329+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 330+ 'wft_thread',
 331+ array( 'wft_deleted' => 0, 'wft_thread' => $threadId ),
 332+ __METHOD__
 333+ ));
 335+ if(
 336+ $thread->wft_thread > 0 &&
 337+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) &&
 338+ !wfReadOnly()
 339+ )
 340+ {
 341+ if( $value == false ) {
 342+ $value = 0;
 343+ }
 344+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 345+ $result = $dbw->update(
 346+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 347+ array( 'wft_sticky' => $value ),
 348+ array( 'wft_thread' => $thread->wft_thread ),
 349+ __METHOD__
 350+ );
 351+ } else {
 352+ $result = false;
 353+ }
 355+ if( $result == false ) {
 356+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-sticky' );
 357+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 358+ }
 359+ return $result;
 360+ }
 362+ function pasteThread( $threadId, $forumId ) {
 363+ global $wgUser;
 365+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 367+ $thread = $dbr->select(
 368+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 369+ 'wft_thread',
 370+ array( 'wft_deleted' => 0, 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId ) ),
 371+ __METHOD__
 372+ );
 373+ $forum = $dbr->select(
 374+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 375+ 'wff_forum',
 376+ array( 'wff_deleted' => 0, 'wff_forum' => intval( $forumId ) ),
 377+ __METHOD__
 378+ );
 380+ if( $thread->wft_thread > 0 && $forum->wff_forum > 0 && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) ) {
 381+ if( $thread->wft_forum != $forum->wff_forum ) {
 382+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 383+ $result = $dbw->update(
 384+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 385+ array( 'wft_forum' => $forum->wff_forum ),
 386+ array( 'wft_thread' => $thread->wft_thread ),
 387+ __METHOD__
 388+ );
 389+ } else {
 390+ $result = true;
 391+ }
 392+ } else {
 393+ $result = false;
 394+ }
 396+ if( $result == false ) {
 397+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-move-thread' );
 398+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 399+ }
 400+ return $result;
 401+ }
 403+ function editThread( $threadId, $title, $text ) {
 404+ global $wgUser;
 406+ if(
 407+ $text && $title && strlen( $text ) > 1 &&
 408+ strlen( $title ) > 1
 409+ )
 410+ {
 411+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 413+ $thread = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 414+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 415+ array( 'wft_thread', 'wft_thread_name', 'wft_text', 'wft_user' ),
 416+ array( 'wft_deleted' => 0, 'wft_thread' => $threadId ),
 417+ __METHOD__
 418+ ));
 420+ if( $thread->wft_thread > 0 ) {
 421+ if(
 422+ $thread->wft_thread_name != $title ||
 423+ $thread->wft_text != $text
 424+ )
 425+ {
 426+ if(
 427+ $wgUser->getId() > 0 &&
 428+ (
 429+ $wgUser->getId() == $thread->wft_user ||
 430+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' )
 431+ ) &&
 432+ !wfReadOnly()
 433+ )
 434+ {
 435+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 436+ $result = $dbw->update(
 437+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 438+ array(
 439+ 'wft_thread_name' => $title,
 440+ 'wft_text' => $text,
 441+ 'wft_edit_timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
 442+ 'wft_edit_user' => $wgUser->getId()
 443+ ),
 444+ array( 'wft_thread' => $thread->wft_thread ),
 445+ __METHOD__
 446+ );
 447+ } else {
 448+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 449+ $result = false;
 450+ }
 451+ } else {
 452+ $result = true; // no changes
 453+ }
 454+ } else {
 455+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-not-found' );
 456+ $result = false;
 457+ }
 459+ if( $result == false ) {
 460+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-edit' );
 461+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 462+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 463+ }
 464+ }
 465+ } else {
 466+ if(
 467+ !$text && !$title ||
 468+ strlen( $text ) == 0 && strlen( $title ) == 0
 469+ )
 470+ {
 471+ $result = false;
 472+ } else {
 473+ $this->result = false;
 474+ $result = false;
 475+ }
 476+ }
 477+ return $result;
 478+ }
 480+ function addThread( $forumId, $title, $text ) {
 481+ global $wgUser, $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous;
 483+ if( $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous || $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 484+ if(
 485+ $forumId > 0 && strlen( $text ) > 1 &&
 486+ // @todo FIXME/CHECKME: use wfMsgForContent()?
 487+ strlen( $title ) > 1 && $title != wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-title' )
 488+ )
 489+ {
 490+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 492+ $overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 493+ array( 'wikiforum_forums', 'wikiforum_category' ),
 494+ array( 'wff_forum', 'wff_announcement' ),
 495+ array(
 496+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 497+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 498+ 'wfc_category = wff_category',
 499+ 'wff_forum' => intval( $forumId )
 500+ ),
 501+ __METHOD__
 502+ ));
 504+ if( $overview->wff_forum > 0 && !wfReadOnly() ) {
 505+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 506+ $timestamp = wfTimestampNow();
 507+ if( $overview->wff_announcement == false || $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) ) {
 508+ $doublepost = $dbr->selectRow(
 509+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 510+ 'wft_thread AS id',
 511+ array(
 512+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 513+ 'wft_thread_name' => $title,
 514+ 'wft_text' => $text,
 515+ 'wft_user' => intval( $wgUser->getId() ),
 516+ 'wft_forum' => $forumId,
 517+ 'wft_posted_timestamp > ' . ( $timestamp - ( 24 * 3600 ) )
 518+ ),
 519+ __METHOD__
 520+ );
 522+ if( $doublepost === false ) {
 523+ $result = $dbw->insert(
 524+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 525+ array(
 526+ 'wft_thread_name' => $title,
 527+ 'wft_text' => $text,
 528+ 'wft_posted_timestamp' => $timestamp,
 529+ 'wft_user' => intval( $wgUser->getId() ),
 530+ 'wft_forum' => $forumId,
 531+ 'wft_last_post_timestamp' => $timestamp
 532+ ),
 533+ __METHOD__
 534+ );
 535+ if( $result == true ) {
 536+ $dbw->update(
 537+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 538+ array(
 539+ 'wff_thread_count = wff_thread_count + 1',
 540+ 'wff_last_post_timestamp' => $timestamp,
 541+ 'wff_last_post_user' => $wgUser->getId()
 542+ ),
 543+ array( 'wff_forum' => $forumId ),
 544+ __METHOD__
 545+ );
 546+ $this->result = true;
 547+ } else {
 548+ $this->result = false;
 549+ }
 550+ } else {
 551+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-double-post' );
 552+ $this->result = false;
 553+ }
 554+ } else {
 555+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 556+ $this->result = false;
 557+ }
 558+ } else {
 559+ $this->result = false;
 560+ }
 561+ } else {
 562+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-text-or-title' );
 563+ $this->result = false;
 564+ }
 565+ } else {
 566+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 567+ $this->result = false;
 568+ }
 570+ if( $this->result == false ) {
 571+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-add' );
 572+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 573+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 574+ }
 575+ }
 576+ return $this->result;
 577+ }
 579+ /**
 580+ * Edit the reply with ID = $replyId.
 581+ *
 582+ * @param $replyId Integer: internal ID number of the reply
 583+ * @param $text String: new reply text
 584+ * @return Boolean: did everything go well (true) or not (false)?
 585+ */
 586+ function editReply( $replyId, $text ) {
 587+ global $wgUser, $wgRequest;
 589+ if( $text && strlen( $text ) > 1 ) {
 590+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 592+ $reply = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 593+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 594+ array( 'wfr_thread', 'wfr_reply_id', 'wfr_reply_text', 'wfr_user' ),
 595+ array( 'wfr_reply_id' => intval( $replyId ) ),
 596+ __METHOD__
 597+ ));
 598+ $thread = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 599+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 600+ array( 'wft_thread', 'wft_closed' ),
 601+ array( 'wft_deleted' => 0, 'wft_thread' => $reply->wfr_thread ),
 602+ __METHOD__
 603+ ));
 605+ if( $reply->wfr_reply_id > 0 && $thread->wft_thread > 0 ) {
 606+ if( $reply->wfr_reply_text != $text ) {
 607+ if(
 608+ $wgUser->getId() > 0 &&
 609+ ( ( $wgUser->getId() == $reply->wfr_user &&
 610+ $thread->wft_closed == 0 ) ||
 611+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' )
 612+ ) && !wfReadOnly()
 613+ )
 614+ {
 615+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 616+ $result = $dbw->update(
 617+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 618+ array(
 619+ 'wfr_reply_text' => $text,
 620+ 'wfr_edit_timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
 621+ 'wfr_edit_user' => $wgUser->getId()
 622+ ),
 623+ array( 'wfr_reply_id' => $reply->wfr_reply_id ),
 624+ __METHOD__
 625+ );
 626+ } else {
 627+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 628+ $result = false;
 629+ }
 630+ } else {
 631+ $result = true;
 632+ }
 633+ } else {
 634+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-not-found' );
 635+ $result = false;
 636+ }
 637+ } else {
 638+ $form = $wgRequest->getBool( 'form' );
 639+ if( isset( $form ) && $form == true ) {
 640+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-reply' );
 641+ $result = false;
 642+ } else {
 643+ $result = true;
 644+ }
 645+ }
 647+ if( $result == false ) {
 648+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-edit' );
 649+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 650+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 651+ }
 652+ }
 653+ return $result;
 654+ }
 656+ /**
 657+ * Add a reply with the text $text to the thread with ID = $threadId.
