r7858 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r7857‎ | r7858 | r7859 >
Date:13:25, 24 March 2005
ExternalEditor helper reference implementation (pre-alpha)

This helper application will fetch a resource such as a wiki page or an
image, load it into an application like a text editor or an image processor,
and save it back to the server. It can be associated with the MIME type
application/external-editor to be directly used by supporting software
like MediaWiki.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/extensions/ee (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/README (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/README.de (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/ee.ini (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/ee.pl (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/ee.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
 3+# To do:
 4+# - Preview
 5+# - Summaries via GTK
 6+# - Diffs
 7+# - Deal with UTF-8/iso8559-1 where possible
 9+use Config::IniFiles; # Module for config files in .ini syntax
 10+use LWP::UserAgent; # Web agent module
 11+use URI::Escape; # urlencode functions
 13+# Pfad der Konfigurationsdatei ggf. anpassen!
 16+my $cfg = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $cfgfile );
 17+my $args=join(" ",@ARGV);
 19+my $tempdir=$cfg->val("Settings","Temp Path") or
 20+die "No path for temporary files specified. Please edit $cfgfile and add an entry like this:
 22+Temp Path=/tmp\n";
 24+# Slashes am Ende entfernen
 30+#-------- debug the input file
 31+# open(INPUT,"<$args");
 32+# $/=undef; # slurp mode
 33+# while(<INPUT>) {
 34+# $inputfile=$_;
 35+# }
 36+# print DEBUGLOG $inputfile;
 37+# close(DEBUGLOG);
 38+# exit 0;
 40+if(-e $args) {
 41+ $input = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $args );
 42+} else {
 43+ print "No input file specified.\n";
 44+ print "Syntax: perl ee.pl <Resource description file>\n";
 45+ exit 1;
 48+$browser->cookie_jar( {} );
 49+@ns_headers = (
 50+ 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0',
 51+ 'Accept' => 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
 52+ image/pjpeg, image/png, */*',
 53+ 'Accept-Charset' => 'iso-8859-1,*,utf-8',
 54+ 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US',
 62+if($type eq "Edit file") {
 63+ $filename=substr($fileurl,rindex($fileurl,"/")+1);
 64+} elsif($type eq "Edit text") {
 65+ $fileurl=~m|\?title=(.*?)\&action=|i;
 66+ $pagetitle=$1;
 67+ $filename=uri_unescape($pagetitle);
 68+ $filename=$filename.".wiki";
 76+foreach $section(@sections) {
 77+ if($search=$cfg->val($section,"URL")) {
 78+ if(index($fileurl,$search)>=0) {
 79+ $username=$cfg->val($section,"Username");
 80+ $password=$cfg->val($section,"Password");
 81+ }
 82+ }
 86+# Log into server
 88+Content=>[wpName=>$username,wpPassword=>$password,wpRemember=>"1",wpLoginAttempt=>"Log in"]);
 89+if($response->code!=302 && !$ignore_login_error) {
 90+ die "Could not login with username '$username' and password '$password'.\n"
 94+if($type eq "Edit file") {
 96+ open(OUTPUT,">$tempdir/".$filename);
 97+ print OUTPUT $response->content;
 98+ close(OUTPUT);
 100+}elsif($type eq "Edit text") {
 102+ $editpage=$response->content;
 103+ $editpage=~m|<input type='hidden' value="(.*?)" name="wpEditToken" />|i;
 104+ $token=$1;
 105+ $editpage=~m|<textarea.*?name="wpTextbox1".*?>(.*?)</textarea>|is;
 106+ $text=$1;
 107+ $editpage=~m|<input type='hidden' value="(.*?)" name="wpEdittime" />|i;
 108+ $time=$1;
 109+ open(OUTPUT,">$tempdir/".$filename);
 110+ print OUTPUT $text;
 111+ close(OUTPUT);
 116+# Search for extension-associated application
 119+foreach $extensionlist(@extensionlists) {
 120+ @exts=split(",",$extensionlist);
 121+ foreach $extensionfromlist(@exts) {
 122+ if ($extensionfromlist eq $ext) {
 123+ $app=$cfg->val("Editors",$extensionlist);
 124+ }
 125+ }
 128+system("$app $tempdir/$filename");
 129+# Some programs terminate immediately .. this is a quick hack to deal
 130+# with them; optimally, we shouldn't proceed after the GTK summary
 131+# box, though.
