r77852 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r77851‎ | r77852 | r77853 >
Date:02:09, 6 December 2010
Moved special pages
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/DSMW/DSMW_Settings.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/DSMW/files/utils.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/DSMW/specialPage (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/ArticleAdminPage.php (replaced) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/DSMWGeneralExhibits.php (replaced) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/DSMW/DSMW_Settings.php
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
4040 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['ArticleAdminPage'] = true;// sysop
41 -require_once( "$IP/extensions/DSMW/specialPage/ArticleAdminPage.php" );
 41+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/ArticleAdminPage.php' );
4343 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['DSMWAdmin'] = true;// sysop
44 -require_once( "$IP/extensions/DSMW/specialPage/DSMWAdmin.php" );
 44+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/DSMWAdmin.php' );
4646 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['DSMWGeneralExhibits'] = true;// sysop
47 -require_once( "$IP/extensions/DSMW/specialPage/DSMWGeneralExhibits.php" );
 47+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/DSMWGeneralExhibits.php' );
4949 // semantic mediawiki extension
5050 $smwgNamespaceIndex = 120;
Index: trunk/extensions/DSMW/files/utils.php
@@ -381,7 +381,6 @@
382382 break;
383383 }
385 -
386385 if ( $row1 === false ) {
387386 break;
388387 }
Index: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/ArticleAdminPage.php
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
 5+ * DSMW Special page
 6+ *
 7+ * @copyright INRIA-LORIA-ECOO project
 8+ *
 9+ * @author Hantz Marlene - jean-Philippe Muller
 10+ */
 11+class ArticleAdminPage extends SpecialPage {
 13+ public function __construct() {
 14+ global $wgHooks;
 16+ # Add all our needed hooks
 17+ $wgHooks["UnknownAction"][] = $this;
 18+ $wgHooks["SkinTemplateTabs"][] = $this;
 19+ $wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = $this;
 21+ parent::__construct( 'ArticleAdminPage' );
 22+ }
 24+ public function getDescription() {
 25+ return wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin' );
 26+ }
 28+ /**
 29+ * Executed the user opens the DSMW administration special page
 30+ * Calculates the PushFeed list and the pullfeed list (and everything that
 31+ * is displayed on the psecial page
 32+ *
 33+ * @global <Object> $wgOut Output page instance
 34+ * @global <String> $wgServerName
 35+ * @global <String> $wgScriptPath
 36+ * @return <bool>
 37+ */
 38+ public function execute() {
 39+ global $wgOut, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath, $wgScriptExtension; /*, $wgSitename, $wgCachePages, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgDenyAccessMessage, $wgAllowAnonUsers, $wgRequest, $wgMessageCache, $wgWatchingMessages, $wgDBtype, $namespace_titles;*/
 41+ $url = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index{$wgScriptExtension}";
 42+ $urlServer = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath;
 43+ // $wgOut->addHeadItem('script', ArticleAdminPage::javascript());
 46+ $script1 = '<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function pushFeedDel(){
 47+ for (var i=0; i < document.getElementsByName("push[]").length; i++)
 48+ {
 49+ if (document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].checked)
 50+ {
 51+ //alert(document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].value);
 52+ var feed = document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].value;
 53+ window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage?FeedDel=true&feed="+feed;
 54+ }
 55+ }
 58+function pullFeedDel(){
 59+ for (var i=0; i < document.getElementsByName("pull[]").length; i++)
 60+ {
 61+ if (document.getElementsByName("pull[]")[i].checked)
 62+ {
 63+ // alert(document.getElementsByName("pull[]")[i].value);
 64+ var feed = document.getElementsByName("pull[]")[i].value;
 65+ window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage?FeedDel=true&feed="+feed;
 66+ }
 67+ }
 69+function displayRemotePatch(test){
 72+ window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage?display=true";
 74+ window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage";
 78+ $wgOut->addScript( $script1 );
 80+ /// Special:ArticleAdminPage?FeedDel=true&feed=document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].value
 81+ if ( isset( $_GET['FeedDel'] ) ) $this->deleteFeed( $_GET['feed'] );
 83+ $wgOut->setPagetitle( "DSMW Administration" );
 86+ // Set the limit of rows returned
 87+ $page_limit = 30;
 88+ $i = 0;
