r84026 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r84025‎ | r84026 | r84027 >
Date:15:44, 15 March 2011
rem obsolete file
Modified paths:
  • /branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/forminputs/SM_FormInput.old.php (deleted) (history)
  • /branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_QueryHandler.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/forminputs/SM_FormInput.old.php
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Abstract class that provides the common functionality for all map form inputs
6 - *
7 - * @file SM_FormInput.php
8 - * @ingroup SemanticMaps
9 - *
10 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw
11 - */
12 -abstract class SMFormInput implements iMappingFeature {
13 -
14 - /**
15 - * Ensures all dependencies for the used map are loaded, and increases that map service's count
16 - */
17 - protected abstract function addFormDependencies();
18 -
19 - /**
20 - * Returns the zoom level at which the whole earth is visible.
21 - */
22 - protected abstract function getEarthZoom();
23 -
24 - /**
25 - * List of parameter definitions for forms.
26 - *
27 - * @var array or false
28 - */
29 - protected static $formParameters = false;
30 -
31 - /**
32 - * @var iMappingService
33 - */
34 - protected $service;
35 -
36 - /**
37 - * @var array
38 - */
39 - protected $markerCoords;
40 -
41 - /**
42 - * Parameters specific to this feature.
43 - *
44 - * @var mixed
45 - */
46 - protected $specificParameters = false;
47 -
48 - protected $coordsFieldName;
49 -
50 - private $coordinates;
51 -
52 - /**
53 - * Constructor.
54 - *
55 - * @param iMappingService $service
56 - */
57 - public function __construct( iMappingService $service ) {
58 - $this->service = $service;
59 - }
60 -
61 - /**
62 - * Returns the specific parameters by first checking if they have been initialized yet,
63 - * doing to work if this is not the case, and then returning them.
64 - *
65 - * @since 0.6.5
66 - *
67 - * @return array
68 - */
69 - public final function getSpecificParameterInfo() {
70 - if ( $this->specificParameters === false ) {
71 - $this->specificParameters = array();
72 - $this->initSpecificParamInfo( $this->specificParameters );
73 - }
74 -
75 - return $this->specificParameters;
76 - }
77 -
78 - /**
79 - * Initializes the specific parameters.
80 - *
81 - * Override this method to set parameters specific to a feature service comibination in
82 - * the inheriting class.
83 - *
84 - * @since 0.6.5
85 - *
86 - * @param array $parameters
87 - */
88 - protected function initSpecificParamInfo( array &$parameters ) {
89 - }
90 -
91 - /**
92 - * Validates and corrects the provided map properties, and the sets them as class fields.
93 - *
94 - * @param array $mapProperties
95 - *
96 - * @return mixed ValidationError object if there is a fatal error, false othewise
97 - */
98 - protected final function setMapProperties( array $mapProperties ) {
99 - /*
100 - * Assembliy of the allowed parameters and their information.
101 - * The main parameters (the ones that are shared by everything) are overidden
102 - * by the feature parameters (the ones specific to a feature). The result is then
103 - * again overidden by the service parameters (the ones specific to the service),
104 - * and finally by the specific parameters (the ones specific to a service-feature combination).
105 - */
106 - $parameterInfo = $this->getFormParameterInfo();
107 - $this->service->addParameterInfo( $parameterInfo );
108 -
109 - // TODO
110 - $parameterInfo = array_merge_recursive( $parameterInfo, $this->getSpecificParameterInfo() );
111 -
112 - $validator = new Validator( 'form', false ); // TODO
113 -
114 - $validator->setParameters( $mapProperties, $parameterInfo );
115 -
116 - $validator->validateParameters();
117 -
118 - $fatalError = $validator->hasFatalError();
119 -
120 - if ( $fatalError === false ) {
121 - $parameters = $validator->getParameterValues();
122 -
123 - foreach ( $parameters as $paramName => $paramValue ) {
124 - if ( !property_exists( __CLASS__, $paramName ) ) {
125 - $this-> { $paramName } = $paramValue;
126 - }
127 - else {
128 - // If this happens in any way, it could be a big vunerability, so throw an exception.
129 - throw new Exception( 'Attempt to override a class field during map property assignment. Field name: ' . $paramName );
130 - }
131 - }
132 - }
133 -
134 - return $fatalError;
135 - }
136 -
137 - /**
138 - * This function is a hook for Semantic Forms, and returns the HTML needed in
139 - * the form to handle coordinate data.