 658+ *
 659+ * @param $threadId Integer: internal ID number of the thread to reply to
 660+ * @param $text String: reply text
 661+ */
 662+ function addReply( $threadId, $text ) {
 663+ global $wgUser, $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous;
 665+ $timestamp = wfTimestampNow();
 667+ if( $wgWikiForumAllowAnonymous || $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
 668+ if( $threadId > 0 ) {
 669+ if( strlen( $text ) > 1 ) {
 670+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 672+ $thread = $dbr->selectRow(
 673+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 674+ 'wft_thread',
 675+ array(
 676+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 677+ 'wft_closed' => 0,
 678+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId )
 679+ ),
 680+ __METHOD__
 681+ );
 683+ if( $thread->wft_thread > 0 && !wfReadOnly() ) {
 684+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 685+ $doublepost = $dbr->selectRow(
 686+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 687+ 'wfr_reply_id AS id',
 688+ array(
 689+ 'wfr_deleted' => 0,
 690+ 'wfr_reply_text' => $text,
 691+ 'wfr_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 692+ 'wfr_thread' => $thread->wft_thread,
 693+ 'wfr_posted_timestamp > ' . ( $timestamp - ( 24 * 3600 ) )
 694+ ),
 695+ __METHOD__
 696+ );
 698+ if( $doublepost === false ) {
 699+ $result = $dbw->insert(
 700+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 701+ array(
 702+ 'wfr_reply_text' => $text,
 703+ 'wfr_posted_timestamp' => $timestamp,
 704+ 'wfr_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 705+ 'wfr_thread' => $thread->wft_thread
 706+ ),
 707+ __METHOD__
 708+ );
 710+ if( $result == true ) {
 711+ $dbw->update(
 712+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 713+ array(
 714+ 'wft_reply_count = wft_reply_count + 1',
 715+ 'wft_last_post_timestamp' => $timestamp,
 716+ 'wft_last_post_user' => $wgUser->getId()
 717+ ),
 718+ array( 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId ) ),
 719+ __METHOD__
 720+ );
 722+ $pkForum = $dbr->selectRow(
 723+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 724+ 'wft_forum',
 725+ array( 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId ) ),
 726+ __METHOD__
 727+ );
 728+ $dbw->update(
 729+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 730+ array( 'wff_reply_count = wff_reply_count + 1' ),
 731+ array( 'wff_forum' => intval( $pkForum->wft_forum ) ),
 732+ __METHOD__
 733+ );
 735+ $this->result = true;
 736+ } else {
 737+ $this->result = false;
 738+ }
 739+ } else {
 740+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-double-post' );
 741+ $this->result = false;
 742+ }
 743+ } else {
 744+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-thread-closed' );
 745+ $this->result = false;
 746+ }
 747+ } else {
 748+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-reply' );
 749+ $this->result = false;
 750+ }
 751+ } else {
 752+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-not-found' );
 753+ $this->result = false;
 754+ }
 755+ } else {
 756+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 757+ $this->result = false;
 758+ }
 760+ if( $this->result == false ) {
 761+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-add' );
 762+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 763+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 764+ }
 765+ }
 766+ return $this->result;
 767+ }
 769+ function addCategory( $categoryName ) {
 770+ global $wgUser;
 772+ if(
 773+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) &&
 774+ !wfReadOnly()
 775+ )
 776+ {
 777+ if( strlen( $categoryName ) > 0 ) {
 778+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 779+ $sortkey = $dbr->selectRow(
 780+ 'wikiforum_category',
 781+ 'MAX(wfc_sortkey) AS the_key',
 782+ array( 'wfc_deleted' => 0 ),
 783+ __METHOD__
 784+ );
 786+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 787+ $this->result = $dbw->insert(
 788+ 'wikiforum_category',
 789+ array(
 790+ 'wfc_category_name' => $categoryName,
 791+ 'wfc_sortkey' => ( $sortkey->the_key + 1 ),
 792+ 'wfc_added_timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
 793+ 'wfc_added_user' => $wgUser->getId()
 794+ ),
 795+ __METHOD__
 796+ );
 797+ } else {
 798+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-no-text-or-title' );
 799+ $this->result = false;
 800+ }
 801+ } else {
 802+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 803+ $this->result = false;
 804+ }
 806+ if( $this->result == false ) {
 807+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-add' );
 808+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 809+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 810+ }
 811+ }
 812+ return $this->result;
 813+ }
 815+ function editCategory( $id, $categoryName ) {
 816+ global $wgUser;
 818+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 819+ if( strlen( $categoryName ) > 0 ) {
 820+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 822+ $category = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 823+ 'wikiforum_category',
 824+ array( 'wfc_category', 'wfc_category_name' ),
 825+ array( 'wfc_deleted' => 0, 'wfc_category' => intval( $id ) ),
 826+ __METHOD__
 827+ ));
 829+ if(
 830+ $category->wfc_category > 0 &&
 831+ $category->wfc_category_name != $categoryName &&
 832+ !wfReadOnly()
 833+ )
 834+ {
 835+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 836+ $this->result = $dbw->update(
 837+ 'wikiforum_category',
 838+ array(
 839+ 'wfc_category_name' => $categoryName,
 840+ 'wfc_edited' => wfTimestampNow(),
 841+ 'wfc_edited_user' => $wgUser->getId()
 842+ ),
 843+ array( 'wfc_category' => intval( $category->wfc_category ) ),
 844+ __METHOD__
 845+ );
 846+ }
 847+ } else {
 848+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-no-text-or-title' );
 849+ $this->result = false;
 850+ }
 851+ } else {
 852+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 853+ $this->result = false;
 854+ }
 856+ if( $this->result == false ) {
 857+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-edit' );
 858+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 859+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 860+ }
 861+ }
 862+ return $this->result;
 863+ }
 865+ function addForum( $categoryId, $forumName, $description, $announcement ) {
 866+ global $wgUser;
 868+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 869+ if( strlen( $forumName ) > 0 ) {
 870+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 872+ $sortkey = $dbr->selectRow(
 873+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 874+ 'MAX(wff_sortkey) AS the_key',
 875+ array(
 876+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 877+ 'wff_category' => intval( $categoryId )
 878+ ),
 879+ __METHOD__
 880+ );
 882+ $category = $dbr->selectRow(
 883+ 'wikiforum_category',
 884+ 'wfc_category',
 885+ array(
 886+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 887+ 'wfc_category' => intval( $categoryId )
 888+ ),
 889+ __METHOD__
 890+ );
 892+ if( $category->wfc_category > 0 && !wfReadOnly() ) {
 893+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 894+ $this->result = $dbw->insert(
 895+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 896+ array(
 897+ 'wff_forum_name' => $forumName,
 898+ 'wff_description' => $description,
 899+ 'wff_category' => $category->wfc_category,
 900+ 'wff_sortkey' => ( $sortkey->the_key + 1 ),
 901+ 'wff_added_timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
 902+ 'wff_added_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 903+ 'wff_announcement' => $announcement
 904+ ),
 905+ __METHOD__
 906+ );
 907+ } else {
 908+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-not-found' );
 909+ $this->result = false;
 910+ }
 911+ } else {
 912+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-no-text-or-title' );
 913+ $this->result = false;
 914+ }
 915+ } else {
 916+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 917+ $this->result = false;
 918+ }
 920+ if( $this->result == false ) {
 921+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-add' );
 922+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 923+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 924+ }
 925+ }
 926+ return $this->result;
 927+ }
 929+ /**
 930+ * Edit a forum.
 931+ *
 932+ * @param $id Integer: internal forum ID number
 933+ * @param $forumName String: forum name as supplied by the user
 934+ * @param $description String: forum description as supplied by the user
 935+ * @param $announcement
 936+ * @return Boolean: did everything go well (true) or not (false)?
 937+ */
 938+ function editForum( $id, $forumName, $description, $announcement ) {
 939+ global $wgUser;
 941+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 942+ if( strlen( $forumName ) > 0 ) {
 943+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 944+ $forum = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 945+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 946+ array(
 947+ 'wff_forum', 'wff_forum_name', 'wff_description',
 948+ 'wff_announcement'
 949+ ),
 950+ array( 'wff_deleted' => 0, 'wff_forum' => intval( $id ) ),
 951+ __METHOD__
 952+ ));
 954+ if(
 955+ $forum->wff_forum > 0 &&
 956+ (
 957+ $forum->wff_forum_name != $forumName ||
 958+ $forum->wff_description != $description ||
 959+ $forum->wff_announcement != $announcement
 960+ ) && !wfReadOnly()
 961+ )
 962+ {
 963+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 964+ $this->result = $dbw->update(
 965+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 966+ array(
 967+ 'wff_forum_name' => $forumName,
 968+ 'wff_description' => $description,
 969+ 'wff_edited_timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
 970+ 'wff_edited_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
 971+ 'wff_announcement' => $announcement
 972+ ),
 973+ array( 'wff_forum' => intval( $forum->wff_forum ) ),
 974+ __METHOD__
 975+ );
 976+ }
 977+ } else {
 978+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-no-text-or-title' );
 979+ $this->result = false;
 980+ }
 981+ } else {
 982+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-no-rights' );
 983+ $this->result = false;
 984+ }
 986+ if( $this->result == false ) {
 987+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-add' );
 988+ if( $this->errorMessage == '' ) {
 989+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-general' );
 990+ }
 991+ }
 992+ return $this->result;
 993+ }
 995+ function sortKeys( $id, $type, $direction_up ) {
 996+ global $wgUser;
 998+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 999+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1001+ if( $type == 'category' ) {
 1002+ // in the past, both tables had a SortKey column
 1003+ // nowadays the columns are prefixed with an abbreviation
 1004+ // of the table name, which is the standard MW convention
 1005+ // it also means that we need to figure out wtf the
 1006+ // abbreviation is later on in the code...this will make it
 1007+ // possible
 1008+ $columnPrefix = 'wfc_';
 1010+ $fieldname = 'wfc_category';
 1011+ $tablename = 'wikiforum_category';
 1012+ $sqlData = $dbr->select(
 1013+ $tablename,
 1014+ array( $fieldname, 'wfc_sortkey' ),
 1015+ array( 'wfc_deleted' => 0 ),
 1016+ __METHOD__,
 1017+ array( 'ORDER BY' => 'wfc_sortkey ASC' )
 1018+ );
 1019+ } else {
 1020+ $columnPrefix = 'wff_';
 1022+ $fieldname = 'wff_forum';
 1023+ $tablename = 'wikiforum_forums';
 1024+ $forum = $dbr->selectRow(
 1025+ $tablename,
 1026+ 'wff_category',
 1027+ array( 'wff_deleted' => 0, 'wff_forum' => intval( $id ) ),
 1028+ __METHOD__
 1029+ );
 1030+ $sqlData = $dbr->select(
 1031+ $tablename,
 1032+ array( $fieldname, 'wff_sortkey' ),
 1033+ array(
 1034+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 1035+ 'wff_category' => $forum->wff_category
 1036+ ),
 1037+ __METHOD__,
 1038+ array( 'ORDER BY' => 'wff_sortkey ASC' )
 1039+ );
 1040+ }
 1042+ $i = 0;
 1043+ $new_array = array();
 1044+ $name = $columnPrefix . 'sortkey';
 1045+ foreach ( $sqlData as $entry ) {
 1046+ $entry->$name = $i;
 1047+ array_push( $new_array, $entry );
 1048+ $i++;
 1049+ }
 1050+ for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $new_array ); $i++ ) {
 1051+ if( $new_array[$i]->$fieldname == $id ) {
 1052+ if( $direction_up == true && $i > 0 ) {
 1053+ $new_array[$i]->$name--;
 1054+ $new_array[$i - 1]->$name++;
 1055+ } elseif( $direction_up == false && $i + 1 < sizeof( $new_array ) ) {
 1056+ $new_array[$i]->$name++;
 1057+ $new_array[$i + 1]->$name--;
 1058+ }
 1059+ $i = sizeof( $new_array );
 1060+ }
 1061+ }
 1062+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 1063+ if ( !wfReadOnly() ) {
 1064+ foreach ( $new_array as $entry ) {
 1065+ $result = $dbw->update(
 1066+ $tablename,
 1067+ array( $columnPrefix . 'sortkey' => $entry->$name ),
 1068+ array( $fieldname => $entry->$fieldname ),
 1069+ __METHOD__
 1070+ );
 1071+ }
 1072+ }
 1073+ }
 1074+ }
 1076+ /**
 1077+ * Show an overview of all available categories and their forums.
 1078+ * Used in the special page class.
