r86617 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r86616‎ | r86617 | r86618 >
Date:10:49, 21 April 2011
Updating 'qqq'-messages of TS project CommonsHelper2
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/tools/ToolserverI18N/language/messages/Commonshelper2.i18n.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/tools/ToolserverI18N/language/messages/Commonshelper2.i18n.php
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
3535 'checkusage' => 'CheckUsage',
3636 'use_checkusage' => 'Use $1CommonSense$2 to suggest new categories',
3737 'tusc' => 'TUSC', // Ignore
38 - 'use_tusc' => 'Use $1TUSC$2 to transfer the file directly', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>)
 38+ 'use_tusc' => 'Use $1TUSC$2 to transfer the file directly',
3939 'tusc_user' => 'TUSC username',
4040 'tusc_pass' => 'TUSC password',
4141 'do_it' => 'Do it',
@@ -42,25 +42,25 @@
4343 // Error
4444 'error_transfer_usr' => 'You have not set a Wikimedia Commons username',
4545 'error_not_exists' => 'Source file does not exist!',
46 - 'error_file_exists' => 'File already exists on $3 as "$1$4$2"!', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>), $3 'Commons' or message 'target_wiki', $4 is the name of the file
 46+ 'error_file_exists' => 'File already exists on $3 as "$1$4$2"!',
4747 'error_diff_exists' => 'Different target file exists on the target wiki under the same name!',
48 - 'error_no_meta' => 'No metadata found for the source wiki! $1Link$2', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>)
49 - 'error_meta_no_good' => 'Metadata: No good templates found! $1Link$2', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>)
50 - 'error_meta_bad' => 'Metadata: Bad template found! $1Link$2', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>)
 48+ 'error_no_meta' => 'No metadata found for the source wiki! $1Link$2',
 49+ 'error_meta_no_good' => 'Metadata: No good templates found! $1Link$2',
 50+ 'error_meta_bad' => 'Metadata: Bad template found! $1Link$2',
5252 // Output
5353 'original_wikitext' => 'Original wiki text',
5454 'new_wikitext' => 'New wiki text',
5555 'new_filename' => 'New filename:',
56 - 'output_information' => 'For manual upload, edit the above text (if necessary), save $1the file$2 on your computer, then', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>)
 56+ 'output_information' => 'For manual upload, edit the above text (if necessary), save $1the file$2 on your computer, then',
5757 'upload_it' => 'upload it',
5959 // Misc
6060 'target_wiki' => 'the target wiki',
6262 // Standard values in Latin chars (for Maindesk and Metadata-Links)
63 - 'standard_language' => 'en', // Ignore
64 - 'standard_project' => 'wikipedia', // Ignore
 63+ 'standard_language' => 'en',
 64+ 'standard_project' => 'wikipedia', // Optional
6666 //Upload
6767 'error_bot_blocked' => 'Upload bot is blocked on Wikimedia Commons.',
@@ -77,18 +77,27 @@
7878 * Documentation (qqq)
7979 *
8080 * @author Krinkle
 81+ * @author Jan Luca
8182 */
8283 $messages['qqq'] = array(
8384 'commonshelper2' => '{{Optional}}',
8485 'change_meta' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).
8687 $3 is target wiki name.',
87 - 'use_checkusage' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).
 88+ 'use_checkusage' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).',
 89+ 'tusc' => '{{Ignore}}',
 90+ 'use_tusc' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).',
 91+ 'error_file_exists' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).
89 -$3 is target wiki name.',
90 - 'tusc' => '{{Ignore}}',
91 - 'standard_language' => '{{Ignore}}',
92 - 'standard_project' => '{{Ignore}}',
 93+$3 is target wiki name.
 95+$4 is the name of the file',
 96+ 'error_no_meta' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).',
 97+ 'error_meta_no_good' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).',
 98+ 'error_meta_bad' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).',
 99+ 'output_information' => '$1 and $2 are for a clickable link ($1 is the start of the link, $2 the end of the link).',
 100+ 'standard_language' => 'The language code (e.g. "en") of the language. Used for standard values in maindesk and metadata-links.',
 101+ 'standard_project' => '{{Optional}} The biggest project (e.g. "wikipedia") in this language. Used for standard values in maindesk and metadata-links.',
93102 );
95104 /** German (Deutsch)
@@ -106,7 +115,6 @@
107116 $messages['he'] = array(
108117 // Title
109118 'attention' => 'לתשומת לבך',
110 - 'commonshelper2' => 'CommonsHelper 2',
111119 'description' => 'כלי להעברת קבצים ממיזמים של קרן ויקימדיה לוויקישיתוף',
112120 'change_meta' => 'לשנות את $1הגדרות הקטגוריות והתבניות$2 עבור $3', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>), $3 for target wiki name
113121 'jira_link' => 'דיווח באג או הצעת שיפור',
@@ -123,7 +131,6 @@
124132 'remove_cats' => 'מחיקת קטגוריות קיימות',
125133 'checkusage' => 'CheckUsage',
126134 'use_checkusage' => 'להשתמש ב־$1CheckUsage$2 כדי לאתר קטגוריות', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>)
127 - 'tusc' => 'TUSC',
128135 'use_tusc' => 'להשתמש ב־$1TUSC$2 כדי להעביר את הקובץ ישירות', // $1 and $2 are for the link tag (<a href=...> and </a>)
129136 'tusc_user' => 'שם משתמש ב־TUSC',
130137 'tusc_pass' => 'סיסמה ב־TUSC',

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