 89+ $db = &wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 91+ $style = ' style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;"';
 92+ $tableStyle = ' style=" clear:both; float: left; margin-left: 40px; margin-top: 20px"';
 93+ $output = "";
 97+ ///////////// PULLFEEDS TABLE//////////////////////////
 98+ $i = 0;
 99+ $req = "[[PullFeed:+]][[deleted::false]]";
 102+ $pullFeeds = $this->getRequestedPages( $req );
 105+ $output .= '
 106+<FORM name="formPull">
 108+<table' . $tableStyle . ' >
 109+ <a href="javascript:displayRemotePatch(true);">[Display]</a><a href="javascript:displayRemotePatch(false);">[Hide]</a> remote patches
 110+ <tr bgcolor=#c0e8f0>';
 111+if ( isset ( $_GET['display'] ) ) { $output .= ' <th colspan="5"' . $style . '>PULL:
 112+ <a href=' . /*dirname($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])*/$url . '?title=administration_pull_site_addition&action=addpullpage>[Add]</a>';
 113+} else {
 114+ $output .= ' <th colspan="4"' . $style . '>PULL:
 115+ <a href=' . /*dirname($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])*/$url . '?title=administration_pull_site_addition&action=addpullpage>[Add]</a>';
 117+ if ( $pullFeeds != false ) {
 118+ $output .= '<a href="javascript:pullFeedDel();">[Remove]</a>
 119+ <input type="button" value="PULL" onClick="allpull(\'' . $url . '\');"></input></th>
 120+ </tr>
 121+ <tr>
 122+ <th colspan="2" >Site</th>
 123+ <th >Pages</th>';
 124+if ( isset ( $_GET['display'] ) ) { $output .= ' <th>Remote <br>Patches</th>'; }
 125+$output .= ' <th >Local <br>Patches</th>
 128+ </tr>
 129+ ';
 130+ foreach ( $pullFeeds as $pullFeed ) {
 131+ $i = $i + 1;
 132+ $pullFeed = str_replace( ' ', '_', $pullFeed );
 134+ // count the number of local page concerned by the current pullFeed
 135+ $tabPage = utils::getPageConcernedByPull( $pullFeed );
 137+ // if connection failed
 138+ if ( $tabPage === false )$pageConcerned = "-";
 139+ else $pageConcerned = count( $tabPage );
 141+ if ( isset ( $_GET['display'] ) ) {
 142+ // count the number of remote patch concerned by the current pullFeed
 143+ $pushServer = getPushURL( $pullFeed );
 144+ $pushName = getPushName( $pullFeed );
 146+ $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs( $pushServer, $pushName );
 147+ // if connection failed
 148+ if ( $published === false ) $countRemotePatch = "-";
 149+ else $countRemotePatch = count( $published );
 150+ }
 152+ // count the number of local patch concerned by the current pullFeed
 154+ $results = array();
 155+ $pulledCS = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[ChangeSet:+]][[inPullFeed::' . $pullFeed . ']]', '?hasPatch' );
 156+ if ( $pulledCS === false ) $countPulledPatch = "-";
 157+ else {
 158+ $count = $pulledCS->getCount();
 159+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 161+ $row = $pulledCS->getNext();
 162+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 163+ $row = $row[1];
 165+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 166+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 167+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 168+ $results[] = $wikiValue;
 169+ }
 170+ }
 171+ $countPulledPatch = count( $results );
 172+ }
 174+ $pullFeedLink = str_replace( ' ', '_', $pullFeed );
 175+ $output .= '
 176+ <tr>
 177+ <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $i . '" name="pull[]" value="' . $pullFeed . '" /></td>
 178+ <td ><a href=' . $url . '?title=' . $pullFeedLink . '>' . $pullFeed . '</a></td>
 179+ <td align="center" title="Number of locally concerned pages">[' . $pageConcerned . ']</td>';
 180+ if ( isset ( $_GET['display'] ) ) { $output .= '
 181+ <td align="center" title="Published patches">[' . $countRemotePatch . ']</td>'; }
 182+$output .= ' <td align="center" title="Local patches">[' . $countPulledPatch . ']</td>
 183+ </tr>';
 184+ }
 185+ }
 188+ $output .= '
 195+ ///////////// PUSHFEEDS TABLE//////////////////////////
 197+ $i = 0;
 198+ $req = "[[PushFeed:+]][[deleted::false]]";
 200+ $pushFeeds = $this->getRequestedPages( $req );
 202+ $output .= '
 203+<FORM name="formPush">
 204+<table' . $tableStyle . ' >
 205+ <tr bgcolor=#c0e8f0>
 206+ <th colspan="6"' . $style . '>PUSH:
 207+ <a href=' . /*dirname($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])*/$url . '?title=administration_push_site_addition&action=addpushpage>[Add]</a>';
 208+ if ( $pushFeeds != false ) {
 211+ $output .= ' <a href="javascript:pushFeedDel();">[Remove]</a>
 212+ <input type="button" value="PUSH" onClick="allpush(\'' . $url . '\');"></input></th>
 213+ </tr>
 214+ <tr>
 215+ <th colspan="2" >Site</th>
 216+ <th >Pages</th>
 217+ <th>All patches</th>
 218+ <th>Published <br>Patches</th>
 219+ <th >Unpublished <br>Patches</th>
 222+ </tr>
 223+ ';