 1079+ *
 1080+ * @return HTML
 1081+ */
 1082+ function showOverview() {
 1083+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgScriptPath;
 1085+ $output = $this->showFailure();
 1087+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1088+ $sqlCategories = $dbr->select(
 1089+ 'wikiforum_category',
 1090+ '*',
 1091+ array( 'wfc_deleted' => 0 ),
 1092+ __METHOD__,
 1093+ array( 'ORDER BY' => 'wfc_sortkey ASC, wfc_category ASC' )
 1094+ );
 1096+ // If there is nothing (i.e. this is a brand new installation),
 1097+ // display a message instead of an empty page to the users trying
 1098+ // to access Special:WikiForum
 1099+ // Otherwise give 'em a search box to search the forum because
 1100+ // Special:Search doesn't work for WikiForum
 1101+ if ( !$dbr->numRows( $sqlCategories ) ) {
 1102+ $output .= wfMsgExt( 'wikiforum-forum-is-empty', 'parse' );
 1103+ } else {
 1104+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getSearchbox();
 1105+ }
 1107+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 1109+ foreach ( $sqlCategories as $cat ) {
 1110+ $sqlForums = $dbr->select(
 1111+ array( 'wikiforum_forums', 'user' ),
 1112+ array( '*', 'user_name' ),
 1113+ array( 'wff_deleted' => 0,' wff_category' => $cat->wfc_category ),
 1114+ __METHOD__,
 1115+ array( 'ORDER BY' => 'wff_sortkey ASC, wff_forum ASC' ),
 1116+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wff_last_post_user' ) )
 1117+ );
 1119+ $menuLink = '';
 1120+ $categoryLink = '';
 1122+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 1123+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-forum' ) . '" /> ';
 1124+ $menuLink = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'addforum' => $cat->wfc_category ) ) . '">' .
 1125+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-forum' ) . '</a>';
 1127+ $categoryLink = $this->showAdminIcons(
 1128+ 'category', $cat->wfc_category, true, true
 1129+ );
 1130+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow( 0, '', 0, '', $menuLink );
 1131+ }
 1132+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainHeader(
 1133+ $cat->wfc_category_name,
 1134+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-threads' ),
 1135+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-replies' ),
 1136+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-latest-thread' ),
 1137+ $categoryLink
 1138+ );
 1140+ foreach ( $sqlForums as $forum ) {
 1141+ $forum_link = $this->showAdminIcons(
 1142+ 'forum', $forum->wff_forum, true, true
 1143+ );
 1144+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder.png" title="' .
 1145+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-forum-name', $forum->wff_forum_name ) . '" /> ';
 1147+ $last_post = '';
 1148+ if( $forum->wff_last_post_timestamp > 0 ) {
 1149+ $last_post = wfMsg(
 1150+ 'wikiforum-by',
 1151+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $forum->wff_last_post_timestamp ),
 1152+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $forum->user_name )
 1153+ );
 1154+ }
 1156+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainBody(
 1157+ '<p class="mw-wikiforum-issue">' . $icon .
 1158+ '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'forum' => $forum->wff_forum ) ) . '">' .
 1159+ $forum->wff_forum_name . '</a></p>' .
 1160+ '<p class="mw-wikiforum-descr">' . $forum->wff_description . '</p>',
 1161+ $forum->wff_thread_count,
 1162+ $forum->wff_reply_count,
 1163+ $last_post,
 1164+ $forum_link,
 1165+ false
 1166+ );
 1167+ }
 1168+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainFooter();
 1169+ }
 1171+ // Forum admins are allowed to add new categories
 1172+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 1173+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-category' ) . '" /> ';
 1174+ $menuLink = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'addcategory' => true ) ) . '">' .
 1175+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-category' ) . '</a>';
 1176+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow( 0, '', 0, '', $menuLink );
 1177+ }
 1179+ return $output;
 1180+ }
 1182+ function showCategory( $categoryId ) {
 1183+ global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgUser, $wgScriptPath;
 1185+ $output = $this->showFailure();
 1186+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1188+ $sqlData = $dbr->select(
 1189+ 'wikiforum_category',
 1190+ array( 'wfc_category', 'wfc_category_name' ),
 1191+ array( 'wfc_deleted' => 0, 'wfc_category' => intval( $categoryId ) ),
 1192+ __METHOD__
 1193+ );
 1194+ $data_overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $sqlData );
 1196+ if( $data_overview ) {
 1197+ $sqlForums = $dbr->select(
 1198+ array( 'wikiforum_forums', 'user' ),
 1199+ array( '*', 'user_name' ),
 1200+ array(
 1201+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 1202+ 'wff_category' => $data_overview->wfc_category
 1203+ ),
 1204+ __METHOD__,
 1205+ array( 'ORDER BY' => 'wff_sortkey ASC, wff_forum ASC' ),
 1206+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wff_last_post_user' ) )
 1207+ );
 1209+ $menuLink = '';
 1210+ $categoryLink = '';
 1211+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 1213+ // Forum admins are allowed to add new forums
 1214+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 1215+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-forum' ) . '" /> ';
 1216+ $menuLink = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'addforum' => $data_overview->wfc_category ) ) . '">' .
 1217+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-forum' ) . '</a>';
 1218+ $categoryLink = $this->showAdminIcons(
 1219+ 'category', $data_overview->wfc_category, false, false
 1220+ );
 1221+ }
 1223+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getSearchbox();
 1224+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow(
 1225+ $data_overview->wfc_category,
 1226+ $data_overview->wfc_category_name,
 1227+ 0,
 1228+ '',
 1229+ $menuLink
 1230+ );
 1231+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainHeader(
 1232+ $data_overview->wfc_category_name,
 1233+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-threads' ),
 1234+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-replies' ),
 1235+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-latest-thread' ),
 1236+ $categoryLink
 1237+ );
 1239+ foreach( $sqlForums as $forum ) {
 1240+ $forum_link = $this->showAdminIcons(
 1241+ 'forum', $forum->wff_forum, true, true
 1242+ );
 1244+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder.png" title="' .
 1245+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-forum-name', $forum->wff_forum_name ) . '" /> ';
 1247+ $last_post = '';
 1248+ // If there are replies, indicate that somehow...
 1249+ // This message will be shown only when there is one reply or
 1250+ // more
 1251+ if( $forum->wff_last_post_timestamp > 0 ) {
 1252+ $last_post = wfMsg(
 1253+ 'wikiforum-by',
 1254+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $forum->wff_last_post_timestamp ),
 1255+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $forum->user_name )
 1256+ );
 1257+ }
 1259+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainBody(
 1260+ '<p class="mw-wikiforum-issue">' . $icon .
 1261+ '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'forum' => $forum->wff_forum ) ) . '">' .
 1262+ $forum->wff_forum_name . '</a></p>' .
 1263+ '<p class="mw-wikiforum-descr">' . $forum->wff_description . '</p>',
 1264+ $forum->wff_thread_count,
 1265+ $forum->wff_reply_count,
 1266+ $last_post,
 1267+ $forum_link,
 1268+ false
 1269+ );
 1270+ }
 1271+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainFooter();
 1272+ } else {
 1273+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-cat-not-found' );
 1274+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg(
 1275+ 'wikiforum-cat-not-found-text',
 1276+ '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL() . '">' .
 1277+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-overview' ) . '</a>'
 1278+ );
 1279+ }
 1280+ // Jack: unnecessary duplication of the "Overview" link on the bottom
 1281+ // of the page, thus removed
 1282+ //$output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow( 0, '', 0, '', '' );
 1283+ $output .= $this->showFailure();
 1284+ return $output;
 1285+ }
 1287+ function showForum( $forumId ) {
 1288+ global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgScriptPath;
 1290+ $output = $this->showFailure();
 1291+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1293+ $f_movethread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'movethread' );
 1295+ // sorting
 1296+ if( $wgRequest->getVal( 'sd' ) == 'up' ) {
 1297+ $sort_direction = 'ASC';
 1298+ } else {
 1299+ $sort_direction = 'DESC';
 1300+ }
 1302+ if( $wgRequest->getVal( 'st' ) == 'answers' ) {
 1303+ $sort_type = 'wft_reply_count';
 1304+ } elseif( $wgRequest->getVal( 'st' ) == 'calls' ) {
 1305+ $sort_type = 'wft_view_count';
 1306+ } elseif( $wgRequest->getVal( 'st' ) == 'thread' ) {
 1307+ $sort_type = 'wft_thread_name';
 1308+ } else {
 1309+ $sort_type = 'wft_last_post_timestamp';
 1310+ }
 1311+ // end sorting
 1313+ $maxThreadsPerPage = intval( wfMsgForContent( 'wikiforum-max-threads-per-page' ) );
 1315+ // limiting
 1316+ if( $maxThreadsPerPage && $wgRequest->getVal( 'lc' ) > 0 ) {
 1317+ $limit_count = $wgRequest->getVal( 'lc' );
 1318+ } elseif( $maxThreadsPerPage > 0 ) {
 1319+ $limit_count = $maxThreadsPerPage;
 1320+ }
 1322+ if( is_numeric( $wgRequest->getVal( 'lp' ) ) ) {
 1323+ $limit_page = $wgRequest->getVal( 'lp' ) - 1;
 1324+ } else {
 1325+ $limit_page = 0;
 1326+ }
 1327+ // end limiting
 1329+ $sqlData = $dbr->select(
 1330+ array( 'wikiforum_forums', 'wikiforum_category' ),
 1331+ array(
 1332+ 'wff_forum', 'wff_forum_name', 'wfc_category',
 1333+ 'wfc_category_name', 'wff_announcement'
 1334+ ),
 1335+ array(
 1336+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 1337+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 1338+ 'wff_category = wfc_category',
 1339+ 'wff_forum' => intval( $forumId )
 1340+ ),
 1341+ __METHOD__
 1342+ );
 1343+ $data_overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $sqlData );
 1345+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 1347+ if( $data_overview ) {
 1348+ $options['ORDER BY'] = 'wft_sticky DESC, ' . $sort_type . ' ' . $sort_direction;
 1349+ if( $limit_count > 0 ) {
 1350+ $options['LIMIT'] = $limit_count;
 1351+ $options['OFFSET'] = $limit_page * $limit_count;
 1352+ }
 1353+ $forumIdNumber = $data_overview->wff_forum;
 1354+ $sqlThreads = $dbr->select(
 1355+ array( 'wikiforum_threads', 'user' ),
 1356+ array( '*', 'user_name' ),
 1357+ array( 'wft_deleted' => 0, 'wft_forum' => $forumIdNumber ),
 1358+ __METHOD__,
 1359+ $options,
 1360+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wft_user' ) )
 1361+ );
 1363+ $button['up'] = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_up.png" alt="" />';
 1364+ $button['down'] = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_down.png" alt="" />';
 1366+ // Non-moderators cannot post in an announcement-only forum
 1367+ if( $data_overview->wff_announcement == true && !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) ) {
 1368+ $write_thread = '';
 1369+ } else {
 1370+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-write-thread' ) . '" /> ';
 1371+ $write_thread = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'writethread' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' .
 1372+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-write-thread' ) . '</a>';
 1373+ }
 1375+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getSearchbox();
 1376+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow(
 1377+ $data_overview->wfc_category,
 1378+ $data_overview->wfc_category_name,
 1379+ $forumIdNumber,
 1380+ $data_overview->wff_forum_name,
 1381+ $write_thread
 1382+ );
 1384+ // @todo FIXME: the logic here seems wonky from the end-users point
 1385+ // of view and this code is horrible...
 1386+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainHeader(
 1387+ $data_overview->wff_forum_name . ' <a href="' .
 1388+ $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'thread', 'sd' => 'up', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['up'] .
 1389+ '</a><a href="' .