140 - *
141 - * TODO: Use function args for sf stuffz
142 - *
143 - * @return array
144 - */
145 - public final function formInputHTML( $coordinates, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $field_args ) {
146 - global $sfgTabIndex;
147 -
148 - $this->coordinates = $coordinates;
149 -
150 - $fatalError = $this->setMapProperties( $field_args );
151 -
152 - if ( $fatalError !== false ) {
153 - return array(
154 - '<div><span class="errorbox">' .
155 - htmlspecialchars( wfMsgExt( 'validator-fatal-error', 'parsemag', $fatalError->getMessage() ) ) .
156 - '</span></div><br /><br /><br /><br />',
157 - ''
158 - );
159 - }
160 -
161 - $this->setCoordinates();
162 - $this->setCentre();
163 - $this->setZoom();
164 -
165 - // Create html element names.
166 - $mapName = $this->service->getMapId();
167 - $this->coordsFieldName = $mapName . '_coords_' . $sfgTabIndex;
168 - $infoFieldName = $mapName . '_info_' . $sfgTabIndex;
169 -
170 - $geocodingFunction = $this->getShowAddressFunction();
171 -
172 - static $addedFormJs = false;
173 - if ( !$addedFormJs ) {
174 - global $wgOut;
175 - $addedFormJs = true;
176 -
177 - $n = Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsgForContent( 'maps-abb-north' ) );
178 - $e = Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsgForContent( 'maps-abb-east' ) );
179 - $s = Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsgForContent( 'maps-abb-south' ) );
180 - $w = Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsgForContent( 'maps-abb-west' ) );
181 - $deg = Xml::escapeJsString( MapsCoordinateParser::SYMBOL_DEG );
182 -
183 - $wgOut->addInlineScript(
184 - <<<EOT
185 -function convertLatToDMS (val) {
186 - return Math.abs(val) + "$deg " + ( val < 0 ? "$s" : "$n" );
187 -}
188 -function convertLngToDMS (val) {
189 - return Math.abs(val) + "$deg " + ( val < 0 ? "$w" : "$e" );
190 -}
191 -EOT
192 - );
193 - }
194 -
195 - // Create the non specific form HTML.
196 - $this->output .= Html::input(
197 - $input_name,
198 - $this->markerCoords ? MapsCoordinateParser::formatCoordinates( $this->markerCoords ) : '',
199 - 'text',
200 - array(
201 - 'size' => 42, #_O
202 - 'tabindex' => $sfgTabIndex,
203 - 'id' => $this->coordsFieldName
204 - )
205 - );
206 -
207 - $this->output .= Html::element(
208 - 'span',
209 - array(
210 - 'class' => 'error_message',
211 - 'id' => $infoFieldName
212 - )
213 - );
214 -
215 - if ( $geocodingFunction !== false ) {
216 - $this->addGeocodingField( $geocodingFunction, $mapName, $mapName . '_geocode_' . $sfgTabIndex );
217 - }
218 -
219 - if ( $this->markerCoords === false ) {
220 - $this->markerCoords = array(
221 - 'lat' => 'null',
222 - 'lon' => 'null'
223 - );
224 -
225 - $this->centreLat = 'null';
226 - $this->centreLon = 'null';
227 - }
228 -
229 - $this->addSpecificMapHTML();
230 -
231 - $this->addFormDependencies();
232 -
233 - // TODO: errors
234 - return array( $this->output, '' );
235 - }
236 -
237 - /**
238 - * Adds geocoding controls to the form.
239 - *
240 - * @param string $geocodingFunction
241 - * @param string $mapName
242 - * @param string $geocodeFieldName
243 - */
244 - private function addGeocodingField( $geocodingFunction, $mapName, $geocodeFieldId ) {
245 - global $sfgTabIndex;
246 - $sfgTabIndex++;
247 -
248 - $adressField = SMFormInput::getDynamicInput(
249 - 'geocode',
250 - wfMsg( 'semanticmaps_enteraddresshere' ),
251 - array(
252 - 'size' => '30',
253 - 'id' => $geocodeFieldId,
254 - 'style' => 'color: #707070',
255 - 'tabindex' => $sfgTabIndex
256 - )
257 - );
258 -
259 - $notFoundText = Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticmaps_notfound' ) );
260 - $mapName = Xml::escapeJsString( $mapName );
261 - $geoFieldId = Xml::escapeJsString( $geocodeFieldId );
262 - $coordFieldName = Xml::escapeJsString( $this->coordsFieldName );
263 -
264 - $this->output .= '<p>' . $adressField .
265 - Html::input(
266 - 'geosubmit',
267 - wfMsg( 'semanticmaps_lookupcoordinates' ),
268 - 'submit',
269 - array(
270 - 'onClick' => "$geocodingFunction( document.forms['createbox'].$geoFieldId.value, '$mapName', '$coordFieldName', '$notFoundText'); return false"
271 - )
272 - ) .