 224+ foreach ( $pushFeeds as $pushFeed ) {
 225+ $i = $i + 1;
 227+ $pushName = str_replace( ' ', '_', $pushFeed );
 228+ // count the number of page concerned by the current pushFeed
 229+ $request = getPushFeedRequest( $pushName );
 233+ $results1 = array();
 234+ $tabPage = utils::getSemanticQuery( $request );
 235+ // if connection failed
 236+ if ( $tabPage === false ) {
 237+ $countConcernedPage = "-";
 238+ $countPatchs = "-";
 239+ }
 240+ else {
 242+ $count = $tabPage->getCount();
 243+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 245+ $row = $tabPage->getNext();
 246+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 247+ $row = $row[0];
 249+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 250+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 251+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 252+ $results1[] = $wikiValue;
 253+ }
 254+ }
 255+ $countConcernedPage = count( $results1 );
 257+ // count the number of patchs from the page concerned
 258+ $countPatchs = 0;
 259+ foreach ( $results1 as $page ) {
 260+ $results = array();
 261+ $patchs = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[Patch:+]][[onPage::' . $page . ']]', '?patchID' );
 263+ $count = $patchs->getCount();
 264+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 266+ $row = $patchs->getNext();
 267+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 268+ $row = $row[0];
 270+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 271+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 272+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 273+ $results[] = $wikiValue;
 274+ }
 275+ }
 277+ $countPatchs += count( $results );
 278+ }
 279+ }
 281+ // count the number of patchs published by the current pushFeed
 282+ $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs( $urlServer, $pushName );
 284+ if ( $published === false ) $countPublished = "-";
 285+ else $countPublished = count( $published );
 287+ // count the number of patchs unpublished
 288+ if ( $results1 === false || $published === false ) $countUnpublished = "-";
 289+ else $countUnpublished = $countPatchs - $countPublished;
 291+ $pushFeedLink = str_replace( ' ', '_', $pushFeed );
 293+ $output .= '
 294+ <tr>
 295+ <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $i . '" name="push[]" value="' . $pushFeed . '" /></td>
 296+ <td ><a href=' . $url . '?title=' . $pushFeedLink . '>' . $pushFeed . '</a></td>
 297+ <td align="center" title="Number of concerned pages">[' . $countConcernedPage . ']</td>
 298+ <td align="center" title="Sum of all the patches">[' . $countPatchs . ']</td>
 299+ <td align="center" title="Published patches">[' . $countPublished . ']</td>
 300+ <td align="center" title="Unpublished patches">[' . $countUnpublished . ']</td>
 301+ </tr>';
 302+ }
 303+ }
 304+ $output .= '
 308+<div id="pullstatus" style="display: none; width: 100%; clear: both;" >
 309+<a name="PULL_Progress_:" id="PULL_Progress_:"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> PULL Progress&nbsp;: </span></h2>
 310+<div id="statepull" ></div><br />
 312+<div id="pushstatus" style="display: none; width: 100%; clear: both;" >
 313+<a name="PUSH_Progress_:" id="PUSH_Progress_:"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> PUSH Progress&nbsp;: </span></h2>
 314+<div id="statepush" ></div><br />
 318+// if (!$this->getArticle('Property:ChangeSetID')->exists()) {
 319+// $output .='
 320+// <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="'.$urlServer.'/extensions/DSMW/bot/DSMWBot.php" name="scriptExec">
 321+// <table'.$tableStyle.'><td><button type="submit"><b>[UPDATE PROPERTY TYPE]</b></button>
 322+// </td></table>
 323+// <input type="hidden" name="server" value="'.$urlServer.'">
 324+// </form>';
 325+// }
 327+ $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
 328+ return false;
 329+ }
 331+ /**
 332+ * $action=admin is generated when the administration tab is clicked
 333+ * Calculates every that is displayed on this page (cf user manual)
 334+ *
 335+ * @global <Object> $wgOut output page instance
 336+ * @global <Object> $wgCachePages
 337+ * @global <String> $wgServerName
 338+ * @global <String> $wgScriptPath
 339+ * @param <String> $action
 340+ * @param <Object> $article
 341+ * @return <bool>
 342+ */
 343+ function onUnknownAction( $action, $article ) {
 344+ global $wgOut, $wgCachePages, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath, $wgScriptExtension;
 346+ $urlServer = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath;
 348+ $wgCachePages = false;
 349+ // Verify that the action coming in is "admin"
 350+ if ( $action == "admin" ) {
 351+ wfDebugLog( 'p2p', 'Admin page' );
 352+ if ( $article->mTitle->getNamespace() == 0 ) $title = $article->mTitle->getText();