 1390+ $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'thread', 'sd' => 'down', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['down'] . '</a>',
 1391+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-replies' ) . ' <a href="' .
 1392+ $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'answers', 'sd' => 'up', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['up'] .
 1393+ '</a><a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'answers', 'sd' => 'down', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['down'] . '</a>',
 1394+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-views' ) . ' <a href="' .
 1395+ $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'calls', 'sd' => 'up', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['up'] . '</a><a href="' .
 1396+ $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'calls', 'sd' => 'down', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['down'] . '</a>',
 1397+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-latest-reply' ) . ' <a href="' .
 1398+ $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'last', 'sd' => 'up', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['up'] .
 1399+ '</a><a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'st' => 'last', 'sd' => 'up', 'forum' => $forumIdNumber ) ) . '">' . $button['down'] . '</a>',
 1400+ false
 1401+ );
 1403+ $threads_exist = false;
 1404+ foreach ( $sqlThreads as $thread ) {
 1405+ $threads_exist = true;
 1406+ $icon = $this->getThreadIcon(
 1407+ $thread->wft_posted_timestamp,
 1408+ $thread->wft_closed,
 1409+ $thread->wft_sticky
 1410+ );
 1412+ $last_post = '';
 1413+ if( $thread->wft_reply_count > 0 ) {
 1414+ $last_post = wfMsg(
 1415+ 'wikiforum-by',
 1416+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $thread->wft_last_post_timestamp ),
 1417+ WikiForumClass::getUserLinkById( $thread->wft_last_post_user )
 1418+ );
 1419+ }
 1421+ if( $thread->wft_sticky == true ) {
 1422+ $sticky = 'sticky';
 1423+ } else {
 1424+ $sticky = false;
 1425+ }
 1427+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainBody(
 1428+ '<p class="mw-wikiforum-thread">' . $icon .
 1429+ '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'thread' => $thread->wft_thread ) ) . '">' .
 1430+ htmlspecialchars( $thread->wft_thread_name ) . '</a>
 1431+ <p class="mw-wikiforum-descr">' .
 1432+ wfMsg(
 1433+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 1434+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $thread->wft_posted_timestamp ),
 1435+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $thread->user_name )
 1436+ ) . '</p></p>',
 1437+ $thread->wft_reply_count,
 1438+ $thread->wft_view_count,
 1439+ $last_post,
 1440+ false,
 1441+ $sticky
 1442+ );
 1444+ }
 1445+ if( $threads_exist == false ) {
 1446+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getSingleLine( wfMsg( 'wikiforum-no-threads' ), 4 );
 1447+ }
 1448+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getMainFooter();
 1450+ $countReplies = '';
 1452+ if( $limit_count > 0 ) {
 1453+ $countReplies = $dbr->selectRow(
 1454+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 1455+ array( 'COUNT(*) AS count' ),
 1456+ array(
 1457+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 1458+ 'wft_forum' => intval( $data_overview->wff_forum )
 1459+ ),
 1460+ __METHOD__
 1461+ );
 1462+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getFooterRow(
 1463+ $limit_page,
 1464+ ( isset( $countReplies->count ) ? $countReplies->count : 0 ),
 1465+ $limit_count,
 1466+ $data_overview->wff_forum
 1467+ );
 1468+ }
 1469+ } else {
 1470+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-forum-not-found' );
 1471+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg(
 1472+ 'wikiforum-forum-not-found-text',
 1473+ '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL() . '">' .
 1474+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-overview' ) . '</a>'
 1475+ );
 1476+ }
 1478+ $pastethread_link = '';
 1479+ if( $f_movethread > 0 ) {
 1480+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/paste_plain.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-paste-thread' ) .'" /> ';
 1481+ $pastethread_link = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'pastethread' => $f_movethread ) ) . '">' . wfMsg('wikiforum-paste-thread' ) . '</a> ';
 1482+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow( 0, '', 0, '', $pastethread_link );
 1483+ }
 1485+ $output .= $this->showFailure();
 1486+ return $output;
 1487+ }
 1489+ function showThread( $threadId ) {
 1490+ global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgScriptPath;
 1492+ $output = $this->showFailure();
 1493+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1495+ $sqlData = $dbr->select(
 1496+ array( 'wikiforum_forums', 'wikiforum_category', 'wikiforum_threads', 'user' ),
 1497+ array(
 1498+ 'wft_thread', 'wft_thread_name', 'wft_text', 'wff_forum',
 1499+ 'wff_forum_name', 'wfc_category', 'wfc_category_name',
 1500+ 'user_name', 'user_id', 'wft_sticky', 'wft_edit_timestamp',
 1501+ 'wft_edit_user', 'wft_posted_timestamp', 'wft_user',
 1502+ 'wft_closed', 'wft_closed_user',
 1503+ ),
 1504+ array(
 1505+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 1506+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 1507+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 1508+ 'wff_category = wfc_category',
 1509+ 'wff_forum = wft_forum',
 1510+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $threadId )
 1511+ ),
 1512+ __METHOD__,
 1513+ array(),
 1514+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wft_user' ) )
 1515+ );
 1517+ $data_overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $sqlData );
 1519+ $maxRepliesPerPage = intval( wfMsgForContent( 'wikiforum-max-replies-per-page' ) );
 1521+ // limiting
 1522+ if( $maxRepliesPerPage && $wgRequest->getVal( 'lc' ) > 0 ) {
 1523+ $limit_count = $wgRequest->getVal( 'lc' );
 1524+ } elseif( $maxRepliesPerPage > 0 ) {
 1525+ $limit_count = $maxRepliesPerPage;
 1526+ }
 1528+ if( is_numeric( $wgRequest->getVal( 'lp' ) ) ) {
 1529+ $limit_page = $wgRequest->getVal( 'lp' ) - 1;
 1530+ } else {
 1531+ $limit_page = 0;
 1532+ }
 1533+ // end limiting
 1535+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 1537+ if( $data_overview ) {
 1538+ $queryOptions['ORDER BY'] = 'wfr_posted_timestamp ASC';
 1539+ if ( $limit_count > 0 ) {
 1540+ $queryOptions['LIMIT'] = $limit_count;
 1541+ $queryOptions['OFFSET'] = $limit_page * $limit_count;
 1542+ }
 1543+ $replies = $dbr->select(
 1544+ array( 'wikiforum_replies', 'user' ),
 1545+ array( '*', 'user_name', 'user_id' ),
 1546+ array(
 1547+ 'wfr_deleted' => 0,
 1548+ 'wfr_thread' => $data_overview->wft_thread
 1549+ ),
 1550+ __METHOD__,
 1551+ $queryOptions,
 1552+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wfr_user' ) )
 1553+ );
 1555+ if ( !wfReadOnly() ) {
 1556+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 1557+ $dbw->update(
 1558+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 1559+ array( 'wft_view_count = wft_view_count + 1' ),
 1560+ array( 'wft_thread' => intval( $data_overview->wft_thread ) ),
 1561+ __METHOD__
 1562+ );
 1563+ }
 1565+ $editButtons = $this->showThreadButtons(
 1566+ $data_overview->wft_user,
 1567+ $data_overview->wft_closed,
 1568+ $data_overview->wft_thread,
 1569+ $data_overview->wff_forum
 1570+ );
 1572+ $menuLink = '';
 1574+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 1575+ if( $data_overview->wft_sticky == 1 ) {
 1576+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_delete.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-remove-sticky' ) . '" /> ';
 1577+ $menuLink = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'removesticky' => $data_overview->wft_thread ) ) . '">' .
 1578+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-remove-sticky' ) . '</a> ';
 1579+ } else {
 1580+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-make-sticky' ) . '" /> ';
 1581+ $menuLink = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'makesticky' => $data_overview->wft_thread ) ) . '">' .
 1582+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-make-sticky' ) . '</a> ';
 1583+ }
 1584+ }
 1586+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-write-reply' ) . '" /> ';
 1587+ // Replying is only possible to open threads
 1588+ if( $data_overview->wft_closed == 0 ) {
 1589+ $menuLink .= $icon . '<a href="#writereply">' .
 1590+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-write-reply' ) . '</a>';
 1591+ }
 1593+ $posted = wfMsg(
 1594+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 1595+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $data_overview->wft_posted_timestamp ),
 1596+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $data_overview->user_name )
 1597+ );
 1598+ if( $data_overview->wft_edit_timestamp > 0 ) {
 1599+ $posted .= '<br /><i>' .
 1600+ wfMsg(
 1601+ 'wikiforum-edited',
 1602+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $data_overview->wft_edit_timestamp ),
 1603+ WikiForumClass::getUserLinkById( $data_overview->wft_edit_user )
 1604+ ) . '</i>';
 1605+ }
 1607+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getSearchbox();
 1608+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow(
 1609+ $data_overview->wfc_category,
 1610+ $data_overview->wfc_category_name,
 1611+ $data_overview->wff_forum,
 1612+ $data_overview->wff_forum_name,
 1613+ $menuLink
 1614+ );
 1616+ // Add topic name to the title
 1617+ // @todo FIXME: this is lame and doesn't apply to the <title> attribute
 1618+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'wikiforum-topic-name', $data_overview->wft_thread_name ) );
 1620+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getThreadHeader(
 1621+ htmlspecialchars( $data_overview->wft_thread_name ),
 1622+ $this->parseIt( $data_overview->wft_text ),//$wgOut->parse( $data_overview->wft_text ),
 1623+ $posted,
 1624+ $editButtons,
 1625+ $data_overview->wft_thread,
 1626+ $data_overview->user_id
 1627+ );
 1629+ foreach ( $replies as $reply ) {
 1630+ $editButtons = $this->showReplyButtons(
 1631+ $reply->wfr_user,
 1632+ $reply->wfr_reply_id,
 1633+ $data_overview->wft_thread,
 1634+ $data_overview->wft_closed
 1635+ );
 1637+ $posted = wfMsg(
 1638+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 1639+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $reply->wfr_posted_timestamp ),
 1640+ WikiForumClass::getUserLink( $reply->user_name )
 1641+ );
 1642+ if( $reply->wfr_edit_timestamp > 0 ) {
 1643+ $posted .= '<br /><i>' .
 1644+ wfMsg(
 1645+ 'wikiforum-edited',
 1646+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $reply->wfr_edit_timestamp ),
 1647+ WikiForumClass::getUserLinkById( $reply->wfr_edit_user )
 1648+ ) . '</i>';
 1649+ }
 1651+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getReply(
 1652+ $this->parseIt( $reply->wfr_reply_text ),//$wgOut->parse( $reply->wfr_reply_text ),
 1653+ $posted,
 1654+ $editButtons,
 1655+ $reply->wfr_reply_id,
 1656+ $reply->user_id
 1657+ );
 1658+ }
 1660+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getThreadFooter();
 1662+ if( $limit_count > 0 ) {
 1663+ $countReplies = $dbr->selectRow(
 1664+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 1665+ 'COUNT(*) AS count',
 1666+ array(
 1667+ 'wfr_deleted' => 0,
 1668+ 'wfr_thread' => $data_overview->wft_thread
 1669+ ),
 1670+ __METHOD__
 1671+ );
 1672+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getFooterRow(
 1673+ $limit_page,
 1674+ $countReplies->count,
 1675+ $limit_count,
 1676+ $data_overview->wff_forum
 1677+ );
 1678+ }
 1680+ $mod_editcomment = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editcomment' );
 1681+ $mod_form = $wgRequest->getBool( 'form' );
 1682+ if(
 1683+ $data_overview->wft_closed == 0 ||
 1684+ ( isset( $mod_editcomment ) && $mod_editcomment > 0 &&
 1685+ $mod_form != true &&
 1686+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' )
 1687+ )
 1688+ )
 1689+ {
 1690+ $output .= $this->showEditor( $data_overview->wft_thread, 'addcomment' );
 1691+ } else {
 1692+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-closed' );
 1693+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-thread-closed' );
 1694+ $this->errorIcon = 'lock.png';//'icon_thread_closed';
 1695+ }
 1696+ } else {
 1697+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-not-found' );
 1698+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg(
 1699+ 'wikiforum-thread-not-found-text',
 1700+ '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL() . '">' .