273 - '</p>';
274 - }
275 -
276 - /**
277 - * Sets the zoom so the whole map is visible in case there is no maker yet,
278 - * and sets it to the default when there is a marker but no zoom parameter.
279 - */
280 - private function setZoom() {
281 - if ( empty( $this->coordinates ) ) {
282 - $this->zoom = $this->getEarthZoom();
283 - } else if ( $this->zoom == 'null' ) {
284 - $this->zoom = $this->service->getDefaultZoom();
285 - }
286 - }
287 -
288 - /**
289 - * Sets the $this->markerCoords value, which are the coordinates for the marker.
290 - */
291 - private function setCoordinates() {
292 - if ( empty( $this->coordinates ) ) {
293 - // If no coordinates exist yet, no marker should be displayed.
294 - $this->markerCoords = false;
295 - }
296 - else {
297 - $this->markerCoords = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates( $this->coordinates );
298 - }
299 - }
300 -
301 - /**
302 - * Sets the $centreLat and $centreLon fields.
303 - * Note: this needs to be done AFTRE the maker coordinates are set.
304 - */
305 - private function setCentre() {
306 - if ( empty( $this->centre ) ) {
307 - if ( isset( $this->coordinates ) ) {
308 - $this->centreLat = $this->markerCoords['lat'];
309 - $this->centreLon = $this->markerCoords['lon'];
310 - }
311 - else {
312 - $this->centreLat = '0';
313 - $this->centreLon = '0';
314 - }
315 - }
316 - else {
317 - // Geocode and convert if required.
318 - $centre = MapsGeocoders::attemptToGeocode( $this->centre, $this->geoservice, $this->serviceName );
319 -
320 - $this->centreLat = Xml::escapeJsString( $centre['lat'] );
321 - $this->centreLon = Xml::escapeJsString( $centre['lon'] );
322 - }
323 - }
324 -
325 - /**
326 - * Returns html for an html input field with a default value that will automatically dissapear when
327 - * the user clicks in it, and reappers when the focus on the field is lost and it's still empty.
328 - *
329 - * @param string $name
330 - * @param string $value
331 - * @param array $attribs
332 - *
333 - * @return string (html)
334 - */
335 - protected static function getDynamicInput( $name, $value, $attribs = array() ) {
336 - $escapedValue = Xml::escapeJsString( $value );
337 -
338 - $attribs['onfocus'] = "if (this.value==\"$escapedValue\") {this.value='';}";
339 - $attribs['onblur'] = "if (this.value=='') {this.value=\"$escapedValue\";}";
340 -
341 - return Html::input(
342 - $name,
343 - $value,
344 - 'text',
345 - $attribs
346 - );
347 - }
348 -
349 - /**
350 - * Returns the name of the JavaScript function to use for live geocoding,
351 - * or false to indicate there is no such function. Override this method
352 - * to implement geocoding functionallity.
353 - *
354 - * @return mixed: string or false
355 - */
356 - protected function getShowAddressFunction() {
357 - return false;
358 - }
359 -
360 - /**
361 - * Gets the definitions for the parameters specific to the form input feature.
362 - * This function implements a form of caching by storing the definitions, once
363 - * created, in self::$formParameters, and returning that field when set.
364 - *
365 - * @since 0.6.5
366 - *
367 - * @return array
368 - */
369 - protected function getFormParameterInfo() {
370 - $params = MapsMapper::getCommonParameters();
371 -
372 - // TODO
373 - //$params['width']->setDefault( $smgFIWidth );
374 - //$params['height']->setDefault( $smgFIHeight );
375 -
376 - $params['centre'] = new Parameter(
377 - 'centre',
378 - Parameter::TYPE_STRING,
379 - '', // TODO
380 - array( 'center' ),
381 - array(
382 - new CriterionIsLocation(),
383 - )
384 - );
385 -
386 - // TODO
387 - //$params['geoservice']->setDefault( $egMapsDefaultGeoService );
388 - //$params['mappingservice']->setDefault( $egMapsDefaultServices['fi'] );
389 -
390 - return $params;
391 - }
392 -
393 -}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/SemanticMaps0.8/includes/queryprinters/SM_QueryHandler.php
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
1919 protected $locations = false;
21 - // TODO: add system to properly handle query parameters
2221 public $template = false;
2423 /**
@@ -219,8 +218,6 @@
220219 /**
221220 * Returns the locations found in the provided result row.
222221 *
223 - * TODO: fix template handling
224 - *
225222 * @since 0.7.3
226223 *
227224 * @param array $row Array of SMWResultArray

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