 353+ else $title = $article->mTitle->getNsText() . ':' . $article->mTitle->getText();
 354+ wfDebugLog( 'p2p', ' -> title : ' . $title );
 355+ $wgOut->setPagetitle( 'DSMW on ' . $title );
 357+ // part list of patch
 358+ $patchs = utils::orderPatchByPrevious( $title );
 359+$wgOut->addWikiText( '[[Special:ArticleAdminPage|DSMW Admin functions]]
 361+==Features==' );
 362+ $output = '<div style="width:60%;height:40%;overflow:auto;">
 363+<table style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;">
 364+<caption><b>List of patchs</b></caption>';
 366+ // color the remote patch of the current page
 367+ foreach ( $patchs as $patch ) {
 368+ wfDebugLog( 'p2p', ' -> patchId : ' . $patch );
 369+ if ( !utils::isRemote( $patch ) ) {
 370+ wfDebugLog( 'p2p', ' -> remote patch' );
 371+ $output .= '<tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"><td>' . wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, $article->getTimestamp() ) . ' : </td>';
 372+ // $output .= '<tr><td BGCOLOR="#33CC00"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?title='.$patch.'">'.$patch.'</a></td>';
 373+ } else {
 374+ wfDebugLog( 'p2p', ' -> local patch' );
 375+ $output .= '<tr><td>' . wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, $article->getTimestamp() ) . ' : </td>';
 376+ // $output .= '<tr><td><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?title='.$patch.'">'.$patch.'</a></td>';
 378+ }
 380+ // count the number of delete and insert operations into the patch
 383+ $results = array();
 384+ $op = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[Patch:+]][[patchID::' . $patch . ']]', '?hasOperation' );
 385+ $count = $op->getCount();
 386+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 388+ $row = $op->getNext();
 389+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 390+ $row = $row[1];
 392+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 393+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 394+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 395+ $results[] = $wikiValue;
 396+ }
 397+ }
 400+ $countOp = utils::countOperation( $results );// old code passed $op parameter
 401+ $output .= '<td>' . $countOp['insert'] . ' insert, ' . $countOp['delete'] . ' delete</td>';
 402+ $output .= '<td>(<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?title=' . $patch . '">' . $patch . '</a>)</td></tr>';
 403+ /*$titlePatch = Title::newFromText( $patch,PATCH );
 404+ $article = new Article( $title );*/
 405+ }
 406+ $output .= '</table></div>';
 408+ // list of push
 411+ $pushs = array();
 412+ $res = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[ChangeSet:+]][[hasPatch::' . $patchs[0] . ']][[inPushFeed::+]]', '?inPushFeed' );
 413+ $count = $res->getCount();
 414+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 416+ $row = $res->getNext();
 417+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 418+ $row = $row[1];
 420+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 421+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 422+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 423+ $pushs[] = $wikiValue;
 424+ }
 425+ }
 428+ if ( !empty ( $pushs ) ) {
 430+ $output .= '<br><div style="width:60%;height:40%;overflow:auto;"><table style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;"><caption><b>List of pushs</b></caption>';
 431+ foreach ( $pushs as $push ) {
 433+ $pushName = $push;
 435+ $output .= '<tr><td align="right" width="50%"><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?title=' . $pushName . '">' . $pushName . '</a> : </td>';
 437+ // count the number of published patchs by the current pushFeed for the current page
 438+ $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs( $urlServer, $pushName, $title );
 440+ // $publishedInPush = utils::getSemanticRequest('http://'.$wgServerName.$wgScriptPath, '', $param);
 441+ // count the number of unpublished patchs
 442+ $unpublished = array_diff( $patchs, $published );
 443+ if ( !is_null( $unpublished ) && count( $unpublished ) > 0 ) {
 444+ $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%">' . count( $unpublished ) . ' unpublished patchs on ' . count( $patchs ) . ' </td></tr>';
 445+ } else {
 446+ $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%"> all ' . $title . "'" . 'patchs are pushed </td></tr>';
 447+ }
 448+ }
 449+ $output .= '</table></div>';
 451+ }// end if empty $pushs
 453+ // part list of pull
 455+ $pulls = array();
 456+ $res = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[ChangeSet:+]][[hasPatch::' . $patchs[0] . ']][[inPullFeed::+]]', '?inPullFeed' );
 457+ $count = $res->getCount();
 458+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 460+ $row = $res->getNext();
 461+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 462+ $row = $row[1];