 1701+ wfMsg( 'wikiforum-overview' ) . '</a>'
 1702+ );
 1703+ }
 1705+ $movethread_link = '';
 1706+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) ) {
 1707+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_go.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-move-thread' ) . '" /> ';
 1708+ $movethread_link = $icon . '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'movethread' => $data_overview->wft_thread ) ) . '">' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-move-thread' ) . '</a> ';
 1709+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow( 0, '', 0, '', $movethread_link );
 1710+ }
 1712+ $output .= $this->showFailure();
 1714+ return $output;
 1715+ }
 1717+ /**
 1718+ * Show the search results page.
 1719+ *
 1720+ * @param $what String: ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU SPEAK IT?
 1721+ * I mean...the search query string.
 1722+ * @return HTML output
 1723+ */
 1724+ function showSearchResults( $what ) {
 1725+ global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgLang;
 1727+ $output = $this->showFailure();
 1728+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getSearchbox();
 1729+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow( 0, '', 0, '', '' );
 1731+ if( strlen( $what ) > 1 ) {
 1732+ $i = 0;
 1734+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1735+ // buildLike() will escape the query properly, add the word LIKE
 1736+ // and the "double quotes"
 1737+ $likeString = $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), $what, $dbr->anyString() );
 1739+ $threadsTable = $dbr->tableName( 'wikiforum_threads' );
 1740+ $repliesTable = $dbr->tableName( 'wikiforum_replies' );
 1742+ $sqlData = $dbr->query(
 1743+ "SELECT wfr_posted_timestamp, wfr_user, wft_thread_name, wft_thread, wfr_reply_text AS Search, wfr_reply_id
 1744+ FROM $repliesTable, $threadsTable
 1745+ LEFT JOIN " . $dbr->tableName( 'user' ) . ' ON user_id = wft_user
 1746+ WHERE wfr_deleted = 0 AND wft_deleted = 0 AND wft_thread = wfr_thread AND wfr_reply_text ' . $likeString . "
 1747+ UNION ALL
 1748+ SELECT wft_posted_timestamp, wft_user, wft_thread_name, wft_thread, wft_text AS Search, 0 FROM $threadsTable
 1749+ LEFT JOIN " . $dbr->tableName( 'user' ) . ' ON user_id = wft_user
 1750+ WHERE wft_deleted = 0 AND (wft_text ' . $likeString . ' OR wft_thread_name ' . $likeString . ')
 1751+ ORDER BY wfr_posted_timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 30',
 1752+ __METHOD__
 1753+ );
 1755+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 1756+ $output_temp = '';
 1758+ foreach( $sqlData as $result ) {
 1759+ $anchor = '';
 1760+ if( $result->wfr_reply_id > 0 ) {
 1761+ $anchor = '#reply_' . $result->wfr_reply_id;
 1762+ }
 1764+ $url = $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'thread' => $result->wft_thread ) );
 1766+ $posted = wfMsg(
 1767+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 1768+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $result->wfr_posted_timestamp ),
 1769+ $this->getUserLinkById( $result->wfr_user )
 1770+ ) . '<br />' . wfMsg(
 1771+ 'wikiforum-search-thread',
 1772+ '<a href="' . $url . $anchor . '">' .
 1773+ $result->wft_thread_name .
 1774+ '</a>'
 1775+ );
 1777+ $output_temp .= WikiForumGui::getReply(
 1778+ $this->parseIt( $result->Search ),
 1779+ $posted,
 1780+ false,
 1781+ $result->wfr_reply_id,
 1782+ $result->wft_user
 1783+ );
 1784+ $i++;
 1785+ }
 1787+ $title = wfMsgExt( 'wikiforum-search-hits', 'parsemag', $i );
 1788+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getReplyHeader( $title );
 1789+ $output .= $output_temp;
 1790+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getThreadFooter();
 1791+ } else {
 1792+ $this->errorTitle = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-search' );
 1793+ $this->errorMessage = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-error-search-missing-query' );
 1794+ }
 1795+ $output .= $this->showFailure();
 1796+ return $output;
 1797+ }
 1799+ /**
 1800+ * Preview a reply.
 1801+ */
 1802+ function previewIssue( $type, $id, $previewTitle, $previewText ) {
 1803+ global $wgUser, $wgLang;
 1805+ $output = $this->showFailure();
 1807+ $title = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-preview' );
 1808+ if( $previewTitle ) {
 1809+ $title = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-preview-with-title', $previewTitle );
 1810+ }
 1811+ $posted = wfMsg(
 1812+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 1813+ $wgLang->timeanddate( wfTimestampNow() ),
 1814+ $this->getUserLinkById( $wgUser->getId() )
 1815+ );
 1816+ if( $type == 'addcomment' || $type == 'editcomment' ) {
 1817+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getReplyHeader( $title );
 1818+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getReply(
 1819+ $this->parseIt( $previewText ),
 1820+ $posted,
 1821+ false,
 1822+ 0,
 1823+ $wgUser->getId()
 1824+ );
 1825+ } else {
 1826+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getThreadHeader(
 1827+ $title,
 1828+ $this->parseIt( $previewText ),
 1829+ $posted,
 1830+ false,
 1831+ false,
 1832+ $wgUser->getId()
 1833+ );
 1834+ }
 1835+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getThreadFooter();
 1837+ $this->result = false;
 1839+ $output .= $this->showEditor( $id, $type );
 1841+ // Jack this adds an useless "Overview" link to the bottom of the page
 1842+ // (below the save reply/cancel buttons) so I took the liberty of
 1843+ // removing it
 1844+ #$output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow( 0, '', 0, '', '' );
 1845+ $output .= $this->showFailure();
 1846+ return $output;
 1847+ }
 1849+ function writeThread( $forumId ) {
 1850+ global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
 1852+ $output = $this->showFailure();
 1853+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1855+ $mod_editthread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editthread' );
 1856+ if( $mod_editthread ) { // are we editing an existing thread?
 1857+ $sqlData = $dbr->select(
 1858+ array(
 1859+ 'wikiforum_forums', 'wikiforum_category',
 1860+ 'wikiforum_threads'
 1861+ ),
 1862+ array(
 1863+ 'wff_forum', 'wff_forum_name', 'wfc_category',
 1864+ 'wfc_category_name', 'wff_announcement'
 1865+ ),
 1866+ array(
 1867+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 1868+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 1869+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 1870+ 'wff_category = wfc_category',
 1871+ 'wff_forum = wft_forum',
 1872+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $forumId )
 1873+ ),
 1874+ __METHOD__
 1875+ );
 1876+ } else { // no, we're not editing an existing thread, we're starting a new one
 1877+ $sqlData = $dbr->select(
 1878+ array( 'wikiforum_forums', 'wikiforum_category' ),
 1879+ array(
 1880+ 'wff_forum', 'wff_forum_name', 'wfc_category',
 1881+ 'wfc_category_name', 'wff_announcement'
 1882+ ),
 1883+ array(
 1884+ 'wff_deleted' => 0,
 1885+ 'wfc_deleted' => 0,
 1886+ 'wff_category = wfc_category',
 1887+ 'wff_forum' => intval( $forumId )
 1888+ ),
 1889+ __METHOD__
 1890+ );
 1891+ }
 1892+ $overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $sqlData );
 1894+ // Everyone (privileged) can post to non-announcement forums and mods
 1895+ // can post even to announcement-only forums
 1896+ if(
 1897+ $overview->wff_announcement == false ||
 1898+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' )
 1899+ )
 1900+ {
 1901+ $output .= WikiForumGui::getHeaderRow(
 1902+ $overview->wfc_category,
 1903+ $overview->wfc_category_name,
 1904+ $overview->wff_forum,
 1905+ $overview->wff_forum_name,
 1906+ ''
 1907+ );
 1908+ $output .= $this->showEditor( $overview->wff_forum, 'addthread' );
 1909+ $output .= $this->showFailure();
 1910+ }
 1912+ return $output;
 1913+ }
 1915+ function showEditorCatForum( $id, $type, $values ) {
 1916+ $title_prev = '';
 1917+ $text_prev = '';
 1919+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1920+ $save_button = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-save' );
 1922+ if( isset( $values['text'] ) && strlen( $values['text'] ) > 0 ) {
 1923+ $text_prev = $values['text'];
 1924+ }
 1926+ // define variable to prevent E_NOTICE; the type of the variable
 1927+ // is checked in WikiForumGui::getFormCatForum()
 1928+ $overview = '';
 1930+ if( $type == 'addcategory' ) {
 1931+ $categoryName = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-category' );
 1932+ } elseif( $type == 'editcategory' ) {
 1933+ $overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 1934+ 'wikiforum_category',
 1935+ array( 'wfc_category', 'wfc_category_name' ),
 1936+ array( 'wfc_deleted' => 0, 'wfc_category' => intval( $id ) ),
 1937+ __METHOD__
 1938+ ));
 1939+ $id = $overview->wfc_category;
 1940+ $title_prev = $overview->wfc_category_name;
 1941+ $categoryName = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-edit-category' );
 1942+ } elseif( $type == 'addforum' ) {
 1943+ $categoryName = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-add-forum' );
 1944+ } elseif( $type == 'editforum' ) {
 1945+ $overview = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 1946+ 'wikiforum_forums',
 1947+ array(
 1948+ 'wff_forum', 'wff_forum_name', 'wff_description',
 1949+ 'wff_announcement'
 1950+ ),
 1951+ array( 'wff_deleted' => 0, 'wff_forum' => intval( $id ) ),
 1952+ __METHOD__
 1953+ ));
 1954+ $id = $overview->wff_forum;
 1955+ $title_prev = $overview->wff_forum_name;
 1956+ if( strlen( $text_prev ) == 0 ) {
 1957+ $text_prev = $overview->wff_description;
 1958+ }
 1959+ $categoryName = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-edit-forum' );
 1960+ }
 1961+ $action = array( $type => $id );
 1963+ $output = WikiForumGui::getFormCatForum(
 1964+ $type, $categoryName, $action,
 1965+ $title_prev, $text_prev, $save_button, $overview
 1966+ );
 1967+ $output .= $this->showFailure();
 1968+ return $output;
 1969+ }
 1971+ function showEditor( $id, $type ) {
 1972+ global $wgRequest, $wgLang;
 1974+ $text_prev = '';
 1976+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 1978+ if( $this->result == false ) {
 1979+ $text_prev = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmText' );
 1980+ $title_prev = $wgRequest->getVal( 'frmTitle' );
 1981+ } else {
 1982+ $title_prev = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-title' );
 1983+ }
 1985+ if( $type == 'addthread' || $type == 'editthread' ) {
 1986+ $mod_editthread = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editthread' );
 1987+ $mod_preview = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butPreview' );
 1988+ if( $mod_editthread && $mod_editthread > 0 ) {
 1989+ if( !$text_prev || !$title_prev || $mod_preview == true ) {
 1990+ $data_thread = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 1991+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 1992+ array( 'wft_thread', 'wft_thread_name', 'wft_text' ),
 1993+ array(
 1994+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 1995+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $mod_editthread )
 1996+ ),
 1997+ __METHOD__
 1998+ ));
 1999+ $action = array(
 2000+ 'editthread' => $data_thread->wft_thread
 2001+ );
 2002+ if( !$text_prev ) {
 2003+ $text_prev = $data_thread->wft_text;
 2004+ }
 2005+ if( $title_prev == wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-title' ) ) {
 2006+ $title_prev = $data_thread->wft_thread_name;
 2007+ }
 2008+ }
 2009+ } else {
 2010+ $action = array( 'addthread' => $id );
 2011+ }
 2012+ $height = '25em';
 2013+ $save_button = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-save-thread' );
 2014+ $input = WikiForumGui::getInput( $title_prev );
 2015+ } else { // add reply
 2016+ $mod_comment = $wgRequest->getInt( 'editcomment' );
 2017+ $mod_form = $wgRequest->getBool( 'form' );
 2018+ $mod_preview = $wgRequest->getBool( 'butPreview' );
 2019+ $mod_quotec = $wgRequest->getInt( 'quotecomment' );
 2020+ $mod_quotet = $wgRequest->getInt( 'quotethread' );
 2022+ // quote
 2023+ if( isset( $mod_quotec ) && $mod_quotec > 0 ) {
 2024+ $reply = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 2025+ array( 'wikiforum_replies', 'user' ),
 2026+ array( 'wfr_reply_text', 'wfr_posted_timestamp', 'user_name' ),
 2027+ array( 'wfr_deleted' => 0, 'wfr_reply_id' => $mod_quotec ),
 2028+ __METHOD__,
 2029+ array(),
 2030+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wfr_user' ) )
 2031+ ));
 2032+ if( $reply ) {
 2033+ $posted = wfMsg(
 2034+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 2035+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $reply->wfr_posted_timestamp ),
 2036+ // Jack: removed this here to make quoting work
 2037+ // if this is present, then pressing the quote button
 2038+ // will generate shit like [quote=Posted on foo by Bar
 2039+ // <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Bar" title="Bar">Bar</a> (
 2040+ // <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Administrators">administrator</a>)
 2041+ // which is *not* what we want
 2042+ /*$this->getUserLink(*/ $reply->user_name /*)*/
 2043+ );
 2044+ $text_prev = '[quote=' . $posted . ']' .
