r79015 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r79014‎ | r79015 | r79016 >
Date:13:45, 26 December 2010
Back out getPersonalTools from r79014 which did not belong in that commit.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/includes/SkinTemplate.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/includes/SkinTemplate.php
@@ -1290,32 +1290,6 @@
12911291 }
12931293 /**
1294 - * Create an array of personal tools items from the data in the quicktemplate
1295 - * stored by SkinTemplate.
1296 - * The resulting array is built acording to a format intended to be passed
1297 - * through makeListItem to generate the html.
1298 - * This is in reality the same list as already stored in personal_urls
1299 - * however it is reformatted so that you can just pass the individual items
1300 - * to makeListItem instead of hardcoding the element creation boilerplate.
1301 - */
1302 - function getPersonalTools() {
1303 - $personal_tools = array();
1304 - foreach( $this->data['personal_urls'] as $key => $ptool ) {
1305 - # The class on a personal_urls item is meant to go on the <a> instead
1306 - # of the <li> so we have to use a single item "links" array instead
1307 - # of using most of the personal_url's keys directly
1308 - $personal_tools[$key] = array();
1309 - $personal_tools[$key]["links"][] = array();
1310 - $personal_tools[$key]["links"][0]["single-id"] = $personal_tools[$key]["id"] = "pt-$key";
1311 - $personal_tools[$key]["active"] = $ptool["active"];
1312 - foreach ( array("href", "class", "text") as $k ) {
1313 - $personal_tools[$key]["links"][0][$k] = $ptool[$k];
1314 - }
1315 - }
1316 - return $personal_tools;
1317 - }
1318 -
1319 - /**
13201294 * Makes a link, usually used by makeListItem to generate a link for an item
13211295 * in a list used in navigation lists, portlets, portals, sidebars, etc...
13221296 *

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r79014Add a config option to allow the login / create account link to be split into...dantman13:41, 26 December 2010

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