 464+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 465+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 466+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 467+ $pulls[] = $wikiValue;
 468+ }
 469+ }
 472+ if ( !empty ( $pulls ) ) {
 474+ $output .= '<br><div style="width:60%;height:40%;overflow:auto;"><table style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;"><caption><b>List of pull</b></caption>';
 475+ foreach ( $pulls as $pull ) {
 478+ $pullName = $pull;
 479+ $pushServer = getPushURL( $pullName );
 480+ $pushName = getPushName( $pullName );
 481+ $output .= '<tr><td align="right" width="50%"><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?title=' . $pullName . '">' . $pullName . '</a> : </td>';
 483+ $pulledPatch = utils::getPulledPatches( $pullName );
 484+ $patchs = array();
 485+ foreach ( $pulledPatch as $patch ) {
 487+ $onPage = array();
 488+ $res = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[Patch:+]][[patchID::' . $patch . ']]', '?onPage' );
 489+ $count = $res->getCount();
 490+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 492+ $row = $res->getNext();
 493+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 494+ $row = $row[1];
 496+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 497+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 498+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 499+ $onPage[] = $wikiValue;
 500+ }
 501+ }
 502+ if ( $onPage[0] == $title ) {
 503+ $patchs[] = $patch;
 504+ }
 505+ }
 507+ $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs( $pushServer, $pushName, $title );
 509+ if ( !is_null( $published ) ) {
 510+ $unpublished = array_diff( $patchs, $published );
 511+ $t = count( $published );
 512+ $t = count( $patchs );
 513+ $count = count( $published ) - count( $patchs );
 514+ $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%"> ' . $count . ' unpulled patchs </td></tr>';
 515+ } else {
 516+ $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%"> up to date </td></tr>';
 517+ }
 518+ }
 519+ $output .= '</table></div>';
 521+ }// end if empty $pulls
 523+ // part push page
 524+ $url = "http://" . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index{$wgScriptExtension}";
 525+ $output .= '
 527+<div><FORM name="formPush">
 528+<table >
 529+<tr><td> <input type="button" value="PUSH" onClick="pushpage(\'' . $url . '\',\'' . $title . '\');"></input></td></tr></table></form></div>
 530+This [Push page : "' . $title . '"] action will create a PushFeed and
 531+publish the modifications of the "' . $title . '" article
 533+<div id="pushstatus" style="display: none; width: 100%; clear: both;" >
 534+<a name="PUSH_Progress_:" id="PUSH_Progress_:"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> PUSH Progress&nbsp;: </span></h2>
 535+<div id="statepush" ></div><br />
 540+ $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
 541+ return false;
 542+ }
 543+ else {
 544+ return true;
 545+ }
 546+ }
 548+ /**
 549+ * Defines the "Article Admin tab"
 550+ *
 551+ * @global <type> $wgRequest
 552+ * @global <type> $wgServerName
 553+ * @global <type> $wgScriptPath
 554+ * @param <type> $skin
 555+ * @param <type> $content_actions
 556+ * @return <type>
 557+ */
 558+ function onSkinTemplateTabs( $skin, $content_actions ) {
 559+ global $wgRequest, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath;
 560+ $urlServer = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath;
 562+ $action = $wgRequest->getText( "action" );
 563+ $db = &wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 565+ $patchCount = 0;
 566+ if ( $skin->mTitle->getNamespace() == 0 ) $title = $skin->mTitle->getText();
 567+ else $title = $skin->mTitle->getNsText() . ':' . $skin->mTitle->getText();
 569+ $patchList = array();
 570+ $res = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[Patch:+]][[onPage::' . $title . ']]', '?patchID' );
 571+ $count = $res->getCount();
 572+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 574+ $row = $res->getNext();
 575+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 576+ $row = $row[1];
 578+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 579+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 580+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 581+ $patchList[] = $wikiValue;
 582+ }
 583+ }
 585+ $patchCount = count( $patchList );
 586+ if ( $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == PATCH
 587+ || $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == PULLFEED
 588+ || $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == PUSHFEED
 589+ || $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == CHANGESET
 590+ ) {
 591+ } else {
 593+ $content_actions["admin"] = array(