 2045+ $reply->wfr_reply_text . '[/quote]';
 2046+ }
 2047+ } elseif( isset( $mod_quotet ) && $mod_quotet > 0 ) {
 2048+ $thread = $dbr->selectRow(
 2049+ array( 'wikiforum_threads', 'user' ),
 2050+ array( 'wft_text', 'wft_posted_timestamp', 'user_name' ),
 2051+ array( 'wft_deleted' => 0, 'wft_thread' => $mod_quotet ),
 2052+ __METHOD__,
 2053+ array(),
 2054+ array( 'user' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'user_id = wft_user' ) )
 2055+ );
 2056+ if( $thread ) {
 2057+ $posted = wfMsg(
 2058+ 'wikiforum-posted',
 2059+ $wgLang->timeanddate( $thread->wft_posted_timestamp ),
 2060+ // see the explanation above
 2061+ /*$this->getUserLink(*/ $thread->user_name /*)*/
 2062+ );
 2063+ $text_prev = '[quote=' . $posted . ']' .
 2064+ $thread->wft_text . '[/quote]';
 2065+ }
 2066+ }
 2067+ // end quote
 2069+ if(
 2070+ isset( $mod_comment ) && $mod_comment > 0 &&
 2071+ ( $mod_form != true || $mod_preview == true )
 2072+ )
 2073+ {
 2074+ if( $mod_preview == true ) {
 2075+ $id = $wgRequest->getInt( 'thread' );
 2076+ }
 2077+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 2078+ $reply = $dbr->fetchObject( $dbr->select(
 2079+ 'wikiforum_replies',
 2080+ array( 'wfr_reply_id', 'wfr_reply_text' ),
 2081+ array( 'wfr_deleted' => 0, 'wfr_reply_id' => $mod_comment ),
 2082+ __METHOD__
 2083+ ));
 2084+ $action = array(
 2085+ 'thread' => $id,
 2086+ 'form' => true,
 2087+ 'editcomment' => $reply->wfr_reply_id
 2088+ );
 2089+ if( $mod_preview != true ) {
 2090+ $text_prev = $reply->wfr_reply_text;
 2091+ }
 2092+ } else {
 2093+ $action = array( 'addcomment' => $id, 'thread' => $id );
 2094+ }
 2095+ $height = '10em';
 2096+ $input = '';
 2097+ $save_button = wfMsg( 'wikiforum-save-reply' );
 2098+ }
 2099+ return WikiForumGui::getWriteForm(
 2100+ $type, $action, $input, $height, $text_prev, $save_button
 2101+ );
 2102+ }
 2104+ /**
 2105+ * Show the reply buttons: new, edit and delete.
 2106+ *
 2107+ * @param $postedBy Integer: user ID of the person who started the topic
 2108+ * @param $replyID Integer: ID number of the reply
 2109+ * @param $threadID Integer: thread ID number
 2110+ * @param $closed
 2111+ * @return HTML
 2112+ */
 2113+ private function showReplyButtons( $postedBy, $replyID, $threadID, $closed ) {
 2114+ global $wgUser, $wgScriptPath;
 2116+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 2117+ $editButtons = '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array(
 2118+ 'thread' => $threadID,
 2119+ 'quotecomment' => $replyID
 2120+ ) ) . '#writereply">';
 2121+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comments_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-quote' ) . '" />';
 2123+ if(
 2124+ ( $wgUser->getId() == $postedBy && $closed == 0 ) ||
 2125+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' )
 2126+ )
 2127+ {
 2128+ $editButtons .= ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'thread' => $threadID, 'editcomment' => $replyID ) ) . '#writereply">';
 2129+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_edit.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-edit-reply' ) . '" />';
 2130+ $editButtons .= '</a> <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'thread' => $threadID, 'deletecomment' => $replyID ) ) . '">';
 2131+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_delete.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-delete-reply' ) . '" />';
 2132+ }
 2134+ $editButtons .= '</a>';
 2136+ return $editButtons;
 2137+ }
 2139+ /**
 2140+ * Shows the edit/delete buttons for the topic author, moderators and also
 2141+ * close (lock) and reopen (unlock) buttons for moderators.
 2142+ *
 2143+ * @param $postedBy Integer: user ID of the person who posted the thread
 2144+ * @param $closed
 2145+ * @param $threadID Integer: thread ID number
 2146+ * @param $forumID Integer: forum ID number
 2147+ * @return HTML
 2148+ */
 2149+ private function showThreadButtons( $postedBy, $closed, $threadID, $forumID ) {
 2150+ global $wgUser, $wgScriptPath;
 2152+ $editButtons = '';
 2154+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 2156+ $editButtons .= '<a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'thread' => $threadID, 'quotethread' => $threadID ) ) . '#writereply">';
 2157+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comments_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-quote' ) . '" />';
 2158+ $editButtons .= '</a>';
 2160+ if(
 2161+ $wgUser->getId() == $postedBy ||
 2162+ $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' )
 2163+ )
 2164+ {
 2165+ $editButtons .= ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'editthread' => $threadID ) ) . '">';
 2166+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_edit.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-edit-thread' ) . '" />';
 2167+ $editButtons .= '</a> <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'forum' => $forumID, 'deletethread' => $threadID ) ) . '">';
 2168+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_delete.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-delete-thread' ) . '" />';
 2169+ $editButtons .= '</a> ';
 2171+ // Only moderators can lock and reopen threads
 2172+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-moderator' ) ) {
 2173+ if( $closed == 0 ) {
 2174+ $editButtons .= ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'closethread' => $threadID ) ) . '">';
 2175+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_add.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-close-thread' ) . '" />';
 2176+ $editButtons .= '</a>';
 2177+ } else {
 2178+ $editButtons .= ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'reopenthread' => $threadID ) ) . '">';
 2179+ $editButtons .= '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_open.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-reopen-thread' ) . '" />';
 2180+ $editButtons .= '</a>';
 2181+ }
 2182+ }
 2183+ }
 2185+ return $editButtons;
 2186+ }
 2188+ /**
 2189+ * Show icons for administrative functions (edit, delete, sort up/down).
 2190+ *
 2191+ * @param $type String: either category or forum
 2192+ * @param $id Integer
 2193+ * @param $sortup Boolean
 2194+ * @param $sortdown Boolean
 2195+ * @return HTML
 2196+ */
 2197+ private function showAdminIcons( $type, $id, $sortup, $sortdown ) {
 2198+ global $wgUser, $wgScriptPath;
 2200+ $link = '';
 2202+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'wikiforum-admin' ) ) {
 2203+ // Quick hack for fetching the correct icon
 2204+ if ( $type == 'category' ) {
 2205+ $iconName = 'database';
 2206+ } elseif ( $type == 'forum' ) {
 2207+ $iconName = 'folder';
 2208+ }
 2210+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 2212+ // For grep: wikiforum-edit-forum, wikiforum-edit-category,
 2213+ // wikiforum-delete-forum, wikiforum-delete-category
 2214+ //if( $wikiconf['icon_' . $type . '_edit'] ) {
 2215+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/' . $iconName . '_edit.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-edit-' . $type ) . '" />';
 2216+ //} else {
 2217+ // $icon = '<span class="small">' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-edit' ) . '</span>';
 2218+ //}
 2219+ $link = ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'edit' . $type => $id ) ) . '">' . $icon . '</a>';
 2221+ //if( $wikiconf['icon_' . $type . '_delete'] ) {
 2222+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/' . $iconName . '_delete.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-delete-' . $type ) . '" />';
 2223+ //} else {
 2224+ // $icon = '<span class="small">' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-delete' ) . '</span>';
 2225+ //}
 2226+ $link .= ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'delete' . $type => $id ) ) . '">' . $icon . '</a>';
 2228+ if( $sortup == true ) {
 2229+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_up.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-sort-up' ) . '" />';
 2230+ $link .= ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( $type . 'up' => $id ) ) . '">' . $icon . '</a>';
 2231+ }
 2233+ if( $sortdown == true ) {
 2234+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_down.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-sort-down' ) . '" />';
 2235+ $link .= ' <a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( $type . 'down' => $id ) ) . '">' . $icon . '</a>';
 2236+ }
 2237+ }
 2239+ return $link;
 2240+ }
 2242+ /**
 2243+ * Get a descriptive icon for the current thread.
 2244+ * "New" icon for new threads (threads that are not over $dayDefinitionNew
 2245+ * days old), sticky icon for stickied threads,
 2246+ * locked icon for locked threads and an ordinary thread icon for
 2247+ * everything else.