 132+#system("kdialog --msgbox 'Text editor terminated.'");
 134+if($type eq "Edit file") {
 135+ $response=$browser->post($upload_url,
 136+ @ns_headers,Content_Type=>'form-data',Content=>
 137+ [
 138+ wpUploadFile=>["$tempdir/".$filename],
 139+ wpUploadDescription=>"Uploaded with External-Editor by Erik Moeller",
 140+ wpUploadAffirm=>"1",
 141+ wpUpload=>"Upload file",
 142+ wpIgnoreWarning=>"1"
 143+ ]);
 144+} elsif($type eq "Edit text") {
 145+ open(TEXT,"<$tempdir/".$filename);
 146+ $/=undef;
 147+ while(<TEXT>) {
 148+ $text=$_;
 149+ }
 150+ close(TEXT);
 151+ $response=$browser->post($edit_url,@ns_headers,Content=>
 152+ [
 153+ wpTextbox1=>$text,
 154+ wpSummary=>"Edited with External-Editor by Erik Moeller",
 155+ wpEdittime=>$time,
 156+ wpEditToken=>$token
 157+ ]);
 158+} elsif($type eq "Diff") {
 159+ die "Diffs not yet supported.\n";
 160+} else {
 162+ die "Undefined or unknown process in input file.";
 167+exit 0;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/ee.pl
Added: svn:keywords
1168 + Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:eol-style
2169 + native
Added: svn:executable
3170 + *
Index: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/README.de
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
 2+External Editor Helper application (EE)
 3+Erik Moeller, 2005
 5+Lizenz: Public domain
 7+Funktion: Erlaubt die Verwendung beliebiger externer Applikationen zur
 8+Bearbeitung oder Anzeige von Ressourcen im Web, z.B. in einem Wiki.
 10+Anwendungsbeispiel: Sie m�chten ein Bild in einem Wiki bearbeiten.
 11+Wenn das Wiki die Verwendung von application/external-editor unterstuezt,
 12+sollten Sie in der Naehe des Bildes einen entsprechenden Bearbeitungs-Link
 13+finden. Nachdem Sie diesen Link anklicken, schickt das Wiki eine
 14+Ressourcen-Beschreibungsdatei an den Web-Browser, die den MIME-Typ
 15+application/external-editor hat. Der Web-Browser laedt darauf hin diese
 16+Hilfsapplikation, die wiederum das Bild herunter laedt und das gewuenschte
 17+Bildbearbeitungsprogramm startet. Nach dem Speichern der Datei wird die
 18+veraenderte Datei ueber ein definiertes Interface wieder zurueck auf den
 19+Server geladen.
 21+Benutzung: Verknuepfen Sie in Ihrem Web-Browser ee.pl mit dem MIME-Typ
 22+application/external-editor. Konfigurieren Sie Editoren und Anzeige-
 23+programme, in dem Sie in ee.cfg Applikationen mit MIME-Typen
 24+assoziieren. Um Dateien hochzuladen, muessen auch Authentifizierungs-
 25+Informationen fuer die gewuenschten Websites in der Konfigurationsdatei
 26+eingetragen werden.
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/README.de
Added: svn:keywords
127 + Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:eol-style
228 + native
Index: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/ee.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
 3+Temp Path=/tmp
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/ee.ini
Added: svn:keywords
115 + Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:eol-style
216 + native
Index: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/README
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
 2+External Editor Helper application (EE)
 3+Erik Moeller, 2005
 5+License: Public domain
 7+Purpose: Allows the use of arbitrary external applications for editing
 8+or viewing resources on the web, e.g. in a wiki.
 10+Example: You want to edit a picture in a wiki. If the wiki supports the
 11+use of application/external-editor, you should find an editing link next
 12+to the image. After you click that link, the wiki sends a resource
 13+description file to the web browser which has the MIME type
 14+application/external-editor. The web browser knows that this MIME type
 15+is associated with the helper application ee.pl, which downloads the image,
 16+starts the image editing application, and uploads the image back to the
 17+server upon save.
 19+Usage: Associate the MIME type application/external-editor in your web
 20+browser with ee.pl. Configure the editors and viewing programs by
 21+editing the file ~/.ee-helper/ee.ini (in your home directory); an
 22+example should be part of the archive containing this program. To
 23+save files back to the server, you also have to add authentication
 24+information to the configuration file.
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/extensions/ee/README
Added: svn:keywords
126 + Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:eol-style
227 + native

Status & tagging log