 594+ "class" => ( $action == "admin" ) ? "selected" : false,
 595+ "text" => "DSMW (" . $patchCount . " patches)",
 596+ "href" => $skin->mTitle->getLocalURL( "action=admin" )
 597+ );
 598+ }
 599+ return false;
 600+ }
 602+ /**
 603+ * Defines the "Article Admin tab"
 604+ *
 605+ * @global <type> $wgRequest
 606+ * @global <type> $wgServerName
 607+ * @global <type> $wgScriptPath
 608+ * @param <type> $skin
 609+ * @param <type> $content_actions
 610+ * @return <type>
 611+ */
 612+ function onSkinTemplateNavigation( $skin, $content_actions ) {
 613+ global $wgRequest, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath;
 614+ $urlServer = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath;
 616+ $action = $wgRequest->getText( "action" );
 617+ $db = &wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 619+ $patchCount = 0;
 620+ if ( $skin->mTitle->getNamespace() == 0 ) $title = $skin->mTitle->getText();
 621+ else $title = $skin->mTitle->getNsText() . ':' . $skin->mTitle->getText();
 623+ $patchList = array();
 624+ $res = utils::getSemanticQuery( '[[Patch:+]][[onPage::' . $title . ']]', '?patchID' );
 625+ $count = $res->getCount();
 626+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 628+ $row = $res->getNext();
 629+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 630+ $row = $row[1];
 632+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 633+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 634+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 635+ $patchList[] = $wikiValue;
 636+ }
 637+ }
 639+ $patchCount = count( $patchList );
 640+ if ( $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == PATCH
 641+ || $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == PULLFEED
 642+ || $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == PUSHFEED
 643+ || $skin->mTitle->mNamespace == CHANGESET
 644+ ) {
 645+ } else {
 647+ $content_actions['views']["admin"] = array(
 648+ "class" => ( $action == "admin" ) ? "selected" : false,
 649+ "text" => "DSMW (" . $patchCount . " patches)",
 650+ "href" => $skin->mTitle->getLocalURL( "action=admin" )
 651+ );
 652+ }
 653+ return true;
 654+ }
 656+ /**
 657+ *replaces the deleted semantic attribute in the feed page (pullfeed:.... or
 658+ * pushfeed:....)
 659+ * This aims to "virtualy" delete the article, it will no longer appear in the
 660+ * special page (Special:ArticleAdminPage)
 661+ *
 662+ * @param <String> $feed
 663+ * @return <boolean>
 664+ */
 665+ function deleteFeed( $feed ) {
 666+ // if the browser page is refreshed, feed keeps the same value
 667+ // but [[deleted::false| ]] isn't found and nothing is done
 668+ preg_match( "/^(.+?)_*:_*(.*)$/S", $feed, $m );
 669+ $articleName = $m[2];
 670+ if ( $m[1] == "PullFeed" ) $title = Title::newFromText( $articleName, PULLFEED );
 671+ elseif ( $m[1] == "PushFeed" ) $title = Title::newFromText( $articleName, PUSHFEED );
 672+ else throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': no valid namespace detected' );
 673+ // get PushFeed by name
 675+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 676+ $revision = Revision::loadFromTitle( $dbr, $title );
 677+ $pageContent = $revision->getText();
 679+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 680+ $revision = Revision::loadFromTitle( $dbr, $title );
 681+ $pageContent = $revision->getText();
 683+ // update deleted Value
 684+ $result = str_replace( "[[deleted::false| ]]", "[[deleted::true| ]]", $pageContent );
 685+ if ( $result == "" ) return true;
 686+ $pageContent = $result;
 688+ // save update
 689+ $article = new Article( $title );
 690+ $article->doEdit( $pageContent, $summary = "" );
 692+ return true;
 693+ }
 695+ /**
 696+ * @param <String> $title
 697+ * @return <String>
 698+ */
 699+ function getPageIdWithTitle( $title ) {
 700+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 701+ $id = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'page_id', array(
 702+ 'page_title' => $title ) );
 703+ return $id;
 704+ }
 706+ /**
 707+ * returns an array of page titles received via the request
 708+ */
 709+ function getRequestedPages( $request ) {
 711+ $results = array();
 712+ $res = utils::getSemanticQuery( $request );
 713+ $count = $res->getCount();
 714+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
 716+ $row = $res->getNext();
 717+ if ( $row === false ) break;
 718+ $row = $row[0];
 720+ $col = $row->getContent();// SMWResultArray object
 721+ foreach ( $col as $object ) {// SMWDataValue object
 722+ $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue();
 723+ $results[] = $wikiValue;
 724+ }
 725+ }
 727+ return $results;
 728+ }
 730+ function getArticle( $article_title ) {
 731+ $title = Title::newFromText( $article_title );
 733+ // Can't load page if title is invalid.