 2248+ *
 2249+ * @param $posted Integer: timestamp; when this thread was posted
 2250+ * @param $closed Integer: if greater than zero, the thread is closed
 2251+ * @param $sticky Boolean: if true, the thread is stickied
 2252+ * @return HTML: img tag
 2253+ */
 2254+ public static function getThreadIcon( $posted, $closed, $sticky ) {
 2255+ global $wgScriptPath;
 2257+ // Threads that are this many days old or newer are considered "new"
 2258+ $dayDefinitionNew = intval( wfMsgForContent( 'wikiforum-day-definition-new' ) );
 2260+ $olderTimestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, strtotime( '-' . $dayDefinitionNew . ' days' ) );
 2262+ $imagePath = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons';
 2263+ if( $sticky == 1 ) {
 2264+ return '<img src="' . $imagePath . '/tag_blue.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-sticky' ) . '" /> ';
 2265+ } elseif( $closed > 0 ) {
 2266+ return '<img src="' . $imagePath . '/lock.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-closed' ) . '" /> ';
 2267+ } elseif( $posted > $olderTimestamp ) {
 2268+ return '<img src="' . $imagePath . '/new.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-new-thread' ) . '" /> ';
 2269+ } else {
 2270+ return '<img src="' . $imagePath . '/note.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread' ) . '" /> ';
 2271+ }
 2272+ }
 2274+ /**
 2275+ * If errorTitle and errorIcon class member variables are set, show an
 2276+ * error message.
 2277+ *
 2278+ * @return HTML
 2279+ */
 2280+ private function showFailure() {
 2281+ global $wgScriptPath;
 2283+ $output = '';
 2285+ if( strlen( $this->errorTitle ) > 0 ) {
 2286+ if( strlen( $this->errorIcon ) > 0 ) {
 2287+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/' . $this->errorIcon . '" /> ';
 2288+ } else {
 2289+ $icon = '<img src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum/icons/exclamation.png" title="' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-closed' ) . '" /> ';
 2290+ }
 2291+ $output = '<br /><table class="mw-wikiforum-frame"><tr><td>' . $icon .
 2292+ $this->errorTitle . '<p class="mw-wikiforum-descr">' . $this->errorMessage .
 2293+ '</p></td></tr></table>';
 2294+ }
 2295+ $this->errorTitle = '';
 2296+ $this->errorMessage = '';
 2297+ return $output;
 2298+ }
 2300+ // Helper functions, moved from WikiForumHelperClass.php
 2301+ /**
 2302+ * Get the link to the specified user's userpage and group membership
 2303+ * for administrators and ShoutWiki staff.
 2304+ * For anonymous users, no link is generated, only the system message
 2305+ * is returned.
 2306+ *
 2307+ * @param $username String: username
 2308+ * @return HTML
 2309+ */
 2310+ public static function getUserLink( $username ) {
 2311+ global $wgContLang, $wgUser;
 2313+ if( $username ) {
 2314+ $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
 2315+ $retVal = $sk->makeLink(
 2316+ $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_USER ) . ':' . $username,
 2317+ htmlspecialchars( $username )
 2318+ );
 2320+ $groups = User::newFromName( $username )->getEffectiveGroups();
 2321+ // @todo FIXME: this code is horrible, it basically does
 2322+ // special-casing for staff and sysop groups
 2323+ // instead it should handle only staff as a special case
 2324+ // and treat bureaucrat, sysop etc. normally
 2325+ //
 2326+ // Staff tag for staff members
 2327+ // This is a horrible, ShoutWiki-specific hack
 2328+ $isStaff = in_array( 'staff', $groups );
 2329+ if ( $isStaff && function_exists( 'wfStaffSig' ) ) {
 2330+ global $wgOut;
 2331+ $staffSig = $wgOut->parse( '<staff />' );
 2332+ // copied from extensions/Comments/CommentClass.php
 2333+ // really bad hack because we want to parse=firstline, but
 2334+ // don't want wrapping <p> tags
 2335+ if( substr( $staffSig, 0 , 3 ) == '<p>' ) {
 2336+ $staffSig = substr( $staffSig, 3 );
 2337+ }
 2339+ if( substr( $staffSig, strlen( $staffSig ) - 4, 4 ) == '</p>' ) {
 2340+ $staffSig = substr( $staffSig, 0, strlen( $staffSig ) - 4 );
 2341+ }
 2342+ // end copied bad hack
 2343+ $retVal = $retVal . $staffSig;
 2344+ } elseif ( in_array( 'sysop', $groups ) && !$isStaff ) {
 2345+ // we <3 i18n
 2346+ $retVal = $retVal . wfMsg( 'word-separator' ) .
 2347+ wfMsg(
 2348+ 'parentheses',
 2349+ User::makeGroupLinkHTML( 'sysop', User::getGroupMember( 'sysop' ) )
 2350+ );
 2351+ } elseif ( in_array( 'forumadmin', $groups ) && !$isStaff ) {
 2352+ // this madness has to stop...really...
 2353+ $retVal = $retVal . wfMsg( 'word-separator' ) .
 2354+ wfMsg(
 2355+ 'parentheses',
 2356+ User::makeGroupLinkHTML( 'forumadmin', User::getGroupMember( 'forumadmin' ) )
 2357+ );
 2358+ }
 2359+ return $retVal;
 2360+ } else {
 2361+ return wfMsg( 'wikiforum-anonymous' );
 2362+ }
 2363+ }
 2365+ /**
 2366+ * Get a link to the user's userpage unless the user is an anon (or MW
 2367+ * default or some other script with UID = 0).
 2368+ *
 2369+ * @param $userId Integer: user ID number
 2370+ * @return Mixed: string (MediaWiki:Wikiforum-anonymous) for users with
 2371+ * UID = 0, HTML (link) for others
 2372+ */
 2373+ public static function getUserLinkById( $userId ) {
 2374+ if( $userId == 0 ) {
 2375+ return wfMsg( 'wikiforum-anonymous' );
 2376+ } else {
 2377+ return self::getUserLink( User::whoIs( $userId ) );
 2378+ }
 2379+ }
 2381+ /**
 2382+ * "Prepare" smilies by wrapping them in <nowiki>.
 2383+ *
 2384+ * @param $text String: text to search for smilies
 2385+ * @return $text String: input text with smilies wrapped inside <nowiki>
 2386+ */
 2387+ function prepareSmilies( $text ) {
 2388+ global $wgWikiForumSmilies;
 2390+ if( is_array( $wgWikiForumSmilies ) ) {
 2391+ foreach( $wgWikiForumSmilies as $key => $icon ) {
 2392+ $text = str_replace(
 2393+ $key,
 2394+ '<nowiki>' . $key . '</nowiki>',
 2395+ $text
 2396+ );
 2397+ }
 2398+ }
 2399+ return $text;
 2400+ }
 2402+ function getSmilies( $text ) {
 2403+ global $wgScriptPath;
 2404+ global $wgWikiForumSmilies;
 2406+ // damn unclear code => need a better preg_replace patter to simplify
 2407+ if( is_array( $wgWikiForumSmilies ) && !empty( $wgWikiForumSmilies ) ) {
 2408+ $path = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/WikiForum';
 2409+ foreach( $wgWikiForumSmilies as $key => $icon ) {
 2410+ $text = str_replace(
 2411+ $key,
 2412+ '<img src="' . $path . '/' . $icon . '" title="' . $key . '"/>',
 2413+ $text
 2414+ );
 2415+ $text = str_replace(
 2416+ '&lt;nowiki&gt;<img src="' . $path . '/' . $icon . '" title="' . $key . '"/>&lt;/nowiki&gt;',
 2417+ $key,
 2418+ $text
 2419+ );
 2420+ $text = preg_replace(
 2421+ '/\&lt;nowiki\&gt;(.+)\&lt;\/nowiki\&gt;/iUs',
 2422+ '\1',
 2423+ $text
 2424+ );
 2425+ }
 2426+ }
 2427+ return $text;
 2428+ }
 2430+ function parseIt( $text ) {
 2431+ global $wgOut;
 2433+ // add smilies for reply text
 2434+ $text = $this->prepareSmilies( $text );
 2435+ $text = $wgOut->parse( $text );
 2436+ $text = $this->parseLinks( $text );
 2437+ $text = $this->parseQuotes( $text );
 2438+ $text = $this->getSmilies( $text );
 2440+ return $text;
 2441+ }
 2443+ function parseLinks( $text ) {
 2444+ $text = preg_replace_callback(
 2445+ '/\[thread#(.*?)\]/i',
 2446+ array( $this, 'getThreadTitle' ),
 2447+ $text
 2448+ );
 2449+ return $text;
 2450+ }
 2452+ function parseQuotes( $text ) {
 2453+ $text = preg_replace(
 2454+ '/\[quote=(.*?)\]/',
 2455+ '<blockquote><p class="posted">\1</p><span>&raquo;</span>',
 2456+ $text
 2457+ );
 2458+ $text = str_replace(
 2459+ '[quote]',
 2460+ '<blockquote><span>&raquo;</span>',
 2461+ $text
 2462+ );
 2463+ $text = str_replace(
 2464+ '[/quote]',
 2465+ '<span>&laquo;</span></blockquote>',
 2466+ $text
 2467+ );
 2468+ return $text;
 2469+ }
 2471+ public static function deleteTags( $text ) {
 2472+ $text = preg_replace(
 2473+ '/\<WikiForumThread id=(.*?)\/\>/',
 2474+ '&lt;WikiForumThread id=\1/&gt;',
 2475+ $text
 2476+ );
 2477+ $text = preg_replace(
 2478+ '/\<WikiForumList(.*)\/>/',
 2479+ '&lt;WikiForumList \1/&gt;',
 2480+ $text
 2481+ );
 2482+ return $text;
 2483+ }
 2485+ /**
 2486+ * Get the title of a thread when we know its ID number.
 2487+ *
 2488+ * @param $id Integer: thread ID number
 2489+ * @return String: thread title
 2490+ */
 2491+ function getThreadTitle( $id ) {
 2492+ if( is_numeric( $id[1] ) && $id[1] > 0 ) {
 2493+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 2494+ $overview = $dbr->select(
 2495+ 'wikiforum_threads',
 2496+ 'wft_thread_name',
 2497+ array(
 2498+ 'wft_deleted' => 0,
 2499+ 'wft_thread' => intval( $id[1] )
 2500+ ),
 2501+ __METHOD__
 2502+ );
 2504+ $specialPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WikiForum' );
 2505+ if( $overview ) {
 2506+ return '<i><a href="' . $specialPage->escapeFullURL( array( 'thread' => $id[1] ) ) . '">' .
 2507+ $overview->wft_thread_name . '</a></i>';
 2508+ } else {
 2509+ return '[' . wfMsg( 'wikiforum-thread-deleted' ) . ']';
 2510+ }
 2511+ }
 2512+ return $id[0];
 2513+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForumClass.php
Added: svn:eol-style
12516 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.alias.php
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
 4+ * Aliases for WikiForum extension.