 734+ if ( $title == null ) return null;
 735+ $article = new Article( $title );
 737+ return $article;
 738+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/ArticleAdminPage.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1741 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/SPFunctions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
 2+function process (id, title, wiki){
 4+//alert(id+" "+title+" "+wiki);
 5+ var xhr_object = null;
 7+ if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Firefox
 8+ xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest();
 9+ else if(window.ActiveXObject) // Internet Explorer
 10+ xhr_object = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
 11+ else {
 12+ alert("Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les objets XMLHTTPRequest...");
 13+ return;
 14+ }
 16+ xhr_object.open("POST", document.URL+"?title="+title+"&action=admin", true);
 18+ xhr_object.onreadystatechange = function() {
 19+ if(xhr_object.readyState == 4) {
 21+ eval(xhr_object.responseText);
 22+ }
 23+ }
 25+ xhr_object.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
 27+ var data = "id="+id+"&title="+title+"&wiki="+wiki;
 28+ xhr_object.send(data);
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/SPFunctions.js
Added: svn:eol-style
134 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/DSMWAdmin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
 5+ * DSMW Special page
 6+ *
 7+ * @copyright INRIA-LORIA-ECOO project
 8+ *
 9+ * @author jean-Philippe Muller
 10+ */
 12+class DSMWAdmin extends SpecialPage {
 14+ public function __construct() {
 15+ global $wgHooks;
 17+ # Add all our needed hooks
 18+ $wgHooks['SkinTemplateTabs'][] = $this;
 20+ parent::__construct( 'DSMWAdmin' );
 21+ }
 23+ public function getDescription() {
 24+ return wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-settings' );
 25+ }
 27+ /**
 28+ * Executed when the user opens the DSMW administration special page
 29+ * Calculates the PushFeed list and the pullfeed list (and everything that
 30+ * is displayed on the psecial page
 31+ *
 32+ * @global <Object> $wgOut Output page instance
 33+ * @global <String> $wgServerName
 34+ * @global <String> $wgScriptPath
 35+ * @return <bool>
 36+ */
 37+ public function execute() {
 38+ global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath, $wgDSMWIP, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath;
 40+ /**** Get status of refresh job, if any ****/
 41+ $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 42+ $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'job', '*', array( 'job_cmd' => 'DSMWUpdateJob' ), __METHOD__ );
 44+ if ( $row !== false ) { // similar to Job::pop_type, but without deleting the job
 45+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $row->job_namespace, $row->job_title );
 46+ $updatejob = Job::factory( $row->job_cmd, $title, Job::extractBlob( $row->job_params ), $row->job_id );
 47+ } else {
 48+ $updatejob = NULL;
 49+ }
 51+ $row1 = $dbr->selectRow( 'job', '*', array( 'job_cmd' => 'DSMWPropertyTypeJob' ), __METHOD__ );
 52+ if ( $row1 !== false ) { // similar to Job::pop_type, but without deleting the job
 53+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $row1->job_namespace, $row1->job_title );
 54+ $propertiesjob = Job::factory( $row1->job_cmd, $title, Job::extractBlob( $row1->job_params ), $row1->job_id );
 55+ } else {
 56+ $propertiesjob = NULL;
 57+ }
 58+ /**** Execute actions if any ****/
 60+ $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );
 62+ if ( $action == 'logootize' ) {
 63+ if ( $updatejob === NULL ) { // careful, there might be race conditions here
 64+ $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'DSMWAdmin' );
 65+ $newjob = new DSMWUpdateJob( $title );
 66+ $newjob->insert();
 67+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<p><font color="red"><b>' . wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-articleupstarted' ) . '</b></font></p>' );
 68+ } else {
 69+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<p><font color="red"><b>' . wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-articleuprunning' ) . '</b></font></p>' );
 70+ }
 71+ }
 73+ elseif ( $action == 'addProperties' ) {
 74+ if ( $propertiesjob === NULL ) {
 75+ $title1 = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'DSMWAdmin' );
 76+ $newjob1 = new DSMWPropertyTypeJob( $title1 );
 77+ $newjob1->insert();
 78+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<p><font color="red"><b>' . wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-typeupstarted' ) . '</b></font></p>' );
 79+ } else {
 80+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<p><font color="red"><b>' . wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-typeuprunning' ) . '</b></font></p>' );
 81+ }
 82+ }
 84+ $wgOut->setPagetitle( 'DSMW Settings' );
 86+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 87+ Html::element(
 88+ 'p',
 89+ array(),
 90+ wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-intro' )
 91+ )
 92+ );
 94+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 95+ Html::rawElement(
 96+ 'form',
 97+ array( 'name' => 'properties', 'action' => '', 'method' => 'POST' ),
 98+ Html::hidden( 'action', 'addProperties' ) . '<br />' .
 99+ Html::element(
 100+ 'h2',
 101+ array(),
 102+ wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-propheader' )
 103+ ) .
 104+ Html::element(
 105+ 'p',
 106+ array(),
 107+ wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-proptext' )
 108+ ) .
 109+ Html::input(
 110+ 'updateProperties',
 111+ wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-propheader' ),
 112+ 'submit'
 113+ )
 114+ )
 115+ );
 117+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 118+ Html::rawElement(
 119+ 'form',
 120+ array( 'name' => 'logoot', 'action' => '', 'method' => 'POST' ),
 121+ Html::hidden( 'action', 'logootize' ) . '<br />' .
 122+ Html::element(
 123+ 'h2',
 124+ array(),
 125+ wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-upheader' )
 126+ ) .
 127+ Html::element(
 128+ 'p',
 129+ array(),
 130+ wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-uptext' )
 131+ ) .
 132+ Html::input(
 133+ 'updateArticles',
 134+ wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-admin-upbutton' ),
 135+ 'submit'
 136+ )
 137+ )
 138+ );
 140+ return false;
 141+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/DSMWAdmin.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1144 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/DSMWGeneralExhibits.php
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
 5+ * DSMW Special page
 6+ *
 7+ * TODO: only load when SRF is available?
 8+ *
 9+ * @copyright INRIA-LORIA-SCORE Team
 10+ *
 11+ * @author jean-Philippe Muller
 12+ */
 13+class DSMWGeneralExhibits extends SpecialPage {
 15+ public function __construct() {
 16+ parent::__construct( 'DSMWGeneralExhibits' );
 17+ }
 19+ public function getDescription() {
 20+ return wfMsg( 'dsmw-special-exhibits' );
 21+ }
 23+ /**
 24+ * Executed when the user opens the "DSMW general exhibits" special page
 25+ * Displays information about DSMW, e.g. all the DSMW PushFeeds in a timeline
 26+ * (This special page works only when the Semantic Results Format extension is installed)
 27+ *
 28+ * There are 3 links used to see informations about Patches, PullFeeds or PushFeeds
 29+ */
 30+ public function execute() {
 31+ global $wgOut, $wgRequest;
 33+ $output = '<p>This page displays general informations about Distributed Semantic MediaWiki.</p>';
 35+ $returntitle1 = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'DSMWGeneralExhibits' );
 36+ $output .= '<b><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $returntitle1->getFullURL() ) . '?action=pushdisplay">[PushFeed data] </a></b>';
 38+ $returntitle1 = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'DSMWGeneralExhibits' );
 39+ $output .= '<b><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $returntitle1->getFullURL() ) . '?action=pulldisplay">[PullFeed data] </a></b>';
 41+ $returntitle1 = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'DSMWGeneralExhibits' );
 42+ $output .= '<b><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $returntitle1->getFullURL() ) . '?action=patchdisplay">[Patches data] </a></b>';
 45+ $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );
 47+ switch ( $action ) {
 48+ case "pushdisplay":
 49+ $wikitext = '
 51+{{#ask: [[PushFeed:+]]
 53+|?modification date
 57+| format=exhibit
 58+| views=timeline, table, tabular
 59+| sort=modification date
 60+| timelineHeight=400
 61+|facets=modification date
 65+ break;
 66+ case "pulldisplay":
 67+ $wikitext = '
 69+{{#ask: [[PullFeed:+]]
 71+|?modification date
 74+| format=exhibit
 75+| views=timeline, table, tabular
 76+| sort=modification date
 77+| timelineHeight=400
 78+|facets=modification date
 82+ break;
 83+ case "patchdisplay":
 84+ $wikitext = '
 86+{{#ask: [[Patch:+]]
 88+|?modification date
 91+| format=exhibit
 92+| views=timeline, table, tabular
 93+| sort=modification date
 94+| timelineHeight=400
 95+|facets=onPage, modification date
 99+ break;
 101+ default:
 102+ $wikitext = '
 104+{{#ask: [[Patch:+]]
 106+|?modification date
 109+| format=exhibit
 110+| views=timeline, table, tabular
 111+| sort=modification date
 112+| timelineHeight=400
 113+|facets=onPage, modification date
 117+ break;
 118+ }
 120+ $wgOut->addHTML( $output );
 121+ $wgOut->addWikiText( $wikitext );
 123+ return false;
 124+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/DSMW/specials/DSMWGeneralExhibits.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1127 + native

Status & tagging log