 5+ *
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup Extensions
 8+ */
 10+$aliases = array();
 12+/** English */
 13+$aliases['en'] = array(
 14+ 'WikiForum' => array( 'WikiForum', 'Forum' ),
 17+/** Finnish (Suomi) */
 18+$aliases['fi'] = array(
 19+ 'WikiForum' => array( 'WikiFoorumi', 'Foorumi' ),
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/WikiForum.alias.php
Added: svn:eol-style
121 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/styles.css
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
 2+/* CSS styles for WikiForum extension */
 3+table.mw-wikiforum-frame {
 4+ width: 100%;
 5+ background: #f6f6f6;
 6+ border: 1px dotted #ccc;
 7+ margin-bottom: 1.2em;
 9+td.mw-wikiforum-innerframe {
 10+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
 13+table.mw-wikiforum-headerrow {
 14+ width: 100%;
 15+ font-size: 10px;
 16+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 17+ margin-top: 1.2em;
 18+ background: transparent;
 21+table.mw-wikiforum-footerrow {
 22+ width: 100%;
 23+ font-size: 10px;
 24+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 25+ margin-bottom: 1.2em;
 26+ text-transform: uppercase;
 28+td.mw-wikiforum-leftside {
 29+ text-align: left;
 31+td.mw-wikiforum-rightside {
 32+ text-align: right;
 35+table.mw-wikiforum-title {
 36+ width: 100%;
 37+ border-collapse: collapse;
 38+ background: transparent;
 40+table.mw-wikiforum-mainpage {
 41+ width: 100%;
 42+ border-collapse: collapse;
 43+ background: transparent;
 45+.mw-wikiforum-mainpage tr.mw-wikiforum-title {
 46+ background: #f2ddce;
 47+ height: 2.4em;
 49+.mw-wikiforum-mainpage th.mw-wikiforum-lastpost {
 50+ border-right: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 52+.mw-wikiforum-mainpage th.mw-wikiforum-title {
 53+ border-left: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 55+.mw-wikiforum-mainpage td.mw-wikiforum-title {
 56+ background: transparent;
 57+ padding: 5px;
 59+.mw-wikiforum-mainpage td.mw-wikiforum-value {
 60+ background: transparent;
 63+tr.mw-wikiforum-title {
 64+ background: #cedff2;
 65+ height: 3em;
 67+th.mw-wikiforum-title {
 68+ font-size: 120%;
 69+ font-weight: bold;
 70+ text-align: left;
 71+ padding-left: 10px;
 72+ border-bottom: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 73+ border-top: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 75+th.mw-wikiforum-value {
 76+ width: 90px;
 77+ border-bottom: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 78+ border-top: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 79+ text-align: center;
 81+th.mw-wikiforum-admin {
 82+ border-bottom: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 83+ border-top: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 84+ text-align: right;
 86+th.mw-wikiforum-lastpost {
 87+ width: 180px;
 88+ border-bottom: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 89+ border-top: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 90+ text-align: center;
 92+p.mw-wikiforum-valuetitle {
 93+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 94+ font-size: 10px;
 96+tr.mw-wikiforum-normal {
 97+ background: #f5faff;
 99+tr.mw-wikiforum-sticky {
 100+ background: #e5eaff;
 102+td.mw-wikiforum-title {
 103+ text-align: left;
 104+ padding-left: 10px;
 105+ border-bottom: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 107+td.mw-wikiforum-value {
 108+ border-bottom: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 109+ text-align: center;
 110+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 111+ font-size: 10px;
 113+td.mw-wikiforum-admin {
 114+ border-bottom: 1px solid #a3bfb1;
 115+ text-align: right;
 116+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 117+ font-size: 10px;
 119+p.mw-wikiforum-issue {
 120+ font-weight: bold;
 122+p.mw-wikiforum-thread {
 124+p.mw-wikiforum-descr {
 125+ color: #999999;
 126+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 127+ font-size: 10px;
 130+span.small {
 131+ font-size: 10px;
 132+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 133+ font-weight: normal;
 136+table.mw-wikiforum-posted {
 137+ color: #999999;
 138+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 139+ font-size: 10px;
 140+ border-top: 1px dashed #999999;
 141+ width: 100%;
 142+ background: transparent;
 143+ margin-top: 16px;
 144+ margin-bottom: 6px;
 147+th.mw-wikiforum-thread-top {
 148+ font-weight: bold;
 149+ padding: 5px 10px;
 150+ border: 1px solid #cef2e0;
 151+ background: #e5eaff;
 152+ text-align: left;
 154+td.mw-wikiforum-thread-main {
 155+ padding: 10px;
 156+ border: 1px solid #cef2e0;
 157+ background: #deeff3;
 159+td.mw-wikiforum-thread-sub {
 160+ padding: 0px 10px;
 161+ border: 1px solid #cef2e0;
 162+ background: #f0f0ea;
 165+/* Search box */
 166+#searchbox {
 167+ float: right;
 168+ margin-bottom: 8px;
 171+#searchbox_border {
 172+ border: 1px dotted #ccc;
 173+ width: 200px;
 174+ text-align: left;
 175+ background: #f6f6f6;
 178+#searchbox_picture {
 179+ margin-left: 5px;
 180+ margin-right: 5px;
 183+#txtSearch {
 184+ border: 0;
 185+ background: transparent;
 188+/* Quote styling */
 189+blockquote {
 190+ padding: 10px;
 191+ border: 1px dotted #ccc;
 192+ background: #f9f9f9;
 195+blockquote p.posted {
 196+ color: #bbb;
 197+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 198+ font-size: 10px;
 199+ border-bottom: 1px dotted #999;
 200+ background: transparent;
 201+ margin-bottom: 6px;
 202+ /*text-align: right;*/
 203+ /* Jack: removed on 2 Jan 2011 because it makes very little sense and also
 204+ because we don't want to have the avatars overlapping the "Posted by" line */
 207+blockquote span {
 208+ color: #bbb;
 209+ font-family: Times New Roman;
 210+ font-size: 30px;
 211+ background: transparent;
 212+ margin: 0 5px;
 215+/* Align SocialProfile avatars to the right side and give it a bit of padding */
 216+.wikiforum-avatar-image {
 217+ float: right;
 218+ padding-bottom: 5px;
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/styles.css
Added: svn:eol-style
1220 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/wikiforum.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
 2+-- SQL schema for WikiForum extension
 3+-- Rewritten by Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism> in December 2010
 4+-- the "formerly" comments refer to the names that Michael Chlebek, the
 5+-- original author of WikiForum, called those columns
 7+-- Most table names are quite self-explanatory, and the same goes for the
 8+-- fields.
 10+-- This schema should be SQLite-friendly, too.
 11+-- I followed this commit by Mark when making the changes:
 12+-- http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/77272
 14+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS /*_*/wikiforum_category (
 15+ `wfc_category` int(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -- formerly: pkCategory
 16+ `wfc_category_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, -- formerly: Category_name
 17+ `wfc_sortkey` mediumint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '9', -- formerly: SortKey
 18+ `wfc_added_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: Added
 19+ `wfc_added_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: AddedBy
 20+ `wfc_edited` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: Edited
 21+ `wfc_edited_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: EditedBy
 22+ `wfc_deleted` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: Deleted
 23+ `wfc_deleted_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- formerly: DeletedBy
 26+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS /*_*/wikiforum_forums (
 27+ `wff_forum` int(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -- formerly: pkForum
 28+ `wff_forum_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, -- formerly: Forum_name
 29+ `wff_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- formerly: Description
 30+ `wff_category` int(10) NOT NULL, -- formerly: fkCategory
 31+ `wff_sortkey` mediumint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '9', -- formerly: SortKey
 32+ `wff_thread_count` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: num_threads
 33+ `wff_reply_count` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: num_articles
 34+ `wff_last_post_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: lastpost_user
 35+ `wff_last_post_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: lastpost_time
 36+ `wff_added_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: Added
 37+ `wff_added_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: AddedBy
 38+ `wff_edited_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: Edited
 39+ `wff_edited_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: EditedBy
 40+ `wff_deleted` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: Deleted
 41+ `wff_deleted_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: DeletedBy
 42+ `wff_announcement` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- new in version 1.2; previously called "Announcement"
 45+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS /*_*/wikiforum_threads (
 46+ `wft_thread` int(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -- formerly: pkThread
 47+ `wft_thread_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- formerly: Thread_name
 48+ `wft_text` text NOT NULL, -- formerly: Text
 49+ `wft_sticky` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: Sticky
 50+ `wft_posted_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: Posted
 51+ `wft_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: PostedBy
 52+ `wft_deleted` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: Deleted
 53+ `wft_deleted_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: DeletedBy
 54+ `wft_edit_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: Edit
 55+ `wft_edit_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: EditBy
 56+ `wft_closed` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: Closed
 57+ `wft_closed_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: ClosedBy
 58+ `wft_forum` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: fkForum
 59+ `wft_reply_count` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: num_answers
 60+ `wft_view_count` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: num_calls
 61+ `wft_last_post_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: lastpost_user
 62+ `wft_last_post_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' -- formerly: lastpost_time
 65+-- formerly: wikiforum_comments
 66+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS /*_*/wikiforum_replies (
 67+ `wfr_reply_id` int(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -- formerly: pkComment
 68+ `wfr_reply_text` text NOT NULL, -- formerly: Comment
 69+ `wfr_posted_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: Posted
 70+ `wfr_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: PostedBy
 71+ `wfr_deleted` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: Deleted
 72+ `wfr_deleted_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: DeletedBy
 73+ `wfr_edit_timestamp` binary(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- formerly: Edit
 74+ `wfr_edit_user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- formerly: EditBy
 75+ `wfr_thread` int(10) NOT NULL -- formerly: fkThread
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/wikiforum.sql
Added: svn:eol-style
177 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comments_add.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comments_add.png
Added: svn:mime-type
278 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_delete.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_delete.png
Added: svn:mime-type
379 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_up.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_up.png
Added: svn:mime-type
480 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/paste_plain.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/paste_plain.png
Added: svn:mime-type
581 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_add.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_add.png
Added: svn:mime-type
682 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_delete.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_delete.png
Added: svn:mime-type
783 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/exclamation.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/exclamation.png
Added: svn:mime-type
884 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note.png
Added: svn:mime-type
985 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_up.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_up.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1086 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_edit.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_edit.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1187 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_open.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock_open.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1288 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_edit.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_edit.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1389 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_edit.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_edit.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1490 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_add.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_add.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1591 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1692 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_add.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_add.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1793 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_add.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_add.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1894 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_edit.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_edit.png
Added: svn:mime-type
1995 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_down.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/arrow_down.png
Added: svn:mime-type
2096 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue.png
Added: svn:mime-type
2197 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_add.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/folder_add.png
Added: svn:mime-type
2298 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_delete.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/comment_delete.png
Added: svn:mime-type
2399 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/zoom.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/zoom.png
Added: svn:mime-type
24100 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_delete.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/database_delete.png
Added: svn:mime-type
25101 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_delete.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_delete.png
Added: svn:mime-type
26102 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_down.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/bullet_arrow_down.png
Added: svn:mime-type
27103 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/lock.png
Added: svn:mime-type
28104 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/new.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/new.png
Added: svn:mime-type
29105 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_go.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/note_go.png
Added: svn:mime-type
30106 + image/png
Index: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_add.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/WikiForum/icons/tag_blue_add.png
Added: svn:mime-type
31107 + image/png

Status & tagging log